[widgets] Dig Sig review in prep for LC

2009-04-29 Thread Marcos Caceres
Hi Frederick,
Some tiny editorial changes

I think we should add the following sub-section to the Status of This Document:

h3 class=no-num no-tocNote to Last Call Reviewers/h3
pemThis section is non-normative./em/p
pThe editors of this specification respond rapidly to all feedback
and continuously make corrections to this document. Unless you are
reading this document on the date of publication, strong
class=redNoteit is extremely  likely that this document has been
superseded/strong. Instead of reviewing this published draft, please
review the a href=http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/widgets-digsig/;latest
editor's draft/a and make sure to cite the date of that draft in the
feedback sent to the Web Apps Working Group's public mailing list a
mailto:public-webapps@w3.org;public-Webapps@w3.org/a. /p
pPlease also be sure to check the mailing list a href=
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/;archive/a to
see if any issues uncovered have already been addressed. To help with
cataloging issues, prefix emails to the mailing list with the string
samp[widgets]/samp. Any and all feedback is welcomed./p

Section 1.1
Namespace prefix wsig:  wsig

Section 1.3
to the term definition  to where the term is defined.

are addressed in the Widgets 1.0 Requirements [Widgets Requirements] document.
are addressed in the Widgets 1.0 Requirements document [Widgets Requirements].

security critical mechanism
Can we include a concrete example of such a thing? I'm not sure what a
security critical mechanism is.

Step 6
Numerical order is - dfnNumerical order/dfn is

The numerical order is really relevant to processing. I think we
should move this paragraph and proceeding paragraph to the top of
section 4.0. Their importance is kind of lost where they are right

profile of XML Signature [XMLDSIG11] defined by this specification.
profile of  [XMLDSIG11] defined by this specification.

contain a dsp:Profile signature properties element compliant with XML
Signature Properties [XMLDSIG-Properties] and this specification.
contain a dsp:Profile element compliant with the [XMLDSIG-Properties]
specification and this specification.

The dsp:Identifier signature property is intended to be used to
uniquely identify the signature to enable signature management. 

Who is the subject in this sentence? I.e., used by who? publishers?
the UA? users? I think that needs to be made clear.

value is unique for the widgets that they sign.

value is unique for the widget packages that they sign.

Signatures generated using key lengths of less than 2048 bits SHOULD
NOT be used unless the life time of the signature is less than one

Again, it is not clear to me who SHOULD NOT be used is directed at?
should not be used by the UA?

Kind regards,
Marcos Caceres

Re: [DOML3Events] ACTION-267 Proposal for event iterator

2009-04-29 Thread timeless
also note that this would mean that a web site could try to knock out
other web based mashups that it didn't like.

i'm sure that browser vendors can provide an api for their debugging
clients, but this feature shouldn't be exposed to web content.

WebStorage feedback

2009-04-29 Thread Ian Hickson
On Tue, 7 Apr 2009, João Eiras wrote:
 Please consider a typical webpage, that on first load, opens a database 
 (using openDatabase) and then creates a read-only transaction to read 
 data to initialize whatever needs initializing. If it's the first time 
 the user opens that webpage, the database that the webpage tries to 
 access effectively does not exist yet and the user agent will have to 
 create it, meaning that that database will be completely empty (no 
 objects nor data).
 The processing steps for readTransaction are clear though, about calling 
 the apropriate callbacks for the queries, but it also demands, and 
 rightfully so, that a read-only transaction must not modify data. This 
 contradicts a bit the fact that the user agent would need to create the 
 new datafile to represent that database.

Such changes are implementation details; whether they are done as part of 
the openDatabase() call, as part of a transaction, or at some completely 
other time is not really relevant to the API.

 Although the specification does not make any direct reference to 
 datafiles, because that's an implementation detail, expecting an empty 
 database for a readTransaction would require the user agent either to 
 optimize this scenario to not execute any sql directly but to call the 
 error callbacks with the apropriate error codes, if the user agent knows 
 in advance that the database is empty, or, the user agent could create 
 an empty datafile which would represent our new empty database, but 
 that's a performance problem in devices with slow file IO. Even if the 
 user agent was not aware of the fact that the database is empty, it 
 would still cause all statements executed within the read-only 
 transaction on our empty database to fail.

 The situation is analogous to doing a first SELECT on a read-write 
 transaction. However, the select can be interleaved between other 
 DML/DDL statements which create and modify data, so there's no knowledge 
 before hand if a SELECT is going to be executed on read-write 
 transaction on an empty database. In this particular case, the user 
 agent would just report the normal error about querying nonexistent 
 So, I propose the readTransaction function to outright throw an 
 exception IF the database is completely empty (no objects, no data). 
 This would actually makes authors lives easier by getting the error 
 sooner, and make the situation more easily detectable. It would also 
 make implementors lives easier by introducing this optimization on the 

Not all statements would fail, e.g. a SELECT 1; statement wouldn't fail. 
For this reason, I don't think it makes sense to fail early here.

Similarly, a transaction with no statements wouldn't fail.

