Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicInfoSCR songtime changed?

2010-02-05 Thread Club1820

jwedwards;513149 Wrote: 
 The track's time must be available because PLAYTIME_REMAINING works 

I have always had PLAYTIME_REMAINING displayed as I liked to see the
song time count down. But it stopped working for some reason about  1
1/2 months ago. Now it just shows the total song time and DOESNT count
down at all.  Removed Plug-in/Re-installed Plug-in several times.
Including deleting the plug-in files on the drive.  But nothing seems to
do the trick to get it to work again.

anyone have any ideas on how to fix?


Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

Squeezebox Bedroom Boom, Controller

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2009-10-01 Thread Club1820

mario21;464054 Wrote: 
 iPeng 1.2 is now available at the app store! Looks great!

WhooHooo!   NOW I will update to 7.4.  Was waiting for IPeng.



Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

Squeezebox Bedroom Boom, Controller

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ipeng functionality with 7.4?

2009-09-30 Thread Club1820

pichonCalavera;463035 Wrote: 
 I think Pippin (iPeng app author) has already submitted the next version
 to Apple. Now is up to Apple to approve it so we can download it.

Avatar: Depeche Mode - Walking in My Shoes?

I think I will be waiting to update to 7.4 until Ipeng Update is
available.  I use it exclusively and don't even use my controller


Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

Squeezebox Bedroom Boom, Controller

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2009-05-21 Thread Club1820

jasell;425067 Wrote: 
 How does the custom setting work?
 I would like to show one set up for the first screen (C) and another
 setup for all the following.
 The cycle would be like this:
 Can this be done, it seem like my custom screen add to the end of the
 cycle rather than replacing existning periods.

yep, same here. I add custom periods for C, 1, 2, etc. but they are
added and dont replace the default periods.

Also, are the default periods configurable?   I would like to add the
Forecasted Temp. next to the date.

here is what the default periods currently give me:

time period: brief forecast
Date  (would like to add Temp here)



Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

Squeezebox Bedroom Boom, Controller

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Softsqueeze not installing on Vista

2009-05-05 Thread Club1820

Foggy;420761 Wrote: 
 it gives me an error with each file it attempts to copy 'Could not
 create this file'?
 I have administrator rights so what is the issue?
 I'm assuming the problem is with Vista and not Softsqueeze (as it's on
 my XP desktop OK)?

I have softsqueeze installed on my vista machine. never had any
problems installing the various versions, 3.7, 3.8.

That error does sound somewhat like an admin rights issue. (?)

Have you tried perhaps downloading the installation files again.
perhaps they are corrupt?


Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

Squeezebox Bedroom Boom, Controller

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Find Cover Art - When does it update?

2009-04-03 Thread Club1820

So I'm trying to figure out when the artwork for a given track changes
after using the plugin and saving the found cover art.  I havent done
extensive testing - but I havent seen the cover art change.  I've
cleared the Browser Cache and reloaded the web interface.  Yet the art
is not showing up?

Also, why does the plugin not find art as often on the controller or
squeezeplay as it does on the WEB Interface?



Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

Squeezebox Bedroom Boom, Controller

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Find Cover Art - When does it update?

2009-04-03 Thread Club1820

bpa, thanks for the response.

First I stopped SqzCtr. 
I then went ahead and deleted the data in
Next I cleared the Browser Cache.
I then restarted SqzCtr and opened up the browser SqzCtr Web Interface.

The old artwork still shows for the tracks for which I just used the
plug-in to find artwork.  

Let me tell you about my setup.  The tracks that I am trying to find
artwork are single tracks located in a Genre Folder with a generic
Folder.jpg within that given folder.  

For example, I have a folders named: Pop, RB, Hip-Hop, and so on. 
Everything within these folders are single tracks and not full albums. 
In most of these folders there is a generic jpg file named folder.jpg. 
This folder.jpg is what shows up as artwork for these tracks.  Even
after I use the plug-in to find artwork and cleared both the sqzctr
artwork cache and the browser cache.  

I also noticed there is the following folder with the actual artwork dl
by the plug-in: C:\ProgramData\SqueezeCenter\Cache\FindArt

Also, initially the files were being named coverart--Simple
Minds-cover-0,  coverart--Moby-cover-0, etc.  

