Announcement: Project to get some CPython C extensions running under IronPython

2007-10-13 Thread Giles Thomas
The great thing about CPython is that it comes with the batteries 
included.  The problem with IronPython is that some of these batteries 
just don't fit - in particular, most of the the C extensions don't 
work.  We'd like to help fix at least some of this problem, to help 
people who use IronPython to use their CPython scripts without having to 
port everything over to .NET.

Solving the general problem - plugging an arbitrary C extension into 
IronPython - is a huge project, and we're not even sure we could work 
out *how much work it is* without a lot of investigation.  What we 
intend to do is to solve a specific problem, to integrate just one 
extension, and to use that project as a testbed to examine the 
possibilities for getting other extensions working - and perhaps, in the 
long term, solving the general problem.

We think that any solution like this will be valuable not just to us, 
but to the Python community as a whole.  And so, we want to make it Open 

Right now, we'd really like to hear from people about the following:

   * Who wants to get involved?  We're really keen on working with
 other people on this.
   * Which module should we go for?  NumPy looks like a good start, as
 it gives us a start on getting SciPy working.  But perhaps there
 are better choices.
   * Should this be a new project, or should we be talking to other
 people about getting it into other projects?
   * Which license?  If we're to work on it with a view to building it
 into Resolver One, then it will need to be
 commercial-software-friendly.  Apart from that - we have no view.
   * What is the best architecture?  We're thinking of this as being a
 bit of C# managed code to interface with the C extension, and a
 thin Python wrapper on top.  The module's existing C extension and
 Python code would sandwich this layer.  Let us know if this is a
 silly idea :-)
   * Is there anything else we should be thinking about to get this

Any thoughts much appreciated!



Giles Thomas
MD  CTO, Resolver Systems Ltd.
+44 (0) 20 7253 6372

We're hiring! 

17a Clerkenwell Road, London EC1M 5RD, UK
VAT No.: GB 893 5643 79 
Registered in England and Wales as company number 5467329.

Registered address: 843 Finchley Road, London NW11 8NA, UK


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: the secret life of zombies

2007-10-13 Thread jsnx
I fixed it myself -- I had to install a signal handler and use
nested 'try-expect' stuff. The link points to the new version.


Re: Cross-platform GUI development

2007-10-13 Thread David Tremouilles

 I would recommend pyGTK
- your app does look the same on all platform (like for Tkinter) (This
argurment apply if the same user would like to run the same app on
different platform and thus do not want to see something different on
each platform...)
- easy to install on all platform:
An all in one installed exist for windows:
- it looks nice and simple (it is originally the Gimp toolkit).

Just my two cents,


 I've been programming in Python for 5 or more years now and whenever I
 want a quick-n-dirty GUI, I use Tkinter. This is partly because it's
 the first toolkit I learnt, but also because it's part of the standard
 Python distribution and therefore easy to get Python apps to work
 cross platform - it usually requires almost no porting effort.

 However, when I need a little bit more grunt, I tend to turn to Tix,
 which I thought was also fairly standard. However, this week, I wrote
 a Tix application under Linux which I'd really like to work on Mac OS
 and it's proving fairly painful to get it going. There is no Tix in
 the standard fink or apt repositories and when I download a tar-ball,
 it wouldn't build because it had a lot of unmet dependencies. I then
 read a post which said that only Tkinter/Python people really use Tix
 anymore and people in tcl/tk moved onto better toolkits long ago.

 My question is if Tix is old hat, what is the GUI toolkit I *should*
 be using for quick-n-dirty cross platform GUI development? I guess
 this is tangentially related to:

 I hope this isn't a stupid question. I'm wearing flame retardant




Foreign Character Problems In Python 2.5 and Tkinter

2007-10-13 Thread Juha S.

I'm writing a small text editor type application with Python 2.5 and 
Tkinter. I'm using the Tk text widget for input and output, and the 
problem is that when I try to save its contents to a .txt file, any 
Scandinavian letters such as äöå ÄÖÅ are saved incorrectly and show up 
as a mess when I open the .txt file in Windows Notepad.

It seems that the characters will only get mixed if the user has typed 
them into the widget, but if the program has outputted them, they are 
saved correctly.

The function that is saving the file is as follows:

file = open(self.currentSaveFile, 'w+')
file.write(self.text.get(0.0, END))
except IOError:
tkMessageBox.showwarning('Save File', 'An error occurred while trying to 
save \' + self.currentSaveFile + '\', parent=self.frame)

Sometimes its output in the file is äöå ÄÖÅ for äöå ÄÖÅ and 
sometimes it gives me the error: UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec 
can't encode characters in position 33-35: ordinal not in range(128)

I have tried changing it to:

file =, 'w+', 'utf-8', 'ignore')
file.write(unicode(self.text.get(0.0, END), 'utf-8', 'ignore'))
self.currentSaveFile = savefilename
except IOError:
tkMessageBox.showwarning('Save File', 'An error occurred while trying to 
save \' + self.currentSaveFile + '\', parent=self.frame)

Which does save the user-typed characters correctly, but loses any 
newlines and äöå characters outputted by the program.

I have no idea how solve this problem, and would appreciate any help.

Re: raw_input() and utf-8 formatted chars

2007-10-13 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 19:09:46 -0700, 7stud wrote:

 On Oct 12, 2:43 pm, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You mean literally!?  Then of course I get A\xcc\x88 because that's what I
 entered.  In string literals in source code the backslash has a special
 meaning but `raw_input()` does not interpret the input in any way.

 Then why don't I end up with the same situation as this:
   s = 'A\xcc\x88'   #capital A with umlaut
   print s   #displays capital A with umlaut

I don't get the question!?  In string literals in source code the
backslash has a special meaning, like I wrote above.  When Python compiles
that above snippet you end up with a string of three bytes, one with the
ASCII value of an 'A' and two bytes where you typed in the byte value in

In [191]: s = 'A\xcc\x88'

In [192]: len(s)
Out[192]: 3

In [193]: map(ord, s)
Out[193]: [65, 204, 136]

In [194]: print s

The last works this way only if the receiving/displaying program expected
UTF-8 as encoding.  Otherwise something other than an Ä would have been

If you type in that text when asked by `raw_input()` then you get exactly
what you typed because there is no Python source code compiled:

In [195]: s = raw_input()

In [196]: len(s)
Out[196]: 9

In [197]: map(ord, s)
Out[197]: [65, 92, 120, 99, 99, 92, 120, 56, 56]

In [198]: print s

  And what is it that your keyboard enters to produce an 'a' with an

 *I* just hit the  key.  The one right next to the ö key.  ;-)

 ...and what if you don't have an a-with-umlaut key?

I find other means to enter it.  Alt + some magic number on the numeric
keypad in windows, or Compose, a,  on Unix/Linux.  Some text editors
offer special sequences too.  If all fails there are character map
programs that show all unicode characters to choose from and copy'n'paste

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Python in HTML Application (HTA)

2007-10-13 Thread Salvatore

I encounter a display problem in one of my script

def setValue(divid,data):
 elt = document.getElementById(divid)
 elt.innerHTML = data

def infoSystem():
 setValue(info,Please Wait)  #update div info
 c = os.popen(cmdDisk%Server).read()

When I call 'infoSystem', the 'info' div
is only updated at the end of the 'infoSystem' call.
Did someone have an explication of that behavior ?




Re: [Pyro] ConnectionClosedError

2007-10-13 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
George Sakkis wrote:

 Didn't have much luck with this in the Pyro mailing list so I am
 trying here, just in case. I have a Pyro server running as a daemon
 process and occasionally (typically after several hours or days of
 uptime) a ConnectionClosedError is raised when a client calls a remote
 method. Both client and server run on the same machine, so I don't
 think it's an actual network connectivity issue. The problem is that
 once this happens, it is persistent; retrying to call a few times does
 not work although the server process is still alive. The current
 solution is to manually kill the server and restart it but obviously
 this is not ideal. Is there a way to either prevent or at least
 recover automatically the server when it hangs ?

If restarting the server sorts it, why don't you run the server as a 
subprocess in a higher level script, and exit with an error code
if the error strikes?

something like:

While True:
error = os.system('python')
if error:
print 'Restarting the server - error returned was:',error

It would obviously need a try - except in the existing
code to catch the exception, and some jiggery-pokery
if the code is threaded to ensure a clean error exit,
but apart from that, I can't think of a reason for it not
to work.

It may be that the reason for your hang up is also a
threading issue - it could be that the server is alive but
that some critical thread has been killed by the error.
But here I am guessing...

- Hendrik


Re: Python in HTML Application (HTA)

2007-10-13 Thread Salvatore
In fact, whatever I do in infoSystem (modifiying style attributes of 
an object, change cursor appearance...), changes are only reflected
at the end of the function call ...

Salvatore a écrit :
 I encounter a display problem in one of my script
 def setValue(divid,data):
 elt = document.getElementById(divid)
 elt.innerHTML = data
 def infoSystem():
 setValue(info,Please Wait)  #update div info
 c = os.popen(cmdDisk%Server).read()
 When I call 'infoSystem', the 'info' div
 is only updated at the end of the 'infoSystem' call.
 Did someone have an explication of that behavior ?

Re: Moving objects in Tkinter

2007-10-13 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen

 Evjen Halverson  wrote:

  I have tried to make a Tkinter program make a 
 rectangle move down the window,
 but did not succeed. All it does is
 make a rectangle trail.
  What am I doing wrong?

You are not deleting the old instances of the rectangle.
Look at the delete method of the canvas widget.
This is Gold Plated Guaranteed  (Tm)  to work.

There is an alternative too, which I have never used,
so no Gold Plated Guarantee.
Look at the coords method of the canvas widget.
It seems to let you get and set the position of 

HTH - Hendrik


Re: Pyro: ActiveState (wind32) to Unix

2007-10-13 Thread Tim Golden
Tim Golden wrote:
 Sells, Fred wrote:
 I'm using ActiveState python on a windows box to talk to ACtive 
   I'm running a Pyro Server on the same box.

 The client is Linux running std Python 2.4.

 It works just fine until the server codes calls some 
   win32com.client api;  then I get

 ImportError: No module named pywintypes

[followed by private email from Fred containing the
client/server files]

Well it works ok for me running from an XP box to a Ubuntu
VMWare image on the same machine. Since I don't have AD
running on this laptop I made as few changes as possible
to substitute WMI instead which uses the same Python 
Windows tech. infrastructure -- ie you pass a moniker to
win32com.client.GetObject. Obviously there could be something
specific to the AD LDAP: interface here but I seriously doubt

One thing you will have to be aware of -- although I honestly
doubt it's behind the issue here -- is that running a Pyro
server means implictly running in threads. And *that* means
that, since the LDAP: interface is a (D)COM-based interface,
you'll need to call pythoncom.CoInitialize to kick COM into
threading mode. Failing to do that using WMI causes the
mildly bizarre Syntax error when you try to do
.GetObject (wimgmts:...). It's just possible that the
error you're seeing is the LDAP equivalent. And that
Pyro is trying to pull the error message across the link
to tell you what it is. (Maybe).

In short, then, try adding the line:

   pythoncom.CoInitialize ()

within the proxy's .getProperties method (having imported
pythoncom up to, of course) and then:

   pythoncom.CoUninitialize ()

just before the return in that method.

I've only just realised that this is a thread on the main
python-list. If this goes nowhere here, try copying it
over to the Pyro mailing list; I'm not sure if Irmen
(Mr Pyro) follows this list.


