python-blosc 1.0.3 released

2010-11-18 Thread Francesc Alted

 Announcing python-blosc 1.0.3
 A Python wrapper for the Blosc compression library

What is it?

Blosc ( is a high performance compressor
optimized for binary data.  It has been designed to transmit data to
the processor cache faster than the traditional, non-compressed,
direct memory fetch approach via a memcpy() OS call.

Blosc works well for compressing numerical arrays that contains data
with relatively low entropy, like sparse data, time series, grids with
regular-spaced values, etc.

python-blosc is a Python package that wraps it.

What is new?

Blosc has been updated to 1.1.3, allowing much improved compression
ratio under some circumstances.  Also, the number of cores on Windows
platform is detected correctly now (thanks to Han Genuit).

Last, but not least, Windows binaries for Python 2.6 and 2.7 are
provided (both in 32-bit and 64-bit flavors).

For more info, you can see the release notes in:

Basic Usage

# Create a binary string made of int (32-bit) elements
 import array
 a = array.array('i', range(10*1000*1000))
 bytes_array = a.tostring()

# Compress it
 import blosc
 bpacked = blosc.compress(bytes_array, typesize=a.itemsize)
 len(bytes_array) / len(bpacked)
110  # 110x compression ratio.  Not bad!

# Compression speed?
 from timeit import timeit
 timeit(blosc.compress(bytes_array, a.itemsize),
   import blosc, array; \
a = array.array('i', range(10*1000*1000)); \
bytes_array = a.tostring(), \
 len(bytes_array)*10 / 0.0405 / (1024*1024*1024)
9.1982476505232444  # wow, compressing at ~ 9 GB/s.  That's fast!
# This is actually much faster than a `memcpy` system call
 timeit(ctypes.memmove(b.buffer_info()[0], a.buffer_info()[0], \
import array, ctypes; \
a = array.array('i', range(10*1000*1000)); \
b = a[::-1], number=10)
 len(bytes_array)*10 / 0.1031 / (1024*1024*1024)
3.6132786600018565  # ~ 3.6 GB/s is memcpy speed

# Decompress it
 bytes_array2 = blosc.decompress(bpacked)
# Check whether our data have had a good trip
 bytes_array == bytes_array2
True# yup, it seems so

# Decompression speed?
 timeit(s2 = blosc.decompress(bpacked),
   import blosc, array; \
a = array.array('i', range(10*1000*1000)); \
bytes_array = a.tostring(); \
bpacked = blosc.compress(bytes_array, a.itemsize), \
 len(bytes_array)*10 / 0.0838 / (1024*1024*1024)
4.4454538167803275  # decompressing at ~ 4.4 GB/s is pretty good too!

[Using a machine with 8 physical cores with hyper-threading]

The above examples use maximum compression level 9 (default), and
although lower compression levels produce smaller compression ratios,
they are also faster (reaching speeds exceeding 11 GB/s).

More examples showing other features (and using NumPy arrays) are
available on the python-blosc wiki page:


Please refer to docstrings.  Start by the main package:

 import blosc

and ask for more docstrings in the referenced functions.

Download sources

Go to:

and download the most recent release from here.

Blosc is distributed using the MIT license, see LICENSES/BLOSC.txt for

Mailing list

There is an official mailing list for Blosc at:

  **Enjoy data!**

Francesc Alted

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN]: 'tren' Cross-Platform Batch Renaming Tool, Version 1.239 Released

2010-11-18 Thread Tim Daneliuk
'tren' Version 1.239 is now released and available for download at:

The last public release was 1.217.

What's New In This Release?

This release fixes several critical bugs and adds a number
of new features.  Existing users are urged to upgrade at their 
earliest opportunity:

FIXED: Backups weren't being improperly named.

FIXED: Changed TREN envvar processing to properly parse quoting.

FIXED: Each renaming target must either be something that exists or a
   wildcard that expands to something that exists.  Formerly,
   nonexistent renaming targets were silently ignored.

NEW: Debug now shows the incremental change to each file name as each
 renaming request is applied left-to-right.  Use -dq to see this
 more clearly.

NEW: The environment variable TRENINCL is now supported.
 This allows you to specify a path to search when
 looking for include files.

NEW: Implemented /NAMESOFAR/ renaming token.

NEW: Added -e type case conversion option - new kind of renaming request.

c - Capitalize
l - Lower
s - Swap case
t - Title - Char's followiing non-alpha are capitalized
u - Upper

NEW: Added -T option to allow user to target a substring of
the full filename for renaming

OTHER: Documentation additions and updates including
   clarification of old features, description of
   new features, and improved table-of-contents
   for PDF and PS document formats.

What Is 'tren'?

'tren' is a general purpose file and directory renaming
tool. Unlike commands like 'mv', 'tren' is particularly well
suited for renaming *batches* of files and/or directories with a
single command line invocation.  'tren' eliminates the tedium of
having to script simpler tools to provide higher-level renaming

'tren' is also adept at renaming only *part of an existing file
or directory name* either based on a literal string or a regular
expression pattern.  You can replace any single, group, or all
instances of a given string in a file or directory name.

'tren' implements the idea of a *renaming token*.  These are
special names you can embed in your renaming requests that
represent things like the file's original name, its length, date
of creation, and so on.  There are even renaming tokens that will
substitute the content of any environment variable or the results
of running a program from a shell back into the new file name.

'tren' can automatically generate *sequences* of file names based
on their dates, lengths, times within a given date, and so on.
In fact, sequences can be generated on the basis of any of the
file's 'stat' information.  Sequence numbers can be ascending
or descending and the count can start at any initial value.
Counting can take place in one of several internally defined
counting alphabets (decimal, hex, octal, alpha, etc.) OR you
can define your own counting alphabet.  This allows you to create
sequences in any base (2 or higher please :) using any symbol set
for the count.

'tren' is written in pure Python and requires Python version
2.6.x or later.  It is known to run on various Unix-like
variants (FreeBSD, Linux, MacOS X) as well as Windows.  It will
also take advantage of 'win32all' Python extensions on a Windows
system, if they are present.


Complete details of all fixes, changes, and new features can be found in
the WHATSNEW.txt and documentation files included in the distribution.

A FreeBSD port has been submitted as well.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: GMPY 1.14 and GMPY2 alpha1 released

2010-11-18 Thread casevh

I'm pleased to annouce the release of both a new production
and experimental release of GMPY. GMPY is a wrapper for
the MPIR or GMP multiple-precision arithmetic library.

The experimental release (GMPY2) now includes support for
the MPFR floating-point library.

GMPY is available for download from:

Production release

GMPY 1.14 is the updated stable release. A memory leak was
fixed so it is highly recommended that all user upgrade to
this version. In addition to a few other bug fixes, GMPY
1.14 is compatible with the changes to the hashing code in
Python 3.2a4. The 64-bit Windows installer for Python 3.2
should only be used with 3.2a4 and later.

Even though my primary development focus has shifted to
GMPY2 (see below), GMPY 1.X will continue to receive bug
and compatibility fixes.

Experimental release

To simplify the codebase, allow for changes in the API,
and support simultaneous installation, the development
version has been renamed to GMPY2. The following is list
of changes in GMPY2:

In 2.0.0a0

 * support for a mutable integer type xmpz
 * removal of random number functions
 * xmpz supports slices for setting/clearing bits
 * some methods have been renamed (scan1 - bit_scan1)
 * support for Python prior to 2.6 has been removed
 * support for all division modes has been added
* ceiling - round to +Infinity
* floor - round to -Infinity
* truncate - round to zero
* 2exp - division by a power of 2
 * support is_even() and is_odd()

In 2.0.0a1

 * support for the MPFR floating point library

If you use GMPY regularly, please test GMPY2. There have been
several requests asking for a mutable integer and I am curious
if there are real-world performance improvements.

Please report any issues!



Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Distribution of Python Scripts

2010-11-18 Thread Steve Holden
On 11/18/2010 11:48 AM, tazz_ben wrote:
 Hi Folks -
 I'm an experienced programmer, but this is my first app with python,
 so I apologize for any stupidity on my part.  So  I've written/still
 working on a command line tool written in Python.  It talks to a web
 service, so there really isn't anything in it that is dependent on a
 particular os.  My goal is to distribute the script as a tool to my
 users so they can use it (they are on multiple platforms), the vast
 majority are not programmers.
 So, I'm looking for a way to distribute the app that takes care of
 details like them having python installed, or having an older version
 etc.  From reading some docs it sounds like Squeeze did exactly this
 back in the day, but it is ancient and I'm writing in 2.7.   Just to
 be clear I could care less if they see the source code, my goal is all
 around ease of use.  I would love to have one distribution file for
 all platforms, but I can live  with making three if that's the only
 So, what's my options.

The only one I could find was cxFreeze:

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon 2011 Atlanta March 9-17
See Python Video!
Holden Web LLC


Re: Is Unladen Swallow dead?

2010-11-18 Thread John Nagle

On 11/18/2010 5:35 PM, Mark Wooding wrote:

John  writes:

  Python is defined by what a naive interpreter with late binding
and dynamic name lookups, like CPython, can easily implement.  Simply
emulating the semantics of CPython with generated code doesn't help
all that much.


  Because you can monkey patch Python objects from outside the
class, a local compiler, like a JIT, can't turn name lookups into hard
bindings.  Nor can it make reliable decisions about the types of

But it /can/ make guesses.  A dynamic runtime doesn't have to predict
everything right in advance; it only has to predict most things sort of
well enough, and fix up the things it got wrong before anyone notices.
For example, A Python compiler could inline a function call if it makes
a note to recompile the calling function if the called function is
modified.  Most functions aren't redefined, so this is probably a pretty
good guess.

That adds a sizable performance penalty. Short of global program
analysis, the compiler can't tell when code for the hard cases needs
to be generated.

The right approach is to guess that things are going to be done the easy
way, and then detect when the guess is wrong.

That's been done successfully for Self and JavaScript. It's not
easy.  See this talk on JaegerMonkey:

The effort needed to do that for Javascript is justified by the size
of the installed base.

The Unladen Swallow people had plans to go in that direction, but they
underestimated the size of the job.

John Nagle


Re: Python has a really hidden encapsulation?

2010-11-18 Thread Aahz
In article,
Arnaud Delobelle wrote:

Are you referring to the fact that in Python, if an attribute is a
property, the __dict__ lookup on the instance is not performed?  As in:

 class A:
... @property
... def x(self): return 42
 a = A()
 a.__dict__['x'] = 24

This is documented, but I actually don't know the reason for it.

Because otherwise you would be able to overwrite the property with a
Aahz (   *

Look, it's your affair if you want to play with five people, but don't
go calling it doubles.  --John Cleese anticipates Usenet

Re: Program, Application, and Software

2010-11-18 Thread Steve Holden
On 11/18/2010 7:57 PM, Martin Gregorie wrote:
 .pyc files are an optional extra: in a *nix environment they are not 
 produced if you use a hash-bang line to execute the source file: they 
 only appear if you run the source with a python command.
Close, but no cigar. They are only created (assuming file permissions
permit) when the module is *imported*.

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon 2011 Atlanta March 9-17
See Python Video!
Holden Web LLC


Re: what's the precision of fractions.Fraction?

2010-11-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 20:08:00 +0100, Stefan Sonnenberg-Carstens wrote:

 If you need it really *precise*, cast your Fractions into type Decimal:

It's actually the opposite. Decimal has many advantages, but being 
really precise is not one of them. It suffers the exact same issues re 
precision and round-off as binary floating point.

It is easy to demonstrate that there are numbers which cannot be 
represented precisely as Decimals no matter how many decimal places you 
use, but can be represented exactly as Fractions. Fraction can exactly 
represent every Decimal, but Decimal cannot represent exactly every 

We're not talking about weird edge cases either, but simple numbers that 
you're likely to come across every day:

 from decimal import Decimal
 one_ninth = Decimal(1)/Decimal(9)
 two_thirds = Decimal(2)/Decimal(3)
 one_ninth*6 == two_thirds

 from fractions import Fraction
 one_ninth = Fraction(1, 9)
 two_thirds = Fraction(2, 3)
 one_ninth*6 == two_thirds

Still not convinced?

 f = Fraction(1) + Fraction(1, 10**10)
 f != 1

(which is virtually instantaneous, by the way)

compared to the *much* slower:

 d = Decimal(1) + Decimal(1)/Decimal(10**10)
 d != 1

Yes, I could try to set the Decimal context to 100,000 decimal places -- 
and just as easily defeat it again by adding one more to the exponent.

In my opinion, the Fraction module is one of the least appreciated and 
underused modules in the standard library -- and I include myself in 
that. It really is a joy, and I don't use it anywhere near enough.


Re: Program, Application, and Software

2010-11-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 19 Nov 2010 00:26:41 +, MRAB wrote:

 On 19/11/2010 00:07, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 14:21:47 +, Martin Gregorie wrote:

 I use 'script' to refer to programs written in languages that don't
 have a separate compile phase which must be run before the program can
 be executed. IOW Python and Perl programs are scripts aloing with
 programs written as awk, Javascript and bash scripts.

 You're mistaken then about Python, because it does have a separate
 compilation phase that runs before the program can be executed. Where
 do you think the .pyc files come from, and what did you think the
 compile() function did? It just happens automatically, rather than

 I think what he means is that you don't need explicitly to compile and
 then run.

So if I write a small shell script to act as a wrapper around the usual 
compile/execute cycle of (say) C, my C programs turn into scripts, but if 
I ignore the wrapper and run the compile/execute commands manually, they 
turn back into not-scripts?


Re: What was your strategy?

2010-11-18 Thread Tomasz Rola
On Sun, 14 Nov 2010, Paul Rubin wrote:

 Jorge Biquez writes:
  I was wondering if you can share what was the strategy you followed to
  master Python (Yes I know I have to work hard study and practice a lot). 
 1. Read the tutorial 
 2. Start writing code, and encounter various issues as usually happens.
 3. Refer to the other reference manuals, web search, and ask questions
in the newsgroup as you run into issues.
 4. After a while you'll have hit most of the usual issues and learned
how to deal with them, and how to find resolution for new issues that
might come up.  That's about as close to mastery as one normally
reaches in this world.
 Python is a pretty easy language if you have a reasonable programming
 background when you first start with it.  I think the way it's currently
 organized, it may not be so great for self-study if you're not already a
  I mean did you use special books, special sites,

Wow, exactly same strategy by me. Do you think it should be GPLed, by 
chance ;-) ?

I find this way of learning to be a bit hard (it must have helped that I 
was no beginner), but somehow none other option came to my head when I was 
approaching Python some years ago. I guess I'm not a good follower of 
various written rules of engagement. So, after tutorial I jumped over 
the standard Python docs (module index, plus library  language 
references) until I found whatever was needed at the moment.

So choice of strategy depends on choice maker.

BTW, I think it was very important in my case to have specific program in 
mind, begging me to write it in Python. So learning was more exciting 
thanks to this.

I came to Python from some other languages, of which only C retains it's 
value to me nowadays. I consider myself kind of departed from Pythonland, 
in search of some other, maybe better alternatives - but it is quite 
possible Python will join C. I'm undecided, as I've not tried 3.x yet.

As a side note, I'm not quite sure Python is good for beginners. Yes, it 
is very simple and easy to grasp. And yes, it is a bit too simple, maybe? 
So a beginner learns to think in terms of nails and hammers, but may never 
hear of screwdrivers in his programing life. I may be wrong but, thinking 
of it, I feel it was good I have been exposed to Pascal and C (and few 
other things) long before Python. I would advise Python to casual/Sunday 
programers, knowing there is big chance they will never learn more than 
this, so Python is their best option IMHO. But in case of 
serious/serial ;-) programing, I would save Python for second or third 
language. I mean, I perceive it as rather one way to do it language and 
forcing this one way on unformed programer doesn't look good.

No offence. See? I'm still here.

Tomasz Rola

** A C programmer asked whether computer had Buddha's nature.  **
** As the answer, master did rm -rif on the programmer's home**
** directory. And then the C programmer became enlightened...  **
** **
** Tomasz Rola **


2010-11-18 Thread Verde Denim
I'm looking to find some help working with dpkt. As you probably know, there
really isn't any documentation, and not being astute at Python as of yet
leaves me with a lot of gaps.
Is there anyone here that can point me in a direction toward writing some
test code for parsing gre packets?

Thanks for the input; I appreciate the help.


Re: dpkt

2010-11-18 Thread Stefan Sonnenberg-Carstens

Am 19.11.2010 06:39, schrieb Verde Denim:

I'm looking to find some help working with dpkt. As you probably know, 
there really isn't any documentation, and not being astute at Python 
as of yet leaves me with a lot of gaps.
Is there anyone here that can point me in a direction toward writing 
some test code for parsing gre packets?

Thanks for the input; I appreciate the help.


There is.
It is inside the code (not the obvious way).

(May be outdated)
attachment: stefan_sonnenberg.vcf--

Re: Changing the EAX register with Python

2010-11-18 Thread Tim Roberts
dutche wrote:

Hi folks, I have a unusual question here.

How can I change the value of EAX register under python under Linux??
As paimei does under Windows.

My project is to have a python program that loads a C program and sets
a breakpoint at some address, and then with this breakpoint I change
the EAX register and then continue the program execution.

With Windows and paimei I did that, but under Linux I don't know yet.

You will need to find a Linux application equivalent to PaiMei.  Your
question is not how can I change EAX, your question is where can I find
a Linux debugger that can be controlled from Python?

I don't know the answer to that.  gdb is quite powerful, and you can
certainly control it by connecting to its stdin and stdout connections.
Tim Roberts,
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: Sending changed parameters into nested generators

2010-11-18 Thread
On Nov 12, 10:52 pm, John O'Hagan wrote:
 On Sat, 13 Nov 2010, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  On Fri, 12 Nov 2010 09:47:26 +, John O'Hagan wrote:
   I have a generator function which takes as arguments another generator
   and a dictionary of other generators like this:

   def modgen(gen, gendict):
   for item in gen():
 for k, v in gendict:

 yield item


   If anyone's still reading :) , how can I send new values to arbitrary
   sub- generators?

