Re: Building a multiline string

2010-02-04 Thread Marco Mariani
On 02/04/2010 12:34 PM, lallous wrote:

> Now should I be using method 2 or 3 in production code?

Another way... depending on what you are using the string for, of
course. If it's an HTML/XML/SQL/whatever piece of code:

 from textwrap import dedent
 sql = dedent("""
> ...  SELECT *
> ...FROM table
> ...   WHERE foo=bar
> ...  """)
 print sql
>   FROM table
>  WHERE foo=bar

And if you don't want the starting/ending newlines:

 sql = dedent("""\
> ...  SELECT *
> ...FROM table
> ...   WHERE foo=bar\
> ...  """)
 print sql
>   FROM table
>  WHERE foo=bar 

I use this sometimes to keep both python and the embedded code readable
while preserving indentation.


Re: Are routine objects guaranteed mutable & with dictionary?

2009-12-04 Thread Marco Mariani

Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

Is this guaranteed to work in Python 3.x?

 >>> def foo(): pass

 >>> foo.blah = 222
 >>> foo.blah
 >>> _

I don't see why it shouldn't work.

BTW, it's a function, not a "routine"


Re: Exec Statement Question

2009-11-30 Thread Marco Mariani

Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

  if which == '':
i = 0
all = ''
while i < len(meanings):
  table = '%s\n' % meanings[i]
  table += "\n \n  

composing HTML like that is painful, bug prone and insecure

You should have a look at

I would also suggest to have a look at lxml.builder, or some kind of 
template system.


Re: problem with lambda / closures

2009-11-30 Thread Marco Mariani

Louis Steinberg wrote:

I have run into what seems to be a major bug, but given my short 
exposure to Python is probably just a feature:

Yes, it works as advertised :-/

which I would expect.  Can anyone explain this or give me a workaround?  

like this?

def p(d):
print d

l=[ ]
for k in [1,2,3]:
l.append(lambda k=k: p(k))

for f in l:


Re: Python Statements/Keyword Localization

2009-11-30 Thread Marco Mariani

Terry Reedy wrote:

A 'pro' argument: Python was designed for learning and is good for that 
and *is* used in schools down to the elementary level. But kids cannot 
be expected to know foreign alphabets and words whill still learning 
their own.

I taught myself BASIC at 9 by reading magazines, but had my first 
english lessons five years later.
Knowing english would have helped to understand the operating/language 
manuals, not the language keywords themselves.

I suppose if you were to try what the OP suggested, you would need to 
translate a lot of the standard library, parameter names, and such... 


Re: How to Detect Use of Unassigned(Undefined) Variable(Function)

2009-11-30 Thread Marco Mariani

Jon Clements wrote:

pychecker returns " No global (o) found" for the above, and
can be found at

There's also pylint and another one whose name I can't remember...

pyflakes. I use that one


Re: how to format a python source file with tools?

2009-11-27 Thread Marco Mariani

??,??? wrote:

or is it possible for large source files?

Google for polystyle.

It's a tool that reformats a program (in several languages) using an 
example you must provide (let's call it a "style sheet", written in 
Python or whatever) of how you would want to format it.

You can then reformat any python program according to your "style sheet"

Re: hex int and string

2009-11-27 Thread Marco Mariani

Ben Finney wrote:

i'm using pyscard

I don't know what that is; can you give a link to what you're referring

Simple story: he has seen the examples with hex literals and didn't know 
what they were.


Re: hex int and string

2009-11-27 Thread Marco Mariani

luca72 wrote:

i have checked and pyscard accept also the decimal notation,

I'm not sure you ever understood what the problem was, or where, but I'm 
happy you feel like you've solved it.


Re: Python Statements/Keyword Localization

2009-11-26 Thread Marco Mariani

Emanuele D'Arrigo wrote:

In this context it seems to be the case that the executable would have
to be able to optionally accept -a list- of dictionaries to internally
translate to English the keywords found in the input code and at most -
one- dictionary to internally translate from English output messages
such as a stack trace.

What do you guys think?

Microsoft did that twenty years ago and we're still mocking them.

Re: TODO and FIXME tags

2009-11-20 Thread Marco Mariani

Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

I guess the world is split in two categories, those how come back to fix 
the TODO, and those how don't. I for myself belong to the second, that 
is why I never write TODO comments, I either do the stuff or consider 
this is not important enough to waste time on it. In other words I 
mostly agree with Martin, and envy people belonging to the first category.

I am in a third category, I added this line to my python.vim syntax file

syn keyword pythonTodo  WTF LOL SNAFU contained

and envy those who didn't :)

Re: is None or == None ?

2009-11-10 Thread Marco Mariani

Grant Edwards wrote:

MacOS applications made the same mistake on the 68K.

And and awful lot of the Amiga software, with the same 24/32 bit CPU.

I did it too, every pointer came with 8 free bits so why not use them?

It wasn't the decades-long global debacle that was the MS-DOS
memory model, but it did cause problems when CPUs came out that
implemented those address lines and RAM became cheap enough
that people needed to use them.

I suppose that's the reason many games didn't work on the 68020+


Re: Frameworks

2009-10-19 Thread Marco Mariani

Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

I don't read that out of the post, and it almost certainly is wrong, at
least on a general level. There isn't much above SQLAlchemy regarding
flexibility & power, so while simple cases might be simpler with other
ORMs, they often make more complicated ones impossible.

But again, I don't think that's the claim there.

Both ORMs and others have been described, by their authors, during the 
PyCon in March 2009:

By the way, this line

in web2py you can access legacy databases if tables have an existing unique 
auto-increment field id and if this field is used for references

is a bit like saying "any color you like as long as it's black" and it's 
not a light limitation. There wouldn't be much of an impedence mismatch 
(*) if a numeric auto-increment primary key was enough for everybody.

