Re: [proto] fold_tree and grammar using external_transforms and state

2012-07-27 Thread Joel Falcou

Le 27/07/2012 08:11, Eric Niebler a écrit :

You mean, a proto callable that wraps fusion::transform? No, we don't
have one yet. If you write one, I'll put it in proto.


Naming is becoming an issue, though. We already have proto::transform.
You'd be adding proto::functional::transform that would be totally
unrelated. I think I screwed up with the namespaces. It should probably
be proto::functional::fusion::transform. Urg.

Well, I guess this is a breaking change :s

What I need is maybe more generic as I need to apply an arbitrary 
function with arbitrary number of parmaeters, the first beign the 
flattened tree, the others begin whatever:

transform( f, [a b c d], stuff, thingy )
=> [f(a,stuff,thingy) f(b,stuff,thingy) f(c,stuff,thingy)]

I'll try and ake it works out of the box first and see how it can be 

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] fold_tree and grammar using external_transforms and state

2012-07-26 Thread Joel Falcou

Yeah i figured the code was amiss.
After corrections and using your tip, it works.
The I discovered it was not what I wanted ;)

What I actually need to do is that when I encounter a bunch of
bitwise_and_ node, I need to flatten them then pass this flattened
tree + the initial tuple to the equivalent of fusion transform that will do:

skeleton_grammar(current, current value from state, current 

I guess proto::functional::transform is not there and need to be done
by hand ?

proto mailing list

[proto] fold_tree and grammar using external_transforms and state

2012-07-26 Thread Joel Falcou

Here is the deal:

THis code defines a DSL that allwo creating combo of functions using the 
following semantic:

(task(f) | task(g))(x) computes g(f(x))

(task(f) & task(g))(x) computes make_tuple(x)),g(at<1>(x))>

We use external_trasnforms here because we will have other evaluation 
strategy depending on the platform. We pass the initial value to compute

as a state to the grammar and the data is the xternal transform.

The problem is that I can't get the fold_tree to work in this setup as I
guess the fold _state conflict with my own grammar _state.

Am I being dense or is it a limitation ?

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Precomputing common matrix products in an expression

2012-07-13 Thread Joel Falcou

Le 13/07/2012 23:55, Eric Niebler a écrit :

This is an instance of the larger "common subexpression elimination"
problem. The problem is complicated by the fact that it can't be solved
with type information alone. u_adv*nable(u) might have the same type as
u_adv*nable(v) but different values. A hybrid solution is needed where
you cache a set of results indexed both by type information and the
identities (addresses) of the constituents of the subexpressions. This
is hard, and nobody has attempted it yet. I can give you encouragement,
but not guidance. If you find a general and elegant solution, it would
certainly be worth putting in Proto, since lots of folks would benefit.

In NT2, we use a schedule transform that iterate the expression tree and
evaluate expression tagged as being needed to be evaluated once and 
store them in some shared_ptr like terminal. This allow us to "schedule"

our loop nests in the proper order.

This "scheduling" is what requried us to store everything proto by value 
inside expression. Mathias correct me if I diverge.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] proto-11 progress report

2012-06-25 Thread Joel Falcou

On 06/24/2012 01:10 AM, Eric Niebler wrote:

I've made some good progress on the C++11 proto rewrite that I'd like to
share. So far, it's been a less radical shift than I expected.

You didn't try hard enough ;)

Expressions vs. Grammars

Many new users are confused by the difference between terminal and
terminal::type. In, there is no difference. Forget the
::type. Things just work.


Custom transforms are simpler
Currently, defining a custom transform means defining a struct with a
nested impl class template of 3 parameters, correctly inheriting and
following a protocol. In the rewrite, I wanted to simplify things. Here
for instance, is how the _expr transform is defined:

 struct _expr
   : transform<_expr>
 auto operator()(E && e, Rest &&...) const

A custom transform is simply a struct that inherits from
proto::transform and that has an operator() that accepts an arbitrary
number of parameters. (The use of BOOST_PROTO_AUTO_RETURN is not
necessary. It simply handles the return statement, the return type, and
the noexcept clause.)


Data parameter uses a slot mechanism

In proto today, transforms take 3 parameters: expression, state and
data. As you can see from above, transforms in proto-11 take an
arbitrary number of parameters. However, that can make it hard to find
the piece of data you're looking for. Which position will it be in?
Instead, by convention most transforms will still only deal with the
usual 3 parameters. However, the data parameter is like a fusion::map:
it will have slots that you can access in O(1) by tag.

Here is how a proto algorithm will be invoked:

   int i = LambdaEval()(_1 + 42, 0, proto::tag::data = 8);

The 3rd parameter associates the value 8 with the data tag. The _data
transform returns the data associated with that tag. Additionally, you
can define you own tags and pass along another blob of data, as follows:

   int i = LambdaEval()(_1 + 42, 0, (proto::tag::data = 8, mytag = 42));

The _data transform will still just return 8, but you can use
_env to fetch the 42. The third parameter has been
generalized from an unstructured blob of data to a structured collection
of environment variables. Slots can even be reused, in which case they
behave like FILO queues (stacks).

How do you set up new tag  ? Is just mytag some

mytag_type mytag = {};


or should mytag_type inherit/be wrapped from some special stuff

As for what is not changing:

Grammars, Transforms and Algorithms
It would be wonderful if there were a more natural syntax for describing
proto algorithms rather than with structs, function objects, proto::or_,
proto::when, and friends. If there is one, I haven't found it yet. On
the up side, it means that many current proto-based libraries can be
upgraded with little effort. On the down side, the learning curve will
still be pretty steep. If anybody has ideas for how to use C++11 to
simplify pattern matching and the definition of recursive tree
transformation algorithms, I'm all ears.

There is not so much way to describe something that looks like
a grammar definition anyway. BNF/EBNF is probably the simplest
way to do it.

Now on the syntactic clutter front, except wrapping everything in round 

or use object/function call in a hidden decltype call, I don't see what we
can do better :s

Glad it is picking up steam :D

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] [proto-11] expression extension

2012-06-14 Thread Joel Falcou
Just a question that just struck me. Will this rewrite be backward 
compatible with C++03  for the features that make sense ? I think the 
C++03 version may benefit from the new expression extension mechanism etc.

proto mailing list

[proto] Who's using proto ?

2012-06-06 Thread Joel Falcou


i'm in the process of writing a journal paper about proto and I wanted 
to give

a realistic snapshot of who is using proto and for what. I know some already
(the whole MSM & Spirit team etc ) but i am sure there is other people 

around here.

So, if you want to contribute, I wish any of you, proto user, to tell me 
who you are,
what you're using proto for and if you have a reference (for academic) 
or a website
(for other). It's a win-win as you may get exposure and you help us make 
this paper

a nice PR for proto.

Of course, you can do this on the list or in private if you prefer.

Thanks in advance.
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] [proto-11] expression extension

2012-06-04 Thread Joel Falcou

Le 04/06/2012 21:18, Eric Niebler a écrit :

The make_expr function object takes as arguments the tag and the
children. You can do whatever you want. If open extensibility matters,
you can dispatch to a function found by ADL or to a template specialized
on the tag like proto::switch_. It's up to you.

Ok perfect

Not sure what you mean. Are you referring to the current discussion
about having to use shared_ptr to store something? That seems unrelated
to me.

Assuming your types are efficiently movable, the default should just do
the right thing, and your expression trees can be safely stored in local
auto variables without dangling references. Does that help?

I was thinking of the case where we constructed a foo expression by
calling expression constructor one  into the other. I guess it fixes that.

Proto-11 will probably take many months. I'm taking my time and
rethinking everything. Don't hold your work up waiting for it.

No problem, just that if you need some reality check at some point we 
may provide a non trivial test case. We're doing it anyway ;)

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] restructuring expression

2012-06-03 Thread Joel Falcou

On 01/06/2012 07:55, Eric Niebler wrote:

However, it means that you will no longer be able to use a proto grammar
as a generator. That was cute functionality, but I don't think it was
terribly useful in practice. How do folks feel about the loss of that

I personnally never used it.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] [proto-11] expression extension

2012-06-03 Thread Joel Falcou

On 03/06/2012 09:41, Eric Niebler wrote:

Hey all, this is just an FYI. I've been hard at work at a ground-up
redesign of proto for C++11.

Great news !

1) Rather than writing expression wrappers, you'll be writing actual
expression types. Proto provides helpers that make this easy. To get the
basics, inherit from basic_expr. To get tree-building assign, subscript,
and function call operators, inherit from expr_assign, expr_subscript
and expr_function respectively.

I make a lot of sense actually.

2) Rather than writing generators, you'll be defining per-domain
make_expr function objects that accept a tag and a number of children.
How you decide to assemble these into an expression is up to you, but
you can use a helper like make_custom_expr above to simplify things.

It's very important those make_expr functino object could be extended 
externally of any structure. By the look of it, it looks like

it'll behave similary to the switch_ construct, aka a template functor
inside a struct to be extended outside.

3) There are other per-domain customization points: (a) store_value,
which specifies the capture policy for non-proto objects in expressions,
and (b) store_child, which specifies how children are stored. For both
(a) and (b), the default is: lvalues are stored by reference and rvalues
are stored by (moved from) value. Expressions can safely be stored in
auto variables by default.

So I guess it also fix the problem we faced with Mathias on having to 
store everythign by value to have proper chains of expression building 
function works properly ?

Thanks all for now. Feedback welcome. If you have wishlist features for
proto-11, speak now.

On eo fmy PHD student will start converting Quaff to C++11 this july, so 
depending on your advancement on Proot-11, we may give it a shot an 
dreport any missing features.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] restructuring expression

2012-05-30 Thread Joel Falcou

On 05/29/2012 08:21 PM, Eric Niebler wrote:

On 5/29/2012 1:44 AM, Karsten Ahnert wrote:

I have an arithmetic expression template where multiplication is
commutative. Is there an easy way to order a chain of multiplications
such that terminals with values (like proto::terminal<  double>) appear
at the beginning? For example that

arg1 * arg1 * 1.5 * arg1

will be transformed to

1.5 * arg1 * arg1 * arg1


I can imagine some complicated algorithms swapping expressions and child
expressions but I wonder if there is a simpler way.

