Re: Lambda alternative?

2009-04-15 Thread Caleb Hattingh

On Wed, 15 Apr 2009 15:47:05 +0200,  wrote:

But, lambda functions can't be pickled. I would like to pickle my
objects, and i would really like to use parallel python (which
requires pickling).

If you are fixated on using lambda, you could probably use Recipe 7.6:  
Pickling Code Objects in the Python Cookbook, 2nd Edition, or here:

However, it is better to use named functions as all the other posters have  
already mentioned.


Re: No speedup on multi-processor machine?

2007-04-21 Thread Caleb Hattingh
On Apr 21, 11:02 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using Python Thread library for my parallel processing course
> project. I am doing matrix convolution on a multi-processor machine
> running Solaris. I just found out that no speed-up is obtained with
> threading. It is probably because of something called GIL in Python.
> How can I get around
> that GIL and get speed-up?
> Thanks in advance.
> Daniel

Perhaps try




Re: I need suggests

2007-01-23 Thread Caleb Hattingh

Pat wrote:
> I have to do a big programm. Could someone give me some suggests about
> IDE (on Linux) and books to learn.

Lots and lots to read :)



Re: rsync for python?

2006-12-22 Thread Caleb Hattingh
> I want to build rsync server that can run in linux and windows, and
> configure by python. So I'm looking for something like rsync for python.
> I find and pysync. But looks like a client mode,
> it can't be a rsync server, is it? Can pysync be a rsync server?

Hi nienfeng

As file synchronizers go, I have had very good experience with Unison:

which supports unix and windows, but does not run as a server and is
not directly python-enabled.   You can set it up to run automatically
using cron (linux) or Scheduled Tasks (windows), if that was the
functionality you wanted in a server implementation of such a tool.



Re: Is there a way to push data into Microsoft Excel & Word from Python ?

2006-12-21 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Paul

> Thanks for the kind words!

No, thank _you_ for taking the time to write such a useful document.



Re: Dictionary, iterate & update objects

2006-12-16 Thread Caleb Hattingh

jansenh wrote:
> hi comp.lang.python.
> I need some newbe advice on idiomatic use of Python dictionaries.
> I have service with a dictionary which holds a bunch of objects as
> values, and an ID as key to each object. Then I want to change an
> objects state based on its key. The way I am doing this now is by using
> 'fromkeys' and copying my object over in a temporary dictionary, then
> manipulating the object, and then I do an 'update' back to the main
> dictionary..  :-0

It would be easier to help if you post a short snippet of code that
demonstrates the essence of the issue, but I made an attempt at coding
what you describe:

>>> d = {}
>>> class o(object):
... def __init__(self):
... self.x = 0
>>> i = o()
>>> d[12345]=i
>>> temp=d[12345]
>>> temp.x = 5
>>> d[12345].x
>>> i.x

After I assign the object to the dict with ID=12345, I can easily get
the object by its key and manipulate its state.  The last 4 lines show
that the state changed for all the active references to the created
object.   Is this what you wanted?

If you are this Henning Jansen:

you may get a lot much more accurate help from others in this group by
mentioning that you have some Ruby experience.   That way, the guys in
here who also know Ruby (not me :) can quickly point out the
differences in behaviour for your specific question.



Re: Is there a way to push data into Microsoft Excel & Word from Python ?

2006-12-16 Thread Caleb Hattingh

The Night Blogger wrote:
> Is there a way to push data to Microsoft Excel & Word from a Python
> Application

On Windows, it's easy after you install the win32 extensions.  For
example, for

import win32com.client
xl = win32com.client.Dispatch('Excel.Application')

after which you can operate on "xl" (almost) as if you were coding in
VBA.   I have driven Excel from python a /lot/, and it works well.
Paul Boddie has written a great tutorial---which includes some Outlook
examples, btw---over here:

> Is this a cross platform feature ? I'll need to push data on MS Windows &
> Mac OS X 

I have zero OSX experience, but 30s of googling brings up this:

Kevin Walzer mentions on this mailing list entry:

that Excel provides reasonably good support for applescript, but again,
I have no idea whether these things work; I'm just doing your googling
for you.

Assuming applescript works, you may want to write a thin wrapper over
the combination of the win32 COM interface and the applescript
interface that at least lets your business logic sit in one place.  The
wrapper can use the right API depending on the platform it finds itself
on at runtime.



Re: concatenating strings

2006-12-15 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Erich

If you're going to be doing a lot of string substitution, you should
look at the Templating support in the library:

and (a little bit fancier):


On Dec 15, 12:18 pm, "Erich Pul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> thank you, i just plainly overlooked it ; )
> now it works


Re: Writing and reading variables to/from flat file

2006-12-15 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Kevin

The other posters helped you with configParser, which is what you
wanted, i.e. text file access.

However, you can also get persistance really cheaply with pickling, if
you don't need the saved data to be text-editable:

(from memory)

verboseSettings = {}
verboseSettings['Detailed'] = '-vv'
verboseSettings['Basic'] = '-q'

import cPickle
# Save the data - Just give the dict!
cPickle.dump(verboseSettings, file('prefs','w+'))

# Load the data back - get the dict back
verboseSettings = cPickle.load(file('prefs','r'))

I recently did a ton of scientific data analysis looking for trends in
10 years of data for a petrochemical plant, and I learned just how
convenient dicts and pickles can be to manage one's sanity :)


On Dec 14, 4:31 pm, Kevin Walzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to write some variables (user preferences, specifically) to a
> text file and then read the values from that file.
> Here is my code to write the data:
> verbosemodes= """
> Detailed = "-vv"
> Basic = "-q"
> """
> file = open('prefs', 'w')
> file.writelines(verbosemodes)
> file.close()
> And here is my code, in a separate module, to read the file and display
> the variable values:
> readfile = open('prefs').readlines()
> for line in readfile:
> print line
> print Basic
> Running the second module yields this error:
> Detailed = "-vv"
> Basic = "-q"
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 6, in 
> print Basic
> NameError: name 'Basic' is not defined
> Clearly the data is getting read (the lines are being printed), but the
> variable itself ("Basic") is not being initialized properly. I'm not
> sure what I'm doing wrong here--can anyone point me in the right
> direction?  Thanks.
> --
> Kevin Walzer
> Code by Kevin


Re: automatically grading small programming assignments

2006-12-15 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Brian

You could make great use of XML-RPC here.   XML-RPC is /really/ easy to

Here is a simple example:

You put procedures on the server that will check the args against a the
required result, and report back to the student whether it passes or

Here is another example using xml-rpc over https, for security:

So, the idea is that the student calls a procedure on the xml-rpc
server (which you set up), and passes his results as an argument, and
your server procedure can return True or False.

One benefit is that if you change the input to the tests, you need only
update the server.Actually, you could let the procedures on the
server accept test input and student results, and return True or False.
This would be cool :)


On Dec 14, 6:27 pm, Brian Blais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a couple of classes where I teach introductory programming using 
> Python.  What
> I would love to have is for the students to go through a lot of very small 
> programs,
> to learn the basic programming structure.  Things like, return the maximum in 
> a list,
> making lists with certain patterns, very simple string parsing, etc.  
> Unfortunately,
> it takes a lot of time to grade such things by hand, so I would like to 
> automate it
> as much as possible.
> I envision a number of possible solutions.  In one solution, I provide a 
> function
> template with a docstring, and they have to fill it in to past a doctest.  Is 
> there a
> good (and safe) way to do that online?  Something like having a student post 
> code,
> and the doctest returns.  I'd love to allow them to submit until they get it, 
> logging
> each attempt.
> Or perhaps there is a better way to do this sort of thing.  How do others who 
> teach
> Python handle this?
> thanks,
> Brian Blais
> --
> -


And now for something completely different...

2006-12-12 Thread Caleb Hattingh
I spent way too much time reading the recent massive ">500-messages"
thread, and then spent even more time (perhaps better spent) reading
wider on some aspects of the debate.

This recently-found link sets out (from one possibly-biased POV, I
guess) how the rift between GNU Emacs and XEmacs occurred:

After reading the page, and in light of much of the
discussion on said ">500-messages" thread, I found the last line on the
above lemacs.html page very funny, and wanted to share it.

Not saying that such a thing couldn't ever be said about some given
implementation of something complex in python (or any language, for
that matter), but I still had a good chuckle.



Re: looking for a simple way to load a program from another python program..

2006-08-13 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Eric

Check that ".py" and ".pyw" are in your PATHEXT environment variable
(are you using Windows?).   Then, if the folder that cabel is in is in
your PATH environment variable, and the correct association for .py
files is set up (i.e. they get run by python.exe),


should work.

Alternatively, you could not do any of those things, and run


with '' in the same folder as the parent script, and that
should work too, assuming that the path to your python executable is on
the PATH environment variable.

If you run other commands from python quite frequently, it is probably
a good idea to look into the "os.popen" set of commands, for more



Re: ConfigParser and multiple option names

2006-05-03 Thread Caleb Hattingh
I have had this same problem before, and what I ended up doing was
writing my own far more limited config parser that would create lists
for repeated named assignments.

Who is the maintainer of ConfigParser?   Perhaps a keyword option can
be added so that this kind of behaviour can be added at creation.



Re: Can one query full name (or version) of selected packages at pypi?

2006-04-25 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Martin

Pretty much exactly what I wanted :)

How up-to-date does Debian keep its package list for python addons, or
are you running Unstable?   My big problem, being in South Africa, is
that I have to get any distros on cover CDs or order from
distro-resellers, and they never have Testing or Unstable.   Broadband
hasn't exactly hit the local market, although things might be looking
up in a few years or so.

keep well


Can one query full name (or version) of selected packages at pypi?

2006-04-20 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi everyone

I suspect this has come up before, but google and group searches for
"python package index query" or "pypi query" and the like haven't
turned anything up.

I want to monitor the versions of the list of packages I like having
around, and I expect that the python package index might be a good
place to do this.   Typically, such packages would include, say, Pyrex
and PyParsing, for example.

So: I would like to query the package index with a short name (perhaps
wildcarded), and retrieve either the full name (from which to strip the
ver.) or version number, and compare it with what I have on disk.  At
this stage, just reporting the differences is fine.

I could do these steps myself with normal http access and
screen-scraping, but is there already such a system/script somewhere?
 Alternatively, how do you all keep versions of python addons
up-to-date?  Manually?



Re: Python 2.5 licensing: stop this change

2006-04-01 Thread Caleb Hattingh

Did I just get caught by an April Fools Joke?

