[Puppet Users] Puppet agent on debian 6

2011-02-14 Thread Jli-
hi guys,
any note on puppet agent running on debian 6. It seems that there's an
error after upgrading it from debian 5 to debian 6

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet agent on debian 6

2011-02-14 Thread Daniel Pittman
On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 00:02, Jli- jljohn...@gmail.com wrote:

 any note on puppet agent running on debian 6. It seems that there's an
 error after upgrading it from debian 5 to debian 6

Hey there.  So, we are not aware of any particular restrictions there.
 Can you give us some more detail?  Is there a Debian bug report for
the issue, or can you post the errors you are getting here?

Oh, and just to check: have you upgraded your puppet master, or just
the agent?  It would be good to know the versions of both.

⎋ Puppet Labs Developer – http://puppetlabs.com
✉ Daniel Pittman dan...@puppetlabs.com
✆ Contact me via gtalk, email, or phone: +1 (877) 575-9775
♲ Made with 100 percent post-consumer electrons

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Re: [Puppet Users] Check package version in order to proceed with installation (err: Could not update: package is already installed)

2011-02-14 Thread Jan
Hi *,

no more ideas? :)


On 02/11/2011 10:24 PM, Jan wrote:
 Hi Patrick,
 On 02/11/2011 07:40 PM, Patrick wrote:
 1) So, just some random advice.  If you're using the same server to
 serve files and catalogs, you can skip listing the server and just
 use 3 slashes like this: 
 I see but I've just added this during the debugging procedure of our
 nameservers, anyhow your advice is welcome :)
  2) You sure it's not easier to just create a repository right now
 Of course and I would really like to but for the moment we're facing
 some serious issues which won't fix in time. Thats the major reason for
 me searching a temporary solution.
 3) What if you try using ensure = installed in the package?  Does
 that work?
 This won't work because puppet (as of version 0.24.x) is already
 installed on all nodes. That's the reason why I want puppet to upgrade
 the package _only_ if a newer version is available. When using ensure
 = installed the package won't be upgraded because some version is
 already installed.
 However, I haven't checked it by myself but I think that the same error
 message will be thrown if using ensure = latest on other packages,
 right? If yes, would you say that its a bug or a feature? ;)
 I want to get rid of that error message to keep the log files clean
 maybe to let them be checked on errors by our monitoring agent at a
 later time. The rest of the manifest seems to work just fine also with
 this error message coming up.
 4) I assume you're getting one of those errors for every package.  Is
 that true?
 Yes, that's correct.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet in the DMZ

2011-02-14 Thread Thorsten Biel

On Feb 11, 2011, at 20:00, Daniel Pittman wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 00:40, Thorsten Biel thorsten.b...@porsche.de wrote:
 On Feb 11, 2011, at 07:25, John Warburton wrote:
 How do people get around the common rule that DMZ servers should not 
 initiate network connections back to the internal network? Should we have a 
 puppet server in the DMZ?
 Another approach is to use SSH tunnels. Use autossh to initiate SSH
 connections from your puppetmaster to each client.
 I am rather surprised: wouldn't your network security folks and
 auditors go absolutely ape when they discovered that you had punched a
 hole through their firewall to allow connections from the DMZ to a
 secure network without going through the appropriate security analysis

That's where IT and medicine are sometimes similar : ask 3 experts and 
you get 3 different recommendations. :)

But to get back to the point: no, they aren't going ape. Why should they?

 Anyway, I guess my point is that while this would probably work I
 can't really see why it would bring any benefit compared to just
 punching the hole through the firewall directly: Puppet uses SSL
 secured communication, and validates the identity at both ends, so you
 have no more or less exposure than with this mechanism, so far as I
 can see?

It boils down to the question of whether you allow DMZ servers to initiate 
connections into the internal (secure) zone or not.
As this could turn into a lengthy mail exchange, how about we discuss it
at Puppet Camp Europe?


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[Puppet Users] Puppet configuration for MySQL master-slave replication

2011-02-14 Thread Basil Kurian
I 'm a beginner to puppet . I know only basic stuffs about puppet.

I would like to create a puppet configuration in which the master's
configuration can be tweaked so as to perform replication and  new mysql
slave nodes will be automatically configured to become replica

I'm able to perform some basic operations on MySQL server using this
article  [


The above thread looks like the one which I need , but I'm unable to figure
out the entire details from it.

Please give me links to  some good articles or blogs containing such
replication configurations.


Basil Kurian

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Re: [Puppet Users] puppetrun :: HTTP-Error: 500 Internal Server Error (w/ Passenger)

2011-02-14 Thread CraftyTech
Thanks for the replies...  When I run puppetrun with either --configprint 
confdir or --genconfig, I only get Finished as the output, nothing else. 
 It doesn't show me any configuration parameters...

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[Puppet Users] fork from Collection and Realizing resources (puppet-dev)

2011-02-14 Thread luke.bigum
Hi list (specifically Dan),

I was interested in the snippet you provided in the recent thread
Collection and Realizing resources and how it could be used to
safely include both 'app' and 'db' class without causing a conflict in
the user 'bob'. I can't quite see how that's possible, even using
class inheritance and the plusignment operator, you'd run into trouble
overriding the same resource twice (bob). How does the collection
syntax help?

Quoting Dan:

We have only been teaching | | in the puppetmaster training as a way
realize virtual resources. We do not teach that it is possible to
attributes with this syntax as well: | | {} (at least in part b/c
implications/non-determinism terrify me) , and do not teach that it
effects all resources.

The common example from class is something like:

class db::users {
  user { ['alice', 'bob']:
ensure = present,
gid = 'dbadmin',


class app::users {
  user { ['charlie', 'bob']:
ensure = present,
gid = 'webadmin',


class app {
  User| gid == 'webadmin' |


class db {
  User| gid == 'dbadmin' |


so that a machine can safely be a webserver and db server without

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[Puppet Users] Re: Check package version in order to proceed with installation (err: Could not update: package is already installed)

2011-02-14 Thread jcbollinger

On Feb 14, 2:35 am, Jan j...@agetty.de wrote:
 Hi *,

 no more ideas? :)

Whenever you want to use information about the state of a node to
influence the catalog supplied to that node, the Puppet Way is to use
facts.  In this case, it would need to be a custom fact.  It wouldn't
be too hard to wrap a custom fact around `rpm -q puppet`, or even to
draw a bunch of custom facts out of `rpm -qa`.

HOWEVER, I have to second Patrick's recommendation to create a local
repository.  Even a temporary one could solve the immediate problem
until your major problems (whatever they are) are sorted.  A yum
repository, at least, is very easy to create, and very easy to
advertise to all your clients via Puppet.  You could set it up on your
Puppetmaster, where evidently you already have copies of all the RPMs
you want to distribute, and which all your clients can already reach
over the network.

Alternatively, you could abandon your Package resources in favor of
Execs of the form yum localinstall -y RPM package.  That gets you
out of creating either a repository or any custom facts, but it is
furthest from the Way, and the most disruptive to your current

Good Luck,


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: [Puppet-dev] Collections and Realizing Resources

2011-02-14 Thread Nigel Kersten
On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 9:59 PM, Dan Bode d...@puppetlabs.com wrote:

 We have only been teaching | | in the puppetmaster training as a way to
 realize virtual resources. We do not teach that it is possible to override
 attributes with this syntax as well: | | {} (at least in part b/c the
 implications/non-determinism terrify me) , and do not teach that it actually
 effects all resources.