There is no clever built-in Proto algorithm for commutative
transformations like this, I'm afraid. I was going to suggest flattening
to a fusion vector and using fusion sort, but I see there is no fusion
sort! :-( Nevertheless, that seems like a promising direction to me.
Once you have the sorted vector, you should(?) be able to use
fusion::fold to build the correct proto tree from it.

Won't having a way to build it properly from the get go be a better 
solution ?

This basically require the feature we spoke about earlier so that 
building a X * Y

node check which from X or Y is a double and put it in the proper place ?

Then when doing X * Expr, check if there is a double at child<0> of expr
and restructure the whole tree at generation time ?

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Restructuring noses in generator

2012-04-29 Thread Joel Falcou

On 04/29/2012 02:41 AM, Eric Niebler wrote:
And some_terminal is not in your domain? How does your generator get 
invoked? I guess I'm confused. Can you send a small repro? 

everything is in my domain, no problem ont his side, I'll try Mathias 
idea and report if anything breaks.

proto mailing list

[proto] Restructuring noses in generator

2012-04-27 Thread Joel Falcou
How can I use a custom generator to turn a specific node expression into 
a different version of itself without triggering endless recursive call ?

My use cas is the following, i want to catch all function node looking

tag::function( some_terminal, grammar, ..., grammar )

with any nbr of grammar instances


tag::function( some_terminal, my_tuple_terminal, 
some_other_info )

basically makign n-ary function node into ternayr node with a specific 
structures. Of course this new node should live in whatever domain 
some_terminal is coming from.

My first attempt was using make_expr in my generator but it endlessly 
looped at compile time.

Is there somethign I am missing ?

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] The proper way to compose function returning expressions

2012-04-23 Thread Joel Falcou

On 04/24/2012 12:15 AM, Eric Niebler wrote:
implicit_expr() returns an object that holds its argument and is 
convertible to any expression type. The conversion is implemented by 
trying to implicitly convert all the child expressions, recursively. 
It sort of worked, but I never worked out all the corner cases, and 
documenting it would have been a bitch. Perhaps I should take another 
look. Patches welcome. :-) 

I think this is an important issues to solve as far as Proto grokability 
One of my coworker on NT2 tried  to do just this (the norm2 thingy) and 
he get puzzled by the random crash.

I think we should at least document the issues (I can write that and 
submit a patch for the doc) and
maybe resurrect this implicit_expr. Do you have any remnant of code 
lying around so I don't start from scratch ?

proto mailing list

[proto] The proper way to compose function returning expressions

2012-04-23 Thread Joel Falcou
Let's say we have a bunch of functions like sum and sqr defined on a 
proto domain to return
expression of tag sum_ and sqr_ in this domain. One day we want to make 
a norm2(x) function

which is basically sum(sqr(x)).

My feeling is that I should be able to write it using sqr and sum 

Alas it seems this results in dandling reference, crash and some sad pandas.

Then I remember about proto::deep_copy but I have a worries. x is 
usually a terminal
holding a huge matrix like value and I just don't want this huge matrix 
to be copied.

What's the correct way to handle such a problem ? How can I build new 
function returning
expressions built from expression composition without incurring a huge 
amount of copy ?

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Held nodes by value for Fundamental types

2012-04-09 Thread Joel Falcou

On 10/04/2012 00:00, Eric Niebler wrote:

Thanks. I thought long about whether to handle the fundamental types
differently than user-defined types and decided against it. The
capture-everything-by-reference-by-default model is easy to explain and
reason about. Special cases can be handled on a per-domain basis as needed.

By-value capture of fundamental type is the classical way people do it 
in hand-made ET code. The ad-hoc support in proto is IMHO better as you 
may really want to capture reference and by the status of Proto of a 
EDSL toolkit, flexibility is really wanted :).

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Grouping expressions

2012-01-02 Thread Joel Falcou

On 30/12/2011 17:34, Bart Janssens wrote:

On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 7:01 AM, Eric 
Niebler  wrote:

Are you certain your problem is caused by using operator() for grouping?
I think this is just a very big expression template, and any syntax you
choose for grouping will result in long compile times and heavy memory

Yes, that's what I mean, the way grouping works now always creates a
huge expression.

You cant really do anything else. ET captures the whole AST and this AST 
has to be stored somehow.

Can I ask, what version of Boost are you using? I see you #define
BOOST_PROTO_MAX_ARITY to 10 at the top. In recent versions of Proto, 10
is the default. And newer Proto versions already make use of variadic
templates for operator() if available.

I'm using 1.46.1 for now. Good to hear variadic templates are already
available for this, do I need to do anything explicit to enable them,
such as add a compile option?

Compiles in C++11 mode : --std=c++0x

Other things to think about: does this really need to be all one big
expression, or can parts of it be broken up and type-erased, as with

Not sure how this type-erased method works, but all of the expressions
are ran in a tight loop, so I'd like to avoid the overhead of having
to go through a virtual call. Also, I use some introspection across
the whole expression to determine which variables exist.

type erasure allow your template class to inherit from a single, 
non-template base class that forward its evaluation to its actual

derived class via a single virtual member function entry-point.

At some point, you need to do this or your CT just explode. And for your
performance matter, I think it need to be benched, type erased calls 
usually are no more than some cycles slower to call.

On the front of introspection, we found out in NT2 that performing some
introspecting tasks in the expression generator (when it made sense) 
helped keep the CT madness low as the resulting AST can be trimmed as 
soon as it is built. Not sure if it applies here.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Extendin proto::switch_

2011-08-29 Thread Joel Falcou

Le 29/08/2011 17:33, Eric Niebler a écrit :

Good. Obviously, this needs to be called switch_ instead of select_.

Sure I was testing the water inside nt2 first

There needs to be an appropriate default for the Transform parameter,
something like tag_of<_>(). There should also be a specialization of
switch_ when the transform is tag_of<_>() to make it as efficient as the
current switch_ (but it should be backward-compatible without the
specialization -- test this!). And of course docs and tests.


No need to replace the internal use of when, but you can access when's
nested impl template directly instead of using result_of's needlessly
complicated machinery. See the implementation of if_.

OK great then :)

I have to come back from a conference and I'll start pushing this to 
trunk as soon as it looks pretty.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Extendin proto::switch_

2011-08-28 Thread Joel Falcou

Le 06/08/2011 08:10, Eric Niebler a écrit :

On 8/5/2011 10:55 PM, Joel falcou wrote:

On 06/08/11 07:30, Eric Niebler wrote:

That wouldn't be enough because proto::matches "knows" about
proto::switch_. It would be easy enough to extend proto::switch_ to take
an optional mpl metafunction that accepts and expression and returns a
type to dispatch on. It would default to proto::tag_of. Or for
the sake of consistency with the rest of proto, it should probably be a
transform, in which case it would default to proto::tag_of().


Could you open a feature request?

Well, we wanted to know the correct road, i have someone to do it, so
let's say we'll provide you with a patch request instead ;)

Even better. :-)

Here is a first try:

Not sure it is perfect but it works eemingly :)
My main cocnern is can i get to remove this internediate when + result_of ?

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Defining the result domain of a proto operator

2011-08-26 Thread Joel Falcou

Le 26/08/2011 17:56, Eric Niebler a écrit :

On 8/26/2011 11:44 AM, Eric Niebler wrote:

Proto will
compute the domain of m*v to be matrix. It will use matrix_domain's
generator to post-process the new expression. That generator can do
anything -- including placing the new expression in the vector domain.
In short, there is no requirement that a domain's generator must produce
expressions in that domain. Just hack matrix_domain's generator.

Expanding on this a bit ... there doesn't seem to a sub-/super-domain
relationship between matrix and vector. Why not make them both (together
with covector) sub-domains of some abstract nt2_domain, which has all
the logic for deciding which sub-domain a particular expression should
be in based on its structure? Its generator could actually be a Proto
algorithm, like:

 : proto::or_<
 , proto::generator(_)>
 , proto::generator(_)>

   struct nt2_domain
 : proto::domain


I think you hit it right on the spot. I'll see how to make this 
consistent with table and other stuff.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Defining the result domain of a proto operator

2011-08-26 Thread Joel Falcou

Le 26/08/2011 17:44, Eric Niebler a écrit :

On 8/26/2011 11:23 AM, Joel Falcou wrote:

On 26/08/2011 17:18, Eric Niebler wrote:

Why can't you use a grammar to recognize patterns like these and
take appropriate action?

we do. Another point is that container based operation in our system
need to know the number of dimension of the container. Domains carry
this dimensions informations as we dont want to mix different sized
container in a same expression. The containers we have are :

table which can have 1 to MAX_DIM dimesnions matrix which behave as
table<2>  when mixed with table covector and vector that act as a
matrix when mixed with matrix adn table<2>  with table.

The domain are then flagged with this dimension informations.

OK, then I'll just assume you guys know what you're doing ('cause you
clearly do).

Except ... read after that

The answer is no, but you don't need that, I don't think. Proto will
compute the domain of m*v to be matrix. It will use matrix_domain's
generator to post-process the new expression. That generator can do
anything -- including placing the new expression in the vector domain.
In short, there is no requirement that a domain's generator must produce
expressions in that domain. Just hack matrix_domain's generator.

OK, if we can do that, in fact, we can remove the meta_informations from 
the domain all together and just have table_domain and 
matrix/vector/covector_domain then use a hacked geenrator to do all the 
checking/recreation we need. I guess we can handle the checking on size, 
gemm/gemv proper sytsem in the generator and allow m * v in matrix 
grammar etc ... And this hacked generator can static_assert proper 
message when uncomaptible stuff get mixed.

Again seems proto lack of some obscure feature I thought necessary makes 
my problem clearer. Put this on hold then, I'll try to come up with a 
better implementation of my domain handling.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Defining the result domain of a proto operator

2011-08-26 Thread Joel Falcou

On 26/08/2011 17:27, Brandon Kohn wrote:

I solved this kind of problem by tagging the various types in traits
structs and then embedding these traits in the transforms for the
various operations.

Here are examples of my expression, grammar, and binary function

I'm not sure if this is the best way to do these, but it does work.

