Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3

2013-04-10 Thread rusi
On Apr 10, 10:06 am, rusi wrote:
 An interesting case of two threads:

 On Apr 10, 9:46 am, Chris Angelico wrote:

  On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 2:25 PM, Steven D'Aprano
   Obviously you know what the problem is much better than the Python

  I just went to the page and it started playing sound. Between that and
  this arrogant refusal to believe either the interpreter or the people
  who are freely donating time to assist, I'm done. No more looking at
  Nikos's home page to try to figure out his problems. Have fun, Nikos.


 Some swans are black
 Some homo sapiens have negative IQ

Hmm I see some cut-paste goofup on my part.
I was meaning to juxtapose this thread where we put up with inordinate
amount of nonsense from OP
along with the recent thread in which a newcomer who thinks he has
found a bug in pdb is made fun of.

Then thought better of it and deleted the stuff.
However I did not do a good delete-job so I better now say what I
avoided saying:

If those who habitually post rubbish are given much of our time and
whereas newcomers and first-timers are treated rudely, the list begins
to smell like a club of old farts.

Re: While loop help

2013-04-10 Thread Larry Hudson

On 04/09/2013 09:49 AM, wrote:

So what would be the proper way to perform a loop of this program. I still 
can't quite figure out the best way to do it.

My suggestion... (pseudocode)

#   Print a heading/introduction here
while True:
#   Print menu, with an added selection to quit
#   Get the user's choice (as an int)
if choice == 1:
#   Print prompt for this choice
#   Enter the value (as float, not int.  Why limit your values to ints 
#   Display the calculated result
elif choice == 2:
#   Same procedure as above
elif ... etc
#   etc
elif choice == (value for quit):
break#   This breaks out of the while loop
#   Invalid choice, print error message
#   End of loop

Further suggestion:
Since each of the choices use the same basic procedure, it could be written as a separate single 
function.  It would just need to be passed the appropriate prompt string(s) and conversion 
factor.  The results display _could_ be in this function also, but that would require passing 
even more strings.  It would probably be better to simply return the two values (the input value 
and the converted value) back to the calling block and print the results there.

Also, don't use the round function here, that does NOT guarantee it will be _printed_ to two 
decimal places.  Use string formatting in the print statements.  For example: (using your 
original variable names, and assuming they are now both floats)

old style:

print '%.2f inches = %.2f meters' % (number, calc)

or new style:

print '{:.2f} inches = {:.2f} meters'.format(number, calc)

You also mentioned that you don't like the editor you're using.  For a simple substitute you 
might try Idle (which normally comes with Python).  This gives you the advantage of an 
interactive environment as will as an editor.  There are many other choices, of course, but as a 
newbie you might find this more comfortable than what you're currently using.

I hope this jump-starts your thinking.  Keep at it, it's worth the effort.

 -=- Larry -=-


Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3

2013-04-10 Thread Antoine Pitrou
rusi rustompmody at writes:
 Hmm I see some cut-paste goofup on my part.
 I was meaning to juxtapose this thread where we put up with inordinate
 amount of nonsense from OP
 along with the recent thread in which a newcomer who thinks he has
 found a bug in pdb is made fun of.
 Then thought better of it and deleted the stuff.
 However I did not do a good delete-job so I better now say what I
 avoided saying:
 If those who habitually post rubbish are given much of our time and
 whereas newcomers and first-timers are treated rudely, the list begins
 to smell like a club of old farts.

+1. If you think you have something intelligent to say to jmfauth,
you might as well start a private discussion with him.

As far as I'm concerned, python-list is *already* of club of old
farts. Many regular posters are more interested in being right on the
Internet rather than helping people out.

(this is where the StackOverflow mechanics probably work better, sadly)




Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3

2013-04-10 Thread nagia . retsina
Τη Τετάρτη, 10 Απριλίου 2013 7:25:21 π.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Steven D'Aprano 

 What does os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] give? Until you answer that question, 
 you won't make any progress.

I insists stevv.

Look at what 'python3' gives me

!-- The above is a description of an error in a Python program, formatted
 for a Web browser because the 'cgitb' module was enabled.  In case you
 are not reading this in a Web browser, here is the original traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 34, in lt;modulegt;
userinfo = os.environ['HTTP_USER_AGENT']
  File /root/.local/lib/python2.7/lib/python3.3/, line 669, in 
value = self._data[self.encodekey(key)]



Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3

2013-04-10 Thread Νίκος Γκρ33κ
Here is the whole code for in case someone wants to take allok.

Everything is correct after altering it to meet python 3.3, everythign aprt 
from the weird unicode error thing.

please take a look.
Thank you. 

Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3

2013-04-10 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 09 Apr 2013 23:04:35 -0700, rusi wrote:

 Hmm I see some cut-paste goofup on my part. I was meaning to juxtapose
 this thread where we put up with inordinate amount of nonsense from OP
 along with the recent thread in which a newcomer who thinks he has found
 a bug in pdb is made fun of.

Curious. Is this making fun of the newcomer?

  If you are able to supply more details, we might be able to
  follow up on the registration problem.  And,  as someone else
  suggested, you could post the details of the pdb problem here.
  Note, there are already a number of currently open issues with
  pdb reported on the bug tracker. If you haven't already, you
  could search for pdb and see if your problem has been reported.
  Thanks for bringing the problem(s) up!

Or perhaps this is making fun of them?

  Post the 10-line program here, so others can verify whether it is a bug.

I think it is quite unfair of you to mischaracterise the entire community 
response in this way. One person made a light-hearted, silly, unhelpful 
response. (As sarcasm, I'm afraid it missed the target.) Two people made 
good, sensible responses -- and you were not either of them.

If you want to be helpful, how about leading by example and taking on 
some of the less coherent newbie questions, instead of just bitching that 
others don't? It's easy, and a pleasure, to give good answers to well-
written, carefully thought out questions. It's much harder to do the same 
for those questions which are... shall we say... less optimal. We could 
do with a few more people who make an effort to be helpful and friendly, 
instead of scolds who just tell us off when we stumble.

 Then thought better of it and deleted the stuff. However I did not do a
 good delete-job so I better now say what I avoided saying:
 If those who habitually post rubbish are given much of our time and
 whereas newcomers and first-timers are treated rudely, the list begins
 to smell like a club of old farts.

It's often the newcomers who are posting rubbish. Should we ignore them 
for posting rubbish, or welcome them for being newcomers?


People in the python community [was Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3]

2013-04-10 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 10 Apr 2013 08:28:55 +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 If you want to be helpful, how about leading by example and taking on
 some of the less coherent newbie questions

On that note, I think I'll take the opportunity to give thanks to Peter 
Otten, who (if I remember correctly) has been here for longer than I 
have, and I've been here for a long time. In all that time, I don't think 
I've ever seen him snap at or be rude to anyone, not even those who 
deserved it, and he doesn't shy away from answering even the most poorly 
written questions.

Peter, I don't know how you do it, but you're doing a fantastic job.


extract HTML table in a structured format

2013-04-10 Thread Jabba Laci

I wonder if there is a nice way to extract a whole HTML table and have the
result in a nice structured format. What I want is to have the lifetime
table at the bottom of this page: (then figure out with
a script until when my Ubuntu release is supported).

I could do it with BeautifulSoup or lxml but is there a better way? There
should be :)



use a loop to create lists

2013-04-10 Thread martaamunar

I would like to create a list containing lists. I need each list to have a 
differente name and i would like to use a loop to name the list. But as the 
name, is a string, i cannot asign it to a value... how can I do that??

for i in range (20):
  (list_+i)=[]   #These would be the name of the list...

Thank you!


Re: use a loop to create lists

2013-04-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 6:40 PM, wrote:

 I would like to create a list containing lists. I need each list to have a 
 differente name and i would like to use a loop to name the list. But as the 
 name, is a string, i cannot asign it to a value... how can I do that??

 for i in range (20):
   (list_+i)=[]   #These would be the name of the list...

They don't need unique names. Just use the same name inside the loop:

for i in range(20):
  current_list=[]  # Presumably you do something with it here

That'll work fine, and you can reference the lists by their positions
in global_list.


name lookup failure using metaclasses with unittests

2013-04-10 Thread Ulrich Eckhardt


I'm having problems using a metaclass to generate test functions. This 
works when I try to run all tests from the module or test case, but it 
fails when I'm trying to specify a single test function. My environment 
is Python 2.7.3 on MS Windows 7 at the moment. It should be upgraded to 
at least 2.7.4 or better to 3, but see the notes on Python 3 below.

import unittest
class X(unittest.TestCase):
def __metaclass__(name, bases, dict):
# attach function
def test(self):
dict['test_1'] = test
dict['test_2'] = test
# create class
return type(name, bases, dict)

The error when I'm trying to run python -m unittest my_module.X.test_1 
is: Value error: no such test method in class 'my_module.X': test. 
The astonishing part is that it claims that test is not found while I 
asked it to run test_1. The name it complains about is the name of the 
function inside the metaclass function. In all other cases, like e.g. 
giving -v it reports the correct function name. My question here is 
whether I'm doing something wrong or whether I discovered a bug.