How to modify to record Keyboard Key RELEASE times?

2007-10-13 Thread Dr. Colombes
   I'm using a modified program (see below) to record inter-keystroke 
times for Keystroke triples and doubles (t2 - t1, t3 -t1).   These times are 
key PRESS times.   

   How - where can be modified (without too much trouble) to record 
Keystroke RELEASE times also ?

   Thanks for your help.


#!/usr/bin/env python

This is a Python interface to the Linux input system's event device.
Events can be read from an open event file and decoded into spiffy
python objects. The Event objects can optionally be fed into a Device
object that represents the complete state of the device being monitored.

Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Micah Dowty [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

import struct, sys, os, time
from socket import gethostname
from fcntl import ioctl

__all__ = [Event, Device]

def demo():
Open the event device named on the command line, use incoming
   events to update a device, and show the state of this device.
dev = Device(sys.argv[1])
while 1:
return dev.get_filename()

class BaseDevice:
Base class representing the state of an input device, with axes and 
   Event instances can be fed into the Device to update its state.
def __init__(self):
self.axes = {}
self.buttons = {} = None
self.next2last = None
self.next2lasttime = None
self.next2lastpress = 'NONE'
self.last = None
self.lasttime = None
self.lastpress = 'NONE'

self.echo = {}
#make log directory
if not os.path.isdir(./logs):
#new filename
hostname = str(gethostname())
filename = str(hostname) + _log_ + str(time.asctime()).replace(:, 
_).replace( , _)
#open log file
self.log = open(./logs/ + filename, w)
self.filename = ./logs/ + filename
#self.log.write(\n\n\n\nHOSTNAME:   + str(hostname) + \n + (_ * 
60) + \n)

def get_filename(self):
return self.filename

def __repr__(self):
return Device name=%r axes=%r buttons=%r % (, self.axes, self.buttons)

def update(self, event):
f = getattr(self, update_%s % event.type, None)
if f:

def update_EV_KEY(self, event):
if event.code not in self.echo:
self.echo[event.code] = 0
if self.echo[event.code] = 1:
self.echo[event.code] = 0
self.echo[event.code] += 1

now = time.time()

if self.lasttime == None:
#self.lasttime = time.time()
self.lasttime = now
if self.next2lasttime == None:
self.next2lasttime = now
#now = time.time()
newtime = now - self.lasttime
new3time = now - self.next2lasttime
#self.log.write(repr(self.lastpress) + _ + repr(event.code) + \t\t 
+ str(newtime) + \n)
self.log.write(self.lastpress + _ + event.code + \t\t + 
str(newtime) + \n)

self.log.write(self.next2lastpress + _ + self.lastpress + _ + 
event.code + \t\t + str(new3time) + \n)

self.next2lastpress = self.lastpress
self.lastpress = event.code

self.next2lasttime = self.lasttime
self.lasttime = now

def update_EV_ABS(self, event):
self.axes[event.code] = event.value

def update_EV_REL(self, event):
self.axes[event.code] = self.axes.get(event.code, 0) + event.value

def __getitem__(self, name):
Retrieve the current value of an axis or button,
   or zero if no data has been received for it yet.
if name in self.axes:
return self.axes[name]
return self.buttons.get(name, 0)

# evdev ioctl constants. The horrible mess here
# is to silence silly FutureWarnings
EVIOCGNAME_512 = ~int(~0x82004506L  0xL)
EVIOCGID   = ~int(~0x80084502L  0xL)
EVIOCGBIT_512  = ~int(~0x81fe4520L  0xL)
EVIOCGABS_512  = ~int(~0x80144540L  0xL)

class Device(BaseDevice):
An abstract input device attached to a Linux evdev device node
def __init__(self, 

Re: Python module for making Quicktime or mpeg movies from images

2007-10-13 Thread has
On 12 Oct, 20:53, jeremito [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I actually found NodeBox in my googling.  This seems to be a stand
 alone application.  I need to be able to convert my images to a movie
 from my code I wrote myself.

Some Mac-specific options:

- QuickTime Player is standard on OS X and its scripting interface
(which you can access from Python via appscript, and is fully usable
even in unpaid mode) includes an 'open image sequence' command. This
would be the simplest solution as long as you don't mind launching
another application to do the work.

- The Cocoa API's QTKit class (accessible via PyObjC) includes a -
addImage:forDuration:withAttributes: method that you could use to
build up a movie yourself.

- The Mac version of Python includes wrappers for a number of Carbon
APIs, including QuickTime. One for brave souls only; QT's C APIs are
notoriously complex, and I've no idea of the quality/reliability of
the Carbon.Qt wrapper (most of Python's Carbon wrappers haven't been
fully maintained since OS9 days).




Re: Cross-platform GUI development

2007-10-13 Thread Dave Cook
On 2007-10-13, David Tremouilles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I would recommend pyGTK

Native GTK on OSX is still in its infancy.  For early adopters only at
this point.  See

That leaves PyQt and WxPython as the only other realistic choices.
Licensing issues aside, I think Qt has the most polished and well
thought out API.  The OSX Tiger dev tools include WxPython, though you
may want to install a newer version.  I suggest installing both and
trying some of the included examples.

Another possibility is Jython, if you like the Java way of doing

Dave Cook


Re: Cross-platform GUI development

2007-10-13 Thread David Tremouilles
No issue with pygtk on mac!
Actually I develop on this platform everyday. Macport take care of the
installation for me (Fink should do the work
Of course native GTK on OSX could be nice but definitely not needed at
this point in time.


2007/10/13, Dave Cook [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On 2007-10-13, David Tremouilles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I would recommend pyGTK

 Native GTK on OSX is still in its infancy.  For early adopters only at
 this point.  See

 That leaves PyQt and WxPython as the only other realistic choices.
 Licensing issues aside, I think Qt has the most polished and well
 thought out API.  The OSX Tiger dev tools include WxPython, though you
 may want to install a newer version.  I suggest installing both and
 trying some of the included examples.

 Another possibility is Jython, if you like the Java way of doing

 Dave Cook



Re: Yet another comparison of Python Web Frameworks

2007-10-13 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
 Hello everybody,

 I just joined this mailing list. Thanks for your comments about gluon.

 I have posted a short video about it and I am planning to make more
 over the week-end.

 About some of your comments:
 - the most complex modules (like html and sql ones) have doctests.
 - the executable versions (win and mac) come with python2.5. Running
 from source code does not require 2.5 but you probably want sqlite3.
 - so far I support sqlite3 and postgresql, not mysql (just because I
 do not use it and had no time for testing it).
 - yes, there are typos in the documentation. Please point them out to
 me so that I can fix them.
 - I am sure there are some minor bugs I am not aware of but as far I
 tested, it work.
 - If you report bugs to me I promise to fix them in 48hrs.
 - please make sure you have the latest version.

 I very much appreciate comments about gluon (good and bad). Please
 send me more so that I can improve it.

 There will be two talks in chicago about gluon next week: at DePaul
 Linux Users Group on Thursday evening and at the Chicago Linux Users
 Group on Saturday afternoon. I will try record them and post them.


 P.S. Michele Simionato. I have heard your name before? Is it possible
 we have met in Pisa in 1990-1996? I am also a Quantum Field Theorist
 and there is not many of us.

Hi Massimo,

In what way is gluon different from existing frameworks most notably
django and turbogears? What do you think are the advantages to using
gluon over these two?


Re: Cross-platform GUI development

2007-10-13 Thread Dave Cook
On 2007-10-13, David Tremouilles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No issue with pygtk on mac!

If running on top of X11 is no problem. 

 Actually I develop on this platform everyday. Macport take care of the
 installation for me (Fink should do the work

In that case I'd recommend kiwi as well

Dave Cook

Re: pyserial doesn't recognize virtual serial port

2007-10-13 Thread naveen . sabapathy
Hi Grant,
  It worked... I had the same suspicion and changed the port names to
COM2 and COM4 and it worked.

On Oct 12, 8:34 pm, Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2007-10-12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am trying to use virtual serial ports to develop/test my serial
  communication program. Running in to trouble...

I am using com0com to create the virtual ports. The virtual ports
  seem to be working fine when I test it with Hyperterminal.

 I'm not sure what you mean by virtual ports.  I've used
 pyserial with several different network attached devices that
 provide drivers that make them appear as COMnn devices under
 windows.  I never had any problems.

  I am using the example program that comes with pyserial, as below.
  import serial
  ser = serial.Serial('CNCA0') #open virtual serial port
  print ser.portstr#check which port was realy used
  ser.write(Hello)   #write a string
  ser.close()  #close port

  The following is the error message:

  Traceback (most recent call last):
File C:\Python25\Naveen Files\TestSerial, line 2, in module
  ser = serial.Serial('CNCA0') #open first serial port
File c:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\serial\, line 156,
  in __init__
File c:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\serial\, line 55,
  in open
  raise SerialException(could not open port: %s % msg)
  SerialException: could not open port: (2, 'CreateFile', 'The system
  cannot find the file specified.')

 If you specify a filename that the OS doesn't recognize there's
 nothing pyserial can do about it.

  When I try with 'COM3', which comes inbuilt in my laptop, COM3 is
  recognized. Few other posts on the web seem to indicate pyserial
  should work fine with virtual serial ports. What am I missing?

 My guess is you're not spelling the device name correctly.
 Device names under Windows are even more screwed up than the
 rest of the OS.  By default there are a limited set of devices
 with specially mapped DOS compatible names such as LPT1,
 COM3, etc.  My guess is that the device you're attempting to
 use doesn't have a name that's mapped to the DOS-compatible
 namespace as CNCA0.

 You could try using the name \\.\CNCA0

 Or you could try to figure otu how to map the device into the
 DOS namespace as CNCA0.

 You could also try running some sort of system call trace on
 HyperTerminal to find out what name it's using to open the
 device when you tell it to use port CNCA0.

 Or you could just give up and switch to Linux.  [That's what
 I'd recommend, personally.]

 Grant Edwards   grante Yow! YOU PICKED KARL
   at   MALDEN'S NOSE!!


Re: Memory Problems in Windows 2003 Server

2007-10-13 Thread AMD
Hi Brad,

I do the reading one line at a time, the problem seems to be with the 
dictionary I am creating.


 amdescombes wrote:

 I am using Python 2.5.1
 I have an application that reads a file and generates a key in a 
 dictionary for each line it reads. I have managed to read a 1GB file 
 and generate more than 8 million keys on an Windows XP machine with 
 only 1GB of memory and all works as expected. When I use the same 
 program on a Windows 2003 Server with 2GB of RAM I start getting 
 MemoryError exceptions!
 I have tried setting the IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE on both 
 Python.exe and Python25.dll and setting the /3GB flag on the boot.ini 
 file to no avail. I still get the MemoryError exceptions.

 Has anybody encountered this problem before?

 Thanks in advance for any ideas/suggestions.

 Best Regards,

 André M. Descombes
 I forgot to mention that the OS itself or other processes may be using a 
 lot of memory. So, just because you have 2GB, that does not mean you can 
 access all of that at once. I would guess that 25% of memory is in 
 constant use by the OS. So, do your IO/reads in smaller chunks similar 
 to the example I gave earlier.

Re: Observer implementation question ('Patterns in Python')

2007-10-13 Thread Anders Dahnielson
Thank you, James and Stargaming, for your replies!


Re: Last iteration?

