Re: The Modernization of Emacs: terminology buffer and keybinding

2007-10-10 Thread Ken Tilton

> On Oct 8, 7:32 am, Joost Kremers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Don't both "man" and those words for measurement come ultimately from
>>>words for "hand" (similarly to words like "manual", as in labor)?
> Do not bluntly contradict me in public.

I am reminded of my tai chi teacher in NYC, who used to come over to 
correct me and say, "I used to do it that way."

Or, "What you are doing is good. What I do is...".

His school is very successful.



"Mother always told me, if you tell a lie,
always rehearse it. If it don't sound good
to you, it won't sound good to no one else."
  - Satchel Paige

Re: The Modernization of Emacs: terminology buffer and keybinding

2007-09-30 Thread Ken Tilton

Matthias Benkard wrote:
>>So this has nothing to
>>do with freedom in /any/ sense of the word, it has to do with a
>>political agenda opposed to the idea of private property.
> Freedom is inherently political, you know.  You're condemning the FSF
> for being political, although the FSF's stated purpose is a political
> one. 

Oh, I missed that. I just saw something about software should be shared 
and programmers should be content with an hourly wage, not sales.



"We are what we pretend to be." -Kurt Vonnegut

Re: The Modernization of Emacs: terminology buffer and keybinding

2007-09-29 Thread Ken Tilton

Damien Kick wrote:
> Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
>> On Fri, 22 Jun 2007 23:08:02 -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> So much for the "free" in "free software". If you can't actually use
>>> it without paying money, whether for the software or for some book, it
>>> isn't really free, is it?
>> Please do not confuse the term 'free' in 'free software' with 'gratis'.
>> 'Gratis', i.e. 'lacking a monetary price tag' is something *very*
>> different from the meaning of 'free' in 'free software'.

Sure, but where does the infection thing come in? Suppose RMS publishes 
a new library call add-42, whose api is add-42, inputs n, outputs n+42, 
source left as an exercise, and Kenny decides he can use it, it is 
great. Now if Kenny uses it in his commercial software, add-42 does not 
somehow become less free to ride 'neath the starry skies above, don't 
fence me in. But RMS wants Kenny's hide. Nothing Kenny wrote derived 
from add-42, but RMS wants it all. Kenny happened to solve the traveling 
salesman problem and protein-folding and passed the fricking Turing test 
by using add-42 wherever he needed 42 added to a number, and  RMS wants 
credit and ownership and control of it all. He and his license  shall 
now dictate access and use of all that code. The handcuffs are on, and 
they are inscribed "free".

No wonder the GPL has gone nowhere. Freely. RMS reasonably wanted that 
add-42 not get co-opted, but that in no way necessitated the land grab 
that is GPL. The GPL is a gratuitous reach only fancifully justified by 
wanting to ensure that open source remain open. So this has nothing to 
do with freedom in /any/ sense of the word, it has to do with a 
political agenda opposed to the idea of private property.



"We are what we pretend to be." -Kurt Vonnegut

Re: Microsoft's Dynamic Languages Runtime (DLR)

2007-05-02 Thread Ken Tilton

sturlamolden wrote:
> On May 3, 2:15 am, Kaz Kylheku <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Kindly refrain from creating any more off-topic, cross-posted threads.
> The only off-topic posting in this thread is your own (and now this
> one).
> Begone.

FWIW, I took Kaz's remark to be more of a joke than an actual 
cease-desist thing, partly because we here recorgnize that every nod to 
dynamic languages brings us one day closer to the ascendance of Common 
Lisp to Its Rightful Place on the throne and all other languages being 
pushed into the sea, and partly because we all actually enjoy long, 
drawn-out, flamewars with other NGs.

For example, my guess is that the DLR/Iron Python just proves that the 
CLR had enough chops to support a hack like Python, but not enough to 
support The Greatness of Common Lisp.

See how that works?




"Algebra is the metaphysics of arithmetic." - John Ray

"As long as algebra is taught in school,
there will be prayer in school." - Cokie Roberts

"Stand firm in your refusal to remain conscious during algebra."
- Fran Lebowitz

"I'm an algebra liar. I figure two good lies make a positive."
- Tim Allen


Re: Microsoft's Dynamic Languages Runtime (DLR)

2007-05-02 Thread Ken Tilton

> On May 2, 1:22 pm, sturlamolden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On Monday Microsoft announced a new runtime for dynamic languages,
>>which they call "DLR". It sits on top of the conventional .NET runtime
>>(CLR)  and provides services for dynamically typed languages like
>>Python or Lisp (thus the cross-posting). Apparently is is distributed
>>under a BSD-like open-source license.
>>I am curious to know how it performs in comparison to CPython and an
>>efficient compiled Lisp like CMUCL. Speed is a major problem with
>>CPython but not with .NET or CMUCL, so it will be interesting to see
>>how the DLR performs in comparison. It would be great to finally see a
>>Python that runs on steroids, but knowing M$ bloatware my expectations
>>are not too high.
>>Has anyone looked at the DLR yet? What are your impression?
>>Jim Hugunin har written about the DLR in his blog:
>>To cite one of the comments: "Fuck this microsoft bollocks! You just
>>stole the Lisp runtime ideas and fucked them up by stupid it salesman
>>lingo." (Khrishna)
>>Sturla Molden
> I realize this is a stupid question, but why did you cite the most
> offensive comment to this blog post? Most of them were positive.

Yes, but everybody hates Microsoft, so there ya go. Anyway, here is the 
real question: "thin layer"? I wonder then if anything has changed since:

Anyway, doesn't matter, just fun to see MS running up the white flag 
after their ballsy attempt to get CL to do the same at ILC 2005.



"Algebra is the metaphysics of arithmetic." - John Ray

"As long as algebra is taught in school,
there will be prayer in school." - Cokie Roberts

"Stand firm in your refusal to remain conscious during algebra."
- Fran Lebowitz

"I'm an algebra liar. I figure two good lies make a positive."
- Tim Allen


Re: is laziness a programer's virtue?

2007-04-17 Thread Ken Tilton

Xah Lee wrote:
> Dear Ken,
> I want to thank you for your spirit in supporting and leading the lisp
> community, in spreading lisp the language both in what you have done
> technically as well as evangelization, as well as the love and
> knowledge attitude towards newsgroup communities in general, in part
> thru your numerous replies to my posts in the past years.

Hey, thx, but to me recommending Lisp is like recommending water to a 
life form.

Meanwhile, the last thing anyone can doubt is that you say what you mean 
and mean what you say, so all we can say about your detractors is...

> (as opposed
> to, the motherfucking pack of driveling and fuckface ignoramuses that
> are predominate personalities in newsgroups,

...OK, but we know this from long Usenet experience. Reaching 
Enlightenment means smiling on these noisemakers and having compassion 
for them, for they live in mean, narrow worlds and in attacking you are 
only reaching for the sunlight you enjoy, in however their ignorant way.

The nice thing about this compassionate view is that it leaves you 
feeling positive and at peace within yourself, whereas the "driveling 
and fuckface" thing leaves you feeling negative and attacked. less good, 
for my money.


Re: is laziness a programer's virtue?

2007-04-17 Thread Ken Tilton

George Neuner wrote:
> On 17 Apr 2007 08:20:24 -0700, Ingo Menger
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On 17 Apr., 12:33, Markus E Leypold
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>What makes Xah a troll is neither off-topic posts nor being
>>>incoherent -- its the attitude. He's broadcasting his drivel to a
>>>number of groups not with the intention to discuss (he hardly ever
>>>answers to answers to his posts), but solely with the intention to
>>>inform the world at large about his own magnificient thoughts.
>>This hits the nail on the head.
>>Perhaps one could understand this behaviour on cultural grounds. In
>>chinese culture it may be not uncommon to write something that merely
>>sounds like great wisdom and it is nevertheless appreciated because
>>it's a piece of calligraphic art.
>>>Trying to correct Xah's behaviour is probably impossible.
>>Perhaps somebody could ask the chinese government to put him in jail
>>for "hurting international society" :)
> That's going to be tough because, according to his web page, he's
> living in a Honda Civic somewhere in Illinois, USA.

Oh, not to fear, we have The Patriots Act, if Dubbya was an Emacs fan 
Xah would be tanning nicely already at Gitmo.



"Algebra is the metaphysics of arithmetic." - John Ray


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2007-03-07 Thread Ken Tilton

John Nagle wrote:
> Brian Adkins wrote:
>> John Nagle wrote:
>> If you want to restart a debate, please go back and reply to some 
>> serious post in the thread - don't hijack mine for your own evil 
>> purposes and cut out the good parts - did you even see the movie?
>If you want to post jokes...

fer chrissakes, it was the OP of "means what you think it means" who was 
obviously doing Princess Bride and being reasonably funny, Brian just 
missed that it was deliberate.

, try ...

comp.lang.lisp. All the SBCL bug reports are starting to drag down 
the mood of this NG.


Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and
I'm happy to state I finally won out over it.
   -- Elwood P. Dowd

In this world, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant.
   -- Elwood's Mom

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2007-03-07 Thread Ken Tilton

Brian Adkins wrote:
> John Nagle wrote:
>>Neither Lisp nor Python is an "industrial strength language".
>> The infrastructure is too weak.  Hosting providers and distro
>> makers aren't concerned over whether Python works.  They
>> care if C, C++, Java, PHP, and Perl work, but not Python or LISP.
>> Ask them.
>> John Nagle
> In your excitement to post a sweeping and inaccurate generalization (you 
> missed diss'ing Ruby), I think you may have missed the point of my post. 
> I surely wasn't trying to restart a dead thread, I just thought it was 
> funny that there was a similarity to a line from Princess Bride in the 
> thread (see relevant part below that you cut out).
> If you want to restart a debate, please go back and reply to some 
> serious post in the thread - don't hijack mine for your own evil 
> purposes and cut out the good parts - did you even see the movie?

Yes. I think George did, too. (I was wondering what you were up to.)



> George Sakkis wrote:
>  > You keep using that phrase. I don't think it means what you think it
>  > means.
> [Vizzini has just cut the rope The Dread Pirate Roberts is climbing up]
> Inigo Montoya: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what 
> you think it means.

Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and
I'm happy to state I finally won out over it.
   -- Elwood P. Dowd

In this world, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant.
   -- Elwood's Mom

Re: Jobs: Lisp and Python programmers wanted in the LA area

2007-02-26 Thread Ken Tilton

Tech HR wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>On Feb 26, 6:32 am, Tech HR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>website is currently a LAMP appication with P=Python. We are looking for
>>>bright motivated people who know or are willing to learn Python and/or
>>>Linux, Apache and MySQL system administration skills. (And if you want
>>>to convince us that we should switch over to Postgres, we're willing to
>>This is more out of curiosity, but does it mean that you wouldn't be
>>willing to listen about a switch from Python to Lisp?
> No, it doesn't mean that.  In fact, there is a significant faction in 
> the technical staff (including the CTO) who would like nothing better 
> than to be able to use Lisp instead of Python.

Ah, you must lack courage in your convictions. Unless you plan on being 
out of business in six months, Do the Right Thing. Use the best 
language. Then worry about little things like libraries and filling seats.

There is a great saying, "Think you can or think you cannot, either way 
you will be right." Something like that.

>  But we have some pretty 
> compelling reasons to stick with Python, not least of which is that it 
> is turning out to be very hard to find Lisp programmers.  (Actually, 
> it's turning out to be hard to find Python programmers too, but it's 
> easier to train a Java programmer or a Perler on Python than Lisp.

Place two ads, both for "Java/Perl/C programmers". One looking for folks 
willing to learn Python, one for those willing to learn Lisp. I 
guarantee you respondents to the second group will be more fun to go 
bar-hopping with. Oh, and twice as good at programming as the first group.

You are solving the wrong problem. "lisp is the best language and we 
cannot find Lisp programmers." The problem is not the choice of Lisp, 
the problem is finding people to program Lisp. They do not have to be 
Lisp programmers with certified scorched areas from being flamed by me 
on c.l.l. They just need to be great programmers, in any language.

Choosing Lisp will make all of you twenty to one hundred percent happier 
to go to work each day and stay a little longer each night to grind out 
CFFI bindings for the libs you need. Hiring a good programmer to learn 
Lisp will have them putting in about a hundred hours a week and loving 
it. Tap into the energy, man.

>  We 
> also have fair bit of infrastructure built up in Python at this point.)

Do I tell you my problems?



Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and
I'm happy to state I finally won out over it.
   -- Elwood P. Dowd

In this world, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant.
   -- Elwood's Mom

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-20 Thread Ken Tilton

> Come on; you guys can't just leave this at 999 posts!

Funny you should whine, i was just getting ready to sign off with:

I noticed while singing the praises of auto-indentation that there was a 
shortcoming in The Greatest Feature Known to Editing source code, which 
is the ability to copy an arbitrary block of code (say, a case statement 
in the else branch of an if statement in a loop) with a single 
control-click of the mouse, viz, that I still had to reindent if it was 
a multiline statement. The first line of course landed exactly where I 
clicked so that was fine, but other lines in the block were retaining 
the indentation extant at the time of the click.

A few glasses of... a few hours ago I dashed off an RFE to Franz 
tech support apologizing for a trivial matter but wondering if it might 
not be just a line or two, and lawdy-it-must-be-xmas a glass later back 
came a patch I am just wallowing in.

interestingly, the techie happens not to have been a user of 
control-click, probably a hardcore keyboard guy who never touches the 
mouse. I started programming GUIs on a Mac 512, didn't /have/ a keyboard.***

And now the punch line: spare me the "oh gosh reindentation is so easy" 
dodge. So is a manual control-shift-p to auto-reindent after an ungainly 
paste, but this is definitely one of those deals where we don't notice 
until we stop hitting ourselves with that hammer.



BLISS programs Just Work.
Never revisited, they
Never get refined.
- Warnock's Explanation of Large Programs

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-16 Thread Ken Tilton

> Ken Tilton wrote:
>>>Code is data is code
>>I was hoping no one would make that mistake. :) macros are all about
>>code is data, but code is not data in Python* so the two words code and
>>data serve to differentiate them for Pythonistas.
> I disagree. 

I might agree. The suggest alternative where the engine would build up 
an "environment" such that a lambda could seem to be accessing a 
pre-defined slot-name reminded me of some of the magic I noticed when 
trying to port Cells to Python. If the interpreter (as it seems) 
gracefully handles things like that, then one could argue that Python 
can at least generate code to be consumed by what I would have as a 
macro body, and thus achieve a degree of code is data.

Of course then I would point out that this would be terribly confusing 
and should be banned from Python for the same reason as are macros. :)

  I frequently write data-driven algorithms in C and Python
> (data is code).  I occasionally write code-generators too (code is
> data).  Just because the representation is different between code and
> data in those languages doesn't mean that you can't use data as code
> (interpreter style) or generate code as data (compiler style).  (I
> won't bother boring you with the Python bytecode hacks or the parser
> module, because I think those are not terribly practical.)
> It's very elegant that Lisp makes the representations between code and
> data so similar, but it looks like you know the mantra and not the
> meaning if you can't apply that principle in other languages.
> BTW...  Even in Scheme, I have to use syntax-object->datum and it's
> inverse to switch between the two.  I suspect this has something to do
> with the other context that must be associated with the data to turn it
> into code.  Probably at least the enclosing environment for lexical
> scoping and the line numbers for debugging or exception handling.  Does
> Common Lisp maintain this information with it's macro expansions?  If
> so, you have a slight difference between code and data too.  If not,
> how do you get the line number when a problem happens in a nested
> macro?
> Moreover, if you really want to be pedantic about what "is" means in
> "code is data", then you have to acknowledge that data is a superset of
> code, since all code is obviously data, but there are plenty of types
> of data that aren't used as code.  Or are they?  :-)
>>*  Taking questions after a keynote to ILC200? where he reiterated that
>>Python was the same as Lisp for all intents and purposes:
>>Norvig: "Yes, John?"
>>McCarthy: "Is code also data in Python?"
>>Norvig: "No."
>>End of exchange. :)
> Really?  You're relying on an appeal to authority?  Ok, I'm going to
> start arguing by analogy then...

Analogies! My favorite! When a state trooper tells me not to drive my 
Corvair over 55 that is argument from authority. When Ralph Nader tells 

>>>   def reverse(cls, *args):
>>> # I didn't understand what your code was doing
>>yeah, and god forbid you should ask. :) this is the crux of the matter!
>>Actually, it is kinda cool that you and Greg are semi-identifying the
>>crux by saying "this is the only bit I do not get, I'll skip this, move
>>on, nothing to see here".
> Ok, I'll bite.  What does it do?

There's been more on this elsewhere and I need to get some work done, so 
i am afraid from now on it will have to be analogies and arguments from 
authority, much faster.

>  I read through it, and it looks the
> code you're passing to the macro does some things like calculating the
> number of decimal digits and generating a 2 + a random number of that
> many digits to find a divisor or something.  It also looks like you
> have some "string interpolation" to substitute names in your text, but
> as a whole, I really don't have any clue what it's all about.
> It looks like the macro itself is building some names on the fly and
> defining methods (new specializations for multimethods?) with those
> names.
> So I'm sure I'm missing something, but there is almost certainly a
> readable equivalent in Python (and even C).  If you really want to
> generate dynamic names for functions, you can do that in Python by
> modifying the class or globals hash or whatever.  A more standard way
> might be to be have members in the base class.
> There is 

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-16 Thread Ken Tilton

Kay Schluehr wrote:
> Ken Tilton schrieb:
>>Looks promising. How does a generic engine that sees only a solution (a
>>list of mathematical expressions and for each the transformations,
>>results, and opnds logged by individual TF functions) build up this
>>environment such that it has named attributes such as signed-value?
> Most likely it doesn't since there is no such engine. Instead local
> rules and combinators are encoded in classes. Hence there is nothing
> but an object tree and actions are threaded through recursive method
> calls.

Most likely that is the engine of which I was speaking. :) Why does the 
engine consisting of "internal" methods make it not an engine? I think 
you saw the word "engine" and assumed I did not understand OO design. I 
feel a Naggum coming on...


ps. This won't make sense unless you know about my Cells project, but 
the solution to a /problem/ which has attributes expr and instructions, 
is a declarative attribute of a problem. But that attribute is coded 
essentially like this:

(defclass problem ()

(solution :accessor solution
  :initform (c-formula ()
(solve (expr self) (instructions self)


> This implies that the generic reverse function is just the dual of a
> method call:
> def reverse(expr):
>  return expr.reverse()
> What expr does depends on the internal representation encoded in the
> class of expr. This also implies that not only the form of the
> expression is significant but also its ( dynamic ) type.


"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-16 Thread Ken Tilton

greg wrote:
> Ken Tilton wrote:
>> I did explain the last little fun bit (where reverse code miraculously 
>> got a case-specific "signed-value" parameter bound to exactly the 
>> right bit of math structure).
> I didn't mention that because it was addressed by
> another poster. The signature of the user's reverse
> function can be made extremely flexible if you have
> the foresight to define it as something like
>def reverse(resx, opnd, **kwds):
>  ...
> Then you can later change it to
>   def reverse(resx, opnd, signed_value, **kwds):
>  ...
> and any existing reverse functions will just absorb
> and ignore the extra argument.
> However, rather than add an ever-increasing number
> of arguments to the signature, I think I would do it
> a different way: pass a single object with attributes.
> For the want of a better name, let's call it "env"
> for "environment". The signature is then
>   def reverse(env):
>  ...
> and the body can refer to env.resx, env.opnd,
> env.signed_value, or whatever else is required.

Looks promising. How does a generic engine that sees only a solution (a 
list of mathematical expressions and for each the transformations, 
results, and opnds logged by individual TF functions) build up this 
environment such that it has named attributes such as signed-value? 
Assume that it can examine all those opnds and results looking for 
tagged values such that it then knows the name of those values that have 
been named.



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-15 Thread Ken Tilton

greg wrote:
> Ken Tilton wrote:
>> McCarthy: "Is code also data in Python?"
>> Norvig: "No."
> I don't think that was the right answer.

Norvig is a smart guy. He was talking to John McCarthy. He gave the 
right answer. :)

> He should have
> said "Yes", and then shown McCarthy eval() and exec.

