Re: How Compute # of Days between Two Dates?

2008-08-31 Thread Michael Tobis
from datetime import datetime

# batteries included

today =
xmas = datetime(today.year,12,25)
if (xmas - today).days > 1:
   print "%d days until Christmas" % (xmas - today).days
   print "Merry Christmas!"

Re: precedence of [] vs .

2008-08-14 Thread Michael Tobis
On Aug 14, 6:01 pm, "Calvin Spealman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> attribute access ( binds more tightly than subscripting (foo[bar]).

That certainly looks right, and in retrospect I wonder that I even
doubted it. But even the official docs seem to me to specify



precedence of [] vs .

2008-08-14 Thread Michael Tobis
I wrote some code to test the precedence of getitem vs getattr; it
shows that getitem binds tighter.

I have been handed some code that relies on the observed behavior.
However, the Nutshell precedence list claims the opposite. Is the
Nutshell wrong or am I missing something or is this a bug?

class a(object):
def __getitem__(self,item):
return str(item)[:-1]

class b(object):
def __getattr__(self,item):
return str(item)[::-1]

Albert = a()
print Albert['abcd']
# prints 'abc'

Barney = b()
# print 'cba'

print Barney.Albert['abcd']
# raises TypeError; tries to evaluate 'treblA'['abcd']
# I expected 'cba' based on Nutshell 2d Ed p 50

Re: internet searching program

2008-08-09 Thread Michael Tobis
I think you are talking about "screen scraping".

Your program can get the html for the page, and search for an
appropriate pattern.

Look at the source for a YouTube view page and you will see a string

 var embedUrl = 'http://

You can write code to search for that in the html text.

But embedUrl is not a standard javascript item; it is part of the
YouTube design. You will be relying on that, and if YouTube changes
how they provide such a string, you will be out of luck; at best you
will have to rewrite part of your code.

In other words, screen scraping relies on the site not doing a major
reworking and on you doing a little reverse engineering of the page

So how to get the html into your program? In python the answer to that
is urllib.


Re: Calling external program from within python

2008-07-25 Thread Michael Tobis
These answers are too elaborate and abstract for the question.


Here is a program "myprog" which takes input and writes output to a
file. It happens to be python but it could be anything.

#!/usr/bin/env python
a = int(raw_input("enter thing 1 "))
b = int(raw_input("enter thing 2 "))
c = raw_input("enter output file name ")
f = open(c,"w")
f.write("answer is %s\n" % str(a + b))

Here is python code which runs that program

import os

f = os.popen("/path/to/myprog","w")
f.write("3\n4\noutputname\n") #can also do three separate writes if
that is more convenient

For some reason os.popen is deprecated in favor of the more verbose
subprocess.Popen, but this will work for a while.

Here is an even simpler approach that will take you a long way. This
should be very easy to understand.

import os

params = open("temp","w")

os.system("/path/to/myprog < temp")

If you want python to pick up the stdout of your program as well look
into popen2.

Try basing your solution on those and if you have any problems let us
know what they are. In most cases such as you describe these will



Re: Not entirely serious: recursive lambda?

2008-07-22 Thread Michael Tobis
Thanks all! What a remarkable set of answers, intelligent, thought
provoking and informative without exception.

Of course, now I can't use Paul's version; it hardly counts as a japh
if someone else wrote it! It is probably the closest to my original
vision, alas. Miles' second suggestion was the one I was fumbling
toward; I will study it. No spoilers please.


Not entirely serious: recursive lambda?