Now, concerning Python 3, it fails to detect any test case at all! My 
guess is that the unittest library was changed to use metaclasses itself 
in order to detect classes derived from unittest.TestCase. Therefore, 
overriding the metaclass breaks test case discovery. My question in that 
context is how do I extend metaclasses instead of overriding it? In 
other words, what is the equivalent to super() for class creation?

Thank you for your help!


Re: People in the python community [was Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3]

2013-04-10 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 10/04/2013 09:34, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On that note, I think I'll take the opportunity to give thanks to Peter
Otten, who (if I remember correctly) has been here for longer than I
have, and I've been here for a long time. In all that time, I don't think
I've ever seen him snap at or be rude to anyone, not even those who
deserved it, and he doesn't shy away from answering even the most poorly
written questions.

Peter, I don't know how you do it, but you're doing a fantastic job.

Seconded.  For those who don't know Peter is always responding to 
queries on the tutor mailing list as well.  Definite case of the 
patience of a saint.

If you're using GoogleCrap™ please read this

Mark Lawrence


guessthenumber print games left

2013-04-10 Thread eschneider92
Could anyone tell me how to make the program tell me how many games are left 
before the first game and second game? For example, after one game of guess the 
number, I want it to tell me that i get one more game. P.S. I'm totally new to 
python (obviously), and I just added numberofgames variable in hopes of solving 
this problem. am I on the right track? Thanks for any assistance!
while numberofgames4:
import random
print ('type name')
print ('guess a number between 1 and 20, ' + name)
while guessestaken5:
if guessnumber:
print ('your guess is too low')
if guessnumber:
print ('your guess is too high0')
if guess==number:
if guess==number:
print ('you win!')
if guess!=number:
print ('you lose. the number was ' + number)

Re: guessthenumber print games left

2013-04-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 7:39 PM, wrote:
 Could anyone tell me how to make the program tell me how many games are left 
 before the first game and second game? For example, after one game of guess 
 the number, I want it to tell me that i get one more game. P.S. I'm totally 
 new to python (obviously), and I just added numberofgames variable in hopes 
 of solving this problem. am I on the right track? Thanks for any assistance!

 while numberofgames4:

First off, why are you adding two? Is this a typo?

You have here a counter, but it's counting up. To figure out how many
games are left, just subtract the numberofgames from the total number
of games that you'll be allowing - that's how many there are left. Do
you know how to do that?


Re: name lookup failure using metaclasses with unittests

2013-04-10 Thread Peter Otten
Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:

 I'm having problems using a metaclass to generate test functions. This
 works when I try to run all tests from the module or test case, but it
 fails when I'm trying to specify a single test function. My environment
 is Python 2.7.3 on MS Windows 7 at the moment. It should be upgraded to
 at least 2.7.4 or better to 3, but see the notes on Python 3 below.
 import unittest
 class X(unittest.TestCase):
  def __metaclass__(name, bases, dict):
  # attach function
  def test(self):
  dict['test_1'] = test
  dict['test_2'] = test
  # create class
  return type(name, bases, dict)
 The error when I'm trying to run python -m unittest my_module.X.test_1
 is: Value error: no such test method in class 'my_module.X': test.
 The astonishing part is that it claims that test is not found while I
 asked it to run test_1. The name it complains about is the name of the
 function inside the metaclass function. In all other cases, like e.g.
 giving -v it reports the correct function name. My question here is
 whether I'm doing something wrong or whether I discovered a bug.

Here's a simpler demo of the problem:

$ cat
import unittest

class X(unittest.TestCase):
def test_1(self): pass
test_1.__name__ = test_2

$ python -m unittest -v tmp
test_1 (tmp.X) ... ok

Ran 1 test in 0.001s

$ python -m unittest -v tmp.X.test_1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/, line 162, in _run_module_as_main
__main__, fname, loader, pkg_name)
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/, line 72, in _run_code
exec code in run_globals
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/, line 12, in module
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/, line 94, in __init__
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/, line 149, in parseArgs
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/, line 158, in createTests
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/, line 128, in 
suites = [self.loadTestsFromName(name, module) for name in names]
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/, line 109, in 
return self.suiteClass([parent(obj.__name__)])
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/, line 191, in __init__
(self.__class__, methodName))
ValueError: no such test method in class 'tmp.X': test_2

It looks like this particular invocation relies on class attribute and 
function __name__ being identical.

Please file a bug report.

 Now, concerning Python 3, it fails to detect any test case at all! My
 guess is that the unittest library was changed to use metaclasses itself
 in order to detect classes derived from unittest.TestCase. Therefore,
 overriding the metaclass breaks test case discovery. My question in that
 context is how do I extend metaclasses instead of overriding it? In
 other words, what is the equivalent to super() for class creation?

Python 3 does not recognize the __metaclass__ attribute as the metaclass. 
You need to provide it like so:

def __metaclass__(name, bases, dict):

class X(unittest.TestCase, metaclass=__metaclass__):


Re: People in the python community [was Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3]

2013-04-10 Thread Νίκος Γκρ33κ
 os.environ['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] is only set when running from browser.

so i faked it by using:

userinfo = os.environ.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'some default')

but the encoding issues are still there.

Re: People in the python community [was Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3]

2013-04-10 Thread Νίκος Γκρ33κ
Thank you just altered it but i still get the same encoding issues.

please its only a matter of simple alternation that iam not able to see.

When you have the time plz take a look.

Thank you!

pymysql KeyError

2013-04-10 Thread Chris Green
Hello everyone, greetings from Hong Kong.

I'm a relative noob with Python and have managed to break it. I'm hoping 
someone would be kind enough to help out, or perhaps just point me in the right 

I've written a program which pulls in an XML document from an API on a server 
and populates the data into a MySQL table which I will then use to create 
reports. Everything is fine up until the point it tries to write the record to 
MySQL with this statement:

dbcur.execute(INSERT INTO BackupJobs (bj_bsname, bj_bsid, bj_startdate, 
bj_starttime, bj_enddate, bj_endtime, bj_status, bj_uploadsize) values 
(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s), newrecord)

which borks with this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./, line 99, in module
    dbcur.execute(INSERT INTO BackupJobs (bj_bsname, bj_bsid, bj_startdate, 
bj_starttime, bj_enddate, bj_endtime, bj_status, bj_uploadsize) values 
(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s), newrecord)
  File /usr/local/lib/python3.2/dist-packages/pymysql/, line 100, 
in execute
    escaped_args = tuple(conn.escape(arg) for arg in args)
  File /usr/local/lib/python3.2/dist-packages/pymysql/, line 100, 
in genexpr
    escaped_args = tuple(conn.escape(arg) for arg in args)
  File /usr/local/lib/python3.2/dist-packages/pymysql/, line 
650, in escape
    return escape_item(obj, self.charset)
  File /usr/local/lib/python3.2/dist-packages/pymysql/, line 31, 
in escape_item
    encoder = encoders[type(val)]
KeyError: class 'builtin_function_or_method'

I can dump out the (dummy) contents of the table using:

for r in dbcur:
    print(r) it seems the connection itself is working. User ID has full permissions, 
I'm pretty sure the data types are correct for each field.

I can provide more code snippets if necessary.

I'd be very grateful for any help. And if you're in Hong Kong and have helped 
me through this I'll buy you a beer too :-) 


Re: People in the python community [was Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3]

2013-04-10 Thread Peter Otten
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 On Wed, 10 Apr 2013 08:28:55 +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 If you want to be helpful, how about leading by example and taking on
 some of the less coherent newbie questions
 On that note, I think I'll take the opportunity to give thanks to Peter
 Otten, who (if I remember correctly) has been here for longer than I
 have, and I've been here for a long time. In all that time, I don't think
 I've ever seen him snap at or be rude to anyone, not even those who
 deserved it, and he doesn't shy away from answering even the most poorly
 written questions.
 Peter, I don't know how you do it, but you're doing a fantastic job.

Thank you :)


Re: People in the python community [was Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3]

2013-04-10 Thread Peter Otten
Mark Lawrence wrote:

 On 10/04/2013 09:34, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 On that note, I think I'll take the opportunity to give thanks to Peter
 Otten, who (if I remember correctly) has been here for longer than I
 have, and I've been here for a long time. In all that time, I don't think
 I've ever seen him snap at or be rude to anyone, not even those who
 deserved it, and he doesn't shy away from answering even the most poorly
 written questions.

 Peter, I don't know how you do it, but you're doing a fantastic job.

 Seconded.  For those who don't know Peter is always responding to
 queries on the tutor mailing list as well.  Definite case of the
 patience of a saint.

