Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2011-09-07 Thread shawje

Thanks again Gordon.

Here's hoping the Logitech folk have the sense to include some of
Gordon's brilliant functionality.   Having to choose between disabling
power saving sleep mode on a mac, or not using it as a SB server is
totally unsatisfactory.  I'd go so far as to say the SB on a Mac is
unusable without Gordon's plugin.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2011-03-07 Thread shawje

gharris999;616005 Wrote: 
> I have to admit that I don't have any experience with wireless bridges
> so I'm unclear if broadcast packets hop across the "gap" or not.
> But what kind of a SqueezeBox are you using?  As far as I know, the
> older, IP3K based SBs essentially just remember a single MAC address
> for WOL.  If you're using one of these older SqueezeBoxes, you could
> try performing a factory reset and then setting it up again connected
> via wire to one of the ports on the wireless bridge.  I'm thinking that
> that way the "real" mac address of the mac mini will get saved to the
> "whom-to-WOL" slot in player.  And hopefully that slot will survive
> changing the network setting back to wireless (which you'll have to do
> without doing another factory reset, of course.)
> Worth a shot, anyway.
> The other alternative is iPeng.  You can "hard-code" the mac-mini's MAC
> in iPeng and it should be able to WOL it.  I mean, if NetWake can do it,
> iPeng should be able to do it too.  Even putting the WOL feature aside,
> iPeng is well worth the $10, IMHO.

I'm using a SB radio that's less than a year old so I guess its not
worth trying the approach you suggest. 

I agree with you about Ipeng - worth every cent.  Unfortunately when
Ipeng connects to a server it remembers the MAC address of that server
and associates it with the server's IP address. In my setup the minute
I use IPeng  from the repeater side of the network (i.e. by my bed
where I want to use WOLan), it overwrites any previously entered MAC
address with the MAC address of the repeater bridge. Thus it is unable
to WOLan the server the next time unless I manually overwrite the saved
MAC address again.  I have fooled around with saving a dummy server IP
address with the correct MAC address and then using manual WOL on
Ipeng, but frankly it's easier to use NetAwake and I'm not really too
bothered about getting Ipeng to do the same job.  But it would be very
nice to get SB Radio to wake the server 5 minutes before it wakes me up
with an alarm as it is designed to.

Ironically, I did have this functionality working using Server Power
Control. Provided I used the sleep function each night on my SB Radio,
ServerPowerControl would set a wake event on the server before the next
alarm.   It worked most of the time pretty well, but I think
ReallyPreventStandby is a better overall solution for me even given
this small niggle.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2011-03-06 Thread shawje


I have been using ReallyPrevntStandby on my MacMini for a few weeks now
and it seems to work very well, with no issues.  I previously used
Server Power Ctrl to call on Jiggler but it was a bit clunky.

My only niggle now is Wake On Lan.  I had intermittent success using
wake on wireless lan for the MacMini when it was connected to my router
wirelessly.   I have now plugged the MacMini into an old Linksys
wireless router that I have flashed with DD-WRT and am using as a
wireless repeater bridge to extend the range of my main wireless
router.  This makes the WOLan feature of the squeezebox problematic,
because, I think, the MacMini is seen by network as having the MAC
address of the Linksys repeater bridge it is plugged into, and its true
MAC address is not visible across the network.  Hence, I presume, the SB
sends WOLan packets with the wrong MAC address attached.

There is a workaround that does OK for me.  I use a free Iphone App,
NetAwake to manually wake the MacMini, having previously saved its
correct MAC address, but it means that my SB can't for example wake the
server for an alarm call first thing in the morning.

Anyway, thanks for the plugins, they work very well  And if anyone out
there has any suggestions for getting SB WOLan to work across a
wireless repeater bridge, please let me know.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2011-01-06 Thread shawje

Have disabled Flash AAC streams on the settings page and all working
well.  Thanks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2011-01-06 Thread shawje

Firstly thanks for a wonderful plugin.  Makes a huge difference to my
life as an expat Brit in Australia.

Unfortunately I can't access the listen again streams as of around 12
hours ago.  My squeezebox radio gives an error message:

Connection reset by remote host rtmp://

and my classic squeezeboxplayer just returns me to the screensaver
when I try to play the streams  Live feed works fine as does the
iplayer using a PC and web browser. 

I have reinstalled the plugin and restarted the SB server.  I really
hope this isn't a new restriction on users outside the UK.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2010-11-28 Thread shawje

Danny8;591229 Wrote: 
> *Shawje,* what is the lease duration setting of your router's DHCP
> server? Maybe that accounts for the noted behavior. You could increase
> the lease time.

Thanks for the various suggestions.  Yes, I was trying to wake a Mac
that was connected wirelessly to the network.

I have set the lease time to infinte so the server's IP address does
not change. With my old router I used to set the network up with static
IPs and I'm not entirely sure I know the difference between static IPs
and infinte leases using DHCP.

