PowerMail folder

2005-12-22 Thread Chris Walker

Hi all,

I'm in the process of moving all my apps to a new machine and am doing
this by a clean install rather than the migrations assistant.

Installing PM5 I open the .dmg and the disk mounts.  When I move the
PowerMail folder over to the Hard drive it becomes PowerMail.1  In fact
it is on the PM disk as PowerMail.1  No matter what I do the .1 remains
although there are no other Powermail folders.

Why is it doing this?



Re: And now for something new...FoxTrot Personal Search

2005-08-29 Thread Chris Walker

Hi Nick: 


Look in the Foctrot folder where you'll find a webloc (Order at a special
price)  which connects you to Kagi.



Re: And now for something new...FoxTrot Personal Search

2005-08-29 Thread Chris Walker

On 28/8/05 PowerMail info wrote: 

>Today, we are pleased to serve our loyal PowerMail user base with a
>preview of FoxTrot Personal Search, a new product that brings fast and
>focused find-by content to Mac OS X 10.4, 10.3 and 10.2 users.
Works well and I'll order mine in a few minutes.  What I find most
interesting is the development of a Windows version.  Does this mean we
are likely to see a Windows PowerMail, particularly with the move to MacTel?



Re: 5.2 Spinning Beachball

2005-06-06 Thread Chris Walker

On 5/6/05 Richard Hart wrote: 

>PM 5.2 works fine for 4 or 5 days. Then, every action begins with a
>spinning beach ball for a few seconds. Then a spinning beach ball for a
>few minutes. Eventually, the beach ball spins forever. The database
>becomes unreadable.
This has started to happen for me also, although mostly when retrieving/
sending mail.

I'm wondering whether to go back to my 5.1 version in case my Db gets

PMac G4/400 OS 10.3.9 704Mb Ram


>I had this identical experience on an iMac, a Dual 2GHz G5, a 733MHz G4,
>and a new iBook. The first uses a dial-up connection, the next two a DSL
>router, and the fourth a wireless connection. The only common link is
>that they are all using OS 10.3.9.
>I have reverted them all to PM 5.1, and they are working fine, using a
>backup of the 5.1 version of the databases.
>However, the 5.2 databases appear to be unrecoverable.
>Richard Hart

Re: Microsoft Exchange

2004-12-28 Thread Chris Walker

On 28/12/04 Mikael Byström wrote:

>Are there any known limitations using PowerMail with Microsoft Exchange
>servers? Especially concerning email use only (Pop, IMAP and SMTP). If
>PowerMail do have any limitations, are there any third party programs
>that can work as intermediaries?
When I tried it with the University's Exchange Server it worked OK for
getting mail.  Unfortunately I was unable to check the send function as
this is disabled for remote access services - you have to use webmail.
It's all to do with possible virus transmission apparently. AFAIK you
can't synchronise your contacts/diary and so on without using Entourage.

I did get Entourage Vx working via a VPN and this does do full sync as it
should, although in my case send mail is still disabled at the server end.


Re: Compact Indexes won't work

2004-11-28 Thread Chris Walker

On 27/11/04 Frank Mitchell wrote: 

>Then, while I was reading today's mail, I was surprised by the following
>"The search index needs to be sorted and optimized before it can be used,
>and this may take a while. Do you want to do it now?"
>There were two buttons - "Later" and "Do It Now". I clicked on "Do It
>Now" - the message disappeared but nothing else happened !!
This happened recently to me with 5.0.2 build 4324 on OS 10.3.6.  I
wasn't sure what was going on, but since we had just had a power failure
quit and restarted PM with cmnd+option and ticked all the checkboxes.  At
least so far, I've not seen the msg again.


Re: Browser Preferences & PowerMail

2004-11-26 Thread Chris Walker

On 26/11/04 Jon Buscall wrote: 

>I've gone through my system preferences and tried to set Safari as
>default but to no avail. 

Look in:  Safari Preferences -> General -> Default Web Browser 



PMail and Entourage

2004-10-04 Thread Chris Walker

Hi all,

This has probably been asked before but does anyone know how to get mail
from Entourage into PMail?  



