Re: Test msg

2008-12-31 Thread Dave N
I guess that even with a brand new PowerMail 6 version this month, there
is not much talk about it.
Maybe that means that it is working so well that there is nothing to
talk about? ;-)
Or maybe it means something else?

in reply to (, Chris's message of 12:08 AM, 12/30/08

Can someone reply to this test msg please.  I've not been getting
anything from the list since well before the holidays.

Re: Importing messages from Eudora 6

2008-12-19 Thread Dave N
Hi, I'm not sure what happened in your case, but the best mail converter
is called Emailchemy from Not free, but far faster and
better than anything else out there. It can read the native db format of
several major email programs and convert between pretty much any email
system. I recommend it highly. It has a free demo mode, that works, but
obscures the message subject lines.

in reply to (, Tobias Jung's message of 3:36 AM,


currently I'm testing PowerMail to see if it's going to be my next
email client.
Yesterday I imported an Eudora 6.x mailbox file containing about 380
messages. Many messages were imported fine, but 92 message show no
content at all in PM 6. I can see the headers but the full body text
is lost.

This is not just a matter of display, I exported the mail folder in
question then from PM using mbox format and opened the resulting file
with a text editor: Body text is missing there, too.
Moreover, some of those messages are displayed in PM with a 0 K
size while other claim to have enormous sizes, such as 2 GB. As far
as I can tell, most (maybe all) of the messages were sent by
Microsoft Outlook using HTML format.

Is this a known issue? Is there a way to avoid this?

Kind regards,
Tobias Jung

Re: Retrieving a password

2008-12-07 Thread Dave N
Another way is to run EavesDrop and let it sniff your network traffic
for a minute or so while you check for email. This works well if your
password is being sent as plain text. Also useful for regaining your own
FTP passwords.

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), John Brave's message of 7:44 AM, 12/5/08

#1 - I have a gmail account and I forgot the password. The only place
that has the correct password is my powermail settings. How can I
retrieve my password from powermail in order to log in to gmail and
change some of the settings there?


2008-11-20 Thread Dave N
Just checking to see if the list is working. I haven't seen any new
emails since 11/5/08, and this seems especially odd since there is also
n new PowerMail version 6.

Re: PM6 hopes.. was:: reason for HTML-only?

2008-08-26 Thread Dave N
Please add to my list of Hopes for PM6:
 * Ability to highlight  copy text in a html message.

Dave N

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Dave N's message of 10:40 AM, 8/24/08

Since I have (finally) started to use the 3 pane view, I noticed that PM
doesn't allow you to edit unsent emails in the 3rd pane. Even if you
save an email  reopen it in the 3rd pane later, you may view, but not
edit there. Sort of odd that you must open the unsent email in a
separate window to work on it. This is a minor complaint, but one easily
fixed in PM6 perhaps.

Along with the usual feature requests of:
*Normal Printing (with a print dialog box, message headers, choice of
html or text versions, etc)
* the infamous html issues
* Find/Replace function in the email being edited.
* Smart folders (saved searches)
* Pop-up menu to file incoming emails AND outgoing emails.
* More choices of toolbar functions.
* Lift the 2 gb db limit.
* Even more robust Filter criteria, to include IF this AND that, OR IF
the other thing, then...
* Continued support for the existing great features of PM for Power users.

 Dave N

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Bill Schjelderup's message of 9:54
AM, 8/24/08

I sure hope Powermail v6 is a real product and not vaporwareand that
one of it's major enhancements is better integration of HTML email.

Re: PM6 hopes.. was:: reason for HTML-only?

2008-08-24 Thread Dave N
Since I have (finally) started to use the 3 pane view, I noticed that PM
doesn't allow you to edit unsent emails in the 3rd pane. Even if you
save an email  reopen it in the 3rd pane later, you may view, but not
edit there. Sort of odd that you must open the unsent email in a
separate window to work on it. This is a minor complaint, but one easily
fixed in PM6 perhaps.

Along with the usual feature requests of:
*Normal Printing (with a print dialog box, message headers, choice of
html or text versions, etc)
* the infamous html issues
* Find/Replace function in the email being edited.
* Smart folders (saved searches)
* Pop-up menu to file incoming emails AND outgoing emails.
* More choices of toolbar functions.
* Lift the 2 gb db limit.
* Even more robust Filter criteria, to include IF this AND that, OR IF
the other thing, then...
* Continued support for the existing great features of PM for Power users.

 Dave N

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Bill Schjelderup's message of 9:54
AM, 8/24/08

I sure hope Powermail v6 is a real product and not vaporwareand that
one of it's major enhancements is better integration of HTML email.

Re: reason for HTML-only?

2008-08-22 Thread Dave N
I don't know, but I'm getting a lot of those. Some look like almost
blank in Powermail, and I have to use Apple Mail to view them. It's
getting harder to stick with PM now.

