[pmwiki-users] History Snapshots?

2009-01-12 Thread Stirling Westrup
I know this question has come up a few times in the past, but I'm unsure
of the current state of things. Is there any convenient way to get some
snapshots of how a page looked at different points in time? We have a
page with tables on it that has undergone numerous edits, and one of my
users would like to be able to see what it looked like a few months ago.
Trying to visualize it from the history diffs is next to impossible.

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Extending file name characters

2008-11-13 Thread Stirling Westrup
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
 On Sun, Sep 07, 2008 at 10:49:14AM -0500, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
 On Sun, Sep 07, 2008 at 08:58:39PM +1300, Simon wrote:
 Thankyou very much,
 I presume that this applies to + as well.
 Since the URL is generated by PmWiki
 would it be possible to change PmWiki so that it encodes the URL in this way
 Does PmWiki not already do this?  Is there a page I could look
 at that contains such a link?
 Oh of course PmWiki doesn't do this -- it knows how to do
 the encodings for page names, but not for links (because sometimes
 people need to be able to put '+' and '#' in urls that *aren't*
 part of the path or converted to %2b/%23).

I've often wished for a way to explicitly ask for a particular character
in a link to be % encoded so that it forms a valid URL. Something like a
'\' escape might work so that:


is a link to the zot anchor in the foo page of the home group while


would be a link to the foo#zot page in the home group.

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Extending file name characters

2008-11-13 Thread Stirling Westrup
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 07:34:15PM -0500, Stirling Westrup wrote:
 I've often wished for a way to explicitly ask for a particular character
 in a link to be % encoded so that it forms a valid URL. Something like a
 '\' escape might work so that:


 is a link to the zot anchor in the foo page of the home group while


 would be a link to the foo#zot page in the home group.
 I have other expectations for the backslash -- most wiki markup
 languages are starting to use it to mean don't process what follows
 as markup.  So we'd need to use something else -- nothing
 immediately comes to my mind, though.

I feared that the backslash would already be taken. The only other
things I can think of are %, so we'd have [[home/foo%#zot]], but that
might interfere with styles, or some sort of quote convention using
begin-escaped and end-escaped tokens...

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Pagelist question

2008-05-11 Thread Stirling Westrup
Jan Erik Moström wrote:
 I'm trying to implement some kind of blog feature (yes, I know 
 there are several suggestions for how to do this ... see this as 
 an exercise in learning more about pmwiki). I'm trying to keep 
 things as simple as possible and base everything on the pagelist 
 command, on thing I'm trying to implement is future post. In 
 other words I want to be able to write and post an entry that 
 shouldn't appear until some future day.
 I've got one entry/page and they all have the format 
 MMDDHHMMSS. My idea was to let pagelist only list the pages 
 that have names that are less or equal that the current date/time.
 I've been looking at the pagelist page but can't see any option 
 that would allow me to do this kind of listing. Then I tried to 
 figure out if I could make a list format that would do this, but 
 looking at ConditionalMarkup I'm unsure on how I should do.
 I would be grateful for a hint on how to solve thise

The standard way would be to use the if= parameter of pagelist, coupled
with a date test. Something like this:

(:pagelist group=BLOG if=date ..{(ftime %F)} {=$Name} :)

That should list all the pages in the blog group, which when interpreted
as a date, are before the current date.

Hmm. Come to think of it, I'm not sure that date will accept both date
AND time. You may need to truncate the value of {=$Name} to get the
above to work. Maybe we need

(:if time ... :) or (:if datetime ... :)

conditionals as well? They shouldn't be hard to write.

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] edit templates: auto update dates?

2008-04-10 Thread Stirling Westrup
Henrik wrote:
 Regarding http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/EditTemplates
 Is it possible to automatically update dates, to that the imported text 
 contains the current date (as text, not as a variable).
 So for example if creating a page today, I would like the title, as 
 imported from the template, to have in the edit textbox
 Farmers' Market news for April 10, 2008
 Where the date is written in as clear text from the template.

When I started using edit templates, I found the same need for having
things evaluated at edit time. I came up with this simple recipe. It
assumes that the $EditTemplatesFmt is set like this:

$EditTemplatesFmt = '{$SiteGroup}.{$Group}-Template';

But it would be fairly easy to fix it.

# Edit template vars and expressions.
# Use $Foo instead of {$Foo} and
# (func ...) instead of {(func ...)}
# to have them evaluated before edit.
if( !preg_match(/^$SiteGroup\..*-Template$/,$pn) )
  $ROEPatterns = array
( '/(\\*|!?[-\\w.\\/\\x80-\\xff]*)(\\$:?\\w+)/e'
  = PRR(PVSE(PageVar(\$pagename, '$2', '$1')))
, '/(\\(\\w+\\b.*?\\))/e'
  = MarkupExpression(\$pagename, PSS('$1'))

Once you have this in your local/config.php, all you need to do is write
a template with contents like this:

Farmers' Market news for (ftime %B %d, %Y )

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] markup question

2008-02-15 Thread Stirling Westrup
noskule wrote:
 hi list
 could someone please take a look at this markup. I cant get it to work. 
 It should rpoduce a fieldset:
If what you want is markup for fieldset and legend, it already exists:


pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] MySQL and Notify?

2008-02-13 Thread Stirling Westrup
I've been asked to put up a simple volunteering form on a PmWiki
website. They would like the results from the form to be stored in a
MySQL database, and a copy of the data emailed to the person in charge
of volunteers.

I know of recipes to store form data in a database, and ones to mail
results to someone, but what's the best way to do both?

Use a database recipe and some variation of Notify perhaps? Will they
even play nice together?

Any suggestions would be helpful, although I should mention that I'm not
interested in using Zap. The learning curve for getting MySQL working is
already steep enough (I've never used it before), so I don't want to add
to the difficulty.

