ANNOUNCE: Hexerei 1.1

2005-02-26 Thread Ransdell, Robert Ethan

Description Hexerei is a colorful software package 
for Python (and optionally a web server) that assignsa color value to each 
word or letter in a database. Hexerei then utilizes the PIL to convert 
producean image consisting of color blocks which correspond to the given 
text. Thus, "a thousand words"become a picture! I have 
provided sourcecode access in HTML format for anyone to view. As all the 
importantfunctions are in a few scripts and run by another script, it is 
simple for users to import the codeand run it from a command line or 
Features-  Just set the permissions (witha 
web server) and run the code!- Tools are included for 
creating XHTML files on-the-fly.- Preferences can be set 
for many features.- Simple text documents are store 
encountered words and letters and to maintain a list of 
Licensing Hexerei is 
released under the GNU GPL.
Links- Working example: On Download Hexerei 1.1:
MeI started learning 
Python in a computational linguistics class last semester and kept going! If 
youhave any comments, suggestions, or requests, I'd love it if you emailed 
me at the address below: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Support the Python Software Foundation:

error: db type could not be determined

2005-02-26 Thread neutrinman
why does the following error occur?

def quit_time():
data_file ="data.dat", "c")
data_file["quit_time"] =
print data_file["quit_time"]

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\a\TEXT\Py\going_over\", line 192, in -toplevel-
  File "D:\a\TEXT\Py\going_over\", line 190, in main
  File "D:\a\TEXT\Py\going_over\", line 156, in quit_time
data_file ="data.dat", "c")
  File "D:\A\UTILITIES\PYTHON\PYTHON23J\lib\", line 231, in
return DbfilenameShelf(filename, flag, protocol, writeback, binary)
  File "D:\A\UTILITIES\PYTHON\PYTHON23J\lib\", line 212, in
Shelf.__init__(self,, flag), protocol,
writeback, binary)
  File "D:\A\UTILITIES\PYTHON\PYTHON23J\lib\", line 80, in
raise error, "db type could not be determined"
error: db type could not be determined


Re: Yet another logo design...

2005-02-26 Thread Harlin Seritt
I like the type logo (on the right of the image). The black snake-like
image can be cropped though. :-)



Re: Watermark on images

2005-02-26 Thread Michele Simionato


Error in pywordnet

2005-02-26 Thread Gurpreet Sachdeva
I am using pywordnet and when ever I import the package
from wordnet import *, I get an error:

Exception exceptions.AttributeError: DbfilenameShelf instance has no
attribute 'writeback' in  ignored

Now the package works fine until I tried to use that in Apache via
CGI. Apache is showing a Server Error and the error_logs states that:

[Fri Feb 25 16:06:08 2005] [error] [client] from
wordnet import *, referer: http://garry/cgi-bin/
[Fri Feb 25 16:06:08 2005] [error] [client] ImportError:
No module named wordnet, referer: http://garry/cgi-bin/

While googling, I found:
It is a simple fix that adds the writeback argument to calls.


Do anyone have any idea about that? Is there any fix or workaround?

Thanks and Regards,

Re: netmask arithmetic?

2005-02-26 Thread Roel Schroeven
Dan Stromberg wrote:
 Before I go and reinvent the wheel, does anyone already have python code
 that can do netmask arithmetic - for example, determining if a list of
 hostnames are on subnets described by a list of networks+netmasks like:
 ...and so on?

Codito ergo sum
Roel Schroeven

Re: error: db type could not be determined

2005-02-26 Thread John Machin

 why does the following error occur?

I don't know; I've never used the shelve module. Let's see what as two
utter n00bz we can find out. Let's check out where it clagged:
lib\, line 80, in open ...

Hmm, reading backwards a little, looks like it called whichdb.whichdb
to nut out what sort of database it was, and whichdb reported back that
it was an existing file, of unknown type. Flicking through
confirms this.

Let's see if we can reproduce that:

=== step 1: file doesn't exist ===
Python 2.3.4 (#53, May 25 2004, 21:17:02) [MSC v.1200 32 bit (Intel)]
on win32
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import shelve
 df ='mydata.dat', 'c')

C:\junkdir mydata.dat
26/02/2005  08:40p  24,576 mydata.dat

=== looks like file created OK ==

C:\junkdel mydata.dat
C:\junkcopy con mydata.dat
any old codswallop
1 file(s) copied.

=== OK, now mydata.dat is trash.

Python 2.3.4 (#53, May 25 2004, 21:17:02) [MSC v.1200 32 bit (Intel)]
on win32
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import shelve
 df ='mydata.dat', 'c')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
  File c:\python23\lib\, line 231, in open
return DbfilenameShelf(filename, flag, protocol, writeback, binary)
  File c:\python23\lib\, line 212, in __init__
Shelf.__init__(self,, flag), protocol,
writeback, binary)
  File c:\python23\lib\, line 80, in open
raise error, db type could not be determined
anydbm.error: db type could not be determined


By the way, it's probably not a good idea to use a .dat extension;
evidently (read for the gory details) some of the dbms add
an extension to the supplied name. One of them uses .dat. Could
become a source of confusion.

Take a hint: they say Google is your friend, but better still is the
source in lib\*.py -- it's quite legible, you don't need an Internet
connection, and there sure ain't no ads in the margin. And don't just
open it in emergencies: pick a module that covers a topic that
interests you and just read it. You'll see good coding style, good ways
of doing things, wise utterances by the timbot, ...



Re: Converting HTML to ASCII

2005-02-26 Thread Paul Rubin
Jorgen Grahn [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 You should probably do what some other poster suggested -- download
 lynx or some other text-only browser and make your code execute it
 in -dump mode to get the text-formatted html. You'll get that
 working in an hour or so, and then you can see if you need something
 more complicated.

Lynx is pathetically slow for large files.  It seems to use a
quadratic algorithm for remembering where the links point, or
something.  I wrote a very crude but very fast renderer in C that I
can post if someone wants it, which is what I use for this purpose.

Re: split a directory string into a list

2005-02-26 Thread Duncan Booth
Josef Meile wrote:

 This should work ***reasonably*** reliably on Windows and Unix. Are
 there any cases when it does not work?

The most obvious case where it wouldn't work would be for a UNC path name. 
Using the string split method gives two empty strings:

['', '', 'machine', 'share']

whereas the splitpath function I proposed gives you:

['', 'machine', 'share']

So to find out the type of path (relative, absolute, unc), you only have to 
consider the first element with my function but you have to look at the 
first two elements if you just naively split the string.

Also a relative windows path with a drive letter doesn't get fully split:

['c:dir', 'file']
['c:', 'dir', 'file']

If you really are worried about speed (and are sure you aren't optimising 
prematurely), then you could combine some special case processing near the 
start of the string with a simple split of the remainder.

Re: Which module is set in?

2005-02-26 Thread Raymond Hettinger
[Michael Hartl]
 It's good that you're using Python 2.3, which does have sets available,
 as a previous poster mentioned.  Users of Python 2.2 or earlier can get
 most of the Set functionality using the following class (from Peter
 Norvig's file):

Py2.3's set module also works under Py2.2.  Get a copy from viewcvs:


Of course, if upgrading to Py2.4 is an option, that is the way to go.  If you're
living in a pre 2.2 world without iterators and generators, you're really
missing out.

Raymond Hettinger


Re: generic equivalence partition

2005-02-26 Thread Xah Lee
# the following solution is submitted by
# Sean Gugler and David Eppstein independently
# 20050224.

@def parti(aList, equalFunc):
@result = []
@for i in range(len(aList)):
@for s in result:
@if equalFunc( aList[i], aList[s[0]] ):
@result.append( [i] )
@return [[x+1 for x in L] for L in result] # add 1 to all numbers

as for my original perl code, i realized it is written to work on a
sorted input. Here it is and the translated Python code.