CTM: Please hurry up with v 6! We need some important features, like
being able to forward an (html) email without ruining it. And printing
that works as expected. And a Find/Replace function.


in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), MB's message of 7:19 AM, 8/21/08

Do anyone here have clue on what possible reasons there could be to
choosing to send HTML-only messages, instead of mixed messages without a
pure text part as well?

Re: HTML mail comparison PM vs AM

2008-06-20 Thread Dave N
Hi Jérôme,
Thanks for the explanation. It always helps to understand the problem.

Whether we all like it or not, html mail is becoming more common, not
less. So let's look forward to a solution.

Would it be possible to let Webkit provide the services to view the html
message within PowerMail? Could the complex message be assembled on the
fly when there is a request to view a certain complex message? So maybe
it would not be necessary to change the PM db structure, and still
provide more robust viewing of html messages.

This might also be helpful when the PowerMail user wants to reply to a
blank message with html attachment, so the message text could be quoted
(as plain text, or even, Gasp! in it's original format). That would be a
labor-saving advancement.

When I receive one of these html messages (as an attachment) I generally
open the html attachment with Safari or FireFox, copy the text and run
the script Replace Message Text with Clipboard to put this text into
the received incoming message.  Then I can delete the html attachment.

If the incoming message displayed any text at all, then I add a step:
after copying the text from the web browser, I paste it into
TextWrangler, copy any text from the PM message, paste into Text
Wrangler to assemble the entire desired message to save, then copy  run
that script to put this text into the incoming PM message. Kind of a lot
of busy work that I don't always have time for.

Here is the script for anyone that wants it.
After Unzipping, drop this script into
 ~/Mail/PowerMail Files/Customs Scripts  and restart PM.

Perhaps this could be automated  built into PowerMail?
Or perhaps PowerMail can use Webkit to display the message on request?
Or since AppleMail is scriptable and has a framework, (getting wild
here) maybe PowerMail could send html messages to AppleMail for
processing and return. Or even better, if PowerMail includes a a
converter/html display engine so that PM will still work after Apple
changes something again. None of us would want PM to break just because
Apple changed something (again) in the OS or iApp.

Somehow, there can be a solution.

 Dave N

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), PowerMail Engineering's message of 5:12
AM, 6/20/08

Yes, PowerMail has some limitations when displaying complex messages,
which contain mixed HTML and plain text parts, or multiple HTML parts.
These limitations are not easy to fix: this would require modifying how
messages are saved in PowerMail's database, and combining multiple parts
in a single HTML view can produce unexpected results, depending on how
the HTML parts are designed. We chose to handle these messages as if the
HTML parts were attachments, so you can display them individually in the
web browser. Also, although these messages are valid regarding the MIME
standard, it is normally the job of the sending email client to format
complex messages in a unique HTML part, rather than the receiving email
client to handle multiple HTML or HTML+text parts.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

HTML mail comparison PM vs AM

2008-06-19 Thread Dave N
Ok, this html mail thing is getting more annoying all the time. Even if
I want to push the globe button in PowerMail, it is not always there
because PowerMail does not always notice the message is in HTML format.

Look at the difference between the 2 programs viewing the SAME EXACT EMAIL.
PowerMail shows me a totally blank message with a html attachment, with
no provision for viewing the message. It's just blank. Lame.

AppleMail shows me the message so I can read it. Obviously this is possible.

I'm starting to see more of this kind of problem, and CTM really needs
to do something about it. Or else PM will be an impediment to communication.

Here are the screen photos. See the difference?

I still prefer sending plain text emails. But I've gotten used to having
a powerful email client (PM of course) that does things right. However,
it seems the world is still advancing, and now PM needs to catch up.

Like any tough love, I wouldn't spend the time to bring this up if I
didn't care. Here's hope for the future, and hope that the future
includes an updated, more powerful version of PowerMail.

 Dave N

Re: Review of Power Mail

2008-06-12 Thread Dave N
Well the Claris Emailer Talk list is/was like that too! :-)
What does that mean?!

Dave N

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Tim Hodgson's message of 6:52 AM, 6/12/08

I don't think I've come across a mailing list before where so many of
its members are no longer using the app under discussion.

Review of Power Mail in new MacWorld magazine

2008-06-10 Thread Dave N

Review of PowerMail in new July 2008 MacWorld magazine

And PowerMail didn't do well. It got only 2.5 Mice out of 5, to earn
last place after
 Apple Mail,
 Yahoo Mail
 Outspring Mail

Full Reviews:

Re: pwmail 6: i wish

2008-04-23 Thread Dave N
I wish that when in the Recent Mail window that I could double-click
the Folder name to open a new window showing that folder with this
message highlighted so I could follow the thread. (Or just see the other
related messages easily)

I wish that PM would let me choose which folder to search in the search
box, instead of making me leave the search window to click on the folder
I want to search, then return to the search window to perform the search.