  I have a headache after reading your problem :(

  I think it's a good time to point you at the Zen, particularly these five

  Beautiful is better than ugly.
  Simple is better than complex.
  Complex is better than complicated.
  Flat is better than nested.
  If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.

  I'm afraid that your nested generators inside another generator idea
  fails all of those... it's not elegant (beautiful), it's complicated,
  it's nested, and the implementation is hard to explain.

  You could probably replace generators with full-blown iterators, but I
  wonder what you're trying to accomplish that is so complicated that it
  needs such complexity to solve it. What are you actually trying to
  accomplish? Can you give a simple example of what practical task you hope
  to perform? I suspect there's probably a more elegant way to solve the

 I hope there is!

 The project not practical but artistic; it's a real-time musical composition

 A (simplified) description: one module contains number-list generating
 functions, others contain functions designed to filter and modify the number
 lists produced, according to various parameters. Each such stream of number
 lists is assigned a musical meaning (e.g. pitch, rhythm, volume, etc) and they
 are combined to produce representations of musical phrases, which are sent to
 a backend which plays the music as it is produced, and makes PDF scores. Each
 such instrument runs as a separate thread, so several can play together in a
 coordinated fashion.

 All the compositional interest lies in the selection of number-list generators
 and how their output is modified. For example, if I say Play every third note
 up an octave it's not very interesting, compared to Play every nth note up
 an interval of m, where n and m vary according to some pattern. It gets even
 more interesting when that pattern is a function of x and y, which also vary
 according to another pattern, and so on.

 To that end, I have each parameter of each modifier set by another generator,
 such that the value may change with each iteration. This may continue
 recursively, until at some level we give a parameter a simple value.

 That's all working, but I also want it to be interactive. Each thread opens a
 terminal where new options can be entered, but so far it only works, as I
 mentioned, for changing the values in a top-level mutable object.

I might first suggest this, although I have some caveats to add:

def genfilter(evaluator, **param_sources):
while True:
params = {}
for param, gen in param_sources.iteritems():
params[param] =
yield evaluator(**params)

You can then do things like:

 def concat(in1, in2):
 return str(in1)+|+str(in2)
 a = (i for i in range(1,5))  # generator based on a list
 b = (2*i for i in xrange(1,5))   # 'pure' generator
 c = genfilter(concat, in1=a, in2=b)
 for x in c:
 print x

or, more relevant to your original question regarding modifying things

 class Mult():
 def __init__(self, multiplier):
 self.mulitplier = multiplier
 def multi(self, val):
 return val*self.multiplier

 m = Mult(2)
 a = (i for i in range(1,10))
 b = (i for i in range(1,10))
 c = genfilter(m.multi, val=b)
 d = genfilter(concat, in1=a, in2=c)
 m.multiplier = 3

Obviously more complex and useful examples could be made, but
hopefully you get the idea: don't focus on modifying the generators,
instead modify the action of the functions which take the generators
as inputs.

But a real problem with this whole strategy is that a generator's
next() function is called every time it is evaluated. If the
relationship between your various generators forms a rooted tree,
that's not a problem, but I would think the relationships form a
directed acyclic graph, and in that case, you end up 'double
incrementing' nodes in a way you don't want:

 m = Mult(2)
 a = (i for i in range(1,10))
 b = genfilter(m.multi, val=a)
 c = genfilter(concat, in1=a, in2=b)
 for x in c:
 print x

And that's not an unnatural situation for your application: you might
have a generator that produces a note, and then three other distinct
genfilters that you want to use to create three instruments which form
a chord based on that note. With the 

Re: Does Pygoogle allows for advanced search options?

2010-11-18 Thread Chris Rebert
On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 11:54 PM, neocortex wrote:
 Hello All,
 Can anyone help me with the Pygoogle:
 from pygoogle import pygoogle

You're apparently talking about
rather than ; the former appears to
have borrowed the latter's name without permission. Oi!

 word = u'something'
 request_word = word.encode('utf-8')
 request = ('' % request_word)
 g = pygoogle(request)

 Now, I realized that domain restriction works ( etc.), but I
 would like to be able to control for language too. Is that possible
 with the Pygoogle? If not, how can I make that happen?

The library doesn't seem to have built-in support for filtering by
language (and Google lacks a search query-string-based operator for
that), but it looks like you could implement that feature by adding an
lr parameter with an appropriate value to the query `args`
dictionary. See the lr? entry under Web Search Specific Arguments
on , and
lines 68  102 of

Research for random person = too much idle time

Re: Pickle in a POST/GET request give EOFError

2010-11-18 Thread Romaric DEFAUX

Le 17/11/2010 18:52, geremy condra a écrit :

On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 6:44 AM, Romaric  wrote:

Le 16/11/2010 17:47, Romaric DEFAUX a écrit :

Hi everybody !

First time I write to this mailing list :)
I started writing in python last week, that's probably why I can't
understand the following problem...

I create a list called web_site_list.
This list contain dictionaries called web_site.
And some values in this dictionaries are list too.

I do that in a function and I return this :
return pickle.dumps(web_site_list)

This is working fine :)

If I do :
print %s % pickle.loads(system.get_web_site_list())

I've got the right stuffs. For example it returns :
[{'documentroot_size': '120', 'servername': '---default---', 'client':
'undefined', 'documentroot': '/var/www/', 'client_contact': 'undefined',
'serveralias': []}]

I send this to a web service. I send it like that :
#I put it in params
def system_updateweb_site(server, login, password):
params = {}
params['login'] = login
params['password'] = password
params['action'] = 'updateweb_site'
params['servername'] = get_servername()
params['hosted_web_site'] = get_web_site_list()
return call_system_ws(server, params)

#Here's how I send it (I tried in GET and POST)
def call_system_ws(host, params):
query_string = urllib.urlencode(params)
#   f = urllib.urlopen(http://%s/ws?%s; % (host, query_string))
f = urllib.urlopen(http://%s/ws; % (host), query_string)
result = f.readline().strip()
if result == 'ERROR':
msg = f.readline().strip()
return (False, msg)
return (True, result)

On the server side :
if action == 'updateweb_site':
if not (fields.has_key('servername') and
raise WSError('missing parameter :
servername or hosted_web_site')
log ('ERROR : missing parameter :
servername or hosted_web_site')


output =
systemserver.updateweb_site(cursor, servername, hosted_web_site)

In :
def updateweb_site(cursor, host, hosted_web_site):
web_site_list = pickle.loads(hosted_web_site)
return %s % (web_site_list)

I catch this error :*

type 'exceptions.EOFError'*:

args = ()
message = ''

Why ?

If I just print hosted_web_site, I get this on my web page :


It's the pickled view of
[{'documentroot_size': '120', 'servername': '---default---', 'client':
'undefined', 'documentroot': '/var/www/', 'client_contact': 'undefined',
'serveralias': []}]

Can someone help me please ? I spend my afternoon to google to try to find
a solution...

Thanks in advance !!!

Romaric Defaux


After entirely rewrite my code to not use Web service but socket (a real
client/server program) I finally found the problem... And it's not linked to
the POST or GET method...
It's because of that :
(escape_string is the function in MySQLdb library)
It escapes the simple quote of the pickled object, and break it...

It's good to know, NEVER escape a pickled object :)

Romaric Defaux

I'm not sure I understand what you're doing here, but I trust you've
read about and understand the security problems with pickle?

Geremy Condra
I read quickly the security problems with pickle. But I don't feel 
concern about that because I run my program in a private network, not 
over internet. And now I use socket to communicate on a non-standard 
port, not anymore web service on the 80 port. If I plan to run it 
through wan, I will encrypt datas for sure with SSL or something like 
that :)

Romaric Defaux

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Pickle in a POST/GET request give EOFError

2010-11-18 Thread Michael Ricordeau

you can use json for passing list and dict .
Pickle is dangerous . 

Instead of pickle.loads/pickle.dumps use json.loads and json.dumps 
(using stdlib json in python = 2.6 or simplejson in python  2.6)


Le Thu, 18 Nov 2010 09:29:00 +0100,
Romaric DEFAUX a écrit :

 Le 17/11/2010 18:52, geremy condra a écrit :
  On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 6:44 AM, Romaric  wrote:
  Le 16/11/2010 17:47, Romaric DEFAUX a écrit :
  Hi everybody !
  First time I write to this mailing list :)
  I started writing in python last week, that's probably why I can't
  understand the following problem...
  I create a list called web_site_list.
  This list contain dictionaries called web_site.
  And some values in this dictionaries are list too.
  I do that in a function and I return this :
  return pickle.dumps(web_site_list)
  This is working fine :)
  If I do :
  print %s % pickle.loads(system.get_web_site_list())
  I've got the right stuffs. For example it returns :
  [{'documentroot_size': '120', 'servername': '---default---', 'client':
  'undefined', 'documentroot': '/var/www/', 'client_contact': 'undefined',
  'serveralias': []}]
  I send this to a web service. I send it like that :
  #I put it in params
  def system_updateweb_site(server, login, password):
  params = {}
  params['login'] = login
  params['password'] = password
  params['action'] = 'updateweb_site'
  params['servername'] = get_servername()
  params['hosted_web_site'] = get_web_site_list()
  return call_system_ws(server, params)
  #Here's how I send it (I tried in GET and POST)
  def call_system_ws(host, params):
  query_string = urllib.urlencode(params)
  #   f = urllib.urlopen(http://%s/ws?%s; % (host, query_string))
  f = urllib.urlopen(http://%s/ws; % (host), query_string)
  result = f.readline().strip()
  if result == 'ERROR':
  msg = f.readline().strip()
  return (False, msg)
  return (True, result)
  On the server side :
  if action == 'updateweb_site':
  if not (fields.has_key('servername') and
  raise WSError('missing parameter :
  servername or hosted_web_site')
  log ('ERROR : missing parameter :
  servername or hosted_web_site')
  output =
  systemserver.updateweb_site(cursor, servername, hosted_web_site)
  In :
  def updateweb_site(cursor, host, hosted_web_site):
  web_site_list = pickle.loads(hosted_web_site)
  return %s % (web_site_list)
  I catch this error :*
  type 'exceptions.EOFError'*:
  args = ()
  message = ''
  Why ?
  If I just print hosted_web_site, I get this on my web page :
  It's the pickled view of
  [{'documentroot_size': '120', 'servername': '---default---', 'client':
  'undefined', 'documentroot': '/var/www/', 'client_contact': 'undefined',
  'serveralias': []}]
  Can someone help me please ? I spend my afternoon to google to try to find
  a solution...
  Thanks in advance !!!
  Romaric Defaux
  After entirely rewrite my code to not use Web service but socket (a real
  client/server program) I finally found the problem... And it's not linked 
  the POST or GET method...
  It's because of that :
  (escape_string is the function in MySQLdb library)
  It escapes the simple quote of the pickled object, and break it...
  It's good to know, NEVER escape a pickled object :)
  Romaric Defaux
  I'm not sure I understand what you're doing here, but I trust you've
  read about and understand the security problems with pickle?
  Geremy Condra
 I read quickly the security problems with pickle. But I don't feel 
 concern about that because I run my program in a private network, not 
 over internet. And now I use socket to communicate on a non-standard 
 port, not anymore web service on the 80 port. If I plan to run it 
 through wan, I will encrypt datas for sure with SSL or something like 
 that :)
 Romaric Defaux

Re: How to read such file and sumarize the data?

2010-11-18 Thread huisky
thank you Martin. You are right.
But the elapsed time is also okay for me. And i would like to assume
that the total CPU time equals to the number of CPUs multiply the
elapsed time. As to the number you mentioned, it is the 'process id',
so it will be no problem to identify each job.


On Nov 18, 12:38 am, Martin Gregorie mar...@address-in-sig.invalid
 On Wed, 17 Nov 2010 13:45:58 -0800, huisky wrote:
  Say I have following log file, which records the code usage. I want to
  read this file and do the summarize how much total CPU time consumed for
  each user.

 Two points you should think about:

 - I don't think you can extract CPU time from this log: you can get
   the process elapsed time and the number of CPUs each run has used,
   but you can't calculate CPU time from those values since you don't
   know how the process spent waiting for i/o etc.

 - is the first (numeric) part of the first field on the line a process id?
   If it is, you can match start and stop messages on the value of the
   first field provided that this value can never be shared by two
   processes that are both running. If you can get simultaneous
   duplicates, then you're out of luck because you'll never be able to
   match up start and stop lines.

  Is Python able to do so or say easy to achieve this?, anybody can give
  me some hints, appricate very much!

 Sure. There are two approaches possible:
 - sort the log on the first two fields and then process it with Python
   knowing that start and stop lines will be adjacent

 - use the first field as the key to an array and put the start time
   and CPU count in that element. When a matching stop line is found
   you, retrieve the array element, calculate and output or total the
   usage figure for that run and delete the array element.

 martin@   | Martin Gregorie
 gregorie. | Essex, UK
 org       |


Re: How to read such file and sumarize the data?

2010-11-18 Thread huisky
the number before @ is the process id in the linux server and it is
So i do NOT think distinguish each job's starting and ending time is
difficult in this case.


On Nov 17, 11:38 pm, Tim Harig wrote:
 On 2010-11-17, huisky wrote:

  I want to read this file and do the summarize how much total CPU time
  consumed for each user.
  Is Python able to do so or say easy to achieve this?, anybody can give
  me some hints, appricate very much!

 The question is, is the information you want available in the data.

  Example log file.
  LSTC license server version 224 started at Sun Dec  6 18:56:48 2009
  using configuration file /usr/local/lstc/server_data
  xyz LS-DYNA_971 NCPU=1 started Sun Dec  6
  18:57:40 completed Sun Dec  6 19:42:55
  xyz LS-DYNA_971 NCPU=2 started Sun Dec  6
  20:17:02 completed Sun Dec  6 20:26:03
  xyz LS-DYNA_971 NCPU=1 started Sun Dec  6
  21:01:17 completed Sun Dec  6 21:01:28
  tanhoi LS-DYNA_971 NCPU=1 started Mon
  Dec  7 09:31:00 presumed dead Mon Dec  7 10:36:48
  sabril LS-DYNA_971 NCPU=2 started Mon
  Dec  7 13:14:47 completed Mon Dec  7 13:24:07
  sabril LS-DYNA_971 NCPU=2 started Mon
  Dec  7 14:21:34
  sabril LS-DYNA_971 NCPU=2 started Mon
  Dec  7 14:28:42 killed Mon Dec  7 14:31:48 killed Mon Dec  7 14:32:06

 I see starts, completes, kills, and presumed deads.  The question is can
 the starts be matched to the completes and kills either from the numbers
 before @ or from a combination of the address and NCPU.  You will need to
 figure out whether or not you want to count the presumed deads in your

 Assuming that the starts and stops can be corrilated, it is a simple matter
 of finding the pairs and using the datetime module to find the difference
 in time between them.


Re: How to read such file and sumarize the data?

2010-11-18 Thread huisky
Thank you very much for your reply.
I think you just count the total number of NCPU used for each user.
And it does NOT show how much time used for each user.


On Nov 18, 12:10 am, Steve Holden wrote:
 On 11/17/2010 4:45 PM, huisky wrote: Say I have following log file, which 
 records the code usage.
  I want to read this file and do the summarize how much total CPU time
  consumed for each user.
  Is Python able to do so or say easy to achieve this?, anybody can give
  me some hints, appricate very much!

  Example log file.

 I'm assuming the following (unquoted) data is in file data.txt:

  LSTC license server version 224 started at Sun Dec  6 18:56:48 2009
  using configuration file /usr/local/lstc/server_data
  xyz LS-DYNA_971 NCPU=1 started Sun Dec  6
  18:57:40 completed Sun Dec  6 19:42:55
  xyz LS-DYNA_971 NCPU=2 started Sun Dec  6
  20:17:02 completed Sun Dec  6 20:26:03
  xyz LS-DYNA_971 NCPU=1 started Sun Dec  6
  21:01:17 completed Sun Dec  6 21:01:28
  tanhoi LS-DYNA_971 NCPU=1 started Mon
  Dec  7 09:31:00 presumed dead Mon Dec  7 10:36:48
  sabril LS-DYNA_971 NCPU=2 started Mon
  Dec  7 13:14:47 completed Mon Dec  7 13:24:07
  sabril LS-DYNA_971 NCPU=2 started Mon
  Dec  7 14:21:34
  sabril LS-DYNA_971 NCPU=2 started Mon
  Dec  7 14:28:42 killed Mon Dec  7 14:31:48 killed Mon Dec  7 14:32:06

 The line wrapping being wrong shouldn't affect the logic.

 $ cat
 lines = open(data.txt).readlines()
 from collections import defaultdict
 c = defaultdict(int)
 for line in lines:
     ls = line.split()
     if len(ls)  3 and ls[3].startswith(NCPU=):
         amt = int(ls[3][5:])
         c[ls[0]] += amt
 for key, value in c.items():
     print key, :, value

 $ python
 xyz : 4
 tanhoi : 1
 sabril : 6

 Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
 PyCon 2011 Atlanta March 9-17
 See Python Video!
 Holden Web LLC      


Re: Pickle in a POST/GET request give EOFError

2010-11-18 Thread Romaric DEFAUX

Thanks for the tip, I'll do that :)

Le 18/11/2010 09:43, Michael Ricordeau a écrit :


you can use json for passing list and dict .
Pickle is dangerous .

Instead of pickle.loads/pickle.dumps use json.loads and json.dumps
(using stdlib json in python= 2.6 or simplejson in python  2.6)


Le Thu, 18 Nov 2010 09:29:00 +0100,
Romaric  a écrit :


Le 17/11/2010 18:52, geremy condra a écrit :

On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 6:44 AM, Romaric   wrote:


Le 16/11/2010 17:47, Romaric DEFAUX a écrit :


Hi everybody !

First time I write to this mailing list :)
I started writing in python last week, that's probably why I can't
understand the following problem...

I create a list called web_site_list.
This list contain dictionaries called web_site.
And some values in this dictionaries are list too.