On Fri, 24 Apr 2009, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 We noticed a problem while working on Web Storage. The broadcasting 
 feature allows fork bombing. I personally couldn't think of any other 
 features that allows such a thing.
 Works against Gecko:
 Works against WebKit:
 Internet Explorer seems protected against this particular demo increasing only
 a slightly in memory usage (though a lot of I/O):

How is this different from making two mutations per mutation event, or 
calling postMessage() twice for each invokation of the 'message' event, or 
loading two new iframes every time an iframe's 'load' event fires?

 Should we really be introducing such a new feature (broadcasting) as 
 part of sessionStorage/localStorage?

It seems important for scripts to be able to detect changes.

On Fri, 24 Apr 2009, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 The storage event currently seems to be dispatched synchronously. 


On Fri, 24 Apr 2009, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 There's quite a big interoperability problem with the events.
  * Per the specification the event is to be dispatched on Window (and does not
  * In Firefox it is dispatched on body and then bubbles up to Window.
  * In WebKit it is dispatched on body (and does not bubble).
  * In Internet Explorer it is dispatched on document.
 It would be nice if we can figure out where we want to go in the end.

Seems like dispatching it on Window is the best plan in the end. It is 
unfortunate that the early implementations vary on this, but it's probably 
my fault (the implementations came along before I sorted out the 
body/Window event mess).

Note that firing on Window means that body onstorage= works, and that 
capturing event listeners on Window work. So there are at least two ways 
to catch the event in all otherwise-compliant browsers (and if they're not 
otherwise compliant, then we have bigger problems anyway).

On Mon, 27 Apr 2009, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 Consider having two windows A and B where the session history of A 

Re: [webidl] definition of const string literal

2009-04-29 Thread timeless
Cameron McCormack c...@mcc.id.au wrote:
 (Also I see that you’re using the “string” and “wstring”, and Lwide
 string values.  Are you of the opinion that Web IDL should introduce
 those instead of DOMString?)

Shiki Okasaka sh...@google.com wrote:
 In my opinion, it would be nice if we can use the keyword 'string' as
 the same meaning of 'DOMString' in Web IDL since it's not only for DOM

this would be a serious problem for mozilla. In mozilla, 'string' and
'wstring' mean things very different from DOMString, and we can't
change that.

Re: [widgets] i18n proposals document

2009-04-29 Thread Andrew Sledd


I need confirmation that I understand the impact of F1 from the Finding
missing localized content, specifically how the dynamic setting of the
xml:base on the element influences subsequent localized content
resolving, so please review my understanding and correct me if I have
got it wrong. 


Is the expectation that the dynamically set xml:base is limited to the
element itself and not recursively applied to all other resource
resolution? That is, the dynamically set xml:base does not override the
base-folder determined by the ua and widget locale matching. From the
example (see excerpt from proposal below), the xml:base would be
resolved to the widget root for the content element, but not impact the
resource resolving for the elements in the index.htm file which
reference the a.gif and the b.gif files. These would resolve to the
locale/en-us-xx/  locale. Would their xml:base be expected to
dynamically be set accordingly?





Consider the following widget. Assume the widget's locale is en-us-xx
and the file the user agent is searching for is index.html.


PROPOSAL F1: The user agent searches for the missing file in the folder
hierarchy that matches the widget's locale. If the file is not in the
hierarchy of locale folders, then the user agent searches for the file
at the root of the widget package. The container for localized content
(the folder called locales) is not searched for missing content. If
the missing file is found somewhere in the folder hierarchy of locale
folders or at the root of the widget, and no xml:base has been
explicitly set by the author for this element, then the user agent must
set xml:base of that element to be an alternate locale folder, or to the
root of the widget package, that contains the file. This is the editor's
preferred proposal.

Using the example widget above, in the case where the src attribute of
the content element is index.html, the user agent would first look in
the /locales/en-us-xx, then in /locales/en-us, and then in the
/locales/en folder, but would fail to find the file. So then the user
agent would search at the root of the widget, where it would find a that
matches the file name of the file it is searching for. The user agent
now dynamically sets the xml:base of the content element to the root of
the widget. 



Re: [widgets] Dig Sig review in prep for LC

2009-04-29 Thread Thomas Roessler

Hi Frederick,
Some tiny editorial changes

I think we should add the following sub-section to the Status of  
This Document:

h3 class=no-num no-tocNote to Last Call Reviewers/h3
pemThis section is non-normative./em/p
pThe editors of this specification respond rapidly to all feedback
and continuously make corrections to this document. Unless you are
reading this document on the date of publication, strong
class=redNoteit is extremely  likely that this document has been
superseded/strong. Instead of reviewing this published draft, please
review the a href=http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/widgets-digsig/;latest
editor's draft/a and make sure to cite the date of that draft in the
feedback sent to the Web Apps Working Group's public mailing list a
mailto:public-webapps@w3.org;public-Webapps@w3.org/a. /p
pPlease also be sure to check the mailing list a href=
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/;archive/a to
see if any issues uncovered have already been addressed. To help with
cataloging issues, prefix emails to the mailing list with the string
samp[widgets]/samp. Any and all feedback is welcomed./p

Well... Doesn't Last Call suggest that you're actually beyond the  
phase of rapid changes?