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Borrowing title from another page

2008-01-24 Thread Stirling Westrup
Hash: SHA1

Sameer Kumar wrote:
 I have two groups: 'Projects' and 'Projecttext'.
 For each page in Projects, there is a corresponding page in Projecttext.
 Each page in Projects group has a specified (:title:). 
 I would like the pages in Projecttext to inherit the Title of the
 corresponding page in the Projects group.
I don't think there is any non-recipe approach that will work. The title
for a page is saved in that pages' meta-information when the page is saved.

I think you would need to write a recipe that overrode the default title
handling in order to get the effect you want.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Small problem with changed default page

2008-01-20 Thread Stirling Westrup
Anke Wehner wrote:
 I have the following in my config.php tp change the default name:
 $DefaultName = 'Main';
 $PagePathFmt = array('$Group.$1', '$1.$DefaultName');
 This works on links inside the wiki - [[Group/]] links to Group.Main
 and all - but one problem I noticed that when I change the url per
 hand, say, removing the page name, so I have ...wiki.php/Group , it
 looks for Group.Group rather than Group.Main.
 Is there something obvious I missed? (I'm using  .beta65)

Alas, that is PmWiki's normal behaviour. $PagePathFmt is a /search/ path 
that tells PmWiki where to look for an under-specified page (ie, Group 
or Name part missing). It has no effect if no page is found at all. In 
that case PmWiki is hardwired to call the page $Group.$Group.

There has been some talk lately of a general mechanism to give better 
control over this, but in the meantime one has to add some code to 
config.php if they want to override the default behaviour. Something 
like this should work (note that I haven't tested this):

$DefaultName = 'Main';
if( strpos($pagename, '.') === FALSE )
   $pagename .= .$DefaultName;

This essentially just tacks on a '.Main' to the end of any pagename that 
doesn't have a dot in it. There may be edge cases where one needs more 
complicated processing (such as, what if the input name was '.Foo'?)

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Include with a Regular Expression

2008-01-15 Thread Stirling Westrup
Eric Celeste wrote:
 I'd like to create a recent changes page that only includes a subset of 
 pages in a given group. For example, a set of pages in the group start 
 with the name Nico- and another set start with Hcm- and I'd like to 
 have two separate RecentChanges pages so that interested parties need 
 only see those changes.
 I am wondering if there is any version of the (:include:) directive 
 that understands regular expressions? I didn't see a cookbook to this 
 effect, but I imagine someone may have run into a need like this before. 
 If I could just include lines that match a certain pattern, then the 
 task of building a limited RecentChanges page would be pretty simple.
 Of course, maybe there is a better way of approaching the problem 
Its not clear how you are planning to use (:include...:) directives to 
create the RecentChanges pages you want, but you can probably do it by 
using a (:pagelist...:) command (which can accept wildcards or, with a 
bit of work, regular expressions) and have the (:include:) directive 
appear in the display template for the pagelist.

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Include with a Regular Expression

2008-01-15 Thread Stirling Westrup
Eric Celeste wrote:
 I don't think I can use pagelist since it has no concept of which pages 
 have recently changed and which have not.
 I was going to use something like...
 (:include RecentChagnes regex=Nico-:) 
 (oversimplified and nonexistent, but this is just an example) to pull 
 only lines from the RecentChanges page that are pertinent in order to 
 create a new page with just that subset of the recent changes.

There really isn't a good way to extract subsections of a page the way 
you are thinking. Even if there was, you'd need a much more complex 
regex as you'd want to end up grabbing the entire line containing a 
given reference, not just the matching text, and you'd need to ensure 
you didn't include a change to the wrong page, just because the summary 
of the change mentioned some other page.

What most folks do in circumstances like this is to put some code in 
their config.php file to change which pages get change-summaries written 
to. Something like this:

$page = PageVar($pagename, '$FullName');
if( preg_match('/^SomeGroup.Nico-/', $page) )
 = '* [[{$Group}.{$Name}]]  . . . $CurrentTime [=$ChangeSummary=]';

Then you simply use the contents of RecentChanges-Nico when you want 
those specific pages.

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] 'Draft' mode?

2008-01-15 Thread Stirling Westrup
Steven Benmosh wrote:
 There is a nice feature in wordpress, which is draft mode - it lets you 
 work on the page until you are ready, and then you select publish to 
 expose it to the world, or private which does something else, not sure 

PmWiki has this feature too, but its new and not yet well-documented. 
You can start reading about it here:


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] QuickReplace recipe

2007-12-07 Thread Stirling Westrup
Jan Hegewald wrote:
 Hello all,
 I use the QuickReplace recipe (by Stirling Westrup) everywhere in my  
 pmwiki. Unfortunately it seems to also substitute text in URLs:
 will become
 Is there some way to tell QuickReplace not to modify URLs at all?
QuickReplace is intended to work by having some markup around all 
replacements, and only those get replaced. It looks like you've set it 
up so that all occurrences of 'FAQ' are being replaced with something. 
Is this right?

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] (:template none:) ?

2007-11-07 Thread Stirling Westrup
I'm currently trying to write a pagelist format that can handle 0, 1 or
several hits being returned, but I'm having trouble with the case of no
matches. I would like to display a message in that case, but it looks like the
entire contents of the format is ignored if there are no matches.

Ideally I'd like something like a (:template none:) that only gets output when
the list is empty. That way one could do this:

  (:template first:)
  ||'''Name''' ||'''Rank''' ||
  (:template each:)
  ||{=$:Name} ||{=$:Rank} ||
  (:template last:)
  There were {$$PageCount} matching records.
  (:template none:)
  No records matched your query.

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Condition Names.

2007-11-07 Thread Stirling Westrup
DaveG wrote:
 (:if permit ...:)

That's actually a really good suggestion, but since, as Pm pointed out, I can
just do (:if equal {$Action} ... :), we may as well use (:if action ...:) for
the permissions test.

I'm assuming that what follows would be an adequate definition for
(:if action ...:), unless I'm missing something.

