Re: CVS: ports

2010-06-01 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
On Mon, 31 May 2010, Stefan Sperling wrote:

 CVSROOT:  /cvs
 Module name:  ports
 Changes by:   s...@cvs.openbsd.org2010/05/31 17:17:50
 Modified files:
   editors: Makefile 
 Log message:
 +vim-spell (all flavours)

I think it would have been better to set the default FLAVOR to all 
languages. This way there would be no need to specifically add all 
languages like that and that would not prevent people to build only the 
language they want.


Newsletter Yvelines : vérifiez la conformité de vos locaux pour l'accessibilité des personnes handicapées - rationalisation de la politiqu =?iso-8859-15?Q?e_immobili=E8re_de_

2010-06-01 Thread
Si vous ne lisez pas correctement ce message, cliquez-iciAfin de
continuer ` recevoir nos lettres d'informations, BureauxLocaux vous
invite ` ajouter l'adresse dans votre
carnet d'adresses.

Votre lettre du 1 juin 2010

Alerte e-mail Envoyer ` un ami




Virifiez la conformiti de vos locaux pour l'accessibiliti des personnes

La loi du 11 fivrier 2005 pour l'igaliti des droits et des chances, la
participation et la citoyenneti des personnes handicapies impose `
l'ensemble des constructions neuves et des ouvrages existants de se
conformer ` de nouvelles exigences pour l'accessibiliti des personnes
handicapies. Quels sont les itablissements concernis ? Quelles sont les
ichiances ? Voici l'essentiel pour faire le point sur cette

Voir le dossier


Faites dicoller vos affaires avec RegusConservez toute votre flexibiliti
et travaillez intelligemment en optant pour une solution Regus. - Trouver
des BUREAUX ou louer des SALLES DE REUNION tout iquipis ` durie flexible
- Rechercher une ADRESSE valorisante ` prix compititifs - Accider ` un
SALON D'AFFAIRES au c=ur de Parisen savoir plus...






Dans un trhs bel immeuble neuf avec belles prestations, 4 pihces d'une
superficie de 81 m2 environ situi au 2hme itage. Idial profession
libirale. Prestations :
Ascenceurs: 1 Cuisine Parking Double vitrage

Voir l'annonce

Surface totale


81 m2





Accompagnement de projets immobiliersMOvalliance vous guide dans vos
riflexions immobilihres, vous conseille dans vos dicisions et vous
accompagne dans leur rialisation.en savoir plus...




Location Bureaux Entreptts ELANCOURT

Structure : mitallique. Fagades : bardage mitallique horizontal. Toiture
: bac acier multicouche. Eclairage : fluorescent industriel. Chauffage
par airotherme gaz. Hauteur sous plafond 8 mhtres. 3 portes d'acchs
camions de plain-pied.

Voir l'annonce



Location Bureaux MAUREPAS

Architecture contemporaine, Grand bassin au pied de l'immeuble, Hall
d'entrie, Ascenseurs, Moquette au sol, Vitrages iquipis de stores
intirieurs, Liaisons informatiques et canalisations de courants forts et
faibles, Chauffage par conv

Voir l'annonce



Vente Commerces SAINT CYR L'ECOLE

Restaurant brasserie en plein centre ville. Surface totale de 270 m2, 90
couverts, terrasse, licence IV, cuisine moderne et iquipie. Criation
ricente, belle affaire

Voir l'annonce




VERSAILLES : ` louer Bureaux
91m2 (` partir de 30m2), Rez-de-chaussie: - Organisi en un accueil avec






VERSAILLES : ` vendre Bureaux





VERSAILLES (78) : ` louer Bureaux
5212m2, LE TURGOT - Dans un immeuble indipendant ricent, diveloppant 6
633 m2...






VERSAILLES : ` louer Bureaux
87m2 (` partir de 87m2), Immeuble de bureaux en bon itat





ELANCOURT : ` louer/` vendre Bureaux
3912m2 (` partir de 235m2)






ELANCOURT (78) : ` louer Bureaux-Entreptts
6885m2 (` partir de 515m2), ZA DE LA CLEF ST PIERRE -





ELANCOURT : ` louer Bureaux
432m2 (` partir de 432m2), Au 1er itage d'un petit immeuble, situi dans
la ZA...






