Re: [pygame] Timing question (newbie)

2008-03-12 Thread Miguel Sicart
Hi again,
I've been checking the suggestions and they are all very informative, but I
am still somewhat stuck. I was a bit unclear formulating my question - but
thanks anyway for your previous answers.
Ok, so what I want to do is:
make pygame play a song, and while it is playing, record my keystrokes (so
instead of having a program deciding what to press when, I will do it). Then
I want to be able to playback my keypresses so the player has to be repeat
them when playing.
So I guess I am aiming at some kind of level editor for rhythm games, maybe?

But looking at your examples, I have another doubt: what if I want to tie
specific input to a specific event in the game, and measure how precise that
input was, to give points? For example, I trigger an animation based on
random numbers - that animation has a number of stages: depending on which
stage the player provides the required input, they are rewarded with
Does this make any sense?
(I am thinking typing-rhythm games here, of course :)

Sorry for being a pest, and thanks for the help!


On 3/12/08, Miguel Sicart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That's great people, thanks a lot!!


 On 3/12/08, Luke Paireepinart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Wayne Koorts wrote:
   I have a question about timing - I want to make a little game based
   rhythm input, a bit like dance dance revolution, patapon, or similar.
   idea is that the player has to press a key within a specific time,
   more points the better the timing. And I have little idea how to do
   I am thinking creating uservents, and the matching them to key input,
  but I
   am a bit clueless about the timing thing. Any help is welcome!
   Have a look at PyDance:
   It's GPL so you can look under the hood.
  Frets on Fire and StepMania are both open-source too.  I believe at
  least parts of frets on fire are Python, but I'm pretty sure StepMania
  isn't. FoF is a guitar hero simulator, by the way.

Re: [pygame] get_wm_info on linux

2008-03-12 Thread John


i create subwindow for mplayer like this:

first you need some imports:

from ctypes import *
Xlib = CDLL(
Xtst = CDLL(

def create_subwindow(x,y,width,height):
   pygame_win = pygame.display.get_wm_info()[window]
   dpy = Xtst.XOpenDisplay(None)
   win = Xlib.XCreateSimpleWindow (dpy, pygame_win, x,y,width,height,0,0,1)
   return win

you can then force mplayer into that subwindow: 
yourfavoriteexeccommand(mplayer -wid %s % (win))

you can resize it like this:

def move_subwin(win,x,y,width,height):
   dpy = Xtst.XOpenDisplay(None)

and you can destroy it like this:

def destroy_subwin(win):
   dpy = Xtst.XOpenDisplay(None)

hope it helps :)

Lenard Lindstrom wrote:

Greg Ewing wrote:

It seems like it should be possible to get the
long from the PyCObject (info['display']) just as well
as it was done from the c code

PyCObjects are opaque from Python code -- there's no way
to extract an address from one without using C code.

ctypes can.

Re: [pygame] mapping logical coordinate ????

2008-03-12 Thread Nick Moffitt
Sibtey Mehdi:
 How to map the logical coordinates in to window coordinates using

I did a mock-up of this at

The has the classes that do the transformations, and does a quick demo.  

A: No. Nick Moffitt
Q: Should I put my reply above quoted text?   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [pygame] mapping logical coordinate ????

2008-03-12 Thread Nick Moffitt
Nick Moffitt:
 The has the classes that do the transformations

My bad. is the file that actually
does the coordinate transformations (but remember that positive Y is
down on the screen)

Ill-informed qmail-bashing is better than no   Nick Moffitt
qmail-bashing at all. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Don Marti

RE: [pygame] mapping logical coordinate ????

2008-03-12 Thread Sibtey Mehdi

 Thanks,for your kind help

But, I am getting the coordinate (3000, 2000, 3400, 2400) from some others
tools and want to create the pygame.draw.rect (3000, 2000, 3400, 2400) to
show some information. I have create a Surface pygame.Surface ((4000, 3000))
and then tried to scale down it but the rectangle has not displayed in the
pygame window. Can anyone help me out? 


I have tried something like this

  screen = pygame.display.set_mode ((800,700))

  worksurf = pygame.Surface((4000,3000))

  pygame.draw.rect (worksurf, (255, 0, 0), (3000, 2000, 3400, 2400), 1)

  screen.blit (worksurf, (0, 0)))

  newSurf = pygame.transform.scale (worksurf, (800,700)) #scale down

  screen.blit (newSurf, (0, 0)))



Nick Moffitt:

 The has the classes that do the transformations


My bad. is the file that actually

does the coordinate transformations (but remember that positive Y is

down on the screen)



Ill-informed qmail-bashing is better than no   Nick Moffitt

qmail-bashing at all. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--Don Marti

Re: [pygame] Sticky Variables: Terrain Loading

2008-03-12 Thread kschnee
On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 06:59:52 +0200, Toni Alatalo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 note that you are changing y inside the inner loop with x, so when
 iterating the x values the y is not reset by the y iteration but i
 guess stays what you define it to be.
 does this fully explain the peculiar behavior that you got .. and it
 had nothing to do with the 'terrain' reference being reused?