I have a nasty feeling about this :))



Re: Python 2.5 licensing: stop this change

2006-04-01 Thread Caleb Hattingh

I agree with you.  If my vote means anything, I vote against it.

>> The Board realises that this change will be
>> contentious. There are many advantages
>> to making it, however, which we feel will
>> benefit the Python community at large
>> and the PSF membership in particular.
>> Users who wish to make commercial
>> use of Python on a royalty-free basis
>> are encouraged to continue using Python 2.4,
>> whose licensing conditions remain the same.

I guess what would happen is that many people will sit on 2.4 for a lot
longer than expected, or widespread interest in other implementations
(fork?) suddenly take off ;)

I would pretty much have to remain with 2.4 at work - we have a
draconian IT software management policy that would prevent me getting
approval for a commercial licence for python for at least the better
part of a year, and this cycle would be repeated for every upgrade (the
hold-ups involve budgets, cost-centres and red tape).This is why I
use as much free software as possible.



Re: Matplotlib: How to set number of ticks on an axis?

2006-03-30 Thread Caleb Hattingh

Thank you.



Re: Simple py script to calc folder sizes

2006-03-30 Thread Caleb Hattingh

Thank you.



Re: Convert Word .doc to Acrobat .pdf files

2006-03-30 Thread Caleb Hattingh
If you can find some API documentation for PDFMWord.dll, you can call
its methods with the ctypes python module.



Matplotlib: How to set number of ticks on an axis?

2006-03-30 Thread Caleb Hattingh

I tried several Google searches to no avail.  I read through pretty
much most of the online docs at the matplotlib sourceforge site, but
didn't find what I was looking for.  I went through the and code today, trying to find out how to set the number of
points (ticks) on an axis in Matplotlib.

I know that something like

>>> xticks(arange(5))

will make the x-axis have the values specified, but Matplotlib appears
to have a very nice way of setting axis ticks with human-friendly
values that round in just the right way for a given set of data.  I
still want that functionality, but I want to set how many ticks are on
a given axis.

It seems that the locater() classes are where I should look, and there
seem to be some defaults in

class AutoLocator(MaxNLocator):
def __init__(self):
MaxNLocator.__init__(self, nbins=9, steps=[1, 2, 5, 10])

I don't understand what this means :)

I would prefer not to hack this directly in the matplotlib code.   How
can I change the number of ticks on an axis programmatically without
messing with the other ticklabel functionality?   



Re: python challenge question (string manipulation)

2006-03-30 Thread Caleb Hattingh

I get the same results as you.  You make a good point about not
iterating when it's not needed.   I played around with your test code
and found some interesting things:

1. enumerate vs. range(len()) has very little overhead (something I
have wondered about)

In my code, making the change causes the timing to go from 27.5 usec to
24.6 usec: basically nothing.

2. I combined the two result statements into one, and your code as
written still appears consistently faster, albeit only slightly:

One-line assignment to result: 6.98; 7.18; 6.49; 7.1 (code below)
Your way via extend: 5.24; 5.26; 5.09; 5.3; 5.26; 5.21 (code further

Is this because of "+" concatenation?

My one-line assignment to result:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ python2.4 -mtimeit -s "def shift(lst, n): length =
len(lst); first =(-n) % length; result = list(lst[first:]) +
list(lst[:first]); return result"
"shift('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',2)" 10 loops, best of 3: 6.98
usec per loop
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ python2.4 -mtimeit -s "def shift(lst, n): length =
len(lst); first =(-n) % length; result = list(lst[first:]) +
list(lst[:first]); return result"
10 loops, best of 3: 7.18 usec per loop
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ python2.4 -mtimeit -s "def shift(lst, n): length =
len(lst); first =(-n) % length; result = list(lst[first:]) +
list(lst[:first]); return result"
10 loops, best of 3: 6.49 usec per loop
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ python2.4 -mtimeit -s "def shift(lst, n): length =
len(lst); first =(-n) % length; result = list(lst[first:]) +
list(lst[:first]); return result"
10 loops, best of 3: 7.1 usec per loop

Your code:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ python2.4 -mtimeit -s "def shift(lst, n): length =
len(lst); first =(-n) % length; result = list(lst[first:]);
result.extend(lst[:first]); return result"
10 loops, best of 3: 5.24 usec per loop
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ python2.4 -mtimeit -s "def shift(lst, n): length =
len(lst); first =(-n) % length; result = list(lst[first:]);
result.extend(lst[:first]); return result"
10 loops, best of 3: 5.26 usec per loop
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ python2.4 -mtimeit -s "def shift(lst, n): length =
len(lst); first =(-n) % length; result = list(lst[first:]);
result.extend(lst[:first]); return result"
10 loops, best of 3: 5.09 usec per loop
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ python2.4 -mtimeit -s "def shift(lst, n): length =
len(lst); first =(-n) % length; result = list(lst[first:]);
result.extend(lst[:first]); return result"
10 loops, best of 3: 5.3 usec per loop
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ python2.4 -mtimeit -s "def shift(lst, n): length =
len(lst); first =(-n) % length; result = list(lst[first:]);
result.extend(lst[:first]); return result"
10 loops, best of 3: 5.26 usec per loop
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ python2.4 -mtimeit -s "def shift(lst, n): length =
len(lst); first =(-n) % length; result = list(lst[first:]);
result.extend(lst[:first]); return result"
10 loops, best of 3: 5.21 usec per loop



Re: Simple py script to calc folder sizes

2006-03-29 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi John

Your code works on some folders but not others.   For example, it works
on my /usr/lib/python2.4 (the example you gave), but on other folders
it terminates early with StopIteration exception on the
os.walk().next() step.

I haven't really looked at this closely enough yet, but it looks as
though there may be an issue with permissions (and not having enough)
on subfolders within a tree.

I don't want you to work too hard on what is my problem, but are there
any ideas that jump out at you?



Re: python challenge question (string manipulation)

2006-03-29 Thread Caleb Hattingh

That is very succint.  Rewriting my shift function given earlier:

>>> import string
>>> alpha = string.ascii_lowercase
>>> print alpha
>>> def shift(lst, n):
return [lst[(i+len(lst)-n)%len(lst)] for i,item in enumerate(lst)]

>>> print shift(alpha,2)
['y', 'z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l',
'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x']

Shorter and possibly as clear too; thanks!

Keep well


Re: python challenge question (string manipulation)

2006-03-29 Thread Caleb Hattingh

In python, strings are immutable - you have to create a new string no
matter what you do.

Also, I suspect you meant to say:

>>> alphabet = string.ascii_lowercase
>>> code = alphabet[2:] + alphabet[:2]

I had a similar need recently for a guitar chord generator program I've
been working on.  Here is a "shift" function from my utilities module:

def shift(list,num):
'''Shifts sequence "list" by "num" places.
if num is positive, list scrolls forwards,
otherwise, backwards.'''
if abs(num) > len(list):
num=num%len(list) # Use mod to remove full list entry rotations
return newlist

I actually create a new list here, although since lists are mutable, I
could probably just change items in-place.   There is very likely
something already in the builtins or the standard library for this, but
I just haven't searched hard enough.

Interesting trap I kept falling into: calling a guitar string a
"string" and then having collisions with the python type of the same
name.   Over and over again :)



Re: Free Python IDE ?

2006-03-29 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Ernesto

SPE, or Stani's python editor is actually a decent IDE that can lauch
the winpdb debugger to step through code, with side windows for locals,
and watches and so on.   It's not exactly integrated debugging a la
Delphi, but in general my need for debugging is much less with python;
the few times I have needed debugging, SPE did the job well.

I also like that SPE automatically checks my code with tabnanny and
pychecker.  That way I don't have to do anything extra to use these

Oh, and SPE is free.

Keep well


Re: operation complexities of lists and dictionaries

2006-03-29 Thread Caleb Hattingh

Use the "timeit" module, like so:

>>> from timeit import Timer
>>> t = Timer('[i for i in range(1)]')  # The string is code to execute 
>>> (for timing)
>>> print t.timeit(100) # execute it 100 times and print the result

I would appreciate it if you could present your results in this thread.
 I have also been wondering about timings for simple operations.



Re: Multiplying sequences with floats

2006-03-29 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Dennis

Sure, I get it.  I do most of my work in Delphi, which is, shall we
say, not lax about floating-point types.   Thinking about this more, I
realise my initial interest was in looking at the // operator as
something new, whereas I now see it probably just wraps math.floor();
obviously then, you're going to get whatever the underlying C math
library returns.

As an aside, I also realised that the OP could just subclass list to
make one that works with multiplications against floats: he could
either floor and cast the float to int in the overloaded operator, or
make a fancy system of using the fractional part of the float to
duplicate the list int(floor()) times, then add just the fraction of
the list that approximates most closely the decimal part of the float;
this is assuming the outcome is actually meaningful for any particular

As I remarked to Christoph, this whole issue is actually a non-issue to
me, and I don't want to give the impression I think there is a problem
here; just interested in the // operator is all :)



Re: Multiplying sequences with floats

2006-03-28 Thread Caleb Hattingh

I understand the explanation regarding the underlying math.floor()
call.   Were I using this functionality in my code,

int(a//b)* some_list

would not be something I consider a big deal.  However, I see what
you're saying: The multiplcation by list can only work with an int, and
you have an integer number, but unfortunatly with type float.  Well, I
guess that's life :)

Again, a small cast like that is not a problem for me, so I can't
really comment on this.

Keep well


Re: Multiplying sequences with floats

2006-03-28 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Fredrik

Fair enough; I wasn't precise.  Upon further reflection, I actually
meant floor division, via the // operator.  In the following snippet:

>>> 4/2
>>> 4//2
>>> 4.0/2.0
>>> 4.0//2
>>> 4.0//2.0

We know the last two operations can only return what are effectively
integer numbers (or raise an error), but the type that gets returned
for a valid operation is a float.   Now, I'm not pretending to know
much about this stuff, just pointing out that that behaviour is
interesting.Just like how MvL pointed out to me in a recent thread
that in certain cases .read().splitlines(True) is significantly faster
than .readlines() on some file objects: that's interesting.

I am sure there are good reasons for this, and I can't imagine that the
issue of return type didn't come up when discussions about the floor
division operator was discussed;  in fact, thinking about it a little
more, I suspect this operator is probably more likely to be used in a
sequence of floating-point operations anyway, for which the current
implementation saves a type conversion that might have been necessary
had it been made to return int to start with.