I do that in a function and I return this :
return pickle.dumps(web_site_list)

This is working fine :)

If I do :
print %s % pickle.loads(system.get_web_site_list())

I've got the right stuffs. For example it returns :
[{'documentroot_size': '120', 'servername': '---default---', 'client':
'undefined', 'documentroot': '/var/www/', 'client_contact': 'undefined',
'serveralias': []}]

I send this to a web service. I send it like that :
#I put it in params
def system_updateweb_site(server, login, password):
 params = {}
 params['login'] = login
 params['password'] = password
 params['action'] = 'updateweb_site'
 params['servername'] = get_servername()
 params['hosted_web_site'] = get_web_site_list()
 return call_system_ws(server, params)

#Here's how I send it (I tried in GET and POST)
def call_system_ws(host, params):
 query_string = urllib.urlencode(params)
#   f = urllib.urlopen(http://%s/ws?%s; % (host, query_string))
 f = urllib.urlopen(http://%s/ws; % (host), query_string)
 result = f.readline().strip()
 if result == 'ERROR':
 msg = f.readline().strip()
 return (False, msg)
 return (True, result)

On the server side :
 if action == 'updateweb_site':
 if not (fields.has_key('servername') and
 raise WSError('missing parameter :
servername or hosted_web_site')
 log ('ERROR : missing parameter :
servername or hosted_web_site')


 output =
systemserver.updateweb_site(cursor, servername, hosted_web_site)

In :
def updateweb_site(cursor, host, hosted_web_site):
 web_site_list = pickle.loads(hosted_web_site)
 return %s % (web_site_list)

I catch this error :*

type 'exceptions.EOFError'*:

args = ()
message = ''

Why ?

If I just print hosted_web_site, I get this on my web page :


It's the pickled view of
[{'documentroot_size': '120', 'servername': '---default---', 'client':
'undefined', 'documentroot': '/var/www/', 'client_contact': 'undefined',
'serveralias': []}]

Can someone help me please ? I spend my afternoon to google to try to find
a solution...

Thanks in advance !!!

Romaric Defaux


After entirely rewrite my code to not use Web service but socket (a real
client/server program) I finally found the problem... And it's not linked to
the POST or GET method...
It's because of that :
(escape_string is the function in MySQLdb library)
It escapes the simple quote of the pickled object, and break it...

It's good to know, NEVER escape a pickled object :)

Romaric Defaux


I'm not sure I understand what you're doing here, but I trust you've
read about and understand the security problems with pickle?

Geremy Condra


I read quickly the security problems with pickle. But I don't feel
concern about that because I run my program in a private network, not
over internet. And now I use socket to communicate on a non-standard
port, not anymore web service on the 80 port. If I plan to run it
through wan, I will encrypt datas for sure with SSL or something like
that :)

Romaric Defaux


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

I have a question about JavaFit

2010-11-18 Thread Bill Fishbaugher
I was searching online to find more info about JavaFit and I came across your 
Can you tell me, are you still involved with JavaFit? If you are, how are 
things going for you?
Please let me know.


Re: String multi-replace

2010-11-18 Thread Peter Otten
Sorin Schwimmer wrote:

 I have to eliminate diacritics in a fairly large file.
 Inspired by, I came up with the
 following code:

Here's the unicode.translate()-based approach spelt out:


Re: Some syntactic sugar proposals

2010-11-18 Thread Mark Wooding
Steven D'Aprano writes:

 On Wed, 17 Nov 2010 16:31:40 +, Mark Wooding wrote:

  But I don't think that's the big problem with this proposal.  The real
  problem is that it completely changes the evaluation rule for the
  conditional expression.  (The evaluation rule is already pretty screwy:
  Python is consistently left-to-right -- except here.)

 Not quite...


You're wrong.  Python evaluates these left-to-right, as I said.
Parentheses override operator associativity; they don't affect
evaluation order at all.


def say(x):
  print 'seen %s' % x
  return x

print say(1) + say(2) * say(3)
print (say(1) + say(2)) * say(3)

Run this program and you get

seen 1
seen 2
seen 3
seen 1
seen 2
seen 3

So definitely left-to-right.  Translating into reverse-Polish, say with
Dijkstra's shunting-yard algorithm, is enlightening: you get

1 2 3 * +

for the first and

1 2 + 3 *

for the second.  This preserves evaluation order; indeed, this is a
general property of the shunting-yard algorithm.

Finally, I quote from the language reference (5.13 of the 2.5 version),
just to show that (this time, at least) I'm not trying to impose
unfamiliar terminology, and that Python is defined to behave like this
and I'm not relying on implementation-specific details.  Alas, it also
highlights a genuine inconsistency, but one which might be considered

: 5.13 Evaluation order
: =
: Python evaluates expressions from left to right. Notice that while
: evaluating an assignment, the right-hand side is evaluated before the
: left-hand side.
: In the following lines, expressions will be evaluated in the
: arithmetic order of their suffixes:
:  expr1, expr2, expr3, expr4
:  (expr1, expr2, expr3, expr4)
:  {expr1: expr2, expr3: expr4}
:  expr1 + expr2 * (expr3 - expr4)
:  func(expr1, expr2, *expr3, **expr4)
:  expr3, expr4 = expr1, expr2

So the above example is /explicitly/ dealt with in the language
reference, if only you'd cared to look.

 Not everything needs to be a one liner. If you need this, do it the old-
 fashioned way:

 t = foo()
 if not pred(t): t = default_value

I already explained how to write it as a one-liner:

t = (lambda y: y if pred(y) else default_value)(foo())

-- [mdw]

Re: I have a question about JavaFit

2010-11-18 Thread Chris Rebert
We are a technical discussion maillinglist. About a computer
programming language. Named Python.
An unrelated computer programming language which happens to be named
Java also exists, but is not this mailinglist's topic of discussion.
Some computer programmers personally consume a lot of coffee, but
aside from that, as a group, this maillinglist's members have nothing
to do with Javalution Coffee Company or their JavaFit coffee
To put it simply, you're barking up entirely the wrong tree.
How exactly were you led to believe that had
anything to do with JavaFit in the first place?

Chris, random maillinglist subscriber

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Bill Fishbaugher wrote:

 I was searching online to find more info about JavaFit and I came across your 

 Can you tell me, are you still involved with JavaFit? If you are, how are 
 things going for you?

 Please let me know.


Re: Pickle in a POST/GET request give EOFError

2010-11-18 Thread Romaric DEFAUX

Hi again,

I try simplejson, but I have a problem. (I just replace pickle 
everywhere by simplejson)

Here's a test I did :
# python
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Jan 20 2010, 21:48:48)
[GCC 4.2.4 (Ubuntu 4.2.4-1ubuntu3)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import simplejson
 disk_list = []
 disk = {}
 disk['name'] = disk1
 disk['size'] = 52428800
 print disk_list
[{'name': 'disk1', 'size': '52428800'}]
 disk = {}
 disk['name'] = disk2
 disk['size'] = 647648
 print disk_list
[{'name': 'disk1', 'size': '52428800'}, {'name': 'disk2', 'size': '647648'}]
 disk_list_json = simplejson.dumps(disk_list)
 print disk_list_json
[{name: disk1, size: 52428800}, {name: disk2, size: 647648}]
 disk_list2 = simplejson.loads(disk_list_json)
 print disk_list2
[{u'name': u'disk1', u'size': u'52428800'}, {u'name': u'disk2', u'size': 

 print repr(disk_list_json)
'[{name: disk1, size: 52428800}, {name: disk2, size: 

Explanation :
I dumps with json a list of dictionnaries into disk_list_json.
When I loads it, I don't get my list of dictionnaries like before (see 
disk_list2). It adds u letter everywhere.

Why ?
Thanks for help !

Romaric Defaux

Le 18/11/2010 09:43, Michael Ricordeau a écrit :


you can use json for passing list and dict .
Pickle is dangerous .

Instead of pickle.loads/pickle.dumps use json.loads and json.dumps
(using stdlib json in python= 2.6 or simplejson in python  2.6)


Le Thu, 18 Nov 2010 09:29:00 +0100,
Romaric  a écrit :


Le 17/11/2010 18:52, geremy condra a écrit :

On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 6:44 AM, Romaric   wrote:


Le 16/11/2010 17:47, Romaric DEFAUX a écrit :


Hi everybody !

First time I write to this mailing list :)
I started writing in python last week, that's probably why I can't
understand the following problem...

I create a list called web_site_list.
This list contain dictionaries called web_site.
And some values in this dictionaries are list too.

I do that in a function and I return this :
return pickle.dumps(web_site_list)

This is working fine :)

If I do :
print %s % pickle.loads(system.get_web_site_list())

I've got the right stuffs. For example it returns :
[{'documentroot_size': '120', 'servername': '---default---', 'client':
'undefined', 'documentroot': '/var/www/', 'client_contact': 'undefined',
'serveralias': []}]

I send this to a web service. I send it like that :
#I put it in params
def system_updateweb_site(server, login, password):
 params = {}
 params['login'] = login
 params['password'] = password
 params['action'] = 'updateweb_site'
 params['servername'] = get_servername()
 params['hosted_web_site'] = get_web_site_list()
 return call_system_ws(server, params)

#Here's how I send it (I tried in GET and POST)
def call_system_ws(host, params):
 query_string = urllib.urlencode(params)
#   f = urllib.urlopen(http://%s/ws?%s; % (host, query_string))
 f = urllib.urlopen(http://%s/ws; % (host), query_string)
 result = f.readline().strip()
 if result == 'ERROR':
 msg = f.readline().strip()
 return (False, msg)
 return (True, result)

On the server side :
 if action == 'updateweb_site':
 if not (fields.has_key('servername') and
 raise WSError('missing parameter :
servername or hosted_web_site')
 log ('ERROR : missing parameter :
servername or hosted_web_site')


 output =
systemserver.updateweb_site(cursor, servername, hosted_web_site)

In :
def updateweb_site(cursor, host, hosted_web_site):
 web_site_list = pickle.loads(hosted_web_site)
 return %s % (web_site_list)

I catch this error :*

type 'exceptions.EOFError'*:

args = ()
message = ''

Why ?

If I just print hosted_web_site, I get this on my web page :


It's the pickled view of
[{'documentroot_size': '120', 'servername': '---default---', 'client':
'undefined', 'documentroot': '/var/www/', 'client_contact': 'undefined',
'serveralias': []}]

Can someone help me please ? I spend my afternoon to google to try to find
a solution...

Thanks in advance !!!

Romaric Defaux


After entirely rewrite my code to not use Web service but socket (a real

Re: Pickle in a POST/GET request give EOFError

2010-11-18 Thread Michael Ricordeau
When loading from json datas with simplejson, strings are unicode . 

Le Thu, 18 Nov 2010 11:22:30 +0100,
Romaric DEFAUX a écrit :

 Hi again,
 I try simplejson, but I have a problem. (I just replace pickle 
 everywhere by simplejson)
 Here's a test I did :
 # python
 Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Jan 20 2010, 21:48:48)
 [GCC 4.2.4 (Ubuntu 4.2.4-1ubuntu3)] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
   import simplejson
   disk_list = []
   disk = {}
   disk['name'] = disk1
   disk['size'] = 52428800
   print disk_list
 [{'name': 'disk1', 'size': '52428800'}]
   disk = {}
   disk['name'] = disk2
   disk['size'] = 647648
   print disk_list
 [{'name': 'disk1', 'size': '52428800'}, {'name': 'disk2', 'size': '647648'}]
   disk_list_json = simplejson.dumps(disk_list)
   print disk_list_json
 [{name: disk1, size: 52428800}, {name: disk2, size: 647648}]
   disk_list2 = simplejson.loads(disk_list_json)
   print disk_list2
 [{u'name': u'disk1', u'size': u'52428800'}, {u'name': u'disk2', u'size': 
   print repr(disk_list_json)
 '[{name: disk1, size: 52428800}, {name: disk2, size: 
 Explanation :
 I dumps with json a list of dictionnaries into disk_list_json.
 When I loads it, I don't get my list of dictionnaries like before (see 
 disk_list2). It adds u letter everywhere.
 Why ?
 Thanks for help !
 Romaric Defaux
 Le 18/11/2010 09:43, Michael Ricordeau a écrit :
  you can use json for passing list and dict .
  Pickle is dangerous .
  Instead of pickle.loads/pickle.dumps use json.loads and json.dumps
  (using stdlib json in python= 2.6 or simplejson in python  2.6)
  Le Thu, 18 Nov 2010 09:29:00 +0100,
  Romaric  a écrit :
  Le 17/11/2010 18:52, geremy condra a écrit :
  On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 6:44 AM, Romaric   wrote:
  Le 16/11/2010 17:47, Romaric DEFAUX a écrit :
  Hi everybody !
  First time I write to this mailing list :)
  I started writing in python last week, that's probably why I can't
  understand the following problem...
  I create a list called web_site_list.
  This list contain dictionaries called web_site.
  And some values in this dictionaries are list too.
  I do that in a function and I return this :
  return pickle.dumps(web_site_list)
  This is working fine :)
  If I do :
  print %s % pickle.loads(system.get_web_site_list())
  I've got the right stuffs. For example it returns :
  [{'documentroot_size': '120', 'servername': '---default---', 'client':
  'undefined', 'documentroot': '/var/www/', 'client_contact': 'undefined',
  'serveralias': []}]
  I send this to a web service. I send it like that :
  #I put it in params
  def system_updateweb_site(server, login, password):
   params = {}
   params['login'] = login
   params['password'] = password
   params['action'] = 'updateweb_site'
   params['servername'] = get_servername()
   params['hosted_web_site'] = get_web_site_list()
   return call_system_ws(server, params)
  #Here's how I send it (I tried in GET and POST)
  def call_system_ws(host, params):
   query_string = urllib.urlencode(params)
  #   f = urllib.urlopen(http://%s/ws?%s; % (host, query_string))
   f = urllib.urlopen(http://%s/ws; % (host), query_string)
   result = f.readline().strip()
   if result == 'ERROR':
   msg = f.readline().strip()
   return (False, msg)
   return (True, result)
  On the server side :
   if action == 'updateweb_site':
   if not (fields.has_key('servername') 
   raise WSError('missing 
  parameter :
  servername or hosted_web_site')
   log ('ERROR : missing 
  parameter :
  servername or hosted_web_site')
   output =
  systemserver.updateweb_site(cursor, servername, hosted_web_site)
  In :
  def updateweb_site(cursor, host, hosted_web_site):
   web_site_list = pickle.loads(hosted_web_site)
   return %s % (web_site_list)
  I catch this error :*
  type 'exceptions.EOFError'*:
  args = ()
  message = ''
  Why ?
  If I just print hosted_web_site, I get this on my web page :
  It's the 

Re: strange subprocess behavior when calling ps

2010-11-18 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Roger Davis wrote:

Completely off topic but I think the try clause could be rewritten that way:
Don't use bare except clause, you're masking syntax errors for instance,
which will be flagged as 'unexpected error in generation 
In a more general manner, if something unexpected happens it's better to
just let the exception raise uncought. If you want to handle some
errors, meaning you're kindof expecting them then add a explicit clause
(like you did with KeyboardInterrupt).


PS : except Exception : will catch most of the exceptions (all
inheriting from that class). It's better than using a bare except :
clause. (Exception won't catch SyntaxError)

Thanks for the suggestion JM, it is off-topic and, although I will
first just say that the exception mechanism is *not* one of the
reasons I use Python (and stop there with regard to the whole
exception mechanism and various usage strategies in general), I do
have a few specific questions about a couple of your statements if you
don't mind following up.

First, inserting a syntax error into my existing code does not hide a
SyntaxError exception as you have stated:

% cat
import os
import sys
import subprocess

def main():

psargs= [/bin/ps, -e]
ps= subprocess.Popen(psargs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, 
psout= ps.communicate()[0]
pslines= psout.splitlines()
if pslines not good Python talky-talk
for line in pslines:
print %s % line
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print Keyboard interrupt received -- terminating.
print %s: unexpected error in generation of system process 
list %


% ./
  File ./, line 14
if pslines not good Python talky-talk
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

It appears that the interpreter is catching the syntax error before
the code is even executed.

That's right, 'cause my example is approximative. You would need to 
import that file.

A better example would be to fire a NameError exception.
In the above code of fix the syntax error, but replace for line in 
pslines by for line in psLines. note the typo, very common mistake.

Then see how the error is hidden by your handler.

Second,'s exception hierarchy documentation (Section 6.1 at shows all exception
types except SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt and GeneratorExit as being
descendants of Exception. This includes SyntaxError, a child of
StandardError which is itself a child of Exception. So, if I say
'except Exception:' then isn't that clause going to process any child
exception type of Exception (including SyntaxError) that I haven't
already covered in a separate except clause?
You're absolutely right. Using Exception is bad, using bare except is 
even worse. Exception is slightly better than except because you can at 
least get the exception instance that has been raised, print it in your 
handler, so you don't loose information (well, with a bare except you 
can still inspect some sys objects to get info about the last exception 
but it's a bit hackish).

 (Except of course that my
interpreter doesn't seem to treat a syntax error as any kind of
exception at all!)

Finally, and this does not apply to your comments in particular, in
researching around about exception handling I often see the usage

   except Exception, e:

suggested, but can't for the life of me figure out what the heck the
', e' part does. Can anybody explain what this means and why it might
be desirable (or not)?



Exception is the class, e is an instance of that class that has been 
actually fired, it contains informations, most of the time a message. 
This syntax has changed in python 3 I think, that would mean that you're 
right to be confused, this python 2 syntax is ... strange...

import sys

# what if someone writes sys.hihi ?
   raise AttributeError(sys object has no attribute 'hihi')
except Exception, e:
   print e.args
   print e.__class__
   print e.message
   print e.__doc__

(sys object has no attribute 'hihi',)
type 'exceptions.AttributeError'
sys object has no attribute 'hihi'
Attribute not found.

Apart from all these details, just keep in mind this golden rule:
- Don't use bare except clause.
And you'll be fine.



Re: How to run an EXE, with argument, capture output value

2010-11-18 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Tim Harig wrote:

On 2010-11-18, noydb wrote:

I have an executable that I want to run within python code.  The exe
requires an input text file, the user to click a 'compute' button, and
then the exe calculates several output values, one of which I want to
capture into a variable.  Can I use Python to supply the input file,
execute the exe and capture the output value, like such that the exe
really doesn't need to be 'seen'?  Or, would the user still have to
click the 'compute' button?

