Python in a strange land: IronPython and ASP.NET at the next PyGTA

2007-04-13 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
IronPython is a native implementation of Python on the Microsoft .NET 
platform.  The implementation is from Microsoft and the language is well 
supported by the Visual Studio development environment which has always 
been one of the Microsoft platform's strengths.  Though Python is often 
associated with the Free and Open Source communities, consultants and 
developers frequently need to solve real-world problems using Python on 
the .NET platform.  IronPython makes using Python in these situations a 
natural choice for the Python programmer.

Our speaker for the evening is Myles Braithwaite, a local consultant and 
developer.  He is going to give us an idea of how developing a web 
application using ASP.NET looks when using IronPython instead of C#, as 
well as his impressions of the platform.

As usual, we will hold the presentation at Linux Caffe, gathering for 
introductions at 6:30 PM, with the formal presentation beginning at 7:00 
PM.  We normally head out around 8:30 PM for beer, coffee and/or ice 
cream.  You can find directions and maps to Linux Caffe on the wiki:

Hope to see you all there,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Problem with algorithm

2007-04-13 Thread Paul Rubin
Charles Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Forgive any silly mistakes I have made (I've been teaching
 myself python for about 1 week) but there is a moderately
 well known algorithm for this that extends to arbitrary
 lengths of both the list of alternatives and the length
 of the required output, and avoids deeply nested loops.

s = abcd

def a(n):
if n==0:
yield ''
for c in s:
for r in a(n-1):
yield c+r

print list(a(3))

Databases with python

2007-04-13 Thread Anthony Irwin
Hi All,

I am interested in playing with python some more and am looking at 
writing an app with data stored in a database. I have experience with 
mysql but thought that their may be other better databases that can be 
more easily distributed with the program does anyone have any 
suggestions here?

I only use linux myself but I can foresee some windows people wanting 
to use what I create and if I am going to support windows then I might 
as well support mac too. (this is to say that the database should 
support the 3 main platforms in use)

Also is wxpython the best cross platform gui library it seems to be 
the best I have seen so far.

Kind Regards,
Anthony Irwin
email: anthony at the above domain, - www.

Re: Problem with algorithm

2007-04-13 Thread Charles Sanders
Paul Rubin wrote:
 def a(n):
 if n==0:
 yield ''
 for c in s:
 for r in a(n-1):
 yield c+r
 print list(a(3))

Of course, obvious in retrospect, recursion instead of iteration.
I have yet to completely wean myself off Fortran style thinking.


Python and JMS?

2007-04-13 Thread Leonard J. Reder

I would like to write some Python to monitor a JMS middleware software bus.
JMS being Java Messaging Service.  Can anyone recommend a Python
wrapper to JMS for this?   My goal is to listen for XML being transfered 
a JMS implementation.   All the applications so far are in Java.

Thanks for any replies?

Leonard J. Reder
Home office email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lab web page  :

Python and XML?

2007-04-13 Thread Leonard J. Reder

What is the best way to process a Relax NG Schema and auto generate XML 
Python parser/generator code?
Any suggestions?

Thanks for all replies,

Leonard J. Reder
Home office email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lab web page  :

Re: output of top on a linux box

2007-04-13 Thread Pradnyesh Sawant
 Can you pull the same information from /proc/stat as opposed to using
 a pipe to top? The first line(s) should contain (at least):

 cpu usermode, lowprio, system, idle, hz.
Thanks a lot for the help. I finally decided to go with your suggestion.
warm regards,
Pradnyesh Sawant
Be yourself..everyone else is taken. --Anon

Re: doubt with importing module, given module name

2007-04-13 Thread Pradnyesh Sawant
 module_name = module
 mod = __import__(module_name)
 class_name = module_name.capitalize()
 cls = getattr(mod, class_name)
 inst = cls()

Worked like a magic charm :) Also helped me understand the concept of getattr :D
Thanks a million!
warm regards,
Pradnyesh Sawant
Be yourself..everyone else is taken. --Anon


2007-04-13 Thread pierre-yves guido
hello (I hope my english is not so bad),

I'm doing a training course and I'm a newbie in Python. My problem :
I have a form, and when I click, I make an update. But all the parameters 
are all required to make the update. So I'd like to put in my code something 
like [optional]...

My code (simplyfied) :


and so, when I put nothing in wf_nom, it put me that error :the parameter 
wf_nom...was omitted from the request But sometimes, wf_nom is not 
required !

Thanks to help a poor young boy

Personnalisez votre Messenger avec


Re: Problem with algorithm

2007-04-13 Thread Jia Lu

 for m in test:
 for n in test:
 for o in test:
 for p in test:
 print m+n+o+p

Thanx for your anwser.
But if I consider about a combination of over 26 letter's list just

Need I write 26 for loops to do this?


Jia LU


Re: Calling private base methods

2007-04-13 Thread Duncan Booth
7stud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Really, it does work (probably). There are other ways to get at private
 members in C++ but this is the easiest.
 I can also access private methods of a class if my sister backspaces
 over private and types public instead.
 In your example, no private methods were ever created, and therefore
 you are not accessing private methods.
Are you being deliberately obtuse? The methods are private throughout the 
program *except* for the one source file where you do this trick.

It won't work if the compiler mangles the protection into the name, but I 
have used this successfully with a C++ library where I absolutely couldn't 
do what I needed without getting at a private method. The fact that I had 
to resort to this trick is a big indication of course that genuinely 
private members (as opposed to a 'keep off' naming convention) are a bad 
idea in general.

If the name does get mangled then you may of course have to do other much 
messier tricks to get at the address of the function and then call it.

Re: Calling private base methods

2007-04-13 Thread Duncan Booth
Dan Bishop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a job as a C++ programmer and once tried this trick in order to
 get at a private member function I needed.  Didn't work: Apparently, VC
 ++ includes the access level in its name mangling, so you get linker
I don't have a copy of VC to hand to test, but I might have tried something 
along these lines:

somheader contains:

class Whatever {
  void ohnoyoudont(int);

My C file:

#define ohnoyoudont blah(){};public: \
inline void sneak(int x){this.ohnoyoudont(x);};private:void ohnoyoudont
#include someheader
#undef ohnoyoudont

Whatever foo = new Whatever();
int ohyesido = 42;

I don't think injecting another couple of non-virtual methods into the 
class ought to break anything.

Re: tuples, index method, Python's design

2007-04-13 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 2007-04-12, Carsten Haese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 2007-04-12 at 14:10 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 People are always defending duck-typing in this news group and now python
 has chosen to choose the option that makes duck-typing more difficult.

 Au contraire! The inconsistent behavior of in is precisely what
 duck-typing is all about: Making the operator behave in a way that makes
 sense in its context.

No it isn't. Ducktyping is about similar objects using a similar
interface to invoke similar behaviour and getting similar result.

So that if you write a function you don't concern yourself with
the type of the arguments but depend on the similar behaviour.

Suppose someone writes a function that acts on a sequence.
The algorithm used depending on the following invariant.

  i = s.index(e) = s[i] = e

Then this algorithm is no longer guaranteed to work with strings.

On the other hand I subclass list and add a sub method
to check for the argument being a sublist of the object.
Now I write a function that depends on this functionality.
But although strings have the functionality I can't use
them as argument because the functionality is invoked
in a different way.

 Nobody seems to be complaining about + behaving
 inconsistently depending on whether you're adding numbers or

You are wrong. I already mentioned problems with it. The
problem is that there are structures that are numbers and
sequences at the same time. So I have a choice. Either I
overload the + to get an addition or to get a concatanation.

In the first case I can't trust my structure to work with
functions that expect a general sequence because they
may depend on the fact that + concatenates. In the
other case I can't trust my structure to work with
numbers because they may depend on the fact that +
behaves like an addition.

Antoon Pardon

Re: Databases with python

2007-04-13 Thread WEINHANDL Herbert
Anthony Irwin wrote:
 Hi All,
 I am interested in playing with python some more and am looking at 
 writing an app with data stored in a database. I have experience with 
 mysql but thought that their may be other better databases that can be 
 more easily distributed with the program does anyone have any 
 suggestions here?

with SQLObject  ( )
or   SQLAlchemy ( )
you can use any of the supported (sqlite, mysql, postgresql, firebird)
databases in an object oriented way without worrying about the details
of the database you use.

sqlite ( ) is a database which stores its data
directly into a file, while all other databases require a server to
be installed prior to using it,

so if you want to distribute your application it might be the easiest way
to use sqlite as your database.

Python 2.5 and newer has sqlite already included, thus it seems
the database of choice.

 I only use linux myself but I can foresee some windows people wanting to 
 use what I create and if I am going to support windows then I might as 
 well support mac too. (this is to say that the database should support 
 the 3 main platforms in use)
 Also is wxpython the best cross platform gui library it seems to be the 
 best I have seen so far.

Happy pythoning


ps: if you want to create a web-application i can recommend
 TurboGears ( )

Re: Python and JMS?

2007-04-13 Thread Jarek Zgoda
Leonard J. Reder napisał(a):

 I would like to write some Python to monitor a JMS middleware software bus.
 JMS being Java Messaging Service.  Can anyone recommend a Python
 wrapper to JMS for this?   My goal is to listen for XML being transfered
 a JMS implementation.   All the applications so far are in Java.

Quick googling for python jms yields as
1st result and for a long time this seems the only solution that works.
Unfortuantely, it's functionality is severely limited.

If you happen to use ActiveMQ, you can try to use stomp protocol, but
this isn't a standard (I don't know any other implementation of queuing
software that uses this).

Jarek Zgoda

We read Knuth so you don't have to.

Re: tuples, index method, Python's design

2007-04-13 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 2007-04-12, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 12 Apr 2007 07:37:38 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:

 I once had a problem I like to solve by having a dictionary
 where the keys were multidimensional points on an integer grid.
 For a number of reasons I thought it would be easier if I could
 use lists, but most people argued that would be a bad idea and
 that I should use tuples, because they are immutable.

 Also because code that raises TypeError: list objects are unhashable is
 probably not going to work very well.

 Of course if I now would want to find out if the point is on an axis and
 which axis that is, I cannot use index because that is not available.

 If memory is more important to you than speed:

 class IndexTuple(tuple):
 def index(self, target):
 for i, x in enumerate(self):
 if x == target: return i
 raise ValueError

 Or if speed is more important to you than memory:

 class IndexTuple2(tuple):
 def index(self, target):
 return list(self).index(target)

 If you prefer not to subclass, you can write an index function:

 def index(sequence_or_mapping, target):
 return sequence_or_mapping.index(target)
 except AttributeError:
 return list(sequence_or_mapping).index(target)

 So much fuss over such a little thing... yes it would be nice if tuples
 grew an index method, but it isn't hard to work around the lack.

Yes it is a little thing. But if it is such a little thing why do
the developers don't simply add it?

Python like any other human product has it shortcomings. I can live
with them. If a wart turns up and the general answer would be, yes
we know it is a wart but it is the result of how python grew or
it was the best compromise we could think of and too much depends
on it now to change it.  This kind of threads would die quickly.

Instead we often enough see the warts getting defended as good design.

