[Puppet Users] puppet-jenkins_plugin module

2019-08-08 Thread Johan De Wit

For those interested in jenkins plugin configuration using puppet/groovy, have 
a look at https://github.com/witjoh/puppet-jenkins_plugin.git. This is still 
work in progress.  Comments/suggestions are very welcome.

Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant  -- Open-Future
Red Hat Certified Engineer   (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013/2014/2015/2016/2017 (PCP205-0077) 
Puppet Certified Instructor
blog : http://johan.koewacht.net/ <http://johan.koewacht.net/>     gsm: +32 
474 42 40 73


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RE: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet 6 regenerate all certs fails with OpenSSL::X509::StoreError

2018-10-22 Thread Johan De Wit
try puppet cert list --all 

That seems to work  git simalar error using the puppet ca command

-Original message-
From: Bret Wortman 
Sent: Monday 22nd October 2018 14:48
To: Puppet Users 
Subject: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet 6 regenerate all certs fails with 

Out of curiosity, I updated the server to 6.0.1. No change.

On Monday, October 22, 2018 at 7:25:10 AM UTC-4, Bret Wortman wrote:
We had an issue where someone removed our puppet server's ssl directory, so we 
need to regenerate all our certs. I'm following the instructions at 
https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/6.0/ssl_regenerate_certificates.html but am 
having difficulties:

# puppetserver ca list -a
Traceback (most recent call last):
     9: from /opt/puppetlabs/server/apps/puppetserver/cli/apps/ca:5 in ''
     8: from 
 in 'run'
     7: from 
 in 'run'
     6: from 
 in 'get_all_certs'
     5: from 
 in 'new'
     4: from 
 in 'initialize'
     3: from 
 in 'new'
     2: from 
 in 'initialize'
     1: from 
 in 'make_store'
 'add_file': system lib (OpenSSL::X509::StoreError)

Has anyone encountered this before? Any thoughts on how to regenerate my certs 
on this system and get us going again?

Note: I have puppet installed on one server and puppetdb on another, in case 
that matters.

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RE: [Puppet Users] Re: Exported resource realized by resource collector, bug?

2018-09-14 Thread Johan De Wit

check this ticket.  https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PUP-6723

It is hard to explain, but the 'and' a resource collector does niot behave like 
the 'boolean and' as we expect this.



-Original message-
From: jcbollinger 
Sent: Thursday 13th September 2018 15:50
To: Puppet Users 
Subject: [Puppet Users] Re: Exported resource realized by resource collector, 

On Wednesday, September 12, 2018 at 3:20:12 PM UTC-5, Julio Guevara wrote:
So I'm working with puppet 5.5.1 and I have encountered what I think is a bug.

So on my site.pp i have the following line for ordering my firewall rules:

if $::kernel == 'Linux' {
# Make sure every firewall rule not pre or post is created in the middle
Firewall <| tag != 'pre' and tag != 'post' |> {
before +> Class['profiles::fw_rules::post'],
require +> Class['profiles::fw_rules::pre'],
Then on another class I'm doing the following (This is a class for a postgresql 
@@firewall { "222 tcp:5432 pgpool from ${::ipaddress}/32" :
action => 'accept',
source => "${::ipaddress}/32",
dport => '5432',
proto => 'tcp',
tag => [ $tag, 'postgresql_client' ],
On the postgresql servers I do:
# Grab all firewall rules created for this cluster
Firewall <<| tag == $tag and tag == 'postgresql_client' |>>

I would expect that the rule to only appear on the postgresql server, but what 
ends up happening is that the rule is realized on both the server and the 

On the documentation for resource collector 
Collectors realize virtual resources, are used in chaining statements, and 
override resource attributes. 

on that very same page we have the following for exported resource collectors:
An exported resource collector uses a modified syntax that realizes exported 
resources and imports resources published by other nodes.

Have anybody else found a similar issue?

I do not recall encountering this issue myself, but I concur that I expect 
ordinary resource collectors to not collect exported resources, no matter what 
node declares them.  Although exported resources and exported resource 
collectors are both syntactically and semantically analogous to virtual 
resources and ordinary resource collectors, they are and have always been 
distinct.  The documentation presents no reason to think otherwise, and in fact 
generally supports that position, though I am unaware of any place where it 
states it in so many words.

Therefore, if indeed it is the case that an ordinary resource collector is 
collecting exported resources, then I concur that that constitutes a bug, and a 
fairly serious one at that.  I suggest you file a bug report.

Do note, however, that in the event that an exported resource is collected for 
a given target node via an exported resource collector, I do expect that for 
all intents and purposes it is then treated as an ordinary resource, and in 
particular, that it ordinary collectors will then affect it with respect to 
parameter overrides and chaining (in the scope of the current catalog building 
job).  The thing that ordinary collectors ought not to do with respect to 
exported resources is import them.


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RE: [Puppet Users] Accessgin facts hash from manifests

2018-04-23 Thread Johan De Wit
first notify, the index should be quoted 

notify { "OS: $facts['os']['family']": }


-Original message-
From: Arnau 
Sent: Friday 20th April 2018 14:22
To: puppet-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Puppet Users] Accessgin facts hash from manifests

Hi all,

I'm having the first experiences with puppet 5 & facter 3 

In old puppet versions I tend to add debug messages like:

notify { "OS : {::osfamily}: }

and it usually worked.

According to 
 I can still access the facts using the old way, but it recommend to use the 
facts has, so the new code should look like:

  notify { "OS: $facts[os][family]": }

But when I do that I get the full list of facts and [os][family] at the bottom:

Notice: OS: {agent_specified_environment => test, aio_agent_version => 5.5.1, 
architecture => x86_64, augeas => {version => 1.10.1}
[ TONS OF FACTS ...]  clientversion => 5.5.1, clientnoop => 

If I use the same syntax in a conditiona statement:

  if $facts['os']['family'] == 'RedHat' {
    notify { "I'm a RedHat": }

then it works:

Notice: /Stage[main]/Common::Yumrepos/Notify[I'm a RedHat]/message: defined 
'message' as 'I\'m a RedHat'

So, what's wrong with the above notify? 



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RE: [Puppet Users] Puppet Packages for Fedora 27

2018-03-13 Thread Johan De Wit
Just submitted a PR for centos 7.4 vagrant boxes for virtualbox/libvirt and 

As soon as this PR get merged, I wll post more centos versions.

You can always have a look at https://github.com/witjoh/puppetlabs-packer

In the meantime one can build those recent boxes by them self.

I you need some assistance ...glad to help

-Original message-
From: Vince Skahan 
Sent: Tuesday 13th March 2018 17:34
To: Puppet Users 
Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet Packages for Fedora 27

On Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 11:31:26 AM UTC-8, Branan Purvine-Riley wrote:00
We know the addition of new platforms has been lagging, and we apologize for 
that. Fedora 27 is almost done, and should start appearing in our nightly 
repository soon (possibly tonight, if our automated testing all passes).

We've been working on cleaning up our packer[1] scripts to make setting up our 
build/test environments quicker. We have also made some process changes to how 
we keep track up upcoming distro releases, in order to better get ahead of the 
curve. We're still catching up, but we hope we won't lag quite so far behind on 
future new OS releases.

How about your 2-3 year old vagrant boxes ?
(centos6 and centos7 specifically)


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RE: [Puppet Users] Re: Could not retrieve local facts: undefined method `require_relative' for main:Object

2017-05-18 Thread Johan De Wit
require_relative is introduce in ruby 1.9.

It does not exists in ruby 1.8

-Original message-
From: Helen Paterson 
Sent: Thursday 18th May 2017 10:44
To: Puppet Users 
Subject: [Puppet Users] Re: Could not retrieve local facts: undefined method 
`require_relative' for main:Object

thank you

I see that this only fails on my Ubuntu 12 servers with ruby 1.8 and is fine on 
Ubuntu 14 ruby 1.9. i believe this happened after a college upgraded stlib

On Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 3:34:01 PM UTC+1, Helen Paterson wrote:

im currently getting the following error on a few of my Ubuntu solr servers

Error: Could not retrieve local facts: undefined method `require_relative' for 
Error: Failed to apply catalog: Could not retrieve local facts: undefined 
method `require_relative' for main:Object

we are running puppet agent 3.8 , im not sure how to debug ???



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RE: [Puppet Users] [solved] puppetdb 2.x disable some logging

2017-04-14 Thread Johan De Wit
Finally i added a filter to remove those messeges :

        return message.contains("The event-counts endpoint is 

in the appender section. 




-Original message-----
From: Johan De Wit <jo...@open-future.be>
Sent: Friday 14th April 2017 9:25
To: puppet-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: [Puppet Users] puppetdb 2.x disable some logging

First step i did :

added the following to logback.xml [%logger{36}]  

    %d %-5p [%c{2}][%logger{36}] %m%n

this changed te logging to ...

2017-04-14 09:11:13,170 WARN  
[c.p.p.h.server][com.puppetlabs.puppetdb.http.server] v4 query API is 
experimental and may change without warning. For stability use the v3 api.
2017-04-14 09:11:13,179 WARN  
[c.p.p.h.event-counts][c.p.puppetdb.http.event-counts] The event-counts 
endpoint is experimental  and may be altered or removed in the future.

then I added the following to the logback.xml


The Api log messages are gone now, still looking how to disable the 
event-counts message.



-Original message-----
From: Johan De Wit <jo...@open-future.be>
Sent: Friday 14th April 2017 8:52
To: puppet-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Puppet Users] puppetdb 2.x disable some logging


Anyone knows how to disable the logging  of follwing entries in puppetdb 2.3.8 ?

2017-04-14 08:48:07,063 WARN  [c.p.p.h.event-counts] The event-counts endpoint 
is experimental  and may be altered or removed in the future.
2017-04-14 08:48:07,065 WARN  [c.p.p.h.server] v4 query API is experimental and 
may change without warning. For stability use the v3 api.
2017-04-14 08:48:07,071 WARN  [c.p.p.h.event-counts] The event-counts endpoint 
is experimental  and may be altered or removed in the future.
2017-04-14 08:48:07,073 WARN  [c.p.p.h.server] v4 query API is experimental and 
may change without warning. For stability use the v3 api.
2017-04-14 08:48:07,079 WARN  [c.p.p.h.event-counts] The event-counts endpoint 
is experimental  and may be altered or removed in the future.
2017-04-14 08:48:07,081 WARN  [c.p.p.h.server] v4 query API is experimental and 
may change without warning. For stability use the v3 api.
2017-04-14 08:48:07,088 WARN  [c.p.p.h.event-counts] The event-counts endpoint 
is experimental  and may be altered or removed in the future.

We do need the apiv4 for some application, and above messages are eating up our 

I'm looking at the logback.xml, but still don't get it how to configure it ...



Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant  -- Open-Future
Red Hat Certified Engineer   (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013/2014/2015/2016 (PCP006) 
Puppet Certified Instructor
blog : http://johan.koewacht.net/ <http://johan.koewacht.net/>     gsm: +32 
474 42 40 73


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RE: [Puppet Users] puppetdb 2.x disable some logging

2017-04-14 Thread Johan De Wit
First step i did :

added the following to logback.xml [%logger{36}]  

    %d %-5p [%c{2}][%logger{36}] %m%n

this changed te logging to ...

2017-04-14 09:11:13,170 WARN  
[c.p.p.h.server][com.puppetlabs.puppetdb.http.server] v4 query API is 
experimental and may change without warning. For stability use the v3 api.
2017-04-14 09:11:13,179 WARN  
[c.p.p.h.event-counts][c.p.puppetdb.http.event-counts] The event-counts 
endpoint is experimental  and may be altered or removed in the future.

then I added the following to the logback.xml


The Api log messages are gone now, still looking how to disable the 
event-counts message.



-Original message-
From: Johan De Wit <jo...@open-future.be>
Sent: Friday 14th April 2017 8:52
To: puppet-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Puppet Users] puppetdb 2.x disable some logging


Anyone knows how to disable the logging  of follwing entries in puppetdb 2.3.8 ?

2017-04-14 08:48:07,063 WARN  [c.p.p.h.event-counts] The event-counts endpoint 
is experimental  and may be altered or removed in the future.
2017-04-14 08:48:07,065 WARN  [c.p.p.h.server] v4 query API is experimental and 
may change without warning. For stability use the v3 api.
2017-04-14 08:48:07,071 WARN  [c.p.p.h.event-counts] The event-counts endpoint 
is experimental  and may be altered or removed in the future.
2017-04-14 08:48:07,073 WARN  [c.p.p.h.server] v4 query API is experimental and 
may change without warning. For stability use the v3 api.
2017-04-14 08:48:07,079 WARN  [c.p.p.h.event-counts] The event-counts endpoint 
is experimental  and may be altered or removed in the future.
2017-04-14 08:48:07,081 WARN  [c.p.p.h.server] v4 query API is experimental and 
may change without warning. For stability use the v3 api.
2017-04-14 08:48:07,088 WARN  [c.p.p.h.event-counts] The event-counts endpoint 
is experimental  and may be altered or removed in the future.

We do need the apiv4 for some application, and above messages are eating up our 

I'm looking at the logback.xml, but still don't get it how to configure it ...



Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant  -- Open-Future
Red Hat Certified Engineer   (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013/2014/2015/2016 (PCP006) 
Puppet Certified Instructor
blog : http://johan.koewacht.net/ <http://johan.koewacht.net/>     gsm: +32 
474 42 40 73


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[Puppet Users] puppetdb 2.x disable some logging

2017-04-14 Thread Johan De Wit

Anyone knows how to disable the logging  of follwing entries in puppetdb 2.3.8 ?

2017-04-14 08:48:07,063 WARN  [c.p.p.h.event-counts] The event-counts endpoint 
is experimental  and may be altered or removed in the future.
2017-04-14 08:48:07,065 WARN  [c.p.p.h.server] v4 query API is experimental and 
may change without warning. For stability use the v3 api.
2017-04-14 08:48:07,071 WARN  [c.p.p.h.event-counts] The event-counts endpoint 
is experimental  and may be altered or removed in the future.
2017-04-14 08:48:07,073 WARN  [c.p.p.h.server] v4 query API is experimental and 
may change without warning. For stability use the v3 api.
2017-04-14 08:48:07,079 WARN  [c.p.p.h.event-counts] The event-counts endpoint 
is experimental  and may be altered or removed in the future.
2017-04-14 08:48:07,081 WARN  [c.p.p.h.server] v4 query API is experimental and 
may change without warning. For stability use the v3 api.
2017-04-14 08:48:07,088 WARN  [c.p.p.h.event-counts] The event-counts endpoint 
is experimental  and may be altered or removed in the future.

We do need the apiv4 for some application, and above messages are eating up our 

I'm looking at the logback.xml, but still don't get it how to configure it ...



Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant  -- Open-Future
Red Hat Certified Engineer   (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013/2014/2015/2016 (PCP006) 
Puppet Certified Instructor
blog : http://johan.koewacht.net/ <http://johan.koewacht.net/>     gsm: +32 
474 42 40 73


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RE: [Puppet Users] Which training should i go for?

2016-10-07 Thread Johan De Wit
Hi Matthias, If the main goal is getting deeper into writing puppet code, then 
the practitioner is your choice.  The architect does focus more on your puppet 
infrastructure. You should check the outline of both course which will be a 
great help in deciding which course fits best at the moment



Check also the https://learn.puppet.com/category/self-paced-training

Most (if not all) are free, and gave some good introduction to eg hiera, 
puppetdb etc

Have a nice weekend


-Original message-
From: Matthias Fraidl 
Sent: Friday 7th October 2016 15:10
To: Puppet Users 
Subject: [Puppet Users] Which training should i go for?

Hi Puppet-folks,

in April 2015 i visited a "Puppet Fundamentals Training" in Vienna, the 
training was fine, by now i am managing most nodes of an anycast-nameservice 
with puppet (non-enterprise) - i am just using the "basic/slightly advanced" 
functionalities (e.g. self-written modules [to manage nameservers, bgp daemons, 
basic system configs], custom facts, etc.; hiera-backend for sure) but i am not 
using puppetdb, mcollective etc. and i am interested to learn more about the 
capabilities of puppet, and how to use them - so i am looking for another 
training to attend. 
At the moment i can't determine which training is better for me - the "Puppet 
Practitioner" or the "Puppet Architect" - so i am asking you to help me a bit 
further, to decide which one i should go for. 

Suggestions appreciated :-)

Best regards,

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Next Trainings:

Zabbix Training | https://www.open-future.be/calendar
Bacula Training | https://www.open-future.be/calendar
Puppet Training | https://www.open-future.be/calendar
Linux  Training | https://www.open-future.be/calendar

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RE: [Puppet Users] resource collector with multiple 'tag !=' test

2016-09-23 Thread Johan De Wit

I'm aware it is a bit 'unlogic' :) but that's how it works now.  