You're invited as a speaker to my funeral ;)


Re: pymysql KeyError

2013-04-10 Thread Peter Otten
Chris Green wrote:

 Hello everyone, greetings from Hong Kong.
 I'm a relative noob with Python and have managed to break it. I'm hoping
 someone would be kind enough to help out, or perhaps just point me in the
 right direction.
 I've written a program which pulls in an XML document from an API on a
 server and populates the data into a MySQL table which I will then use to
 create reports. Everything is fine up until the point it tries to write
 the record to MySQL with this statement:
 dbcur.execute(INSERT INTO BackupJobs (bj_bsname, bj_bsid, bj_startdate,
 bj_starttime, bj_enddate, bj_endtime, bj_status, bj_uploadsize) values
 (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s), newrecord)
 which borks with this:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 File ./, line 99, in module
 dbcur.execute(INSERT INTO BackupJobs (bj_bsname, bj_bsid, bj_startdate,
 bj_starttime, bj_enddate, bj_endtime, bj_status, bj_uploadsize) values
 (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s), newrecord) File
 /usr/local/lib/python3.2/dist-packages/pymysql/, line 100, in
 execute escaped_args = tuple(conn.escape(arg) for arg in args) File
 /usr/local/lib/python3.2/dist-packages/pymysql/, line 100, in
 genexpr escaped_args = tuple(conn.escape(arg) for arg in args) File
 /usr/local/lib/python3.2/dist-packages/pymysql/, line 650,
 in escape return escape_item(obj, self.charset) File
 /usr/local/lib/python3.2/dist-packages/pymysql/, line 31,
 in escape_item encoder = encoders[type(val)] KeyError: class
 I can dump out the (dummy) contents of the table using:
 for r in dbcur:
 print(r) it seems the connection itself is working. User ID has full
 permissions, I'm pretty sure the data types are correct for each field.
 I can provide more code snippets if necessary.
 I'd be very grateful for any help. And if you're in Hong Kong and have
 helped me through this I'll buy you a beer too :-)

Add a


before the 


line and tell us what it shows. I'm guessing that for one of the values in 
it you forgot to call a method written in C, e. g.

built-in method pop of list object at 0x7f86f70bc950
class 'builtin_function_or_method'

instead of



Re: use a loop to create lists

2013-04-10 Thread Dave Angel

On 04/10/2013 04:40 AM, wrote:


I would like to create a list containing lists. I need each list to have a 
differente name and i would like to use a loop to name the list. But as the 
name, is a string, i cannot asign it to a value... how can I do that??

for i in range (20):
   (list_+i)=[]   #These would be the name of the list...

Thank you!

The fact that the content of the outer list also happens to be lists is 
irrelevant to your question.  I believe the real question here is how to 
create an arbitrary bunch of new names, and bind them to elements of he 

In general, you can't.  But more importantly, in general you don't want 
to.  If you come up with a convoluted way to fake it, you'll have to use 
the same convoluted way to access those names, so there's no point.  As 
Chris says, just reference them by index.

On the other hand, if the outer list happens to have exactly 7 elements, 
and you know that ahead of time, then it may well make sense to assign 
names to them.  Not list_0 through list_6, but name, addr1, ec.

global_list = []
for i in range(7):

first_name, mid_name, last_name, addr1, addr2, city, town = global_list

Incidentally, that's approximately what a collections.namedtuple is all 
about, giving names to items that are otherwise considered elements of a 


Re: People in the python community [was Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3]

2013-04-10 Thread Νίκος Γκρ33κ
Anyone please?

Re: xlrd 0.9.2 released!

2013-04-10 Thread nn
On Apr 9, 3:38 pm, Chris Withers wrote:
 Hi All,

 I'm pleased to announce the release of xlrd 0.9.2:

 This release includes the following changes:

 - Fix some packaging issues that meant docs and examples were missing
 from the tarball.

 - Fixed a small but serious regression that caused problems opening
 .xlsx files.

 If you find any problems, please ask about them on the list, or submit an issue on GitHub:

 Full details of all things Python and Excel related can be found here:



 Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing  Python Consulting

Thanks from me (and I am sure many others).

Really throwing this out there - does anyone have a copy of my old Dancer web browser?

2013-04-10 Thread steven . miale
About... er, a few years ago (1994!) I wrote a very basic web browser called 
Dancer.  My FTP site at Indiana is long gone.  Grail is based on at least some 
of the ideas of Dancer (but not the code itself.)

I'm wondering if anyone perchance has a copy of the code.  I know it will not 
run in any recent version of Python; it's just for my records.



Re: People in the python community [was Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3]

2013-04-10 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 10/04/2013 15:43, Νίκος Γκρ33κ wrote:

Anyone please?

I have already shown my support for Peter Otten on this thread.  Are you 
asking for more people to do so?

If you're using GoogleCrap™ please read this

Mark Lawrence


Re: People in the python community [was Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3]

2013-04-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 1:15 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
 On 10/04/2013 15:43, Νίκος Γκρ33κ wrote:

 Anyone please?

 I have already shown my support for Peter Otten on this thread.  Are you
 asking for more people to do so?

Sure, I can! He's one of the people who keeps this list/ng productive
and helpful. People can come here with Python problems and get Python

(I wouldn't normally me too a thread, but hey, with that opening!)


Re: Really throwing this out there - does anyone have a copy of my old Dancer web browser?

2013-04-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 1:03 AM, wrote:
 About... er, a few years ago (1994!) I wrote a very basic web browser called 
 Dancer.  My FTP site at Indiana is long gone.  Grail is based on at least 
 some of the ideas of Dancer (but not the code itself.)

 I'm wondering if anyone perchance has a copy of the code.  I know it will not 
 run in any recent version of Python; it's just for my records.

Have you tried the Wayback Machine at ? They
mainly crawl HTTP, not FTP, so it's a bit of a long shot, but if you
remember the address you had it hosted at, it's worth a try!

Alas, back in 1994 I wasn't doing much on the internet. We'd put
together our own LAN by that time, but our uplink was over a modem and
not shared to all computers. Wasn't for a few more years after that
that I actually really got a usable connection, much less got involved
in things like this. So I can't help any more than that, sorry.


Re: use a loop to create lists

2013-04-10 Thread rusi
On Apr 10, 1:40 pm, wrote:

 I would like to create a list containing lists. I need each list to have a 
 differente name and i would like to use a loop to name the list. But as the 
 name, is a string, i cannot asign it to a value... how can I do that??

 for i in range (20):
   (list_+i)=[]   #These would be the name of the list...

 Thank you!

If as Chris points out you dont actually need names, a list should
suffice (with indexing serving as 'naming')
If however there are a fixed (at program-writing time) small set of
names, you can do as Dave suggests and use unpacking assignment. [Some
people like to use objects for this]
If however you need an arbitrary set of names, unknown at programming
time, a dictionary is typically what is appropriate:

For dictionary d
- get the value of name n with d[n]
- set (bind) name n to value v in dict d with d[n] = v

Which of these options you should follow is not clear from your
question; you need to tell us a bit more about what you are trying to

Re: While loop help

2013-04-10 Thread rusi
On Apr 9, 8:47 pm, wrote:

 ... and if you have any ideas for me to improve my coding that will prevent 
 me from learning
 python in a sloppy way. I'd like to learn it correctly the first time!

Not perhaps a direct answer...
Anyways there is style in which python is best used which people
coming from more traditional languages are usually not familiar with:
its called 'playing around in the interpreter'

Here is a small session based on your code that shows this interaction
with the interpreter:
$ python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Jan  2 2013, 16:53:07)
[GCC 4.7.2] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 def inch2meter(i): return round(i*.254,2)
 def milliliter2pint(m): return round(number * 0.0021134,2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File stdin, line 1, in milliliter2pint
NameError: global name 'number' is not defined
 def milliliter2pint(m): return round(m * 0.0021134,2)


Notice some things here:
1. I check out the code as soon as its written. So when I cutpasted
from your code, without keeping names (m - number) consistent, I get
an error, correct it and continue
2. There is not a single print statement. Not just the functions have
no prints, even the code that calls them has none. Just call get
This point needs to be underscored: In C or java you cannot write any
useful code without doing IO ie printf/scanf etc. In python you can
and you should try to.

RE: pymysql KeyError

2013-04-10 Thread Chris Green
 Add a


 before the


 line and tell us what it shows. I'm guessing that for one of the values in
 it you forgot to call a method written in C, e. g.

 built-in method pop of list object at 0x7f86f70bc950
 class 'builtin_function_or_method'

 instead of


Thank you Peter - that got me back on track.

Indeed, my date and time values were coded incorrectly. I read up properly on 
datetime to fix that, then ran straight into a pymysql bug. After swapping that 
out for MySQL Connector/Python everything instantly sprang to life. So a bit 
convoluted but I got there in the end! 

Re: People in the python community [was Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3]

2013-04-10 Thread Νίκος Γκρ33κ
I'am not sure i follow you.
How did my topic changed?! Is this possible?

How about the oce i posted at
Did anyone by any chnace had a look into?

It's only a single thing iam missing for the encoding and the the script will 
load properly with python 3.3

Re: extract HTML table in a structured format

2013-04-10 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On 10 April 2013 09:44, Jabba Laci wrote:

 I wonder if there is a nice way to extract a whole HTML table and have the
 result in a nice structured format. What I want is to have the lifetime
 table at the bottom of this page: (then figure out with a
 script until when my Ubuntu release is supported).