I think this issue may have something to do with ARP tables on the
router rather than IP addresses.  I think the WOL packet should be
broadcast to all IP addresses on the network,  but it's all a bit
beyond my pay grade.  Am trying a new fix which is to move my wireless
repeater bridge next to the Mac to allow an ethernet connection to the
repeater bridge.  The problem is that the wireless repeater is now a
long way from the main modem/router, which may or may not prove to be
an issue. 

Life is made a bit more complicated by having a repeater bridge,
because the main router seems to see all kit attached to the repeater
bridge as having the MAC address of the repeater, rather than its own
unique MAC address.  I think this may put the kybosh on Gordon's
suggestion of using the SB radio to wake the server, because the SB
radio probably won't see the correct MAC address for the server. But
provided the SB radio's alarm clock will function reliably without a
valid connection to the server (which should be sleeping at 6.45am), I
should be able to use an iphone app to wake the server manually to get
my morning fix of BBC radio using the Iplayer plugin (critical for the
sanity of a British expat in Australia).

Will post any progress.

By the way, flashing an old Linksys router with DD-WRT firmware to
enable its use as a repeater bridge, has, WoWLan excepted, been rather
effective and free way of getting a good wireless signal around a large


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2010-11-26 Thread shawje

gharris999;591036 Wrote: 
> I'm using a truly ancient Netgear FWAG114 router and WOL over wifi seems
> to work just fine.  I don't know that you'd need an expensive Airport
> router to get this working.  I just tried this:
> >   >   > 
  - Turned off SrvrPowerCtrl's schedule wake-up for alarm feature.
  - Set an alarm on my SBTouch for 15 minutes in the future using the
  > current playlist as the alarm sound.
  - Suspended the server using SrvrPowerCtrl.
  > > > 
> The SBTouch faithfully sent a WOL packet 5 minutes before the alarm
> was due to sound and woke the server up.  The alarm then played at
> the appropriate time.  I do have a SBRadio, but I've yet to use it
> much.  I'll kick the tires on it a bit more as I'm working on my
> plugins.
> That said...getting the mac to schedule it's own wakeup, as I
> proposed in my previous post, is eminently doable.

Gordon.  Pleased to hear that you are more successful with WoWlan than
I am.  I find that I can wake the Mac wirelessly if it has been
sleeping for a short while (possibly less than one hour), but not
longer.  My assumption is that somehow the router and the Mac are
getting disassociated through some sort of time out.  I can't yet
figure out if this is the work of the Mac or the router.  I'm using WPA
Personal security, which might have something to do with it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2010-11-26 Thread shawje

gharris999;590944 Wrote: 
> I'm interested in working on this.  Could you post your jigstart &
> jigstop scripts?  I'm currently in the process of pulling the "not
> idle" code out of SrvrPowerCtrl and putting it into
> ReallyPreventStandby.  I've gotten as far as creating a utility app for
> linux/gnome that will inhibit suspend for a given length of time and
> getting ReallyPreventStandby to call it periodically.  I'll start
> working on the OSX stuff next week.
> But, I think the real answer to your question will be this:  we'll need
> to "hook" the sleep event in OSX at the operating system level.  I don't
> know of a way to do this within a SBS plugin.  So, we're talking about
> using an external system utility.  
> At least one person has written such a utility:
>  Mr. Baehr's "SleepWatch" daemon
> (referenced on that page) along with a change to SrvrPowerCtrl ought to
> do the trick for you.  The change I'll need to make is to add a new CLI
> command to SrvrPowerCtrl: something like a "getnextwakeuptime" request.
> This will allow an 'onsleep' script called by Mr. Baehr's
> "SleepWatcher" daemon to query SrvrPowerCtrl for the correct time to
> program the system for wakeup.  That combination ought to meet your
> requirements nicely.
> Adding a "getnextwakeuptime" CLI request to SrvrPowerCtrl will be
> trivial and I'll make the changes to my code in the next day or two. 
> It may be some time before I update the beta repo with a new
> SrvrPowerCtrl package, so I may just post a version here for you to
> try.

Gordon, thanks for this.  

Jigstart is
osascript -e 'tell application "Jiggler" to launch'

and jigstop is
osascript -e 'quit application "Jiggler"'

My other option is to get wake on wireless lan working - in which case
the SB Radio should be able to send a WoWlan command to the server 5
minutes before the alarm.  Irritatingly WoWlan  is only working
intermittently, probably because I don't have the necessary Apple
Airport router and am using a Linksys.

Jigstart and jigstop work beautifully in preventing the Mac from going
to sleep though.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-09-08 Thread shawje

pippin;573732 Wrote: 
> Did you check whether the MAC address in iPeng is set correctly?