# perl
sub parti($$) {
my @li = @{$_[0]};
my $sameQ = $_[1];

my @tray=(1);
my @result;

for (my $i=1; $i = ((scalar @li)-1); $i++) {
  if ($sameQ($li[$i-1], $li[$i])) {
push @tray, $i+1}
  else {
push @result, [EMAIL PROTECTED]; @tray=($i+1);
push @result, [EMAIL PROTECTED];

@def parti(li,sameQ):
@for i in range(1, len(li) ):
@if sameQ(li[i-1],li[i]):
@return result



function expression with 2 arguments

2005-02-26 Thread Xah Lee
is there a way to write a expression of a function with more than 1

e.g., i want a expression that's equivalent to

def f(x,y)
  return x+y



class factory example needed (long)

2005-02-26 Thread Gary Ruben
I have a class factory problem. You could say that my main problem is
that I don't understand class factories.
My specific problem:
I have a class with several methods I've defined.
To this class I want to add a number of other class methods where the
method names are taken from a list.
For each list member, I want to build a method having the list member
name so that I can override another method of the same name for objects
which are instances of this class. Finally, I want my class factory
which creates the method to call the overridden method.
I'm sure my description is confusing, so I'll try to illustrate it.
import Numeric
# The Numeric module contains a whole lot of methods which operate on
certain number types
class foo:
 this is a number type class

def __init__(self, value):
self.value = float(value)
def __str__(self):
. other methods here
import string
ufuncs = string.split(
sqrt arccos arccosh arcsin arcsinh arctan arctanh cos cosh tan tanh
log10 sin sinh sqrt absolute fabs floor ceil fmod exp log conjugate
)# these are the methods from Numeric that I want to
override/wrap for my number type
for u in ufuncs:
I need something here which builds methods called sqrt(),
arccos(), etc.
An illustrative example of the class methods I want to build with
some sort of class factory is
def sqrt(self):
val = Numeric.sqrt(self.value)
return foo(Numeric.sqrt(self.value) + 42)
def arccos(self):
val = Numeric.arccos(self.value)
return foo(Numeric.arccos(self.value) + 42)
if __name__ == __main__:
a = 9
b = foo(7)
print Numeric.sqrt(a)
print Numeric.sqrt(b)
This would print
Note that the methods I want to create under program control are all
identical in form. In this example they all call the wrapped method with
an argument 42 greater than the value of the number.
Does anyone have an example where they've done something similar or
could help me out with an example?
thanks in anticipation,

Re: function expression with 2 arguments

2005-02-26 Thread Harlin Seritt
Not exactly sure what you're looking for but you can do the following:

def dosomething(numlist):
   return numlist[0] + numlist[1]

numlist = [ 5, 10]
val = dosomething(numlist)

If so, that would be somewhat pointless. It's always best to keep it
simple. It looks like the function you wrote above is very adequate for
the results you want returned.


Making a calendar

2005-02-26 Thread Pete.....
Hi all.

I'm trying to make a calendar for my webpage, python and html is the only 
programming languages that I know, is it possible to make such a calendar 
with pythong code and some html.

The Idea is that when I click the link calendar on my webpage, then the user 
will be linked to the calendar.

The calendar should show one month at the time, and the user should be able 
to browse to the other month.

I will make a script that puts events and such into a db ( I know how to do 

Then I need a script that puts the events from the db into the calendar, if 
every day in the calendar has a value id that part will not be hard.

What I need is a script that generates the calender, in such a way that each 
month will be have a value, and that the user then can click the days to see 
more info about the events.

I was thinking something like the iMPcal calender:

Is there any modules I can use, or does any of you hardcore programmers have 
some advice on how I should proceed with this little project of mine :)



Problem When Unit Testing with PMock

2005-02-26 Thread steven

Anyone was using pmock for unit testing with python?  I met a problem
and hope someone to help me.  For short, the pmock seems can not mock a
iterator object.

For example, the tested object is foo, who need to send message to
another object bar.  So, to test the foo, I need mock a mockBar.  But
the bar is a iterator, the foo use the bar in this way:

 foo.method(self, bar):
 for n in bar:
 do somthing
my purpose is create a mockBar and pass this mock object to
foo.method(), but this ideal simply does not work. Python will complain
that calling on an uniteraterable object.  I'v already set anything
like mockBar.expects(__iter__()) and mockBar.expects(next()).

Does anyone has some clues?



Re: possible python/linux/gnome issue!!

2005-02-26 Thread Lee Harr
On 2005-02-26, bruce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i'm running rh8.0 with gnome.. i'm not sure of the version (it's whatever rh

 i've recently updated (or tried to update) python to the latest version.
 when i try to run the 'Server Settings/Services' Icon within gnome, nothing

 i tried to run the 'start services' command from a command line, and got the

 it appears to be a conflict somewhere...

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# redhat-config-services
 /usr/share/redhat-config-services/ SyntaxWarning:
 argument named None
   def on_mnuRescan_activate(self,None):

I don't think this has ever been legal... so that's strange.

 import gtk
 ImportError: No module named gtk

Which version of python were you using before?
Is it still installed?
Try something like ...

ls -l /usr/bin/python*

 can someone perhaps suggest a solution, or point me to where i might find a
 solution to this issue. could the python changes be causing a problem? would
 upgrading gnome potentially fix the issue? can you upgrade gnome without
 upgrading the rh kernel?

You can try pointing /usr/bin/python (which on many systems
is just a link to the actual program) to the old version
of python.

This is really more of a red hat question than a python
question, so I also recommend asking on a red hat list.

Re: possible python/linux/gnome issue!!

2005-02-26 Thread Jarek Zgoda
Lee Harr napisa(a):
[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# redhat-config-services
/usr/share/redhat-config-services/ SyntaxWarning:
argument named None
 def on_mnuRescan_activate(self,None):
I don't think this has ever been legal... so that's strange.
It was, but currently is not 

Jarek Zgoda |

remove strings from source

2005-02-26 Thread qwweeeit
For a python code I am writing I need to remove all strings
definitions from source and substitute them with a place-holder.

To make clearer:
line 45  sVar=this is the string assigned to sVar
must be converted in:
line 45 sVar=s1

Such substitution is recorded in a file under:
s0001[line 45]=this is the string assigned to sVar

For curious guys:
I am trying to implement a cross variable reference tool and the
variability (in lenght) of the string definitions (expecially if
multi-line) can cause display problems.

I need your help in correctly identifying the strings (also embedding
the r'xx..' or u'yy...' as part of the string definition). The problem
is mainly on the multi-line definitions or in cached strings
(embedding chr() definitions or escape sequences).

Re: Threading and consuming output from processes

2005-02-26 Thread Jack Orenstein
I asked:
I am developing a Python program that submits a command to each node
of a cluster and consumes the stdout and stderr from each. I want all
the processes to run in parallel, so I start a thread for each
node. There could be a lot of output from a node, so I have a thread
reading each stream, for a total of three threads per node. (I could
probably reduce to two threads per node by having the process thread
handle stdout or stderr.)
Simon Wittber said:
 In the past, I have used the select module to manage asynchronous
 IO operations.

 I pass the function a list of file-like objects, and it
 returns a list of file-like objects which are ready for reading and
Donn Cave said:
As I see another followup has already mentioned, the classic
pre threads solution to multiple I/O sources is the select(2)
function, ...
Thanks for your replies. The streams that I need to read contain
pickled data. The select call returns files that have available input,
and I can use read(file_descriptor, max) to read some of the input
data. But then how can I convert the bytes just read into a stream for
unpickling? I somehow need to take the bytes arriving for a given file
descriptor and buffer them until the unpickler has enough data to
return a complete unpickled object.
(It would be nice to do this without copying the bytes from one place
to another, but I don't even see how do solve the problem with

any Python equivalent of Math::Polynomial::Solve?

2005-02-26 Thread Just
While googling for a non-linear equation solver, I found 
Math::Polynomial::Solve in CPAN. It seems a great little module, except 
it's not Python... I'm especially looking for its poly_root() 
functionality (which solves arbitrary polynomials). Does anyone know of 
a Python module/package that implements that?


Re: PythonCard and Py2Exe

2005-02-26 Thread PipedreamerGrey
That did it.  Thanks a lot.


Re: any Python equivalent of Math::Polynomial::Solve?

2005-02-26 Thread Nick Coghlan
Just wrote:
While googling for a non-linear equation solver, I found 
Math::Polynomial::Solve in CPAN. It seems a great little module, except 
it's not Python... I'm especially looking for its poly_root() 
functionality (which solves arbitrary polynomials). Does anyone know of 
a Python module/package that implements that?

Does SciPy do what you want? Specifically Scientific.Functions.FindRoot [1]  
Scientific.Functions.Polynomial [2]

Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

Re: getting at raw POST data?

2005-02-26 Thread Sarat Venugopal
Erik Johnson wrote:
 I am trying to work with a program that is trying make an HTTP POST
 of text data without any named form parameter. (I don't know - is
 that a normal thing to do?)

Often, people do require abnormal things.

 I need to write a CGI program that
 accepts and processes that data. I'm not seeing how to get at data
 that's not a named form parameter.

As far as CGI is concerned, the POST data resides in stdin. So accessing it
is as simple as reading sys.stdin within the CGI script. Of course, it is up
to you to interpret the data, though you can just read everything as a
string. The POST data could just as well be binary - such as a file upload.

To dump the strings to a file to your webserver, try the following script:

import sys

print 'Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n'

dumped = open('test.txt', 'wb')
for line in sys.stdin.readline():

Sarat Venugopal


Re: cgi: getting at raw POST data?

2005-02-26 Thread madsurfer2000
Erik Johnson wrote:
 I am trying to work with a program that is trying make an HTTP POST
of text
 data without any named form parameter. (I don't know - is that a
 thing to do?) I need to write a CGI program that accepts and
processes that
 data. I'm not seeing how to get at data that's not a named form

Got this from a quick search with Google. Haven't tried it, but it
looks like it does what you want.


Re: remove strings from source

2005-02-26 Thread Duncan Booth
qwweeeit wrote:

 I need your help in correctly identifying the strings (also embedding
 the r'xx..' or u'yy...' as part of the string definition). The problem
 is mainly on the multi-line definitions or in cached strings
 (embedding chr() definitions or escape sequences).