But now the cover art files are named some generic name that means
nothing (?)  llIJ2pCaNL,  DJYZmY7hoe, etc. etc.

Not sure if this helps or means anything.

Here are some of my settings for the plug-in:

Do a database scan after save: Yes

Save cover in special folder:  Yes

Directory name for cover art:

Cover art filename: cover.jpg

Ok. Hopefully this helps. 



Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

Squeezebox Bedroom Boom, Controller

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Softsqueeze 3.9 beta for testing

2009-04-01 Thread Club1820

bpa;412231 Wrote: 
 Main bugs fixed
 * Non-MP3 streams not being played or require play/pause/play to
 * Two files/streams playing simultaneously at start.
 * Some Podcasts (e.g. BBC) not playing 
 * Sounds  Effects loop.

I downloaded and installed via extension downloader and am listening
using softsqueeze as I type this.  I previously have not experienced
any of the above mentioned bugs. So maybe I was lucky.  I will report
back any issues with this new release.

bpa;412231 Wrote: 
 ...nor has anything been done explicitly to improve synchronisation. 

I HAVE to ask!  So if this new release works out the bugs, is
synchronization something you may tackle at some point?  I only ask
because I use Softsqueeze a lot.  And would always sync. it with my
other hardware players.  Previous to 7.3, it worked flawlessly. Always
sync'd perfectly. Now, I dont even bother syncing because its just down
right bad and not even worth it.

Ok, well just a thought.  

Thanks for taking on the development of Softsqueeze!  
Good Luck.


Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

Squeezebox Bedroom Boom, Controller

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] plugin not working with upgrade to 7.3

2009-01-09 Thread Club1820

ok. Thanks James!


Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] plugin not working with upgrade to 7.3

2009-01-05 Thread Club1820

Craig, James \(IT\);379420 Wrote: 
  that was for 'club1820' and anyone else still having problems

James, thanks!  just to confirm - I should delete the following
directories and then install 1.2.2 via the new extension downloader
plugin?  Sorry for being anal, just don't want to screw this up.

Delete: ?

C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\Slim\Plugin\AudioScrobb ler

C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\Slim\Plugin\LastFM


Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] plugin not working with upgrade to 7.3

2009-01-05 Thread Club1820

Craig, James \(IT\);379559 Wrote: 
 NO! Only delete SqueezeScrobbler.
 If you don't even have a SqueezeScrobbler install, in either
 server\Slim\Plugin or server\Plugins,
 I strongly suspect you are on the wrong thread!

Well, apparently that may be the case? LOL

The only installs I have are:  - Audioscrobbler  LastFM in the
directories/locations I posted previously. I assume this is the LastFM
plugin that is included with SqueezeCenter. ?

So if the fix mentioned in this thread doesnt apply to me (?) - then
any idea how I can get LastFM to play?  

I currently get the following error message when trying to connnect to
any LastFM Radio Stations.  Problem: Can't Connect to Server for: My

I am in fact scrobbling as I checked to verify.

I just cant play any stations.

If in need to start a new thread, I will.

Thanks again James!


Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] plugin not working with upgrade to 7.3

2009-01-03 Thread Club1820

I am having the same issue with the LastFM plugin.  Radio Stations don't

I want to clarify how to install  your 1.2.2 update.

I didnt find any LastFM plugins in the normal Plugin directory.  But
did find them as below:

C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\Slim\Plugin\AudioScrobbler

C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\Slim\Plugin\LastFM

James, so should I delete both of these directories and then install
1.2.2 in the normal plugin directory: 

C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\Plugins


thanks in advance!


Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Beat match?

2008-09-26 Thread Club1820

Wow!  If Squeeze Box could do this! I would be the happiest camper.

Add a REAL MIX feature where you could even mix at different points in
the song.  In other words, you dont have to listen to the whole song
and perhaps it only plays 3 mins of the song.   That got my vote!

I know. Probably wont happen.  I use Virtual DJ
( to mix my
songs and have it play my tunes automatically when we have people over
at home.


Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2008-08-11 Thread Club1820

Erland, have you had a chance to look at the info. I posted that you had



Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2008-08-08 Thread Club1820

erland;327285 Wrote: 
 Could you in SqueezeCenter Settings/Logging enable debug logging on
 TrackStat and then click the TS button and post the log file. There is
 a reference to the log file in SqueezeCenter Settings/Logging.
 Is this on a real computer or are you using a NAS box ? which operating
 system ?

Thanks for the reply Erland.  Well, yesterday evening it seemed to be
working fine.  I was at work listening via Softsqueeze and using the
web interface when I was having issues.  Was about to reply back when I
figured I would test it again.  I connected remotely to my work pc from
home and used Softsqueeze on my work pc.   Soon I was able to replicate
the issue again after hitting the TS button.  So I figured it must be
something at work?

But today from home - it happened again.  Using softsqueeze  SB3
syncronized and hitting the TS button on the web interface.  I've
attached the log.  But I noticed an error message that is in the log at
or around both times that it happened again.  Could this be the issue?

[08-08-08 01:28:22.8781] Slim::Utils::PluginManager::enablePlugins
(408) Couldn't load Slim::Plugin::RPC::Plugin. Error: Plugin is
incompatible with this version of SqueezeCenter. Please update.  

Around the time Alicia Keys - Like You'll Never See Me Again.flac was


 [08-08-08 14:44:27.7411] Slim::Utils::PluginManager::enablePlugins
(408) Couldn't load Slim::Plugin::RPC::Plugin. Error: Plugin is
incompatible with this version of SqueezeCenter. Please update.

Around the time Fafa Monteco - Good Time.mp3 was playing.

Not sure what the RPC plugin is?  That doesnt even appear in my plugin
list. ??

I also noticed this error message in the log for the time I was at work
yesterday and I was having this same issue.

Thanks for any help!!!

|Filename: Sever|


Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2008-08-08 Thread Club1820

Just found this plugin in my plugin settings.  But I don't have it
checked off so not sure why squeezectr would have returned that error.

XML-RPC/JSON-RPC Interface (v1.0)
JSON RPC for the ExBrowse3 Skin
Plugin is incompatible with this version of SqueezeCenter. Please


Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2008-08-08 Thread Club1820

erland;327566 Wrote: 
 I think you can ignore those errors at the moment, it feels like the
 problem is somewhere else. 
 From the log it looks like the TrackStat queries towards the database
 are extremely slow.
 What hardware are you running SqueezeCenter on ? Is this a standard
 computer with resonable amount of RAM or a NAS box ?
 How large is your library (how many songs) ?
 Is SqueezeCenter configured to transcode the music to another format
 than the original music file format ? For example, does this problem
 only occur when you have set the bitrate limit configuration ?
 Is it possible for you to temporary install the Database Query plugin
 and post the result of Extras/Database Query/TrackStat Statistics ?
 There is a risk it is really slow if that query is as slow as the
 normal queries, but it's worth a try to get a feeling if something is
 corrupt in the TrackStat data tables.

Here is my info:

AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5000+
Operating System Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Ultimate
Total Virtual Memory 4208 MB 
Available Virtual Memory 1640 MB 
Total Page File Size 2281 MB 
Available Page File Size 1125 MB 
Swap File C:\pagefile.sys

SqueezeCtr Info:

Information on all identified devices connected to SqueezeCenter

Library Statistics

Total Tracks: 11,245

Total Albums: 976

Total Artists: 3,554

Total Genres: 49

Total Playing Time: 946:17:32

SqueezeCenter Information

SqueezeCenter Version: 7.1 - 22170 @ Mon Jul 28 13:36:57 PDT 2008 -
Windows Vista - EN - cp1252
Server IP address:
Perl Version: 5.8.8 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt

Platform Architecture: 586

Hostname: Dell-Desktop

Server Port Number: 9000

Total Players Recognized: 3

Player Information

Name: Cafe1820

Model: softsqueeze

Firmware: 2

Name: Club1820

Model: Squeezebox v3

Firmware: 101

Wireless Signal Strength: 78

Name: Lounge1820

Model: Squeezebox v3

Firmware: 101

Also, I already have the Database Query Plugin installed:  Database
Query (v2.0.beta02) 

here is that info:  