So regarding my previous statement:

>> I agree that integer division should return an integer,
>> because using the operator at all means you expect one.

I am not so sure now :)

By the way (regarding PIL), have you seen this site:

It is an open-source project implementing fancy methods for cleaning up
images and (my interest) resizing images with better clarity on
enlargements.  I had been working on a python implementation for this
kind of thing with heavy leaning on the PIL, but I saw this project on
the daily freshmeat newsletter, and so will probably use that code



Re: Simple py script to calc folder sizes

2006-03-28 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Thanks John

I will use your code :)   30% improvement is not insignificant, and
that's what I was looking for.

I find the log function a little harder to read, but I guess that is a
limitation of me, not your code.



Re: Multiplying sequences with floats

2006-03-24 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Christoph

On my linux py-2.4.1:

>>> 4.0//2 # Integer division, but still returns a float.
>>> 4.0//2 == 2

4.0//2 doesn't return an integer, but the equality against an integer
still holds.   I agree that integer division should return an integer,
because using the operator at all means you expect one.Having to
cast it after integer division seems unnecessary.  Unfortunately, I
have zero say on the matter :)

This issue was probably discussed at length when the integer division
operator (//) was introduced.  It is possible there is a good reason
behind this, but I don't know it.



Re: New development windows, IronPython or PythonWin

2006-03-24 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Dan

Pythonwin just adds support for specifically MS Windows features, most
prominently COM; writing Excel scripts in python is so cool.   The
standard python distribution for windows runs perfectly on windows.
I'm not sure whether this was clear to you or not.  Also, Thomas
ctypes and comtypes (by Thomas(?) Heller) also allow COM integration,
though I don't think it is as complete as the pythonwin support.

Also, I think IronPython is also supported by only one guy - Jim
Hugunin.  The fact that IronPython development is effectively being
sponsored by Microsoft doesn't fill me with great expectations either,
although it would be a good thing if they really supported it well.



Simple py script to calc folder sizes

2006-03-21 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi everyone

[Short version: I put a some code below: what changes can make it run

Unless you have a nice tool handy, calculating many folder sizes for
clearing disk space can be a click-fest nightmare.   Looking around, I
found Baobab (gui tool); the "du" linux/unix command-line tool; the
extremely impressive tkdu: ; a python
script I didn't really understand at (are these "folder
objects" zope thingies?);  there are also tools that can add a
"foldersize" column into Explorer on Windows
(, for example);  the superb freeCommander
file-manager (win32) has the functionality built in, and so on.

"du" is closest to what I was looking for, but is not immediately
cross-platform: I know I can probably get it through Cygwin, and there
is probably a win32 binary or clone around somewhere, but I thought a
simple python solution would be great.  Maybe there already is one, but
I couldn't find it with a modest amount of searching.

Anyway, I made one that will produce a list of only the folders in the
current folder, along with their sizes.  I am posting it for two
reasons: it might be useful for someone else, and I want to know if it
can be made faster (but in a cross-platform way); maybe you spot
something in the code that is obviously sub-optimal.

# Python script to list sizes of folders in current folder

import os, os.path

rootfolders = os.listdir('.')
rootfolders = [i for i in rootfolders if os.path.isdir(i)]

class counter:
def __init__(self,rootfolder):
self.count = 0
self.rootfolder = rootfolder
def inc(self,num):
self.count = self.count + num
def __str__(self):
if self.count<1024.:
unit = ' bytes'
scaler = 1.
elif self.count<1024.*1024.:
unit = ' KB'
scaler = 1/1024.
elif self.count<1024.*1024.*1024.:
unit = '   MB'
scaler = 1/1024./1024.
unit = ' GB'
scaler = 1/1024./1024./1024.
return '%-20s -

def visitfun(cntObj,dirname,names):
for i in names:
fullname = os.path.join(dirname,i)
if os.path.isfile(fullname): os.path.getsize(fullname) )
return None

foldersizeobjects = []
for i in rootfolders:
cntObj = counter(i)

def cmpfunc(a,b):
if a.count > b.count:
return 1
elif a.count == b.count:
return 0
return -1


for foldersize in foldersizeobjects:
print foldersize
print 'Total: %.2f MB'%(tot/1024./1024.)

# End



Re: Python vs. Java gzip performance

2006-03-21 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Peter

Clearly I misunderstood what Martin was saying :)I was comparing
operations on lines via the file generator against first loading the
file's lines into memory, and then performing the concatenation.

What does ".readlines()" do differently that makes it so much slower
than ".read().splitlines(True)"?  To me, the "one obvious way to do it"
is ".readlines()".



Re: Use of Python with GDAL. How to speed up ?

2006-03-17 Thread Caleb Hattingh

The documentation for the python profiler in the python library
reference is extremely readable (well done James Roskin!?).

Profile your code, and when you find where the speed problem occurs,
try pitching just that section of code in comp.lang.python.  You will
likely get much feedback.  Everyone loves small optimization exercises,
and there be bots here who get the optimal solution on the first try.

Though I would like to (seems an interesting application), I don't have
time available to go through all your code now.



Re: Python vs. Java gzip performance

2006-03-17 Thread Caleb Hattingh
I tried this:

from timeit import *

#Try readlines
print Timer('import
gzip;lines=gzip.GzipFile("gztest.txt.gz").readlines();[i+"1" for i in
lines]').timeit(200) # This is one line

# Try file object - uses buffering?
print Timer('import gzip;[i+"1" for i in
gzip.GzipFile("gztest.txt.gz")]').timeit(200) # This is one line



Doesn't seem much difference, probably because the test file easily
gets into memory, and so disk buffering has no effect.   The file
"gztest.txt.gz" is a gzipped file with 1000 lines, each being "This is
a test file".


Re: Binary python extensions with Free Pascal Compiler

2006-03-16 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Well, there it is:

* Added support for Free Pascal Compiler (
and Lazarus Project (
Thanks to Michiel du Toit ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

That was easy.   I just saw the new support for D2k6 recently.

thx Ravi


Re: Counting nested loop iterations

2006-03-16 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Derek

I went for an embarrassingly long time without knowing about
"enumerate()".  It doesn't directly answer your question about counting
*within* nests, but I am going to tell you this on the off chance you
don't know yet (and apologies if you do):


count = 0
for animal in zoo:
a = animal
anum = count
count = count + 1

IS a kludge, when you have this available to you:

for count, animal in enumerate(zoo):
a = animal
anum = count

I won't say how long it took me to start using list comprehensions :)



Binary python extensions with Free Pascal Compiler

2006-03-16 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi all

I want to write python extensions with FPC (Free Pascal Compiler,   In Delphi, this is trivially easy due to
the great work of the P4D (Python-for-Delphi,
guys;  however, when aiming for cross-platform binary extensions, that
strategy naturally doesn't work.

FPC has great cross-platform support, and to date I have written
library units that compile to .dlls (on win32) and .so's (on posix),
and then used these via ctypes.  This has worked very well, but for
certain applications I would prefer to create a new python type via
binary extension, rather than a python class with method wrappers
around library calls.  I could just use C, I guess, but I have a large
amount of pascal code that I would like to use, and I would prefer not
to fiddle with a C-binary extension intermediate.

I have explored the python.h header, and as expected, there appears to
be much use of the C standard library.   Using a tool that converts a C
header into an object pascal unit (intended to be the interface to
python.dll) gets me some of the way, but of course, calls to the C
stdlib don't get automatically translated into equivalent pascal-coded
functionality.  I'm afraid I am answering my own question here: is the
only way of getting this working to change all the stdlib calls in my
newly created pascal unit (created from python.h) to matching
functionality in pascal?

If there is another, simpler way I'm just not seeing, I would be glad
to hear it.



Re: Python IDE: great headache....

2006-03-13 Thread Caleb Hattingh

Being a Delphi user at work, I know what you mean :)

The best python IDE I have found is Stani's Python Editor (SPE), and I 
think Stani himself replied to your message as well.

It integrates wxGlade, which is nice for form-building, although I don't 
really do much of that with the python code I write.

My only gripe with SPE is that the memory usage, while SPE is running, 
slowly climbs and climbs, and after several hours that python thread 
running SPE is using several hundred megabytes of RAM.  I usually just 
restart it.   It seems as if the effect is pronouced when running code 
in the IDE.

Other than that, I now use SPE instead of Vim for python editing, which 
is a big step for me.  SPE is quite slick; some ways to go, but 
certainly on the right track.   The built-in code-completion is a godsend.

Hope this helps

Sullivan WxPyQtKinter wrote:
> IDLE is no longer satisfactory for me. Other IDEs make me very
> confused. Really do not know which one to use.
> I use WinXP sp2 for current development.
> So far as I know, Eclipse + PyDev + PyDev Extension is perfect for
> source code editing. Since I am really not sure how to use the debugger
> module, I really do not know how to add watch to variables etc. Anyone
> knows if this platform is a good one?
> I hope that an IDE should be featured with:
> 1. Grammar Colored highlights.
> 2. Manage project in a tree view or something alike, ie, a project file
> navigator.
> 3. Code collapse and folding.
> 4. Code auto-completion: especially prompting function parameters when
> I am typing a function previously defined by myself. Like the one in
> Visual Studio series.
> 5. Debugging: Breakpoints, conditional pause. watch for variables.step
> into, over and out of a function.
> What about other IDEs? Since I do not need GUI development. More over,
> the free-of-charge IDE is highly preferred.
> 6.Indentation management like in IDLE: press ctrl+[/] to modify the
> identation of a line or a block.
> In addition, I have seen quite a few editors, which are definitely not
> what I want. 
> Thank you so much for suggestions.

Re: Is this possible in Python?

2006-03-13 Thread Caleb Hattingh

I don't think this is what you want (a string representation of the 
argument passed to a function as that argument is at runtime is way 
beyond my abilities), but this can retrieve the literal text in the 
function call as it appears in the .py file, assuming you have the .py 
file available and not just the .pyc:

### Call this file ""
def fun(i):


def test():
 fname = ''
 testfunname = 'f'
 flines = open(fname,'r').readlines()
 for i in flines:
 if i.find(testfunname)>-1 and i.find('def '+testfunname)==-1:
 s = i
 leftbracketposition = s.find('(')
 rightbracketposition = s.find(')')
 arg = s[leftbracketposition+1:rightbracketposition]
 return arg

print test()
### Output:
# 8+7

> Hi
> I wonder if Python is capable of the following: define a function which
> returns its argument.
> I mean:
> def magic_function(arg):
> .. some magic code ...
> that behaves the following way:
> assert magic_function(3+4)=="3+4"
> assert magic_function([i for i in range(10)])=="i for i in range(10)]"
> It is not trivial at all and might require some bytecode hacking that i
> am unable to do myself BUT you are the experts ;-)
> Alain
-- WAS Brute force sudoku cracker

2005-09-19 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Very interesting that sudoku solving appears on the python group - there  
is a programming competition at (euler) where one of  
the puzzles is developing a sudoku solving algorithm...

