CodeInvestigator version 0.7.3

2008-02-21 Thread Martien Friedeman
CodeInvestigator version 0.7.3 was released on February 21.

This release fixes a bug.

When a user views code and closes the view of a variable value, the  
marker-bar on the right side of the window shows.
This bar should only show when a user scrolls away from code.

CodeInvestigator is a tracing tool for Python programs.

Running a program through CodeInvestigator creates a recording.  
Program flow, function calls, variable values and conditions are all  
stored for every line the program executes.
The recording is then viewed with an interface consisting of the  
code. The code can be clicked: A clicked variable displays its value,  
a clicked loop displays its iterations.
You read code, and have at your disposal all the run time details of  
that code. A computerized desk check tool and another way to learn  
about your program.

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Python Bug Day on Feb. 23

2008-02-21 Thread A.M. Kuchling
After the success of January's bug day, which closed 37 issues, we're
having another one this Saturday, February 23 2008.

We'll all meet in the #python-dev IRC channel on and
help improve Python.  For more information, see .  This is a good opportunity
to get your feet wet in developing the Python core.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Is there a way to link a python program from several files?

2008-02-21 Thread George Sakkis
On Feb 21, 1:58 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Edward A. Falk) wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],

 BlueBird  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wrote a small wiki page to sum-up my findings about such typical

 Excellent references, but maybe a bit of overkill.  Everybody in my
 target audience has python on their systems, I just want to send a
 single .py (or .pyc) file so there's no complicated install procedure.

What's so complicated about python install ? Even that is
not strictly necessary for pure python packages; a user may just
unpack the archive, cd to the extracted directory and execute the
appropriate .py file(s).


Re: is this data structure build-in or I'll have to write my own class?

2008-02-21 Thread Robert Bossy
mkPyVS wrote:
 This isn't so optimal but I think accomplishes what you desire to some
 extent... I *think* there is some hidden gem in inheriting from dict
 or an mapping type that is cleaner than what I've shown below though.

 class dum_struct:
def __init__(self,keyList,valList):
   self.__orderedKeys = keyList
   self.__orderedValList = valList
def __getattr__(self,name):
   return self.__orderedValList[self.__orderedKeys.index(name)]

 keys = ['foo','baz']
 vals = ['bar','bal']

 m = dum_struct(keys,vals)


Let's add:
__getitem__(self, key):
return self.__orderedValList[key]

in order to have: == m[0]


Re: Double underscores -- ugly?

2008-02-21 Thread cokofreedom
On Feb 21, 3:31 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 19, 8:20 pm, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   On Feb 19, 10:26 am, Wildemar Wildenburger
   Jason wrote:
   Hmm.  I must be the only person who doesn't think the double
   underscores are ugly.
   Nope. I like them too. :)

   Frankly, I think it's just a matter of adaption. I too found it rather
   ugly in the beginning, but with anything, I've gotten used to it. (And
   I wholeheartedly support your looks like underlined / is unintrusive
   like whitespace argument.)


   My editor actually renders them as miniature chess pieces.  The
   bartender said she runs a pre-execution step, that searches and
   replaces a double-colon with the underscores.

  If you're taking programming advice from a bartender your postings
  suddenly start to make sense (though not, unfortunately, as comments
  about programming). Do you think perhaps yo might be trying just a
  little too hard?

  Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
  Holden Web LLC quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

 It's definitely possible.  I've been hacking the code for some time,
 and so far, the furthest I've gotten is:


 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
 AttributeError: 'Bartender' object has no attribute 'think'

 Any ideas?

You need to pass it a parameter for .drink() which in turn calls
the .pay() function, before it can .think()

Re: Is there a way to link a python program from several files?

2008-02-21 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Edward A. Falk schrieb:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 BlueBird  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I wrote a small wiki page to sum-up my findings about such typical

 Excellent references, but maybe a bit of overkill.  Everybody in my
 target audience has python on their systems, I just want to send a
 single .py (or .pyc) file so there's no complicated install procedure.
 I mean, how *are* large python programs normally distributed under Linux?

By means of their package management. At least that's what many people 

But I don't get what's wrong with

you: python bdist_egg

your client: easy_install the.egg


wxPython Plot always comes to focus on redraw

2008-02-21 Thread Jacob Davis

I am using wxPython, and I have a frame that has a notebook in it.   
there are 3 pages in the notebook, 2 of which are Panels and 1 of  
which is a PlotCanvas.  The data for the plot changes when I press a  
button that is in the frame, but not in the notebook (as designed).   
the button also makes the plot draw again, since the data has changed.

The problem is that whenever I press my button, the focus of the  
notebook view area (as opposed to the tabs) changes focus to the  
plot.  if I have multiple plots, the focus goes to that plot which was  
drawn last in the code. however, if I click anywhere on the panel, the  
page of the notebook that is supposed to be in focus is now shown in  
the view area of the notebook.

will try to make a sample .py if anybody needs a visual, let me know  

Thanks for any help!


Re: using PIL for PCA analysis

2008-02-21 Thread Matthieu Brucher

You should convert your data to numpy and make it 1D (for the moment, it is
3D) by calling the ravel() method. Then you can create your covariance
matrix ;)



 hi guys
 i am trying out  PCA analysis using python.I have a set of
 jpeg(rgbcolor) images whose pixel data i need to extract and make a
 matrix .( rows =num of images and cols=num of pixels)
 For this i need to represent an image as an array.
 i was able to do this using java's BufferedImage as below

 int[] rgbdata = new int[width * height];

 doubles = new double[rgbdata.length];
 int i;
 for ( i = 0; i  bytes.length; i++) {
doubles[i]  = (double)(rgbdata[i]);

 this doubles[] now represent a single image's pixels

 then i can get a matrix of say 4 images ..(each of 4X3 size)
 images[][]  rows=4,cols=12
 [-4413029.0, -1.0463919E7,... -5201255.0]

 [-5399916.0, -9411231.0, ... -6583163.0]

 [-3886937.0, -1.0202292E7,... -6648444.0]

 [-5597295.0, -7901339.0,... -5989995.0]
 i can normalise the above matrix to zeromean and then find covariance
 matrix by
 images * transpose(images)

 my problem is how i can use PIL to do the same thing..if i extract
 imagedata using im.getdata()
 i will get
 [(188, 169, 155), (96, 85, 81),.. (176, 162, 153)]

 [(173, 154, 148), (112, 101, 97),.. (155, 140, 133)]

 [(196, 176, 167), (100, 83, 76), ... (154, 141, 132)]

 [(170, 151, 145), (135, 111, 101), ... (164, 153, 149)]
 i donot know how to find covariance matrix from such a
 would'v been ideal if they were single values instead of tuples..i
 can't use greyscale images since the unput images are all rgb jpeg

 can someone suggest a solution?


French PhD student
Website :
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LinkedIn :

Replacing 'if __name__ == __main__' with decorator (was: Double underscores -- ugly?)

2008-02-21 Thread grflanagan
On Feb 19, 10:01 am, Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Berwyn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is it just me that thinks __init__ is rather ugly? Not to mention
  if __name__ == '__main__': ...?

  That ugliness has long been my biggest bugbear with python, too.  The
  __name__ == '__main__' thing is something I always have to look up,
  every time I use it, too ... awkward.

  I'd settle for:

  hidden def init(self):  # which could be extended to work
  for everything hidden x=3

  And for __name__ == '__main__' how about:

  if sys.main():

 Or even:

   def init(self): ...

 def mymainfunc():

 The first of those probably wants some metaclass support to make it work
 cleanly, but here's a sample implementation for the second one:

 import sys, atexit
 def main(f):
 Decorator for main function
 def runner():
 if f.func_globals['__name__']=='__main__':
 return f

 print define mymainfunc
 def mymainfunc(args=sys.argv):
 print Got args, args
 return 3
 print end of script

 If you have multiple functions marked as main that will run them in
 reverse order, so it might be better to put them on a list and use a
 single runner to clear the list. Also, I have no idea what happens to
 the exit code if you use this decorator more than once.

 BTW, should anyone be wondering, you can still use atexit inside a
 function called from atexit and any registered functions are then called
 when the first one returns.

I liked the idea, thanks. But I also wanted to be able to pass options
to the decorator, for example optparser.OptionParser instances, so
(after wrestling with nested functions for half a day!) I ended up
with the class below, FWIW.

Getting the interplay between __new__, __init__ and __call__ was
somewhat trial-and-error, and maybe I just painted myself into a
corner, but (slightly academic question) is it the case that if you
want to be able to use a decorator both with and without options, ie.
like this:

def main(...)

and like this:

def main(...)

then you cannot use that decorator for a function that expects or
allows a function as its first argument? Because how and when can you
decide whether that function is the decorated one or the function

Anyway, thanks again.


class mainmethod(object):

_parser = None
kwargs = {}
args =()

def _getparser(self):
if self._parser is None:
self._parser = CommonOptionParser()
return self._parser
parser = property(_getparser)

def __new__(cls, *args, **kw):
obj = super(mainmethod, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kw)
if len(args) == 1 and inspect.isfunction(args[0]):
#we assume that the decorator has been declared with no
#so go to straight to __call__, don't need __init__
#if it's the case that the wrapped 'main' method allows or
#expects a function as its first (and only) positional
#then you can't use this decorator
return obj(args[0])
return obj

def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
self.args = args
self._parser = kw.pop('parser', None)
self.kwargs = kw

def _updatekwargs(self, dict):
#don't want default null values of parser to overwrite
#passed to `mainmethod` itself
for k,v in dict.iteritems():
#can't do 'if v: ...' because empty configobj evaluates
if v is None or v == '':
self.kwargs[k] = v

def exit(self):

def run(self):
options, args = self.parser.parse_args()
#the following so that command line options are made available
#to the decorated function as **kwargs
logargs = (
self.kwargs.get(OPTLOGFILE, None),
self.kwargs.get(OPTLOGDIR, None),
self.kwargs.get(OPTLOGPREFIX, ''),
self.kwargs[OPTLOGFILE] = logstart(*logargs)  + sys.argv[0])
conf = self.kwargs.get(OPTCONFIG, None)
if conf: %s % (OPTCONFIG.upper(), conf.filename))
for k,v in self.kwargs.iteritems():
if v and k not in COMMONOPTS: = %s % (k, v))
return sys.exit(self.func(*self.args, **self.kwargs))

def __call__(self, f):
if f.func_globals['__name__'] == '__main__':
self.func = f
import atexit
return f



Re: Article of interest: Python pros/cons for the enterprise

2008-02-21 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Carl Banks a écrit :
 On Feb 20, 8:58 am, Tim Chase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You Used Python to Write WHAT?
 Furthermore, the power and expressivity that Python offers means
 that it may require more skilled developers.
 [...down to the summary...]
 Python may not be an appropriate choice if you:
 *  Rely on teams of less-experienced programmers. These
 developers may benefit from the wider availability of training
 for languages like Java and are less likely to make mistakes with
 a compile-time, type-checked language.

 C++ is a compile-time, type-checked language, which means it is
 totally safer for newbies than Python.  Yep, your big company is
 totally safe with newbie C++ programmers.

Mouarf ! Brillant demonstration, thanks Carl !-)

(and BTW, +1 QOTW)

Re: newbie in python

2008-02-21 Thread Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
-On [20080221 11:56], [EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
Can someone help me to get in the right track, and get a good move?

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven asmodai(-at-) / asmodai
イェルーン ラウフロック ヴァン デル ウェルヴェン |
E pluribus unum...

Re: newbie in python

2008-02-21 Thread cokofreedom
 Can someone help me to get in the right track, and get a good move?

newbie in python

2008-02-21 Thread ctechnician
Hi anyone

I'm very interesed to learn python and really willing to do so,but
unfortunately dont know where to start, or what programs need to
install to start.

Can someone help me to get in the right track, and get a good move?

Thanks for all help

pls reply on

Backup Script over ssh

2008-02-21 Thread Christian Kortenhorst
Hey all

I am new to python and the list.
I want to create backup script for my windows PC and upload to Linux server
over ssh but whats the best way to go about this.
Just want to copy the modified and new files up to server in folder that has
Month/Year so every month new sync is created, but every day new files at
midnight are uploaded.

Can anyone help?


Christian Kortenhorst

Re: newbie in python

2008-02-21 Thread 7stud
 Hi anyone

 I'm very interesed to learn python and really willing to do so,but
 unfortunately dont know where to start, or what programs need to
 install to start.

 Can someone help me to get in the right track, and get a good move?

 Thanks for all help

If you're a good student or you have prior programming experience, get
the book 'Learning Python', which just came out with a 3rd edition, so
it is the most up to date book.

If you are not such a good student or have no prior programming
experience, and you want a gentler introduction to python, check out
the book 'Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner(2nd Ed.)'