Antoon Pardon

which version libpcap

2007-04-13 Thread eight02645999
from the web, i found 2 kinds of wrappers for libpcap, one is
pylibpcap, the other is pcapy. may i know which is more popularly
used? thanks


split and regexp on textfile

2007-04-13 Thread Flyzone
i have a problem with the split function and regexp.
I have a file that i want to split using the date as token.
Here a sample:
Mon Apr  9 22:30:18 2007
Mon Apr  9 22:31:10 2007

I'm trying to put all the lines in a one string and then to separate
(could be better to not delete the \n if possible...)
  while 1:
 line = ftoparse.readline()
 if not line: break
 if line[-1]=='\n': line=line[:-1]
 file_str += line
  matchobj=re.compile('[A-Z][a-z][a-z][ ][A-Z][a-z][a-z][ ][0-9| ][0-9]
[ ][0-9][0-9][:]')
  print matchobj

i have tried also
   matchobj=re.split(r^[A-Z][a-z][a-z][ ][A-Z][a-z][a-z][ ][0-9| ]
[0-9][ ][0-9][0-9][:],file_str)
and reading all with one:
but the split doesn't work...where i am wronging?


Re: Databases with python

2007-04-13 Thread hugonz

On Apr 13, 1:02 am, Anthony Irwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,

 I am interested in playing with python some more and am looking at
 writing an app with data stored in a database. I have experience with
 mysql but thought that their may be other better databases that can be
 more easily distributed with the program does anyone have any
 suggestions here?

Specially if your program is going to be multi plattform, check out

It is a pure python database. Its performance may not be that high,
but it will be very easily distributed with your program. The
interface is pythonic, with no SQL to write.


Re: Any Pythonistas in Mexico?

2007-04-13 Thread hugonz
On Apr 12, 8:56 am, Marcpp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yo vivo en España.
 Usas el pyqt?

Hola! no, no lo he usado, aunque ahorita estoy más bien haciendo mis
experimentos con wxPython...




2007-04-13 Thread pierre-yves guido

I'm doing a training course and I'm a newbie in Python. My problem :
I have a form, and when I click, I make an update. But all the parameters
are all required to make the update. So I'd like to put in my code something
like [optional]...

My code (simplyfied) :


and so, when I put nothing in wf_nom, it put me that error :the parameter
wf_nom...was omitted from the request But sometimes, wf_nom is not
required !

Thanks for your help

Découvrez le Blog heroic Fantaisy d'Eragon!


Re: Problem with algorithm

2007-04-13 Thread azrael
I think that this would be very silly to do. bad  kung foo. The
recoursion technique would be more satisfying. You sholud consider
that this would take about 4 lines to write. Also be avare of the
default recoursion depth in python wich is 1000. you can get and set
the recoursion limit hrough importing the sys module and using
getrecoursionlimit() and setrecoursionlimit().

On Apr 13, 9:16 am, Jia Lu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  for m in test:
  for n in test:
  for o in test:
  for p in test:
  print m+n+o+p

 Thanx for your anwser.
 But if I consider about a combination of over 26 letter's list just

 Need I write 26 for loops to do this?


 Jia LU


Re: split and regexp on textfile

2007-04-13 Thread mik3l3374
On Apr 13, 3:59 pm, Flyzone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i have a problem with the split function and regexp.
 I have a file that i want to split using the date as token.
 Here a sample:
 Mon Apr  9 22:30:18 2007
 Mon Apr  9 22:31:10 2007

 I'm trying to put all the lines in a one string and then to separate
 (could be better to not delete the \n if possible...)
   while 1:
  line = ftoparse.readline()
  if not line: break
  if line[-1]=='\n': line=line[:-1]
  file_str += line
   matchobj=re.compile('[A-Z][a-z][a-z][ ][A-Z][a-z][a-z][ ][0-9| ][0-9]
 [ ][0-9][0-9][:]')
   print matchobj

 i have tried also
matchobj=re.split(r^[A-Z][a-z][a-z][ ][A-Z][a-z][a-z][ ][0-9| ]
 [0-9][ ][0-9][0-9][:],file_str)
 and reading all with one:
 but the split doesn't work...where i am wronging?

you trying to match the date part right? if re is what you desire,
here's one example:

 data = open(file).read()
 pat = re.compile([A-Z][a-z]{2} [A-Z][a-z]{2}  
 \d{,2}\s+\d{,2}:\d{,2}:\d{,2} \d{4},re.M|re.DOTALL)
 print pat.findall(data)
['Mon Apr  9 22:30:18 2007', 'Mon Apr  9 22:31:10 2007']


Re: split and regexp on textfile

2007-04-13 Thread Flyzone
On 13 Apr, 10:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 you trying to match the date part right? if re is what you desire,
 here's one example:

Amm..not! I need to get the text-block between the two data, not the
data! :)


Re: reading from sys.stdin

2007-04-13 Thread 7stud

Thanks for the responses.  My book, Beginning Python: From Novice to
Professional(p. 266) says that sys.stdin is iterable, just like other
files, so I thought I would test it out.   However, I don't see how
it is acting similar to a file in my example.

I assume all input is buffered by default, so I'm not sure how it
explains things to say that input from sys.stdin is buffered.

 I typed many lines, but lst contains only one item, as expected. Same as
 your regular file example: the file contains many lines, but only the
 first goes into the list.

Interesting example--not as I expected!  But there is a difference in
the two examples isn't there?  When you iterate over a file, the whole
file isn't put into an internal buffer first, is it?

 I don't know if this a python or OS thing, but I know that iterating over a
 file is not like applying successive call to readline method. You should try
 to use readline instead.

I've wondered what the differences were.  Thanks for bringing that
up.  I searched around on google, and PEP 234 has this to say about

- Files implement a tp_iter slot that is equivalent to
  iter(f.readline, ).  This means that we can write

  for line in file:

  as a shorthand for

  for line in iter(file.readline, ):

  which is equivalent to, but faster than

  while 1:
  line = file.readline()
  if not line:
Because the file iterator uses an internal buffer, mixing this
with other file operations (e.g. file.readline()) doesn't work
right.  Also, the following code:

  for line in file:
  if line == \n:
  for line in file:
  print line,

doesn't work as you might expect, because the iterator created by
the second for-loop doesn't take the buffer read-ahead by the
first for-loop into account.  A correct way to write this is:

  it = iter(file)
  for line in it:
  if line == \n:
  for line in
  print line,

 You may want to look at a related issue:

Bad link.

This should be f = iter(raw_input,) and this will end in a EOFError
and stop on blank line. So you need a wrapper

Why a wrapper?  This example seems to work without error:

lst = []

f = iter(raw_input, )
for line in f:

print lst


Try problem

2007-04-13 Thread SamG
import sys
 if s==1:
except SystemExit,s:
 if (s==0):
  print s
  print Hello

How come i always end up getting the Hello printed on the screen as
logically i should a '0' printed?


Re: reading from sys.stdin

2007-04-13 Thread Michael Hoffman
7stud wrote:

 I assume all input is buffered by default, so I'm not sure how it
 explains things to say that input from sys.stdin is buffered.

The difference with sys.stdin is that it has indeterminate length until 
you signal EOF. I believe you'd get the same problem reading from, say, 
a named pipe.

 I typed many lines, but lst contains only one item, as expected. Same as
 your regular file example: the file contains many lines, but only the
 first goes into the list.
 Interesting example--not as I expected!  But there is a difference in
 the two examples isn't there?  When you iterate over a file, the whole
 file isn't put into an internal buffer first, is it?

It is if the file is smaller than the buffer size.

 This should be f = iter(raw_input,) and this will end in a EOFError
 and stop on blank line. So you need a wrapper
 Why a wrapper?

Because without a wrapper you'll get EOFError, while the file iterator 
would ordinarily give you StopIteration.
Michael Hoffman

Re: split and regexp on textfile

2007-04-13 Thread mik3l3374
On Apr 13, 4:55 pm, Flyzone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 13 Apr, 10:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  you trying to match the date part right? if re is what you desire,
  here's one example:

 Amm..not! I need to get the text-block between the two data, not the
 data! :)

change to pat.split(data) then.
I get this:

['', '\ntext\ntext\n', '\ntext\ntext ']


Re: Try problem

2007-04-13 Thread Michael Hoffman
SamG wrote:
 import sys
  if s==1:
 except SystemExit,s:
  if (s==0):
   print s
   print Hello
 How come i always end up getting the Hello printed on the screen as
 logically i should a '0' printed?

After the exception is raised, s is not an int. It is an exception 
object. You want s.message.
Michael Hoffman

Re: Try problem

2007-04-13 Thread mik3l3374
On Apr 13, 5:14 pm, SamG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 import sys
  if s==1:
 except SystemExit,s:
  if (s==0):
   print s
   print Hello

 How come i always end up getting the Hello printed on the screen as
 logically i should a '0' printed?

if you put a debug print statement, eg

except SystemExit,s:
print s in exception  , s, type(s)
if (s==0):

you will notice 's' is an instance. so when it reaches the if
(s==0), which you are comparing with a number, it will fail and then
hello is printed.


Re: split and regexp on textfile

2007-04-13 Thread Flyzone
On 13 Apr, 11:14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 change to pat.split(data) then.

next what i have tried originally..but is not working, my result is

[Mon Feb 26 11:25:04 2007\ntext\n  text\ntext\nMon Feb 26 11:25:16
2007\ntext\n  text\n text\nMon Feb 26 17:06:41 2007\ntext]

all together :(


Re: reading from sys.stdin

2007-04-13 Thread 7stud
On Apr 13, 3:13 am, Michael Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 7stud wrote:
  I assume all input is buffered by default, so I'm not sure how it
  explains things to say that input from sys.stdin is buffered.

 The difference with sys.stdin is that it has indeterminate length until
 you signal EOF. I believe you'd get the same problem reading from, say,
 a named pipe.

Couldn't you say the same thing about a file you are iterating over?

  I typed many lines, but lst contains only one item, as expected. Same as
  your regular file example: the file contains many lines, but only the
  first goes into the list.

  Interesting example--not as I expected!  But there is a difference in
  the two examples isn't there?  When you iterate over a file, the whole
  file isn't put into an internal buffer first, is it?

 It is if the file is smaller than the buffer size.

How is that relevant?

  This should be f = iter(raw_input,) and this will end in a EOFError
  and stop on blank line. So you need a wrapper

  Why a wrapper?

 Because without a wrapper you'll get EOFError, while the file iterator
 would ordinarily give you StopIteration.

Did you run my example?  Did you get an error?  I don't get an error.


Re: reading from sys.stdin

2007-04-13 Thread 7stud
On Apr 13, 3:36 am, 7stud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It is if the file is smaller than the buffer size.

 How is that relevant?

If I put 100 lines of text in a file with each line having 50
characters, and I run this code:

import sys

lst = []
for line in open(aaa.txt):
print an iteration

print lst

The output is:

$ python

an iteration
['helleo haljdfladj ahdflasdjf ds hdljfalsdjfdsljfds \n']

It seems clear to me that the whole file wasn't first read into a
buffer before the code started processing the data.


Re: split and regexp on textfile

2007-04-13 Thread bearophileHUGS
 i have a problem with the split function and regexp.
 I have a file that i want to split using the date as token.