These coudl be grammar. Anytime you want to have somethign selecting 
somethign based on expression structure, it is a grammar. Such 
metafonction systems ar eusualyl brittle or not extensible enough.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Defining the result domain of a proto operator

2011-08-26 Thread Joel Falcou

On 26/08/2011 17:18, Eric Niebler wrote:

Why can't you use a grammar to recognize patterns like these and take
appropriate action?

we do. Another point is that container based operation in our system 
need to know the number of dimension of the container. Domains carry 
this dimensions informations as we dont want to mix different sized 
container in a same expression. The containers we have are :

table which can have 1 to MAX_DIM dimesnions
matrix which behave as table<2> when mixed with table
covector and vector that act as a matrix when mixed with matrix adn 
table<2> with table.

The domain are then flagged with this dimension informations.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Defining the result domain of a proto operator

2011-08-26 Thread Joel Falcou

On 26/08/2011 16:45, Eric Niebler wrote:

Before I answer, can you tell me why you've decided to put vector and
matrix operations into separate domains? This seems like an artificial
and unnecessary separation to me.

We have a system of specialisation where being able to make this 
distinction allowed us to replace sub proto tree by a pregenerated call 
to some BLAS functions or to apply some other Linear Algebra math based 

We also have a covector domain which allow us to know that : covector * 
vector is a dot product while vector * covector generate a matrix. In 
the same way, covector * matrix and matrix * vector can be recognized 
and handled in a proper way.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Extendin proto::switch_

2011-08-06 Thread Joel falcou

On 06/08/11 21:01, Eric Niebler wrote:

Besides, enable_if is yuk.

Care to elaborate (not like we use it like over 9000 times in our code 
base) /

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Extendin proto::switch_

2011-08-05 Thread Joel falcou

On 06/08/11 07:30, Eric Niebler wrote:

That wouldn't be enough because proto::matches "knows" about
proto::switch_. It would be easy enough to extend proto::switch_ to take
an optional mpl metafunction that accepts and expression and returns a
type to dispatch on. It would default to proto::tag_of. Or for
the sake of consistency with the rest of proto, it should probably be a
transform, in which case it would default to proto::tag_of().


Could you open a feature request?

Well, we wanted to know the correct road, i have someone to do it, so 
let's say we'll provide you with a patch request instead ;)

proto mailing list

[proto] Extendin proto::switch_

2011-08-05 Thread Joel falcou
There is few use case where I wish i can have a proto::switch_ like 
transform being extendable externally but based on something else than 
the expression tag like the result of an arbitrary meta-function.

Is cloning proto::swicth_ and changing the way it dispatch over its 
internal cases_ enough ?

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Expression as *other* fusion sequence

2011-06-17 Thread Joel falcou

On 17/06/11 01:25, Eric Niebler wrote:

Doable, but not easy. The problem you'll have is that all Proto
expression types have a nested fusion_tag that is a typedef for
proto::tag::proto_expr. That is how Fusion figures out how to iterate
over Proto expressions. You'll need to define your own tag, use
proto::extends (not BOOST_PROTO_EXTENDS) to define an expression
extension, and hide the fusion_tag typedef in the base with your own.
Then you'll need to implement the necessary Fusion hooks for your custom
Fusion tag type.

OK, but is there any internal proto part relying on the proper fusion 
behavior that may get hampered by this ?

I'll give it a try :)

proto mailing list

[proto] Expression as *other* fusion sequence

2011-06-16 Thread Joel falcou
proto expression are fusion sequence that iterates over the node 
children. All fine and dandy.

Now here is my use case. I have expression whose terminal are fusion 
sequence that access tot he terminal values (think terminal holding a 
std:;array for example) and I wished to have expression of the terminal 
be fusion sequence themselves so i can do stuff like :

at_c<0>( x + y * 3 )

where x and y are such terminals, this statement returning me the 
equivalent of :

at_c<0>( x ) + at_c<0>( y ) * 3

Obviously, no candy as both fusion registration conflicts with each 
others. My Fusion-fu beign quite weak, is there a way to have this AND 
still have proto expressions behave as they should in other context ?

proto mailing list

[proto] [Proto] Expression as fusion/MPL sequence

2011-06-01 Thread Joel Falcou
Seems somethign crooky on this front. Calling fusion::at_c on expression 
ends up in error even after including boost/proto/fusion.hpp.
Same way, flatten used as a transform seems to not give me a type that 
can be passed to any fusion or mpl function. Looking at
proto/fusion.hpp I noticed that the iterator is indeed random_access but 
not the view itself which as a forward_traversal tag. Even

after fixing this, no dice, at_c(some_proto_expr) still fails to compile.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Latest proto commit on trunk.

2011-05-11 Thread Joel Falcou

On 09/05/11 20:36, Eric Niebler wrote:

Right, that's not going to work. I'm surprised it ever did.

it was long shot by us I confess. I'll repent I promise

Can you you boost/typeof.hpp
For w/e reason it fails horribly in flames and brimstone under MSVC2010 
in our test cases.


proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Latest proto commit on trunk.

2011-05-09 Thread Joel Falcou

On 09/05/11 21:12, Eric Niebler wrote:

FWIW, this was due to a missing #include, which I've since fixed. This
*should* work again, but it's not part of Proto's public documented
interface. I reserve the right to break your code. ;-)
No problem. This is anyway some ugly fix. We have to slaps MSVC in the 
face harder.
Thanks for the timely commit, I'll report nt2 compile time improvement 
as soon as my

box is not sluggish anymore

proto mailing list

[proto] Latest proto commit on trunk.

2011-05-09 Thread Joel Falcou

I got these error compiling NT2 with proto trunk

error: 'M0' has not been declared
error: expected identifier before '~' token
error: expected ')' before '~' token
error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 
error: expected ';' before '~' token

Our code is :




Is detail/decltype.hpp a no-go to reuse this way ?
As for why we do this, we have to fight against some MSVC bug w/r to 
decltype that PROTO_DECLTYPE seemed to fix.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Using make_expr with as_child or as_expr

2011-05-02 Thread Joel Falcou

On 01/05/11 04:41, Eric Niebler wrote:

In some cases, I really want to write something like


but that kind of thing doesn't work, due to the funny way make_expr works.

It doesn't work? I *think* that would have the effect of building a new
node that would store children by value, making a0 and a1 expressions
(if they weren't already) by storing the terminal by reference. Is that
not what you were expecting? What are you trying to do?

We were expecting exactly that. It turned up something is still kept by 
reference and cause
the code to crash due to dandling references. If you say it should work, 
we may have fumbled

elsewhere. We'll try to get a repro out of nt2.

proto mailing list

[proto] Flags expression as being "top level"

2011-04-03 Thread Joel Falcou


we need a way to know if a given expression is the "top level" one.
The use case is to detect the last = in expression like:

a = b = c = x * y;

A working but runtime version is given as :

Havign this feature at compiel time sounds a lot better. I think it 
requires to

have a expression type carrying a bool_ in its type. Thus in the generator,
we set this bool_ to false_ in incoming expression and put it back into the
newly generated expression.

Is this a correct way of doing this or is there somethign already in 
proto we missed ?


proto mailing list

Re: [proto] My own lambda for MSM / wish list

2011-03-14 Thread Joel Falcou

On 14/03/11 22:28, Christophe Henry wrote:

.. the talk from Matt Calabrese last year at boostcon with the
MPL/Fusion hybrid
using decltype and auto. I think this is an interesting venture all in
all and should
be extended.

Yes, I have this in mind too.

I think it is worthy of *at least* consideration. MAtt said some stuff 
was still edgy but the core is probably here.

Sure! Count me in!

And add Gordon to the pool. As for who working when and how long, take 
into consideration i have some part of my own
research programm trying to get started on that, so I can dedicate more 
than just my free time to this.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] My own lambda for MSM / wish list

2011-03-13 Thread Joel Falcou

On 14/03/11 04:49, Eric Niebler wrote:

Exciting stuff! Truly Christophe, your ideas re decltype and EDSLs in
C++ are revolutionary. But unfortunately, I fear it will require a
revolution. This is all do-able, but the changes to MPL, Proto and even
to Phoenix in the case of the lambda capture stuff would require
breaking API changes.

The main problem is that we still segregate type operations from  their 
runtime counterpart,

this leads me to ...

As for MPL and Proto, someone needs to sit down and do some hard
thinking about what meta-programming will look like in C++0x. I suspect
it'll look less like today's MPL and Proto, and much more like what you
envision. It's a huge opportunity for someone to do some really
ground-breaking work.

.. the talk from Matt Calabrese last year at boostcon with the 
MPL/Fusion hybrid
using decltype and auto. I think this is an interesting venture all in 
all and should

be extended.

I have the same kind of ideas Christophe plus a few other (including a 
real meta-DAG structure).

Maybe we should get Matt in our boat and try hammering stuff ?
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Nested Transforms

2011-02-26 Thread Joel Falcou

On 26/02/11 12:55, Eric Niebler wrote:

But maybe it wouldn't hurt. Maybe RVO kicks in. It's worth testing. Joel
F., are you listening? Yours is probably the most performance sensitive
application of Proto. Can you try compiling with
BOOST_PROTO_STRICT_RESULT_OF and let us know if there's a perf hit?

Will do asap and report

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Inter-domain interaction - Question and bug ?

2011-02-26 Thread Joel Falcou

On 26/02/11 10:50, Eric Niebler wrote:

Sure. This is pretty easy. I suggest you introduce an additional unary
node with a special tag that is recognized by your grammar. For
instance, exponentbits currently returns:

   unary_expr<  exponentbits, arg>

Instead, make it return:

   unary_expr<  exponentbits, unary_expr<  hidedomain, arg>  >

Now, add the following alternate to your grammar:

   unary_expr<  hidedomain, _>

Make sense?

Eric, once again, your brain > my brain.
I'll test this asap.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Nested Transforms

2011-02-25 Thread Joel Falcou

On 26/02/11 02:18, Nate Knight wrote:

I'm trying to understand why the two commented out lines fail to compile.  It 
seems to me
that ideally they would compile, but I may be missing some constraint that 
makes these
lines incorrect.  In the first case, it seems like the return type of the 
default subscript evaluator
is being computed incorrectly.  The second one is not as interesting, but I 
curious why it
doesn't compile.