I wish that the command-f for Find would allow a search of the current
message instead of all messages except the very one I am working on.

I wish that PM had a Find/Replace text function. Consider that we spend
far more time in PM than in any word processor. We need decent text
editing functions.

I wish that PM could auto-correct the spelling mistakes I make most
often, like don;t when I mean to type don't.

I wish PM could print emails as you might expect from any Mac
application. That is; by showing the Print dialog box first, and
including the To/From/Subject/Date portion of the message (even if that
message was viewed as html).

I wish that PM could forward a html message without losing the html.

I wish that PM could file read messages in a Read folder after reading
them. (without needing to quit PM).

I wish PM supported smart folders (like iTunes).

I wish that more menu commands were available as toolbar icons,
especially view long/short headers.

I wish a right-click (or control-click) pop up menu in list views would
let us file messages in folders, apply colored labels, and mark as spam/
not spam.

I wish that in List view, we could see not only the sender's name, but
their email address too.

I wish there was a toolbar pull down menu for filing in folders, just
like the single message view does.

I wish that in single message view the File-Folders-new Folder was not

I wish that PM supported making new ToolBar icons to run AppleScripts.

I wish there was a toolbar button for Show Raw Message Source.
Especially in this age of rouge emails. (Yes I know of  use an
AppleScript for that).

I wish that there could be different font sizes for reading  composing
vs printing.

I wish that the spellchecker worked in the subject line.

I wish that PM could display quote marks ' and  instead of 1, 2  3 for
messages sent from MS clients.

I wish that PM message filters were as powerful as Claris Emailer was.
If this  this but not that, then do something. PM only offers to
perform the result If all conditions are met, or if any condition is met.

I wish there could be keyboard commands for the text clippings.

I wish that after marking an open message as Spam, PM would close the

I wish that when viewing a html message that hovering the mouse over a
link would show where that link points to.

I am glad that PowerMail does all that it does. Thank you for that. I do
use it heavily. (Can you tell?)

Dave N

Re: filesalvage powermail database

2008-01-04 Thread Dave N
Data RescueII is King! Give it a try.

In the meantime Stop using that hard drive! You'll just make it less
likely to recover your files.

Hope this helps.

 Dave Nathanson
 Mac Medix

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), DDV's message of 12:59 PM, 1/2/08


does anybody have experience with recovering a powermail database from
an emptied trash? i tried with filesalvage, but this only recognizes
usual file types such as jpgs, word docs, etc. a powermail database
doesn't have any extension (as far as i can tell), which makes it even
more difficult to trace it.
data rescue, any experience?


Problem after syncing PM to AppleAddressBook

2008-01-04 Thread Dave N
After I let PowerMail sync it's address book to the Apple Address Book,
I realized that it inserted unwanted text after each  every PM address
book entry. Most of my email addresses now say work or home after
them. Yuk! This is unexpected, unwanted, and inaccurate!

Even odder, for one or 2 PM addresses, I changed the inaccurate work
to something more sensible such as still good 12/17/07. And that was
copied to Apple Address Book as a field label. I don't feel this is
correct behavior, and I suspect that eventually, field labels made from
comments, which may have slashes, or other odd characters may cause
problems when syncing into a Palm pilot, iPhone, etc.

Is there any way to eliminate all these work labels from my PM address
They are wrong, and I don't want them.

 Dave N

Re: Problem printing html messages

2007-12-18 Thread Dave N
in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Matthias Schmidt's message of 5:42
PM, 12/17/07

Dave said:
In addition, PowerMail will not print the message header info, so I'm
left with just the HTML message body and no printed proof of date or who
it came from/To. Just completely unsatisfactory!

Matthias  said:
open the html in your webbrowser.
You can do so by choosing the little globe on the bottom of the window
and then choose show in webbrowser.
From there you can print the html message. No big deal, always works for me.

Dave says:
So it seems that until CTM fixes this issue we must choose between
printing an email with header info, or printing an email in html view
(some html emails do not include a plain text version), not both.

Most annoying of all is the lack of notice that I will not be allowed to
change printers, nor see a page preview. Just yesterday I was swearing
to myself because I wanted to print one page of an email, but was forced
to waste 5 additional pages of paper  color ink because the print
dialog box does not appear as one might expect. I had wanted to print
only the first page, and print it to the black  white printer. It is my
hope that CTM will address this issue at some point.