Any code snippets or guidance would be very much appreciated.  I have
found that

import os

will run the exe.  And, maybe these execl/execle/execlp/etc functions
might be what I need for adding in the argument, but documentation
seems to indicate that these do not return output.  ??

If you are not already, I would highly suggest using Python3 with the
subprocess module:

It puts everything in one place and supercedes the exec* functions which
where a PITA.  You can 95% of what you need simply using
subprocess.Popen().  There are several examples from this group in the past
few days; but, the process looks something like this:

Python 3.1.2 (r312:79147, Oct  9 2010, 00:16:06)
[GCC 4.4.4] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import subprocess
 pig = subprocess.Popen([/usr/games/pig], stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
 result = pig.communicate(input=bThis is sample text.\n)
Isthay isway amplesay exttay.

Suggesting subprocess is a good idea, *highly* suggesting python3 is 
questionable. The above code works in python 2. Many libraries (those 
included batteries) have not been ported yet to python 3.

Py3 is a better core language than py2, but for now, less featured.


Re: Pickle in a POST/GET request give EOFError

2010-11-18 Thread Romaric DEFAUX

Sorry for this stupid question, but how can I convert unicode to string.
I ask that because I hit an error (perhaps a bug) in mod_wsgi, and that 
crash the apache process :

TypeError: sequence of string values expected, value of type unicode found
RuntimeError: generator ignored GeneratorExit
child pid 16211 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

Romaric Defaux

Le 18/11/2010 11:26, Michael Ricordeau a écrit :

When loading from json datas with simplejson, strings are unicode .

Le Thu, 18 Nov 2010 11:22:30 +0100,
Romaric  a écrit :


Hi again,

I try simplejson, but I have a problem. (I just replace pickle
everywhere by simplejson)

Here's a test I did :
# python
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Jan 20 2010, 21:48:48)
[GCC 4.2.4 (Ubuntu 4.2.4-1ubuntu3)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
import simplejson
disk_list = []
disk = {}
disk['name'] = disk1
disk['size'] = 52428800
print disk_list
[{'name': 'disk1', 'size': '52428800'}]
disk = {}
disk['name'] = disk2
disk['size'] = 647648
print disk_list
[{'name': 'disk1', 'size': '52428800'}, {'name': 'disk2', 'size': '647648'}]
disk_list_json = simplejson.dumps(disk_list)
print disk_list_json
[{name: disk1, size: 52428800}, {name: disk2, size: 647648}]
disk_list2 = simplejson.loads(disk_list_json)
print disk_list2
[{u'name': u'disk1', u'size': u'52428800'}, {u'name': u'disk2', u'size':
print repr(disk_list_json)
'[{name: disk1, size: 52428800}, {name: disk2, size:

Explanation :
I dumps with json a list of dictionnaries into disk_list_json.
When I loads it, I don't get my list of dictionnaries like before (see
disk_list2). It adds u letter everywhere.
Why ?
Thanks for help !

Romaric Defaux

Le 18/11/2010 09:43, Michael Ricordeau a écrit :


you can use json for passing list and dict .
Pickle is dangerous .

Instead of pickle.loads/pickle.dumps use json.loads and json.dumps
(using stdlib json in python= 2.6 or simplejson in python   2.6)


Le Thu, 18 Nov 2010 09:29:00 +0100,
Romaric   a écrit :


Le 17/11/2010 18:52, geremy condra a écrit :


On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 6:44 AM, Romaric DEFAUXr...@audaxis.comwrote:


Le 16/11/2010 17:47, Romaric DEFAUX a écrit :


Hi everybody !

First time I write to this mailing list :)
I started writing in python last week, that's probably why I can't
understand the following problem...

I create a list called web_site_list.
This list contain dictionaries called web_site.
And some values in this dictionaries are list too.

I do that in a function and I return this :
return pickle.dumps(web_site_list)

This is working fine :)

If I do :
print %s % pickle.loads(system.get_web_site_list())

I've got the right stuffs. For example it returns :
[{'documentroot_size': '120', 'servername': '---default---', 'client':
'undefined', 'documentroot': '/var/www/', 'client_contact': 'undefined',
'serveralias': []}]

I send this to a web service. I send it like that :
#I put it in params
def system_updateweb_site(server, login, password):
  params = {}
  params['login'] = login
  params['password'] = password
  params['action'] = 'updateweb_site'
  params['servername'] = get_servername()
  params['hosted_web_site'] = get_web_site_list()
  return call_system_ws(server, params)

#Here's how I send it (I tried in GET and POST)
def call_system_ws(host, params):
  query_string = urllib.urlencode(params)
#   f = urllib.urlopen(http://%s/ws?%s; % (host, query_string))
  f = urllib.urlopen(http://%s/ws; % (host), query_string)
  result = f.readline().strip()
  if result == 'ERROR':
  msg = f.readline().strip()
  return (False, msg)
  return (True, result)

On the server side :
  if action == 'updateweb_site':
  if not (fields.has_key('servername') and
  raise WSError('missing parameter :
servername or hosted_web_site')
  log ('ERROR : missing parameter :
servername or hosted_web_site')


  output =
systemserver.updateweb_site(cursor, servername, hosted_web_site)

In :
def updateweb_site(cursor, host, hosted_web_site):
  web_site_list = pickle.loads(hosted_web_site)
  return %s % (web_site_list)

I catch this error :*

type 'exceptions.EOFError'*:

args = ()
message = ''

Why ?

If I just print hosted_web_site, I get this on my 

Re: Pickle in a POST/GET request give EOFError

2010-11-18 Thread Romaric DEFAUX

Hi answer to myself :)

With str(unicode_string) !

Le 18/11/2010 12:23, Romaric DEFAUX a écrit :

Sorry for this stupid question, but how can I convert unicode to string.
I ask that because I hit an error (perhaps a bug) in mod_wsgi, and 
that crash the apache process :

TypeError: sequence of string values expected, value of type unicode 

RuntimeError: generator ignored GeneratorExit
child pid 16211 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

Romaric Defaux

Le 18/11/2010 11:26, Michael Ricordeau a écrit :

When loading from json datas with simplejson, strings are unicode .

Le Thu, 18 Nov 2010 11:22:30 +0100,
Romaric  a écrit :

Hi again,

I try simplejson, but I have a problem. (I just replace pickle
everywhere by simplejson)

Here's a test I did :
# python
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Jan 20 2010, 21:48:48)
[GCC 4.2.4 (Ubuntu 4.2.4-1ubuntu3)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import simplejson
  disk_list = []
  disk = {}
  disk['name'] = disk1
  disk['size'] = 52428800
  print disk_list
[{'name': 'disk1', 'size': '52428800'}]
  disk = {}
  disk['name'] = disk2
  disk['size'] = 647648
  print disk_list
[{'name': 'disk1', 'size': '52428800'}, {'name': 'disk2', 'size': 

  disk_list_json = simplejson.dumps(disk_list)
  print disk_list_json
[{name: disk1, size: 52428800}, {name: disk2, size: 

  disk_list2 = simplejson.loads(disk_list_json)
  print disk_list2
[{u'name': u'disk1', u'size': u'52428800'}, {u'name': u'disk2', 

  print repr(disk_list_json)
'[{name: disk1, size: 52428800}, {name: disk2, size:

Explanation :
I dumps with json a list of dictionnaries into disk_list_json.
When I loads it, I don't get my list of dictionnaries like before 

disk_list2). It adds u letter everywhere.
Why ?
Thanks for help !

Romaric Defaux

Le 18/11/2010 09:43, Michael Ricordeau a écrit :


you can use json for passing list and dict .
Pickle is dangerous .

Instead of pickle.loads/pickle.dumps use json.loads and json.dumps
(using stdlib json in python= 2.6 or simplejson in python   2.6)


Le Thu, 18 Nov 2010 09:29:00 +0100,
Romaric   a écrit :

Le 17/11/2010 18:52, geremy condra a écrit :

On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 6:44 AM, Romaric 

Le 16/11/2010 17:47, Romaric DEFAUX a écrit :

Hi everybody !

First time I write to this mailing list :)
I started writing in python last week, that's probably why I can't
understand the following problem...

I create a list called web_site_list.
This list contain dictionaries called web_site.
And some values in this dictionaries are list too.

I do that in a function and I return this :
return pickle.dumps(web_site_list)

This is working fine :)

If I do :
print %s % pickle.loads(system.get_web_site_list())

I've got the right stuffs. For example it returns :
[{'documentroot_size': '120', 'servername': '---default---', 
'undefined', 'documentroot': '/var/www/', 'client_contact': 

'serveralias': []}]

I send this to a web service. I send it like that :
#I put it in params
def system_updateweb_site(server, login, password):
  params = {}
  params['login'] = login
  params['password'] = password
  params['action'] = 'updateweb_site'
  params['servername'] = get_servername()
  params['hosted_web_site'] = get_web_site_list()
  return call_system_ws(server, params)

#Here's how I send it (I tried in GET and POST)
def call_system_ws(host, params):
  query_string = urllib.urlencode(params)
#   f = urllib.urlopen(http://%s/ws?%s; % (host, 

  f = urllib.urlopen(http://%s/ws; % (host), 

  result = f.readline().strip()
  if result == 'ERROR':
  msg = f.readline().strip()
  return (False, msg)
  return (True, result)

On the server side :
  if action == 'updateweb_site':
  if not 
(fields.has_key('servername') and

WSError('missing parameter :

servername or hosted_web_site')
  log ('ERROR : missing 
parameter :

servername or hosted_web_site')


  output =
systemserver.updateweb_site(cursor, servername, hosted_web_site)

In :
def updateweb_site(cursor, host, hosted_web_site):
  web_site_list = pickle.loads(hosted_web_site)
  return %s % (web_site_list)

I catch this error :*

type 'exceptions.EOFError'*:

args = ()
message = ''

Why ?

If I just print 

Re: Does Pygoogle allows for advanced search options?

2010-11-18 Thread neocortex
 The library doesn't seem to have built-in support for filtering by
 language (and Google lacks a search query-string-based operator for
 that), but it looks like you could implement that feature by adding an
 lr parameter with an appropriate value to the query `args`
 dictionary. See the lr? entry under Web Search Specific Arguments
 on, and
 lines 68  102 of

From those lines, it can be concluded that lr=lang_?? is not
supported, unfortunately. And, when I execute, I get an error.
Is there any other way to get Google search from Python? I really need
only number of hits.


Re: String multi-replace

2010-11-18 Thread MRAB

On 18/11/2010 04:30, Benjamin Kaplan wrote:

On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 11:21 PM, Sorin  wrote:

Hi All,

I have to eliminate diacritics in a fairly large file.

Inspired by, I came up with the 
following code:

#! /usr/bin/env python

import re

nodia={chr(196)+chr(130):'A', # mamaliga
   chr(195)+chr(130):'A', # A^
   chr(195)+chr(142):'I', # I^
   chr(195)+chr(150):'O', # OE
   chr(195)+chr(156):'U', # UE
   chr(195)+chr(139):'A', # AE
   chr(196)+chr(131):'a', # mamaliga
   chr(195)+chr(162):'a', # a^
   chr(195)+chr(174):'i', # i^
   chr(195)+chr(182):'o', # oe
   chr(195)+chr(188):'u', # ue
   chr(195)+chr(164):'a', # ae

regex = re.compile((%s) % |.join(map(re.escape, nodia.keys(
print regex.sub(lambda mo: dict[mo.string[mo.start():mo.end()]], name)

But it won't work; I end up with:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 25, inmodule
print regex.sub(lambda mo: dict[mo.string[mo.start():mo.end()]], name)
  File, line 25, inlambda
print regex.sub(lambda mo: dict[mo.string[mo.start():mo.end()]], name)
TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your advice,

dict is a type, not a dict. Your dict is called nodia. I'm guess
that's what you meant to use.

Could I also suggest that you use:

instead of:


with HTTPConnection as conn:

2010-11-18 Thread trylks

Would it be possible to use a with statement with an HTTPConnection object?

I know it is not possible at this moment, it doesn't implement an
__exit__ method, at least in version 3.1.1. I was wondering if the
__exit__ method should do something more than conn.close(), something
really hard or impossible, or if there are more requisites to use the
with statement beside of implementing that method. So far it seems
easy, useful and not done yet, so I'm probably mistaken about
something, and wondering what may that be.

Thank you.

Re: with HTTPConnection as conn:

2010-11-18 Thread Chris Rebert
On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 3:46 AM, trylks wrote:

 Would it be possible to use a with statement with an HTTPConnection object?

Yes, via

from httplib import HTTPConnection
from contextlib import closing

with closing(HTTPConnection(...)) as conn:
# do whatever
# connection now closed


How to correctly pass “pointer-to-pointer” into DLL via ctypes?

2010-11-18 Thread Grigory Petrov

I have a DLL that allocates memory and returns it. Function in DLL is like this:

void Foo( unsigned char** ppMem, int* pSize )
  * pSize = 4;
  * ppMem = malloc( * pSize );
  for( int i = 0; i  * pSize; i ++ ) (* pMem)[ i ] = i;

Also, i have a python code that access this function from my DLL:

from ctypes import *
Foo = windll.mydll.Foo
Foo.argtypes = [ POINTER( POINTER( c_ubyte ) ), POINTER( c_int ) ]
mem = POINTER( c_ubyte )()
size = c_int( 0 )
Foo( byref( mem ), byref( size ) ]
print size, mem[ 0 ], mem[ 1 ], mem[ 2 ], mem[ 3 ]

I'm expecting that print will show 4 0 1 2 3 but it shows 4 221 221
221 221 O_O. Any hints what i'm doing wrong?

Re: MATLAB to Python?

2010-11-18 Thread MATLABdude
On Nov 17, 10:04 am, MATLABdude wrote:

Thanks guys!

I still have some problems. I made the code somewhat simpler by
dropping off some parts of it (xx, f).

Now my Python code calculates 8 different values for lambda. The
problem is that I don't know where the minus sign comes from. Also the
values themselves are not identical compared to the values of the
MATLAB program. | nonhomog.m
-0.774244159818 | 0.9976
-0.823595831818 | 0.9969
-0.774374006419 | 0.5464
-1.0| -54.3440
-0.774244172803 | 0.9976
-0.774244289666 | 0.9976
-0.823595831818 | 0.9969
-1.0| 0.9674

The new Python code can be found here:

Re: Is Unladen Swallow dead?

2010-11-18 Thread BartC
John Nagle wrote in message 

On 11/16/2010 10:24 PM, swapnil wrote:

AFAIK, the merging plan was approved by Guido early this year. I guess
Google is expecting the community to drive the project from here on.
That was the whole idea for merging it to mainline. From my last
conversation with Collin, they are targeting Python 3.3

I think it's dead.  They're a year behind on quarterly releases.
The last release was Q3 2009.  The project failed to achieve its
stated goal of a 5x speedup. Not even close.  More like 1.5x

There must have been good reasons to predict a 5x increase. But why did it 
take so long to find out the approach wasn't going anywhere?

Assuming the 5x speedup was shown to be viable (ie. performing the same 
benchmarks, on the same data, can be done that quickly in any other 
language, and allowing for the overheads associated with Python's dynamic 
nature), then what went wrong?

(I've had a look at the benchmarks, with a view to trying some on other 
languages, and they seem an extraordinarily difficult bunch to work with.)

The Google blog at; 
says, as of November 8, 2010:

So Google has pulled the plug on Unladen Swallow.  It looks
like they underestimated the difficulty of speeding up the CPython
model.  The performance improvement achieved was so low
that cluttering up CPython with a JIT system and LLVM probably is
a lose.

LLVM. Ok, that explains a lot. (LLVM is a huge, complex system).



Re: argparse subparser problem

2010-11-18 Thread Sven

On 2010-11-16 14:35:01 -0500, Neal Becker said:

I want to have subparsers, but I also want to be able to say:

myprogram --version
and get the version #

Would it not be possible to print the version number and then exit the 
program before building the subparser?


import argparse

def stop():

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument ('--version', action='store_true')

# if --version print version
# sys.exit(0)

subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()

parser_stop = subparsers.add_parser ('stop')
parser_stop.add_argument ('stop', action='store_true')
parser_stop.set_defaults (func=stop)

opt = parser.parse_args (['--version'])



Re: MATLAB to Python?

2010-11-18 Thread MRAB

On 18/11/2010 12:16, MATLABdude wrote:

On Nov 17, 10:04 am,  wrote:

Thanks guys!

I still have some problems. I made the code somewhat simpler by
dropping off some parts of it (xx, f).

Now my Python code calculates 8 different values for lambda. The
problem is that I don't know where the minus sign comes from. Also the
values themselves are not identical compared to the values of the
MATLAB program. | nonhomog.m
-0.774244159818 | 0.9976
-0.823595831818 | 0.9969
-0.774374006419 | 0.5464
-1.0| -54.3440
-0.774244172803 | 0.9976
-0.774244289666 | 0.9976
-0.823595831818 | 0.9969
-1.0| 0.9674

The new Python code can be found here:

Don't use:

from math import *
from numpy import *
from scipy import *

because you'll never be sure where a name comes from!

Also, check for accidental integer division. (In Python 2 integer /
integer returns integer.)

Re: Pickle in a POST/GET request give EOFError

2010-11-18 Thread Adam Tauno Williams
On Thu, 2010-11-18 at 11:22 +0100, Romaric DEFAUX wrote: 
 Hi again,
 I try simplejson, but I have a problem. (I just replace pickle 
 everywhere by simplejson)
 Explanation :
 I dumps with json a list of dictionnaries into disk_list_json.
 When I loads it, I don't get my list of dictionnaries like before (see 
 disk_list2). It adds u letter everywhere.

Correct; I strongly disagree with the assertion to use JSON over Pickle.
Pickle is superior for serialization - JSON does not preserve type.  Use
Pickle when possible.  JSON is best for communicating simple data to
stupid clients [web browsers].  JSON doesn't know about dates, it
doesn't know about string vs. unicode, etc...

Adam Tauno Williams


Re: What was your strategy?