Sure SQLAlchemy is more complex to master :-/



Re: Clear interface for mail class

2009-10-14 Thread Marco Mariani

Benedict Verheyen wrote:

Any ideas are welcome.

easy_install turbomail



Re: The rap against "while True:" loops

2009-10-14 Thread Marco Mariani

Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

One thing to note is that "break" ONLY exits the innermost loop --
Ada adds the confusion that one could define a label on the loops, and
have the innermost use
exit outer_label [when condition]

THAT I find scary... Since you have to match the label name to
something that occurs somewhere prior to the "exit", and THEN have to
find the end of that loop.

But we have exceptions. And I know somebody, in other languages, thinks 
it's a Best Practice to avoid using exceptions for flow control.

Thankfully, python programmers are less dogmatic, and use whatever makes 
sense to use. I hope.


Re: Confessions of a Python fanboy

2009-07-30 Thread Marco Mariani

r wrote:

My adventures in Ruby.

Oh, it's you.
Good boy.
Now, why don't you have a look at javascript and come back in six months?
Or better yet, haskell and twelve months.



Re: where do I put resources (images, audio files) when I wrote Python program?

2009-07-28 Thread Marco Mariani

Piotrek wrote:

that? I think about puting these files in /usr/share/myprogram and then
reading it the normal way (so the path "/usr/share/myprogram" would be just
hardwired in my program). Is it the way one usually does it in Python
program or is there any more sofisticated way?

Just keep them in your sources, and create an empty file in 
the images directory.
Then install setuptools and use the pkg_resources module. It will work 
even if your application is installed as an egg through easy_install, 
possibly zipped.

To open a resource file:

f = pkg_resources.resource_stream('', 'resource.png')

Return a readable file-like object for the specified resource; it 
may be an actual file, a StringIO, or some similar object. The stream is 
in "binary mode", in the sense that whatever bytes are in the resource 
will be read as-is.


Re: older pythons

2009-07-09 Thread Marco Mariani

superpollo wrote:

what i was asking for is about a way to *INSTALL* and mantain different 
python versions, a task i think is not unusal for developers.

Check out virtualenv, I ask myself how I could work without it.


Re: SPAM-LOW: Re: Function/method returning list of chars in string?

2009-06-09 Thread Marco Mariani

Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

lb = list("banana")


I should have known - you use a string method to get a list of words,
but you have to go to the list to get a list of characters from a string.

As they say, "Python is not Java".

Strings support the sequence protocol (aka interface), hence they can be 
given as input to the list constructor.

It would not make much sense to add methods (to the N concrete 
implementations, mind you) that replicate functionality available by the 
builtin constructors through implicit interfaces.

Would you also ask for '43'.as_int() or stuff like that?


Re: Trying to understand a very simple class - from the book "dive into python"

2009-05-20 Thread Marco Mariani

walterbyrd wrote:

> I am sure this is totally simple, but I missing something.

Do you know what a dictionary is?


Re: sqlite3, qmarks, and NULL values

2009-05-20 Thread Marco Mariani

Mitchell L Model wrote:

def lookupxy(x, y):
if y:
conn.execute("SELECT * FROM table WHERE COL1 = ? AND COL2 = ?",
 (x, y))
conn.execute("SELECT * FROM table WHERE COL1 = ? AND COL2 IS NULL",

The more question marks involved the more complicated this would get, especially if question marks in the middle of several would sometimes need to be NULL. 

With SQLAlchemy you could write: & (table.c.col2==y))

where x or y are None, the sql engine generates the appropriate "IS 
NULL" clause.

I hope I'm missing something and that someone can tell me what it is.

Yes, you are missing SQLAlchemy ;)

Re: Seeking old post on developers who like IDEs vs developers who like simple languages

2009-05-19 Thread Marco Mariani

Chris Rebert wrote:

On the other hand there are developers who much prefer to keep things
light-weight and simple.

Would it be fair to say the first type tends to congregate in herds,
particularly in corporate IT departments, while the latter tends to operate
on a more individual basis?

That would certainly explain Lisp hackers!

Oh, come on!

Corporate environments are usually positive towards Lisp hackers, and 
Lisp hackers are OTOH very positive towards corporate environments.

That's why they repel.


Re: ? 'in' operator and fallback to __getitem__

2009-05-18 Thread Marco Mariani

timh wrote:

However strange things happen to the name passed to __getitem__ in the
following example (and in fact in all varients I have triend the name/
key passed to __getitem__ is always the integer 0

I think it's scanning the container as a sequence and not as a mapping, 
hence the access by index.


Re: Seeking old post on developers who like IDEs vs developers who like simple languages

2009-05-18 Thread Marco Mariani

Steve Ferg wrote:

I periodically think of that blog, usually in circumstances that make
me also think "Boy, that guy really got it right".  But despite
repeated and prolonged bouts of googling I haven't been able to find
the article again.  I must be using the wrong search terms or

Does anybody have a link to this article?

I think you mean this clbuttic post:


Re: Just wondering

2009-05-15 Thread Marco Mariani

Gediminas Kregzde wrote:

def doit(i):

def main():
   a = [0] * 1000
   t = time()
   map(doit, a)
   print "map time: " + str(time() - t)

Here you are calling a function ten million times, build a list with of 
ten million None results, then throw it away.

def main2():
   t = time()
   a = [0] * 1000
   for i in a:
   print "loop time: " + str(time() - t)

Here you do nothing but iterating 'i' over the 'a' list.

main()  # takes approximately 5x times longer than main2()

I'm wondering were is catch?

Function calls are not free in python. They cost a lot more than they do 
in C, Delphi or other languages.