Re: Msg Encoding

2004-09-27 Thread Chris Walker

Hi Jérôme:

>It looks like the problem is on the sender part; if the message does not
>contain chinese, he should not use a chinese charset to send it...

Er thanks, but it was me that sent it..  The recipient found that it
was mangled.

On my machine the encoding is set to Language US/Western Europe;
charset=US-ASCII (ISO-8859-1)

What seems to have happened is that a rogue character in the msg body - I
had copied a Perl script which somehow acquired the character - caused PM
to switch to Big5 (traditional chinese).  This is surprising behaviour,
since I thought it would have ignored the character, left a blank or done
a substitution.

If you wish I can send you the full msg.



Msg Encoding

2004-09-26 Thread Chris Walker

Hi all,

I am having some problems with msgs being received in a mangled form. 
Whilst the particular instance was some Perl code that I placed in the
body of the msg it appears that the msgs are being received with the
following format

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Big5
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

The character set I have in the prefs is for ISO-8859-1 with language
family as US/Western Europe.  I am told that the charset Big5 is
traditional Chinese so I am at a loss to explain how this happens.

Under the Mail menu the charset is listed as 'default' - presumably
whatever is set in the prefs.

Can anyone explain the apparent inconsistencies?  



Re: Setup Database

2004-08-05 Thread Chris Walker

Hi all,

I too have received MailSword spam but I have also received the one below
which makes it look as if the recipient replied to it with the code 9188
as requested.

This guy needs a slap and if he is a list member should be removed from
the list.

A response from CTM as to what they are doing about it might be helpful.

Incidentally I don't use .mac so maybe the problem is not with that.


On 4/8/04 Midi Cox wrote:

>[EMAIL PROTECTED] caused electrons to hula in cyberspace with:
>>Re: Your email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>*** Attention ! ***
>>Pour que le destinataire de votre email ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) soit
>>belle et bien avertit de celui-ci:
>>Veuillez confirmer par retour d'email (Bouton "Répondre") en indiquant
>>sur la première ligne le code ci-dessous.
>>Votre réponse devra être faite dans les 15 jours, sans quoi votre
>>correspondant n'aura jamais accès à votre message.
>>*** Attention! ***
>>In order to complete delivery of your email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>please reply on this message by typing the following passcode
>>on the first line.
>>Please reply within 15 days to avoid automatic deletion
>>of your original email. Keep this text in your reply.
>>-- MailSword 1.61 --
>>MailSword_Verify: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>MailSword_Original_Message_Id: 5Np!!:']!!MPO"!jK0!!
>>MailSword_Local_Message_Id: ##
>>-- Original Message
>>Mon, 19 Jul 2004 09:26:53 -0700
>>Subject: Setup Database
>>-- End of Original Message
>>Delivery of the above message is on hold pending your response.
>>Simply by typing the correct passcode and by replying on this
>>notification you'll complete the delivery of your original email.
>>This step is required to avoid unwanted mass emails.
>>This automatic response is generated by the MailSword.
>>MailSword software provides free protection for email users
>>Protected by MailSword. "Spam Ends Here"
>>FREE download at:  http://www.mailsword.com

Re: OT: HTML vs Rich text

2004-08-04 Thread Chris Walker

Hi all,

This is something that I have always thought would be a halfway house
between those wanting some form of formatting - bold, underline etc and
those who want the full HTML gamut of pictures and fancy fonts.

I've never quite understood why mail clients in general do not use a
limited RTF interpreter as a probably more secure, alternative to HTML.



Re: database corruption issues?

2004-07-02 Thread Chris Walker

On 2/7/04 Dr Dave wrote: 

>In the past, I have heard a number of reports of powermail database
PM moved to a new database engine some time ago and it may be that these
reports relate to the earlier version.  For myself I have never
experienced any problems (and I've been using it since version 3) but I'm
not a particularly heavy user compared to others.