Why is using collections to override attributes non-deterministic compared
to class inheritance doing the same thing?

The common example from class is something like:

 class db::users {
   user { ['alice', 'bob']:
 ensure = present,
 gid = 'dbadmin',

 class app::users {
   user { ['charlie', 'bob']:
 ensure = present,
 gid = 'webadmin',

 class app {
   User| gid == 'webadmin' |

 class db {
   User| gid == 'dbadmin' |

 so that a machine can safely be a webserver and db server without conflict.

Why is this preferred over the realize() function? I consider the realize
function much simpler to teach and understand for this class of problem.

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[Puppet Users] redirect the dashboard with apache

2011-02-14 Thread Vincent

Is it possible to configure apache to redirect to the dashboard ?

I have try   the config :

ProxyPassReverse /http://localhost:3000

I ve got the foolowing error when I try to get the nodes pages :

Proxy Error

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /nodes.

Reason: DNS lookup failure for: localhost:3000nodes

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[Puppet Users] Splitting PuppetMaster from PuppetCA config help

2011-02-14 Thread linuxbsdfreak
Hello All,

I am running puppetmaster with nginx and unicorn. I am trying to split
puppet master from the Puppet CA. The puppetCA is running well with
the following nginx config:

user  nginx;
worker_processes  10;
worker_rlimit_nofile 10;

error_log   /var/log/nginx/error.log  debug;

events {
worker_connections  1024;
use epoll;

http {
include   /etc/nginx/mime.types;
default_type  application/octet-stream;

log_format  main  '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local]
$request '
  '$status $body_bytes_sent $http_referer '
  '$http_user_agent $http_x_forwarded_for';

access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log  main;


# These are good default values.
tcp_nopush  on;
tcp_nodelay off;

server_tokens   off;

# output compression saves bandwidth
gzip_http_version 1.1;
gzip_static on;
gzip_comp_level 5;
gzip_min_length 500;
gzip_types text/plain  text/xml text/css text/comma-separated-
values text/javascript application/x-javascript application/atom+xml;

keepalive_timeout  65;

server {
listen IPaddr:8140;
server_name  haproxy01;

ssl on;
ssl_session_timeout 5m;
ssl_certificate /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/haproxy01.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/
ssl_client_certificate /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem;
ssl_ciphers SSLv2:-LOW:-EXPORT:RC4+RSA;
ssl_verify_client optional;
ssl_verify_depth 1;

root /etc/puppet;

proxy_set_headerX-Client-DN $ssl_client_s_dn;
proxy_set_headerX-Client-Verify $ssl_client_verify;
proxy_buffer_size   16k;
proxy_buffers   8 32k;
proxy_temp_file_write_size 64k;
proxy_read_timeout  65;

location / {
proxy_pass http://IPofserver:8141;  Running unicorn
on port 8141
proxy_redirect off;


logdir = /var/log/puppet
rundir = /var/run/puppet
ssldir = $vardir/ssl

classfile = $vardir/classes.txt
localconfig = $vardir/localconfig
server = haproxy01

autosign = false
ssl_client_header = HTTP_X_CLIENT_DN
ssl_client_verify_header = HTTP_X_CLIENT_VERIFY
certname = haproxy01
ca = true

Now the main puppetmaster for serving the manifests has the following

user  nginx;
worker_processes  10;
worker_rlimit_nofile 10;

error_log   /var/log/nginx/error.log info;

events {
worker_connections  1024;
use epoll;

http {
include   /etc/nginx/mime.types;
default_type  application/octet-stream;

log_format  main  '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local]
$request '
  '$status $body_bytes_sent $http_referer '
  '$http_user_agent $http_x_forwarded_for';

access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log  main;


# These are good default values.
tcp_nopush  on;
tcp_nodelay off;

server_tokens   off;

# output compression saves bandwidth
gzip_http_version 1.1;
gzip_static on;
gzip_comp_level 5;
gzip_min_length 500;
gzip_types text/plain  text/xml text/css text/comma-separated-
values text/javascript application/x-javascript application/atom+xml;

keepalive_timeout  65;

server {
listen ipaddr:8140;
server_name  pserver01;

ssl on;
ssl_session_timeout 5m;
ssl_certificate /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/pserver01.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/
#ssl_client_certificate /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem;
ssl_ciphers SSLv2:-LOW:-EXPORT:RC4+RSA;
#ssl_verify_client optional;
ssl_verify_depth 1;

root /etc/puppet;

# make sure we serve everything as raw
types { }
default_type application/x-raw;

# serve static file for the [files] mountpoint
location /production/file_content/files/ {
allow all;

alias /etc/puppet/files/;

# serve modules files sections
location ~ /production/file_content/[^/]+/files/ {
allow all;

root /etc/puppet/modules;

# rewrite /production/file_content/module/files/file.txt to /
rewrite ^/production/file_content/([^/]+)/files/(.+)$
$1/$2 break;

Re: [Puppet Users] exec: creates overrides onlyif?

2011-02-14 Thread Felix Frank
On 02/10/2011 08:47 PM, Matthew Pounsett wrote:
 The docs are vague on how the two interact.. but it seems to me that 
 'creates' will override 'onlyif' in an exec clause.  i.e. if the file named 
 by 'creates' exists, then 'onlyif' is ignored.  Is someone able to confirm 

I cannot positively confirm, but the opposite wouldn't make a bit of
sense to me.

Both are conditions that are meant to keep the exec from running if it's
not necessary. Now if onlyif were named dowhenever or somesuch, that
would be a different story...


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Re: [Puppet Users] exec: creates overrides onlyif?

2011-02-14 Thread Matthew Pounsett

On 2011/02/14, at 11:12, Felix Frank wrote:

 On 02/10/2011 08:47 PM, Matthew Pounsett wrote:
 The docs are vague on how the two interact.. but it seems to me that 
 'creates' will override 'onlyif' in an exec clause.  i.e. if the file named 
 by 'creates' exists, then 'onlyif' is ignored.  Is someone able to confirm 
 I cannot positively confirm, but the opposite wouldn't make a bit of
 sense to me.

Sometimes files exist already but need to be updated.  With 'creates' and 
'onlyif' both set, I'd expect an OR behaviour: write the file if the file 
referenced by 'creates' doesn't exist, OR if 'onlyif' evaluates to true.

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Re: [Puppet Users] certificate does not match

2011-02-14 Thread Felix Frank

from afar, it's hard to tell what your specific problem is.

Has your puppetmaster generated a new CSR for the machine? Maybe you
have to sign the new certificate; the master still stores a valid,
signed certificate for the machine, but the client has no use for it.
You need to convince your master to sign a new certificate (for which
the client actually has the private key).

From the helptext:
clean:   Remove all files related to a host from puppet cert's
 storage. This is useful when rebuilding hosts, since new
 certificate signing requests will only be honored if puppet
 cert does not have a copy of a signed certificate for that
 host. The certificate of the host remains valid. If '--all'
 is specified then all host certificates, both signed and
 unsigned, will be removed.