2010-11-18 Thread Lou Pecora
In article,
 Steve Holden wrote:

 On 11/16/2010 2:22 PM, Lou Pecora wrote:
  I'll jump in and recommend the book Python in a Nutshell by Martelli.  
  It may be a little dated now, but it covers many Python topics in good 
  detail without becoming a bloated reference. Nicely written.  It's still 
  the first book I reach for after 6 years of Python coding and it rarely 
 It's encyclopedic.

Indeed.  I hope Martelli updates it.  I'd buy another copy right away.

-- Lou Pecora

Re: String multi-replace

2010-11-18 Thread Dave Angel

On 2:59 PM, Sorin Schwimmer wrote:

Steven D'Aprano: the original file is 139MB (that's the typical size for it). 
Eliminating diacritics is just a little toping on the cake; the processing is 
something else.

Thanks anyway for your suggestion,

PS Perhaps I should have mention that I'm on Python 2.7

In the message you were replying to, Steven had a much more important 
suggestion to make than the size one, and you apparently didn't notice 
it.  Chris made a similar implication.  I'll try a third time.

The file is obviously encoded, and you know the encoding.  Judging from 
the first entry in your table, it's in utf-8.  If so, then your approach 
is all wrong.  Treating it as a pile of bytes, and replacing pairs is 
likely to get you in trouble, since it's quite possible that you may 
get  a match with the last byte of one character and the first byte of 
another one.  If you substitute such a match, you'll make a hash of the 
whole region, and quite likely end up with a byte stream that is no 
longer even utf-8.

Fortunately, you can solve that problem, and simplify your code greatly 
in the bargain, by doing something like what was suggested by Steven.

Change your map of encoded bytes into unicode_nodia, using 
decode(utf-8) on the keys, and u on the values

Read in each line of the file, decode it to the unicode it represents, 
and do a simple translate once it's valid unicode.

Assuming the line is in utf-8, use
  uni = line.decode(utf-8)
  newuni = uni.trans(unicode_nodia)
  newutf8 = newuni.encode(utf-8)

incidentally, to see what a given byte pair in your table is, you can do 
something like:

   import unicodedata
   a = chr(196)+chr(130)



Re: Program, Application, and Software

2010-11-18 Thread Martin Gregorie
On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 01:16:34 +, MRAB wrote:

 I'd probably say that a script is a program which is normally not
 interactive: you just set it up, start it, and let it do its work (a
 batch script, for example). It's also written in a language primarily
 designed for convenience rather than speed (Want to manipulate large
 chunks of text? Fine! :-)).

I use 'script' to refer to programs written in languages that don't have 
a separate compile phase which must be run before the program can be 
executed. IOW Python and Perl programs are scripts aloing with programs 
written as awk, Javascript and bash scripts.

martin@   | Martin Gregorie
gregorie. | Essex, UK
org   |

Re: What was your strategy?

2010-11-18 Thread brf256
+2 I also agree. 

- Braden Faulkner
-Original Message-
From: Lou Pecora
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 09:05:59 
Subject: Re: What was your strategy?

In article,
 Steve Holden wrote:

 On 11/16/2010 2:22 PM, Lou Pecora wrote:
  I'll jump in and recommend the book Python in a Nutshell by Martelli.  
  It may be a little dated now, but it covers many Python topics in good 
  detail without becoming a bloated reference. Nicely written.  It's still 
  the first book I reach for after 6 years of Python coding and it rarely 
 It's encyclopedic.

Indeed.  I hope Martelli updates it.  I'd buy another copy right away.

-- Lou Pecora


Twisted on Windows

2010-11-18 Thread Bryan Richardson
Hello All,

First off I must say that Twisted is a very nice event driven I/O
package indeed. Thanks to all the developers who have contributed to
it, as it's made my life much easier.

Now for my question...

I have a custom server application, and I have it structured as such:

MyServerApp/ -- root directory

In my file, which is a Twistd config file that can be
executed with twistd -ny, I have the following import line:

from foo.factory import MyServerFactory

When I run 'twistd -ny' on my Linux machine from within the
root MyServerApp directory, all works as expected. However, when I try
to do the same thing on a Windows machine using the twistd script that
gets installed, I get an error saying that foo.factory cannot be
found. However, if I modify my file on Windows to just
create the factory and start the reactor, I can run it just fine with
'python' even though it still has the import line for

Bottom line is, on Windows, the python executable can find my custom
module in a sub directory but the twistd script cannot. Any ideas why
this is?


Re: with HTTPConnection as conn:

2010-11-18 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 12:46:07 +0100
trylks wrote:
 Would it be possible to use a with statement with an HTTPConnection object?
 I know it is not possible at this moment, it doesn't implement an
 __exit__ method, at least in version 3.1.1. I was wondering if the
 __exit__ method should do something more than conn.close(), something
 really hard or impossible, or if there are more requisites to use the
 with statement beside of implementing that method. So far it seems
 easy, useful and not done yet, so I'm probably mistaken about
 something, and wondering what may that be.

It's possibly one of those things that haven't been implemented simply
because no one thought about it yet, or bothered enough to do it.
In other words, you can open a feature request at, and even provide a patch.




Re: strange subprocess behavior when calling ps

2010-11-18 Thread Roger Davis

Hi JM,

Thank you very much for your followup explanation!



Re: Program, Application, and Software

2010-11-18 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2010-11-18, Martin Gregorie mar...@address-in-sig.invalid wrote:
 On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 01:16:34 +, MRAB wrote:

 I'd probably say that a script is a program which is normally not
 interactive: you just set it up, start it, and let it do its work (a
 batch script, for example). It's also written in a language primarily
 designed for convenience rather than speed (Want to manipulate large
 chunks of text? Fine! :-)).

 I use 'script' to refer to programs written in languages that don't have 
 a separate compile phase which must be run before the program can be 
 executed. IOW Python and Perl programs are scripts aloing with programs 
 written as awk, Javascript and bash scripts.

I use 'script' to refer to programs that are used to automate things
that would otherwise be done by a person typing commands.

IOW, what I write using Python aren't scripts.  They're programs.

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! All of life is a blur
  at   of Republicans and meat!

Re: with HTTPConnection as conn:

2010-11-18 Thread Hrvoje Niksic
Antoine Pitrou writes:

 On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 12:46:07 +0100
 trylks wrote:
 Would it be possible to use a with statement with an HTTPConnection object?
 I know it is not possible at this moment, it doesn't implement an
 __exit__ method, at least in version 3.1.1. I was wondering if the
 __exit__ method should do something more than conn.close(), something
 really hard or impossible, or if there are more requisites to use the
 with statement beside of implementing that method. So far it seems
 easy, useful and not done yet, so I'm probably mistaken about
 something, and wondering what may that be.

 It's possibly one of those things that haven't been implemented simply
 because no one thought about it yet, or bothered enough to do it.

Also, contextlib.closing is readily available:

with contextlib.closing(HTTPConnection(...)) as conn:

Re: Program, Application, and Software

2010-11-18 Thread Martin Gregorie
On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 15:41:51 +, Grant Edwards wrote:

 On 2010-11-18, Martin Gregorie mar...@address-in-sig.invalid wrote:
 On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 01:16:34 +, MRAB wrote:

 I'd probably say that a script is a program which is normally not
 interactive: you just set it up, start it, and let it do its work (a
 batch script, for example). It's also written in a language
 primarily designed for convenience rather than speed (Want to
 manipulate large chunks of text? Fine! :-)).

 I use 'script' to refer to programs written in languages that don't
 have a separate compile phase which must be run before the program can
 be executed. IOW Python and Perl programs are scripts aloing with
 programs written as awk, Javascript and bash scripts.
 I use 'script' to refer to programs that are used to automate things
 that would otherwise be done by a person typing commands.

Its a long-standing UNIXism - it applies to any language implementation 
where you can add #!/path/to/interpreter as the first line of the 
source file, make the file executable with chmod and run it by treating 
the file name as a command. 

 IOW, what I write using Python aren't scripts.  They're programs.

Anything with one or more executable lines is a program:

print \nHello, Python World\n


martin@   | Martin Gregorie
gregorie. | Essex, UK
org   |

what's the precision of fractions.Fraction?

2010-11-18 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
I do a recursive evaluation of an expression involving fractions and
unsurprisingly the numerator and denominator grows pretty quickly.
After 10-20 iterations the number of digits in the numerator and
denominator (as integers) reaches 80-100. And I'm wondering until what
point I can trust the result since I'm using fractions.Fraction for
the whole procedure. Are Fraction's infinite precision? Or will I get
some sort of an exception if python is not able to represent the
numerator and/or denominator as integers? was not very helpful in this
regard nor was

Any ideas?


Psss, psss, put it down! -

Distribution of Python Scripts

2010-11-18 Thread tazz_ben
Hi Folks -

I'm an experienced programmer, but this is my first app with python,
so I apologize for any stupidity on my part.  So  I've written/still
working on a command line tool written in Python.  It talks to a web
service, so there really isn't anything in it that is dependent on a
particular os.  My goal is to distribute the script as a tool to my
users so they can use it (they are on multiple platforms), the vast
majority are not programmers.

So, I'm looking for a way to distribute the app that takes care of
details like them having python installed, or having an older version
etc.  From reading some docs it sounds like Squeeze did exactly this
back in the day, but it is ancient and I'm writing in 2.7.   Just to
be clear I could care less if they see the source code, my goal is all
around ease of use.  I would love to have one distribution file for
all platforms, but I can live  with making three if that's the only

So, what's my options.

Re: Twisted on Windows

2010-11-18 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
On Nov 18, 9:58 am, Bryan Richardson wrote:
 Hello All,

 First off I must say that Twisted is a very nice event driven I/O
 package indeed. Thanks to all the developers who have contributed to
 it, as it's made my life much easier.

 Now for my question...

 I have a custom server application, and I have it structured as such:

 MyServerApp/ -- root directory

 In my file, which is a Twistd config file that can be
 executed with twistd -ny, I have the following import line:

 from foo.factory import MyServerFactory

 When I run 'twistd -ny' on my Linux machine from within the
 root MyServerApp directory, all works as expected. However, when I try
 to do the same thing on a Windows machine using the twistd script that
 gets installed, I get an error saying that foo.factory cannot be
 found. However, if I modify my file on Windows to just
 create the factory and start the reactor, I can run it just fine with
 'python' even though it still has the import line for

 Bottom line is, on Windows, the python executable can find my custom
 module in a sub directory but the twistd script cannot. Any ideas why
 this is?

When you run a .py file, python adds the directory containing that .py
file to the front of sys.path.  So when you run,
is added to sys.path and the foo package can be found.  This happens
Linux and Windows.

When you run twistd, the .py file you're running is /usr/bin/twistd
or C:\Python26\Scripts\twistd or something else along those lines.  So
Python adds /usr/bin or C:\Python26\Scripts to sys.path.  This doesn't
help you find the foo package at all.

On Linux, when not running as root, twistd adds the current working
directory to sys.path.  So if your working directory is MyServerApp,
then the foo package can be found.

When running as root, or when running on Windows, twistd does not add
the working directory to sys.path.

So with all that in mind, the solution should be pretty clear - just
set PYTHONPATH to include MyServerApp.

This variation of twistd behavior is pretty confusing, and I think a
future version may drop the sys.path manipulation entirely, so that
it behaves consistently in all configurations.


Re: what's the precision of fractions.Fraction?

2010-11-18 Thread Ian Kelly
On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 9:27 AM, Daniel Fetchinson wrote:

 I do a recursive evaluation of an expression involving fractions and
 unsurprisingly the numerator and denominator grows pretty quickly.
 After 10-20 iterations the number of digits in the numerator and
 denominator (as integers) reaches 80-100. And I'm wondering until what
 point I can trust the result since I'm using fractions.Fraction for
 the whole procedure. Are Fraction's infinite precision? Or will I get
 some sort of an exception if python is not able to represent the
 numerator and/or denominator as integers?

Since fractions are represented as a pair of integers, and since python
integers have unlimited precision, I would guess that fractions also have
unlimited precision.  You could check the code if you want to be absolutely


ANN: GMPY 1.14 and GMPY2 alpha1 released

2010-11-18 Thread casevh

I'm pleased to annouce the release of both a new production
and experimental release of GMPY. GMPY is a wrapper for
the MPIR or GMP multiple-precision arithmetic library.

The experimental release (GMPY2) now includes support for
the MPFR floating-point library.

GMPY is available for download from:

Production release

GMPY 1.14 is the updated stable release. A memory leak was
fixed so it is highly recommended that all user upgrade to
this version. In addition to a few other bug fixes, GMPY
1.14 is compatible with the changes to the hashing code in
Python 3.2a4. The 64-bit Windows installer for Python 3.2
should only be used with 3.2a4 and later.

Even though my primary development focus has shifted to
GMPY2 (see below), GMPY 1.X will continue to receive bug
and compatibility fixes.

Experimental release

To simplify the codebase, allow for changes in the API,
and support simultaneous installation, the development
version has been renamed to GMPY2. The following is list
of changes in GMPY2:

In 2.0.0a0

 * support for a mutable integer type xmpz
 * removal of random number functions
 * xmpz supports slices for setting/clearing bits
 * some methods have been renamed (scan1 - bit_scan1)
 * support for Python prior to 2.6 has been removed
 * support for all division modes has been added
* ceiling - round to +Infinity
* floor - round to -Infinity
* truncate - round to zero
* 2exp - division by a power of 2
 * support is_even() and is_odd()

In 2.0.0a1

 * support for the MPFR floating point library

If you use GMPY regularly, please test GMPY2. There have been
several requests asking for a mutable integer and I am curious
if there are real-world performance improvements.

Please report any issues!



Re: Is Unladen Swallow dead?

2010-11-18 Thread Dan Stromberg
On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 4:24 AM, BartC wrote:

 John Nagle wrote in message

  On 11/16/2010 10:24 PM, swapnil wrote:

  AFAIK, the merging plan was approved by Guido early this year. I guess
 Google is expecting the community to drive the project from here on.
 That was the whole idea for merging it to mainline. From my last
 conversation with Collin, they are targeting Python 3.3

I think it's dead.  They're a year behind on quarterly releases.
 The last release was Q3 2009.  The project failed to achieve its
 stated goal of a 5x speedup. Not even close.  More like 1.5x

 There must have been good reasons to predict a 5x increase. But why did it
 take so long to find out the approach wasn't going anywhere?

It's not that it wasn't going anywhere.  Improvements were accomplished.

Also, LLVM needed to be modified more than a little bit for the purpose.

Also, the developers were constrained a bit by the need to preserve
compatibility with some pretty weird code - like methods being replaced

It's not a small project.

Re: regenerating unicodedata for py2.7 using py3

2010-11-18 Thread Martin v. Loewis

 Thanks for the confirmation Martin!
 Do you think, it the mentioned omission of the character names of some
 CJK ranges in unicodedata intended, or should it be reported to the

It's certainly a bug. So a bug report would be appreciated, but much
more so a patch. Ideally, the patch would either be completely
forward-compatible (should the CJK ranges change in future Unicode
or at least have a safe-guard to detect that the data file is getting
out of sync with the C implementation.


Re: Is Unladen Swallow dead?

2010-11-18 Thread brf256
I do hope that it isn't dead but it unfortunately seems that way?

- Braden Faulkner


Re: What was your strategy?

2010-11-18 Thread Paul Rubin
Lou Pecora writes:
  I'll jump in and recommend the book Python in a Nutshell by Martelli.  
 It's encyclopedic.
 Indeed.  I hope Martelli updates it.  I'd buy another copy right away.

It's a great book but not a starting point for beginners.  It's
definitely worth having for more advanced users.

Re: what's the precision of fractions.Fraction?

2010-11-18 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
 I do a recursive evaluation of an expression involving fractions and
 unsurprisingly the numerator and denominator grows pretty quickly.
 After 10-20 iterations the number of digits in the numerator and
 denominator (as integers) reaches 80-100. And I'm wondering until what
 point I can trust the result since I'm using fractions.Fraction for
 the whole procedure. Are Fraction's infinite precision? Or will I get
 some sort of an exception if python is not able to represent the
 numerator and/or denominator as integers?

 Since fractions are represented as a pair of integers, and since python
 integers have unlimited precision, I would guess that fractions also have
 unlimited precision.  You could check the code if you want to be absolutely

Sounds reasonable, thanks a lot,

Psss, psss, put it down! -

Re: Is Unladen Swallow dead?

2010-11-18 Thread John Nagle

On 11/18/2010 4:24 AM, BartC wrote:

John Nagle wrote in message

On 11/16/2010 10:24 PM, swapnil wrote:

AFAIK, the merging plan was approved by Guido early this year. I
guess Google is expecting the community to drive the project
from here on. That was the whole idea for merging it to mainline.
From my last conversation with Collin, they are targeting Python

I think it's dead. They're a year behind on quarterly releases.
The last release was Q3 2009. The project failed to achieve its
stated goal of a 5x speedup. Not even close. More like 1.5x

There must have been good reasons to predict a 5x increase.

For Java, adding a JIT improved performance by much more than that.
Hard-code compilers for LISP have done much better than 5x.  The
best Java and LISP compilers approach the speed of C, while CPython
is generally considered to be roughly 60 times slower than C.  So
5x probably looked like a conservative goal.  For Google, a company
which buys servers by the acre, a 5x speedup would have a big payoff.

Assuming the 5x speedup was shown to be viable (ie. performing the
same benchmarks, on the same data, can be done that quickly in any
other language, and allowing for the overheads associated with
Python's dynamic nature), then what went wrong?

 Python is defined by what a naive interpreter with late binding
and dynamic name lookups, like CPython, can easily implement.  Simply
emulating the semantics of CPython with generated code doesn't help
all that much.

 Because you can monkey patch Python objects from outside the
class, a local compiler, like a JIT, can't turn name lookups into hard
bindings.  Nor can it make reliable decisions about the types of
objects.  That adds a sizable performance penalty. Short of global
program analysis, the compiler can't tell when code for the hard cases
needs to be generated.  So the hard-case code, where you figure out at
run-time, for ever use of +, whether + is addition or concatenation,
has to be generated every time.  Making that decision is far slower
than doing an add.

 Shed Skin, which analyzes the entire program, including libraries,
on every compilation, can figure out the types of objects and generate
much faster code.  Shed Skin has some heavy restrictions, many of which
could be lifted if more work went into that effort.  That's one
approach that might work.