I'm compiling against 1.45 with gcc 4.5.

Thanks for any help.
Do you have the compilation output for each failure separately. I dont 
have a compiler handy atm.

proto mailing list

[proto] Inter-domain interaction - Question and bug ?

2011-02-23 Thread Joel Falcou


while adding function to my SIMD library built on proto. I stumbled into 
this problem:

I have a template grammar/generator/domain that helps me not mixing 
vector of different type/cardinal.
However some functions are designed to take vector of float and turn 
them into vector of int.
I wrote one there (exponenbits) by just forcing the domain to be the one 
from int. When I call it alone, it works.

But if I do exponentbits( some_float ) + some_int doesnt work.

The error is just :

/Users/joelfalcou/nt2/sandbox/proto.cpp:161:46: error: no match for 
'operator+' in 'nt2::simd::exponentbits(((const nt2::simd::pack4ul>&)((const nt2::simd::pack*)(& x + y'

With none of the usual 'no proto_grammar in not_a_domain' error I got 
when I mix element of different grammar with each other.

Now, if i turn the grammar into:


  // the template grammar

  struct grammar
: boost::proto
::or_ < boost::proto::terminal< data >
  , boost::proto::unary_exprgrammar >

  , boost::proto::
and_< boost::proto::
  nary_expr < boost::proto::_
, boost::proto::vararg< grammar >
, boost::proto::
  not_< boost::proto::or_ < boost::proto::
address_of< grammar >
  , boost::proto::
dereference< grammar >
  , boost::proto::
comma < grammar
  , grammar

It works. Alas, I have a potentially high and extensible set of such 
function (some being binary or ternary or w/e) and so I want
some way to accept such constructs without an explicit list of supported 
function. nt2 currently has something like 17 such cross domain function.

My question is why building such an expression:
 - make an error. Once I wrapped a terminal of domain Foo in domain 
Bar, it should be composable with other element of Bar domain
 - if this is an error, why dont I get the usual error of mixing wrong 
element with each other ?

Mixing element from unrelated domain through such domain wrapping is a 
very valauble techniaues in EDSL in my opinion as it allows efficient 
operations to be done.
nt2 has a vector and covector class in different domain and transposing 
a vector yields a covector, and vice versa. Being able to just have 
somehting that wraps the vector terminal and change its semantic this 
way is very valuable.

Thansk for any pointers or discussion on this.
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] proto performance

2011-02-20 Thread Joel Falcou

On 20/02/11 12:41, Eric Niebler wrote:

On 2/20/2011 6:40 PM, Joel Falcou wrote:

On 20/02/11 12:31, Karsten Ahnert wrote:

It is amazing that the proto expression is faster then the naive one.
The compiler must really love the way proto evaluates an expression.

I still dont really know why. Usual speed-up in our use cases here is
like ranging from 10 to 50%.

That's weird.

Well, for me it's weird in the good way so I dont complain. Old version 
of nt2 had cases where

we were thrice as fast as same vector+iterator based code ...
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] proto performance

2011-02-20 Thread Joel Falcou

On 20/02/11 12:31, Karsten Ahnert wrote:

It is amazing that the proto expression is faster then the naive one.
The compiler must really love the way proto evaluates an expression.
I still dont really know why. Usual speed-up in our use cases here is 
like ranging from 10 to 50%.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] proto performance

2011-02-20 Thread Joel Falcou

On 20/02/11 12:03, Karsten Ahnert wrote:

On 02/20/2011 12:02 PM, Joel Falcou wrote:

On 20/02/11 11:55, Karsten Ahnert wrote:

On 02/20/2011 11:57 AM, Eric Niebler wrote:
It gcc 4.4 on a 64bit machine. Of course, I compile with -O3.

Ding! welcome to gcc-4.4 64bits compiler hellfest.
Try 4.5, 4.4 64bits can't inlien for w/e reason.

Great, I tried with gcc 4.5 and the proto part is now around 5-10
percents faster. Thank you.

We banged our heads for weeks on this issue earlier until we found some 
dubious bug report in gcc bugzilla flagged as nofix :/

Seems the 4.5 branch solved it somehow.

You cna also try compiling with 4.4 using -m32
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] proto performance

2011-02-20 Thread Joel Falcou

On 20/02/11 11:55, Karsten Ahnert wrote:

On 02/20/2011 11:57 AM, Eric Niebler wrote:
It gcc 4.4 on a 64bit machine. Of course, I compile with -O3.

Ding! welcome to gcc-4.4 64bits compiler hellfest.
Try 4.5, 4.4 64bits can't inlien for w/e reason.
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] proto performance

2011-02-20 Thread Joel Falcou

On 20/02/11 11:57, Eric Niebler wrote:

On 2/20/2011 5:52 PM, Joel Falcou wrote:

1/ how do you measure performances ? Anything which is not the median of
1-5K runs is meaningless.

You can see how he measures it in the code he posted.

I clicked send too fast :p

2/ Don't use context, transform are usually better optimized by compilers

That really shouldn't matter.

Well, in our test it does. At least back in gcc 4.4

3/ are you using gcc on a 64 bits system ? On this configuration a gcc
bug prevent proto to be inlined.

Naive question: are you actually compiling with optimizations on? -O3
-DNDEBUG? And are you sure the compiler isn't lifting the whole thing
out of the loop, since the computation is the same with each iteration?

Oh yeah I forgot these.

On my machine (mac osx dual core intel with g++4-5) i have a 25% speed 
up by proto ...

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] proto performance

2011-02-20 Thread Joel Falcou
1/ how do you measure performances ? Anything which is not the median of 
1-5K runs is meaningless.

2/ Don't use context, transform are usually better optimized by compilers
3/ are you using gcc on a 64 bits system ? On this configuration a gcc 
bug prevent proto to be inlined.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Active operator/function generation checking

2011-01-30 Thread Joel Falcou

On 31/01/11 04:38, Eric Niebler wrote:

This is a judgment call that only you, as library author, can make. If
doing the checking early imposes too high a compile-time requirement,
then it may make sense to delay it until it's less expensive to do, and
accept worse error messages.

But at least, I am not doing something completely stupid at this level.

You might also consider a "debugging mode" controlled with a compiler
switch, where things are checked up-front. Just a suggestion.

I was thinking of this too, and add some NT2_COMPILE_TIME_DEBUG mode.

proto mailing list

[proto] Active operator/function generation checking

2011-01-30 Thread Joel Falcou

I'm trying to polish the last layer of compile time error handling in nt2.
my concern at the moment is that, if have a function foo(a,b) that works
on any real a and any char b, i dont want my foo function working on nt2
container to work with nothing but matrix of real and matrix of char.
nt2 has a is_callable_with metafunction that basically check for this on 
the scalar


Considering the huge amount of functions nt2 has to support and their 
complex type requirement,

grammar are a bit unusable here.

Is it OK to have a custom nt2 generator that basically static_assert 
over is_callable_with
to prevent wrong container expression to be built and hence ends up in 
error waay far in the

expression evaluation code ?
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Adding stuff in proto operator

2010-12-29 Thread Joel Falcou

Error found.

The problem was in the and_impl transform. It uses comma operator to 
chain calls to each and_ alternatives.
However, when this is used in a grammar used as a Generator, it enters a 
subtle infinite loop as each comma

want to build an expression with the newly generated expression.

I locally modified proto this way in boost/proto/matches.hpp :

templateState, typename Data>

struct _and_impl, Expr, State, Data>
 : proto::transform_impl
  #define M0(Z, N, 
  typename proto::whenN)>\
  ::template implData>\
N);   \


  typedef typename BOOST_PP_CAT(Gimpl, BOOST_PP_DEC(N))::result_type 

  result_type operator()(
  typename _and_impl::expr_param e
, typename _and_impl::state_param s
, typename _and_impl::data_param d
  ) const
   // Fix: jfalcou - 12/29/2010
   // This allow and_ to be used in grammar used as generator
   // by not using comma which caused an infinite loop

  #define M1(Z,N,DATA) \

// expands to G0()(e,s,d); G1()(e,s,d); ... G{N-1}()(e,s,d);
return BOOST_PP_CAT(Gimpl,BOOST_PP_DEC(N))()(e,s,d);

  #undef M1
  #undef M0

instead of using comma, I just generate N-1 application of GimplN and 
return the last Gimpl call.

Is this fix acceptable or am I doing something wrong all together ?
If yes, Eric, any objections that I merge this into trunk ?

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Adding stuff in proto operator

2010-12-29 Thread Joel Falcou

OK, small road bump.

I tried a simple "grammar as geenrator" thingy but using the idea that i 
didnt wanted to replicate all possible generator out there.

So i made a template grammar taking a Generator and doing thing around:

struct print_tag : proto::callable
  typedef void result_type;
  template void operator()(X const&) const
std::cout << typeid(typename proto::tag_of::type).name() << "\n";

struct  debug_generator
  : proto::when < proto::_
, proto::and_ < print_tag(proto::_)
  , Generator(proto::_)
> {};

I then took the Calc2 example and changed the calculator_domain to be :

struct calculator_domain
proto::domain > >


Boost version is 1.45
The full modified code is :
Alas, I got a lump of errors as specified here :

Am I missing something or is the and_ not working like I thougt it was 
as a transform.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Adding stuff in proto operator

2010-12-28 Thread Joel Falcou
Disregard last question. a generator is just a callable, so i can use a 
grammar as a generator I guess hence using the grammar to dispacth

the proper actions on my ast construction. Am I right ?
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Adding stuff in proto operator

2010-12-28 Thread Joel Falcou
Last question. The geenrator awaits a Expr as parameters, what can be 
the way to specialize this operator() dependign on the tag passed to the 
generator ?

Extract tag_of out of Expr and then dispacth internally ?
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Adding stuff in proto operator

2010-12-28 Thread Joel Falcou

On 28/12/10 23:13, Eric Niebler wrote:

On 12/28/2010 5:05 PM, Joel Falcou wrote:

Here i smy use case. I guess Eric answer will be "do this at
evaluation time"

Do this at evaluation time. Just kidding.