Be mindful of the fact that the signed certificate remains valid (until


On 02/14/2011 04:34 AM, Tim Dunphy wrote:
 Hello list,
  I am having a problem with one of my puppet clients contacting the
 puppet server. All of my puppet nodes are working with the current
 manifest (such as it is, until I get a chance to develop it a little
  The server I am having issues with had to be re-provisioned. Once I
 did I started getting this message:
  [root@LCENT01:~] #puppetd --test --waitforcert 15
 err: Could not request certificate: Retrieved certificate does not
 match private key; please remove certificate from server and
 regenerate it with the current key
 So I rm'd the contents of the ssl directory on this client:
 [root@LCENT01:~] #rm -rf /var/lib/ssl/*
 Then I went to the puppet server and issued a puppetca --clean:
 [root@virtcent13:~] #puppetca --clean LCENT01.summitnjhome.com
 The puppet server responds with the name of the host indicating that
 it has already been cleaned.
 The server name I used for the clean directive matches the fqdn of the
 host I am attempting to re-add to the puppet servers's cert list.
 [root@LCENT01:~] #facter | grep fqdn
 fqdn = LCENT01.summitnjhome.com
 AFAIK the puppetca --clean command should have taken care of this
 error. Can someone out there recommend the next steps to resolving
 this error?

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: [Puppet-dev] Collections and Realizing Resources

2011-02-14 Thread Dan Bode
On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 6:49 AM, Nigel Kersten ni...@puppetlabs.com wrote:

 On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 9:59 PM, Dan Bode d...@puppetlabs.com wrote:

 We have only been teaching | | in the puppetmaster training as a way to
 realize virtual resources. We do not teach that it is possible to override
 attributes with this syntax as well: | | {} (at least in part b/c the
 implications/non-determinism terrify me) , and do not teach that it actually
 effects all resources.

 Why is using collections to override attributes non-deterministic compared
 to class inheritance doing the same thing?

With the below example, the evaluation order of the overrides determines the
final value.

notify { 'foo':
  message = 'bar',

Notify| | {
  message = 'bazz'
Notify| | {
  message = 'baz'

# try this example and swap the overrides

With class inheritance, any attempt to override the same attribute twice

class a {
  notify { 'foo':
message = 'a',
class c inherits a {
  Notify['foo'] {message = 'c'}
class b inherits a {
  Notify['foo'] {message = 'b'}
include a,c,b

:!puppet apply /tmp/foo2.pp
Parameter 'message' is already set on Notify[foo] by
#Puppet::Resource::Type:0xb7a430c8 at /tmp/foo2.pp:9; cannot redefine at
/tmp/foo2.pp:12 on node mypuppetmaster.localdomain

The common example from class is something like:

 class db::users {
   user { ['alice', 'bob']:
 ensure = present,
 gid = 'dbadmin',

 class app::users {
   user { ['charlie', 'bob']:
 ensure = present,
 gid = 'webadmin',

 class app {
   User| gid == 'webadmin' |

 class db {
   User| gid == 'dbadmin' |

 so that a machine can safely be a webserver and db server without

 Why is this preferred over the realize() function? I consider the realize
 function much simpler to teach and understand for this class of problem.

The realize function requires that we have to know all of the names of the
resources that we are realizing. Consider the example where each group of
users has 10 members, the above syntax is way easier to manage than:

realize(User[1], User[2],  User[10])

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: [Puppet-dev] Collections and Realizing Resources

2011-02-14 Thread Nigel Kersten
On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 8:56 AM, Dan Bode d...@puppetlabs.com wrote:

 On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 6:49 AM, Nigel Kersten ni...@puppetlabs.comwrote:

 On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 9:59 PM, Dan Bode d...@puppetlabs.com wrote:

 We have only been teaching | | in the puppetmaster training as a way to
 realize virtual resources. We do not teach that it is possible to override
 attributes with this syntax as well: | | {} (at least in part b/c the
 implications/non-determinism terrify me) , and do not teach that it actually
 effects all resources.

 Why is using collections to override attributes non-deterministic compared
 to class inheritance doing the same thing?

 With the below example, the evaluation order of the overrides determines
 the final value.

 notify { 'foo':
   message = 'bar',

 Notify| | {
   message = 'bazz'
 Notify| | {
   message = 'baz'

 # try this example and swap the overrides

 With class inheritance, any attempt to override the same attribute twice

 class a {
   notify { 'foo':
 message = 'a',
 class c inherits a {
   Notify['foo'] {message = 'c'}
 class b inherits a {
   Notify['foo'] {message = 'b'}
 include a,c,b

 :!puppet apply /tmp/foo2.pp
 Parameter 'message' is already set on Notify[foo] by
 #Puppet::Resource::Type:0xb7a430c8 at /tmp/foo2.pp:9; cannot redefine at
 /tmp/foo2.pp:12 on node mypuppetmaster.localdomain

Hmm. So it's order-dependent because you can do it more than once, unlike
class inheritance. Overriding the same attribute more than once via
collection feels like a code smell to me.

The common example from class is something like:

 class db::users {
   user { ['alice', 'bob']:
 ensure = present,
 gid = 'dbadmin',

 class app::users {
   user { ['charlie', 'bob']:
 ensure = present,
 gid = 'webadmin',

 class app {
   User| gid == 'webadmin' |

 class db {
   User| gid == 'dbadmin' |

 so that a machine can safely be a webserver and db server without

 Why is this preferred over the realize() function? I consider the realize
 function much simpler to teach and understand for this class of problem.

 The realize function requires that we have to know all of the names of the
 resources that we are realizing. Consider the example where each group of
 users has 10 members, the above syntax is way easier to manage than:

 realize(User[1], User[2],  User[10])

ah, but your collection syntax requires that you have to know the gid of the
resources you are realizing :)

There are certainly cases where the collection syntax is easier, but I feel
that the vast majority of virtual resource realizations I see in the wild
are for one or two resources where the name is known.

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Re: [Puppet Users] redirect the dashboard with apache

2011-02-14 Thread Daniel Pittman
Hey. Your redirect lost the / between the service and the uri; add that to
your ProxyPass lines and it should, I think, work.

Puppet Labs Developer –http://puppetlabs.com
Daniel Pittman dan...@puppetlabs.com
Contact me via gtalk, email, or phone: +1 (877) 575-9775
Sent from a mobile device. Please forgive me if this is briefer than usual.
On Feb 14, 2011 8:08 AM, Vincent vlouvi...@gmail.com wrote:

 Is it possible to configure apache to redirect to the dashboard ?

 I have try the config :

 ProxyPass / http://localhost:3000
 ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:3000

 I ve got the foolowing error when I try to get the nodes pages :

 Proxy Error

 The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
 The proxy server could not handle the request GET /nodes.