Re: My PowerMail adventure with HTML

2004-07-02 Thread Chris Walker

On 2/7/04 cheshirekat wrote: 

>I don't understand why PowerMail handles some HTML messages as separate
>documents (attachments) while others appear to be absorbed by PM. I have
>a message I received today that PM can display in my browser, but I can
>not locate it on my hard drive anywhere in my PowerMail Files or
>Preferences and the other usual suspects. 
this has just happened to me.  I have a msg which shows as html in the PM
browser.  double click and it appears as perfect text in the msg window.
 Like you I cannot find any attachment and yet others show as a blank
page unless you open the msg in Safari.

I tend to toss most HTML since it is virtually all spam, but occasionally
I have to deal with it.  An ideal would be if PM could automatically
strip the tags and display it as plain text - or at least give us the option.



Re: More AppleScripts

2004-07-01 Thread Chris Walker

On 30/6/04 cheshirekat wrote: 

>I was hoping to just
>use Apple's HomePage, but it looked lousy.

Give Freeway a try:  http://www.softpress.com  The Express version is
relatively cheap, although if you are doing complex sites go for the Pro



Re: PM and Little Snitch

2004-06-04 Thread Chris Walker

On 3/6/04 listes wrote: 

>did you check in snitch that you allowed PM forever *and for any
>server*? (you can see this on the snitch control panel rather than
>trashing all its prefs file)
Since my post I have tracked down the problem to a change in my ISPs
servers.  Coincidentally they have been using an extended range of IP
addresses probably as a result of increased server capacity.

At the moment I have been adding these to Snitch as they appear, but I
will look at your suggestion to use 'any server' which is obviously a
simpler method of doing it.

Thanks for the help.


PM and Little Snitch

2004-06-03 Thread Chris Walker

Hi all,

I'm not sure if this is a PM problem.  for some reason Little Snitch will
not remember to allow PM sending mail via SMTP.  Even though I allow it
forever, after quitting PM it forgets and asks again.  It only does this
with sending Mail and not with the POP3 port.  I've trashed Snitch's
prefs but it still persists.  

Since I have not noticed this with any other app, or with PM4 I can only
assume it is a PM5 problem.  The only other thing I can think of is that
it's related to 10.3.4 to which I recently updated.

Anybody else noticed this?  BTW I've done the usual maintenance stuff via
Onyx (permissions, cache clearances and so on)


PMac G4/400  448Mb Ram  OSX 10.3.4

Reply Windows

2004-05-30 Thread Chris Walker

Hi all,

Just moved to PM 5 and am generally pleased with the new layout.

However, if I have a msg window open and click reply the initial msg
disappears behind the mail browser leaving the reply in front.  In PM4
both stayed in front of the mail browser so that I can send the reply and
then close the initial msg without having to fetch it to the front.

I find the change is rather irritating.  Is there any way I can revert to
the old style behaviour?



Re: Paying for 5.0

2004-05-23 Thread Chris Walker

On 22/5/04 Tom Miller wrote: 

>My CapitalOne credit card was charged for PM5.0 yesterday and CapitalOne
>denied me use of my credit card today because they thought the charge was
I have had this happen to me although not with CapitalOne.  However in my
case the card company phoned me to query a couple of transactions before
they did anything.  With the prevalence of identity theft, I think it is
something we will increasingly have to get used to.


Executable file attachments

2004-05-17 Thread Chris Walker

Hi all,

The recent claims/counter claims over the possibility of an MP3 trojan,
made me wonder whether PM (4 or 5) allows executable attachments ( =
.app) to execute from a double click on the icon at the bottom of the
browser window.  Alternatively would it flag up a warning allowing the
user to bail out of anything suspicious?

I ask this out of curiosity, since I am very wary of unsolicited
attachments and generally bin them straight off.



Re: PM and Spelling

2004-03-29 Thread Chris Walker

On 29/3/04 Marlyse Comte wrote: 

>Does Cocoaspell show up in your System preferences? Do you have libraries
>(i.e. language(s) installed?