Although it surprises me that the loop wouldn't reset y to be the next
number in the sequence at the start of each iteration, that behavior does
seem to explain what happened.

 therefore, when you get down to, after such
 a if-elif-else structure where a new string object is always created,
 'terrain' is *in principle* never the same object. *but*, like we
 already saw with smallish integers, there's a similar re-use
 optimization for strings apparently:
   long1 = water is wet
   long2 = water is wet
   long1 is long2
   short1 = water
   short2 = water
   short1 is short2

This really surprises me! I hadn't known about these automatic
optimizations. Yes, I know that == != is, but the rest of it is news to


Re: [pygame] Sticky Variables: Terrain Loading

2008-03-12 Thread Lenard Lindstrom

Ian Mallett wrote:

Weird.  I get:
 2 is 1+1
 22 is 21+1
 222 is 221+1
  is 2221+1

Obviously the integer cache in Python 2.5 is bigger than in earlier 

Lenard Lindstrom

Re: [pygame] Sticky Variables: Terrain Loading

2008-03-12 Thread Lenard Lindstrom

Kris Schnee wrote:

Dave LeCompte wrote:

I did notice that you were using y as both a coordinate and as a flag
for whether the current pixel is yellow. Do you still have trouble if 

don't reuse y in this way?

Oops. I tried calling it yellow instead, and it suddenly works. I 
don't understand _why_ it works though, and this bothers me. Re-using 
variable names like that is bad, of course, but in this case the first 
version of y is being used to get the color of the test image at a 
certain pixel, and then y is used to represent whether that pixel is 
yellow. Since the color is already gotten by the time y is changed, 
using y for yellow should have no effect -- and I don't see why it 
would lead to the sticky variable.

The loop says for y in range(something). I thought that loops used 
each value in the list produced by the range statement, so that Python 
would be unaffected if I changed y during the loop.

for y in range(self.size) is the outer loop. So y is an index for the 
first pass of the inner x loop. Then its value is clobbered, replaced 
with some color test. So the next pass through the x loop it is no 
longer an index.

Lenard Lindstrom

Re: [pygame] Sticky Variables: Terrain Loading

2008-03-12 Thread Dave LeCompte (really)
Kris Schnee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  for y in range(self.size):
  for x in range(self.size):
  rgb = the_map.get_at((x,y))
  r = rgb[0]  100
  g = rgb[1]  100
  b = rgb[2]  150
  y = r and g

I suspect if you were to add a debug line to print out (x,y) before doing
the get_at, you'd see something like the following:

(0, 0)
(1, False)
(2, False)
(3, False)
(4, False)

That ought to look suspicious. I wouldn't be surprised that it continued
to run, because False can be converted to 0 (and will be), so really,
you're just looking at the edge of your map. Similarly, True converts to
1, so depending on the specific patterns in the 0 and 1 rows of your map,
you might get bands of color, checkerboard patterns, or one solid color,
the last of which sounds like what you happened to hit this time.

This doesn't have to do with the details of immutable object identity,
it's strictly a result of stomping the outer loop index inside your inner
loop, which would be a problem in other languages, too.

-Dave LeCompte

Re: [pygame] shadow demo

2008-03-12 Thread Ian Mallett
On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 10:32 PM, René Dudfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I noticed with this cool shadow demo:

 On this ATI card I have, I had to change the glAlphaFunc to use
 GL_LESS... which I think is because of float inaccuracies.

 #Set alpha test to discard false comparisons
 #glAlphaFunc(GL_EQUAL, 1.0)
 glAlphaFunc(GL_LESS, 1.0)

 Any ideas on how to make the shadows softer? Either by making the
 shadow map a higher resolution or some other algorithm?  I tried
 changing shadowMapSize = 2048, but it looks like the shadow map is
 wrong some how.  Like it isn't the correct scale, or something.

I tried increasing the shadow map resolution, but although the resulting
shadow was very nice and smooth, the area it covered on the landscape was
tiny. The resolution appeared to be inversely proportional to the area that
could be shadowed.  I think a well-commented simple demo that shadowed a
single quad with another quad might actually be more useful than a
full-blown demo such as this.