Pippin - thank you.  I should have checked.  Somehow the MAC address
was completely wrong - it must have changed during the upgrade.  Noiw
working fine and waking uo my MAC wirelessly.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-09-01 Thread shawje


Running V 1.2.7 of Ipeng.  SBS running on Mac Mini Snow Leopard.

Wake on Lan used to work on previous versions if Ipeng.  It still works
using the SB IR remote.  But I can't get it to work using the Ipeng App.
I have to use a separate WOL App- NetAwake which is a bit of a bore. 
I'm waking the Mac wirelessly, and sometimes I have to hit the wake
button more than once, but does work eventually using these other
methods.  Neither automatic WOL or manual WOL (hitting the on button
more than once) work on the Ipeng App.

Any suggestions?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-08-21 Thread shawje

This feature worked on the last version of Ipeng, but now seems broken. 
I can't get it to work at all - either manual or automatic.  Running mac
mini, iphone 3gs.  WOL still works using my squeezebox IR remote.  I
have server power control app installed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2010-08-07 Thread shawje

All working well. Thanks for your help Danco and Phil and thanks for the
plugin Gordon.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2010-08-06 Thread shawje

Philip Meyer;567071 Wrote: 
> I reported a problem using Extension Downloader to install this plugin. 
> The problem is the version numbering doesn't match between the
> repository xml file and the plugin that is downloaded.
> I downloaded the plugin manually and installed manually instead.

Thanks Philip  - I'm glad it's not me being stupid.  I'll have a go at
doing the same.  Any idea where I can find an idiot's guide to manually
installing the plugin on a Mac?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2010-08-05 Thread shawje

danco;566814 Wrote: 
> That's an old version of the plugin. I am using v20100115.005818. Unless
> there is some reason (such as the version of Squeezebox Server that you
> use) not to upgrade, I suggest you do so. That has the custom commands,
> I believe they were introduced at my request some time last autumn.
> I suppose the situation you are seeing isn't strictly a bug. Your
> version of the plugin is intended to hibernate (suspend, shutdown) the
> computer on idle, so the issue could not occur, and you have hacked it
> to do something else. Anyway, the later version does not behave like
> that.
> In the Plugins section of the web interface to Squeezebox Settings, at
> the bottom you will find a section for Additional Repositories. If you
> add and click Apply
> (and maybe navigate away and back) Sever Power Control will show up and
> you can download it. I have my system set *NOT* to download updated
> plugins automatically, but you have the choice.

Unfortunately I can't get the beta version of the plugin to become
active.   I uninstalled the server software as best I could (seems
fairly inexact on a mac) in case that was the problem  and then
reinstalled.  Currently running v.7.5.1.  I can get the plugin to
appear in the list of updated plugins available above the list of
active plugins, but when I tick the checkbox and restart the server the
checkbox reappears clear and the plugin does not join the active list. 
In addition the plugins page is continually asking me to restart the
server even though it has been done many times (both manually and by
clicking restart).  Do you have any idea what's wrong?  Is this a
compatibility issue with v7.5 or maybe the code is not downloading from
the googlecode site, or possibly the old version of the plugin is not
completely uninstalled.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2010-08-04 Thread shawje

danco;566495 Wrote: 
> Right at the very bottom of the the SvrPowerControl settings is a
> section called Custom Commands, offering four spaces for commands and
> their labels. Create a script, and put the path to it in the right hand
> box, and give it a name in the left hand box. Then it will appear in the
> menu.
> In the Idle Payer Monitor section of the settings you can set the idle
> time. It looks to me as though it is currently set for 15 minutes. And
> for that period of time SPC will regard the Squeezebox as not idle and
> run the not-idle script once a minute. I didn't know that the on-idle
> script seems to be run every five minutes.
> You could always just power off the SB.

Thanks Danco.  I'm running v20090615.00 of the plugin and my settings
screen has On-WakeUpActions  and then Restore Default Settings as the
last two items on the settings page.  No sign of Custom Commands.  Any

I turned off the player screensaver to see if that was causing the
issue and all players are switched off (but still plugged into the

I'd set the allowed idle time to 5 minutes for testing purposes.  What
seems to be happening is that every 5 minutes the onidle script is run
(in my case calling correctly.   The problem is that  the
server continues to call  every minute (seemingly incorrectly)  the
notidle script - in my case - even though it has previously
decided that it is idle.   My thought is perhaps there is a bug such
that the notidle monitor doesn't correctly identify the notidle state. 
This would not be an issue to most people so long as the action on idle
is to power down, hibernate or suspend since in that case plugin would
immediately stop running. My setup causes the problem to become
apparent - the plugin correctly spots the server is idle after the 5
minutes have elapsed and stops jiggler. Unfortunately the server
remains running and then every one minute it runs the notidle script
restarting jiggler.  If I had set the server to shut down when it had
been idle for 5 minutes, I would be  unaware of any problem.  