 Reason: DNS lookup failure for: localhost:3000nodes

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Re: [Puppet Users] certificate does not match

2011-02-14 Thread Patrick

On Feb 14, 2011, at 8:43 AM, Felix Frank wrote:

 from afar, it's hard to tell what your specific problem is.
 Has your puppetmaster generated a new CSR for the machine? Maybe you
 have to sign the new certificate; the master still stores a valid,
 signed certificate for the machine, but the client has no use for it.
 You need to convince your master to sign a new certificate (for which
 the client actually has the private key).
 From the helptext:
 clean:   Remove all files related to a host from puppet cert's
 storage. This is useful when rebuilding hosts, since new
 certificate signing requests will only be honored if puppet
 cert does not have a copy of a signed certificate for that
 host. The certificate of the host remains valid. If '--all'
 is specified then all host certificates, both signed and
 unsigned, will be removed.
 Be mindful of the fact that the signed certificate remains valid (until

Actually, they remain valid almost forever (I think it's usually 10 years) 
unless revoked.  Just replacing the certificate doesn't make the signature less 
valid.  The only way for a certificate to stop working, if you don't change the 
root certificate, is to revoke it and have certificate revocation lists 
working.  In 2.6.x I think certificates are revoked when cleaned, but I'm not 
sure.  I know 0.25.x doesn't.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet in the DMZ

2011-02-14 Thread Daniel Pittman
On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 01:35, Thorsten Biel thorsten.b...@porsche.de wrote:
 On Feb 11, 2011, at 20:00, Daniel Pittman wrote:
= On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 00:40, Thorsten Biel
thorsten.b...@porsche.de wrote:
 On Feb 11, 2011, at 07:25, John Warburton wrote:

 How do people get around the common rule that DMZ servers should not 
 initiate network connections back to the internal network? Should we have 
 a puppet server in the DMZ?

 Another approach is to use SSH tunnels. Use autossh to initiate SSH
 connections from your puppetmaster to each client.

 I am rather surprised: wouldn't your network security folks and
 auditors go absolutely ape when they discovered that you had punched a
 hole through their firewall to allow connections from the DMZ to a
 secure network without going through the appropriate security analysis

 That's where IT and medicine are sometimes similar : ask 3 experts and
 you get 3 different recommendations. :)

 But to get back to the point: no, they aren't going ape. Why should they?

Because using SSH to create a tunnel that allows servers in the DMZ to
connect to the internal network is often considered a problem. :)


 It boils down to the question of whether you allow DMZ servers to initiate
 connections into the internal (secure) zone or not.

I think we are in agreement there, and I agree that this is probably
the end of the value in the discussion.  So, having explained why I
see the issue I am happy to, if we still do, agree to disagree. :)

⎋ Puppet Labs Developer – http://puppetlabs.com
✉ Daniel Pittman dan...@puppetlabs.com
✆ Contact me via gtalk, email, or phone: +1 (877) 575-9775
♲ Made with 100 percent post-consumer electrons

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[Puppet Users] Re: Master-less : What do I lose?

2011-02-14 Thread jblaine
Wow, I'm glad this generated some discussion.  I had almost given up on my 

Thanks for the replies, everyone.

Jordan, for context, we've been using Cfengine 2.x for 12 years now on ~180 
boxes (nowadays) which I was wholly responsible for and continue to be (for 
lame reasons I won't get into) the person who administers/drives it.  We 
hook a cfengine run into the end of our network installs (kickstart and 
Jumpstart) which does its thing, where one of those things is to add our 
cfengine_run wrapper script to root's crontab (nightly at 3AM + 
random(100secs)).  We're a thinktanky place, not a public-facing web 
product company.  SW and HW devs, researchers doing NLP stuff, etc.  For 
more context, I'm extremely averse to shoddy-seeming architectures or 
software, especially for something as important as configuration management. 
 To that topic, I had some choice words toward my screen when I came to 
understand the bogusness that is WEBrick+Rubythreads, and that most do the 
Mongrel/proxy or Passenger dance.  I'm not going to do that.  It's BS to me, 
and I'm sure there plenty of people here who will take issue with that.  I'm 
actually pretty amazed at Puppet's adoption in agent+master form.

So I'm either going masterless Puppet + git repo or something else entirely 
(Cfengine 3), and I'm just trying to gain a clear picture of the masterless 
list of cons.  Going from Cfengine 2 to Cfengine 3 is almost as much effort 
as learning Puppet, so I figured I'd poke around with Puppet.

I've read the Loggly slide deck, but don't quite know enough about Puppet 
terms yet to extract real meaning from most of the masterless info slides.

Right now, thanks to our existing cfengine 2 setup, I've built and pushed 
Cfengine 3, Facter 1.5.8, Puppet 2.4.6, Ruby 1.8.7 + rubyssl, and the 
ruby-shadow module to all of our boxes' local disk.  For Solaris 10, I 
tweaked ruby-shadow (patch submitted and accepted) and also include the 
Cfengine 3 dependencies not commonly found: PCRE and Oracle Berkeley DB.

I'm not sure how relevant this is to the topic, but I'll mention it as well 
in case.  There are two goals to this next-gen CM plan.  The first is to 
serve our managed machine needs in way that is saner than a gigantic 
Cfengine 2 config file.  The second is to provide a way for other ad-hoc 
UNIX/Linux boxes in the organization to benefit from using our tool tree + 
manifests/configs.  There's no reason for Jim Smith to need to 
hand-configure the 12 things on his Ubuntu 10.x box to make it worthwhile on 
the corp. network... etc.  This second goal is largely marketing for our 
group's capabilities and worth.

At any rate, I think the only thing for me to do is retreat into 
masterless-Puppet-test-rollout-land until I understand clearly what the 
limitations (mentioned in the thread here) mean to our goals.

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[Puppet Users] Re: Master-less : What do I lose?

2011-02-14 Thread jblaine
On Wednesday, February 9, 2011 8:22:02 PM UTC-5, DaveQB wrote:

 One thing we have is mulitple NFS mounts common to all machines. So 
 moving to serverless was quite painless and has so far been a HUGE 

This is what I was planning to do as well (once I understand the other 
masterless losses more).



 On Feb 8, 4:59 am, jblaine cjbl...@gmail.com wrote: 
  I've not found an explanation of what is lost by using Puppet without a 
  Does anyone have a link to something like that, or is anyone willing to 
  expound on the topic?

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[Puppet Users] Re: Master-less : What do I lose?

2011-02-14 Thread jblaine
On Wednesday, February 9, 2011 3:32:07 PM UTC-5, Kevin Beckford wrote:

 I think it depends on the use case.  I much prefer the git method.  I'm 
 trying to do it the classic way this week, but there is a lot of decisions 
 to deploy an efficient puppetmaster which add complexity and unwanted 
 software to some setups.  

That's exactly what prompted me to start this thread.  I refuse to go down 
that road.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Master-less : What do I lose?

2011-02-14 Thread Nigel Kersten
On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 8:19 AM, Nan Liu n...@puppetlabs.com wrote:

 Another key difference is the agent only receives a catalog in
 master/agent mode. In masterless mode you must provide the puppet
 manifest/templates to each client system. The catalog is system
 specific and does not contain any configuration information about
 other systems, the manifests and templates would have all the
 configuration data for all systems.

 It would be non trivial to keep the configuration data isolated in
 masterless mode if you have a desire to segment and isolate
 configuration data by system, or even system roles (i.e. my website
 database system should not contain puppet manifest with my financial
 database password).

This is a very important point that I'd like to reiterate.

In some environments it's simply unacceptable to expose all password
hashes for all services to all machines.

You can work around this in masterless mode with appropriate ACLs and
some custom function work, but you're going to be doing work that a
master does for you.

For certain patterns of usage, a masterless setup may be the way to
go. It's certainly a simpler model for scaling, but you'll probably
want to at least submit reports to a central location.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Master-less : What do I lose?