[webidl] Callback confusion

2009-04-29 Thread Max Froumentin

I'm confused with http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/WebIDL/#Callback

It seems that it is not possible to write:

t.addListener(function() { ... });

without throwing a typeError when the callback is thrown. Does that mean that 
you can never write an IDL
that will let you write foo(function() {...};) without errors, and that you can 
only write it as foo({ baz: function() {...}}); ?

Also, the code labeled /* 2 */ is not explained. Does that mean that that line 
does nothing?


Re: [widgets] Dig Sig review in prep for LC

2009-04-29 Thread Thomas Roessler

On 29 Apr 2009, at 13:55, Marcos Caceres wrote:

Well... Doesn't Last Call suggest that you're actually beyond the  
phase of

rapid changes?

LOL! hell no, that's when most changes happen because it's the only
time people pay enough attention to do an actual review. That's why
Last Call should really be called First Call :)

I guess I'd rather see several last calls with just a month between  
them, than setting an expectation that lots of rapid changes occur in  
something that people are supposed to take some time to do a final  
review of.  The kind of note that you're suggesting can very well  
cause people to *still* not pay attention to the draft, and wait till  
something more stable comes out.

Say hello to substantive comments in CR. ;)

Re: [widgets] Dig Sig review in prep for LC

2009-04-29 Thread Frederick Hirsch


I don't see the need for that paragraph.

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

On Apr 29, 2009, at 6:36 AM, ext Thomas Roessler wrote:

Hi Frederick,
Some tiny editorial changes

I think we should add the following sub-section to the Status of
This Document:

h3 class=no-num no-tocNote to Last Call Reviewers/h3
pemThis section is non-normative./em/p
pThe editors of this specification respond rapidly to all feedback
and continuously make corrections to this document. Unless you are
reading this document on the date of publication, strong
class=redNoteit is extremely  likely that this document has been
superseded/strong. Instead of reviewing this published draft,  
review the a href=http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/widgets- 
editor's draft/a and make sure to cite the date of that draft in  

feedback sent to the Web Apps Working Group's public mailing list a
mailto:public-webapps@w3.org;public-Webapps@w3.org/a. /p
pPlease also be sure to check the mailing list a href=
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/;archive/a to
see if any issues uncovered have already been addressed. To help with
cataloging issues, prefix emails to the mailing list with the string
samp[widgets]/samp. Any and all feedback is welcomed./p

Well... Doesn't Last Call suggest that you're actually beyond the
phase of rapid changes?

Re: [widgets] Dig Sig review in prep for LC

2009-04-29 Thread Marcos Caceres

On 4/29/09 2:32 PM, Frederick Hirsch wrote:


I don't see the need for that paragraph.

Ok, no probs. Leave it out.

Kind regards,

Re: [widgets] Dig Sig review in prep for LC

2009-04-29 Thread Frederick Hirsch

comments inline, including proposals. thanks for the review

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

On Apr 29, 2009, at 4:01 AM, ext Marcos Caceres wrote:

Hi Frederick,
Some tiny editorial changes

I think we should add the following sub-section to the Status of  
This Document:

h3 class=no-num no-tocNote to Last Call Reviewers/h3
pemThis section is non-normative./em/p
pThe editors of this specification respond rapidly to all feedback
and continuously make corrections to this document. Unless you are
reading this document on the date of publication, strong
class=redNoteit is extremely  likely that this document has been
superseded/strong. Instead of reviewing this published draft, please
review the a href=http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/widgets-digsig/;latest
editor's draft/a and make sure to cite the date of that draft in the
feedback sent to the Web Apps Working Group's public mailing list a
mailto:public-webapps@w3.org;public-Webapps@w3.org/a. /p
pPlease also be sure to check the mailing list a href=
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/;archive/a to
see if any issues uncovered have already been addressed. To help with
cataloging issues, prefix emails to the mailing list with the string
samp[widgets]/samp. Any and all feedback is welcomed./p

I think we should use standard last call boilerplate. If it isn't  
ready for last call then maybe we should wait.

Section 1.1
Namespace prefix wsig:  wsig

I think wsig: is clearer to the reader so would not like to do this one.

Section 1.3
to the term definition  to where the term is defined.


are addressed in the Widgets 1.0 Requirements [Widgets  
Requirements] document.

are addressed in the Widgets 1.0 Requirements document [Widgets  


security critical mechanism
Can we include a concrete example of such a thing? I'm not sure what a
security critical mechanism is.

I suggest we remove Trust in a certificate is established through a  
security critical mechanism implemented by the user agent, which is  
out of scope for this specification.

Mark, do you have a better suggestion?

Step 6
Numerical order is - dfnNumerical order/dfn is

The numerical order is really relevant to processing. I think we
should move this paragraph and proceeding paragraph to the top of
section 4.0. Their importance is kind of lost where they are right

there are only 7 steps, less than a page. I doubt it will get lost. I  
suggest leaving this alone. ok with dfn.

profile of XML Signature [XMLDSIG11] defined by this specification.
profile of  [XMLDSIG11] defined by this specification.