2007-10-13 Thread Robin Kåveland
On Oct 12, 12:58 pm, Florian Lindner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 can I determine somehow if the iteration on a list of values is the last


 for i in [1, 2, 3]:
if last_iteration:
   print i*i
   print i

 that would print


 Can this be acomplished somehow?



If you want to do this over a list or a string, I'd just do:

for element in iterable[:-1]: print iterable
print iterable[-1]  * iterable[-1]

No need for it to get more advanced than that :)


Re: Python module for making Quicktime or mpeg movies from images

2007-10-13 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 - The Mac version of Python includes wrappers for a number of Carbon
 APIs, including QuickTime. One for brave souls only; QT's C APIs are
 notoriously complex,

AMEN. I tried to work with that stuff, and it was close to a totally 
failure  desaster...


Re: Foreign Character Problems In Python 2.5 and Tkinter

2007-10-13 Thread Janne Tuukkanen
Juha S. kirjoitti:
 problem is that when I try to save its contents to a .txt file, any 
 Scandinavian letters such as äöå ÄÖÅ are saved incorrectly and show up 
 as a mess when I open the .txt file in Windows Notepad.
 It seems that the characters will only get mixed if the user has typed 
 them into the widget, but if the program has outputted them, they are 
 saved correctly.

 Did you define the encoding for the source file and
put u (for unicode) in front of your strings. The
following piece produces proper UTF-8. Couldn't test with
Notepad though, no Windows here.

 Note this message is also encoded in UTF-8, so should be
your editor. I can't believe we are still messing with this
stuff in 2007. In old bad days it was easy, you should
only learn to read { as ä, | as ö etc... and vice versa
with localized terminals -- C code looked rather exotic
with a-umlauts everywhere ;)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from Tkinter import *
import codecs

class Application(Frame):
def save(self):
FILE =, w, utf-8)
FILE.write(uSTART - åäöÅÄÖ\n)
FILE.write(self.text_field.get(0.0, END))
FILE.write(uEND - åäöÅÄÖ\n)

def __init__(self, master=None):
Frame.__init__(self, master)

self.text_field = Text(self, width=40, height=10)

self.save_button = Button(self, text=save and exit,

if __name__ == __main__:
app = Application()


how to create a pointer, or is there a better solution ?

2007-10-13 Thread stef mientki

I've a program where users can make modules,
by just dumping them in a certain directory,
then they will dynamically link into the program if needed.

One of the communication channels I use,
is a general global file, which should be imported by all user modules.

One of the things a user should be able to do is to create  global 
which should then be available in all the other program modules.
So the global file contains a list, call JAL_Globals = [],
where each user can append the globals he want to be exposed to the 
outside world (for read only).
Now if these globals are complex items, no problem, I get pointers and 
can access them.
But if these variables are simple, like integers, I get the value only 
once ;-)

How can I create of dynamic pointers, even to simple variables ?
Or is there a better way ?

Stef Mientki

Re: Foreign Character Problems In Python 2.5 and Tkinter

2007-10-13 Thread Juha S.
Thanks for the reply. I made changes to my code according to your 
example. Now any Scandinavian characters that are outputted by the 
program are missing in the Tk text box.

I'm using a loading function like this to load the data that is to be 
outputted by the program:

def loadWords(self, filename):
ret = []
file =, 'r', 'utf-8', 'ignore')
for line in file:
if line.isspace() == False: #Must skip blank lines (read 
only lines that contain text).
line = line.replace(u'\n', u'')
except IOError:
tkMessageBox.showwarning(u'Open File', u'An error occurred 
wile trying to load \' + filename + u'\', parent=self.frame)
return ret

Also, the newlines are still lost when saving the text widget contents 
to a file. I'm inserting the program generated text to the text widget 
through text.insert(END, txt + u'\n\n').

Janne Tuukkanen wrote:
 Juha S. kirjoitti:
 problem is that when I try to save its contents to a .txt file, any 
 Scandinavian letters such as äöå ÄÖÅ are saved incorrectly and show up 
 as a mess when I open the .txt file in Windows Notepad.

 It seems that the characters will only get mixed if the user has typed 
 them into the widget, but if the program has outputted them, they are 
 saved correctly.

  Did you define the encoding for the source file and
 put u (for unicode) in front of your strings. The
 following piece produces proper UTF-8. Couldn't test with
 Notepad though, no Windows here.

  Note this message is also encoded in UTF-8, so should be
 your editor. I can't believe we are still messing with this
 stuff in 2007. In old bad days it was easy, you should
 only learn to read { as ä, | as ö etc... and vice versa
 with localized terminals -- C code looked rather exotic
 with a-umlauts everywhere ;)

 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

 from Tkinter import *
 import codecs

 class Application(Frame):
 def save(self):
 FILE =, w, utf-8)
 FILE.write(uSTART - åäöÅÄÖ\n)
 FILE.write(self.text_field.get(0.0, END))
 FILE.write(uEND - åäöÅÄÖ\n)
 def __init__(self, master=None):
 Frame.__init__(self, master)

 self.text_field = Text(self, width=40, height=10)
 self.save_button = Button(self, text=save and exit,
 if __name__ == __main__:
 app = Application()



Re: how to create a pointer, or is there a better solution ?

2007-10-13 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
stef mientki schrieb:
 I've a program where users can make modules,
 by just dumping them in a certain directory,
 then they will dynamically link into the program if needed.
 One of the communication channels I use,
 is a general global file, which should be imported by all user modules.
 One of the things a user should be able to do is to create  global 
 which should then be available in all the other program modules.
 So the global file contains a list, call JAL_Globals = [],
 where each user can append the globals he want to be exposed to the 
 outside world (for read only).
 Now if these globals are complex items, no problem, I get pointers and 
 can access them.
 But if these variables are simple, like integers, I get the value only 
 once ;-)
 How can I create of dynamic pointers, even to simple variables ?
 Or is there a better way ?

Don't use a list, use a dictionary that has names mapped to values. Then 
the problem goes away, because instead of mutating an object (which you 
still can do), you can also rebind a new one -e.g like this:

JAL_Globals['name'] += 100


Re: Cross-platform GUI development

2007-10-13 Thread Kevin Walzer
David Tremouilles wrote:
 No issue with pygtk on mac!
 Actually I develop on this platform everyday. Macport take care of the
 installation for me (Fink should do the work
 Of course native GTK on OSX could be nice but definitely not needed at
 this point in time.

Native Gtk on the Mac still isn't really native. I tried a native 
build of Wireshark and was very disappointed. Yes, it uses Quartz/Aqua 
instead of X to draw Windows, but it completely ignores other Aqua 
interface conventions--the menu is still attached to each window instead 
of at the top of the screen, buttons aren't Aqua buttons, and so on. 
Based on what I've seen, I don't think Gtk is really viable as a native 
Mac development environment; it looks as weird as Fltk, which also uses 
Aqua windowing but which also draws its own widgets and puts the menubar 
on each window.

Tk does much better; while it's not very pretty, menubars are in the 
correct place and buttons work correctly.

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

Re: Foreign Character Problems In Python 2.5 and Tkinter

2007-10-13 Thread Janne Tuukkanen
Sat, 13 Oct 2007 16:13:21 +0300, Juha S. kirjoitti:

 Thanks for the reply. I made changes to my code according to your 
 example. Now any Scandinavian characters that are outputted by the 
 program are missing in the Tk text box.

 file =, 'r', 'utf-8', 'ignore')

 Remove that 'ignore'. If you then get error which complains,
that utf-8 codec can't handle the file, you've found the culprit.
The file might be in iso-8859-1.



Re: ConnectionClosedError

2007-10-13 Thread George Sakkis
On Oct 13, 4:21 am, Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If restarting the server sorts it, why don't you run the server as a
 subprocess in a higher level script, and exit with an error code
 if the error strikes?

Well as I mentioned the process doesn't exit, it is just unresponsive
from the client's side, so this doesn't solve it.

 It may be that the reason for your hang up is also a
 threading issue - it could be that the server is alive but
 that some critical thread has been killed by the error.
 But here I am guessing...

I don't create explicitly any thread in my server code but Pyro itself
is multithreaded. Unfortunately I don't have the resources to start
digging in Pyro's internals..



a good website for softwares,sports,movies and music ,sex etc.

2007-10-13 Thread panguohua

go  and look!!!


Re: Error on base64.b64decode() ?!

2007-10-13 Thread Christoph Krammer
On 12 Okt., 17:09, Jean-Paul Calderone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you get an incorrect padding error, try appending a = and decoding
 again.  If you get the error again, try appending one more =.  If it
 still doesn't work, then you might be out of luck.

This seems to work in some cases, but not all. Whats the deal with
this adding of =? Is there an implementation error in python, or are
other implemenations of base64 more robust then they have to be?



Re: Foreign Character Problems In Python 2.5 and Tkinter

2007-10-13 Thread Juha S.
Thanks! Opening and saving the file with the iso-8859-1 codec seems to 
handle the characters correctly. Now the only problem left are the 
missing newlines in the output file. I tried googling for the iso code 
for newline and entering it in a Python string as '\x0A' but it doesn't 
work in the output file which still loses the newlines.

Janne Tuukkanen wrote:
 Sat, 13 Oct 2007 16:13:21 +0300, Juha S. kirjoitti:

 Thanks for the reply. I made changes to my code according to your 
 example. Now any Scandinavian characters that are outputted by the 
 program are missing in the Tk text box.

 file =, 'r', 'utf-8', 'ignore')

  Remove that 'ignore'. If you then get error which complains,
 that utf-8 codec can't handle the file, you've found the culprit.
 The file might be in iso-8859-1.




Re: Yet another comparison of Python Web Frameworks

2007-10-13 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Hi Daniel,

in many respects Gluon is similar to Django and was greatly inspired  
by Django. Some differences are:

Gluon is easier to install - you never need to use the shell, there  
are no configuration files.

Gluon is a web app. You can do all development via a web interface.

You can compile Gluon apps and distribute them in byte-code compiled  

Each Gluon app comes with a ticketing system. If an error occurrs it  
is logged and a ticket is issed. you can then search and retrieve  
errors by date or client-ip.

Making forms is easier than in Django. For example given a db table  
called db.table you can do:
   if form.accepts(request.vars,session): pass
these two lines will do everything, including generating the form  
from the table, validating input, inserting in database or modifying  
the form with error messages. This also prevents multiple submission  
of the same form because each form has a unique one-time key.

The template language is pure python but without indentation  
requirements. Django has restrictions on what can go in templates.

The output in the views is escaped by default. In Django it is not.

You can manage internationalization (add language and write  
translations)  from the web interface.

Each app has an automatically generated database administrative  
interface. The Django one is cooler then Gluon's, but the Gluon one  
allows complicated joins in the filter field.

Gluon supports migrations: you just change the definition of a table  
and it ALTERs the table accordingly (drop works in postgres only).  
For example if you change a field from boolean to string, the  
database is altered and the values are converted from boolean to  
string for existing records.

Gluon has a sql.log console to see what changes are made to the  

In Gluon you do not need to import modules. The gluon modules you  
need already imported for you.

Gluon has a top-down design. This means that the Gluon APIs are not  
under development. They are 100% stable. There may be bugs and they  
will be fixed but the syntax and signature of functions is not  
subject to change. This is why I started making Gluon, I am teaching  
a class on web frameworks and the API of Django and TG are not as  
stable as I wish they were. Moreover they have a too steep learning  
curve when compared to Gluon.

Please try it, it is no that time consuming, and send me you comments  
(good or bad)!