Re: introspection question: get return type

2009-05-14 Thread Marco Mariani

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

Oh, you meant the "return type" ? Nope, no way. It just doesn't make 
sense given Python's dynamic typing.

I thought that the OP was writing a tool to document not-very-dynamic code.

Unless he's really trying to write in Nohtyp, the language where value 
types are more important than values ;)


Re: Pycon Tre, grazie!

2009-05-12 Thread Marco Mariani

daniele wrote:

Si è concluso ieri la pycon tre, è stata molto interessante, un bel
evento per una bella comunità.

Sempre meglio.. anche se mi preoccupa un po' un eventuale cambio di location

Ho visto con grande piacere, oltre all'incremento dei partecipanti,
anche un sensibile incremento delle partecipanti!

Si'... in particolare durante il talk di Raymond :)

Re: OOP & Abstract Classes

2009-05-11 Thread Marco Mariani

Mike Driscoll wrote:

I've never used (or heard of) the Abstract type...and the guy who
wrote the FAQ was being a jerk.

Who, Peter Norvig?

(from wikipedia)

Peter Norvig is an American computer scientist. He is currently the 
Director of Research (formerly Director of Search Quality) at Google Inc.

He is a Fellow and Councilor of the American Association for Artificial 
Intelligence and co-author, with Stuart Russell, of Artificial 
Intelligence: A Modern Approach, now the standard college text. He 
previously was head of the Computational Sciences Division (now the 
Intelligent Systems Division) at NASA Ames Research Center, where he 
oversaw a staff of 200 scientists performing NASA's research and 
development in autonomy and robotics, automated software engineering and 
data analysis, neuroengineering, collaborative systems research, and 
simulation-based decision-making. Before that he was Chief Scientist at 
Junglee, where he helped develop one of the first Internet comparison 
shopping services; Chief designer at Harlequin Inc.; and Senior 
Scientist at Sun Microsystems Laboratories.

etc. etc.

Yes, I usually look up in wikipedia before calling anyone a jerk :) :)

Re: How should I use grep from python?

2009-05-07 Thread Marco Mariani

Matthew Wilson wrote:

consensus.  I could os.popen, commands.getstatusoutput, the subprocess
module, backticks, etc.

Backticks do_not_do what you think they do.

And with py3k they're also as dead as a dead parrot.


Re: what's the best way to call a method of object without a guarantee of its existence

2009-05-06 Thread Marco Mariani

Leon wrote:

So I need to go back to the module including "parent" class
to define the objects that I maybe use in future as None,

You can assign them to a placeholder, with a method that always exists 
but does nothing.

class NullObject(object):
def method(self, *args, **kw):

actually, the module including "parent' class works very well
without those definitions, from parent class's point of view,
those definitions are kind of noisy.

If you don't feel the need to define the instances there, maybe they 
don't belong to that class after all.


Re: what's the best way to call a method of object without a guarantee of its existence

2009-05-05 Thread Marco Mariani

Leon wrote:

One way,  define the object before it is used,
like this:
object = None

This is a good practice anyway. Conditional existance of objects is 
quite evil. Resorting to if defined('foo') is double-plus-ugly.

The other way, using try ... catch
catch NameError:

Except you should trap AttributeError because you defined the thing as 
None before. NameErrors should be fixed as bugs, not trapped (IMHO -- 
but in python there is always a use case for everything).

Keep in mind that AttributeError might come from inside the method(), 
which could be confusing

By using the

if stuff:

idiom, you avoid the last issue and keep it simple enough.

for  big programs, which is better, or any other way?

Define "big", as in scope, LOCs, or number of committers?


Re: Tools for web applications

2009-04-30 Thread Marco Mariani

Mario wrote:

I used JCreator LE, java IDE for windows because, when I add documentation 
of some new library, I have it on a F1 and index. So how you manage 
documentation and code completion ? I asume that you are geek but not even 
geeks could know every method of every class.

What you call "code completion" cannot work in many cases with dynamic 
languages. Nobody knows which methods are available to an object until 
the program is running.
Dynamic access to attributes/methods that don't explicitly exist in 
Python code, is much more common than you might think.
As an example, your object might be an instance of a class mapped to SQL 
tables that are reflected at runtime. Attributes would represent 
database columns and other things that are never declared in Python code.
Or suppose the object is returned by an XML/HTML/JSON parser from a 
document the program has just downloaded from Argentina. Methods here 
would be the sub-elements or tag attributes for traversing the document.
The instance we're talking of might even be deserialized from ... 
somewhere, without any need to declare type or any interface at all.

I must admit that I've never used completion of anything while 
developing. I routinely it do with the IPython shell, and I would suffer 
if I didn't have it in postgres, but not while editing python.


Re: Geohashing

2009-04-30 Thread Marco Mariani

norseman wrote:

The posting needs (its creation) ... DATE. ...  The code needs to state 
OS and program and version used to write it.  And from there - user 

Which would reduce the confusion greatly.  I got the same error message 
and decided it was from an incompatible version, using incompatible 
modules.  Looks as if I guessed right.  I pity the poor first timer.

Raymond is living in a parallel universe (Fahrenheit 3K) where all the 
previous Python releases have been burned ;)

dystopianl-ly yours,

Re: Why bool( object )?

2009-04-29 Thread Marco Mariani

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

Lawrence D'Oliveiro a écrit :

What is the rationale for considering all instances true of a user-
defined type?

It's a stupid idea, 

Nope, it's a very sensible default (given you can redefine the 
'nothingness' value of your types instances), specially when the 
language doesn't have a proper boolean type (which was the case for 
Python until 2.2 or 2.3, can't remember exactly).

Man, you've given a serious answer to a sarcastic reply to an OP who has 
been -- for years -- second in trolliness only to Xah Lee.