2011-02-14 Thread tom

On 09/02/11 20:42, Kevin Beckford wrote:

It would be non trivial to keep the configuration data isolated in
masterless mode if you have a desire to segment and isolate
configuration data by system, or even system roles (i.e. my website
database system should not contain puppet manifest with my financial
database password).

I really am trying to understand here.  To me this is the thing I love 
about git/merc... wait, I dont love mercurial.  The thing I love about 
DVCS is that this seems a perfect problem domain for it.  You would be 
the master, store the total repo on your laptop and push the branches 
needed, where they need to go.  I suppose that the logic would be in 
several systems instead of one, but git does distributed versioning 
better, surely?  Please advise.

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I use Puppet in a standalone mode.
I created a templating system using Perl and TemplateToolkit to create 
(simple) puppet manifests and configuration files I wish to manage. 
These are stored in a Git repo that allows me to easily see when changes 
are made to a servers' configuration before pushing. Rollbacks are 
possible too in this scenario.
Clients pull via rsync - there is definitely scope for a more robust TLS 
transport here.
The big plus side here is that I am holding every servers' set of files 
in a DVCS (as well as my colleagues) so we are less dependant on backups 
as everyone in the team will hold a fairly recent copy of the entire 
server farm.
Tied in mainly to CentOS, I can Kickstart a server and let it pull it's 
own configuration and apply it in mere minutes if I was to loose a server.

As I say, manifests are fairly simple, but enough to manage files, 
services and other custom executables.

This was inspired by some work a guy did at Oxford University. It seems 
to scal very well as I am managing 180+ servers this way.


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[Puppet Users] ANNOUNCE: Puppet 2.6.5 - Release Candidate 4 available!

2011-02-14 Thread Jacob Helwig
We're back with a maintenance release: 2.6.5. This release addresses a
number of bugs in the 2.6.x branch and adds a handful of features and
documentation updates.

This release candidate includes only test, and documentation

This release candidate is available for download at:


We're hoping this is going to be the last RC so please test it!

See the Verifying Puppet Download section at

Report feedback via the Puppet Labs Redmine site:


Please select an affected version of 2.6.5rc4.

You can find the Release Notes for Puppet at:




664ef67 (#3646) Fix the documentation fix for `puppet apply --apply`


7ef2fbf Updated fix for #3646 - apply / compile documentation
193016d (#5977) fix spec test failure when new applications are introduced.


1f89906 (#6257) Speed up PUT and POST requests under rack
7b3b56e (5977) Puppet::Applications can be loaded from multiple paths.


f9e2e2b Augmentation of tests for prior commit
392504a Fix to fix for #5755 -- backref serialization issues in zaml
a732a15 Fixed #5564 - Added some more fqdn_rand documentation
f279f2c Fixed #4968 - Updated list of options turned on by --test in 
ce5a2bf (#5061) - allow special hostclass/define variables to be evaluated as 
fd73874 (#6107) Fix an error when auditing a file with empty content
530496b Remove already initialized constant warning from file_spec.rb tests
76788f8 (#5566) Treat source only File checksums as syntax errors when used 
with content
d657292 Rename variable used in File type validation to be more clear
3398139 Remove invalid timestamp and time, and add missing ctime File 
checksum types.
6c93eb2 Remove order dependency when specifying source and checksum on File type
3a125d4 Bug #5755 -- ZAML generates extra newline in some hash backreferences.
50c12e5 bug #5681 -- code fix to handle AIX mount output
139760b Bug #5681 -- parse AIX mount command output.
2f74d83 Spec for #5681 to allow parsing of AIX mount output in mount provider
878f266 Fixed #6091 - Changed POSIX path matching to allow multiple leading 
eb97aa5 Bug #6091 -- test leading double-slash in filenames are allowed.
1bfc9a0 Fixed #6071 - Fixed typo and improved exec path error message
c50a48e Fixed #6061 - Allowed -1 as password min/max age
bf44e72 Bug #6061 -- verify that negative {min,max}_password_age are accepted.
af1c1fe Feature #5855 -- fix withenv call in freebsd package provider
d871641 Feature #5855 -- undefined method 'withenv' in FreeBSD package provider.
f1ab588 Fixed #6009 - nested member list vs directory service group provider
86a2a00 (#5944) Remove documentation of define() when used on nodes, as it is 
not a supported use of this function.
2b9f653 (#5944) Further edits of inline defined() documentation.
5d108e8 (#5944) Improve documentation of defined() function
7d38ab2 (#5594) Update documentation of exec resource type.
67e1bba (#5931) Prevent errors when calling insync? on audited properties
0f9d236 Maint: Removed dead code from resource harness.
0765afb Maint: Rename misleading insync? method in file provider
0084b08 (#5548) Specify return values of manual status commands in service type 
dd332f6 Fixed #6002 - Added note about function execution
3cfbd07 (#5045) Cleaning up some tests and code
a2036ea (#5045) External node classifiers should be able to specify params for 
18ca97b (#5045) Adds support to resource/type to also accept a param hash
70630b9 Fix #3165 Ralsh (bin/puppet resource) can't manage files
1fd3600 Fixed #3646 - Added documentation for compile and apply to man page
ae48634 Fixed #5914 Removed genconfig = true from genconfig output
7e7f342 Fixed #1657 - Added note about target file
069f29b Fixed #2096 - clarified option modification and tested it is working
66b442b Fixes #5916 - Cleanup of unused doc methods and documentation
9b74968 Modified rubydoc in lib/puppet/util/command_line/puppetca to fix 
inaccurate description of --clean.
e58f5dc Fixed #5742 - Removed legacy fqdn option from documentation
4d1b51f Fixed #5167 - misleading documentation in the defaults of [main]
c1b5c7f (#5913) Fix Puppet::Application.find constant lookup behavior
f9bfb96 (#5900) Include ResourceStatus#failed in serialized reports
79b6332 (#5882) Added error-handling for bucketing files in puppet inspect
17843d5 (#5882) Added error-handling to puppet inspect when auditing
1a6fab2 (#5171) Made puppet inspect upload audited files to a file bucket
a7cd185 Prep for #5171: Added a missing require to inspect application.
71ac9cf Locked Puppet license to GPLv2
abc6256 (#5838) Support paths as part of file bucket requests.
002f9f1 (#5838) Improve the quality of file bucket specs.

[Puppet Users] Re: puppet 2.6.5-rc1 Parameter type failed: type is read-only

2011-02-14 Thread John Warburton
On 9 February 2011 21:57, John Warburton jwarbur...@gmail.com wrote:

 OK - I found the issue. Because 2.6.x gives us nice human readable(ish)
 catalogs, I compiled mine and the 'random' hits were all for directories.
 Re-reading the manifest, I see those directories in the error messages all
 had type = directory, like

 file { /var/empty:
 ensure = 'directory',
 *type   = 'directory',*
 mode   = 755,

 I was wondering how the type in the file resource for directories got in
there. Maybe too enthusiastic reading of the manual? It seems it may have
been ralsh from when it was working.

Now that https://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/3165 is resolved, I used
ralsh on a directory with 2.6.5rc2, and it generated the same bad code!