Have a look at tokenize.generate_tokens() in the standard library. That 
ought to give you enough information to identify the strings reliably and 
output modified source.

Re: Threading and consuming output from processes

2005-02-26 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Jack Orenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
[ ... re alternatives to threads ]
| Thanks for your replies. The streams that I need to read contain
| pickled data. The select call returns files that have available input,
| and I can use read(file_descriptor, max) to read some of the input
| data. But then how can I convert the bytes just read into a stream for
| unpickling? I somehow need to take the bytes arriving for a given file
| descriptor and buffer them until the unpickler has enough data to
| return a complete unpickled object.
| (It would be nice to do this without copying the bytes from one place
| to another, but I don't even see how do solve the problem with
| copying.)

Note that the file object copies bytes from one place to another,
via C library stdio.  If we could only see the data in those
stdio buffers, it would be possible to use file objects with
select() in more applications.  (Though not with pickle.)  Since
input very commonly needs to be buffered for various reasons, we
end up writing our own buffer code, all because stdio has no
standard function that tells you how much data is in a buffer.

But unpickling consumes an I/O stream, as you observe, so as a
network data protocol by itself, it's unsuitable for use with
select.  I think the only option would be a packet protocol -
a count field followed by the indicated amount of pickle data.
I suppose I would copy the received data into a StringIO object,
and unpickle that when all the data has been received.

Incidentally, I think I read here yesterday, someone held a book
about Python programming up to some ridicule for suggesting that
pickles would be a good way to send data around on the network.
The problem with this was supposed to have something to do with
overloading.  I have no idea what he was talking about, but you
might be interested in this issue.


Re: Making a calendar

2005-02-26 Thread Michele Simionato
Looking at the calendar module in the standard library may help.
Also, pydoc calendar is your friend.

Michele Simionato


Re: fdups: calling for beta testers

2005-02-26 Thread Peter Hansen
Patrick Useldinger wrote:
(9) Any good reason why the executables don't have .py extensions
on their names?
(9) Because I am lazy and Linux doesn't care. I suppose Windows does?
Unfortunately, yes.  Windows has nothing like the x permission
bit, so you have to have an actual extension on the filename and
Windows (XP anyway) will check it against the list of extensions
in the PATHEXT environment variable to determine if it should be
treated like an executable.
Otherwise you must type python and the full filename.

Re: function expression with 2 arguments

2005-02-26 Thread Peter Hansen
Xah Lee wrote:
is there a way to write a expression of a function with more than 1
e.g., i want a expression that's equivalent to
def f(x,y)
  return x+y
Since assignment is a statement in Python, not an expression,
and since def f is an assignment that binds a function
object to the name f, you can't do exactly what you've
asked for.
On the other hand, this should be about equivalent, though
it's not merely an expression:
f = lambda x, y: x + y

Whither ?

2005-02-26 Thread Harald Hanche-Olsen
I'm confused.  I was going to try linkchecker, and it dies with a
traceback ending in

  File /usr/local/lib/python2.4/, line 32, in _localized_month
_months = [, i+1, 1).strftime for i in range(12)]
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'date'

Sure enough, there is no, but there is a datetime.Date:

Python 2.4 (#2, Feb 19 2005, 20:35:23)
[GCC 3.4.2 [FreeBSD] 20040728] on freebsd5
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import datetime
['Date', 'DateTime', ...]

However, the Library Reference clearly states that
should exist.  Granted, it's been a while since I used python in
anger, but isn't this what it says?

Moreover, the class is supposed to have a strftime()
method.  datetime.Date does not.

I'm beginning to wonder if the FreeBSD python package is at fault.

Or what is really going on here?

* Harald Hanche-Olsen URL:
- Debating gives most of us much more psychological satisfaction
  than thinking does: but it deprives us of whatever chance there is
  of getting closer to the truth.  -- C.P. Snow

Re: strange SyntaxError

2005-02-26 Thread Scott David Daniels
Attila Szabo wrote:
2005, Feb 25 - Scott David Daniels wrote :
Attila Szabo wrote:
...lambda x: 'ABC%s' % str(x) ...
OK, to no real effect, in main you define an unnamed function that
you can never reference.  Pretty silly, but I'll bite.

This code was simplified, the lambda was part of a map, ...
I'm sorry, upon re-reading my reply, I see how it looks like a
snide comment.  I apologize.  I didn't mean to malign you, and
I did indeed appreciate that the code was obviously boiled down.
I just thought:
 def named(x):
 return 'ABC%s' % str(x)
provides a function name to talk about, exhibits the same problem,
and is simpler.
--Scott David Daniels

Re: Whither ?

2005-02-26 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Harald Hanche-Olsen wrote:
 I'm beginning to wonder if the FreeBSD python package is at fault.

Maybe - at my system, it has no Date or DateTime

Python 2.4.1a0 (#2, Feb  9 2005, 12:50:04)
[GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-8)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import datetime
['MAXYEAR', 'MINYEAR', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', 'date',
'datetime', 'datetime_CAPI', 'time', 'timedelta', 'tzinfo']

Maybe this is a clash between a custom datetime module and the python one?

What does

python2.4 -v  -c import datetime

give you?

Diez B. Roggisch

Re: Whither ?

2005-02-26 Thread Tim Peters
[Harald Hanche-Olsen]
 I'm confused.  I was going to try linkchecker, and it dies with a
 traceback ending in

  File /usr/local/lib/python2.4/, line 32, in _localized_month
_months = [, i+1, 1).strftime for i in range(12)]
 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'date'

 Sure enough, there is no, but there is a datetime.Date:

 Python 2.4 (#2, Feb 19 2005, 20:35:23)
 [GCC 3.4.2 [FreeBSD] 20040728] on freebsd5
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import datetime
 ['Date', 'DateTime', ...]
 However, the Library Reference clearly states that
 should exist.  Granted, it's been a while since I used python in
 anger, but isn't this what it says?

 Moreover, the class is supposed to have a strftime()
 method.  datetime.Date does not.

 I'm beginning to wonder if the FreeBSD python package is at fault.

 Or what is really going on here?

As you've deduced, you're certainly not getting Python's builtin
datetime module.  Therefore you must be getting some other datetime
module.  Run Python with the -v switch to get output telling you how
imports are resolved.  That will show you where this other datetime
module is coming from.  Remember that Python searches along sys.path
to resolve imports, taking the first thing it finds with the right
name.  You almost certainly have something _called_ datetime earlier
in your PYTHONPATH than where the standard Python libraries appear.

Re: any Python equivalent of Math::Polynomial::Solve?

2005-02-26 Thread Terry Reedy

Just [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Does SciPy do what you want? Specifically Scientific.Functions.FindRoot 
 Scientific.Functions.Polynomial [2]

 (Hm, I had the impression that scipy != Konrad Hinsen's Scientific
 module.) (first hit on Python SciPy google search)

Terry J. Reedy


Re: Whither ?

2005-02-26 Thread Harald Hanche-Olsen

| As you've deduced, you're certainly not getting Python's builtin
| datetime module.

Argh.  Yeah, I've had one lying around in my personal python directory
since 2000, had totally forgotten it was there.  This one ...

*** Author: Jeff Kunce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Download from:

Removed it, now all is well.

Thanks for pointing out the blindingly obvious.

* Harald Hanche-Olsen URL:
- Debating gives most of us much more psychological satisfaction
  than thinking does: but it deprives us of whatever chance there is
  of getting closer to the truth.  -- C.P. Snow

Re: Problem When Unit Testing with PMock

2005-02-26 Thread Terry Reedy

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Anyone was using pmock for unit testing with python?  I met a problem
 and hope someone to help me.  For short, the pmock seems can not mock a
 iterator object.

Why bother?

def mockit(): raise StopIteration

now pass mockit()

 For example, the tested object is foo, who need to send message to
 another object bar.  So, to test the foo, I need mock a mockBar.  But
 the bar is a iterator, the foo use the bar in this way:

 foo.method(self, bar):
 for n in bar:
 do somthing

To properly test the method, *also* feed it an iterator that yields a few 
objects of the appropriate type.  Assuming n is to be an int...

def intit(k):
  for i in range(k): yield i

Terry J. Reedy


Re: Watermark on images

2005-02-26 Thread Terry Reedy

Michele Simionato [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

Googling Python image watermark and first hit is !!!
ASPN : Python Cookbook : Watermark with PIL ... Description: Apply a 
watermark to an image using the Python Imaging Library. Supports color, 
tiling, scaling, and opacity reduction. Source: Text Source. ... - 27k - Feb 
24, 2005 - Cached - Similar pages

Learn to use it folks.  Get a Google bar.  Faster and easier than posting 

Terry J. Reedy


Re: any Python equivalent of Math::Polynomial::Solve?

2005-02-26 Thread John M. Gamble
Just  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
While googling for a non-linear equation solver, I found 
Math::Polynomial::Solve in CPAN. It seems a great little module, except 

Thank you.

it's not Python... 

Sorry about that.

   I'm especially looking for its poly_root() 
functionality (which solves arbitrary polynomials). Does anyone know of 
a Python module/package that implements that?