No, in those cases the Python interpreter is still dealing with the 
code, not the user's application code. As a meta-developer (to coin a 
word) I want to be able to write code that takes apart other code I 
write to do useful things with it /without writing a parser for my 
chosen language/. I just found a bug in ACL that might be instructive.

The defskill macro I have been writing might be coded like this:

(defskill abs-value
(category "Algebra I" "Real Numbers")

(I am kinda mirroring defclass here, which looks like:

(defclass  *
   ...and then optional sub-specs each keyed by the first symbol..
   (:documentation "chya")

Come to think of it, I might have made /my/ options :keywords just to 
make the resemblance stronger (and yes I am digressing into the bit 
about how Lispniks by convention stay recognizable with new syntax).

Anyway, I decided to do a little auto QA and add an assertion to make 
sure I did not inadvertently leave out the category option (long story, 
I am not usually so anal), so defskill starts like this:

(defmacro defskill (id &body skill-info)
   (assert (find 'category skill-info :key 'car))...

That is just normal list code. The macro signature destructures the code 
I write inside the defskill invocation into an id and a list of 
following code ("&body skill-info" says "bind the rest of the code to 
the local variable skill-info as a list"). the (find ... :key 'car) 
walks down the list taking the car (first) of each list and comparing 
against that which is being sought. Simple ol' Lisp.

I then expand the (somewhat) validated data/code:

  (loop with sub-id = id
  for (q . q-def) in skill-info
  (ecase q
(category )

q for "quality" or "attribrute". Not "o" for option. :) Again, using 
standard loop destructuring on the option code/data.

Y'all need to get over it: we really are writing code that eats 
code/data to produce code. Unaided by any parser other than the same 
destructuring mechanisms we use on data.


ps. I forgot the bug. I coded in the end:

   (defskill |Absolute Value| ...etc..)

Where |absolute value| should be treated as a single symbol, and is by 
the ACL compiler. An interactive macroexpand, however, misses that that 
is one symbol and defskill (if you followed the Lisp) dies trying to 
take the car of the atom VALUE (a symbol). k

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-15 Thread Ken Tilton

> Ken Tilton wrote:
>>Andrew Reilly wrote:
>>> That all looks like data.
>>No, not reverse, the part you did not understand. I do not mean what the
>>code was doing, I meant that it was code.
> Code is data is code 

I was hoping no one would make that mistake. :) macros are all about 
code is data, but code is not data in Python* so the two words code and 
data serve to differentiate them for Pythonistas.

*  Taking questions after a keynote to ILC200? where he reiterated that 
Python was the same as Lisp for all intents and purposes:

Norvig: "Yes, John?"
McCarthy: "Is code also data in Python?"
Norvig: "No."

End of exchange. :)

>- even in Python:

This could be tougher than I thought.

> skills_table = [
>   {
>   "title": "Absolute Value",
>   "annotations": ["Bleah bleah", "ho hum", "etc..."],
>   "hints": ["and so on", "etc..."],
>   "reverse" : (lambda x: whatever(x))

That does not demonstrate that code is data, that demonstrates that a 
lambda is a first-class object (and, yes, Python's lambda is lame).

You will know you have code as data when you can write Python code that 
takes apart "whatever(x)" and produces "oh-now-I-get-it(y)". As part of 
the language, such that Python applies your transforming code for you 
whenever it sees whatever. (Hell, even C has a preprocessor.)

>   },
>   {
>   "title": "Square Root",
>   "annotations": ["Bleah bleah", "ho hum", "etc..."],
>   "hints": ["and so on", "etc..."],
>   "reverse" : (lambda x: someother(x))
>   },
>   # etc...
> ]
> Of course those lambdas are crippled in Python (and not really
> necessary in this bogus example)...  But that's without trying to be
> clever:
> class AbsoluteValue:
>title="Absolute Value"
>annotations=["Some list", "goes here"]
>def reverse(cls, *args):
>  # I didn't understand what your code was doing

yeah, and god forbid you should ask. :) this is the crux of the matter!

Actually, it is kinda cool that you and Greg are semi-identifying the 
crux by saying "this is the only bit I do not get, I'll skip this, move 
on, nothing to see here".

>  pass
> defskill(AbsoluteValue)
> That would be a reasonable place for a "pie decorator" on a class, but
> I guess that's not allowed. 

Hmmm. Actually, that is the whole point, all of Python is allowed. 
decorators were used in PyCells, but I never got much of an idea what 
they did. Is there a moral equivalent of a macroexpansion for decorators 
so you can show the before and after?

> I doubt this second example would be
> considered "Pythonic" in any case...

exactly what we are looking for in this cultural exchange: how would 
Python handle what I am doing with macros in the reverse functions? Make 
it as slick and programmer-friendly (cuz I may get to a hundred of these 
before I am done with Algebra I) as possible. When all the Pythonistas 
proclaim it optimal, then we compare and contrast.

This, btw, is the Tilton Test for language comparison: Not measurements 
of programmer effort, rather examination of perfect equivalent code. 
PyCells vs Cells would be an amazing case, because that is some hairy 

>>Not the code. In reverse.
> Why not?

Is, too! (ie, I am kinda looking for a specific question that conveys 
understanding of the use case.)

> Python has plenty of other flaws that I can't happily work around, and
> I do think Lisp is more flexible.  However, I think your example is
> readable enough with a data driven algorithm in most any popular
> language.  All of the data is visible to the reverse(...) method.
> Maybe I missed something in your example, but I think you aren't trying
> hard enough.  :-)

Precisely. I am not trying at all. I am coding between visits to Usenet. 
This use case just popped up and was pretty simple (at first, before I 
got to the reverse function) so I dropped it off. This is a wild macro, 
not farm-bred, deliberately crafted to embarrass macro. A real live 
natural comes up all the time working wouldn't want to code without it 
macro. I could have searched my code base to find more brutal cases, but 
this is short and sweet and unforced and uncontrived and wheres my 



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-15 Thread Ken Tilton

greg wrote:
> Ken Tilton wrote:
>> The last example showed the macro inserting code to magically produce 
>> a binding inside the reverse function.
> Are you sure? It looked to me like it was adding code *around*
> the reverse function, not inside it. I posted a Python function
> that achieves the same thing by calling the existing reverse
> function.

You are thinking about the results iteration, where you broke 
encapsulation. I just reminded you of the magical "signed-value" binding 
  in a reply to another post of yours.

btw, when looking back at the rest of the code I was reminded I had done 
something even wilder (well, maybe as wild) in the transforming code 
itself. I say "wilder" in the sense of it being way cool, having a 
flying-without-a-net feeling, yet making coding of dozens and dozens of 
these transformations simpler, terser, and less buggy.

Someone had me laughing when they said the actual application of a macro 
was nice and simple, but the macro itself was scary. It reminded me of a 
cranky but sweet old guy on a project who was outraged upon learning I 
was using a finite state machine to handle a shaky exchange between two 
processes. He maintained that I was "foisting a crazy scheme on the 
bank" which no one would be able to maintain. He actually forced me to 
defend it in a group code review, the first they ever had, so don't 
think it was a normal process for them, this was war. After my 
demonstration on how the FSM would react to either or both processes 
going south at any point in the exchange, the crank pronounced his 
satisfaction with the approach and said, "OK, that is simple. The 
infinite-state thing is complicated, but the way it works is simple." 
That really made the whole thing worthwhile. :)

> I'm still trying, but some of the code you posted is rather
> impenetrable without knowing a lot more about the details of
> your system. I'm doing my best to show some Python demonstrating
> the gist of what could be done.

Great. That's the spirit. But how do we move forward if you just express 
global confusion? See if you can understand the magical binding of the 
parameter "signed-value". The reverse function will be called by the 
engine to reverse a mathematical transformation, in this case simply 
taking the absolute value. The generic engine has no way of knowing out 
of all the targets, results, and operands (targets from a "before" 
expression relocated in their incarnation in the expression operated on) 
recorded by a transformation to pass in that position. When I code that 
reverse function, I just want to work on the signed-value, as identified 
in hard-code fashion by the transformation. ie, All I need do is 
coordiate the TF and its reverser. If the reverser needs something else, 
say the "coefficient" (this would be a add-like-terms TF), I just go to 
the add-like-terms and have it tag the coefficients with the symbol 
'coefficient, then I can code:

 (reverse (coefficient literal-part)...)

Ah. Time to refactor. I will have multiple coefficients, and when 
multiples are expected I want all the input math forms searched for 
those tagged coefficient. Any ideas out there? :) It is so tempting to 
add an s and have the macroexpansion look for a trailing s in the 
symbol-name, but then I am bound to have some singular and in s. Ah, 
grep to the rescue: (reverse (literal-part coefficient+)...)

Sweet. By using + I can even have the macroexpansion insert an assertion 
that there is at least one. Of course there should be at least two or 
this TF would not fire. And so it goes...




"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-15 Thread Ken Tilton

greg wrote:
> Ken Tilton wrote:
>> The reason I post macro expansions along with examples of the macro 
>> being applied is so that one can see what code would have to be 
>> written if I did not have the defskill macro to "write" them for me.
> It seems to me your brain is somewhat stuck on the use
> of macros. You're looking at the expansion of your
> macro and assuming that you'd have to write all that
> code by hand if you didn't have macros. You're not
> thinking about alternative approaches,...

I think your brain is stuck on flaming. I am not thinking about Python 
approaches, I am sking Pythonistas to do that. After understanding my 
examples. Unfortunately I do not see the latter really happening, so we 
are about done here.

> Unless there's something very subtle that I'm missing
> (I can't claim to follow exactly what all the code
> you posted does in detail) I haven't seen anything
> that couldn't be done quite reasonably with an
> appropriate data structure and ordinary functions
> and methods operating on that data structure.

I did explain the last little fun bit (where reverse code miraculously 
got a case-specific "signed-value" parameter bound to exactly the right 
bit of math structure). This process works only if you then ask 
specifically about that (if anything was unclear--my guess is you did 
not try all that hard since you are in argue-mode). The other reason you 
may not have understodd is that that is way meta-cool, so meta I do 
understand if it went over your head and I would (have been) happy to 
explain had you asked.

Time to put the game on, I think. :)



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-15 Thread Ken Tilton

greg wrote:
> Ken Tilton wrote:
>> So this:
>> (defmethod tf-reverse (id (eql ',sub-id)) resx (drv-opnds tf drv))
>> ,@reverser)
>> becomes this:
>> (defmethod tf-reverse ((id (eql ',sub-id)) tf drv
>> &aux (opnds (drv-opnds tf drv)))
>>(loop for resx in (results drv)
>>  ,@reverser))
> I don't see why you can't just write a function that
> loops over the results and calls the user's reversal
> function for each one.

That was the original coding, but notice that a derivation (DRV) is an 
argument to tf-reverse. Can you say "encapsulation"? :) What if that 
changes? It did. I used to have just one result per derivation, until a 
multi-result case came along.

Since I will be having many dozens of these I might well try to keep as 
much code as possible out of them (encapsulation de damned ) to 
minimize the inevitable hit when I refactor, but I have macros so I do 
not have to.

>   def reverse_multiple(skill, resx_list, opnds):
> for resx in rex_list:
>   skill.reverse(resx, opnds)
> There's no need to macro-expand this code into every
> reversal function, when it can be done once as part of
> the framework that calls the reversal functions.

Rather than go into "argue mode" before fully understanding the issues, 
please note that I am just looking to learn (without judgment) what the 
Python equivalent would be. Things I offer are not "you can't touch 
this!", they are "what does the Python look like?". Afterwards we can 
get into a pissing match. :)



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-14 Thread Ken Tilton

Robert Uhl wrote:
> Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>meanwhile, I have not seen how Python lets you avoid revisiting dozens
>>of instances when changes to a mechanism are required.
> I think his solution would have been to use:
>   def foo(**args):
> everywhere, and call it like this
>   foo(bar=baz)
> Of course that makes calls pretty verbose, but it would prevent having
> to visit every function/method every time the signature changes.  As
> long they'd all been set up initially to use keyword args like that.
> And of course one would lose some of the compile-time benefits of
> compiler signature checking.
> It's not optimal, but I think it'd get the job done.

Cue Steve and his Turing Equivalence rant. 

And as the mechanism has elaborated, neato things like signature 
flexibility were not enough to keep Python in the game. Or at least 
people stop offering Python equivalents, at which point we could have 
contrasted and compared.

Python /does/ have a lot of reflection and meta-capability, as I know 
from an abortive attempt to port Cells there. So perhaps something was 



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-14 Thread Ken Tilton

Andrew Reilly wrote:
>>  Each skill seems to have a title, a
> list of annotations, and a list of hints (and a reverse, which I don't
> understand).

There's the problem.

>  That all looks like data.

No, not reverse, the part you did not understand. I do not mean what the 
code was doing, I meant that it was code.

>  Couldn't you do that with a table
> containing those fields, and key it off the defskill argument (or even the
> title?) at startup?

Not the code. In reverse.

>  Then you don't have to worry about re-factoring the
> code: there's only going to be one piece of code, driven by a table.

What if it turns into an SQL lookup during refactoring?

> I only mentioned interpolation because it seemed likely that you might
> want to be mutating these strings to be more specific to what your student
> was actually doing.

Interpolation does not mean what you think it means. :) That's OK, I 
figgered it out. Yes, that is what the program does, it substitutes 
terms from the student's problem to produce a hint or annotation. The 
function is called "expand". Because the text is like a macro. :)

>  I didn't expect that "42" was necessarily the right
> answer...

No, but it so happens any #STR...# token is a literal bit of math 
encoded as an ascii string. That gets translated to proper math notation 
(by which I mean, what you would see in tex output). During template 
conversion. So this hint is just saying to the kid, "Dude, |-42|=42, 
|42|=42, get over it."

> To back out a bit, here, and get back to the meat of the matter: if one is
> using Python, then it's because one doesn't much care about performance,

I'll try again: this has nothing to do with performance.

> and it's reasonable to do expansions, pattern matching and domain specific
> language creation/use at run-time.  After all, that's how the language
> itself works, mostly.

The last example showed the macro inserting code to magically produce a 
binding inside the reverse function. It would be easier to compare and 
contrast with the Python equivalent if someone had posted such, but your 
troops have fallen back to Fort So What? and pulled up the drawbridge.

Peace. Out. Ken


"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-14 Thread Ken Tilton

Paul Rubin wrote:
> Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Again, that is precisely the point of macrology (in cases like
>>this). When a pattern will repeat a sufficient number of times, and a
>>function cannot handle the job,
> But this is not a case where a function can't handle the job.

Is, too.

>>Check out the latest, plz. The example has grown now beyond what a
>>function can do, I think. meanwhile, I have not seen how Python lets
>>you avoid revisiting dozens of instances when changes to a mechanism
>>are required.
> I'm missing what the difficulty is.

Your terse response does not provide enough for me to.




"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-14 Thread Ken Tilton

Ken Tilton wrote:
> Andrew Reilly wrote:
>> On Thu, 14 Dec 2006 03:01:46 -0500, Ken Tilton wrote:
>>> You just aren't used to thinking at a level where one is writing code 
>>> to write code.
>> Firstly, I'm looking into lisp because my current python project is too
>> full of boilerplate :-) and too slow.  Coming from a C and assembler
>> background, I'm *used* to meta-programming, and do it all the time.  I
>> even use python, Matlab and bash to write C, sometimes :-)
>> However, in this particular instance, I'm inclined to wonder why
>> meta-programming is the right answer, rather than just doing all of the
>> interpolation and what-not at run-time, based on a big table of your
>> algebra rules? 
> I am afraid I do not see what alternative you are suggesting. I 
> especially do not see how interpolation is in play.

[Guessing pending your clarification] "Interpolation" does happen at 
runtime. This not about the actually quite rare use of macrology to move 
certain calculations to compile time, this is about getting dozens of 
transformation-specifc rules written to fit into a larger mechanism (by 
having the right arguments and returning the right kinds of results, 
with a minimum of boilerplate and a maximum of resiliency in the face of 

The reason I post macro expansions along with examples of the macro 
being applied is so that one can see what code would have to be written 
if I did not have the defskill macro to "write" them for me. I sugest 
one start there, by comparing before and after.



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-14 Thread Ken Tilton

Andrew Reilly wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Dec 2006 03:01:46 -0500, Ken Tilton wrote:
>>You just 
>>aren't used to thinking at a level where one is writing code to write code.
> Firstly, I'm looking into lisp because my current python project is too
> full of boilerplate :-) and too slow.  Coming from a C and assembler
> background, I'm *used* to meta-programming, and do it all the time.  I
> even use python, Matlab and bash to write C, sometimes :-)
> However, in this particular instance, I'm inclined to wonder why
> meta-programming is the right answer, rather than just doing all of the
> interpolation and what-not at run-time, based on a big table of your
> algebra rules? 

I am afraid I do not see what alternative you are suggesting. I 
especially do not see how interpolation is in play.



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-14 Thread Ken Tilton

Paul Rubin wrote:
> Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>btw, you called the defskill messy (repeated below) "messy". The only
>>text not specific to absolute value is D-E-F-S-K-I-L-L.
> No, the messiness was not in the macro instantation (defskill blah...),
> but in the defmacro that tells the compiler how to expand it.

Again, that is precisely the point of macrology (in cases like this). 
When a pattern will repeat a sufficient number of times, and a function 
cannot handle the job, we do a little extra work (write some meta-code) 
to make dozens (or hundreds) of applications as minimalist as possible.

That makes them concise, readable, and maintainable.

>  Python
> function defs are lightweight enough that I don't experience a big pain
> from using an extra one for a thing like that.

Check out the latest, plz. The example has grown now beyond what a 
function can do, I think. meanwhile, I have not seen how Python lets you 
avoid revisiting dozens of instances when changes to a mechanism are 



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-14 Thread Ken Tilton

Paul Rubin wrote:
> Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>>Man that whole thing is messy.
>>I do not see much difference, except that the character count is 25%
>>less in the macro version:
> The macro calls aren't so bad, but the macro definition is pretty
> horrendous. 

(a) /Precisely/ :)

(b) Omigod, that macro is trivial (except I forgot how to reach out two 
levels of backquote to get a parameter and had to kludge it!). You just 
aren't used to thinking at a level where one is writing code to write code.



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-13 Thread Ken Tilton

Ken Tilton wrote:
> Ken Tilton wrote:
>> Paul Rubin wrote:
>>> Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>> don't know. The point is, we need code (not just data) in defskill
>>>> (apologies for nasty formatting):
>>> Man that whole thing is messy.
> I do not see much difference, except that the character count is 25% 
> less in the macro version:
> (defskill absolute-value
> (title "Absolute Value")
>   (annotations
>"Absolute value of #strn# is the 'distance' of #strn# from zero."
>"Absolute value is always zero or positive: #str|n|=n#, and 
> #str|-n|=n#.")
>   (hints
>"Some examples: #str|+42|=42#, #str|-42|=42#, and #str|0|=0#."
>"To get the absolute value of a number such as #signed-value#, we 
> simply drop any minus sign.")
>   (reverse
>(ensure-cloning resx
>  (make-instance 'mx-number
>:value (loop with op1 = (car opnds)
>   with log = (max 1 (ceiling (log (abs (value op1)) 10)))
>   for n = (* (signum (value op1))
> (+ 2 (random (expt 10 log
>   when (/= n (value op1))
>   return n)
>:representation (representation resx)
> (defmethod skill-title ((tf-id (eql 'absolute-value)))
>   (list "absolute value"))
> (defmethod skill-annotations ((tf-id (eql 'absolute-value)))
>   (list "absolute value of #strn# is the 'distance' of #strn# from zero."
> "absolute value is always zero or positive: #strn=n#, and #str-n=n#."))
> (defmethod skill-hints ((tf-id (eql 'absolute-value)))
>   (list "some examples: #str+42=42#, #str-42=42#, and #str0=0#."
> "to get the absolute value of a number such as #signed-value#, we 
> simply drop any minus sign."))
> (defmethod tf-reverse ((id (eql 'absolute-value)) resx opnds)
>   (declare (ignorable resx opnds))
>   (ensure-cloning resx
> (make-instance 'mx-number :value
>   (loop with op1 = (car opnds) with log = (max 1 (ceiling (log (abs 
> (value op1)) 10))) for n =
> (* (signum (value op1)) (+ 2 (random (expt 10 log when 
> (/= n (value op1)) return n)
>   :representation (representation resx)

Even better. That "(car opnds)" up there is an unpleasant hard-coding 
that must align with how operands get recorded by the transformation 
code that built the TF log entry that is being reversed. Ewww. What the 
first opnds is supposed to be is the signed value of which the absolute 
vale is being taken. Wouldn't it be nice to just say "signed-value"?:

We can just look at the reverse option now:

(defskill absolute-value
   (reverse (signed-value)
 (ensure-cloning resx
   (make-instance 'mx-number
 :value (loop with svn = (value signed-value)
with log = (max 1 (ceiling (log (abs svn) 10)))
for n = (* (signum svn)(+ 2 (random (expt 10 log
when (/= n svn)
return n)
 :representation (representation resx)

A major point here is that the above (trust me) is the exact syntax of 
FLET and LABELS in Lisp. The big hobgoblin (and precise objection 
offered by GvR) is that macro use yields unrecognizably (in this case) 
Lisp code. But we love lisp and its patterns, and one ethic for macro 
writers is to follow those patterns in extending the language.