I think  the english XML Signature which I though makes it more  
readable. I guess we have different styles in mind, I prefer english +  
Reference, alternative is reference only. I can make this change for  

contain a dsp:Profile signature properties element compliant with XML
Signature Properties [XMLDSIG-Properties] and this specification.
contain a dsp:Profile element compliant with the [XMLDSIG-Properties]
specification and this specification.

ok, highlighting term

The dsp:Identifier signature property is intended to be used to
uniquely identify the signature to enable signature management. 

Who is the subject in this sentence? I.e., used by who? publishers?
the UA? users? I think that needs to be made clear.

how about

The signer uses the dsp:Identifier signature property to
uniquely identify the signature to enable signature management.

(you don't like passive voice? :)

value is unique for the widgets that they sign.

value is unique for the widget packages that they sign.


Signatures generated using key lengths of less than 2048 bits SHOULD
NOT be used unless the life time of the signature is less than one

Again, it is not clear to me who SHOULD NOT be used is directed at?
should not be used by the UA?

The signer  SHOULD NOT generate signatures using key lengths of less  
than 2048 bits unless the life time of the signature is less than one  

By the way, shouldn't this be a MUST NOT?

Kind regards,


Marcos Caceres

Re: [widgets] Dig Sig review in prep for LC

2009-04-29 Thread Marcos Caceres
I support all the recommendations/rejections below.

Kind regards,

On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Frederick Hirsch
frederick.hir...@nokia.com wrote:
 comments inline, including proposals. thanks for the review

 regards, Frederick

 Frederick Hirsch

 On Apr 29, 2009, at 4:01 AM, ext Marcos Caceres wrote:

 Hi Frederick,
 Some tiny editorial changes

 I think we should add the following sub-section to the Status of This

 h3 class=no-num no-tocNote to Last Call Reviewers/h3
 pemThis section is non-normative./em/p
 pThe editors of this specification respond rapidly to all feedback
 and continuously make corrections to this document. Unless you are
 reading this document on the date of publication, strong
 class=redNoteit is extremely  likely that this document has been
 superseded/strong. Instead of reviewing this published draft, please
 review the a href=http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/widgets-digsig/;latest
 editor's draft/a and make sure to cite the date of that draft in the
 feedback sent to the Web Apps Working Group's public mailing list a
 mailto:public-webapps@w3.org;public-Webapps@w3.org/a. /p
 pPlease also be sure to check the mailing list a href=
 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/;archive/a to
 see if any issues uncovered have already been addressed. To help with
 cataloging issues, prefix emails to the mailing list with the string
 samp[widgets]/samp. Any and all feedback is welcomed./p

 I think we should use standard last call boilerplate. If it isn't ready for
 last call then maybe we should wait.

 Section 1.1
 Namespace prefix wsig:  wsig

 I think wsig: is clearer to the reader so would not like to do this one.

 Section 1.3
 to the term definition  to where the term is defined.


 are addressed in the Widgets 1.0 Requirements [Widgets Requirements]
 are addressed in the Widgets 1.0 Requirements document [Widgets


 security critical mechanism
 Can we include a concrete example of such a thing? I'm not sure what a
 security critical mechanism is.

 I suggest we remove Trust in a certificate is established through a
 security critical mechanism implemented by the user agent, which is out of
 scope for this specification.

 Mark, do you have a better suggestion?

 Step 6
 Numerical order is - dfnNumerical order/dfn is

 The numerical order is really relevant to processing. I think we
 should move this paragraph and proceeding paragraph to the top of
 section 4.0. Their importance is kind of lost where they are right

 there are only 7 steps, less than a page. I doubt it will get lost. I
 suggest leaving this alone. ok with dfn.

 profile of XML Signature [XMLDSIG11] defined by this specification.
 profile of  [XMLDSIG11] defined by this specification.

 I think  the english XML Signature which I though makes it more readable.
 I guess we have different styles in mind, I prefer english + Reference,
 alternative is reference only. I can make this change for consistency.

 contain a dsp:Profile signature properties element compliant with XML
 Signature Properties [XMLDSIG-Properties] and this specification.
 contain a dsp:Profile element compliant with the [XMLDSIG-Properties]
 specification and this specification.

 ok, highlighting term

 The dsp:Identifier signature property is intended to be used to
 uniquely identify the signature to enable signature management. 

 Who is the subject in this sentence? I.e., used by who? publishers?
 the UA? users? I think that needs to be made clear.

 how about

 The signer uses the dsp:Identifier signature property to
 uniquely identify the signature to enable signature management.

 (you don't like passive voice? :)

 value is unique for the widgets that they sign.

 value is unique for the widget packages that they sign.


 Signatures generated using key lengths of less than 2048 bits SHOULD
 NOT be used unless the life time of the signature is less than one

 Again, it is not clear to me who SHOULD NOT be used is directed at?
 should not be used by the UA?

 The signer  SHOULD NOT generate signatures using key lengths of less than
 2048 bits unless the life time of the signature is less than one year.

 By the way, shouldn't this be a MUST NOT?