 I could do it with BeautifulSoup or lxml but is there a better way? There
 should be :)

Instead of parsing HTML, you could just parse the source of the page
(available via action=raw):

import urllib2

url = (

source = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()

# Table rows are separated with the line |-
# Then there is a line starting with |
potential_rows = source.split(\n|-\n|)

rows = []

for row in potential_rows:
# Rows in the table start with a link (' [[ ... ]]')
if row.startswith( [[):
row = [item.strip() for item in row.split(\n|)]

 import pprint
[['[[Warty Warthog|4.10]]',
  'Warty Warthog',
  '20 October 2004',
  'colspan=2 {{Version |o |30 April 2006}}',
 ['[[Hoary Hedgehog|5.04]]',
  'Hoary Hedgehog',
  '8 April 2005',
  'colspan=2 {{Version |o |31 October 2006}}',
 ['[[Breezy Badger|5.10]]',
  'Breezy Badger',
  '13 October 2005',
  'colspan=2 {{Version |o |13 April 2007}}',
 ['[[Ubuntu 6.06|6.06 LTS]]',
  'Dapper Drake',
  '1 June 2006',
  '{{Version |o | 14 July 2009}}',
  '{{Version |o | 1 June 2011}}',
 ['[[Ubuntu 6.10|6.10]]',
  'Edgy Eft',
  '26 October 2006',
  'colspan=2 {{Version |o | 25 April 2008}}',

That should give you the info you need (until the wiki page changes too much!)


Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3

2013-04-10 Thread Nobody
On Wed, 10 Apr 2013 00:23:46 -0700, nagia.retsina wrote:

 Look at what 'python3' gives me

   File /root/.local/lib/python2.7/lib/python3.3/, line 669, ...
 ^^^   ^^^


Re: extract HTML table in a structured format

2013-04-10 Thread Jabba Laci

Thanks, it's a great idea to parse the wiki source. Since then I have found
a command for this particular task called ubuntu-support-status that
shows what I need.

But the idea to extract an HTML table from a webpage in a structured format
could be an interesting (and useful) project idea.



On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 8:11 PM, Arnaud Delobelle wrote:

 On 10 April 2013 09:44, Jabba Laci wrote:
  I wonder if there is a nice way to extract a whole HTML table and have
  result in a nice structured format. What I want is to have the lifetime
  table at the bottom of this page: (then figure out
 with a
  script until when my Ubuntu release is supported).
  I could do it with BeautifulSoup or lxml but is there a better way? There
  should be :)

 Instead of parsing HTML, you could just parse the source of the page
 (available via action=raw):

 import urllib2

 url = (

 source = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()

 # Table rows are separated with the line |-
 # Then there is a line starting with |
 potential_rows = source.split(\n|-\n|)

 rows = []

 for row in potential_rows:
 # Rows in the table start with a link (' [[ ... ]]')
 if row.startswith( [[):
 row = [item.strip() for item in row.split(\n|)]

  import pprint
 [['[[Warty Warthog|4.10]]',
   'Warty Warthog',
   '20 October 2004',
   'colspan=2 {{Version |o |30 April 2006}}',
  ['[[Hoary Hedgehog|5.04]]',
   'Hoary Hedgehog',
   '8 April 2005',
   'colspan=2 {{Version |o |31 October 2006}}',
  ['[[Breezy Badger|5.10]]',
   'Breezy Badger',
   '13 October 2005',
   'colspan=2 {{Version |o |13 April 2007}}',
  ['[[Ubuntu 6.06|6.06 LTS]]',
   'Dapper Drake',
   '1 June 2006',
   '{{Version |o | 14 July 2009}}',
   '{{Version |o | 1 June 2011}}',
  ['[[Ubuntu 6.10|6.10]]',
   'Edgy Eft',
   '26 October 2006',
   'colspan=2 {{Version |o | 25 April 2008}}',

 That should give you the info you need (until the wiki page changes too



Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3

2013-04-10 Thread Νίκος Γκρ33κ
Τη Τετάρτη, 10 Απριλίου 2013 9:08:38 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Nobody έγραψε:
 On Wed, 10 Apr 2013 00:23:46 -0700, nagia.retsina wrote:
  Look at what 'python3' gives me
File /root/.local/lib/python2.7/lib/python3.3/, line 669, ...
  ^^^   ^^^

Yes i see it in the traceback but i dont know what it means.
Please explain to me.
Tahnk you.

Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3

2013-04-10 Thread Ian Kelly
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:25 PM, Νίκος Γκρ33κ wrote:
 Τη Τετάρτη, 10 Απριλίου 2013 9:08:38 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Nobody έγραψε:
 On Wed, 10 Apr 2013 00:23:46 -0700, nagia.retsina wrote:

  Look at what 'python3' gives me

File /root/.local/lib/python2.7/lib/python3.3/, line 669, ...

  ^^^   ^^^

 Yes i see it in the traceback but i dont know what it means.
 Please explain to me.
 Tahnk you.

It means that there is something very strange about the way that your
Python 3.3 is installed, as the libraries appear to be installed under
your Python 2.7 library directory.

Re: guessthenumber print games left

2013-04-10 Thread eschneider92
On Wednesday, April 10, 2013 5:44:20 AM UTC-4, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 7:39 PM, wrote:
  Could anyone tell me how to make the program tell me how many games are 
  left before the first game and second game? For example, after one game of 
  guess the number, I want it to tell me that i get one more game. P.S. I'm 
  totally new to python (obviously), and I just added numberofgames variable 
  in hopes of solving this problem. am I on the right track? Thanks for any 
  while numberofgames4:
 First off, why are you adding two? Is this a typo?
 You have here a counter, but it's counting up. To figure out how many
 games are left, just subtract the numberofgames from the total number
 of games that you'll be allowing - that's how many there are left. Do
 you know how to do that?

Thanks for the quick reply. I've been trying your advice but I can't figure it 
out. If anyone could show me how to do it in program form, it would be much 

Re: Strange files??

2013-04-10 Thread Rob Day
On Wednesday 10 Apr 2013 14:16:23 Joe Hill wrote:
 Recently I installed Python 3.3 successfully.
 Yesterday - I have a bunch of PY files such as, some *.p7s
 files, some signature files and an index.fpickle.  A total of 23 files.
 Where do they come from and how do they end up as incoming mail???
 Are any of these needed for anything?
 As a rule I sort out or delete all incoming attachments every day.

What do you mean, you have them? Did someone email them to you? If so, surely 
they're nothing to do with installing Python.

Re: Print to an IPP printer (pkipplib?)

2013-04-10 Thread Adam Tauno Williams
On Wed, 2010-10-20 at 14:45 +, Martin Gregorie wrote:
 On Fri, 15 Oct 2010 15:28:10 -0400, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
  I've found the module pkipplib which seems to work well for things like
  interrogating an IPP (CUPS) server.  But is there a way to send a print
  job to an IPP print queue? [and no, the local system knows nothing about
  the print architecture so popenlp is not an option].  I just want to
  send the data from a file handle to a remote IPP queue as a print job.
 See RFC 2910.

Queuing a file directly to an IPP server is possible using pycups.



python-noob - which container is appropriate for later exporting into mySql + matplotlib ?

2013-04-10 Thread someone


Here's my data:
20130315T071500 39000.  10  26  48000.  1   40
20130315T071501 39000.  10  26  48000.  2   42
20130315T071501 39000.  10  26  47520.  15  69
20130315T071501 39000.  10  26  47160.  1   70
20130315T071501 39000.  10  26  47000.  1   72
20130315T071501 39000.  10  26  47000.  2   81
20130315T071501 39000.  10  26  47000.  6   85
20130315T071501 39000.  10  26  46520.  10  95
20130315T071501 43000.  10  36  46520.  10  95
20130315T071501 43200.  4   43  46520.  10  104
20130315T071501 44040.  1   45  46520.  10  108
20130315T071501 44080.  3   48  46520.  10  109
20130315T071501 44080.  3   48  46520.  11  113
20130315T071501 44080.  3   48  46400.  2   131
20130315T071501 45080.  1   51  46400.  2   145
20130315T071501 45080.  1   51  46200.  1   147
20130315T071501 45080.  1   60  46120.  1   182
20130315T071501 45520.  1   65  46120.  1   225
20130315T071501 45520.  1   73  46120.  2   247
20130315T08 45760.  1   133 46120.  2   378
20130315T080241 45760.  2   199 46120.  2   453
20130315T080945 45760.  3   217 46120.  2   456
20130315T081103 45760.  3   217 46080.  1   457
20130315T081105 45760.  3   218 46080.  2   458
20130315T081106 45760.  4   222 46080.  2   458
20130315T081107 45800.  1   229 46080.  2   458
20130315T082754 45800.  8   266 46080.  2   514


The first column is date + time. I know how to use simple tuples, list's 
and dict's. But I don't think it's a good idea to make each line an 
element in a list/dict ?