Re: Linux/Python Issues

2008-02-21 Thread MartinRinehart
re being serious

I am serious. I am seriously trying to develop a nice language for
beginners. I was at Dartmouth in 1965 when BASIC was new. It let me
use the computer without learning Fortran. It was very successful. I
think it's past time for another one. I think we could have a lot more
capability with more simplicity than you find in Visual Basic.

re DLing source

As a solution to the problem of wanting a program on my computer, it
sucks. On Windows I'll DL an install package, accept a license
agreement, click Next a few times (no, I can't make a cup of coffee
because the minute I step away the Wizard will ask a question), ...
With CNR the commitment is that I CAN walk away. I do not know who
should be responsible for putting things in the warehouse. I do wish
that the *n*x community would create some sensible standards so the
'our distro doesn't put things where others do' would stop being an
issue. Looking in /usr/bin and its brethren makes c:\Program Files
seem organized.

re changing distros because apt-get could do the job

I'll take your words for the superiority of Ubuntu. But I'll not
change from one problem (can't find the python-devel that
says I need) to another (installing a new OS). I bought my Linspire
computer with the OS installed. I've no interest in mastering the art
of installing Linux. I'm a big fan of KDE, KATE and Konqueror and
having a dozen desktops for a dozen projects. I do not miss crashes
and viruses. I do not miss shelling out hundreds of bucks for an
office suite.

So for now I'll just pretend that Windows is desktop 13. A KVM helps.
I'll remember that you don't type uptime in the DOS window. Oh,
yeah. I'll remember that my NAV subscription expired. Gotta renew.

Globals or objects?

2008-02-21 Thread MartinRinehart
I had a global variable holding a count. One source Google found
suggested that I wouldn't need the global if I used an object. So I
created a Singleton class that now holds the former global as an
instance attribute. Bye, bye, global.

But later I thought about it. I cannot see a single advantage to the
object approach. Am I missing something? Or was the original global a
better, cleaner solution to the I need a value I can read/write from
several places problem?

Re: wxPython Plot always comes to focus on redraw

2008-02-21 Thread Steve Holden
Jacob Davis wrote:
 I am using wxPython, and I have a frame that has a notebook in it.   
 there are 3 pages in the notebook, 2 of which are Panels and 1 of  
 which is a PlotCanvas.  The data for the plot changes when I press a  
 button that is in the frame, but not in the notebook (as designed).   
 the button also makes the plot draw again, since the data has changed.
 The problem is that whenever I press my button, the focus of the  
 notebook view area (as opposed to the tabs) changes focus to the  
 plot.  if I have multiple plots, the focus goes to that plot which was  
 drawn last in the code. however, if I click anywhere on the panel, the  
 page of the notebook that is supposed to be in focus is now shown in  
 the view area of the notebook.
 will try to make a sample .py if anybody needs a visual, let me know  
 Thanks for any help!

All wxWindow objects have a SetFocus() method. I am unsure why the 
system should be changing the focus (it's almost certainly something you 
are asking it to do without realizing), but the easiest way to proceed 
if you can't stop the focus from changing (i.e. remove the problem) is 
to call SetFocus() on the widget that you want to have the focus after 
you've finished (i.e. cure the symptom).

Or perhaps it's just that I haven't understood the problem correctly. 
You probably didn't post the code because it's large (which is good). 
The correct action is to pare the program down to the smallest one you 
can make that demonstrates the problem, then post that. often during 
this process it becomes clear what the problem is!

It may be that your widget relationships aren't as clean as they might 
be: did you produce your layout with an automated tool like wxDesigner 
or BoaConstrictor, or did you hack it together by hand?

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: Globals or objects?

2008-02-21 Thread Steve Holden
 I had a global variable holding a count. One source Google found
 suggested that I wouldn't need the global if I used an object. So I
 created a Singleton class that now holds the former global as an
 instance attribute. Bye, bye, global.
 But later I thought about it. I cannot see a single advantage to the
 object approach. Am I missing something? Or was the original global a
 better, cleaner solution to the I need a value I can read/write from
 several places problem?

Look up coupling and cohesion in Wikipedia or similar, and you will 
find out that global variables are bad because they introduce tight 
coupling between different pieces of functionality in your code.

If a function uses a global variable then you have to initialize the 
same global variable in another program that uses it: yet another piece 
of setup you will forget to do.

Having said that, where are you storing the reference to the singleton 
instance? It wouldn't be a global, would it?

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: usenet problem

2008-02-21 Thread Ben Finney
Jacob Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi. I am a newbie to usenet. I am using mac and have downloaded a
 free usenet client, MT-NewsWatcher. I put in comp.lang.python but
 it says that it cannot get the address of the news server host.

'comp.lang.python' is the name of the newsgroup, not the name of a
host (machine). Usenet newsgroups are accessible from many different
machines worldwide, all of which propagate the messages to each other
so that (ideally) any one group can be treated as a single group
distributed across the world.


You need to access the newsgroup via one of those servers, called a
news feed or Usenet provider. That server's hostname is what you
need to configure your software to connect with.

 \ Rommel: Don't move, or I'll turn the key on this can of Spam! |
  `\ -- The Goon Show, _Rommel's Treasure_ |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Re: Linux/Python Issues

2008-02-21 Thread Paul Boddie
On 21 Feb, 13:04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 re DLing source

 As a solution to the problem of wanting a program on my computer, it

It doesn't suck if you're just installing one program, but if there
are a lot of dependencies it can quickly suck, yes. Even with systems
that comprehensively manage dependencies like Gentoo's Portage (and
unlike language-specific solutions such as easy_install and the CPAN
tools) the convenience can become quickly overwhelmed by practical
concerns such as whether your computer has enough CPU time available
to compile all the updates coming in.

On Windows I'll DL an install package, accept a license
 agreement, click Next a few times (no, I can't make a cup of coffee
 because the minute I step away the Wizard will ask a question), ...
 With CNR the commitment is that I CAN walk away. I do not know who
 should be responsible for putting things in the warehouse. I do wish
 that the *n*x community would create some sensible standards so the
 'our distro doesn't put things where others do' would stop being an
 issue. Looking in /usr/bin and its brethren makes c:\Program Files
 seem organized.

You aren't supposed to look in those directories. ;-)

There are proposals for application directories such as the one
proposed by the author of ROX Desktop, but on Debian-based
distributions, the warehouse is the sum of the available
repositories. I'll agree that the interfaces to the warehouse aren't
very good, however: for a while, the Kynaptic application (a simple
version of Synaptic for Kubuntu) was a fairly simple but convenient
tool to retrieve packages, but then the developers got feature envy
and added the bloat from Synaptic in order to forge the Adept
application: a tool whose usability is now regarded as suspect even by
those involved in pushing it into Kubuntu in the first place.

I think that the best way of promoting packages would be to adopt a
Web-like paradigm, allowing people to surf around the warehouse,
presumably like what CNR does now, but just browsing the available
packages from standard repositories (and without all the shopping cart
nonsense). This way, at least users would get their exciting surfing
and downloading experience (although they'd really be selecting, not
downloading as such) whilst not downloading possibly dubious binaries
from arbitrary sites on the Internet. Indeed, alongside the dependency
management, the whole trust aspect of distribution repositories is
arguably their greatest strength, since people continue to believe
that it's alright to just download and e-mail stuff to each other as
long as my virus scanner is running - a foolish attitude that caused
numerous problems in at least one environment I've worked in,
presumably because everyone clicked on the funny program in the e-
mail message that got sent round.

 re changing distros because apt-get could do the job

 I'll take your words for the superiority of Ubuntu. But I'll not
 change from one problem (can't find the python-devel that
 says I need) to another (installing a new OS). I bought my Linspire
 computer with the OS installed. I've no interest in mastering the art
 of installing Linux. I'm a big fan of KDE, KATE and Konqueror and
 having a dozen desktops for a dozen projects. I do not miss crashes
 and viruses. I do not miss shelling out hundreds of bucks for an
 office suite.

I think you've either got to find the direct line to the underlying
repositories (and hope that they're more up-to-date than CNR), or
you've got to face the problem that your distribution isn't going to
provide packages of recent versions of Python and other things. Not
that long ago, I was still happily running a distribution from 2005,
but it was ultimately a case of either backporting steadily larger
numbers of packages, or installing everything from source, and outside
the Python scene there are a number of packages that you really don't
want to be installing from source unless you're willing to make a
large investment of time, with frustration being the most typical

Maybe there's room for a Python backports project for older
distributions, like the proposal for making Windows installers for
third-party extensions, but this requires a certain amount of
infrastructure and isn't a one-person job.


Re: Globals or objects?

2008-02-21 Thread Hrvoje Niksic
Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If a function uses a global variable then you have to initialize the
 same global variable in another program that uses it: yet another
 piece of setup you will forget to do.

If the global variable belongs to the module, then it is up to the
module to initialize it.  A different program program will simply
import the same module and automatically get the same variable,
properly initialized.

One reason why a singleton's attribute may be better than a global
variable is that it's easier to later add a callback when the value is
changed without breaking the interface.  A module cannot react to
module.somevar = value; on the other hand, a singleton can implement
__setattr__ that reacts to module.singleton.attr = value.

Sending key-presses to other programs on Windows, and settings of controls?

2008-02-21 Thread Tim van der Leeuw

I'm looking for ways to send keypresses to another application on Windows
XP, and to set values of Windows Controls (all of them text-boxes).

This is to try automate testing of the application.

I think I've done things like that before from Python, but I don't remember
for sure.

Can this be done? Using the Win32-all extensions perhaps? Or perhaps with
the CTypes module?

Any pointers are appreciated!

Kind regards,

--Tim van der Leeuw

Re: Adding Priority Scheduling feature to the subprocess

2008-02-21 Thread TimeHorse
On Feb 20, 10:15 pm, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 | Because UNIX uses priorities between +20 and -20 and Windows, via
 | Process and Thread priorities, allows settings between 0 and 31, a
 | uniform setting for each system should be derived.  This would be
 | accomplished by giving process priority in terms of a floating-point
 | value between 0.0 and 1.0 for lowest and highest possible priority,
 | respectively.

 I would rather that the feature use the -20 to 20 priorities and map that
 appropriately to the Windows range on Windows.

The problem as I see it is that -20 to +20 is only just over 5 bits of
precision and I can easily imagine an OS with many more than just 5
bits to specify a process priority.  Of course, the os.getpriority and
os.setpriority, being specific to UNIX, WOULD use the -20 to +20
scale, it's just the generic subprocess that would not.  But for a
generic priority, I like floating point because it gives 52 bits of
precision on most platforms.  This would allow for the most
flexibility.  Also, 0.0 to 1.0 is in some ways more intuitive to new
programmers because it can be modeled as ~0% CPU usage vs. ~100% CPU
usage, theoretically.  Users not familiar with UNIX might OTHO be
confused by the idea that a lower priority number constitutes a
higher priority.

Of course, the scale used for p in Popen(...).setPriority(p) is really
not an important issue to me as long as it makes sense in the context
of priorities.  Given that os.setpriority and Popen(...).setPriority
have virtually the same name, it would probably be better to rename
the later to something a bit less prone to confusion.  Alternatively,
it would not be unreasonable to design setPriority (and getPriority
correspondingly) such that under UNIX it takes 1 parameter, -20 to +20
and under Windows it takes 2 parameters, second one optional, where
the Windows API priorities are directly passed to it (for getPriority,
Windows would return a Tuple pair corresponding to Priority Class and
Main Thread Priority).  However, I personally prefer a unified
definition for's Priority since there already is or will
be direct os-level methods to accomplish the same thing in the os-
native scale.

Anyway, thanks for the input and I will make a note of it in the PEP.
Other than the generic Property ranges, do you see any other issues
with my proposal?



Re: Article of interest: Python pros/cons for the enterprise

2008-02-21 Thread Nicola Musatti
On Feb 21, 10:55 am, Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.
 Carl Banks a écrit :
  C++ is a compile-time, type-checked language, which means it is
  totally safer for newbies than Python.  Yep, your big company is
  totally safe with newbie C++ programmers.

 Mouarf ! Brillant demonstration, thanks Carl !-)

 (and BTW, +1 QOTW)

Newbies learn, and the fundamental C++ lessons are usually learnt
quite easily. Unless we're talking about idiots, that is, but in this
case at least C++ is likely to make their deficiencies evident sooner
than most other programming languages. So, yes, your big company is
likely to be safer with newbie C++ programmers than with Python newbie

Had we been speaking of productivity... but we weren't, were we?

Nicola Musatti

Re: Tkinter OSX and lift

2008-02-21 Thread Kevin Walzer
Miki wrote:
 Tk.lift doesn't seem to work on OSX (Python 2.5.1).
 The below starts OK, but the window is the behind all other windows.
 from Tkinter import *
 root = Tk()
 Button(root, text=OK, command=root.quit).pack()
 Any ideas how to tell the window to start as the topmost window?

If you click on the PythonLauncher application that runs in your dock 
when this script is executed, the window comes into focus fine.