See :p I was *sure* you will say that :p

You missed the "Generator" parameter to proto::domain. It's a unary
function object that accepts all new proto expressions and does
something to it. That something can include asserting if matrix/vector
sizes don't match.
Oh snap ! Of course. I just have to make my generator do the same stuff 
than normal
proto generator except asserting before. I also see that i can make this 
Generator subject

to some of our policy to enable?disable this at compile-time.

OK Sold :D

proto mailing list

[proto] Adding stuff in proto operator

2010-12-28 Thread Joel Falcou
Here i smy use case. I guess Eric answer will be "do this at evaluation 
time" but let's
I have some array/matrix DSEL going on. I want to test if two expression 

said matrix has compatible size before creating a proto ast node.

e.g if a,b are matrices, a + b should assert if size(a) != size(b) (in 
the matlab meaning of size).

Now i can do the check when evaluating the expression before trying to 
assign it BUT it irks
me that the assert triggers inside the matrix expression evaluator 
instead of at the line said +

was wrongly called.

Could we have some way to specify code to call before returning the a 
new operator AST node,
shoudl I overload operators myself ? Should I stick with the "assert in 
eval" policy and try to come
up with way to tell the user which operators faile din which expression, 
did I miss the obvious ?

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] looking for an advise

2010-12-27 Thread Joel Falcou

On 27/12/10 11:02, Maxim Yanchenko wrote:

Hi Eric and other gurus,

Sorry in advance for a long post.

I'm making a mini-language for message processing in our system.
It's currently implemented in terms of overloaded functions with
enable_if>  dispatching, but now I see that
Dont. this increases copiel time and provide unclear error. Accept 
anykind of expression adn use matches in a

static_assert with a clear error ID.

(a) I'm reimplementing Phoenix which is not on Proto yet in Boost 1.45.0 (that's
how I found this mailing list). It would be great to reuse what Phoenix has;

Isn't it in trunk already Thomas ?

(b) I need to do several things on expressions and I don't know what would be
the best way to approach them all.

Here is a background.
Every message is a multiset of named fields (i.e. is a multimap
I have a distinct type for each FieldName, so I can do some multiprogramming on
sets of FieldNames, like making generating a structure that will hold values of
the fields I need, by list of field names (e.g. fusion::map).

While processing a message, I can do some checks like if particular field is
present, if it's equal or not to some value, if it matches a predicate etc.
They are implemented as a set of predicate functions "condition" like

   template<  class Msg, class Expr>
   typename boost::enable_if<  proto::matches  >, bool>::type
   condition( const Msg&  msg, const Expr&  expr )

with various condition grammars in enable_if>


Again, use matches inside the function body.

(a) everything runs on enable_if. I expect it to become more concise and clean
if I use either transforms or contexts.
You need none. Put your grammar into a domain with a proper context and 
proto will check operators overload for you.

(b) a lot of Phoenix is basically reimplemented from scratch (thanks Eric, with
Proto it was very easy to do!). But I don't know how to extend Phoenix so it
could work in my expressions with my things like "any_field", "optional",
"mandatory" etc.

Better see what Thomas has up his sleeves in Phoenix.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] phoenix 3 refactoring complete.

2010-12-23 Thread Joel Falcou

nice xmas present :D
can't wait for the doc ;D
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Proto documentation, tutorials, developer guide and general Publis Relations

2010-12-04 Thread joel falcou

On 04/12/10 18:01, Eric Niebler wrote:

Something along those lines would be a big improvement. I've gotten
better at explaining Proto since I wrote those docs, and they could use
a major facelift.

I still like the fundamental idea of structuring the users guide around
the idea of Proto as a compiler construction toolkit, with sections for
front-end, intermediate form, and back-end. But before we get to that,
there should be a Not-So-Quick Start with examples that gets people going.

The structure is rather good and I (we) liked it. But some "gallery" of 
samples could be nice to have a long-standing work-item to go through 
the docs and examples and

The contexts must go.


4/ Maybe more diverse examples coudl eb turned into full fledged,
detailed, step by step tutorial. map_assing


OK my dyslexia stroke again: *map_assign*

Yes, this an some other newer features are not described in the users'
guide at all. That includes sub-domains, per-domain control over
as_child and as_expr, external transforms, and now the expanded set of
functional callables.

and the member<> thing or is it still in flux ?

Any and all contributions are welcome. But no "assing" please.

Promise ;) no assing :€

What is "this"? Are you referring to I'm pretty committed
to finishing the article series I started there, and it wouldn't be
right to move it elsewhere at this point.

Once I sent this, I remembered abotu c++-next. Dunno if you could use it 
for more proto expsoure through

tutorial stuff ? I wasn't asking you to move anyway :)

proto mailing list

[proto] Proto documentation, tutorials, developer guide and general Publis Relations

2010-12-04 Thread joel falcou


recently I have been promoting Proto to a few fellow coworker in some 
academic circles as well as in
some industrial contexts. Most of these evangelisation process turned 
quite well but I felt a lot of time
that something wasn't clinking as it should and I think it's partially 
because of the way proto presents
itself and how the docs examples and tutorials are structured. So here 
is a few remarks and some

ideas on how to improve it.

1/ Proto describes itself as "Proto is a framework for building Domain 
Specific Embedded Languages in C++. It provides tools for constructing, 
type-checking, transforming and executing expression templates". A lot 
of people I spoke too where wondering what expression templates were and,
as non-C++ expert, as honestly no clues what it was about. Others jumped 
on the fact that "oh it enables some lazy evaluation idiom in C++ ?".
Few were acustomed to the EDSL idom. So, I wonder if we could not touch 
more potential users by stating it in a way "lazy evaluation" appears.

2/ What's the long term plan for context classes ? I remember discussign 
their removal but will it happen (at least from the doc) ?
I spend quite a time demonstrating and reteaching transform over context 
to a lot of people. I'll gladly see them
deprecated in 1.46 and maybe ditched in 1.47 or is there any reson to 
keep them ?

3/ The documentation on-going example of the calculator is OK but it 
lacks somethign between this and the full fledged, impressive
small lambda or futures sampels at the end. I noticed a huge gap between 
the toy calculator and code people have to really write with
proto. On the other hand, the Boost'con 2010 talk examples of map_assign 
was a real gem as it was simple enough to be grokkable by
everybody and yet demonstrated a lot. I think it should be in the 
documentation instead of as a sample at the end. I remember

thinking "why it is not detaile dlike that in the doc" during your session.

4/ Maybe more diverse examples coudl eb turned into full fledged, 
detailed, step by step tutorial. map_assing, some kind of simpel lazy 
computation stuff (like the numerical integration sampel form Veldhuizen 
paper), a larger example with a transform not tied to the grammar (a lot 
of people assumed it could not be done), etc ... Thomas Heller and I 
were brainstormign a bit and mayeb we can actually get a list, code it 
and write the tutorial over. I can also offer internals of our SIMD code 
or even from Quaff for a tutorial on how having proto enabled 
intermediate representation is useful or on how to do pattern matchign 
on AST.

5/ Finally, this is starting to look like the Spirit site. What about a 
proto blog/website where articles liek this or sample code could be 
detailed, introspected and published ?

So here is some cents ;)

Food for thought-ly yours

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Externalizing grammar pattern matching

2010-11-23 Thread joel falcou

On 23/11/10 17:20, Eric Niebler wrote:

On 11/23/2010 10:19 AM, Joel Falcou wrote:

So, question is: is there a way to have an extensible list of
when  that can be extended "from the outside", something
like a proto::switch_ but with patterns instead of tag ?

No. The best you can do is document how to define a new Proto algorithm
from an old one:

   struct Old : proto::or_<  ...>  {};

   struct New : proto::or_<  my_stuff, Old>  {};

Now everywhere in your library that you have the Old algorithm
hard-coded, you need to make it a template parameter so that your stuff
can be used with an extended algorithm.

Can't the new extrnal_transform be of any help ?

proto mailing list

[proto] Externalizing grammar pattern matching

2010-11-23 Thread Joel Falcou

Here is some classical pattern matching using proto::or_

This is pretty canonical I guess (unless my proto-fu is rusting).
As stated in the comments, my main concern is that adding new 
pattern->value rules need to edit or_<>. Also classical.

For a long time it didn't bothered me until I needed to ship some code
doing this AND wanting to be extended by random contributors to add new 

I brainstormed and conjured something like:

(hold your horses on the crappiness of my MPL, it's a quick'n'dirty demo 
code trying to get around the fact that mpl::pair, for whatever silly 
reason, IS NOT a MPL RandomAccessSequence :| )

So it's slightly better. Now I dont have to touch the or_<>, just the
mpl::vector. Close but no cigare.

After some other hours, I found a way to make a MPL map look-a-like 
where the insertion is external:

Alas, i can't find a way to put a decent mpl::iterator over this so both 
puzzles pieces fits.

So, question is: is there a way to have an extensible list of 
when that can be extended "from the outside", something

like a proto::switch_ but with patterns instead of tag ?

My daydream being something akin to :

So, now, I'll be grateful if you can answer this by some "you moron, use 
X" :D

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] : Proto transform with state

2010-11-17 Thread joel falcou

On 17/11/10 19:46, Eric Niebler wrote:

See the attached code. I wish I had a better answer. It sure would be
nice to generalize this for other times when new state needs to bubble
up and back down.

Just chiming in. We had the exact same problem in quaff where needed to
carry on a process ID over the trasnform of parallel statement. If it can
make you worry less Eric, we ended with the exact same workaround.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Using proto with expressions containing matrices from the EIgen library

2010-10-27 Thread Joel Falcou

That's a tough one :/
Main problem is probably the fact you can't control when/Where eigen do 
his bidding.

Best shot is to externally make eigen temporary proto terminals, write a 
grammar that disable operators onthem and then write a transform dealing 
with the composite E.T AST.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Visitor Design Pattern

2010-10-26 Thread joel falcou

On 26/10/10 19:44, Eric Niebler wrote:

struct my_actions_with_state
 // specializations to look up transforms
 // using rules:
 struct when;

 // any ol' state can go here:
 int my_state;

Now, you can pass an instance of my_actions_with_state as a data
parameter. Proto will use the nested "when" template to find transforms,
and your transforms can use the my_state member at runtime to do whatever.