Are you looking for that particular algorithm, or for any
source that will find the roots of the polynomial?  The
original source for the algorithm used in the module is
from Hiroshi Murakami's Fortran source, and it shouldn't
be too difficult to repeat the translation process to python.


February 28 1997: Last day libraries could order catalogue cards
from the Library of Congress.

Re: Making a calendar

2005-02-26 Thread Ksenia Marasanova
This is close to what you want:

You'll also need HTMLTemplate

Re: Leo 4.3-a3 Outlining IDE

2005-02-26 Thread Brad Clements

After install and you run it for the first time (and if it asks for your
initials), then expect the plug-in manager to throw a bad window name error
in TK.

You must exit, then restart Leo before running the plugin manager after the
initial install.

Novell DeveloperNet Sysop #5


Re: any Python equivalent of Math::Polynomial::Solve?

2005-02-26 Thread Just
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John M. Gamble) wrote:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Just  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While googling for a non-linear equation solver, I found 
 Math::Polynomial::Solve in CPAN. It seems a great little module, except 
 Thank you.
 it's not Python... 
 Sorry about that.

Heh, how big are the odds you find the author of an arbitrary Perl 
module on

I'm especially looking for its poly_root() 
 functionality (which solves arbitrary polynomials). Does anyone know of 
 a Python module/package that implements that?
 Are you looking for that particular algorithm, or for any
 source that will find the roots of the polynomial? 

Any will do. As I wrote in another post, I'm currently only looking for 
a quintic equation solver, which your module does very nicely.

 original source for the algorithm used in the module is
 from Hiroshi Murakami's Fortran source, and it shouldn't
 be too difficult to repeat the translation process to python.

Ah ok, I'll try to locate that (following the instruction in 
didn't work for me :( ).


Re: fdups: calling for beta testers

2005-02-26 Thread Serge Orlov
Peter Hansen wrote:
 Patrick Useldinger wrote:
 (9) Any good reason why the executables don't have .py
 extensions on their names?

 (9) Because I am lazy and Linux doesn't care. I suppose Windows does?

 Unfortunately, yes.  Windows has nothing like the x permission
 bit, so you have to have an actual extension on the filename and
 Windows (XP anyway) will check it against the list of extensions
 in the PATHEXT environment variable to determine if it should be
 treated like an executable.

 Otherwise you must type python and the full filename.

Or use exemaker, which IMHO is the best way to handle this



Re: any Python equivalent of Math::Polynomial::Solve?

2005-02-26 Thread John M. Gamble
Just  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Heh, how big are the odds you find the author of an arbitrary Perl 
module on

Hey, that's why it's called lurking.

Any will do. As I wrote in another post, I'm currently only looking for 
a quintic equation solver, which your module does very nicely.

 original source for the algorithm used in the module is
 from Hiroshi Murakami's Fortran source, and it shouldn't
 be too difficult to repeat the translation process to python.

Ah ok, I'll try to locate that (following the instruction in 
didn't work for me :( ).

Ouch.  I just did a quick search and found that that site has undergone
a few changes, and the code that i reference is missing.  A few other
links in the docs are stale too.  I need to update the documentation.

Anyway, doing a search for 'hqr' and Eispack got me a lot of sites.
In particular, this one is pretty friendly:

Look at the source for balanc.f (does the prep-work) and hqr.f
(does the solving).  Minor annoyance: the real and imaginary
parts of the roots are in separate arrays.  I combined them into
complex types in my perl source, in case you want to make a

Of course, all this may be moot if the other suggestions
work out.


February 28 1997: Last day libraries could order catalogue cards
from the Library of Congress.

Re: any Python equivalent of Math::Polynomial::Solve?

2005-02-26 Thread Just
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John M. Gamble) wrote:

  original source for the algorithm used in the module is
  from Hiroshi Murakami's Fortran source, and it shouldn't
  be too difficult to repeat the translation process to python.
 Ah ok, I'll try to locate that (following the instruction in 
 didn't work for me :( ).
 Ouch.  I just did a quick search and found that that site has undergone
 a few changes, and the code that i reference is missing.  A few other
 links in the docs are stale too.  I need to update the documentation.
 Anyway, doing a search for 'hqr' and Eispack got me a lot of sites.
 In particular, this one is pretty friendly:
 Look at the source for balanc.f (does the prep-work) and hqr.f
 (does the solving).  Minor annoyance: the real and imaginary
 parts of the roots are in separate arrays.  I combined them into
 complex types in my perl source, in case you want to make a

Thanks! I'll check that out.

 Of course, all this may be moot if the other suggestions
 work out.

SciPy indeed appear to contain a solver, but I'm currently stuck in 
trying to _get_ it for my platform (OSX). I'm definitely not going to 
install a Fortran compiler just to evaluate it (even though my name is 
not Ilias ;-). Also, SciPy is _huge_, so maybe a Python translation of 
that Fortran code or your Perl code will turn out to be more attractive 
after all...


[solved] Re: error in non-existing code?

2005-02-26 Thread Thomas Newman
Thomas Newman wrote:

Michael Hoffman wrote:


Thomas Newman wrote:

I wanted to look at the code that gives me the error, but there is no
line 447 in /usr/lib/python2.3/

Try deleting[co].

There were recursive imports, meaning file A imported file B and vice
Solving that issue removed the error.
Still I find it confusing.


Re: remove strings from source

2005-02-26 Thread M.E.Farmer
qwweeeit wrote:
 For a python code I am writing I need to remove all strings
 definitions from source and substitute them with a place-holder.

 To make clearer:
 line 45  sVar=this is the string assigned to sVar
 must be converted in:
 line 45 sVar=s1

 Such substitution is recorded in a file under:
 s0001[line 45]=this is the string assigned to sVar

 For curious guys:
 I am trying to implement a cross variable reference tool and the
 variability (in lenght) of the string definitions (expecially if
 multi-line) can cause display problems.

 I need your help in correctly identifying the strings (also embedding
 the r'xx..' or u'yy...' as part of the string definition). The
 is mainly on the multi-line definitions or in cached strings
 (embedding chr() definitions or escape sequences).

I have written a few python parsers before.
Here is my attempt :)
from __future__ import generators# python 2.2
import keyword, os, sys, traceback
import cStringIO, token, tokenize

def StringNamer(num=0):
'''This is a name creating generator'''
while 1:
num += 1
stringname = 's'+str(num).zfill(6)
yield stringname

class ReplaceParser(object):

 filein = open('').read()
 replacer = ReplaceParser(filein, out=sys.stdout)

def __init__(self, raw, out=sys.stdout):
''' Store the source text.
self.raw =raw.expandtabs().strip()
self.out = out
self.StringName = StringNamer()
self.StringMap = {}

def format(self):
''' Parse and send the source.
self.lines = [0, 0]
pos = 0
self.temp = cStringIO.StringIO()
while 1:
pos = self.raw.find('\n', pos) + 1
if not pos: break
self.pos = 0
text = cStringIO.StringIO(self.raw)
tokenize.tokenize(text.readline, self)
except tokenize.TokenError, ex:

def __call__(self, toktype, toktext, (srow,scol),
   (erow,ecol), line):
''' Token handler.
oldpos = self.pos
newpos = self.lines[srow] + scol
self.pos = newpos + len(toktext)
if toktype in [token.NEWLINE, tokenize.NL]:
if newpos  oldpos:
if toktype in [token.INDENT, token.DEDENT]:
self.pos = newpos
if (toktype == token.STRING):
sname =
self.StringMap[sname] = toktext
toktext = sname



Re: function expression with 2 arguments

2005-02-26 Thread Xah Lee
lambda x, y: x + y

that's what i was looking for.

... once i have a lambda expr, how to apply it to arguments?

e.g. in Mathematica

Python doc is quite confounded in it's way of organization centered
around implementation tied to hardware (as most imperative languages
are hardware-centric), as opposed to algorithm math concepts.



Re: function expression with 2 arguments

2005-02-26 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Xah Lee wrote:
lambda x, y: x + y
that's what i was looking for.
... once i have a lambda expr, how to apply it to arguments?

Re: generic equivalence partition

2005-02-26 Thread Xah Lee

when using google to post a reply, it sometimes truncates the subject
line. i.e. [perl-python] is lost. This software error is obvious, they
could not have not noticed it.

another thing more egregious is that google _intentionally_ edit with
people's posts. (e.g. they change email address lines without author's
permission, and they also change program codes so it no longer run).
Please spread these google irresponsibility to all related forums on
software responsibility and online forum issues.

Ostensible incorrect behavior like these by google is egregious enough
to generate a law suit and if such company do not take software
correctness seriously, we must punish them.

Please spread this awareness.



Using PyOpenGL what should I use for a GUI ?

2005-02-26 Thread Gilles Leblanc
Hi I have started a small project with PyOpenGL. I am wondering what
are the options for a GUI. So far I checked PyUI but it has some
problems with 3d rendering outside the Windows platform.

I know of WxPython but I don't know if I can create a WxPython window,
use gl rendering code in it and then put widgets on top of that...