Thanks Marlyse that was it, there was no dictionary installed.  Not sure
why, but there we are.  It now seems to work OK, thanks to all who helped.



Re: PM and Spelling

2004-03-29 Thread Chris Walker

On 29/3/04 Rick Lecoat wrote: 

>Hiro's key code may be specific to japanese keyboards; on my UK layout
>the keycode to invoke OSX's inbuilt spell check is Cmd-; (*ie. Apple +
>semicolon). No shift.
Thanks Rick.  That one does flag up the spelling errors but still no
suggestions as to replacements.  

I have Fruit Menu installed and I gather that some of the Unsanity Haxies
can cause problems, but I would not have thought that it would interfere
with the spell check.



Re: PM and Spelling

2004-03-29 Thread Chris Walker

On 29/3/04 A-NO-NE Music wrote: 

thanks for this:-

But, it does nothing at all :-)


PM and Spelling

2004-03-29 Thread Chris Walker

Hi all,

Can anyone tell me how to set up Cocoaspell with PM?  At the moment it
seems to work in the background and flags up errors but does not offer
any suggestions for corrections. 

If I use PM  prefs to set up spelling as an external application then I
am unable to find either CocoaSpell or Aspell, neither can I set up any
spelling prefs.



PM4.1.2  X 10.3.3

Re: PowerMail Salvage

2004-03-26 Thread Chris Walker

On 25/3/04 Scott Wherry wrote: 

>I was a devoted PowerMail user for three years and [.]  Last summer
PowerMail and CTM let me down, 
>What good is an email package that you can't trust?

Since you were using PM for three years and Apple Mail for 'almost a
year', what makes you think you can trust Apple Mail any more than you can PM?

Same rule applys to all data; backup, backup and then to be safe backup
again. I'm as lax at doing it as everyone else and it's the one time you
don't that catches you out.  At least with PM you know PowerMail Salvage
is available, I've certainly not heard of anything similar for Apple Mail.



Multiple Accounts

2003-11-26 Thread Chris Walker

Hi all,

I've recently opened an additonal POP3 email ccount whilst keeping the
existing one, both of which will be in use.   Will PM automatically check
ALL accounts when I hit the connect button, or do I have to check each
one separately?



Re: total messages in my database

2003-11-24 Thread Chris Walker

On 24/11/03 PowerMail Engineering wrote: 

>No direct way, but you can search for all messages whose date received is
>older than 0 day. You will get a flat list of all your messages.
There is an Applescript, "Count my Messages" which will do it for you. 
It works on 9 - don't know about X.  I should think it's on the PM
scripts site.


Re(4): Need help finding features/functions

2003-11-24 Thread Chris Walker

On 23/11/03 Wayne Brissette wrote: 

>User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC; en-US; rv:1.0.2) Gecko/
>20030208 Netscape/7.02

But if the sender and the receiver allowed no limit on the line length
would the same have happened?  In other words is it PM that chops the
line length on receipt, or does it happen somewhere in between?  Or
possibly both?

Personally I'm all for the PM way of doing things.  Once everyone starts
having their own 'standard' the whole thing falls down.



Re: New Window Position

2003-11-20 Thread Chris Walker

On 19/11/03 cheshirekat wrote: 

>I agree that PowerMail would be more useful if the window position would
>have a preset default instead of having a default that changes as the
>user is using the application. PowerMail's implementation forces the user
>to constantly need to be aware that each time they move a window, they
>are setting a new default window position.

Just to show you can't please everybody, I have to say that I prefer it
as it is, since I like to set the default positions as I want them not as
someone else tells me.  Smacks of M$ that does, although if the default
could be toggled to 'forced position or free' it wouldn't matter.

I usually have the mail browser (3 pane view) open and the control bar
(the one with icons for send, reply and so on) open, and the one thing I
find irritating when using PM in X is that minimising the browser window
(send to dock) leaves the control bar still in position.  OK, so I can
use cmnd-H and do it that way, but is there any way that both windows
could be linked so that the buttons on the browser window controlled both
windows simultaneously?  Alternatively does anyone know of another workround?