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

understaning self

2008-02-21 Thread Poppy
I've been searching online to try get a better understanding of what self 
does when I define this parameter in my class functions. All I'm finding is 
debates on whether  self has any value to the language but that doesn't 
help me in my newbie question. So the code excerpt below is from Beginning 
Python Norton, Samuel, Aitel, Foster-Johnson, Richardson, Diamon, Parker, 
and Roberts.

What I think self is doing is limiting the function call to only function 
in this class. So in the function below has calls self.has_various(), if 
I had a function called has_various in my program or another included 
class using self insures that the has_various below is the one used. Am 
I correct in my understanding?



def has(self, food_name, quantity=1):

has(food_name, [quantity]) - checks if the string food_name is in the
fridge. quantity defaults to 1
returns True if there is enough, false otherwise.

return self.has_various({food_name:quantity})

def has_various(self, foods):

has various(foods) determines if the dictionary food_name
has enough of every element to satisfy a request.
returns true if there's enough, Fasle if there's not or if an element does
not exist.

for food in foods.keys():
if self.items[food]  foods[food]:
return False
return True
except KeyError:
return False 


Re: Globals or objects?

2008-02-21 Thread tinnews
Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I had a global variable holding a count. One source Google found
  suggested that I wouldn't need the global if I used an object. So I
  created a Singleton class that now holds the former global as an
  instance attribute. Bye, bye, global.
  But later I thought about it. I cannot see a single advantage to the
  object approach. Am I missing something? Or was the original global a
  better, cleaner solution to the I need a value I can read/write from
  several places problem?
 Look up coupling and cohesion in Wikipedia or similar, and you will 
 find out that global variables are bad because they introduce tight 
 coupling between different pieces of functionality in your code.
I think the OP was asking rather how the Object is any different from
the global if it's simply used as a wrapper for a single value.

In usage, philosophy or whatever it's effectively identical and
introduces all the same problems as a global does, it just gives it a
longer name.

Objects only become useful when the encapsulate more than on thing.

Chris Green

Re: Tkinter OSX and lift

2008-02-21 Thread Miki
Hello Kevin,

 Tk.lift doesn't seem to work on OSX (Python 2.5.1).
 If you click on the PythonLauncher application that runs in your dock
 when this script is executed, the window comes into focus fine.
You're right, but I want to window to be initially in focus (without
the user clicking on the python launcher icon).

All the best,

Re: Globals or objects?

2008-02-21 Thread tinnews
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 I had a global variable holding a count. One source Google found
 suggested that I wouldn't need the global if I used an object. So I
 created a Singleton class that now holds the former global as an
 instance attribute. Bye, bye, global.
 But later I thought about it. I cannot see a single advantage to the
 object approach. Am I missing something? Or was the original global a
 better, cleaner solution to the I need a value I can read/write from
 several places problem?
 The advantage of the global singleton is that it is a container; 
 therefore, its contents are mutable and you don't need to keep using the 
 ``global`` statement.

 but you do keep having to use a longer reference to the value so
what have you won?

Chris Green

Re: ANN: Phatch = PHoto bATCH processor and renamer based on PIL

2008-02-21 Thread Istvan Albert
On Feb 18, 9:58 am, SPE - Stani's Python Editor
 I'm pleased to announce the release of Phatch which is a
 powerful batch processor and renamer. Phatch exposes a big part of

This program is fantastic! Very accesible user interface and produces
ggreat images.



PS. the name Phatch is a bit hard to prononunce (easily confusable
with fetch), it is not easy to talk about it in a live conversation.
You should just call it photo-batch, in the end all the acronym saves
you is four letters and you lose the obvious meaning of what the tool
does. Anyhow, just a suggestion based on the first impressions, great
tool, great functionality. We can surely  nominate it for the best
Python based tool of 2008 ... so far ;-)

Re: Globals or objects?

2008-02-21 Thread Aahz

I had a global variable holding a count. One source Google found
suggested that I wouldn't need the global if I used an object. So I
created a Singleton class that now holds the former global as an
instance attribute. Bye, bye, global.

But later I thought about it. I cannot see a single advantage to the
object approach. Am I missing something? Or was the original global a
better, cleaner solution to the I need a value I can read/write from
several places problem?

The advantage of the global singleton is that it is a container; 
therefore, its contents are mutable and you don't need to keep using the 
``global`` statement.

All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of 
indirection.  --Butler Lampson

Re: understaning self

2008-02-21 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Feb 21, 7:34 am, Poppy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been searching online to try get a better understanding of what self
 does when I define this parameter in my class functions. All I'm finding is
 debates on whether  self has any value to the language but that doesn't
 help me in my newbie question. So the code excerpt below is from Beginning
 Python Norton, Samuel, Aitel, Foster-Johnson, Richardson, Diamon, Parker,
 and Roberts.

 What I think self is doing is limiting the function call to only function
 in this class. So in the function below has calls self.has_various(), if
 I had a function called has_various in my program or another included
 class using self insures that the has_various below is the one used. Am
 I correct in my understanding?



 def has(self, food_name, quantity=1):
 has(food_name, [quantity]) - checks if the string food_name is in the
 fridge. quantity defaults to 1
 returns True if there is enough, false otherwise.

 return self.has_various({food_name:quantity})

 def has_various(self, foods):
 has various(foods) determines if the dictionary food_name
 has enough of every element to satisfy a request.
 returns true if there's enough, Fasle if there's not or if an element does
 not exist.
 for food in foods.keys():
 if self.items[food]  foods[food]:
 return False
 return True
 except KeyError:
 return False

I think you are correct. The term self is a convention more than
anything. You can use another name, but it's not recommended as 99% of
developers expect it to be called self.

You can read up on it here:

In there, they define it this way and I quote:

The first argument of every class method, including __init__, is
always a reference to the current instance of the class. By
convention, this argument is always named self. In the __init__
method, self refers to the newly created object; in other class
methods, it refers to the instance whose method was called. Although
you need to specify self explicitly when defining the method, you do
not specify it when calling the method; Python will add it for you

Hope that helps.


Re: wxPython Plot always comes to focus on redraw

2008-02-21 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Feb 21, 2:57 am, Jacob Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am using wxPython, and I have a frame that has a notebook in it.
 there are 3 pages in the notebook, 2 of which are Panels and 1 of
 which is a PlotCanvas.  The data for the plot changes when I press a
 button that is in the frame, but not in the notebook (as designed).
 the button also makes the plot draw again, since the data has changed.

 The problem is that whenever I press my button, the focus of the
 notebook view area (as opposed to the tabs) changes focus to the
 plot.  if I have multiple plots, the focus goes to that plot which was
 drawn last in the code. however, if I click anywhere on the panel, the
 page of the notebook that is supposed to be in focus is now shown in
 the view area of the notebook.

 will try to make a sample .py if anybody needs a visual, let me know

 Thanks for any help!


Just a show in the dark, but is the plotcanvas object's parent a frame
or a panel? If it's the frame, than that's probably what the problem

You may want to post to the wxPython list where you'll get wx geeks to
answer your question and you can learn a lot from them too. Here's a
link where you can sign up:



Re: Globals or objects?

2008-02-21 Thread Duncan Booth

 I had a global variable holding a count. One source Google found
 suggested that I wouldn't need the global if I used an object. So I
 created a Singleton class that now holds the former global as an
 instance attribute. Bye, bye, global.
 But later I thought about it. I cannot see a single advantage to the
 object approach. Am I missing something? Or was the original global a
 better, cleaner solution to the I need a value I can read/write from
 several places problem?

A singleton is simply another form of global. The benefit of a singleton 
is that it can be used to encapsulate several related values and methods 
in a single globally accessible space. The easiest way in Python to 
implement a singleton is just to use a module: all modules are 
singletons and there is a defined mechanism (import) for accessing them.

It sounds as though you simply replaced a value stored in a singleton 
object (global in a module) with a value stored in a singleton object 
(attribute of your class) which is referenced from a singleton object 
(your module).

The real benefit from using an object comes when you stop making it a 
singleton. Create it at some high level in your code and pass it around 
as a parameter, or hold a reference to it in some other object which is 
passed around. When you do this you no longer have a global, and the 
benefits you get include:

* for your counter example, you can have multiple counters counting 
different things without having to duplicate counter code for each thing 
you want to count.

* it becomes much easier to write tests for your code, because each test 
can create its own context and be completely independant from the other 
tests. e.g. you can test a generic counter without having to know you 
are testing the foo counter or the bar counter, and you can test 
something which counts foos without having to worry that other tests may 
already have counted some foos.

There is another lesser (and Python specific) benefit to storing a value 
as an attribute of a class rather than a global in a module: if you 
later want to intercept assignments to the attribute you can turn it 
into a property, but doing the same thing on a module is much harder. 

Re: newbie in python

2008-02-21 Thread subeen
Dive into Python is a very good book but it's for people who have
experience in other languages. I liked the book.
Whatever book you read, please take a look at the Python Tutorial:, it will help.


On Feb 21, 6:01 pm, 7stud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi anyone

  I'm very interesed to learn python and really willing to do so,but
  unfortunately dont know where to start, or what programs need to
  install to start.

  Can someone help me to get in the right track, and get a good move?

  Thanks for all help

 If you're a good student or you have prior programming experience, get
 the book 'Learning Python', which just came out with a 3rd edition, so
 it is the most up to date book.

 If you are not such a good student or have no prior programming
 experience, and you want a gentler introduction to python, check out
 the book 'Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner(2nd Ed.)'


exec and closures

2008-02-21 Thread Alejandro Dubrovsky
About a month ago, there was a thread on auto-assigning decorators for 
__init__.  One by André Roberge is here:

This works well for simple cases, but doesn't take keyword arguments or 
set default values.  I wrote a more extensive version implementing python 
call semantics, but it seemed awkard to be repeating something the 
compiler does already, so I tried execing a function definition on the 
fly with the right parameters that would function as the decorator.  Like 
this  (adjust the indentation variable if it throws a syntax error)

def autoassign(_init_):
import inspect
import functools

argnames, _, _, defaults = inspect.getargspec(_init_)
argnames = argnames[1:]

indentation = ''
settings = ['self.%s = %s' % (arg[1:], arg) for arg in argnames 
if arg[0] == '_']

if len(settings) = 0:
return _init_

if defaults is None:
args = argnames[:]
args = argnames[:-len(defaults)]
for key, value in zip(argnames[-len(defaults):],defaults):
args.append('%s=%s' % (key, repr(value)))

template = def _autoassign(self, %(args)s):
_init_(self, %(argnames)s)
 % {'args' : , .join(args), 'setting' : \n.join(['%s%s' % 
(indentation, setting) for setting
in settings]), 'argnames' : ', '.join(argnames)}

exec template
except SyntaxError, e:
raise SyntaxError('%s. line: %s. offset %s:\n%s' % 
(e.msg, e.lineno, e.offset, template))
return _autoassign

Which creates what looked like the right template, but when instantiating 
a class that uses that (eg
class A(object):
def __init__(self,_a):
a = A(3)

it throws a
NameError: global name '_init_' is not defined

Is there a way to bind the _init_ name at exec time?


RE: Article of interest: Python pros/cons for the enterprise

2008-02-21 Thread Ryan Ginstrom
 On Behalf Of Nicola Musatti
 Newbies learn, and the fundamental C++ lessons are usually 
 learnt quite easily. Unless we're talking about idiots, that 
 is, but in this case at least C++ is likely to make their 
 deficiencies evident sooner than most other programming 
 languages. So, yes, your big company is likely to be safer 
 with newbie C++ programmers than with Python newbie programmers.

The danger of memory leaks alone makes C++ a decidedly newbie-unfriendly
language. Java I might go along with, but C++?

Ryan Ginstrom
(who learned C++ before Python and has grappled with his share of memory


RE: using PIL for PCA analysis

2008-02-21 Thread Bronner, Gregory
Since nobody has responded to this:

I know nothing about PIL, but you can do this using numpy and scipy
fairly easily, and you can transform PIL arrays into Numpy arrays pretty
quickly as well.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 2:41 AM
Subject: using PIL for PCA analysis

hi guys
i am trying out  PCA analysis using python.I have a set of
jpeg(rgbcolor) images whose pixel data i need to extract and make a
matrix .( rows =num of images and cols=num of pixels) For this i need to
represent an image as an array.
i was able to do this using java's BufferedImage as below

int[] rgbdata = new int[width * height];

doubles = new double[rgbdata.length];
int i;
for ( i = 0; i  bytes.length; i++) {
   doubles[i]  = (double)(rgbdata[i]);

this doubles[] now represent a single image's pixels

then i can get a matrix of say 4 images ..(each of 4X3 size)
sampledata images[][]  rows=4,cols=12 [ [-4413029.0, -1.0463919E7,...