Re: Thread scheduling

2005-02-26 Thread M.E.Farmer
This may help.
Also be sure to google.
search strategy:
Python threading
Python threads
Python thread tutorial example
Python threading example
Python thread safety


Re: fdups: calling for beta testers

2005-02-26 Thread Patrick Useldinger
Serge Orlov wrote:
Or use exemaker, which IMHO is the best way to handle this
Looks good, but I do not use Windows.

Re: Canonical way of dealing with null-separated lines?

2005-02-26 Thread Douglas Alan
I wrote:

 Okay, here's the definitive version (or so say I).  Some good doobie
 please make sure it makes its way into the standard library:

Oops, I just realized that my previously definitive version did not
handle multi-character newlines.  So here is a new definition
version.  Oog, now my brain hurts:

def fileLineIter(inputFile, newline='\n', leaveNewline=False, readSize=8192):
   Like the normal file iter but you can set what string indicates newline.

   The newline string can be arbitrarily long; it need not be restricted to a
   single character. You can also set the read size and control whether or not
   the newline string is left on the end of the iterated lines.  Setting
   newline to '\0' is particularly good for use with an input file created with
   something like os.popen('find -print0').
   isNewlineMultiChar = len(newline)  1
   outputLineEnd = (, newline)[leaveNewline]

   # 'partialLine' is a list of strings to be concatinated later:
   partialLine = []

   # Because read() might unfortunately split across our newline string, we
   # have to regularly check to see if the newline string appears in what we
   # previously thought was only a partial line.  We do so with this generator:
   def linesInPartialLine():
  if isNewlineMultiChar:
 linesInPartialLine = .join(partialLine).split(newline)
 if linesInPartialLine  1:
partialLine[:] = [linesInPartialLine.pop()]
for line in linesInPartialLine:
   yield line + outputLineEnd

   while True:
  charsJustRead =
  if not charsJustRead: break
  lines = charsJustRead.split(newline)
  if len(lines)  1:
 for line in linesInPartialLine(): yield line
 lines[0] = .join(partialLine)
 partialLine[:] = [lines.pop()]
 for line in linesInPartialLine(): yield line
  for line in lines: yield line + outputLineEnd
   for line in linesInPartialLine(): yield line
   if partialLine and partialLine[-1] != '':
  yield .join(partialLine)


Re: remove strings from source

2005-02-26 Thread qwweeeit
Thank you for your suggestion, but it is too complicated for me...
I decided to proceed in steps:
1. Take away all commented lines
2. Rebuild the multi-lines as single lines

I have already written the code and now I can face the problem of
mouving string definitions into a data base file...
Hopefully I will then build cross reference tables of the variables.
My project is also to implement the code for building functions' tree

Re: generic equivalence partition

2005-02-26 Thread Xah Lee

... sorry for the latching on on this broadside issue, but it is
impotant ...

here's are some germane points from another online discussion:

the bug-reporting issue has came up so many times by so many people i
thought i'd make a comment of my view.

when a software is ostensibly incorrect, and if it is likely in
connection to egregious irresponsibility as most software companies are
thru their irresponsible licensing, the thing one should not do is to
fawn up to their ass as in filing a bug report, and that is also the
least effective in correcting the software.

the common attitude of bug-reporting is one reason that contributed to
the tremendous egregious irresponsible fuckups in computer software
industry that each of us have to endure daily all the time. (e.g.
software A clashed, software B can't do this, C can't do that, D i
don't know how to use, E download location currently broken, F i need
to join discussion group to find a work-around, G is all pretty and
dysfunctional... )

when a software is ostensibly incorrect and when the company is
irresponsible with their licensing, the most effective and moral
attitude is to do legal harm to the legal entity. This one an do by
filing a law suit or spreading the fact. Filing a law suit is
appropriate in severe and serious cases, and provided you have such
devotion to the cause. For most cases, we should just spread the fact.
When a company see facts flying about their incompetence or
irresponsibility, they will immediately mend the problem source, or
cease to exist.

Another harm sprang from the fucking bug-reporting attitude rampant
among IT morons is the multiplication of pop-ups that bug users for
bug-reporting, complete with their privacy intrusion legalese.


Xah Lee wrote:

 when using google to post a reply, it sometimes truncates the subject
 line. i.e. [perl-python] is lost. This software error is obvious,
 could not have not noticed it.

 another thing more egregious is that google _intentionally_ edit with
 people's posts. (e.g. they change email address lines without
 permission, and they also change program codes so it no longer run).
 Please spread these google irresponsibility to all related forums on
 software responsibility and online forum issues.

 Ostensible incorrect behavior like these by google is egregious
 to generate a law suit and if such company do not take software
 correctness seriously, we must punish them.

 Please spread this awareness.


Re: Thread scheduling

2005-02-26 Thread Peter Hansen
Jack Orenstein wrote:
I am using Python 2.2.2 on RH9, and just starting to work with Python
Is this also the first time you've worked with threads in general,
or do you have much experience with them in other situations?
This program seems to point to problems in Python thread scheduling.
While from time to time bugs in Python are found, it's generally
more productive to suspect one's own code.  In any case, you
wouldn't have posted it here if you didn't suspect your own
code at least a bit, so kudos to you for that. :-)
done = 0
def run(id):
global done
print 'thread %d: started' % id
global counter
for i in range(nCycles):
counter += 1
if i % 1 == 0:
print 'thread %d: i = %d, counter = %d' % (id, i, counter)
print 'thread %d: leaving' % id
done += 1
for i in range(nThreads):
thread.start_new_thread(run, (i + 1,))
while done  nThreads:
print 'Still waiting, done = %d' % done
print 'All threads have finished, counter = %d' % counter
Without having tried to run your code, and without having studied
it for long, I am going to point out something that is at the
very least an inherent defect in your code, though you might
not have used Python (or threads?) for long enough to realize
why.  Note that I don't know if this is the cause of your
particular problem, just that it _is_ a bug.
You've got two shared global variables, done and counter.
Each of these is modified in a manner that is not thread-safe.
I don't know if counter is causing trouble, but it seems
likely that done is.
Basically, the statement done += 1 is equivalent to the
statement done = done + 1 which, in Python or most other
languages is not thread-safe.  The done + 1 part is
evaluated separately from the assignment, so it's possible
that two threads will be executing the done + 1 part
at the same time and that the following assignment of
one thread will be overwritten immediately by the assignment
in the next thread, but with a value that is now one less
than what you really wanted.
Look at the bytecode produced by the statement done += 1:
 import dis
 def f():
...   global done
...   done += 1
  3   0 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (done)
  3 LOAD_CONST   1 (1)
  7 STORE_GLOBAL 0 (done)
(ignore the last two lines: they just return None)
 10 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)
Note here the store_global that is separate from the add
operation itself.  If thread A gets loses the CPU (so to speak)
just before that operation, and thread B executes the entire
suite of operations, then later on when thread A executes
that operation it will effectively result in only a single
addition operation being performed, not two of them.
If you really want to increment globals from the thread, you
should look into locks.  Using the threading module (as is
generally recommended, instead of using thread), you would
use threading.Lock().  There are other thread synchronization
primitives in the threading module as well, some of which
might be more suitable for your purposes.  Note also the
oft-repeated (in this forum) recommendation that if you simply
use nothing but the Queue module for inter-thread communication,
you will be very unlikely to stumble over such issues.

Xlib in Python? I need XDrawString()

2005-02-26 Thread Artificial Life
All I really want is to write a few strings to the background of my X
display. XDrawString() is what I need. The Xlib for Python shows it's out
dated. Is there any alternative? 


Re: Thread scheduling

2005-02-26 Thread Jack Orenstein
Peter Hansen wrote:
 Jack Orenstein wrote:

 I am using Python 2.2.2 on RH9, and just starting to work with Python

 Is this also the first time you've worked with threads in general,
 or do you have much experience with them in other situations?
Yes, I've used threading in Java.
 You've got two shared global variables, done and counter.
 Each of these is modified in a manner that is not thread-safe.
 I don't know if counter is causing trouble, but it seems
 likely that done is.
I understand that. As I said in my posting, The counter is
incremented without locking -- I expect to see a final count of less
than THREADS * COUNT. This is a test case, and I threw out more and
more code, including synchronization around counter and done, until it
got as simple as possible and still showed the problem.
 Basically, the statement done += 1 is equivalent to the
 statement done = done + 1 which, in Python or most other
 languages is not thread-safe.  The done + 1 part is
 evaluated separately from the assignment, so it's possible
 that two threads will be executing the done + 1 part
 at the same time and that the following assignment of
 one thread will be overwritten immediately by the assignment
 in the next thread, but with a value that is now one less
 than what you really wanted.
Understood. I was counting on this being unlikely for my test
case. I realize this isn't something to rely on in real software.
 If you really want to increment globals from the thread, you
 should look into locks.  Using the threading module (as is
 generally recommended, instead of using thread), you would
 use threading.Lock().
As my note said, I did start with the threading module. And variables
updated by different threads were protected by threading.Condition
variables. As I analyzed my test cases, and, I started
suspecting thread scheduling.  I then wrote the test case in my email,
which does not rely on the threading module at all. The point of the
test is not to maintain counter -- it's to show that sometimes even
after one thread completes, the other thread never is scheduled
again. This seems wrong. Try running the code, and let me see if you
see this behavior.
If you'd like, replace this:
counter += 1
by this:
time.sleep(0.01 * id)
You should see the same problem. So that removes counter from the
picture. And the two increments of done (one by each thread) are still
almost certainly not going to coincide and cause a problem. Also, if
you look at the output from the code on a hang, you will see that
'thread X: leaving' only prints once. This has nothing to do with what
happens with the done variable.