TrackStat Statistics (Edit Execute) ( CSV  ,  Structured XML  ,  XML 

Number of songs 11245   
Number of history entries   8142   
Number of played unique songs   4346   
Number of totally played songs  8376   
Number of unplayed songs6899   
Number of unplayed albums   699   
Number of unplayed artists  3222   
Number of rated songs   440   
Number of 1 star rated songs11   
Number of 3 star rated songs224   
Number of 4 star rated songs173   
Number of 5 star rated songs32   
Number of unrated songs 10805  

Finally, I only have SqueezeCtr set to transcode FLAC files to 320kbps
at work.  But only at work.  At home, files are played in their natural

I've had this issue BOTH at home AND work.



Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2008-08-08 Thread Club1820

Here is this additional info is this helps?:

TrackStat Inconsistency/Problems (Edit Execute) ( CSV  ,  Structured
XML  ,  XML  )

Problem type  Possible problem  Number of 
Missing entries in TrackStatNo  0   
Not refreshed entries in TrackStat  No  0   
Not refreshed entries in TrackStat history  No  0   
Unused entries in TrackStat dataYes 4820   
Unused entries in TrackStat history Yes 3421   
Songs with really long urls (Longer than 511 characters)No  0  

Songs with long urls (Longer than 255 and shorter than 511 characters) 
Yes 1   
(Database Query 2.0.beta02)


Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2008-08-07 Thread Club1820

erland;325445 Wrote: 
 A new version of the TrackStat plugin (version 2.2.1) is now available,
 the corrected/new functionality is:
 - Corrected so restore from backup works correctly in 7.1

Erland,  so today I updated Trackstat, Dynamic Playlist  added the
Multi-library Plugin.   Well, now when I try to use Trackstat -
SqueezeCtr hangs and eats up about 50% CPU resources and also an
increasing amount of RAM.  I have stopped SqueezeCtr every time after I
let it get to about 350,000 k of RAM.  SqueezeCtr normally uses about
165,000 k RAM.

I tried several things.  Going back to the 7/19/08 versions of the
plugins.  I uninstalled Multi-library Plugin.  Reinstalled the 8/3/08
version of the plugins.  Reinstalled SqueezeCtr 7.1, etc. etc.

Nothing seems to work.  Through all this I noticed that it only happens
when I hit the Trackstat button in the Right Pane of the Web Interface. 
The one that appears when you mouse over the individual tracks.  I am
using the default skin.

It doesnt seem to happen if I select Trackstat from the left pane menu.

Any ideas as to why this is happening?



Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Totally confused by SoftSqueeze versions!

2008-08-05 Thread Club1820

kdf;324625 Wrote: 
 or folks can use 
 retrobrowser on SqueezzePlay

'cuse my ignorance 

...but what is Retrobrowser AND SqueezzePlay ??



Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Totally confused by SoftSqueeze versions!

2008-08-05 Thread Club1820

Kdf, thanks for the replies.  I guess I didnt know about Retrobrowser
and SqueezePlay since I dont have a controller.

Thanks again.


Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Full Trackstat in Defaut Skin?

2008-04-25 Thread Club1820

Was just wondering if there will ever be full functionality of Erland's
Trackstat plug-in in the new Default Skin for SqzCtr 7.0?   

Before SqzCtr I always used Fishbone because of everything you could do
with it regarding playist, etc.   But I really love the look of the new
default skin, but miss Fishbone's functions.



Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Rating multiple tracks to trackstat

2008-04-10 Thread Club1820

GeeJay;290142 Wrote: 
 I've been using MusicIP for mass ratings.  It will work with your flac
 files.  I've had some difficulties getting SC and MusicIP to
 communicate, but once I get past that it works well.

Can you elaborate?  How exactly is this done in MusicIP.



Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Custom Scan/LastFM Album Art Download

2008-04-03 Thread Club1820

erland;286770 Wrote: 
 Are you just looking for a way to show artist images in the Custom
 Browse menus or do you really want the actual image files ?