 Kind regards,


 Marcos Caceres

Marcos Caceres

[widgets] Draft Agenda for 30 April 2009 Voice Conference

2009-04-29 Thread Arthur Barstow
Below is the draft agenda for the April 30 Widgets Voice Conference  

Inputs and discussion before the meeting on all of the agenda topics  
via public-webapps is encouraged (as it can result in a shortened  


   Time: 22:00 Tokyo; 16:00 Helsinki; 15:00 Paris; 14:00 London;  
09:00 Boston; 06:00 Seattle

   Duration = 90 minutes
   Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 9231 (WAF1)
   IRC channel = #wam; irc.w3.org:6665
   Confidentiality of minutes = Public


1. Review and tweak agenda

2. Announcements

3. PC spec


a. access element; comments from


b. L10N model; get agreement on the various proposals:


Francois: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/ 
Andrew: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2009AprJun/ 

c. Security related issues with core Widgets specs (from Thomas):


4. AE spec


a. Comments from Rainer:


b. Per-instance Storage discussion; need resolution


c. What needs to be done before publishing a LCWD?

5. AOB

Re: [webidl] Callback confusion

2009-04-29 Thread Giovanni Campagna
2009/4/29 Max Froumentin max...@opera.com:

 I'm confused with http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/WebIDL/#Callback

 It seems that it is not possible to write:

 t.addListener(function() { ... });

 without throwing a typeError when the callback is thrown. Does that mean that 
 you can never write an IDL
 that will let you write foo(function() {...};) without errors, and that you 
 can only write it as foo({ baz: function() {...}}); ?

It throws a TypeError if the interface expected by addListener is
[Callback=PropertyOnly], else it will work.

 Also, the code labeled /* 2 */ is not explained. Does that mean that that 
 line does nothing?

It means that when it is a function but implements the interface
through property assignment, the function takes precedence when
converted to an host object.



Re: Storage 'length' and enumeration

2009-04-29 Thread John J. Barton

Ian Hickson wrote:

  On Tue, 28 Apr 2009, John J. Barton wrote:
And then afterwards the |length| is ? one? three?


If I iterate
  for(var i = 0; i  sesssionStore.length; i++) foo(i, sessionStore[i]);
what can I expect in foo()?
 (0, null), (1, null), (2, "2")
  (0, "2")?
or ?

(0, "2").

I reiterate my criticism: using a length property in this type is
inconsistent with _javascript_ and with developers expectations about
objects. Every time we use this object we will make pointless mistakes
because the type mimics arrays only partially and we won't be able to
recall which part it imitates. A simple change from |length| to a
method call like getNumberOfItems() would prevent this co-incidental
mimicry and make the standard better.


Preferences for the I18N model

2009-04-29 Thread Robin Berjon


here are my personal preferences for the I18N model[0].

- Folder-based localization: A2 (editor's choice)

I don't feel strongly about this choice. I prefer it because it is  
more flexible and more powerful, but I would understand if  
implementers felt it did a bit more than necessary (I believe it is  
possible if needed to start with A1 and transition to A2 in future).

Caveat: within the A2 option, I do not understand if the following:


causes x-dahut and x-nessie to inherit the content from x. Since  
x- is used for private codes, I don't think that they should  
(neither should i-, any primary subtag in the qaa- to qtz-  
range, nor any primary subtag that is four letters long or longer than  
eight letters). The BCP47 lookup algorithm handles this (or at least  
part of it), but I'm unsure that it's enough for our purposes — we  
should ask.

- The user agent's locale: B1 (editor's choice)

I *strongly* support this option. It may be slightly more complex but  
it matches how this is resolved over HTTP. Applications that act as if  
users were only able to use one language are always wrong and badly  
broken (I'm looking at you, Apple spell checker, Nokia T9, etc.).

- Deriving the widget's locale: C1 (editor's choice)

The way in which the BCP47 lookup algorithm is expected to work could  
be slightly clarified; i.e. if I'm looking for en-us and in document  
(or directory) order I have en then en-us, then en-us will match  
because it is tried first for the entire list (en would match on a  
second pass, if en-us were not defined).

Note that the BCP47 lookup algorithm specifies that a default value is  
returned if nothing matches, to be selected. We should make it clear  
that in our case the default value returned for the locale when  
nothing matches should be , as that matches xml:lang (and sort of  
makes sense in relationship to the locale directories). I point this  
out because one of the options is returning i-default, which could  
confusingly lead to a locales/i-default/ directory being selected by  
some implementations.

- Possible representations of the widget's locale: D2 (editor's choice)

I could live with D3 too, but it seems too complicated for real-world  
use. D1 makes it more painful to produce localised content.

- Dereferencing URIs in Configuration Documents: something else

I don't think that either of the provided E options is good. I think  
that the base URI for a widget resource should not include locale  



and three locales en, fr, es, the start content resource would  
*always* have a document URL of widget://UUDI/index.html. If the  
locale changes (even at runtime) the document URL does not. What that  
content is *resolved* to inside the archive changes with the locale,  
but not the URL.

The justification behind this approach is that: a) locales should be  
transparent, and b) there is no requirement to have the widget URI map  
*directly* unto the widget's structure. In fact, it is probably best  
if it's not possible inside locales/en/index.html to go a href='../ 
fr/index.html'Frog version/a.

We can put that in the widget URI document, or somewhere else (I'm not  
sure where it fits).