On Oct 13, 2007, at 5:01 AM, Daniel Fetchinson wrote:

 Hello everybody,

 I just joined this mailing list. Thanks for your comments about  

 I have posted a short video about it and I am planning to make more
 over the week-end.

 About some of your comments:
 - the most complex modules (like html and sql ones) have doctests.
 - the executable versions (win and mac) come with python2.5. Running
 from source code does not require 2.5 but you probably want sqlite3.
 - so far I support sqlite3 and postgresql, not mysql (just because I
 do not use it and had no time for testing it).
 - yes, there are typos in the documentation. Please point them out to
 me so that I can fix them.
 - I am sure there are some minor bugs I am not aware of but as far I
 tested, it work.
 - If you report bugs to me I promise to fix them in 48hrs.
 - please make sure you have the latest version.

 I very much appreciate comments about gluon (good and bad). Please
 send me more so that I can improve it.

 There will be two talks in chicago about gluon next week: at DePaul
 Linux Users Group on Thursday evening and at the Chicago Linux Users
 Group on Saturday afternoon. I will try record them and post them.


 P.S. Michele Simionato. I have heard your name before? Is it possible
 we have met in Pisa in 1990-1996? I am also a Quantum Field Theorist
 and there is not many of us.

 Hi Massimo,

 In what way is gluon different from existing frameworks most notably
 django and turbogears? What do you think are the advantages to using
 gluon over these two?



Re: Yet another comparison of Python Web Frameworks

2007-10-13 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
... I almost forgot ...

another difference between Gluon and Django,TG is that in Gluon if  
you write controllers without view you automatically get generic view  
that render and BEAUTIFY() the variables returned by the controllers.  
That means you can develop the logic of your application without  
writing one line of HTML and you have a working prototype.


On Oct 13, 2007, at 10:44 AM, DiPierro, Massimo wrote:

 Hi Daniel,

 in many respects Gluon is similar to Django and was greatly inspired
 by Django. Some differences are:

 Gluon is easier to install - you never need to use the shell, there
 are no configuration files.

 Gluon is a web app. You can do all development via a web interface.

 You can compile Gluon apps and distribute them in byte-code compiled

 Each Gluon app comes with a ticketing system. If an error occurrs it
 is logged and a ticket is issed. you can then search and retrieve
 errors by date or client-ip.

 Making forms is easier than in Django. For example given a db table
 called db.table you can do:
if form.accepts(request.vars,session): pass
 these two lines will do everything, including generating the form
 from the table, validating input, inserting in database or modifying
 the form with error messages. This also prevents multiple submission
 of the same form because each form has a unique one-time key.

 The template language is pure python but without indentation
 requirements. Django has restrictions on what can go in templates.

 The output in the views is escaped by default. In Django it is not.

 You can manage internationalization (add language and write
 translations)  from the web interface.

 Each app has an automatically generated database administrative
 interface. The Django one is cooler then Gluon's, but the Gluon one
 allows complicated joins in the filter field.

 Gluon supports migrations: you just change the definition of a table
 and it ALTERs the table accordingly (drop works in postgres only).
 For example if you change a field from boolean to string, the
 database is altered and the values are converted from boolean to
 string for existing records.

 Gluon has a sql.log console to see what changes are made to the

 In Gluon you do not need to import modules. The gluon modules you
 need already imported for you.

 Gluon has a top-down design. This means that the Gluon APIs are not
 under development. They are 100% stable. There may be bugs and they
 will be fixed but the syntax and signature of functions is not
 subject to change. This is why I started making Gluon, I am teaching
 a class on web frameworks and the API of Django and TG are not as
 stable as I wish they were. Moreover they have a too steep learning
 curve when compared to Gluon.

 Please try it, it is no that time consuming, and send me you comments
 (good or bad)!


 On Oct 13, 2007, at 5:01 AM, Daniel Fetchinson wrote:

 Hello everybody,

 I just joined this mailing list. Thanks for your comments about

 I have posted a short video about it and I am planning to make more
 over the week-end.

 About some of your comments:
 - the most complex modules (like html and sql ones) have doctests.
 - the executable versions (win and mac) come with python2.5. Running
 from source code does not require 2.5 but you probably want sqlite3.
 - so far I support sqlite3 and postgresql, not mysql (just because I
 do not use it and had no time for testing it).
 - yes, there are typos in the documentation. Please point them  
 out to
 me so that I can fix them.
 - I am sure there are some minor bugs I am not aware of but as far I
 tested, it work.
 - If you report bugs to me I promise to fix them in 48hrs.
 - please make sure you have the latest version.

 I very much appreciate comments about gluon (good and bad). Please
 send me more so that I can improve it.

 There will be two talks in chicago about gluon next week: at DePaul
 Linux Users Group on Thursday evening and at the Chicago Linux Users
 Group on Saturday afternoon. I will try record them and post them.


 P.S. Michele Simionato. I have heard your name before? Is it  
 we have met in Pisa in 1990-1996? I am also a Quantum Field Theorist
 and there is not many of us.

 Hi Massimo,

 In what way is gluon different from existing frameworks most notably
 django and turbogears? What do you think are the advantages to using
 gluon over these two?




email libraries and threads

2007-10-13 Thread rodmc

I am writing a threaded application, part of which relies on sending
messages to users. However I cannot get the smtplib and some other
email related libraries to work inside threads (they work ok when not
in threads). Is there a problem with using threads and email? If so is
there a solution available or any tips which people can give me?




Re: email libraries and threads

2007-10-13 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
rodmc schrieb:
 I am writing a threaded application, part of which relies on sending
 messages to users. However I cannot get the smtplib and some other
 email related libraries to work inside threads (they work ok when not
 in threads). Is there a problem with using threads and email? If so is
 there a solution available or any tips which people can give me?

I doubt that there are problems using the modules from within threads - 
at least as long as you don't share connecitons and the like between 

So - until you show us some of your troubles by providing actual code 
examples and error messages, nobody will be able to help you.


Re: Cross-platform GUI development

2007-10-13 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
David Tremouilles schrieb:
 No issue with pygtk on mac!
 Actually I develop on this platform everyday. Macport take care of the
 installation for me (Fink should do the work
 Of course native GTK on OSX could be nice but definitely not needed at
 this point in time.

It sure looks crappy in comparison to the rest of the OSX apps - and 
given that with Qt (and of course the brilliant PyObjc-bridge) there 
exist options that look  feel waaay better, I wouldn't consider using GTK.

Trial of Star-P for Python

2007-10-13 Thread n4somethingcompletelydifferent
In browsing their website, I noticed that Interactive Supercomputing
has made available a free evaluation copy of Star-P for Python (http://  I
know its a fairly new product, but has anyone on here been able to try
it out yet, and if so what are your impressions?  I am curious to see
what people think about this product and other numerical, parallel
computing Python packages.


Re: Yet another comparison of Python Web Frameworks

2007-10-13 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
 ... I almost forgot ...

 another difference between Gluon and Django,TG is that in Gluon if
 you write controllers without view you automatically get generic view
 that render and BEAUTIFY() the variables returned by the controllers.
 That means you can develop the logic of your application without
 writing one line of HTML and you have a working prototype.


  Hi Daniel,
  in many respects Gluon is similar to Django and was greatly inspired
  by Django. Some differences are:
  Gluon is easier to install - you never need to use the shell, there
  are no configuration files.
  Gluon is a web app. You can do all development via a web interface.
  You can compile Gluon apps and distribute them in byte-code compiled
  Each Gluon app comes with a ticketing system. If an error occurrs it
  is logged and a ticket is issed. you can then search and retrieve
  errors by date or client-ip.
  Making forms is easier than in Django. For example given a db table
  called db.table you can do:
 if form.accepts(request.vars,session): pass
  these two lines will do everything, including generating the form
  from the table, validating input, inserting in database or modifying
  the form with error messages. This also prevents multiple submission
  of the same form because each form has a unique one-time key.
  The template language is pure python but without indentation
  requirements. Django has restrictions on what can go in templates.
  The output in the views is escaped by default. In Django it is not.
  You can manage internationalization (add language and write
  translations)  from the web interface.
  Each app has an automatically generated database administrative
  interface. The Django one is cooler then Gluon's, but the Gluon one
  allows complicated joins in the filter field.
  Gluon supports migrations: you just change the definition of a table
  and it ALTERs the table accordingly (drop works in postgres only).
  For example if you change a field from boolean to string, the
  database is altered and the values are converted from boolean to
  string for existing records.
  Gluon has a sql.log console to see what changes are made to the
  In Gluon you do not need to import modules. The gluon modules you
  need already imported for you.
  Gluon has a top-down design. This means that the Gluon APIs are not
  under development. They are 100% stable. There may be bugs and they
  will be fixed but the syntax and signature of functions is not
  subject to change. This is why I started making Gluon, I am teaching
  a class on web frameworks and the API of Django and TG are not as
  stable as I wish they were. Moreover they have a too steep learning
  curve when compared to Gluon.
  Please try it, it is no that time consuming, and send me you comments
  (good or bad)!
  Hello everybody,
  I just joined this mailing list. Thanks for your comments about
  I have posted a short video about it and I am planning to make more
  over the week-end.
  About some of your comments:
  - the most complex modules (like html and sql ones) have doctests.
  - the executable versions (win and mac) come with python2.5. Running
  from source code does not require 2.5 but you probably want sqlite3.
  - so far I support sqlite3 and postgresql, not mysql (just because I
  do not use it and had no time for testing it).
  - yes, there are typos in the documentation. Please point them
  out to
  me so that I can fix them.
  - I am sure there are some minor bugs I am not aware of but as far I
  tested, it work.
  - If you report bugs to me I promise to fix them in 48hrs.
  - please make sure you have the latest version.
  I very much appreciate comments about gluon (good and bad). Please
  send me more so that I can improve it.
  There will be two talks in chicago about gluon next week: at DePaul
  Linux Users Group on Thursday evening and at the Chicago Linux Users
  Group on Saturday afternoon. I will try record them and post them.
  P.S. Michele Simionato. I have heard your name before? Is it
  we have met in Pisa in 1990-1996? I am also a Quantum Field Theorist
  and there is not many of us.
  Hi Massimo,
  In what way is gluon different from existing frameworks most notably
  django and turbogears? What do you think are the advantages to using
  gluon over these two?

Massimo, thanks a lot for the reply, I'll give gluon a try. I've just
started to use TG about 3 months ago and although I like it it would
be fun to have a real comparison (I didn't like django at all after a
couple of hours of playing with it).

Re: Declarative properties

2007-10-13 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Dan Stromberg schrieb:
 On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 18:42:16 +, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
 The baggage of possibly fixing (AKA generalizing) how your attributes
 are accessed is something you lug around while your deadline looms.
 Sorry I don't get it.  If I want to customize the access to a normal
 attribute I simply turn it into a property.
 You're right, properties are an intersting language feature.  I wasn't
 aware of them until today.
 I'm not sure I believe they are better than disallowing public attributes
 and requiring setters and getters, but they do appear to address the same
 issue: the needless change in API when your internal representation
 needs to change.

This belief is most probably nurtured by Java. Or am I wrong here? 
Matter of factly, the whole getter/setter-mamboo-jamboo is nothing but a 
pathetic attempt to overcome the lack of attribute-access-hooks, as they 
are e.g. provided by python or C#.

By forcing this convention upon the programmer (and supporting it using 
e.g. BeanInfo and other introspection-based mechanisms), Java allows for 
the implementation of delegation, lazyness and so forth without all that 
forcing major interface changes upon the user. Talking of interfaces - 
they do lack properties as well... so you _can't_ possibly provide an 
interface with attributes.