My first try:

data = 
error text
Mon Apr  9 22:30:18 2007
Mon Apr  9 22:31:10 2007
Mon Apr 10 22:31:10 2007

import re
date_find = re.compile(r\d\d:\d\d:\d\d \d{4}$)

section = []
for line in data.splitlines():
if section:
print \n + - * 10 + \n, \n.join(section)
section = [line]
if line:

print \n + - * 10 + \n, \n.join(section)

itertools.groupby() is fit to split sequences like:
1 000 11 000 111 00 1 0 1 0 1
While here we have a sequence like:
that has to be splitted as:
1 1000 10 1 1 1000 1
A standard itertool can be added for such quite common situation too.

Along those lines I have devised this different (and maybe over-
engineered) version:

from itertools import groupby
import re

class Splitter(object):
# Not tested much
def __init__(self, predicate):
self.predicate = predicate
self.precedent_el = None
self.state = True
def __call__(self, el):
if self.predicate(el):
self.state = not self.state
self.precedent_el = el
return self.state

date_find = re.compile(r\d\d:\d\d:\d\d \d{4}$)
splitter = Splitter(

sections = (\n.join(g) for h,g in groupby(data.splitlines(),
for section in sections:
if section:
print \n + - * 10 + \n, section

The Splitter class + the groupby can become a single simpler
generator, like in this this version:

def grouper(seq, key=bool):
# A fast identity function can be used instead of bool()
# Not tested much
group = []
for part in seq:
if key(part):
if group: yield group
group = [part]
yield group

import re
date_find = re.compile(r\d\d:\d\d:\d\d \d{4}$)

for section in grouper(data.splitlines(),
print \n + - * 10 + \n, \n.join(section)

Maybe that grouper can be modified to manage group lazily, like
groupby does, instead of building a true list.

Flyzone (seen later):
Amm..not! I need to get the text-block between the two data, not the data! :)

Then you can modify the code like this:

def grouper(seq, key=bool):
group = []
for part in seq:
if key(part):
if group: yield group
group = [] # changed
yield group



Re: Try problem

2007-04-13 Thread SamG
On Apr 13, 2:25 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 13, 5:14 pm, SamG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  import sys
   if s==1:
  except SystemExit,s:
   if (s==0):
print s
print Hello

  How come i always end up getting the Hello printed on the screen as
  logically i should a '0' printed?

 if you put a debug print statement, eg

 except SystemExit,s:
 print s in exception  , s, type(s)
 if (s==0):

 you will notice 's' is an instance. so when it reaches the if
 (s==0), which you are comparing with a number, it will fail and then
 hello is printed.

Then how do we check the value of the s's instance?


Re: split and regexp on textfile

2007-04-13 Thread Flyzone
On 13 Apr, 11:30, Flyzone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 all together :(

Damn was wrong mine regexp:
pat = re.compile([A-Z][a-z][a-z][ ][A-Z][a-z][a-z][ ][0-9| ][0-9][ ]

now is working! :)
Great! really thanks for the helps!

A little question: the pat.split can split without delete the date?


Re: reading from sys.stdin

2007-04-13 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], 7stud wrote:

 On Apr 13, 3:36 am, 7stud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It is if the file is smaller than the buffer size.

 How is that relevant?

 If I put 100 lines of text in a file with each line having 50
 characters, and I run this code:
 import sys
 lst = []
 for line in open(aaa.txt):
 print an iteration
 print lst
 The output is:
 $ python
 an iteration
 ['helleo haljdfladj ahdflasdjf ds hdljfalsdjfdsljfds \n']
 It seems clear to me that the whole file wasn't first read into a
 buffer before the code started processing the data.

How is that clear to you?  Why do you think the file was not loaded
completely into a buffer and only the first line from this buffer ends up
in `lst`?

Let's try this:

def main():
test_file = open('test.txt', 'w')
for i in xrange(100):
test_file.write('%d %s\n' % (i, 'x' * 50))

test_file = open('test.txt', 'r')
for line in test_file:
print line
print '%s' %

0 xx

You see the read after the loop doesn't read anything because the file
content is in the buffer of the iterator.  If the test file has more
lines, I tested it with 1000, the output looks like this:

0 xx

151 xx
152 x

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch


Re: Problem with algorithm

2007-04-13 Thread Paddy
On Apr 13, 8:16 am, Jia Lu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  for m in test:
  for n in test:
  for o in test:
  for p in test:
  print m+n+o+p

 Thanx for your anwser.
 But if I consider about a combination of over 26 letter's list just

 Need I write 26 for loops to do this?


 Jia LU
Try this:

You could then write something like:

import string
for thiscomb in comb2( *([string.lowercase]*26) ):

Mind you, it generates a lot of combinations.

- Paddy.


Re: reading from sys.stdin

2007-04-13 Thread Michael Bentley

On Apr 13, 2007, at 4:47 AM, 7stud wrote:

 On Apr 13, 3:36 am, 7stud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It is if the file is smaller than the buffer size.

 How is that relevant?

 If I put 100 lines of text in a file with each line having 50
 characters, and I run this code:

 import sys

 lst = []
 for line in open(aaa.txt):
 print an iteration

 print lst

 The output is:

 $ python

 an iteration
 ['helleo haljdfladj ahdflasdjf ds hdljfalsdjfdsljfds \n']

 It seems clear to me that the whole file wasn't first read into a
 buffer before the code started processing the data.

The break statement causes it to bail after the first iteration, so  
that doesn't really prove your point.  For example:

lst = []
for line in ['we', 'all live', 'in a yellow', 'submarine']:
   print an iteration

print lst

The output is:

an iteration


Re: Try problem

2007-04-13 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
SamG schrieb:
 On Apr 13, 2:25 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 13, 5:14 pm, SamG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 import sys
  if s==1:
 except SystemExit,s:
  if (s==0):
   print s
   print Hello
 How come i always end up getting the Hello printed on the screen as
 logically i should a '0' printed?
 if you put a debug print statement, eg

 except SystemExit,s:
 print s in exception  , s, type(s)
 if (s==0):

 you will notice 's' is an instance. so when it reaches the if
 (s==0), which you are comparing with a number, it will fail and then
 hello is printed.
 Then how do we check the value of the s's instance?

By not naming the caught exception like a variable you used beforehand? 
The character 'e' comes to my mind...


Re: Lists and Tuples and Much More

2007-04-13 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 12 Apr 2007 16:01:51 -0700, bearophileHUGS wrote:

 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, [7, 9, 8, 10]]
 Such sorting may be impossible in Python 3.0 (comparing the order of
 lists with integers may be seen as meaningless. Otherwise you can see
 single numbers as lists of len=1, like another language does).

And such sorting may be impossible in ten billion years when the sun
explodes, but is it really necessary to confuse a newbie who is having
problems with basic concepts with what may happen in some future version
of Python?

It would be one thing if sorting such lists was depreciated, but it isn't,
so I think as far as the Original Poster is concerned, that's just
muddying the water.



Re: tuples, index method, Python's design

2007-04-13 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 13 Apr 2007 07:46:58 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:

 So much fuss over such a little thing... yes it would be nice if tuples
 grew an index method, but it isn't hard to work around the lack.
 Yes it is a little thing. But if it is such a little thing why do
 the developers don't simply add it?

Perhaps because they've got better things to do than spend all their time
adding little things that are the work of thirty seconds for a developer
like yourself to create when you need it.



Re: Try problem

2007-04-13 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
 On Apr 13, 5:14 pm, SamG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 import sys
  if s==1:
 except SystemExit,s:
  if (s==0):
   print s
   print Hello

 How come i always end up getting the Hello printed on the screen as
 logically i should a '0' printed?
 if you put a debug print statement, eg
 except SystemExit,s:
 print s in exception  , s, type(s)
 if (s==0):
 you will notice 's' is an instance.

Not with Python 2.5.x (exceptions are now new-style classes too).

 so when it reaches the if
 (s==0), which you are comparing with a number,

Actually, with an instance of class int. Everything in Python is an object.

But the comparison will fail, indeed.

Re: Shebang or Hashbang for modules or not?

2007-04-13 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Thu, 12 Apr 2007 00:24:12 +0200, Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Chris Lasher a écrit :
 Should a Python module not intended to be executed have shebang/
 hashbang (e.g., #!/usr/bin/env python) or not?

 The shebang is only useful for files that you want to make directly 
 executable on a *n*x system. They are useless on Windows,

Probably (unless uses them for something meaningful there,
too). But of course often you don't know that the file will always be
used only on Windows, or that the Windows user won't prefer Cygwin.

 and not 
 technically required to use the file as a main program  -ie: you can 
 always run it like this:
 $ /path/to/python

You can, but sometimes it's not appropriate. If you distribute a
Python program to Unix users in that form, they may not want to know
or care which language it's written in. Especially if you decide, a
few releases later, that you want to switch to Perl or something.

  I realise that you took a more narrow view than I do above, so
  please see this as additional notes rather than critisism. It's just
  that I am struggling with people at work who feel program names
  should encode whatever language they happen to be written in, and so
  I am a bit oversensitive ...

 I'm used to having a
 shebang in every .py file

 An encoding declaration might be more useful IMHO !-)

They are not mutually exclusive, if that is what you mean.
I always use both.


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
\X/  R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Re: wxPython, mac, wx.HSCROLL not working

2007-04-13 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
7stud wrote:

 Thanks.  It looks like someone asked the same question yesterday.

No -- it looks like I was a bit stressed and the first google hit or
a direct jump to would have provided the solution :)



BOFH excuse #14:

sounds like a Windows problem, try calling Microsoft support


Re: Lists and Tuples and Much More

2007-04-13 Thread Scott

7stud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Yes. Tuples are immutable - once created, they can't change.

 Just to explain that statement a little better.  If you do this:

 t = (1, 2, [red, white])
 print t#(1, 2, ['red', 'white', 'purple'])

 It sure looks like t changed, and therefore t is NOT immutable--and
 the whole tuples are immutable mantra is a lie.  However, the list
 itself isn't actually stored inside t.  What's stored inside t is
 python's internal id for the list.  So suppose python gave the list
 the internal id: 10008.  The tuple really looks like this:

 t = (1, 2, 10008)

 And no matter what you do to the list: append() to it, sort() it,
 etc., the list's id remains the same.  In that sense, the tuple is
 immutable because the id stored in the tuple never changes.

 In actuality, the numbers 1 and 2 aren't stored in the list either--
 python has internal id's for them too, so the tuple actually looks
 like this:

 t = (56687, 93413, 10008)
   | ||
   | ||
   | ||
   V VV
   1 2[red, white, purple]

 Because of that structure, you can create situations like this:

 lst = [red, white]
 t1 = (1, 2, lst)
 t2 = (15, 16, lst)
 print t1
 (1, 2, ['red', 'white'])
 print t2
 (15, 16, ['red', 'white'])
 print lst
 ['red', 'white', 'purple']
 print t1
 (1, 2, ['red', 'white', 'purple'])
 print t2
 (15, 16, ['red', 'white', 'purple'])

 lst, t1, and t2 all refer to the same list, so when you change the
 list, they all see that change.  In other words, the names lst,
 t1[2], and t2[2] all were assigned the same python id for the original
 list [red, white].  Since all those names refer to the same list,
 any of those names can be used to change the list.
This is exactly the type of explaination I'm looking for.  Thank you much!!! 