Maybe that poor horse can be allowed to rest in peace, or must we flog 
it some more for youse people?

Now operands and results get tagged at TF time with symbols. How on 
earth does a local variable of the same name get bound to the operand 
logged at TF time? Easy, look it up. But where is the code? Not outside 
the function; the caller of the reversal function does not know which 
logged operand to pass in which function parameter position. So the 
lookup code has to be in the reverse function source, like this:

(defmethod tf-reverse ((id (eql 'absolute-value)) tf drv
 &aux (opnds (drv-opnds tf drv)))
   (declare (ignorable opnds))
   (let ((signed-value (tf-drv-lookup tf drv 'signed-value))) <=
 (loop for resx in (results drv) do
   (ensure-cloning resx
 (make-instance 'mx-number :value
   (loop with svn = (value signed-value)
 with log = (max 1 (ceiling (log (abs svn) 10)))
 for n = (* (signum svn)
(+ 2 (random (expt 10 log
 when (/= n svn) retur

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-13 Thread Ken Tilton

Paul Rubin wrote:
> Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>Man that whole thing is messy.  I can't for the life of me understand
>>>why it's so important to use a macro for that.  Even in Lisp, I'd
>>>probably set up the reverse thingie as an auxiliary function.
>>And when you got to skill 42 and you discovered you needed a new
>>optional argument to the reversal method you would throw up your hands
>>and register for bartending school rather than go edit the other 41.
> I don't see the problem.  Python uses keyword args sort of like
> Lisp's, and the called function (if it asks) receives a dictionary
> containing any keyword args not bound explicitly in the arg list.
> So you can invent new args whenever you want.

I am not making this up. I just decided to change the signature to the 
reversal function(s). I had been clever, trying to pass in just what I 
deemed necessary from a transformation (TF) data structure that needed 
reversing, now I recall -- because I needed something else from the TF 
-- I should never try to be smart, just pass in the whole frickin TF (duh).

So this:
 (defmethod tf-reverse (id (eql ',sub-id)) resx (drv-opnds tf drv))

becomes this:

 (defmethod tf-reverse ((id (eql ',sub-id)) tf drv
 &aux (opnds (drv-opnds tf drv)))
(loop for resx in (results drv)

I pass in drv (a derivation, a part of a transformation) because (I 
forgot) reversal code has to reverse each derivation of a TF separately.

In the new macroexpansion I preserve the bindings RESX and OPNDS 
expected by the 41 (not really, but it could be) existing uses of the 
defskill macro, and then  move an iteration across possible 
multiple results (RESXs) of a TF into the generate tf-reverse method 
(and the poor body of code has no idea I did that).

At this point if I had to redo these manually we can forget bartending 
school, I'd be going straight to the Betty Ford clinic .

btw, you called the defskill messy (repeated below) "messy". The only 
text not specific to absolute value is D-E-F-S-K-I-L-L. Expanding that 
into "tidy" separate methods adds 25% of dead weight boilerplate. In 4-5 
separate toplevel definitions instead of one. How is that less messy?


(defskill absolute-value
 (title "Absolute Value")
"Take the absolute value of #signed-value#."
"The vertical bars around #signed-value# mean 'the absolute value 
of' #signed-value#."
"Absolute value of #strn# is the 'distance' of #strn# from zero."
"Absolute value is always zero or positive: #str|n|=n#, and 
"What do those vertical bars around #signed-value# mean?"
"Have you learned about 'absolute value'?"
"Absolute value can be thought of as the 'distance' of a value from 
zero on the number line, and distance is always positive."
"The rule is:#str|-n|=|n|##str=n#.  Can you apply that to 
"Some examples: #str|+42|=42#, #str|-42|=42#, and #str|0|=0#."
"To get the absolute value of a number such as #signed-value#, we 
simply drop any minus sign.")
(ensure-cloning resx
  (make-instance 'mx-number
:value (loop with op1 = (car opnds)
   with log = (max 1 (ceiling (log (abs (value op1)) 10)))
   for n = (* (signum (value op1))
 (+ 2 (random (expt 10 log
   when (/= n (value op1))
   return n)
:representation (representation resx)


"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-13 Thread Ken Tilton

Ken Tilton wrote:
> Paul Rubin wrote:
>> Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> don't know. The point is, we need code (not just data) in defskill
>>> (apologies for nasty formatting):
>> Man that whole thing is messy.

I do not see much difference, except that the character count is 25% 
less in the macro version:

(defskill absolute-value
 (title "Absolute Value")
"Absolute value of #strn# is the 'distance' of #strn# from zero."
"Absolute value is always zero or positive: #str|n|=n#, and 
"Some examples: #str|+42|=42#, #str|-42|=42#, and #str|0|=0#."
"To get the absolute value of a number such as #signed-value#, we 
simply drop any minus sign.")
(ensure-cloning resx
  (make-instance 'mx-number
:value (loop with op1 = (car opnds)
   with log = (max 1 (ceiling (log (abs (value op1)) 10)))
   for n = (* (signum (value op1))
 (+ 2 (random (expt 10 log
   when (/= n (value op1))
   return n)
:representation (representation resx)

(defmethod skill-title ((tf-id (eql 'absolute-value)))
   (list "absolute value"))

(defmethod skill-annotations ((tf-id (eql 'absolute-value)))
   (list "absolute value of #strn# is the 'distance' of #strn# from zero."
 "absolute value is always zero or positive: #strn=n#, and #str-n=n#."))

(defmethod skill-hints ((tf-id (eql 'absolute-value)))
   (list "some examples: #str+42=42#, #str-42=42#, and #str0=0#."
 "to get the absolute value of a number such as #signed-value#, we 
simply drop any minus sign."))

(defmethod tf-reverse ((id (eql 'absolute-value)) resx opnds)
   (declare (ignorable resx opnds))
   (ensure-cloning resx
 (make-instance 'mx-number :value
   (loop with op1 = (car opnds) with log = (max 1 (ceiling (log (abs 
(value op1)) 10))) for n =
 (* (signum (value op1)) (+ 2 (random (expt 10 log when 
(/= n (value op1)) return n)
   :representation (representation resx)

Let's lose the strings and count again, since they are a fixed cost. OK, 
now the macro version is 30% shorter.

>>  I can't for the life of me understand
>> why it's so important to use a macro for that.

Pythonistas, when arguing about macros, always seem to forget that one 
of the primary design imperatives of Python is cleaner code. Indentation 
is use to avoid single characters { and }. But when macros come up you 
all suddenly become the Mavis Beacon of programmers.

And, again, perhaps the bigger thing going on here is that the 30% is 
boilerplate code representing implementation, which can change.

I don't know, perhaps the best argument against macros is that no 
Pythonista wants them. That is actually a damn good reason.



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-13 Thread Ken Tilton

Paul Rubin wrote:
> Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>don't know. The point is, we need code (not just data) in defskill
>>(apologies for nasty formatting):
> Man that whole thing is messy.  I can't for the life of me understand
> why it's so important to use a macro for that.  Even in Lisp, I'd
> probably set up the reverse thingie as an auxiliary function.

And when you got to skill 42 and you discovered you needed a new 
optional argument to the reversal method you would throw up your hands 
and register for bartending school rather than go edit the other 41.

defskill is writing my code for me. When things change, I have it write 
different code. Implementation is hidden, even from the programmer. I am 
one step removed from the code when writing a macro. This is the "meta" 
in metaprogramming.



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-13 Thread Ken Tilton

greg wrote:
> Ken Tilton wrote:
>> pps. How would Python do this?
> Here's one way it could look:
>   defskill("absolute-value",
> title = "Absolute Value",
> annotations = [
>  "Take the absolute value of #op#.",
>  "The vertical bars around #op# mean 'the absolute value of' #op#.",
>  "Absolute value of #strn# is the 'distance' of #strn# from zero.",
>  "Absolute value is always zero or positive: #str|n|=n#, and 
> #str|-n|=n#."
> ],
> hints = [
>  "What do those vertical bars around #op# mean?",
>  "Have you learned about 'absolute value'?",
>  """Absolute value can be thought of as the 'distance' of a value from
> zero on the number line, and distance is always positive.""",
>  "The rule is:#str|-n|=|n|##str=n#.  Can you apply that to #op#?",
>  "Some examples: #str|+42|=42#, #str|-42|=42#, and #str|0|=0#.",
>  """To get the absolute value of a number such as #op#, we simply drop
> any minus sign."""
> ]
>   )
>  > Is it possible to avoid committing to an
>  > implementation mechanism?
> The defskill function could do just about anything with this.
> Here's one possibility:
>   skills = {}
>   class Skill:
> pass # fill in whatever methods you need here
>   def defskill(name, title, annotations, hints):
> skill = Skill()
> skill.title = title
> skill.annotations = annotations
> skill.hints = hints
> skills[name] = skill
> This gives you a dictionary of Skill instances indexed by name,
> each one having a title and lists of annotation and hint strings.
> The rest of the system can process this however required.

Ok, not too bad, not much syntax in there. But now I have a tougher 
requirement for you, which I noticed only after posting. (I tried 
running the damn thing and it whined about not knowing how to "reverse" 
absolute-value (to clone one problem into a similar problem).) A 
reversal must be able to yield any given a result, and sometimes must 
use given operands already settled on by the larger reversing algorithm. 
In the simpler case, to reverse absolute-value with result 42 we produce 
either |42| or |-42|. In the more complicated case, the multiply-literal 
  reverser may discover 6 is an operand and 42 is the result (meaning it 
does no randomization, it just supplies the (* 6 7) reversal. Why am I 
telling you all this? I don't know. The point is, we need code (not just 
data) in defskill (apologies for nasty formatting):

(defmacro defskill (id &body skill-info)
  ,@(loop with sub-id = id
  for (q . q-def) in skill-info
  collecting (ecase q
   ((title annotations hints)
`(defmethod ,(intern (conc$ 'skill- q)) 
((tf-id (eql ',sub-id)))
   (list ,@q-def)))
`(defmethod tf-reverse ((id (eql ',sub-id)) 
resx opnds)
   (declare (ignorable resx opnds))

--- (Abbreviated) Example --

(defskill absolute-value
 (title "Absolute Value")
"Absolute value is always zero or positive: #str|n|=n#, and 
"What do those vertical bars around #op# mean?")
(ensure-cloning resx
  (make-instance 'mx-number
:value (loop with op1 = (car opnds)
   with log = (max 1 (ceiling (log (abs (value op1)) 10)))
   for n = (* (signum (value op1))
 (+ 2 (random (expt 10 log
   when (/= n (value op1))
   return n)
:representation (representation resx)

-- Producing -

(progn (defmethod skill-title ((tf-id (eql 'absolute-value))) (list 
"absolute value"))
(defmethod skill-annotations ((tf-id (eql 'absolute-value)))
  (list "absolute value is always zero or positive: #strn=n#, 
and #str-n=n#."))
(defmethod skill-hints ((tf-id (eql 'absolute-value)))
  (list "what do those vertical bars around #op# mean?"))
(defmethod tf-reverse ((id (eql 'absolute-value)) resx opnds)
  (declare (ignorable resx opnds))
  (ensure-cloning resx
(make-instance 'mx-number :value
  (loop with op1 = (car opnds) with log = (max 1 (ceilin

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-13 Thread Ken Tilton

Ken Tilton wrote:
> Paul Rubin wrote:
>> Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> Have you read On Lisp by Paul Graham? It is on-line. Just the preface
>>> will do, I think, maybe also Chapter One where he raves on macros. Do
>>> you think he is mistaken? Confused? Lying? Mutant?
>> I remember Paul Graham's piece about macros that made him sound like
>> someone who went nuts with them, as is certainly possible to do.
> But you could have just flipped thru the rest of the pages to see if he 
> /had/ gone nuts with them!
>>  In
>> my experience, good coders write for clarity and that includes in
>> their use of Lisp macros.  All in all Lisp's macro system is something
>> like the C preprocessor.  Yes, you can obfuscate things horribly with
>> it, but you can also use it to make things clearer, and that's what
>> good programmers do.
> One has to be from the US and of a certain age to remember this, but 
> this old line from a commercial for high-octane gasoline says it for me: 
> power to be used, not abused.

Here is a bit of concrete I just tossed off:

(defmacro defskill (id &body skill-info)
  ,@(loop with sub-id = id
  for (q . q-def) in skill-info
(ecase q
   ((title annotations hints)
`(defmethod ,(intern (conc$ 'skill- q)) ((tf-id (eql 

It lets me code this:

(defskill absolute-value
 (title "Absolute Value")
"Take the absolute value of #op#."
"The vertical bars around #op# mean 'the absolute value of' #op#."
"Absolute value of #strn# is the 'distance' of #strn# from zero."
"Absolute value is always zero or positive: #str|n|=n#, and 
"What do those vertical bars around #op# mean?"
"Have you learned about 'absolute value'?"
"Absolute value can be thought of as the 'distance' of a value from 
zero on the number line, and distance is always positive."
"The rule is:#str|-n|=|n|##str=n#.  Can you apply that to #op#?"
"Some examples: #str|+42|=42#, #str|-42|=42#, and #str|0|=0#."
"To get the absolute value of a number such as #op#, we simply drop 
any minus sign."))

...and get this:

 "Absolute Value")
  "Take the absolute value of #op#." "The vertical bars around #op# 
mean 'the absolute value of' #op#."
  "Absolute value of #strn# is the 'distance' of #strn# from zero." 
"Absolute value is always zero or positive: #strn=n#, and #str-n=n#.")
  "What do those vertical bars around #op# mean?" "Have you learned 
about 'absolute value'?"
  "Absolute value can be thought of as the 'distance' of a value 
from zero on the number line, and distance is always positive."
  "The rule is:#str-n=n##str=n#.  Can you apply that to #op#?" "Some 
examples: #str+42=42#, #str-42=42#, and #str0=0#."
  "To get the absolute value of a number such as #op#, we simply 
drop any minus sign."))

The above is how my upcoming death-defying interactive Algebra 
tutor-in-a-drum ("You'll laugh! You'll cry!") will know how to coax some 
  befuddled teen through |-42| -> 42 if they get stuck. And a hundred 
other subskills (so there will be a hundred of these definitions).

If I hire someone they will look at defskill and not fall to the ground 
frothing at the mouth. They likely will not even macroexpand it because 
it is self-explanatory. If they wonder if there are other options they 
can alt-. to the source. The language has been extended, but I followed 
a pattern familiar to Lispniks. Zero confusion results.

If I decide not to use generic method dispatch to "look up" the hints I 
just have to change the macro and then write a DEFUN (no dispatch on 
type) to, say, look up the symbol in a hash table.


ps. I won't mention the other benefit, which is that I want educators to 
edit these if they have a better idea on how to tutor absolute value. I 
am not mentioning it because I am as impatient with superfluous syntax 
as a non-programmer would be. k

pps. How would Python do this? Is it possible to avoid committing to an 
implementation mechanism? Compare and contrast. k


"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-13 Thread Ken Tilton

Robert Uhl wrote:
> Christophe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Robert Uhl a écrit :
>>>The argument from popularity is invalid.  French units have overtaken
>>>standard units,
>>Never heard of that French unit thing. Unless you talk about that
>>archaic unit system that was in use before the metric system was
> I use 'French units' instead of the term 'metric system' because the
> latter means 'measurement system,' and of course could validly be
> applied to _any_ system.

Now we know how one contractor ended up using English units when the 
other was using French units and an entire Mars mission was lost: they 
were both using the metric system.

[cue NASA aopologist Ron (or his sidekick Al) for some scenery-chewing 
outrage over my condescension and arrogance.]



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-12 Thread Ken Tilton

Robert Uhl wrote:
> "Stephen Eilert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>So, let's suppose I now want to learn LISP (I did try, on several
>>occasions). What I would like to do would be to replace Python and
>>code GUI applications. Yes, those boring business-like applications
>>that have to access databases and consume those new-fangled
>>web-services and whatnot. Heck, maybe even code games using DirectX.
> GUIs are a weak point, or were last I looked. 

LW comes with CAPI, portable across the big 3. ACL has Common Graphics 
on win32, and I think they have Gtk bindings elsewhere (just guessing, 
really). Everyone has Ltk, Cells-Gtk, and Celtk. (Two Tks, one Gtk if 
that is not clear).



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-12 Thread Ken Tilton

Markus Triska wrote:
> Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>I think all-rules-all-the-time Prolog is the poster boy for paradigm
>>slavery.  (I did try for a famous two months to use Prolog as a
>>general-purpose programming language.)
> Don't expect to learn Prolog properly in so little time.

Lawdy, no, but I had all those Art of Prolog and Craft of Prolog and a 
couple other books and I was staring at pages of intense code just 
trying to do basic stuff. I had not learned prolog, but I could see the 
masters writing hairy code to basic stuff so I away! run 
away! :)

I think the other thing that got me was cuts, which I translated as "did 
we say unification all the time? sorry..." :)

> To your
> previous question whether the ~180 lines of Lisp code in some online
> book constitute an "industrial strength" Prolog: only if the following
> ~180 lines of Prolog code implement an "industrial strength" Lisp.

Way cool.



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-12 Thread Ken Tilton

Paul Rubin wrote:
> Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Oh, my. time to trot out my "hey, X is cool, let's use it for
>>everything!" rant.
> Somehow it's something other than a rant if X is Lisp?

Ah, your discriminator misfired. Keep your eye on the bouncing rant:

I was not espousing any language, I was espousing matching the tool to 
the task. That segued into my Lisp ball of mud rant, but, hell, even C 
offers iteration along with recursion. That observation turns the rant 
back on all-x-all-the-time languages, including I would note Steele's 
constraint programming language, which at first used a constraint to do 
variable assignment. Speaking of Cells...




"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-12 Thread Ken Tilton

Paul Rubin wrote:
> Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>>The loop language is so complicated and confusing that I never
>>>>bothered trying to learn it.
>>That was my stance for about seven years of intense Lisp. Then the
>>author of Practical Common Lisp did a nice job of breaking the whole
>>mess up into sensible chunks and I picked it up. If one programs Lisp,
>>one should learn Loop -- it is definitely worth the bother. I def
>>regret not learning it sooner.
> I don't really code in Lisp any more, I never felt a need for loop
> when I was coding in Lisp, and I'm trying to move towards a style of
> programming without loops (i.e. I'm playing with Haskell, which
> doesn't have loops), giving me even less need for a hairy loop macro.

Oh, my. time to trot out my "hey, X is cool, let's use it for 
everything!" rant.

Freud may not have said, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.", but 
sometimes (er, always) iteration is best handled with an iteration 
construct. Any craftsman can tell you, use the right tool for the job.

the nice thing about Lisp's many paradigms is that the developer does 
not become a slave to any paradigm. I think all-rules-all-the-time 
Prolog is the poster boy for paradigm slavery. (I did try for a famous 
two months to use Prolog as a general-purpose programming language.)

Just the sentence "I'm trying to program without loops" simply screams 
"category error", if you think about it. Mind you, I had great fun using 
  a Logo which did not have iteration. Now I have fun with CL. They call 
it a big ball of mud, but I do not thnk there is a tool in that chest I 
have not used, just because that tool fit the problem best.

It only looks like a ball of mud if one does not right much code, and 
that describes most Lispniks, so no wonder we ended up with Scheme. 
Oops, wrong flamewar.