  # Test to see if an action is permitted
  $Conditions['action'] = 'NoCache(CondAction($pagename, $condparm))';

  function CondAction($pagename, $condparm)
{ global $HandleAuth;

  @list($level, $pn) = explode(' ', $condparm, 2);
  $level =
? $HandleAuth[$level]
: $level;
  $pn = ($pn  '') ? MakePageName($pagename, $pn) : $pagename;
  return (boolean)RetrieveAuthPage($pn, $level, false, READPAGE_CURRENT);

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Condition Names.

2007-11-07 Thread Stirling Westrup
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
 The normal way to test for the current action is
(:if equal {$Action} ... :)

For some reason, that had never occurred to me...

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Dumb Question: Access Classes without AuthUser?

2007-11-07 Thread Stirling Westrup
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 06, 2007 at 02:39:38AM -0500, Stirling Westrup wrote:
 I've got a PmWiki website that I also use as a personal information manager.
 Right now I'm not using AuthUser, since there's only two classes of access:
 public and private.

 Now, I've been thinking of putting up some content that I want to limit to a
 few close friends. Rather than going the full AuthUser route, I'd like to 
 introduce some passwords that would give varying degrees of access to the
 internals. As such, I would have group passwords, but no usernames. Such a
 scheme might look like:

 $DefaultPasswords['@personal']  = crypt(JustMePassword);
 $DefaultPasswords['@intimates'] = crypt(VeryCloseFriendsPassword);
 $DefaultPasswords['@friends']   = crypt(FriendsPassword);
 $DefaultPasswords['@prerelease']= crypt(AlmostPublicPassword);
 Yes, except that $DefaultPasswords is normally tied to actions and
 not to accounts...
 I think you can get what you want by doing something like:
   if (@$_POST['authpw']) {
 $AuthGroupPasswords = array(
   '@personal' = crypt(JustMePassword),
   '@intimates' = crypt(VeryCloseFriendsPassword),
   '@friends' = crypt(FriendsPassword),
   '@prerelease' = crypt(AlmostPublicPassword));
 #  loop through all of the group/password combinations, setting
 #  $authlist[group] to 1 for any matches
 foreach($AuthGroupPasswords as $g = $pw) {
   if (crypt($_POST['authpw'], $pw) == $pw) 
 $authlist[$g] = 1;
 #  if we had any matches, then authorize the group for this session.
 if ($authlist) SessionAuth($pagename, array('authlist'=$authlist));
 I haven't tested the above, but it should be fairly close.
It doesn't work as-is. I tried a few things, but no dice. I guess I'll have to
wait until I have time to puzzle through the PmWikiAuth function to figure out
whats gone wrong.

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Triad and NewPageBoxPlus

2007-11-07 Thread Stirling Westrup
I'm using NewPageBoxPlus with the latest Triad skin, and I've found that the
page name set with

  (:newpagebox value=Page Name Here:)

doesn't clear when I click in the box. Does anyone else have that problem, or
is it something about my setup?

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Condition Names.

2007-11-07 Thread Stirling Westrup
I've just checked, and there is currently no (:if action:) test in the core to
see if one has permission to perform a given action.

See a recent discussion here with PM about how (:if auth:) doesn't quite do
that, as it ignores the $HandleAuth array.

It shouldn't be too hard to add such a test, but what should it be called? The
reason I ask is that I already have a custom (:if action:) test which instead
checks to see what the current value of $action is.

They can't both have the same name, so what should I call them? I'm currently

  (:if authact ...:) to see if an action is authorized
  (:if action ...:) to see what the current action is.

What do folks think?

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] basepage and PTVs not working.

2007-11-06 Thread Stirling Westrup
I have a problem with using PTVs relative to a basepage, on a site I'm working
on. I can't point to the site under development, but I managed to reproduce it
on a different site hosted by the same farm. All attempts to duplicate the
problem on PmWiki have failed, and I can't figure out what's different.

Here's the PmWiki test page that works fine:


It correctly includes Test.BaseB using a basepage of Test.BaseC.

When I try the exact same thing on a clean install in my farm, it doesn't work:


The local/config for this latter site is very simple:

  ?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit();
  ini_set('display_errors', 1);
  $EnablePathInfo = 1;
  $PubDirUrl = http://sti.pooq.com/patterns/pub;;
  $FarmPubDirUrl = http://sti.pooq.com/wikipub;;
  $ScriptUrl = http://sti.pooq.com/patterns;;
  $DefaultPasswords['admin'] = crypt('quick');

Does anyone have any ideas what could be going wrong? My farmconfig.php file
is completely empty, so its nothing that I'm doing there.

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] basepage and PTVs not working.

2007-11-06 Thread Stirling Westrup
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

 You may need to set $EnableRelativePageVars=1; .  This is not yet the
 default, although it's likely to become the default before 2.2.0
 is released.

D'Oh! I should have thought of that! I've gotten so used to having them turned
on, I forgot they weren't the default.

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Dumb Question: Access Classes without AuthUser?

2007-11-05 Thread Stirling Westrup
I've got a PmWiki website that I also use as a personal information manager.
Right now I'm not using AuthUser, since there's only two classes of access:
public and private.

Now, I've been thinking of putting up some content that I want to limit to a
few close friends. Rather than going the full AuthUser route, I'd like to just
introduce some passwords that would give varying degrees of access to the
internals. As such, I would have group passwords, but no usernames. Such a
scheme might look like:

$DefaultPasswords['@personal']  = crypt(JustMePassword);
$DefaultPasswords['@intimates'] = crypt(VeryCloseFriendsPassword);
$DefaultPasswords['@friends']   = crypt(FriendsPassword);
$DefaultPasswords['@prerelease']= crypt(AlmostPublicPassword);

This would allow me to set @personal, etc passwords on groups, and be able to
change the passwords without having to edit the group attributes.

Now, of course the above won't work, but I hope it illustrates what I'd like.
I can do something vaguely like it by installing AuthUser and doing:

$AuthUser['personal']  = crypt(JustMePassword);
$AuthUser['intimates'] = crypt(VeryCloseFriendsPassword);
$AuthUser['friends']   = crypt(FriendsPassword);
$AuthUser['prerelease']= crypt(AlmostPublicPassword);

$AuthUser['@personal']  = 'personal';
$AuthUser['@intimates'] = 'intimates';
$AuthUser['@friends']   = 'friends';
$AuthUser['@prerelease']= 'prerelease';

But this requires everyone to log in with both a username and a password, and
I'd prefer only the password.