Re: wxPython, mac, wx.HSCROLL not working

2007-04-13 Thread 7stud
On Apr 13, 4:54 am, Bjoern Schliessmann usenet-
 7stud wrote:
  Thanks.  It looks like someone asked the same question yesterday.

 No -- it looks like I was a bit stressed and the first google hit or
 a direct jump to would have provided the solution :)

Huh?  Are you saying you found a solution?


Re: Shebang or Hashbang for modules or not?

2007-04-13 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On 13 Apr 2007 10:54:18 GMT, Jorgen Grahn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 12 Apr 2007 00:24:12 +0200, Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Chris Lasher a écrit :
 Should a Python module not intended to be executed have shebang/
 hashbang (e.g., #!/usr/bin/env python) or not?

 The shebang is only useful for files that you want to make directly 
 executable on a *n*x system. They are useless on Windows,

 Probably (unless uses them for something meaningful there,

There's another, secondary, reason to use a shebang on Python source
which isn't executable: the Unix file(1) command and friends can see
that it's Python code.

(Of course, such files will almost always be named


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
\X/  R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Re: Reading the first line of a file (in a zipfile)

2007-04-13 Thread mike . aldrich
On Apr 11, 4:20 pm, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 En Wed, 11 Apr 2007 17:15:48 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

  The file contents have leading whitespace, then a number:
   123456   \n
  I expect to return '123456'

 And nothing following the number?

 py line =  123456   \n
 py print line.strip()

 Gabriel Genellina

That works fine if I am using the interpreter, but I get 'cannot open
file' when i try to read from an archive..
Does that make sense? Sorry, this is my 2nd python script.


Arrays, Got Me Confused

2007-04-13 Thread Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
Hello Guys,


I'm struggling to get my head into arrays in python, I've used them plenty
in other languages but I'm struggling to find any decent documentation for
them in python. I'm looking to build a list of network MAC address's into an
array, which will probably be used for logging and firewalling and things.


I've build the basic class, the idea is that the class represents the
firewall, and I have functions for the firewall like addDevice() and
isFirewalled() where I pass in the address and it returns a value or updates
the array. However I'm getting an error when trying to create an empty array
on the init.



# Filename:


class Firewall:


   def __init__(self):

  Self.FireArray = array(c)


p = Firewall()

print p





Traceback (most recent call last):

  File ./, line 9, in ?

p = Firewall()

  File ./, line 7, in __init__

Self.FireArray = array(c)

NameError: global name 'array' is not defined


How can I solve this problem? From what I've seen writing I can't see
anything wrong with my syntax, perhaps you can shed some light on the
situation. Whilst I'm writing there is also another question I would like to
pose briefly. How do a create an object from an external file? Obviously in
my one above all I need do is call Firewall() and it creates an instance,
but I'm used to creating my class's as separate files, how do I create them
as an object in my main application?






Re: Arrays, Got Me Confused

2007-04-13 Thread Michael Bentley

On Apr 13, 2007, at 7:04 AM, Robert Rawlins - Think Blue wrote:


# Filename:

class Firewall:

   def __init__(self):

  Self.FireArray = array(c)

p = Firewall()

print p


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File ./, line 9, in ?

p = Firewall()

  File ./, line 7, in __init__

Self.FireArray = array(c)

NameError: global name 'array' is not defined

How can I solve this problem?

from array import array


Re: Arrays, Got Me Confused

2007-04-13 Thread rishi pathak

You will have to import Numeric module
from Numeric import *
to the script
For the second question:
Suppose you wrote the code for your class in
and your main script is
Put the file in the directory where you have
Then in do :

To create an object of class Firewall
May be this will help

On 4/13/07, Robert Rawlins - Think Blue [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hello Guys,

I'm struggling to get my head into arrays in python, I've used them plenty
in other languages but I'm struggling to find any decent documentation for
them in python. I'm looking to build a list of network MAC address's into an
array, which will probably be used for logging and firewalling and things.

I've build the basic class, the idea is that the class represents the
firewall, and I have functions for the firewall like addDevice() and
isFirewalled() where I pass in the address and it returns a value or updates
the array. However I'm getting an error when trying to create an empty array
on the init.


# Filename:

class Firewall:

   def __init__(self):

  Self.FireArray = array(c)

p = Firewall()

print p


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File ./, line 9, in ?

p = Firewall()

  File ./, line 7, in __init__

Self.FireArray = array(c)

NameError: global name 'array' is not defined

How can I solve this problem? From what I've seen writing I can't see
anything wrong with my syntax, perhaps you can shed some light on the
situation. Whilst I'm writing there is also another question I would like to
pose briefly. How do a create an object from an external file? Obviously in
my one above all I need do is call Firewall() and it creates an instance,
but I'm used to creating my class's as separate files, how do I create them
as an object in my main application?




Rishi Pathak
National PARAM Supercomputing Facility
Center for Development of Advanced Computing(C-DAC)
Pune University Campus,Ganesh Khind Road

Re: reading from sys.stdin

2007-04-13 Thread Michael Hoffman
7stud wrote:
 On Apr 13, 3:13 am, Michael Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 7stud wrote:
 I assume all input is buffered by default, so I'm not sure how it
 explains things to say that input from sys.stdin is buffered.
 The difference with sys.stdin is that it has indeterminate length until
 you signal EOF. I believe you'd get the same problem reading from, say,
 a named pipe.

 Couldn't you say the same thing about a file you are iterating over?

Only if the file has indeterminate length. Regular files have a length.

 This should be f = iter(raw_input,) and this will end in a EOFError
 and stop on blank line. So you need a wrapper
 Why a wrapper?
 Because without a wrapper you'll get EOFError, while the file iterator
 would ordinarily give you StopIteration.
 Did you run my example?  Did you get an error?  I don't get an error.

Yes I did. I did get an error.

  lst = []
  f = iter(raw_input, )
  for line in f:
... lst.append(line)
Ctrl-DTraceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
Michael Hoffman

Re: Problem with algorithm

2007-04-13 Thread Michael Hoffman
azrael wrote:
 I think that this would be very silly to do. bad  kung foo. The
 recoursion technique would be more satisfying. You sholud consider
 that this would take about 4 lines to write. Also be avare of the
 default recoursion depth in python wich is 1000. you can get and set
 the recoursion limit hrough importing the sys module and using
 getrecoursionlimit() and setrecoursionlimit().

Well, you'd have to spell sys.getrecursionlimit() correctly, but yes ;)

At least in the past, raising the recursion limit past a certain point 
would result in the CPython interpreter crashing, so it's not completely 
Michael Hoffman

Re: Arrays, Got Me Confused

2007-04-13 Thread Tim Golden
Michael Bentley wrote:
 On Apr 13, 2007, at 7:04 AM, Robert Rawlins - Think Blue wrote:

 # Filename:
 class Firewall:
def __init__(self):

   Self.FireArray = array(c)

 p = Firewall()

 print p

 Traceback (most recent call last):

   File ./, line 9, in ?

 p = Firewall()

   File ./, line 7, in __init__

 Self.FireArray = array(c)

 NameError: global name 'array' is not defined

 How can I solve this problem?
 from array import array

Well, also the line referencing Self.FireArray
is not going to work, unless there's
some global Self knocking around. Python is

More importantly, I suspect, is that the OP's
almost certainly looking for a Python *list*,
not an array in this case. It's hard to tell,
since we've no idea what's in the c which
is being passed to the array.

Robert - can you explain what you're trying to
do and/or post a wider fragment of code?



2007-04-13 Thread Colin J. Williams
pierre-yves guido wrote:
 I'm doing a training course and I'm a newbie in Python. My problem :
 I have a form, and when I click, I make an update. But all the parameters
 are all required to make the update. So I'd like to put in my code something
 like [optional]...
 My code (simplyfied) :
 and so, when I put nothing in wf_nom, it put me that error :the parameter
 wf_nom...was omitted from the request But sometimes, wf_nom is not
 required !
 Thanks for your help

user None?

Colin W.


Re: sqlite3 question

2007-04-13 Thread Jorgen Bodde

This is how I did it in the end as well. Yes i use the connection
object, abbreviated as 'c' for ease of typing.

In my real app the connection is kept inside a singleton object and I
use the DB like

result = GuitarDB().connection.execute('select * from song where id =
if result:
  print 'Found a song'
  print 'Found nothing'

I know there will always be a cursor object back from
connection.execute, so for ease of use and sparing a temp var, I put
the .fetchone() behind the connection.execute()

Thanks everyone for their help!
- Jorgen

On 4/12/07, Carsten Haese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 2007-04-12 at 13:43 +0200, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
  In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jorgen Bodde
   r = c.execute('select * from song where id = 1')
   for s in r:
   ... print s
   (1, u'Spikedrivers Blues', u'Mississippi John Hurt')
   That works. But when I can't restore the row by e.g. an ID that does
   not exist, I cannot see any method in 'r' (which is a SQLite.Cursor)
   that can tell me if I have rows. As explained in the help, r.rowcount
   does not give a valid result because it can't determine how many rows
   are restored in advance.
  This should not work because `r` should not be a `Cursor` object.  The
  `execute()`-Method returns an integer with the number of affected rows.

 It does work if 'c' is a connection object with a poorly chosen name.
 According to , sqlite3
 connection objects have a non-standard execute method that creates a
 cursor, executes a query on that cursor, and returns that cursor.

 Anyway, if you expect a query to return at most one row, such as when
 you're filtering on the table's primary key, this is how I would do it:

 cur.execute(select * from song where id = ?, (wanted_id,) )
 song_row = cur.fetchone()
 if song_row:
# Do something with song_row
# Song not found




On 4/12/07, Carsten Haese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 2007-04-12 at 13:43 +0200, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
  In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jorgen Bodde
   r = c.execute('select * from song where id = 1')
   for s in r:
   ... print s
   (1, u'Spikedrivers Blues', u'Mississippi John Hurt')
   That works. But when I can't restore the row by e.g. an ID that does
   not exist, I cannot see any method in 'r' (which is a SQLite.Cursor)
   that can tell me if I have rows. As explained in the help, r.rowcount
   does not give a valid result because it can't determine how many rows
   are restored in advance.
  This should not work because `r` should not be a `Cursor` object.  The
  `execute()`-Method returns an integer with the number of affected rows.

 It does work if 'c' is a connection object with a poorly chosen name.
 According to , sqlite3
 connection objects have a non-standard execute method that creates a
 cursor, executes a query on that cursor, and returns that cursor.

 Anyway, if you expect a query to return at most one row, such as when
 you're filtering on the table's primary key, this is how I would do it:

 cur.execute(select * from song where id = ?, (wanted_id,) )
 song_row = cur.fetchone()
 if song_row:
# Do something with song_row
# Song not found





Re: Cloning file attributes and permissions

2007-04-13 Thread Kevin Kelley

If you know what the permissions are going to be then you can use umask to
set the default file creation permissions to match. Then any files created
in that directory will have the correct permissions.

I think the pythonic way to solve this problem would be to code up your
own module which handles all the dirty parts in the background. It would
create the new file, stat the original, and chmod/chown the new file as
needed to match the original. All you would have to do after creating the
module is pass the new function the original and new file information.