2008-07-19 Thread Michael Tobis
I came across the "japh" concept today and decided to do one of my
own, obviously, interpreting the 'p' somewhat loosely,

but I'm not entirely satisfied with it:

# japh, for certain values of 'p'

f=lambda(r,N):N and f((" acdefijlmnopqrstuv"[N%19]+r,N/19))or(r,N)
print f( ("",reduce(lambda

it bothers me that there are two statements. (In case you are
wondering what they do, it's all essentially about changing from base
95 to base 19. It's based loosely on this fine, simple recipe by Drew
Perttula which I have found to be useful on several occasions:

Anyway, I'd much prefer an even uglier japh like this:

# does not work
print (lambda(r,N):N and ((" acdefijlmnopqrstuv"[N%19]+r,N/
("",reduce(lambda c,m:c*95+''.join(map(chr,range(32,127))).index(m),

but what would  be for an unnamed function to call itself?

I realize that lambda is something of an orphan and was arguably a bad
idea for anything besides obfuscation, but obfuscation is exactly my
purpose here. Can a lambda call itself without giving itself a name?
Google was not my friend on this one, and I suspect there is no
answer. Relax, I am not going to submit a PEP about it.


Re: Preferred method for "Assignment by value"

2008-04-15 Thread Michael Tobis still says it best.


Re: Magic function

2008-01-11 Thread Michael Tobis
On Jan 11, 8:40 pm, Steven D'Aprano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Read the OP's post again. His (her?) users aren't expected to create the
> toolkit, merely to use it. To create good toolkits you need both a master
> programmer and an expert in the field. It is an advantage if they are the
> same person. But to use such a good toolkit, you shouldn't need to be a
> master programmer.

It appears we are in agreement, then.

But that leaves me in a position where I can't understand your
complaint. There's no reason I can see for the sort of compromise you
ask for.

Clean abstractions benefit from their cleanliness.

Of course the users will have a lot to learn regardless, but that's
the point. A user has to decide whether to take on a new tool.

If that learning is about meaningless incantations (the way beginning
programmers are currently taught to say "abracadabra public static
void main") users will be less impressed with the advantage of the
abstractions and be less likely to engage the new methods on offer. If
the learning exposes new potential, that makes your tool more

What's more, the next higher layer of abstraction will be easier to
compose if the composer of that abstraction doesn't have to make the
sort of compromise you suggest. Abstractions that stay out of the way
until you need to expand on them is a big part of what Python is all

It's not clear that this is the sort of application where cutting
corners makes sense, so I don't see how your advice is justified.


Re: Magic function

2008-01-11 Thread Michael Tobis
On Jan 11, 6:15 pm, Steven D'Aprano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Your users are *scientists*, and you don't trust their intellectual
> ability to learn a programming language as simple as Python?
> Instead of spending time and effort writing, debugging  and maintaining
> such a fragile approach, why not invest in a couple of introductory books
> on Python programming and require your scientists to go through the first
> few chapters? Or write out a one-page "cheat sheet" showing them simple
> examples. Or, and probably most effectively, make sure all your classes
> have doc strings with lots of examples, and teach them how to use help().
> Some people problems are best dealt with by a technical solution, and
> some are not.
> --
> Steven

I am currently talking very similar trash on my blog, See and

You seem to think that learning the simple language is equivalent to
grasping the expressive power that the language provides.

Yes, users are scientists. Therefore they do not have the time or
interest to gain the depth of skill to identify the right abstractions
to do their work.

There are many abstractions that could be useful in science that are
currently provided with awkward libraries or messy one-off codes.

The idea that a scientist should be expected to be able to write
correct and useful Python is reasonable. I and the OP are relying on

The idea that a scientist should be expected to identify and build
clever and elegant abstractions is not. If you think every scientist
can be a really good programmer you underestimate at least one of what
good scientists do or what good programmers do or what existing high
performance scientific codes are called upon to do.


Re: Research-oriented Python mailing list?

2007-11-22 Thread Michael Tobis
Perhaps what you are looking for is here:


Re: yet another indentation proposal

2007-08-20 Thread Michael Tobis
On Aug 19, 11:51 pm, James Stroud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What's wrong with just saying the current indent level? I'd much rather
> hear "indent 4" than "tab tab tab tab".