ELANCOURT : ` louer Bureaux
403m2 (` partir de 45m2), Dans un immeuble de bureaux entihrement rinovi,





MAUREPAS : ` louer Bureaux-Entreptts
859m2, Toiture : bac acier multicouche. Structure : Biton. Hauteur






MAUREPAS : ` louer Bureaux
143m2 (` partir de 33m2), Immeuble tertiaire de 3000 m2 ilevi sur





MAUREPAS : ` louer Bureaux
320m2 (` partir de 90m2), Bureaux neufs situis dans un cadre priviligii






MAUREPAS (78) : ` louer Bureaux-Entreptts
150m2, Ensemble immobilier ` usage d' activiti.





ECQUEVILLY (78) : ` louer/` vendre Bureaux-Entreptts
2700m2, Batiment indipendant sur un terrain clos de 4 250 m2.






ECQUEVILLY : ` louer Bureaux-Entreptts
2206m2 (` partir de 700m2), CARACATERISTIQUES GENERALES : Structure et...



Offres de franchise sur l'Observatoire de la franchise

Trouvez la prochaine adresse de votre entreprise parmi plusieurs milliers
d'annonces de bureaux, entreptts, locaux commerciaux, locaux d'activitis
ou locaux mixtes :






Immobilier de l'Etat : Rigueur ` tous les itages

Rationalisation. C'est le mantre-mot de la politique 

Re: CVS: ports

2010-06-01 Thread Stefan Sperling
On Tue, Jun 01, 2010 at 08:21:45AM +0200, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
 On Mon, 31 May 2010, Stefan Sperling wrote:
  Module name:ports
  Changes by: s...@cvs.openbsd.org2010/05/31 17:17:50
  Modified files:
  editors: Makefile 
  Log message:
  +vim-spell (all flavours)
 I think it would have been better to set the default FLAVOR to all 
 languages. This way there would be no need to specifically add all 
 languages like that and that would not prevent people to build only the 
 language they want.

Sure. I modeled it on x11/kde/i18n3 which has an arbitrary (well, French :)
language as the default FLAVOR, and has the same SUBDIR += list in
x11/kde/Makefile. That's why vim-spell ended up this way.
But I see no reason why it cannot be changed.


CVS: ports

2010-06-01 Thread Kevin Lo
Module name:ports
Changes by:   2010/06/01 03:46:48

Modified files:
net/p5-Net-OAuth: Makefile distinfo 
net/p5-Net-OAuth/pkg: PLIST 

Log message:
Update to 0.25

ok pea@

CVS: ports

2010-06-01 Thread Kevin Lo
Module name:ports
Changes by:   2010/06/01 03:48:08

Modified files:
devel/p5-Universal-require: Makefile distinfo 

Log message:
Update to 0.13

ok pea@

Sélection de Bureaux sur Paris et dans les Hauts de Seine

2010-06-01 Thread Colliers UFG PM
Si vous ne lisez pas correctement ce message, cliquez-ici

[IMAGE] vous propose de dicouvrir les biens disponibles sur
votre rigion silectionnis par COLLIERS UFG PM.
Colliers International : 15.000 collaborateurs prisents dans 480 bureaux
dans 61 pays. Colliers International est un groupement mondial de
sociitis indipendantes.





Nous vous proposons un immeuble ricent de trhs bon standing rinovi et
Les plateaux sont fonctionnels et trhs lumineux.
Idial pour un sihge social.

Voir l'annonce

Surface totale


3025 m2






Location Vente Bureaux RUEIL MALMAISON

Concerto propose 2.780 m2 de bureaux neufs ` louer et ` vendre. Construit
au c=ur du ptle tertiaire de Rueil-sur-Seine, Concerto binificie d?une
construction de haute qualiti dotie d?iquipements et de prestations
modernes et performants.