[-5399916.0, -9411231.0, ... -6583163.0]

[-3886937.0, -1.0202292E7,... -6648444.0]

[-5597295.0, -7901339.0,... -5989995.0]
i can normalise the above matrix to zeromean and then find covariance
matrix by images * transpose(images)

my problem is how i can use PIL to do the same thing..if i extract
imagedata using im.getdata() i will get sampledata [ [(188, 169, 155),
(96, 85, 81),.. (176, 162, 153)]

[(173, 154, 148), (112, 101, 97),.. (155, 140, 133)]

[(196, 176, 167), (100, 83, 76), ... (154, 141, 132)]

[(170, 151, 145), (135, 111, 101), ... (164, 153, 149)] ] /sampledata
i donot know how to find covariance matrix from such a
would'v been ideal if they were single values instead of tuples..i can't
use greyscale images since the unput images are all rgb jpeg

can someone suggest a solution?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
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Re: using PIL for PCA analysis

2008-02-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Feb 21, 7:35 pm, Bronner, Gregory [EMAIL PROTECTED]
you can do this using numpy and scipy
 fairly easily, and you can transform PIL arrays into Numpy arrays pretty
 quickly as well.

i can use numpy ndarray or matrix once i have a PIL array with
elements in the correct format(ie a single number for each pixel
instead of a tuple of integers)
it is the image data extraction step that is giving me the problem

ie i want PIL to return an image as something like
 [-4413029.0, -1.0463919E7,... -5201255.0]
instead of
 [(188, 169, 155), (96, 85, 81),.. (176, 162, 153)]

Any PIL experts please help

Re: Article of interest: Python pros/cons for the enterprise

2008-02-21 Thread Tim Chase
 Newbies learn, and the fundamental C++ lessons are usually
 learnt quite easily.

Ah yes...that would be why Scott Meyers has written three 
volumes[1] cataloging the gotchas that even experienced C++ 
programmers can make...

And the 1030 page Stroustrup C++ reference is easily comprehended 
by the uninitiated[2].  The Python core language is a mere 97 
pgs.  The documentation for the *entire* standard library is 
about the size of just the C++ Language Reference.[3]

Assembly language is pretty easy to learn too.  But is it a 
productive use of a programmer's time?  Only if it's 1975.





Re: using PIL for PCA analysis

2008-02-21 Thread Paul McGuire
On Feb 21, 1:41 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi guys
 i am trying out  PCA analysis using python.I have a set of
 jpeg(rgbcolor) images whose pixel data i need to extract and make a
 matrix .( rows =num of images and cols=num of pixels)
 For this i need to represent an image as an array.
 i was able to do this using java's BufferedImage as below

 int[] rgbdata = new int[width * height];

 doubles = new double[rgbdata.length];
 int i;
 for ( i = 0; i  bytes.length; i++) {
    doubles[i]  = (double)(rgbdata[i]);}


 this doubles[] now represent a single image's pixels

 then i can get a matrix of say 4 images ..(each of 4X3 size)
 images[][]  rows=4,cols=12
 [-4413029.0, -1.0463919E7,... -5201255.0]

 [-5399916.0, -9411231.0, ... -6583163.0]

 [-3886937.0, -1.0202292E7,... -6648444.0]

 [-5597295.0, -7901339.0,... -5989995.0]
 i can normalise the above matrix to zeromean and then find covariance
 matrix by
 images * transpose(images)

 my problem is how i can use PIL to do the same thing..if i extract
 imagedata using im.getdata()
 i will get
 [(188, 169, 155), (96, 85, 81),.. (176, 162, 153)]

 [(173, 154, 148), (112, 101, 97),.. (155, 140, 133)]

 [(196, 176, 167), (100, 83, 76), ... (154, 141, 132)]

 [(170, 151, 145), (135, 111, 101), ... (164, 153, 149)]
 i donot know how to find covariance matrix from such a
 would'v been ideal if they were single values instead of tuples..i
 can't use greyscale images since the unput images are all rgb jpeg

 can someone suggest a solution?

I'm surprised PIL doesn't have a grayscale conversion, but here is one
that can manipulate your RGB values:

sampledata = [
[(188, 169, 155), (96, 85, 81), (176, 162, 153)],
[(173, 154, 148), (112, 101, 97), (155, 140, 133)],
[(196, 176, 167), (100, 83, 76), (154, 141, 132)],
[(170, 151, 145), (135, 111, 101), (164, 153, 149)],

# following approx from
grayscale = lambda (R,G,B) : int(0.3*R + 0.59*G + 0.11*B)
print [ [ grayscale(rgb) for rgb in row ] for row in sampledata ]

prints (reformatted to match your sampledata):

[173, 87, 165],
[159, 103, 143],
[181, 87, 143],
[156, 117, 155]

Re: Globals or objects?

2008-02-21 Thread Mel
James Newton wrote:
 Duncan Booth wrote:
 The easiest way in Python to implement a singleton is just to
 use a module: all modules are singletons and there is a
 defined mechanism (import) for accessing them.
[ ... ]
 Could you give a bare-bones demonstration of it that the relative newbie
 that I am can understand?

I had a club-membership application that ran for several years. 
Default pathnames, etc. for the particular year came from a module 

'''Values used to access this years trakkers files.
$Id:,v 1.2 2006/08/26 16:30:23 mwilson Exp $

memberpath = '2006-7/20062007.txt' # path to this years membership CSV
dirname = '2006-7' # directory name for this year

Programs that needed to use the comma-separated-value membership base 
would import thisyear, and pass thisyear.memberpath when creating the 
CSV reader object.  Etc.


RE: Globals or objects?

2008-02-21 Thread James Newton
Duncan Booth wrote:
 The easiest way in Python to implement a singleton is just to
 use a module: all modules are singletons and there is a
 defined mechanism (import) for accessing them.

Hi Duncan,

I'm intrigued by this idea.

Could you give a bare-bones demonstration of it that the relative newbie
that I am can understand?

Thanks in advance,


how can i profile every line of code

2008-02-21 Thread scsoce
I want to profile a function which has some lines of statement. It seem 
that profile module only report function's stats instead of every  line 
of code, how can i profile every line of code?

Re: newbie in python

2008-02-21 Thread Michael Poeltl
A big help for 'easily learning python was and is

Learning Python
(a book written by Mark Lutz)

after having studied this book you are able to think in python

another book I like very much is

Core Python Programming
(written by Wesley Chun)


On Thursday 21 February 2008 03:26:17 pm subeen wrote:
 Dive into Python is a very good book but it's for people who have
 experience in other languages. I liked the book.
 Whatever book you read, please take a look at the Python Tutorial:, it will help.


 On Feb 21, 6:01 pm, 7stud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi anyone
   I'm very interesed to learn python and really willing to do so,but
   unfortunately dont know where to start, or what programs need to
   install to start.
   Can someone help me to get in the right track, and get a good move?
   Thanks for all help
  If you're a good student or you have prior programming experience, get
  the book 'Learning Python', which just came out with a 3rd edition, so
  it is the most up to date book.
  If you are not such a good student or have no prior programming
  experience, and you want a gentler introduction to python, check out
  the book 'Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner(2nd Ed.)'


Re: Article of interest: Python pros/cons for the enterprise

2008-02-21 Thread Nicola Musatti
Please do not reply personally to newsgroup postings, thank you.

On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 4:00 PM, Tim Chase

Nicola.Musatti at gmail dot com

Re: Article of interest: Python pros/cons for the enterprise

2008-02-21 Thread Nicola Musatti
On Feb 21, 3:46 pm, Ryan Ginstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Behalf Of Nicola Musatti
  Newbies learn, and the fundamental C++ lessons are usually
  learnt quite easily. Unless we're talking about idiots, that
  is, but in this case at least C++ is likely to make their
  deficiencies evident sooner than most other programming
  languages. So, yes, your big company is likely to be safer
  with newbie C++ programmers than with Python newbie programmers.

 The danger of memory leaks alone makes C++ a decidedly newbie-unfriendly
 language. Java I might go along with, but C++?

Memory *leaks* are just as common in garbage collected languages if
not more, thanks to C++'s deterministic destruction and its standard
library, especially if complemented with smart pointers such as
Boost's shared_ptr. At least C++ programmers tend to know that memory
must be managed, while newbies in other languages are often lead to
believe - wrongly - that the garbage collector takes care of

Dereferencing invalid pointers however is indeed a more serious
problem. This is the one lesson I had in mind when I wrote my previous
message; newbies that are not hopeless tend to learn it rather quickly
and the number of mistakes of this kind they make tends to fall in a
rather short time. I do admit however that even experienced
programmers make similar errors every now and again.

While attempting to dereference a null reference is a rather common
mistake in languages such as Java and C# - I'm not sure about Python -
the one invaluable guarantee provided by the garbage collector is the
absence of *invalid* references. This is one of the reasons why
there's an ongoing effort to add garbage collection to the C++
standard, albeit in an optional form.

Nicola Musatti


Re: Globals or objects?

2008-02-21 Thread Aahz
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],

I had a global variable holding a count. One source Google found
suggested that I wouldn't need the global if I used an object. So I
created a Singleton class that now holds the former global as an
instance attribute. Bye, bye, global.

But later I thought about it. I cannot see a single advantage to the
object approach. Am I missing something? Or was the original global a
better, cleaner solution to the I need a value I can read/write from
several places problem?
 The advantage of the global singleton is that it is a container; 
 therefore, its contents are mutable and you don't need to keep using the 
 ``global`` statement.

 but you do keep having to use a longer reference to the value so
what have you won?

Clarity, simplicity, robustness

All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of 
indirection.  --Butler Lampson

Re: Is there any python lib for NAT transversal?

2008-02-21 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 14:50:50 +0800, hawk gao [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there any python lib for NAT transversal?

Divmod Vertex is such a library (it does a few other things as well), but
it is not nearly complete and has little documentation.


Re: Tkinter OSX and lift

2008-02-21 Thread Kevin Walzer
Miki wrote:
 Hello Kevin,
 Tk.lift doesn't seem to work on OSX (Python 2.5.1).
 If you click on the PythonLauncher application that runs in your dock
 when this script is executed, the window comes into focus fine.
 You're right, but I want to window to be initially in focus (without
 the user clicking on the python launcher icon).

Lift (which calls the Tk command raise) doesn't work this way, at 
least not under Aqua. If your application has focus, lift will raise 
the widget being called to the top of the stacking order. However, it 
will not make the application frontmost. To do this you'd have to use 
Carbon calls (look at Carbon.CarbonEvt) or use a Tk extension and call 
it from Python. Of course, this is pretty much a non-issue if your 
application is wrapped as a standard Mac application bundle via 
py2app--most Mac users don't run Python apps from the Terminal but 
instead double-click an application icon. In that event, lift should 
work fine, because the application will already have focus.

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

Re: Looking for up to date documentation for Python/Tkinter

2008-02-21 Thread Kevin Walzer
Kintaro wrote:
 Oh wise usenet users,
 Please speak unto me the URL which contain the latest documentation on
 Python/Tkinter programming.
 I have seen Fredrik Lundh's introduction to tkinter (and others) and
 it appears to be for an earlier version of Python. I am working with
 Python 2.5 and most doc I am finding are for Python 2.2 or earlier.
 Many thanks

The documentation you've looked at should be perfectly valid. Tkinter 
doesn't change much from one version of Python to the next.

Of course, Tk itself does change--the new release, 8.5, is a huge 
update, adding platform-specific theming to better blend in. There's 
tons of Tcl-specific documentation about that. There has been less 
Tkinter-style documentation--this link might be of use:

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

Re: Linux/Python Issues

2008-02-21 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
 re being serious
 I am serious. I am seriously trying to develop a nice language for

That's not what I was talking about.

 re DLing source
 As a solution to the problem of wanting a program on my computer, it
 sucks. On Windows I'll DL an install package, accept a license
 agreement, click Next a few times (no, I can't make a cup of coffee
 because the minute I step away the Wizard will ask a question), ...
 With CNR the commitment is that I CAN walk away. I do not know who
 should be responsible for putting things in the warehouse.

Those who maintain the warehouse.

 I do wish
 that the *n*x community would create some sensible standards so the
 'our distro doesn't put things where others do'

There are such standards - but not anyone is following them. What you 
have to understand is that unix is not *one* OS, but a (quite large) 
family of OSs.

 would stop being an
 issue. Looking in /usr/bin and its brethren makes c:\Program Files
 seem organized.

Your opinion.

 re changing distros because apt-get could do the job
 I'll take your words for the superiority of Ubuntu. But I'll not
 change from one problem (can't find the python-devel that
 says I need) to another (installing a new OS). I bought my Linspire
 computer with the OS installed. I've no interest in mastering the art
 of installing Linux.

Installing Ubuntu is quite straightforward. IMHO even simpler than 
installing any recent (ie = NT4) version of Windows.

 I'm a big fan of KDE, KATE and Konqueror and
 having a dozen desktops for a dozen projects. I do not miss crashes
 and viruses. I do not miss shelling out hundreds of bucks for an
 office suite.