I want to put this table into an appropriate container such that 
afterwards I want to:

1) Put the data into a mySql-table
2) Be able to easily plot column 1 vs. either of the other columns using 
matplotlib etc...

I consider myself a python-newbie so I'm not that good with 
containers... I found something here: but I'm not really 
sure what is a good pythonic way of storing this data?

I also think that maybe I ought to convert the first data+time column 
into a single number, because right now it's a string (because there's a 
T in the middle of column 1)... Letting the date+time-column (=column 
1) become entirely numbers, makes it easier to plot in matplotlib 

I'm not sure how to store this in an efficient manner... What (=how?) 
would you do it?



Re: guessthenumber print games left

2013-04-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 7:01 AM, wrote:
 On Wednesday, April 10, 2013 5:44:20 AM UTC-4, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 7:39 PM, wrote:

 You have here a counter, but it's counting up. To figure out how many
 games are left, just subtract the numberofgames from the total number
 of games that you'll be allowing - that's how many there are left. Do
 you know how to do that?

 Thanks for the quick reply. I've been trying your advice but I can't figure 
 it out. If anyone could show me how to do it in program form, it would be 
 much obliged.

Set your current code aside, and just make a program that counts games
without actually playing them. Start with this part of your existing

while numberofgames4:

That will run, but do nothing. Now add a print call to the loop, and
see if you can work out how to make it count how many games are left.

If you get stuck, post the code for just this program and we'll see
where it takes us!


Re: Python pdb bug, followed by bug in

2013-04-10 Thread Gregory Ewing

Ned Deily wrote:
There is a meta tracker for problems with the Python 
issuer tracker itself:

but you do have to register for that tracker (a separate registration).  

You mean there's no meta-meta-tracker for reporting
problems registering with the meta-tracker?

There should be meta-trackers all the way up!


Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3

2013-04-10 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On 10 April 2013 09:28, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Tue, 09 Apr 2013 23:04:35 -0700, rusi wrote:
 I think it is quite unfair of you to mischaracterise the entire community
 response in this way. One person made a light-hearted, silly, unhelpful
 response. (As sarcasm, I'm afraid it missed the target.) Two people made
 good, sensible responses -- and you were not either of them.

Enough already with the thought police.

It was me who made the silly reply to the guy who was ranting about
everything being broken, giving us nothing to help in on, ending his
message in an edifying and in my judgement, largely rhetorical
Suggestions?.  So I gave him some silly suggestions (*not* intended
to be sarcasm), and I'm not apologising for it.  At least I'm not
presuming to take the moral high ground at every half-opportunity.

Recently I gave a very quick reply to someone who was wondering why he
couldn't get the docstring from his descriptor - I didn't have the
time to expand because two of my kids had jumped on my knees almost as
soon as I'd got on the computer.  I decided to post the reply anyway
as I thought it would give the OP something to get started on and
nobody else seemed to have replied so far - but I got remonstrated for
not being complete enough in my reply!  What is that about?

AFAIK, this is not Python Customer Service, but a place for people who
are interested in Python to discuss problems and *freely* exchange
thoughts about the language and its ecosystem.  Over the year I've
posted the occasional silly message but I think my record is
overwhelmingly that I've tried to be helpful, and when I've needed
some help myself, I've got some great advice.  My first question on
this list was answered by Alex Martelli and nowadays I get most
excellent and concise tips from Peter Otten - thanks, Peter! If
there's one person on this list I don't want to offend, it's you!

So here's to lots more good and bad humour on this list, and the
occasional slightly un-pc remark even!



Functional vs. Object oriented API

2013-04-10 Thread Max Bucknell
I'm currently learning Python, and it's going great. I've dabbled before, but 
really getting into it is good fun. 

To test myself, and not detract too much from my actual studies (mathematics), 
I've been writing my own package to do linear algebra, and I am unsure about 
how best to structure my API.

For example, I have a vector class, that works like so:

 a = Vector([2, 7, 4])
 b = Vector.j # unit vector in 3D y direction

I also have a function to generate the dot product of these two vectors. In 
Java, such a function would be put as a method on the class and I would do 
something like:


and that would be the end of it. But in Python, I can also have:

 dot_product(a, b)

Which of these two are preferred in Python? And are there any general 
guidelines for choosing between the two styles, or is it largely a matter of 
personal preference?

Thanks for reading,

Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3

2013-04-10 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 10Apr2013 01:06, Νίκος Γκρ33κ wrote:
| Here is the whole code for in case someone wants to take allok.
| Everything is correct after altering it to meet python 3.3,
| everythign aprt from the weird unicode error thing.
| please take a look.

From looking at the HTML source of the page:

I see near the start:

  b'!DOCTYPE html

I'd say you have a bytes object that you've fed to print().
In python2, str is effectively bytes.
In python3, str is a sequence of Unicode code points, and bytes are
arrays of small integers.
If you feed a bytes object to print it will print a strig represenation
of it, starting with b'

The question is: where did the bytes object come from? A cursory
glance through your pastebin code doesn't show me anthing very

I'd start by asking: where does the string !DOCTYPE come from?
Wherever that is, it seems to be bytes rather than str.
Start with that.

Cameron Simpson

You don't have to live on the edge, but you have to know where it is.
- Scott Lilliott,

Re: Functional vs. Object oriented API

2013-04-10 Thread Xavier Ho
Hi Max,

In Python, we prefer readability over anything else.  The simpler you can
write it, the better it can be understood.

That said, I've never considered using (i, j, k) as a vector component
before.  I've always done something akin to:

 vector = Vector(2, 4, 6)
 print (vector.normalize().y)

However, if you use the mathematical definition of a vector, with standard

v = x*i + y*j + z*k

Then I believe vector.j is a much choice.  As long as your documentation
states it's read-only, I think most mathematicians will love that notation.


As far as dot products go, there isn't really a big difference between the
two forms you have there.  Both are equally as readable.

When C++ was invented people had already debated about the two forms.
 There isn't a general consensus on this debate, but most would probably
agree that overloading the * operator of a vector to do dot product is a
bad idea, since some people want cross product, or per-component
multiplication.  At the end of the day, dot() or dot_product() is more
readable, and it doesn't matter if you have it as a function in or outside
of a vector's class.


Re: Functional vs. Object oriented API

2013-04-10 Thread Ian Kelly
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 5:16 PM, Max Bucknell wrote:
 I also have a function to generate the dot product of these two vectors. In 
 Java, such a function would be put as a method on the class and I would do 
 something like:


 and that would be the end of it. But in Python, I can also have:

  dot_product(a, b)

 Which of these two are preferred in Python? And are there any general 
 guidelines for choosing between the two styles, or is it largely a matter of 
 personal preference?

The advantage to the latter is that it potentially allows you to
implement dot products for other types using the same function.  Using
the method, a must be a Vector instance, but using the function it
remains unrestricted.

This is useful because functions are first-class objects in Python.
Suppose that you find yourself wanting to pass that dot_product
operation to some other function, e.g. map().  Using the function
version you just pass in dot_product -- map(dot_product, seq1, seq2)
-- and the mapped sequences can then contain any types that
dot_product has been implemented to handle.  Using the method version,
you would have to pass in the unbound Vector.dot_product method --
map(Vector.dot_product, seq1, seq2), and then the method will only
accept Vector instances in seq1.

Re: extract HTML table in a structured format

2013-04-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 4:15 AM, Jabba Laci wrote:

 Thanks, it's a great idea to parse the wiki source. Since then I have found
 a command for this particular task called ubuntu-support-status that shows
 what I need.

That sounds like an even better option. Anything that depends on
parsing a wiki is vulnerable to format changes at a moment's notice,
even worse than other web page parsing.

 But the idea to extract an HTML table from a webpage in a structured format
 could be an interesting (and useful) project idea.

There are, unfortunately, too many different ways this can be done.
Too many differences in HTML that a human eye would read as the same
thing. I'd recommend either BeautifulSoup or specifically looking at
the HTML to be parsed and finding a shortcut from that.


performance of script to write very long lines of random chars

2013-04-10 Thread gry
Dear pythonistas,
   I am writing a tiny utility to produce a file consisting of a
specified number of lines of a given length of random ascii
characters.  I am hoping to find a more time and memory efficient way,
that is still fairly simple clear, and _pythonic_.

I would like to have something that I can use at both extremes of

   32M chars per line * 100 lines
   5 chars per line * 1e8 lines.

E.g., the output of for 10 characters, 2 lines might be:


I'm using python 2.7.0 on linux.  I need to use only out-of-the box
modules, since this has to work on a bunch of different computers.
At this point I'm especially concerned with the case of a few very
long lines, since that seems to use a lot of memory, and take a long
Characters are a slight subset of the printable ascii's, specified in
the examples below.  My first naive try was:

from sys import stdout
import random
nchars = 3200
rows = 10
avail_chrs =

def make_varchar(nchars):
return (''.join([random.choice(avail_chrs) for i in

for l in range(rows):

This version used around 1.2GB resident/1.2GB virtual of memory for
3min 38sec.