Actually the python entrants are giving the C guys a good run!

On Mon, 19 Sep 2005 09:12:54 +0200, Antoon Pardon  

> Op 2005-09-16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] schreef  
>> Bas ha escrito:
>>> Hi group,
>>> I came across some of these online sudoku games and thought after
>>> playing a game or two that I'd better waste my time writing a solver
>>> than play the game itself any longer. I managed to write a pretty dumb
>>> brute force solver that can at least solve the easy cases pretty fast.
>>> It basically works by listing all 9 possible numbers for all 81 fields
>>> and keeps on striking out possibilities until it is done.
>>> [snip]
>> This problem is desperately begging for backtracking.
> I don't think so. I regularly solve one and I never needed
> to try something out, to see if it worked or not except
> when there were muliple solutions.
> I think it is a beautifull problem, to make people think of
> how they could code some of their thought processes, which
> would be a more fruitfull experience as programming this
> with backtracking.


Re: p2exe using wine/cxoffice

2005-09-19 Thread Caleb Hattingh
The other thing (and this is always true) is that "better" needs  
definition.  On purely technical grounds, on average, MSOffice is better  
than OO.  However, holistically, OO is probably better (no lock-in, open  
standards, multiplatform and so on).  Those soft issues do matter.

On Mon, 19 Sep 2005 12:18:55 +0200, Christophe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> Tim Roberts a écrit :
>> James Stroud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I think the motivation is to ween people off of M$ products altogether,
>>   Well, CrossOver Office doesn't really do that.  You're still running
>> Microsoft Office.
>>> get them used to working an a unix environment and to the idea  
>>> of using open alternatives rather than thinking that commercial  
>>> software is somehow "better".
>>   Regardless of your opinion on their operating systems, only a  
>> religious
>> zealot would try to argue that Microsoft Office is not better than any  
>> of
>> the open source alternatives.
> Some significant parts of Microsoft Office are worse than what you get  
> in OO.o Mainly, you could easily argue that OOWriter is better than  
> Word. I wouldn't try to make the same claim for the other parts of OO.o  
> though :)


Re: very high-level IO functions?

2005-09-19 Thread Caleb Hattingh

Short answer: yes

We use python and R at work, and in general you will find python syntax a  
little cleaner for functionality they have in common.  R is better for  
some of the more hard-wired stats stuff, though.

On Mon, 19 Sep 2005 20:04:37 +0200, York <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> R language has very high-level IO functions, its read.table can read a  
> total .csv file and recogonize the types of each column. write.table can  
> do the reverse.
> R's MySQL interface has high-level functions, too, e.g. dbWriteTable can  
>automatically build a MySQL table and write a table of R data  
> into it.
> Is there any python packages do similar things?
> -York


Re: Python IDE's

2005-08-01 Thread Caleb Hattingh
You know, for several years I was one of those people who simply ignored  
posts like this about Vi/Vim because I happened to come across it once on  
a sparc machine and thought it was ridiculous that I couldn't figure out  
how to type a simple note.   I thought that Vi (Vim) was some kind of  
weird and ancient legacy program that just never caught up with the times.

About 3 or 4 months ago, I had a truly large amount of ascii text editing  
and formatting to do and in a plea for advice, I got the standard cliche  
replies to try "Vim".   Having nothing to lose, I gave it a shot.  It took  
only about two weeks before I was competent, but it was probably the  
greatest time investment I have ever made.   I now use Vim for any text  
editing purpose, and especially python coding.

No doubt, the majority of people who read your post will instantly ignore  
it - but I know from personal experience that it would take a very special  
IDE to compete with Vim for the manipulation of text (GUI design, of  
course, is another story altogether).


On Mon, 01 Aug 2005 18:57:51 +0200, projecktzero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> VIM or Emacs. I use VIM on Windows, Mac, and VMS. I'd consider it more
> of an editor than an IDE, but there are many IDE features available
> with plug ins.


Re: Is this Pythonic?

2005-08-01 Thread Caleb Hattingh

To my mind, this kind of setup (interface class, or abstact class) is more  
usually used in static languages to benefit polymorphism - but python is  
dynamically typed, so in which situations would this setup be useful in a  
python program?  You see, I expected your post to say that it wouldn't  
even be necessary, but you didn't :)

I have spent a little effort training myself not to bother setting up  
class hierarchies like this in python, due to the fact that I use Delphi a  
lot at work (I do pretty much the code below to let myself know when an  
inherited/abstract class method is being called in error).


On Mon, 01 Aug 2005 18:52:02 +0200, Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> phil hunt wrote:
>> Suppose I'm writing an abstract superclass which will have some  
>> concrete subclasses. I want to signal in my code that the subclasses  
>> will implement certan methods. Is this a Pythonic way of doing what I  
>> have in mind:
>>  class Foo: # abstract superclass
>>def bar(self):
>>   raise Exception, "Implemented by subclass"
>>def baz(self):
>>   raise Exception, "Implemented by subclass"
> Change those to "raise NotImplementedError('blah')" instead and you'll  
> be taking the more idiomatic approach.
> -Peter


Re: Emacs skeletons

2005-07-26 Thread Caleb Hattingh
> Since you are on this topic, do you (or anyone else) have any type of  
> "code-completion" mode for python in emacs?
> Thanks
> -george

For what its worth, Vim has a generic type of "code-completion" that uses  
the file being edited to check for completion options within a word.  It's  
not true completion (using valid completions for class hierarchies, a la  
Delphi/VB), but I get a lot of mileage out of it with my python coding.

I fully expect Emacs has something similar, though I can't tell you how (I  
hardly know emacs at all).


Re: GUI - Windows: Where to get started

2005-07-26 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Probably, the best place for learning how to build GUI's for Windows, in  
general, is to get hold the personal edition of Delphi from the Borland  
website.  If you want something more specific to Python, it is likely to  
be much tougher.  You would, for example, have to decide which widget  
toolkit you want to use.  Also, you would have to decide if you want to do  
GUI-building via text-files or through a graphical method.  The simplest  
method (for the latter) I have seen so far is Glade, but perhaps other  
posters will have better advice than me.


On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 21:44:13 +0200, Ernesto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Would anyone know a good place to start for learning how to build
> simple GUI's in Windows XP?  I just want users to be able to select a
> few parameters from a pull-down menu, then be able to run some batch
> files using the parameters from the pull down menus.  I would also need
> a "Browse" menu, so users could point to a place on the local disc (ie
> C:\PointSystemHere).  Can anyone give a noob some tips?  THANKS!!!


Re: is this pythonic?

2005-07-22 Thread Caleb Hattingh

Yes, I must agree with you that it is something I should know.  I do try  
to keep with things but there are always some things that slip through the  
cracks, like enumerate, in this case.  That is why I am extremely grateful  
the for the activity, generosity and pure knowledge on this newsgroup to  
fill in the blanks for me.   It is guys like you who are willing to take  
the time to give responses that make it what it is.   In another  
newsgroup, I could have been flamed for letting Simon know he helped more  
than just the OP with his post :)


On Wed, 20 Jul 2005 23:41:36 +0200, Terry Reedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Wow, I didn't know about enumerate.
> It is listed and explained in Lib Ref Manual, Chapter 2, on builtin
> functions and types and their methods.  Everyone should read at least  
> that
> much of the Lib manual.
> Terry J. Reedy


Re: is this pythonic?

2005-07-20 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Wow, I didn't know about enumerate.

Many thanks

On Wed, 20 Jul 2005 15:19:50 +0200, Simon Brunning  

> On 7/20/05, Mage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Or is there better way?
>> for (i, url) in [(i,links[i]) for i in range(len(links))]:
> for i, url in enumerate(links):


Re: Finding # prefixing numbers

2005-07-19 Thread Caleb Hattingh
You really owe it to yourself to try the PyParsing package, if you have to  
do this kind of thing with any frequency.

The syntactic difference between PyParsing and regular expressions is  
greater than the syntactic difference between Python and C.


On Tue, 19 Jul 2005 13:35:02 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> In a text that contains references to numbers like this: #583 I want to
> find them with a regular expression but I'm having problems with the
> hash. Hopefully this code explains where I'm stuck:
 import re
 re.compile(r'\b(\d\d\d)\b').findall('#123 x (#234) or:#456 #6789')
> ['123', '234', '456']
 re.compile(r'\b(X\d\d\d)\b').findall('X123 x (X234) or:X456 X6789')
> ['X123', 'X234', 'X456']
 re.compile(r'\b(#\d\d\d)\b').findall('#123 x (#234) or:#456 #6789')
> []
 re.compile(r'\b(\#\d\d\d)\b').findall('#123 x (#234) or:#456 #6789')
> []
> As you can guess, I'm trying to find a hash followed by 3 digits word
> bounded. As in the example above, it wouldn't have been a problem if
> the prefix was an 'X' but that's not the case here.


Re: OO design

2005-07-19 Thread Caleb Hattingh

> 1. get arbitrary numerical data (typically large data sets in columnar
> format or even via COM from other packages. I generally have to deal with
> one or more sets of X,Y data)
> 2. manipulate the data (scaling, least squares fitting, means, peaks,
> add/subtract one XY set from another etc)
> 3. plot data (original set, results of manipulation, scatterplot,  
> histograms
> etc  - I use matplotlib)

Matplotlib is really coming on.  I still use gnuplot out of familiarity  
(and features, to be sure) but one of these days I'm going to spend a bit  
of time on Matplotlib.

> 4. export data (print, csv, shelve)

I do very much the same kind of work with python.  I write mostly in  
Delphi at work, but for processing stuff like this, I always use python  
when the dataset is not too big and the processing of the data is not too  
expensive.  Despite the awesome Delphi IDE, python with a text editor is  
*still* more productive (for *me*) in jobs like this.

> I have no problem writing bits of functional code to do any of the above.
> But for the life of me I can't see how I can hook them altogether in an  
> OO
> based framework that I can build and extend (with more data formats,
> manipulations, GUI etc).