But I really don't think one can argue over a more aesthetic  
expressive syntax like = * c.baz

compared to

a.setFoo(b.getBar() * c.getBaz())


Re: test if email

2007-10-13 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Martin Marcher wrote:

 No need to speek of plus addressing or older messaging systems.

But don't disallow a plus in the localpart. Many do.



BOFH excuse #180:

ether leak


Re: Foreign Character Problems In Python 2.5 and Tkinter

2007-10-13 Thread nickel_and_dime_2death
On Oct 13, 5:22 pm, Juha S. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks! Opening and saving the file with the iso-8859-1 codec seems to
 handle the characters correctly. Now the only problem left are the
 missing newlines in the output file. I tried googling for the iso code
 for newline and entering it in a Python string as '\x0A' but it doesn't
 work in the output file which still loses the newlines.

 Janne Tuukkanen wrote:
  Sat, 13 Oct 2007 16:13:21 +0300, Juha S. kirjoitti:

  Thanks for the reply. I made changes to my code according to your
  example. Now any Scandinavian characters that are outputted by the
  program are missing in the Tk text box.

  file =, 'r', 'utf-8', 'ignore')

   Remove that 'ignore'. If you then get error which complains,
  that utf-8 codec can't handle the file, you've found the culprit.
  The file might be in iso-8859-1.


As a noob I've struggled a bit, but basically what I've come up with
is = if the information is strings and especially strings stored in
any style of list/dict, it takes a loop to write the lines to file
myfile[ i ] + '\n' to keep each line for Python I/O purposes. If
you're done with Python manipulation and want WIN, MAC, or UNIX to
begin file I/O, then, you need the consideration of newline-char
from the os module, or code it in yourself, e.g. '\r\n'. The fact you
are using codec iso-latin-1 (or iso-8859-1) doesn't change the '\n'
from Python's viewpoint -- that is: '\n' is still '\n'. When your
efforts are I/O with binary encoding the data, it's all Python's


Re: raw_input() and utf-8 formatted chars

2007-10-13 Thread MRAB
On Oct 13, 3:09 am, 7stud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 12, 2:43 pm, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You mean literally!?  Then of course I get A\xcc\x88 because that's what I
  entered.  In string literals in source code the backslash has a special
  meaning but `raw_input()` does not interpret the input in any way.

 Then why don't I end up with the same situation as this:

s = 'A\xcc\x88'   #capital A with umlaut
print s   #displays capital A with umlaut
   And what is it that your keyboard enters to produce an 'a' with an umlaut?

  *I* just hit the ä key.  The one right next to the ö key.  ;-)

 ...and what if you don't have an a-with-umlaut key?

raw_input() returns the string exactly as you entered it. You can
decode that into the actual UTF-8 string with decode(string_escape):

s = raw_input('Enter: ')   #A\xcc\x88
s = s.decode(string_escape)

It looks like your system already understands UTF-8 and will decode
the UTF-8 string you print to the Unicode character.


Re: urllib.ProxyHandler HTTPS issues

2007-10-13 Thread John J. Lee
Devraj [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Thanks John. Will investigate sending the CONNECT command to handle

 Do you recommend doing this for HTTP proxies as well


 or should I just use the ProxyHandler for HTTP proxies?



Re: how to get the NT event log properties with OnObjectReady() with python

2007-10-13 Thread Roger Upole

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'm trying to get a notification from the NT event for any new event
 using the DispatchWithEvents() function. Everything seems to be
 working the way I wanted, but I don't know how to get the properties
 of the event (ie. event type, message, etc.) from the OnObjectReady()

 class SinkClass(object):
def OnObjectReady(self, *args): #self may be the wmi_sink object
print OnObjectReady callback ...
print self #.TargetInstance.Message
print args[0]

def OnCompleted(self, *args):
print OnCompleted callback...
print args #.TargetInstance.Message

def OnObjectPut(self, *args):
print OnObjectPut callback...

def OnProgress(self, *args):
print OnProgress callback...

 wmi = win32com.client.GetObject(winmgmts:
 wmi_sink =
 wmi.ExecNotificationQueryAsync(wmi_sink,SELECT * FROM
 __InstanceCreationEvent where TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_NTLogEvent')

 The argument args in the OnObjectReady() seems to be the interface to
 a com object (may be the event object itself).
 I want to read the properties (ie. message, eventID, type, etc)  of
 the triggered NT event.

 Please help.

The first arg is passed as a raw IDispatch interface.  You can wrap it
as below to access the properties.

def OnObjectReady(self, *args): #self may be the wmi_sink object
print OnObjectReady callback ...
print self #.TargetInstance.Message
print wbem_object
print 'TargetInstance',ti
for p in ti.Properties_:
print p.Name, p.Value


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Re: Declarative properties

2007-10-13 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Stargaming a écrit :
 On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 18:58:44 +0200, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Your implementation seems particularly broken. You do not return anything 
 from `name()`, 

Oops, my bad ! Indeed, I forgot the 'return property(**locals())' at the 
end. And a couple other things too:

 I'm going to point out a few other mistakes first:
(snip other corrections)

I'll call you when I'll have code to fix - you're doing a good job !-)

unicodedata implementation - categories

2007-10-13 Thread James Abley


I'm trying to understand how CPython implements unicodedata, with a view to
providing an implementation for Jython. This is a background, low priority
thing for me, since I last posted to this list about it in February!

Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, May  2 2007, 16:56:35)
[GCC 4.1.2 (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import unicodedata
 c = unichr(0x10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
ValueError: no such name

0x10 is not a valid codepoint in Unicode 4.1, which is the version of
the Unicode standard that Python 2.5 supports.

So I have a couple of questions:

1) Why doesn't the category method raise an Exception, like the name method
2) Given that the category method doesn't currently raise an Exception,
please could someone explain how the category is calculated? I have tried to
figure it out based on the CPython code, but I have thus far failed, and I
would also prefer to have it explicitly defined, rather than mandating that
a Jython (.NET, etc) implementation uses the same (possibly non-optimal for
Java) data structures and algorithms. 

My background is Mathematics rather than pure Computer Science, so doubtless
I still have some gaps in my education to be filled when it comes to data
structures and algorithms and I would welcome the opportunity to fill some
of those in. References to Knuth or some on-line reading would be much
appreciated, to help me understand the CPython part.


View this message in context:
Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at


Re: Problem of Readability of Python

2007-10-13 Thread Scott David Daniels
Delaney, Timothy (Tim) wrote:
 Licheng Fang wrote:
 This is enlightening. Surely I shouldn't have worried too much about
 performance before doing some measurement.
 And with that statement you have truly achieved enlightenment.
 Or to put it another way ... performance tuning without profiling is a
 waste of time.

And the performance of a programmer both with and without excessive
early performance tweaking has been measured time and again (we do that
particular experiment _way_ too often).  The early performance tweaking
version loses almost every time.


Re: tarfile...bug?

2007-10-13 Thread Scott David Daniels
 On Oct 9, 10:33 pm, Anurag [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Have any one faced such problem, I assume it must be common if it can
 be replicated so easily , or something wrong with my system

 Also if I use tar.members instead of tar.getmembers() it works
 so what is the diff. between tar.members and tar.getmembers()
 if you are not fully dependant on tarfiles, have a look at the zipfile
 library in Python.  Everytime I start to use the tarfile .lib, the
 zip .lib turns out to be a better solution.

And here's why:
The tar-gzip format (sometimes .tar.gz, sometimes .tgz) is defined by
taking a fully expanded archive (tar archives), and compressing them
_as_a_whole_ with the gzip compression.  It is not possible to see the
last bytes of the .tgz file without uncompressing _all_ of the file.

The  zip format compresses the contained files individually, and keeps
a separate directory.  So it can expand only the file you want whether
it is at the beginning or the end of the zip file.  This is also (one
of) the reason(s) the .zip format gets less compression than the .tgz
format.  Each file in the zip is separately compressed, so redundancy
between files is not compressed out.

-Scott David Daniels


Question - FM receiver sample - AtttributeError

2007-10-13 Thread noroi

Hi all,

   I got some problems while running the FM receiver's example codes from
the GNURadio tutorial page; the RF front end is set to call the signal input
from daughter board, and when the compiler tried to call mothods to set some
parameter values(such as gain, set_AGC() and If frequency, get_output_freq()
), it seems not able to find those methods/ functions... Could someone be
kind enough to give some pointers for solving such errors?

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./, line 91, in __init__
IF_freq = rf_front_end.get_output_freq () # 5.75e6
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/gnuradio/, line 181,
in __getattr__
return getattr(self._u, name)
AttributeError: 'usrp1_source_c_sptr' object has no attribute

ps. link for the full script is as below:

View this message in context:
Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at


Re: unicodedata implementation - categories

2007-10-13 Thread chris . monsanto
On Oct 13, 4:32 pm, James Abley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to understand how CPython implements unicodedata, with a view to
 providing an implementation for Jython. This is a background, low priority
 thing for me, since I last posted to this list about it in February!

 Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, May  2 2007, 16:56:35)
 [GCC 4.1.2 (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4)] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information. 
 import unicodedata
  c = unichr(0x10)

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
 ValueError: no such name unicodedata.category(unichr(0x10))


 0x10 is not a valid codepoint in Unicode 4.1, which is the version of
 the Unicode standard that Python 2.5 supports.

 So I have a couple of questions:

 1) Why doesn't the category method raise an Exception, like the name method
 2) Given that the category method doesn't currently raise an Exception,
 please could someone explain how the category is calculated? I have tried to
 figure it out based on the CPython code, but I have thus far failed, and I
 would also prefer to have it explicitly defined, rather than mandating that
 a Jython (.NET, etc) implementation uses the same (possibly non-optimal for
 Java) data structures and algorithms.

 My background is Mathematics rather than pure Computer Science, so doubtless
 I still have some gaps in my education to be filled when it comes to data
 structures and algorithms and I would welcome the opportunity to fill some
 of those in. References to Knuth or some on-line reading would be much
 appreciated, to help me understand the CPython part.


 View this message in 
 Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at

Cn is the Other, Not Assigned category in Unicode. No characters in
Unicode have this property. I'm not sure why it doesn't raise an
Exception, but if category() returns Cn, then you know it's not a
valid character.


Re: Python in HTML Application (HTA)

2007-10-13 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)

I give a solution in the french newsgroup.

Michel Claveau


Re: Declarative properties

2007-10-13 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Dan Stromberg a écrit :
 On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 09:42:28 +0200, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
So what?  Otherwise you carry *always* the baggage of a public
property and a private attribute whether you need this or not.  At
least for me it would be unnecessary in most cases.

That baggage of carrying around unneeded methods is something the
computer carries for you - IE, no big deal in 99.99% of all cases.

1/ Accessing the value of a property is not free. Accessing a plain
attribute is much cheaper.
 Python's current performance characteristics have no bearing on what is
 good software engineering practice in general, 

Neither useless complexity nor tryig to apply inappropriate idioms are 
good practices.


 I'm not omniscient, and neither is anyone else; when one initially codes a
 class, one doesn't know to what purposes it will need to be bent in the
 future; using accessor methods instead of exposed attributes is
 significantly more flexible for the future of your class.

Please remember that Python has support for computed attributes (you do 
know what's a computed attribute, don't you ?), so you can turn a plain 
attribute into a computed one at any time without breakink the API. IOW, 
you don't need getters/setter a priori.