My second try uses much less RAM, but more CPU time, and seems rather,
umm, un-pythonic (the array module always seems a little un

from sys import stdout
from array import array
import random
nchars = 3200
rows = 10
avail_chrs =
a = array('c', 'X' * nchars)

for l in range(rows):
for i in xrange(nchars):
a[i] = random.choice(avail_chrs)

This version using array took 4 min, 29 sec, using 34MB resident/110
virtual. So, much smaller than the first attempt, but a bit slower.
Can someone suggest a better code?  And help me understand the
performance issues here?

-- George

Re: python-noob - which container is appropriate for later exporting into mySql + matplotlib ?

2013-04-10 Thread Cousin Stanley
someone wrote:

 I want to put this table into an appropriate container 
 such that afterwards I want to:

 1) Put the data into a mySql-table
 2) Be able to easily plot column 1 vs. either of the other columns 
 using matplotlib etc...

  Consider editing your data file 
  into a csv file named someone.csv 


# ---
# The csv data can be loaded using the csv module
# named tuples might be used
# for convenience to access
# individual columns

#!/usr/bin/env python

import csv

from collections import namedtuple as NT

file_source = open( 'someone.ssv' )

# --- individual column names ---

nt = NT( 'csv_data' , 'date time col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 col6' )

list_tuples = [ ]

for this_row in csv.reader( file_source ) : 

# unpack the current row 

zed , one , two , tre , fur , fiv , six = this_row  

# split the date and time

d , t = zed.split( 'T' )

# convert individual columns in row to a named tuple

this_tuple = nt( d , 
 t , 
 float( one ) , 
 int( two ) , 
 int( tre ) , 
 float( fur ) , 
 int( fiv ) , 
 int( six ) )

# save the current named tuple into a list

list_tuples.append( this_tuple )

# update_data_base( this_tuple )  
#  or 
# update_data_base( choose individual columns )

# individual elements of the named tuples
# can be accessed by name 
# this might be convenient for settup up
# data for plots of diffeent columns


for row in list_tuples : 

print '  ' , , row.time , row.col1 , row.col3 , row.col4


Stanley C. Kitching
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona


Re: performance of script to write very long lines of random chars

2013-04-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 11:21 AM, gry wrote:
 avail_chrs =

Is this exact set of characters a requirement? For instance, would it
be acceptable to instead use this set of characters?

avail_chrs = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'

Your alphabet has 92 characters, this one only 64... the advantage is
that it's really easy to work with a 64-character set; in fact, for
this specific set, it's the standard called Base 64, and Python
already has a module for working with it. All you need is a random
stream of eight-bit characters, which can be provided by os.urandom().

So here's a much simpler version of your program, following the
cut-down character set I offer:

import os
import base64
nchars = 3200
rows = 10
# Note: If nchars is one higher than a multiple of 4 (eg 5, 9, 101),
# the lines will be one character short (4, 8, 100).
nchars = nchars * 3 // 4
for l in range(rows):

If you can guarantee that your nchars will always be a multiple of 4,
you can drop the .strip() call.

This is going to be *immensely* faster than calling random.choice()
for every character, but it depends on a working os.urandom (it'll
raise NotImplementedError if there's no suitable source). I know it's
available on OS/2, Windows, and Linux, but don't have others handy to
test. If by a bunch of different computers you mean exclusively
Linux computers, this should be fine.


Re: performance of script to write very long lines of random chars

2013-04-10 Thread Michael Torrie
On 04/10/2013 07:21 PM, gry wrote:
 from sys import stdout
 from array import array
 import random
 nchars = 3200
 rows = 10
 avail_chrs =
 a = array('c', 'X' * nchars)
 for l in range(rows):
 for i in xrange(nchars):
 a[i] = random.choice(avail_chrs)
 This version using array took 4 min, 29 sec, using 34MB resident/110
 virtual. So, much smaller than the first attempt, but a bit slower.
 Can someone suggest a better code?  And help me understand the
 performance issues here?

Why are you using an array?  Why not just rely on the OS to buffer the
output.  Just write your characters straight to stdout instead of
placing them in an array.

At that point I believe this program will be as fast as is possible in

Re: performance of script to write very long lines of random chars

2013-04-10 Thread gry
On Apr 10, 9:52 pm, Michael Torrie wrote:
 On 04/10/2013 07:21 PM, gry wrote:

  from sys import stdout
  from array import array
  import random
  nchars = 3200
  rows = 10
  avail_chrs =
  a = array('c', 'X' * nchars)

  for l in range(rows):
      for i in xrange(nchars):
          a[i] = random.choice(avail_chrs)

  This version using array took 4 min, 29 sec, using 34MB resident/110
  virtual. So, much smaller than the first attempt, but a bit slower.
  Can someone suggest a better code?  And help me understand the
  performance issues here?

 Why are you using an array?  Why not just rely on the OS to buffer the
 output.  Just write your characters straight to stdout instead of
 placing them in an array.

 At that point I believe this program will be as fast as is possible in

Appealing idea, but it's slower than the array solution: 5min 13
secs.  vs 4min 30sec for the array:

for l in range(rows):
for i in xrange(nchars):

os.urandom does look promising -- I have to have full control over the
charset, but urandom is very fast at generating big random strings...
stay tuned...

Re: While loop help

2013-04-10 Thread Larry Hudson

On 04/09/2013 11:44 PM, Larry Hudson wrote:

On 04/09/2013 09:49 AM, wrote:

So what would be the proper way to perform a loop of this program. I still 
can't quite figure
out the best way to do it.

My suggestion... (pseudocode)

#   Print a heading/introduction here
while True:
 #   Print menu, with an added selection to quit
 #   Get the user's choice (as an int)
 if choice == 1:
 #   Print prompt for this choice
 #   Enter the value (as float, not int.  Why limit your values to ints 
 #   Display the calculated result
 elif choice == 2:
 #   Same procedure as above
 elif ... etc
 #   etc
 elif choice == (value for quit):
 break#   This breaks out of the while loop
 #   Invalid choice, print error message
#   End of loop

Further suggestion:
Since each of the choices use the same basic procedure, it could be written as 
a separate single
function.  It would just need to be passed the appropriate prompt string(s) and 
factor.  The results display _could_ be in this function also, but that would 
require passing
even more strings.  It would probably be better to simply return the two values 
(the input value
and the converted value) back to the calling block and print the results there.

Also, don't use the round function here, that does NOT guarantee it will be 
_printed_ to two
decimal places.  Use string formatting in the print statements.  For example: 
(using your
original variable names, and assuming they are now both floats)

old style:

 print '%.2f inches = %.2f meters' % (number, calc)

or new style:

 print '{:.2f} inches = {:.2f} meters'.format(number, calc)

You also mentioned that you don't like the editor you're using.  For a simple 
substitute you
might try Idle (which normally comes with Python).  This gives you the 
advantage of an
interactive environment as will as an editor.  There are many other choices, of 
course, but as a
newbie you might find this more comfortable than what you're currently using.

I hope this jump-starts your thinking.  Keep at it, it's worth the effort.

  -=- Larry -=-

On a little further thought, I realized the single function I suggested is even easier than I 
originally thought -- even with the results printed in the function.  Here's an example:

def convert(frm, to, factor):
#   frm and to are strings, factor is a float

print 'Converting {} to {}:'.format(frm, to)
value = float(raw_input('How many {}?  '.format(frm)))
print '{:.2f} {} is {:.2f} {}'.format(value, frm, value * factor, to)

You would use it like:
convert('inches', 'meters', 0.0254)
convert('meters', 'inches', 39.37)

 -=- Larry -=-


Re: performance of script to write very long lines of random chars

2013-04-10 Thread MRAB

On 11/04/2013 02:21, gry wrote:

Dear pythonistas,
I am writing a tiny utility to produce a file consisting of a
specified number of lines of a given length of random ascii
characters.  I am hoping to find a more time and memory efficient way,
that is still fairly simple clear, and _pythonic_.

I would like to have something that I can use at both extremes of

32M chars per line * 100 lines
5 chars per line * 1e8 lines.

E.g., the output of for 10 characters, 2 lines might be:


I'm using python 2.7.0 on linux.  I need to use only out-of-the box
modules, since this has to work on a bunch of different computers.
At this point I'm especially concerned with the case of a few very
long lines, since that seems to use a lot of memory, and take a long
Characters are a slight subset of the printable ascii's, specified in
the examples below.  My first naive try was:

from sys import stdout
import random
nchars = 3200
rows = 10
avail_chrs =

def make_varchar(nchars):
 return (''.join([random.choice(avail_chrs) for i in

for l in range(rows):

This version used around 1.2GB resident/1.2GB virtual of memory for
3min 38sec.

My second try uses much less RAM, but more CPU time, and seems rather,
umm, un-pythonic (the array module always seems a little un

from sys import stdout
from array import array
import random
nchars = 3200
rows = 10
avail_chrs =
a = array('c', 'X' * nchars)

for l in range(rows):
 for i in xrange(nchars):
 a[i] = random.choice(avail_chrs)

This version using array took 4 min, 29 sec, using 34MB resident/110
virtual. So, much smaller than the first attempt, but a bit slower.
Can someone suggest a better code?  And help me understand the
performance issues here?