Re: weird strings question

2005-02-26 Thread Lucas Raab
Robert Kern wrote:
Lucas Raab wrote:
Is it possible to assign a string a numerical value?? For example, in 
the string test can I assign a number to each letter as in t = 45, 
e =  89, s = 54, and so on and so forth??

Use a dictionary with the strings as keys.
string2num = {}
string2num['t'] = 45
string2num['e'] = 89
Thanks. That's what I was looking for, but was just unsure exactly how 
to proceed.

Re: Xlib in Python? I need XDrawString()

2005-02-26 Thread jepler
python-xlib may not see any development, but I used it recently with python 2.2
or 2.3, and don't remember any particular problems doing so.

you may want to give it a try, instead of dismissing it out of hand.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Xlib in Python? I need XDrawString()

2005-02-26 Thread Mike Meyer
Artificial Life [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 All I really want is to write a few strings to the background of my X
 display. XDrawString() is what I need. The Xlib for Python shows it's out
 dated. Is there any alternative? 

If you're referring to URL: , what makes you think
it's outdated? Development on a package sometimes stops when it
reaches a state that the authors are happy with - which is what's
happened here. It works just fine. If not, the authors can be reached
about bug fixes, etc.

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: [perl-python] generate all possible pairings

2005-02-26 Thread Mike Meyer
Xah Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This is brought to you by the perl-python community. To subscribe, see

assert len(perl-python community) == 1

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: [perl-python] generate all possible pairings

2005-02-26 Thread Chris Mattern
Mike Meyer wrote:

 Xah Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 This is brought to you by the perl-python community. To subscribe, see
 assert len(perl-python community) == 1
Apparently there are actually people who subscribe.  Maybe they're 
people in search of a good laugh...

I suppose they could be sock-puppets, but even for Xah, inventing 
sock-puppets just to up the subscription count of your mail list
seems a bit much...

 Christopher Mattern

Which one you figure tracked us?
The ugly one, sir.
...Could you be more specific?

string methods (warning, newbie)

2005-02-26 Thread anthonyberet
Is there a string mething to return only the alpha characters of a string?
eg 'The Beatles - help - 03 - Ticket to ride', would be 

If not then how best to approach this?
I have some complicated plan to cut the string into individual 
characters and then concatenate a new string with the ones that return 
true with the .isalpha string method.

Is there an easier way?

Re: fdups: calling for beta testers

2005-02-26 Thread John Machin
On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 23:53:10 +0100, Patrick Useldinger

 I've tested it intensively

Famous Last Words :-)

Thanks for your feedback!

Here's some more:

(1) Manic s/w producing lots of files all the same size: the Borland
C[++] compiler produces a debug symbol file (.tds) that's always
384KB; I have 144 of these on my HD, rarely more than 1 in the same

Here's a snippet from a duplicate detection run:


(2) There appears to be a flaw in your logic such that it will find
duplicates only if they are in the *SAME* directory and only when
there are no other directories with two or more files of the same
size. The above duplicates were detected only when I made the
following changes to your script:

--- fdups   Sat Feb 26 06:41:36 2005
+++ Sun Feb 27 12:18:04 2005
@@ -29,13 +29,14 @@
 self.count = self.totalsize = self.inodecount =
self.slinkcount = 0
 self.gain  = self.bytescompared = self.bytesread  =
self.inodecount = 0
 for toplevel in args:
-os.path.walk(toplevel, self.buildList, None)
+os.path.walk(toplevel, self.updateDict, None)
 if self.count  0:

-def buildList(self,arg,dirpath,namelist):
- build a dictionnary of files to be analysed, indexed by
-files = {}
+def updateDict(self,arg,dirpath,namelist):
+ update a dictionary of files to be analysed, indexed by
+# files = {}
+files = self.compfiles
 for filepath in namelist:
 fullpath = os.path.join(dirpath,filepath)
 if os.path.isfile(fullpath):
@@ -51,20 +52,23 @@
 if  size = MIN_FILESIZE:
 self.count += 1
 self.totalsize += size
+# is above totalling in the wrong place?
 if size not in files:
-for size in files:
-if len(files[size]) != 1:
+# for size in files:
+# if len(files[size]) != 1:
+# self.compfiles[size]=files[size]

 def compare(self):
  compare all files of the same size  - outer loop 
 for size in sizes:
+list_of_filenames = self.compfiles[size]
+if len(list_of_filenames)  1:
+   self.comparefiles(size, list_of_filenames)

 def comparefiles(self,size,filelist):
  compare all files of the same size  - inner loop 

(3) Your fdups-check gadget doesn't work on Windows; the commands
module works only on Unix but is supplied with Python on all
platforms. The results might just confuse a newbie:

(1, '{' is not recognized as an internal or external
command,\noperable program or batch file.)

Why not use the Python filecmp module?


Re: string methods (warning, newbie)

2005-02-26 Thread anthonyberet
anthonyberet wrote:
Is there a string mething [method] to return only the alpha characters of a string?
eg 'The Beatles - help - 03 - Ticket to ride', would be 

erm, no it wouldn't, it would be 'TheBeatleshelpTickettoride', but you 
get me, I am sure.

If not then how best to approach this?
I have some complicated plan to cut the string into individual 
characters and then concatenate a new string with the ones that return 
true with the .isalpha string method.

Is there an easier way?

Re: Dealing with config files what's the options

2005-02-26 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 21:54:16 -0500, Tom Willis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 15:02:04 -0700, Dave Brueck
 Jorgen Grahn wrote:
  How about writing them in Python?
 I actually thought of this, and I was kind of on the fence due to the
 intended audience.

 I don't think it's too much to ask that they are comfy with the
 concept of variables. I mean, if it was a shell script they'd be at
 the top of the file anyway.
 Then again I'm some what hesitant to help them make the connection
 that I'm giving them the ability to indirectly edit the code. Kind of
 like opening pandoras box. Once the figure out they can open any file
 (*.py) with notepad, there will be utter anarchy and I'll get the call
 at 4am that somethings wrong with the production data.

There's two issues there.

One is about hiding knowledge from the users.  I'm against that; this isn't
the middle ages. If they shoot themselves in the foot, that is /their/
problem, not yours. You support /your/ code, not whatever they hack together.
And with 99.999% certainty, they won't touch it.

The other is about the config file messing up the environment for your main
program. Seems hard to do by mistake -- you'd have to write endless loops or
import modules and modify them, or someting. I seem to recall that you can
evaluate a piece of code in a separate environment/sandbox -- maybe that's
the way to go?

(Personally, I try to avoid designs which need config files. If I /did/ need
one I'd steal the design from some well-known Unix program, because that's
my primary target, and I'd prefer not to lock myself into Python -- I might
want to rewrite the thing in C, or Perl, or ...)


  // Jorgen Grahn jgrahn@   Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
\X/   R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Re: Thread scheduling

2005-02-26 Thread Peter Hansen
Jack Orenstein wrote:
Peter Hansen wrote:
  You've got two shared global variables, done and counter.
  Each of these is modified in a manner that is not thread-safe.
  I don't know if counter is causing trouble, but it seems
  likely that done is.
I understand that. 

  Basically, the statement done += 1 is equivalent to the
  statement done = done + 1 which, in Python or most other
  languages is not thread-safe.  

Understood. I was counting on this being unlikely for my test
case. I realize this isn't something to rely on in real software.
Hmm... okay.  I may have been distracted by the fact that your
termination condition is based on done incrementing properly,
and that it was possible this wouldn't happen because of the race
condition.  So, if I understand you now, you're saying that the
reason done doesn't increment is actually because one of the
threads is never finishing properly, for some reason not related
to the code itself. (?)
The point of the
test is not to maintain counter -- it's to show that sometimes even
after one thread completes, the other thread never is scheduled
again. This seems wrong. Try running the code, and let me see if you
see this behavior.
On my machines (one Py2.4 on WinXP, one Py2.3.4 on RH9.0) I don't
see this behaviour.  Across about fifty runs each.
And the two increments of done (one by each thread) are still
almost certainly not going to coincide and cause a problem. Also, if
you look at the output from the code on a hang, you will see that
'thread X: leaving' only prints once. This has nothing to do with what
happens with the done variable.
Okay, I believe you.  As I said, I hadn't taken the time to read
through everything at first, jumping on an obvious bug related
to the done variable not meeting your termination conditions.
I can see that something else is likely to be causing this.
One thing you might try is experimenting with sys.setcheckinterval(),
just to see what effect it might have, if any.
It's also possible there were some threading bugs in Py2.2 under
Linux.  Maybe you could repeat the test with a more recent
version and see if you get different behaviour.  (Not that that
proves anything conclusively, but at least it might be a good
solution for your immediate problem.)