 Dave N

Version: 3.1
GCM d(+) s: a+ C++ UM+++ P+ L+ E--- W+++ N+ K w---
M++$ PS+ PE Y+ PGP !R !tv(--) b+ DI D !G(G)
e++ h--- r++ y+++

Problem printing html messages

2007-12-16 Thread Dave N
So I receive a HTML message (a receipt for a purchase), and I want to
print it. I press command p and want to choose the printer, and check
the preview to make sure it is just 1 page

Nope! Can't do it! As I am waiting for the Print Dialog box to show up,
the color printer immediately prints the job! That is Not the printer I
wanted to print to!

I KNOW this has been discussed before, but the problem still exists, and
it's really surprising that when dealing with a HTML message in html
view that PowerMail won't allow a choice of printers, and won't allow a
preview nor saving as a PDF from the print dialog box. Nor will it
allow a choice of which pages to print. All because the Print dialog box
is skipped when printing a html message.

In addition, PowerMail will not print the message header info, so I'm
left with just the HTML message body and no printed proof of date or who
it came from/To. Just completely unsatisfactory!


Re: Did I make a huge mistake here?

2007-11-18 Thread Dave N

My most recent DB is in my Applications folder. 

Why do you prefer to keep it there?

Maybe because that's how Claris EMailer did it?  ;-)

Re: Time Machine and Powermail SuperDuper (Quit PowerMail save open messages)

2007-11-13 Thread Dave N
To make SuperDuper! run a script just prior to backup, 

Open this script in Script Editor and 
save the apple script as an application, 
(also keep a script version just to make sure you can still edit it later). 
It can be saved to any location. 
Then, in SuperDuper, select your source  destination drives and click
the options button. Click Advanced tab and 
X the box for Run a shell script before copy starts; and 
select your script. 
Click OK to exit this window and if you like, 
Schedule this whole operation to happen on a regular basis. 

Hope this helps.

 Dave Nathanson
 Mac Medix

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Dave N's message of 11:25 PM, 11/12/07

The following applescript can be run by SuperDuper just before backup to
Quit PowerMail, and save any open messages. 


set targetApp to PowerMail
tell application System Events
   set processExists to exists process targetApp
end tell

if processExists is true then
   tell application PowerMail
   repeat with i from 1 to (count of windows)
   if window i is modified then
   close window i with saving
   end if
   end try
   end repeat
   end tell
end if

Hope this helps.

 Dave Nathanson
 Mac Medix

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Rick Lecoat's message of 6:32
AM, 11/12/07

Superduper can run a script prior to backup that could deal with the
shutting down of PM,

Re: Time Machine and Powermail SuperDuper (Quit PowerMail save open messages)

2007-11-12 Thread Dave N
The following applescript can be run by SuperDuper just before backup to
Quit PowerMail, and save any open messages. 


set targetApp to PowerMail
tell application System Events
set processExists to exists process targetApp
end tell

if processExists is true then
tell application PowerMail
repeat with i from 1 to (count of windows)
if window i is modified then
close window i with saving
end if
end try
end repeat
end tell
end if

Hope this helps.

 Dave Nathanson
 Mac Medix

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Rick Lecoat's message of 6:32
AM, 11/12/07

Superduper can run a script prior to backup that could deal with the
shutting down of PM,

Combine emails

2007-08-08 Thread Dave N
Does anybody have an applescript that will combine several received
emails into a single Digest suitable for forwarding? 

Basically I want to forward a thread of email list discussion to someone
to catch them up. If I were to do it manually, I would probably Fwd
each email (to preserve short headers) , then select all, copy  paste
that into the new message, add a line of == and repeat until
all selected messages were taken care of in date order. (Oldest on top).

Any suggestions or scripts? 
Or should I just do it manually? 

 Dave N

More problem with printing

2007-05-18 Thread Dave N
If Powermail will not present us with a print dialog box prior to
printing that causes additional problems:

1) It may print to the wrong printer (no option to choose)

2) It prints all pages, rather than just the desired pages.

3) Not possible to print to PDF. 

This in addition to not being able to print the message headers. 


Re: Problem with Printing

2007-05-18 Thread Dave N
I usually use (command p) to print. In some cases, notably the html
messages (as viewed in html mode) I am never presented with  a print
dialog box, even if I command p to print. So it prints without a dialog
box. I feel that is a violation of the UI, unexpected behavior, a bug,
and causes problems. After all there is a dot dot dot after the word
Print in the print... menu. That ... means that there will be another
dialog box. The Print One is also ok, but should not act the same
exact way as the Print... menu item. 

Perhaps this problem is only happening on intel Macs? 

My system:
PowerMail 5.5.3 build 4480  OSX 10.4.8  10.4.9, Intel iMac. 

To replicate problem:
View any message with a html globe at the bottom left. 
  (If necessary; double-click the message so it appears in it's own window). 
Click the little globe to view the message in html mode.
Pull the file menu to Print...  or press command p. 
Note; no print dialog box, but after a short delay the entire email is
printed to the most recently used printer. 