To be honest, I am probably a poor source of advice here because I think I  
tend to overuse the class paradigm when often a more sensible approach  
would be a top-down strategy.   I just tend to think in terms of objects,  
for better or worse.  At least python's class declarations are not  
expensive in terms of setting up, so I tell myself it's ok.

Lets look at what you suggested:

> class XY:
>   def read_file
>   def scale_data
>   def plot_data
>   def shelve_data

This is exactly the kind of thing I do as well, but maybe separate the  
dataset from the processing (and put the classes into separate files, if  
you prefer - I find the "one class per file" idea easier to manage in my  
editor , Vim)

class XYpoint(object):
def __init__(self,x=0,y=0):
self.x = x
self.y = y

class Dataset(object):
def __init__(self): = [] # Will be a list of XYpoint objects - probably 
filled in  
with Gather?
def Gather(self,source):
pass # You fill this in, using source as you prefer
def Scale(self,factorX,factorY): # Filled out with example 
for i in range(len([i].x =[i].x * factorX[i].y =[i].y * factorY
def Plot(self):
pass # Do what you gotta do
def Shelve(self):
pass # Do what you gotta do

class MultipleDatasets(object):
def __init__(self):
self.datasets = [] # Will be a list of dataset objects, which 
you must  
def PlotAll(self):
for i in self.datasets:
i.Plot # How to plot all your datasets, for example

[FWIW - This is how I write all my python programs - very very naively and  
simply.  I just cannot remember all the fancy things enough to use when I  
need to get something done.  This is the kind of simple syntax that lured  
me to python in the first place, and I have a disconcerting feeling about  
all the "advanced" features for "master" programmers creeping into the  
language lately, or at least getting discussed - I don't think I am smart  
enough to absorb it all - CS isn't my area]

> But somehow that doesn't feel right, especially when I expect the number  
> of
> methods will grow and grow, which would make the class very unwieldy.

I would be interested to know if you think what I wrote "feels" right to  
you or not - It certainly feels "right" to me, but then that is hardly  
surprising.  In any case, what I presented almost exactly fits how I  
"think" about the problem, and that is what I want.

> bwaha.




Re: Opinions on KYLIX 3 (Delphi 4 Linux)

2005-07-18 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Doug

Not only was Kylix a letdown, there is talk also of it being  
discontinued.  To be fair though, it is easy to see the difficulty for  
Borland to deploy a Linux IDE of the same quality as Delphi when so much  
in different Linux distributions is variable, the widget set being a prime  
example: CLX just never caught on, amongst the myriad of more mature and  
more open toolsets.

I am assuming that you have experience with pascal, or ObjectPascal as the  
Delphi manuals call it (if not, why Kylix?).  If so, may I suggest you  
look into
a) fpc (Free Pascal Compiler,
b) Lazarus (An fpc IDE, aims to be an open-source Delphi clone, supports  
multiple widget sets [Win32 native on Windows!], can't remember the URL)

Though python is probably my favourite language for general purpose  
hacking, there is a lot to be said for a native compiled language  
(sometimes speed _is_ an issue), and in particular there is a lot to be  
said for fpc:
- Something like 99% Turbo Pascal compliant
- Very nearly Delphi compliant (object-pascal)
- (IMHO) Much cleaner language than C, still natively compiled
- Supports operator overloading & inlining
- Can be used to develop python extensions
- Supports nearly effortless cross-compiling

There are some problems with Lazarus at the moment, here is the biggie:   
It creates binaries of around 5MB for a minimal app, and this is because,  
at the moment it seems like it compiles the component library into the  
executable.  This is somewhat of a problem for me but I expect this will  
change within a release or two.

Lazarus is _very_ much like Delphi, and works on Windows, Linux, and  
possibly several other platforms.


> and net for info about Borlands KYLIX 3 and have found little technical
> info about it.  Their screen shots are very impressive, similar to Visual
> Basic.  I have sent several emails to Borlands Sales and Pre-Sales
> departments.  Pre-Sales bounces and Sales won't answer.  I'm sitting here
> with money in hand ready to buy but not from a company that won't give me
> the time of day.
> Does anyone of you have experiance with KYLIX 3 and do you think I should
> consider buying it?  Thank You, I'll go oil my keyboard now.
> Doug


Re: large dictionary creation takes a LOT of time.

2005-04-29 Thread Caleb Hattingh
In fact, as one of the Peter's (either Otten or Hansen) explained to me,
for line in open(file):
is actually both faster (being buffered) and generally better for very  
large files because it doesn't read the whole file into memory, like  
readlines does (if you have a memory limitation).

On Fri, 29 Apr 2005 12:00:37 -0400, Kent Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Maksim Kasimov wrote:
Kent Johnson wrote:
 > for line in open(path):
the line of your example raise another question: opened file will be  
read at once time, as method readlines() do, or it will be read line by  
line as method readline() do.
It will be read line by line as readline() does.
as far i know, it is depends on implementation of method "__iter__" of  
the object that "open()" returns, so another question: where i can find  
such an information (about how does such a functions works)?

Re: python open source charting solutions ?

2005-03-08 Thread Caleb Hattingh
I have had good success with pygnuplot.
On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 20:45:22 +0200, ionel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
i need some pointers.
so far i've tryed matplotlib ...


Re: some qustions on python

2005-02-15 Thread Caleb Hattingh
On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 13:16:53 -0500, samar bazied <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

can u help me??
I am very new in python and I have some qustions about it.
can u give me design process of python and their related langauges?
and I will be very habby if u give me small evaluation of python>>
help me..


Re: Newbie: SWIG or SIP?

2005-02-09 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Google "python ctypes".  ctypes is cool :)
keep well

On Wed, 9 Feb 2005 13:44:44 -0700, Brent W. Hughes  

I have a third-party DLL and it's associated .h file.  The DLL was  
in C.  I have neither the associated .c files nor the .obj files for the
DLL.  Can I use SWIG or SIP to build something that will allow me to use  
DLL with Python?  And what is that something, an .obj file, another DLL  



Re: Is Python as capable as Perl for sysadmin work?

2005-02-09 Thread Caleb Hattingh
How about the Yoda version:
do not do:
The Yoda version actually goes
:not do

Re: Python and version control

2005-02-09 Thread Caleb Hattingh
What is the ultimate version control tool for Python if you are working  
in a
Windows environment?
We use JEDI VCS (open source, free).  To be fair, JEDI VCS actually  
integrates into the Delphi IDE, which is what we use mostly.  However, the  
standard installation also installs a standalone client (as opposed to the  
IDE client) that you can use for anything.  Actually, we use the  
standalone client for latex documentation, so I know it works well for  
non-Delphi stuff.

The JEDI VCS server download (now) contains an embedded firebird database,  
which makes setting up the whole server thing a total breeze.  I just did  
it a few days ago, took all of 2 minutes to set up the server and start  
the service (and send a mail out to everyone asking them to install the  
new client).  Firebird is based on Interbase, if that means anything to  

You get full access controls (check-in/check-out), version history,  
rollbacks, milestones, integrated diff, check-in requests, per-file  
check-in/check-out comments, automated database backup, and so on.  I  
cannot recommend it highly enough actually :)  Though we use it all the  
time, we hardly think about it much, which is a really great feature for  
this type of thing.

Of course, I have only used JEDI VCS, so I have nothing to compare it to:  

keep well

Re: Python versus Perl ?

2005-02-09 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Joe, thanks
Yes, I am on the P4D mailing list :)  What you didn't say was that the  
"python for delphi" extensions are *awesome*.  full two-way communication,  
and you get it all by drag&dropping a little component widget onto your  
form in the IDE.  Amazing.

Dll's can be used by things other than python, which is the main reason  
why we would go that route.  However, with all the .NET hoopla,  maybe  
IronPython and a .NET dll would be the way to go in the future.  I'm still  
a little uneasy about adopting .NET as a standard just yet...

I should give it some more thought anyways.
Thanks again
On Wed, 09 Feb 2005 12:38:37 -0500, Joe Francia  

Caleb Hattingh wrote:
As you might imagine, I think about this constantly.  However, there
are many other issues that make it complicated, such as having to work
in a team where the average guy knows pascal well (we're just a bunch
of chemical engineers), but has never even heard of python.  Plus, were
I to go this type of route, I would almost definitely code the binary
modules in Delphi or FreePascal, make a DLL and use ctypes to call it.
I do not know C and have no desire to learn now :)On the other
hand, I know pascal quite well.
 keep well
You could always code Python extensions directly in Delphi:
Demo09 (look in demodll.dpr & module.pas) in the download tells you how.

Re: Loop in list.

2005-02-08 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Fredrik

*sigh*  I think I will stop writing mini-tutorials :)

You are, of course, correct.  And I really like your method of
explaining how to mentally juggle the LC into explicit loops.

I shudder to think how mnay people I confused with my incorrect
examples - I really should have tested them first.

Thanks again

> (to translate a list comprehension to nested statements, remove
> the result expression, insert colons and newlines between the for/if
> statement parts, and put the append(result expression) part inside
> the innermost statement)


Re: Python versus Perl ?

2005-02-08 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Adam

Thanks for your comments.

> I think the expression you seek is "comparing virtue among whores."

Sure, that's what I was saying, but not quite in as colourfil a manner

> >
> > The problem domains in which I do most of my work (chemical process

> > modelling and simulation) really do require speed.  That's why I
> > use Delphi (i.e. reasonably fast code) at work.   I believe I know
> > speed is and is not an issue, and (by far) most of the time, my
> > is that it is *not*.  So I use Delphi for numerical code and python
> > everything else.
> Why don't you use C for the numerical work?  Then you can do your
> crunching within a c-based python module.  Have your cake and ...

As you might imagine, I think about this constantly.  However, there
are many other issues that make it complicated, such as having to work
in a team where the average guy knows pascal well (we're just a bunch
of chemical engineers), but has never even heard of python.  Plus, were
I to go this type of route, I would almost definitely code the binary
modules in Delphi or FreePascal, make a DLL and use ctypes to call it.
I do not know C and have no desire to learn now :)On the other
hand, I know pascal quite well.

keep well


Re: variable declaration

2005-02-08 Thread Caleb Hattingh
I fully agree.  As I stated in a message to alexander, it is quick and  
easy even to write a simple project-specific tool for checking that only  
allowed variable names exist in all the project files.

Compared to having to work with tons of effectively useless variable  
declarations forever (perhaps even only in other peoples code who decided  
to use the "option"), it is not much to ask (I work in pascal a lot - I  
know all about tons and tons of declarations).