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-12 Thread Ken Tilton

Paul Rubin wrote:
> Pascal Costanza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>You can start with loop by using only the simple and straightforward
>>constructs, and slowly move towards the more complicated cases when
>>necessary. The nice thing about loop is that with some practice, you
>>can write code that more or less reads like English.
> Yeah, but I'd also get English-like imprecision.  Anyway, If I wanted
> to write code that reads like English, I'd write in Cobol.  

That was my stance until 

There /is/ a second Lispy syntax for LOOP, btw. But the goofier syntax 
is also where lies part of the "win", so learn that.



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-12 Thread Ken Tilton

Pascal Costanza wrote:
> Paul Rubin wrote:
>> Pascal Costanza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> May you have tried the wrong Lisp dialects so far:
>>> (loop for i from 2 to 10 by 2
>>>do (print i))
>> The loop language is so complicated and confusing that I never
>> bothered trying to learn it.

That was my stance for about seven years of intense Lisp. Then the 
author of Practical Common Lisp did a nice job of breaking the whole 
mess up into sensible chunks and I picked it up. If one programs Lisp, 
one should learn Loop -- it is definitely worth the bother. I def regret 
not learning it sooner.



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Ken Tilton

greg wrote:
>> So if you guys would just fix
>> your language by adding homogeneous syntax and all that it brings with
>> it (macros, compilers, etc) we'd be happy to use your version of Lisp,
>> and all its great libraries, instead of ours! :-)
> But if we did that, it wouldn't be Python any
> more, it'd be Lisp. 

And someone would then have to invent Python.

Let Python be Python, let Lisp be Lisp. It's all good.



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Ken Tilton

greg wrote:
> Bill Atkins wrote:
>> You're missing Ken's point, which is that in Lisp an s-expression
>> represents a single concept - I can cut out the second form of an IF
>> and know that I'm cutting the entire test-form.
> For selecting a single form, that's true. For
> more than one form (such as selecting some, but
> not all, of the statements in a loop body) it's
> not much different.
> But my point was that I don't find "manually
> reindenting the lines" to be a chore. He made it
> sound like you have to laboriously go through
> and adjust the lines one by one, but it's not
> like that at all. You shift them all at once
> in a block.

It is a gray area. Manually maintaining indentation does not have to be 
a "laborious chore" to slow down development.

I believe it was in the mid 1980s when I turned to the developer sitting 
next to me and said, "I wonder how much time I spend re-tabbing my 
code?" That was probably Vax Basic or COBOL. I /think/ the editor had a 
block-tab capability, and I think I used same in some C IDES, but to be 
honest retabbling a few lines was not such a laborious chore  that I 
would first do the select operation to be able to use it.

Also, Python does not support a functional style of programming so the 
line is the only meaningful textual entity. In this sense the 
primitiveness of Python makes editing easier.

Finally, Python is just a (fine) scripting language. Which means one 
does not tackle hard problems with it, the kind one figures out as one 
goes. That means less refactoring, and less refactoring means less 
slicing and dicing of the code.

> Seeing as you asked, how much Python code have
> you or Ken edited?

See above. Not Python, but out the wazoo in other languages.

Remember, we are not Lisp-only aliens, we program all the languages you 
program, plus one. :)



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Ken Tilton

André Thieme wrote:
> mystilleef schrieb:
>> Ken Tilton wrote:
>>> Lisp has all the cool qualities you like in your pets, plus native
>>> compilation in most implementations, plus maturity and a standard, plus
>>> a better OO, plus macros, plus a dozen more small wins. Including
>>> automatic indentation. :)
>> Better OO? You mean the one that doesn't support basic encapsulation
>> and is retardedly cumbersome to use? There's a reason I said, I'd never
>> use Lisp for OO not even when I'm high. Gimme Python, Eiffel or
>> Smalltalk anyday, not the retarded add-on package bolted on CL.
> What do you mean with "encapsulation" in this context?

Mr. mystilleef's remarks struck me as needlessly contentious and perhaps 
unavoidably ignorant, hence unworthy of response. YMMV.



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Ken Tilton

Harry George wrote:
>>Kay Schluehr wrote:
>>>is rapidly replacing Perl, and Ruby is simultaneously and even more
>>>rapidly replacing Python. 
> Really?  Given its small base, the percentage increases in Ruby use
> (for any reason) can look quite impressive.  I've see data suggesting
> Ruby is replacing Perl and maybe Java.  But I've yet to see data which
> shows people dropping Python and moving to Ruby. Where do I find that
> data?

You missed it? Google fight:

Python wins, 74 to 69.3. And there is no Monty Ruby to help.



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Sat, 09 Dec 2006 22:06:29 -0500, Ken Tilton wrote:
>>As I type each right parens I eyeball 
>>its partner as the editor highlights it to make sure I have not missed 
> Er, weren't you one of the people claiming that you don't notice parens
> when you're reading or writing Lisp code?

Steve, you seem to be doing everything you can to make what is basically 
a decent cultural exchange unpleasant, mostly by bellowing like some mad 
rogue elephant over and over again about macros, now by trying to play 

I said they disappear. They do. I do not see parens when I look at code. 
The "watching of the matching" is only after furious thrashing during 
refactoring, and even then it is unconscious most of the time because we 
are usually also indenting as we go.

I presume you look to see if your indentation is correct while you are 
indenting, with no more effort than I eyeball the highlighted parens.

You think that some gotcha is somehow going to miraculously reveal that 
I do in fact have trouble with parentheses? Now /that/ would be dumb of you.

>> So, if you're still seeing parentheses, does that mean you've been coding
> Lisp for less than a month?

I see you figured it our for yourself. Obviously I love parentheses and 
would hate to program without them, so obviously your gotcha falls short.

I myself am simply delighted. I decided I should indeed check out if I 
was up against the c.l.p village idiot. Nope, turns out you are the 
Master of FUD:

"According to Steven D'Aprano, operations manager of longstanding open 
source services firm Cybersource, Microsoft's new game of attempting to 
strike fear into the heart of Linux users by invoking the spectre of 
patent infringements may soon take an ominous new twist. Mr D'Aprano 
believes that Microsoft may well use similar tactics employed by its 
proxy the BSA six years ago when it raided the offices of guitar string 
maker Ernie Ball with armed marshalls and found a few machines with 
non-compliant software."

I love it, you turning FUD on the FUDster, MS. Good for you! A whole 
article with nothing but your unsubstantiated guesses as to Microsoft 
suing someone! I do not who impresses me more, you giving such an 
interview or the reporter who printed it... no, you guys are allowed to 
screw up, the editor should be shot.

Hey, Steve, save that crap for Microsoft, will you?

peace. ken


"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> If that's the best example of what macros can be used for, frankly I'm
> unimpressed.

We're shocked.




"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> The day has not yet arrived that nobody ever needs to edit code in a
> plain, vanilla text editor.

Gee, 200kloc of Lisp and I have not got there yet. Keep banging that 
drom, Steve. :)



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Sat, 09 Dec 2006 14:55:13 -0800, Paul Rubin wrote:
>>Steven D'Aprano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>Now, if you want to tell me that, despite all the talk, Lisp coders don't
>>>actually create new syntax or mini-languages all that often, that they
>>>just use macros as functions, then the question becomes: why do you need
>>>macros then if you are just using them as functions? Why not use functions?
>>Macros let you write what amounts to functions that don't evaluate
>>their arguments.  Think of the endless clpy wars over the ternary
>>conditional operator.  
> [snip]
>>That is trivial to do with a macro
> I know that. It was more of a rhetorical question -- Lispers are either
> trying to emphasis the radical nature of what you can do with macros, or
> understate it and make them seem just like functions. 

Yep, both. The first is rare. CLOS is one, my Cells (ported this summer 
to PyCells as part of SoC 2006) is another. The latter is the norm.



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

greg wrote:
> Bill Atkins wrote:
>> And mistakes in nesting show up as mistakes in
>> indenting.
> Er, hang on a moment... how do you *know* when you've
> got a mistake in indending? You must be visually
> verifying the indentation... rather like one does
> with Python code...

Absolutely, and you are not disagreeing with Mr. Atkins, tho you seem to 
think you are.

But with Lisp one does not have to clean up the indentation manually 
after thrashing away at ones code. As I type each right parens I eyeball 
its partner as the editor highlights it to make sure I have not missed 
anything, then give the re-indent command and eyeball the result. It 
/is/ still possible to screw up because I work fast and loose, but only 
very rarely do I end up with a parens in the wrong place, and then the 
compiler finds something to whine about.



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> Rightly or wrongly, people fear...

So when people fear wrongly we burn whatever witches we must to reassure 

> that Lisp's macros push Lisp closer to
> that hypothetical anything-goes language than is healthy. Maybe that's a
> problem of perception rather than a problem of fact, but you have to ask,
> why do people perceive Lisp that way?
> Could it be because of people like J Shrager who writes things like this?
> "Can't you just expand the language via macros to create whatever facility
> of this sort [major new features with new syntax] you need..."

The context was CLOS. Something that big needs new syntax. But what you 
do not know is that the syntax is Lispy, so learning it is tantamount to 
understanding new function names, as even Pythonistas must do (tho a few 
of you seem to think Pythonistas are incapable of learning ).

> (This thread, dated 8 Dec 2006 16:14:44 -0800)
> Or Wolfram Fenske:
> "All the interesting features that haven't originated from Lisp (e. g. OO
> from Smalltalk) could in turn easily be implemented in Lisp with a couple
> of macros."

Right, something big like an OO.

> (This thread, dated 8 Dec 2006 23:38:02 -0800)
> To someone outside of Lisp, that looks like "I can make Lisp look like any
> language I like in just a few lines."

On the contrary, on the rare case when it happens (CLOS, my Cells 
package) one is obliged by exactly the hobgoblins you fear to remain 
true to lisp patterns when extending Lisp. And there are patterns in 
macro usage as well:


Your hands must be getting sore from banging that drum so hard and so 
long -- has it ever occurred to you that good programmers concerned with 
power do not obfuscate code? And now you have read a dozen messages from 
serious Lispniks trying to tell you that that is not the case, and you 

We love the chance to preach to the unsaved, so we are indebted to you 
for the many chances to clarify, but something tells me I should check 
the c.l.p archives to make sure I am not chatting away happily with the 
village idiot. :)

> And that implies that to read a Lisp
> program, one might need to be able to read code that looks like Lisp, or
> Smalltalk, or Prolog, or Fortran, or all of those, or whatever bizarre
> syntax the developer wanted it to look like.

"I don't want to think, I just want to bang on de drum all day.
I don't want to learn, just want to bang on de drum all day."

> My point isn't whether or not their claims are correct (a "couple" of
> macros? really?) but that things like this feed the perception...

Ah, well at least you are copping to witch-burning. Thx.

> And it isn't really that much comfort to be told that good Lisp
> developers know not to do stupid things with macros. 

Hmm, didn't we see that as a comforter for some powerful Python 
mechanism earlier in this thread?

> Sure. But in the real
> world of programming, most developers aren't good developers, they are
> merely average 

Two questions: do you really voluntarily use libraries from crappy 
developers? Second, you think a language can stop people from writing 
bad code? Java tried, and look where that got the language. Elsewhere a 
Pythonista (Mr. Rubin?) bemoaned this thread's appearance of Pythonistas 
shrinking from power... could you two get together? :)



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

André Thieme wrote:
> Ken Tilton schrieb:
>> André Thieme wrote:
>>> Ken Tilton schrieb:
>>>> The last time we went thru this a Pythonista finally said, Oh, I get 
>>>> it. These five lines of code I have to write all the time (two 
>>>> setup, one func call, two cleanup) can be collapsed into one or two. 
>>>> The thread will be hard to miss in Google groups (two years back?) 
>>>> and the epiphany appears right at the end of the thread. 
>>> Functional programming is the solution here, not Lisp.
>> No, you do not understand. The Pythonista figured it out: a function 
>> would not do.
> What do you mean?

I am saying use Google groups to find the thread and find out the use 
case contributed by a Pythonista in the midddle of a similar thread that 
conveyed to his satisfaction the value of macros.



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

André Thieme wrote:
> Ken Tilton schrieb:
>> The last time we went thru this a Pythonista finally said, Oh, I get 
>> it. These five lines of code I have to write all the time (two setup, 
>> one func call, two cleanup) can be collapsed into one or two. The 
>> thread will be hard to miss in Google groups (two years back?) and the 
>> epiphany appears right at the end of the thread. 
> Functional programming is the solution here, not Lisp.

No, you do not understand. The Pythonista figured it out: a function 
would not do.

> You could make that with a new function (in Python), that takes a
> function (and its args, don't remember the correct syntax).
> def foo(function, args):
>   setup(1)
>   setup(2)
>   function(args)
>   cleanup(1)
>   cleanup(2)
> The nice thing in Lisp would now be to save a lambda with the macro.
> In Python one would fill the name space with throw away functions that
> get called only one time.

Omigod. Is that what you meant? You think macros are unnecessary because 
one could hard-code their expansions as separate functions? And that 
would constitute hiding the boilerplate? What happens when the 
boilerplate changes? 



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

Paul Rubin wrote:
> Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>yeah, I think it is. Folks don't vary that much. If every Lisp
>>programmer also reports parens disappearing at about thirty days, any
>>given non-Lispnik can pretty much bet on the same experience.
> I think an editing program that balances parens automatically is near
> indispensible for writing Lisp code. 

I would say indispensible full stop.

> I can't stand writing Lisp
> without Emacs.

Emacs or an Emacs-like editor (or at least Lisp-ware editor) provided by 
the Lisp environment.



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

Eric Pederson wrote:
>>>"No programmer who learned Lisp ever gave up before he learned Lisp."That 
>>>would be the obvious retort, but my observation was empirical, so I
>>am afraid you need numbers, not word games.
>>You seem awfully hostile, by the way. Won't that make it harder to
>>conduct an intelligent exchange of value to lurkers?
>>>I wonder, how many people gave up trying to learn Lisp because the
>>>language was too hard for them to read? Anyone like to bet that the number
>>>was more than zero?Sorry, no one ever discovered Lisp, decided it would be 
>>>great for
>>programming, started learning it and then gave up because they could not
>>handle the syntax.
> Uh.  Clearly no one would be dumb enough to admit it in front of the
> entire usenet world, right?

The good news is that I was just trying to flush out a live specimen. 
The bad news is that after some tests we want to dissect you.

> - Mr. NoOne
> P.S.  I am still going to get back to it when I get some time, really.
> LISP seems intriguing and superior, almost a magical Rubik's cube
> waiting for me.  I just stumbled across Python in the meantime and code
> started flowing - I got distracted.

Oh, shucks, that is not "gave up because they could not handle the syntax".

You have me wondering if I would have switched from C to Lisp had Python 
been what itis now back in '95. Obviously the simple transition would 
have been attractive. OTOH I had done extensive LOGO (and loved it) and 
experimented heavily with Prolog, so syntax would not scare me. The 
immaturity of Python would have been an issue because I had just gotten 
sliced up pretty badly with bleeding edge stuff I tried at the same time 
(trying desperately to avoid C++). I beat on the C preprocessor like I 
was its daddy, so macros might have made sense to me even without having 
played with them. Giving up cycles I would not like all other things 
being equal. And to tell you the truth, novelty tends to make me more 
productive, not less, because fresh brain cells perforce get pulled into 
play. Sounds like I would have dabbled in both, and then Lisp would have 
won because I recall the first two weeks being pretty much astonished 
whooping and hollering over how great Lisp was. But Python has a lot of 
that, too.

>  I have CL (& Scheme) on all my
> machines awaiting my focus I'll join the flock any day now.  :-)
> I've just been busy.  There is a cost to learning and I've not had the
> spare change to date.
> But New Years resolutions need to be made: I could get up a couple
> hours early and spend some quality time with CL, do a daily hour jog,
> and eat a really heathly breakfast.  Writing myself a note on this.
> P.P.S.  Undoubtedly not learning a syntax either means not enough time
> was put in or the student lacked proper intelligence.

Intelligence to understand syntax? Isn't it memory (and not so much that 
the correlation with intelligence would matter)? This punctuation means 
this, that punctuation means that, and the precedence is this. One of 
the big wins of Lisp is that it is just (verb object*) 95% of the time.

Maybe you mean functional vs imperative requires intelligence? That I 
might buy. A little. But then Lisp handles imperative, too. You just get 
laughed at it if you post it to c.l.l.

>  This will always
> bias the significance of learning syntax as a factor in choice of
> language to be under reported. 

That's OK, I am looking for the person so bright they have the 
self-confidence to expose their failure. Then we do not have to dissect 
them, we can ask them to introspect and get useable data. But you did 
not say anythng about having a problem with Lisp at all let alone the 
syntax and indeed offer some quotes that could go in the RtL Highlight 
Film, so you are useless. No fee for you.




"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

mystilleef wrote:
> Bill Atkins wrote:
>>Are any of these not subjective?
> Objectivity is in the eye of the beholder.
>>Lisp is much more than a functional language.
> Maybe so. But I've only ever appreciated its functional aspects. I
> wouldn't choose Lisp or its derivatives for OO related tasks even if
> I'm high.

But CLOS is the best OO there is. The OMG said so. It can do anything 
any other OO can do. Why /specifically/ would you not use it? This type 
of thread has no educational value unless one is specific; we already 
know what the posters like and prefer, so the only added value comes 
from being specific about language details. And funny put-downs. :)

>>Uh huh.  Can you cite examples of this?  Sounds like you're just
>>making stuff up here.  Contrary to popular belief, writing a Lisp
>>macro that warps your mind and introduces a totally un-CL-like
>>semantics is extremely difficult.  Most of the people who are good
>>enough at CL to do it (I'm certainly not one of them) are also
>>experienced enough to know when it's the right choice.
> Any sizable Lisp applications will make extensive use of macros.

Hopefully, because any sizeable app will have its sum functionality 
compartmentalized into internal little sub-APIs. These five/ten data 
structures and functions have been created to handle this recurring 
problem faced by higher-order functions. Sometimes dealing with that API 
requires boilerplate code to be written. Set things up. Make a call. 
Check the return status for xyz. etc etc. That boilerplate can become a 
macro, such as WITHOUT-C-DEPENDENCY:

(defmacro without-c-dependency (&body body)
   `(let (*call-stack*) ,@body))

*CALL-STACK* is internal to Cells and should not be exposed. It is cool 
that all I need do to defeat the entire Cells engine is bind one special 
variable, but maybe someday that will get hairier. if so, no problem, I 
just change the macro. Btw, without special variables, you would need:

  (let ((save-stack *call-stack*)
 (setf *call-stack* nil)
 (setf *call-stack* save-stack))

If you want to use a function instead of a macro and still hide the 
boilerplate, it would have to be:

   (without-c-dependency (lambda () ))

Not the end of the world and at least one Lisp legend thinks that makes 
macros unnecessary.

> Emacs
> and magic ( the web framework) come to mind. My experience has shown
> that nobody but the person who writes the DSL extension can maintain
> their code.

You and GvR are thinking of the case where a macro is used to create a 
whole new syntax, like LOOP (a mildly controversial part of standard 
Lisp). I have written more macros than you can imagine and only once 
even came close to it (but the language was just a list of things to do, 
nothing incomprehensible). I have never seen a macro which introduced a 
new language.

Of course, we all keep saying this and you all keep repeating the 
opposite, so we do appreciate the excuse to repeatedly explain how 
macros are really used. :)

> The benefits of extending a language in a domain specific
> manner are exaggerated.

Careful, there are laws now against cruelty to straw men.

> My observation is that macros are important to
> Lisp and it's derivative because they lack libraries to begin with.

Damn! Exactly which macro would have saved me creating bindings to 
OpenGL? (I think you have a little category error going here.)

> Common problems solved using macros in Lisp and friends are solved
> using specialized libraries in most other languages.

Damn! Exactly which macro would have saved me creating bindings to 
OpenGL? (I think you have a little category error going here.)

> And I like the
> specialized libraries route. 

Damn! Exactly which macro would have saved me creating bindings to 
OpenGL? (I think you have a little category error going here.)

> Meta-programming just doesn't tickle my
> fancy. It just spells maintainance nightmare.

The whole idea of meta-programming is reducing coding and simplifying 
maintenance, so I have to wonder how much experience you have writing 
macros. Could you post a few?