Is it like that for you?

It's also printing way too big (large font) because I like to view them
onscreen larger. There should be separate controls for printing 
viewing sizes. But that is a separate issue. 


in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Ira Lansing's message of 3:07 PM, 5/18/07

Subject: More problem with printing
Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 09:08:10 -0700

If Powermail will not present us with a print dialog box prior to
printing that causes additional problems:

1) It may print to the wrong printer (no option to choose)

2) It prints all pages, rather than just the desired pages.

3) Not possible to print to PDF. 

This in addition to not being able to print the message headers. 


If I understand your issues, PM provides a print dialog if you click and
HOLD the printer icon (or go to FilePrint) and choose Print

Many people like the convenience of immediate printing of the frontmost
e-mail, but I suppose a preference setting to allow which type of
printing takes place would please everyone.


Only prints 1 page (of many)

2007-05-11 Thread Dave N
Ok, so I know there is a problem printing HTML mail, but this is a plain
text mail, and PM refuses to print more than the 1st page of it. PM does
print the message header (good) but absolutely will not print nor
preview pages 2- 4. All I can do is to copy/paste the text into another
program to print. A quick check of other emails shows that I can only
print page 1 of all the emails I checked. I have page set up set to 80%
(also tried 100%), letter size paper, and any printer. Also tried
selecting my laser printer in the PAge Set up, but it doesn't matter,
PowerMail will only print page 1 of any email I try to print. 

Does anyone else have this problem? What can be done? 

PowerMail version: PowerMail version 5.5.3 build 4480 English (intel)
Mac OS version: 10.4.8


Preserving open windows

2007-05-10 Thread Dave N
Is there any way PowerMail can preserve the state of open windows - so
they can still be there when PowerMail is relaunched? 

I usually have a number of open windows; some are search results,
various email list folders, and several messages. It would be a great
feature of those windows were to continue to exist after the program was
quit  launched again. I spend so much of my tine in PowerMail, and it
feels almost like starting all over from a blank slate when all my
working windows are lost. Indeed, I often forget to do something that I
had in process. 


auto-move msg after reading

2007-04-24 Thread Dave N
Hi All,
 Is there a way to auto-move a message into the Read Mail folder after
reading it?  

As I am trying to sell a whole company on PowerMail, this question has
come up several times. These folks used to use Claris Emailer, and moved
the TBird, which I am trying to move them from, partly due to the way
attachments are handled. 

The one person that is trying out PowerMail also wants to print html
messages, including the short message header - Sadly, all I could do for
her was to set her PM prefs to not favor the html version if any, as the
non-html version prints as expected.  But I don't want to bring that up again.

Re: OS 10.4.9, PowerMail 5.5.3 - still can't print HTML email

2007-04-18 Thread Dave N
Printing a html message via a web browser still doesn't include the
message header info, such as From, To, Date, Subject.
I wish it did. I wish it would just print like any other Mac application
that prints what you see. 

All kidding aside, is this a difficult thing to fix? 
The name of this application is POWERMAIL. 
So we expect enough power to print, print preview, and printing the
short message headers. Regardless of what kind of futuristic
applications people use to compose the email we receive. 


in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Winston Weinmann's message of
2:20 PM, 4/18/07

Printing via a web browser is still a work-around. Printing via the web
browser is what I normally do, but sometimes I either forget, or HTML
mail looks enough like text mail that I don't realize I need to do this.
I also get caught with not having clicked into the email text box, so
get a lot of blank pages with a header printed.

This is not a minor defect. Yes, I wish everyone still used text email,
but that's not the reality. Probably 98% of the email I get is HTML. I
don't have any other program on my Mac which cannot print properly.*
This needs to be fixed.

Re: Mail Accounts

2007-04-12 Thread Dave N
So how DO you unlock that petrol cap??? :-) 


in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Shark Attack Design's message
of 12:39 AM, 4/12/07

We've all been there Chris; if it's any consolation, I just bought a new
(ish) car and, the first time I came to put fuel in it, I spent 15
minutes trying to work out how to unlock the petrol cap. I even had to
call the dealer.


Re: locking PowerMail on download

2007-04-03 Thread Dave N
Question for Jérôme;
Would it be just as helpful if one were to use webmail to Redirect the
bad message to you?

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), PowerMail Engineering's message of 2:13
AM, 4/3/07

Alan Harper wrote:

I have not isolated the email in question--it will take some time
fiddling with the web-interface and I haven't had time to do so. What I
do right now is go to the web interface at my ISP and delete all the
spam in my inbox and then it works again.