Either that, or I have to replace my humor detector.

Re: Geohashing

2009-04-29 Thread Marco Mariani

djc wrote:

Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Oct  5 2008, 19:29:17)

 geohash(37.421542, -122.085589, b'2005-05-26-10458.68')
 SyntaxError: invalid syntax

The byte type is new in 2.6


Re: Web based application development using python

2009-04-28 Thread Marco Mariani

Rahul wrote:

1) Do you have any idea about web based support (like mod_python)
provided by (official web site)

Details: - As we know mod_python is used for embeding python code into
apache server.
so, i want to know whether mod_python is officially supported by or if there is
other such framework for embeding python on web server

Forget about mod_python, everything else is better.

This list (the first result upon googling for "python web frameworks") 
is actually up to date, and a good start.

Just don't ask which one is best for everything, or which one is The 
Official Standard Way Of Doing Things.


Re: Lisp mentality vs. Python mentality

2009-04-27 Thread Marco Mariani

Scott David Daniels wrote:

I don't remember who, but something famously said, in effect:
Debugging is hard, maybe twice as hard as writing the code in
the first place.  Unless you are one of those nonexistent few

He would be the K in K&R.

Re: if statement, with function inside it: if (t = Test()) == True:

2009-04-24 Thread Marco Mariani

Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:

t = Test()
if (t == 'Vla':
print t # must contain Vla

What's wrong with that?

It unnecessarily injects the name 't' into the scope.

Since there is no concept in Python of a scope local to block 
statements, I don't understant what you would like to happen instead.


Re: Why can function definitions only use identifiers, and not attribute references or any other primaries?

2009-04-24 Thread Marco Mariani

Scott David Daniels wrote:

I am afraid it will make it too easy to define functions in other
modules remotely, a tempting sharp stick to poke your eye out with.

It's not very hard at the moment, and I don't see lots of eyes flying 
by. I don't know about Ruby where monkeypatching seems to be common 
practice, though.

Imagine debugging a pile of code that includes a module with:
import random
def random.random():
return .42

No need to imagine. I can do the same, one line shorter:

>>> import random
>>> random.random = lambda: .42


Re: Why can function definitions only use identifiers, and not attribute references or any other primaries?

2009-04-23 Thread Marco Mariani

Jeremy Banks wrote:

I've read those discussion before, but somehow never made the
connection between those and this. I'll give that article a read, it
probably details exactly the perspective I'm looking for. Thank you!

You could also read this:

The author is writing a language for the Erlang VM inspired by Python 
and Ruby. He had some trouble (at the grammar level) in keeping both 
"indentation working like in python" (dear to Guido and many of us) and 
"anonymous blocks" (dear to functional languages).

So he got braces and was happy :-)


Re: Unicode in writing to a file

2009-04-23 Thread Marco Mariani

Carbon Man wrote:

Py 2.5
Trying to write a string to a file.
self.dataUpdate.write(u"\nentry."+node.tagName+ u" = " + cValue)
cValue contains a unicode character. node.tagName is also a unicode string 
though it has no special characters in it.

So what's the encoding of your file?

If you didn't open dataUpdate with, and you don't encode the 
string someway - i.e. text.encode('utf-8') python has no way to know it.


Re: Python Packages : A looming problem? packages might no longer work? (well not on your platform or python version anyway)

2009-04-23 Thread Marco Mariani

David Lyon wrote:

What if I decide to write only to Python 3?

Fair enough. But don't forget it is open source.

So what?

Let me ask these two questions...

 - What about the use case where somebody likes the code and wants 
   to use it on Python 2.5?

A patch, a fork, whatever.

 - Should not that user be able to share back with other 
   Python 2.5 users?

Probably. But not necessarily on the same project or repository.
Especially if the port is not supported by the original/trunk developer.

If anything my suggestion promotes preserving the resources
of the original developer rather than letting them expire just
because their operating system does

I think your idea would be very costing in terms of man-years, and the 
net result would be... entropy, chaos, and a lot of CO2 :-)


Re: New fonts for python docs site

2009-04-23 Thread Marco Mariani

Mark wrote:

e.g. see

Please tell me this is a mistake? 3.X docs are the same.

Looks ok. What do you see?

Re: namespace query

2009-04-22 Thread Marco Mariani

Dr Mephesto wrote:

ok, sorted. I had thought that when a module was imported, it was
added to a larger shared namespace used by all the modules.

Now, that would be awfulll

Because one of the most important things about python (and the reason I 
can live without an IDE) is that I can point my finger to an object 
somewhere and tell you where it comes from, without loading a different 
source file.

For the same reason, import * is frowned upon, especially because it's 
transitive (and contagious).


Re: namespace query

2009-04-22 Thread Marco Mariani

Dr Mephesto wrote:

Why are the class files I created not seeing the top namespace?

Because it's how python works. What you think is a top namespace, it's 
not "at the top". It's just the namespace of the module you run the 
program with. You must import numpy from the all the modules that make 
use of it.

I doubt your "global" fixed something, I'd like to see an example.


Re: Memory footpring of python objects

2009-04-22 Thread Marco Mariani

BlueBird wrote:

I have a program that manages several thousands instances of one
object. To reduce memory
consumption, I want of course that specific object to have the
smallest memory footpring possible.

Have you thought of using something like the flyweight pattern and a 
compact data representation like a numpy array?


Re: Is there a programming language that is combination of Python and Basic?

2009-04-20 Thread Marco Mariani

baykus wrote:

those "lines" as numbered steps or numbered bricks that are sitting on
eachother but I see them as timelines or like filmstrips. Anyways it
sounds like such a toy programming language does not exists except
Arnaud surprisingly efficient code.  and I will search my dream
somewhere else :)

Actually, your dreams have already been implemented in Python.