I suspect it is not possible because of limitations in X, but I certainly
think it would be useful.  It would in a future release, be possible to
combine both into one window but this would require major programming
effort and would not be to everyones liking.



Re: Netscape & PM

2003-11-11 Thread Chris Walker

On 11/11/03 Tim Hodgson wrote: 

>More than that, surely you shouldn't need to have Mail or Safari
>installed at all; that's the bit that really seems MS-like to me.
I agree, but if the defaults were easily changeable within System Prefs
it wouldn't matter.  The machines could ship with Safari and Apple Mail
as default for Joe public who wants it to work straight out of the box. 
The rest of us could install what we liked and easily alter the prefs -
it's the fact that you have to burrow in apple mail (and even worse set
it up first) to alter it that is M$ like.


Re: Netscape & PM

2003-11-11 Thread Chris Walker

On 11/11/03 Scott at HobbyLink Japan wrote: 

>>Internet Preferences -- Finally, I want to point to a bit of
>>reorganization that has prompted several people I know to scratch their
>>heads. Under Jaguar, you could change the default Web browser and email
>>client by going to the Internet preference pane. In Panther, however, the
>>Internet preference pane is replaced by the .Mac preference pane.

Frankly I think we should lobby Apple (in the nicest possible way :-)) to
alter this M$ like behaviour in the next release and bring the default
mail and browser settings back under system prefs.  You really should not
have to burrow into Apple's mail or Safari to change them.

I know the argument is that the average Joe and Jane public could not
care less and simply want it to work out of the box, but they should make
it easier to change for those of us who like PM or want to use Camino,
Opera or whatever.


Re: Filtering HTML mail?

2003-09-16 Thread Chris Walker

On 16/9/03 Wayne Brissette wrote: 

>>What I found works better is setup the filter to ANY Field contains HTML
>>-- This seems to work more reliably for me. 
You could try ANY field contains HTML AND from is not in address book.

This seems to work OK.

I have noticed though, that the spammers are using plain text rather more


Re: searching/filtering does not work in HTML mails

2003-09-07 Thread Chris Walker

On 7/9/03 Gregor Schmidpeter wrote: 

>Why not? How should I filter those html mails? Wouldn't it be a nice
>feature anyway to make a filter with "any mail which contains html"?
I'm assuming that you are trying to remove spam.

The filter I use is: OTHER FIELD Content-type CONTAINS text/html
FROM is not in address book
If all conditions are met: Move to trash

I do have friends who persist in sending HTML, so the address book line
is to save these msgs going to trash.

Can't help you regarding searching in the content for html.



Re: YAY!!

2003-09-07 Thread Chris Walker

On 7/9/03 John Snippe wrote: 
>Is anyone using this FM database?  If I export a VERY simple email
>message, I can get it to work, but any real email will hose the attempt
>to do so.  The tabbing seems to be the difficulty.
Don't know if you are using classic or x but the same probably applies to
both.  The only thing I can think of is that when trying to import to
FileMaker, when navigating to the file to import, in the navigation
window, 'show files of type tabbed text' rather than 'all useable'  (or
whatever).  Then do the import.  When I did this everything imported OK.



Hebrew Support

2003-09-07 Thread Chris Walker

Hi all,

Can someone tell me if PM 4.2 supports Hebrew in either the classic or X



4.2b6/fc Search error

2003-08-25 Thread Chris Walker

Hi all,

This is the first time I have tried the 4.2beta and after updating the
dbase and so on tried a search with the new search mechanism with the
following error:

An indexing error occurred (index)  Class Q1E  what=12   when = 34 (index)

The search was for something I knew was there, simply as a means of
assessing the  speed and accuracy of the new engine.

Another search for subject containing 'urban history' produced a nil
response even though there are several msgs with that in the subject line.