Re: Declarative properties

2007-10-13 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Dan Stromberg a écrit :
 My implementation may or may not be lacking (feel free to improve it - in
 fact, please do!), 

Since you ask for it:

def makeprop(name):
 _name = '_' + name
 def fget(self):
 return getattr(self, _name, None)
 def fset(self, val):
 setattr(self, _name, val)
 return property(fget, fset)

class AutoPropType(type):
 def __init__(cls, clsname, bases, attribs):
 for name in cls._autoprops:
 if name not in attribs:
 setattr(cls, name, makeprop(name))

class Demo(object):
 __metaclass__ = AutoPropType
 _autoprops = ('foo', 'bar', 'baaz')

 def __init__(self, foo, bar=42, baaz='ni'): = foo = bar
 self.baaz = baaz

d = Demo('yadda yadda')

  but that's irrelevant to the heart of the matter, which
  is what you didn't think to plan for now most definitely can hurt you

Ahem... Please let me know, Mr Professor, what difference it would make, 
from client code's POV, if we simply wrote this instead:

class Demo(object):
 def __init__(self, foo, bar=42, baaz='ni'): = foo = bar
 self.baaz = baaz

(snip more blah)

 Little hackish tricks for performance's sake scattered throughout a
 program are very wasteful of something more precious than CPU time.

Indeed. The point you're missing is that, in a language that supports 
computed attributes, using plain attributes when that's all you need is 
*not* a 'litlle hackish trick'. It's just common sense - and actually 
saves on *both* programmer's and CPU time.

Re: The fundamental concept of continuations

2007-10-13 Thread Alex Martelli
Matthias Benkard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 continuations.  There used to be a project called Stackless Python that
 tried to add continuations to Python, but as far as I know, it has always
 been separate from the official Python interpreter.  I don't know whether
 it's still alive.  You may want to check

Alive and well, but it has removed continuations (which were indeed in
early versions, as per the paper at


Python on imac

2007-10-13 Thread John Velman
I'm considering moving from Linux to imac.   I've recently returned to
Python (was never very expert) to develop a small gui application.  At
present I plan to use PyGTK with Pango and Cairo.

What surprises may I be in for :-)

(Currently using slackware 11.0 on an old (8 years) slow (400mhz) machine.)


John Velman

Re: Saving parameters between Python applications?

2007-10-13 Thread Stodge
os.getppid() isn't cross platform. I don't think it works on Windows.
I think I'll just create a simple shell script (BAT or Bash) for each
platform as needed.


On Sep 20, 3:17 pm, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 9/16/07, Stodge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm trying to do the following. I have a Python application that is

  python --location=c:\test1

  What I want to do is save the location parameter, so I can then do (in
  the same window):


  And have automatically have access to the value of location.

  Now, the difficult part is, that in another window I want to do:

  python --location=c:\test2

  And have automatically get c:\test2 as the location. So the
  two windows (consoles) are isolated from each other.

  I thought I could use os.environ, but that doesn't save the variable
  for applications that are run afterwards in the same window.

 Use a value based on your current tty. I don't know how to get this
 value in Python but you could just shell 'tty' and grab the output.

 Or, to get your parent process's pid, use os.getppid().

 Then, use a temporary file whose name is based on the above info.


Re: Yet another comparison of Python Web Frameworks

2007-10-13 Thread Ian Bicking
On Oct 6, 8:29 am, Michele Simionato [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Do you (or something else) have something to say about Beaker?
 I looked at the source code and it seems fine to me, but I have
 not used it directly, not stressed it. I need a
 production-level WSGI session middleware and I wonder what the
 players are (for instance how Beaker does compare with flup?)

Beaker is the only seriously maintained WSGI session at the moment --
flup isn't, AFAIK, very actively maintained or improved.
paste.session is a particularly naive implementation of sessions.

So as a result, Beaker is kind of the only game in town.
Incidentally, it's not really related to SQLAlchemy; it came out of
Myghty.  Same author, of course, but fairly different domains.



Re: Yet another comparison of Python Web Frameworks

2007-10-13 Thread Ian Bicking
On Oct 6, 8:13 am, Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.
 Well... Last year, I had a look at Pylons, then played a bit with wsgi
 and building my own framework over it. I finally dropped that code and
 went back to Pylons, which I felt could become far better than my own
 efforts. Now since then I had way too much to do at work (using other
 technos) and didn't find the time to work on my own projects, so I still
 don't know how well Pylons will pass the real world test, but it seems
 to me that it's rapidly progressing and mostly in the right direction. I
 still wait for an opportunity to check this out !-)

This would be my general suggestion too.  It's fine to write your own,
and not that hard, but you'll be missing out on the momentum and help
from the community.  You'll be maintaining your own code instead of
having other people work on maintenance -- which actually isn't that
much more work, except that you'll be doing it alone and without that
collective experience at hand.

That said, going without a framework (which at least in his article is
what Michele seems to be comparing Pylons against) isn't always so
bad.  I started writing an Atompub server in Pylons, but felt like I
was spending too much time navigating around what the framework setup
and not enough time just paying attention to what Atompub really is.
So I ended up writing it (as FlatAtomPub), effectively without a
framework (though developing it at the same time as WebOb, so I leaned
on that quite a bit).  The development went quite well, and for a web
service like Atompub that's probably what I'd recommend (at least to
experienced developers -- you might find yourself left to drift
otherwise without a clear idea of where to start).

But for writing a traditional web application, I'd still use Pylons.
The choices Pylons have made are with that in mind, and it doesn't at
all exclude other forms of development in the process.  You could
actually drop a FlatAtomPub instance right into a Pylons app, for
instance.  Pylons is a small enough framework that it really is quite
reasonable to pick and choose and use a very minimal style with it.



Re: Python on imac

2007-10-13 Thread Adam Atlas
On Oct 13, 7:21 pm, John Velman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm considering moving from Linux to imac.   I've recently returned to
 Python (was never very expert) to develop a small gui application.  At
 present I plan to use PyGTK with Pango and Cairo.

 What surprises may I be in for :-)

 (Currently using slackware 11.0 on an old (8 years) slow (400mhz) machine.)


 John Velman

Well... I think OS X currently comes with Python 2.3 or 2.4. I
recommend getting Fink (, which is basically a
DPKG/APT repository for OS X plus an added system for automatically
building packages from source. It'll keep the system up to date with
the latest 2.5 release (and future versions).

If you're using PyGTK, you will need to install Apple X11 (can't
remember if it's installed by default yet), since OS X's window
manager is not X11-based. Fink can also install GTK+, etc. for you.
Other than that, most things should work as on Linux, more or less.


[issue1276] LookupError: unknown encoding: X-MAC-JAPANESE

2007-10-13 Thread jos

New submission from 

When I compile Python-3.0a1 on Mac OS X with Japanese locale,
I've got LookupError like below.

running build_scripts
creating build/scripts-3.0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./, line 1572, in module
  File ./, line 1567, in main
  File /private/tmp/Python-3.0a1/Lib/distutils/, line 148, in setup
  File /private/tmp/Python-3.0a1/Lib/distutils/, line 943, in
  File /private/tmp/Python-3.0a1/Lib/distutils/, line 963, in
  File /private/tmp/Python-3.0a1/Lib/distutils/command/, line
106, in run
  File /private/tmp/Python-3.0a1/Lib/distutils/, line 317, in
  File /private/tmp/Python-3.0a1/Lib/distutils/, line 963, in
/private/tmp/Python-3.0a1/Lib/distutils/command/, line
51, in run
/private/tmp/Python-3.0a1/Lib/distutils/command/, line
82, in copy_scripts
first_line = f.readline()
  File /private/tmp/Python-3.0a1/Lib/, line 1259, in readline
decoder = self._decoder or self._get_decoder()
  File /private/tmp/Python-3.0a1/Lib/, line , in _get_decoder
make_decoder = codecs.getincrementaldecoder(self._encoding)
  File /private/tmp/Python-3.0a1/Lib/, line 951, in
decoder = lookup(encoding).incrementaldecoder
LookupError: unknown encoding: X-MAC-JAPANESE
make: *** [sharedmods] Error 1

This problem happens for lack of appropriate codec
so also occurs in apps using getdefaultencoding.

After patching Tools/unicode/Makefile and
running make generates build/, mac-japanese codec.

components: Build, Demos and Tools, Library (Lib), Macintosh, Unicode
files: x_mac_japanese.diff
messages: 56386
nosy: josm
severity: normal
status: open
title: LookupError: unknown encoding: X-MAC-JAPANESE


Description: Binary data
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1251] ssl module doesn't support non-blocking handshakes

2007-10-13 Thread Bill Janssen

Bill Janssen added the comment:

It's my mistake; I was looking at too many patches at the same time.
Thanks for the example.


Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1272] Decode __file__ and co_filename to unicode using fs default

2007-10-13 Thread Guido van Rossum

Changes by Guido van Rossum:

assignee:  - gvanrossum
nosy: +gvanrossum

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1272] Decode __file__ and co_filename to unicode using fs default

2007-10-13 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum added the comment:

Couple of nits:

- You added a removal of hotshot from to the patch; but that's
been checked in in the mean time.

- Why add an 'errors' argument to the function when it's a fatal error
to use it?

- Using 0 to autodetect the length is scary.  Normally we have two APIs
for that, one ..._FromString and one ...FromStringAndSize.  If you
really don't want that, please use -1, which is at least an illegal value.

- Why is there code in codeobject.c::PyCode_New() that still accepts a
PyString for the filename?

- In that file (and possibly others, I didn't check) your code uses
spaces to indent while the surrounding code uses tabs.  Moreover, your
space indent seems to assume there are 4 spaces to a tab, but all our
code (Python and C) is formatted assuming tabs are 8 spaces.  (The
indent isn't always 8 spaces -- but ASCII TAB characters always are 8,
for us.)

- Why copy the default encoding before mangling it?  With a little extra
care you will only have to copy it once.  Also, consider not mangling at
all, but assuming the encoding comes in a canonical form -- several
other functions assume that, e.g. PyUnicode_Decode() and

- I haven't run the unit tests yet.  Will be doing that next...

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1272] Decode __file__ and co_filename to unicode using fs default

2007-10-13 Thread Alexandre Vassalotti

Alexandre Vassalotti added the comment:

I found a few problems in your patch. In PyCode_New() the type check
for the filename argument is incorrect:

--- Objects/codeobject.c(revision 58412)
+++ Objects/codeobject.c(working copy)
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
freevars == NULL || !PyTuple_Check(freevars) ||
cellvars == NULL || !PyTuple_Check(cellvars) ||
name == NULL || (!PyString_Check(name)  !PyUnicode_Check(name)) ||
-   filename == NULL || !PyString_Check(filename) ||
+   filename == NULL || (!PyString_Check(name) 
!PyUnicode_Check(name)) ||
lnotab == NULL || !PyString_Check(lnotab) ||
!PyObject_CheckReadBuffer(code)) {

@@ -260,6 +267,8 @@
ourcellvars = PyTuple_New(0);
if (ourcellvars == NULL)
goto cleanup;
+filename = PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault(PyString_AS_STRING(filename),
+ 0, NULL);

The following is unnecessary and will cause a reference leak:

@@ -260,6 +267,8 @@
ourcellvars = PyTuple_New(0);
if (ourcellvars == NULL)
goto cleanup;
+filename = PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault(PyString_AS_STRING(filename),
+ 0, NULL);
co = (PyObject *)PyCode_New(argcount, kwonlyargcount,
nlocals, stacksize, flags,

I think the interface of PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault() could be improved
a bit. The function doesn't use the last argument 'errors', so why is
there? I am not sure if it is useful to keep second argument,
'length', either. So, I believe the function prototype should be
changed to:

PyObject *PyUnicode_Decode_FSDefault(const char *s);

Another thing that I am not sure about is whether it is correct to
consider ISO-8859-15 the same thing as Latin-1.