Fine. But anyway, you have to face the fact that your OS doesn't provide 
a proper package for recent Python versions, and that this is by no mean 
the responsability of the Python team. So you're left with the following 

- complain to the company selling Linspire until they provide this package
- try to install Python from sources
- install another OS

Re: Looking for up to date documentation for Python/Tkinter

2008-02-21 Thread Daniel Mahoney
On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 07:47:35 -0800, Kintaro wrote:

 Oh wise usenet users,
 Please speak unto me the URL which contain the latest documentation on
 Python/Tkinter programming.
 I have seen Fredrik Lundh's introduction to tkinter (and others) and
 it appears to be for an earlier version of Python. I am working with
 Python 2.5 and most doc I am finding are for Python 2.2 or earlier.
 Many thanks

One of my favorites is


Re: Article of interest: Python pros/cons for the enterprise

2008-02-21 Thread Nicola Musatti
On Feb 21, 4:00 pm, Tim Chase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Newbies learn, and the fundamental C++ lessons are usually
  learnt quite easily.

 Ah yes...that would be why Scott Meyers has written three
 volumes[1] cataloging the gotchas that even experienced C++
 programmers can make...

Scott Meyers's books don't just catalogue gotcha's, but suggest
effective ways to use the language. Moreover their combined word count
is probably below the Python Cookbook's one.

 And the 1030 page Stroustrup C++ reference is easily comprehended
 by the uninitiated[2].  The Python core language is a mere 97
 pgs.  The documentation for the *entire* standard library is
 about the size of just the C++ Language Reference.[3]

A more reasonable comparison would be against the core portion of the C
++ standard. This is still roughly three times the Python Reference
Manual. The C++ syntax is way more complex than Python's and mostly
due to its C heritage is also often inconsistent. However, despite its
apparent semplicity, Python allows extremely advanced programming
techniques. I wouldn't be surprised if the proportion of Python
programmers that are capable of exploiting the language's full power
was comparable to the corresponding proportion of C++ expert

While I find the Python standard library documentation adequate for a
free, voluntary effort,  I consider it one of the weakest spots of
Python as a professional tool. Still comparing its size against
Stroustrup's book's is really comparing apples with oranges.

 Assembly language is pretty easy to learn too.  But is it a
 productive use of a programmer's time?  Only if it's 1975.

It depends on the task at hand.

Nicola Musatti

Re: Article of interest: Python pros/cons for the enterprise

2008-02-21 Thread Steve Holden
Ryan Ginstrom wrote:
 On Behalf Of Nicola Musatti
 Newbies learn, and the fundamental C++ lessons are usually 
 learnt quite easily. Unless we're talking about idiots, that 
 is, but in this case at least C++ is likely to make their 
 deficiencies evident sooner than most other programming 
 languages. So, yes, your big company is likely to be safer 
 with newbie C++ programmers than with Python newbie programmers.
 The danger of memory leaks alone makes C++ a decidedly newbie-unfriendly
 language. Java I might go along with, but C++?
 Ryan Ginstrom
 (who learned C++ before Python and has grappled with his share of memory
I think you can safely assume that an irony/irony tag pair should 
have surrounded Nicola's assertion.

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Looking for up to date documentation for Python/Tkinter

2008-02-21 Thread Kintaro
Oh wise usenet users,

Please speak unto me the URL which contain the latest documentation on
Python/Tkinter programming.

I have seen Fredrik Lundh's introduction to tkinter (and others) and
it appears to be for an earlier version of Python. I am working with
Python 2.5 and most doc I am finding are for Python 2.2 or earlier.

Many thanks

RE: Globals or objects? (is: module as singleton)

2008-02-21 Thread James Newton
Mel wrote:
 James Newton wrote:
 Could you give a bare-bones demonstration of [implementing a
 by using a module]?

 I had a club-membership application that ran for several years. 
 Default pathnames, etc. for the particular year came from a module 
 '''Values used to access this years trakkers files.
 $Id:,v 1.2 2006/08/26 16:30:23 mwilson Exp $

 memberpath = '2006-7/20062007.txt' # path to this years membership CSV
 dirname = '2006-7' # directory name for this year
 Programs that needed to use the comma-separated-value membership base 
 would import thisyear, and pass thisyear.memberpath when creating the 
 CSV reader object.  Etc.

Hi Mel,

So you were using as a preferences file: making it a module
was a shortcut for reading in the file and parsing its contents.  I like

Would there be any circumstances where the singleton module would
include functions and objects?  In particular, would this system work if
the application needed to change a value (such as a counter)?

Suppose your application wanted to save the changed value, so that the
next session started using the new value.  Could you simply write out a
new copy of the file?  Or would this lead to version issues?
Would a previously-imported version of the module be stored in a
different place in RAM than a module that was imported after the change
was made?

Perhaps my real question is about how to visualize a module: what makes
an imported module different from an instance?

Thanks for your insights,


Python on Windows Help

2008-02-21 Thread msmith
I've written the following script based on information I have found on
the web.  The purpose of the script is to start an HTTP listener on
the machine it's running on that will give status on a particular
service running on that system.  I've tried to create this as a
service on the windows server it's running on, and it will install
fine.  The problem I'm having is that the service will not stop when I
tell it to.  Any help that anyone could provide would be greatly
appreciated.  I'm new to python so please let me know if there is a
more efficient way to do what I'm trying to do.  The code follows:

import win32service
import win32serviceutil
import wmi
from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler

class BlobCheck(win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework):
_svc_name_ = BlobCheck
_svc_display_name_ = Epic Blob Checker
_svc_description_ = Checks the Epic Blob Service and Creates an HTTP
listener that can be polled for status

def __init__(self,args):
self.isAlive = True

def SvcDoRun(self):
import servicemanager
c = wmi.WMI()

while self.isAlive:
class RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def _writeheaders(self):

def do_HEAD(self):

def do_GET(self):
running = c.Win32_Process 
if running:




serveraddr = ('', 12345)
srvr = HTTPServer(serveraddr, RequestHandler)

def SvcStop(self):
import servicemanager

servicemanager.LogInfoMsg(aservice - Recieved stop signal)
self.isAlive = False

if __name__ == '__main__':

distutils setup - changing the location in site-packages

2008-02-21 Thread imageguy
I am hoping if someone can set me straight.

I have created a  setup script for a module, however, when running the
install on my own machine,  I would like to place the module in a
specific site-packages directory/package.

So if I start with a module in


I want to end up with;


I have the setup script working, however, when I run the install, it
places the module in the root of site-packages.

The following is the deatils from the script
setup (
  name = mymodule,
  version = 0.1,
  description = My modules special description,
  author = me,
  author_email = [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  py_modules = [exceptionhandler]

This is for development purposes.  I would like to have a development
copy of some tools, but when ready and tested publish them to the
site-packages where they can be included in production code.

Any guidance/suggestions would be appreciated.

Re: Globals or objects?

2008-02-21 Thread tinnews
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Aahz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 I had a global variable holding a count. One source Google found
 suggested that I wouldn't need the global if I used an object. So I
 created a Singleton class that now holds the former global as an
 instance attribute. Bye, bye, global.
 But later I thought about it. I cannot see a single advantage to the
 object approach. Am I missing something? Or was the original global a
 better, cleaner solution to the I need a value I can read/write from
 several places problem?
  The advantage of the global singleton is that it is a container; 
  therefore, its contents are mutable and you don't need to keep using the 
  ``global`` statement.
  but you do keep having to use a longer reference to the value so
 what have you won?
 Clarity, simplicity, robustness

Clarity - why is it clearer?

Simplicity - no, you've added an extra layer.

Robustness - how?

Chris Green

RE: Article of interest: Python pros/cons for the enterprise

2008-02-21 Thread Reedick, Andrew
 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:python-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Chase
 Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 8:58 AM
 To: estherschindler
 Subject: Re: Article of interest: Python pros/cons for the enterprise
 Oh noes!  You might need competent programmers that actually
 understand what they're doing!
 (they might even have to write testing code to make sure their
 code works as's a good thing that Python includes
 unittest and doctest modules in the stock install)
 Sigh.  Any programmer that can overcome the hurdles of learning
 Java or C# can quickly/easily pick up Python as long as they're
 willing to unlearn some bad habits.

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:python-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Carl Banks
 Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 8:39 PM
 Subject: Re: Article of interest: Python pros/cons for the enterprise

 C++ is a compile-time, type-checked language, which means it is
 totally safer for newbies than Python.  Yep, your big company is
 totally safe with newbie C++ programmers.

Eh, don't laugh too hard.  Since Python code isn't type-checked until
the actual code block is executed, you have to go through the extra step
of testing/running _every_ line of code before you'll find an error.
Then there's the problem of how mutable Python objects are.  So even if
you execute every line of code, you might not have executed the code
with every possible type of object combination.

Compared to a statically typed language, it can get very expensive to
write comprehensive test cases for python scripts.  So I wouldn't be
quick to dismiss the notion that Java/C#/C++ are more newbie-safe than
Python. =/

An amusing case in point was where I had a type-cast error in an
exception's catch block's print statement.  This simple error caused the
program to stop with an unhandled exception.  Something that basic would
have been caught in a statically typed language very early in the dev
cycle when it's cheaper to fix the problem.  And the idea of
running/testing exceptions or simple print statements isn't always
foremost in people's minds.  =P


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Re: distutils setup - changing the location in site-packages

2008-02-21 Thread james . pye
On Feb 21, 9:33 am, imageguy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have the setup script working, however, when I run the install, it
 places the module in the root of site-packages.

 The following is the deatils from the script
 setup (
   name = mymodule,
   version = 0.1,
   description = My modules special description,
   author = me,
   author_email = [EMAIL PROTECTED],
   py_modules = [exceptionhandler]

Yeah, you need to specify the module path. ie, ``py_modules =

However, chances are that you want use ``packages``:

setup (
 packages = [mytools]

This should include the ``exceptionhandler`` module in the package.

Additionally, you'll need to structure the project to have a
``mytools`` directory that contains an ```` file(package
initialization module), and the ```` file:

 |- mytools/

This can be somewhat undesirable if you're using cvs, as chances are
you'll want to change the package's name at some point in the future.
However, I have found that the annoyance of empty directories
littering the module's tree does not outweigh the annoyance of not
being able to use setuptools' ``develop`` command. Not to mention the
simplicity of just using ``packages``.

 This is for development purposes.  I would like to have a development
 copy of some tools, but when ready and tested publish them to the
 site-packages where they can be included in production code.

setuptools' 'develop' command can be handy for this.

Hope this helps.

RE: Globals or objects? (is: module as singleton)

2008-02-21 Thread Duncan Booth
James Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Perhaps my real question is about how to visualize a module: what makes
 an imported module different from an instance?

On one level: nothing. An imported module is an instance of the module 
type. Modules don't have to be associated with python code: you can create 
additional module instances (by calling new.module) and populate them 
however you wish.

What you get with a module is support for locating a specific module and 
ensuring that you don't get duplicate copies of a named module.

What you lose is the ability to define methods: functions in a module don't 
have a 'self' parameter. Also you can't override special methods for a 
module, so it isn't quite equivalent to writing a class, but there are 

Regarding your question about saving the values: what you would usually do 
would be to store the values in a separate configuration file and the 
module would load them on startup and then rewrite the configuration file 
when you call a save function. That way the module code itself isn't 
changing. The 'singleton' config module would expose functions such as 
'load', 'save', 'getXXX'.


RE: Globals or objects? (is: module as singleton)

2008-02-21 Thread James Newton
Duncan Booth wrote: 
 you can create additional module instances (by calling new.module)

Hi Duncan,

Could you provide a scenario where this would be useful (and the best

 What you get with a module is support for locating a specific module
 and ensuring that you don't get duplicate copies of a named module.

So if I were to execute the following pseudo-code, the second 'import'
would simply point at the module (instance) imported the first time:

import mymodule
changeContentsOf( #on the hard disk
import mymodule

The values, functions and classes available in mymodule would only
change if I were to restart the application.

 Regarding your question about saving the values: what you would
 usually do would be to store the values in a separate configuration
 file and the module would load them on startup and then rewrite the
 configuration file when you call a save function...

That's what I would normally do, too.

Thanks for your help,


Re: Why must implementing Python be hard unlike Scheme?

2008-02-21 Thread John Nagle
 I'm learning Scheme and I am amazed how easy it is to start building a
 half baked Scheme implementation that somewhat works.
 After knowing Python for *years* I have no idea how to actually
 implement the darn thing.

 Why?  It's not very difficult.  Get a parser for LALR(1) grammars,
like YACC or Bison, write a tokenizer that understands Python indentation,
hook up a dictionary, and parse the thing into a tree.  This is all
covered in Compilers 101.  Get the Dragon Book if you don't know this stuff.

 Once you have a tree, figure out some way to encode the tree into a linear
form, and write an execution engine that reads byte codes and has the
big switch to call the function for each byte code.

 The run-time data implementation is all dictionaries.  In Python,
everything is a variable-sized hash.  You don't even have to allocate
storage during compile time.  The run-time environment is a tree of hashes.

 The resulting implementation will be slow, but then, so is CPython.
Too much time goes into hash lookups.