You can also get all places where said variable exists by using grep, or  
your editor's search feature.  I don't see how a var declaration gains  
you anything over 'grep PowerOfGenerator *.py' ...

Jeff Shannon
Credit International


Re: Loop in list.

2005-02-08 Thread Caleb Hattingh
You're gonna have to help me here.what is the effective difference?
'>>> a = []
'>>> for b in range(4):
'>>> for i in range(3):
'>>> a.append(i*2*b)
There is a subtle error in this explanation. The equivilence actually
looks like:
'> a = []
'> l1 = range(4)
'> l2 = range(3)
'> for b in l1:
'> for i in l2:
'> a.append(i*2*b)

Re: variable declaration

2005-02-08 Thread Caleb Hattingh
  if PowerOfGenerator>xxx:

Here, python will not help you. The worst thing is that in such  
you often receive plausible results.
(I think PyChecker has come up before, but...) If you like, you could make  
a text-file index of all the variable names allowed in your program, and  
parse all the python code to ensure that only those variable names are  
used.  I believe this would
a) solve your problem
b) require less than a morning's work
c) not force everyone else to have to deal with variable declarations that  
will be only an annoyance 95% percent of the time.

Is there a specific reason you want this added to the *language* itself?

Re: Basic file operation questions

2005-02-08 Thread Caleb Hattingh
I don't know how it is handled, but I expect also that there is an implied  

When you read a file with that method, is there an implied close() call  
on the file?  I assume there is, but how is that handled?


Re: Choosing the right parser for parsing C headers

2005-02-08 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Jean, Paddy
I use "pym" to extract bits of pascal out of delphi code for documentation  
purposes.  You have to add some stuff to the delphi code (in your case, C  
header), but these are added within comment blocks, and the interesting  
thing is that you add python code(!) as a kind of dynamic markup which pym  
executes while parsing the file.

In other words, you can write python code within a comment block in your  
C-header to generate unit-tests into other files, and get that code  
executed with pym.

Keep well
On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 19:58:33 GMT, Paddy McCarthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Jean de Largentaye wrote:
 I need to parse a subset of C (a header file), and generate some unit
tests for the functions listed in it. I thus need to parse the code,
then rewrite function calls with wrong parameters. What I call "shaking
the broken tree" :)
I chose to make my UT-generator in Python 2.4. However, I am now
encountering problems in choosing the right parser for the job. I
struggle in choosing between the inappropriate, the out-of-date, the
alpha, or the too-big-for-the task...
Why not see if the output from a tags file generator such as ctags or  
etags will do what you want.

I often find that some simpler tools do 95% of the work and it is easier  
to treat the other five percent as broken-input.

- Paddy.

Re: Loop in list.

2005-02-08 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Someone on this list (SteveB) helped me quite a bit with a list  
comprehension on a recent thread.  Roy said it can be hard to read, and I  
agree in part because I always thought they were hard to read, when in  
actual fact I had just never bothered to learn properly.  Here is a  

e.g. 1: The theory
'>>> a = [  for i in  ]
item2 is iterable (like "range()" in your example)
item1 is the thing that is going to fill up the resulting list, and item1  
is evaluated at each step of the "for" loop.

This is the same as
'>>> a = []
'>>> for i in :
'>>> a.append()
e.g. 2: A real example
'>>> a = [i*2 for i in range(3)]
'>>> a
[0, 2, 4]
so "i*2" gets evaluated for each step in the "for" loop.  The values of  
"i" at each step are [0,1,2], according to how "range" works, so "i*2" is  
what you end up with in the resulting list.

e.g. 3: They can be nested
'>>> a = [i*2*b for i in range(3) for b in range(4)]
'>>> a
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 4, 6, 0, 4, 8, 12]
Might take you a while to correlate the answer with the loop, but you  
should be able to see after a while that this nesting is the same as

'>>> a = []
'>>> for b in range(4):
'>>> for i in range(3):
'>>> a.append(i*2*b)
keep well

Re: python code with indention

2005-02-08 Thread Caleb Hattingh

is it possible to write python code without any indentation?

You can, of course, write a silly little inline script without
any control structures that will all line up at the left
margain. So what?
John Roth
I agree, John, I don't get it.  The vast majority of programmers (albiet  
from my limited perspective) indent their code anyway, whether required by  
the language or not.   This was one of the first features of Python I  
learned about that made me sit up and take notice -- here was a truly  
pragmatic design choice that actually benefitted the programmer (by not  
having to type all those delimiters).


Re: Python versus Perl ?

2005-02-08 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi m
Speed is a contentious issue here.  Point is, if you really need raw  
speed, why stop only at Perl and Python?  There are plenty of statically  
compiled languages that will produce native binaries.

The relative difference in speed between Perl and Python, whatever it is,  
is completely washed out by the enormous jump using, say, C for example  
[please, everyone else, I am aware of all the mitigating circumstances  
regarding, e.g. parts of the standard library written in C, etc.  That is  
not my point.]

A Good Reason for thinking along these lines (Perl/Python) is more  
something like speed and reliability of development.  Another one is  
maintaintability.  I must confess that I know pretty much nothing about  
Perl, so I can't comment about that.  My opinion about Python is that it  
is very, very good for these things.

The problem domains in which I do most of my work (chemical process  
modelling and simulation) really do require speed.  That's why I mostly  
use Delphi (i.e. reasonably fast code) at work.   I believe I know when  
speed is and is not an issue, and (by far) most of the time, my experience  
is that it is *not*.  So I use Delphi for numerical code and python for  
everything else.

You really will have to convince people here that execution speed is a  
real issue for your programming task (in order to continue this  
discussion).  Otherwise the debate will go south real quick.

Keep well
On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 12:17:05 -0600, m <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Courageous wrote:

If Python is better than Perl, I'm curious how really significant
those advantages are ?
speedwise, i think perl is faster than python and python performed the  
slowest as shown in

Pypy - Which C modules still need converting to py?

2005-02-08 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi all
I saw it on a webpage a few days ago, can't seem to find it again.  Tried  
a google search for

"pypy needed translate C modules"
but that didn't turn up what I was looking for.   Anyone have that page  
ref handy listing the C modules that the pypy team need translated into  


Re: Basic file operation questions

2005-02-07 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Peter, that was very clear, thanks.

> So not only is
> for line in file(...):
># do stuff
> the most elegant, it is also the fastest. file.readlines() comes
close, but
> is only viable for "small" files.


Re: Multiple constructors

2005-02-07 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Sure, Nick, I agree with you completely.

I generally try to make sure that my classes are limited in what they
do/provide, so it is not often a problem that a class may need to be
instantiated in several very different ways.

But your point is well taken.



Re: loops -> list/generator comprehensions

2005-02-07 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Wow, Steve, thanks, you went to some effort here.
I prefer to give names to the values produced by os.walk -- I think it  
makes the usage much clearer.  However, since I don't use 'dirnames', I  
use '_' to indicate this:
Actually, I feel silly for not recognising this - I read about the Python3  
suggestion for adding a "with" syntax, and the suggestion was rather to  
use something like

  _ = instname
  _.a = 1
  _.b = 2
So I actually have seen this "_" placeholder before :)  Sorry bout that.
 filenames = [os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
  for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('.')
  for filename in filenames]
have been clearer for you?  Then all you have to do is remember the  
order of the for-loop execution:
Bizarre as this may sound, it was the '_' that was throwing me off the  
whole thing (at the 'grok' level I generally read the newsgroup,  
anyway).   For some weird reason, I can read *this* comprehension pretty  
easily!  Does that make sense at all?  I figure a little bit of  
uncertainty along the way probably derails understanding of the whole  
thing a little bit - and (mental note) I *must* remember this when I  
explain stuff to people at work, having now experienced it first hand.

Thanks again

Re: loops -> list/generator comprehensions

2005-02-06 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Sure Steve
Lemme see ... (indentation changed so comments associate with correct bits)
Out of curiosity, do you find:
filenames = [os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
  # This is cool
 for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk('.')
 # This is getting tricky, whats the '_' for?  Which thing  
goes where again in a comprehension?
   for filename in filenames]
   # The hierarchy has nailed me by this point.  I  
will have to start over...

Yes, yes I do find it more difficult to read.  Maybe I just don't know  
python as well as I should (certainly not as well as others here!).  I  
guess it is just familiarity.  A single comprehension is ok, nesting them  
gets tricky, and 3 times is a strike for me.  I will practise :)

keep well


Re: Python versus Perl ?

2005-02-06 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Surfunbear
I don't know about the stuff regarding jobs, resumes, etc, but I will tell  
you the same thing I tell everyone I meet regarding python:

Set aside a morning, and work through the python tutorial that comes with  
the documentation.  People like me are going to tell you this and that,  
perhaps try to convince of our particular world-view, and so on.

By the end of the tutorial (more likely at halfway) you will probably know  
whether this is worth pursuing or not.  Oh, and do this before you invest  
too much time in Perl :)

Keep well
On 6 Feb 2005 05:19:09 -0800, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I've read some posts on Perl versus Python and studied a bit of my
Python book.
 I'm a software engineer, familiar with C++ objected oriented
development, but have been using Perl because it is great for pattern
matching, text processing, and automated testing. Our company is really
fixated on risk managnemt and the only way I can do enough testing
without working overtime (which some people have ended up doing) is by
automating my testing. That's what got me started on Perl.
 I've read that many people prefer Python and that it is better than
Perl. However, I want to ask a few other questions.
1. Perl seems to have alot of packaged utilities available through
CPAN, the comprehensive perl network. These can aid in building
parsers, web development, perl DBI is heavily used. This seems to be a
very important benifit. I'm not sure that Python is as extenive at all
in that regard ? Perl also has excellent pattern matching compared to
sed, not sure about how Python measures up,
 but this seems to make perl ideally suited to text processing.
2. Python is apparantly better at object oriented. Perl has some kind
of name spacing, I have used that in a limited way. Does Perl use a
cheap and less than optimal Object oriented approach ?
That was what someone at work said, he advocates Python.
Is it likely that Perl will improve it's object oriented features
in the next few years ?
3. Perl is installed on our system and alot of other systems.
You don't have to make sys admins go out of there way to make it
available. It's usualy allready there. I also did a search of job
postings on a popular website. 108 jobs where listed that require
knowledge of Perl, only 17 listed required Python. Becomeing more
familiar with Perl might then be usefull for ones resume ?

 If Python is better than Perl, I'm curious how really significant
those advantages are ?