- Finding missing localized content: something else

I think that the F options are wrong for reasons similar to those  
expressed in the previous section. I think that for all intents and  
purposes, the user agent should behave as if content from the most  
specific locale had been copied into less specific locales recursively  
until they are copied to the root, and the locales directory is  

For instance, assuming:


After applying the above algorithm with a UA locale of en-gb-xx we  
would have widget content equivalent to:

index.html [from locales/en]
a.svg  [from locales/en-gb-xx]
b.svg  [from locales/en-gb-xx]
c.svg  [from locales/en-gb]
d.svg  [from the root]

The way this is defined is that a URI space is created that has the  
following resolution in place:

  widget://UUID/index.html - locales/en/index.html
  widget://UUID/a.svg  - locales/en-gb-xx/a.svg
  widget://UUID/b.svg  - locales/en-gb-xx/b.svg
  widget://UUID/c.svg  - locales/en-gb/c.svg
  widget://UUID/d.svg  - index.html

I believe that this approach is both cleaner and more powerful.  
Besides, it makes specifying widget URI resolution easier :) We just  
have to agree on whether that's defined in the widgets URI  
specification or in P+C. I'm happy to put it in the former (but I'll  
need to reference the I18N model from P+C so it may be 

Widget URI ED

2009-04-29 Thread Robin Berjon

Hi all,

I've made a first pass at an ED for widget URIs (which is needed, as  
you can tell from the I18N discussion). It's in need of tightening up  
editorially wise but the basic ideas are there:


Share and Enjoy!

Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/
Feel like hiring me? Go to http://robineko.com/

[widgets] dig sig and requirements ready for pub!

2009-04-29 Thread Marcos Caceres
Widgets dig sig and requirements are ready to be published. Widgets
dig sig going to LC! Hoping for feedback (yes, that means you Mozilla


If all goes to plan, they will be published tomorrow.

Kind regards,

Marcos Caceres

Re: I18N issue: case-sensitivity of locale subdirectories

2009-04-29 Thread Arthur Barstow

On Apr 29, 2009, at 10:16 AM, ext Robin Berjon wrote:

There are multiple options:

  b) we select an order of priority and we only consider one (the
first to match);


I don't have a strong opinion on this, but I do I have a preference
for a rule based on (b): if multiple locale subdirectories have the
same case-insensitive name, then the one that comes first in ASCII-
code order (e.g. in order: EN, En, eN, en) is used and the others are

The argument in favour of only using one is that we already have to
merge multiple directories, and adding one merge operation for what is
in all probability a user error seems like too much complexity for
little value (I'm happy to be contradicted by implementers however).
Picking ASCII-code order is based on the fact that the directory names
must be ASCII here (the others must be discarded), and picking the
first is arbitrary.


b) seems like a reasonable choice. I wonder if the I18N WG has any  
related guidelines recommendations we should consider.

-Regards, Art Barstow

Re: Storage 'length' and enumeration

2009-04-29 Thread John J Barton

Ian Hickson wrote:

  On Wed, 29 Apr 2009, John J. Barton wrote:
I reiterate my criticism: using a length property in this type is 
inconsistent with _javascript_ and with developers expectations about 
objects. Every time we use this object we will make pointless mistakes 
because the type mimics arrays only partially and we won't be able to 
recall which part it imitates. A simple change from |length| to a method 
call like getNumberOfItems() would prevent this co-incidental mimicry 
and make the standard better.

The Storage object works like an HTMLCollection object except that you can 
also add items, and except that indexing by number returns the key, not 
the value, since otherwise there'd be no way to know which keys were being 
returned. I agree that it's not like an Array, but just having a "length" 
property doesn't mean it works like an Array -- there are lots of host 
objects in the DOM with "length" properties.

Yes and Firebug has to have special code for HTMLCollection because
this mistake was made in the past. Now we will have to have different
special code for Storage. Rather than modeling new API on old mistakes,
consider learning from the past experience and take a direction that
developers will find less confusing. Pseudo-arrays with "except...
this and that" makes APIs intricate and puzzling. A simpler and less
ambiguous approach would be better in my opinion.


Re: Storage 'length' and enumeration

2009-04-29 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 29 Apr 2009, John J. Barton wrote:
 I reiterate my criticism: using a length property in this type is 
 inconsistent with Javascript and with developers expectations about 
 objects. Every time we use this object we will make pointless mistakes 
 because the type mimics arrays only partially and we won't be able to 
 recall which part it imitates. A simple change from |length| to a method 
 call like getNumberOfItems() would prevent this co-incidental mimicry 
 and make the standard better.

The Storage object works like an HTMLCollection object except that you can 
also add items, and except that indexing by number returns the key, not 
the value, since otherwise there'd be no way to know which keys were being 
returned. I agree that it's not like an Array, but just having a length 
property doesn't mean it works like an Array -- there are lots of host 
objects in the DOM with length properties.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: WebStorage feedback

2009-04-29 Thread Adam Barth
On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 1:30 AM, Ian Hickson i...@hixie.ch wrote:
 I've changed it a bit, because it seems UAs are likely to still want a
 per-origin limit. But I'm not really sure what to suggest that's more
 concrete that the vague handwaving that is there now.