Anyone have any suggestions as to how I might do this?

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Trouble with latest Triad version.

2007-11-02 Thread Stirling Westrup
I just downloaded and installed the latest version of Triad, and ran across a
problem. It calls include_once on a file called 'searchbox2.php', but its not
included in the .zip file.

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Multiple Languages, RSS and Categories.

2007-10-30 Thread Stirling Westrup
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
 On Sat, Oct 27, 2007 at 02:06:06PM -0400, Stirling Westrup wrote:
 I am currently working on a recipe for a multi-lingual blog, and I'm having
 trouble figuring out how I should implement tags so that RSS feeds work.

 With a single blog, one often just sticks [[!foo]] into a blog page, and its
 automagically picked up by the RSS feed and a categoryfoo/category gets 

 My problem is that I want the English RSS feed to only link to English
 articles using English category names, and the French Blog should be 
 set up. Now, I can't just mix them altogether into one Category group, 
 some labels (like 'blog') are the same in French and English, and I don't 
 someone looking up Category/Blog to get a mix of languages.

 I've been thinking of setting up individual Category-like groups (probably
 'Tags' for English and 'Balises' for French) and creating links like
 [[Tags.thing]] and [[Balises.chose]]. This will keep my tags in separate
 namespaces, but how do I get the separate RSS feeds for the two blogs to each
 grab the right category pages?
 RSS feed of the pages in the Tags.Thing category, most recently
 changed pages returned first:
 RSS feed of pages in the Balises.Chose category, most recently
 changed pages returned first:

Ah, no, that's not what I meant. I have two blog groups, EnBlog containing the
pages of an English blog and FrBlog containing pages of a French blog. I need


to somehow know to fill in the category.../category tags in the RSS feed
using links to the Tags group as category indicators.

Similarly, I want


to fill in the category.../category values using links from the FrBlog
pages to the Balises group.

Is this possible, or have I fundamentally misunderstood how PmWiki generates
category tags inside RSS feeds?

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Multiple Languages, RSS and Categories.

2007-10-27 Thread Stirling Westrup
I am currently working on a recipe for a multi-lingual blog, and I'm having
trouble figuring out how I should implement tags so that RSS feeds work.

With a single blog, one often just sticks [[!foo]] into a blog page, and its
automagically picked up by the RSS feed and a categoryfoo/category gets 

My problem is that I want the English RSS feed to only link to English
articles using English category names, and the French Blog should be similarly
set up. Now, I can't just mix them altogether into one Category group, because
some labels (like 'blog') are the same in French and English, and I don't want
someone looking up Category/Blog to get a mix of languages.

I've been thinking of setting up individual Category-like groups (probably
'Tags' for English and 'Balises' for French) and creating links like
[[Tags.thing]] and [[Balises.chose]]. This will keep my tags in separate
namespaces, but how do I get the separate RSS feeds for the two blogs to each
grab the right category pages?

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] FOX Question.

2007-10-18 Thread Stirling Westrup
Hans wrote:
 Thursday, October 18, 2007, 9:40:43 AM, Hans wrote:

 to me it appears the same needs doing for preserving quotes in
 $InputValues, and not have backslashes added. So the above will be
 better like:
 # POST input values will be preserved
 foreach ($_POST as $k=$v) {
  $InputValues[$k] = stripmagic(htmlspecialchars($v));
 I hope this is a legitimate approach.

Well, in script/forms.php, I find the following:

  foreach($req as $k = $v)
  if (!isset($InputValues[$k]))
$InputValues[$k] = htmlspecialchars(stripmagic($v), ENT_NOQUOTES);

So, it would seem valid, although I notice that PM does the stripmagic first,
and that he adds the ENT_NOQUOTES flag.

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] FOX Question.

2007-10-17 Thread Stirling Westrup
When a filter issues a message and aborts, how do you ensure that the fields
that were input aren't blank when the user is returned to the form? I haven't
been able to get that to work.

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] CondAuth ignores $HandleAuth: Bug?

2007-10-15 Thread Stirling Westrup
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
 On Sat, Oct 06, 2007 at 05:50:36PM -0400, Stirling Westrup wrote:
 I've just tracked down a problem that I was having with a statement like:

   (:if auth upload {$PAGE}:)

 I presume (and I could be wrong) that this is supposed to test if the user 
 the authority to upload to page {$PAGE}. 

 The correct way to see if someone can use action=upload on a page
 would be with
 (:if action upload {$PAGE} :)
 Reportedly this isn't working -- I'll have to double check it and issue an
 update if that's the case.

So, this would imply that the Site.PageActions section that looks like:

  (:if auth upload:)
  * [[{*$FullName}?action=upload | $[Attach] ]]

Should be changed to say (:if action upload:) instead? Since all that is being
checked is whether its appropriate to show an upload link, and it seems silly
to show one in cases where it won't be allowed.

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] CondAuth ignores $HandleAuth: Bug?

2007-10-06 Thread Stirling Westrup
I've just tracked down a problem that I was having with a statement like:

  (:if auth upload {$PAGE}:)

I presume (and I could be wrong) that this is supposed to test if the user has
the authority to upload to page {$PAGE}. It turns out that auth calls
CondAuth, which (among other things) tests $AuthCascade, but it completely
ignores $HandleAuth. In my config.php, I have the lines:

  $DefaultPasswords['admin'] = '@admins';
  $DefaultPasswords['edit'] = '@editors';

  # Anyone with edit rights also has upload rights.
  $HandleAuth['upload'] = 'edit';

So, although the standard (:if auth upload:) is false, I can, in fact, do an
?action=upload, and it will work. I fixed it by redefining auth as follows:

  # redefine 'auth' so it cares about $HandleAuth
  $Conditions['auth'] = 'NoCache(CondAuth2($pagename, $condparm))';

  function CondAuth2($pagename, $condparm)
{ global $HandleAuth;

  @list($level, $pn) = explode(' ', $condparm, 2);
  $level = array_key_exists($level,$HandleAuth) ? $HandleAuth[$level] :
  $pn = ($pn  '') ? MakePageName($pagename, $pn) : $pagename;
  msg(lvl=$level, ha=$HandleAuth[$level], pn=$pn);
  return (boolean)RetrieveAuthPage($pn, $level, false, READPAGE_CURRENT);

And now everything works as I expected. So, did I find and fix a bug, or did I
just mess things up in some subtle way that I don't yet understand?