We would be very interested to get such a message, in order to reproduce
and fix the problem.
If you can't isolate the specific message causing the problem, maybe you
can create a temporary account in another mail client (Apple Mail for
example) then retrieve the messages there (make sure that this other
mail client does not delete the message from the server, to avoid
missing some messages in PowerMail); then if you send me the Apple Mail
mailbox I can check if it contains a message that can cause problems in

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

Re: Printing email Problem fix (+ Req for CTM to really fix)

2007-04-02 Thread Dave N
in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Matthias Schmidt's message of 10:09
PM, 3/30/07

Am/On Thu, 29 Mar 2007 13:54:13 -0700 schrieb/wrote Dave N:

selecting Print... from the file menu (or command p) results in NO
Dialog box. (as IF Print one was selected- but it's not). But it does
print to the currently selected printer. Header info (to/from/subject)
was missing. Only message printed. This is on plain text messages. 

FIX: using PM toolbar menu icon to click  hold until Print... drops
down  select that. 
Now you get a dialog box  a change to make a pdf, or choose printers,
or choose how many copies, etc.  :-) 

PowerMail 5.3.3 Mac OSX 10.4.x (non intel) Just installed last week. 

why don't you install 5.5.3 that fixed this at least for me

All the best


Oh sorry, I made a typo error. I do have PowerMail 5.5.3.


Re: New Mac Finally

2007-03-16 Thread Dave N
I moved from OSX 10.3.9 G4/466 (upgraded to 1000mhz) to new 10.4.8 intel
iMac last month and did it via the migration assistant. It went really
great! I was really amazed! 

Tip: if you have multiple hard drives or volumes, only run the migration
assistant on your main (previous) boot volume. 

Tip #2: if migration speed is an issue; it's my personal finding that
putting your hard drive into an external firewire enclosure results in a
WAY faster copy operation (almost 2x) than direct from old Mac in Target
mode. For most people however, the time gained is offset by the time
spent pulling the hd. 

After I did the migration, I deleted (from the new iMac) some old apps 
data  no longer needed. But ALL my apps were ready to use right away,
saving me a few days of reinstalls. I only had to deal with some tweaky
System Prefs that I had added which were not compatible with the new Mac. 

Don't fear the Migration Assistant. It's pretty good if you let it do
it's thing without interference. 

 Dave N

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), cheshirekat's message of 6:40 PM, 3/14/07

I'm getting a new Mac Pro. Apple shipped it today. Considering that I am
using PowerMail 5.2.3, should I upgrade it to the current version on my
PowerBook so my files are compatible with the Mac Pro? I haven't kept up
with the upgrades because I didn't want anything to break before the new
Mac arrives. I don't plan to use the Migration Assistant, so which files
should I move to the new computer?

Re: curly quotes become 1, 2, 3

2007-03-05 Thread Dave N
I have been using an applescript that changes the incoming messages to
whatever is on the clipboard. It isn't perfect, but it works. To use it,
copy something to the clipboard first, then run this script from the
PowerMail script menu to replace the entire text email message with the
clipboard contents. Adapted from a 1999 Claris Emailer script.
It's only 8k, and anyone interested can download it here:
 Hopefully, this will provide an example of how to edit an incoming
email via applescript.
Hope this helps.

 Dave Nathanson
 Mac Medix

PS: Glad to see the list appears to be working again.

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Mikael Byström's message of
12:50 PM, 2/28/07

Dave N sa såhär:

Today I1m getting really annoyed at seeing 1 instead of apostrophes.
CTM, PLEASE fix this for us!
You do love us more than Microsoft does, ... don1t you?

I wrote a script trying to solve this problem, which stumbled on the
fact that the message source is read only. If it was changeable, the
problem could be fixed with an applescript. Done completely by CTM would
be better though.

Re: curly quotes become 1, 2, 3

2007-02-28 Thread Dave N
Today I1m getting really annoyed at seeing 1 instead of apostrophes.
CTM, PLEASE fix this for us!
You do love us more than Microsoft does, ... don1t you?

(you DO, right??)

Dave N

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Dave N's message of 12:05 PM, 2/8/07

Without getting into a tis/taint argument about WHO should fix the
problem, and even though we all hope that CTMDEV cares more about
PowerMail users than Microsoft does.

How about a toolbar button that does a find/replace to fix these?
For instances of *1* to detect a 1 in place of a single quote, replace
with *'*. And so forth. So a word like don1t would be corrected to be
don't. If it's really true that only humans can detect these poorly
encoded messages, then let the humans push the button to replace the 1,2,
or 3 with ' and .

Part of the problem is that according to the Rest of the World, my email
program of choice is lame because it can1t properly display messages that
2everybody else3 can.