Thx for the ticket, will follow it to see what happens



-Original message-
From: Isaiah Frantz <isaiah.fra...@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday 22nd September 2016 20:44
To: Puppet Users <puppet-users@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] resource collector with multiple 'tag !=' test

I disagree, the way it works breaks basic logic.
With the == case, if the property is an array type, the code will only return 
objects that contain the term.
The != case only checks for equality, regardless of the object type. It 
*should*, in my opinion, follow basic negation rules and do the opposite of the 
== case. We should get back objects that dont equal or contain the term.

That makes sense and follows all the normal behaviour you should expect from 
searching through objects, array or otherwise.

I have submitted a jira ticket with a pull request if you are interested in 
more detail:

On Wednesday, September 21, 2016 at 11:30:52 PM UTC-7, Johan De Wit wrote:

-Original message-
From: Isaiah Frantz <isaiah...@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday 21st September 2016 21:35
To: Puppet Users <puppet...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [Puppet Users] resource collector with multiple 'tag !=' test

I am trying to realize users and am not getting what I expect with multiple != 
Here is a simplified version that I have tested with puppet gem 4.2.2 and 4.6.2 
(results were the same for all tests):
cat t.ppt.pp (common to all tests): 
@notify {'This is a test 1':
        tag => 'one'
@notify {'This is a test 2':
        tag => 'two'
@notify {'This is a test 3':
        tag => ['one', 'two']
@notify {'This is a test 4':
        tag => 'three'
Notify <| test_goes_here |>

First 3 expected:
tail -1 t.pp 
Notify <| tag == 'one' or tag == 'two' |>

puppet apply t.pp 
Notice: Compiled catalog for defiant.cequintecid.com 
<http://defiant.cequintecid.com> in environment production in 0.70 seconds
Notice: This is a test 1
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[This is a test 1]/message: defined 'message' 
as 'This is a test 1'
Notice: This is a test 2
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[This is a test 2]/message: defined 'message' 
as 'This is a test 2'
Notice: This is a test 3
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[This is a test 3]/message: defined 'message' 
as 'This is a test 3'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds

Test 3 only, as expected:
tail -1 t.pp 
Notify <| tag == 'one' and tag == 'two' |>

puppet apply t.pp 
Notice: Compiled catalog for defiant.cequintecid.com 
<http://defiant.cequintecid.com> in environment production in 0.47 seconds
Notice: This is a test 3
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[This is a test 3]/message: defined 'message' 
as 'This is a test 3'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds

Now we get to the '!=' tests.
with a single tag it works as expected so I wont take space here to show that.
With multiple tags, it does not work as expected

Since tags is a hash that contains lots of things, including all explicit tag's 
set on a resource. The == and != operators are supposed to act like contains 
and !contains functions (or so I thought)
Here I expect to only get test 4. 1 and 2 are filtered because one of the 
and'ed tests is false.
3 should fail too because both test are false: tags contains both 'one' and 
tail -1 t.pp 
Notify <| tag != 'one' and tag != 'two' |>

puppet apply t.pp 
Notice: Compiled catalog for defiant.cequintecid.com 
<http://defiant.cequintecid.com> in environment production in 0.48 seconds
Notice: This is a test 3
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[This is a test 3]/message: defined 'message' 
as 'This is a test 3'
Notice: This is a test 4
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[This is a test 4]/message: defined 'message' 
as 'This is a test 4'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.01 seconds

Frankly, I also expect that 3 should be filtered from the or version too 
because neither of the tests should be true if this is a contains function and 
not one that tests against each hash value.
tail -1 t.pp                                                                    
Notify <| tag != 'one' or tag != 'two' |>

puppet apply t.pp 
Notice: Compiled catalog for defiant.cequintecid.com 
<http://defiant.cequintecid.com> in environment production in 0.58 seconds
Notice: This is a test 1
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[This is a test 1]/message: defined 'message' 
as 'This is a test 1'
Notice: This is a test 2
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[This is a test 2]/message: defined 'message' 
as 'This is a test 2'
Notice: This is a test 3
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[This is a test 3]/message: defined 'message' 
as 'This is a test 3'
Notice: This is a test 4
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[This is a test 4]/messag

RE: [Puppet Users] resource collector with multiple 'tag !=' test

2016-09-22 Thread Johan De Wit
-Original message-
From: Isaiah Frantz 
Sent: Wednesday 21st September 2016 21:35
To: Puppet Users 
Subject: [Puppet Users] resource collector with multiple 'tag !=' test

I am trying to realize users and am not getting what I expect with multiple != 
Here is a simplified version that I have tested with puppet gem 4.2.2 and 4.6.2 
(results were the same for all tests):
cat t.ppt.pp (common to all tests): 
@notify {'This is a test 1':
        tag => 'one'
@notify {'This is a test 2':
        tag => 'two'
@notify {'This is a test 3':
        tag => ['one', 'two']
@notify {'This is a test 4':
        tag => 'three'
Notify <| test_goes_here |>

First 3 expected:
tail -1 t.pp 
Notify <| tag == 'one' or tag == 'two' |>

puppet apply t.pp 
Notice: Compiled catalog for defiant.cequintecid.com in environment production 
in 0.70 seconds
Notice: This is a test 1
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[This is a test 1]/message: defined 'message' 
as 'This is a test 1'
Notice: This is a test 2
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[This is a test 2]/message: defined 'message' 
as 'This is a test 2'
Notice: This is a test 3
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[This is a test 3]/message: defined 'message' 
as 'This is a test 3'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds

Test 3 only, as expected:
tail -1 t.pp 
Notify <| tag == 'one' and tag == 'two' |>

puppet apply t.pp 
Notice: Compiled catalog for defiant.cequintecid.com in environment production 
in 0.47 seconds
Notice: This is a test 3
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[This is a test 3]/message: defined 'message' 
as 'This is a test 3'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds

Now we get to the '!=' tests.
with a single tag it works as expected so I wont take space here to show that.
With multiple tags, it does not work as expected

Since tags is a hash that contains lots of things, including all explicit tag's 
set on a resource. The == and != operators are supposed to act like contains 
and !contains functions (or so I thought)
Here I expect to only get test 4. 1 and 2 are filtered because one of the 
and'ed tests is false.
3 should fail too because both test are false: tags contains both 'one' and 
tail -1 t.pp 
Notify <| tag != 'one' and tag != 'two' |>

puppet apply t.pp 
Notice: Compiled catalog for defiant.cequintecid.com in environment production 
in 0.48 seconds
Notice: This is a test 3
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[This is a test 3]/message: defined 'message' 
as 'This is a test 3'
Notice: This is a test 4
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[This is a test 4]/message: defined 'message' 
as 'This is a test 4'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.01 seconds

Frankly, I also expect that 3 should be filtered from the or version too 
because neither of the tests should be true if this is a contains function and 
not one that tests against each hash value.
tail -1 t.pp                                                                    
Notify <| tag != 'one' or tag != 'two' |>

puppet apply t.pp 
Notice: Compiled catalog for defiant.cequintecid.com in environment production 
in 0.58 seconds
Notice: This is a test 1
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[This is a test 1]/message: defined 'message' 
as 'This is a test 1'
Notice: This is a test 2
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[This is a test 2]/message: defined 'message' 
as 'This is a test 2'
Notice: This is a test 3
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[This is a test 3]/message: defined 'message' 
as 'This is a test 3'
Notice: This is a test 4
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[This is a test 4]/message: defined 'message' 
as 'This is a test 4'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds

Two boolean falses dont make a true do they?
Im confused  :(
The query could be explained as follows :

If iether there is a tag that is not 'one', or there is a tag that is not two, 
then it will be collected.

test1 : tag => one is != two, so that gives us true, and this collected

test2: tag => two is != one, so here also gives us true and thus collected

test3: tag => [ one , two].  as soon as there is one tag in the array that 
return true, than the resource is collected.  In your case one != two and aslo  
two!=one, which makes the rersource collected. 

test4: tag => three differs from both one and two

It is clear one needs to be carefull when defining the query in a collector.  
Don't assume it works as we are used to work in conditionals as we are used in 
normal programming.  

I hope i didn't confuse too much.



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[Puppet Users] Roles/profiles to setup puppetdb masterless in vagrant

2016-09-16 Thread Johan De Wit

The roles and profiles to setup puppetdb masterless and agent configs.
This way one can test eg exported resources without setting up the full puppet 
server stack.


I hope someone can make use of this

Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant  -- Open-Future
Red Hat Certified Engineer  (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013/2014/2015 (PCP006) 
Puppet Certified Instructor
blog : http://johan.koewacht.net/ <http://johan.koewacht.net/>    gsm: +32 474 
42 40 73


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RE: [Puppet Users] Unexpected behavior when using variable interpolation on a subkey in hiera

2016-06-10 Thread Johan De Wit

running hiera from the command line, you have to provide the variables you use 
yourself like 

hiera somekey clientcert=node.example.net

Here is some reading




-Original message-
From: aru...@berkeley.edu 
Sent: Thursday 9th June 2016 23:17
To: Puppet Users 
Subject: [Puppet Users] Unexpected behavior when using variable interpolation 
on a subkey in hiera


I'm having trouble using hiera variable interpolation on a sub-key. It appears 
that along with interpolating the variable, hiera is also returning the 
un-interpolated data as well, which is causing issues because the 
un-interpolated data is nonsense. I'm currently running Hiera 1.3.4 and Puppet 
3.8.5 on RHEL6.

Here's an example of what I have in hiera:

# common.yaml
        subsubkey: "data"

And here's what I get when I query hiera directly:

$ hiera -h somekey

Oddly enough, if I run it without the -h flag, I only get the un-interpolated 

$ hiera somekey

Based on my reading of the docs[1], in both cases I would expect to get back: 

I also tested variable interpolation with the value of subsubkey, and hiera 
properly interpolated it correctly, even on the returned entry where 
%{::clientcert} was left un-interpolated.

Initially I thought this was somehow related to deep_merge, but I tested it out 
by disabling deep_merge (removing the merge_behavior key) and I get the same 

Am I misunderstanding how interpolation on sub-keys in hiera should work, or is 
this unintended behavior?



[1] https://docs.puppet.com/hiera/1/variables.html

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RE: [Puppet Users] Outofmemory error for puppetserver process

2016-05-23 Thread Johan De Wit
Hi Jim, 

You should find some answers here : 

per jruby instance, we assign 512mb tot the VM, so 256mb is a little too less.



-Original message-
From: Jim 
Sent: Tuesday 24th May 2016 4:54
To: Puppet Users 
Subject: [Puppet Users] Outofmemory error for puppetserver process

Hey Guys,

I am wondering what is the problem with the following puppetserver process and 
how to have it resolved.

Interesting thing is puppetserver is still running ! and is able to communicate 
it with agents so I am not sure what is the problem !

I still have 2GB of free memory on my VM

root@jim-Ubuntu1504:/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests# ps 
-aef|grep -i puppet|grep -v grep
root       742     1  0 09:39 ?        00:00:02 /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/ruby 
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/puppet agent --no-daemonize
root      1369     1  0 09:39 ?        00:00:08 /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/ruby 
--pidfile=/var/run/puppetlabs/mcollective.pid --daemonize
puppet    8044     1  0 09:53 ?        00:01:09 /usr/bin/java 
-XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=kill -9 %p -Djava.security.egd=/dev/urandom -Xms256M 
-Xmx256M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -cp 
/opt/puppetlabs/server/apps/puppetserver/puppet-server-release.jar clojure.main 
-m puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.main --config /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d 
-b /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/bootstrap.cfg
free -g
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:             3          1          2          0          0          0
-/+ buffers/cache:          1          2
Swap:            3          0          3

As you can see I have set puppetserver memory to as low as 256MB. I tried to 
change it to 512MB as well but still it reports "OutOfMemory" so kept it on 
256MB anyway.

Here is the output which confirms that puppetserver is running.

service puppetserver status
â— puppetserver.service - LSB: puppetserver
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/puppetserver)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2016-05-24 12:53:06 AEST; 16s ago
     Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Process: 10986 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/puppetserver start (code=exited, 
   CGroup: /system.slice/puppetserver.service
           â””─10992 /usr/bin/java -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=kill -9 %p 
-Djava.security.egd=/dev/urandom -Xms256M -Xmx256M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -cp 

May 24 12:52:22 jim-Ubuntu1504 systemd[1]: Starting LSB: puppetserver...
May 24 12:53:06 jim-Ubuntu1504 systemd[1]: Started LSB: puppetserver.

Any advice would be much appreciated.


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RE: [Puppet Users] Setting var to undef does not override class or define defaults

2016-04-27 Thread Johan De Wit

-Original message-
From: Rob Nelson 
Sent: Tuesday 26th April 2016 17:15
To: puppet-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] Setting var to undef does not override class or 
define defaults

Passing undef to a parameter doesn't unset it. It's the same as not passing it. 
I do not believe there is a standard way to unset a parameter with a default 
value. You can set it to '', 0, false, or another appropriate "unset" value 
depending on how it is to be used, though.

When you want a way to be able to unset it,

you could use a second parameter, manage_ = boolean.  

(as rob told me :) )

Rob Nelson

On Sat, Apr 23, 2016 at 3:46 PM, Erik Anderson  > wrote:
On Puppet 4.4.1

I ran the following: 

class testingclass(
  $cmd_path = 'PluginDir',
  $message_ntfy = "cmd_path is set to: ${cmd_path} for ${name}"
  notify { $message_ntfy: }

define testingdefine(
  $cmd_path = 'PluginDir',
  $message_ntfy = "cmd_path is set to: ${cmd_path} for ${name}"
  notify { $message_ntfy: }

node default {

  class {'testingclass':
    cmd_path => undef,

 testingdefine { 'testingdefinedefaults': }
 testingdefine { 'testingdefineundef':
  cmd_path => undef,

I expect cmd_path to be set to undef for the class and testingdefineundef. 
Instead it looks like all three end up with the same value for cmd_path: 

erik.anderson@puppetmaster1:~$ sudo puppet apply test.pp
Warning: Config file /etc/puppetlabs/code/hiera.yaml not found, using Hiera 
Notice: Compiled catalog for sa-sand-puppetmaster1.sa.moneydesktop.com in 
environment production in 0.15 seconds
Notice: cmd_path is set to: PluginDir for testingclass
Notice: /Stage[main]/Testingclass/Notify[cmd_path is set to: PluginDir for 
testingclass]/message: defined 'message' as 'cmd_path is set to: PluginDir for 
Notice: cmd_path is set to: PluginDir for testingdefinedefaults
 is set to: PluginDir for testingdefinedefaults]/message: defined 'message' as 
'cmd_path is set to: PluginDir for testingdefinedefaults'
Notice: cmd_path is set to: PluginDir for testingdefineundef
 is set to: PluginDir for testingdefineundef]/message: defined 'message' as 
'cmd_path is set to: PluginDir for testingdefineundef'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.35 seconds

Any ideas on why it is behaving this way and is it intentional?

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[Puppet Users] using generated query string in a collector

2016-04-04 Thread Johan De Wit

Seems it is not possible, well, I cannot make it work.

Depending on some class parameter, some exported resources should be collected 
or not.


class X (
  $collect_tags = ['cond1', 'cond2']
) {

$my_cond = my_magic_function($collect_tags)  # returns the string "tag == 
'cond1' or tag=='cond2'"

My_exp_res <<| $my_cond |>>

But the only result I get :  Error 400 on SERVER: Syntax error at '|>>'; 
expected '}'

Whatever i tried, nothing gave me the desired result.  Using single quotes, 
double quotes, escaping quotes 

And <<| tag == $collect_tags |>> ( <<| tag == ['cond1','cond2'] |>> does not 
give me the desired result, only one exported resource is collected.  But I try 
to ovoid this, because the behavior of this i unpredictable, as documented in 
the docs.

I already I'm a big fan of iteration, but this needs to work on puppet 3.[7|8].x

For now I will change my parameter to a single string and us an if clause like 

if  ( $collect_tag =~ /all$/ ) {
  My_exp_res <<|   |>>
} else {
  My_exp_res <<| tag == $collect_tag >>

I will loose the ability to collect on multiple nodes this way, but we can live 
with this for the moment.

Peeking to puppetdbquery as an alternative 



Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant -- Open-Future
Red Hat Certified Engineer (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013/2014/2015 (PCP006) 
Puppet Certified Instructor
blog : http://johan.koewacht.net/ <http://johan.koewacht.net/>    gsm: +32 474 
42 40 73

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RE: [Puppet Users] Pasword retrievel from external source on node

2016-03-10 Thread Johan De Wit
Hi Craig, 

They are still stored unencrypted in the catalog, which is an issue for us.

Security is a high priority in this case



-Original message-
From: Craig Dunn <cr...@craigdunn.org>
Sent: Thursday 10th March 2016 12:38
To: puppet-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] Pasword retrievel from external source on node

On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 12:05 PM, Johan De Wit <jo...@open-future.be 
<mailto:jo...@open-future.be> > wrote:


Anyone playing with the idea to manage passwords on the node by retrieving them 
from an externa source like cyberark ?

The idea is to avoid storing passwords in some 'human readable' form in eg. 
hiera, manifests, catalogs, puppetdb ..
Main concern is security.