Re: string methods (warning, newbie)

2005-02-26 Thread Peter Hansen
anthonyberet wrote:
Is there a string mething to return only the alpha characters of a string?
eg 'The Beatles - help - 03 - Ticket to ride', would be 

If not then how best to approach this?
I have some complicated plan to cut the string into individual 
characters and then concatenate a new string with the ones that return 
true with the .isalpha string method.

Is there an easier way?
Look into the string module's translate function.  It will
do this for you fairly easily.

Re: Converting HTML to ASCII

2005-02-26 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2005-02-26, Paul Rubin http wrote:
 Jorgen Grahn [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 You should probably do what some other poster suggested -- download
 lynx or some other text-only browser and make your code execute it
 in -dump mode to get the text-formatted html. You'll get that
 working in an hour or so, and then you can see if you need something
 more complicated.

 Lynx is pathetically slow for large files.

First, make it work.  Then make it work right.  Then worry
about how fast it is.  

Premature optimization...

 It seems to use a quadratic algorithm for remembering where
 the links point, or something.  I wrote a very crude but very
 fast renderer in C that I can post if someone wants it, which
 is what I use for this purpose.

If lynx really is too slow, try w3m or links.  Both do a better
job of rendering anyway.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  I know how to do

RE: string methods (warning, newbie)

2005-02-26 Thread Jimmy Retzlaff
Anthonyberet wrote:
 Is there a string mething to return only the alpha characters of a
 eg 'The Beatles - help - 03 - Ticket to ride', would be
 If not then how best to approach this?
 I have some complicated plan to cut the string into individual
 characters and then concatenate a new string with the ones that return
 true with the .isalpha string method.
 Is there an easier way?

The approach you are considering may be easier than you think:

 filter(str.isalpha, 'The Beatles - help - 03 - Ticket to ride')


Re: string methods (warning, newbie)

2005-02-26 Thread Terry Reedy

anthonyberet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Is there a string mething to return only the alpha characters of a 
 eg 'The Beatles - help - 03 - Ticket to ride', would be 

I believe you can do this with string.translate (string module, not str())



Re: Thread scheduling

2005-02-26 Thread Jack Orenstein
On my machines (one Py2.4 on WinXP, one Py2.3.4 on RH9.0) I don't
see this behaviour.  Across about fifty runs each.
Thanks for trying this.
One thing you might try is experimenting with sys.setcheckinterval(),
just to see what effect it might have, if any.
That does seem to have an impact. At 0, the problem was completely
reproducible. At 100, I couldn't get it to occur.
It's also possible there were some threading bugs in Py2.2 under
Linux.  Maybe you could repeat the test with a more recent
version and see if you get different behaviour.  (Not that that
proves anything conclusively, but at least it might be a good
solution for your immediate problem.)
2.3 (on the same machine) does seem better, even with setcheckinterval(0).
Thanks for your suggestions.
Can anyone with knowledge of Python internals comment on these results?
(Look earlier in the thread for details. But basically, a very simple
program with the thread module, running two threads, shows that on
occasion, one thread finishes and the other never runs again. python2.3
seems better, as does python2.2 with  sys.setcheckinterval(100).)

Re: Making a calendar

2005-02-26 Thread Brian Sutherland
On Sat, Feb 26, 2005 at 01:57:20PM +0100, Pete. wrote:
 I'm trying to make a calendar for my webpage, python and html is the only 
 programming languages that I know, is it possible to make such a calendar 
 with pythong code and some html.
 The Idea is that when I click the link calendar on my webpage, then the user 
 will be linked to the calendar.
 The calendar should show one month at the time, and the user should be able 
 to browse to the other month.
 I will make a script that puts events and such into a db ( I know how to do 
 Then I need a script that puts the events from the db into the calendar, if 
 every day in the calendar has a value id that part will not be hard.

All this and more (perhaps overkill):

Brian Sutherland

It's 10 minutes, 5 if you walk fast.

Re: Thread scheduling

2005-02-26 Thread Peter Hansen
Jack Orenstein wrote:
One thing you might try is experimenting with sys.setcheckinterval(),
just to see what effect it might have, if any.
That does seem to have an impact. At 0, the problem was completely
reproducible. At 100, I couldn't get it to occur.
If you try other values in between, can you directly affect
the frequency of the failure?  That would appear to suggest
a race condition.
It's also possible there were some threading bugs in Py2.2 under
Linux.  Maybe you could repeat the test with a more recent
version and see if you get different behaviour.  (Not that that
proves anything conclusively, but at least it might be a good
solution for your immediate problem.)
2.3 (on the same machine) does seem better, even with setcheckinterval(0).
The default check interval was changed from 10 in version 2.2
and earlier to 100 in version 2.3.  (See for details.)

On the other hand, with version 2.3.4 under RH9, I tried values
of 10 and 1 with no failures at any time.  This might still
be an issue with your own particular system, so having others
try it out might be helpful...

Re: any Python equivalent of Math::Polynomial::Solve?

2005-02-26 Thread Nick Coghlan
Just wrote:
(Hm, I had the impression that scipy != Konrad Hinsen's Scientific 
You're probably right :)
I had played with [1], but it only calculates one root, and I need all 
roots (specifically, for a quintic equation). [2] doesn't seem to be a 
Actually, I was curious whether the 'zeros' method in [2] did the right 
Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

Re: function expression with 2 arguments

2005-02-26 Thread Nick Coghlan
Xah Lee wrote:
Python doc is quite confounded in it's way of organization centered
around implementation tied to hardware (as most imperative languages
are hardware-centric), as opposed to algorithm math concepts.
Actually, Python's docs are centred around the fact that they expect people to 
start out by at least skimming the freaking tutorial. . .

Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

Re: string methods (warning, newbie)

2005-02-26 Thread Nick Coghlan
Jimmy Retzlaff wrote:
The approach you are considering may be easier than you think:

filter(str.isalpha, 'The Beatles - help - 03 - Ticket to ride')
Hmm, I think this is a case where filter is significantly clearer than the 
equivalent list comprehension:

Py .join([c for c in 'The Beatles - help - 03 - Ticket to ride' if c.isalpha(
Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

Is it possible to pass a parameter by reference?

2005-02-26 Thread Anthony Liu
I defined two functions, f1 and f2.  

f1 modifies the value of a variable called apple.

I want to pass the modified value of apple to f2.

How can I do this?  I got stuck.

Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we.

PyUnit and multiple test scripts

2005-02-26 Thread Calvin Spealman
I'm trying to find the best way to use PyUnit and organize my test scripts.
What I really want is to separate all my tests into 'test' directories
within each module of my project. I want all the files there to define a
'suite' callable and to then all all those suites from all those test
directories into one big suite and run it all. I'm having trouble with

My first barrier was just loading the modules. As I had to be able to find
them automatically (would be tedious to maintain a manual list of them) I
needed to then load the modules from the paths to the files after I found
them. This wasn't working, I just couldn't get it to load. I couldn't
understand the imp module correctly.

1) Is there a very simple way to just take a file path and name, that I
could use to open the source file, and load it as a module object, no
strings attached?

2) Is there already a framework around that will do what I need?

I've tried py.test, but I really do not like the way it displays results.


Re: Is it possible to pass a parameter by reference?

2005-02-26 Thread M.E.Farmer
Anthony Liu wrote:
 I defined two functions, f1 and f2.

 f1 modifies the value of a variable called apple.

 I want to pass the modified value of apple to f2.

 How can I do this?  I got stuck.

Pydef f1(apple): += 1

pydef f2(apple):
...print 'you have %s apples' % apple

'you have 5 apples'
Read the docs this is pretty basic, it will save you time.
If in doubt try it out.
Use the interpreter, it is your friend.


Re: Problem When Unit Testing with PMock

2005-02-26 Thread steven
 def mockit(): raise StopIteration
 now pass mockit()

but it behaviors differenctly when pass in a mockit()  and pass in an
iterator with empty.  so i think the code emulates nothing.

 def intit(k):
  for i in range(k): yield i

Now you mean define my own iteration without the help of pmock.   but
there are still so many other methods in the iterator for pass in,  i
have to mock them one by one totally manually, its boring and thats the
reason why i want pmock.


parse lines to name value pairs

2005-02-26 Thread sunriselee
Hi all,

I want to parse some string lines into name value pairs, where the value
will be a list. Here are some sample lines:

line1 = path {{data/tom} C:/user/john}
line2 = books{{book music red} {book {math 1}
blue} {book {tom's book} green}}

For line1, the name is path, the name-value should be the following

[path, [data/tom, C:/user/john]]

For line 2, the name is books, and the value should be a list in either
one of the following forms (either one is ok):

[books, [[book,music,red],[book,math 1,blue],[book, tom's
book, green]]]


[books, [book,music,red,book,math 1,blue,book, tom's
book, green]]

Any ideas?

Many thanks!


Re: any Python equivalent of Math::Polynomial::Solve?