Kevin Kelley

On 4/12/07, Paulo da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Apr 12, 5:19 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 12, 4:09 pm, Paulo da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 After poking around a bit I also discovered the
 shutil module.  It looks like you can use
 shutil.copy2.  More Pythonic, yes?

I have seen that in the index but I thought it was a different thing
because it was referenced as high-level operations.
Anyway that helps but I still need to copy the whole file or to use stat
and chown for the user/group ids.



Function arguments [was: help]

2007-04-13 Thread Steve Holden
pierre-yves guido wrote:
 hello (I hope my english is not so bad),
Your English is quite good. In future, though, please try to make your 
subject line say a bit more about the problem - we *all* need help!

 I'm doing a training course and I'm a newbie in Python. My problem :
 I have a form, and when I click, I make an update. But all the parameters 
 are all required to make the update. So I'd like to put in my code something 
 like [optional]...
 My code (simplyfied) :
 and so, when I put nothing in wf_nom, it put me that error :the parameter 
 wf_nom...was omitted from the request But sometimes, wf_nom is not 
 required !
 Thanks to help a poor young boy
When you define a function or a method (using the def statement) you can 
specify default values for arguments. A simple example:

   def fun(a, b=3):
  ...   return a*b
   fun(7, 4)
   fun(a=3, b=12)
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: fun() takes at least 1 non-keyword argument (0 given)

You can see several things here:

1. When you call a function you do not *have* to give thte names of the 
arguments - they can be matched by position.

2. When you define a function you can specify a default value for one or 
more arguments (these argument have to appear *after* the ones for which 
no default is defined)

3. If you don't provide a value for an argument that has no default then 
you will receive an exception, which normally results in a traceback.

Hope this helps. Welcome to Python, and its friendly community.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: treating str as unicode in legacy code?

2007-04-13 Thread Steve Holden
Ben wrote:
 I'm left with some legacy code using plain old str, and I need to make
 sure it works with unicode input/output. I have a simple plan to do
 - Run the code with python -U so all the string literals become
 unicode litrals.
 - Add this statement
   str = unicode
   to all .py files so the type comparison (e.g., type('123') == str)
 would work.
 Did I miss anything? Does this sound like a workable plan?

Well, don't forget that the assignment to str *shadows* the built-in 
rather than replacing it, so there may be places (imported modules being 
the example that most readily springs to mind) where that replacement 
won't be effective.

Plus which in CPython the C parts of the code may well be creating and 
expecting objects of type str but they won't use the Python naming 
mechanism at all, so you will have no way to effect changes in those 

This will probably account for about 95% of any strangeness you see, but 
it's probably a good first step in the conversion process.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


RE: Arrays, Got Me Confused

2007-04-13 Thread Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
Hello Guys,

Wider fragments of code don't really exists at this moment in time :-D this
is just a bit of a 'tester' class for me to get used to the methods.
Basically I'm trying to create a class that contains an array of MAC
address, these look something like this 'FD:E4:55:00:FG:A9. I want the class
to have the following methods for easy manipulation of the array.

addDevice(Address) - Pass in the MAC address and have it add it to the

removeDevice(Address) - Finds a device with that address in the array and
removes it.

isFirewalled(Address) - looks for that address in the array and returns
true/false dependant on whether it finds it.

Clear() - empty the array of all its contents.

Sorry for the sloppy code so far, I'm really new to Python so it's a steep
learning curve for me, I'm by no means a programming numpty and allot of the
principles are the same, but the languages I'm used to are more robust and
vague so I don't have to define what type of data i'm storing the array and

Thanks guys,


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Tim Golden
Sent: 13 April 2007 13:27
Subject: Re: Arrays, Got Me Confused

Michael Bentley wrote:
 On Apr 13, 2007, at 7:04 AM, Robert Rawlins - Think Blue wrote:

 # Filename:
 class Firewall:
def __init__(self):

   Self.FireArray = array(c)

 p = Firewall()

 print p

 Traceback (most recent call last):

   File ./, line 9, in ?

 p = Firewall()

   File ./, line 7, in __init__

 Self.FireArray = array(c)

 NameError: global name 'array' is not defined

 How can I solve this problem?
 from array import array

Well, also the line referencing Self.FireArray
is not going to work, unless there's
some global Self knocking around. Python is

More importantly, I suspect, is that the OP's
almost certainly looking for a Python *list*,
not an array in this case. It's hard to tell,
since we've no idea what's in the c which
is being passed to the array.

Robert - can you explain what you're trying to
do and/or post a wider fragment of code?



Re: Need help with the get() method of a Text entry

2007-04-13 Thread Steve Holden
Chad wrote:
 On Apr 12, 5:03 pm, James Stroud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 James Stroud wrote:
 Chad wrote:
 I have a simple little program that brings up asks the user to enter a
 note, then is supposed to place that note into a text file when the
 user hits the submit button.  However, when the user hits the submit
 button, absolutely nothing happens.  IDLE doesn't give an error
 message and the note is not entered into the text file.  For
 troubleshooting puposes, I wanted to see if IDLE would at least print
 the user's input; it doesn't do that either.  Can someone please help
[James second-guesses himself twice]
 Thank you, that worked very well.

I thought it was particularly helpful of James to do the debugging for 
you without waiting for you to point out the errors in his first and 
second submissions. You just don't *get* help like that most places 

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings

list of datasaources with pyodbc

2007-04-13 Thread
How do I get a list of datasources with pyodbc?  I know that with
mx.ODBC.Windows I can use the DataSources method to get a dictionay
containing the datasources. Is there a similar way to do this with

Thanks in advance.


Re: VB6 To Python

2007-04-13 Thread Steve Holden
Michael Bentley wrote:
 On Apr 12, 2007, at 1:11 PM, Sampson, David wrote:
 Any experience or insight would be great.
 It has been my experience that when migrating to a dissimilar system, 
 avoiding the rewrite is a mistake.  And futile.
This is good advice.

Since your original project had such a clean separation between GUI code 
and the rest of the logic, however, you might want to investigate the 
methods discussed in Robinson and Hammond's Programming Win32 in 
Python, where they explain how Python logic can make use of COM 
interfaces to interact with VB (or other COM) GUIs.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Arrays, Got Me Confused

2007-04-13 Thread Tim Golden
Robert Rawlins - Think Blue wrote:
 Hello Guys,
 Wider fragments of code don't really exists at this moment in time :-D this
 is just a bit of a 'tester' class for me to get used to the methods.
 Basically I'm trying to create a class that contains an array of MAC
 address, these look something like this 'FD:E4:55:00:FG:A9. I want the class
 to have the following methods for easy manipulation of the array.
 addDevice(Address) - Pass in the MAC address and have it add it to the
 removeDevice(Address) - Finds a device with that address in the array and
 removes it.
 isFirewalled(Address) - looks for that address in the array and returns
 true/false dependant on whether it finds it.
 Clear() - empty the array of all its contents.

OK, it's easy enough to do this, but you might find
that you don't actually need to do too much of it
yourself. Python has two central datastructures
built in: lists and dictionaries. There are loads
of tutorials around (and if you join the python-tutor
list, the welcome message points you towards several)
so I won't go into the details, but it looks like
you want a dict here.

You could wrap it in a class if you wanted, but
the great thing about Python is that you don't
have to. *Very* rough example code:

macs = {} # create an empty dict

incoming_mac = 'FD:E4:55:00:FG:A9'
macs[incoming_mac] = True

example_mac = 'a:b:c:d'
if example_mac in macs:
   mac_is_firewalled = macs[example_mac]


If you really wanted to go with a class (for the exercise
or because of wider requirements) you could do something
like this:

class Firewalled:
   def __init__ (self):
 self.macs = {}

   def addDevice (address):
 self.macs[address] = True

   def removeDevice (address):
 del self.macs[address]

   def isFirewalled (address):
 return address in self.macs
 # or return self.macs.get (address, False)

but as you can see, in this form you're just wrapping
Python with Python.

 Sorry for the sloppy code so far, I'm really new to Python so it's a steep
 learning curve for me, I'm by no means a programming numpty and allot of the
 principles are the same, but the languages I'm used to are more robust and
 vague so I don't have to define what type of data i'm storing the array and

Ummm... in Python you don't have to define what type of
data you're storing. Welcome to the language in any case:
you'll find that people around here are generally quite
friendly but if you want, you might try the tutor list
where people are very used to dealing with newcomers:


Re: Arrays, Got Me Confused

2007-04-13 Thread Richard Brodie

Robert Rawlins - Think Blue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 Wider fragments of code don't really exists at this moment in time
No but specifying the problem too narrowly tends to get you an
unidiomatic solution.

 Basically I'm trying to create a class that contains an array of MAC
 address, these look something like this 'FD:E4:55:00:FG:A9.

You rarely want to use 'array' in the standard library; there are some
use cases for it but they are rare. More often you want to use the
list type. However, here you really want to use a set: having
decided that, the code is so trivial, it's hardly worth making a new

 s = set()
 s = set()
 'FD:E4:55:00:FG:A9' in s
 'FD:E4:55:00:FG:A9' in s

Of course, you might want to add sanity checks like
'G' is not a hex digit in a real implementation.


Re: favourite IDE

2007-04-13 Thread Steve Holden
azrael wrote:
 Some time ago I posted a question about the favourite IDE. I finally
 found it. WING IDE i the best I've ever seen for python. Code
 completition is amazing, automated help, python comand line. evrything
 i need. Who didnt try, doesnt know what he is missing.
 just one word: Amazing
 respect to the developers
While I too am a (very happy) Wing user I feel I should remind everyone 
that best here is a misleading term for two reasons:

1. Evaluations like this are notoriously subjective, and

2. Any IDE has many dimensions, so they can't be laid out on a linear 
path between worst and best.

Having said this, I *am* looking forward to using the new features in 
3.0 for debugging threaded code. That sounds like a major step forward.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


RE: Arrays, Got Me Confused

2007-04-13 Thread Carsten Haese
On Fri, 2007-04-13 at 13:50 +0100, Robert Rawlins - Think Blue wrote:
 Hello Guys,
 Wider fragments of code don't really exists at this moment in time :-D this
 is just a bit of a 'tester' class for me to get used to the methods.
 Basically I'm trying to create a class that contains an array of MAC
 address, these look something like this 'FD:E4:55:00:FG:A9. I want the class
 to have the following methods for easy manipulation of the array.
 addDevice(Address) - Pass in the MAC address and have it add it to the
 removeDevice(Address) - Finds a device with that address in the array and
 removes it.
 isFirewalled(Address) - looks for that address in the array and returns
 true/false dependant on whether it finds it.
 Clear() - empty the array of all its contents.

Unless your class is going to grow more hair than what you specify
above, such as the ability to specify ranges of addresses, I think
you'll want to use a set. See




Re: Question About Creating Lists

2007-04-13 Thread Steve Holden
Scott wrote:
 Please forgo the psychological self analysis from your future posts.
 Unfortunately I can't, that's how I am, love it or leave it.  But if your 
 going to be condescending about it, please leave your future replies in your 
 outbox.  Now don't take that as I don't appreciate your reply.  I just don't 
 appreciate the tone of that statement. I wouldn't say something about your 
 pseudonym possibly making up for some personal deficiency only because it 
 wouldn't be right. Email etiquette is a beautiful thing.
And that's a really sideways way to take a swipe at someone while 
pretending to be too high-minded to do it (plus see James's comments 
about other possible explanations). If you kiddies would take this fight 
out into the playground perhaps the rest of the class can continue.