Re: Multiple constructors

2005-02-06 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Philip
C++ to Python is a steep 'unlearning' curve...
That's worthy of QOTW.  I decided not to reply to this thread earlier, but  
you just convinced me otherwise :)

I work in Delphi a lot, which is in a lot of respects very similar to C.   
I have come to the conclusion that function overloading was introduced to  
allow the same calling syntax and even functionality to be applied to  
different *types*.  This is a consequence of the fact that in Delphi and  
C, for example, typing is static.

In a dynamic language like python, however, overloading isn't necessary.   
Not only can the *type* of a function argument be determined at run-time,  
the *number* of arguments can as well.

Though Alex indicated differently earlier, I intend to always use an "if"  
statment inside one constructor to initialise any class in the situation  
where the arguments may be different in number and type.  I don't have the  
years of experience that Alex has, however, so I may end up regretting it  
but right now, it seems to me to be the clearest approach in this  


Re: loops -> list/generator comprehensions

2005-02-06 Thread Caleb Hattingh
I would be interested to see an example of code that is more concise but  
yet as *clear* as the one you already have.  I can actually read and  
understand what you've got there.   That's cool :)

On 6 Feb 2005 11:28:37 -0800, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I wrote this little piece of code to get a list of relative paths of
all files in or below the current directory (*NIX):
walkList  = [(x[0], x[2]) for x in os.walk(".")]
filenames = []
for dir, files in walkList:
filenames.extend(["/".join([dir, f]) for f in files])
It works fine, I don't need to change it, but I know there is a one
liner list/generator comprehension to do this - I'm just not well
enough versed in comprehensions to figure it out. Can someone please
show me what it is?
Even better, is there a generalized way to transform simple loops into
comprehensions that someone can point me to?

Re: newbie wants to compile python list of filenames in selected directories

2005-02-06 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Anthony
Here is some stuff to get you started (this is from memory, I'm not  
checking it, but should be mostly helpful):

import os
os.chdir('C:\My Documents')  # Can use this to jump around to different  
fileNames = os.listdir('.')  # Checks the now current folder
namesToMatch = ['readme.txt','readme.doc'] # Buncha names to find

for item in fileNames:  # check every filename
  if item in namesToMatch:  # is this item in the required list?
print 'Match found: '+item  # if you found one, say so.
Hope this helps.

On Sun, 06 Feb 2005 18:29:34 +, anthonyberet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, I am new at Python, and very rusty at the one language I was good  
at, which was BASIC.

I want to write a script to compare filenames in chosen directories, on  
windows machines. Ideally it would compose a list of strings of all the  
filenames in the directories, and those directories would be chosable by  
the user of the script.

I am quite happy to do my own legwork on this , I realise it is simple  
stuff, but can anyone point me in the right direction to start?


Re: Two classes problem

2005-02-03 Thread Caleb Hattingh
You can manage the namespace more formally. Or to put it another way,  
"global" gives me the heebie-jeebies.  I recently worked on a project  
replacing a legacy reactor model in FORTRAN, and between COMMON blocks,  
and GOTO statements, I didn't know up from down.

How about this:
class a:
  def __init__(self,test):
 localtest = test
 # do stuff with localtest
  def givetest(self):
 return localtest
  def printtest(self):
 print localtest
test = 'Starting text'
print 'Outside before class: '+test
my_a = a(test)
test = my_a.givetest()
print 'Outside after class: '+test
So here we explicitly pass "test" into the class, do stuff with it, and  
rewrite test again with a method.  Does this satisfy the technical problem?


On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 11:19:34 +0530, Gurpreet Sachdeva  

The purpose is, I pass a list to a class in a module but I want to use
that list out of the scope of that class and that too not in any other
class or a function but in the main program...
The problem is that when I import that, the statements in the module
which are not in the class are executed first and then the variable
gets intiallised...
I will explain with the example...
-global test
-class a:
-def __init__(self,test):
-global test
-print test
-print 'Outside: '+test
I want to print that variable test which I am giving to the class as
an argument, in the scope of main...
I know it is not a good way of programming but my situation is like  
But is this possible or not? If I pass test as 'Garry' can I (by any
way) print 'Outside: Garry' with that print statement... (in the main

Thanks and Regards,

Re: python and visual C++

2005-02-03 Thread Caleb Hattingh
But the problem is about modules thats are developped from others with
Yes, sorry, I reread your original post and now realise that you were  
referring to other people's modules.  And with your comments there, I  
agree with you -> MSVC as a requirement is unfortunate.


Re: Basic file operation questions

2005-02-03 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Yes, you can even write
f = open("data.txt")
for line in f:
# do stuff with line
This has the additional benefit of not slurping in the entire file at  
Is there disk access on every iteration?   I'm guessing yes?  It shouldn't  
be an issue in the vast majority of cases, but I'm naturally curious :)


Re: Basic file operation questions

2005-02-02 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Alex
Assuming you have a file called "data.txt":
f = open('data.txt','r')
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
print line
Will print each line of the file.
You can make a huge investment by setting 2 or 3 hours aside to go through  
the Python tutorial, which gets installed as part of the documentation.   
That tutorial can get you much of the knowledge you will ever need with  

On 2 Feb 2005 13:27:49 -0800, alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am a beginner with python and here is my first question:
How can I read the contents of a file using a loop or something? I open
the file with file=open(filename, 'r') and what to do then? Can I use
something like
for xxx in file:
Thanks for help

Re: Two classes problem

2005-02-02 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Steven, thanks for your help once again :)
so you could write the code like:
test = 'first'
class aclass:
 def __init__(self, value):
 mod = __import__(__name__)
 mod.test = value
This is sweet.  I really like this technique for manipulating module-scope  
identifiers (from within a class or function).

To the OP:
In general, this seems like a bad organization strategy for your code.  
What is your actual use case?
Agreed.  It is an interesting intellectual exercise, but there is surely a  
better way of controlling access to 'test' in the OP's post.


Re: python and visual C++

2005-02-02 Thread Caleb Hattingh
If you consider using the ctypes module, you can write a dll (windows) or  
a shared object (linux) using anything that can make one of those.

For example, I have successfully used FreePascal to make a dynamic library  
on both windows and linux and use that library within python on both  

Heck, even the objectpascal code for the dll was unchanged on both  
platforms.  I simply needed to recompile the objectpascal file on each  
using FreePascal.  Also FreePascal is available on many more platforms  
(though not quite as many as python, I'll wager).

This is the only way I ever intend making native binary additions to my  
own programs.

On Wed, 2 Feb 2005 12:35:08 +0100, Olivier Ravard  

When I tryed to compile a python module using distutils under windows,
and there is an error message if we do not have Microsoft Visual C++ 6
This is because python have been compiled with MSVC6 and distutils wants  
in order to compile C++ python modules.

One of the reasons why I use python is because this is a free language.  
I need
a non free compilator to compile my C++ module !!! Choosing MSVC to  
python is a strange choice since there are other free compilators like

I think that using another compilator should be possible in order to  
modules since I use BOOST/MinGW to develop my own modules...

Diffrerent solutions appears :
- peoples who compile python for windows should use a free compilator
(MinGW or Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 for example)
- modify distutils in order to use another compilator
Is there anyone that have experienced this "free" problem and is there a
that I did not note. I don't want to buy MSVC...


Re: Two classes problem

2005-02-02 Thread Caleb Hattingh
It would help if you could describe the purpose you have in mind for doing  
this.   There is a cute way of doing what you want:

# module
test = 'first'
class aclass:
def __init__(self, mod, value):
mod.test = value# Is there another way to refer to  
the module this class sits in?

# file
import a
x = a.aclass(a,'monkey')
print a.test
When you run "", you will see 'monkey' printed.  What we have done  
here is passed the reference to the *module* a to the constructor for  
aclass, and that constructor modified the module variable "test".  This is  
a way to avoid using 'global', or in other words, the namespaces of things  
are still clear (for me anyway).


On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 00:13:05 +0530, Gurpreet Sachdeva  

I have two classes; -->
global test
test =''
class a(b):
def __init__(self,test):
print test
print 'Outside: '+test -->
import a
I want to pass this string (or any object later) to and that too
outside the scope of class a.
Is that possible??? If yes, how???

Re: Calling a C program from a Python Script

2004-12-09 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Brad
Not that I'm an expert but note:
1.  If you already know C, fair enough.  You should know what you are  
getting into then. I sure as heck don't know it very well at all and I'm  
not gonna make that time investment now.  MAYBE if I really really needed  
the extra speed (but this seems to arise more infrequently than one would  
imagine) for something where I couldn't interface with some existing  
binary library.

2.  The PythonForDelphi crowd makes the creation of native binary  
extensions with Delphi pathetically easy (which is about equivalent to the  
degree of complexity I can handle).  As I said in a previous post, C is  
not the only game in town for binary extensions.  Of course, I happen to  
already know ObjectPascal (Delphi) quite well, so for me it is a good fit  
- maybe not so much for you if pascal would be new for you.  If both  
pascal AND C are new for you, I suspect you will find Delphi a fair bit  
easier (& faster) to learn.  btw, Works with Kylix also.  I don't know  
about FPC.

3.  As someone said previously, some of the 'builtin' python functionality  
is compiled C anyway.  This point alone often makes it very difficult to  
qualify statements like 'python is slow'.  You could even start with the  
Cpython source for something like file access and see how you go with  
optimization, if *that* performance was not enough for you.

4. Nobody mentioned Pyrex yet, I think it kinda allows you to write C  
within your python scripts, and then handles that all intellligently,  
compiles the necessary bits, and so on - try a google search for the facts  
rather than my broken memory of features.

5. If all you are is curious about interfacing a C extension with Python -  
that's cool too.  I would be interested in hearing what to look out for in  
the learning stage of developing C-extensions, for when I am overcome by  
curiosity and feel the need to try it out.

Keep well
I just want to know the basics of using C and Python together when the  
need arises, that's all, I don't want to write a book about what exactly  
it is that I'm involved in.

I'm going to take It's Me's advice and have a look at SWIG.
Thank you,

Re: How do I do this? (eval() on the left hand side)

2004-12-09 Thread Caleb Hattingh
I do the same thing in Delphi -> prepend "Self" before all the members in  
class methods even though its not required.  I do it partially for the  
same reason as you - so I can grok which variables are local and which are  
global (well, global within the class, anyway).

The other reason is because of the magical little menu that pops up when I  
type the period after "Self", and lets me pick a class member by typing  
the first few letters...