Yeah, I'm not sure how to guard against that either.  :)

By the way, there is a typo in this sentence:

A mostly arbitrary limit of five megabytes per origin is recommended.
Implementation feedback is welcome and will be used to update this
suggestion in _the_ future.


Re: Storage 'length' and enumeration

2009-04-29 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Wed, 29 Apr 2009 20:51:33 +0200, John J Barton  
johnjbar...@johnjbarton.com wrote:
Yes and Firebug has to have special code for HTMLCollection because this  

was made in the past. Now we will have to have different special code for
Storage. Rather than modeling new API on old mistakes, consider learning  
from the past experience and take a direction that developers will find  
confusing. Pseudo-arrays with except... this and that makes APIs  
intricate and
puzzling. A simpler and less ambiguous approach would be better in my  

Is there any type of object that holds a collection that does not use  
.length? Seems a bit weird to break consistency here in my opinion.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: Storage 'length' and enumeration

2009-04-29 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 29 Apr 2009, John J Barton wrote:
 Yes and Firebug has to have special code for HTMLCollection because this 
 mistake was made in the past. Now we will have to have different special 
 code for Storage. Rather than modeling new API on old mistakes, consider 
 learning from the past experience and take a direction that developers 
 will find less confusing.  Pseudo-arrays with except... this and that 
 makes APIs intricate and puzzling.  A simpler and less ambiguous 
 approach would be better in my opinion.

It's not an array or a pseudo-array. It's an enumerable JS host object.

Firefox will have to have special code to implement Storage anyway; why is 
more special code to show it in Firebug a bad thing? In fact, it's 
probably a good thing, since for Storage you probably don't want to be 
showing the data in the debugger all the time anyway (since that has 
performance implications).

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: WebStorage feedback

2009-04-29 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 29 Apr 2009, Adam Barth wrote:

 By the way, there is a typo in this sentence:
 A mostly arbitrary limit of five megabytes per origin is recommended. 
 Implementation feedback is welcome and will be used to update this 
 suggestion in _the_ future.

Thanks, fixed.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: Storage 'length' and enumeration

2009-04-29 Thread Sean Hogan

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Tue, 28 Apr 2009, John J. Barton wrote:

I could not figure out from the WebIDL what happens in this case:
   sessionStore[2] = howdy; // no other keys in sessionStore

I guess this does not work like Javascript arrays or objects, rather I 
expect it fails?

It works, it just sets the key 2 to the value howdy.

(Modulo some WebIDL and WebStorage IDL bugs that I will report 
separately, oops.)


sessionStore[2] = howdy;
print(sessionStore[2]); // prints null?
print(sessionStore[2]); // prints howdy

To my knowledge that's not consistent with any other object or interface 
in the browser.


Re: Storage 'length' and enumeration

2009-04-29 Thread John J Barton

Ian Hickson wrote:

  On Wed, 29 Apr 2009, John J Barton wrote:
Yes and Firebug has to have special code for HTMLCollection because this 
mistake was made in the past. Now we will have to have different special 
code for Storage. Rather than modeling new API on old mistakes, consider 
learning from the past experience and take a direction that developers 
will find less confusing.  Pseudo-arrays with "except... this and that" 
makes APIs intricate and puzzling.  A simpler and less ambiguous 
approach would be better in my opinion.

It's not an array or a pseudo-array. It's an enumerable JS host object.

So why call the property |length|? Wouldn't an enumerable JS host
object be just as fabulous with getNumberOfItems()?

But the part that has me confused is maybe just me being dumb. I just
have a hard time with:
 sessionStorage[2] = "foo"; // set the key |2| to value "foo".
 var x = sessionStorage[2]; // null? "foo"? 
 var y = sessionStorage[0]; // "2"
I'm thinking: why do I have to think so hard about this? It should be
just an associative array.

Firefox will have to have special code to implement Storage anyway; why is 
more special code to show it in Firebug a bad thing? In fact, it's 
probably a good thing, since for Storage you probably don't want to be 
showing the data in the debugger all the time anyway (since that has 
performance implications).


Firebug shows objects from Firefox to developers. The appropriate
display format for objects depends on the character of the objects and
the needs of developers. For example, arrays are shown in square
brackets with the first few entries, ["foo", "bar", ...]. HTML Elements
are shown with their nodeName and id if any. In this way developers
can quickly get an idea of the nature of the object, and perhaps drill
down for more information.

How many display formats should be created? One for every kind of
object is simply impractical. Even if time allowed to create formats
for all the built-in types, all the DOM types, all the library types
(prototype, jquery, dojo,...) etc, there would still be user types. So
you have to create categories of representations that cover the
important cases. Firebug has about thirty. 

Now given an object, how do we assign it to one of these thirty
representations? The only possibility is to examine the properties of
the object. Since for sure the _javascript_ built in Array type has a
|length| and since any type with a length property is likely to be
designed to be array-like, the tests for representation use the
existence of a length property that is a finite number as part of its

Of course there are objects that are not arrays and yet have length, eg
Strings. Firebug has a separate representation to avoid ["t", "h", "i",

Since Storage has a length it was originally appearing in Firebug as

If your API was such that sessionStorage[i] gave the i-th entry, a key,
value pair, then the array representation would be already working for

I hope this makes the issues clearer.