It *would* be helpful if you just asked the question. You said in your 
original post that ... I need to know the petty just because I need to 
know, but that's an abuse of the word need unless you suffer from a 
quite unusual psychological compulsion.

Another psychological compulsion, of course, is the inability to ignore 
the irrelevant in other people's posts. The two apparently don't combine 

 And I'm sorry if you didn't mean it that way, but that's the way it read.
To you. Get over it, this is Usenet. You will experience worse if you 
stick at it long enough.

 I don't think your question has anything to do with lists.  Maybe this
 will help: there is a distinction between what are called literals
 and variables.
 My question was in fact about lists and their proper syntax (I'm guessing 
 that's the right word). Basically all I was asking was if I had the idea 
 down or not, which was meant to be implied when I wrote: Am I safe in 
 Maybe I didn't write it the exact way to get the response I needed, and if 
 it read differently I'm sorry. But that's all I was asking. 
You can't really separate the syntax of lists from the syntax of the 
rest of Python. Maybe you didn't mean syntax, it's hard to know. There 
are, as has been pointed out, names and values. Names are references to 
values. So after you say

five = 5

the following conditions are true:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] == [1, 2, 3, 4, five]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 'five'] != [1, 2, 3, 4, five]

Then execute

five = 'five'

and the truth value of both conditions flips, so the first is false and 
the second is true.

The value referenced by the name five changes as new values are assigned 
(in Python we tend to prefer to say bound, to remind us that names are 
really references) to it. The values represented by the literals 5 and 
'five' will never change.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: where to report bug/get help for wxpython

2007-04-13 Thread kyosohma
On Apr 12, 9:35 pm, alf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have another problem with wxpython - that is the best place to report
 bug - evident memory leak on Linux and win32.


You'll need to go to the official wxPython website, here:

There's a link to the mailing list (for help) and a link on how to
report a bug. I would recommend reporting your problem to the users
group mailing list first to find out if your problem is a known bug or



Re: where to report bug/get help for wxpython

2007-04-13 Thread Steve Holden
alf wrote:
 I have another problem with wxpython - that is the best place to report 
 bug - evident memory leak on Linux and win32.

Google for

   wxpython mailing list

and see if you still need help after that. Bug reports on will 
almost certainly go unregarded.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Cloning file attributes and permissions

2007-04-13 Thread Kevin Kelley

This is what I (just now) put together as an example:

from os import stat,mknod,chown

def match_perms(org_fname,new_fname):
   # Get information on old file
   st = stat(org_fname)
   st_mode = st.st_mode
   st_uid = st.st_uid
   st_gid = st.st_gid

   # Create the new file

   # Matching permissions

if __name__ == __main__:

On 4/13/07, Kevin Kelley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If you know what the permissions are going to be then you can use umask to
set the default file creation permissions to match. Then any files created
in that directory will have the correct permissions.

I think the pythonic way to solve this problem would be to code up your
own module which handles all the dirty parts in the background. It would
create the new file, stat the original, and chmod/chown the new file as
needed to match the original. All you would have to do after creating the
module is pass the new function the original and new file information.

Kevin Kelley

On 4/12/07, Paulo da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  On Apr 12, 5:19 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Apr 12, 4:09 pm, Paulo da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  After poking around a bit I also discovered the
  shutil module.  It looks like you can use
  shutil.copy2.  More Pythonic, yes?

 I have seen that in the index but I thought it was a different thing
 because it was referenced as high-level operations.
 Anyway that helps but I still need to copy the whole file or to use stat
 and chown for the user/group ids.



RE: Arrays, Got Me Confused

2007-04-13 Thread Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
Thanks for that Tim and Steve, greatly appreciated.

I know that the class method is just a wrapper and it seems a little silly,
but it is partly for the exercise. I'm pretty well savvy with the OOP stuff
but its something my business partner is yet to venture into, so by working
like this it helps him understand the concepts. I also feel more at home if
i can wrap this stuff up in nice user friendly methods that I can access
universally throughout the application.

I will have plenty of other class's and methods throughout the application
that will call upon this firewall stuff, and being able to universally
reference it as Firewall.addDevice() makes things more logical in my mind, I
find trying to go back to a more procedural method pretty tricky now.

Thanks again guys,


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Tim Golden
Sent: 13 April 2007 14:03
Subject: Re: Arrays, Got Me Confused

Robert Rawlins - Think Blue wrote:
 Hello Guys,
 Wider fragments of code don't really exists at this moment in time :-D
 is just a bit of a 'tester' class for me to get used to the methods.
 Basically I'm trying to create a class that contains an array of MAC
 address, these look something like this 'FD:E4:55:00:FG:A9. I want the
 to have the following methods for easy manipulation of the array.
 addDevice(Address) - Pass in the MAC address and have it add it to the
 removeDevice(Address) - Finds a device with that address in the array and
 removes it.
 isFirewalled(Address) - looks for that address in the array and returns
 true/false dependant on whether it finds it.
 Clear() - empty the array of all its contents.

OK, it's easy enough to do this, but you might find
that you don't actually need to do too much of it
yourself. Python has two central datastructures
built in: lists and dictionaries. There are loads
of tutorials around (and if you join the python-tutor
list, the welcome message points you towards several)
so I won't go into the details, but it looks like
you want a dict here.

You could wrap it in a class if you wanted, but
the great thing about Python is that you don't
have to. *Very* rough example code:

macs = {} # create an empty dict

incoming_mac = 'FD:E4:55:00:FG:A9'
macs[incoming_mac] = True

example_mac = 'a:b:c:d'
if example_mac in macs:
   mac_is_firewalled = macs[example_mac]


If you really wanted to go with a class (for the exercise
or because of wider requirements) you could do something
like this:

class Firewalled:
   def __init__ (self):
 self.macs = {}

   def addDevice (address):
 self.macs[address] = True

   def removeDevice (address):
 del self.macs[address]

   def isFirewalled (address):
 return address in self.macs
 # or return self.macs.get (address, False)

but as you can see, in this form you're just wrapping
Python with Python.

 Sorry for the sloppy code so far, I'm really new to Python so it's a steep
 learning curve for me, I'm by no means a programming numpty and allot of
 principles are the same, but the languages I'm used to are more robust and
 vague so I don't have to define what type of data i'm storing the array

Ummm... in Python you don't have to define what type of
data you're storing. Welcome to the language in any case:
you'll find that people around here are generally quite
friendly but if you want, you might try the tutor list
where people are very used to dealing with newcomers:



Re: Getting Stack Trace on segfault

2007-04-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GDB would could work. Here's how I use it to track down problems in a C
++ program controlled by python.

$ gdb python
GDB starts up, now at the gdb prompt, set the program args

(gdb) set arg
(gdb) run
... program running until crash
(gdb) where
gives you the backtrace if you compiled you're module code with debug

Cheers! Bernhard

On Apr 11, 10:51 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John J. Lee) wrote:
 James Stroud [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Hello All,

  The built-in mac osx vecLib is segfaulting in some cases--A very fun
  fact to find out the hard way over two nights of work. I also spent an
  embarrassing amount of time figuring out just where. Although I'm in
  quite a self-congratulatory mood right now, in the future, I feel like
  I could save a lot of time by coercing the interpreter to spew forth
  method calls to stderr. Is this possible?

  I would hope to produce something hauntingly reminiscent of

  [] my_function
  [my_function] another_function
  [my_function - another_function] yet_a_deeper_function


 I remember David Beazley (of SWIG fame) wrote something called WAD
 that claimed to turn segfaults into Python exceptions (hence
 tracebacks).  IIRC it was Linux-specific, and I have no idea how it
 worked.  I guess it could be ported to Windows with SEH, but no idea
 about OS X.



Re: mx.ODBC minor problem

2007-04-13 Thread Steve Holden
Greg Corradini wrote:
 Hello all,
 In a script i just wrote, my code calls a function createTables(), which
 checks for an existing table and then creates it, and then immediately calls
 selectSQL(), which selects from a different table and inserts on the table I
 just created (see below). 
 However, I continue to get an Interface Error (see below) when i run it. And
 yet, if I allow the code to call createTables() and then manually call
 selectSQL() after a couple seconds, the thing works fine. In short, there's
 no mismatch in the number of parameters. Why would this be? I've never
 experienced this before. How can i restructure my code to resolve this
 def createTables():
 # Drop AddScript Table
 curse.execute('Drop table ' +countyname+'ADD_SCRIPT_TABLE')

It may not make any difference, but you should *call* commit() in the 
statement above rather than just referencing it.

 # Create AddScript Table
 curse.execute('Create table ' +countyname+'ADD_SCRIPT_TABLE'+ ' (TISCODE
 TEXT(12), STATUS TEXT(4))')
 def selectSQL():
 sql = Select TISCODE,STATUS from  +countyname+0+  where STATUS =
 a = curse.fetchall()
 curse.executemany('Insert into ' +countyname+'ADD_SCRIPT_TABLE'+ '
 (TISCODE,STATUS) values (?,?)',x)

Shouldn't the second argument to executemany() be a, not x?

 InterfaceError: mismatch in number of parameters; expected 2, found none

I find this whole thing a little disturbing. I keep asking myself why 
you are apparently maintaining entirely separate data structures for 
each county instead of having the county as a data item that can be used 
to select appropriate rows in the normal SQL way.

I suspect the correct way to proceed otherwise is to rectify the 
database design before going too much further. If there is any intention 
to be able to compare data across different counties, for example, you 
will be dead in the water doing it this way.

If this is someone else's crappy database design that you are obliged to 
deal with then please accept my apologies. If it's your crappy design 
then fix it ;-)

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Problem with algorithm

2007-04-13 Thread azrael
sorry for the bad grammar. I didn't investigate the StackLess Python,
but as I have been reading about it (so if it was correct), the
recursionlimit should not be the problem using StackLess Python.
From my expirience with python and recursions, it works well to the
depth of about 200 to 500 (depending od algorithm and purpose). I
think that in this case it should work well with about 500. If you
need a bigger string, then lett it repeat and merge the different
You could also generate multidimensional hash.

Best Regards

On Apr 13, 2:24 pm, Michael Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 azrael wrote:
  I think that this would be very silly to do. bad  kung foo. The
  recoursion technique would be more satisfying. You sholud consider
  that this would take about 4 lines to write. Also be avare of the
  default recoursion depth in python wich is 1000. you can get and set
  the recoursion limit hrough importing the sys module and using
  getrecoursionlimit() and setrecoursionlimit().

 Well, you'd have to spell sys.getrecursionlimit() correctly, but yes ;)

 At least in the past, raising the recursion limit past a certain point
 would result in the CPython interpreter crashing, so it's not completely
 Michael Hoffman


Re: split and regexp on textfile

2007-04-13 Thread mik3l3374
On Apr 13, 6:08 pm, Flyzone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 13 Apr, 11:30, Flyzone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  all together :(

 Damn was wrong mine regexp:
 pat = re.compile([A-Z][a-z][a-z][ ][A-Z][a-z][a-z][ ][0-9| ][0-9][ ]

 now is working! :)
 Great! really thanks for the helps!