Macros come into play when we find a pattern in out code that is a level 
more abstract than straight token replacement (ala C) will support. My 
simple example above is just about avoiding typing LAMBDA, which I hate. 
:) More interesting macros take a look at the input source to the acro 
invocation and, instead of subsituting in a fixed template as does the C 
preprocessor, actively assembles template bits and input bits to produce 
the final result.

Of course one has to be clever enough to see higher-order patterns and 
appreciate the vast productivity increase available in return for the 
effort of thinking through a macro -- well, i should note that often I 
do not create the macro until I see also that this bit of internal API 
will be coming up often enough (or will be changing often enough as I 
come to understand it) to make t

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

Pascal Bourguignon wrote:
> Kirk  Sluder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> "mystilleef" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>1). More and better mature standard libraries (Languages don't matter,
>>>libraries do).
>>>On Lisp Macros:
>>>I think they are overrated, and in general cause more harm than good.
>>>It's the reason I find Lisp-like programs difficult to grok, maintain
>>>and extend. Cos every smart ass wants to needlessly write his own mini
>>>language to the point of absolute obfuscation. Naturally, I'm supposed
>>>to be awed by his mischievous cleverness.
>>I've not seen a convincing explanation as to why imported macros 
>>from some library are so much more evil than imported functions. In 
>>both cases one might have to dig into documentation and/or comments 
>>to understand exactly what that imported snippit is doing.
> And the difference with a library function is?

Uh, that was his point.

And if you all dig back thru this thread you will find me quoting GvR on 
the difference, which is (paraphrasing) "with macros you do not even 
know where the function calls are". I think he is talking about a 
loop-like erection of a new language.



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>  Some languages are too expressive.


> Look, all snarkiness aside, it just isn't true that "stuff like this is
> impossible in other languages". If Wolfram Fenske had said "stuff like
> this isn't easy in many other languages" he would have been right.

Remember, Lisp macros are like being able to run a preprocessor on an 
ad-hoc basis. Without Lisp compilers (er, should I say the Lisp 
"reader"?) understanding macros and macro functions, not even Lisp could 
transform source code this way.

We won't have an intelligent discussion on macros until this gets better 
understood. Macros are not about what one can do at run-time, they are 
about what happens at compile time. If your compiler/preprocessor/IDE 
are not going to cooperate, then embedding a preprocessed language in 
Python is so hard as to be unfeasible.

I also would not quibble over "impossible" vs. "incredibly hard". The 
bottom line is that at a pretty low level hard becomes "aint gonna happen".

> And if
> he had said "and stuff like this carries risks as well as benefits" he
> would have come across as less of a language fanatic.
> One of the risks with Python is the ease with which you can modify the
> built-ins. An expression like list(2, 3, 4) doesn't necessarily create a
> list from 2, 3, and 4, because the built-in list could be redefined.
> (In practice, that's not often a real problem, because experienced
> Python developers simply learn not to needlessly or confusingly shadow
> built-ins.

Well, duuh. This the Great Strawman, that Lisp programmers (a) love 
having a powerful language (b) so they can produce unreadable code. This 
nonsense is an implicit concession that you have no point at all.

> It's not the best system, but it works well enough in
> practice.) But at least the basic syntax and keywords of the language are
> known to be constant. 
> With Lisp macros, even that isn't guaranteed. Now, if Lispers would say
> "Oh yes, macros give you great power, and with great power comes great
> responsibility. Be careful." 

I have to admit you are probably still catching up on what I have 
written today.

> then, no doubt, we'd take you guys more
> seriously. But we don't hear that -- we hear Lispers going on and on about
> how great it is that they can easily redefine every corner of the
> language.

You have this tendency as your paragraphs grow to get sillier and 
sillier and make up more and more hobgoblin crap, I suppose as you sense 
the weakness of your case. Can you point to where someone said that? No, 
of course not. Get a grip, will you, this could be a useful cultural 
exchange, but not with your hysterics.

> why do you need
> macros then if you are just using them as functions? Why not use functions?

Hint: famous Lisp style rule: never use a macro where a function will do.

Not sure it is worth wasting more time on you at this point or I would 
offer examples. Could you calm down a bit and stop making things up?



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> But Lisp's syntax is so unlike most written natural languages that that it
> is a whole different story. Yes, the human brain is amazingly flexible,
> and people can learn extremely complex syntax and grammars (especially if
> they start young enough) so I'm not surprised that there are thousands,
> maybe tens or even hundreds of thousands  of Lisp developers who find the
> language perfectly readable.
> But that isn't to say that the syntax of Lisp is for everybody.

yeah, I think it is. Folks don't vary that much. If every Lisp 
programmer also reports parens disappearing at about thirty days, any 
given non-Lispnik can pretty much bet on the same experience.

And since no one can produce a witness who worked fulltime on Lisp for 
thirty days and gave up on it because it was a great language but they 
could not handle the syntax, or a witness who stayed with Lisp because 
it is a great language even though to this day they have trouble reading 
the synatx...

> Far from
> it -- I'd be willing to bet that Lisp developers are a self-selected group
> of far above average intelligence. 

I think the early adopter is distinguished not so much by greater 
intelligence as by restlessness and rebelliousness and a little lunacy. 
We lack the knack of happiness. Many of the stories on the RtL reveal 
folks who sought A Better Way after mastering other languages. And by 
Better Way, sorry, we mean "why do I have to forever worry about the 
damn paper tape on this Turing machine!". We do not really like 
programming, we like thinking about problems and using a computer to 
solve them.

> That would explain why so many of them
> seem to be so much more comfortable with higher-order functions than most
> other people -- even intelligent people. 
> (Looking back, I'm embarrassed about my first reaction to factory
> functions all those years ago. Hiss hiss spit. But even with added
> familiarity, there comes a time where one has to question the benefit of
> sufficiently high-order functions. If you are writing a factory function
> that returns factory functions that return factory functions that return
> the functions that you needed in the first place, chances are you really
> need to rethink your tactics.)
> If I'm right, then maybe Lisp is "better" in some absolute sense, *for
> those who can use it*. For those who can't, it isn't just a matter of
> (say) the syntax being hard to read because it is unfamiliar, but it
> being objectively harder to use.
> An interesting study would be to track people's eyeballs as they read
> code, ...

I spend about 90% of my time thinking and writing code, and read it only 
to understand how something works or why it broke. And then I am looking 
at parentheses no more than you are looking at the lines of resolution 
on a TV when watching Baywatch. I am looking at a mechanism and how it 

> ...or look at how much oxygen their brain uses. Do Lisp coders do more
> work to read Lisp than Python coders do to read Python? I suspect they do,
> but successful Lisp coders don't notice. 

My suspicion goes the other way, and is based not on punctuation, rather 
on imperative vs functional. In Lisp every form returns a value, so I do 
not have all these local variables around that, in the strecth of an 
interesting function, take on a stream of values and transformations to 
finally come up with some result, meaning to understand code I have to 
jump back and forth thru the code to see the lineage of a value and 
figure out its net semantics. Too much like work.

> Everybody else does, and
> gravitate to languages which might not be "better" but are "good enough".

No, they gravitated to a language that was closer to what they already 
knew, C or Java (which also mimicked C to pick up those users). Later 
charms of Python were a great community and library support. Lisp simply 
does not have the latter, one is forever rolling one's own bindings to C 

> (If my post leads to any Lisp developer's already swollen head exploding
> from pride, my job here is done *wink*)

They can't get any bigger. :)



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

Bjoern Schliessmann wrote:
> Ken Tilton wrote:
>>Note also that after any amount of dicing I simply hit a magic key
>>combo and the editor reindents everything. In a sense, Lisp is the
>>language that handles indentation best.
> Erm ... because there's an editor for it that indents automatically?
> Or did I miss the point?

I think so, but you did not say enough for me to understand /your/ 
point. It sounded like you were using sarcasm to point out to me exactly 
what I had just said.

We might want to punt on this. :)



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

Alex Mizrahi wrote:
> (message (Hello 'Ken)
> (you :wrote  :on '(Sat, 09 Dec 2006 04:26:02 -0500))
> (
>  KT> keep the Pythonistas from straying. But you have an excuse: Lispniks
>  KT> always /talk/ about macros giving us the ability to create a DSL. But
>  KT> no one does. :)
> certainly there's no reason to make a new DSL each day, but sometimes they 
> are good.
> i've recently posted an example of DSL to do queries to RDF data base -- i 
> find it's very helpful.

That is different. Your very objective /was/ a language. Naturally, you 
created one. I am talking about PGs suggestion that the best way to 
solve a problem is to create a language for that problem and then use 
it. What I think happens more often is the other thing Graham said: 
building up CL to be a better language for the problem. So the language 
is still predominantly and visibly CL, and here and there are chunks of 
macrology hiding a crapload of boilerplate.



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Sat, 09 Dec 2006 02:29:56 -0500, Ken Tilton wrote:
>>David Lees wrote:
>>Those raving about 
>>Lisp are quite accomplished at all those other languages, and know about 
>>  what they are talking. 
> Such a sweeping generalization. Every person who raves about Lisp is also
> accomplished with other languages. Yeah, right. I believe you, even if
> millions wouldn't.

Ah, but that is because you are not a careful thinker, you just like 
sounding off on Usenet. Me, too!

Think, Steve, think: do you think we pay the rent with /Lisp/ jobs?!

If logic does not work for you, try this:

Behind each sound bite is a full survey response, one question being 
"what other languages do you use?".

>>I doubt the Pythonistas weighing in on this 
>>thread ever got far at all with Lisp, so... should they really be 
>>offering comparative analysis?
> I hit my hand with a hammer once. 

Cool, first you use the lame Turing Completeness thing, now you are 
arguing by analogy, which does not work because now we have to argue 
about how well the analogue maps onto the topic.

When I switched Lisps after several years of Lisp I also had to switch 
IDEs (not using Emacs+ILisp). I hated the new IDE. I also told myself to 
wait thirty days before worrying about it, since obviously it might just 
be a matter of habit. Now when I port things back to the first Lisp I 
hate that IDE (except I know a couple of weeks would turn it around).

Now it may be distressing to you that I am talking about something 
closer to programming languages than is hammering ones hand, and for 
that I apologize in advance. :)

I didn't keep going until I was an
> expert in hitting-own-hand-with-hammer before deciding that hitting my
> hand with a hammer was not for me. Did I do the wrong thing? Should I have
> kept going until I was an expect at it?
> (Of course, writing Lisp isn't precisely like hitting one's hand with a
> hammer. With the hammer, the endorphins kick in eventually, and it can
> become quite pleasant...)
>>> Personally, I never like Lisp syntax; 
>>>Clearly some people, some fanatic judging by this thread :) think easily 
>>>in prefix.  I am not one of them. 
>>Yeah, you are, you just did not use it heads down for a month.
> The sheer arrogance of this claim is astounding.
> Actually, this is comp.lang.lisp. It isn't astounding at all.

Exactly, and Usenet. Not the Supreme Court. We can speak casually. We 
can also speak cordially. 

> I don't know, maybe lisp coders actually are more intelligent than
> ordinary mortals, 

No, it's the Lisp that makes them so effective. I was joking in my 
original remark. But not about Lisp programmers being better looking. :)

> but it has been my experience that they have absolutely
> no grasp whatsoever of the way most (many? some?) people think. And I'm
> not talking about can't-walk-and-think-at-the-same-time people either, I'm
> talking about bright, intelligent people who, nevertheless, don't agree
> with lisp coders.

As you will soon realize because you are such an open, 
intellectually-honest person and will do the reading I recommended, most 
of us came to Lisp late in our programming careers, having used and 
excelled at (in my case) Apple Integer Basic, Microsoft Basic, 6502 
Assembler, COBOL, any DEC Basics, C, Logo, and now Lisp (chosen over the 
new C++ because the latter seemed like evry bit the horror it turned out 
to be). I have done enough Python to appreciate the cleanliness of the 
code and its power, and enough Java... well, after Lisp it is impossible 
to find anything in some other language that would tempt one to work 
much in it.

My point is that we grasp what you think because we /are/ you, we have 
worked alongside you, and we are very good at your language. And we use 
Lisp and gloat about it and piss everyone off with our smugness. It 
can't be helped--Lisp is that good.

>>The way 
>>to tell if you spent enough time on Lisp is to look at Lisp code. If you 
>>see any parentheses, you have not spent enough time. They disappear in a 
> If the parentheses are that meaningless, why do you need them?

Meaningless? Who said that? Did you say that? Someone said that. :)

I said they disappear. I am not looking at parens, I am looking at the 
code structure, as manifested by (you'll like this) the indentation, the 
indentation provided automatically when I kerplunk control-shift-P (I 
think, my fingers know).

You like analogies. When i tried on my first glasses I said "I can see 
the frames!". the glasses guy said, &qu

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Fri, 08 Dec 2006 23:38:02 -0800, Wolfram Fenske wrote:
>>if Common Lisp didn't have CLOS, its object system, I could write my own
>>as a library and it would be just as powerful and just as easy to use as
>>the system Common Lisp already provides.  Stuff like this is impossible
>>in other languages.
> Dude. Turing Complete. Don't you Lisp developers know anything about
> computer science?
> Anything any language can do is possible in any other language, if you are
> willing to write your own libraries.

I do not think you know what are macros. You are talking about 
functionality, macros are about the syntax. To achieve what Lisp 
developers do with macros you would need to write a preprocessor (and 
indeed this has been done when the need was great enough) to run thru 
the code expanding all the uses of the preprocessor language. But then 
your edit-run cycle is broken unless your IDE will let you specify a 
preprocessor and take care of seamlessly running it, but then what do 
you debug? And then you cannot just toss off a macro, it becomes an 
exercise in compiler development and now you have dozens of 
preprocessors running on each cycle. Ew.

> And debug them. Let's not forget the
> debugging and testing, unless you'd like us to believe that Lisp code
> never contains bugs. Lisp developers so often gloss over that: "Oh,
> feature X is *easy*, I could write it in a couple of macros. Two or three.
> Maybe thirty. Or forty, max. And they would work the right way first time.

Do you really talk to a lot of Lisp developers, or were you making that 
up? :)

Of course implementing an object system is a big job. Your fantasy about 
Lisp programmers misses the point to which you respond: after they had 
done all the work to implement an object system, they were able to make 
it look like Lisp had always had CLOS, without changing the compiler.

Keep those fat pitches coming. :)



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Fri, 08 Dec 2006 22:02:59 +0200, Alex Mizrahi wrote:
>>you have an expression 3 + 4 which yields 7.
>>you have an expression 4 * 1 which yields 4.
>>if you paste 3 + 4 in place of 1, you'll have 4 * 3 + 4 = 16. as we know, * 
>>is commutative, but 3 + 4 * 4 = 19.
>>so result depends on implicit operator precendence rules.
>>in lisp, if you paste (+ 3 4) in (* 4 1), you'll have (* 4 (+ 3 4)), and it 
>>does not depend on order of operands, (* (+ 3 4) 4) yields same results. you 
>>do not have to remember precendence rules 
> Speaking as somebody who programmed in FORTH for a while, that doesn't
> impress me much. Prefix/postfix notation is, generally speaking, more of a
> pain in the rear end than it is worth, even if it saves you a tiny bit of
> thought when pasting code.
> Except, of course, it doesn't really save you any thought. You can't just
> expect to paste an expression randomly into another expression and have it
> do the right thing.

Tell that to the unlimited number of monkeys I have over hear generating 
my next application. You might also read what I wrote earlier in this 
thread about how I leveraged the parens thing to edit code in logical 
chunks instead of chunks of text. If you think about it, that is exactly 
how code should be edited.

But I am fascinated: Python text can be edited randomly because it uses 
infix? Or did you just throw in randomly because your point sounded so 
weak without it? :)

> Oh, it will compile all right. But it won't do the
> right thing! Since you -- not the compiler -- have to understand the
> semantics of what you are pasting where, and paste the right expression
> into the right place, the effort saved by not using infix notation is less
> than the effort needed to mentally translate between prefix and infix.

Has it ever occurred to you that you might be the one translating? 
Because you are, you just do not know it. The only time I translate is 
when I have to express a multi-operator math formula in Lisp:

(eql y (+ (* m (expt x 2)) b))

I threw an exponent into the slope-intercept form of a line for the heck 
of it. Gotta tell you, I do not have to code a lot of math formulas in 
Lisp, and I would definitely download and infix-eating macro if I did.

Aside from that, you are the one translating. Prefix is terribly natural 
to the mind. Think about it. Add it all up. Add the tax and price and 
tip. Those are imperative, this one functional: the sum of the parts. 
The only time one hears infix in speech is when one is reading math 
notation. So... put two and two together.

> If you are one of those people who actually think in prefix notation, then
> I raise my hat to you while backing away slowly.

Be careful backing away from yourself. :) I remember talking to a Welsh 
chap who had experienced the transition to a decimal system for money 
from the good old days of shillings, etc. He said he still had to 
translate pennies to shillings, even though the decimal system was less 
ornate. What mattered was the habit, not the clarity of representation.

The good news is in my earlier point: you already are using prefix. Even 
in programming. What does a functionall look like? fn(p1,p2,p3) Lisp 
just moved the left parenthesis in front of the fn so the logical chunk 
(function+parameters) is also a textual chunk neatly packaged and 
editable between matching parens.

> (And actually, I'll give you one point: I've been hitting my head against
> a brick wall over a particular problem, and I think your email just gave
> me a clue how to solve it. Sometimes prefix/postfix notation is the right
> tool for the job. See, I can learn from Lisp.)

I think that was A Message From God(tm).




"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Fri, 08 Dec 2006 23:38:02 -0800, Wolfram Fenske wrote:
>>if Common Lisp didn't have CLOS, its object system, I could write my own
>>as a library and it would be just as powerful and just as easy to use as
>>the system Common Lisp already provides.  Stuff like this is impossible
>>in other languages.
> Dude. Turing Complete. Don't you Lisp developers know anything about
> computer science?

We just know the Turing Complete thing cannot be used to duck language 
feature comparisons because the whole point of language comparison is 
"how much pain does each language spare me?", where a Turing machine is 
ranked as the ultimate in programming pain.

This might be because the whole point of a programming language is to 
spare us the pain of toggling switches on the back of an ENIAC.

> Anything any language can do is possible in any other language,...

At what cost? 



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

Paul Rubin wrote:

> Do you know the Paul Graham piece "Beating the Averages"?  It's at:
> The error in it is that Lisp is really just another Blub.

There we find: "But when our hypothetical Blub programmer looks in the 
other direction, up the power continuum, he doesn't realize he's looking 
up. What he sees are merely weird languages... Blub is good enough for 
him, because he thinks in Blub."

What is up the power continuum from Lisp?



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> It is a good thing that not every
> hare-brained idea that some random programmer comes up with can be
> implemented as part of the core language. 

Well, that's the FUD/strawman, but nothing more. Just a hobgoblin to 
keep the Pythonistas from straying. But you have an excuse: Lispniks 
always /talk/ about macros giving us the ability to create a DSL. But no 
one does. :) Macros mostly hide implementation -- always a good thing -- 
where functions cannot.

This, btw, is why Norvig brushing off macros with the ability to use 
regex to parse a DSL was so disappointing.

I guess your other excuse is that your BDFL says the same thing.

All in all, this is getting pretty funny. I am starting to picture you 
all (including GvR) running around with your hands over your ears going 
woo-woo so you cannot hear what we are saying.




"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

tmh wrote:

> Time for some more wine.

...and then just cut and paste the snipped bit into:

...if you are not there already. The survey questions are optional and 
what you wrote is perfect as is. Tough call on what goes in:


  "If you use it for a year, you won't want to use anything else."
  "I've gained more insight into coding in the last 6 months then in the 
previous 15 years."

I'd go with:

"Yet again, that could be the wine."