Re: [pygame] Sticky Variables: Terrain Loading

2008-03-12 Thread Casey Duncan

On Mar 12, 2008, at 7:54 AM, kschnee wrote:

long1 = water is wet
long2 = water is wet
long1 is long2


short1 = water
short2 = water
short1 is short2


This really surprises me! I hadn't known about these automatic
optimizations. Yes, I know that == != is, but the rest of it is  
news to


Python caches short string values (which must not contain a space) as  
an optimization under the assumption that they will be referenced  
repeated (such as for dict keys, which are used often internally by  
the python interpreter). Since short strings without spaces are often  
python identifiers, and referenced very often.

This is an implementation detail of the CPython interpreter (as is the  
reuse of integer objects) which should be of little or no consequence  
to python programs. You should not rely on identity values (e.g.,  
id('foo') or 'foo' is 'foo') for strings, integers and other  
primitive types since the interpreter my arbitrarily use singletons  
to represent some values. IOW using the is keyword for strings,  
integers, floats, etc. is not useful and potentially confusing. To  
compare these values for equality, only use ==.

is is typically useful only for class instances and certain special  
objects like None. Note that:

a is b

is equivalent to (though much faster than):

id(a) == id(b)


Re: [pygame] mapping logical coordinate ????

2008-03-12 Thread Ian Mallett

Re: is != == (Re: [pygame] Sticky Variables: Terrain Loading)

2008-03-12 Thread Ian Mallett
This might be associated with another problem I've been having.
NOT really tried--not near a python interpreter...
If I have something like:
x = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
y = x
then changes to y change x.  So I've had to:
y = [x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],x[4],x[5]]
...which doesn't change x when y is changed.

Re: [pygame] py2exe problems

2008-03-12 Thread Ian Mallett
On 3/7/08, Brian Fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Getting py2exe to work with PyOpenGL is something I am very interested
  in, cause I haven't gotten it to work for me yet :(

  So what still doesn't work with PyOpenGL? What have you tried so far?
  had you tried this?
No, but I will.
 How exactly do things not work for you? I assume you get an exe but
  it fails to run? If so, what's the exact error you get in the log file
  when trying to run it?
Yes.  I get an .exe.  The program says something like: the following
modules are not available (and among these is OpenGL.GL, etc.).  Then
the .exe crashes instantly when run.

Re: [pygame] pystreamer in pygame? NEW USER: CORRECTION GSTREAMER

2008-03-12 Thread Ian Mallett
On 3/7/08, Darren Enns [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  My hope/assumption is that some of you in the PyGame community would
  have used 'gstreamer' in your apps, to display videos/movie clips, etc.
Not I, but perhaps someone else...
What sort of movies?
You mention doing this in 10 lines of code not with PyGame.

Re: is != == (Re: [pygame] Sticky Variables: Terrain Loading)

2008-03-12 Thread James Paige
On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 01:06:07PM -0700, Ian Mallett wrote:
 This might be associated with another problem I've been having.
 NOT really tried--not near a python interpreter...
 If I have something like:
 x = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
 y = x
 then changes to y change x.  So I've had to:
 y = [x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],x[4],x[5]]
 ...which doesn't change x when y is changed.

There is an easier way to do this.

  from copy import deepcopy
  x = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
  y = deepcopy(x)

Of course, in this example, the deep copy is pointless and wasteful no 
matter how you implement it, since integer constants are cached 
internally (as you know already from reading this thread)

But as for the subject of copies vs references, be absolutely certain 
that a copy is really what you want. Many newcomers to python don't 
understand how rarely a copy is really necessary. Personally, almost 
every time I have ever used the copy module, I have later removed it 
after understanding my own code better and realizing it was unneeded.

James Paige

Re: is != == (Re: [pygame] Sticky Variables: Terrain Loading)

2008-03-12 Thread Casey Duncan

On Mar 12, 2008, at 1:06 PM, Ian Mallett wrote:

This might be associated with another problem I've been having.
NOT really tried--not near a python interpreter...
If I have something like:
x = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
y = x
then changes to y change x.

That statement is a big misleading, it implies that the changes happen  
in two places, but both y and x point to the same object, they are in  
fact the same thing with two different names. You can think of y as an  
alias for x.

 So I've had to:
y = [x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],x[4],x[5]]
...which doesn't change x when y is changed.