Does that help

Oh snap ! Yes :D
Thansk for the head up

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Visitor Design Pattern

2010-10-25 Thread Joel . Falcou
> You could pass it as state


> or bundle it with the external transforms.
> All you need is a nested when template. Does that help?

A short example of this for my poor 7am self without coffee ;) ?

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Visitor Design Pattern

2010-10-25 Thread Joel . Falcou

> There, that's better. I don't think I'll mess with it any more. Go ahead
> and use it, Thomas.

just a small question: what if I need a transform that use external data ?
in nt2, we have thsi compute trnsform that recursively eats the AST and
call the approprite function passing a n dimension position tuple as a

I guess I could pass it as a state but will we have any other alternative ?

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Visitor Design Pattern

2010-10-24 Thread joel falcou

On 24/10/10 11:53, Joel de Guzman wrote:
Am I the only one thinking that "actor" should be more a part of proto 
phoenix? I'd love to use such a generic extension mechanism for Spirit 

for example.

I *need* it for nt2 too, makes some optimisation far simpler than before.
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Thoughts on traversing proto expressions and reusing grammar

2010-10-21 Thread joel falcou

On 20/10/10 21:34, Thomas Heller wrote:

On Wednesday 20 October 2010 21:24:49 joel falcou wrote:

Using thomas code and my own functor class , i designed a new
computation transform but it fails
to dispatch.

Actually it is Eric's code and idea we are using. So it is him who needs to
take credit for it ;)

Just so you know we fixed that. Props to the new design :)
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Thoughts on traversing proto expressions and reusing grammar

2010-10-20 Thread joel falcou
I took the liberty to peruse this design to redesign nt2 computation 
As nt2 provides a lot of functions on its various DSL terminal, we're 
some solution that scale - as havign 200+ case specialization is a 
bit unpractical.

S, despite ppl telling me dispacthing on tag cause loss of hairs and 

bad stuff, I came to the conclusion that I could use both part :
- dispatch on tag for most things
- dispatch on rules for local, AST based optimisation (turnign a*b+c 
into madd, or similar stuff)

Using thomas code and my own functor class , i designed a new 
computation transform but it fails
to dispatch. Before goign further, recall that nt2::functors::functor ae 
generalized polymorphic function
object follwoing the result_of protocol. For a given tag, functor 
perform the proper operation
on its arguments by forwarding the call to a call class, 
Category being something

discriminating the various type i want to differentiate.

So here's the transform (reuing algorithm etc from previosu post)

struct bind
: boost::proto::when< Rule
, typename Actions::template action

struct compiler : boost::proto::switch_ {};

// computation action
struct compute
struct case_
: bind< boost::proto::_
, compute
, boost::proto::tag_of()

// Primary case captures any tag into appropriate functor and call it
// recursively using unpack
struct action
: boost::proto::
unpack< boost::proto::

// Captures terminal and forward their value, state and data to the functor
template template
struct compute::action
: boost::proto::
call ( boost::proto::_value
, boost::proto::_state
, boost::proto::_data
} }

namespace boost { namespace proto
struct is_callable > : boost::mpl::true_ {};
} }

Alas, the compiler is not happy and complain about an incompelte 
proto::apply_transform type:

/usr/local/include/boost-1_44/boost/proto/transform/impl.hpp:96: error: 
invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct 
>(nt2::dsl::compilernt2::tag::sse_> > >)>(nt2::simd::packboost::proto::exprns_::is_proto_expr>&, const 
nt2::simd::expressionboost::proto::argsns_::term, 0l>, float, mpl_::size_t<4u>, 
boost::proto::exprns_::is_proto_expr>&, int, int)>’

/usr/local/include/boost-1_44/boost/proto/transform/impl.hpp:75: error: 
declaration of ‘struct 
>(nt2::dsl::compilernt2::tag::sse_> > >)>(nt2::simd::packboost::proto::exprns_::is_proto_expr>&, const 
nt2::simd::expressionboost::proto::argsns_::term, 0l>, float, mpl_::size_t<4u>, 
boost::proto::exprns_::is_proto_expr>&, int, int)>’

Thomas and me tried to fix it but not to avail ...

Before bashing me, I strongly push the fact that tag dispatching is a 
valid use-case, unless
anyone can provide me with such a scalable solution without ressorting 
to this.

As for a small reproductible example, it's currently a bit hard. You can 
look at the code

int he nT2 github repository (
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] [phoenix3] New design proposal

2010-10-19 Thread Joel Falcou

I can imagine a lot of usecases that benefit from this feature. Let me
list a few here:
- Multi Stage programming: evaluate the phoenix expression to
another language that can
  be compiled by some external compiler. The prime example i
imagine for this is that someone
  picks that topic up, and writes a shader DSL based on phoenix
reusing the already existing
  phoenix constructs.

We already did here using a souped up phoenix like construct. SO being 
able to use the real thing(tm) will be even beter

   - Optimiziers: With the help of this Actions parameter, it almost
gets trivial to write optimization
 passes that work on phoenix expression. I think this is worth
exploring, because a optimizer working
 on these high level expression has way more information than for
example the GIMPLE representation
 of GCC.

see nt2 SIMD pack optimization for such use case too.
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Thoughts on traversing proto expressions and reusing grammar

2010-10-15 Thread joel falcou

On 15/10/10 09:22, Eric Niebler wrote:

Goodness Joel, I have no idea what you're asking. What's the "visitor
level"? Why would you have to transform the AST? What are you trying to
do, exactly?

LOL, please excuse my non-caeffinated post at 8am :€

I have some AST that represent arithmetic computation.
I know that when I encouter a "a + b*c" node (where a,b,c can be expression
themselves), I can evaluate it using an optimised call instead
of chaining + and *.

Currently I do this by transforming my AST into another where a+b*c
is replaced by madd(a,b,c). Now, with your specialization of dispatch using
grammar instead of tag, I can check for a+b*c and dispacth to a special 

instead of having a bloated trasnform next to that.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Thoughts on traversing proto expressions and reusing grammar

2010-10-14 Thread Joel Falcou

Eric Niebler wrote:

Dispatch to transforms on grammar rules.

wait Jolly Jumper ! Does this means I could
traverse a SIMD EDSL AST in search for a*b+c
at the *visitor* level and not requiring to
transform the AST beforehand by dispacthing
over plus> ?

If yes, sign me up :o
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Proto domains shenanigans

2010-10-13 Thread joel falcou

On 13/10/10 22:54, Eric Niebler wrote:

- constant can mix with any other EDSL

Make them terminals in no particular domain (proto::default_domain).


Define a SIMD domain with no super-domain.

I thought domain with no super-domain ended up in default_domain ?

This sounds like you want a type system for an EDSL. Proto can't do that
in its current incarnation. The hackish solution is to let everything
combine with everything, capture the above rules in a Proto grammar and
assert at the point of expression evaluation that the expression
conforms to the grammar. Type-checking sub-expressions sometimes
requires writing transforms. It's tricky.

hmmm ok. I'll play and tinker with this.
proto mailing list

[proto] Proto domains shenanigans

2010-10-13 Thread joel falcou
OK, I have a situation in which proto domain/subdomain could help me but 
i can't
wrap my head around a proper solution. Here is the deal, i have various 
sub EDSL that goes like:

- constants EDSL provides named consatnts (like zero_, one_, pi_ etc) 
that are meant to be terminal
usable in any other EDSL en provide a type based way to know which 
constant is beging used and
provide optimization in came it helps (e.g detecting x < zero_ in SIMD 
EDSL to replace with the

SSSE3 corresponding fused operation)

- a SIMD vector EDSL

- various container based EDSL : table (multidim array), vector, matrix 
and tensor, polynom and rigid_transform.

The rules I want to have is :

- constant can mix with any other EDSL
- SIMD don't mix with anybody
- table mix with every other container and make them evaluates as table 
(e.g matrix * table == elementwise product and not matrix product)

- vector, matrix, tensor can mix
- polynom can mix with table but not with vector, matrix, tensor
- rigid_transform van mix with table and matrix

However i can't find any combination of domain definition that satisfy 
all. Is there some systematic methodologies to not fail at that ?

proto mailing list

[proto] Can't use template domain class with BOOST_PROTO_BASIC_EXTENDS

2010-10-09 Thread joel falcou

Trying to use template domain class with BOOST_PROTO_BASIC_EXTENDS
ends up in an error leading to the fact this ligne in the macro is incorrect
when the Domain is template:

typedef void proto_is_aggregate_;
typedef Domain::proto_generator proto_generator;

Obviously this is alckign a typename before Domain::proto_generator if
Domain is actually a template class.

Thing is used to work before ( aorund 1.40) so I guess somethign changed 
around here.
I guess a details meta-function extracting the domain will fix that or 
am I wrong ?

namespace boost { namespace proto
  template generator_of
  typedef typename Domain::proto_generator type;
} }

typedef void proto_is_aggregate_;
typedef typename generator_of::type proto_generator;

Or is it ?

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Thoughts on traversing proto expressions and reusing grammar

2010-10-07 Thread joel falcou

On 07/10/10 23:06, Eric Niebler wrote:

On 10/4/2010 1:55 PM, Eric Niebler wrote:

The idea of being able to specify the transforms separately from the
grammar is conceptually very appealing. The grammar is the control flow,
the transform the action. Passing in the transforms to a grammar would
be like passing a function object to a standard algorithm: a very
reasonable thing to do. I don't think we've yet found the right
formulation for it, though. Visitors and tag dispatching are too
ugly/hard to use.

I have some ideas. Let me think some.


Really quickly, what I have been thinking of is something like this:

struct MyGrammar
   : proto::or_<
 proto::when<  rule1, typename Transforms::tran1>
   , proto::when<  rule2, typename Transforms::tran2>
   , proto::when<  rule3, typename Transforms::tran3>

That is, you parameterize the grammar on the transforms, just the way
you parameterize a std algorithm by passing it a function object. Each
grammar (I'm thinking of starting to call Proto grammars+transforms
"Proto algorithms", because really that's what they are) must document
the concept that must be satisfied by its Transforms template parameter
(what nested typedefs must be present).

This is extremely simple and terse. It gives a simple way to extend
behaviors (by deriving from an existing Transforms model and hiding some
typedefs with your own).