"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Fri, 08 Dec 2006 14:52:33 -0500, Ken Tilton wrote:
>>Aahz wrote:
>>>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>>Mark Tarver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>I'm looking at Python and I see that the syntax would appeal to a
>>>>newbie.  Its clearer than ML which is a mess syntactically.  But I
>>>>don't see where the action is in Python.   Not yet anyway.  Lisp syntax
>>>>is easy to learn.  And giving up an order of magnitude is a high price
>>>>to pay for using it over Lisp.
>>>Speaking as someone who had been programming for more than twenty years
>>>before learning Python (including a brief gander at Lisp), and also
>>>referring to many years of observations of newcomers to Python: Python's
>>>syntax also appeals to experienced programmers.
>>>I would say that your statement about Lisp syntax is wrong.  Not that it
>>>is technically inaccurate, but that it completely misses the point, so
>>>much so that it is wrong to say it.  One of the key goals of Python is
>>>readability, and while it is indeed easy to learn the rules for Lisp
>>>syntax, observational experience indicates that many people (perhaps even
>>>the vast majority of people) find it difficult to learn to read Lisp
>>No programming language is easy to read, 
> Well, you've just blown your credibility out the water with that nonsense. 

I am delighted to learn I had any to begin with.

Perhaps you are thinking of individual lines of code being easy to read. 
Sure.  I am talking about algorithms. Code cannot be read as if it were 
the Sunday comics. At any interesting level of complexity, one has to 
slow down and effectively hand-execute code in one's mind, not just read 
it as one reads natural language (and some of that makes one slow down 
to, no matter how well known are the individual words and grammar).

>>and no Lisp programmer stopped 
>>using Lisp because they had been using it for a month and just could not 
>>get used to reading it.
> Or, to put it another way:
> "No programmer who learned Lisp ever gave up before he learned Lisp."

That would be the obvious retort, but my observation was empirical, so I 
am afraid you need numbers, not word games.

You seem awfully hostile, by the way. Won't that make it harder to 
conduct an intelligent exchange of value to lurkers?

> I wonder, how many people gave up trying to learn Lisp because the
> language was too hard for them to read? Anyone like to bet that the number
> was more than zero?

Sorry, no one ever discovered Lisp, decided it would be great for 
programming, started learning it and then gave up because they could not 
handle the syntax. The syntax is actually easier to master because of 
its regularity, and lisp-aware editors handle the parentheses such that 
they disappear in a month.

Your position is untenable. It relies on this idea that all these Lisp 
programmers not only handle Lisp syntax effortlessly but also praise it 
as a significant advantage, they have all mastered several non-Lispy 
languages, but...what? They are mutants? Who just happen to have no 
problem with C and Java and Prolog and COBOL and Basic? Probably not.

If you are saying someone will glance at a Lisp book and say they cannot 
understand it, well, that is not very interesting is it?



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Ken Tilton

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Fri, 08 Dec 2006 08:50:41 -0800, George Sakkis wrote:
>>André Thieme wrote:
>>>On the other hand can I see difficulties in adding macros to Python,
>>>or inventing a new object system, or adding new keywords without
>>>changing the sources of Python itself.
>>Actually, an even bigger difficulty is the rejection of programmable
>>syntax by Guido, both for the near and distant future:
> Why is that a difficulty? Like Guido, I think that's an ADVANTAGE.
>>"Programmable syntax is not in Python's future -- or at least it's not
>>for Python 3000. The problem IMO is that everybody will abuse it to
>>define their own language. And the problem with that is that it will
>>fracture the Python community because nobody can read each other's code
>>any more."
> I couldn't have said it better myself.

No, but you could have quoted it more completely :

> But please save your breath. Programmable syntax is not in Python's
> future -- or at least it's not for Python 3000. The problem IMO is
> that everybody will abuse it to define their own language. And the
> problem with that is that it will fracture the Python community
> because nobody can read each other's code any more.

The last time c.l.l and c.l.p went to friendly war over macros we kept 
wondering why macros were any less comprehensible than functions or 
classes. Here it is!:

> It's one thing to read code that calls an external function whose
> meaning you have to guess from its name. It's quite another thing to
> realize that you can't even know for sure where the function calls
> are. Let's not go there.

GvR seems to be thinking of something like the loop macro, which in its 
most commonly used syntax (it has two!) constitutes a distinct and 
unlispy language. If that is how macros were normally used (LOOP is 
quite abnormal) then, yikes, every macro could introduce a new language 
to be mastered.

U, that is not how macros are used normally. And it is a helluva lot 
of work to erect a new syntax as LOOP does, so it is not exactly 
tempting. So... is GvR being scared off by a straw man?

The other possibility is that he is just trying to justify not doing it 
because it would be so hard without the regular syntax of Lisp, 
including parens, and with the JIT module resolution problem discussed 
earlier in his remarks. Understandable.

A final good reason is, hey, we already /have/ Lisp, Python needs to be 
different in order not to get absorbed into the mother of all languages.



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-08 Thread Ken Tilton

David Lees wrote:
>> Okay, since everyone ignored the FAQ, I guess I can too...
>> Mark Tarver wrote:
>>> How do you compare Python to Lisp?  What specific advantages do you
>>> think that one has over the other?
>> (Common) Lisp is the only industrial strength language with both pure
>> compositionality and a real compiler. What Python has is stupid slogans
>> ("It fits your brain." "Only one way to do things.") and an infinite
>> community of flies that, for some inexplicable reason, believe these
>> stupid slogns. These flies are, however, quite useful because they
>> produce infinite numbers of random libraries, some of which end up
>> being useful. But consider: Tcl replaced Csh, Perl replaced Tcl, Python
>> is rapidly replacing Perl, and Ruby is simultaneously and even more
>> rapidly replacing Python. Each is closer to Lisp than the last; the
>> world is returning to Lisp and is dragging the flies with it.
>> Eventually the flies will descend upon Lisp itself and will bring with
>> them their infinite number of random libraries, and then things will be
>> where they should have been 20 years ago, but got sidetracked by Tcl
>> and other line noise.
> Hmmm.  The last time I fooled around with Lisp was 1966 from the Lisp 
> 1.5 Manual Published by MIT in cloth.  It was interesting and different 
> from the other languages I was using, Algol 60, Basic and Macro 
> assembler for the GE-235 and GE-635.  When I read some of the over the 
> top type hype by Lisp enthusiasts (like the stuff above) it feels like a 
> flash back to the mid 60's.

Not sure I understand why, unless you mean folks were raving about Lisp 
in the 60s. Today's raving is about a much different language, though 
the core elegance remains, and is as much about the contrast with other 
languages as it is about the pleasure of Lisp itself. Those raving about 
Lisp are quite accomplished at all those other languages, and know about 
  what they are talking. I doubt the Pythonistas weighing in on this 
thread ever got far at all with Lisp, so... should they really be 
offering comparative analysis?

>  Personally, I never like Lisp syntax; 
> Clearly some people, some fanatic judging by this thread :) think easily 
> in prefix.  I am not one of them. 

Yeah, you are, you just did not use it heads down for a month. The way 
to tell if you spent enough time on Lisp is to look at Lisp code. If you 
see any parentheses, you have not spent enough time. They disappear in a 

The typical Pythonista values clean code but trembles in the face of 
macros, which exist to hide boilerplate. That means the only thing 
showing in any given block of code is exactly the interesting variable 
and function names. Talk about readability.

> Computer languages are tools and 
> everyone should pick the ones that they are most comfortable and 
> productive with.

No, languages are not interchangeable. Python is a fine language, but 
Lisp is much more expressive/powerful.

> Six years ago, when I drifted back into programming, I had to learn 
> about Object Oriented programming and C++.  I used Python as a means to 
> update my programming skills (limited though they are) by 30 years or 
> so.  It was a wonderful intro to OO and served me well.  I ended up 
> writing all kinds of little things for work (simple HTTP servers for 
> load testing, ECAD hacks for the ASIC guys, even a register level chip 
> simulator) Even better, I find it a pleasure to write small utilities, 
> to prototype C code and generally do things quickly.  I use it by choice 
> to get things done, not because it is mandated.  At my current job as a 
> Systems Engineer for a large aerospace firm, I do not program daily, but 
> when I need to write a quick hack, I always use Python.

Much of Lisp's power would be lost on a non-programmer, but Lisp might 
make a programmer out of a non-programmer if they had it in them. You 
might have the right language for you because what Python does have is 
lotsa libraries, and if you are just hacking scripts to glue together 
libraries the expressiveness of Lisp is more than offset by the better 
library support in Python.



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-08 Thread Ken Tilton

George Sakkis wrote:
>>Okay, since everyone ignored the FAQ, I guess I can too...
>>Mark Tarver wrote:
>>>How do you compare Python to Lisp?  What specific advantages do you
>>>think that one has over the other?
>>(Common) Lisp is the only industrial strength language with both pure
>>compositionality and a real compiler. What Python has is stupid slogans
>>("It fits your brain." "Only one way to do things.") and an infinite
>>community of flies that, for some inexplicable reason, believe these
>>stupid slogns. These flies are, however, quite useful because they
>>produce infinite numbers of random libraries, some of which end up
>>being useful. But consider: Tcl replaced Csh, Perl replaced Tcl, Python
>>is rapidly replacing Perl, and Ruby is simultaneously and even more
>>rapidly replacing Python. Each is closer to Lisp than the last; the
>>world is returning to Lisp and is dragging the flies with it.
>>Eventually the flies will descend upon Lisp itself and will bring with
>>them their infinite number of random libraries, and then things will be
>>where they should have been 20 years ago, but got sidetracked by Tcl
>>and other line noise.
> I know we shouldn't feed the trolls, but this one was particularly
> amusing to resist the urge. The joke about lisp's world domination in
> some unspecified point in the future never fails to bring a good
> chuckle. I heard it's scheduled right after strong AI and before time
> travel, is this still the plan? A quick look at
> may be helpful as a reality check before
> you go back to your ivory tower (interesting how close in ratings and
> growth is the "Lisp/Scheme" entry with another dinosaur, Cobol).

And it interesting that VB is almost three times "better" than Python, 
and that a Honda could kick a Lamboghini's ass for it at Laguna Seca:

Come on, COBOL is a great language, even has macros (copy ... replacing) 
and the worlds greatest case statement, evaluate. We are proud to be its 



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-08 Thread Ken Tilton

Aahz wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Mark Tarver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I'm looking at Python and I see that the syntax would appeal to a
>>newbie.  Its clearer than ML which is a mess syntactically.  But I
>>don't see where the action is in Python.   Not yet anyway.  Lisp syntax
>>is easy to learn.  And giving up an order of magnitude is a high price
>>to pay for using it over Lisp.
> Speaking as someone who had been programming for more than twenty years
> before learning Python (including a brief gander at Lisp), and also
> referring to many years of observations of newcomers to Python: Python's
> syntax also appeals to experienced programmers.
> I would say that your statement about Lisp syntax is wrong.  Not that it
> is technically inaccurate, but that it completely misses the point, so
> much so that it is wrong to say it.  One of the key goals of Python is
> readability, and while it is indeed easy to learn the rules for Lisp
> syntax, observational experience indicates that many people (perhaps even
> the vast majority of people) find it difficult to learn to read Lisp
> programs.

No programming language is easy to read, and no Lisp programmer stopped 
using Lisp because they had been using it for a month and just could not 
get used to reading it. So I think you are just making things up. :)

> Consider this: Lisp has had years of development, it has had millions of
> dollars thrown at it by VC firms -- and yet Python is winning over Lisp
> programmers.  Think about it.

Haha, what's the score? And how much time is left in the first quarter?




"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-08 Thread Ken Tilton

Bjoern Schliessmann wrote:
> Alex Mizrahi wrote:
>>(message (Hello 'Bjoern)
>>> BS> Can you give an example? I cannot imagine how homogenity
>>> always BS> results in easiness.
>>homogenity means that i can cut any expression and paste in any
>>other expression, and as long as lexical variables are ok, i'll
>>get correct results -- i don't have to reindent it or whatever.
> Ah, so *that's* what you meant ... but I don't really understand the
> ease of it.

Code in the abstract exists as a tree of trees. With parens, we now have 
textual markers delimiting these trees. That means I can point to any 
arbitrary subtree by pointing to its left or right parens, and tell the 
editor to copy or delete "that chunk of logic". And now I am 
manipulating chunks of program logic instead of text.

One simple but hopefully illustrative example: suppose I have an if 
statement with two big branches. My code then looks like:
   (if (condition) (big-branch-1)(big-branch-2))

Please remember that any of those fakes can be arbitrarily deep nested 
expressions. Now during refactoring, I decide bb-2 processing goes 
elsewhere, maybe somewhere "upstream" in the logic. So I double-click 
and then drag-and-drop, or cut and paste.

Then I double-click on the entire if statement, and then do a 
control-click on the "then" condition, control-click happening to mean 
"paste what I am clicking". Suddenly the "then" is the whole form.

(And, yes, this means my vendor took away from me the normal 
copy-and-drop associated with control click , but I could modify 
things to get it back if I really cared.)

Of course the next question has to be, how often does that come up? When 
refactoring it sometimes feels like I do nothing else. :) It turns out 
that this is an insanely natural way to work with code.

Note also that after any amount of dicing I simply hit a magic key combo 
and the editor reindents everything. In a sense, Lisp is the language 
that handles indentation best.

hth, ken


"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-08 Thread Ken Tilton

Mark Tarver wrote:
> How do you compare Python to Lisp? 

Lisp programmers are smarter and better looking. And better programmers. 
Not sure if that is what you were after, though.

> What specific advantages do you
> think that one has over the other?




"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: logo design

2006-12-05 Thread Ken Tilton

Xah Lee wrote:
> Logo LISP
> Xah Lee, 2006-12
> Ken Tilton wrote:
> «Small problem. You forget that Ron Garret wants us to change the
> name of Common Lisp as the sure-fire way to make it more popular (well,
> hang on, he says it is necessary, not sufficient. Anyway...) I do not
> think we can safely pick a new logo until we have our new name.»
> Changing a language's name is not something that can be easily done,
> and is unnatural and takes concerted effort, and is very difficult for
> it to be successful.
> However, creating a (universally recognized) logo for the language, is
> easily done, and in fact the use of a logo or some representative image
> is inevitable and wide-spread, willy-nilly.
> For example, although there are no official logos for lisp, but as you
> know, there are several logos or images of various forms that are
> already used widely, either to represent lisp the language family, or
> to represent the Common Lisp language. And, for various Scheme
> implementation, they almost all had a logo of their own. Example:
> above: The “twisty AI font” LISP logo. Used by as
> early is 2001.
> above: The “earth in parenthesis” logo, used by as
> of 2006-12.
> above: Conrad Barski's “alien technology” lisp web-badges (source
> ↗), which appeared in 2005.
> above: Manfred Spiller's “lizard” lisp web-badge (source ↗),
> which appeared in 2005.
> As these examples shows, that the use of a logo is needed in practice.
> However, it wouldn't help if there are one hundred different logos to
> represent the same thing. The point of logos, is to have a memorable,
> graphical representation. In modern, capitalistic, societies filled
> with information, the use of logos is inevitable. Just look around you
> at this very moment, you probably can identify tens of logos, and for
> each logo, you probably recognize what they represent. Logos, is merely
> a graphical representation of a entity, whose textual analogous
> counterpart are names.
> Since there is a need for logos, we might as well get together and
> agree to have one official logo for lisp the language. That way, it
> solidifies the purpose of the logos in use.
> Note that, although we have the beautiful “lisp lizard” and
> “alien technology” graphics, but because of their graphic content
> and in particular the embedded slogan, they do not fit as a logo, but
> more as web-badges.
> Web-badges serve slightly different purpose than logos. It is more for
> the purpose of promotion, than representation. For the same reason,
> there are mascots. For example, Java the language, has a official logo
> of a smoking coffee cup,..

A subtle execution of the tip of a tongue pressed against the upper 
teeth with sprays of spittle coming out either side probably is not what 
you had in mind.

Hmmm. Then we change the spelling to Lithp, and never have to hear that 
stupid joke again. Our slogan can be "Thay it loud, thay it proud."*, 
and we already have the frickin lambda.


Or "Out With Lithp!".



"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: logo design

2006-11-01 Thread Ken Tilton

alex23 wrote:
> Xah Lee wrote:
>>No personal offense intended, but human animal's history is what? 3000
>>years at least in recorded history? And, all you can think of is what,
>>the view points of a fraction of your personal life span?
> Thank god evolution spat you out to lead us all to the light, huh?
> No personal offense intended, but you're a boring, elitist prick.

Actually, no, Xah is pretty cool, give him a chance.

hth, kt


"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: The Semicolon Wars as a software industry and human condition

2006-08-17 Thread Ken Tilton

Xah Lee wrote:

> • What Languages to Hate, Xah Lee, 2002

Nonsense. This is technology, not religion. Technologists in fact have a 
responsibility to identify and use the best tools available.

Xah, you are getting soft in your old age. :)

hth, kenny


"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: Reddit broke - should have remained on Lisp?

2006-06-29 Thread Ken Tilton

Luis M. González wrote:
> Alok wrote:
>>While posting a comment on I got an error page
>>with the following curious statement on it.
>>"reddit broke (sorry)"
>>"looks like we shouldn't have stopped using lisp..."
>>See screenshot at
>>Whether they truly repent not using lisp or otherwise, their site
>>appears to be 3 times slower ...
> I don't know if this is true or not, but blaming a language for a poor
> development is a little bit ridiculous...

Well, Reddit said it, not us, and they were probably joking, but it may 
well be that the bug would not have happened if they were using Lisp. 
Could an infinite number of engineers doing code reviews eventually 
found the bug before the end of the universe? The reality is that every 
project has finite resources, all the better reason not to stress the 
team with the wrong language.

kenny (making Rahul happy by being f'ed by OpenGL bugs)


"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

TONIGHT! Lisp group beerfest in NYC, PyCells to be discussed

2006-06-13 Thread Ken Tilton
The royal We has just learned that His Kennyness will be honoring the 
boozehounds of LispNYC with His Presence tonight (deets below).

He will come bearing Celtk and news of PyCells, though the top billing 
tonight goes to SoC student Extraordinaire Samantha Kleinberg.


> Please join us for our next meeting on Tuesday, June 13th from 7:00
> to 9:00 at Westside Brewery.
> With Summer of Code being here, this is a great opportunity to talk and
> drink regarding the students and their projects!
> Hope to see you there!
> Directions:
>  Westside Brewery in the VIP room
>  340 Amsterdam Ave.
>  (On the West side of Amsterdam Ave., 76th-77th)
> Directions by subway: 1-2-3-9 (the red line) to 72nd or 79th and
> Broadway.  From 72nd, walk up Amsterdam (not Broadway).  From 79th, walk
> east one long block to Amsterdam and turn right/south.
> Directions by car: 79th street exit from west side highway, down West
> End Ave or Broadway to 76th, turn left and one or two blocks to
> Amsterdam.


"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-09 Thread Ken Tilton

Joe Marshall wrote:
> Xah Lee wrote:
>>in March, i posted a essay "What is Expressiveness in a Computer
>>Language", archived at:
>>I was informed then that there is a academic paper written on this
>>On the Expressive Power of Programming Languages, by Matthias
>>Felleisen, 1990.
>>Has anyone read this paper? And, would anyone be interested in giving a
> The gist of the paper is this:  Some computer languages seem to be
> `more expressive' than
> others.  But anything that can be computed in one Turing complete
> language can be computed in any other Turing complete language.
> Clearly the notion of
> expressiveness isn't concerned with ultimately computing the answer.
> Felleisen's paper puts forth a formal definition of expressiveness in
> terms of semantic
> equivilances of small, local constructs.  In his definition, wholescale
> program transformation is
> disallowed so you cannot appeal to Turing completeness to claim program
> equivalence.
> Expressiveness isn't necessarily a good thing.  For instance, in C, you
> can express the
> addresses of variables by using pointers.  You cannot express the same
> thing in Java, and
> most people consider this to be a good idea.

Thanks for the summary.

Me, I would like to see a definition of expressiveness that would 
exclude a programming mechanism from "things to be expressed".

If the subject is programmer productivity, well, I write programs to get 
some behavior out of them, such as operating an ATM cash dispenser. If I 
need to keep a list of transactions, I need to express the abstraction 
"list" in some data structure or other, but below that level of 
abstraction I am just hacking code, not expressing myself -- well, that 
is the distinction for which I am arguing.

heck, in this case I will even give you as "thing to express" getting 
back multiple values from a function. That comes up all the time, and it 
can be an aggravation or a breeze. But then I would score C down because 
it does not really return multiple values. One still has some heavy 
lifting to do to fake the expressed thing. But I would still give it an 
edge over java because Java's fakery would have to be a composite object 
-- one could not have a primary return value as the function result and 
ancillary values "somewhere else".