Names in the global scope are stored in a dict, but local to a function
are stored in slots and can be accessed more quickly.

'avail_chrs' and 'random.choice' are referred to many times, so making
'avail_chrs' local and making a local reference to 'random.choice' will

from sys import stdout
from array import array
import random

def generate():
avail_chrs = 

rnd = random.choice

for l in range(rows):
stdout.write(''.join([rnd(avail_chrs) for i in xrange(nchars)]))

nchars = 3200
rows = 10


Re: performance of script to write very long lines of random chars

2013-04-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 12:40 PM, gry wrote:
 Appealing idea, but it's slower than the array solution: 5min 13
 secs.  vs 4min 30sec for the array:

 for l in range(rows):
 for i in xrange(nchars):

 os.urandom does look promising -- I have to have full control over the
 charset, but urandom is very fast at generating big random strings...
 stay tuned...

Without actually profiling it, my first guess would be that calling
random.choice() for every character is an optimization target. (NOTE:
Do profile it, if the urandom method isn't sufficient straight-off.)
You may want to consider, for instance, generating larger random
numbers and doing some kind of translation on them - which is
fundamentally what the urandom/b64encode method is doing.


Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3

2013-04-10 Thread nagia . retsina
Firtly thank uou for taking a look into the code.

the doctype is coming form the attempt of script to open and read 
the 'index.html' file.

But i don't know how to try to open it as a byte file instead of an tetxt file.

Re: performance of script to write very long lines of random chars

2013-04-10 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 11 Apr 2013 11:45:31 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 11:21 AM, gry wrote:
 avail_chrs =
 Is this exact set of characters a requirement? For instance, would it be
 acceptable to instead use this set of characters?
 avail_chrs =
 Your alphabet has 92 characters, this one only 64... the advantage is
 that it's really easy to work with a 64-character set; in fact, for this
 specific set, it's the standard called Base 64, and Python already has a
 module for working with it. All you need is a random stream of eight-bit
 characters, which can be provided by os.urandom().

I was originally going to write that using the base64 module would 
introduce bias into the random strings, but after a little investigation, 
I don't think it does.

Or at least, if it does, it's a fairly subtle bias, and not detectable by 
the simple technique I used: inspect the mean, and the mean deviation 
from the mean.

from os import urandom
from base64 import b64encode

data = urandom(100)
m = sum(data)/len(data)
md = sum(abs(v - m) for v in data)/len(data)
print(Mean and mean deviation of urandom:, m, md)

encoded = b64encode(data).strip(b'=')
values = [chars.index(v) for v in encoded]
m = sum(values)/len(values)
md = sum(abs(v - m) for v in values)/len(values)
print(Mean and mean deviation of encoded data:, m, md)

When I run this, it prints:

Mean and mean deviation of urandom: 127.451652 63.95331188965717
Mean and mean deviation of encoded data: 31.477027511486245 

I would expect 127 64 and 32 16, so we're pretty close. That's not to say 
that there aren't any other biases or correlations in the encoded data, 
but after a simplistic test, it looks okay to me.


Re: guessthenumber print games left

2013-04-10 Thread eschneider92
On Wednesday, April 10, 2013 5:39:23 AM UTC-4, wrote:
 Could anyone tell me how to make the program tell me how many games are left 
 before the first game and second game? For example, after one game of guess 
 the number, I want it to tell me that i get one more game. P.S. I'm totally 
 new to python (obviously), and I just added numberofgames variable in hopes 
 of solving this problem. am I on the right track? Thanks for any assistance!
 while numberofgames4:
 import random
 print ('type name')
 print ('guess a number between 1 and 20, ' + name)
 while guessestaken5:
 if guessnumber:
 print ('your guess is too low')
 if guessnumber:
 print ('your guess is too high0')
 if guess==number:
 if guess==number:
 print ('you win!')
 if guess!=number:
 print ('you lose. the number was ' + number)

I can't figure out how to make it count down by itself and state how many are 

Re: guessthenumber print games left

2013-04-10 Thread eschneider92
(Didn't mean to post the last bit.) Is this possibly what you meant? If it is I 
still can't figure out how to apply it to the guessthenumber program. 
while numberofgames4: 
print (4-numberofgames)
if numberofguesses3:

Re: guessthenumber print games left

2013-04-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 3:41 PM, wrote:
 (Didn't mean to post the last bit.) Is this possibly what you meant? If it is 
 I still can't figure out how to apply it to the guessthenumber program.
 while numberofgames4:
 print (4-numberofgames)
 if numberofguesses3:

That's close to it. I still don't understand why you're adding two,
and the last print seems to be unnecessary. But if you just add one,
then yes, that would be exactly what you want.


Re: performance of script to write very long lines of random chars

2013-04-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 I was originally going to write that using the base64 module would
 introduce bias into the random strings, but after a little investigation,
 I don't think it does.

Assuming that os.urandom() returns bytes with perfectly fair
distribution (exactly equal chance of any value 00-FF - it probably
does, or close to it), and assuming that you work with exact multiples
of 3 bytes and 4 output characters, base64 will give you perfectly
fair distribution of result characters. You take three bytes (24 bits)
and turn them into four characters (6 bits per character, = 24 bits).
You might see some bias if you use less than a full set of four output
characters, though; I haven't dug into the details to check that.


[issue17683] socket.getsockname() inconsistent return type with AF_UNIX

2013-04-10 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Well, couldn't we simply return a string in that case? We just have to be more 
careful than in the patch :-)


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[issue17674] All examples for concurrent.futures fail with BrokenProcessPool

2013-04-10 Thread gjwebber

gjwebber added the comment:

Damn, this was my screw up. It was a combination of two things that threw me 

1. I was running my (saved) code un-gaurded, but was getting the same error as 
with the example code. I thought the problem was elsewhere.

2. As it was just example code, I was copy-pasting it into my IDE and running 
it. This caused the slightly weird looking Traceback that Richard Oudkerk 
pointed out and the same error message.

After saving and running the standard example, everything worked as expected. 
After this, I added the 'main' guard to my code and that fixed the problem 

Sorry about that, looks like there's no problem after all. Tested at home on 
Win 7 and on my works machine (XP Pro).


resolution:  - rejected
status: open - closed

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[issue17683] socket.getsockname() inconsistent return type with AF_UNIX

2013-04-10 Thread Charles-François Natali

Charles-François Natali added the comment:

 Well, couldn't we simply return a string in that case? We just have to be 
 more careful than in the patch :-)

Probably, provided that:

- s.bind(addr).getsockname() == addr
- it doesn't break existing code :-)


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[issue16427] Faster hash implementation

2013-04-10 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson added the comment:

 Note that the patch uses type punning through a union: while GCC allows  
 this, it's not allowed by ANSI.

I believe it's legal under C99 + TC3.


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[issue17661] documentation of '%r' links to the wrong repr

2013-04-10 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

 It just highlights the mistake we made calling a builtin module the
 same name as a builtin function :)

But shouldn't the highlighting be handled by Pygments? 

nosy: +pitrou

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[issue17679] sysconfig generation uses some env variables multiple times

2013-04-10 Thread Bohuslav Slavek Kabrda

Bohuslav Slavek Kabrda added the comment:

I'm attaching a patch that I'm currently using to solve this. It works, but 
it's a bit aggressive - in the sense that it only adds a string to the 
sysconfig variable iff this string is not a substring of current variable 
value. So it may corrupt some values, e.g. it wouldn't add python to variable 
if that variable already had /usr/lib/python. But it seems to get all the 
values just fine for me.

keywords: +patch
Added file:

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[issue17684] Skip tests in test_socket like testFDPassSeparate on OS X

2013-04-10 Thread Richard Oudkerk

Richard Oudkerk added the comment:

On 10/04/2013 6:32am, Charles-François Natali wrote:
 Richard, IIRC, you said somewhere that FD passing failures on OS X
 could be made to work by passing a FD at a time, or something like
 that. What do you think of those faiilures?

I think sending one *array* at a time works as well.  These two failures 
send two arrays, so they are expected.

(Also, the sending process should wait for some sort of notification 
that the receiving process has received the fds before continuing: 
closing the socket prematurely causes problems.)


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[issue17684] Skip tests in test_socket like testFDPassSeparate on OS X

2013-04-10 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Indeed, it has been decided that @expectedFailure would only work when applied 
to the test methods run by unittest. In that light, the patch is a correct 
solution to the issue.

(I don't think expected failures are a very useful concept myself :-))


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[issue17685] Frozenset literal?

2013-04-10 Thread Edd

New submission from Edd:


I am willing to bet that this has been discussed before, but I don't see any 
related bugs.

I have been using Python for a while now as a prototyping language for 
scientific applications. Most recently I have been using it for prototype 
program analyses.