I know this is not general enough to meet the needs of Phoenix, and
possibly not general enough for NT2, but I just thought I'd share the
direction of my thinking on this problem.

I've decided that th ebest way to advance this issue is to use curren 
tthomas stuff in the
current nT2 development and see what use case arise from my twisted code 
base and see

how it can go.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Thoughts on traversing proto expressions and reusing grammar

2010-10-04 Thread Joel Falcou

On 05/10/10 08:51, Thomas Heller wrote:

Having that said, just having "plain" evaluation of phoenix expressions
seemed to me that it is wasting of what could become possible with the power
of proto. I want to do more with phoenix expressions, let me remind you that
phoenix is "C++ in C++" and with that i want to be able to write some cool
algorithms transforming these proto expressions, introspect these proto
expression and actively influence the way these phoenix expressions get
evaluated/optimized/whatever. One application of these custom evaluations
that came to my mind was constant folding, so i implemented it on top of my
new prototype. The possibilities are endless: A proper design will enable
such things as multistage programming: imagine an evaluator which does not
compute the result, but translate a phoenix expression to a string which can
be compiled by an openCL/CUDA/shader compiler. Another thing might be auto
parallelization of phoenix expression (of course, we are far away from that,
we would need a proper graph library for that). Nevertheless, these were
some thoughts I had in mind.

Not tha t far, it's basically what's my cohort of tools odes all by 
themselves with a clunky code base. If it get streamlined so tha i can 
reuse phoenix as a back end, it's just done. Period. We already have the 
openCL things working and running and even out performing commercial 
product ... We just need a proper code base ;)

As far as my memories go, we abandoned those prototypes because of several
reasons, one was that this early prototype was quite complex and not very
easy to follow, i guess this is true for my attempt to resurrect it. The
other thing was that people felt like we exposed too much of proto to users
who wanted to extend phoenix. Last but least, it differed too much from the
design of phoenix2. See my explanations above on my try to tackle the
criticism on all these points.

It didn't exposed tha much proto ... unless you consider proto::_ to be 
too much :/ And back in the day, I didn't knew making the new phoenix a 
clone of the old was a design requirements ;)

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Thoughts on traversing proto expressions and reusing grammar

2010-10-04 Thread joel falcou

On 04/10/10 20:45, Eric Niebler wrote:

I'm not opposed to such a thing being in Proto, but I (personally) don't
feel a strong need. I'd be more willing if I saw a more strongly
motivating example. I believe Joel Falcou invented something similar.
Joel, what was your use scenario?

NT2 ;)

More specifically, all our transform are built the same way:
visit the tree, dispatch on visitor type + tag and act accordignly.
It was needed for us cause the grammar could NOT have been written by hand
as we supprot 200+ functions on nt2 terminal. All our code is somethign like
"for each node, do Foo" with variable Foo depending on the pass and 

the grammar was a no-no.

We ended up with somethign like this, except without switch_ (which I 
like btw), so we
can easily add new transform on the AST from the external view point of 
user who
didn't have to know much proto. As I only had to define one grammar (the 
visitor) and only specialisation of the

visitor for some tag, it compiled fast and that was what we wanted.

Thomas, why not showign the split example ? It's far better than this 
one and I remember I and Eric

weren't able to write it usign grammar/transform back in the day.
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Funky exercie: subset of Boost::parameters using proto

2010-08-16 Thread joel falcou

On 16/08/10 23:46, Daniel Oberhoff wrote:

ha, its alive :)

Getting it out is my main priority for 2010.

did you get my query as to wether it will be possible to get sse acceleration 
without having to specify it in the type or having sizes be divisible by four 
(or even satisfying alignment provably at compile time)?
Now compiling with -msse2 is enough to trigger simdisation. If you use 
nt2 container it does everythign already (alignment+padding). If you 
happen to pass some naked pointer, we have a split strategy: we ofund 
the first aligned element, the last one and apply SSE on these. The pre 
and prologue are done in a scalar way. That's the best we can do. To 
prevent further pollution of this ML, I direct you to

btw, should I find time I am happy to help.
No problem :) Soon, the git will contain the bare container system based 
on proto with a selection of usable functions. Tests and deploiement 
will be very welcome.

also you might be interested in checking out cuda thrust with regard to 
dispatch to openmp and cuda (and with the help of the ocelot project also to 
other opencl devices):
We have a post-doc on that already. Current prototype for openCL based 
nt2 is on the par with comemrcial product liek Rapidmind.

(Sorry eric for this hijacking)
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Funky exercie: subset of Boost::parameters using proto

2010-08-16 Thread joel falcou

On 16/08/10 23:30, Daniel Oberhoff wrote:

  I am still dreaming of a numeric library with a blitz like interface that 
dispatches automatically (with both static and dynamic dispatch as appropriate) 
to serial, sse, openmp-style, and cuda code.

Follow in the upcoming months then ;)

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Funky exercie: subset of Boost::parameters using proto

2010-08-16 Thread joel falcou

Got some error trying to compile this vs boost :: trunk

j...@dell-desktop:~/Desktop$ time g++-4.3 -O3 -c options.cpp -I./ 
options.cpp: In member function ‘typename 
()(Option, Default)>::type boost::option_expr::operator()(const 
Option&, const Default&) const’:

options.cpp:103: error: wrong number of template arguments (3, should be 2)
/usr/local/include/boost-trunk/boost/proto/proto_fwd.hpp:435: error: 
provided for ‘template struct 

/usr/local/include/boost-trunk/boost/mpl/assert.hpp: At global scope:
/usr/local/include/boost-trunk/boost/mpl/assert.hpp: In instantiation of 

options.cpp:103: instantiated from here
/usr/local/include/boost-trunk/boost/mpl/assert.hpp:148: error: ‘int’ is 
not a class, struct, or union type
/usr/local/include/boost-trunk/boost/mpl/assert.hpp:149: error: ‘int’ is 
not a class, struct, or union type

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Funky exercie: subset of Boost::parameters using proto

2010-08-15 Thread joel falcou

On 15/08/10 23:21, Eric Niebler wrote:

Haha! I admit I was a bit suspicious at first. Nobody ever said, "Wow,
Proto sped up my compiles!" ;-)

I wish :)

But looking at Joel's implementation, I suspect it can be sped up
considerably by avoiding fusion vectors and maps. (I've found fusion to
be costly at compile time and generally avoid it in Proto.)
Yup, same experience here. I dunno if it comes fromthe TMP part of the 
PP part tough

I don't see a reason why the proto expression tree can't directly serve the same
role as the fusion map. Just define a transform instead of using
Hmmm, how should this transform work ? We already capture the value of 
the parmaeters
by value in the tree so it can actually be used for this but I admit the 
transform is not trivial.

Regardless, a nifty hack, and amazing you could do this in a few hours.

It was the point of the game ;)

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Funky exercie: subset of Boost::parameters using proto

2010-08-15 Thread joel falcou

On 15/08/10 20:21, Daniel Wallin wrote:

So you implemented something significantly slower (3 times on machine
with gcc4.3). Not very surprising; adding complex abstraction in the
implementation rarely makes things faster.

As I said, it's more of an exercice than anything else.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Funky exercie: subset of Boost::parameters using proto

2010-08-15 Thread joel falcou

Code is now uplaoded to some GIT repo:
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Funky exercie: subset of Boost::parameters using proto

2010-08-15 Thread joel falcou

On 15/08/10 17:46, Tim Moore wrote:
Nice.  I've been meaning to start using Boost.Parameter in one of my 
projects but I definitely like this syntax better.  I'll probably 
start using this soon (like this week).

Please post if you make updates.

Thanks for the interest.It's still in its infancy and lack some of the 
features of boost::parameters. I'll prolly put up a boost git on my 
account and put it inside in a proper form.

proto mailing list

[proto] Funky exercie: subset of Boost::parameters using proto

2010-08-15 Thread joel falcou
So, Thomas and I felt bored or some suhc this afternoon. Incidentally, I 
needed to use Boost::Parameters
in NT² but found the compile time to be somehow slow. So in a flash of 
defiance, we went to reimplementing
a subset of parameters using proto. The syntax is ratehr different but 
the effect is ratehr nice.

The code is here:

Comments welcome
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] So I heard proto make AST ...

2010-08-11 Thread Joel . Falcou
> This is kind of like Proto's evaluation contexts, IIUC. I'm not wild for
> them because often just the tag isn't enough information to find the
> right handler. But maybe it covers enough use cases and can be made
> easier to use. Right now, proto has an "eval" function that takes an
> expression and an evaluation context, but the user is responsible for
> the flow control. Maybe there should be a pre_order_eval and
> post_order_eval that takes on the control flow responsibilities.

Yes but here each tag specialization leaves in its own function object and
not as an operator()().

For sepcific need, we can specialize based on tag+type of visitor+type of

> Tags don't have arities. E.g. nothing prevents someone from creating an
> expression with tag::plus and 5 children.

Yes but the same way proto operator has the expected behavior by defualt,
one can expect they have expected arity.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] So I heard proto make AST ...

2010-08-11 Thread joel falcou

On 11/08/10 17:52, Eric Niebler wrote:

I don't exactly recall the details of Joel's technique. My experiments
to separate transforms from grammars were largely unsuccessful because
control flow often need pattern matching. I'd like to see alternate designs.
Mine was just a post-order traversal by a visitor that could be 
specialized on node's tag

Ah, but the control flow of this transform depends on pattern matching
(i.e., the grammar) to dispatch to the correct handler. I'm interested
to see what this arity calculation would look like with a tree traversal.
Last time I tried, i ended up needing a meta-function that gave you the 
arity of any tag.

Then you did a fold of max over the tree traversal.
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] So I heard proto make AST ...

2010-08-11 Thread joel falcou

On 11/08/10 09:53, Thomas Heller wrote:

Joel Falcou showed a technique which, to
some extend is able to deal with the no-repetition part.

Fact is that I just play on the fact Transform X can be applied one 
xpression buitl on Grammar Z, Z and X being unrelated.

We use that quite a lot in our EDSL.
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] So I heard proto make AST ...

2010-08-10 Thread Joel . Falcou
> Good. Now if you are saying that Proto's existing transforms are too
> low-level and that things like pre- and post-order traversals should be
> first class Proto citizens ... no argument. Patch? :-

Yup exactly as soon as i haver a real kboard

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] So I heard proto make AST ...