Not a promising start

MacOS 9.2.2 Int  PMail mem = 16512min,  26512 preferred:  PMac G4/400



Re: list archive, emailer import

2003-07-06 Thread Chris Walker

On 5/7/03 James Pistrang wrote: 

>2) I'm evaluating PowerMail 4.1.3, and I just tried importing my Emailer
>database.  .
>Is there a (relatively) fast way to move my mail archives from Emailer to
I may be wrong, but if it's the evaluation copy of PM you are using (IE
unregistered), I think it will only hold up to 200msgs.  This is way
below what you will have in Claris emailer so any import process will
fall over when the  limit is reached.  Might be worth checking this
before you get too far.


Re: Safari rendering?

2003-06-25 Thread Chris Walker

Hi Rick: 

>could you tell us what criteria you use for reliably identifying HTML
>mails via Filters? I'd love to know.

Other field Content-Type contains text/html  AND from is not in address book

This does seem to work for me since virtually all of my correspondents
use text only, so this also works as a spam filter.  Where I do get
problems is with multipart/mixed, multipart/alternative and variations
thereof.  Not sure how these multipart msgs are formed, unless its a
byproduct of MIME encoding.  For these I use similar criteria to the
above except content type contains multipart/whatever.

These filters come immediately after my 'normal' filters which sort
mailing list stuff and so on.

Millennium wrote: 

>It would be 
>nice if a only certain subset of HTML could be supported (B, I, A, and 
>maybe a small subset of CSS; no tables, images, objects, or positioning 
Much as that seems a good idea I doubt it will ever happen...

G4/400 OS 9.2.2 Intl

Re: Safari rendering?

2003-06-24 Thread Chris Walker

On 24/6/03 Ben Kennedy wrote: 

>So in theory, with some tweaks, PM could begin
>supporting sane HTML rendering on 10.2 starting today.

Fair enough if the Safari engine gives better HTML rendering, but please
let there be an option to switch off HTML and leave PM just like it is
now.  Most of the spam I receive is HTML and I just filter it to the
trash unless the sender is in my address book.


Re: A lot of work

2003-06-22 Thread Chris Walker

On 21/6/03 Barbara Needham wrote: 

>Under Set-up, text clippings you write and "store" them there. Name them
>something in the description that will remind you exactly what that
>clipping is, because that is what you will see when you click on the
>above mentioned icon.
Thanks Barbara - I should have looked a bit harder :-)

>I don't know exactly where in PM they are stored, as far as file
>structure goes.
Must be hidden in one of the PM databases.  Perhaps Jerome or someone
from CTM could enlighten us.


Re: A lot of work

2003-06-21 Thread Chris Walker

On 20/6/03 Rick Lecoat wrote: 

>Oh, just a thought though: do you know that there is that little icon
>near the top left of any message being composed (as opposed to a received
>one) that displays a list of all your text clippings, ready for
>selection? If you, by chance, hadn't stumbled across that then I would
>quite understand you not thinking that text clippings are very useful.
I must admit tht I hadn't previously found a use for text clippings but
your reference to them is very useful.  Just one point - where are the
clippings stored?  I've tried moving some around in the PM Files folder
but it new msgs don't pick them up.

PMac 400 Mainly OS9.2.2  Sometimes X 10.2.6
Eagerly awaiting the new G5s

Re: Filter Problems

2003-06-16 Thread Chris Walker

On 14/6/03 Rick Lecoat wrote: 

>..In this actions area there is checkbox called "Stop
>applying filters to this message". If this is checked then the message
>will stop at that filter and go no further down the line. .

Thanks Rick and Mathias.  Using the 'Stop applying filters' checkbox
seems to have solved the problem.


Filter Problems

2003-06-14 Thread Chris Walker

Hi all,

Another problem, this time with filters.  Correct me if I'm wrong but on
incoming mail, filters are taken in turn.  To me at least this means that
if the first filter says 'dump this in a particular folder (eg PMail
Discuss), that action is carried out and subsequent filters should have
no effect.

In my case my list filters are first in line.  The PM filter is set to:
IF  'Reply to', 'Sender' or 'to' contain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
then, if ANY condition is met, place the msg in the PMail discuss folder.
 For some reason this does not always work and clearly some of the later
filters designed to dump spam in the trash are operating and some of the
list stuff ends up in the trash.  This problem is not confined to the PM list.