As an april fool's joke. Really.

It works, but is so silly and depraved that I'm not going to provide a link.


Re: Is there a programming language that is combination of Python and Basic?

2009-04-20 Thread Marco Mariani

Michael Torrie wrote:

Somebody better tell the Linux kernel developers about that!  They
apparently haven't read that yet.  Better tell CPU makers too.  In
assembly it's all gotos.

I'm sure you are joking.
Using goto for error handling in C is a reasonable practice,
Avoiding that for the sake of it would be like, say, avoiding "raise" in 
python because "a procedure should only have one exit point".


Re: script question

2009-04-17 Thread Marco Mariani

Piet van Oostrum wrote:

funclist = [func01, func02, func03, ... ]
for i in range(1,n):

Or myscript.funclist[i]() from another module.

Ehm, calling a bazillion things in the right order should be a 
responsibility of the myscript module anyway.


Re: difflib and intelligent file differences

2009-03-26 Thread Marco Mariani

Marco Mariani wrote:

If the lines are really sorted, all you really need is a merge,

For the archives, and for huge files where /usr/bin/diff or difflib are 
not appropriate, here it is.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

def run(filea, fileb):
p = 3
while True:
if p&1: a = filea.readline()
if p&2: b = fileb.readline()
if not a or not b:
elif a == b:
p = 3
elif a < b:
sys.stdout.write('-%s' % a)
p = 1
elif b < a:
sys.stdout.write('+%s' % b)
p = 2

for line in filea.readlines():
sys.stdout.write('-%s' % line)

for line in fileb.readlines():
sys.stdout.write('+%s' % line)

if __name__ == '__main__':
run(file(sys.argv[1]), file(sys.argv[2]))


Re: difflib and intelligent file differences

2009-03-26 Thread Marco Mariani

Dave Angel wrote:

If the lines are really sorted, all you really need is a merge,

D'oh. Right. The posted code works on unsorted files. The sorted case is 
even simpler as you pointed out.


Re: difflib and intelligent file differences

2009-03-26 Thread Marco Mariani

Marco Mariani wrote:

while True:
a = filea.readline()
b = fileb.readline()
if not (a or b):

BTW, watch out for this break. It might not be what you want :-/


Re: difflib and intelligent file differences

2009-03-26 Thread Marco Mariani wrote:

My first thought is to do a sweep, where the first sweep takes one
line from f1, travels f2, if found, deletes it from a tmp version of
f2, and then on to the second line, and so on. If not found, it writes
to a file. At the end, if there are also lines still in f1 that never
were matched because it was longer, it appends those as well to the
difference file. At the end, you have a nice summary of the lines
(i.e., records) which are not found in either file.

Any suggestions where to start?

You can adapt and use this, provided the files are already sorted. 
Memory usage scales linearly with the size of the file difference, and 
time scales linearly with file sizes.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

def run(fname_a, fname_b):
filea = file(fname_a)
fileb = file(fname_b)
a_lines = set()
b_lines = set()

while True:
a = filea.readline()
b = fileb.readline()
if not (a or b):

if a == b:

if a in b_lines:
elif a:

if b in a_lines:
elif b:

for line in a_lines:
print line

if a_lines or b_lines:
print ''
print '***'
print ''

for line in b_lines:
print line

if __name__ == '__main__':
run(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])


Re: Introducing Python to others

2009-03-26 Thread Marco Mariani

Paddy O'Loughlin wrote:

All of the audience will be experienced (4+ years) programmers, almost
all of them are PHP developers (2 others, plus myself, work in C, know
C#, perl, java, etc.).

Show them the same classical design patterns in Java and Python. Explain 
how it's much more flexible.

Any other suggestions for a possible "wow" reaction from an audience like that?

SQLAlchemy / SQLSoup, and XML handling with lxml.

Re: Use of HTMLparser to change language

2009-03-20 Thread Marco Mariani

pranav wrote:

I am sure there is a python way of solving this problem.

The common sense approach (nothing to do with python) would be to
rewrite everything to be dynamically generated with a template language
- in python those would be TAL, mako, genshi, jinja, whatever ...
anything is better than the current solution.

Hmm ya, that is THE best thing, if this were an application. These are
plain HTML files and needs to be shipped with CDs.

So what? Template engines are perfectly able to generate files instead 
of sending them off the net.

Also, it is not in the design to use anything executable.

Do you mean "put executable in the CDs", but I'm not proposing that.

Anyway, I would probably start by looping all of the files with 'tidy' - 
to have the same formatting and hopefully attribute order, examining a 
few them with something like 'vimdiff' and see if I could come up with 
some rules to implement with BeautifulSoup. False positives (i.e. files 
that should be equal but aren't) are ok because they can give new rules 
to implement.

With the same retro-engineered rules I could create the templates from 
the static files.


Re: Use of HTMLparser to change language

2009-03-20 Thread Marco Mariani

pranav wrote:

I am sure there is a python way of solving this problem.

The common sense approach (nothing to do with python) would be to 
rewrite everything to be dynamically generated with a template language 
- in python those would be TAL, mako, genshi, jinja, whatever ... 
anything is better than the current solution.


Re: Style formating of multiline query, advise

2009-03-19 Thread Marco Mariani

someone wrote:

Also, for SQL, (A) why are you using nested joins?, and

inner select produce smaller set which is then joined with other
table, kind a optimization

Did you time it?
I've done some "kind of a optimization" that slowed queries by tenfold, 
because postgres didn't need my advice, and knew better. RDBMS 
performance is non-intuitive, really. If you're using mysql, YMMV, 
because its optimizer is not as good.