John Nagle

Re: Article of interest: Python pros/cons for the enterprise

2008-02-21 Thread Nicola Musatti
On Feb 21, 5:14 pm, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ryan Ginstrom wrote:
  On Behalf Of Nicola Musatti
  Newbies learn, and the fundamental C++ lessons are usually
  learnt quite easily. Unless we're talking about idiots, that
  is, but in this case at least C++ is likely to make their
  deficiencies evident sooner than most other programming
  languages. So, yes, your big company is likely to be safer
  with newbie C++ programmers than with Python newbie programmers.

  The danger of memory leaks alone makes C++ a decidedly newbie-unfriendly
  language. Java I might go along with, but C++?
 I think you can safely assume that an irony/irony tag pair should
 have surrounded Nicola's assertion.

To an extent, certainly. As not all companies can afford to hire only
the best, you do have to cater for newbies. The way to do it, however,
is not to provide them with sandbox languages [1], but rather to
ensure that they acquire experience as quickly as possible and that
they aren't in a position to do more damage than expert programmers
through their inexperience. To this purpose mentoring, tests and code
inspections appear to me as more effective tools than a garbage

Still, suppose you were to choose a team of swimmers that had to be
ready for a tough task in a short time; the first time around, would
you push them into the swimming pool with or without a life jacket?
The trouble with C++ is that at times it takes you sooo long to
drown ;-)

Nicola Musatti

[1] I'm not thinking of any specific language, but rather to the
notion that some languages are inherently safe.

Re: exec and closures

2008-02-21 Thread Peter Otten
Alejandro Dubrovsky wrote:

 About a month ago, there was a thread on auto-assigning decorators for
 __init__.  One by André Roberge is here:
 This works well for simple cases, but doesn't take keyword arguments or
 set default values.  I wrote a more extensive version implementing python
 call semantics, but it seemed awkard to be repeating something the
 compiler does already, so I tried execing a function definition on the
 fly with the right parameters that would function as the decorator.  Like
 this  (adjust the indentation variable if it throws a syntax error)
 def autoassign(_init_):
 import inspect
 import functools
 argnames, _, _, defaults = inspect.getargspec(_init_)
 argnames = argnames[1:]
 indentation = ''
 settings = ['self.%s = %s' % (arg[1:], arg) for arg in argnames
 if arg[0] == '_']
 if len(settings) = 0:
 return _init_
 if defaults is None:
 args = argnames[:]
 args = argnames[:-len(defaults)]
 for key, value in zip(argnames[-len(defaults):],defaults):
 args.append('%s=%s' % (key, repr(value)))
 template = def _autoassign(self, %(args)s):
 _init_(self, %(argnames)s)
  % {'args' : , .join(args), 'setting' : \n.join(['%s%s' %
 (indentation, setting) for setting
 in settings]), 'argnames' : ', '.join(argnames)}
 exec template
 except SyntaxError, e:
 raise SyntaxError('%s. line: %s. offset %s:\n%s' %
 (e.msg, e.lineno, e.offset, template))
 return _autoassign
 Which creates what looked like the right template, but when instantiating
 a class that uses that (eg
 class A(object):
 def __init__(self,_a):
 a = A(3)
 it throws a
 NameError: global name '_init_' is not defined
 Is there a way to bind the _init_ name at exec time?

Use a dedicated namespace:

namespace = dict(_init_=_init_)
exec template in namespace
return namespace[_autoassign]


Re: Article of interest: Python pros/cons for the enterprise

2008-02-21 Thread Paul Boddie
On 21 Feb, 16:37, Nicola Musatti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 While attempting to dereference a null reference is a rather common
 mistake in languages such as Java and C# - I'm not sure about Python -
 the one invaluable guarantee provided by the garbage collector is the
 absence of *invalid* references. This is one of the reasons why
 there's an ongoing effort to add garbage collection to the C++
 standard, albeit in an optional form.

The main reason why C++ has declined in usage is because almost
everything of practical value is optional. Meanwhile, those C++
newbies we were talking about are having to deal with decisions that
everyone else can quite happily ignore, knowing that the right choice
has probably already been made for them, where automatic memory
management is probably the right choice for the biggest decision of
them all, as Java demonstrated quite successfully to the hordes of
enterprise programmers (and their managers) at the end of the 1990s.

Back to those C++ newbies, then. Of course, none of them pushed into a
C++ project is going to have much say about which memory management
best practice is going to be used - the decisions are already set in
stone by the project - and so it's all about coping with the tedious
tracking of who owns which pointer and hoping that different
libraries don't have different policies. Taking the quotes out of

 At least C++ programmers tend to know that memory
 must be managed, while newbies in other languages are often lead to
 believe - wrongly - that the garbage collector takes care of

Sure, there are some issues with memory consumption patterns with
various garbage collectors, but the it's good for you attitude has
scant justification unless you're dealing with constrained
environments. And even with people watching the dials in their C++
application, you still get obscene resource misuse, which is why
Firefox eventually consumes over 1GB memory on this desktop. There are
considerably fewer caveats involved with regard to languages with
garbage-collected runtime environments.

I seem to remember that Hans Boehm had some interesting observations
about garbage collection myths, especially around performance, but
since the mindset persists in large tracts of the C++ development
landscape that it must somehow be cheating to use a garbage collector,
I suppose we still have a few more years of applications accessing the
wrong memory locations and showing the usual useless backtrace
dialogues for submission to uninterested developers who insisted on
using C++ because everything else is slow.


KeyboardInterrupt should not kill subprocess

2008-02-21 Thread Michael Goerz

I'm using subprocess.Popen() to run some background processes. However, 
the program is also supposed to catch CTRL+C keyboard interrupts for 
refreshs (i.e. a keyboard interrupt doesn't shut down the program).

But as it seems, a keyboard interrupt will automatically pass down to 
the subprocesses, causing them to abort. Is there a way that I can 
prevent the subprocesses from being canceled by a keyboard interrupt?

To clarify my question, here is a minimal example:

import subprocess
import os
import time
import sys

# is 'sleep' available on Win machines?
# use another dummy program if it isn't
p = subprocess.Popen(['sleep', '10'])

while True:
 pass # normal program procedure
 print subprocess poll:  + str(p.poll())
 except KeyboardInterrupt:
 print(Hit Ctrl+C again to quit)
 print Refreshing
 pass # do some refresh stuff here
 except KeyboardInterrupt:

As you can see, after the refresh, p.poll() is '-2'. I'd want the 
subprocess to continue undisturbed, i.e. p.poll() would still return 'None'.


Re: Why must implementing Python be hard unlike Scheme?

2008-02-21 Thread Paul Boddie
On 21 Feb, 18:28, John Nagle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Why?  It's not very difficult.  Get a parser for LALR(1) grammars,
 like YACC or Bison, write a tokenizer that understands Python indentation,
 hook up a dictionary, and parse the thing into a tree.  This is all
 covered in Compilers 101.  Get the Dragon Book if you don't know this stuff.

Or, if time is precious and you don't really care what parses your
programs (or even compiles them), just skip over this and use the
standard library compiler package:


Last 4 Letters of String

2008-02-21 Thread Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
Hello Guys,


I'm looking for a function which will give me the last 4 characters of a
given string. I'm sure it's a very simple task but I couldn't find anything
of it.


Any ideas?




Re: understaning self

2008-02-21 Thread Poppy
Thanks for your explanation and pointer.

Mike Driscoll [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 On Feb 21, 7:34 am, Poppy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been searching online to try get a better understanding of what 
 does when I define this parameter in my class functions. All I'm finding 
 debates on whether  self has any value to the language but that doesn't
 help me in my newbie question. So the code excerpt below is from 
 Python Norton, Samuel, Aitel, Foster-Johnson, Richardson, Diamon, 
 and Roberts.

 What I think self is doing is limiting the function call to only 
 in this class. So in the function below has calls self.has_various(), 
 I had a function called has_various in my program or another included
 class using self insures that the has_various below is the one used. 
 I correct in my understanding?



 def has(self, food_name, quantity=1):
 has(food_name, [quantity]) - checks if the string food_name is in the
 fridge. quantity defaults to 1
 returns True if there is enough, false otherwise.

 return self.has_various({food_name:quantity})

 def has_various(self, foods):
 has various(foods) determines if the dictionary food_name
 has enough of every element to satisfy a request.
 returns true if there's enough, Fasle if there's not or if an element 
 not exist.
 for food in foods.keys():
 if self.items[food]  foods[food]:
 return False
 return True
 except KeyError:
 return False

 I think you are correct. The term self is a convention more than
 anything. You can use another name, but it's not recommended as 99% of
 developers expect it to be called self.

 You can read up on it here:

 In there, they define it this way and I quote:

 The first argument of every class method, including __init__, is
 always a reference to the current instance of the class. By
 convention, this argument is always named self. In the __init__
 method, self refers to the newly created object; in other class
 methods, it refers to the instance whose method was called. Although
 you need to specify self explicitly when defining the method, you do
 not specify it when calling the method; Python will add it for you

 Hope that helps.



Re: Looking for up to date documentation for Python/Tkinter

2008-02-21 Thread Rob Wolfe
Daniel Mahoney [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 07:47:35 -0800, Kintaro wrote:

 Oh wise usenet users,
 Please speak unto me the URL which contain the latest documentation on
 Python/Tkinter programming.
 I have seen Fredrik Lundh's introduction to tkinter (and others) and
 it appears to be for an earlier version of Python. I am working with
 Python 2.5 and most doc I am finding are for Python 2.2 or earlier.
 Many thanks

 One of my favorites is

 'Fredrik Lundh' == 'effbot'



Re: Last 4 Letters of String

2008-02-21 Thread Michael L Torrie
Robert Rawlins - Think Blue wrote:
 Hello Guys,
 I'm looking for a function which will give me the last 4 characters of a
 given string. I'm sure it's a very simple task but I couldn't find anything
 of it.

Use the same technique as you'd use slicing a list.

 Any ideas?


Re: Last 4 Letters of String

2008-02-21 Thread Rafael Sachetto
Try this

 s = abcdefgh

2008/2/21, Robert Rawlins - Think Blue [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hello Guys,

 I'm looking for a function which will give me the last 4 characters of a
 given string. I'm sure it's a very simple task but I couldn't find anything
 of it.

 Any ideas?


Rafael Sachetto Oliveira

Sir - Simple Image Resizer

Re: understaning self

2008-02-21 Thread Nicola Musatti
On Feb 21, 2:34 pm, Poppy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been searching online to try get a better understanding of what self
 does when I define this parameter in my class functions. All I'm finding is
 debates on whether  self has any value to the language but that doesn't
 help me in my newbie question. So the code excerpt below is from Beginning
 Python Norton, Samuel, Aitel, Foster-Johnson, Richardson, Diamon, Parker,
 and Roberts.

 What I think self is doing is limiting the function call to only function
 in this class. So in the function below has calls self.has_various(), if
 I had a function called has_various in my program or another included
 class using self insures that the has_various below is the one used. Am
 I correct in my understanding?

I'll try to explain with as simple an example as I can think of. First
of all, 'self' is just a conventional name, it isn't a keyword and has
no special meaning per se. You could just as easily write:

In [10]: class A(object):
   : def __init__(this, n):
   : this.n = n
   : def f(me):
   : print me.n

In [11]: a = A(42)

In [12]: a.f()

The point is that when you write a statement such as


the interpreter uses 'a' in two ways: first, to find which function
f() to call; second, as a parameter to f() itself. The conventional
'self' helps you remind that the first argument is going to be the
instance of the class on which the function f() is going to be called.

You can actually separate the two uses above with the following
equivalent call:

In [13]: A.f(a)

Here you tell the interpreter which function f() to call by specifying
its class, A, and you pass it 'a' explicitly as an argument.

One could argue that the C++/Java/C# approach where you don't specify
the current instance as an argument, but can optionally use the 'this'
keyword to refer to it is more convenient; however the explicit 'self'
makes it possible for free functions and class methods to work in
exactly the same way. This in turn makes the language more consistent
and makes some more advanced, very effective techniques possible.

Hope this helps.

Nicola Musatti

Re: Article of interest: Python pros/cons for the enterprise

2008-02-21 Thread Jeff Schwab
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Carl Banks a écrit :
 On Feb 20, 8:58 am, Tim Chase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You Used Python to Write WHAT?
 Furthermore, the power and expressivity that Python offers means
 that it may require more skilled developers.
 [...down to the summary...]
 Python may not be an appropriate choice if you:
 *  Rely on teams of less-experienced programmers. These
 developers may benefit from the wider availability of training
 for languages like Java and are less likely to make mistakes with
 a compile-time, type-checked language.


 C++ is a compile-time, type-checked language, which means it is
 totally safer for newbies than Python.  Yep, your big company is
 totally safe with newbie C++ programmers.