Voir l'annonce




Immeuble indipendant d'excellent standing ` proximiti immidiate du Pont
de Saint-Cloud. Nous vous proposons ` la location des plateaux de bureaux

Voir l'annonce



Location Bureaux PARIS 8

Dans un immeuble de bon standing situi ` toute proximiti de Saint
philippe du Roule et de Matignon, nous vous proposons une surface de
bureaux ` la location. Ce plateau entihrement flexible et climatisi sera

Voir l'annonce



IVRY SUR SEINE : ` louer Bureaux
13153m2 (` partir de 1176m2), Le PETRA, ensemble immobilier neuf HQE `
usage de...






LEVALLOIS PERRET : ` louer Bureaux
286m2 (` partir de 134m2), Dans un immeuble de bon standing nous vous





LEVALLOIS PERRET : ` louer Bureaux
228m2, Immeuble tertiaire de bon standing, au pied du mitro...






NANTERRE : ` louer Bureaux
15380m2, LE VERMONT Immeuble de bureaux indipendant en...





NANTERRE : ` louer Bureaux
1097m2 (` partir de 341m2), Au coeur du Parc d'Affaires des






NEUILLY SUR SEINE : ` louer Bureaux
403m2 (` partir de 201m2), Dans un immeuble au coeur du quartier
tertiaire de...





PARIS 9 : ` louer Bureaux
4886m2 (` partir de 1200m2), Au coeur de la citi financihre, ` proximiti
de la...






PARIS 8 : ` louer Bureaux
10856m2 (` partir de 620m2), WASHINGTON PLAZA A toute proximiti des





PARIS 3 : ` louer/` vendre Bureaux
3379m2, Au coeur du Paris historique, nous vous proposons...






PARIS 2 : ` louer Bureaux
6927m2, CARRE FEYDEAU : Immeuble indipendant ayant fait...





PARIS 8 : ` louer Bureaux
340m2, Dans un immeuble de bureaux situi ` proximiti...






PARIS 8 : ` louer Bureaux
243m2, A proximiti de la place Saint-Augustin, sur le...





PARIS 8 : ` louer Bureaux
1466m2 (` partir de 489m2), L'ensemble immobilier Pleyel, situi entre






PARIS 16 : ` louer Bureaux
1544m2 (` partir de 259m2), Au coeur du quartier central des affaires de





PARIS 14 : ` louer Bureaux-Entreptts
473m2, Exceptionnel. Nous vous proposons, au pied du mitro...






PARIS 1 : ` louer Bureaux
114m2, Entre l'Opira et le Palais Royal, dans un immeuble...





PARIS 9 : ` louer Bureaux
405m2, Dans un immeuble des annies 70 ` proximiti de la...






RUEIL MALMAISON : ` louer Bureaux
1703m2 (` partir de 189m2), Petit ensemble immobilier tertiaire de trhs





SAINT CLOUD : ` louer Bureaux
350m2, Les Bureaux de la Colline est un ensemble immobilier...






SURESNES : ` louer Bureaux
338m2, Immeuble moderne de bon standing, situi au c?ur de...






  * Transmettre votre projet ` COLLIERS UFG PM

  * Etre contacti par COLLIERS UFG PM


  * Agence

  * Investissement

  * Services Corporate

  * Property Management




Note de Conjonture

Dans le cadre de la riflexion ginirale sur l'environnement, le secteur
immobilier a rapidement iti identifii comme ayant un lourd impact



Note d'Investissement

Un marchi qui retrouve de la liquiditi, mais pas encore l'iquilibre


English version


Market Overview

With sustainability issues at the top of decision-makers' agendas, the
challenge of shrinking the property sector's environmental footprint 

CVS: ports

2010-06-01 Thread David Coppa
Module name:ports
Changes by:  2010/06/01 06:47:10

Modified files:
audio/xmms2/patches: patch-wafadmin_Tools_ccroot_py 

Log message:

OK ajacoutot@

CVS: ports

2010-06-01 Thread David Coppa
Module name:ports
Changes by:  2010/06/01 06:46:24

Modified files:
audio/py-ogg   : Makefile 
audio/py-ogg/pkg: DESCR 

Log message:

OK ajacoutot@

CVS: ports

2010-06-01 Thread David Coppa
Module name:ports
Changes by:  2010/06/01 06:47:57

Modified files:
devel/plib : Makefile 
devel/plib/pkg : DESCR 

Log message:

OK ajacoutot@

CVS: ports

2010-06-01 Thread David Coppa
Module name:ports
Changes by:  2010/06/01 06:48:47

Modified files:
textproc/icu4c : Makefile 
textproc/icu4c/pkg: DESCR 

Log message:

OK ajacoutot@

CVS: ports

2010-06-01 Thread David Coppa
Module name:ports
Changes by:  2010/06/01 07:32:40


Update of /cvs/ports/audio/py-ao/patches
In directory

Log Message:
Directory /cvs/ports/audio/py-ao/patches added to the repository

CVS: ports

2010-06-01 Thread David Coppa
Module name:ports
Changes by:  2010/06/01 07:32:48


Update of /cvs/ports/audio/py-ogg/patches
In directory

Log Message:
Directory /cvs/ports/audio/py-ogg/patches added to the repository

CVS: ports

2010-06-01 Thread Stuart Henderson
Module name:ports
Changes by:   2010/06/01 09:05:39

Modified files:
multimedia/get_iplayer: Makefile 
multimedia/get_iplayer/patches: patch-get_iplayer 

Log message:
Fix typo in slist= generation for akamai. From upstream repo.

CVS: ports

2010-06-01 Thread Stuart Henderson
Module name:ports
Changes by:   2010/06/01 13:11:23

Modified files:
net/pmacct : Makefile distinfo 

Log message:
update to 0.12.2

CVS: ports

2010-06-01 Thread Stuart Henderson
Module name:ports
Changes by:   2010/06/01 18:10:18

Modified files:
net/silc-client: Makefile 
Added files:

Log message:
- Client: Fix signature verification double free
- Packet engine: prevent divide by 0
- SKE: Make sure failure received from remote results in error status

From upstream repo via Brad

Squid NTLM

2010-06-01 Thread Kirill Bychkov
Hi. Now, when we have samba with ads flavor, may be it's time to add ntlm
support to squid? This patch worked for some years in production.
Patch with -E flag.
Comments, OKs?

Description: Binary data

Re: Squid NTLM

2010-06-01 Thread David Coppa
2010/6/1 Kirill Bychkov
 Hi. Now, when we have samba with ads flavor, may be it's time to add ntlm
 support to squid? This patch worked for some years in production.
 Patch with -E flag.
 Comments, OKs?

It's good to me.


Re: Upgrade MySql to 5.1: skip-bdb is deadly

2010-06-01 Thread Antti Harri


On Mon, 31 May 2010, Uwe Dippel wrote:

2. I wasn't aware of the need to run mysql_upgrade after an(y) upgrade. 
Actually, the man page says it should be done after any upgrade.

Should this eventually be mentioned in the install message?

I wasn't aware either and I had some weird problems when I 
upgraded from 5.0 to 5.1. I recall they were mostly procedure/trigger 
related. I don't think I ever had any problems with minor

updates with the 5.0 series though.

I just updated to 5.1.47 from .45 and now mysqldump is segfaulting,
mysql_upgrade ran fine but it didn't help:

mysqldump --quick --lock-all-tables --force --routines --triggers \
--all-databases --add-drop-table --add-drop-database -u $user -p$pass  \
mysqldump: Couldn't execute '':  (1064)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

#0  0x0124088c in mysql_fetch_row () from 

Antti Harri

Re: OpenBSD (X41) Tablet Support (linuxwacom)

2010-06-01 Thread Oliver Peter
On Mon, 31 May 2010 01:05:51 -0600
Stanley Lieber wrote:

 Michael-392 wrote:
  I am trying to get the tablet screen working on the X41. After
  googling I found that it once worked with OpenBSD 4.4 and
  However, a lot has changed since then. 0.8.2 doesn't work anymore
  with the -current OpenBSD X11 version and I also don't get any
  newer version of linxuwacom to compile for other reasons (seems to
  have something todo with LINUX_INPUT).
  Anyone got more luck and/or porting experience? ;-)
 I helped test the original howto you linked above. Pen functions fully
 worked under 4.4-RELEASE.
 I played around with this a bit tonight (running the 05/29/10
 snapshot of 4.7-CURRENT) and after some patching I got
 linuxwacom-0.8.2 to compile and install (see patch below).
 The next problem was calibrating the pen. After I setup xorg.conf
 and restarted, things were way out of whack. Moving the pen to the
 upper-left corner brought the cursor almost in line with the pen
 point. Moving the pen away from the upper-left corner of the screen
 resulted in an increasing distance between the cursor and the pen
 I wasn't sure where to proceed from there. It is possible my patch
 messes up something important for pen calibration. The
 InitValuatorClassDeviceStruct function  was being called with too many
 arguments (I removed only what I believed to be bounds checking, but
 that seemed to satisfy the compiler). Removing OutOfProximity is a
 change from versions of linuxwacom that came after 0.8.2 and shouldn't
 hurt anything (especially since we specify Absolute in xorg.conf

I have a X41 Tablet here as well and tried to apply your patch - I also
had to modify some of the header files to include xorgVersion.h and
xorg-server.h instead of the XF86 stuff.

It compiled fine but after modifying the kernel (nasty stuff in the
howto) and starting X, the machine crashed immediately after the pen
hits the display for the first time.

I would be happy to help out and test code - but my C knowledge is
reduced to the easy modifications mentioned above...

Oliver PETER email: ICQ# 113969174
I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.
-- Jango Fett

Re: Upgrade MySql to 5.1: skip-bdb is deadly

2010-06-01 Thread Uwe Dippel
On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 5:18 PM, Antti Harri wrote:

 I wasn't aware either and I had some weird problems when I upgraded from 5.0
 to 5.1. I recall they were mostly procedure/trigger related.

Yep, that's what the mysql_upgrade corrected here, mostly.

Still, maybe someone should complain upstream about this behaviour:
100531 20:37:23 [ERROR] /usr/local/libexec/mysqld: unknown option '--skip-bdb'
100531 20:37:23 [ERROR] Aborting

A number of people have been bitten (lucky, for me, so to say) and had
their application aborted.
What, actually, is wrong to abort a configuration setting
# why not?
this is totally nonsense
# it really is!
especially, when 'this is totally nonsense' is a deprecated, earlier
valid, setting?

I for preferred any message of an invalid parameter in the log file,
instead of aborting.

But that's my 2 sen.


[New] gnupg2

2010-06-01 Thread Pierre-Emmanuel André

This is a port for gnupg2
All the tarball must be untarred in security/
Libksba and pinentry are necessary dependancies for gnupg2.
The following diff for gnupg1 is needed to permit the installation 
of both 1  2 at the same time.
It could be fun if someone could test this port with a gnupg smartcard.


Pierre-Emmanuel André pea at
GPG key: 0x7AE329DC

Description: application/tar-gz

Description: application/tar-gz

Description: application/tar-gz
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/security/gnupg/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.71
diff -u -p -r1.71 Makefile
--- Makefile15 Sep 2009 13:44:41 -  1.71
+++ Makefile17 May 2010 12:41:00 -
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 COMMENT=   GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
 DISTNAME=  gnupg-1.4.10
Index: pkg/PLIST
RCS file: /cvs/ports/security/gnupg/pkg/PLIST,v
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -u -p -r1.23 PLIST
--- pkg/PLIST   15 Sep 2009 13:44:41 -  1.23
+++ pkg/PLIST   17 May 2010 12:41:00 -
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 @comment $OpenBSD: PLIST,v 1.23 2009/09/15 13:44:41 dhill Exp $
+...@option no-default-conflict
 @bin bin/gpg
 @bin bin/gpgsplit

Updating MySQL (Was: Upgrade MySql to 5.1: skip-bdb is deadly)