 A little question: the pat.split can split without delete the date?

not that i know of.


Re: Problem with algorithm

2007-04-13 Thread Steve Holden
Jia Lu wrote:
 for m in test:
 for n in test:
 for o in test:
 for p in test:
 print m+n+o+p
 Thanx for your anwser.
 But if I consider about a combination of over 26 letter's list just
 Need I write 26 for loops to do this?
 Jia LU
Your new example uses 20-byte strings anyway, so to produce those using 
the specified method you would need 20 nested for loops, not 26.

I'm pretty sure you could give a separate name to each atom ont he known 
universe with a scheme like this.  Do you really need 20-byte strings?

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Problem with algorithm

2007-04-13 Thread Paul McGuire
On Apr 13, 8:53 am, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jia Lu wrote:
  for m in test:
  for n in test:
  for o in test:
  for p in test:
  print m+n+o+p

  Thanx for your anwser.
  But if I consider about a combination of over 26 letter's list just

  Need I write 26 for loops to do this?


  Jia LU

 Your new example uses 20-byte strings anyway, so to produce those using
 the specified method you would need 20 nested for loops, not 26.

 I'm pretty sure you could give a separate name to each atom ont he known
 universe with a scheme like this.  Do you really need 20-byte strings?

 Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
 Holden Web LLC/Ltd
 Skype: holdenweb
 Recent Ramblings Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

If you just expand the length to five million* or so, one of those
strings will contain all the works of Shakespeare.

-- Paul
* ref: Project Gutenberg - -
unzipped plaintext is ~5.3Mb


Re: Using python to delta-load files into a central DB

2007-04-13 Thread Chris Nethery

I think that would work well.  Also, thank you for suggesting the use of 
filecmp.  I have never used this module, but it looks like a much better 
solution than what I had been doing previously--using os.stat and performing 
a DB lookup in order to verify that the filename and timestamp existed in a 
'file update' table.  Also, if the only limitation to difflib is that both 
files reside in memory, I should be fine.  The largest of all of these files 
is just over 200k, which should be fine.  If memory serves me right, I can't 
use more than 4MB, so I should be fine.  And, if I spawn separate processes 
for generating the delta files, I should be able to speed things up even 

Thanks again for your help!

Best Regards,

Christopher Nethery

Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 En Thu, 12 Apr 2007 23:51:22 -0300, Chris Nethery [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Yes, they are tab-delimited text files that will change very little
 throughout the day.
 But, this is messy, antiquated 80s junk, nonetheless.


 Rows are designated either by a row type or they contain a comment.  Each
 row type has an identity value, but the 'comment' rows do not.  The 
 rows, however, are logically associated with the last occurring row type.
 When I generate my bulk insert file, I add the identity of the last
 occurring row type to the comment rows, and generate and populate an
 additional identity column in order to retain the order of the comments.
 Generally rows will either be added or changed, but sometimes rows will 
 removed.  Typically, only 1-5 new rows will be added to a file in a given
 day, but users sometimes make manual corrections/deletions to older rows 
 sometimes certain column values are recalculated.

 You could keep a copy of all files - let's say, as they were yesterday.
 When you want to process the changes, iterate over all files and see if 
 they are newer than your copy. You could use the filecmp module:
 For each modified file: load it, and process the comments adding the 
 associated row type and the identity. Just do the same with the 
 yesterday file. (I assume they're not so big that you can keep both in 
 memory). You have then two lists of lines; then, use the functions in 
 module difflib to detect the changed lines; based on those results, 
 generate your database inserts/deletes/updates.

 This way you will not process the unchanged files, and inside each file, 
 you will ignore unchanged lines. At least in principle it should be faster 
 than redoing all from scratch each time...

 Did I mention that the header contains another implied hierarchy?
 Fortunately, I can just ignore it and strip it off.

 good - I imagine it's enough work as it is now...

 Gabriel Genellina


Re: Problem with algorithm

2007-04-13 Thread Jia Lu

 If you just expand the length to five million* or so, one of those
 strings will contain all the works of Shakespeare.
Oops, you have this formula in math?

Actually I want to scan a range of network for some certain files.


Re: tuples, index method, Python's design

2007-04-13 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 2007-04-13, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:
 On 2007-04-12, Carsten Haese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 2007-04-12 at 14:10 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 People are always defending duck-typing in this news group and now python
 has chosen to choose the option that makes duck-typing more difficult.
 Au contraire! The inconsistent behavior of in is precisely what
 duck-typing is all about: Making the operator behave in a way that makes
 sense in its context.
 No it isn't. Ducktyping is about similar objects using a similar
 interface to invoke similar behaviour and getting similar result.
 So that if you write a function you don't concern yourself with
 the type of the arguments but depend on the similar behaviour.
 Please note that similar does not mean exact.

That is because I don't want to get down in an argument about
whether tp[:3] and ls[:3] is similar behaviour or exact the
same behaviour when tp is a tuple and ls is a list.

 The behavior of str.__contains__ and list.__contains__ is similar.

That would depend on how much you find things may differ and
still call them similar. IMO they are not similar enough
since 12 in 123 doesn't behave like [1,2] in [1,2,3]

 Duck-typing allows natural access to polymorphism. You appear to be 
 making semantic distinctions merely for the sake of continuing this 
 rather fatuous thread.

I gave an argument that showed that the specific way the in
functionality was extended in strings makes duck-typing (and
by extention natural access to polymorphism) more difficult.
although it may do so in a way that is not significant to
you and the other developers. 

Now if you don't agree with the argument presented that
is fine with me. If you think the problem is not big 
enough to bother with, that is fine with me too.
But the argument doesn't disappear simply because you
think ill of my intentions.

And consider that each small inconsistency in itself
may be not important enough to remove. But if you
have enough of them remembering all these special
cases can become tedious.

 Suppose someone writes a function that acts on a sequence.
 The algorithm used depending on the following invariant.
   i = s.index(e) = s[i] = e
 Then this algorithm is no longer guaranteed to work with strings.
 Because strings have different properties than other sequences. I can't 
 help pointing out that your invariant is invalid for tuples also, 
 because tuples don't have a .index() method.

Strings have some properties that are different and some
properties that are similar with other sequences. My argument
is that if you want to facilitate duck typing and natural access to 
polymorphism in peoples functions that work with sequences in general
you'd better take care that the sequence api of strings resembles
the sequence api of other sequences as good as possible.

You on the other hand seem to argue that since strings have
properties where they differ from other sequences it no longer
is so important that the sequence api of strings resembles those
of other sequences.

Antoon Pardon

Pydoc Rewrite Discussion at doc-sig list.

2007-04-13 Thread Ron Adam

If anyone is interested in participating in discussing the details of the 
PyDoc rewrite/refactoring I've been working on, a discussion is being 
started on the doc-sig list.


The goal of this discussion will be to get it to a final finished form so a 
patch can be submitted and a final discussion can take place on the 
python-dev list at a later date.

Thanks and Regards,
   Ron Adam


Re: tuples, index method, Python's design

2007-04-13 Thread Steve Holden
Antoon Pardon wrote:
 On 2007-04-13, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:
 On 2007-04-12, Carsten Haese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 2007-04-12 at 14:10 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 People are always defending duck-typing in this news group and now python
 has chosen to choose the option that makes duck-typing more difficult.
 Au contraire! The inconsistent behavior of in is precisely what
 duck-typing is all about: Making the operator behave in a way that makes
 sense in its context.
 No it isn't. Ducktyping is about similar objects using a similar
 interface to invoke similar behaviour and getting similar result.

 So that if you write a function you don't concern yourself with
 the type of the arguments but depend on the similar behaviour.

 Please note that similar does not mean exact.
 That is because I don't want to get down in an argument about
 whether tp[:3] and ls[:3] is similar behaviour or exact the
 same behaviour when tp is a tuple and ls is a list.
 The behavior of str.__contains__ and list.__contains__ is similar.
 That would depend on how much you find things may differ and
 still call them similar. IMO they are not similar enough
 since 12 in 123 doesn't behave like [1,2] in [1,2,3]
And it never will, because of the property of strings I mentioned 
previously. Unless you want to introduce a character type into Python 
there is no way that you are ever going to be be satisfied.

 Duck-typing allows natural access to polymorphism. You appear to be 
 making semantic distinctions merely for the sake of continuing this 
 rather fatuous thread.
 I gave an argument that showed that the specific way the in
 functionality was extended in strings makes duck-typing (and
 by extention natural access to polymorphism) more difficult.
 although it may do so in a way that is not significant to
 you and the other developers. 
I am not a developer.

 Now if you don't agree with the argument presented that
 is fine with me. If you think the problem is not big 
 enough to bother with, that is fine with me too.
 But the argument doesn't disappear simply because you
 think ill of my intentions.

 And consider that each small inconsistency in itself
 may be not important enough to remove. But if you
 have enough of them remembering all these special
 cases can become tedious.
But not as tedious as this eternal discussion of already-decided issues.

 Suppose someone writes a function that acts on a sequence.
 The algorithm used depending on the following invariant.

   i = s.index(e) = s[i] = e

 Then this algorithm is no longer guaranteed to work with strings.

 Because strings have different properties than other sequences. I can't 
 help pointing out that your invariant is invalid for tuples also, 
 because tuples don't have a .index() method.
 Strings have some properties that are different and some
 properties that are similar with other sequences. My argument
 is that if you want to facilitate duck typing and natural access to 
 polymorphism in peoples functions that work with sequences in general
 you'd better take care that the sequence api of strings resembles
 the sequence api of other sequences as good as possible.
This is just a bald restatement of the same argument you feel makes it 
desirable to add an index() method to tuples. If taken to its logical 
(and ridiculous) extreme there should only be one sequence type in Python.

 You on the other hand seem to argue that since strings have
 properties where they differ from other sequences it no longer
 is so important that the sequence api of strings resembles those
 of other sequences.
Well, of course. Programming languages are for human users, and they 
should do what human users find most natural. Since humans can disagree 
the developers (amongst who I do not count myself, although I *am* 
concerned about the development of Python) have to try and go by 
consensus, which by and large they do reasonably successfully.

So what I suppose I *am* saying is that your opinions would seem to 
differ from the consensus. While you are not in a minority of one you 
are in a minority, and it would be nice if we could proceed without 
having to continually revisit each small design decision on a continuous 


Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Problem with algorithm

2007-04-13 Thread Paul McGuire
On Apr 13, 9:27 am, Jia Lu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If you just expand the length to five million* or so, one of those
  strings will contain all the works of Shakespeare.

 Oops, you have this formula in math?

 Actually I want to scan a range of network for some certain files.

Sorry, Jia Lu, I don't.  I was actually just joking, alluding to the
old saying that goes if you had an infinite number of monkeys typing
randomly on an infinite number of typewriters, they will eventually
type out the works of Shakespeare.  Typewriters!  who uses
typewriters any more?!