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] BUG: Ampersand escapes broken.

2007-10-05 Thread Stirling Westrup
I was just checking out an old page on my PmWiki where I wrote about HTML
character entities, and I discovered that sometime in the last bunch of
upgrades, ampersand escapes have broken.

I have sentences where the wiki-text is:

  Thus, the string 'amp;#x251C;' is rendered as '#x251C;'.

This used to end up as-in in HTML, and would be correctly rendered by my
browser. Now, however, the output HTML is this:

  Thus, the string '#x251C;' is rendered as '#x251C;'.

Which isn't at all what I want. I was able to duplicate this problem on the
PmWiki site:


Although, on my site, even the last case, with double-escapes, renders the
same as the first two.

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Bizarre permission problems.

2007-09-22 Thread Stirling Westrup
H. Fox wrote:
 On 9/21/07, Stirling Westrup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As part of an ongoing experiment, I just backed up my PmWiki installation,
 renamed it main directory, and recovered it to the old location.

 Something went wrong somewhere, and although all the files were restored
 correctly, some of the permissions got mangled.
 Did  you use one of the restore procedures described here?

No, since what I wanted wasn't covered there. I need to:

a) mirror the wiki between two sites
b) have the wiki be in a subversion repository at one of those sites.

This should be readily doable with a rsynch script, but my first test went
horribly wrong. As far as I can tell, I've done something to prevent Php's
session variables from working correctly, but I'm darned if I can figure out 

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Bizarre permission problems.

2007-09-21 Thread Stirling Westrup
As part of an ongoing experiment, I just backed up my PmWiki installation,
renamed it main directory, and recovered it to the old location.

Something went wrong somewhere, and although all the files were restored
correctly, some of the permissions got mangled.

Now though, I find that I can't log in or out of the Wiki. Or, sometimes I
can, but it has completely inconsistent results. I have sections of my menus
that are supposed to appear when I'm logged in with edit, or with admin
rights. They're appearance now doesn't change when I attempt to log in, or
out, and I've even had cases while I've navigated to Site.Sidebar that the
display of the sidebar in the main window and the sidebar itself disagree on
whether I'm logged in.

What on earth could be causing this, and how do I fix it?

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Bug in variables inside Page List Templates?

2007-09-20 Thread Stirling Westrup
I think I just found a bug in variable processing inside page list templates.

I've defined $SomePage as a PageVar:

  $FmtPV['$SomePage'] = '$GLOBALS[SomePage]';

For must uses, this variable works fine, but if I create a template

(:template trail={$SomePage}:)

The trail doesn't get accessed when I do a (:pagelist fmt=#foofmt:), but
everything works if I manualy expand {$SomePage} inside the template's
'trail=' parameter.

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] PTV Confusion.

2007-09-19 Thread Stirling Westrup
What are the legal characters in the name of a PTV? Looking at the regexes
inside pmwiki.php (latest version), I see:

$PageTextVarPatterns = array(
  'var:'= '/^(:*\\s*(\\w[-\\w]*)\\s*:[ \\t]?)(.*)($)/m',
  '(:var:...:)' = '/(\\(: *(\\w[-\\w]*) *:(?!\\))\\s?)(.*?)(:\\))/s'

Am I reading that wrong, or doesn't [-\\w] match any word character plus '-'?
The reason I ask is that I can get simple PTV's to work, but not those that
contain '-' in the names. I wish to have a bunch of entries like:


and so on. I'm sure I could play with the $PageTextVarPatterns, if need be,
but I can't figure out why it doesn't already work.

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] XLPage()

2007-09-18 Thread Stirling Westrup
As part of this multilingual site I'm creating, I've been playing around with
XLPage() and the various other XL...() mechanisms for handling translations.
I've noticed a few things that I would like, but that would probably involve
changes to the core:

1) Right now, every time you call XLPage(), and it loads anything, it
unconditionally adds the language tag to the end of $XLLangs, even if its
already there. Thus a sequence of commands like

  XLPage('fr',$Group.XLPageLocal);# group local translations
  XLPage('fr','PmWikiFr.XLPageLocal');  # my local translations
  XLPage('fr','PmWikiFr.XLPage');   # from i18n.tgz

Ends up with 'fr' showing up three times in $XLLangs. I think this implies
that an untranslated phrase like $[FOO] will be looked up three times in
$XL['fr'] before PmWiki decides it doesn't exist. It also means that one
cannot stop using a loaded translation just by doing an array_shift($XLLangs);

It should be fairly straightforward to only append a language tag if its not
already in the language list, shouldn't it?

2) I've sometimes found myself wanting to translate a phrase OUT of the
current language, not into it. Thus, in English text I may want to say
something like: While the menu will say 'edit' before you've selected a
language, it will change to '$[edit]' after you choose French. This is
especially important when such strings are being auto-generated.

Now, naturally that isn't going to work, without some way to tell PmWiki what
language to translate something into. I would love to have a way to specify a
target translation mechanism like $[fr|edit] or something that could do that,
but I fear that it might have a large impact on how PmWiki handles current
translations. What do people think?

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Suggestions for Parallel Language versions of Pages.

2007-09-17 Thread Stirling Westrup
I'm currently working on a Bilingual (English/French) site where most of the
pages in the English/ group will be mirrored by a translation in the
Francaise/ group and vice-versa.