Overall, the patch looks good to me and doesn't cause any test to
fail. I attached an updated patch with the above issues fixed.

Thank you, Christian, for the patch. :)

nosy: +alexandre.vassalotti

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1272] Decode __file__ and co_filename to unicode using fs default

2007-10-13 Thread Alexandre Vassalotti

Changes by Alexandre Vassalotti:

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1272] Decode __file__ and co_filename to unicode using fs default

2007-10-13 Thread Alexandre Vassalotti

Alexandre Vassalotti added the comment:

Guido wrote: 
 Why copy the default encoding before mangling it?  With a little
 extra care you will only have to copy it once.  Also, consider not
 mangling at all, but assuming the encoding comes in a canonical form
 -- several other functions assume that, e.g. PyUnicode_Decode() and

It is impossible guarantee that Py_FileSystemDefaultEncoding is
normalized, since its value can be set using nl_langinfo(CODESET)
during the bootstrapping process. PyUnicode_Decode() and other
decoding/encoding functions use the codec module, which is not available
during the early bootstrapping process, to normalize the encoding name.

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1276] LookupError: unknown encoding: X-MAC-JAPANESE

2007-10-13 Thread Martin v. Löwis

Changes by Martin v. Löwis:

keywords: +patch

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1272] Decode __file__ and co_filename to unicode using fs default

2007-10-13 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

Guido van Rossum wrote:
 - You added a removal of hotshot from to the patch; but that's
 been checked in in the mean time.

Oh, the change shouldn't make it into the patch. I guess I forgot a svn
revert on

 - Why add an 'errors' argument to the function when it's a fatal error
 to use it?

I wanted the signature of the method be equal to the other methods
PyUnicode_Decode*. I copied the FatalError from

 - Using 0 to autodetect the length is scary.  Normally we have two APIs
 for that, one ..._FromString and one ...FromStringAndSize.  If you
 really don't want that, please use -1, which is at least an illegal value.

Oh right, -1 is *much* better for autodetect than 0. What do you prefer,
a second method or -1 as auto detect?

 - Why is there code in codeobject.c::PyCode_New() that still accepts a
 PyString for the filename?

Because it's my fault that I've overseen it. :/

 - In that file (and possibly others, I didn't check) your code uses
 spaces to indent while the surrounding code uses tabs.  Moreover, your
 space indent seems to assume there are 4 spaces to a tab, but all our
 code (Python and C) is formatted assuming tabs are 8 spaces.  (The
 indent isn't always 8 spaces -- but ASCII TAB characters always are 8,
 for us.)

Some C files like unicodeobject.c are using 4 spaces while other files
are using tabs for indention. My editor may got confused by the mix.
I've manually fixed it in the patch but I may have overseen a line or two.

 - Why copy the default encoding before mangling it?  With a little extra
 care you will only have to copy it once.  Also, consider not mangling at
 all, but assuming the encoding comes in a canonical form -- several
 other functions assume that, e.g. PyUnicode_Decode() and

My C is a bit rusty and still need to learn news tricks. I'm trying to
see if I can remove the extra copy without causing a problem.
The other part of your question was already answered by Alexandre. The
aliases map is defined in Python code. It's not available so early in
the boot strapping process.
We'd have to redesign the assignment of co_filename and __file__
completely if we want to use the aliases and other codecs. For example
we could store a PyString at first and redo all names once the codecs
are set up.


Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1260] PEP 3137: Remove the buffer API from PyUnicode

2007-10-13 Thread Alexandre Vassalotti

Alexandre Vassalotti added the comment:

There was a problem with one of the call of PyArg_ParseTuple in the OS/2
version of listdir() in the posix module. I also clarified the error
message of the 't' format unit.

__Index: Python/getargs.c
--- Python/getargs.c	(revision 58422)
+++ Python/getargs.c	(working copy)
@@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@
 arg, msgbuf, bufsize);
 		if (pb == NULL || pb-bf_getbuffer == NULL)
 			return converterr(
-string or read-only character buffer,
+bytes or read-only character buffer,
 arg, msgbuf, bufsize);
 		if ((*pb-bf_getbuffer)(arg, view, PyBUF_CHARACTER) != 0) 
Index: Objects/unicodeobject.c
--- Objects/unicodeobject.c	(revision 58422)
+++ Objects/unicodeobject.c	(working copy)
@@ -8113,19 +8113,6 @@
-static int
-unicode_buffer_getbuffer(PyUnicodeObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags)
-if (flags  PyBUF_CHARACTER) {
-PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, can't use str as char buffer);
-return -1;
-return PyBuffer_FillInfo(view, (void *)self-str,
- PyUnicode_GET_DATA_SIZE(self), 1, flags);
 /* Helpers for PyUnicode_Format() */
 static PyObject *
@@ -8819,11 +8806,6 @@
 return NULL;
-static PyBufferProcs unicode_as_buffer = {
-(getbufferproc) unicode_buffer_getbuffer,
 static PyObject *
 unicode_subtype_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds);
@@ -8907,7 +8889,7 @@
 (reprfunc) unicode_str,	 	/* tp_str */
 PyObject_GenericGetAttr, 		/* tp_getattro */
 0,			 		/* tp_setattro */
-unicode_as_buffer,			/* tp_as_buffer */
+0, 	/* tp_as_buffer */
 unicode_doc,			/* tp_doc */
Index: Modules/_sre.c
--- Modules/_sre.c	(revision 58422)
+++ Modules/_sre.c	(working copy)
@@ -1674,6 +1674,15 @@
 void* ptr;
 Py_buffer view;
+/* Unicode objects do not support the buffer API. So, get the data
+   directly instead. */
+if (PyUnicode_Check(string)) {
+ptr = (void *)PyUnicode_AS_DATA(string);
+*p_length = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(string);
+*p_charsize = sizeof(Py_UNICODE);
+return ptr;
 /* get pointer to string buffer */
 view.len = -1;
 buffer = Py_Type(string)-tp_as_buffer;
Index: Modules/posixmodule.c
--- Modules/posixmodule.c	(revision 58422)
+++ Modules/posixmodule.c	(working copy)
@@ -2135,7 +2135,8 @@
-if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, t#:listdir, name, len))
+if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, et#:listdir, 
+  Py_FileSystemDefaultEncoding, name, len))
 return NULL;
 if (len = MAX_PATH) {
 		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, path too long);
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1272] Decode __file__ and co_filename to unicode using fs default

2007-10-13 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum added the comment:

On 10/13/07, Christian Heimes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Guido van Rossum wrote:
  - Why add an 'errors' argument to the function when it's a fatal error
  to use it?

 I wanted the signature of the method be equal to the other methods
 PyUnicode_Decode*. I copied the FatalError from

But that function is a terrible example; it was done that way because
an earlier version of the function *did* allow using the errors
argument and I wanted to make sure to catch all calls that were still
passing an errors value. This doesn't apply here, we're creating a
brand new API.

  - Using 0 to autodetect the length is scary.  Normally we have two APIs
  for that, one ..._FromString and one ...FromStringAndSize.  If you
  really don't want that, please use -1, which is at least an illegal value.

 Oh right, -1 is *much* better for autodetect than 0. What do you prefer,
 a second method or -1 as auto detect?

Even better is Alexandre's version: always autodetect. I think we can
assume that filenames are always available as 0-terminated byte
arrays, since that's how all system calls need them.

Anyway, let me know if you want to change something in Alexandre's
version or if you want him to check it in.

Oh. Hm. I still wish that PyCode_New() could just insist that the
filename argument is a PyUnicode instance. Why can't it? Perhaps the
caller should be fixed instead?

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1272] Decode __file__ and co_filename to unicode using fs default

2007-10-13 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum added the comment:

  Oh. Hm. I still wish that PyCode_New() could just insist that the
  filename argument is a PyUnicode instance. Why can't it? Perhaps the
  caller should be fixed instead?

 I'll try.

I figured out the problem -- it came from marshalled old code objects. 
If you throw away all .pyc files the problem goes away.  You can also
get rid of the similar checks for the 'name' argument -- this should
just be a PyUnicode too.  A systematic approach to invalidating all the
.pyc files is updating the magic number in import.c.

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1272] Decode __file__ and co_filename to unicode using fs default

2007-10-13 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

Guido van Rossum wrote:
 - Why copy the default encoding before mangling it?  With a little extra
 care you will only have to copy it once. 

Now I remember why I added the strncpy() call plus encoding[31] = '\0'.
I wanted to make sure that the code doesn't break even if the encoding
name is longer than 31 + 1 chars long. I'm aware that it's very unlikely
but I didn't want to take chances. You are allowed to call me paranoid. *g*


Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1272] Decode __file__ and co_filename to unicode using fs default

2007-10-13 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum added the comment:

Well, you could ensure that by checking that you haven't reached the
end of the mangling buffer. That will have the added advantage that
when the input is something silly like 32 spaces followed by utf-8
it will be still be mangled correctly. The slight extra cost of the
check (could be a single pointer compare) is offset by saving a call
to strncpy().


On 10/13/07, Christian Heimes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Christian Heimes added the comment:

 Guido van Rossum wrote:
  - Why copy the default encoding before mangling it?  With a little extra
  care you will only have to copy it once.

 Now I remember why I added the strncpy() call plus encoding[31] = '\0'.
 I wanted to make sure that the code doesn't break even if the encoding
 name is longer than 31 + 1 chars long. I'm aware that it's very unlikely
 but I didn't want to take chances. You are allowed to call me paranoid. *g*



Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1264] __file__ and co_filename as unicode

2007-10-13 Thread Guido van Rossum

Changes by Guido van Rossum:

resolution:  - out of date
status: open - closed
superseder:  - Decode __file__ and co_filename to unicode using fs default

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1267] Py3K cannot run as ``python -S``

2007-10-13 Thread Guido van Rossum

Changes by Guido van Rossum:

nosy: +gvanrossum

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1268] array unittest problems with UCS4 build

2007-10-13 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum added the comment:

Can this be closed now that Travis reverted his patch?

nosy: +gvanrossum

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1260] PEP 3137: Remove the buffer API from PyUnicode

2007-10-13 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum added the comment:

You can check this in. You do have checkin privs right?

resolution:  - accepted

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1272] Decode __file__ and co_filename to unicode using fs default

2007-10-13 Thread Alexandre Vassalotti

Alexandre Vassalotti added the comment:

Guido wrote:
 I figured out the problem -- it came from marshalled old code objects. 
 If you throw away all .pyc files the problem goes away.  You can also
 get rid of the similar checks for the 'name' argument -- this should
 just be a PyUnicode too.  A systematic approach to invalidating all the
 .pyc files is updating the magic number in import.c.


I had to remove a few another PyString instances in pyexpat.c and
_ctypes.c. So, here (hopefully) the final version of the patch. 

The changes from the last version are:

   - Correct a typo in of the comments in PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault
   - Specified in the API doc of PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault that the
 function take a null-terminated string.
   - Bumped the magic number in import.c
   - Fix PyCode_New calls in _ctypes and pyexpat module.
   - Remove the PyString type check on 'filename' and 'name' in PyCode_New.
   - Remove the unneeded string coercion code from PyCode_New.