I have raised https://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/6314


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Re: [Puppet Users] fork from Collection and Realizing resources (puppet-dev)

2011-02-14 Thread Dan Bode
On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 4:14 AM, luke.bigum luke.bi...@fasthosts.co.ukwrote:

 Hi list (specifically Dan),

 I was interested in the snippet you provided in the recent thread
 Collection and Realizing resources and how it could be used to
 safely include both 'app' and 'db' class without causing a conflict in
 the user 'bob'. I can't quite see how that's possible, even using
 class inheritance and the plusignment operator, you'd run into trouble
 overriding the same resource twice (bob). How does the collection
 syntax help?

ah, those resources should have been virtual:

 Quoting Dan:

 We have only been teaching | | in the puppetmaster training as a way
 realize virtual resources. We do not teach that it is possible to
 attributes with this syntax as well: | | {} (at least in part b/c
 implications/non-determinism terrify me) , and do not teach that it
 effects all resources.

 The common example from class is something like:

 class db::users {

should be @user { ['alice', 'bob']:

  user { ['alice', 'bob']:
ensure = present,
gid = 'dbadmin',


 class app::users {

should be  @user { ['charlie', 'bob']:

  user { ['charlie', 'bob']:
ensure = present,
gid = 'webadmin',


 class app {
  User| gid == 'webadmin' |


 class db {
  User| gid == 'dbadmin' |


 also missing:

include app::users, db::users, db, app

 so that a machine can safely be a webserver and db server without

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppet 2.6.5-rc1 Parameter type failed: type is read-only

2011-02-14 Thread Nigel Kersten
On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 3:30 PM, John Warburton jwarbur...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 9 February 2011 21:57, John Warburton jwarbur...@gmail.com wrote:

 OK - I found the issue. Because 2.6.x gives us nice human readable(ish)
 catalogs, I compiled mine and the 'random' hits were all for directories.
 Re-reading the manifest, I see those directories in the error messages all
 had type = directory, like

     file { /var/empty:
     ensure = 'directory',
     type   = 'directory',
     mode   = 755,

 I was wondering how the type in the file resource for directories got in
 there. Maybe too enthusiastic reading of the manual? It seems it may have
 been ralsh from when it was working.

 Now that https://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/3165 is resolved, I used
 ralsh on a directory with 2.6.5rc2, and it generated the same bad code!

 I have raised https://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/6314

Thanks John. I'll do some clarification around your ticket, as we have
a wider problem with all read-only attributes.

I'm wondering whether it would be useful for puppet resource to have
an optional flag that did display read-only attributes? Certainly by
default we shouldn't be displaying them.

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[Puppet Users] force directory to symlink, but only if empty

2011-02-14 Thread Rich Rauenzahn
I was surprised to find that

file { $foo:
ensure = symlink,
target  = '/tmp/foo',

doesn't replace $foo if $foo is an empty directory.

Is there a particular combination of options to the file resource that
would replace the directory with the symlink if empty, but wouldn't
filebucket the contents and the directory if it wasn't empty?

recurse=false doesn't do it...


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Re: [Puppet Users] force directory to symlink, but only if empty

2011-02-14 Thread Nan Liu
On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 5:17 PM, Rich Rauenzahn rraue...@gmail.com wrote:
 I was surprised to find that

 file { $foo:
    ensure = symlink,
    target  = '/tmp/foo',

 doesn't replace $foo if $foo is an empty directory.

 Is there a particular combination of options to the file resource that
 would replace the directory with the symlink if empty, but wouldn't
 filebucket the contents and the directory if it wasn't empty?

See http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/type.html#file
force = true


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[Puppet Users] Re: ANNOUNCE: Puppet 2.6.5 - Release Candidate 4 available!

2011-02-14 Thread Todd Zullinger
Jacob Helwig wrote:
 We're back with a maintenance release: 2.6.5. This release addresses a
 number of bugs in the 2.6.x branch and adds a handful of features and
 documentation updates.

For those using Fedora or RHEL/CentOS, I've updated the yum repos at:


Packages for EL 4 - 6 and Fedora 13 - 14 are available for testing.
Add the puppet.repo file from either the epel or fedora directories to
/etc/yum.repos.d to enable.

If you find problems with the packaging, please let me know.  If you
find other bugs, please file them in redmine:


I'm particularly interested in anyone updating from 0.25.x to 2.6.x
and whether you run into regressions or other issues that would make
this an unsuitable update to push into the stable Fedora and EPEL

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Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to
pause and reflect.
-- Mark Twain

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[Puppet Users] Puppetmasterd not receiving certificate request

2011-02-14 Thread mark risher
Hi: I'm trying to configure Puppet on Ubuntu, and strangely I am never
able to generate a certificate because my server never shows any
pending certificate requests.

Put differently, on the server I am running puppetmasterd and on the
client I am able to connect to the server, but the client continues

   notice: Did not receive certificate
   warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session

and yet the server never sees the request

   mrisher@lab2$ puppetca --list
   [nothing shows up]
   mrisher@lab2$ puppetca --sign clientname.domain.com
   err: Could not call sign: Could not find certificate request for

There was a suggestion that autosign was happening, but that does not
seem to be it. There is no autosign.conf file, and when I run
`puppetmasterd --no-daemonize -d -v` I receive the following output:
   info: Could not find certificate for 'clientname.domain.com'
every time the client says
   notice: Did not receive certificate

I checked the certs on the server and there don't seem to be any:

mrisher@lab2:~$ puppetca --list --all
mrisher@lab2:~$ sudo puppetca --list --all
+ lab2.domain.com  // this is the server (master)
mrisher@lab2:~$ sudo puppetca --list
[blank line]

Note: This is mostly running the default install from Ubuntu, if that
gives any leads.

Thanks for any help out there.

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Re: [Puppet Users] force directory to symlink, but only if empty

2011-02-14 Thread Rich Rauenzahn
On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 5:20 PM, Nan Liu n...@puppetlabs.com wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 5:17 PM, Rich Rauenzahn rraue...@gmail.com wrote:
 I was surprised to find that

 file { $foo:
    ensure = symlink,
    target  = '/tmp/foo',

 doesn't replace $foo if $foo is an empty directory.

 Is there a particular combination of options to the file resource that
 would replace the directory with the symlink if empty, but wouldn't
 filebucket the contents and the directory if it wasn't empty?

 See http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/type.html#file
 force = true

That is what I'm doing.  But force also empties the directory if it
has contents.  I don't want that.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppetmasterd not receiving certificate request

2011-02-14 Thread Basil Kurian
Set the IP of puppet master as hostname puppet on /etc/hosts file of

That is something like puppet.example.local puppet

On 15 February 2011 07:25, mark risher mrisher.w...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi: I'm trying to configure Puppet on Ubuntu, and strangely I am never
 able to generate a certificate because my server never shows any
 pending certificate requests.

 Put differently, on the server I am running puppetmasterd and on the
 client I am able to connect to the server, but the client continues

   notice: Did not receive certificate
   warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session

 and yet the server never sees the request

   mrisher@lab2$ puppetca --list
   [nothing shows up]
   mrisher@lab2$ puppetca --sign clientname.domain.com
   err: Could not call sign: Could not find certificate request for

 There was a suggestion that autosign was happening, but that does not
 seem to be it. There is no autosign.conf file, and when I run
 `puppetmasterd --no-daemonize -d -v` I receive the following output:
   info: Could not find certificate for 'clientname.domain.com'
 every time the client says
   notice: Did not receive certificate

 I checked the certs on the server and there don't seem to be any:

 mrisher@lab2:~$ puppetca --list --all
 mrisher@lab2:~$ sudo puppetca --list --all
 + lab2.domain.com  // this is the server (master)
 mrisher@lab2:~$ sudo puppetca --list
 [blank line]

 Note: This is mostly running the default install from Ubuntu, if that
 gives any leads.