The only reason I can think of is that PM checks the first condition on
each filter and then moves to the filter rather than checking all
conditions in the filter and then moving on to the next.  

I should add that later filters automatically dump any HTML stuff in the
trash and others are set to deal with multipart msgs in the same way
unless the sender is in the address book.  I keep a small group in the
address book to allow some of this, a lot of which comes from windows users.

Some of this i suspect is caused by he way some listservers work.
'Sender' is sometimes the msg originator, although 'Reply to' is usually
to the list address.  This does seem to vary, probably depending on the
software the server uses.

Any ideas, comments etc?  


PM 4.1.3 OS 9.2.2 

Re: Address Book problem

2003-06-13 Thread Chris Walker

On 13/6/03 Bob Moody wrote: 

>These are addresses that you received mail FROM in the past several
>weeks.  PowerMail keeps up with these, just in case you should want to
>send a reply after you think of something to say.  Every so often
>PowerMail purges this list of old ones.  

Thanks Bob, I've just found it in the prefs!  I'm pretty new to PM 4.1.3,
having used 3.1.3 up until recently and hadn't noticed the change.



Address Book problem

2003-06-13 Thread Chris Walker

Hi all,

I have just found a problem with my address book.  For some reason I have
aquired a load of addresses which are all prefixed with the @ symbol. 
These are invisible within the address book and mainly seem to be from my
lists, although some of them are from spammers, judging from the random
letters in the address.

Any ideas on: 
how this may have happened, and,
more importantly - how can I get rid of them since they are not obviously
in the address book.

I should add that I have Virex and that has not thrown up any probs. 
Some of the spam stuff does hide codes in the html, but I thought PM
should be immune to this.

OS9.2.2 Int: PM4.1.3  PMac G4/400 448Mb

Re: Backing up

2003-03-11 Thread Chris Walker

On 10/3/03 Barbara Needham wrote: 

>I do find it works better folder by folder than doing the whole thing at
>once, but I do that sometimes also.
Doing it folder by folder (at least for me with OS9) means the 'linkage'
for some of the contextual menu items is lost.  EG ctrl-click on msg and
'find reply' doesn't work after re-importing the folders.  I got caught
by that after I had a problem with the mail database and exported all the
mails folder by folder and re-imported them into a clean database. 
Totally forgot you could export the whole thing.  By the time I realised
what had happened the original (problematic) database had gone to the
trash can.


Re: Database Export

2003-02-25 Thread Chris Walker

Dear Christian:

>this is because only the PM Exchange format supports exporting the DB in
>one single file. 

Thanks!  I thought it might be something like that.


Database Export

2003-02-25 Thread Chris Walker

Hi all,

For the first time I want to export my entire mail database File-
Database- export and notice that the only export format available is
PowerMail Exchange.  All the other buttons are greyed out.

Is this normal?  Since it's the first time I've wanted to do it I don't
know if it is, or if I have a problem.



Re: Looking for a home...

2003-02-12 Thread Chris Walker

On 11/2/03 Wayne Brissette wrote: 

>So far it seems most want CTM to
>host them and that is a wonderful thing. Again, like you, I urge CTM to
>be careful because people will want support for these AppleScript files.
>The nice thing about hosting them on a third party site is that support
>is not generally expected. 

Why not host them on a third party site and get CTM to provide a link
from their "support" page.  They could make it a feature together with
advertising this list.  Some time ago this worked for Nisus where many
users contributed macros.  Kirk McElhearn ran the "Nisus Corral" where
the macros were kept.  All support was done by Nisus list members.  Just
occasionally a Nisus staffer might intervene on the list to contribute
technical advice, but this was neither solicited nor expected.  

This way the scripts get advertised without CTM having to deal with
support issues.  If CTM are prepared to revamp their support page to give
prominence to the list and the script collection, and third parties are
prepared to host the scripts, everybody wins.