In this kind of work you are usually transcribing pseudo-code, defined in terms 
of sets, vectors and mappings into Python syntax. Inevitably, you need to store 
sets of sets, or you need to do some other operation that requires a hashable 
data structure.

As a result, I never use sets. I usually resort to using frozensets, which are 
hashable, yet the syntax for creating these is very verbose:

frozenset([e1, e2, ...])

To counter this, I usually use the following hack:

fs = frozenset

then frozensets can be instantiated like this:

fs([e1, e2, ...])

But this is not ideal. I can't help wondering why there is not a frozenset 
literal. I see that the mutable set recently got a literal, but why not 


components: Interpreter Core
messages: 186486
nosy: vext01
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Frozenset literal?
type: enhancement

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[issue17683] socket.getsockname() inconsistent return type with AF_UNIX

2013-04-10 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Apparently the current code is a result of Guido's changeset 980308fbda29 which 
changed normal Unix sockets to use unicode objects, but Linux abstract 
namespace sockets to use bytes objects.

I don't know if a lot of thought was given to the issue in that changeset; I 
would favour using PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefaultAndSize for Linux abstract 
namespace sockets too.

nosy: +gvanrossum

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[issue15518] Provide test coverage for methods.

2013-04-10 Thread Eli Bendersky

Eli Bendersky added the comment:

Thanks, looks much better now. I left a couple of small comments in the code 
review. Other than that, it makes sense to me to update the existing tests to 
follow this scheme as well. Thanks!

On a related note, since you've obviously studied the filecmp module's 
operation to a great depth, your input on 
would be appreciated.


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[issue17685] Frozenset literal?

2013-04-10 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson added the comment:

See the (inconclusive) python-ideas thread starting here:

I'm going to close this issue: the python-ideas mailing list is better suited 
for this kind of open-ended discussions (though it would be fine to re-open an 
issue with a specific, detailed proposal for a change---one that a patch could 
reasonably be written for).  You could resurrect that python-ideas thread, or 
start a new one, if you want to renew the discussion.

nosy: +mark.dickinson
resolution:  - wont fix
status: open - closed

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[issue17656] Python 2.7.4 breaks ZipFile extraction of zip files with unicode member paths

2013-04-10 Thread Benjamin Peterson

Benjamin Peterson added the comment:

Yes; I won't have time for a few days, though.


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[issue17686] Doc using/unix broken link (

2013-04-10 Thread Masato HASHIMOTO

New submission from Masato HASHIMOTO:

In Doc/using/unix.rst, the following link is broken:


(See also for OpenSuse users)

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 186491
nosy: docs@python, hashimo
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Doc using/unix broken link (
versions: Python 3.3

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[issue17685] Frozenset literal?

2013-04-10 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

Changes by Barry A. Warsaw

nosy: +barry

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[issue17666] Extra gzip headers breaks _read_gzip_header

2013-04-10 Thread Georg Brandl

Georg Brandl added the comment:

Serhiy, do you want to fix this also in 3.2? I'll roll a brown-paper-bag 
release of 3.2 and 3.3 together with 2.7.5.


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[issue17656] Python 2.7.4 breaks ZipFile extraction of zip files with unicode member paths

2013-04-10 Thread Georg Brandl

Georg Brandl added the comment:

I guess I will join with 3.2 and 3.3 for #17666.


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[issue17656] Python 2.7.4 breaks ZipFile extraction of zip files with unicode member paths

2013-04-10 Thread Ned Deily

Ned Deily added the comment:

Perhaps we should hold off for a week or two to see if any other critical 
problems show up.


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[issue17675] show addresses in socket.__repr__

2013-04-10 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 1410b7790de6 by Giampaolo Rodola' in branch 'default':
Fix issue #17675: make socket repr() provide local and remote addresses (if 

nosy: +python-dev

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[issue17675] show addresses in socket.__repr__

2013-04-10 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'

Changes by Giampaolo Rodola'

assignee:  - giampaolo.rodola
resolution:  - fixed
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed
type:  - enhancement

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17656] Python 2.7.4 breaks ZipFile extraction of zip files with unicode member paths

2013-04-10 Thread Georg Brandl

Georg Brandl added the comment:

Yes, although the new releases will get the standard rc period anyway.


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[issue17683] socket.getsockname() inconsistent return type with AF_UNIX

2013-04-10 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum added the comment:

Sorry, I don't think I have anything to add.


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[issue17430] missed peephole optimization

2013-04-10 Thread Ezio Melotti

Ezio Melotti added the comment:

ISTM that we were trying to moving towards an AST optimizer and away from the 
peephole, so I'm not sure it's a good idea to add more optimization to it.  
#11549 has patches about the AST optimizer.

nosy: +benjamin.peterson, rhettinger

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17607] missed peephole optimization (unnecessary jump at end of function after yield)

2013-04-10 Thread Ezio Melotti

Changes by Ezio Melotti

nosy: +ezio.melotti
versions: +Python 3.4 -Python 2.7

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[issue17620] Python interactive console doesn't use sys.stdin for input

2013-04-10 Thread Ezio Melotti

Changes by Ezio Melotti

nosy: +haypo

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[issue17683] socket.getsockname() inconsistent return type with AF_UNIX

2013-04-10 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'

Giampaolo Rodola' added the comment:

Note that if we pass bytes to bind(), getsockname() will return str anyway:

 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX)

That said, it seems more consistent to me to return str also in case of 
abstract namespace. 
As per: is supposed to set only the first byte to null, and the rest of the path 
is supposed to be a 'plain' string.


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[issue17654] IDLE only customizes correctly for OS X when using framework build

2013-04-10 Thread Ronald Oussoren

Ronald Oussoren added the comment:

The trigger for the customizations is probably too specific. The primary reason 
for a having a check that's more specific than 'if sys.platform == darwin' is 
to avoid using the customizations when someone uses an X11 build of Tk and I 
didn't know (and still don't) a way to check for a native Tk port.

nosy: +ronaldoussoren

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[issue17687] Undeclared symbol in _struct.c

2013-04-10 Thread Andreas Kloeckner

New submission from Andreas Kloeckner:

This line in the _struct module references a PyStructType that isn't 
declared anywhere. This is only apparent when the file is compiled without 

components: Extension Modules
messages: 186501
nosy: inducer
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Undeclared symbol in _struct.c
type: compile error
versions: Python 3.3

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[issue17635] Doc of multiprocessing.connection mentions answerChallenge instead of answer_challenge

2013-04-10 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 54532684dbed by Ezio Melotti in branch '2.7':
#17635: fix wrong function name in multiprocessing docs.

nosy: +python-dev

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[issue17687] Undeclared symbol in _struct.c

2013-04-10 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson added the comment:

Isn't it declared on line 12?

nosy: +mark.dickinson

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17635] Doc of multiprocessing.connection mentions answerChallenge instead of answer_challenge

2013-04-10 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 5d39d459b90d by Ezio Melotti in branch '3.3':
#17635: fix wrong function name in multiprocessing docs.

New changeset 1a935e932152 by Ezio Melotti in branch 'default':
#17635: merge with 3.3.


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[issue17635] Doc of multiprocessing.connection mentions answerChallenge instead of answer_challenge

2013-04-10 Thread Ezio Melotti

Ezio Melotti added the comment:

Fixed, thanks for the report!

assignee: docs@python - ezio.melotti
nosy: +ezio.melotti
resolution:  - fixed
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed
type:  - enhancement
versions: +Python 3.4

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[issue17637] Mention What's New in devguide's patch guidelines

2013-04-10 Thread Ezio Melotti

Ezio Melotti added the comment:

The What's new is already mentioned briefly in  Would it be 
enough to rephrase that part and clarify that committers are expected to update 
Another option is to add a new item to make patchcheck (and to, but I'm not 
sure it's worth doing it.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15964] SyntaxError in asdl when building 2.7 with system Python 3

2013-04-10 Thread Ezio Melotti

Ezio Melotti added the comment:

I left a review.  To test it you could try to reproduce the steps described in 
the first message and see what happens.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17661] documentation of '%r' links to the wrong repr

2013-04-10 Thread Éric Araujo

Éric Araujo added the comment:

You can always use a ref role instead of func.  func tries to find a module, 
class or function in the global Sphinx index, but ref lets you link to one 
specific target (see the table at the top of library/functions.rst for an 


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17668] re.split loses characters matching ungrouped parts of a pattern

2013-04-10 Thread Tomasz J. Kotarba

Tomasz J. Kotarba added the comment:

The example I gave was the simplest possible to illustrate my point but yes, 
you are correct, I often match the whole string as I do recursive matches.  I 
do use non-capturing groups but they would not solve the problem I talked 
about.  Anyway, I had solved my problem before I reported this issue so I would 
be all right with whatever the outcome of this discussion was but I am glad we 
have managed to contribute to improving the docs.  Thanks and nice talking to 
you :)!


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17687] Undeclared symbol in _struct.c

2013-04-10 Thread Andreas Kloeckner

Andreas Kloeckner added the comment:

Whoops. I'm an idiot. Forget I said anything.

status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

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