 Thanks for any help out there.

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Basil Kurian

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppetmasterd not receiving certificate request

2011-02-14 Thread Basil Kurian
Then try puppetd --test   on client

On 15 February 2011 09:24, Basil Kurian basilkur...@gmail.com wrote:

 Set the IP of puppet master as hostname puppet on /etc/hosts file of

 That is something like puppet.example.local puppet

 On 15 February 2011 07:25, mark risher mrisher.w...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi: I'm trying to configure Puppet on Ubuntu, and strangely I am never
 able to generate a certificate because my server never shows any
 pending certificate requests.

 Put differently, on the server I am running puppetmasterd and on the
 client I am able to connect to the server, but the client continues

   notice: Did not receive certificate
   warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session

 and yet the server never sees the request

   mrisher@lab2$ puppetca --list
   [nothing shows up]
   mrisher@lab2$ puppetca --sign clientname.domain.com
   err: Could not call sign: Could not find certificate request for

 There was a suggestion that autosign was happening, but that does not
 seem to be it. There is no autosign.conf file, and when I run
 `puppetmasterd --no-daemonize -d -v` I receive the following output:
   info: Could not find certificate for 'clientname.domain.com'
 every time the client says
   notice: Did not receive certificate

 I checked the certs on the server and there don't seem to be any:

 mrisher@lab2:~$ puppetca --list --all
 mrisher@lab2:~$ sudo puppetca --list --all
 + lab2.domain.com  // this is the server (master)
 mrisher@lab2:~$ sudo puppetca --list
 [blank line]

 Note: This is mostly running the default install from Ubuntu, if that
 gives any leads.

 Thanks for any help out there.

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 Basil Kurian


Basil Kurian

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[Puppet Users] Re: [Puppet-dev] Re: ANNOUNCE: Puppet 2.6.5 - Release Candidate 4 available!

2011-02-14 Thread Jacob Helwig
On Mon, 14 Feb 2011 21:00:02 -0500, Todd Zullinger wrote:
 Jacob Helwig wrote:
  We're back with a maintenance release: 2.6.5. This release addresses a
  number of bugs in the 2.6.x branch and adds a handful of features and
  documentation updates.
 For those using Fedora or RHEL/CentOS, I've updated the yum repos at:
 Packages for EL 4 - 6 and Fedora 13 - 14 are available for testing.
 Add the puppet.repo file from either the epel or fedora directories to
 /etc/yum.repos.d to enable.
 If you find problems with the packaging, please let me know.  If you
 find other bugs, please file them in redmine:
 I'm particularly interested in anyone updating from 0.25.x to 2.6.x
 and whether you run into regressions or other issues that would make
 this an unsuitable update to push into the stable Fedora and EPEL


Thanks for putting these together to help get these RCs tested on the
RPM based systems.

Jacob Helwig

Description: Digital signature

[Puppet Users] Re: Puppetmasterd not receiving certificate request

2011-02-14 Thread mark risher
Thanks for the suggestion. I set the /etc/host but that doesn't appear
any different from specifying --server xyz on the command line; my
client definitely seems to reach the server but still no certificate
is issued and the manifest file doesn't get downloaded:

mrisher@events1001:~$ sudo vi /etc/hosts
mrisher@events1001:~$ puppetd --test
warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
Exiting; no certificate found and waitforcert is disabled
mrisher@events1001:~$ puppetd --test --waitforcert 60
warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
notice: Did not receive certificate

mrisher@lab2:~$ puppetca --list

mrisher@lab2:~$ sudo puppetca --list


I feel like I must be missing something really obvious. Is there a way
to telnet directly to the puppetmaster and issue a test that way? When
I telnet to port 8140 it immediately hangs up.

Thank you,

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppetmasterd not receiving certificate request

2011-02-14 Thread Jeff McCune
On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 11:19 PM, mark risher mris...@impermium.com wrote:
 Thanks for the suggestion. I set the /etc/host but that doesn't appear
 any different from specifying --server xyz on the command line; my
 client definitely seems to reach the server but still no certificate
 is issued and the manifest file doesn't get downloaded:

 mrisher@events1001:~$ sudo vi /etc/hosts
 mrisher@events1001:~$ puppetd --test
 warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
 warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
 warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
 Exiting; no certificate found and waitforcert is disabled
 mrisher@events1001:~$ puppetd --test --waitforcert 60
 warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
 warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
 warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
 warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
 notice: Did not receive certificate

 mrisher@lab2:~$ puppetca --list

 mrisher@lab2:~$ sudo puppetca --list


It really feels like the puppetca command is using a different ssldir
configuration setting than the puppet master process is.  Could you
check puppetca --configprint ssldir and compare that with the ssldir
setting being used by the puppet master process?

Are you running in Passenger or some other setup?

 I feel like I must be missing something really obvious. Is there a way
 to telnet directly to the puppetmaster and issue a test that way? When
 I telnet to port 8140 it immediately hangs up.

This is because SSL is being used and your client isn't starting the
handshake.  Unfortunately there's not an easy way to test things
without getting past the SSL layer, which is what you're having
trouble with.

Also, try pupeptca --list --all and see what certificates the CA _has_ signed.

Hope this helps,
Jeff McCune

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[Puppet Users] Re: Puppetmasterd not receiving certificate request

2011-02-14 Thread mark risher
If this helps, when I run `puppetd -d` I get a bunch of debug log
statements that may be pertinent: http://pastebins.com/index.php?show=567


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppetmasterd not receiving certificate request

2011-02-14 Thread Jeff McCune
On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 11:25 PM, mark risher mris...@impermium.com wrote:
 If this helps, when I run `puppetd -d` I get a bunch of debug log
 statements that may be pertinent: http://pastebins.com/index.php?show=567

As much information as you can provide about how you're running the
puppet master, what it's configuration is (--genconfig helps here),
and what puppetca --configprint ssldir says would be more helpful.

Jeff McCune

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Re: [Puppet Users] force directory to symlink, but only if empty

2011-02-14 Thread Nan Liu
On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 6:08 PM, Rich Rauenzahn rraue...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 5:20 PM, Nan Liu n...@puppetlabs.com wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 5:17 PM, Rich Rauenzahn rraue...@gmail.com wrote:
 I was surprised to find that

 file { $foo:
    ensure = symlink,
    target  = '/tmp/foo',

 doesn't replace $foo if $foo is an empty directory.

 Is there a particular combination of options to the file resource that
 would replace the directory with the symlink if empty, but wouldn't
 filebucket the contents and the directory if it wasn't empty?

 See http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/type.html#file
 force = true

 That is what I'm doing.  But force also empties the directory if it
 has contents.  I don't want that.

Sorry missed the details, you can impose this behavior using an exec
and make the file resource depend on the exec. The exec will fail for
a non empty directory:

exec {
command = rmdir /tmp/foo,
path = /bin:/usr/bin,
onlyif = [ -d /tmp/foo ],



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[Puppet Users] Re: Puppetmasterd not receiving certificate request

2011-02-14 Thread mark risher
Thanks for the follow-up. Here is the puppetmasterd --genconf output:
http://pastebins.com/index.php?show=568; I have not made any changes
from the default, Ubuntu package installation, so the actual
puppet.conf file is just the pathnames.