 Mouarf ! Brillant demonstration, thanks Carl !-)
 (and BTW, +1 QOTW)

NB:  This is not a troll.  (Please, nobody try to be cute with a yes it 
is reply.)

c.l.python seem to be about the most close-minded of any of the 
currently popular language-specific news groups.  It's just taken for 
granted that Perl and C++, two of my personal favorite things in this 
world, inherently favor ugly, buggy code.  That is the farthest thing 
from the truth as I see it.  You can (and plenty of people will) write 
terrible code in any language, including Python.

To use Python effectively, you have to know something about how it 
works, and the same is true of Perl and C++.  But a newbie who's 
learning from a decent source (avoid the C++ for Morons style books) 
is likely (I contend) to be writing semi-useful programs about as fast 
as with Python, and to be writing heavy-duty work-horse programs far sooner.

Perl is, and always has been, a language for getting your job done; when 
everything else failed, Perl and C++ got me through some of the toughest 
tasks of my life.  Translating file formats, automating system-level 
tasks...  And now that the C++ standard library is getting regular 
expressions, I can replace plenty of glued-together scripts with 
single-language, cohesive applications.

I like Python, and I think it's got a brilliant future ahead of it.  It 
is rapidly becoming the dynamic language of choice, especially for C++ 
projects.  I am glad that Python can be extended straightforwardly in 
any C-linkable language.  But this bashing of other powerful languages 
on the basis that they're hard to read and hard to use correctly is, 
frankly, nonsense.

Choosing a Metaclass?

2008-02-21 Thread Jeff McNeil
Hi list,

Hopefully a quick metaclass question. In the following example, MyMeta is a
metaclass that does not inherit directly from type:


class MyMeta(object):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, vars):
print MyMeta.__new__ called for %s % name
return type(name, bases, vars)

class MetaWrapper(object):
__metaclass__ = MyMeta

class M(MetaWrapper):

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ python
MyMeta.__new__ called for MetaWrapper

When I run that script, it's apparent that although M inherits from
MetaWrapper, it does not use MyMeta as it's metaclass.  However, if I change
MyMeta to be a subclass of builtin type, it works as I would expect:


class MyMeta(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, vars):
print MyMeta.__new__ called for %s % name
return super(MyMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, vars)

class MetaWrapper(object):
__metaclass__ = MyMeta

class M(MetaWrapper):

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ python
MyMeta.__new__ called for MetaWrapper
MyMeta.__new__ called for M

How exactly does Python choose which MC it will use when building a class?
It doesn't seem to me that the parent class of MyMeta should matter in this



RE: Last 4 Letters of String

2008-02-21 Thread Reedick, Andrew
How would you get the last 4 items of a list?



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 11:36 AM
Subject: Last 4 Letters of String


Hello Guys,


I'm looking for a function which will give me the last 4 characters of a
given string. I'm sure it's a very simple task but I couldn't find
anything of it.


Any ideas?




RE: Last 4 Letters of String

2008-02-21 Thread James Newton
 string whose last four letters are abcd[-4:]



Behalf Of Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
Sent: 21 February 2008 11:36
Subject: Last 4 Letters of String


Hello Guys,


I'm looking for a function which will give me the last 4 characters of a
given string. I'm sure it's a very simple task but I couldn't find
anything of it.


Any ideas?




Help on help()

2008-02-21 Thread dbr517
Is there any technique for preventing help from recursing into the
module tree??

If I do:

import my_module

I'd like to see ONLY help on my_module, NOT help on all the functions
inherited from the various parent classes . . .

A quick search of the documentation didn't turn up anything . . . .

TIA .. .


can't set attributes of built-in/extension type

2008-02-21 Thread Neal Becker
I'm working on a simple extension.  Following the classic 'noddy' example.

In [15]: cmplx_int32
Out[15]: type 'numpy.cmplx_int32'

Now I want to add an attribute to this type.  More precisely, I want a class

cmplx_int32.test = 0
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/nbecker/numpy/ipython console in module()

TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension
type 'numpy.cmplx_int32'

What am I missing?


Script Running Time

2008-02-21 Thread ewanfisher

I am trying to find a way to output how long a script took to run.

Obviously the print would go at the end of the script, so it would be
the time up till that point. I also run a PostgreSQL query inside the
script and would like to separately show how long the query took to

Is this even possible?



Re: newbie in python

2008-02-21 Thread Jeff Schwab

 I'm very interesed to learn python and really willing to do so,but
 unfortunately dont know where to start, or what programs need to
 install to start.

There are several good replies already on this thread, but in case any 
experienced programmers searching the Google archives are looking for 
the fastest way to learn Python, I highly recommend Python in a Nutshell 
  by Alex Martelli (O'Reilly).  Good tutorial, high information density, 
avoids hand-waving, solid reference.

Do *not* bother with Programming Python until you have some experience 
with the core language.  I don't know why O'Reilly called it that, 
except to mislead people into thinking it was similar to the highly 
successful Programming Perl; if so, I fell for it, and so did plenty of 
other people (so there's probably a copy in your coworker's office 
already).  Programming Python is (despite its size) the moral equivalent 
of the O'Reilly Cookbooks for other languages.  It's not necessarily a 
bad book, but the only language/library tutorial it gives is meant to be 
a review, not an introduction.

Re: can't set attributes of built-in/extension type

2008-02-21 Thread 7stud
On Feb 21, 11:19 am, Neal Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm working on a simple extension.  Following the classic 'noddy' example.

 In [15]: cmplx_int32
 Out[15]: type 'numpy.cmplx_int32'

 Now I want to add an attribute to this type.  More precisely, I want a class

 cmplx_int32.test = 0
 TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

 /home/nbecker/numpy/ipython console in module()

 TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension
 type 'numpy.cmplx_int32'

 What am I missing?

class Dog(object):
def __setattr__(self, attr, val):
print TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension
print type 'Dog.cmplx_int32'

d = Dog()
d.test = 0

TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension
type 'Dog.cmplx_int32'

Re: psycopg2: connect copy_from and copy_to

2008-02-21 Thread james . pye
On Feb 20, 9:27 am, Thomas Guettler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Up to now I am happy with psycopg2.

Yeah. psyco is good.

  Why do you develop pg_proboscis?

[Good or bad as they may be]

1. Alternate interface (greentrunk)
2. Non-libpq implementation yields better control over the wire that
a. Custom communication channels (not limited to libpq's
b. Leveraging of protocol features that libpq's API does not fully
accommodate (think bulk INSERTs using prepared statements with less
round-trip costs)
c. Allows custom sub-protocols(I use this to implement a remote
python command/console[pdb'ing stored Python procedures, zero network
3. Makes use of binary types to reduce bandwidth usage. (I started
developing this before libpq had the ability to describe statements to
derive statement
   parameter types and cursor column types(?), so using the binary
format was painful at best)
4. Has potential for being used in event driven applications without
5. Better control/understanding of running queries allows for
automatic operation interrupts in exception cases:
   [The last two may be possible using libpq's async interfaces, but
I'm not entirely sure]
6. Arguably greater(well, *easier* is likely a better word)
portability. While I have yet to get it to work with other
Pythons(pypy, ironpython, jython), the potential to work with these
alternate implementations is there. The real impediment here is
missing/inconsistent features in the implementations(setuptools
support, missing os module in ironpython(i know, i know, and I don't
care. Last time I checked, it's missing from the default install
that's broken :P), jython is still at 2.2, iirc)
7. Bit of a license zealot. psycopg2 is [L?]GPL, pg_proboscis is
BSD[or MIT if you like] like PostgreSQL. (Yes, Darcy's interface is
BSD licensed(iirc), but it too is libpq based)

In sum, it yields greater control over the connection which I believe
will lead to a more flexible and higher quality interface than a libpq
[The primary pain point I've had is implementing all the
authentication mechanisms supported by PG]

Re: Why must implementing Python be hard unlike Scheme?

2008-02-21 Thread Kay Schluehr
On 21 Feb., 18:28, John Nagle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The run-time data implementation is all dictionaries.  In Python,
 everything is a variable-sized hash.  You don't even have to allocate
 storage during compile time.  The run-time environment is a tree of hashes.

Except that it is not.

Re: Article of interest: Python pros/cons for the enterprise

2008-02-21 Thread Nicola Musatti
On Feb 21, 6:31 pm, Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The main reason why C++ has declined in usage is because almost
 everything of practical value is optional.

The main reason why C++ has declined in usage is because it never got
the kind of corporate marketing enjoyed by Java and C#.

 Meanwhile, those C++
 newbies we were talking about are having to deal with decisions that
 everyone else can quite happily ignore, knowing that the right choice
 has probably already been made for them, where automatic memory
 management is probably the right choice for the biggest decision of
 them all, as Java demonstrated quite successfully to the hordes of
 enterprise programmers (and their managers) at the end of the 1990s.

A choice that is available to C++ programmers too, altough I admit
it's not a common one and does usually require an external library. As
to it being the right choice it's debatable: it took Java something
like ten years to come out with usable GUI applications and, judging
from many articles and postings across the internet memory management
*is* an issue with Java, especially for long running applications.

There are other downsides to garbage collection, as the fact that it
makes it harder to implement the Resource Acquisition Is
Initialization idiom, due to the lack of deterministic destruction.
Other languages, such as Python and C#, are recognizing this fact and
provide the with/using statement, which serves this purpose but is
definitely more clumsy.

 Back to those C++ newbies, then. Of course, none of them pushed into a
 C++ project is going to have much say about which memory management
 best practice is going to be used - the decisions are already set in
 stone by the project - and so it's all about coping with the tedious
 tracking of who owns which pointer and hoping that different
 libraries don't have different policies. Taking the quotes out of

Sorry, but although this was probably true in the early 90's that's
not the way it goes in practice nowadays, thanks to automatic
variables, destructors, the standard library containers and smart

  At least C++ programmers tend to know that memory
  must be managed, while newbies in other languages are often lead to
  believe - wrongly - that the garbage collector takes care of

 Sure, there are some issues with memory consumption patterns with
 various garbage collectors, but the it's good for you attitude has
 scant justification unless you're dealing with constrained

It's not just a matter of memory consumption patterns, it's also a
question of explicitly resetting your memory references to ensure that
the GC can reclaim them. This can be less than obvious when complex
data structures and/or callback objects are involved.

 And even with people watching the dials in their C++
 application, you still get obscene resource misuse, which is why
 Firefox eventually consumes over 1GB memory on this desktop. There are
 considerably fewer caveats involved with regard to languages with
 garbage-collected runtime environments.

Unfortunately C++ by itself cannot ensure that only top programmers
use it ;-)

 I seem to remember that Hans Boehm had some interesting observations
 about garbage collection myths, especially around performance, but
 since the mindset persists in large tracts of the C++ development
 landscape that it must somehow be cheating to use a garbage collector,
 I suppose we still have a few more years of applications accessing the
 wrong memory locations and showing the usual useless backtrace
 dialogues for submission to uninterested developers who insisted on
 using C++ because everything else is slow.

Things change. Boehm himself is working for the inclusion of -
optional - garbage collection in the C++ standard.

Nicola Musatti

Re: can't set attributes of built-in/extension type

2008-02-21 Thread Neal Becker
7stud wrote:

 On Feb 21, 11:19 am, Neal Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm working on a simple extension.  Following the classic 'noddy'

 In [15]: cmplx_int32
 Out[15]: type 'numpy.cmplx_int32'

 Now I want to add an attribute to this type.  More precisely, I want a
 class attribute.

 cmplx_int32.test = 0
 TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call

 /home/nbecker/numpy/ipython console in module()

 TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension
 type 'numpy.cmplx_int32'

 What am I missing?
 class Dog(object):
 def __setattr__(self, attr, val):
 print TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension
 print type 'Dog.cmplx_int32'
 d = Dog()
 d.test = 0
 TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension
 type 'Dog.cmplx_int32'

Not quite, I'm setting a class attribute, not an attribute on an instance.


Odd behaviour of *.pth files and Apache

2008-02-21 Thread D'Arcy J.M. Cain
I tried searching the archives for information on this but nothing
seemed to be germane.  I am running Python sripts as CGI under Apache
and I have a .pth file in site-packages that includes directory that
has another .pth in it.  Sometimes it picks up the paths in the
second .pth and sometimes it does not.  It always seems to work if I am
working in a location not in the ServerRoot but if I use the main site
it does not pick up the directories in the included .pth.

I have tried changing just about everything with no difference.  Can
somone suggest any reason why Python would not recurse the .pth files
sometimes and not others?

D'Arcy J.M. Cain [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  Democracy is three wolves|  and a sheep voting on
+1 416 425 1212 (DoD#0082)(eNTP)   |  what's for dinner.

Re: understaning self

2008-02-21 Thread 7stud
On Feb 21, 6:34 am, Poppy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been searching online to try get a better understanding of what self
 does when I define this parameter in my class functions. All I'm finding is
 debates on whether  self has any value to the language but that doesn't
 help me in my newbie question. So the code excerpt below is from Beginning
 Python Norton, Samuel, Aitel, Foster-Johnson, Richardson, Diamon, Parker,
 and Roberts.