Alternatively, you might also consider writing a simple pre and
postprocessor so that you could read and write python the way you
would prefer

In that you could cope with the existing code base and the existing
compiler could cope with code you write.



Re: Newbie question

2007-08-19 Thread Michael Tobis



Re: the one python book

2007-08-04 Thread Michael Tobis
On Aug 4, 9:32 am, Neil Cerutti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrot

> With Python, you won't find anything like that. Python is too
> huge.

That's silly. Python is small in the sense that C is small. The Python
standard library is probably much bigger than the C standard library,
but Kernghan and Richie don't cover it.

K&R is a unique book. I have never seen anything comparable for any
language. The closest Python equivalent is the official docs:

I think the core Python bookshelf is:

Learning Python (Lutxz & Ascher) and/or
Dive Into Python (Pilgrim) for tutorial

Python in a Nutshell (Martelli) AND
Python Essential Reference (Beazley) for reference

The latter two books are not perfect (both indexes are infuriating)
but I usually find that I can find what I am looking for in one or the

Like most people I eventually plan to read Moby Dick, War and Peace,
and Lutz's Programming Python. Maybe when I retire.



Re: converting 64-bit fixed-point to float

2007-07-20 Thread Michael Tobis
It appears to be correct for positive numbers.

if conval >= 2**16:
   conval -= 2**32

would appear to patch things up.

It's not very pretty, though. You could at least start with

input1 = [c_ushort(item) for item in input]

instead of your first 9 lines.



Re: CP4E revival

2007-05-24 Thread Michael Tobis
On May 24, 5:03 am, Richard Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Michael Tobis wrote:
> >
> > seems to short-circuit some pointless hoop-jumping to get you to the
> > article.
> Hoop-jumping implemented to prevent just this kind of direct linking (and
> thus not saving of the PDF to local disk to view, and thus increasing the
> load on the server).
> Thanks for abusing the free service being provided to the Python Papers
> journal.
> Richard

OK, oops, I'll take the tinyurl link down anywhere I can; I really
didn't (and still don't) quite get the server side issue but so be it.
(I thought it was a measure to ensure a license to view, which is not
in fact required in this case.)

On the other hand, given the modest reaction to the article (pro or
con) I am not getting the sense that it has generated a lot of

I'd prefer flames about the content, though.



CP4E revival

2007-05-23 Thread Michael Tobis
Is education Python's killer app? I think it could be.

I used the occasion of the Python Papers to motivate my efforts, and
you can see what I came up with here on pages 8-15.

The part that makes me especially queasy is the CP4E section on pages
10-11. I wish I had more to say there. It's fairly clear to those of
us who weren't there that there were some problems, but it's not
especially clear what they were or what we should learn from them. I'd
very much appreciate input from those who were actually there!


seems to short-circuit some pointless hoop-jumping to get you to the

If that doesn't work, try going to
and looking for the spring 2007 edition.

I suggest a concerted effort by the community toward leveraging the
OLPC/Sugar momentum to revive the idea of Python as tool for teaching
some programming as a useful part of universal education.




2007-05-22 Thread Michael Tobis
Different strokes for different folks.

You might get better advice about where to start if you tell us a bit
about yourself. Do you have any other programming experience? Do you
have specific goals in mind as a programmer?



Re: Python Newbie Suggestions

2007-05-15 Thread Michael Tobis
I think

would be very suitable for you.



Re: How to cleanly pause/stop a long running function?

2007-05-12 Thread Michael Tobis
> Doing a Ctrl+C
> interrupt would be a not-so-clean-way of performing such a thing, and
> it would quit the application altogether. I'd rather have the function
> return a status object of what it has accomplished thus far.

Just in case you are unaware that you can explicitly handle ^C in your
python code, look up the KeyboardInterrupt exception.