I am actually looking for the actual image files.  The reason being,
about 75% of my library is in a folder structure \Genre\Tracks.   This
is because I dont necessarily have the whole complete album and also
alot of my songs are Remixes of the original songs.  Subsequently I
just cant have a folder.jpg but must have an image within the Mp3tag of
each of these files(songs).  

My Folder Stucture:

Alternative\U2 - With or without you
House\Classic House\Jaime Principle - Cold World (Steve Silk Hurly
House\Deep House\Sade - By your side (Naked Music Mix)
Lounge\Diana Krall - I've got you under my skin
Lounge\Harry Connick Jr. - Let's call the whole thing off

Etc. Etc.


Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, MK VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Custom Scan/LastFM Album Art Download

2008-04-02 Thread Club1820

Club1820;286219 Wrote: 
 Is this a plug-in?  I seem to recall seeing that (Album Art Aggregator)
 somewhere on these forums.  What is it and where do I get it. :)

Found it.  Thanks


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Custom Scan/LastFM Album Art Download

2008-04-02 Thread Club1820

Aswin;286580 Wrote: 
 Images are displayed OK in SC browserwindow but not in windows preview,
 windows explorer or Gimp.

Just to clarify,  are you saying the downloaded images from
LastFM/Custom Scan look fine within Squeezecenter's web interface?  But
not in windows explorer?

If so,  all of them? (those dl from LastFM)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Custom Scan/LastFM Album Art Download

2008-04-01 Thread Club1820

mattias;285977 Wrote: 
 It seems if I don't clear the custom scan results more images are
 downloaded each time. Would that suggest that the scan stops

Do you mean that more images for the same artists are downloaded?
Duplicate Files?  Not sure what not clearing the scan would have to do
with additional files downloaded.  I would think it wouldn't download
additional files if you don't clear the scan. ?

Let me just make clear - not every scan that I have run ends up using
all of my CPU resources.  Only the ones that have taken a long period
of time to run and dont actually complete themselves (still scanning
after a long period of time).

But then again, maybe the other scans are not actually completing
themselves since I dont end up with files for all of my artists.  This
last scan that hung - I ended up with about 180 jpg files.  So that was
the most files that have downloaded in all of the scans that I have run.
Of course pretty much all of them were corrupted.

As I mentioned before, I have watched the folder as the files were
being downloaded.  The individual files are being populated very
quickly. They are not large files.  They just are not complete.  So
this really doesnt make any sense.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Custom Scan/LastFM Album Art Download

2008-04-01 Thread Club1820

Erland, thanks for your reply and explanation of how the Scan works.  I
will await your testing on a windows setup.  In the meantime - I will
probably continue to try periodic scans to see if anything improves.

Thanks again.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Custom Scan/LastFM Album Art Download

2008-04-01 Thread Club1820

Is this a plug-in?  I seem to recall seeing that (Album Art Aggregator)
somewhere on these forums.  What is it and where do I get it. :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Custom Scan/LastFM Album Art Download

2008-03-31 Thread Club1820

Did the scan with my Firewall  Antivirus turned off.  Same result.  Bad


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Custom Scan/LastFM Album Art Download

2008-03-31 Thread Club1820

erland;285758 Wrote: 
 Does it slow down the whole server or does it just slowdown the
 interactions with SqueezeCenter ? 
 If it just slow down the SqueezeCenter interactions that's how it is
 desgned to work during LastFM and Amazon scans, the reason is
 limitations in their licences which only allow a single request per

My server:

Dell Inspiron 531
AMD Athlon 64 x 2 Dual Core 5000+ 2.61 GHz
2 Gb RAM
Vista Ultimate 32bit

This last scan I did notice my system and Sqzctr was very slow.  This
was after I ran the scan, downloading of files stopped, and I thought
the scan was done.  I then noticed my CPU resources were way up to
about 70% and the culprit was sqzctr.   

In the web interface it still said the scan was in progress.  This was
after about 30-45 mins.  So I stopped sqzctr and just restarted it. 
everything was fine after that.  Of course I still didnt have complete
artwork files.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Custom Scan/LastFM Album Art Download

2008-03-31 Thread Club1820

studley;285913 Wrote: 
 This sounds similar to the problems I was encountering.  Did you see
 anything in the logs?