Why can't you store them in hiera using hiera-eyaml?, which is what most people 
do - so they are stored inline with the rest of your configuration but are 
encrypted.  If you want to go the extra mile you could use Vault, there is also 
a hiera-vault backend, though I've not got first hand experience of that. 



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[Puppet Users] Pasword retrievel from external source on node

2016-03-10 Thread Johan De Wit

Anyone playing with the idea to manage passwords on the node by retrieving them 
from an externa source like cyberark ?

The idea is to avoid storing passwords in some 'human readable' form in eg. 
hiera, manifests, catalogs, puppetdb ..
Main concern is security.

We are thinking solving such thing using some custom provider, possible 
extending existing ones.

Just curious someone has already done some thinking/work about this.


Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant  -- Open-Future
Red Hat Certified Engineer  (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013/2014/2015 (PCP006) 
Puppet Certified Instructor
blog : http://johan.koewacht.net/ <http://johan.koewacht.net/>    gsm: +32 474 
42 40 73


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RE: [Puppet Users] Hiera repository + environments + r10k

2016-03-08 Thread Johan De Wit
I would nevetheless add the environment in your hierarchy, like 

Then create the 1% settings in eg /environment/production.yaml

end also in your common.yaml (or default.yaml)

All your other environments will use the common ones, production  will have 
there own values.



-Original message-
From: Matthew Ceroni 
Sent: Tuesday 8th March 2016 9:23
To: Puppet Users 
Subject: [Puppet Users] Hiera repository + environments + r10k

Question to the community. This isn't really a specific Puppet issue but more a 
question around the workflow that others are using.

My basic setup is a git repository per module. Then I have a, what I call 
control repo, that contains my Puppet file plus all my roles and profiles and 
hiera data. My hiera hierarchy doesn't include environment because each branch 
of the control repo (and module repos) corresponds to an environment (r10k) and 
that is how I obtain different data based on environment. However this is where 
the problem lies. 

For 99% of the hiera data, it should be in sync across environments. However, 
there are cases (as an example as Java memory limit) that should always differ 
between development and production. But with the setup I have if it is hard to 
maintain that separation because a git merge of development up the chain (qa, 
staging, production) is going to take that config setting and merge it. 

I have thought about moving the hiera data out of the control repo to its own 
repository. That way when you are making changes to profiles or roles you can 
safely merge those through the development life cycle.  If I move it to its own 
repository I still have a choice to make. I can create branches and have r10k 
create those as environments on the Puppet server. But this still results in my 
initial issue. You could make a change to the development branch and 99% of the 
data you set you want to merge to qa and so forth but there is that one value 
that is specific to dev and should differ in the other environments. You could 
solve this by a manual process that after the merge the user has to remember to 
set the environment specific value such that it differs. The other option is to 
not have branches corresponding to environments for the hiera data and instead 
insert environment into the hierarchy.

Just wondering what others have done and what approaches they have taken to 
solve this issue? Maybe there is some feature of git I am not aware of where I 
can systematically pick what to merge and what not (although if that was 
possible I can see it being very confusing). 


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RE: [Puppet Users] How to include quoted string into a command

2015-12-14 Thread Johan De Wit
Hi Vadim, 

I used following:

(the $string uses    quotes

[johan@zbook ~]$ cat test.pp 

$string = "'a quoted string'"

exec { 'show string':
  command => "echo \"I want to see ${string}\"",
  logoutput => true,
  path    => '/bin:/usr/bin',
[johan@zbook ~]$ puppet apply test.pp
Notice: Compiled catalog for zbook.koewacht.net in environment production in 
0.06 seconds
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Exec[show string]/returns: I want to see 'a quoted 
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Exec[show string]/returns: executed successfully
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.06 seconds

-Original message-
From: Vadym Chepkov 
Sent: Sunday 13th December 2015 17:20
To: Puppet Users 
Subject: [Puppet Users] How to include quoted string into a command


I can't figure out how to include a single quoted string into a command, not 
matter what escaping I do.
Here is a simplified code :

$string = '\'a quoted string\''

exec { 'show string':
  command   => "echo \'I want to see ${string}\'",
  logoutput => true,
  path      => '/bin:/usr/bin',

Quotes don't show up, no matter what.
What do I do wrong?

$ puppet --version
3.6.2 (Puppet Enterprise 3.3.2)


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Problem installing modules in PE 3.7.2

2015-10-21 Thread Johan De Wit
Could it be mixing multiple puppet versions ?
Are you using the correct puppet ??
> /usr/local/bin/puppet --version 

Looking at the module path suspect puppet version 4.
PE puppet is  /opt/puppet/bin/puppet
On Tue, 2015-10-20 at 14:01 -0700, Brendan Kelley wrote:
> I'm having the exact same problem, but whether I install the registry module 
> as myself and sudo or root, it makes no difference.  The module still doesn't 
> appear in the web console when I try to add it to a class.  > > It's 
> currently installed as:  sudo /usr/local/bin/puppet module install 
> puppetlabs-registry --environment production
> > It does show up in a directory listing, as well as a module list:
> -bash-4.1$ sudo /usr/local/bin/puppet module list
> /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules
> ├── helloworld (???)
> ├── kelley-profiles (v0.1.0)
> ├── kelley-roles (v0.1.0)
> ├── opentable-download_file (v999.999.999)
> ├── puppetlabs-inifile (v1.4.2)
> ├── puppetlabs-ntp (v4.1.0)
> ├── puppetlabs-powershell (v1.0.5)
> ├── puppetlabs-registry (v1.1.2)
> └── puppetlabs-stdlib (v4.9.0)
> > > Does anybody have any other ideas on this one?  > > Thanks,
> Brendan
> > 
> On Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at 2:19:19 PM UTC-7, jas gag wrote:> > Hi Mark,> 
> > > > You need to run the puppet command as sudo.
> > > > sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet module install   
> > > > doing so will install modules in the correct path.  
> > > > /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/> > environments/production/> > modules/
> > > > I am using RHEL 7 and I normally run the command: sudo su - before 
> > > > running puppet commands.  That way I am running puppet as root and all 
> > > > of the modules show up in the webui. 
> > > > Disclamer:  I am not a linux guy (yet), so I don't know for sure that 
> > > > my recommendations above are "best practices"
> > > > Hope that helps.
> > > > Jason> > 

> > On Tuesday, March 31, 2015 at 6:45:09 AM UTC-7, Mark S wrote:> > > Hi,> > > 
> > I've set up a monolithic install of PE to evaluate it for our organisation 
> > but am running into problems even following the Quick Start Guides. I'm 
> > trying to follow the Windows quick start guide and have successfully 
> > followed Step 2, searching for and installing the 'registry' module. 
> > However if you follow the guide to the letter using the command 'puppet 
> > module install puppetlabs-registry' it will install the module to 
> > ~/.puppet/modules instead of /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/> > > 
> > environments/production/> > > modules unless you use the '--environment 
> > production' parameter.
> > > > > > Next when following Step 3 where you create a new node group and 
> > > > > > add a new class to it, I cannot see the new registry module in the 
> > > > > > class list. I can see the stdlib dependency there, just not 
> > > > > > registry.
> > > > > > What am I doing wrong here?
> > > > > > Thanks,
> > > > > > Mark

> -- 
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Re: [Puppet Users] [Style Guide] No recommendation about quoting or not element of an enumerable set of options

2015-08-12 Thread Johan De Wit
For me, it has become a habit to NOT use qoutes with enumarable sets of
options.  puppet-lint does not complain if unquoted or single quoted.
All examples I see in the official docs dont use quotes.  Just checked
the forge also.  No quotes.
On Wed, 2015-08-12 at 10:06 -0700, David Racodon wrote:
 The style guide is stating that Quoting is optional when the string
 is an enumerable set of options (such as present/absent). But it
 doesn't make any recommendations. Should those strings be unquoted so
 that it's easier to spot that it is an element of a set of options
 for instance? Should those strings be quoted instead? For instance,
 for better compatibility to future versions of the language. Any pros
 and cons are more than welcome so that I can enforce one way or the
 other by providing some arguments to the development teams.
 Thank you very much
 Freelance QA Consultant
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Re: [Puppet Users] help with ghoneycutt hosts on PE

2015-06-27 Thread Johan De Wit

Boolean to optionally purge unmanaged entries from hosts

  * Default: false
Check this parameter.  When set to true, yuo will have the behaviour you 
more info : 
On Fri, 2015-06-26 at 16:45 -0700, Aaron Lager wrote:
 I'm evaluating PE and after the super simple success of the ntp
 example, I thought I'd try out the /etc/hosts modules.
 I'm trying to add additional host entries, but all that happens is my
 existing additional entries (including one for puppet) get removed
 from the nodes host file.
 Here is my value for host_entries:
 There are no errors reported, that I'm aware of.  The documentation
 simply says it's a Hash of host entries.
 I don't understand what I am doing wrong.
 Thanks for any help you can give.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppet enterprise free eval hardware requirements

2015-03-31 Thread Johan De Wit

I run the PE 3.7.2 all the time in some vagrant boxes on a 2core 8GB laptop.

I assign 1 core and and 4G of ram to the master.

For testing purposes this is great.

I also run multiple agents with sometimes as less as 256M of ram.

Mostly using centos6.x and 7.x




On 31/03/15 00:45, Craig White wrote:
PE version is a robust, monolithic turnkey install. They used to have 
a community based test VM pair which had much lighter requirements 
(albeit with less services) but I haven't checked in a long time so it 
may not be available any longer.

On Monday, March 30, 2015 at 3:32:52 PM UTC-7, Vince Skahan wrote:

geez puppet needs a 'lot' of oomph to spin up the first node

  Evaluation Environment

An evaluation environment is run on a monolithic
installation and is suitable for evaluating PE on 250 or
fewer nodes. We recommend that your hardware meets the

  + A 4-core server with 6 GB of RAM
  + At least 100 GB of free storage in |/opt| for PuppetDB

We strongly recommend that users on systems with 4 GB of
RAM upgrading or migrating to PE 3.7 from PE 3.3 or
earlier upgrade to 6 GB of RAM before attempting to
upgrade or migrate their PE installation.

I have a 16-GB ram Intel NUC


running Centos7 and was thinking of spinning up some VMs to try
this out.  Does this system have enough oomph to run the
10-node-max free eval, or am I going to be stuck with running
masterless perhaps ?

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: HP-UX Puppet Agent version 3.7.4

2015-03-23 Thread Johan De Wit
 receiving this issue again

 mporting report report-14137-1.yaml at 2012-04-05 10:49 EDT
 undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass









If you are using ruby 1.9.1, it is known to be problematic:

 Also it automatically added the node back to default,
anyway to
 prevent that?

Looks like there's a background task automatically adding
nodes. I
don't know a good way around this issue. You can move the
pe-* class
to another group but you will need to manually add nodes
to that group

There's a cron job that calls a rake task that will
automatically add nodes that it knows about to the default
group. You will most likely need to
A) move the offending classes out of the default group as Nan
suggests, or
B) disable the cron job and manually add new nodes to the
appropriate groups, or
C) write a new cron job/rake task that will only add the nodes
you want.

See /etc/cron.d/default-add-all-nodes

on your PE console node.

- Justin



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[Puppet Users] testing and roles/profiles

2015-03-18 Thread Johan De Wit

Hi all,

Looking for some best practice, guideline, documentation puppet testing 
in all its aspect, sometimes I try to figure out the following :

How does one tests roles and profiles ?

Do we still write rspec-puppet for profiles ?  Since we are using 
modules that have there own unit (rspec) testing, at first sight, this 
looks like overhead.

what about the profiles we make using other profiles ?  Do we unit-test  
our 'base' profiles only ?

Or does one only do integration testing (aka beaker ...) for the 
roles/nodes level only, and doing no (unit ?) testing on the profiles ?

I hope to just trigger a discussion on this topic that will bring me one 
step closer to my own Test Driven Infrastructure.



Johan De Wit

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Re: [Puppet Users] --environment being over ridden by PE console's default environment group

2015-03-07 Thread Johan De Wit
I made a blog about this topic, and how to enable dynamic environments, 
r10k and PE3.7


Maybe it has some info in it that you could use



On 06/03/15 17:00, Carl P wrote:


I'm using dynamic environments with PE 3.7. I have production and 
development sub-directories in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/environments 
containing environment.conf, hiera.yaml, Puppetfile, manifests/site.pp 
and modules/various modules

The nodes I'm trying to apply config to are members of the default 
production node group only.

When I run 'puppet agent -tv' all gets configured correctly, but when 
I try to configure it with the code in the development directory using 
'puppet agent -tv --environment=development' I see the message:

 Warning: Local environment: development doesn't match 
server specified node environment production, switching agent to 

I've spent a lot of time trying to resolve this problem to no avail. 
I'd appreciate a little help.

Many thanks
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Re: [Puppet Users] External Facts in MODULEPATH/MODULE/facts.d/

2015-03-05 Thread Johan De Wit

On 06/03/15 00:31, Josh Cooper wrote:

On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 3:07 PM, Felix Frank 
mailto:felix.fr...@alumni.tu-berlin.de wrote:

On 03/05/2015 11:55 PM, Dan White wrote:

Ah. Good catch!

It is not a bug.  It is an Undocumented Feature :D

Hah! Well I'm not convinced. UX bugs are still issues.

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This issue is covered in https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/FACT-696.

Note that facter --puppet is deprecated, because it introduces a 
cyclical dependency between puppet and facter, and the same 
functionality can be accomplished using `puppet facts find 
hostname`, or more succinctly `puppet facts find .`

In 4.0, it's just `puppet facts find` thanks to Erik's contribution in 


just in time, did notice this behaviour yesterday with PE3.7.2 :)


Josh Cooper
Developer, Puppet Labs

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Oregon! Join us October 5-9.*
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Re: [Puppet Users] structured/normal facts in a string behave different

2015-03-04 Thread Johan De Wit

On 04/03/15 02:18, Henrik Lindberg wrote:

On 2015-03-03 23:18, Johan De Wit wrote:


Playing with structured facts, I noticed some starnge behaviour.

If one need to access eg  the fact $os['release']['full'], you get the
full hash when. You need to embed the fact like
${os['release']['full']} to get the exact value of the hash.

Normal facts dont have this issue.  (they dont have indexes which can eb

Well, one should always use the ${variable} in a string, but if not,
this should at least give a big warning, if not an error.

Some tests showing this result 


Could someone verify this on there systems ?

Running PE3.7.2, with future parse/structured facts enabled 

Just to be sure it is not something  mis-configured in my setup

Interpolation using the short form e.g. hello $name, how are you,
only supports interpolation of a variable, not an expression involving 
the variable, thus:

$name = {firstname = fred, lastname = flintstone}
hello $name[lastname]

will render:

hello {firstname = fred, lastname = flintstone}[lastname]

since the interpolation of $name interpolates the entire hash, it then 
continues with the [lastname] as text!

This is exactly what happened in your gist.

And you are correct that you must use the long form interpolation 
since you are interpolating an expression.

All details about string interpolation in future parser / puppet 4.0.0 
are found here: 

Hope that helps
- henrik

Thanks Henrik,

it does make a bit more sense :)

Reading the docs over again :)

Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

Red Hat Certified Engineer  (805008667232363)
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[Puppet Users] structured/normal facts in a string behave different

2015-03-03 Thread Johan De Wit


Playing with structured facts, I noticed some starnge behaviour.

If one need to access eg  the fact $os['release']['full'], you get the 
full hash when. You need to embed the fact like

${os['release']['full']} to get the exact value of the hash.

Normal facts dont have this issue.  (they dont have indexes which can eb 

Well, one should always use the ${variable} in a string, but if not, 
this should at least give a big warning, if not an error.

Some tests showing this result 


Could someone verify this on there systems ?

Running PE3.7.2, with future parse/structured facts enabled 

Just to be sure it is not something  mis-configured in my setup

Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

Red Hat Certified Engineer  (805008667232363)
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Re: [Puppet Users] Invitation to Bucharest Puppet User Group

2015-02-23 Thread Johan De Wit

On 22/02/15 23:36, Alexandru Stancu wrote:

Hello guys,

I have created a Puppet User Group in Bucharest, Romania.

Anyone interested is welcome to join the group.

Here is the address: http://www.meetup.com/Bucharest-Puppet-User-Group/

Best Regards,
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The Belgian Puppet User Group wishes you great times and a lot of 
interesting meetups  !!



Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

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Re: [Puppet Users] Creating the user account on puppet agent

2015-02-23 Thread Johan De Wit


I suggest you start reading 
and also have a look at 



On 24/02/15 08:08, Raj Raju wrote:


I am tried to creating the user account on puppet agent.puppet agent 
is not reflecting my changes.