Re: interesting exercise

2007-05-09 Thread Michael Tobis
On May 9, 2:41 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On May 9, 1:13 am, Charles Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:

> > or even this monstrosity ...
> > def permute2( s, n ):
> >return [ ''.join([ s[int(i/len(s)**j)%len(s)]
> >  for j in range(n-1,-1,-1)])
> >for i in range(len(s)**n) ]
> > print "permute2('abc',2) =", permute2('abc',2)
> > print "len(permute2('13579',3)) =", len(permute2('13579',3))
> > permute2('abc',2) = ['aa', 'ab', 'ac', 'ba', 'bb', 'bc',
> >   'ca', 'cb', 'cc']
> > len(permute2('13579',3)) = 125
> > Charles
> Could you explain, this one, actually?  Don't forget StopIteration.

Heh, it's cute.

Not sure what the issue is with StopIteration. He is modeling the
problem as casting an integer to base N. It's terse, but it does way
too much arithmetic and isn't very readable.

The following uses the same idea more readably and (I expect,
untested) more efficiently, if less tersely. It actually is not too
bad for real code, though I much prefer your recursive list
comprehension and will use that.

def getdigits(number,base,length,alphabet):
residual = number
result = ""
for column in range(length):
residual,digit = divmod(residual,base)
result = alphabet[digit] + result
return result

def permu(alphabet,wordlength):
total = len(alphabet)**wordlength
return [getdigits(index,len(alphabet),wordlength,alphabet)
 for index in range(total)]

if __name__ == "__main__":
print permu("abc",2)
print len(permu("13579",3))



Re: interesting exercise

2007-05-08 Thread Michael Tobis
Thanks castironpi and alex, for this:

 def p(a,b):
if not b: return ['']
return [i+j for i in a for j in p(a,b-1)]

That is a thing of beauty! As usual you guys didn't disappoint.

(Validity check of alphabet removed; you didn't check for duplicate

Here is the bloated mess I came up with. I did see that it had to be
recursive, and was proud of myself for getting it pretty much on the
first try, but the thing still reeks of my sorry old fortran-addled

def validAlphabet(alphabet):
if not isinstance(alphabet,str):
return False
if len(alphabet) > 256:
return False
for index in range(len(alphabet)-1):
if not alphabet[index] < alphabet[index+1]:
return False
return True

def nextword(word,alphabet):
if len(word) == 1:
index = alphabet.find(word)
if index < 0:
raise ValueError("bad token found %s" % word)
if index == len(alphabet) -1:
return None
return alphabet[index+1]
a = nextword(word[1:],alphabet)
if a:
return word[0] + a
b = nextword(word[0],alphabet)
if b:
return b + (len(word) - 1)  * alphabet[0]
return None

def allwords(length,alphabet="01"):
if not validAlphabet(alphabet):
raise ValueError("bad token list %s" % alphabet)
word = length * alphabet[0]
result = [word]
while word < length * alphabet[-1]:
word = nextword(word,alphabet))
return result


if __name__ == "__main__":
for item in allwords(5,"abc"):
print item


interesting exercise

2007-05-07 Thread Michael Tobis
I want a list of all ordered permutations of a given length of a set
of tokens. Each token is a single character, and for convenience, they
are passed as a string in ascending ASCII order.

For example


should return ["aa","ab","ac","ba","bb","bc","ca","cb","cc"]

and permute("13579",3) should return a list of 125 elements
["111","113", ... ,"997","999"]

permute("axc",N) or permute("2446",N) should raise ValueError as the
alphabet is not strictly sorted.

I have a reasonably elegant solution but it's a bit verbose (a couple
dozen lines which I'll post later if there is interest). Is there some
clever Pythonism I didn't spot?



Re: New to Python - Easy way to open a text file

2007-03-30 Thread Michael Tobis
I think it's pretty clear that we aren't understanding what you mean
by "open a text file and disply its content".

I conclude that by "edna" you mean this thing:

I suspect you are not asking a Python question at all.

Did you try opening


in your browser? This will show you the design of your (unpopulated)
template rendered in your browser.