Gordon - no reply expected unless you particularly feel like it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2010-08-04 Thread shawje

gharris999;566480 Wrote: 
> As I've posted above, I'm sitting on a sailboat in the Adriatic, seven
> time zones away from my squeezeboxes and servers.  I'd like to be able
> to help here, but my brain is too addled from too much sun, seafood and
> vino.  I'll try to put some serious effort into ReallyPreventStandby
> when I'm back home in October.

Enjoy the sailing.  I've just moved from Europe to Australia and can
greatly recommend sailing around the Whitsundays on the Gt Barrier
Reef. Still the Adriatic is lovely too.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2010-08-03 Thread shawje

Update - It's preventing sleep beautifully.  Unfortunately it's not
letting the mac go back to sleep when it becomes inactive.

I have two scripts -  which is called when not idle and
which starts jiggler. stops jiggler and is used as the
hibernate command - so srvrpwrcontrol is told to hibernate when idle.

Jiggler starts beautifully when expected.  It stops beauttifully when
expected.  Unfortunately jigstart is then called again for no obvious
reason and seemingly called every minute thereafter.  Presumably
srvrpwrcntrl thinks a player is active for some reason, despite having
previously decided that it was inactive.   I've posted the server logs
below.  Thanks for any suggestions.

[10-08-04 15:58:13.0006] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd
(310) Now trying to execute /usr/local/sbin/
[10-08-04 15:59:03.0031] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd
(310) Now trying to execute /usr/local/sbin/
[10-08-04 16:00:03.0028] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd
(310) Now trying to execute /usr/local/sbin/
[10-08-04 16:01:03.0029] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd
(310) Now trying to execute /usr/local/sbin/
[10-08-04 16:02:03.0049] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd
(310) Now trying to execute /usr/local/sbin/
[10-08-04 16:03:13.0010] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd
(310) Now trying to execute /usr/local/sbin/
[10-08-04 16:04:03.0050] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd
(310) Now trying to execute /usr/local/sbin/
[10-08-04 16:05:03.0053] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd
(310) Now trying to execute /usr/local/sbin/
[10-08-04 16:06:03.0051] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd
(310) Now trying to execute /usr/local/sbin/
[10-08-04 16:07:03.0052] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd
(310) Now trying to execute /usr/local/sbin/
[10-08-04 16:08:13.0010] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd
(310) Now trying to execute /usr/local/sbin/
[10-08-04 16:09:03.0052] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd
(310) Now trying to execute /usr/local/sbin/
[10-08-04 16:10:03.0054] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd
(310) Now trying to execute /usr/local/sbin/
[10-08-04 16:11:03.0052] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd
(310) Now trying to execute /usr/local/sbin/
[10-08-04 16:12:03.0052] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd
(310) Now trying to execute /usr/local/sbin/
[10-08-04 16:13:13.0009] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd
(310) Now trying to execute /usr/local/sbin/
[10-08-04 16:14:03.0036] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd
(310) Now trying to execute /usr/local/sbin/


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2010-08-03 Thread shawje

danco;566245 Wrote: 
> It's a touch confusing, as the on-idle and not-idle interfaces are
> different.
> For a not-idle script, you give the full path to the script in the
> obvious place.
> For an on-idle script, you go to the Custom Commands at the bottom,
> give a name to the command and the full path to the script you want.
> Then (I can't recall if you have to stop and restart Squeezebox Server,
> in addition to clicking Apply, but it can't harm) in the on-idle
> selection (and anywhere that there is a menu of scripts) your named
> scripts will appear in the menu to be chosen.

Thanks Danco.  

I think I have this working - but only by replacing the Hibernate
instruction (which I probably won't use much) with a call to the stop
jiggler script.  Then I set action on idle to be hibernate.  What I
couldn't find is where and how to create a custom command or script. 
Any suggestions where I need to look.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2010-08-02 Thread shawje

Danco / Gordon

I'm looking to prevent my Mac Mini sleeping when using squeezebox.  I
think I know how to do it - using Danco's method of running Jiggler
when Srvpowerctrl sees NotIdle (although I haven't yet tried getting
the scripts working in the correct directories and I'm new to Macs). 
My issue is that I don't want SrvrPowerCtrl to force the Mac to sleep
after the idle monitor spots there has been no activity for a while.  I
prefer to use the Mac's own energy saver settings to turn off the Mac if
there is no activity.  The reason is that I use EyeTV for recording TV
on the Mac.  The minute I enable SrvPowerCtrl's idle monitor, there is
a chance that it will force the Mac to sleep in the middle of a TV
recording if I happen to be recording something x minutes after
srvpowerctrl detects an idle state (where x is the timer setting on the

I think what I need is a way to run a script on not-idle, but without
having a forced suspend after SB has been idle for a preset time.

Thanks for any suggestions.


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