Re: Storage 'length' and enumeration

2009-04-29 Thread Boris Zbarsky

Sean Hogan wrote:

sessionStore[2] = howdy;
print(sessionStore[2]); // prints null?

Where, exactly?  That gives howdy in Gecko, at least.  At least with 


Re: Storage 'length' and enumeration

2009-04-29 Thread John J Barton

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
On Wed, 29 Apr 2009 20:51:33 +0200, John J Barton 
johnjbar...@johnjbarton.com wrote:
Yes and Firebug has to have special code for HTMLCollection because 
this mistake
was made in the past. Now we will have to have different special code 
Storage. Rather than modeling new API on old mistakes, consider 
learning from the past experience and take a direction that 
developers will find less
confusing. Pseudo-arrays with except... this and that makes APIs 
intricate and
puzzling. A simpler and less ambiguous approach would be better in my 

Is there any type of object that holds a collection that does not use 
.length? Seems a bit weird to break consistency here in my opinion.
Consistency is exactly not wanted, because it creates the impression of 
an array-like access pattern where there is not one.   sessionStorage[2] 
is not the third item stored.   Actually I don't know what it is, I'm 

There are lots of on-line articles explaining  Javascript arrays versus 
associative arrays (objects). By having a type which is an associative 
array -- Storage -- share a property name with Array just makes matters 


Re: Storage 'length' and enumeration

2009-04-29 Thread Sean Hogan

Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Sean Hogan wrote:

sessionStore[2] = howdy;
print(sessionStore[2]); // prints null?

Where, exactly?  That gives howdy in Gecko, at least.  At least with 


I was following the discussion, and the point is that array-like 
behavior is implied but not consistently delivered.

Anyway, as you point out, for this interface Firefox gives precedence to 
NameGetters over IndexGetters. In the spec it doesn't seemed defined.

FYI, other collections in Firefox give precedence to IndexGetters.

Re: Storage 'length' and enumeration

2009-04-29 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 29 Apr 2009, John J Barton wrote:
 So why call the property |length|? Wouldn't an enumerable JS host object 
 be just as fabulous with getNumberOfItems()?

All the other host objects use |length|.

 But the part that has me confused is maybe just me being dumb.  I just 
 have a hard time with:

sessionStorage[2] = foo;  // set the key |2| to value foo.


   var x = sessionStorage[2];  // null? foo? 
   var y = sessionStorage[0]; // 2

 I'm thinking: why do I have to think so hard about this? It should be 
 just an associative array.

You only have to think hard about this if you use numeric keys and use the 
implied accessors. Just use .setItem(2) and .getItem(2), or use a 
non-numeric key, and then there's no confusion.

 Firebug shows objects from Firefox to developers. The appropriate 
 display format for objects depends on the character of the objects and 
 the needs of developers. For example, arrays are shown in square 
 brackets with the first few entries, [foo, bar, ...]. HTML Elements 
 are shown with their nodeName and id if any.  In this way developers can 
 quickly get an idea of the nature of the object, and perhaps drill down 
 for more information.
 How many display formats should be created? One for every kind of object 
 is simply impractical.  Even if time allowed to create formats for all 
 the built-in types, all the DOM types, all the library types (prototype, 
 jquery, dojo,...) etc, there would still be user types. So you have to 
 create categories of representations that cover the important cases.  
 Firebug has about thirty.

 Now given an object, how do we assign it to one of these thirty 
 representations?  The only possibility is to examine the properties of 
 the object.

That's no the only possibility by a long shot. In fact it's not even a 
particularly good option; I would recommend using instanceof and the 
like instead.

 Of course there are objects that are not arrays and yet have length, eg 

There are lots of objects that are not arrays (or should not be rendered 
as arrays) and yet have length. Collections, TimeRanges, select 
elements, Window objects, History, CanvasPixelArrays, etc.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: Storage 'length' and enumeration

2009-04-29 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 30 Apr 2009, Sean Hogan wrote:

 sessionStore[2] = howdy;
 print(sessionStore[2]); // prints null?
 print(sessionStore[2]); // prints howdy
 To my knowledge that's not consistent with any other object or interface 
 in the browser.

Unless I'm mistaken, they both print howdy.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: Storage 'length' and enumeration

2009-04-29 Thread Sean Hogan

Ian Hickson wrote:

There are lots of objects that are not arrays (or should not be rendered 
as arrays) and yet have length. Collections, TimeRanges, select 
elements, Window objects, History, CanvasPixelArrays, etc.

I'm not sure about all those objects, but my (incomplete) testing of 
HTML*Collections indicates that when accessed using array notation:

   object[index]; where index  object.length
they behave as a readonly array. Which has the fortuitous by-product of 
allowing the object to work with Array.forEach(), etc.

Storage objects have a length property and can be accessed with array 
notation. They look like they should work with Array generic methods... 
and they do... except they aren't reliable if you use numeric keys... 
but they don't even give an error message.

I would suggest one of:
1. When accessed as an array they are treated as a readonly array. i.e. 
MUST use getItem(), setItem() for numeric keys
2. Treat it as an associative array. Change the name of the length 