Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Moose 0.33

2006-06-26 Thread Dr Lovegrove

On 24/06/06, mattybain

Am still seeing the odd flakiness with 0.33a. The main problem is that
the player window doesn't seem to remember the playlist and is just
blank when you open Moose up.

Hopefully should be fixed in 0.34 which went live over the weekend.. I'd
noticed quite a bit of playlist updating weirdness recently, so hopefully
this new build's much better..

- Dr Lovegrove
plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Moose 0.33

2006-06-21 Thread Dr Lovegrove

On 20/06/06, chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sorry, I didn't read that - just overwrote the old Moose.

Having installed the dll from \bin\net-2.0\release into the Moose
directory, I now get an error:

Problem connecting to MySQL: A request to send or receive data was
disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a
datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied

Ok.. AFAIK, there are 3 situations which give rise to this error:

1. The wrong MySql port.. Make sure this is set to the correct port
for MySql on your machine.. (I think 9092's the standard for new 6.5
installs, but if you manually installed MySql previously, it'll be
something like 3306)

2. MySql isnt actually running on the target machine..

3. Firewall fun and other random network problems..


- Dr Lovegrove
plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Moose 0.33

2006-06-19 Thread Dr Lovegrove

On 18/06/06, chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hmm, selecting the MYSQL option and then clicking scan on the options
screen crashes the application rather spectacularly for me. The error
doesn't seem to give much away but does mention an io filenotfound

Hi Chris,

From this error it sounds like Moose is having problems finding the

MySql connector Dlls..

In the install instructions for Moose it says to copy the file
'MySql.Data.dll' from, which
is here:

A few people have found they need to copy all the files from the
net-2.0/release folder as well as the 'ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll'
file from the root..

An alternative may be to download the installable connector zip
and run the install..


- Dr Lovegrove
plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Moose 0.33

2006-06-18 Thread Dr Lovegrove

On 18/06/06, delbz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks Doc.

I tried it and while the library album list is viewable again, the
fonts on the main window are strange - sort of larger and outlined.

Ah, this is a new feature im working on.. Going to add a few options
for the display text..

I'm currently preferring the white text/black outline (33a) to the
black text/grey outline (33), but maybe it depends which
background's being displayed.. With random bitmapped
backgrounds the straight black text was often unreadable..

Should be tidied up a bit in 34 anyhow..

- Dr Lovegrove
plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Moose 0.33

2006-06-16 Thread Dr Lovegrove

On 15/06/06, mattybain

Yep would be great to sort it.

Okay I have just noticed the error message says List box contains too
many items at the bottom. I have about 1,321 albums and over 17,000

Weird, I've just populated one with over 40 items and it was still ok..
Probably just a generic error message masking the true problem in the
usual MS way.. The NullReferenceException looks interesting though, I'll
have a poke about with the code and pop a test version up when it's in a
fit state..


- Dr Lovegrove
plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Moose 0.33

2006-06-16 Thread Dr Lovegrove

On 16/06/06, delbz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I also have the same problem with the library not displaying correctly.

Ok, possibly fixed.. Still not totally sure why the code's blowing up so
I've peppered it with logging which may slow it down a bit.. I also changed
the library loading logic quite a bit, so it should be better behaved..

If you guys could try it and send me log files (offlist) of a situation where it
was blowing up before, I'll see if I can track down the problem lines.. Of
course to turn logging on you need to have the library window open..
Hopefully it'll open now though.. So possibly open library, turn on log, type
space then delete in the filter edit control and it should run through the
same code..

Oh, the new exe's down here:


- Dr Lovegrove
plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Moose 0.33

2006-06-15 Thread Dr Lovegrove

On 13/06/06, mattybain

It is completely screwy now, when the library is opened it is all blank
and typing anything causes an exception error.

I have tried this on about four different computers all with the same

Yes the folders are the normal moose format and everything has been
sweet up to and including version 0.32.

I've been trying to replicate this problem at my end, but am still not
having much joy.. I did do quite a few changes to the library code to
support multiple-selection, but they should be pretty safe..

Which version of windows are you running on ? Are the PCs ok
speedwise ? When you open the library, if you do nothing for a
few seconds, does it populate itself ? How big's the generated
moo file ? Which build of SS are you connecting to ? Erm.. Anything
else strange happening ?

What kind of exception do you get ? Does it mention timer3 ?

Be good to get this sorted..


- Dr Lovegrove
plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Moose 0.33

2006-06-12 Thread Dr Lovegrove

On 12/06/06, the worm

I am having problems running moose afer I extract it.  I am able to run
it in explorer if I view compressed files and run it but once I extract
the exe to a folder it doesn't run.  Seems really odd.

Any advice?

Does seem odd.. If you extract it to a different location, say the route
of your C:\ drive, does it work ? Also, make sure the extracted exe is
called 'Moose.exe'.. I've seen problems where people have renamed it
and it refuses to run..

- Dr Lovegrove
plugins mailing list