"I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific."
-- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon

Re: John Bokma harassment

2006-05-24 Thread Ken Tilton

Ben Bullock wrote:
> "Xah Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>> If you believe this lobbying to my webhosting provider is unjust,
>> please write to my web hosting provider [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Why don't you just change your provider? It would take less time than this.

Are you joking. "Just change your provider?" Do you have a little button 
on your computer that says "Change provider"? Cool! :)

C'mon, John Bokma (and everyone else dumb enough to crosspost their 
shushing to every group on the crosspost list -- why do they do that? So 
Xah will hear them six times? No, they want everyone to see how witty 
they are when they tell Xah off. Now /that/ is spam) is the problem.



"Have you ever been in a relationship?"
Attorney for Mary Winkler, confessed killer of her
minister husband, when asked if the couple had
marital problems.

Re: John Bokma harassment

2006-05-24 Thread Ken Tilton

Tim N. van der Leeuw wrote:
>>I agree there are limits to you right to free speech, but I believe Xah
>>Lee is not crossing
>>any boundaries. If he starts taking over newspapers and TV stations be
>>sure to notify me,
>>I might revise my position.
> Perhaps he's not crossing boundaries of free speech, but he's
> repeatedly crossing boundaries on usenet nettiquette, even though
> repeatedly he's being asked not to do so. 

This would be a more compelling argument if people on newsgroups 
everywhere did not regularly carry on the most inane threads, often 
off-topic to begin with, but mostly threads that stray from something 
relevant to the NG to , ending only when 
Hitler is reached.

And I am talking about NG regulars who really do usually talk about 
stuff specific to the NG. Those are the worst spammers of c.l.l, anyway.

Xah's stuff, as wild as it is, is at least technical, and it is only an 
article here and an article there.

John Bokma on the other hand well, I have to go write to the dorks 
at dreamhost now.


Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-16 Thread Ken Tilton

Lasse Rasinen wrote:
> Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>If you want to insist on how perfect your code is, please go find
>>ltktest-cells-inside.lisp in the source you downloaded and read the long
>>comment detailing the requirements I have identified for "data integrity".
>>Then (a) tell me how your code fails at integrity, (b) fix it, and (c)
>>tell me again how easy Cells is. :)
> Found it and read it; it was most enlightening. I claim my system fulfills
> the first three requirements(*), while most likely failing gloriously on
> the two last ones.

 From #1: "recompute all and (for efficiency) only state computed off X 
(directly or indirectly through some intermediate datapoint)"

Bzzzt! Another 47hrs, directions from a mentor, and a reference 
implementation and you /still/ do not even understand the requirements, 
let alone have a working port. The good news is that it is not an 
integrity requirement that is being missed, it is the efficiency 
requirement I snuck in there. The bad news is, see below.

Want to find the efficiency shortcoming yourself, or should I tell you? 
You are entitled to the latter given the rules of the game (simulating a 
pythonista student making off with five thousand undeserved dollars). :)

> I'll postpone (b) while I've had a chance to think it over(**), but in the
> face of the evidence I'm willing to admit my earlier work estimates (which
> should have had a smiley next to them anyway ;-) were in error.

Aw, shucks, then I will admit that, before today, I never actually 
looked at your code. :)

Well, I followed the URL and glanced at it, but I missed the use of the 
timestamp. Speaking of which, Holy Granularity, Batman! You use 
Time.time() to determine currency of a computation?!:

 Return the time as a floating point number expressed in seconds 
since the epoch, in UTC. Note that even though the time is always 
returned as a floating point number, not all systems provide time with a 
better precision than 1 second."

One /second/?! Exactly how slow is Python? I know you guys love that 
issue as much as Lispniks. In un-compiled Lisp:

  CTK(4): (loop repeat 2 do (print (get-internal-real-time)))

And you have no idea how slow PRINT is. btw, I thought Python was 
portable. What is with the Time class and "not all systems..."? Check 
out the Lisp:

(defun zoom ()
   (loop with start = (get-internal-real-time)
 while (= start (get-internal-real-time))
 count 1 into cities-destroyed
 finally (format t "~a cities destroyed in 1/~a of a second"
   cities-destroyed internal-time-units-per-second)))

internal-time-units-per-second is (from the standard):

"Constant Value:
A positive integer, the magnitude of which is 
implementation-dependent. "

So we vary, too, but my Lisp has to tell me so I can normalize. Anyway, 
running that repeatedly I get pretty wild variation. My high score is:

CTK(18): 11637 cities destroyed in 1/1000 of a second

My low was under a thousand! I guess I have to wait until we cross a 
millisecond boundary:

(defun zoom ()
   (symbol-macrolet ((now (get-internal-real-time)))
 (loop with start = (loop for mid = now
while (= mid now)
finally (return now))
 while (= start now)
 count 1 into cities-destroyed
 finally (format t "~a cities destroyed in 1/~a of a second"

Ok, now I am consistently taking out about 11.5k Russian cities. And you 
need to fix your system.

Just use a counter -- does Python have bignums? if not, you'll have to 
worry about wrapping. (the sound you hear is a project schedule 
slipping. )

> I won't admit to destroying Moscow, though. See (*).

Sorry, you actually /have/ violated the data integrity requirement. You 
confess below to missing this one:

"a corollary: should a client observer SETF a datapoint Y, all the above 
must happen with values current with not just X, but also with the value 
of Y /prior/ to the change to Y."

Well, how can you claim integrity when some values do not get 
recalculated until the world has moved on to state N+2, if you will? 
State N+1 had the information that headed off the launch.

Bye bye, Kremlin.

The easiest way to construct such a scenario would be with an ephemeral 
cell. As you know... oops. Maybe you do not. Well, spreadsheets are 
kinda steady state in orientation. Given a world of other values, this 
is what my value should be. But what about events? You have been using 
your version of PyCells in real-world applications for a while... oops. 
No you have not. Well, when you start trying to handle events from an 

Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-16 Thread Ken Tilton

Ben wrote:
> This kind of discussions between two groups of people,
> neither of who know the other person's language very well just wind me
> up something chronic!

I must say, it is pretty funny how a flamewar turned into a pretty 
interesting SoC project.

> Anything that makes programming more fun is good, and I hope the Lisp
> true way explodes into my head at some point.

Here is an excerpt of an excerpt from famous Gears demo. I notice it 
really makes concrete what Lispniks are talking about in re macros and 
multi-line lambda (pity about the formatting):

(defmodel gears-demo (window)
   ((gear-ct :initform (c-in 1) :accessor gear-ct :initarg :gear-ct))
 :title$ "Rotating Gear Widget Test"
 :kids (c? (the-kids
(mk-stack (:packing (c?pack-self))
  (mk-row ()
 (mk-button-ex ("  Add " (incf (gear-ct .tkw
 (mk-button-ex ("Remove" (when (plusp (gear-ct .tkw))
 (decf (gear-ct .tkw)
 (mk-entry :id :vtime
 :md-value (c-in "10")))
  (make-instance 'gears
:fm-parent *parent*
:width 400 :height 400
:timer-interval (max 1
  (or (parse-integer (fm^v :vtime))
:junk-allowed t)

Don't worry, Lispniks cannot read that either. It is a delarative 
construction of a hierarchical GUI. That is such a common task, that I 
have rolled up a bunch of GUI-building macrology so that just the stuff 
specific to this GUI gets typed in. Since the Gears widget is a custom 
widget I have no macrology for that, and the wiring shows in the 
expression ":fm-parent *parent*" (which itself leverages Lisp special 

And no, I cannot remember all my macrology. I can certainly read it and 
easily modify my GUI, because all the wiring is hidden, but if I have to 
build a new GUI I cut and paste from other GUIs.

Let's look at just one form, which I believe destroys Alex's whole case 
for naming every lambda:

   (mk-button-ex ("Remove" (when (plusp (gear-ct .tkw))
  (decf (gear-ct .tkw)

"mk-button-ex" (a) makes fun of MS$ naming standards and (b) expands to:

  (make-instance 'button
   :fm-parent *parent*
   :text "remove"
   :on-command (c? (lambda (self)
 (when (plusp (gear-ct .tkw))
   (decf (gear-ct .tkw))

The above is what one really needs to write to stick something in my GUI 
framework, but who wants to look at all of that when most of it is 
boilerplate? I need ":fm-parent *parent*" on every label and widget 
because of some internals requirements, I just do not want to look at it 
or have to remember to code it all the time (the latter not being a huge 
problem because I really am cutting/pasting when I build a new GUI).

Is mk-button-ex some mysterious new language construct that will make 
multi-programmer projects collapse in a heap of programmer-specific 
constructs inscrutable to anyone else on the team?

(a) mk-button-ex kinda tells you (1) it makes a button and (2) no, this 
is not part of Common Lisp, so where is the confusion?

(b) control-alt-. in my IDE shows me:

  (defmacro mk-button-ex ((text command) &rest initargs)
`(make-instance 'button
  :fm-parent *parent*
  :text ,text
  :on-command (c? (lambda (self)
(declare (ignorable self))

Looks a lot like the expansion, right? That is really important in 
making macrology easy. Once one has mastered the syntax (` , @), writing 
a macro gets as natural as writing out the code. (In case you are 
wondering, in my little example I did not need any other customizations 
on the button, so it is hard to make out what the initargs are doign up 
there. here is how they would work (also getting a little fancier by 
actually disabling the "Remove" button, not just making it do nothing 
when pressed, if the gear count is zero):

(mk-button-ex ("Remove" (decf (gear-ct .tkw)))
   :fore-color 'red ;; Tcl/Tk will understand
   :enabled (c? (plusp (gear-ct .tkw


  (make-instance 'button
   :fm-parent *parent*
   :text "remove"
   :on-command (c? (lambda (self)
 (decf (gear-ct .tkw
   :fore-color 'red
   :enabled (c? (plusp (gear-ct .tkw

[ps. Do not try that at home, i invented the enabled thing. It really 
should be the Tk syntax, which I forget.]

ie, I created mk-button-ex because, jeez, every button I put in a GUI I 
/know/ needs its own label and its own command (and the parent thing), 
but there are other options, too. They have to be supported if the macro 
is to get used all the time (we want that), but I do not want to make 
them positional argum

Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-15 Thread Ken Tilton

Lasse Rasinen wrote:
> [I trimmed some of the newsgroups away; this mostly concerns Python and Lisp]
> Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Lasse Rasinen wrote:
>>>Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>>>if any concepts have survived to the Python version. Since Python's object
>>>>>model is sufficiently different, the system is based on rules being
>>>>>defined per-class...
>>>>That will be a total disaster for PyCells, if true. But I do not think it
>>>>is. You just need a constructor that takes some slot initializers, and
>>>>initialize the slots to one of: a normal value; an InputCell itself
>>>>initialized with a starting value, if only nil; or a RuledCell itself
>>>>initialized with a lambda.
>>>Hmm, just tried it:
>>>[snip example]
>>>So it does work out-of-the-box ;-)
>>So why exactly did you say that the differences in the object model made
>>it impossible? I was really stunned by that claim. And you sounded so
>>confident. What went wrong there? It was trivial, right? How did you miss
> Simple: I didn't think to try that before you asked.
> I did not say the differences in the object model made it impossible, I
> said the system is based on rules defined per-class. 

Oh, please: "Since Python's object model is sufficiently different, the 
system is based on rules being defined per-class".

> I also think(*) that while one would have the option to define
> per-instance rules, in a Python implementation one would structure the
> code so that common rules would be class-related,..

What has Python got to do with it? What you describing is the way every 
OO system other than a prototype-based system works. It is why OO failed 
to deliver on the Grail of object reuse: every time you need different 
behavior, you need a new subclass. Literal values only go so far in 
making instances authorable. But when an instance can have a rule with 
itself as an argument, and when instances exist in a runtime hierarchy 
navigable up and down such that rules have effectively global scope, 
yowza, now you have authorability, amd now you have object reuse.

> and the per-instance
> rules would be used less frequently, used only when you absolutely need
> them.

You will see, but not until you have the capability. Then you will 
discover you absolutely need them all the time. GUIs are dynamic things, 
so you cannot just author a widget with a literal value, it has to be a 
rule sensitive to the state of other GUI elements and the model itself, 
which might be changing underfoot in response to I/O events.

I happened to be discussing this just now over in comp.lang.tcl, 
comparing Cells with Actions, a kindred package motivated by this:

"Two large problems exist for developers of such user interfaces. One is 
the need to constantly synchronize the controls with the ever-changing 
state of the application or data. When no text is selected, for example, 
the cut and copy buttons should be disabled.

"Another problem is that as programs evolve over time it can become 
tedious and error prone to update the parts of the code that act upon 
these controls."

Found here:

> (*) Unfounded Gut Feeling(TM); if your project is successful, we can
> revisit this prediction in September ;-) 

No need for gut feelings. Anyone working in GUIs knows the problem 
(stated by Mr Oakley above) and many partial solutions exist, such as 
Tcl/Tk's builtin mechanisms for automatic state management. They called 
the company ActiveState for a reason, you know. :)

One person did his homework. vasilsi margioulas sent me cells-gtk, a 
two-week marriage of cells and Gtk derived from my Cells-Tk effort. He 
was curious if Cells would be useful. he decided, yes. :)

>>>>PyCells looks like it will be a project for SoC2006, so you may as well
>>>You really want to start a SoC project on something that takes about two
>>>weeks ...
>>You sound so confident. :)
> Indeed. Having reread the post I do think the tone was possibly a tad
> arrogant. However:
>>A new test suite, documentation (a first, there is none now), a full port
>>of Cells in all their ten years of sophisticated evolution and variety
>>(no, not your stupid pet trick), and as a demo project an entire
>>cells-driven GUI, probably a port of my new Celtk (+ Cells Tk) work, all
>>in a language without macros, without special variables, with a more

Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-15 Thread Ken Tilton

Ken Tilton wrote:
> Ben wrote:
>> Nothing you have described sounds that complicated, and you never come
>> up with concrete objections to other peoples code (apart that it took
>> 10 years to write in Lisp, so it must be really hard)
> Oh, now I have to spend an hour dissecting any code you people toss-off 
> that does no more than pick the low-hanging fruit? I do not spend enough 
> time on Usenet already? :)

I want to clarify something. I did look at the code. It was the same 
thing we had with Cells after four-five hours. Yet the author admitted 
he had looked at the Cells source, so he should have known he had not 
implemented, inter alia, synapses, kid-slotting, ephemerals, optional 
laziness, and worst of all he had omitted the data integrity mechanism 
encapsulated by with-integrity. In the next exchange we discover he 
missed the ability to author Python instances individually while 
mistakenly thinking it was impossible.

Exactly how much time am I supposed to spend on someone not willing to 
spend enough time to understand Cells? I recognize, tho, a kindred 
spirit more interested in writing their own code than reading and 
understanding someone else's. :)

You too are more eager to flame me over misperceived slights to The 
Sacred Python than in Python having a wicked cool constraints package, 
and I am wasting too much time on you. I recognize, tho, a fellow Usenet 
dlamewar enthusiast. :)



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Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-15 Thread Ken Tilton

Ben wrote:
> Nothing you have described sounds that complicated, and you never come
> up with concrete objections to other peoples code (apart that it took
> 10 years to write in Lisp, so it must be really hard)

Oh, now I have to spend an hour dissecting any code you people toss-off 
that does no more than pick the low-hanging fruit? I do not spend enough 
time on Usenet already? :)

> Why are you running a SoC project for PyCells...

You do not even know what Cells are and have not taken the trouble to 
understand, so i will save my breath. Pythonistas will love PyCells, I 
promise. Please recall that it is not just me, there is a ton of prior 
and current art.

> if you dislike the
> language so much.

There is a difference between disliking a language and thinking PyCells 
might end up persuading folks that macros and/or true lambda might be 
worth the trouble to extend the language.

Try to think a little more precisely, OK? Thx.

> People who do like Python can implement it if they
> need it (which I haven't seen any good examples that they do)
> Please don't force a student to create a macro system just to port a
> system to Python,

You are getting hysterical, sit down, breathe. I asked a question, 
because (unlike you) I can see where this is going. But as you say...

> There are already plenty of ways to hide
> complicated functionality,

I know. And that is why the mentor is a Pythonista, not me. I made a 
simple inquiry as to the options available should Python have trouble 
hiding the wiring. just looking ahead a little (as are the student and 
mentor). Something wrong with thinking ahead a few moves?

You on the other hand have made up your mind about something you admit 
you do not understand, have now ascribed to me a half dozen sentiments I 
do not hold, and are feeling absolutely miserable because you think this 
is a flamewar.

No, we are just discussing language synatx and how it impacts language 
semantics, which has led inadvertently to a few of us starting an SoC 
project to put together a Python version of a very successful dataflow 
hack I did for Lisp.

I use it every day, and it just plain makes me smile. I wrote more code 
than you can imagine Before Cells, and have now used them intensively 
and in more ways than you can imagince since. Even if the wiring cannot 
be hidden, the productivity win will be trememndous. Note that this 
translates ineluctably to "programming will be more fun".

Even you will love them.




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Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-14 Thread Ken Tilton

Lasse Rasinen wrote:
> Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>if any concepts have survived to the Python version. Since Python's object
>>>model is sufficiently different, the system is based on rules being
>>>defined per-class...
>>That will be a total disaster for PyCells, if true. But I do not think it
>>is. You just need a constructor that takes some slot initializers, and
>>initialize the slots to one of: a normal value; an InputCell itself
>>initialized with a starting value, if only nil; or a RuledCell itself
>>initialized with a lambda.
> Hmm, just tried it:
>>>>class A(cells.cellular):
> ...   def __init__(self):
> ... self.a = cells.InputCell(10)
> ... self.b = cells.RuleCell(lambda self: self.a+1, self, None)
>>>>a = A()
> 10
> 11
> So it does work out-of-the-box ;-)

So why exactly did you say that the differences in the object model made 
it impossible? I was really stunned by that claim. And you sounded so 
confident. What went wrong there? It was trivial, right? How did you 
miss that?

>>PyCells looks like it will be a project for SoC2006, so you may as well
> You really want to start a SoC project on something that takes about two
> weeks ...

You sound so confident. :)

Do you know the deliverables? I know you do not know Cells. You say you 
looked at the code -- it does not show. I can also tell you have not 
done much serious programming, or you would know that twelve weeks is 
more like twelve minutes than three months.

A new test suite, documentation (a first, there is none now), a full 
port of Cells in all their ten years of sophisticated evolution and 
variety (no, not your stupid pet trick), and as a demo project an entire 
cells-driven GUI, probably a port of my new Celtk (+ Cells Tk) work, all 
in a language without macros, without special variables, with a more 
modest OO system, and limited first class functions... oh, I think we'll 
keep him busy. :)

Now since you are such a genius, maybe you can help with something. 
Trust me on this: this is one place where macros would be able to hide a 
ton of implementation wiring it does no one any good to look at, and 
actually turns into a maintenance nightmare whenever Cells might get 

Is there any experiemntal macro package out there for Python? Maybe a 
preprocessor, at least? Or are there ways to actually hack Python to 
extend the syntax? My honest guess is that Cells will port readily to 
Python but leave everyone very interested in finding some way to hide 
implementation boilerplate. Got anything on that?



Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-14 Thread Ken Tilton

Lasse Rasinen wrote:
> Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>ps. flaming aside, PyCells really would be amazingly good for Python. And
>>so Google. (Now your job is on the line. ) k
> Here's something I wrote this week, mostly as a mental exercise ;-)

It's fun, right? But what you have is a complete wreck. :)

> The whole code is available at <>,
> I'll include a test example below. Feel free to flame away ;-)
> (As for background: I like CL better as a language, but I also like Python
> a lot. However, I was employed for 3 years as a developer and maintainer
> in a Python data mining application, so I'm more fluent in Python than CL.)
> The code is mostly based on Kenny's descriptions of Cells in the following
> messages:
> In addition, I have looked at the CL source code briefly, but I'm not sure
> if any concepts have survived to the Python version. Since Python's object
> model is sufficiently different, the system is based on rules being
> defined per-class...

That will be a total disaster for PyCells, if true. But I do not think 
it is. You just need a constructor that takes some slot initializers, 
and initialize the slots to one of: a normal value; an InputCell itself 
initialized with a starting value, if only nil; or a RuledCell itself 
initialized with a lambda.