 I've referred to this problem as gratuitous hidden dynamism.
Most things which could be changed dynamically in a Python program
usually aren't.

 This has been pointed out many times by many people.  There's
even a PhD thesis on the topic.  Without a few restrictions, so
that a compiler can at least tell when support for the hard cases
is needed, Python cannot be compiled well.

John Nagle

Re: what's the precision of fractions.Fraction?

2010-11-18 Thread Stefan Sonnenberg-Carstens

Am 18.11.2010 17:27, schrieb Daniel Fetchinson:

I do a recursive evaluation of an expression involving fractions and
unsurprisingly the numerator and denominator grows pretty quickly.
After 10-20 iterations the number of digits in the numerator and
denominator (as integers) reaches 80-100. And I'm wondering until what
point I can trust the result since I'm using fractions.Fraction for
the whole procedure. Are Fraction's infinite precision? Or will I get
some sort of an exception if python is not able to represent the
numerator and/or denominator as integers? was not very helpful in this
regard nor was

Any ideas?


I'm not sure what you really want to know.
Fractions are, by their math definition, of unlimited precision.
For example, PI/2 is accurate (with endless precision as PI is a 
trancendent number),

but 3.1415926/2 (the decimal representation) is not.
So is fraction.Fraction(1,3) of unlimited precision, thus giving this:

from fractions import Fraction
 a =  one_tenth+one_tenth
Fraction(1, 5)
 a =  one_tenth+one_tenth+one_tenth
Fraction(3, 10)

now compare to standard floats:
 a =  one_tenth+one_tenth
 a =  one_tenth+one_tenth+one_tenth
(this error is caused by the internal representation of floats as binary 
numbers, see No. 14 in Python tut).

I think you really want to know, how large numerator/denominator can be.
As python has bignum support (type=long), the only limit is the one your 
virtual memory system

offers, which is almost always approx. the amount of ram.

If you need it really *precise*, cast your Fractions into type Decimal:

 from decimal import Decimal
 three_tenth = one_tenth*3
 d = Decimal(three_tenth.numerator)/Decimal(three_tenth.denominator)

The operator '/' (__div__) is properly over-written.

You can even tweak the precision getcontext().prec by setting it to a 
higher value.


attachment: stefan_sonnenberg.vcf--

Re: Is Unladen Swallow dead?

2010-11-18 Thread Ben James

On 18/11/2010 17:50, wrote:

I do hope that it isn't dead but it unfortunately seems that way?

- Braden Faulkner

It looks like we'll have to get used to a laden one.

Maybe if we had two, and a strand of creeper...

Re: I have a question about JavaFit

2010-11-18 Thread Ben James

On 18/11/2010 10:05, Chris Rebert wrote:

We are a technical discussion maillinglist. About a computer
programming language. Named Python.
An unrelated computer programming language which happens to be named
Java also exists, but is not this mailinglist's topic of discussion.
Some computer programmers personally consume a lot of coffee, but
aside from that, as a group, this maillinglist's members have nothing
to do with Javalution Coffee Company or their JavaFit coffee
To put it simply, you're barking up entirely the wrong tree.
How exactly were you led to believe that had
anything to do with JavaFit in the first place?

Chris, random maillinglist subscriber

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Bill Fishbaugher  wrote:


I was searching online to find more info about JavaFit and I came across your 

Can you tell me, are you still involved with JavaFit? If you are, how are 
things going for you?

Please let me know.


Is a JavaFit what you have when you drink waay too much coffee?

Re: I have a question about JavaFit

2010-11-18 Thread Stefan Sonnenberg-Carstens

Am 18.11.2010 20:17, schrieb Ben James:

On 18/11/2010 10:05, Chris Rebert wrote:

We are a technical discussion maillinglist. About a computer
programming language. Named Python.
An unrelated computer programming language which happens to be named
Java also exists, but is not this mailinglist's topic of discussion.
Some computer programmers personally consume a lot of coffee, but
aside from that, as a group, this maillinglist's members have nothing
to do with Javalution Coffee Company or their JavaFit coffee
To put it simply, you're barking up entirely the wrong tree.
How exactly were you led to believe that had
anything to do with JavaFit in the first place?

Chris, random maillinglist subscriber

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Bill Fishbaugher  wrote:


I was searching online to find more info about JavaFit and I came 
across your information.

Can you tell me, are you still involved with JavaFit? If you are, 
how are things going for you?

Please let me know.


Is a JavaFit what you have when you drink waay too much coffee?

Java FIT : Java Framework for integrated testing
Last update to site Oct 2007

There seems (ed) to be a python port. Status unknown.
I guess what bill is looking for is test driven development.
This thingy seems really strange.

attachment: stefan_sonnenberg.vcf--

Re: How to run an EXE, with argument, capture output value

2010-11-18 Thread noydb
I will use 2.5.

I tried your suggestion, with this code

import subprocess
pig = subprocess.Popen([C:\Halls\hallbig2.exe],
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
result = pig.communicate(input='C:\Halls\Input\Ea39j.txt')[-1] #I need
to capture the, what I think is the, last output
print result
print pig.returncode

So the tuple is empty. ??  The exe executes fine and returns output in
th exe tool itself.  The python script seems to execute fine, no
errors, '...returned exit code 0'.  Any ideas/suggestions?

Changing the EAX register with Python

2010-11-18 Thread dutche
Hi folks, I have a unusual question here.

How can I change the value of EAX register under python under Linux??
As paimei does under Windows.

My project is to have a python program that loads a C program and sets
a breakpoint at some address, and then with this breakpoint I change
the EAX register and then continue the program execution.

With Windows and paimei I did that, but under Linux I don't know yet.

Any ideas?

Thank you

Re: Twisted on Windows

2010-11-18 Thread Bryan Richardson
Thanks Jean-Paul, I added the following to my file and
things work perfectly on both Windows and Linux now.

sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())

On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 9:52 AM, Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
 On Nov 18, 9:58 am, Bryan Richardson wrote:
 Hello All,

 First off I must say that Twisted is a very nice event driven I/O
 package indeed. Thanks to all the developers who have contributed to
 it, as it's made my life much easier.

 Now for my question...

 I have a custom server application, and I have it structured as such:

 MyServerApp/ -- root directory

 In my file, which is a Twistd config file that can be
 executed with twistd -ny, I have the following import line:

 from foo.factory import MyServerFactory

 When I run 'twistd -ny' on my Linux machine from within the
 root MyServerApp directory, all works as expected. However, when I try
 to do the same thing on a Windows machine using the twistd script that
 gets installed, I get an error saying that foo.factory cannot be
 found. However, if I modify my file on Windows to just
 create the factory and start the reactor, I can run it just fine with
 'python' even though it still has the import line for

 Bottom line is, on Windows, the python executable can find my custom
 module in a sub directory but the twistd script cannot. Any ideas why
 this is?

 When you run a .py file, python adds the directory containing that .py
 file to the front of sys.path.  So when you run,
 is added to sys.path and the foo package can be found.  This happens
 Linux and Windows.

 When you run twistd, the .py file you're running is /usr/bin/twistd
 or C:\Python26\Scripts\twistd or something else along those lines.  So
 Python adds /usr/bin or C:\Python26\Scripts to sys.path.  This doesn't
 help you find the foo package at all.

 On Linux, when not running as root, twistd adds the current working
 directory to sys.path.  So if your working directory is MyServerApp,
 then the foo package can be found.

 When running as root, or when running on Windows, twistd does not add
 the working directory to sys.path.

 So with all that in mind, the solution should be pretty clear - just
 set PYTHONPATH to include MyServerApp.

 This variation of twistd behavior is pretty confusing, and I think a
 future version may drop the sys.path manipulation entirely, so that
 it behaves consistently in all configurations.



Re: what's the precision of fractions.Fraction?

2010-11-18 Thread Terry Reedy

On 11/18/2010 11:27 AM, Daniel Fetchinson wrote:

I do a recursive evaluation of an expression involving fractions and
unsurprisingly the numerator and denominator grows pretty quickly.
After 10-20 iterations the number of digits in the numerator and
denominator (as integers) reaches 80-100. And I'm wondering until what
point I can trust the result since I'm using fractions.Fraction for
the whole procedure. Are Fraction's infinite precision?

'Unbounded' (except by memory) would be be more accurate.

Or will I get
some sort of an exception if python is not able to represent the
numerator and/or denominator as integers?

I believe you could eventually get MemoryError. But you might get tired 
of waiting first. I tried

while True:
n *= n
i += 1

The 30th doubling (I believe to a billion bit or 128 megabyte number, on 
a gigabyte machine) took a few minutes and I killed the program after 
that as it tried to page everything else out to disk.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: String multi-replace

2010-11-18 Thread Frederic Rentsch
On Wed, 2010-11-17 at 21:12 -0800, Sorin Schwimmer wrote:
 Thanks for your answers.
 Benjamin Kaplan: of course dict is a type... silly me! I'll blame it on the 
 time (it's midnight here).
 Chris Rebert: I'll have a look.
 Thank you both,

Forgive me if this is off the track. I haven't followed the thread. I do
have a little module that I believe does what you attempted to do:
multiple substitutions using a regular expression that joins a bunch of
targets with '|' in between. Whether or not you risk unintended
translations as Dave Angel pointed out where the two characters or one
of your targets join coincidentally you will have to determine. If so
you can't use this approach. If, on the other hand, your format is safe
it'll work just fine. Use like this:

 import translator
 t = translator.Translator (nodia.items ())
 t (name)  # Your example


class Translator:

		Will translate any number of targets, handling them correctly if some overlap.

		Making Translator
			T = Translator (definitions, [eat = 1])
			'definitions' is a sequence of pairs: ((target, substitute),(t2, s2), ...)
			'eat = True' will make an extraction filter that lets only the replaced targets pass.
			Definitions example: (('a','A'),('b','B'),('ab','ab'),('abc','xyz'),
('\x0c', 'page break'), ('\r\n','\n'), ('   ','\t'))   # ('ab','ab') see Tricks.
			Order doesn't matter.  

			T.test (). Translates the definitions and prints the result. All targets 
			must look like the substitutes as defined. If a substitute differs, it has been
			affected by the translation. (E.g. 'A'|'A' ... 'page break'|'pAge BreAk').
			If this is not intended---the effect can be useful---protect the 
			affected substitute by translating it to itself. See Tricks. 

			translation = T (source)

			Deletion:  ('target', '')
			Exception: (('\n',''), ('\n\n','\n\n')) # Eat LF except paragraph breaks.
			Exception: (('\n', '\r\n'), ('\r\n',\r\n')) # Unix to DOS, would leave DOS unchanged
			Translation cascade: 
# Unwrap paragraphs, Unix or DOS, restoring inter-word space if missing,
Mark_LF = Translator ((('\n','+LF+'),('\r\n','+LF+'),('\n\n','\n\n'),('\r\n\r\n','\r\n\r\n')))
# Pick positively identifiable mark for end of lines in either Unix or MS-DOS.   
Single_Space_Mark = Translator (((' +LF+', ' '),('+LF+', ' '),('-+LF+', '')))
no_lf_text = Single_Space_Mark (Mark_LF (text))
			Translation cascade: 
reptiles = T_latin_english (T_german_latin (reptilien))

			1. The number of substitutions and the maximum size of input depends on the respective 
capabilities of the Python re module.
			2. Regular expressions will not work as such but will be handled literally.

			Frederic Rentsch (

	def __init__ (self, definitions, eat = 0):

			definitions: a sequence of pairs of strings. ((target, substitute), (t, s), ...)
			eat: False (0) means translate: unaffected data passes unaltered.
			 True  (1) means extract:   unaffected data doesn't pass (gets eaten).
			 Extraction filters typically require substitutes to end with some separator, 
			 else they fuse together. (E.g. ' ', '\t' or '\n') 
			'eat' is an attribute that can be switched anytime.

		''' = eat
		self.compile_sequence_of_pairs (definitions)
	def compile_sequence_of_pairs (self, definitions):

			Argument 'definitions' is a sequence of pairs:
			(('target 1', 'substitute 1'), ('t2', 's2'), ...)
			Order doesn't matter. 

		import re
		self.definitions = definitions
		targets, substitutes = zip (*definitions)
		re_targets = [re.escape (item) for item in targets]
		re_targets.sort (reverse = True)
		self.targets_set = set (targets)   
		self.table = dict (definitions)
		regex_string = '|'.join (re_targets)
		self.regex = re.compile (regex_string, re.DOTALL)
	def __call__ (self, s):
		hits = self.regex.findall (s)
		nohits = self.regex.split (s)
		valid_hits = set (hits)  self.targets_set  # Ignore targets with illegal re modifiers.
		if valid_hits:
			substitutes = [self.table [item] for item in hits if item in valid_hits] + []  # Make lengths equal for zip to work right
return ''.join (substitutes)
zipped = zip (nohits, substitutes)
return ''.join (list (reduce (lambda a, b: a + b, [zipped][0]))) + nohits [-1]
return ''
return s

	def test (self):

			Translates the definitions and prints the result. All targets 
			must look like the substitutes as defined. If a substitute differs,
			it has been affected by the translation, indicating a potential 
			problem, should the substitute occur in the source.


		targets_translated = [self (item [0]) for item in self.definitions]
		substitutes = [self (item [1]) 

Re: Changing the EAX register with Python

2010-11-18 Thread Stefan Sonnenberg-Carstens

Am 18.11.2010 21:20, schrieb dutche:

Hi folks, I have a unusual question here.

How can I change the value of EAX register under python under Linux??
As paimei does under Windows.

My project is to have a python program that loads a C program and sets
a breakpoint at some address, and then with this breakpoint I change
the EAX register and then continue the program execution.

With Windows and paimei I did that, but under Linux I don't know yet.

Any ideas?

Thank you

You asked for it:

from ctypes import *
import time
import os
libc = CDLL('')



class user_regs_struct(Structure):
_fields_ = [

child = os.fork()
if child == 0:
while True:
pid,status = os.wait()
if status != 0:
reg = pointer(user_regs_struct())
if reg.contents.orig_eax == SYS_IOCTL:
print 'IOCTL ebx,ecx = 0x%0x,0x%0x' % 

# replace IOCTL with SYS_WRITE
reg.contents.orig_eax = SYS_WRITE

from ctypes import *
import time
import os
libc = CDLL('')



class user_regs_struct(Structure):
_fields_ = [

child = os.fork()
if child == 0:
while True:
pid,status = os.wait()
if status != 0:
reg = pointer(user_regs_struct())
if reg.contents.orig_eax == SYS_IOCTL:
print 'IOCTL ebx,ecx = 0x%0x,0x%0x' % 
# replace IOCTL with SYS_WRITE
reg.contents.orig_eax = SYS_WRITE 
os._exit(0)attachment: stefan_sonnenberg.vcf--

Re: How to run an EXE, with argument, capture output value

2010-11-18 Thread Tim Harig
On 2010-11-18, noydb wrote:
 import subprocess
 pig = subprocess.Popen([C:\Halls\hallbig2.exe],
 stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
 result = pig.communicate(input='C:\Halls\Input\Ea39j.txt')[-1] #I need
 to capture the, what I think is the, last output

From the subprocess documentation:

   [62]communicate() returns a tuple (stdoutdata, stderrdata).
   Note that if you want to send data to the process's stdin,
   you need to create the Popen object with stdin=PIPE. Similarly,
   to get anything other than None in the result tuple, you need
   to give stdout=PIPE and/or stderr=PIPE too.

By using index [-1] you are accessing the processes stderr stream.  I am
not really sure why you changed it.  It doesn't give you the last output.
Index 0 gives you *all* of stdout and index 1 gives you *all* of stderr,
period.  If you wish to further disect the output to get say the last line,
then you will need to parse it separately.

 print result
 print pig.returncode

 So the tuple is empty. ??  The exe executes fine and returns output in
 th exe tool itself.  The python script seems to execute fine, no
 errors, '...returned exit code 0'.  Any ideas/suggestions?

No the tuple contains two items (stdout, stderr).  The first is what the
program printed to its stdout stream (which is most likely the output you
see if you run the command at a terminal/console).  The second is what it 
printed to its
stderr stream which is a channel used for out of band data such as error or
status messages.  In this case, it is None, because you did open stderr as a

Why is pdb messing with STDIN? I can't step through my code, or enter any data accurately.

2010-11-18 Thread Bryan Wheelock
I'm baffled by the behavior of pdb as I attempt to debug a Twill test.
I'm trying to step through socket.get_fqdn() and my key entries are garbled.

I prefer to use ipdb, but the STDOUT gets messed up and printed at the end
of the ipdb session. That defeats the purpose of a debugger.
So I'm using pdb.

Here is the code:
def v1endpoint(self, port):
Return an OpenID 1.1 OpenIDServiceEndpoint for the server.
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
base = http://%s:%s; % (socket.getfqdn(''), port)
ep = OpenIDServiceEndpoint()
ep.claimed_id = base + /id/bob
ep.server_url = base + /openidserver
ep.type_uris = [OPENID_1_1_TYPE]
return ep

Here is the behavior:
Ran 2 tests in 0.029s

FAILED (errors=2)
Destroying test database 'default'...
- base = http://%s:%s; % (socket.getfqdn(''), port)
(Pdb)  /Users/Bryan/work/osqa/forum/
- base = http://%s:%s; % (socket.getfqdn(''), port)

# I enter 's' + return  no character is displayed
(Pdb) --Call--
- def getfqdn(name=''):

# I enter 's' + return no character is displayed
(Pdb)  /usr/local/lib/python2.7/
- name = name.strip()

# I enter 's' + return no character is displayed

# I enter 's' + return no character is displayed
(Pdb) *** NameError: name 'ss' is not defined

# I enter 'l' + return ; it's displayed but not the inputed data aparently
(Pdb) l*** NameError: name 'ss' is not defined

# I enter 'l' + return ; it's displayed but not the inputed data aparently
(Pdb) s
*** NameError: name 'ls' is not defined

# I enter 'name' + return ; it's displayed but not the inputed data
(Pdb) ne

None of the pdb commands work. Characters are added or not added. It's
driving me nuts.