I've been running the server using the `/etc/init.d/puppetmasterd
start` command. There is very little log output in the masterhttp.log,
but here's what I see:

root@lab2:/var/log/puppet# more masterhttp.log
[2011-02-14 22:04:57] INFO  WEBrick 1.3.1
[2011-02-14 22:04:57] INFO  ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10) [x86_64-linux]
[2011-02-14 22:04:57] INFO
Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number: 2 (0x2)
Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: CN=ca
Not Before: Feb 14 01:20:25 2011 GMT
Not After : Feb 13 01:20:25 2016 GMT
Subject: CN=lab2.domain.com
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)
Modulus (1024 bit):
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
X509v3 extensions:
Netscape Comment:
Puppet Ruby/OpenSSL Generated Certificate
X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
X509v3 Key Usage:
Digital Signature, Key Encipherment
X509v3 Extended Key Usage:
TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client
Authentication, E-mail Protection
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
DNS:puppet, DNS:lab2.domain.com, DNS:puppet.domain.com
Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
[2011-02-14 22:04:57] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=20959
[2011-02-14 22:05:03] events.edgesentinel.com - - [14/Feb/
2011:22:05:03 PST] GET /production/certificate/events1001.domain.com
HTTP/1.1 404 51
[2011-02-14 22:05:03] - - /production/certificate/
[2011-02-14 22:05:03] events.edgesentinel.com - - [14/Feb/
2011:22:05:03 PST] GET /production/certificate/events1001.domain.com
HTTP/1.1 404 51
[2011-02-14 22:05:03] - - /production/certificate/
[2011-02-14 22:05:21] events.edgesentinel.com - - [14/Feb/
2011:22:05:21 PST] GET /production/certificate/events1001.domain.com
HTTP/1.1 404 51
[2011-02-14 22:05:21] - - /production/certificate/
[2011-02-14 22:05:50] events.edgesentinel.com - - [14/Feb/
2011:22:05:50 PST] GET /production/certificate/events1001.domain.com
HTTP/1.1 404 51
[2011-02-14 22:05:50] - - /production/certificate/
[2011-02-14 22:05:50] events.edgesentinel.com - - [14/Feb/
2011:22:05:50 PST] GET /production/certificate/events1001.domain.com
HTTP/1.1 404 51
[2011-02-14 22:05:50] - - /production/certificate/
[2011-02-14 22:05:50] events.edgesentinel.com - - [14/Feb/
2011:22:05:50 PST] GET /production/certificate/events1001.domain.com
HTTP/1.1 404 51
[2011-02-14 22:05:50] - - /production/certificate/
[2011-02-14 22:05:56] events.edgesentinel.com - - [14/Feb/
2011:22:05:56 PST] GET /production/certificate/events1001.domain.com
HTTP/1.1 404 51
[2011-02-14 22:05:56] - - /production/certificate/
[2011-02-14 22:05:57] INFO  going to shutdown ...
[2011-02-14 22:05:57] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start done.

Thanks again.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppetmasterd not receiving certificate request

2011-02-14 Thread Nan Liu
On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 10:12 PM, mark risher mris...@impermium.com wrote:
 Thanks for the follow-up. Here is the puppetmasterd --genconf output:
 http://pastebins.com/index.php?show=568; I have not made any changes
 from the default, Ubuntu package installation, so the actual
 puppet.conf file is just the pathnames.

 I've been running the server using the `/etc/init.d/puppetmasterd
 start` command. There is very little log output in the masterhttp.log,
 but here's what I see:

Shutdown the service and run puppet master with the following flags to
get debug info:
puppet master --no-daemonize -v

 root@lab2:/var/log/puppet# more masterhttp.log
 [2011-02-14 22:04:57] INFO  WEBrick 1.3.1
 [2011-02-14 22:04:57] INFO  ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10) [x86_64-linux]
 [2011-02-14 22:04:57] INFO
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number: 2 (0x2)
        Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: CN=ca
            Not Before: Feb 14 01:20:25 2011 GMT
            Not After : Feb 13 01:20:25 2016 GMT
        Subject: CN=lab2.domain.com
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
            RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)
                Modulus (1024 bit):
                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
        X509v3 extensions:
            Netscape Comment:
                Puppet Ruby/OpenSSL Generated Certificate
            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
            X509v3 Key Usage:
                Digital Signature, Key Encipherment
            X509v3 Extended Key Usage:
                TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client
 Authentication, E-mail Protection
            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
                DNS:puppet, DNS:lab2.domain.com, DNS:puppet.domain.com
    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
 [2011-02-14 22:04:57] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=20959
 [2011-02-14 22:05:03] events.edgesentinel.com - - [14/Feb/
 2011:22:05:03 PST] GET /production/certificate/events1001.domain.com
 HTTP/1.1 404 51
 [2011-02-14 22:05:03] - - /production/certificate/
 [2011-02-14 22:05:03] events.edgesentinel.com - - [14/Feb/
 2011:22:05:03 PST] GET /production/certificate/events1001.domain.com
 HTTP/1.1 404 51
 [2011-02-14 22:05:03] - - /production/certificate/
 [2011-02-14 22:05:21] events.edgesentinel.com - - [14/Feb/
 2011:22:05:21 PST] GET /production/certificate/events1001.domain.com
 HTTP/1.1 404 51
 [2011-02-14 22:05:21] - - /production/certificate/
 [2011-02-14 22:05:50] events.edgesentinel.com - - [14/Feb/
 2011:22:05:50 PST] GET /production/certificate/events1001.domain.com
 HTTP/1.1 404 51
 [2011-02-14 22:05:50] - - /production/certificate/
 [2011-02-14 22:05:50] events.edgesentinel.com - - [14/Feb/
 2011:22:05:50 PST] GET /production/certificate/events1001.domain.com
 HTTP/1.1 404 51
 [2011-02-14 22:05:50] - - /production/certificate/
 [2011-02-14 22:05:50] events.edgesentinel.com - - [14/Feb/
 2011:22:05:50 PST] GET /production/certificate/events1001.domain.com
 HTTP/1.1 404 51
 [2011-02-14 22:05:50] - - /production/certificate/
 [2011-02-14 22:05:56] events.edgesentinel.com - - [14/Feb/
 2011:22:05:56 PST] GET /production/certificate/events1001.domain.com
 HTTP/1.1 404 51
 [2011-02-14 22:05:56] - - /production/certificate/
 [2011-02-14 22:05:57] INFO  going to shutdown ...
 [2011-02-14 22:05:57] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start done.

Seems like the agent is just waiting for a certificate and you don't
have the CSR on the master. I'm not sure of a way to force the agent
to submit the CSR again. Since I don't have the exact directory
configuration, rather than asking you to copy the CSR to the server
I'm going to recommend cleaning the agent's ssl directory so it will
generate and submit the certificate request again.

With the master in verbose mode you should see the following: (using
info: Could not find certificate for 'demo.example.lan'
info: Could not find certificate_request for 'demo.example.lan'
notice: demo.example.lan has a waiting certificate request
info: Could not find certificate for 'demo.example.lan'
info: Could not find certificate for 'demo.example.lan'

At this point you should have a certificate waiting to be signed.



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