Edited */etc/puppetlabs/puppet*/*manifests/site.pp* file as follows:

node 'puppet.client.net' {
   include user

Edited*/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/**manifests/**init.pp*  file as follows:

class user {
   user { 'hellboy':
 ensure = present,
 comment = 'user',
 home = '/home/hellboy',
 managehome = true

After that I have run below command on puppet agent

[root@puppet ~]# puppet agent --test
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Loading facts
Info: Caching catalog for puppet.client.net
Info: Applying configuration version '1424761232'
Notice: Finished catalog run in 3.44 seconds

please help on this issue.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Continuous Availability

2015-02-19 Thread Johan De Wit

you can start here :


try also : http://bit.ly/1FwNZbK



On 19/02/15 06:54, Rajesh Kunwar wrote:
I am trying to setup CA environment or puppet. How do i approach for 
the solution and what are the options available?

Thank you in advance.
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[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet directory environments mysteriously breaking -- help?

2015-02-19 Thread Johan De Wit
For the record,

Got the same error, 

I solved it by adding the following to my puppet.conf :

server = fqdn puppet server

De default (puppet) was not resolvable in my environment


On Wednesday, 29 October 2014 14:32:25 UTC+1, jcbollinger wrote:

 On Wednesday, October 29, 2014 8:31:12 AM UTC-5, jcbollinger wrote:

 Without the certname specified in your config file, does Puppet 
 successfully serve correct manifests?

 I meant serve correct *catalogs*, of course.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Cant remove depreciated warning message

2015-02-09 Thread Johan De Wit

You could start checking your manifest dir for your environment :

puppet master --configprint manifest

mine says :


There you should have your site.pp for that environment.



On 09/02/15 05:56, David LeVene wrote:

Hey All,

I've started to upgrade a few puppet clients to the latest version and 
have hit the issue which everyone had a while ago around this error

Warning: The package type's allow_virtual parameter will be changing 
its default value from false to true in a future release. If you do 
not want to allow virtual packages, please explicitly set 
allow_virtual to false.
   (at /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/type/package.rb:430:in 

I've implemented the fix in manfests/sites.pp in my test environment 
but the error message isn't going away!

Puppet masters are 3.7.4, but are setup under RVM so i can run  ruby 
1.8.7 due to an ordering issue.

Why is puppet not picking up the config is it a bug or am I missing 
something obvious?

The below is what i'm using in my site.pp and yes, i do see the notify 

if versioncmp($::puppetversion,'3.6.1') = 0 {
  notify {'I Am here':}

  $allow_virtual_packages = hiera('allow_virtual_packages',false)

  Package {
allow_virtual = $allow_virtual_packages,

# puppet agent -t --environment=dlscratch --server=int-puppet-dev
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Loading facts
Warning: The package type's allow_virtual parameter will be changing 
its default value from false to true in a future release. If you do 
not want to allow virtual packages, please explicitly set 
allow_virtual to false.
   (at /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/type/package.rb:430:in 

Info: Caching catalog for xxx
Info: Applying configuration version '1423457136'
Notice: I Am here
Notice: /Stage[main]/Base/Notify[I Am here]/message: defined 'message' 
as 'I Am here'

Notice: Finished catalog run in 6.62 seconds

Any suggestions as to where to look next?

I am aware that I can add this into the puppet.conf to disable all 
warnings, but i'd prefer to keep the config inside the manifests and 
only disable this one warning.


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Johan De Wit

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Re: [Puppet Users] Did PE 3.7 kills r10k?

2015-01-21 Thread Johan De Wit


I wrote a post addressing this issue : 

Any comments are more then welcome.



On 27/12/14 20:32, chris mague wrote:


I ran into the same problem and was able to work around as follows 
with the caveat that it's unsupported:

sudo su - pe-postgres
\connect pe-classifier
select * from groups;
# write everything down
update groups set environment_name='agent-specified' where 

# then set the last column to 't' if you have any other groups.

You may need to specify the override

On Saturday, December 27, 2014 7:59:55 AM UTC-8, Vadym Chepkov wrote:

On Saturday, December 27, 2014 9:44:44 AM UTC-5, Martin Alfke wrote:

Hi Vadym,

the PE node classifier is an ENC.
This ENC sets environments per nodes as an authority. Nodes
can no longer switch their environments if you use an ENC with
environment parameters set.

You still have the technical possibility to continue using
manifests based node classification and therefor you can
continue using r10k.
You will only loose the environment enforcement via ENC.



Hi Martin,

That's the problem,  PE 3.7 creates 'default' group, which can't
be edited and this group enforces 'production' environment for
each node.
You can create a new group and override environment there, but you
would have to do it for each single topic branch you create in git
and development team can't work on more than one topic branches
from the same node. This makes development process extremely


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Re: [Puppet Users] user creation in puppet nodes through PUPPET Master

2015-01-20 Thread Johan De Wit

On 20/01/15 11:57, prasanthr...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am a beginner in Puppet.. I want to create a user in 2 puppet nodes 
through puppet master. can anyone help in this.

I need to know the path where I should save this code in puppet master

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Enjoy the journey


Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

Red Hat Certified Engineer  (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013/2014 (PCP006)
blog : http://johan.koewacht.net/
Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70

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Re: [Puppet Users] Node classifiers in PE 3.7

2015-01-17 Thread Johan De Wit


Check out this thread in the pe-users group : 

I will post a blog soon, but was distracted by other things about this 
topic.  You can always check johan.koewacht.net.



On 17/01/15 00:11, warpig wrote:

Hi All,

I've recently set up a PE 3.7.0 deployment, with the idea of setting 
up a basic ENC using Hiera.  In order for the environment-specific 
manifests to be applied to each agent, I set the environment within 
the agent's puppet.conf.  Unfortunately, when I run an agent against 
the puppetmaster, I get the following warning:

# puppet agent -t --environment=development
Warning: Local environment: development doesn't match server 
specified node environment production, switching agent to production.

Obviously, the classes defined in the development environment aren't 
applied.  My site.pp is a stock, with the exception of the line 

It seems from all the documentation that PE would prefer users to do a 
lot of pointing and clicking in the dashboard to assign nodes to node 
groups.  Is there a more automated method without using the dashboard? 
 It seems the agent-specified environment is on it's way out.  My 
question then is:  what is the preferred method of assigning nodes to 
environments without using the dashboard?

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Re: [Puppet Users] Hiera doesn t behave as expected or as written in doc

2015-01-08 Thread Johan De Wit

Hi Raphael,

hiera smtpserver domain=example.com

That should work.  If using hiera from CLI, you need to provide the facts etc 

See the docs : https://docs.puppetlabs.com/hiera/1/command_line.html



On 08/01/15 09:52, Raphael wrote:

I have a working puppetmaster installed from package on an ubuntu 
server 14.04 64bits.
I've been struggeling for a while now with hiera to achieve what it is 
written in the doc ;

My hiera version is 1.3.0
Puppetmaster version 3.4.3

My hierachy settings is quite simple, with a common file and a 
specific file for host :




This file is in /etc/puppet/ and linked to /etc/hiera.yaml

In the common.yaml, I'm trying to use a variable based on facts (like 
in the example on the official documentation) :


|When I issue hiera smtpserver, I have this output :


Even the lookup type (deeper here in my config) doesn t provide the same output 
as the example ...

Any idea ? version issue ?

Thx a lot for your advice / answer.
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Johan De Wit

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[Puppet Users] Are you ready for an overdose of Configuration Management and Open Source ?

2015-01-07 Thread Johan De Wit
Traditionally, the beginning of every year is always very busy for Open 
Source addicts and Configuration Management believers. First we do have 
a *Puppet Camp @ Amsterdam*, on 27th of January, as a warming up. The 
schedule of that event can be found here : 

Next event is of course *FOSDEM*, which will take place on 31st of 
January  1st of February 2015, https://fosdem.org/2015/schedule/ at the 
Solbosch campus of the ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles) 

Every Open Source addict has probably heard of this great event, and at 
least has added a visit on her or his 'wish list' of events to attend. 
 With a schedule of 260 speakers, 271 events, and 43 tracks, it is 
indeed a very hard task to choose the talks and events to attend.  And 
if visiting FOSDEM, don't forget to visit the *Puppet Users Group Stand* 
for some goodies and a chat. The FOSDEM schedule can be found here : 

Still not getting enough ?  Right after FOSDEM, we have 
http://cfgmgmtcamp.eu/.  Again a lot of knowledge is offered to be 
absorbed by you. A schedule of the devroom, talks and workshops will be 
released soon, so please check the website regularly.

And for the Puppet Community, right after *cfgmgmtcamp.eu*, there is the 
Puppet Contributor Summit at the same location. More information  can be 
found at this link : 

For those visiting Belgium to attend one of the above events, 
Open-Future is organising two Puppet trainings the week before FOSDEM.   
For those looking for great introduction to puppet, and learn best 
practices, we organise the *'Puppet Fundamentals Training'* from 26th 
till 28th of January.  For more information and registration, visit 

The second course is the brand new*'Puppet Architect training'*, on the 
 29th and 30th of January. This advanced level course handles the 
design of your puppet infrastructure, architecting modules, data lookups 
techniques and more. Detailed information and registration is found here 
: http://www.open-future.be/puppet-architect-training-29th-till-30th-january

And more good news, to celebrate all this, Open-Future is giving a _*20% 
discount*_ on the list prices for both courses in January:

 * Puppet Fundamentals:
 * Puppet Architect:

As you can see, we have all the ingredients to be overwhelmed by talks, 
workshops, trainings, new ideas . The risk is great to get an 
overdose of knowledge not only about Configuration Management, but also 
about a lot of Open Source based subjects.

One thing is already sure,  we will be there !

Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

Red Hat Certified Engineer  (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013/2014 (PCP006)
Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70

Zavelstraat 72  Fax   +32 (0)2/255 70 71
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Re: [Puppet Users] catalog-diff and create_resources not correct

2015-01-06 Thread Johan De Wit

On 24/12/14 00:50, Felix Frank wrote:

On 12/23/2014 10:36 AM, Johan De Wit wrote:

The resource is indeed in both catalogs, only the old one contains 2
automatic attributes (file: and line:).  I suspect this is the cause.

Hi Johan,

good call - I believe those are hints that the compiler adds, so that
the agent can give more helpful error output in case a resource fails
its validation checks.

Are you in a position to filter those from the old style catalogs
prior to diffing?

sed -i '/line:|file:/d' catalog

comes to mind :-)


changing the old catalog does not work. The resources aren't seen 
anymore by the catalog-diff program, both in the old and new catalog.

Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

Red Hat Certified Engineer  (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013/2014 (PCP006)
Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70

Zavelstraat 72  Fax   +32 (0)2/255 70 71
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[Puppet Users] Pupept User Group @ FOSDEM

2015-01-05 Thread Johan De Wit

Hi Puppet User Group Organisers,

FOSDEM has approved the stand for this year.  If you want to represent 
your PUG, you are very welcome to join us at the stand.

Like previous year, I would like to ask every PUG, to write a little 
piece in English or your native language to present your PUG to the public.

If you send me your text, the BPUG will be pleased to get it printed and 
hand it out at FOSDEM.

See you all @ FOSDEM.



Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

Red Hat Certified Engineer  (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013/2014 (PCP006)
Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70

Zavelstraat 72  Fax   +32 (0)2/255 70 71
3071 KORTENBERG Mobile+32 (0)474/42 40 73
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Re: [Puppet Users] selinux / selboolean error

2014-12-26 Thread Johan De Wit

facter returns strings, and false (the string) evaluates to true.

if $selinux == true ??

On 26/12/14 17:01, Sebastian Otaegui wrote:

When you run facter on the node do you get the right value?

On Tuesday, December 23, 2014, Paul Raines paul.rai...@gmail.com 
mailto:paul.rai...@gmail.com wrote:

In the manifest/init.pp of a module I am writing in puppet 3.6.2 I

if$selinux {
   selboolean {'authlogin_nsswitch_use_ldap':
 persistent =true,
 value =on,

How when this runs on machine with selinux disabled (facter
clearly shows $selinux is false), the selboolean still seems to
get evaluated resulting in the error


'/usr/sbin/getsebool authlogin_nsswitch_use_ldap'returned


So it seems like it is ignoring the if $selinux entirely.  Is this
a bug in puppet or am I missing something?

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Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
Any sufficiently recent Microsoft OS contains an ad hoc, 
informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Unix.

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[Puppet Users] catalog-diff and create_resources not correct

2014-12-23 Thread Johan De Wit


We wanted to use catalog diff to verify the old and new catalogs during 
conversionto hiera.  They should be both have the saem resources with 
the same paramters.
But every resource that is created in the 'new' version with 
create_resources(), gives a wrong catalog diff.

The resource is indeed in both catalogs, only the old one contains 2 
automatic attributes (file: and line:).  I suspect this is the cause.

Anyone experienced simular result ?

In the meantime, I try to understand the catalog-diff code to see where 
this could be corrected.



   Catalog diff output :

   test_node 100.0%

   Total resources in old: 0
   Total resources in new: 1
   Only in new:
   Catalag percentage added:   100.00
   Catalog percentage removed: 0.00
   Catalog percentage changed: 0.00
   Added and removed resources:+1 / 0
   Node percentage:100.0
   Node differences:   1

   1 out of 1 nodes changed. 100.0%

   Nodes with the most changes by percent changed:
   1. test_node 100.00%
   Nodes with the most changes by differeces:
   1. test_node  1false
   The manifest new and catalog entry
   node 'test_node' {
   $my_notify =  { 'my_test_notify' = { 'message' = 'this is a
   test notify',
 'name' = 'test_notify',
 'withpath' = 'true', }
   create_resources(notify, $my_notify)
   snip  {
parameters: {
  withpath: true,
  message: this is a test notify,
  name: test_notify
exported: false,
tags: [
title: my_test_notify,
type: Notify
   The manifest OLD
   node 'test_node' {
   notify { 'my_test_notify':
 message  = 'this is a test notify',
 name = 'test_notify',
 withpath = true,
title: test_node,
type: Node
parameters: {
  withpath: true,
  message: this is a test notify,
  name: test_notify
exported: false,
line: 12,
tags: [
title: my_test_notify,
type: Notify

Johan De Wit

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Re: [Puppet Users] catalog-diff and create_resources not correct

2014-12-23 Thread Johan De Wit

On 24/12/14 00:50, Felix Frank wrote:

On 12/23/2014 10:36 AM, Johan De Wit wrote:

The resource is indeed in both catalogs, only the old one contains 2
automatic attributes (file: and line:).  I suspect this is the cause.

Hi Johan,

good call - I believe those are hints that the compiler adds, so that
the agent can give more helpful error output in case a resource fails
its validation checks.

Are you in a position to filter those from the old style catalogs
prior to diffing?

sed -i '/line:|file:/d' catalog

comes to mind :-)


Hi Felix,

That is a good idea as quick fix.  And why did I not think to that !! :)
Long term, such attributes should get excluded from the diff.

Time to delve into the ruby world :)



Johan De Wit

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Re: [Puppet Users] Usage of mcollective::user class in custom class

2014-12-10 Thread Johan De Wit

On 10/12/14 22:40, Ajay Kumar wrote:

Hi Team,

I am new to puppet and I am upgrading to recent release ver 2.0.0 
puppet mcollective module from 1.2 ver mcollective module
In one of my puppet class using mcollective::user class  please find 
the following code snippet.

mcollective::user { ${mcollective::client_user};:

certificate = ${mcollective::ssl_server_public},

private_key = ${mcollective::ssl_server_private},


while running puppet agent  I am getting the following error like to 
mcollective::user[] is not found. Later I have changed the 
mcollective::user to mcollective::user[].

This time I am getting  Syntax error  '{'; expected '}'

Please help me out of this problem

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remove the demi-colons (;) at the end of the first and last line


Johan De Wit

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Re: [Puppet Users] my line count is giving me wrong values in puppet facts

2014-11-25 Thread Johan De Wit
I count 16 lines in your txt file, so the fact is working as you coded 
it.  You should increment only if you find another version in you file, 
and there are only 4 in the file  (or something else)

On 25/11/14 17:38, Spriya wrote:


when i am trying to count the lines in how many  locations the java 
is. It is giving me wrong count.

Here is my code:
*require 'facter'*
*require 'facter/util/file_read'*
*logfile = /home/weblogic/javaapp.txt*
*java_count = 0*
*if File.exist? '/home/weblogic/javaapp.txt'*
*log = Facter::Util::FileRead.read(logfile)*
*unless log.nil?*
*log.each_line do |line|*
*   val = line.split(' ')*
*java_path = val.grep(%r!/java!).join(',')*
*java_version = val.grep(%r!/java!).map{ |s| s[/\d+\.[a-z\d._-]+/] 

*java_count += 1*

* setcode do*
*   java_version + java_path*
*Facter.add(java_u01_weblogic_foundversion_count) do*
*setcode do*
*  java_count*
* end*

Here is my txt file
*java version 1.7.0_72*
*Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_72-b14)*
*Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.72-b04, mixed mode)*
*java version 1.7.0_72*
*Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_72-b14)*
*Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.72-b04, mixed mode)*
*java version 1.7.0_65*
*Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_65-b17)*
*Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.65-b04, mixed mode)*
*java version 1.7.0_65*
*Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_65-b17)*
*Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.65-b04, mixed mode)*
*Here is my facts*


The count should be 4 but it is giving me 16 locations. Can anyone 
help me?