Yes, my original question was about formatting. It's not original
query (only a part).

Try this:

My 2c: I use textwrap.dedent to strip leading spaces from every line.


Re: Creating 50K text files in python

2009-03-18 Thread Marco Mariani wrote:

for k in range (1,1001):


k = k+1

Man, you have a trouble with loops, all over.

But the situation demands it.:-(

No. I mean, the for loops are wrong.

Compare with the following and see why

import os

base = '/tmp/foo'

for outer in xrange(1,6):
for inner in xrange(1,11):
d = os.path.join(base, str(outer), str(inner))
for fnum in xrange(1,1001):
file(os.path.join(d,str(fnum)), 'w').close()


Re: Creating 50K text files in python

2009-03-18 Thread Marco Mariani wrote:

for k in range (1,1001):


k = k+1

Man, you have a trouble with loops, all over.

Re: Python + PostgreSQL

2009-03-17 Thread Marco Mariani

Lobo wrote:

I now have a new project to develop web applications using the latest/
best possible versions of Python (3.x?) with PostgreSQL (8.x?, with
pgAdmin 1.10?).

You want to use Python 2.5.x (or 2.6 if your framework of choice already 
supports it), Postgres 8.3 and have a look at SQLAlchemy (please do).

As for the framework of choice, "it depends" :)

Re: functions - where to store them

2009-03-11 Thread Marco Mariani wrote:

I have several functions which I would like to store in a different
directory so several programs can use them. I can't seem to find much
information about how to call a function if the function code is not
actually in the script itself.

read the tutorial, look for "modules" and "packages"


Re: A better way to timeout a class method?

2009-03-09 Thread Marco Mariani

John O'Hagan wrote:

Is there a concise Pythonic way to write a method with a timeout?

No need for threading. Just define a signal handler and call signal.alarm().

See the example at the end of the page:

Re: Is python worth learning as a second language?

2009-03-09 Thread Marco Mariani

ZikO wrote:

Do you think python would be good complementary language for C++? Do you 
think it's worth learning it

Absolutely, but it tends to become the first language over time.

Don't underestimate its reach. I've re-learned Python 3 or 4 times 
already, over 11 years :-/


Re: Can Python do shopping cart?

2009-03-06 Thread Marco Mariani

Tim Wintle wrote:

Python is Turing Complete

Well, actually no, because it doesn't support an infinite amount of memory.

Surely you can address an infinite amount of storage using infinite
length integers and a wrapper to files on disk - then it's just your
OS's limits that hold it back - so python is turing/register complete.

Oh, but you would eventually need to pass those integers around 
somewhere in RAM. Even counting (referencing) an infinite amount of 
items leads to infinitely long indexes. And counting the indexes as well.
But I propose to stop here, we're way off-topic and I have to write a 
shopping cart application in Malbolge.


Re: Can Python do shopping cart?

2009-03-06 Thread Marco Mariani

Lie Ryan wrote:

Python is Turing Complete

Well, actually no, because it doesn't support an infinite amount of memory.

Add this to "things to check before wasting a lot of money in hardware".

Re: Indentations and future evolution of languages

2009-03-06 Thread Marco Mariani

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

You can have one, or the other, but not both, unless you're willing
to have a "practicality beats purity" trade-off and create a second way of
grouping blocks,

I propose /* and */ as block delimiters.

There, you have auto-documenting code, ahah!


Re: While loop

2009-03-05 Thread Marco Mariani

Fab86 wrote:

Is it possible to get the program to catch the exception, wait 10
seconds, then carry of from where it was rather than starting again?

something like this? probably works in PASCAL as well :)

while i < len(stuff):
   except SomeError:


Re: Question about binary file reading

2009-03-05 Thread Marco Mariani

vibgyorbits wrote:

l=map(lambda x: '%02x' %ord(x),d)

PS#. Endedup learning little bit of Lambda functions. :-)

That's so 2007...

The 2.5-esque way to write that is

s = ''.join('%02x' % ord(x) for x in d)


Re: monitoring/restarting an application

2009-03-05 Thread Marco Mariani

Ghirai wrote:

I need to keep x number of instances of an external applications
running, say /bin/x, but also kill and restart each one after y seconds.

What would be the best way to do this (with python 2.5.x)?

easy_install supervisor

it should do everything for you

Re: "Battleship" style game

2009-02-25 Thread Marco Mariani

Shawn Milochik wrote:

> I'm not claiming it's bulletproof, but it works. I just kind of came 
up with all the

methods off of the top of my head, so if anyone has any suggestions
for more elegant or efficient code, please let me know.

Yes it's in Python alright, but it's not Pythonese yet. You could try 
avoiding the getter/setter stuff, and camelCase method naming, things 
like that, for a start.


Re: best set of modules for web automation without javascript

2009-02-13 Thread Marco Mariani

News123 wrote:

I would just like to retrieve all the field names and default values of
a form. (Some forms are huge) and wondered thus whether there's already
a python module parsing a html documents for forms , form fields and
field vaules, returning an objcet. that could be modified and posted.

Re: A little bit else I would like to discuss

2009-02-13 Thread Marco Mariani

azrael wrote:

I know that there is already a standard python library, But
why not extending it. classify the standard library into subcategories
like Networking, DataBase, Computation, ..

If the standard library where that huge, python 3.0 would have been late 
by a couple of years.

Why not using this number of people and accomplish something great. If
anyone of us would write 10 line of good code, it would result a very
great and powerfull environment.

I totally want to write my 10 lines of great image processing or speech 
recognition software, but it's not how development works.


Re: len()

2009-02-04 Thread Marco Mariani

Pat wrote:

Why didn't you answer the len() question?