2010-08-10 Thread Joel . Falcou
I'm on a tiny mobile, but my idéa was to have such algo as proto
transforms & grammar

> On 8/10/2010 4:48 AM, Gordon Woodhull wrote:
>> Thanks Joel,
>> This is food for thought!
> Indeed, but I'm struggling to keep up because I don't really know what
> you guys are after.
>> On Aug 10, 2010, at 2:47 AM, joel falcou wrote:
>>> On 10/08/10 05:24, Gordon Woodhull wrote:
>>>> I wonder if Dan Marsden's Traversal library would solve this out of
>>>> the box?
>>> Oh nice link, I didn't knew that :o
>>>> The way I would solve it is to create an adapter that makes a Proto
>>>> tree look like a graph...  Like Boost.Graph, Metagraph is designed to
>>>> allow adapting any metadata that is already graphlike to have a graph
>>>> API.  (This wasn't the right approach for MSM because there's nothing
>>>> in those tables that immediately answers "what are the edges for this
>>>> vertex?")
>>>> If there is interest,
> There is! I think. What is the goal? To be able to apply graph
> algorithms to Proto expressions? Why, exactly? Turning an expression
> tree into a graph seems like a step backward to me. Trees are easier to
> process than graphs, IIUC. Where have I gone astray?
>>>> I could probably pull this together pretty
>>>> quickly, as Proto already has such an expressive API.  Then we'd
>>>> immediately have inefficient implementations of DFS & BFS and I could
>>>> see if there's a good way to factor out the color map stuff to make
>>>> it speedy.
>>> We're looking at two challenge in Proto :
>>> -> traversing the AST type at compile-time to apply meta-function onto
>>> tree node
> Above and beyond what you get by using Proto grammars+transforms?
>> I just committed an example which does this part.  See end of message.
> Committed where?
>>> -> traversing the AST value at run-time to apply function onto tree
>>> node
> Again, this is what Proto grammars+transforms are for. If they're not
> doing the job, let's talk about why.
>> This requires a Fusion/BGL interface, which I haven't thought out yet.
>> Probably just means moving a parameter from the <> to () as usual. :-D
> IIUC, BGL has a homogeneous interface, like the STL. I don't think you
> can get it to play well with Fusion, or Proto for that matter.
>>> for example here is my current use-cases:
>>> - walkign through a proto AST to apply a visitor onto node/leaf : turn
>>> the AST on array into the same AST with pointer element before
>>> evaluation
>> Yes, I imagine that's the most common use case.  How hard can that
>> Fusion/BGL interface be?
> I can do this easily with a Proto grammar w/ transform.
>>> - turning the AST into a DAG
>> Yay!
> Use case?
>> Stjepan Rajko and I talked about doing this in order to allow Proto
>> expressions to define graph metadata.
>> Maybe you'd kind of cut and paste the Proto tree into an mpl graph while
>> looking for vertices with duplicate IDs.  Should work just as well on
>> graphs with cycles.
>> This way you'd end up with sort of a graph metadata overlay over the
>> Proto tree.  Each vertex would contain metadata instructions for how to
>> get to the corresponding Proto node in the expression, and each edge
>> would be vertex+child#.  No extra runtime data needed, if I'm not
>> mistaken.
>> You could also imagine doing this with a Fusion graph somehow, if you
>> wanted to add runtime data...  but I don't grok the Fusion/Proto
>> allocation/reference magic yet, so I'm not quite sure what I'm saying.
> I can speak to Proto's allocation/reference magic. There is no (dynamic)
> allocation. By default, everything is held by reference, even
> intermediate temporary expressions. The default can be changed and
> things can be held by value. There's also a deep_copy function to turn
> references into values.
> Proto is not built on top of Fusion. There is an adaptor layer, but it
> doesn't fit too well at the moment; heterogeneous trees are hard until
> Fusion gets complete segmented iteration support, and I'm not 100%
> convinced that's the way forward (see iterators vs. vi

Re: [proto] So I heard proto make AST ...

2010-08-09 Thread joel falcou

On 10/08/10 05:24, Gordon Woodhull wrote:

Sorry for the slow response - been on vacation offline.

No problem ;)
I wonder if Dan Marsden's Traversal library would solve this out of 
the box? 

Oh nice link, I didn't knew that :o
The way I would solve it is to create an adapter that makes a Proto 
tree look like a graph...  Like Boost.Graph, Metagraph is designed to 
allow adapting any metadata that is already graphlike to have a graph 
API.  (This wasn't the right approach for MSM because there's nothing 
in those tables that immediately answers "what are the edges for this 

If there is interest, I could probably pull this together pretty 
quickly, as Proto already has such an expressive API.  Then we'd 
immediately have inefficient implementations of DFS & BFS and I could 
see if there's a good way to factor out the color map stuff to make it 

We're looking at two challenge in Proto :
-> traversing the AST type at compile-time to apply meta-function onto 
tree node

-> traversing the AST value at run-time to apply function onto tree node

The main API debate when it comes to traversals is "visitors or 
iterators?"  Currently metagraph takes the visitor approach from 
Boost.Graph, which are more general and expressive, but iterators are 
often more convenient.  Any opinions here?  AFAIK we don't have 
coroutines or continuations in C++ metaprogramming to make the 
inversion of control easier.  ;-)

I can't say much but, for example here is my current use-cases:

- walkign through a proto AST to apply a visitor onto node/leaf : turn 
the AST on array into the same AST with pointer element before evaluation

- turning the AST into a DAG
- applying a visitor performing osme kind of reduction on the tree 
startign form the leaf to evaluate the value of the AST in a given point 
of evaluation
- for a given assign node (lhs = rhs) check if the lhs data address is 
somewhere in the terminal of rhs. This is basically our trickiest 
runtime algorithm in nt2 that helps us detetcing alias in expression 
without having ppl using alias(x) function.
- detecting pattern in the AST (like a+b*c) and repalce all of them, 
recurisvely into another (here by madd(a,b,c)). It's currently done with 
special grammar and it's maybe better to do it like this but we never know.

I'm from the old guard w/r to tree, so I'm mostly thinking in visitor. 
But if you care to show me how iterators can be used, I'm open to 

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Proto v4.1

2010-08-04 Thread joel falcou

On 04/08/10 19:42, Eric Niebler wrote:

IIRC, you use some tricks to bring down compile times, right? I think
that would make a very good section for the docs, yes.


 - using make_expr instead of function objetc made CT linear instead of 

 - swicth and other stuff to keep grammar type "small" helped too

I'll write some stuff.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Proto v4.1

2010-08-04 Thread joel falcou

On 04/08/10 01:00, Eric Niebler wrote:

Most folks here don't know this, but the version of Proto y'all are
using is actually v4. (Three times the charm wasn't true for Proto.)
Anyway, there are so many goodies coming in Boost 1.44 that think of it
as Proto v4.1.

I just posted the release notes for this version to give you guys an
heads-up of the coming changes. There are a few very small breaking
changes that you should take careful note of.

Most of the interesting stuff is in the new features: sub-domains and
per-domain control of as_expr and as_child. Have a look. Let me know if
you have any questions:

   Boost 1.44 release notes:

FYI, most of these changes were motivated by the Phoenix3 work. That
sure is one demanding DSEL.

Would you like me to write some lines on my compile-time performance and 
figures to include somewhere in the doc.

I remember you wanted to do that at some point.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] So I heard proto make AST ...

2010-07-27 Thread joel falcou

On 27/07/10 15:56, Alp Mestanogullari wrote:

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 3:25 PM, joel falcou  wrote:

I do this in NT2 all the time IIRC I gave a link to some svn repo with an
It wasn't selected as core phoenix 3 though :p

Yeah I remember discussing that code with you on IRC, and this is an
elegant and very "functional" approach, I like it!
But it's just my opinion.


Foudn it back, ppl may look at :

login/passwd : boost/boost

The code is just a proto transform that evaluate any kind of expression 
and values from a fusion vector in a recursive, customizable way.

I think it can be turned into a proper proto::dfs_visitor<> transform
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] So I heard proto make AST ...

2010-07-27 Thread joel falcou

On 27/07/10 15:21, Alp Mestanogullari wrote:

Yeah definitely. They would just have to provide the node transform,
and you would just forward it to the tree traversal metafunction.
Quite straight for an extension mechanism!

I do this in NT2 all the time IIRC I gave a link to some svn repo with 
an example.

It wasn't selected as core phoenix 3 though :p

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] So I heard proto make AST ...

2010-07-27 Thread joel falcou

On 27/07/10 15:15, Christophe Henry wrote

I think you should talk to Gordon Woodhull. He's building a metagraph
(among others) library, which I am going to use in msm for
compile-time calculations and fsm analysis. This means there will be
temporarily a metagraph library inside msm as proof of concept until
there can be a review.
Maybe he can adapt this library for proto analysis?

Oh yeah, will save me some time indeed.
Mayeb we shoudl invite him over here ?
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] So I heard proto make AST ...

2010-07-27 Thread joel falcou

On 27/07/10 15:08, Eric Niebler wrote:

That would be awesome, Joel!

WHat's the easiest in term of code ?
I can bring up some git repo or shoudl I work in some svn branches of 
proto somewhere at boost ?

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] So I heard proto make AST ...

2010-07-27 Thread joel falcou

On 27/07/10 15:08, Eric Niebler wrote:

That would be awesome, Joel!

I'll count on you for helping me making those looking nice :p
What's the easiest ? getting a proto-tree branch or what ?

proto mailing list

[proto] So I heard proto make AST ...

2010-07-27 Thread joel falcou

what about having some Tree related trasnform/function/meta-function then ?

I'm often thinking : "dang, this transform is basically a BFS for a node 
verifying meta-function foo<>"

and have to rewrite a BFS usign default_ and such, which is relatively easy.

Now, sometimes it is "dang, this code is basically splitting an AST into 
multiples AST everytime I found a bar tag" or "I need to do a DFS"

or even worse, I need to make the AST a DAG :E ...

Do people think such stuff (maybe in proto::tree:: or smthg ?) be useful 
additions ?

proto mailing list

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