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Re: [Puppet Users] SSL Cert issues - Puppet Agent and Master on same host

2014-11-19 Thread Johan De Wit

On 18/11/14 22:26, kevin.mastel...@gmail.com wrote:
Currently trying to get puppet, katello and foreman to play nicely. 
 Everything except puppet is working as I would expect.

No matter what I try, whether it be blasting the /var/lib/puppet/ssl 
directory, running --clean (or whatever the commands are), or trying 
all the steps on the Puppet troubleshooting page, I always get the 
same messages---

[root@- ]# puppet agent -t
info: Retrieving plugin
err: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Could not evaluate: Could not 
retrieve information from environment production source(s) my-puppet-svr
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on 
SERVER: Could not find node 'my-puppet-svr'; cannot compile

warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run

[root@- puppet]# ./node.rb my-puppet-svr
Could not send facts to Foreman: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 
state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed

Since the puppet agent and master are running on the same machine and 
using the same physical certificate files, I do not understand what 
the issue is

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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netstat -tupln | grep 8140 : is puppet master up and running and listening

iptables -L -n :  firewall settings correct

ping my-puppet-svr : name resolution working

Just checking the obvious stuff first ...

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Re: [Puppet Users] 3.4 client w/ 3.7 master

2014-10-30 Thread Johan De Wit

On 30/10/14 21:00, Matthaus Owens wrote:

I'm not aware of any issues with 3.x agents talking to a 3.7 master.
It should just work.

On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 11:32 AM, Bernard Clark berniecla...@gmail.com wrote:

Will I have any trouble upgrading a puppetmaster to the latest 3.7 but
keeping some of the puppet agents at 3.4.3? Thanks.

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I noticed that 3.4 client with a 3.7 master gave timeouts during 
pluginsync.  Upgrading the client to 3.7 solved the issue.

And the puppet run was really slow on the agent


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Re: [Puppet Users] How can Puppet query from Sybase - Facter or Hiera?

2014-10-20 Thread Johan De Wit

Hi Stella,

my first thought goes to implement a ENC script. Since you are already 
keeping inventory data in a database, you could keep everything in one 
place.  If it is possible to add puppet support, in practice, make it 
possible to assign puppet classes to your nodes in your sybase setup.

If that is not possible, I would look at a hiera backend getting the 
info from your sybase database.

Keep in mind that it is the puppet master that needs the info from your 
sybase database, so facts is not really an option.

(technically you can, but then every node needs access to your database, 
but your master can get the needed info also, only keep in mind your 
master identifies the nodes with the 'clientcert' or 'certname'.

Personally, I would go for the ENC first place, hiera in second, but 
facts is a no-go.

hth a bit


On 20/10/14 19:27, Stella wrote:


I am using Puppet 3.62. Trying to figure out what is the best way to 
connect to my sybase database to query machine information.

Which is better:

1. Define facts that will connect to my sybase and do the query.

2. Use Hiera to connect to my sybase and do the query.

Anyone has any example to share?


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Re: [Puppet Users] rspec test for augeas resource that also verifies the resulting content of the file?

2014-09-25 Thread Johan De Wit


Augeas changes the file during the execution of the catalog on the node, 
so it cannot have any content in the catalo, and that is what 
puppet-rspec is testing.

the with_content test will always fail, because a content attribute is 
not available for the augeas resource

puppet describe -s  augeas

changes, context, force, incl, lens, load_path, name, onlyif, returns,
root, show_diff, type_check

For rspec unit testing, one must keep in mind that you are testing the 
content of the catalog.




On 25/09/14 12:09, Bill Sirinek wrote:
I have a simple class that sets the timezone on a Solaris system. I'm 
trying to write tests for it, and failing. It's telling me the file is 
nil, but there should be content as the file does exist. The file is 
not generated via a template or as a static puppet file in the 
module... the module just has an augeas resource to set a shell-style 
variable inside the file:  TZ=timezone
I have puppetlabs_spec_helper 0.8.1 and rspec-puppet 1.0.1 installed 
as gems into Puppet Enterprise's ruby (PE 3.2.3)

Here is the error and the offending rspec code:
bsirinek@myhost $ rake spec

  1) timezone when called with parameters on solaris should contain 
Augeas[set_timezone] with incl = /etc/default/init, lens = 
Shellvars.lns, changes = set TZ US/Eastern and content =~ 

 Failure/Error: }).with_content(/^TZ=US\/Eastern$/)
   expected that the catalogue would contain Augeas[set_timezone] 
with content set to /^TZ=US\/Eastern$/ but it is set to nil
 # ./spec/classes/timezone_spec.rb:47:in `block (3 levels) in top 

(...annoying deprecation warnings removed...)
Finished in 0.60314 seconds (files took 1.4 seconds to load)
4 examples, 1 failure
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/classes/timezone_spec.rb:43 # timezone when called with 
parameters on solaris should contain Augeas[set_timezone] with incl = 
/etc/default/init, lens = Shellvars.lns, changes = set TZ 
US/Eastern and content =~ /^TZ=US\/Eastern$/
--color failed

rspec test:
  describe 'when called with parameter on solaris' do
let(:facts) { { :osfamily = 'Solaris' } }
let(:params) { { :time_zone = 'US/Eastern' } }
it {
  should contain_augeas('set_timezone').with({
:incl= '/etc/default/init',
:lens= 'Shellvars.lns',
:changes = set TZ US/Eastern
The test works fine if I leave off the with_content.
Any ideas?

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Re: [Puppet Users] MCollective Puppet Agent Not Working?

2014-08-08 Thread Johan De Wit
If you are looking for a book : 

Learning MCollective - Parallel Server Management in Puppet and Chef

On 08/08/14 15:56, Stella wrote:

Hi Chris,

Yes, I have installed the mcollective-puppet-agent package on the 
server and restarted mcollective there (I learned the lesson yesterday 
that you need to restart).

But I have NOT installed mcollective-puppet-client on the client. I am 
not aware of it at all.

After I installed mcollective-puppet-client on the client, mco 
puppet works!

Thank you very much, Chris MCollecctive (that's how I remember you, haha!)


On Friday, August 8, 2014 9:33:14 AM UTC-4, Christopher Wood wrote:

Things to check:

Have you installed the mcollective-puppet-agent package on the
server and restarted mcollective there?

Have you installed mcollective-puppet-client on the client?

If you check your package list, some (not all) of the plugins have
a separate -client package which you need for your command line
mco invocations to work.

On Fri, Aug 08, 2014 at 06:26:58AM -0700, Stella wrote:
Hi all,

I installed and configured MCollective 2.5.3 yesterday. Also
I have
installed several agent plugin:

yum install mcollective-filemgr-agent
yum install mcollective-nettest-agent
yum install mcollective-package-agent
yum install mcollective-service-agent
yum install mcollective-puppet-agent

Now I can run command to stop remote service:

  mco rpc service stop service=ntpd

  However, it seems I can't get puppet to work with MCollective.
  When I run mco puppet, it displays:

Known commands:
   completion   facts find
   help inventory ping
   plugin   rpc

Puppet is not listed as Known commands. Why? Do I miss

Help please! Last step to the victory! Thanks a lot!

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Re: [Puppet Users] Install MCollective -- What are the basic components?

2014-08-07 Thread Johan De Wit

On 07/08/14 16:39, Stella wrote:
I am trying to install MCollective to my Puppet 3.6.2 with Dashboard 

I searched online and found that there are so many components related 
with MCollective such as Agent(different agents), Client, Common, etc.


If I only want to have the most basic configuration of MCollective, 
which components should I install?

And has anyone used any of the Web Gui for MCollective? Any 


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have a look at http://www.slideshare.net/johandw/bpug-mcollective-20140624

We did a manual installation of MCO.

But using an existing puppetmodule is much better :)



Johan De Wit

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Re: [Puppet Users] Hiera not expanding $operatingsystem variable

2014-07-30 Thread Johan De Wit


always use quotes when using facts etc in hiera :

  - %{operatingsystem}
  - default



On 30/07/14 18:21, Karolis Pabijanskas wrote:

Hi All,

I am sure this is going to be something completely stupid, but I just 
can't find the issue :)

I have a very simple module that that needs a different filepath 
depending on the operating system, so I'm trying to call:

$global_bashrc_file = hiera(global_bashrc_file)

from my module.

The hierarchy at the moment is very simple:

  - %{operatingsystem}
  - default

Calling notify from the module works just fine and brings back CentOS 
as my operating system. CentOS.yaml does exist in the  datadir and 
does contain the variable. Running hiera in through the shell does 
indeed show it working and returns the correct variable:

# hiera global_bashrc_file operatingsystem=CentOS

But when trying to get this value via puppet, I just get an error:
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on 
SERVER: Could not find data item global_bashrc_file in any Hiera data 
file and no default supplied at blah

It does work perfectly fine if I place the variable in default.yaml, 
but if I move it to the os-specific yaml it just shouts at me that I 
have not declared it... Just seems like $operatingsystem does not get 
passed on from puppet, even though:

# facter operatingsystem

and notify '{ ${operatingsystem: }' in puppet works.

As mentioned, I am sure I am missing something very trivial, but maybe 
one of you enlightened ones can point me in the right direction!

puppet version is 3.6.2
hiera version i 1.3.4

Thanks in advance!


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: How to use variables in a puppet class

2014-07-25 Thread Johan De Wit

use double quotes in your source attribute :

|source =puppet:///modules/repo/rhel-${::lsbdistrelease}_64.repo,

On 25/07/14 09:22, Vikas Kumar wrote:

Hi Jose,

I tried this, didn't worked for me :(

file {'/etc/yum.repos.d/RHEL-6.4.repo':
mode ='0644',
owner ='root',


Got this message in the log file.

information fromenvironment production 


This is the file on the server.

# ls -l /etc/puppet/modules/repo/files/rhel-6.4_64.repo
-rw-r--r--1root root 


Have I made a mistake anywhere ?

Thanks in advance.

On Friday, 25 July 2014 17:03:34 UTC+10, Jose Luis Ledesma wrote:

If you interpolate variable you have to use  instead of '.
So it should be
source = puppet:///modules/repo/rhel-${::lsbdistrelease}_64.repo,


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Re: [Puppet Users] puppet.conf documentation ammendment

2014-07-02 Thread Johan De Wit

The best way is to file a ticket against the documentation.

Here is an example of one I did some time ago : 



On 02/07/14 11:26, James Green wrote:
Could someone kindly add a notice bar to the puppet.conf web 
documentation stating that:

/Changes to puppet.conf are picked up automatically by the puppet 
agent. You can observe this by making a change and tailing syslog for 
a few moments./

There are a few google results teaching us how to declare puppet as a 
service with a subscription to puppet.conf, which appears unnecessary 
given the above :)



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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet 3.6.2: import is deprecated

2014-07-01 Thread Johan De Wit

On 30/06/14 19:52, Sergey Arlashin wrote:


I used 'import' in my previous config.

I had the following structure:

site.pp :
import 'nodes.pp'

import 'node1.pp'
import 'node2.pp'
import 'node3.pp'

Now I'm moving to 3.6.2 and after getting the deprecation warning decided to 
remove all imports from my manifests.

Now puppet agent seems to ignore all my config. None of my modules is applied. 
--debug shows that it doesn't try to apply anything at all.

Could anyone tell me if it is normal? :) Or may be I'm doing something wrong? 
Or may be this is a bug?

# puppet config print manifest

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,
Sergey Arlashin



As an example, this is my manifests directory :

[root@puppet manifests]# ls -l
total 28
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  819 Jun  1 22:40 00_koewacht_defaults.pp
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  950 Jun  1 23:20 fc19.koewacht.net.pp
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1152 Jun 15 17:20 fc20.koewacht.net.pp
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  930 May 20 13:12 laptopfc18.koewacht.net.pp
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  801 Jun 13 09:29 puppet.koewacht.net.pp
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  320 May 20 13:12 rspecfc20.koewacht.net.pp

[root@puppet manifests]# pwd

the  00_koewacht_defaults.pp is my former site.pp, which will be loaded 
first.  The rest are my former node/certname.pp files.

running on 3.6.2 and also dir envs.



Johan De Wit

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Re: [Puppet Users] New Puppet book: Extending Puppet

2014-07-01 Thread Johan De Wit

Almost half way the book, and indeed, it IS a great book.

Thx Allesandro for the great work.


On 01/07/14 09:41, Rakesh Kathpal wrote:

CongratulationsAlessandro ... just ordered the ebook.. looks promising.

- Rakesh K.

On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 6:52 AM, Rich Burroughs 
r...@richburroughs.com mailto:r...@richburroughs.com wrote:

Yes congrats :) The table of contents looks like it covers a lot
of useful material.


On Thursday, June 26, 2014, Alessandro Franceschi a...@lab42.it
mailto:a...@lab42.it wrote:

Sorry for the shameless promotion, but I suppose this might be
of interest for the readers of this group.

After more that 6 months of pain, efforts, frustration and
excitement it's finally out a book where I tried to pour all
my knowledge and experience on Puppet.
It's oriented to people who have already some experience on
Puppet (for beginners there are definitively more fitting
titles around) and I hope it can give some useful information
also to experienced users.

Find more about it at:

You can get a free chapter here: http://bit.ly/1qbxWZy

I'd take this occasion to thank some members of this group for
their support, in particular:
Brice Figureau, who has been a great technical reviewer and
has prevented me from making some big mistakes. His support
and help has been decisive.
Nigel Kersten, who has written the Foreword and has given me
very useful hints and feedback.
Joshua Hoblitt, who has reviewed some chapters and has given
great advices on the language and the contents.
Daniele Sluijters, who has been a very precise technical
reviewer for some chapters.
Jon Forrest, who has slashed the language of my first drafts
and opened my eyes on what it means to write in proper english
(I obviously haven't learnt how to do it properly, but thanks
to the reviewers the final output has been definitively more
linguistically appropriate than the first drafts).

I hope this book can help people who work with Puppet and, if
you happen to get it, please give feedback, in any way you
find appropriate.

Thank you
Alessandro Franceschi
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Re: [Puppet Users] First anniversary of the module team

2014-06-26 Thread Johan De Wit
we need to account for local module differences, however, and Colleen 
has written us a framework that allows us to manage these files 
properly.  It’ll mean we can update .travis.yml in a single repository 
and then push it out automatically to all our modules.  This has been 
something that’s made certain mass changes needed for testing really 

I’m also working on a fixtures module which is temporarily living 
athttps://github.com/apenney/pe_fixtures.  This will eventually 
contain a `facter -p` run for every single PE platform we have, and 
exists to be used with rspec-puppet.  Right now, if you want to make 
sure your module fails gracefully on unsupported platforms you have to 
go mock up the facts for all those platforms by hand.  When we finish 
this work, you’ll be able to easily iterate over all platforms and 
check how your module performs on them with rspec-puppet.

Things we’d like to do

Sadly, I can’t give away all our secrets here!  We’re continuing to 
work on making it easier for community members to author modules.  Our 
first year was spent focused on figuring out the answers to questions 
we know many of you have, and now we want to spend some time to make 
sure we fully document and expose those answers so everyone can 
benefit.  We’ve got some other stuff in the pipeline to make it easier 
to find high quality modules, as well as to write high quality 
modules.  We hope you bear with us as we continue to get all the 
pieces in place to allow us to scale to hundreds of support modules, 
modules hopefully for everything you need to do under the sun.  I 
spent from 2008-2013 writing private modules for a variety of 
companies that I couldn’t release and every new job meant rewriting 
the same things again.  I came to Puppet Labs (hell, I begged them 
over and over to create this team) so that we can write these modules 
once and have everyone contribute to making them amazing, so that you 
never have to write the same module twice in your career.  We won’t 
stop until you’re never faced with the horror of writing a module for 
some boring piece of open source software, freeing you up to do things 
that you actually care about. :)

Ashley Penney
ashley.pen...@puppetlabs.com mailto:ashley.pen...@puppetlabs.com
Module Engineer

*Join us at PuppetConf 2014**, September 23-24 in San Francisco - 
http://puppetconf.com http://puppetconf.com/*

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Re: [Puppet Users] Belgian Puppet User Group - Something about Mcollective 24th of June

2014-06-25 Thread Johan De Wit

The presentation of this meetup is available at following locations :


I also uploaded the sources for this presentation to github :



On 16/06/14 14:45, Johan De Wit wrote:

This time we will talk about mcollective.

The first part we will flood you with some nice slides and a bit of 

The second part, all will setup mcollective on its own VM, and explore 
what Mcollective can do and how it works.

Detailed information can be found on our meetup page :


more on the agenda :




Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

Red Hat Certified Engineer  (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013/2014 (PCP006)
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Moving from manifest files to ENC script - not working...