It's a bit of a FAQ: len() cannot be a method of list objects because it 
works on any sequence or iterable.


Re: what IDE is the best to write python?

2009-02-03 Thread Marco Mariani

Russ P. wrote:

highlighting. Not that it really helps much, but it "spices up" the
code and stimulates the eyes and brain. When I see the same code
without color highlighting, it just seems bland, like something is
missing. It seems like just "text" rather than "code."

Plus, it can be configured to induce seizures when the programmer tries 
to write private methods ;)


Re: is python Object oriented??

2009-02-03 Thread Marco Mariani

Thorsten Kampe wrote:

This scenario is highly "supposing" and doesn't look like a real-world-
case to me. But anyway: the obvious solution in my humble opinion would 
be to do something like "public_attribute = _private_attribute". But 
that would be too simple, too "unjavaesque", right?!

Yes, the use of @property is.. cheating!! Shame on you! :)


Re: ORM recommendation when using "live"/predefined DB?

2009-01-28 Thread Marco Mariani

Phillip B Oldham wrote:

Can you recommend an ORM (or similar) package to look into?

SQLAlchemy with reflected tables. You can use straight SQL, generate it 
dynamically via python expressions, go with the ORM, or everything 
together (in a bucket :)
It really pays due respect to the RDBMS, and does not try to avoid the 
OO-SQL gap.


Re: Importing modules

2009-01-21 Thread Marco Mariani

Mudcat wrote:

This is something I've wondered about for a while. I know that
theoretically Python is supposed to auto-recognize duplicate imports;
however I've run into problems in the past if I didn't arrange the
imports in a certain way across multiple files.

I think you've probably had issues with circular imports (i.e. mutual 
dependencies), unless you can precisely remember what you were doing and 
what went wrong.

As a result, I worry about conflicts that arise because something has been 
imported twice.
So...I'm not sure if Python *always* gets this correct.

It doesn't import twice, and never did.

Also, I understand what you're saying about the organization of files
based on modules and maybe regrouping based on use. However I like the
organization of my files to be a grouping of logical components in my

I can make up three or four different logical groupings in my 
applications... so what is 'logical' could not be the same for everyone, 
or from every point of view.


Re: How to get first/last day of the previous month?

2009-01-20 Thread Marco Mariani

Carsten Haese wrote:

dateutil can do this and much, much more.

Using dateutil for this is like using a sledgehammer to kill a fly. The
task at hand can (and IMHO should) be solved with the standard datetime

Sure, but many python programmers are not even aware of the existence of 
that particular sledgehammer, it deserved to be mentioned. It should be 
part of the standard library I think.


Re: How to get first/last day of the previous month?

2009-01-20 Thread Marco Mariani

Carsten Haese wrote:

In order to not deprive you of the sense of accomplishment

Sorry for spoiling that. If you still want the sense of accomplishment, 
try to reimplement dateutil (and rrule). It's not as easy as it seems :-o


Re: How to get first/last day of the previous month?

2009-01-20 Thread Marco Mariani

Hussein B wrote:

I'm creating a report that is supposed to harvest the data for the
previous month.
So I need a way to get the first day and the last day of the previous
Would you please tell me how to do this?
Thanks in advance.

dateutil can do this and much, much more.

>>> from datetime import date
>>> from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
>>> today =
>>> d = today - relativedelta(months=1)
>>> date(d.year, d.month, 1), 12, 1)
>>> date(today.year, today.month, 1) - relativedelta(days=1), 12, 31)


Re: English-like Python

2009-01-19 Thread Marco Mariani

The Music Guy wrote:

Just out of curiousity, have there been any attempts to make a version
of Python that looks like actual English text?

Many have tried that in the decades, but IMHO the best approach is to 
just rename the language. We cannot do that since it's already been 
trademarked for that very reason.

From Wikipedia:

ENGLISH (actually trademarked in all caps) is a database retrieval and 
reporting language somewhat like SQL, but with no actual programming or 
update capabilities. Originally released by Microdata in 1973 and named 
so that the company's brochures could claim that developers could 
generate reports on their implementation of the Pick operating system 
using English.


Re: MySQLdb LIKE '%%%s%%' problem

2009-01-14 Thread Marco Mariani

Steve Holden wrote:

3. I can't be certain my experience with PostgreSQL extends to MySQl,
but I have done experiments which prove to my satisfaction that it isn't
possible to parameterize LIKE arguments. So the only way to do it
appears to be to build the query yourself.

Or using Postgres through SQLAlchemy.

Actually, the only thing SQLAlchemy cannot do (yet) is withstand a 
zombie army.


Re: Line completion with custom commands

2009-01-09 Thread Marco Mariani

gu wrote:

I see, but how does django-admin work, then?

from bash:

complete -W "doSomething doSomethingElse doSomethingDifferent" myProgram

Re: Python's popularity

2008-12-22 Thread Marco Mariani

Richard Riley wrote:

One does not have to by a language maestro to try and assess its
popularity. While his numbers or his reading of the numbers might be
open to some questions, to suggest that one needs to be totally familiar
with a language to determine its popularity is, frankly, ridiculous.

I was not judging his competency. But when I am naive on a subject, I 
don't usually show off like that.
The polemic intents in his previous messages are quite clear (python is 
slow, py3k is an utter failure because it doesn't solve the whitespace 
issue, etc), and this thread is not different. It seems like a rehash of 
issues that have been dragged around here by generations of trolls for 
the last 10 years.

Sorry for adding noise to the signal :-/

Re: Python's popularity

2008-12-22 Thread Marco Mariani

walterbyrd wrote:

I have read that python is the world's 3rd most popular language, and
that python has surpassed perl in popularity, but I am not seeing it.

In 20 days, you've gone from trying to import a module by using:

> load ""

to questioning the popularity of python.