I would like to have a Francaise button in the English group which takes you
to the equivalent French page, and an English button in the French group
which takes you to the equivalent page.

The question is, how should I best go about setting up these page
equivalences? I can imagine a few methods such as:

1) Each page in either group has a (:Alternate: ... ) PTV pointing to the
other page.

2) Each page lists other pages by language, so that you might find an
(:English: ... ) PTV in French pages and vice-versa. This allows me to expand
the language list later (although I'm not sure we ever will).

3) There's some strange two-way XLPage set up that maps pages back and forth.
This was my initial plan, but its now looking difficult to set up.

4) Something I haven't thought of.

So, what do folks suggest? It would be best if the system made it obvious when
the translation of a page (or its link) was missing, and that would be simple
to extend to other languages if need be.

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] 2009 WorldCon in Montreal.

2007-09-05 Thread Stirling Westrup
Some time ago I mentioned here that I was involved with some folks who were
trying to get the 2009 World Science Fiction Convention to be held in
Montreal. I'm happy to announce that they just won.

What does that have to do with PmWiki? Well, the bid site was planned to be
moved over to PmWiki (since it was hosted on my system, and its what I was
most familiar with), but I've been waiting on the core blogging routines,
which have still yet to appear.

Now, however, I'm out of time. This week we're replacing the bid site with a
WorldCon site, and we've made the decision to run it on top of PmWiki. At
first it will only need a bilingual blog but soon it will want a whole host of
convention-specific add-ons to help the convention organizers communicate,
plan and run the convention.

Now this is going to be a very ambitious project for one person, even if I
have a year before most of the features need to be in place, especially as its
not my day job.

So, if there are any folks on the list who would like to volunteer some time
and effort to helping make the 2009 WorldCon a success by doing some PmWiki
work, I would be eternally grateful. Naturally, all work will eventually show
up as public domain (or GPL) add-ons in PmWiki's cookbook section. We may even
build a specific bundle of recipes for convention running.

There /may/ even be some monetary compensation available down the line, but I
can't promise anything. WorldCon's tend to run on a shoestring, and I never
got any compensation (other than a discount on my hotel room) for the many
hours of work I did on the 2003 WorldCon's internal website. In fact, any
money that might become available in compensation is most likely to be a tiny
fraction of what the work would actually be worth if done for hire.

If you've read this far, and are still interested in possibly helping out,
please contact me!

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Map Overlays?

2007-08-24 Thread Stirling Westrup
I'm planning to use a PMWiki to hold notes for a tabletop roleplaying game.
One of the things that are standard to such games are keyed maps. I would love
to have some way to put up a map image on a page, and then overlay icons on
top of it, so that one could click on an icon and be taken to an explanatory 

Of course, this would require some elegant way of placing icons on top of an
image and making sure they rendered in the correct location, regardless of

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I would best do this?

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Update to PmWiki.SkinTemplates

2007-06-29 Thread Stirling Westrup
I've finished making a large number of changes to the PmWiki/SkinTemplates
page at:


and was looking for feedback and/or further edits. I'm not all that happy with
the final results, but I think its an improvement over what was there before.

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Report on Various Skins.

2007-06-05 Thread Stirling Westrup
Since I need to create a couple of new PmWiki sites with particular looks, I
was browsing through the list of all current PmWiki skins, and a number of the
skin pages don't display in their own skins.

I gather that PM has to do something to enable them, so I'm making a list here
of the ones that seem to need enabling.

http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/Notebook2Skin (may not be safe to enable!)

Since I wanted to find out what these looked like, I've downloaded all of the
above and tried them out on my farm. They all sort-of work (at least under
firefox) with the following exceptions that someone might want to look into:

A) For SimpleTabSkin, I had to change $PubDirUrl in the .tmpl file to
$FarmPubDirUrl to make it work in my farm. It should actually be using
$SkinDirUrl instead, so it would work anywhere.

B) For PmWiki2Bars I was surprised that it expects to be unzipped in the main
pmwiki directory, while most skins expect to be unzipped in the pub/skins

C) MarathonSkin expects to find a Main.TopNav and a Main.SideBar page which
don't exist. The Main.SideBar should be changed to Site.SideBar, and a
Site.TopNav should be supplied via a local wikilib.d file.

D) The Notebook2skin has a message on its page about a javascript injection
bug. I haven't determined if its been fixed or not.

E) The SchlaeferTwoSkin contains some extraneous Mac OSX files in its zip
archive, and its old enough to use Main everywhere instead of Site.

Most of the above fixes would be easy enough for me to make (except that I
don't know javascript, so I can't debug it), but I don't want to step on any
toes. Does anyone know which of the above skins have been abandoned by their

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Footnotes and Endnotes?

2007-05-23 Thread Stirling Westrup
Hash: SHA1

noskule wrote:
 Stirling Westrup schrieb:

 A quick search for 'footnotes' and 'endnotes' on PmWiki didn't find me
 anything relevant. Is there such a more-advanced recipe, or will I have to
 construct my own?

 As starting point: One could simply design a markup that makes links
 and display them via groupfooter
 (:pagelist name={*$Group.{*$Name}-Footnote-*
 the question would be howto name FootnoteName
 what you think?

I'm thinking I want something that is related to the only existing footnote
recipe in MarkupExtensions. That will make it easier for someone transitioning
to the newer system. So, I was thinking something like this:

[^footnote text^]  - Remember text. Make a reference (from MarkupExtension).
[^#^]  - Spit out the next footnote (form MarkupExtension).
[^^#other^^]   - Make a reference to footnote '#other'. Use group.page#other
for a different page.
(:footnote #other:) - Start of text for footnote '#other'.
(:footnote:)   - End of current footnote.
(:footnotelist args:)   - Produce all footnotes via pagelist-like mechanism,
including templates.

The idea is to support things like lists inside of footnotes (which don't
currently work if the reference point is, for example, inside a table) and to
allow for separate pages and areas in which to compose long footnotes, so they
don't get lost in the running text.