2010-06-01 Thread Antti Harri

On Tue, 1 Jun 2010, Antti Harri wrote:

I just updated to 5.1.47 from .45 and now mysqldump is segfaulting,
mysql_upgrade ran fine but it didn't help:

I would like to warn other users, that update totally broke mysql
here, I'm getting this also:

General error: 1548 Cannot load from mysql.. The table is probably 

Antti Harri

Re: Updating MySQL (Was: Upgrade MySql to 5.1: skip-bdb is deadly)

2010-06-01 Thread Ian McWilliam

On 1/06/2010 11:35 PM, Antti Harri wrote:

On Tue, 1 Jun 2010, Antti Harri wrote:

I just updated to 5.1.47 from .45 and now mysqldump is segfaulting,
mysql_upgrade ran fine but it didn't help:

I would like to warn other users, that update totally broke mysql
here, I'm getting this also:

General error: 1548 Cannot load from mysql.. The table is probably 

Please note there about 3 tables missing from 5.0 that are a part of 
5.1. The best upgrade method is to dump your databases before updating 
to the 5.1 release. Move your old /var/mysql directory out of the way, 
setup /var/mysql again with the 5.1 data using the usual install initial 
database method and reload your databases.

Ian McWilliam

Important Message about Short Duration Calls from Steve Bederman

2010-06-01 Thread InTouch Voip

Please click on the link. I believe the value exceeds the effort.
Kind Regards, Steve Bederman. -

your EXISTING DIALER all with a simple drop and insert solution from

AT 303-557-0153

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If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please reply to this
message with Unsubscribe in the subject line or simply click on the
following link:

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InTouch Voip
4931 S. Danube St.
Aurora, Colorado 80015

Read the VerticalResponse marketing policy:

Re: WIP: multimedia/gpodder (again)

2010-06-01 Thread Vadim Zhukov
2010/6/2 Rodolfo Gouveia
 Rodolfo Gouveia wrote:
 Hi all!

Read about the PREFIX and TRUEPREFIX in

  Vadim Zhukov

Re: WIP: multimedia/gpodder (again)

2010-06-01 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2010/06/01 22:22, Rodolfo Gouveia wrote:
 Rodolfo Gouveia wrote:
  Hi all!
  Again I'm 'porting' gpodder, version 2.6 atm.
  But this time I got an issue with the install.
  This is a python program but the README that comes with it
  instructs to do a 'make install' which runs some sed and changes
  some files. So the port doesn't do this and I get an error
  on a missing file, which is generated by their 'make install'.
  How can I handle this on the 'make build' of the port?
 Actually it's not just some sed, it also run other stuff.
 But I think I found out a way: build this port without MODULES=lang-python.
 This way I get to use gmake to do their 'make install'.

Please use the python module for python ports.
You can just write your own target like

${MAKE_PROGRAM} install does this, i.e. it only uses its do-install target
if you don't provide your own:

 96 # extra documentation or scripts should be installed via post-install
 97 .  if !target(do-install)
 98 do-install:
102 .  endif

 Seems to work fine, it runs their Makefile but in the end I get an empty
 PLIST file even after a 'make plist':

What output does 'make plist' give?

Might be easier to include the port.

Re: WIP: multimedia/gpodder (again)

2010-06-01 Thread Rodolfo Gouveia
Stuart Henderson wrote:
 Please use the python module for python ports.
 You can just write your own target like
   ${MAKE_PROGRAM} install 

Ok. Changed the port to use python moduke and do-install.