2014-06-17 Thread Johan De Wit

I think, in your yaml, you are missing the name: certname



On 17/06/14 15:19, shlo.af...@gmail.com wrote:

I read the documentation.
I send yesterday example of my perl ENC code  and the output.  I'm 
sending them again:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
  use strict;
  use YAML qw(Dump);

  my $hostname = shift || die No hostname passed;

  system(echo $hostname  /tmp/llkkll);

  my ($host, $domain, $net) = ($1, $2, $3);

  my @classes = ();
  my %parameters = (
  puppetserver = puppetsrv
  @classes = ('class1', 'class2::basic', class3);
  $parameters{var} = kk1;

  print Dump({
  classes = \@classes,
  parameters = \%parameters,

that as output give me:

- class1
- class2::basic
- class3
puppetserver: puppetsrv
var: kk1

The definition of the classes are in manifests under the module directory.

My problem:
when I run the puppet command on the agent, it look like it 
*ignore* the classes I define in ENC script

and only if I have the node definition in node.pp it try to so something.

Maybe I'm missing very basic issue. I'm sorry.
Is there any way to debug it?

On Tuesday, June 17, 2014 2:58:55 PM UTC+3, Jason Antman wrote:

Yes, I have an idea.

1) Read the documentation:
2) If that doesn't help, post your ENC code, with specific
examples of output and problems that you're having.

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[Puppet Users] Belgian Puppet User Group - Something about Mcollective 24th of June

2014-06-16 Thread Johan De Wit

This time we will talk about mcollective.

The first part we will flood you with some nice slides and a bit of 

The second part, all will setup mcollective on its own VM, and explore 
what Mcollective can do and how it works.

Detailed information can be found on our meetup page :


more on the agenda :




Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

Red Hat Certified Engineer  (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013/2014 (PCP006)
Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70

Zavelstraat 72  Fax   +32 (0)2/255 70 71
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Re: [Puppet Users] rspec - Unable to find class ::logstash

2014-06-05 Thread Johan De Wit

On 05/06/14 11:56, Felix Frank wrote:

On 06/04/2014 11:04 PM, Johan De Wit wrote:

And that is what you should check in your rspec file.

In your manifests, you need indeed the scoping, in your spec, you don't

Humm, unfortunate.

Doesn't that (in theory) open you up for regressions in the form of
does no longer include the properly scoped class, gets resolved to the
wrong class like Brian described?

this is something to be tested I believe ...


Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

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Re: [Puppet Users] rspec - Unable to find class ::logstash

2014-06-04 Thread Johan De Wit

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Re: [Puppet Users] Presentation

2014-06-02 Thread Johan De Wit

have you looked @ slideshare.com ?

On 02/06/14 11:19, Alfredo De Luca wrote:

Hi all.
Just a quick one.
I am preparing a little demo about puppet in the company where I am 
working and it all looks fine. What I don't have that much time for is 
a few slides to say what is puppet, what puppet can do for sys admin 
guys and so on and so I was wondering if there is something already 
out there I can use. Nothing fancy..just a few slides as an 
introduction to puppet.



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Re: [Puppet Users] ${name} returns class name instead of resource namevar

2014-05-20 Thread Johan De Wit


I think you are mixing the 'define' a  resource  and 'use' resource type.

$name is an automatic variable that is set by puppet, and will be in the 
case of a defined resource, the resource title you give it when 'using' 
that defined resource

You can use the $name in the define your type { } , and in that scope 
it will be given your example : 

Outside the definition of your resource (the file beginning with define 
whatever {} ) the $name var contains the $name of the class you are 
using your defined resource .

I hope i did not confuse you more now.

but read 

especially the part about uniqueness.

An to make it much more difficult, one should start using $title in 
defined resources instead of $name.

the why is explained in the same link I gave.

I hope it helps.


On 20/05/14 13:51, José Luis Ledesma wrote:

No, it is the current $name, not the resource one.


El 20/05/2014 12:36, Francis Pereira francispere...@7terminals.com 
mailto:francispere...@7terminals.com escribió:

When using a custom resource to deploy java $name is not the name
of the resource but the name of the class in the below mentioned

 java::setup { ${myapplication::params::app_username}-jdk_7u51:
cachedir  = /var/lib/puppet/file_cache/${name}-working,


Shouldn't $name = ${myapplication::params::app_username}-jdk_7u51 ?

Francis Pereira

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Yumrepo resource flapping

2014-05-20 Thread Johan De Wit
the yumrepo resource creates a *.repo file for every resource.  The 
redhat thing just puts all repos in one big file.
and if you remove the redhat.repo, on a subscribed system, this file 
will be recreated depending on the subscribed channel.

I did not test it in puppet3.x, but maybe it could work : still on 2.7, 
and reworking our rep module is just sitting on the todo.

in redhat.rep, set enabled to 0 for all repos (augeas ?)
manage the redhat subscribed repos/channels with puppet

we do mirror all subscribes RH repos with mrepo, and point all or RH to 
the local repos.
also we register our systems using the subscription manager, to our 
local SAM (subscription asset manager ...)

SAM does not work with rhn, so maybe moving to the subscription thing is 
not a bad idea.

something to look at ...   maybe ?



On 20/05/14 19:45, DjE wrote:

Le 20/05/2014 15:47, jcbollinger a écrit :

On Tuesday, May 20, 2014 3:38:51 AM UTC-5, DjE wrote:

Hi all,

We find that the yumrepo resource is flapping on RedHat 6
Enterprise with the redhat.repo file since Puppet 3.4.x version
(due to a change about attribute content control)

We have updated with the latest Puppet 3.6 server and agent,
because we saw this commit :


but the resource continues to flap.

The resource we want to manage :
The Puppet change : enabled changed ' 1' to '1'

RedHat want : *enabled= 1*
Puppet want : enable=1

As we can see, there is a white space on original state (RedHat
generated file).

The change occurs every 4 hour (with 30 minutes runtime interval
agent), i did not looking for the process which generate the
redhat.repo file.

rhsm (/etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf) manage the yum repo file :

# Manage generation of yum repositories for subscribed content:
manage_repos = 1

# Frequency of certificate refresh (in minutes):
certFrequency = 240

The certFrequency seems to match with the change which occurs
every 4 hours, i did not test it.

The problem is that you are managing the same resource via two 
different services.  You are lucky that you are just flapping between 
two equivalent states.  Choose one system or the other to manage the 
configuration for that repo.


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I agree with you about this potential conflict, but it's a default 
RedHat configuration with rhsm, and it does not manage exactly the 
same thing.

Puppet enable the rhel-6-server-optional-rpms  which is not by 
enabled default, and we never said rhsm to enable it (redhat 
subscription side), so rhsm respect the local decision made via Puppet 
with the Yumrepo, so it's just a syntax conflict,  it could be a nice 
thing that Puppet use the same syntax.

Puppet manage the rhsm.conf file so i tried to disable the 
manage_repos option, but the redhat.repo file has been destroyed by 
the rhsmcertd service, and disabled all RedHat repositories.
Then Puppet creates the 
/etc/yum.repos.d/rhel-6-server-optional-rpms.repo file with just the 
enabled=1 parameter currently define by the Yumrepo resource.
We don't want to (re)define all the redhat repository urls one by one 
with the YumRepo resource, maybe there is a better solution.

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Re: [Puppet Users] how to perform in puppet: service start - mod config - service restart

2014-05-05 Thread Johan De Wit

On 05/05/14 14:12, Felix Frank wrote:

On 04/28/2014 08:24 AM, Lito K wrote:

I was wondering if someone can give me a hint how to solve this
dependency cycle issue.

Every resource is synced and/or refreshed at a set time during catalog
evaluation. You cannot have multiple refreshes of the same resource.

Therefor, the usual workaround is to model either action via exec
instead of the proper service resource, e.g.

1. war-file deployment
2. exec tomcat-start
3. config-file management
4. service refresh

By the way, are you certain that the war-file will be completely
extracted when the tomcat start routine hands the control back? I would
assume the such things go on in the background, and that puppet would
race with tomcat. If so, the config-file may in fact not yet be in place
when the file resource is getting synced.


I create an rpm, where I unpack the war to the right location, and 
deploy it that way.

And then you just have a simple  package - file(s) - service pattern.

(using tomcat6)

Makes life much easier ...




Johan De Wit

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: rspec-puppet: how to pass undef as parameter value?

2014-04-18 Thread Johan De Wit

it {
  should contain_package('foo').with ( {
'provider' = nil,
On 18/04/14 12:37, Remi Ferrand wrote:
I was also wondering how to do this, If anyone has the answer, I'll be 
glad to know it !



On Saturday, July 20, 2013 12:20:20 AM UTC+2, Andreas Haerter wrote:

Hi all,

is there a way to pass the Puppets undef [1] value as parameter? I
got a
module with a package_provider parameter, allowing the user two
1. specify a specific package provider to use; 2. pass undef to let
Puppet decide which provider to use instead of the module.

Something like:

 class example(
   $package_provider = $example::params::package_provider,
 ) inherits example::params {


   package { 'foobar'
 ensure   = 'present',
 provider = $package_provider,

Now I want to test if passing undef works:

 context 'with parameter(s): package_provider = undef' do
   let(:params) {{
 :package_provider = [WAY-TO-PASS-UNDEF-HERE],

   it 'contains a package with parameter(s): provider = unset' do
 should contain_package('blueprint').with({
   'provider' = [WAY-TO-CHECK-FOR-UNDEF-HERE,

But my test doesn't work. What I tried so far is:

1) undef (results in RSpec/Ruby parsing error)
 context 'with parameter(s): foo = undef' do
   let(:params) {{
 :foo = undef,


2) :undef (results in Puppet error: Syntax error at':'; expected
'}' )
 context 'with parameter(s): foo = undef' do
   let(:params) {{
 :foo = :undef,


3) nil (does not result in an Puppet or Ruby error, but the
.with_foo(nil) or .without_foo matchers do not seem to work as the
string nil was passed tho puppet
 context 'with parameter(s): foo = undef' do
   let(:params) {{
 :foo = nil,


Any hints? Thanks in advance :-)




Andreas http://blog.andreas-haerter.com


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: rspec-puppet: how to pass undef as parameter value?

2014-04-18 Thread Johan De Wit

oops, sorry about that.

An undef value in a manifest/class is mapped to 'nil' in the catalog.

But I would not allow to have an undef value for the ensure class 
parameter.   But that's another discussion.

I will have a look at the code later on.

On 18/04/14 15:16, Remi Ferrand wrote:

... I'm sorry but I don't understand your answer ...

I've created a very simple use case here at 

My question was regarding file 
With what value should I replace # WHAT SHOULD WE USE HERE TO PASS 
PUPPET undef VALUE ?# with to make this unit test functional ?

Thanks in advance and sorry to ask you to answer again.



On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 1:39 PM, Johan De Wit jo...@open-future.be 
mailto:jo...@open-future.be wrote:

it {
  should contain_package('foo').with ( {
'provider' = nil,

On 18/04/14 12:37, Remi Ferrand wrote:

I was also wondering how to do this, If anyone has the answer,
I'll be glad to know it !



On Saturday, July 20, 2013 12:20:20 AM UTC+2, Andreas Haerter wrote:

Hi all,

is there a way to pass the Puppets undef [1] value as
parameter? I got a
module with a package_provider parameter, allowing the user
two things:
1. specify a specific package provider to use; 2. pass
undef to let
Puppet decide which provider to use instead of the module.

Something like:

 class example(
   $package_provider = $example::params::package_provider,
 ) inherits example::params {


   package { 'foobar'
 ensure   = 'present',
 provider = $package_provider,

Now I want to test if passing undef works:

 context 'with parameter(s): package_provider = undef' do
   let(:params) {{
 :package_provider = [WAY-TO-PASS-UNDEF-HERE],

   it 'contains a package with parameter(s): provider =
unset' do
 should contain_package('blueprint').with({
   'provider' = [WAY-TO-CHECK-FOR-UNDEF-HERE,

But my test doesn't work. What I tried so far is:

1) undef (results in RSpec/Ruby parsing error)
 context 'with parameter(s): foo = undef' do
   let(:params) {{
 :foo = undef,


2) :undef (results in Puppet error: Syntax error at':';
expected '}' )
 context 'with parameter(s): foo = undef' do
   let(:params) {{
 :foo = :undef,


3) nil (does not result in an Puppet or Ruby error, but the
.with_foo(nil) or .without_foo matchers do not seem to work
as the
string nil was passed tho puppet
 context 'with parameter(s): foo = undef' do
   let(:params) {{
 :foo = nil,


Any hints? Thanks in advance :-)



Andreas http://blog.andreas-haerter.com

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Re: [Puppet Users] Slides TDD with puppet - puppetcamp paris yesterday

2014-04-16 Thread Johan De Wit

Great having a discussion on testing.

I have to reread all your comments, having a busy week catching up with 
work after a week of having fun at all the puppetcamps.

I keep on tracking this thread, and will add my thoughts soon.

Thanks for all your comments'


On 15/04/14 15:46, Alexander Fortin wrote:

On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 1:10:05 PM UTC+2, Felix.Frank wrote:

On 04/15/2014 09:25 AM, Nikola Petrov wrote:
 I haven't used catalog-diff but I
 am suspecting that it might be a substitute for the rspec tests.
Tell me

No. rspec allows you to implement unit tests to catch certain
bugs. catalog-diff is rather concerned with integration testing
(although you can use rspec for that as well).

I think with catalog-diff we're catching regression bugs too, meaning 
that if the module interface is broken in the proposed commit, it will 
show up as an error (unless no node is actually including the 
refactored module).

 does it provide the following:

 * Automatic runs through guard/rake/whatever on every commit to
 that I am not breaking things like permissions on files

You could do that, but compiling each of your nodes' catalog on every
commit would be excessive.

I agree it can be overkill for many environments, I guess depends on 
what you actually want to test, or better, what kind of confidence you 
want to have that your committed code is not actually breaking anything.

To me seems that the catalog-diff approach is catching a broad variety 
of problems, also some that (I think) can't be easily catch by 
expressions in rspec.

For example, somewhere in a random manifest I'm just changing 
declaration style for a class, from 'include myclass' to class 
{'myclass': }, leading to possible declaration dependency order / 
duplicated declarations problems: Node A (which I am currently working 
on) is including only one declaration, but node B was evaluating that 
class declaration two times, hence the duplicate declaration only on 
node B.

Can rspec-puppet catch also this kind of problems? More in general, 
I'd like to know if rspec-puppet can give me the confidence that, 
given a node resource, the new version of the catalog will compile for 
that node.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Slides TDD with puppet - puppetcamp paris yesterday

2014-04-13 Thread Johan De Wit
And add another one to the list.  Well, i did the same  talk for the 
Berlin Puppet User Group, as the one I did in Paris.

I still am so surprised when asking who is doing some kind of 'testing', 
almost nobody raises is hand .

Most people just don't' see the sense of doing rspec unit tests - why 
writing the same code twice ?

Well, I think there is still a lot of talking to do 

Next thing I will be organising is a TDD workshop with the Belgian 
Puppet User Group very soon.



On 09/04/14 20:33, Gareth Rushgrove wrote:



A talk I gave at Puppetcamp London:

And another talk from Loaddays by Garrett:

That's three talks with the same title in less than a week. I believe
we're on to something.


On 9 April 2014 11:19, Johan De Wit jo...@open-future.be wrote:



Comments are welcome



Johan De Wit

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[Puppet Users] Slides TDD with puppet - puppetcamp paris yesterday

2014-04-09 Thread Johan De Wit



Comments are welcome



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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Books and resources for Test Driven Development for Puppet?

2014-03-27 Thread Johan De Wit

On 26/03/14 19:30, Alex Scoble wrote:
It's kind of annoying that there's a TDD for Chef book from O'Reilly, 
but not one for Puppet. There's definitely a need for it, in my opinion.

unfortunatly, my rspec is not good enough yet ...  and indeed, i think 
this is a gap that needs to be filled.

the information is out there somewhere, but hard to find, and some are 
outdated ...

I still have to check the 'puppetlabs supported modules' in respect of 
the unit testing, and i hope the tests are done for those modules in a 
'consistent' way.

I have seen rspec code for many modules, but every time, it was done in 
just another way ...

Makes it hard to get started.

And if you do TDD, you just need the rspec thing


On Monday, March 24, 2014 10:24:35 AM UTC-7, Alex Scoble wrote:

Hi All,

Was wondering if anyone knew of any good books or resources for
learning Test Driven Development of Puppet including puppet-rspec,
beaker and Jenkins. Yes, I know that beaker is more for acceptance
testing than unit testing, but I still see it as part of the
testing tool chain that Puppet pros should ultimately know how to use.

I'm looking for resources that really start with the basics for
each subject and then help people ramp up to more advanced usage.

Yes, I know there's this
and some other blog posts, but they don't really start basic
enough or go deep enough.

What I'm looking for are resources that help me build our testing
tool chain and also show how to use the tool chain once it's built.