You have many other subject you want to enlighten us about, I suppose?
Cause I wonder what you'll come up with, next.


Re: Selecting a different superclass

2008-12-17 Thread Marco Mariani

Marco Mariani wrote:

I think you should investigate something different than subclassing, 
like a "Strategy" domain pattern or something similar.



Re: Selecting a different superclass

2008-12-17 Thread Marco Mariani wrote:

The problem is that IDPointSet and MicroArrayPointSet will need to
inherit from PointSet or TraceablePointSet based on whether I'm
handling traceable points or not. Can I select a superclass
conditionally like this in Python? Am I trying to do something really
evil here?

Any other bright ideas on my application also welcome.

I think you should investigate something different than subclassing, 
like a "Strategy" domain pattern or something similar.


Re: Removing None objects from a sequence

2008-12-12 Thread Marco Mariani

Kirk Strauser wrote:

So what's the difference exactly?  "foo is not None" is actually surprising
to me, since "not None" is True.  "0 is True" is False, but "0 is not None"
is True.  Why is that?

Cause I was tired of course, and got the not precedente not right!! Argh

Re: Removing None objects from a sequence

2008-12-12 Thread Marco Mariani

Filip Gruszczyński wrote:

I am not doing it, because I need it. I can as well use "if not elem
is None",

I suggest "if elem is not None", which is not quite the same.

If you slip such an error in a post, I suggest to practice some time 
writing correct code before having one-liner contests with your 
perl-loving friends :)


Re: Python is slow

2008-12-12 Thread Marco Mariani

Giampaolo Rodola' wrote:

The real (and still unsolved) problem with PyPy is the installation
which requires something like a dozen of third-party packages to be
Unfortunately it seems there are no plans yet for releasing any
Windows/Linux/Mac installer in the near future.

I'm not using it, but at least Ubuntu 8.10 has the .deb packages of pypy 
1.0. And I remember installing a release last year in a few minutes, 
during a conference talk.


Re: Don't you just love writing this sort of thing :)

2008-12-05 Thread Marco Mariani

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Gosh Lawrence, do tell, which category do YOU fall into?

I suppose a mix-up between a cowbody (or Fonzie) coder and a troll.

His programs have an inner poetry that we're obviously too stupid to 


Re: Pythonic design patterns

2008-12-04 Thread Marco Mariani

George Sakkis wrote:

This is all very good, but don't drink the design pattern Kool-Aid and
start pushing design patterns everywhere. (Not everything needs to be a
singleton. No, really.)

Obligatory reading:

By the way, it's a fact that many low-level patterns, as they are 
described, are useful mainly/only in statically typed languages.

The ones in PEAA, for instance, are high-level enough to be useful in 
any environment.

Re: Python surpasses Perl in popularity?

2008-11-26 Thread Marco Mariani

Steve Holden wrote:

In fact all that's really happened is that Perl has slid down the ranks,
at least temporarily. Python has been around the 6/7 mark for a while now.

Also.. can someone attempt to explain the funny correlation in 
popularity over time between, for instance, Python and Delphi? :-)


Re: python newbie: some surprises

2008-05-15 Thread Marco Mariani

Kees Bakker wrote:

So far, I have seen only one editor that understands the difference between
TABs and indentation, and that is Emacs.

Oh, well... in .vimrc:

autocmd FileType python set tabstop=8
autocmd FileType python set softtabstop=4
autocmd FileType python set expandtab


Re: Some comparison operators gone in Python 3.0?

2008-05-13 Thread Marco Mariani

alex23 wrote:

Given that all nine of his postings have inflammatory topics, he's
beginning to sound like a troll.

Thank you, I couldn't decide if he was silly or nasty.
Now I know he's both.


Re: The 'is' identity operator checking immutable values caution

2008-05-13 Thread Marco Mariani


We have to avoid the use of the 'is' identity operator with basic,
immutable values such as numbers and strings.

I'm glad for you. Did you really write checks like "if foo is 27" ?

The point is, you have to learn technologies to use them. It's not like 
technologies learn you (not even in soviet Russia)

How is with this issue in Python 3.0? Is it fixed?

There is nothing to fix.

Does Python handle this things properly now?

It always did.

Re: array in class

2008-05-13 Thread Marco Mariani

alefajnie wrote:

class B:
  this_is_common_for_all_instances = []

  def __init__(self, v):

now I can create some instances of B, but all of them have the same
array, why

Because you didn't reassign the attribute 
'this_is_common_for_all_instances', but appended to it.

and how create array in class - normal array, "private variable"

1) it's called a list, not an array
2) you do that in the __init__ method: self.blabla = []
3) still, it won't be a "private" attribute, just an instance attribute

Re: Some comparison operators gone in Python 3.0?

2008-05-13 Thread Marco Mariani


Is that true that this comparison operators are gone in Python 3.0:

<(is less than)

   (is greater than)

<= (is less than or equals)

= (is greater than or equals)

Is it true?


Re: Now what!?

2008-05-12 Thread Marco Mariani

notbob wrote:

frustrated and give up on learning programming, not really caring much for
coding, anyway.  But, dammit, I'm gonna stick with it this time.  I'll learn
python if it kills me!

No, it won't kill you but make you stronger ;)

Re: module global variables

2008-05-12 Thread Marco Mariani

pistacchio wrote:

On 12 Mag, 10:01, alex23 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On May 12, 5:17 pm, pistacchio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

hi to all!
can i load a module passing to it, automatically and as default, all
the caller's global variables to act as module's global variables?

Are you positively sure you need this?

Modifying imported modules is already quite fragile, but this.. it's 
basically a reversed(import *)

It's quite messy. Where quite equals to "very"

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