2005-02-26 Thread Carl Banks
Just wrote:
 While googling for a non-linear equation solver, I found
 Math::Polynomial::Solve in CPAN. It seems a great little module,
 it's not Python... I'm especially looking for its poly_root()
 functionality (which solves arbitrary polynomials). Does anyone know
 a Python module/package that implements that?

If you don't have a great need for speed, you can accomplish this
easily with the linear algebra module of Numeric/numarray.   Suppose
your quintic polynomial's in the form

   a + b*x + c*x**2 + d*x**3 + e*x**4 + x**5

The roots of it are equal to the eigenvalues of the companion matrix:

  0   1   0   0   0
  0   0   1   0   0
  0   0   0   1   0
  0   0   0   0   1
 -a  -b  -c  -d  -e

It should be pretty easy to set up a Numeric matrix and call
LinearAlgebra.eigenvalues.  For example, here is a simple quintic

. from Numeric import *
. from LinearAlgebra import *
. def quinticroots(p):
. cm = zeros((5,5),Float32)
. cm[0,1] = cm[1,2] = cm[2,3] = cm[3,4] = 1.0
. cm[4,0] = -p[0]
. cm[4,1] = -p[1]
. cm[4,2] = -p[2]
. cm[4,3] = -p[3]
. cm[4,4] = -p[4]
. return eigenvalues(cm)

now-you-can-find-all-five-Lagrange-points-ly yr's,



simple input that can understand special keys?

2005-02-26 Thread Gabriel B.
i'm writting an application that will use Tinker in a newer future.
Now it's console only. I simply ommit some data on the display,
print() some other and go on. The problem is that i can't test the
actions tiggered by special keys, like Page Up/Down or the F1...12

Right now i'm using raw_input() since even the Tk version will have
only one input place, and for debuging i'm literally writting pageup,
pagedow and the F's. But i want to put it in test while i write the

is there any hope for me? I wanted to stay only with the console for
now. And it's windows by the way :)


Re: cgi: getting at raw POST data?

2005-02-26 Thread Tim Roberts
Erik Johnson nobody at anywhere dot com wrote:

I am trying to work with a program that is trying make an HTTP POST of text
data without any named form parameter. (I don't know - is that a normal
thing to do?) I need to write a CGI program that accepts and processes that
data. I'm not seeing how to get at data that's not a named form parameter.

If you are using POST in some non-standard way, just skip using the cgi
module at all and read stdin yourself.
- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: Is it possible to pass a parameter by reference?

2005-02-26 Thread Tim Roberts
Anthony Liu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I defined two functions, f1 and f2.  

f1 modifies the value of a variable called apple.

I want to pass the modified value of apple to f2.

How can I do this?  I got stuck.

It depends on the data type.  Essentially, all objects are passed by
reference.  However, some objects can be modified, and some cannot.  Lists
can, strings and tuples cannot.

This is one of the most important thing to understand about Python, in my
opinion.  There is a fundamental separation between an object and whatever
names it is known by.

Here's an example:

   def xxx(yyy):
  yyy[1] = 3

   zzz = [ 0, 1, 2 ]

After this code runs, zzz will be [0,3,2].  Note that, while xxx is
running, the list that was created as [0,1,2] has two names.

However, this code will fail within xxx, because the string cannot be
   aaa = abcde

However, watch this:

   def xxx(yyy):# 0
  yyy = [ 3, 4, 5]  # 1

   zzz = [ 0, 1, 2 ]# 2
   xxx(zzz) # 3

After this runs, zzz will still be [0,1,2].  At line 2, a list object is
created containing [0,1,2].  The variable name zzz is bound to that list.
When we get to lines 3 and 0, the variable name yyy within function xxx is
bound to that exact same object.

However, in line 1, a NEW list object is created, containing [3,4,5].  The
variable yyy is then bound to this NEW object, and its binding to the other
list is lost.  However, the variable zzz is still bound to [0,1,2].

If you need to create a new object and return it to the mainline, do that:

def xxx(yyy):
yyy = [ 3, 4, 5 ]
return yyy

zzz = [ 0, 1, 2 ]
zzz = xxx(zzz)
- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

[ python-Bugs-1152424 ] Dict docstring error Python-2.3.5

2005-02-26 Thread
Bugs item #1152424, was opened at 2005-02-26 11:19
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item Submitter
You can respond by visiting:

Category: Documentation
Group: Python 2.3
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Colin J. Williams (cjwhrh)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Dict docstring error Python-2.3.5

Initial Comment:
Minor error, epydoc reports the following:

In __builtin__.dict docstring:
   L3: Error: Improper paragraph indentation.
   L5: Error: Improper paragraph indentation.
   L7: Error: Improper paragraph indentation.
   L9: Error: Improper paragraph indentation.


You can respond by visiting:
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[ python-Bugs-1152723 ] urllib2 dont respect debuglevel in httplib

2005-02-26 Thread
Bugs item #1152723, was opened at 2005-02-27 03:49
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item Submitter
You can respond by visiting:

Category: Python Library
Group: Python 2.4
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: abbatini (abbatini)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: urllib2 dont respect debuglevel in httplib

Initial Comment:
It is common habit to see http headers:

 import httplib
 httplib.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1
 import urllib
 feeddata =

but this dont work with import urllib2 with python 2.4
In rev 1.57 was intoduced code to AbstractHTTPHandler class
that prevent above mentioned construction.
Init method always set debuglevel=0 then do_open method
always do:


after instantiating HTTPConnection class.



You can respond by visiting:
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[ python-Bugs-1152726 ] Default class args get clobbered by prior instances.

2005-02-26 Thread
Bugs item #1152726, was opened at 2005-02-26 22:10
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item Submitter
You can respond by visiting:

Category: Python Interpreter Core
Group: Python 2.3
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Simon Drabble (sdrabble)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Default class args get clobbered by prior instances.

Initial Comment:
OS: SuSE Linux 9.2  kernel 2.6.4
Python: 2.3.3

Define a class where the __init__() method takes a default arg of list 
type. Instantiate this class, and append/ extend the value of its default 
arg. Instantiate the class again, and the value from the first instance 
will overwrite the second. 

The bug is known to exist in 2.3.3, but may exist in subsequent 
releases also. 

The attached file illuminates the problem.


You can respond by visiting:
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[ python-Bugs-1152726 ] Default class args get clobbered by prior instances.

2005-02-26 Thread
Bugs item #1152726, was opened at 2005-02-26 22:10
Message generated for change (Settings changed) made by sdrabble
You can respond by visiting:

Category: Python Interpreter Core
Group: Python 2.3
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 8
Submitted By: Simon Drabble (sdrabble)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Default class args get clobbered by prior instances.

Initial Comment:
OS: SuSE Linux 9.2  kernel 2.6.4
Python: 2.3.3

Define a class where the __init__() method takes a default arg of list 
type. Instantiate this class, and append/ extend the value of its default 
arg. Instantiate the class again, and the value from the first instance 
will overwrite the second. 

The bug is known to exist in 2.3.3, but may exist in subsequent 
releases also. 

The attached file illuminates the problem.


You can respond by visiting:
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[ python-Bugs-1110242 ] gzip.GzipFile.flush() does not flush all internal buffers

2005-02-26 Thread
Bugs item #1110242, was opened at 2005-01-26 16:42
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by alanmcintyre
You can respond by visiting:

Category: Python Library
Group: Python 2.4
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: David Schnepper (dschnepper)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: gzip.GzipFile.flush() does not flush all internal buffers

Initial Comment:
flush() is expected to output all pending data stored
in internal buffers.

gzip.GzipFile.flush() does perform a flush on its
fileobj, but does not flush the state of its compressobj
prior to the IO flush.

This results in being able to use gzip.GzipFile to zip 
output to a socket and having the other side unzip it
in sync with originators flush calls.


Comment By: Alan McIntyre (ESRG) (alanmcintyre)
Date: 2005-02-26 23:33

Logged In: YES 

This patch appears to fix the bug as described, and running
the regression tests on Python 2.5a0 (CVS HEAD) plus this
patch turns up no problems.  Since the documentation says
that a GzipFile simulates most of the methods of a file
object, I would expect GzipFile.flush() to act in the way
that David described in the first paragraph of the bug
report, and his patch seems to provide that as far as I can


You can respond by visiting:
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[ python-Bugs-1152762 ] curses.textpad raises error

2005-02-26 Thread
Bugs item #1152762, was opened at 2005-02-27 19:00
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item Submitter
You can respond by visiting:

Category: Python Library
Group: Python 2.3
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: John McPherson (jrm21)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: curses.textpad raises error

Initial Comment:
textpad seems to have a bug when you backspace from the
start of a line. By default, stripspaces is on, so it
tries to skip any spaces on the previous line. But if
there are no spaces, it raises a curses error and makes
the app quit.

Reproduce by:

$ python /usr/lib/python2.3/curses/

type 1234567890 into the textpad

press backspace twice.

The problem is _end_of_line() function doing last =
last + 1

I think a better way would be to start at the end of
the line (last=self.maxx), and skip backwards while
last is a space:

while last  0 and ascii.ascii(,
last)) == ascii.SP:
last -= 1



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