All the above is just off the top of my head though. I haven't thought out any
of the details yet. I just wanted to know what similar recipes existed first.

Besides, I need to finish this skin I'm working on before I start another 
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Is 'RightBar' the right name?

2007-05-22 Thread Stirling Westrup
Hash: SHA1

Tegan Dowling wrote:

 OR have a LeftBar and RightBar but have NO fixed contents in either one, 
 and instead populate each only via includes, and name the includables for
 their functions - GroupMenu, LinksMenu, ToolsMenu, etc.

That is more-or-less what I plan to do. The thing is, standard markup has a
(:nosidebar:) directive, so I need to decide which bar that affects. I can
easily make it be either one.

In either case, I still have the interesting problem of defaults. I'll
probably have the left sidebar default to including Site.Sidebar, as that's
quite common, so should the right sidebar include Site.Altbar, or what? Maybe
it should just default to not being there?

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Problem with $FmtPV;

2007-05-22 Thread Stirling Westrup
Hash: SHA1

Ben Wilson wrote:
 I am setting $FmtPV with the following value: '2007W19'; This is how I
 set it, outside of any function, but in a recipe.
 $FmtPV['$YearWeek'] = '2007W19';

This won't work. The contents of $FmtPV are run through eval. That means it
has to be a valid PHP expression. 2007W19 isn't one. You need to do something
like this:

 $FmtPV['$YearWeek'] = '2007W19';

Because 2007W19 *is* a valid expression. If you need to use the value of a
(non-global) variable, you'd do it like this:

 $FmtPV['$YearWeek'] = ''.$MyVariable.'';

If $MyVariable contains a string with quotes though, things get a bit messier.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Footnotes and Endnotes?

2007-05-22 Thread Stirling Westrup
Hash: SHA1

Currently I'm using MarkupExtensions when I want to add footnotes to an
article. For simple things its adequate, but today I found myself wanting a
much more powerful footnoting recipe (where, for example, the text of the
footnote could be stored on a different page). I could swear I remembered
folks talking on this forum about creating such a thing, but I don't remember
any details.

A quick search for 'footnotes' and 'endnotes' on PmWiki didn't find me
anything relevant. Is there such a more-advanced recipe, or will I have to
construct my own?

- --
Stirling Westrup -- Visionary, Technology Analyst, Researcher, Software
Engineer, IT Generalist

LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/e/fpf/77228

Website:   http://www.pooq.com
Tech Blog: http://technaut.livejournal.com
Business Blog: http://willcodeforfood.livejournal.com
- --
Spread the word: Its all a HOAX, memes don't exist!
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Slashdotting?

2007-05-13 Thread Stirling Westrup
Hash: SHA1

Neil Herber (nospam) wrote:
 On 2007-05-12 Stirling Westrup is rumoured to have said:
 So, what's the best way to prepare PmWiki for a possible slashdotting?
 Any advice would be appreciated. 
 A page of mine (Alas! not PmWiki) was slashdotted twice on a machine
 that was much more heavily loaded and much less powerful than yours. The
 uplink speed was 1.2 Mbit/s.
 I had no idea it would be slashdotted, so I was not prepared at all. The
 only effect was that the mail server running on the same box slowed down
 a bit. I did get some very impressive (to me) activity graphs from the
 web server (WebStar on Mac OS9).
 The slashdotting peaks lasted about 8 hours.

Thanks for the info. That helps a lot to know.

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Slashdotting?

2007-05-12 Thread Stirling Westrup
I've recently come up with an idea for something to put up on one of my
PmWiki's that might end up being quite popular -- possibly even ending up on
slashdot or digg. I don't know how likely a scenario that is -- but its
certainly possible.

In some ways, this is both a best- and a worst-case scenario. Its best in that
it gives me the most leverage in accomplishing my goals (eyeballs == power!)
but if it kills my system, then its all wasted.

Now, the wiki is currently running on a 2.8 GHz machine that doesn't do
anything but serve web pages and handle mail. The total traffic for all other
websites on the machine combined is negligible. Its only sitting on a 3 Mbps
line, so there a real limit to what bandwidth it can see anyway, so maybe I'm
worrying for nothing. (I really can't afford to try this experiment on heftier

So, what's the best way to prepare PmWiki for a possible slashdotting? Any
advice would be appreciated.

At the same time, if anyone has a pointer to a recipe for including Google
AdWords on a page, I would like to see it. That way I might have a chance of
partially offsetting my bandwidth costs if this idea does take off.

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Best Blogging Recipe?

2007-05-11 Thread Stirling Westrup
Stirling Westrup wrote:
 I've been delaying adding Blogging support to a particular project until PM
 finishes his Blog support in core, but I can't really wait any longer, and the
 core support still hasn't shown up.
 I'd still like to use the core blogging support when it arrives. In the
 meantime I guess I'll use one of the existing blogging recipes, and then
 transition to the new core methods when they show up. So, my big question is:
 which of the many blogging recipes will give me something that is the easiest
 to convert to the core blog system, once it exists.
 Does anyone have any ideas?

I should perhaps clarify that by the above I mean the best blogging recipe
WITHIN PmWiki. I'm not really looking for endorsements of blogspot or wordpress.

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Best Blogging Software?

2007-05-10 Thread Stirling Westrup
I've been delaying adding Blogging support to a particular project until PM
finishes his Blog support in core, but I can't really wait any longer, and the
core support still hasn't shown up.

I'd still like to use the core blogging support when it arrives. In the
meantime I guess I'll use one of the existing blogging recipes, and then
transition to the new core methods when they show up. So, my big question is:
which of the many blogging recipes will give me something that is the easiest
to convert to the core blog system, once it exists.

Does anyone have any ideas?

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Inserting files from the local file system

2007-04-07 Thread Stirling Westrup
Petko Yotov wrote:
 On Sunday 08 April 2007 04:47, Steven Benmosh wrote:
 Two questions/problems I am running into:

 1. I have pmwiki set up in my web server root. I have a directory called
 images, with image files in it, including one called SantaBarbara.jpg.