I'm using Python 2.7 on osX-10.5.8

What is going on?
I've never seen anything like this.


Re: Changing the EAX register with Python

2010-11-18 Thread Dan Stromberg
Here's -a- way to try - not necessarily the best way:
1) Write a little gcc .c with inline assembler, to make your EAX change
2) Call it from CPython using ctypes

However, by the time you return from the code that makes your change and
resume execution in the CPython interpreter, EAX may well have been changed
to something new.  Accumulators don't often hold the same value for very

On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 12:20 PM, dutche wrote:

 Hi folks, I have a unusual question here.

 How can I change the value of EAX register under python under Linux??
 As paimei does under Windows.

 My project is to have a python program that loads a C program and sets
 a breakpoint at some address, and then with this breakpoint I change
 the EAX register and then continue the program execution.

 With Windows and paimei I did that, but under Linux I don't know yet.

 Any ideas?

 Thank you


Re: How to run an EXE, with argument, capture output value

2010-11-18 Thread Tim Harig
On 2010-11-18, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:
 Tim Harig wrote:
 If you are not already, I would highly suggest using Python3 with the

 subprocess module:
 Suggesting subprocess is a good idea, *highly* suggesting python3 is 
 questionable. The above code works in python 2. Many libraries (those 
 included batteries) have not been ported yet to python 3.
 Py3 is a better core language than py2, but for now, less featured.

I didn't, and I don't, recommend Python3 over Python2 for just any
purpose.I recommended Python3's subprocess module over the Python2's
subprocess module if that is indeed possible.

I happen to be one of those that feels this transition was terribly
mis-handled and that there should have been provisions to allow both
versions to either be maintained together or to allow modules from both
versions to work together.  I don't really have a huge preference for
either version; but, having to deal with both of them has given the
project a black eye.

Re: How to run an EXE, with argument, capture output value

2010-11-18 Thread noydb
On Nov 18, 5:22 pm, Tim Harig wrote:
 On 2010-11-18, noydb wrote:

  import subprocess
  pig = subprocess.Popen([C:\Halls\hallbig2.exe],
  stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  result = pig.communicate(input='C:\Halls\Input\Ea39j.txt')[-1] #I need
  to capture the, what I think is the, last output

 From the subprocess documentation:

            [62]communicate() returns a tuple (stdoutdata, stderrdata).
            Note that if you want to send data to the process's stdin,
            you need to create the Popen object with stdin=PIPE. Similarly,
            to get anything other than None in the result tuple, you need
            to give stdout=PIPE and/or stderr=PIPE too.

 By using index [-1] you are accessing the processes stderr stream.  I am
 not really sure why you changed it.  It doesn't give you the last output.
 Index 0 gives you *all* of stdout and index 1 gives you *all* of stderr,
 period.  If you wish to further disect the output to get say the last line,
 then you will need to parse it separately.

Okay, I see now.  I did run it to start with 0 -- still same result no
matter if 0 or -1.
So, what is result (stdout, using [0]) in this case?  (yes, i know I
sound dumb - programming is not my background, obviously).  A list,
tuple???  How do you access stdout (or is it stdoutdata?) results?  I
have tried, get errors with all attempts.  The exe gui returns several
statistical values uopn inputing a text file (containing numerous
lines of value frequency) and clicking compute - I want just one
of the values.

  print result
  print pig.returncode

  So the tuple is empty. ??  The exe executes fine and returns output in
  th exe tool itself.  The python script seems to execute fine, no
  errors, '...returned exit code 0'.  Any ideas/suggestions?

 No the tuple contains two items (stdout, stderr).  The first is what the
 program printed to its stdout stream (which is most likely the output you
 see if you run the command at a terminal/console).  The second is what it 
 printed to its
 stderr stream which is a channel used for out of band data such as error or
 status messages.  In this case, it is None, because you did open stderr as a


Re: Is Unladen Swallow dead?

2010-11-18 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
On Nov 18, 1:31 pm, John Nagle wrote:
 On 11/18/2010 4:24 AM, BartC wrote:

  John Nagle wrote in message
  On 11/16/2010 10:24 PM, swapnil wrote:

  AFAIK, the merging plan was approved by Guido early this year. I
  guess Google is expecting the community to drive the project
  from here on. That was the whole idea for merging it to mainline.
  From my last conversation with Collin, they are targeting Python

  I think it's dead. They're a year behind on quarterly releases.
  The last release was Q3 2009. The project failed to achieve its
  stated goal of a 5x speedup. Not even close. More like 1.5x

  There must have been good reasons to predict a 5x increase.

      For Java, adding a JIT improved performance by much more than that.
 Hard-code compilers for LISP have done much better than 5x.  The
 best Java and LISP compilers approach the speed of C, while CPython
 is generally considered to be roughly 60 times slower than C.  So
 5x probably looked like a conservative goal.  For Google, a company
 which buys servers by the acre, a 5x speedup would have a big payoff.

  Assuming the 5x speedup was shown to be viable (ie. performing the
  same benchmarks, on the same data, can be done that quickly in any
  other language, and allowing for the overheads associated with
  Python's dynamic nature), then what went wrong?

       Python is defined by what a naive interpreter with late binding
 and dynamic name lookups, like CPython, can easily implement.  Simply
 emulating the semantics of CPython with generated code doesn't help
 all that much.

       Because you can monkey patch Python objects from outside the
 class, a local compiler, like a JIT, can't turn name lookups into hard
 bindings.  Nor can it make reliable decisions about the types of
 objects.  That adds a sizable performance penalty. Short of global
 program analysis, the compiler can't tell when code for the hard cases
 needs to be generated.  So the hard-case code, where you figure out at
 run-time, for ever use of +, whether + is addition or concatenation,
 has to be generated every time.  Making that decision is far slower
 than doing an add.

This isn't completely accurate.  It *is* possible to write a JIT
for a Python runtime which has fast path code for the common case, the
where the meaning of + doesn't change between every opcode.  PyPy
produced some pretty good results with this approach.

For those who haven't seen it yet, has some
which reflect fairly well on PyPy's performance for benchmarks that
are not
entirely dissimilar to real world code.


Extension on Windows

2010-11-18 Thread Eric Frederich

I am trying to create an extension on Windows and I may be over my
head but I have made it pretty far.

I am trying to create bindings for some libraries which require me to
use Visual Studio 2005.

I set up the spammodule example and in VS set the output file to be a .pyd file.
When I copy that .pyd file into site-packages I can use it just fine
and call system('dir').

Now when I created a 2nd function to wrap a library function I get the

ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

I added the correct additional include directories and specified the
correct .lib file to get it to compile fine without any errors.

What is going on here?  I tried running python with -vvv and got no
meaningful info... it just fails.

What else do I need to do?


Re: How to run an EXE, with argument, capture output value

2010-11-18 Thread Tim Harig
On 2010-11-18, noydb wrote:
 On Nov 18, 5:22 pm, Tim Harig wrote:
 On 2010-11-18, noydb wrote:
 Okay, I see now.  I did run it to start with 0 -- still same result no
 matter if 0 or -1.
 So, what is result (stdout, using [0]) in this case?  (yes, i know I
 sound dumb - programming is not my background, obviously).  A list,

Nope, this one is my fault, I never should have posted being so tired.  I
was reading posts after being unable to sleep and missed something
important about what you said.  Sorry about the confusion.

 tuple???  How do you access stdout (or is it stdoutdata?) results?  I
 have tried, get errors with all attempts.  The exe gui returns several

GUI  Ew.  I missed that part.  GUIs, on Windows, do not have the
standard streams.  GUIs are in general, ugly to automate through the GUI
itself.  I would be much better if the program can be run with command line
options, text interface, or if provides an automation object through COM or

As workaround, if you run Python through Windows Script Host, you can open
the program with WshShell and automate it, by sending it the keystrokes as
you perform the action by typing, with SendKeys()

Re: How to run an EXE, with argument, capture output value

2010-11-18 Thread noydb
On Nov 18, 5:54 pm, noydb wrote:
 On Nov 18, 5:22 pm, Tim Harig wrote:

  On 2010-11-18, noydb wrote:

   import subprocess
   pig = subprocess.Popen([C:\Halls\hallbig2.exe],
   stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
   result = pig.communicate(input='C:\Halls\Input\Ea39j.txt')[-1] #I need
   to capture the, what I think is the, last output

  From the subprocess documentation:

             [62]communicate() returns a tuple (stdoutdata, stderrdata).
             Note that if you want to send data to the process's stdin,
             you need to create the Popen object with stdin=PIPE. Similarly,
             to get anything other than None in the result tuple, you need
             to give stdout=PIPE and/or stderr=PIPE too.

  By using index [-1] you are accessing the processes stderr stream.  I am
  not really sure why you changed it.  It doesn't give you the last output.
  Index 0 gives you *all* of stdout and index 1 gives you *all* of stderr,
  period.  If you wish to further disect the output to get say the last line,
  then you will need to parse it separately.

 Okay, I see now.  I did run it to start with 0 -- still same result no
 matter if 0 or -1.
 So, what is result (stdout, using [0]) in this case?  (yes, i know I
 sound dumb - programming is not my background, obviously).  A list,
 tuple???  How do you access stdout (or is it stdoutdata?) results?  I
 have tried, get errors with all attempts.  The exe gui returns several
 statistical values uopn inputing a text file (containing numerous
 lines of value frequency) and clicking compute - I want just one
 of the values.

   print result
   print pig.returncode

   So the tuple is empty. ??  The exe executes fine and returns output in
   th exe tool itself.  The python script seems to execute fine, no
   errors, '...returned exit code 0'.  Any ideas/suggestions?

  No the tuple contains two items (stdout, stderr).  The first is what the
  program printed to its stdout stream (which is most likely the output you
  see if you run the command at a terminal/console).  The second is what it 
  printed to its
  stderr stream which is a channel used for out of band data such as error or
  status messages.  In this case, it is None, because you did open stderr as a
  subprocess.PIPE.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

stdout is a file object

Re: How to run an EXE, with argument, capture output value

2010-11-18 Thread noydb
On Nov 18, 6:20 pm, noydb wrote:
 On Nov 18, 5:54 pm, noydb wrote:

  On Nov 18, 5:22 pm, Tim Harig wrote:

   On 2010-11-18, noydb wrote:

import subprocess
pig = subprocess.Popen([C:\Halls\hallbig2.exe],
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
result = pig.communicate(input='C:\Halls\Input\Ea39j.txt')[-1] #I need
to capture the, what I think is the, last output

   From the subprocess documentation:

              [62]communicate() returns a tuple (stdoutdata, stderrdata).
              Note that if you want to send data to the process's stdin,
              you need to create the Popen object with stdin=PIPE. Similarly,
              to get anything other than None in the result tuple, you need
              to give stdout=PIPE and/or stderr=PIPE too.

   By using index [-1] you are accessing the processes stderr stream.  I am
   not really sure why you changed it.  It doesn't give you the last output.
   Index 0 gives you *all* of stdout and index 1 gives you *all* of stderr,
   period.  If you wish to further disect the output to get say the last 
   then you will need to parse it separately.

  Okay, I see now.  I did run it to start with 0 -- still same result no
  matter if 0 or -1.
  So, what is result (stdout, using [0]) in this case?  (yes, i know I
  sound dumb - programming is not my background, obviously).  A list,
  tuple???  How do you access stdout (or is it stdoutdata?) results?  I
  have tried, get errors with all attempts.  The exe gui returns several
  statistical values uopn inputing a text file (containing numerous
  lines of value frequency) and clicking compute - I want just one
  of the values.

print result
print pig.returncode

So the tuple is empty. ??  The exe executes fine and returns output in
th exe tool itself.  The python script seems to execute fine, no
errors, '...returned exit code 0'.  Any ideas/suggestions?

   No the tuple contains two items (stdout, stderr).  The first is what the
   program printed to its stdout stream (which is most likely the output you
   see if you run the command at a terminal/console).  The second is what it 
   printed to its
   stderr stream which is a channel used for out of band data such as error 
   status messages.  In this case, it is None, because you did open stderr 
   as a
   subprocess.PIPE.- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

 stdout is a file object- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

if I do
 print pig.communicate()
('', None)

Doesn't that mean it is empty?

Re: Program, Application, and Software

2010-11-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 14:21:47 +, Martin Gregorie wrote:

 I use 'script' to refer to programs written in languages that don't have
 a separate compile phase which must be run before the program can be
 executed. IOW Python and Perl programs are scripts aloing with programs
 written as awk, Javascript and bash scripts.

You're mistaken then about Python, because it does have a separate 
compilation phase that runs before the program can be executed. Where do 
you think the .pyc files come from, and what did you think the compile() 
function did? It just happens automatically, rather than manually.

For that matter, what about languages with JIT compilers, like Java or, 
yes, Python? CPython itself has no built-in JIT, but PyPy does, and Psyco 
is an optimizing JIT compiler for CPython on some hardware.

I think the difference between scripts and programs is about as 
meaningful as the difference between mountains and hills -- there 
clearly is a difference between *this specific* hill and *that specific* 
mountain, but any general distinction between hills and mountains is 
arbitrary and artificial.

Maybe, once upon a time, there was a meaningful distinction to be made 
between purely interpreted languages and purely compiled languages. But 
today, when interpreted languages have a compilation phase, and 
compiled languages have the equivalent of eval() and do their 
compilation at runtime, such a distinction is now fairly arbitrary. 
Better questions are:

* Does the program compile to native machine code or byte code?

* How efficient is the machine code, or the virtual machine that executes 
the byte code? What do you mean by efficient?

* Is there an integrated parse-compile-execute cycle, or does the 
developer have to perform them individually?

* To what degree is the syntax of the language aimed at rapid development 
and/or runtime efficiency?

Harder questions to ask, and answer, than Is that language for writing 
scripts or programs or applications?, but the answers are far more 


Re: Some syntactic sugar proposals

2010-11-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 09:32:23 +, Mark Wooding wrote:

 You're wrong.  Python evaluates these left-to-right, as I said.
 Parentheses override operator associativity; they don't affect
 evaluation order at all.

Fair enough. I concede your point.

 Not everything needs to be a one liner. If you need this, do it the
 old- fashioned way:

 t = foo()
 if not pred(t): t = default_value
 I already explained how to write it as a one-liner:
 t = (lambda y: y if pred(y) else default_value)(foo())

I didn't say it couldn't be written as a one-liner. I suggested that it 
was better not to.

The costs of the one-liner are:

* reduced readability;
* requires an increased level of knowledge of the reader (what's lambda 
* runtime inefficiency (you create a function object, only to use it once 
then throw it away).

The advantages?

* one fewer line of code.

In my experience, the obsessiveness in which some people look for one-
liners is far from helpful, and goes against the spirit of Python. This 
isn't Perl :)


Re: Program, Application, and Software

2010-11-18 Thread MRAB

On 19/11/2010 00:07, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 14:21:47 +, Martin Gregorie wrote:

I use 'script' to refer to programs written in languages that don't have
a separate compile phase which must be run before the program can be
executed. IOW Python and Perl programs are scripts aloing with programs
written as awk, Javascript and bash scripts.

You're mistaken then about Python, because it does have a separate
compilation phase that runs before the program can be executed. Where do
you think the .pyc files come from, and what did you think the compile()
function did? It just happens automatically, rather than manually.

I think what he means is that you don't need explicitly to compile and
then run.

Re: Program, Application, and Software

2010-11-18 Thread Alexander Kapps

On 19.11.2010 01:26, MRAB wrote:

On 19/11/2010 00:07, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 14:21:47 +, Martin Gregorie wrote:

I use 'script' to refer to programs written in languages that don't have
a separate compile phase which must be run before the program can be
executed. IOW Python and Perl programs are scripts aloing with programs
written as awk, Javascript and bash scripts.

You're mistaken then about Python, because it does have a separate
compilation phase that runs before the program can be executed. Where do
you think the .pyc files come from, and what did you think the compile()
function did? It just happens automatically, rather than manually.

I think what he means is that you don't need explicitly to compile and
then run.

What difference does it make? Is 'print Hello' a program or a 
script? Are you saying, that it depends on whether you have to 
manually call some compiler?


Re: Program, Application, and Software

2010-11-18 Thread Martin Gregorie
On Fri, 19 Nov 2010 00:07:05 +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 14:21:47 +, Martin Gregorie wrote:
 I use 'script' to refer to programs written in languages that don't
 have a separate compile phase which must be run before the program can
 be executed. IOW Python and Perl programs are scripts aloing with
 programs written as awk, Javascript and bash scripts.
 You're mistaken then about Python, because it does have a separate
 compilation phase that runs before the program can be executed. Where do
 you think the .pyc files come from, and what did you think the compile()
 function did? It just happens automatically, rather than manually.

Notice my mention of the hash-bang line? That makes it quite clear that I 
did not mean what you're reading into separate compile phase which must 
be run because hash-bang means you can feed source into the run-time 
execution system, and also means that by definition the source contains 
or references everything a program needs to run and that the source code 
translation step, if there is one, is fast enough for the time it takes 
to be negligible. Those aren't necessarily the case with a separate 
compilation step. 

.pyc files are an optional extra: in a *nix environment they are not 
produced if you use a hash-bang line to execute the source file: they 
only appear if you run the source with a python command.

martin@   | Martin Gregorie
gregorie. | Essex, UK
org   |

Advise for numerical programming content (New python user)

2010-11-18 Thread Sachin Kumar Sharma
Python Users,

I am an average Fortran user.

I am new to python and I am currently evaluating options and functionalities of 
numerical programming and related 2d and  3d graphic outputs with python.

Kindly share your experience in scientific programming with python like how do 
you like it, comparison with Fortran and C++.

Which version of python + numpy+scipy are compatible with each other or if any 
other numerical analysis package is available (I am working on windows 

Does graphic output like maps, histogram, crossplot, tornado charts is good 
enough with basic installation or needs some additional packages?

Your feedback is valuable for me to start.

Thanks  Regards


Sachin Kumar Sharma
Senior Geoscientist


Bunch 2.0 - a dict with a default

2010-11-18 Thread Phlip

If everyone likes this post, then the code is a snippet for
community edification. Otherwise, it's a question: How to do this kind
of thing better?