__Index: Python/ceval.c
--- Python/ceval.c	(revision 58422)
+++ Python/ceval.c	(working copy)
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@
 	lltrace = PyDict_GetItemString(f-f_globals, __lltrace__) != NULL;
 #if defined(Py_DEBUG) || defined(LLTRACE)
-	filename = PyString_AsString(co-co_filename);
+	filename = PyUnicode_AsString(co-co_filename);
 	why = WHY_NOT;
Index: Python/traceback.c
--- Python/traceback.c	(revision 58422)
+++ Python/traceback.c	(working copy)
@@ -229,10 +229,10 @@
 	while (tb != NULL  err == 0) {
 		if (depth = limit) {
 			err = tb_displayline(f,
-			PyString_AsString(
+			PyUnicode_AsString(
-			PyString_AsString(tb-tb_frame-f_code-co_name));
+			PyUnicode_AsString(tb-tb_frame-f_code-co_name));
 		tb = tb-tb_next;
Index: Python/pythonrun.c
--- Python/pythonrun.c	(revision 58422)
+++ Python/pythonrun.c	(working copy)
@@ -867,7 +867,8 @@
 		return -1;
 	d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
 	if (PyDict_GetItemString(d, __file__) == NULL) {
-		PyObject *f = PyString_FromString(filename);
+		PyObject *f;
+		f = PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault(filename);
 		if (f == NULL)
 			return -1;
 		if (PyDict_SetItemString(d, __file__, f)  0) {
Index: Python/import.c
--- Python/import.c	(revision 58422)
+++ Python/import.c	(working copy)
@@ -74,10 +74,11 @@
 		  3040 (added signature annotations)
 		  3050 (print becomes a function)
 		  3060 (PEP 3115 metaclass syntax)
-  3070 (PEP 3109 raise changes)
+		  3070 (PEP 3109 raise changes)
+		  3080 (PEP 3137 make __file__ and __name__ unicode)
-#define MAGIC (3070 | ((long)'\r'16) | ((long)'\n'24))
+#define MAGIC (3080 | ((long)'\r'16) | ((long)'\n'24))
 /* Magic word as global; note that _PyImport_Init() can change the
value of this global to accommodate for alterations of how the
@@ -652,7 +653,7 @@
 	/* Remember the filename as the __file__ attribute */
 	v = NULL;
 	if (pathname != NULL) {
-		v = PyString_FromString(pathname);
+		v = PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault(pathname);
 		if (v == NULL)
@@ -983,7 +984,7 @@
 		PySys_WriteStderr(import %s # directory %s\n,
 			name, pathname);
 	d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
-	file = PyString_FromString(pathname);
+	file = PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault(pathname);
 	if (file == NULL)
 		goto error;
 	path = Py_BuildValue([O], file);
Index: Python/compile.c
--- Python/compile.c	(revision 58422)
+++ Python/compile.c	(working copy)
@@ -4001,7 +4001,7 @@
 	freevars = dict_keys_inorder(c-u-u_freevars, PyTuple_Size(cellvars));
 	if (!freevars)
 	goto error;
-	filename = PyString_FromString(c-c_filename);
+	filename = PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault(c-c_filename);
 	if (!filename)
 		goto error;
Index: Python/importdl.c
--- Python/importdl.c	(revision 58422)
+++ Python/importdl.c	(working copy)
@@ -62,7 +62,9 @@
 		return NULL;
 	/* Remember the filename as the __file__ attribute */
-	if (PyModule_AddStringConstant(m, __file__, pathname)  0)
+	PyObject *path;
+	path = PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault(pathname);
+	if (PyModule_AddObject(m, __file__, path)  0)
 		PyErr_Clear(); /* Not important enough to report */
 	if (_PyImport_FixupExtension(name, pathname) == NULL)
Index: Include/unicodeobject.h
--- Include/unicodeobject.h	(revision 58422)
+++ Include/unicodeobject.h	(working copy)
@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@
 # define 

[issue1272] Decode __file__ and co_filename to unicode using fs default

2007-10-13 Thread Alexandre Vassalotti

Alexandre Vassalotti added the comment:

 Remove the PyString type check on 'filename' and 'name' in PyCode_New.

Oops. I removed one of the ! the checks by mistake.

__Index: Python/ceval.c
--- Python/ceval.c	(revision 58454)
+++ Python/ceval.c	(working copy)
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@
 	lltrace = PyDict_GetItemString(f-f_globals, __lltrace__) != NULL;
 #if defined(Py_DEBUG) || defined(LLTRACE)
-	filename = PyString_AsString(co-co_filename);
+	filename = PyUnicode_AsString(co-co_filename);
 	why = WHY_NOT;
Index: Python/traceback.c
--- Python/traceback.c	(revision 58454)
+++ Python/traceback.c	(working copy)
@@ -229,10 +229,10 @@
 	while (tb != NULL  err == 0) {
 		if (depth = limit) {
 			err = tb_displayline(f,
-			PyString_AsString(
+			PyUnicode_AsString(
-			PyString_AsString(tb-tb_frame-f_code-co_name));
+			PyUnicode_AsString(tb-tb_frame-f_code-co_name));
 		tb = tb-tb_next;
Index: Python/pythonrun.c
--- Python/pythonrun.c	(revision 58454)
+++ Python/pythonrun.c	(working copy)
@@ -867,7 +867,8 @@
 		return -1;
 	d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
 	if (PyDict_GetItemString(d, __file__) == NULL) {
-		PyObject *f = PyString_FromString(filename);
+		PyObject *f;
+		f = PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault(filename);
 		if (f == NULL)
 			return -1;
 		if (PyDict_SetItemString(d, __file__, f)  0) {
Index: Python/import.c
--- Python/import.c	(revision 58454)
+++ Python/import.c	(working copy)
@@ -74,10 +74,11 @@
 		  3040 (added signature annotations)
 		  3050 (print becomes a function)
 		  3060 (PEP 3115 metaclass syntax)
-  3070 (PEP 3109 raise changes)
+		  3070 (PEP 3109 raise changes)
+		  3080 (PEP 3137 make __file__ and __name__ unicode)
-#define MAGIC (3070 | ((long)'\r'16) | ((long)'\n'24))
+#define MAGIC (3080 | ((long)'\r'16) | ((long)'\n'24))
 /* Magic word as global; note that _PyImport_Init() can change the
value of this global to accommodate for alterations of how the
@@ -652,7 +653,7 @@
 	/* Remember the filename as the __file__ attribute */
 	v = NULL;
 	if (pathname != NULL) {
-		v = PyString_FromString(pathname);
+		v = PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault(pathname);
 		if (v == NULL)
@@ -983,7 +984,7 @@
 		PySys_WriteStderr(import %s # directory %s\n,
 			name, pathname);
 	d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
-	file = PyString_FromString(pathname);
+	file = PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault(pathname);
 	if (file == NULL)
 		goto error;
 	path = Py_BuildValue([O], file);
Index: Python/compile.c
--- Python/compile.c	(revision 58454)
+++ Python/compile.c	(working copy)
@@ -4001,7 +4001,7 @@
 	freevars = dict_keys_inorder(c-u-u_freevars, PyTuple_Size(cellvars));
 	if (!freevars)
 	goto error;
-	filename = PyString_FromString(c-c_filename);
+	filename = PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault(c-c_filename);
 	if (!filename)
 		goto error;
Index: Python/importdl.c
--- Python/importdl.c	(revision 58454)
+++ Python/importdl.c	(working copy)
@@ -62,7 +62,9 @@
 		return NULL;
 	/* Remember the filename as the __file__ attribute */
-	if (PyModule_AddStringConstant(m, __file__, pathname)  0)
+	PyObject *path;
+	path = PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault(pathname);
+	if (PyModule_AddObject(m, __file__, path)  0)
 		PyErr_Clear(); /* Not important enough to report */
 	if (_PyImport_FixupExtension(name, pathname) == NULL)
Index: Include/unicodeobject.h
--- Include/unicodeobject.h	(revision 58454)
+++ Include/unicodeobject.h	(working copy)
@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@
 # define PyUnicode_DecodeASCII PyUnicodeUCS2_DecodeASCII
 # define PyUnicode_DecodeCharmap PyUnicodeUCS2_DecodeCharmap
 # define PyUnicode_DecodeLatin1 PyUnicodeUCS2_DecodeLatin1
+# define PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault PyUnicodeUCS2_DecodeFSDefault
 # define PyUnicode_DecodeRawUnicodeEscape PyUnicodeUCS2_DecodeRawUnicodeEscape
 # define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF32 PyUnicodeUCS2_DecodeUTF32
 # define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF32Stateful PyUnicodeUCS2_DecodeUTF32Stateful
@@ -245,6 +246,7 @@
 # define PyUnicode_DecodeASCII PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeASCII
 # define PyUnicode_DecodeCharmap PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeCharmap
 # define PyUnicode_DecodeLatin1 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeLatin1
+# define PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeFSDefault
 # define PyUnicode_DecodeRawUnicodeEscape PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeRawUnicodeEscape
 # define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF32 

[issue1260] PEP 3137: Remove the buffer API from PyUnicode

2007-10-13 Thread Alexandre Vassalotti

Alexandre Vassalotti added the comment:

Committed in r58455.

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1260] PEP 3137: Remove the buffer API from PyUnicode

2007-10-13 Thread Guido van Rossum

Changes by Guido van Rossum:

status: open - closed

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1272] Decode __file__ and co_filename to unicode using fs default

2007-10-13 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum added the comment:

Crys, is this OK with you?

On 10/13/07, Alexandre Vassalotti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alexandre Vassalotti added the comment:

 Guido wrote:
  I figured out the problem -- it came from marshalled old code objects.
  If you throw away all .pyc files the problem goes away.  You can also
  get rid of the similar checks for the 'name' argument -- this should
  just be a PyUnicode too.  A systematic approach to invalidating all the
  .pyc files is updating the magic number in import.c.


 I had to remove a few another PyString instances in pyexpat.c and
 _ctypes.c. So, here (hopefully) the final version of the patch.

 The changes from the last version are:

- Correct a typo in of the comments in PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault
- Specified in the API doc of PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault that the
  function take a null-terminated string.
- Bumped the magic number in import.c
- Fix PyCode_New calls in _ctypes and pyexpat module.
- Remove the PyString type check on 'filename' and 'name' in PyCode_New.
- Remove the unneeded string coercion code from PyCode_New.


Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1272] Decode __file__ and co_filename to unicode using fs default

2007-10-13 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

Guido van Rossum wrote:
 Guido van Rossum added the comment:
 Crys, is this OK with you?

Alexandre's mangle loop doesn't do the same job as mine. Chars like _
and - aren't removed from the encoding name and the if clauses don't
catch for example UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1 only UTF8 or ISO8859-1. Also he
has overseen a PyString_Check in the code repr function.

I'm working on a better mangler and I believe that I can make
Py_FilesystemEncoding available much earlier in Py_InitializeEx().

*after some debugging*

I fear that we are on the wrong path. Py_FileSystemEncoding is set
*much* later in the boot strapping process unless its value is hard
coded (Win32 and Apple only). Any attempt to get the right codec or even
a normalized name without the codecs package is going to extremely hard.

We have to get the codecs up and Py_FileSystemEncoding before we can
decode the filenames. :( I think that the problem needs much more
attention and a proper fix.


Python-bugs-list mailing list 