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Re: [Puppet Users] bypass or a fixed SSL cert

2014-03-17 Thread Johan De Wit

On 17/03/14 12:59, nhadie ramos wrote:

HI All,

Im trying vagrant and puppet, i would like to be able to launch an VM 
on virtualbox then call puppet for installing packages and configuration.
I would be using this for all developers and loaded on their local 
machine's Virtualbox.

so on vagrant i launch a machine and set hostname to dev.mybox.com
then configure it to connect to my puppetmaster  e.g. puppet agent 
--server puppetmaster.mybox.com --test --verbose

on my puppet master, i added *.mybox.com on autosign.conf.

initial vagrant up works since o cert yet on master for dev.mybox.com. 
but after i destroy vm and launch again

i see the error:

err: Could not request certificate: The certificate retrieved from the 
master does not match the agent's private key.

Certificate fingerprint: 2B:E9:77:64:B7:B4:98:DD:75:8D:0F:B5:53:ED:3B:46
To fix this, remove the certificate from both the master and the agent 
and then start a puppet run, which will automatically regenerate a 

On the master:
  puppet cert clean dev.mybox.com
On the agent:
  rm -f /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/dev.mybox.com.pem
  puppet agent -t

is there a way to bypass this or set a fix cert so that i can destroy 
and launch instance using vagrant without this issue?

any help would be appreciated. thank you.


Here is my code in the Vagrantfile, where i reuse the certs.

I did generate the certs.

vm_config.vm.provision :puppet_server do |server|
  server.puppet_node = 'rspecfc20.koewacht.net'
  server.puppet_server   = 'puppet.koewacht.net'
  server.client_private_key_path = 
  server.options = 




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Re: [Puppet Users] Cleaning up temp files with puppet

2014-03-11 Thread Johan De Wit

On 11/03/14 23:09, nfwlpw wrote:
So I have a puppet module, that gets a script from files/, runs that 
script, and after it's done, I'd like to remove it.

Unfortunately puppet doesn't seem to like to have 2 different File 
resource aliased to the same, so I can't do

file { myfile:
ensure = present,
source = puppet:///...,

file { remove myfile:
path = myfile,
   ensure = absent,

Puppet gave the error: err: Failed to apply catalog: Cannot alias 
File[remove myfile]...myfile already declared...

The only work around I've found is using an exec resource. Anyone know 
how to do this without exec?

Thank you

Thats the nature of puppet.

It describes the 'state' of your node.  So the file cannot be present 
and absent at the same time.

you could use an exec that wget/curl/... your tempfile, execute it, and 
remove it, and using a creates = some file created by the script to 
run it only when needed.

depends on what you exactly wants to achieve.

Johan De Wit

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Re: [Puppet Users] Sending Mail from puppet master !!!

2014-02-20 Thread Johan De Wit



If you can get the output in execution report on your node, you could 
use the tagmail configuration on the master to send email to the right 

That's the first place I would look at for a possible solution



On 02/20/2014 09:46 AM, Rakesh Kathpal wrote:


The functionality that I am trying to achieve is

Step 1: Running a command / script triggered by a puppet run on the client
Step 2: Gathering the output of script
Step 3: Send the output via email to external source

Please note here, I am not sure about email settings on the client, so 
I would need the email to be sent out from the master and the output 
here is not a puppet run report but an output from my script that has 
executed on the client.

I understand that I am expecting something which is not a core puppet 
deliverable but I strongly believe that this can be achieved via puppet.

In case we are not able to send email, if we can atleast carry the 
output to the master by any chance...

Awaiting any suggestions / hacks 

Thanks  Regards,

Rakesh K.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Sending Mail from puppet master !!!

2014-02-20 Thread Johan De Wit

Hi Rakesh,

I was afraid of that :)

Have you looked at the exec attribute

- **logoutput**
Whether to log command output in addition to logging the
exit code.  Defaults to `on_failure`, which only logs the output
when the command has an exit code that does not match any value
specified by the `returns` attribute.  In addition to the values
below, you may set this attribute to any legal log level.
Valid values are `true`, `false`, `on_failure`.

On 02/20/2014 10:21 AM, Rakesh Kathpal wrote:


Thanks for your reply.

I had tried to explore this option but it seems, the report/output 
that is generated is only related and limited to the puppet run. Even 
for the script / command that I will be running via puppet, the report 
just contains whether it was successfully executed or not, I do not 
get the details output of the script.

- Rakesh K.

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 2:34 PM, Johan De Wit jo...@open-future.be 
mailto:jo...@open-future.be wrote:



If you can get the output in execution report on your node, you
could use the tagmail configuration on the master to send email to
the right resource.

That's the first place I would look at for a possible solution



On 02/20/2014 09:46 AM, Rakesh Kathpal wrote:


The functionality that I am trying to achieve is

Step 1: Running a command / script triggered by a puppet run
on the client
Step 2: Gathering the output of script
Step 3: Send the output via email to external source

Please note here, I am not sure about email settings on the
client, so I would need the email to be sent out from the
master and the output here is not a puppet run report but an
output from my script that has executed on the client.

I understand that I am expecting something which is not a core
puppet deliverable but I strongly believe that this can be
achieved via puppet.

In case we are not able to send email, if we can atleast carry
the output to the master by any chance...

Awaiting any suggestions / hacks 

Thanks  Regards,

Rakesh K.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Good resources for writing rspec tests for puppet code changes?

2014-02-19 Thread Johan De Wit

On 02/19/2014 03:22 PM, HPUX_PUPPET wrote:
Thanks Johan and Martin.  I looked at the links you sent, but this is 
what I have already found and it really did not provide any new insights.

The main problem I am having is that what I put in rspec code should 
be working but just does not. I have even hard-coded in a true or 
false return, but the spec script just does not respond.

If anyone happens to have a good rspec language / syntax reference 
that would be greatly helpful.  The The RSpec Book gives some good 
examples, but not a language reference.

Also I cannot seem to get any of the debug code from the net to work 
with puppet and rspec together to get some useful output to find the 
error. Does anyone have a good link to that information?

I am just a lowly sys admin given the task to hack Puppet to get it to 
work correctly on HPUX for user management.
Don't have any experience/access to hpux,  but you can always show us 
the code and the rspec files.

So we can have at least a look at it :)

And multiple eyes see more then two :)

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Good resources for writing rspec tests for puppet code changes?

2014-02-18 Thread Johan De Wit

On 02/19/2014 02:03 AM, HPUX_PUPPET wrote:

Just a bit more explanation...

When I was looking for references I was only finding puppet-lint and 
rspec-puppet for testing manifests, but not finding anything for 
writing the spec files to test module functionality or modifications 
to existing modules such as the HPUX user management.

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There is not that much documentation available.

I did a talk on cfgmgmtcamp.eu about TDD and puppet.  Yoiu can find a 
little blog at the BPUG website : puppet-be.github.io. (there are some 
references in the slides)

I look mostly at the puppet code for examples for writing rspec files.  
Some interesting links I also have to look at :



I will delve again into this topic shortly, and share my experiences in 
my sequel of the talk on puppetcamp Paris/Berlin.

Also looking for people interested in testing using rspec and there 

Sorry i couldn't  give you the info you need, but hope you will find 
some answers in the links.



Johan De Wit

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[Puppet Users] BPUG - next meetup : Round table puppet environments 25/02/2014 Ghent/Belgium

2014-02-18 Thread Johan De Wit


The Belgian Puppet User Group next Meetup is coming near.

We will have a round table where people will be talking about the how 
and the why they have setup their puppet environment.

This event will take place on the 25th of February, and starts around 19:30

More information can be found on our meetup page : 

Hope to se some of you there



Johan De Wit

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Re: [Puppet Users] Mcollective client installation

2014-02-17 Thread Johan De Wit
With PE, mco commands needs to be run as peadmin user, so,  su - peadmin 
should do the trick.

On 02/18/2014 12:17 AM, Jeremy T. Bouse wrote:
Last time I installed PE and looked at the Mcollective install it 
wasn't using SSL but rather PSK only.

On 02/17/2014 02:48 PM, José Luis Ledesma wrote:

I don't know how puppet enterprise works with mco, but in the open 
source version you have to create a certificate for the user you are 
going to call mco and sign in with the middleware certificate.

El 17/02/2014 18:50, Deep skitdeep...@gmail.com 
mailto:skitdeep...@gmail.com escribió:

Hi Jose,

Thanks for your quick response and explaining me in details. I
tried mco ping command but getting below error.

error 2014/02/17 16:23:00: activemq.rb:131:in
`on_ssl_connectfail' SSL session creation with
stomp+ssl://mcollective@gsldev23:61613 failed: nested asn1 error

I am using below ssl configuration in client.cfg

http://plugin.activemq.pool.1.ssl.ca =
plugin.activemq.pool.1.ssl.cert =
plugin.activemq.pool.1.ssl.key =

securityprovider = ssl

# SSL plugin settings:
plugin.ssl_server_public =
plugin.ssl_client_private =
plugin.ssl_client_public =

Can you tell me if this is wrong?

On Monday, February 17, 2014 5:30:52 PM UTC, Jose Luis Ledesma


Mcollective has 3 roles:
- the server installed in every puppet client
- the middleware installed in puppet master
- the client installed anywhere, puppet master is a good place

The client is just the utilities to call commands, it attacks
the middleware, authenticate with certificates, and it is the
middle ware who spread the command to every mcollective
server. It doesnt have an agent running.

Just try 'mco ping' from the server/user that is the mco
client to check if it works.


El 17/02/2014 18:14

Ik heb RFC-140183 aangemaakt in OT, en zal donderdag in ext

, Deep skitd...@gmail.com escribió:

Hi All,

I have installed puppet enterprise which comes with
Mcollective. I have installed Puppet Master on node 1 and
puppet agent on node 2 and node 3. while installing , it
asked me if I want to install Mcollective. I wanted to
have Mcollective client on my Puppet Master. and
Mcollective servers on node 2 and node 3.

But when I checked, there was no client.cfg file created
at /etc/puppetlabs/mcollective/. And Mcollective was
started using server.cfg

How can I use Mcollective client on puppet Master?

I have created client.cfg but still Mcollective needs
server.cfg to start. Can anybody suggest me on this
please? I am new to Mcollective and trying to learn it
and implement it.


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Re: [Puppet Users] How to apply template based on a string in a file

2014-02-14 Thread Johan De Wit

If you need information from the client, then you should think 'facter'.

Or you could write a custom fact, or use external facts.




On 02/14/2014 12:18 AM, Ray wrote:

Newbie question:
I need to be able to apply a specific template based on whether a 
string is found in an
existing file on the client or not. I tried the following (found an 
example somewhere... it does not work.. always falls into the first 

What would be the correct way to check for the value in the file?

 if grep STANDARD /var/adm/buildIT/ServerBuild.dat 2/dev/null
  file { '/etc/openssh/sshd_config':
ensure  = file,
backup  = false,
content = template(sshdconfig/sshdconfigsol.erb),
notify = Service['ssh']

  service { 'ssh':
ensure = running,
enable = true,
hasstatus = true,
hasrestart = true,
  file { '/etc/openssh/sshd_config':
ensure  = file,
backup  = false,
content = template(sshdconfig/sshdconfigsolpm.erb),
notify = Service['ssh']

  service { 'ssh':
ensure = running,
enable = true,
hasstatus = true,
hasrestart = true,

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Modify class variable in puppet

2014-02-12 Thread Johan De Wit

have a look at hiera ta achieve what you want.

If you have an hierarchy like


You can create some yaml files in


- curl
- htop

and in

/etc/puppet hieradata/Debian.yaml

- curl_deb
- htop_deb

And so on.

Assuming you are using puppet 3

This is one possible way, and check the docs for the correct syntax and 
usage, but is shouls get you going

Hope this helps


On 02/12/2014 02:52 PM, CedrX wrote:

I have the answer.
I read here : 
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/puppet-users/I9Y-p3UY8JE that 
variables are immutable

Le mercredi 12 février 2014 14:16:33 UTC+1, CedrX a écrit :

I would like to modify a class variable.
This variable contains a list of packages to install
The goal is to make this list of packages different for each type
of os (case $operatingsystem)

Here uis my code

class pack_utils {
$packages = [

 case $operatingsystem {
   debian, ubuntu : {
# Here i would like to add packages name
in array packages defined above
notice(value of packages: $packages)


package { $packages:
  ensure = present,


How i can do to modify the value of $packages ?
Thanks in advance


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetboard and ssl

2014-02-10 Thread Johan De Wit

Hoi Daniele,


PUPPETDB_HOST = 'puppet.koewacht.net'
#PUPPETDB_KEY = '/etc/puppetboard/pb_priv.pem'
#PUPPETDB_CERT ='/etc/pupeptboard/pb_pub.pem'
LOGLEVEL = 'info'

ls -l /etc/puppetboard/ssl

[root@centos65 puppetboard]# ls -l /etc/puppetboard/
total 8
-rw-r- 1 apache apache 3247 Feb  8 12:30 pb_priv.pem
-rw-r- 1 apache apache 1895 Feb  8 12:31 pb_pub.pem

I assume the pythin code is executed as apache, as given in the vhost 
definition :

VirtualHost *:80
ServerName puppetboard.koewacht.net
WSGIDaemonProcess puppetboard user=apache group=apache threads=5
WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/puppetboard/wsgi.py
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/puppetboard.error.log
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/puppetboard.access.log combined

Alias /static /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/puppetboard/static

Directory /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/puppetboard
WSGIProcessGroup puppetboard
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

Thx for puppetboard ..


On 02/10/2014 02:34 PM, Daniele Sluijters wrote:


It should work, Puppetboard is supposed to just pass in the settings 
to pypuppetdb so unless we really screwed up somewhere that shouldn't 
be the issue.

Can you show me your settings.py file?

Daniele Sluijters

On Saturday, 8 February 2014 23:35:43 UTC+1, Johan De Wit wrote:


Has anyone configured puppetboard to use SSL to connect to the
server ?

puppetboard runs on a dedicated server, puppetdb on my puppetmaster.

Using plain http, on 8080, everything works.

When i configure puppetboard for https, I get always
ERROR:pypuppetdb.api:Could not reach PuppetDB on
puppet.koewacht.net:8081 http://puppet.koewacht.net:8081 over

doing the same with pypuppetdb, in a python shell, it works,

as teh apache user, to rule out permission problems.

  from pypuppetdb import connect
  db = connect(host='puppet.koewacht.net
http://puppet.koewacht.net', port=8081,
  nodes = db.nodes()
  for node in nodes:
...   print(node)
fc19.koewacht.net http://fc19.koewacht.net
laptopfc18.koewacht.net http://laptopfc18.koewacht.net
puppet.koewacht.net http://puppet.koewacht.net

Just looking to see if it is some setting I oversee, or I have to
in the code ..



Johan De Wit

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetboard and ssl

2014-02-10 Thread Johan De Wit


I should create an alias pupept=puppet :)

I will test this further this evening, but seems logic the typo did it 
(well broke it)

On 02/10/2014 03:48 PM, Johan De Wit wrote:

Hoi Daniele,


PUPPETDB_HOST = 'puppet.koewacht.net'
#PUPPETDB_KEY = '/etc/puppetboard/pb_priv.pem'
#PUPPETDB_CERT ='/etc/pupeptboard/pb_pub.pem'
LOGLEVEL = 'info'

ls -l /etc/puppetboard/ssl

[root@centos65 puppetboard]# ls -l /etc/puppetboard/
total 8
-rw-r- 1 apache apache 3247 Feb  8 12:30 pb_priv.pem
-rw-r- 1 apache apache 1895 Feb  8 12:31 pb_pub.pem

I assume the pythin code is executed as apache, as given in the vhost 
definition :

VirtualHost *:80
ServerName puppetboard.koewacht.net
WSGIDaemonProcess puppetboard user=apache group=apache threads=5
WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/puppetboard/wsgi.py
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/puppetboard.error.log
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/puppetboard.access.log combined

Alias /static /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/puppetboard/static

Directory /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/puppetboard
WSGIProcessGroup puppetboard
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

Thx for puppetboard ..


On 02/10/2014 02:34 PM, Daniele Sluijters wrote:


It should work, Puppetboard is supposed to just pass in the settings 
to pypuppetdb so unless we really screwed up somewhere that shouldn't 
be the issue.

Can you show me your settings.py file?

Daniele Sluijters

On Saturday, 8 February 2014 23:35:43 UTC+1, Johan De Wit wrote:


Has anyone configured puppetboard to use SSL to connect to the
server ?

puppetboard runs on a dedicated server, puppetdb on my puppetmaster.

Using plain http, on 8080, everything works.

When i configure puppetboard for https, I get always
ERROR:pypuppetdb.api:Could not reach PuppetDB on
puppet.koewacht.net:8081 http://puppet.koewacht.net:8081 over

doing the same with pypuppetdb, in a python shell, it works,

as teh apache user, to rule out permission problems.

  from pypuppetdb import connect
  db = connect(host='puppet.koewacht.net
http://puppet.koewacht.net', port=8081,
  nodes = db.nodes()
  for node in nodes:
...   print(node)
fc19.koewacht.net http://fc19.koewacht.net
laptopfc18.koewacht.net http://laptopfc18.koewacht.net
puppet.koewacht.net http://puppet.koewacht.net

Just looking to see if it is some setting I oversee, or I have to
in the code ..



Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

Red Hat Certified Engineer /etc/pupeptboard/pb_pub.pem   

Puppet Certified Professional 2013 (PCP006)

Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70
Zavelstraat 72  Fax   +32 (0)2/255 70 71
3071 KORTENBERG Mobile+32 (0)474/42 40 73
BELGIUM http://www.open-future.be

Next Events:
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Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

Red Hat Certified Engineer (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013 (PCP006)
Open-Future Phone +32 (0

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetboard and ssl

2014-02-10 Thread Johan De Wit


It was not the typo.  But it seems the  ssl_verify=True did the bad thing.

 db = 

 nodes = db.nodes()
 for node in nodes:
...   print(node)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pypuppetdb/api/v3.py, line 
55, in nodes

nodes = self._query('nodes', path=name, query=query)
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pypuppetdb/api/__init__.py, 
line 266, in _query

  File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/requests/api.py, line 55, in get
return request('get', url, **kwargs)
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/requests/api.py, line 44, in 

return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs)
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/requests/sessions.py, line 
383, in request

resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs)
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/requests/sessions.py, line 
486, in send

r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs)
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/requests/adapters.py, line 
385, in send

raise SSLError(e)
requests.exceptions.SSLError: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:492: error:14090086:SSL 
routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
 db = 

 nodes = db.nodes()
 for node in nodes:
...   print(node)

the working config :

PUPPETDB_HOST = 'puppet.koewacht.net'
PUPPETDB_KEY = '/etc/puppetboard/pb_priv.pem'
PUPPETDB_CERT ='/etc/puppetboard/pb_pub.pem'
LOGLEVEL = 'debug'



On 02/10/2014 04:01 PM, Johan De Wit wrote:


I should create an alias pupept=puppet :)

I will test this further this evening, but seems logic the typo did it 
(well broke it)

On 02/10/2014 03:48 PM, Johan De Wit wrote:

Hoi Daniele,


PUPPETDB_HOST = 'puppet.koewacht.net'
#PUPPETDB_KEY = '/etc/puppetboard/pb_priv.pem'
#PUPPETDB_CERT ='/etc/pupeptboard/pb_pub.pem'
LOGLEVEL = 'info'

ls -l /etc/puppetboard/ssl

[root@centos65 puppetboard]# ls -l /etc/puppetboard/
total 8
-rw-r- 1 apache apache 3247 Feb  8 12:30 pb_priv.pem
-rw-r- 1 apache apache 1895 Feb  8 12:31 pb_pub.pem

I assume the pythin code is executed as apache, as given in the vhost 
definition :

VirtualHost *:80
ServerName puppetboard.koewacht.net
WSGIDaemonProcess puppetboard user=apache group=apache threads=5
WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/puppetboard/wsgi.py
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/puppetboard.error.log
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/puppetboard.access.log combined

Alias /static /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/puppetboard/static

Directory /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/puppetboard
WSGIProcessGroup puppetboard
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

Thx for puppetboard ..


On 02/10/2014 02:34 PM, Daniele Sluijters wrote:


It should work, Puppetboard is supposed to just pass in the settings 
to pypuppetdb so unless we really screwed up somewhere that 
shouldn't be the issue.

Can you show me your settings.py file?

Daniele Sluijters

On Saturday, 8 February 2014 23:35:43 UTC+1, Johan De Wit wrote:


Has anyone configured puppetboard to use SSL to connect to the
server ?

puppetboard runs on a dedicated server, puppetdb on my

Using plain http, on 8080, everything works.

When i configure puppetboard for https, I get always
ERROR:pypuppetdb.api:Could not reach PuppetDB on
puppet.koewacht.net:8081 http://puppet.koewacht.net:8081 over

doing the same with pypuppetdb, in a python shell, it works,

as teh apache user, to rule out permission problems.

  from pypuppetdb import connect
  db = connect(host='puppet.koewacht.net
http://puppet.koewacht.net', port=8081,
  nodes = db.nodes()
  for node in nodes:
...   print(node)
fc19.koewacht.net http://fc19.koewacht.net
laptopfc18.koewacht.net http://laptopfc18.koewacht.net
puppet.koewacht.net http://puppet.koewacht.net

Just looking to see if it is some setting I oversee, or I have
to delve
in the code

Re: [Puppet Users] RHEL 7 Repository up on yum.puppetlabs.com

2014-02-10 Thread Johan De Wit

On 02/10/2014 08:46 PM, Melissa Stone wrote:
We are pleased to let you know we are currently working on creating 
RHEL 7 packages. We want to do a thorough testing of these packages, 
so we are taking our time with this platform. However, we still want 
to get the packages we do have into your hands. As such, we're going 
to be slowly populating the RHEL 7 repository on yum.puppetlabs.com 
http://yum.puppetlabs.com for your consumption. Please, let us know 
if you run into any issues with the available packages by creating an 
issue at tickets.puppetlabs.com http://tickets.puppetlabs.com.

Melissa Stone
Release Engineer, Puppet Labs

Join us at PuppetConf 2014, September 23-24 in San Francisco
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My freshly installed rhel7 is ready to get puppetized.


Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

Red Hat Certified Engineer (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013 (PCP006)
Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70

Zavelstraat 72  Fax   +32 (0)2/255 70 71
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Re: [Puppet Users] RHEL 7 Repository up on yum.puppetlabs.com

2014-02-10 Thread Johan De Wit


Facter 1.7.5 installs and seems to work.

Mcollective rpms, we have to wait till the dependencies repo is build.
rubygem-stomp is needed.

On 02/10/2014 08:46 PM, Melissa Stone wrote:
We are pleased to let you know we are currently working on creating 
RHEL 7 packages. We want to do a thorough testing of these packages, 
so we are taking our time with this platform. However, we still want 
to get the packages we do have into your hands. As such, we're going 
to be slowly populating the RHEL 7 repository on yum.puppetlabs.com 
http://yum.puppetlabs.com for your consumption. Please, let us know 
if you run into any issues with the available packages by creating an 
issue at tickets.puppetlabs.com http://tickets.puppetlabs.com.

Melissa Stone
Release Engineer, Puppet Labs

Join us at PuppetConf 2014, September 23-24 in San Francisco
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Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

Red Hat Certified Engineer (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013 (PCP006)
Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70

Zavelstraat 72  Fax   +32 (0)2/255 70 71
3071 KORTENBERG Mobile+32 (0)474/42 40 73
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[Puppet Users] puppetboard and ssl

2014-02-08 Thread Johan De Wit


Has anyone configured puppetboard to use SSL to connect to the puppetdb 
server ?

puppetboard runs on a dedicated server, puppetdb on my puppetmaster.

Using plain http, on 8080, everything works.

When i configure puppetboard for https, I get always
ERROR:pypuppetdb.api:Could not reach PuppetDB on 
puppet.koewacht.net:8081 over HTTPS.

doing the same with pypuppetdb, in a python shell, it works,

as teh apache user, to rule out permission problems.

 from pypuppetdb import connect
 db = connect(host='puppet.koewacht.net', port=8081, 

 nodes = db.nodes()
 for node in nodes:
...   print(node)

Just looking to see if it is some setting I oversee, or I have to delve 
in the code ..



Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

Red Hat Certified Engineer (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013 (PCP006)
Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70

Zavelstraat 72  Fax   +32 (0)2/255 70 71
3071 KORTENBERG Mobile+32 (0)474/42 40 73
BELGIUM http://www.open-future.be

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[Puppet Users] Slides of the talk TDD and puppet a gave today in Ghent, cfgmgmtcamp.eu

2014-02-04 Thread Johan De Wit

Hi all,


Jan's slides of his part of the talk, can be found here : 

I will write a blog on the Belgian Puppet User Group Website, 
http://puppet-be.github.io/ and post a reply when done.

Feel free to comment on this topic.



Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

Red Hat Certified Engineer (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013 (PCP006)
Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70

Zavelstraat 72  Fax   +32 (0)2/255 70 71
3071 KORTENBERG Mobile+32 (0)474/42 40 73
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[Puppet Users] Re: [Puppet-dev] Slides of the talk TDD and puppet a gave today in Ghent, cfgmgmtcamp.eu

2014-02-04 Thread Johan De Wit

On 02/04/2014 09:26 PM, Johan De Wit wrote:

Hi all,


Jan's slides of his part of the talk, can be found here : 

I will write a blog on the Belgian Puppet User Group Website, 
http://puppet-be.github.io/ and post a reply when done.

Feel free to comment on this topic.



The blog


Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

Red Hat Certified Engineer (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013 (PCP006)
Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70

Zavelstraat 72  Fax   +32 (0)2/255 70 71
3071 KORTENBERG Mobile+32 (0)474/42 40 73
BELGIUM http://www.open-future.be

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Re: [Puppet Users] Slides of the talk TDD and puppet a gave today in Ghent, cfgmgmtcamp.eu

2014-02-04 Thread Johan De Wit

On 02/04/2014 09:26 PM, Johan De Wit wrote:

Hi all,


Jan's slides of his part of the talk, can be found here : 

I will write a blog on the Belgian Puppet User Group Website, 
http://puppet-be.github.io/ and post a reply when done.

Feel free to comment on this topic.



The blog


Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

Red Hat Certified Engineer (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013 (PCP006)
Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70

Zavelstraat 72  Fax   +32 (0)2/255 70 71
3071 KORTENBERG Mobile+32 (0)474/42 40 73
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Re: [Puppet Users] Choo choo here comes the FOSDEM train

2014-01-30 Thread Johan De Wit

The puppet stand is located in the K building, on  the second level.

Please feel free to 'pop by'  ...

see you @ fosdem

On 01/30/2014 03:48 PM, Matthias Saou wrote:


Awesome, thanks Daniele! I have just registered for the dinner, though
I'm still not 100% sure I'll be there (there's an air controller strike,

But I'll be lurking around, like (almost) every year :-)

For a photo : https://github.com/thias

I'll be mostly interested in discussing anything related to modules and
the Forge, but if any official Puppet Labs representatives are there,
I'd also be interested in getting in touch about consulting in Spain and


On Thu, 30 Jan 2014 05:33:29 -0800 (PST)
Daniele Sluijters daniele.sluijt...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi everyone,

I've booked at Sogno d’Italia for approx. 30 people. They are
expecting us somewhere between 19h00 and 19h20 (that's 7PM for the

I've changed the Eventbrite event to allow tickets up to 35 which
means there's
about 15 places left if you want to join in. So, if you want food,
please register :).

See you soon!

Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

Red Hat Certified Engineer (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013 (PCP006)
Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70

Zavelstraat 72  Fax   +32 (0)2/255 70 71
3071 KORTENBERG Mobile+32 (0)474/42 40 73
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[Puppet Users] Puppet stand @ fosdem

2014-01-30 Thread Johan De Wit

Hi All,

The puppet and puppet user groups stand is located in the K building, on 
the second floor, somewhere in the middle.

Feel free to pop by to say hello

See you @ fosdem

Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

Red Hat Certified Engineer (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013 (PCP006)
Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70

Zavelstraat 72  Fax   +32 (0)2/255 70 71
3071 KORTENBERG Mobile+32 (0)474/42 40 73
BELGIUM http://www.open-future.be

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Re: [Puppet Users] Style Guide

2014-01-29 Thread Johan De Wit

On 01/29/2014 07:42 PM, Andrea Cappelli wrote:

Il 29/01/2014 19:10, Kurt Wall ha scritto:


Thank you Kurt

you are on the right track.  We enforce the style guide using commit 
hooks.  if the code is not conform the guide, you can not check in your 
code, and everyone benefits when you do this. especially you ..

Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

Red Hat Certified Engineer (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013 (PCP006)
Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70

Zavelstraat 72  Fax   +32 (0)2/255 70 71
3071 KORTENBERG Mobile+32 (0)474/42 40 73
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Re: [Puppet Users] Composite namevars for custom Type

2014-01-25 Thread Johan De Wit

On 01/25/2014 06:08 PM, Len wrote:

Jan 23

To all,

I am on puppet 2.7.3 and I'm working on a custom RabbitMQ type, that 
will use composite namevar.  I did not see any work out there already 
for managing rabbitMQ bindings so I've started on one and I'm running 
into problems with the composite namevar. I have a very basic type ( 
below ) but when I run the puppet as an agent I still get the error 
Error 400 on SERVER: Could not render to pson: you must specify title 
patterns when there are two or more key attributes

Any help or pointers would be appreciated.

#Puppet Manifest:

  rabbitmq_binding { 'testing':

source  = src,

destination = dest,


# Puppet Type

Puppet::Type.newtype(:rabbitmq_binding) do

  desc 'rabbitmq_binding creates a puppet type for managing rabbitMQ 

  def self.title_patterns

[ [

/^(.*):(.*)$/,  # pattern to parse source:destination


  [:source, lambda{|x| x} ],

  [:destination, lambda{|x| x} ]

] ]



  newparam( :source ) do



  newparam( :destination ) do




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I dont have an answer, but stumbled over this post. 

Hope it helps

Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

Red Hat Certified Engineer (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013 (PCP006)
Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70

Zavelstraat 72  Fax   +32 (0)2/255 70 71
3071 KORTENBERG Mobile+32 (0)474/42 40 73
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Re: [Puppet Users] Choo choo here comes the FOSDEM train

2014-01-23 Thread Johan De Wit

On 01/23/2014 11:18 AM, Daniele Sluijters wrote:

Hi everyone,

This is starting to shape up nicely. We've got a group of about twenty 
people registered now, I'm
guessing a few more will join us so I'm thinking we'll end up with 
about 30 people, which is good.

As you all know, the FOSDEM beer party is taking place the night 
before in Delirium. If you
haven't been to Delirium, even if you don't like beer, just go and 
have a look around. The sheer

amount of beer available is mind-blowing.

If you're wondering about the local cuisine, the Huffington Post is 
here to help you:


Johan: Do we have an idea yet where we can crash with 20-30 people?

Not really, maybe we should send out some scouts, and do a reservation 
in the neighbourhood ?
Previous year, seems the puppeteers took over an italian restaurant :)  
Sogno D'italia.

Daniele Sluijters
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Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

Red Hat Certified Engineer (805008667232363)
Puppet Certified Professional 2013 (PCP006)
Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70

Zavelstraat 72  Fax   +32 (0)2/255 70 71
3071 KORTENBERG Mobile+32 (0)474/42 40 73
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet Fundamentals training - how fundamental is it?

2014-01-17 Thread Johan De Wit

On 01/17/2014 07:30 PM, Nathan Valentine wrote:

Hey, David.

I'm a trainer for Puppet Labs and just finished teaching my 
bazillionth Fundamentals class yesterday. ;)

The class is appropriate for those with at least a little bit of Ops 
or Dev experience and it helps greatly if you are at least minimally 
comfortable with VMWare/Virtualbox and things like SSH and Unix-y text 
editors (vi or nano). That said of my my most impressive students was 
an MBA and had been out of pure tech for 5 or 6 years. The classes 
assume no previous Puppet experience but scripting experience 
certainly won't hurt you.

The class covers Puppet agent + master workflow, some basic version 
control, Puppet modules, Defines, Parameterized Classes, Hiera and a 
few other bits specific to Puppet Enterprise. I've had students who 
have been doing Puppet for a couple of years come to the Fundamentals 
class and say afterwards they were surprised how much they learned. 
One particular student who expressed that view was maintaining a 
Puppet codebase of nearly 10k lines and thought he had seen it all 
before coming to class.

 will warn you that most people how decide to skip Fundamentals and go 
straight to Advanced often regret it. It is quite a step up.

I can confirm this.  I gave an advanced training recently to some people 
skipping the fundamentals.  And they were missing some stuff we teach in 
the fundamentals on which advanced is building upon.

Not a general rule, but ...even experienced puppet people are 
positive about the fundamentals, because the still learn a lot.

And even I still learn while teaching those courses.  Puppetlabs put a 
lot of effort in them to keep them accurate and up to date.

You might want to check the training schedule on our site. I think we 
list Puppet Introduction classes there. They are a one-day very 
accelerated and stripped down version of the Fundamentals class. They 
are almost always taught at industry conferences as opposed to a 
public training center. Sitting through one of those would give you a 
very good idea what to expect in Fundamentals.

Feel free to email my offlist if you have other questions.

On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 9:35 AM, David Taylor 
david.a.tay...@gmail.com mailto:david.a.tay...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi all,

I've been playing around with Puppet with a view to implementing
it at my workplace. I've already run through the Learning Puppet
tutorial on docs.puppetlabs.com http://docs.puppetlabs.com and
the quizzes in the Puppet Learn Library, and now I'm looking into
more formal training to try and get everything nailed down in my
head and to get an idea of best practices for module design,
environments etc. I was wondering if anyone could advise on
whether the Puppet Fundamentals course is the right course to go
for, or is it aimed at the complete Puppet novice - i.e. will I
find that it just retreads things I already know?


Dave Taylor
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Nathan Valentine, Puppet Labs Professional Services
Have you seen : http://ask.puppetlabs.com , http://puppetlabs.com/learn ?

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Johan De Wit

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