I want a dict() variant that passes these test cases:

map = Map()
assert not(map.has_key('_default'))

map = Map(yo='dude')
assert map['yo'] == 'dude'
assert map.yo == 'dude'
assert None == map['whatever']
assert not(map.has_key('_default'))

map = Map(yo='dude', _default='q')
assert 'q' == map['whatever']
assert not(map.has_key('_default'))

That's like Bunch, but with a default value. (That makes code with
excess if statements less likely.)

So here's the implementation:

def Map(*args, **kwargs):
value = kwargs.get('_default', None)
if kwargs.has_key('_default'):  del kwargs['_default']

class _DefMap(dict):
def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
dict.__init__(self, *a, **kw)
self.__dict__ = self

def __getitem__(self, key):
if not self.has_key(key):  self[key] = value
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)

return _DefMap(*args, **kwargs)


Re: Is Unladen Swallow dead?

2010-11-18 Thread Mark Wooding
John Nagle writes:

  Python is defined by what a naive interpreter with late binding
 and dynamic name lookups, like CPython, can easily implement.  Simply
 emulating the semantics of CPython with generated code doesn't help
 all that much.


  Because you can monkey patch Python objects from outside the
 class, a local compiler, like a JIT, can't turn name lookups into hard
 bindings.  Nor can it make reliable decisions about the types of

But it /can/ make guesses.  A dynamic runtime doesn't have to predict
everything right in advance; it only has to predict most things sort of
well enough, and fix up the things it got wrong before anyone notices.
For example, A Python compiler could inline a function call if it makes
a note to recompile the calling function if the called function is
modified.  Most functions aren't redefined, so this is probably a pretty
good guess.

 That adds a sizable performance penalty. Short of global program
 analysis, the compiler can't tell when code for the hard cases needs
 to be generated.

The right approach is to guess that things are going to be done the easy
way, and then detect when the guess is wrong.

 So the hard-case code, where you figure out at run-time, for ever use
 of +, whether + is addition or concatenation, has to be generated
 every time.  Making that decision is far slower than doing an add.

There's an old trick here called `inline caching'.  The first time a
function is called, compile it so as to assume that types of things are
as you found this time: inline simple methods, and so on.  Insert some
quick type checks at the top: is this going to work next time?  If not,
take a trap back into the compiler.  The traditional approach is to
replace the mispredictions with full dispatches (`monomorphic inline
caching'); the clever approach tolerates a few different types,
dispatching to optimized code for each (`polymorphic inline caching'),
unless there are just too many decision points and you give up.

There are time/space tradeoffs to be made here too.  Fortunately, you
don't have to compile everything super-optimized from the get-go: you
can dynamically identify the inner loops which need special attention,
and get the compiler to really stare hard at them.  The rest of the
program might plausibly be left interpreted much of the time for all
anyone will care.

  I've referred to this problem as gratuitous hidden dynamism.
 Most things which could be changed dynamically in a Python program
 usually aren't.

This is one of the crucial observations for making a dynamic language go
fast; the other is that you still have the compiler around if you
guessed wrong.

An aggressively dynamic runtime has two enormous advantages over batch
compilers such as are traditionally used for C: it gets the entire
program in one go, and it gets to see the real live data that the
program's meant to run against.  Given that, I'd expect it to be able to
/beat/ a batch compiler in terms of performance.

  This has been pointed out many times by many people.  There's
 even a PhD thesis on the topic.  Without a few restrictions, so
 that a compiler can at least tell when support for the hard cases
 is needed, Python cannot be compiled well.

This assumes static compilation.  It's the wrong approach for a dynamic
language like Python.

-- [mdw]

Re: Bunch 2.0 - a dict with a default

2010-11-18 Thread Chris Kaynor
You may want to look at the collections.defaultdict class. It takes in a
factory function for default values.

You can also implement your class by overriding the __missing__ method of
the dict class, rather than overriding the __getitem__.

Both were added in Python 2.5 according to the documentation.


On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 5:45 PM, Phlip wrote:


 If everyone likes this post, then the code is a snippet for
 community edification. Otherwise, it's a question: How to do this kind
 of thing better?

 I want a dict() variant that passes these test cases:

map = Map()
assert not(map.has_key('_default'))

map = Map(yo='dude')
assert map['yo'] == 'dude'
assert map.yo == 'dude'
assert None == map['whatever']
assert not(map.has_key('_default'))

map = Map(yo='dude', _default='q')
assert 'q' == map['whatever']
assert not(map.has_key('_default'))

 That's like Bunch, but with a default value. (That makes code with
 excess if statements less likely.)

 So here's the implementation:

 def Map(*args, **kwargs):
value = kwargs.get('_default', None)
if kwargs.has_key('_default'):  del kwargs['_default']

class _DefMap(dict):
def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
dict.__init__(self, *a, **kw)
self.__dict__ = self

def __getitem__(self, key):
if not self.has_key(key):  self[key] = value
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)

return _DefMap(*args, **kwargs)



Re: Some syntactic sugar proposals

2010-11-18 Thread Mark Wooding
Steven D'Aprano writes:

  Not everything needs to be a one liner. If you need this, do it the
  old- fashioned way:
  t = foo()
  if not pred(t): t = default_value
  I already explained how to write it as a one-liner:
  t = (lambda y: y if pred(y) else default_value)(foo())

 I didn't say it couldn't be written as a one-liner. I suggested that it 
 was better not to.

Ahh.  I misunderstood the first sentence above as dismissing the
possibility.  Sorry.  I agree that it's not a /nice/ one-liner. ;-)

 The costs of the one-liner are:

 * reduced readability;
 * requires an increased level of knowledge of the reader (what's lambda 
 * runtime inefficiency (you create a function object, only to use it once 
 then throw it away).

This last can be obviated by a clever compiler (which, in our case, we
have not got).  The second could be considered an advantage: it's

 The advantages?

 * one fewer line of code.

 In my experience, the obsessiveness in which some people look for one-
 liners is far from helpful, and goes against the spirit of Python. This 
 isn't Perl :)

Oh, I agree completely.  On the other hand, it's just /fun/.  Python is
a fun language and using its features in playfully unusual ways is
enjoyable; like a good pun in a natural language.  Just as puns aren't
always appropriate in written language, playful code isn't always
appropriate either; but that doesn't mean it's never appropriate.

(Java has no sense of humour.  C++ does have, but it's a bit weird.)

-- [mdw]

Re: Program, Application, and Software

2010-11-18 Thread Mark Wooding
Steven D'Aprano writes:

 On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 14:21:47 +, Martin Gregorie wrote:

  I use 'script' to refer to programs written in languages that don't have
  a separate compile phase which must be run before the program can be
  executed. IOW Python and Perl programs are scripts aloing with programs
  written as awk, Javascript and bash scripts.

 You're mistaken then about Python, because it does have a separate 
 compilation phase that runs before the program can be executed. Where do 
 you think the .pyc files come from, and what did you think the compile() 
 function did? It just happens automatically, rather than manually.

I think Martin meant that there's no /explicit/ compilation phase.  As a
case in point, tcc is an optimizing native-code compiler for C which is
so fast at generating code that it has a mode which accepts an initial
`#!' line in its input; the documentation refers to C `scripts'.

Awk, Javascript and Perl have full compilation phases too, but they're
hidden from the user; bash certainly builds a parse tree but I don't
know whether it just walks that or has some other kind of internal

 Maybe, once upon a time, there was a meaningful distinction to be made 
 between purely interpreted languages and purely compiled languages.

No, there never was; only between interpreting and compiling

 But today, when interpreted languages have a compilation phase, and
 compiled languages have the equivalent of eval() and do their
 compilation at runtime, such a distinction is now fairly arbitrary.
 Better questions are:

 * Does the program compile to native machine code or byte code?

 * How efficient is the machine code, or the virtual machine that executes 
 the byte code? What do you mean by efficient?

 * Is there an integrated parse-compile-execute cycle, or does the 
 developer have to perform them individually?

 * To what degree is the syntax of the language aimed at rapid development 
 and/or runtime efficiency?

 Harder questions to ask, and answer, than Is that language for writing 
 scripts or programs or applications?, but the answers are far more 

Maybe.  I note that there are Lisp systems (plural!) which compile to
native code (only -- with no interpreter at all), but fully support
runtime `eval', batch compilation of source files, aggressive
optimization for speed and/or space, and so on.  So I think that some of
the above questions, at least, present false dichotomies: one doesn't
have to choose one or the other; one can have cake and eat it too.

Also some of the questions are about the language and some are about the
implementation.  It's important not to get the two confused.

-- [mdw]

Re: Is Unladen Swallow dead?

2010-11-18 Thread Carl Banks
On Nov 18, 2:59 pm, Jean-Paul Calderone
 On Nov 18, 1:31 pm, John Nagle wrote:

  On 11/18/2010 4:24 AM, BartC wrote:

   John Nagle wrote in message
   On 11/16/2010 10:24 PM, swapnil wrote:

   AFAIK, the merging plan was approved by Guido early this year. I
   guess Google is expecting the community to drive the project
   from here on. That was the whole idea for merging it to mainline.
   From my last conversation with Collin, they are targeting Python

   I think it's dead. They're a year behind on quarterly releases.
   The last release was Q3 2009. The project failed to achieve its
   stated goal of a 5x speedup. Not even close. More like 1.5x

   There must have been good reasons to predict a 5x increase.

       For Java, adding a JIT improved performance by much more than that.
  Hard-code compilers for LISP have done much better than 5x.  The
  best Java and LISP compilers approach the speed of C, while CPython
  is generally considered to be roughly 60 times slower than C.  So
  5x probably looked like a conservative goal.  For Google, a company
  which buys servers by the acre, a 5x speedup would have a big payoff.

   Assuming the 5x speedup was shown to be viable (ie. performing the
   same benchmarks, on the same data, can be done that quickly in any
   other language, and allowing for the overheads associated with
   Python's dynamic nature), then what went wrong?

        Python is defined by what a naive interpreter with late binding
  and dynamic name lookups, like CPython, can easily implement.  Simply
  emulating the semantics of CPython with generated code doesn't help
  all that much.

        Because you can monkey patch Python objects from outside the
  class, a local compiler, like a JIT, can't turn name lookups into hard
  bindings.  Nor can it make reliable decisions about the types of
  objects.  That adds a sizable performance penalty. Short of global
  program analysis, the compiler can't tell when code for the hard cases
  needs to be generated.  So the hard-case code, where you figure out at
  run-time, for ever use of +, whether + is addition or concatenation,
  has to be generated every time.  Making that decision is far slower
  than doing an add.

 This isn't completely accurate.  It *is* possible to write a JIT
 for a Python runtime which has fast path code for the common case, the
 where the meaning of + doesn't change between every opcode.  PyPy
 produced some pretty good results with this approach.

Right.  The key is to be able to dispatch on the type of object once
for a given chunk of code, which is possible if you do some kind of
flow path analysis on the function/chunk.

PyPy is starting to look much better of late, I kind of thought their
first approach was wrong (or at least too much) but they seem to have
pushed though it.

Carl Banks

Re: Program, Application, and Software

2010-11-18 Thread Terry Reedy

On 11/18/2010 9:05 PM, Mark Wooding wrote:

Maybe, once upon a time, there was a meaningful distinction to be made
between purely interpreted languages and purely compiled languages.

No, there never was; only between interpreting and compiling

Right. I remember using a C *interpreter* about 25 years ago on Unix. 
And on Windows, as I remember, the Borland TurboC system let one 
compile, link, and run with one command.

A language is just a language, not an implementation.

Terry Jan Reedy


[issue10183] test_concurrent_futures failure on Windows

2010-11-18 Thread Brian Quinlan

Brian Quinlan added the comment:

Would you include the entire output of the test run?


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[issue4113] Add custom __repr__ to functools.partial

2010-11-18 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger added the comment:

 Looks like a reasonable proposal, but coding this in C is a chore. 

It's not that bad.  Most C code is a bit of a chore compared to Python but it 
really doesn't take much to write a C equivalent of: functools.partial(%r, 
%s) % (self.func, ', '.join(repr(a) for a in self.args)

  How hard/inefficient would it be to have 99% of partial 
 coded in C and one stub in

Let's not do this.  There is too little benefit to warrant going down the path 
of splitting the code across two langauges.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10183] test_concurrent_futures failure on Windows

2010-11-18 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Y:\py3k\__svn__\PCbuild\amd64\python_d.exe -m test.regrtest -v 
== CPython 3.2a4+ (py3k, Nov 18 2010, 11:12:09) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
==   Windows-7-6.1.7600 little-endian
==   Y:\py3k\__svn__\build\test_python_2016
[1/1] test_concurrent_futures
test_map (test.test_concurrent_futures.ProcessPoolExecutorTest) ... ok
test_map_exception (test.test_concurrent_futures.ProcessPoolExecutorTest) ... ok

test_map_timeout (test.test_concurrent_futures.ProcessPoolExecutorTest) ... FAIL

test_submit (test.test_concurrent_futures.ProcessPoolExecutorTest) ... ok
test_submit_keyword (test.test_concurrent_futures.ProcessPoolExecutorTest) ... o
test_map (test.test_concurrent_futures.ThreadPoolExecutorTest) ... ok
test_map_exception (test.test_concurrent_futures.ThreadPoolExecutorTest) ... ok
test_map_timeout (test.test_concurrent_futures.ThreadPoolExecutorTest) ... ok
test_submit (test.test_concurrent_futures.ThreadPoolExecutorTest) ... ok
test_submit_keyword (test.test_concurrent_futures.ThreadPoolExecutorTest) ... ok

test_all_completed (test.test_concurrent_futures.ProcessPoolWaitTests) ... ok
test_all_completed_some_already_completed (test.test_concurrent_futures.ProcessP
oolWaitTests) ... ok
test_first_completed (test.test_concurrent_futures.ProcessPoolWaitTests) ... ok
test_first_completed_one_already_completed (test.test_concurrent_futures.Process
PoolWaitTests) ... ok
test_first_exception (test.test_concurrent_futures.ProcessPoolWaitTests) ... ok
test_first_exception_one_already_failed (test.test_concurrent_futures.ProcessPoo
lWaitTests) ... ok
test_first_exception_some_already_complete (test.test_concurrent_futures.Process
PoolWaitTests) ... ok
test_timeout (test.test_concurrent_futures.ProcessPoolWaitTests) ... FAIL
test_all_completed (test.test_concurrent_futures.ThreadPoolWaitTests) ... ok
test_all_completed_some_already_completed (test.test_concurrent_futures.ThreadPo
olWaitTests) ... ok
test_first_completed (test.test_concurrent_futures.ThreadPoolWaitTests) ... ok
test_first_completed_one_already_completed (test.test_concurrent_futures.ThreadP
oolWaitTests) ... ok
test_first_exception (test.test_concurrent_futures.ThreadPoolWaitTests) ... ok
test_first_exception_one_already_failed (test.test_concurrent_futures.ThreadPool
WaitTests) ... ok
test_first_exception_some_already_complete (test.test_concurrent_futures.ThreadP
oolWaitTests) ... ok
test_timeout (test.test_concurrent_futures.ThreadPoolWaitTests) ... ok
test_no_timeout (test.test_concurrent_futures.ProcessPoolAsCompletedTests) ... o
test_zero_timeout (test.test_concurrent_futures.ProcessPoolAsCompletedTests) ...
test_no_timeout (test.test_concurrent_futures.ThreadPoolAsCompletedTests) ... ok

test_zero_timeout (test.test_concurrent_futures.ThreadPoolAsCompletedTests) ...
test_cancel (test.test_concurrent_futures.FutureTests) ... ok
test_cancelled (test.test_concurrent_futures.FutureTests) ... ok
test_done (test.test_concurrent_futures.FutureTests) ... ok
test_done_callback_already_cancelled (test.test_concurrent_futures.FutureTests)
... ok
test_done_callback_already_failed (test.test_concurrent_futures.FutureTests) ...
test_done_callback_already_successful (test.test_concurrent_futures.FutureTests)
 ... ok
test_done_callback_raises (test.test_concurrent_futures.FutureTests) ... ok
test_done_callback_with_cancel (test.test_concurrent_futures.FutureTests) ... ok

test_done_callback_with_exception (test.test_concurrent_futures.FutureTests) ...
test_done_callback_with_result (test.test_concurrent_futures.FutureTests) ... ok

test_exception_with_success (test.test_concurrent_futures.FutureTests) ... ok
test_exception_with_timeout (test.test_concurrent_futures.FutureTests) ... ok
test_repr (test.test_concurrent_futures.FutureTests) ... ok
test_result_with_cancel (test.test_concurrent_futures.FutureTests) ... ok
test_result_with_success (test.test_concurrent_futures.FutureTests) ... ok
test_result_with_timeout (test.test_concurrent_futures.FutureTests) ... ok
test_running (test.test_concurrent_futures.FutureTests) ... ok
test_context_manager_shutdown (test.test_concurrent_futures.ProcessPoolShutdownT
est) ... ok
test_del_shutdown (test.test_concurrent_futures.ProcessPoolShutdownTest) ... ok
test_processes_terminate (test.test_concurrent_futures.ProcessPoolShutdownTest)
... ok
test_run_after_shutdown (test.test_concurrent_futures.ProcessPoolShutdownTest) .
.. ok
test_context_manager_shutdown (test.test_concurrent_futures.ThreadPoolShutdownTe
st) ... ok
test_del_shutdown (test.test_concurrent_futures.ThreadPoolShutdownTest) ... ok
test_run_after_shutdown (test.test_concurrent_futures.ThreadPoolShutdownTest) ..
. ok
test_threads_terminate (test.test_concurrent_futures.ThreadPoolShutdownTest) ...

FAIL: test_map_timeout (test.test_concurrent_futures.ProcessPoolExecutorTest)

[issue10351] Add autocompletion for keys in dictionaries

2010-11-18 Thread Valery Khamenya

Valery Khamenya added the comment:

Guys, do you expect anythig else from me in respect to this issue? Let me know 
it before my non-stopable garbage collector wipes all the details from my brain 
away :)


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10351] Add autocompletion for keys in dictionaries

2010-11-18 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Changes by Antoine Pitrou

nosy: +facundobatista, georg.brandl

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

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