Trust me, you lose a vast amount of power unless different instances of 
the same class can have different rules for the same slot.

>... (however, if you define a rule by hand in the __init__
> function, it'll work also. I think; haven't tested).
> I can possibly be persuaded to fix bugs in the code and/or to implement
> new features ;-)

PyCells looks like it will be a project for SoC2006, so you may as well 
relax. But I understand if you want to keep going, it is great fun. btw, 
I have met more than a few people who had done something like Cells 
independently, and there are many full-blown similar implementations 
around. Mine is just the best.  Kidding, i do not really know, there 
are so many.

> Features:
> - Tracks changes to input cells dynamically (normal attributes are not 
> tracked)

Ha! All your rules depend on the input cell itself! How about A depends 
on B depends on C? :)

> - Callbacks for changes (see caveats)
> - Requires Python 2.4 for the decorator syntax (@stuff)
> - Should calculate a cell only once per change (haven't tested ;-)

Quite hard to test deliberately, but it happens "in nature". But it will 
not happen until you do A->B->C. Once you have /that/ working, make A 
the input, then have B and C both use A. But also have B use C, and 
jiggle things around until A happens to think it should update B first, 
then C. What happens is that B runs and uses C, but C has not been 
updated yet. C is inconsistent with A, but is being used to calculate a 
new value for B which does see the new value of A. Mismatch! B will get 
sorted out in a moment when C gets recalculated and tells B to calculate 
a second time, but meanwhile after the first recalculation of B the 
on-change callback for that got invoked, missiles were launched, and 
Moscow has been destroyed.

> Caveats:
> - The input cell callbacks are not called with the class instance 
>   as the first argument, while the rule cell callback are. This
>   is mostly due to laziness.

And unacceptable!

have fun. :)


ps. In the getattr for any Cell-mediated slot, look to see if "parent" 
is non-nil. If so, set up a dependency. k


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Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-12 Thread Ken Tilton
Everything else responded to separately, but...

> I'd like to see a demonstration that using the same binding syntax for special
> and lexical variables buys you something apart from bugs.

Buys me something? Why do I have to sell simplicity, transparency, and 
clean syntax on c.l.python?



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Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-12 Thread Ken Tilton

Paul Rubin wrote:
> Alexander Schmolck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>(defvar *x*) ;; makes it special
>>>(setf *x* 1)
>>>(print *x*) ;;-> 1
>>>(let ((*x* 2))
>>>   (print *x*)) ;; -> 2
>>>(print *x*) ;; -> 1
>>You seem to think that conflating special variable binding and lexical
>>variable binding is a feature and not a bug. What's your rationale?
> I thought special variables meant dynamic binding, i.e.
>(defvar *x* 1)
>(defun f ()
>(print *x*)  ;; -> 2 
>(let ((*x* 3))
>(defun g ()
>(print *x*)) ;; - > 3 
> That was normal behavior in most Lisps before Scheme popularlized
> lexical binding.  IMO it was mostly an implementation convenience hack
> since it was implemented with a very efficient shallow binding cell.
> That Common Lisp adapted Scheme's lexical bindings was considered a
> big sign of CL's couthness.  So I'm a little confused about what Ken
> Tilton is getting at.

Paul, there is no conflict between your example and mine, but I can see 
why you think mine does not demonstrate dynamic binding: I did not 
demonstrate the binding applying across a function call.

What might be even more entertaining would be a nested dynamic binding 
with the same function called at different levels and before and after 
each binding.

I just had the sense that this chat was between folks who fully grokked 
special vars. Sorr if I threw you a curve.


Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-12 Thread Ken Tilton

Alexander Schmolck wrote:
> Duane Rettig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Alexander Schmolck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>>In Common Lisp we would have:
>>>>(defvar *x*) ;; makes it special
>>>>(setf *x* 1)
>>>>(print *x*) ;;-> 1
>>>>(let ((*x* 2))
>>>>   (print *x*)) ;; -> 2
>>>>(print *x*) ;; -> 1
>>>You seem to think that conflating special variable binding and lexical
>>>variable binding is a feature and not a bug. What's your rationale?

I will expand on my earlier "transparency" rationale with a further 
rationale for transparency: I do not need no stinkin' rationale. A 
special variable is still a variable. They should be set, read, and 
bound (say, by "let") the same way as any other variable.

You need a rationale. It sounds as if you want some noisey syntax to 
advertise the specialness. I do not think the Python community will 
appreciate you messing up their pretty code.

You are right about one thing: specialness needs advertising. You know 
what we do in Lisp? We obediently name special variables with bracketing 
*s, like *this*. Too simple?

>>A bug is a non-conformance to spec. 
> There is a world beyond specs, you know. If copies of allegro CL accidently
> sent out death-threats to the US president on a weekly basis, because someone
> at franz accidently or purposefully left in some pranky debugging code the
> fact that this behaviour would likely neither violate the ansi spec nor any
> other specs that ACL officially purports to adhere to wouldn't make it any
> less of a bug (or help to pacify your customers).
>>Kenny's statement was specifically about Common Lisp
> No Kenny's statement was about contrasting the way something is done in python
> and the way something is done in common lisp (with the implication that the
> latter is preferable).

Close,  but no. The question I was weighing in was "has Michele 
replicated special variables?". My implication was, "Not yet -- can you 
match the transparency?", and it was an honest question, I do not know. 
Again, transparency is a qualitative difference.

I liked your solution better, btw, because it does minimize the noise. 
For fun, you should call the class ** instead of special, so we end up 
with:**.b = 42

We'll understand. :)

> Of course the way something is done in common lisp is
> almost tautologically in closer agreement with the ansi common lisp spec than
> the way it is done in python, so agreement with the clhs is not a useful
> criterion when talking about design features and misfeatures when contrasting
> languages.

Again, no, it is not the spec, it is the highly-valued Python quality of 
  clean code. Also, the consistency of treating variables as variables, 
regardless of some special/dynamic quality.

Some background. Lisp is a big language, and I am self taught and do not 
like to read, grew up in Lisp in isolation. Not many Lispers in the 
exercise yard. Discovered special variables only when we hired an old 
hand who gently corrected a howler:

(let* ((old-x *x*))
   (setf *x* 42)
   (setf *x* old-x))

I still laugh at that. Anyway, as soon as I learned that, I was able to 
make Cells syntax infinitely more transparent. And guess what? It also 
made dependency identification automatic instead of cooperative, and 
when I rebuilt a huge Cells-based app I discovered two or three cases 
where I had neglected to publish a dependency.

It's a mystery, but somehow simpler syntax... oh, wait, this is 
c.l.python, I am preaching to the choir.

> I just don't think the way special variable binding (or variable binding in
> general[1]) is handled in common lisp is particularly well designed or
> elegant.

See above. There is nothing like a concrete experience of implementing a 
hairy library like Cells /without/ leveraging specials and then 
converting to specials. Talk about an Aha! experience. I mean, bugs ran 
screaming from their nests simply because of the implementation change-- 
  we call that A Message From God that the design has taken a correct turn.

> Special variables and lexical variables have different semantics and using
> convention and abusing[2] the declaration mechanism to differentiate between
> special and lexical variables doesn't strike me as a great idea.

I know what you mean, but I like reading tea leaves, and I find it 
fascinating that *this* somehow eliminates all ambiguity. Background: 
don't know where I might find it, but I once saw a thread demonstrating 

Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-12 Thread Ken Tilton

Alexander Schmolck wrote:
> Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>In Common Lisp we would have:
>>(defvar *x*) ;; makes it special
>>(setf *x* 1)
>>(print *x*) ;;-> 1
>>(let ((*x* 2))
>>   (print *x*)) ;; -> 2
>>(print *x*) ;; -> 1
> You seem to think that conflating special variable binding and lexical
> variable binding is a feature and not a bug. What's your rationale?

Transparency. That is where power comes from. I did the same things with 
Cells. Reading a slot with the usual Lisp reader method transparently 
creates a dependency on the variable. To change a variable and have it 
propagate throughout the datamodel, Just Change It.

Exposed wiring means more work and agonizing refactoring.



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Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-12 Thread Ken Tilton

Alexander Schmolck wrote:
> jayessay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>"Michele Simionato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>I was interested in a proof of concept, to show that Python can
>>>emulate Lisp special variables with no big effort.
>>OK, but the sort of "proof of concept" given here is something you can
>>hack up in pretty much anything. 
> Care to provide e.g. a java equivalent?

I think the point is that, with the variable actually being just a 
string and with dedicated new explicit functions required as 
"accessors", well, you could hack that up in any language with 
dictionaries. It is the beginnings of an interpreter, not Python itself 
even feigning special behavior.

perhaps the way to go is to take the Common Lisp:

 (DEFVAR *x*)

 *x* = special_var(v=42) ;; I made this syntax up

that could make for cleaner code:

 *x*.v = 1

 print *x*.v -> 1

(Can we hide the .v?) But there is still the problem of knowing when to 
revert a value to its prior binding when the scope of some WITH block is 

Of course that is what indentation is for in Python, so... is that 
extensible by application code? Or would this require Python internals work?



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Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-12 Thread Ken Tilton

Michele Simionato wrote:
> jayessay wrote:
>>I was saying that you are mistaken in that pep-0343 could be used to
>>implement dynamically scoped variables.  That stands.
> Proof by counter example:
> from __future__ import with_statement
> import threading
> special = threading.local()
> def getvar(name):
> return getattr(special, name)
> def setvar(name, value):
> return setattr(special, name, value)
> class dynamically_scoped(object):
> def __init__(self, name, value):
> = name
> self.value = value
> def __context__(self):
> return self
> def __enter__(self):
> self.orig_value = getvar(
> setvar(, self.value)
> def __exit__(self, Exc, msg, tb):
> setvar(, self.orig_value)
> if __name__ == '__main__': # test
> setvar("*x*", 1)
> print getvar("*x*") # => 1
> with dynamically_scoped("*x*", 2):
> print getvar("*x*") # => 2
> print getvar("*x*") # => 1
> If you are not happy with this implementation, please clarify.

Can you make it look a little more as if it were part of the language, 
or at least conceal the wiring better? I am especially bothered by the 
double-quotes and having to use setvar and getvar.

In Common Lisp we would have:

(defvar *x*) ;; makes it special
(setf *x* 1)
(print *x*) ;;-> 1
(let ((*x* 2))
   (print *x*)) ;; -> 2
(print *x*) ;; -> 1



"Have you ever been in a relationship?"
Attorney for Mary Winkler, confessed killer of her
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Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-10 Thread Ken Tilton

Alex Martelli wrote:
> Stefan Nobis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) writes:
>>>if anonymous functions are available, they're used in even more
>>>cases where naming would help
>>Yes, you're right. But don't stop here. What about expressions? Many
>>people write very complex expression, that are hard to understand. A
>>good language should forbid these abuse and don't allow expressions
>>with more than 2 or maybe 3 operators!
> That would _complicate_ the language (by adding a rule).  I repeat what
> I've already stated repeatedly: a good criterion for deciding which good
> practices a language should enforce and which ones it should just
> facilitate is _language simplicity_.  If the enforcement is done by
> adding rules or constructs it's probably not worth it; if the
> "enforcements" is done by NOT adding extra constructs it's a double win
> (keep the language simpler AND push good practices).

Gosh, that looks like fancy footwork. But maybe I misunderstand, so I 
will just ask you to clarify.

In the case of (all syntax imaginary and not meant ot be Python):

  if whatever = 42
 do that
 do something else
 go ahead
 make my day

You do not have a problem with unnamed series of statements. But in the 
case of:

 treeTravers( myTree, lambda (node):
  if xxx(node)
 print "wow"
 return 1
 print "yawn"
 return 0), no good, you want a named yawnOrWow function? And though they 
look similar, the justification above was that IF-ELSE was lucky enough 
to get multiline branches In the Beginning, so banning it now would be 
"adding a rule", whereas lambda did not get multiline In the Beginning, 
so allowing it would mean "adding a construct". So by positing "adding a 
rule or construct" as always bad (even if they enforce a good practice 
such as naming an IF branch they are bad since one is /adding/ to the 
language), the inconsistency becomes a consistency in that keeping IF 
powerful and denying lambda the same power each avoids a change?

In other words, we are no longer discussing whether unnamed multi-line 
statements are a problem. The question is, would adding them to lambda 
mean a change?

Oh, yeah, it would. :)

hth, kenny


"Have you ever been in a relationship?"
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marital problems.

Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-10 Thread Ken Tilton

Ketil Malde wrote:

> Sometimes the best documentation is the code itself.  Sometimes the
> best name for a function is the code itself.

Absolutely. When I take over someone else's code I begin by deleting all 
the comments. Then I read the code. If a variable or function name makes 
no sense (once I have figured out what they /really/ do) I do a global 
change. Pretty soon the system is "documented". And I usually find a 
couple of bugs as the renaming produces things like:

 count = count + weight

I think one good argument for anonymous functions is a hefty Cells 
application, with literally hundreds of rules. The context is set by the 
instance and slot name, and as you say, the rule speaks for itself:

 (make-instance 'frame-widget
 :bounds (c? (apply 'rect-union (all-bounds (subwidgets self)

Why do I have to give that a name? And if the algorithm gets hairier, 
well, why is the reader looking at my code? If the reader is debugging 
or intending to modify the rule, they damn well better be looking at the 
code, not the name and not the comments. (Never a problem with my code. )



"Have you ever been in a relationship?"
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Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-10 Thread Ken Tilton

Chris F Clark wrote:
> David C Ullrich asked:
>>Q: How do we ensure there are no loops in the dependencies?
>>Do we actually run the whole graph through some algorithm
>>to verify there are no loops?
> The question you are asking is the dependency graph a "directed
> acyclic graph" (commonly called a DAG)?  One algorithm to determine if
> it is, is called "topological sort".  That algorithm tells you where
> there are cyclces in your graph,

Yep. But with Cells the dependency graph is just a shifting record of 
who asked who, shifting because all of a sudden some outlier data will 
enter the system and a rule will branch to code for the first time, and 
suddenly "depend on" on some new other cell (new as in never before used 
by this cell). This is not subject to static analysis because, in fact, 
lexically everyone can get to everything else, what with closures, 
first-class functions, runtime branching we cannot predict... fuggedaboutit.

So we cannot say, OK, here is "the graph" of our application model. All 
we can do is let her rip and cross our fingers. :)


Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-10 Thread Ken Tilton
[Sorry, I missed this one originally.]

David C. Ullrich wrote:
> On Tue, 09 May 2006 05:35:47 -0500, David C. Ullrich
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On Mon, 08 May 2006 18:46:57 -0400, Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>If you, um, look at the code you see that "cells.a = 42" triggers
>>cells.__setattr__, which fires a's callback; the callback then
>>reaches inside and sets the value of b _without_ going through
>>__setattr__, hence without triggering b's callback.
>>In Cells you can't have A depend on B and also B depend on A?
>>That seems like an unfortunate restriction - I'd want to be
>>able to have Celsius and Farenheit, so that setting either
>>one sets the other.

Set Kelvin, and make Celsius and Fahrneheit functions of that. ie, There 
is only one datapoint, the temperature. No conflict unless one creates one.

> Realized later that I hadn't thought this through.
> I'd been assuming that of course we should be allowed to
> have A and B depend on each other. Hence if a change in
> A propagates to a change in B that change in B has to
> be a non-propagating change - thought I was just so
> clever seeing a way to do that.

I think it could be arranged, if one were willing to tolerate a little 
fuzziness: no, there would be no strictly correct snapshot at which 
point everyone had their "right value". Instead, A changes so B 
recomputes, B changes so A recomputes... our model has now come to life, 
we just have to poll for OS events or socket data, and A and B never get 
to a point where they are self-consistent, because one or the other 
always needs to be recalculated.

I sometimes wonder if the physical universe is like that, explaining why 
gravity slows time: it is not the gravity, it is the mass and we are 
seeing system degradation as the matrix gets bogged down recomputing all 
that matter.

[Cue Xah]

> But duh, if that's how things are then we can't have 
> transitive dependencies working out right; surely we
> want to be able to have B depend on A and then C
> depend on B...
> (And also if A and B are allowed to depend on each
> other then the programmer has to ensure that the
> two rules are inverses of each other, which seems
> like a bad constraint in general, something non-trivial
> that the programmer has to get right.)

Right, when I considered multi-way dependencies I realized I would have 
to figure out some new syntax to declare in one place the rules for two 
slots, and that would be weird because in Cells it is the instance that 
gets a rule at make-instance time, so i would really have to have some 
new make-instance-pair capability. Talk about a slippery slope. IMO, the 
big constraints research program kicked off by Steele's thesis withered 
into a niche technology because they sniffed at the "trivial" 
spreadsheet model of linear dataflow and tried to do partial and 
multi-way dependencies. I call it "a bridge too far", and in my 
experience of Cells (ten years of pretty intense use), guess what?, all 
we need as developers is one-way, linear, fully-specified dependencies.

> So fine, no loops. If anything, if we know that
> there are no loops in the dependencies that simplifies
> the rest of the programming, no need for the sort of
> finagling described in the first paragraph above.

Actually, I do allow an on-change callback ("observer" in Cells 
parlance) to kick off a toplevel, imperative state change to the model. 
Two cells who do that to each other will run until one decides not to do 
so. I solve some GUI situations (the classic being a scrollbar thumb and 
the text offset, which each at different times control the other, by 
having them simply set the other in an observer. On the second 
iteration, B is setting A to the value A has already, so propagation 
stops (a longstanding Cells feature).

These feel like GOTOs, by the way, and are definitely to be avoided 
because they break the declarative paradigm of Cells in which I can 
always look at one (anonymous!) rule and see without question from where 
any value it might hold comes. (And observers define where they take 
effect outside the model, but those I have to track down by slot name 
using OO browsing tools.)

> But this raises a question:
> Q: How do we ensure there are no loops in the dependencies?

Elsewhere I suggested the code was:

 (let ((*dependent* this-cell))
(funcall (rule this-cell) (object this-cell)))

It is actually:

 (let ((*dependents* (list* this-cell *dependents*)))
(funcall (rule this-cell) (object this-cell)))

So /before/ that I can say:

 (assert (not (find this-cell *dependents*)))

> Do we actually run the whole g

Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-10 Thread Ken Tilton

Boris Borcic wrote:
> Bill Atkins wrote:
>> It's interesting how much people who don't have macros like to put
>> them down and treat them as some arcane art that are too "*insane*"ly
>> powerful to be used well.
>> They're actually very straightforward and can often (shock of shocks!)
>> make your code more readable,  without your efficiency taking a hit.
> Not even efficiency of debugging ? A real problem with macros is that 
> run-time tracebacks etc, list macro outputs and not your macro'ed source 
> code. And that becomes an acute problem if you leave code for somebody 
> else to update. Or did lisp IDEs make progress on that front ?

AllegroCL now shows macros in the stack frame. Relatively recent 
feature, and their IDE really stands out above the rest.



"Have you ever been in a relationship?"
Attorney for Mary Winkler, confessed killer of her
minister husband, when asked if the couple had
marital problems.

Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-10 Thread Ken Tilton

Boris Borcic wrote:
> Ken Tilton wrote:
>> "Now if you are like most people, you think that means X. It does not."
> As far as natural language and understanding are concerned, "to mean" 
> means conformity to what most people understand, Humpty Dumpties 
> notwithstanding.

Nonsense. You are confusing that quality of natural language with most 
people's quality of being sloppy readers, or in your case, a sloppy 
thinker. Misapplying an analogy is not a question of usage -- when I 
said spreadsheet and they thought of spreadsheets, so far so good, 
right? -- it just sloppiness and laziness.

I do it, too, all the time. :) Life is too short, we get by precisely by 
  using partial information.

You remind me of American educators recent (past several decades, that 
is) history of apologizing for asking students to work and softening the 
curriculum until they all get A's.

Here is another analogy. Sometimes people hit the gas and think they hit 
the brake pedal. They crash around a parking lot pushing the gas pedal 
down harder and harder. Did they take out the brake pedal to avoid that 
confusion? No, they put an interlock between the brake and the ignition key.

Same thing. :)



"Have you ever been in a relationship?"
Attorney for Mary Winkler, confessed killer of her
minister husband, when asked if the couple had
marital problems.

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