 What I think self is doing is limiting the function call to only function
 in this class. So in the function below has calls self.has_various(), if
 I had a function called has_various in my program or another included
 class using self insures that the has_various below is the one used. Am
 I correct in my understanding?



     def has(self, food_name, quantity=1):
 has(food_name, [quantity]) - checks if the string food_name is in the
 fridge. quantity defaults to 1
 returns True if there is enough, false otherwise.

         return self.has_various({food_name:quantity})

     def has_various(self, foods):
 has various(foods) determines if the dictionary food_name
 has enough of every element to satisfy a request.
 returns true if there's enough, Fasle if there's not or if an element does
 not exist.
             for food in foods.keys():
                 if self.items[food]  foods[food]:
                     return False
             return True
         except KeyError:
             return False

def bark():
print Yip, yip.

class Dog(object):
def __init__(the_obj_that_called_this_method): = Blackie
print Initializing a dog object.

def bark(the_obj_that_called_this_method):
print 'My name is',
print Woof, woof.

d = Dog()

Because the variable name: 'the_obj_that_called_this_method' is too
hard to type, by convention people use the variable name: 'self'

 What I think self is doing is limiting the function
 call to only function in this class.

No.  Whenever you write obj.method_name, the '.' directs python to
look inside obj's class definition for the specified method.  When you
call a function like this:

def show(x):
print x


python assigns the argument 'hello' to the parameter variable x.  When
you write:


even though there are no arguments specified in that method call,
python secretly passes one argument to the method: the object on the
left side of the '.'.

Re: understaning self

2008-02-21 Thread 7stud
On Feb 21, 11:49 am, 7stud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 21, 6:34 am, Poppy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've been searching online to try get a better understanding of what self
  does when I define this parameter in my class functions. All I'm finding is
  debates on whether  self has any value to the language but that doesn't
  help me in my newbie question. So the code excerpt below is from Beginning
  Python Norton, Samuel, Aitel, Foster-Johnson, Richardson, Diamon, Parker,
  and Roberts.

  What I think self is doing is limiting the function call to only function
  in this class. So in the function below has calls self.has_various(), if
  I had a function called has_various in my program or another included
  class using self insures that the has_various below is the one used. Am
  I correct in my understanding?



      def has(self, food_name, quantity=1):
  has(food_name, [quantity]) - checks if the string food_name is in the
  fridge. quantity defaults to 1
  returns True if there is enough, false otherwise.

          return self.has_various({food_name:quantity})

      def has_various(self, foods):
  has various(foods) determines if the dictionary food_name
  has enough of every element to satisfy a request.
  returns true if there's enough, Fasle if there's not or if an element does
  not exist.
              for food in foods.keys():
                  if self.items[food]  foods[food]:
                      return False
              return True
          except KeyError:
              return False

 def bark():
     print Yip, yip.

 class Dog(object):
     def __init__(the_obj_that_called_this_method): = Blackie
         print Initializing a dog object.

     def bark(the_obj_that_called_this_method):
         print 'My name is',
         print Woof, woof.

 d = Dog()

 Because the variable name: 'the_obj_that_called_this_method' is too
 hard to type, by convention people use the variable name: 'self'

  What I think self is doing is limiting the function
  call to only function in this class.

 No.  Whenever you write obj.method_name, the '.' directs python to
 look inside obj's class definition for the specified method.  When you
 call a function like this:

 def show(x):
     print x


 python assigns the argument 'hello' to the parameter variable x.  When
 you write:


 even though there are no arguments specified in that method call,
 python secretly passes one argument to the method: the object on the
 left side of the '.'.

self is just a parameter variable in a function definition, and just
like any other parameter variable in a function definition, self
stands ready to have any argument passed to the function assigned to
it.   It just so happens, that *you* aren't the one specifying the
*first* argument when you call a function in a class.  Functions in a
class are called 'methods', and all method calls of the form:


are transformed into this:


so bark() in d's class needs to be defined with one parameter
variable--even though the method call looks like bark() should be
defined with no parameter variables.  On the other hand, if bark()
were defined like this:

class Dog(object):
def __init__(the_obj_that_called_this_method): = Blackie
print Initializing a dog object.

def bark(the_obj_that_called_this_method, sound):
print 'My name is',
print sound

Then you would call bark() like this:

d = Dog()

and the call:


would be transformed into:

d.bark(d, 'Woof!')

As a result, bark() must be defined with two parameter variables: one
for d and one for the string.

Re: Script Running Time

2008-02-21 Thread Tim Chase
 I am trying to find a way to output how long a script took to run.
 Obviously the print would go at the end of the script, so it would be
 the time up till that point. I also run a PostgreSQL query inside the
 script and would like to separately show how long the query took to
 Is this even possible?

Of course...depending on the resolution you need, you can do 
something like

   import datetime
   start_script =
   # do stuff
   start_postgresql =
   # make your PG call
   end_postgresql =
   # do remaining stuff
   end_script =
   pg_time_taken = end_postgresql - start_postgresql
   script_time_taken = end_script - start_script

You than have pg_time_taken and script_time_taken (which are 
timedelta objects) that you can use for whatever display purposes 
you need.

Alternatively, you can use time.clock()

   from time import clock
   # do stuff
   start_pg = clock()
   # do pg stuff
   end_pg = clock()
   # rest of script
   end_script = clock()
   print Your script took %i seconds % end_script
   print Your PG took %i seconds % (end_pg - start_pg)



Re: understaning self

2008-02-21 Thread D'Arcy J.M. Cain
On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 11:07:18 -0800 (PST)
7stud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 d = Dog()
 and the call:
 would be transformed into:
 d.bark(d, 'Woof!')

Actually, Dog.bark(d, 'Woof!')

D'Arcy J.M. Cain [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  Democracy is three wolves|  and a sheep voting on
+1 416 425 1212 (DoD#0082)(eNTP)   |  what's for dinner.

Re: Double underscores -- ugly?

2008-02-21 Thread benhoyt

 Has anyone thought about alternatives? Is there a previous discussion
 on this I can look up?

Okay, I just emailed the BDFL and asked if he could tell me the origin
of the double underscore syntax for __special__ methods, and what he
said I'm pretty sure he won't mind me posting here:

 [Guido van Rossum said:]
 The specific naming convention was borrowed from the C standard, which
 reserves names like __FILE__ and __LINE__. The reason for needing a
 convention for system-assigned names was that I didn't want users to
 be surprised by the system giving a special meaning to methods or
 variables they had defined without intending that special meaning,
 while at the same time not wanting to introduce a physically separate
 namespace (e.g. a separate dict) for system names. I have no regrets.

After that and this thread, I'm pretty good with it, I guess. :-)


Re: Article of interest: Python pros/cons for the enterprise

2008-02-21 Thread Steve Holden
Jeff Schwab wrote:
 Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Carl Banks a écrit :
 On Feb 20, 8:58 am, Tim Chase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You Used Python to Write WHAT?
 Furthermore, the power and expressivity that Python offers means
 that it may require more skilled developers.
 [...down to the summary...]
 Python may not be an appropriate choice if you:
 *  Rely on teams of less-experienced programmers. These
 developers may benefit from the wider availability of training
 for languages like Java and are less likely to make mistakes with
 a compile-time, type-checked language.

 C++ is a compile-time, type-checked language, which means it is
 totally safer for newbies than Python.  Yep, your big company is
 totally safe with newbie C++ programmers.

 Mouarf ! Brillant demonstration, thanks Carl !-)

 (and BTW, +1 QOTW)
 NB:  This is not a troll.  (Please, nobody try to be cute with a yes it 
 is reply.)
 c.l.python seem to be about the most close-minded of any of the 
 currently popular language-specific news groups.  It's just taken for 
 granted that Perl and C++, two of my personal favorite things in this 
 world, inherently favor ugly, buggy code.  That is the farthest thing 
 from the truth as I see it.  You can (and plenty of people will) write 
 terrible code in any language, including Python.
I'm not sure I agree with that opinion. There is, however, a certain 
amount of what we might term defensive push back against static 
language bigots, some of whom come from the C++ camp. You are certainly 
right about bad programmers producing bad programs in any language.

As far as C++ goes I usually defer to Alex Martelli, who used it a long 
time at IBM and is therefore well able to address its deficiencies. I 
believe you are also right in that the defensive posture tends to remain 
even after the bigots go away.

For the record, there are many fine systems crafted in a mix of C++ and 
Python (EVE Online being a prime example). For any sufficiently large 
software system there will always be engineering problems, some of which 
are conditioned by choice of language and some by other factors.

 To use Python effectively, you have to know something about how it 
 works, and the same is true of Perl and C++.  But a newbie who's 
 learning from a decent source (avoid the C++ for Morons style books) 
 is likely (I contend) to be writing semi-useful programs about as fast 
 as with Python, and to be writing heavy-duty work-horse programs far sooner.

I agree that C++ is a nice language conceptually, and haven't used it 
enough to hit the hard problems.

 Perl is, and always has been, a language for getting your job done; when 
 everything else failed, Perl and C++ got me through some of the toughest 
 tasks of my life.  Translating file formats, automating system-level 
 tasks...  And now that the C++ standard library is getting regular 
 expressions, I can replace plenty of glued-together scripts with 
 single-language, cohesive applications.
Yes, Perl has always been a pragmatist's language (and indeed the 
author's favored acronym has the P stand for practical). I *did* have 
to use Perl for quite a while in the early days of the web and so got to 
experience its many delights at first hand. Again, you are probably 
right in saying we should accept Perl for its efficiencies (I believe 
even now it will generally beat Python on regular expression processing) 
and stop knocking it for its ill-though-out syntax and clumsy object 

 I like Python, and I think it's got a brilliant future ahead of it.  It 
 is rapidly becoming the dynamic language of choice, especially for C++ 
 projects.  I am glad that Python can be extended straightforwardly in 
 any C-linkable language.  But this bashing of other powerful languages 
 on the basis that they're hard to read and hard to use correctly is, 
 frankly, nonsense.

Agreed, mostly. I think Perl *is* hard to read (and frankly have been 
amazed at the intentions of the Perl 6 designers), but that shouldn't 
stop people using it, and isn't something that needs constant repetition.

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: Choosing a Metaclass?

2008-02-21 Thread Jeff McNeil
Never mind, I've figured it out.  The build_class function looks at the
'__class__' attribute of the first base class if there's no explicit
__metaclass__ attribute. By calling type directly, the __class__ attribute
as returned by MyMeta is, in fact, type.

Should have just looked at the source to begin with.

On 2/21/08, Jeff McNeil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi list,

 Hopefully a quick metaclass question. In the following example, MyMeta is
 a metaclass that does not inherit directly from type:


 class MyMeta(object):
 def __new__(cls, name, bases, vars):
 print MyMeta.__new__ called for %s % name
 return type(name, bases, vars)

 class MetaWrapper(object):
 __metaclass__ = MyMeta

 class M(MetaWrapper):

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ python
 MyMeta.__new__ called for MetaWrapper

 When I run that script, it's apparent that although M inherits from
 MetaWrapper, it does not use MyMeta as it's metaclass.  However, if I change
 MyMeta to be a subclass of builtin type, it works as I would expect:


 class MyMeta(type):
 def __new__(cls, name, bases, vars):
 print MyMeta.__new__ called for %s % name
 return super(MyMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, vars)

 class MetaWrapper(object):
 __metaclass__ = MyMeta

 class M(MetaWrapper):

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ python
 MyMeta.__new__ called for MetaWrapper
 MyMeta.__new__ called for M

 How exactly does Python choose which MC it will use when building a
 class?  It doesn't seem to me that the parent class of MyMeta should matter
 in this case?




Re[2]: python-ldap for plone 3 (python 2.4.4)

2008-02-21 Thread Erol Robaina Cepero
On 19/02/2008 at 07:12 p.m. Michael Ströder wrote:

Erol Robaina Cepero wrote:
 I need download python-ldap for my plone 3.0.5 that use python 2.4.4.
 Do you know where I can find it?

There I found the version 2.3.1 for python 2.5. It works in python 2.4.4 too?

thank a lot


Re: packing things back to regular expression

2008-02-21 Thread MRAB
On Feb 20, 7:36 pm, Amit Gupta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Before I read the message: I screwed up.

 Let me write again

  x = re.compile(CL(?Pname1[a-z]+))

 # group name name1 is attached to the match of lowercase string of
 # Now I have a dictionary saying {name1, iamgood}
 # I would like a function, that takes x and my dictionary and return
 # If my dictionary instead have {name1, 123}, it gives error on
 # In general, I have reg-expression where every non-trivial match has
 a group-name. I want to do the reverse of reg-exp match. The function
 can take reg-exp and replace the group-matches from dictionary
 # I hope, this make it clear.

If you want the string that matched the regex then you can use
group(0) (or just group()):

 x = re.compile(CL(?Pname1[a-z]+))
 m = CLiamgood!something else)

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