 I would like to attach the image to a wiki page. I can do it by linking to
 the actual url of the file, in the form
 http://my.web.site/images/SantaBarbara.jpg. I am wondering if there is a
 simpler way to connect to a local file, maybe with a relative link, without
 having to type the whole url and create a static link (that would not
 change if I move the wiki to another site)?
 Yes, you can use a Path: link to point to files on the server, but that are 
 not on the wiki uploads directory structure:
 If the link ends with .jpg, .gif or .png, it will be considered as an inline 
 image. To add a tooltip title, use 
Path:/images/SantaBarbara.jpgView from Santa Barbara
 To only link to the file, use
[[Path:/images/SantaBarbara.jpg|this is a link]]
 This way you can also link to other files on the same website, like old HTML 
 pages. See also:

Like Petko said, Intermaps are the way to go. You can also define a custom
intermap entry so that you would just use


If you ever move the wiki, all you would have to redefine is the intermap
definition for Image.

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Drafts, moderated wikis, and PITS 00755

2007-03-31 Thread Stirling Westrup
Hans wrote:
 Saturday, March 31, 2007, 9:27:37 PM, Patrick wrote:
 When drafts are enabled, the edit form has the following buttons
 [Publish]  [Save draft]  [Save draft and edit]  [Preview]  [Cancel]
 The Publish button always saves to the page without a -Draft suffix. 
 The Save draft and Save draft and edit buttons always save to a page
 with the -Draft suffix.
 I never used 'Drafts' before. It took a bit getting used to the different
 behaviour: when opening the page I am actually opening a -Draft page and
 not the page!
 I am pleased how it works though. And I was amazed that the buttons were
 all there using Triads custom edit form. Only the grey-out of the publish
 button does not come across. How did you accomplish the styling for that,
 Then I got once more confused when setting and resetting the publish 
 password, as for the latter I was trying to do it for the -draft page 
 without realising it.

I had the exact same experience, in that I accidentally set the publish
password on the -Draft page as well. Still, it was fairly easy to figure out
what I had done wrong and fix it.

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Drafts, moderated wikis, and PITS 00755

2007-03-30 Thread Stirling Westrup
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
 Given that we've had a couple of recent requests for moderated
 posting on a wiki, I'd like to go ahead and resolve PmWiki's
 edit draft feature.
 Pico put together an excellent page at http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PITS/00755
 that describes the current state of edit drafts.  His comments are
 recommended reading, but I'll also try to summarize things here.
 The basic issue is that we want clearer labels on the save buttons
 in the edit form when drafts are enabled.
 Currently, when $EnableDrafts is set, a new Save as Draft button
 appears on the edit form.  Thus the typical buttons are
[Save]  [Save and edit]  [Save as draft]  [Preview]  [Cancel]
 The [Save] button saves the page, as normal.  The [Save and edit]
 button saves a copy of the page, but also returns the browser
 immediately to the edit form so the author can continue editing.
 The [Save as Draft] button saves the current page and any changes
 to a new page with a -Draft extension added to the pagename.
 When an author attempts to edit a page for which a -Draft
 version exists, the author always gets the -Draft version to
 edit.  Thus we don't have a case of draft edits being lost.
 The confusion arises when the buttons above are presented
 on the -Draft page, because it's not completely clear what
 Save (and possibly Save as draft) will do.  Thus it
 appears we need alternate labels for these buttons editing
 a draft.  I just need to know what labels we want to use
 that will make sense to people editing drafts.
 Currently the [Save] button always saves back to the original
 page without the -Draft suffix, and removes the -Draft version
 of the page.  The [Save as draft] button saves back to the -Draft
 page.  This can be a bit confusing, because some people expect
 [Save] to save back to the -Draft, and they don't see a button
 that clearly indicates they're saving to the original.
 So far the best idea I've seen is to use [Publish] to mean
 save to original, but I want to see if there are any other
 suggestions before committing to it in the core.
 In each case (original page and draft), the actions are
 essentially the same:
   - save page to original location
   - save page as -Draft version
   - save and keep editing
   - preview
   - cancel editing
 All that differs is the labels.  The current approach
 I'm considering uses the following labels for editing
 the original page:
   - save page to original location   [Save]
   - save page as -Draft  [Save as draft]
   - save and keep editing[Save and edit]
   - preview  [Preview]
   - cancel editing   [Cancel]
 And when editing a -Draft page:
   - save page to original location   [Publish]
   - save page as -Draft  [Save as draft]
   - save and keep editing[Save and edit]
   - preview  [Preview]
   - cancel editing   [Cancel]
 As far as moderating posts go, there will likely be
 some sort of option that hides/disables the Save 
 and Publish button for moderated authors.  Such authors
 would then be able to edit pages (as drafts), but
 only a moderator/admin would be able to publish the
 draft back to the original location.
 Comments and questions greatly appreciated.

I took the time to set up alternative buttons for myself a while ago. After
much experimenting, I found that what worked best for me (single author who
only cares about visibility. ie. Publisher and Draft writer are both me.) was
the following:

When editing a -Draft page:

  - save page as -Draft  [Save Draft]
  - save and keep editing[Save Draft and Edit]
  - preview  [Preview]
  - cancel editing   [Cancel]

  [Next button is flush right]
  - save page to original location   [Publish]

When editing the original page:

  - save page to original location   [Save]
  - save and keep editing[Save and Edit]
  - preview  [Preview]
  - cancel editing   [Cancel]

  [Next button is flush right]
  - save page as -Draft  [Save as Draft]

I found the above arrangement with the flush-right buttons very convenient as
I had grown used to the standard button layout, and sticking the [Publish] and
[Save as Draft] anywhere other than off to the right caused me to hit the
wrong buttons out of habit. Also, I often don't work with a -Draft version, if
I'm writing something short.

Of course, this order would not be as good for a site where there was a strict
review process and all some folks ever saw was 'Save as Draft'.

pmwiki-users mailing list