 Seems to work fine, it runs their Makefile but in the end I get an empty
 PLIST file even after a 'make plist':
 What output does 'make plist' give?
Even after the change above, empty plist.
Here it is:
===  Updating plist for gpodder-2.6
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from x11/hicolor-icon-theme
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from archivers/bzip2
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from x11/dbus
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from graphics/jpeg
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from graphics/tiff
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from devel/xdg-utils
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from graphics/glitz
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from converters/libiconv
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from devel/gettext
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from devel/libidn
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from net/wget
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from textproc/libxml
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from sysutils/gamin,no_server,no_python
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from databases/sqlite3
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from lang/python/2.5
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from textproc/py-feedparser
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from databases/py-sqlite2
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from devel/py-setuptools
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from math/blas
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from math/lapack
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from math/py-numpy
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from devel/pcre
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from devel/glib2
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from x11/dbus-glib
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from x11/dbus-python
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from misc/shared-mime-info
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from devel/atk
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from devel/desktop-file-utils
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from x11/gnome/icon-theme
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from graphics/png
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from graphics/cairo
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from graphics/py-cairo
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from devel/pango
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from x11/gtk+2
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from devel/libglade2
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from devel/libffi
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from devel/py-gobject
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from x11/py-gtk2
Scanning destdir
Getting old lists
1st pass identifying files
Attaching annotations
Sorting out destdir files
pkg/PLIST empty

 Might be easier to include the port.

from /usr/ports/mystuff/ contains another dependencie: py-mygpoclient.



LLumar:Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Περιβάλλοντος 2010

2010-06-01 Thread

mplayer survey

2010-06-01 Thread Edd Barrett

(potentially interested parties in CC.)

Since the last snapshot containing mplayer-20100308 I have noticed:

a) DVD's don't play on my thinkpad using the external CD drive. I am not sure if
this ever worked - its the first time.

I notice this in dmesg at this time:
cd0(umass0:1:0): Check Condition (error 0x70) on opcode 0x28
SENSE KEY: Illegal Request
 ASC/ASCQ: Read Of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication

Now I know mplayer had its own DVD decrypter, but has this changed? Anyone
know. Either way I have installed:

libdvd-0.3p2descramble scrambled DVDs using ACSS
libdvdcss-1.2.9 descramble scrambled DVDs
libdvdnav-4.1.3v0   DVD read/navigation library
libdvdread-0.9.7p1  accessing DVD files

b) Stuttering sound after some time of playing some file/stream. Very annoying.
The old version of mplayer did not do this for me.

Has anyone experienced either of these issues, or is it a hardware
specific bug?

Maybe I need to work on another update - perhaps we just checked out at a bad

I just looked at the mplayer www page, they are thinking of... releasing?!

Thanks for enduring my nonsensical rantings.

Best Regards
Edd Barrett

Re: mplayer survey

2010-06-01 Thread Jacob Meuser
On Wed, Jun 02, 2010 at 02:21:01AM +0100, Edd Barrett wrote:
 (potentially interested parties in CC.)
 Since the last snapshot containing mplayer-20100308 I have noticed:
 a) DVD's don't play on my thinkpad using the external CD drive. I am not sure 
 this ever worked - its the first time.
 I notice this in dmesg at this time:
 cd0(umass0:1:0): Check Condition (error 0x70) on opcode 0x28
 SENSE KEY: Illegal Request
  ASC/ASCQ: Read Of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication
 Now I know mplayer had its own DVD decrypter, but has this changed? Anyone
 know. Either way I have installed:
 libdvd-0.3p2descramble scrambled DVDs using ACSS
 libdvdcss-1.2.9 descramble scrambled DVDs
 libdvdnav-4.1.3v0   DVD read/navigation library
 libdvdread-0.9.7p1  accessing DVD files

afaik, mplayer has been using ports libdvdread (or libdvdnav, which also
uses libdvdread) since some time.  and libdvdread uses libdvd, afaics.

 b) Stuttering sound after some time of playing some file/stream. Very 
 The old version of mplayer did not do this for me.
 Has anyone experienced either of these issues, or is it a hardware
 specific bug?

a couple people reported similar issues even before the update.
I've investigated it, but it's hard to figure out what exactly is
causing the problem.  it could be different issues on different
machines, afaik.

 Maybe I need to work on another update - perhaps we just checked out at a bad
 I just looked at the mplayer www page, they are thinking of... releasing?!

yeah, might not be a bad idea to grab a new snap.

 Thanks for enduring my nonsensical rantings.
 Best Regards
 Edd Barrett

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