Keep well
On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 09:39:58 -0800, Jeff Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 -- heck, even before I knew Python existed, I typically
used this->name to reference C++ members despite the fact that 'this'  
was not required, just because I wanted to be able to *see* which  
variables were members and which weren't...)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Ideas for projects

2004-12-09 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Here is something I would try but don't have the guts for:
If you could write an extension to idle (yes, idle, not Boa, not Eric,  
etc) that pops up a small list of possible completions in a listbox when  
you type a '.' (period) after any object name or module name (including  
builtins), that would be *awesome*.  I have been very spoilt by Delphi in  
this regard.  Some kind of code that does partial compiles in the  
background to analyse code for members would be sweet.

On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 03:29:51 GMT, Phillip Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

I feel that I've learned the language pretty well, but I'm having  
trouble thinking of a medium to large project to start.  What are some  
projects that you have written in the past with Python?


Re: Pictograms and Python

2004-12-09 Thread caleb . hattingh

Ya got me there!

I have a sript that downloads a webpage. According to the picture  on
this webpage I need to pass a parameter to this , running script a few
lines later.

Err, ya, I guess I would be suspicious too.Sorry about that!
Keep well


Re: dictionary initialization

2004-12-09 Thread caleb . hattingh
Hi Dan

I must confess that upon rereading my words, there is some irony there
(but not really sarcasm, is there?).  However, I *really* tried to keep
my tone, well, professional.  I realise I didn't do a good job and
apologise.  I hope that's ok.

Keep well


Re: How do I do this? (eval() on the left hand side)

2004-12-09 Thread caleb . hattingh
Both Peters :)

Sure, I must concede that the problem here was my expectation of how
things should work.

Thanks for the explanations.  I still don't really know whether this
behaviour of locals() is the result of a design decision, or an
implementation artifact of CPython, but at least I have a clear idea of
how to play nice with locals().


Peter Otten wrote:
> Caleb Hattingh wrote:
> > I am convinced now that locals() doesn't work as (I) expected.
> > says there was some or other reason why locals() as used in this
> > is not writable - Do you know why this is?  I really do not like
> > guidelines like "may not work", "is unreliable" and so on.  Perhaps
> > is a character flaw, but I really do like to know what works, when
> > works, and when it doesn't work.
> I think Peter Hansen has answered that. Your expectations were just
> > In this scenario, we can see it doesn't work.  To my eyes, it
doesn't work
> > *in the way I expect* (which is highly subjective, no argument
> > Would this be a situation where it would be nice to have an
> > thrown if locals() is assigned to in a scope where it is not
> If python were to throw an exception, it should always be thrown. But
> the wrong one to worry about that as I didn't even find a single
> globals()[name] = value
> assignment in my scripts. I want to know a variable's name, or I put
it in a
> dictionary.
> > It would also be nice if globals and locals behaved the same,
> > only in scope (which is what I expected originally anyway).  But we
> > have everything, I guess :)
> That would mean that both would become read-only, I guess, but I
don't see
> that happen.
> Peter


Re: How do I do this? (eval() on the left hand side)

2004-12-08 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Thx Peter
I verified this situation myself with a post from Steven Bethard earlier  
(trying to use "locals" within a function definition).

I am convinced now that locals() doesn't work as (I) expected.  Steven  
says there was some or other reason why locals() as used in this context  
is not writable - Do you know why this is?  I really do not like  
guidelines like "may not work", "is unreliable" and so on.  Perhaps this  
is a character flaw, but I really do like to know what works, when it  
works, and when it doesn't work.

In this scenario, we can see it doesn't work.  To my eyes, it doesn't work  
*in the way I expect* (which is highly subjective, no argument there).   
Would this be a situation where it would be nice to have an exception  
thrown if locals() is assigned to in a scope where it is not writable?

It would also be nice if globals and locals behaved the same, differing  
only in scope (which is what I expected originally anyway).  But we can't  
have everything, I guess :)

On Wed, 08 Dec 2004 20:49:53 +0100, Peter Otten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Caleb Hattingh wrote:
In what way is it  
the update through globals and locals doesn't  
Updates to a locals() dictionary may not be reflected by the variables in
the local scope, e. g.:
def f():
... locals()["a"] = 1
... print a
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
  File "", line 3, in f
NameError: global name 'a' is not defined
def f():
... a = 42
... locals()["a"] = 1
... print a
Updating globals() should be safe.

Re: updating locals() and globals() (WAS: How do I do this? (eval() on the left hand side))

2004-12-08 Thread Caleb Hattingh
I don't think I understand.  Here is what I just tried:
'>>> def f():
x = 3
d = locals()
print x
print d['x']
d['x'] = 5
print x

'>>> f()
In your example, x had not yet been initialised, maybe.  What I am seeing  
is that "x" does not seem to update when being assigned to - I guess this  
is what you are referring to by being unreliable.

But "unreliable" sounds kinda vague and intermittent, and I assume that is  
not the case here - What is the Rule(tm)?


On Wed, 08 Dec 2004 16:59:23 GMT, Steven Bethard  

Peter Hansen wrote:
Nick Coghlan wrote:
Generally, altering the contents of the dicts returned by locals() and  
globals() is unreliable at best.
  Nick, could you please comment on why you say this about globals()?
I've never heard of any possibility of "unreliability" in updating
globals() and, as far as I know, a large body of code exists which
does in fact rely on this -- much of mine included. ;-)
Updating locals() is unreliable.  Updating globals() is fine, AFAIK.
I believe that the only time that locals() is updatable is when locals()  
is globals():

 >>> locals() is globals()
 >>> x
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 1, in ?
NameError: name 'x' is not defined
 >>> locals()['x'] = 3
 >>> x
 >>> def f():
... print locals() is globals()
... locals()['x'] = 3
... print x
 >>> f()
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 1, in ?
   File "", line 4, in f
NameError: global name 'x' is not defined

Re: How do I do this? (eval() on the left hand side)

2004-12-08 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Peter, I second that.
In what way is it unreliable?  I can't seem to create a situation where  
the update through globals and locals doesn't work.   Are you referring  
perhaps to the possibility of variables being garbage collected and then  
not being around later when one tries to access them through a string  
name?  I don't know very much about the garbage collector, so I can't say  
for sure.

On Wed, 08 Dec 2004 10:38:30 -0500, Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nick Coghlan wrote:
Generally, altering the contents of the dicts returned by locals() and  
globals() is unreliable at best.
Nick, could you please comment on why you say this about globals()?
I've never heard of any possibility of "unreliability" in updating
globals() and, as far as I know, a large body of code exists which
does in fact rely on this -- much of mine included. ;-)

Re: question

2004-12-08 Thread Caleb Hattingh
I don't have much experience with popen3.  I do know that IDLE  
(interactive interpreter) does something to sys.stdin, and that is  
probably the problem you are seeing.  Try your commands through the python  
interactive interpreter started from a shell (DOS or Bash), see if it  
still happens.

On Tue, 7 Dec 2004 23:16:50 +0100, Lars Tengnagel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hej Caleb and others
I've been strugling with the same problem where i try to use popen3 to  
run a
program. If I use a piped commandline
the program can read the file without problems but in the IDLE and with
popen it comes with an error.
I haven't been able to read the stdin either so the problem so far is
unsolved for my point.
But the newline command would explain my problems with the program.
Can it be a problem under windows since I'm using XP and the winpython

Hopefully Lars
"Caleb Hattingh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i en meddelelse
It runs properly in a shell (bash), but on another matter:
'>>> r
'>>> r
What exactly happened to my 1234567890?  I understand that I am only
taking 5 characters, but where does the newline (\n) come from?  Is  
that a
remnant from when I terminated the previous 'g' input?

On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 23:36:56 -0500, Caleb Hattingh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
You are probably typing this within IDLE.  Try it after starting python
in a shell like DOS or Bash.  Should work then (works for me, and I  
get the AttributeError in IDLE.

On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 21:15:51 GMT, It's me <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Why do I get an "AttributeError: read" message when I do:
import sys
I've tried:
same error message.
I couldn't find any reference to this function in my Python book (they
the stdout but not in).
Some sample code I saw uses this function in the same manner I am and
so I
am assuming this is the correct syntax?
Or is this a bug in Python 2.4?
It's me


Re: question

2004-12-07 Thread Caleb Hattingh
It runs properly in a shell (bash), but on another matter:
'>>> r
'>>> r
What exactly happened to my 1234567890?  I understand that I am only  
taking 5 characters, but where does the newline (\n) come from?  Is that a  
remnant from when I terminated the previous 'g' input?

On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 23:36:56 -0500, Caleb Hattingh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

You are probably typing this within IDLE.  Try it after starting python  
in a shell like DOS or Bash.  Should work then (works for me, and I also  
get the AttributeError in IDLE.

On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 21:15:51 GMT, It's me <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Why do I get an "AttributeError: read" message when I do:
import sys
I've tried:
same error message.
I couldn't find any reference to this function in my Python book (they  
the stdout but not in).

Some sample code I saw uses this function in the same manner I am and  
so I
am assuming this is the correct syntax?

Or is this a bug in Python 2.4?
It's me


Re: question

2004-12-07 Thread Caleb Hattingh
You are probably typing this within IDLE.  Try it after starting python in  
a shell like DOS or Bash.  Should work then (works for me, and I also get  
the AttributeError in IDLE.

On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 21:15:51 GMT, It's me <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Why do I get an "AttributeError: read" message when I do:
import sys
I've tried:
same error message.
I couldn't find any reference to this function in my Python book (they  
the stdout but not in).

Some sample code I saw uses this function in the same manner I am and so  
am assuming this is the correct syntax?

Or is this a bug in Python 2.4?
It's me


Re: How do I do this? (eval() on the left hand side)

2004-12-07 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Sure, ok, I think I am with you now.
You get a (e.g.) variable name as a string, and you KNOW how to evaluate  
it with "eval", but you also want to be able to assign back to (through)  
the string representation?

One way (if I understand you correctly) is with the globals or locals  
dicts.  Try this in IDLE:

'>>> a = 3
'>>> y = 'a'
'>>> eval(y)
'>>> d = locals() # Get a dictionary of local variables
'>>> d['a']
'>>> d[y]
'>>> d[y] = 8   # y is a string = 'a'
'>>> a  # The value of a is changed.
Is this kinda what you mean?  I'm still new at this (and don't know REXX  
from Adam).


There are many situations where this is useful.   For instance, you  
might be
getting an input which is a string representing the name of a variable  
you wish to evaluate the expression (like a calculator application, for

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