You might have an easier time with:

y = list(x)

which makes a new list object with the same elements as x. Note this  
is a shallow copy though and although x and y are separate list  
objects, they have the same objects as elements. This is not important  
if the elements are immutable (such as strings, ints, etc). But if  
they are mutable objects like lists or dicts then things might not  
behave as you expect. Consider this:

 x = [[1,2], [3,4]]
 y = list(x)
 x is y
 x == y
[[1, 2, 3], [3, 4]]
 x == y

Note the same thing would happen copying your way (y = [x[0], x[1]]).  
Luckily this is not a very common problem, the solution is to only use  
immutable elements (e.g., tuples) or use deepcopy:


Re: is != == (Re: [pygame] Sticky Variables: Terrain Loading)

2008-03-12 Thread Ian Mallett
Well it came up in one of my games--you're a player with a position.
You can fire projectiles.  When the projectiles were fired, changing
the projectiles' position caused the player's position to move as

Re: is != == (Re: [pygame] Sticky Variables: Terrain Loading)

2008-03-12 Thread PyMike
On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 2:38 PM, Ian Mallett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well it came up in one of my games--you're a player with a position.
 You can fire projectiles.  When the projectiles were fired, changing
 the projectiles' position caused the player's position to move as

I had that same problem

- pymike (

Re: [pygame] pystreamer in pygame? NEW USER: CORRECTION GSTREAMER

2008-03-12 Thread Darren Enns

Ian Mallett wrote:

On 3/7/08, Darren Enns [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My hope/assumption is that some of you in the PyGame community would
 have used 'gstreamer' in your apps, to display videos/movie clips, etc.

Not I, but perhaps someone else...
What sort of movies?
You mention doing this in 10 lines of code not with PyGame.
Here is a very small example that (I think) is running 'gstreamer' in 
Python to easily play a video:

import pygst
import gst
import gobject, sys

def play_uri(uri):
   player = gst.element_factory_make(playbin, player)

   print 'Playing:', uri
   player.set_property('uri', uri)

import gtk; gtk.main()

In this case, the 'movie' is a simple 'mpeg' file.



Re: [pygame] pystreamer in pygame? NEW USER: CORRECTION GSTREAMER

2008-03-12 Thread Ian Mallett
This may be helpful:

Re: [pygame] pystreamer in pygame? NEW USER: CORRECTION GSTREAMER

2008-03-12 Thread Ian Mallett
Perhaps these, too:

Re: [pygame] pystreamer in pygame? NEW USER: CORRECTION GSTREAMER

2008-03-12 Thread Darren Enns

Ian Mallett wrote:

This may be helpful:

Cool!  Thanks for those links Ian!


Re: [pygame] Angle To Target Function

2008-03-12 Thread Ian Mallett
A nice effect!

Re: is != == (Re: [pygame] Sticky Variables: Terrain Loading)

2008-03-12 Thread Greg Ewing

Ian Mallett wrote:

If I have something like:
x = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
y = x
then changes to y change x.

That's a rather loose way of talking about it. What's
happening is that x and y refer to the same object,
so any changes made to that object will be seen through
both x and y.

The important things to understand are:

(1) Python variables always contain references to objects,
not the objects themselves.

(2) The '=' operation is always reference assignment.
It never copies any objects.

y = [x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],x[4],x[5]]
...which doesn't change x when y is changed.


(3) The [...] notation always constructs a new list


Re: [pygame] Angle To Target Function

2008-03-12 Thread Greg Ewing

Kris Schnee wrote:

Just thought I'd offer this function, which might be useful for
characters with following behavior. It finds the angle from one point to
another, in degrees, with 0 being up and 90 being right.

The math.atan2() function already does most of this.
You just need to convert the result from radians to


Re: is != == (Re: [pygame] Sticky Variables: Terrain Loading)

2008-03-12 Thread Kevin
I remember having issues at one point with references as I was confused at
why changes to one array changed the other. My work-around has simply been:
x = [1, 2, 3]
y = x[:]

Nice to see there are other methods though.

On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 9:04 PM, Greg Ewing [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Ian Mallett wrote:

  If I have something like:
  x = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
  y = x
  then changes to y change x.

 That's a rather loose way of talking about it. What's
 happening is that x and y refer to the same object,
 so any changes made to that object will be seen through
 both x and y.

 The important things to understand are:

 (1) Python variables always contain references to objects,
 not the objects themselves.

 (2) The '=' operation is always reference assignment.
 It never copies any objects.

  y = [x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],x[4],x[5]]
  ...which doesn't change x when y is changed.


 (3) The [...] notation always constructs a new list


This, from Jach.

How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb?
None. It's a hardware problem.

How many Microsoft programmers does it take to change a light bulb?
None. Microsoft just declared darkness as the newest innovation in
cutting-edge technology.

Re: [pygame] pystreamer in pygame? NEW USER: CORRECTION GSTREAMER

2008-03-12 Thread Ian Mallett
Sorry I can't be more help.  I'm interested too.  Tell me if you get it