Re: Global Media/Elena's ?

1999-02-03 Thread RoCogs

In a message dated 99-02-02 20:08:56 EST, you write:

  GM's asking the musicians to waive their rights to compensation
 for these broadcasts: "send us your stuff and if you let us air it for free
 and sign a waiver to that effect, we'll air it for free."  Presumably, that
 waiver is the price they're being asked to pay in order to have access to
 potential buyers, bookers, etc. - with all the drawbacks that Mike Hays
 points out.  Kind of like showcases at big music festivals, eh?

G, that makes me mad when some one as cool as Mike Hays can just come
out and tell you it's a measly 750 a year to recognize the contribution of the
musicians to a project  that revolves around the, uh, MUSICIANS.

And these dudes want you to act like you're just a plant in the corner...


Global Media/straight form the horse's mouth

1999-02-03 Thread NancyApple

Danm, that was wierd. 
I was just reading all the comments about GLobal Media, when Bruce Paisley
(guy at Global Media) called me. I just flat out asked him what the hell was
the deal with the waiver and bla bla and are they trying to fuck over
musicians. So he said, that right now no one knows what kind of royalties need
to be paid via any internet broadcast. That is why they only want indies so
that someone like Clint Black (another cowboy he used to work with) don't come
back and raise hell. I told him that I understood there was a way that places
like TwangCast was keeping up with it, and even tho it may be small, they were
paying the fair share. So, Gobal Media does not want anyone to be pissed at
them. It sounds like they are trying to get some exposure for bands, and he
says that he is checking into everything to find out with BMI/ASCAP etc. He
said the waiver is to cover their asses that the material is indeed original,
and they don't want to hagle with majo labels and all the red tape with them,
but they do want to pay the artists for what they use.
So there ya go. Do you think he is talking out of both sides? 
And by the way, he is probably listening to TwangCast right now
Dang, it's a small world!

Re: Global Media

1999-02-02 Thread RoCogs

In a message dated 99-02-02 13:38:13 EST, you write:

 And as long as, according to the website, you're willing to sign away
 royalties for the webcast.

wha' the hI don't get it. Is all internet radio like that, I wonder?


Re: Global Media

1999-02-02 Thread Mike Hays

And as long as, according to the website, you're willing to sign away
royalties for the webcast.
Jeez, it's not but $750 a year for royalties initially. $500 for BMI and
$250 for ASCAP.  Once you start making any real money with a webcast they'll
want more but in weighing that exact option I knew I would have to program
based on a limited selection because I just don't see most publishers giving
up the royalties from BMI and ASCAP.  Maybe I'm wrong but my guess is the
variety and quality will suffer as a result or they'll do what a lot of
people are doing, holding their breath until BMI or ASCAP send a cease and
desist letter, or worse yet, drop a lawsuit in their laps.

NOW ONLINE,  TM  RealCountry netcast 24 X 7
BMI and ASCAP Licensed,  Please Visit Then let us know what you think!

Mike Hays
For the best country artist web hosting,

Re: Global Media/Elena's ?

1999-02-02 Thread Mike Hays

wha' the hI don't get it. Is all internet radio like that, I wonder?


Elena, when I play your songs on TwangCast during a reporting period, you as
the songwriter will receive credit for that and a check, maybe a small one
but a check nonetheless.
NOW ONLINE,  TM  RealCountry netcast 24 X 7
Please Visit Then let us know what you think!

Mike Hays
For the best country artist web hosting,

Re: Global Media/Elena's ?

1999-02-02 Thread RoCogs

In a message dated 99-02-02 16:08:52 EST, you write:

 Elena, when I play your songs on TwangCast during a reporting period, you
 the songwriter will receive credit for that and a check, maybe a small one
 but a check nonetheless. 

Thanks for clearing that up Mike, and thanks for playing my songs. I read your
other post explaining the intial outlay of cash to ASCAP and BMI you had to
make, again thanks for remembering us struggling, looking-under-the-sofa-
cushion-for-busfare muscians.

If these guys at Global Media are really serious why don't they just do it as
professionally as you are, and fork over the dough to set the thing straight
and true for the musicians? 

Just wish my ancient computer could download the stuff necessary to tune into
your station, but that too will come with time. 

Thanks Mike,


Re: Global Media/Elena's ?

1999-02-02 Thread JKellySC1

In a message dated 2/2/99 6:46:33 PM Central Standard Time,

 again thanks for remembering us struggling, looking-under-the-sofa-
 cushion-for-busfare muscians.
 I am one of you in the struggling musician category. 

It is because of folks like Mike Hays that I got my second BMI royalty check
in the mail this week, albeit for a whopping $5.58. I am planning to spend
every damn bit of it in tip jars for local bands.

Will the circle be unbroken.

Thanks to all our radio folks on P2. We who play whether for fun or profit
appreciate your support.


Re: Global Media/Twangcast

1999-02-02 Thread NancyApple

In a message dated 2/3/99 1:11:29 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Presumably, that
waiver is the price they're being asked to pay in order to have access to
potential buyers, bookers, etc.

(This may not be on their web site, I have not looked at it but the guy I know
there told me this)  It is my impression that Global Media has a way in the
works that a person can download certain songs thru them and make custom CD's,
and that artist will be paid from the record sales there on a per song basis.

I have a fax from them that says in order to broadcast a song, they need
"Proof of mechanical rights, Signed waver of copyright holders allowing Global
Media COrp to broadcast specific thracks on internet web site"

I guess, they just don't want to pay to play your song, but will pay if
someone buys it. Is this right? This is how I understood it from Bruce
Paisley. I thought Bruce was an ok guy. I met him when he worked for Dwight
Yoakum years ago, and he seemed ok, but hell, what do I know? 

I also got the impression from Bruce that they were really going to pump up
each artist they play with bios and graphics and all kinds of crap like
that who knows.. I would sure hate for him to turn out to be a big ass

Lets face it, if it turns out to be a crock then it won't be the first time I
ever got screwed. And hell, I look at my music as something I want to share.
If someone wants to bootleg me, more power to 'em. Let karma take care of it
if they make a lot of dough and I end up eating peanut butter the rest of my
life. Yes, I like and need to be paid, but I am the kind that would stand out
on a corner on Beale and play for nothin just to be playing. 

It's great that many of the "hip cool public commercial free radio stations"
play our stuff, but not all of them are hip enough like Mike to report it.

Long live Mike 
Long live Mike 
Long live Twangcast.