Actually, I would LOVE to have a find/replace feature in PowerMail. I
live in PowerMail a lot more than any other word processor, and yet I
find myself copy/pasting entire messages into TextWrangler for simple
things, like find/replace a certain expression or word. Then select all/
copy/paste back to PowerMail.


in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), PowerMail Engineering's message of 12:12
AM, 2/8/07

Dave N wrote:

It also happens with emails sent from the newest version of MS Entourage
2004 for Mac. Does that count as a different email client?

Is there a setting I can make in PowerMail that will deal with this well?
Other email programs seem to deal with it ok.

These messages are badly encoded. Microsoft should fix this problem.
Some other email programs display these messages correctly, either
because they display the HTML part (which do not have this problem), or
because they have hard-coded the fact that entourage messages are badly
encoded. But if Microsoft fixes the problem, good Entourage messages
will now look as if they were badly encoded...

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

AOL ok?

2007-02-23 Thread Dave N
Is anybody here using PowerMail for their AOL mail? 

Does it work well for you? 
Would you say it is as good as the old AOL email software? (no
snickers, please)
I've dabbled in using PowerMail for AOL and it does seem to work for
what little amount I have used it. But I would like to hear from people
really using PowerMail for AOL, or if you used to and gave up on it,
and why. 

Dave N

Re: Notifications (again)

2007-02-23 Thread Dave N
I sure would like some help when a connecting isn't working! 
A log file, of any kind would be really useful at times! 

 Dave N

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Tom Dillon's message of 10:54
AM, 2/23/07

Any kind of logging would be nice. Even if the errors appeared in the
form of emails in an Error folder.

Re: Old complaint about subject line behaviour

2007-02-16 Thread Dave N
In addition, I am often annoyed that the spell checker doesn't work in
the subject line. It is very important that the subject line be correct!
CTM; PLEASE let the spellchecker work in the subject line!

 Dave N

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Per Åström's message of 4:16 AM, 2/16/07

I believe I've already mentioned this a while ago:

in the subject line, when youve written something and want mark it you
cant use alt+shift+arrows:left/right) to jump one word at a time, as
the normal OSX behaviour.

Alt+arrow jumps one word per click, but not when using shift to mark
the text.

I use this method daily, in texts everywhere.

/per å

Re: Printing HTML email

2007-02-15 Thread Dave N
I can print HTML emails. I don't that that often, so I don't have a
complete report on printing html emails. However, today I was viewing a
html email (no graphics, it was a purchase receipt) and when I pressed
apple-p on my keyboard, it printed without giving me the print dialog
box, so I couldn't even chose which printer to send it to, nor could I do
a Print Preview. 

Since the laser printer was cold, it didn't appear to do anything at all,
so I waited a few seconds, and assumed that the my print command had not
worked. So I pulled down the File Menu to Print, and then 2 copies of
this email came out of the laser printer. Again, no print dialog box. I
am sure that I did NOT ask for a Print One. 

Is this as expected? Does PowerMail intentionally not offer a print
dialog box when printing html emails? It doesn't seem right nor helpful. 

 Dave Nathanson
 Mac Medix

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Winston Weinmann's message of 10:
32 AM, 2/12/07

When I print HTML email from PowerMail I get a blank page with a short
header and footer. I can print text email fine, and I can print HTML
email when I open it in a web browser. (Mac OS 10.3.9)

Why can't PowerMail print HTML email?

- Winston

Re: Printing HTML email

2007-02-15 Thread Dave N
I have PowerMail version 5.5.3 build 4480 English (PPC)
Mac OS version: 10.3.9
And when I print a html mail it does NOT give me a print dialog box. 

 Dave Nathanson
 Mac Medix

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Matthias Schmidt's message of 10:55
AM, 2/16/07

Am/On Thu, 15 Feb 2007 10:40:26 -0800 schrieb/wrote Dave N:

I can print HTML emails. I don't that that often, so I don't have a
complete report on printing html emails. However, today I was viewing a
html email (no graphics, it was a purchase receipt) and when I pressed
apple-p on my keyboard, it printed without giving me the print dialog
box, so I couldn't even chose which printer to send it to, nor could I do
a Print Preview. 

Since the laser printer was cold, it didn't appear to do anything at all,
so I waited a few seconds, and assumed that the my print command had not
worked. So I pulled down the File Menu to Print, and then 2 copies of
this email came out of the laser printer. Again, no print dialog box. I
am sure that I did NOT ask for a Print One. 

Is this as expected? Does PowerMail intentionally not offer a print
dialog box when printing html emails? It doesn't seem right nor helpful. 

I thought that was a bug in the last beta, which should be fixed now 
it works as expected with PM 5.5.3 under 10.4.8

in the header I can see  you use the same version, which OS are you using?

All the best


Re: curly quotes become 1, 2, 3

2007-02-08 Thread Dave N
Without getting into a tis/taint argument about WHO should fix the
problem, and even though we all hope that CTMDEV cares more about
PowerMail users than Microsoft does.