-- Paul


Re: tuples, index method, Python's design

2007-04-13 Thread Brian van den Broek
Antoon Pardon said unto the world upon 04/13/2007 02:46 AM:
 On 2007-04-12, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 So much fuss over such a little thing... yes it would be nice if tuples
 grew an index method, but it isn't hard to work around the lack.
 Yes it is a little thing. But if it is such a little thing why do
 the developers don't simply add it?

It's wafer thin!


Brian vdB

Re: Problem with algorithm

2007-04-13 Thread Michael Bentley

On Apr 13, 2007, at 9:19 AM, Paul McGuire wrote:

 If you just expand the length to five million* or so, one of those
 strings will contain all the works of Shakespeare.

Not likely, even with a tiny sampling of the works of Shakespeare:

# :-)

import string
import random

def main(bardText, maxTries=500):
 tries = 0
 while tries  maxTries:
 tries += 1
 attempt = []
 for letter in bardText.lower():
 if random.choice(
 + string.punctuation
 + ' '
 ) == letter:
 if len(attempt) = 4:
 print '%d: %s' % (

if __name__ == __main__:
 main(Alas, poor Yorick!)

Re: Databases with python

2007-04-13 Thread John Salerno
Anthony Irwin wrote:

 Also is wxpython the best cross platform gui library it seems to be the 
 best I have seen so far.

IMO, it's an extremely mature and well-supported library. I have no 
experience with others (except a brief stint with Tkinter) but the 
consensus I hear seems to be that wxPython is probably the most popular 

Re: Problem with algorithm

2007-04-13 Thread Paul McGuire
On Apr 13, 10:22 am, Michael Bentley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Apr 13, 2007, at 9:19 AM, Paul McGuire wrote:

  If you just expand the length to five million* or so, one of those
  strings will contain all the works of Shakespeare.

 Not likely, even with a tiny sampling of the works of Shakespeare:

 # :-)

 import string
 import random

 def main(bardText, maxTries=500):
  tries = 0
  while tries  maxTries:
  tries += 1
  attempt = []
  for letter in bardText.lower():
  if random.choice(
  + string.punctuation
  + ' '
  ) == letter:
  if len(attempt) = 4:
  print '%d: %s' % (

 if __name__ == __main__:
  main(Alas, poor Yorick!)

500  infinity

Keep tryin'!

Also, the OP's technique was not doing random string permutations, but
generating an exhaustive list of all possible sequences from aaa... to
zzz... .  So I think the works of Shakespeare are *bound* to be in
there somewhere.

For proof, here's an extract from my sample code from running this
exhaustive program with length=14:


-- Paul
:) (too late for April 1, unfortunately)


Re: tuples, index method, Python's design

2007-04-13 Thread Steve Holden
Brian van den Broek wrote:
 Antoon Pardon said unto the world upon 04/13/2007 02:46 AM:
 On 2007-04-12, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So much fuss over such a little thing... yes it would be nice if tuples
 grew an index method, but it isn't hard to work around the lack.
 Yes it is a little thing. But if it is such a little thing why do
 the developers don't simply add it?
 It's wafer thin!
Quite. [The Python language adds an index() method to tuples and 
promptly EXPLODES]. Thank you, Mr. Creosote.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Problem with algorithm

2007-04-13 Thread Carsten Haese
On Fri, 2007-04-13 at 10:22 -0500, Michael Bentley wrote:
 On Apr 13, 2007, at 9:19 AM, Paul McGuire wrote:
  If you just expand the length to five million* or so, one of those
  strings will contain all the works of Shakespeare.
 Not likely, even with a tiny sampling of the works of Shakespeare:

Actually, the OP seems to be interested in generating *all* strings of
length N. If you generate the set of *all* strings of 5 million
characters length, at least one of them will contain all works of
Shakespeare. That statement is utterly true and utterly impractical,
which is, of course, the point of Paul's joke.



Class Dependancy Injection

2007-04-13 Thread Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
Hey again guys,


I'm looking to get an answer about dependency injection in python classes,
what is the best way to deal with this?


For instance, in my application I have a configuration bean which contains
all the applications configuration information. Now in one of other classes
I need access to those configuration settings. What I would have done in my
ColdFusion/JAVA type applications is create an instance of the configuration
bean, and then pass that in as an argument to the constructor for my other
class, then have the other class set that as a 'self' variable. Then from
within my class I can access the configuration details like
self.config.getName() and it would return the name of the application.


How is this best handled in python, can I still inject dependencies as a
constructor argument like that? If so then is there anything in particular I
need to watch out for that may cause me trouble?






function/method assigment

2007-04-13 Thread viscroad
I have a confusion when I do some practice, the code and output are as

 def fun():
print 'In fun()'

 testfun = fun()
In fun()
 print testfun
 testfun2 = fun
 print testfun2
function fun at 0x00CC1270
 print testfun2()
In fun()

what is 'testfun'? Why it is 'None'? And print testfun2(), what is the
meaning of 'None'?



Re: mac IDLE problems

2007-04-13 Thread Kevin Walzer
7stud wrote:
 In the IDLE, I can't get most shortcut keys that are listed next to
 the menu items to work.  For instance, under the Format menu item only
 the shortcuts for indent region and undent region work.   If I
 highlight some text and use Shift+3 to comment out the region I
 highlighted, the code is erased and I get the # symbol.   When I use
 the option(alt key) and type a character, I get things like this:
 I looked under Options/Configure IDLE/Keys and tried the various built
 in key sets, and none seem to work.
 I also can't use my mouse to copy(or cut) and paste.  When I highlight
 something and right click(in an attempt to bring up the context menu
 that has copy, cut, paste, etc.), the text that is highlighted is
 doubled when I right click, e.g.:
  some text
  some textsome text
 And, sometimes when I try to highlight a line, the line 7 lines below
 the cursor gets highlighted.
 intel mac, os 10.4.7, python 2.4.4
IDLE under 2.5 has been much improved on the Mac; all the standard Mac 
keyboard shortcuts are supported, and in general it's more stable. With 
2.5, IDLE replaces the old PythonIDE that used to ship with MacPython. 
Can you update to 2.5?

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

Re: Class Dependancy Injection

2007-04-13 Thread Steve Holden
Robert Rawlins - Think Blue wrote:
 Hey again guys,
 I’m looking to get an answer about dependency injection in python 
 classes, what is the best way to deal with this?
 For instance, in my application I have a configuration bean which 
 contains all the applications configuration information. Now in one of 
 other classes I need access to those configuration settings. What I 
 would have done in my ColdFusion/JAVA type applications is create an 
 instance of the configuration bean, and then pass that in as an argument 
 to the constructor for my other class, then have the other class set 
 that as a ‘self’ variable. Then from within my class I can access the 
 configuration details like self.config.getName() and it would return the 
 name of the application.
 How is this best handled in python, can I still inject dependencies as a 
 constructor argument like that? If so then is there anything in 
 particular I need to watch out for that may cause me trouble?
That indeed sounds like the best way to proceed. You should find that, 
modulo the language differences, the technique works in just the same 
way. You shouldn't anticipate trouble.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: function/method assigment

2007-04-13 Thread Steve Holden
 I have a confusion when I do some practice, the code and output are as
 def fun():
   print 'In fun()'
 testfun = fun()
 In fun()
 print testfun
 testfun2 = fun
 print testfun2
 function fun at 0x00CC1270
 print testfun2()
 In fun()
 what is 'testfun'? Why it is 'None'? And print testfun2(), what is the
 meaning of 'None'?
When a function does not specifically return a value then its return
value is a particular value known as None, the only instance of the None

So testfun is the result of calling the fun function, and it's None
because fun() does not return a value.

Since testfun2 is just another reference to the fun function, testfun2()
is None for exactly the same reasons.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


RE: Class Dependancy Injection

2007-04-13 Thread Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
Thanks Steve that's good to here. I'll give it a shot this evening and if I
have any problems then 'I'll be back';-)


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Steve Holden
Sent: 13 April 2007 17:32
Subject: Re: Class Dependancy Injection

Robert Rawlins - Think Blue wrote:
 Hey again guys,
 I'm looking to get an answer about dependency injection in python 
 classes, what is the best way to deal with this?
 For instance, in my application I have a configuration bean which 
 contains all the applications configuration information. Now in one of 
 other classes I need access to those configuration settings. What I 
 would have done in my ColdFusion/JAVA type applications is create an 
 instance of the configuration bean, and then pass that in as an argument 
 to the constructor for my other class, then have the other class set 
 that as a 'self' variable. Then from within my class I can access the 
 configuration details like self.config.getName() and it would return the 
 name of the application.
 How is this best handled in python, can I still inject dependencies as a 
 constructor argument like that? If so then is there anything in 
 particular I need to watch out for that may cause me trouble?
That indeed sounds like the best way to proceed. You should find that, 
modulo the language differences, the technique works in just the same 
way. You shouldn't anticipate trouble.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings



Re: Problem with algorithm

2007-04-13 Thread Paul McGuire
On Apr 13, 10:49 am, Carsten Haese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 2007-04-13 at 10:22 -0500, Michael Bentley wrote:
  On Apr 13, 2007, at 9:19 AM, Paul McGuire wrote:

   If you just expand the length to five million* or so, one of those
   strings will contain all the works of Shakespeare.

  Not likely, even with a tiny sampling of the works of Shakespeare:

 Actually, the OP seems to be interested in generating *all* strings of
 length N. If you generate the set of *all* strings of 5 million
 characters length, at least one of them will contain all works of
 Shakespeare. That statement is utterly true and utterly impractical,
 which is, of course, the point of Paul's joke.


But even random typing will *eventually* get there (where eventually
= several gazillion times the age of the universe) - see

-- Paul
If I see farther, it is because I stand on the shoulders of an
infinite number of monkeys.


Re: function/method assigment

2007-04-13 Thread Jakub Stolarski
On Apr 13, 6:14 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a confusion when I do some practice, the code and output are as

  def fun():

 print 'In fun()'

  testfun = fun()
 In fun()
  print testfun
  testfun2 = fun
  print testfun2

 function fun at 0x00CC1270
  print testfun2()

 In fun()

 what is 'testfun'? Why it is 'None'? And print testfun2(), what is the
 meaning of 'None'?


Your 'fun' is the sam as:

def fun():
  print 'In fun()'
  return None

testfun = fun()

First prints message and then assign None to testfun.


Re: function/method assigment

2007-04-13 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
 I have a confusion when I do some practice, the code and output are as
 def fun():
   print 'In fun()'

Function fun doesn't explicitelly return something, so it's return value
defaults to None (nb: None is a builtin object representing 'nothing').

 testfun = fun()

This calls fun, and binds the returned value (in this case, None) to
name testfun

 In fun()

and this is a side-effect of the execution of function fun.

 print testfun

Which is the expected result

 testfun2 = fun

This binds the function object fun to the name testfun2 (IOW, testfun2
is now an alias for fun). Remember that in Python, the parens are not
optional if you want to call a function - they are in fact the 'call
operator'. If you forget them, you get a reference to the function
object, not the result of calling the function.

 print testfun2
This prints the representation of the object bound to name testfun2 -
here, function fun.

 function fun at 0x00CC1270
 print testfun2()
 In fun()

This first calls testfun2 (which is now another name for function fun),
triggering the printing of the string in fun()... as a side effects,
then print the return value of testfun2 (aka fun), which is still None.


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