Didnt even think to take a look.   Will do so.

So how did you fix your problem/issue?  Or did it just not
continue/happen again?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Custom Scan/LastFM Album Art Download

2008-03-30 Thread Club1820

erland;285217 Wrote: 
 I can't reproduce this in my own setup.

So you are able to dl non-corrupted art?

erland;285217 Wrote: 
  - Does the problem occur on all images or just a few ?

1 or 2 of the files dl complete.  99.9% are corrupt.  Also, it always
only downloads about 30 files.  I have way over 30 artists in my

erland;285217 Wrote: 
  - Does it happen on the first images scanned or does it look correct
 during the first 30 minutes or something and then starts to corrupt
 images ? 

There is no pattern.  They are pretty much all corrupt.

erland;285217 Wrote: 
 - Does the images look corrupt also when looking at them directly on the
 harddrive or is the problem just in the SqueezeCenter user interface ? 

The image looks corrupt on the hard drive (my computer/explorer) and
any other graphic software (acdsee, photoshop, etc).  Havent actually
tried it in SqzCtr.

erland;285217 Wrote: 
  - Does it matter if the picture directory already contains images when
 the scanning start or if it is empty ? 

I have not tried it in an empty folder.  currently I only have the
artwork folder populated with about 13 image files.   On LastFM
rescans, I always delete the corrupted files first and clear the LastFM
scan in advance of a rescan.  Same result each time, - corrupted
files/not complete.

erland;285217 Wrote: 
  - Does the image look correctly if you access the artist using a web
 browser and browse to the web site ?

Artwork looks fine in the LastFM website, including for the artists in
my Library.

I actually did another rescan Last Night with the same result.  What is
funny is that each scan doesnt always produce the same files for my
artists. In other words, one scan may produce a file for the Doobie
Bros, and another may not.  Again, I always clear the LastFM scan
before-hand and delete any files in the folder.  I just assume the scan
and download of files is not in the same order each time?

Again, the scan never produces more than approx. 30 files for my
artists before it finishes.

Does my PC being behind a firewall have anything to do with it?  I have
Norton Internet Security on my PC.  But SqueezeCenter has full access to
the web.  And as I stated before, the artwork looks fine on the LastFM

Any other ideas?

Thanks Again!


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Custom Scan/LastFM Album Art Download

2008-03-27 Thread Club1820

I've run the custom scan for LastFM in an effort to get some artwork. 
After the scan is completed, my folder is populated with a bunch of jpg
files for the various artists in my library.  But the majority of the
files are corrupt/not complete.   Has this happened to anyone else? 
I've run the scan several times with the same result.

I've included some examples:  Doobie Bros, Stephanie Mills, and then
Parliament Funkadelic

|Filename: Parliament Funkadelic.jpg|


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Custom Scan/LastFM Album Art Download

2008-03-27 Thread Club1820

erland;284356 Wrote: 
 Does it help if you goto SqueezeCenter Settings/Network and raise the
 Radio Station Timeout parameter to a higher value and perform a new
 rescan with Custom Scan ?

Will try it and get back.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Custom Scan/LastFM Album Art Download

2008-03-27 Thread Club1820

Yep. Didnt work. I increased the timeout from Default 5 to 60 secs. 
Same result.  And as mattias mentioned, it seemed to connect fine the
first time with 5 sec setting. I could actually see my artwork
directory populated as the files were downloaded.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Custom Scan/LastFM Album Art Download

2008-03-27 Thread Club1820

erland;284396 Wrote: 
 I'll try to get some time to verify it in my own setup.
 Are you playing music or using SqueezeCenter in some other way while
 the scanning is done ?

Nope.  I learned my lesson the hardway while listening to music and
doing an Amazon scan - sqzctr crashed.

So I ran the LastFM scan while not listening to music.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] 'Randon Mix' Plugin - Not very random?

2008-03-25 Thread Club1820

Now that everyone is mentioning it, I've noticed that also.  I only play
my music using the random playlist option.  since sqzctr 7, i've noticed
tracks from the same artists are periodically within a few tracks from
each other on the playlist.   sometimes back-to-back.


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