How about a toolbar button that does a find/replace to fix these?
For instances of *1* to detect a 1 in place of a single quote, replace
with *'*. And so forth. So a word like don1t would be corrected to be
don't. If it's really true that only humans can detect these poorly
encoded messages, then let the humans push the button to replace the 1,2,
or 3 with ' and .

Part of the problem is that according to the Rest of the World, my email
program of choice is lame because it can1t properly display messages that
2everybody else3 can.

Actually, I would LOVE to have a find/replace feature in PowerMail. I
live in PowerMail a lot more than any other word processor, and yet I
find myself copy/pasting entire messages into TextWrangler for simple
things, like find/replace a certain expression or word. Then select all/
copy/paste back to PowerMail.


in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), PowerMail Engineering's message of 12:12
AM, 2/8/07

Dave N wrote:

It also happens with emails sent from the newest version of MS Entourage
2004 for Mac. Does that count as a different email client?

Is there a setting I can make in PowerMail that will deal with this well?
Other email programs seem to deal with it ok.

These messages are badly encoded. Microsoft should fix this problem.
Some other email programs display these messages correctly, either
because they display the HTML part (which do not have this problem), or
because they have hard-coded the fact that entourage messages are badly
encoded. But if Microsoft fixes the problem, good Entourage messages
will now look as if they were badly encoded...

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

curly quotes become 1, 2, 3

2007-02-07 Thread Dave N
 I get a lot of emails that include numbers instead of punctuation.  Like

I1ve got an office of users ready for a lynching - mine as a result of
issues they are experiencing with Word. I1ve done a fair amount of research

I can see that where I would expect single quote ', I see a 1. Sometimes
it is a 2, or 3 for similar punctuation marks, like double quotes.
Usually these senders are using a MS mail program, and I think they are
using curly quotes. 

What can a PowerMail user do so their emails will look correct when received? 

I'm in USA, and my PowerMail prefs are set to:
Languge family: US/Western Europe
Use Character set: ISO-8859-1 (Latin1, Western Europe)


Re: curly quotes become 1, 2, 3

2007-02-07 Thread Dave N
It also happens with emails sent from the newest version of MS Entourage
2004 for Mac. Does that count as a different email client? 

Is there a setting I can make in PowerMail that will deal with this well?
Other email programs seem to deal with it ok. 

D Nathanson

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Alan Harper's message of 10:26 AM, 2/7/07

I think that this is an Outlook Express Bug. If I remember correctly,
Outlook Express says that it is using one character encoding and
actually uses a different one. Look at the headers to see if all are
from the same mail client, then do a google search. But I think the
answer is, if you are going to lynch someone, perhaps you should find a
microsoft engineer.


On Wed, 7 Feb 2007 09:14:38 -0800 Dave N said:

 I get a lot of emails that include numbers instead of punctuation.  Like

I1ve got an office of users ready for a lynching - mine as a result of
issues they are experiencing with Word. I1ve done a fair amount of research

I can see that where I would expect single quote ', I see a 1. Sometimes
it is a 2, or 3 for similar punctuation marks, like double quotes.
Usually these senders are using a MS mail program, and I think they are
using curly quotes. 

What can a PowerMail user do so their emails will look correct when

I'm in USA, and my PowerMail prefs are set to:
Languge family: US/Western Europe
Use Character set: ISO-8859-1 (Latin1, Western Europe)


No replies from CTM sales dept (knock, knock)

2004-07-13 Thread Dave N

How long does it usually take to get a reply from the sales dept at CTM 
Development? Is more than a week usual? Two weeks? On July 1st I asked 
for a price on a 5 pack of Powermails with Spam sieve (minus 1 SpamSieve 
that I already own). I used the web form at:

but have still not received a reply. Is this normal? Perhaps they did not 
receive my message? Is CTM closed for vacation? 

On 7/7/04 I then tried sending it as email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
instead of using the web form. In the meantime, I have been unable to use 
PowerMail in Demo mode, as I get over 200 emails daily.  That 200 msg 
limit is so sharply restrictive that I am unable to really try out the 
program while waiting for a reply to purchase it from their sales dept.  
It seems that a better plan for the demo software would be unlimited use 
for a few weeks, then impose a message limit. But to limit it to only 200 
messages from day 1 is just user unfriendly. Especially for a product 
that calls itself PowerMail. I had to dump it at least once a day and 
managed to lose some emails in the process. An altogether unpleasant 
experience from what should have been a joy to try out. If it weren't for 
the strong user feedback I've heard, I wouldn't be interested in buying 
Powermail. However, I have heard good things, here  elsewhere. But 
moving forward to more positive topics... 

How does one contact the sales dept at CTM to make a purchase? I seem to 
have been unsuccessful so far.  