1) yes you do need three slashes after "file:" for some reason I've
never comprehended
2) you will need to replace  with your local system
path to the edna directory. (In firefox you can, alternatively, browse
to the file from File->open; Safari will balk at the ezt extension; I
don't know what other browsers will do.)

If this is more like what your are after, consider that your question
was misleading (and entirely unrelated to Python). The edna miling
list is here:



Re: Fortran vs Python - Newbie Question

2007-03-28 Thread Michael Tobis
I feel obligated to fan the flames a bit by pointing to a site which advocates discontinuing
development of Fortran and does a good job of summarizing the problems
with the contemporary development of that language.

I am not convinced that a new high performance language (Chapel,
Fortress, etc.) is necessary. Rather, I feel that FORTRAN 77 is a
mature tool, and that it, in combination with a powerful dynamic
language (Python being my choice) is entirely sufficient for any
foreseeable scientific computing.

Fortran 90 and successors (F9* in the following) provide a baroque and
elaborate effort to bolt modern computing methods over a finely honed
special purpose tool (F77) that manages large numerical arrays
spectacularly well. It is as if you decided to add a web search engine
(an elaborate, developing set of requirements) to grep (a finely honed
special purpose tool). It makes much more sense to add greplike
features to your websearch tool than to try to foist
"Grep95" (competing with the Google search engine) on everyone who
ever needs to find a misplaced text file.

F77 interfaces smoothly and neatly with Python. F9* continues to be
the single most difficult case for interoperability with any other
contemporary algorithmic language. Fortunately there is hope within
the new standard, where an "interoperability" flag will force F2003 to
deliver arrays that are exportable. In exchange for this balkiness,
F9* offers crude and verbose implementations of encapsulation and

I am sure Dr Beliavsky and some others are productive with F9*, but I
would strongly advocate against it for anyone in a position to make a
choice in the matter. Some people are competent with hand-powered
drills, but I wouldn't set up a furniture production line with them on
that basis.

The performance and library advantages of Fortran are all available in
F77. Higher level abstractions can easily be wrapped around the low
level structures using Python and f2py. Making the combination
performance-efficient requires some skill, but making a pure Fortran
implementation efficient does no less so.

I don't think we should or can abandon the excellent infrastructure
provided by the Fortran of a generation ago. However, I am totally
unconvinced that there is a point to a backward compatible extension
to F77 that tries to support OOP and other abstractions unimaginable
in the early days of Fortran.

F77 and its numerical libraries are mature and complete. I think we
should treat it as a remarkable set of packages, and move on.

For any purposes I know of not involving an existing F9* legacy, I
believe that Python plus F77 is as good as or superior to F9* alone.
This includes the total time needed to learn the tools, (I think it is
easier to learn Python, F77 and f2py than to learn F9* alone to any
comparable skill level.) total time needed to develop the code, whole
system performance, testability and maintainability. Once Python gets
a first-class array type things will be even smoother as I understand



Re: Turn off line wrap for lists?

2007-01-04 Thread Michael Tobis

_ wrote:
> (I did google for this, I promise)
> How do I get python NOT to insert newlines into string representations
> of lists when I do something like this:
> strCollector += "%s" % (['a', 'list', 'with', 'lots', 'of', 'elements']
> * 100)

It shouldn't and doesn't insert newlines.

>>> strCollector = "%s" % (['a', 'list', 'with', 'lots', 'of', 'elements'] * 
>>> 100)
>>> strCollector.split("\n")[0] == strCollector


Re: Python Programming Books?

2006-05-25 Thread Michael Tobis
I am not happy with any of the Python-as-a-First-Language books out
there. My vague inclination to write one has not yet formed into a firm
intention, but it's close.

Of the books that are out there, Learning Python and Dive Into Python
are best for the hobbyist as opposed to classroom setting, but my sense
is that both of them go a bit too fast for the typical beginner with no
formal training.

In the classroom setting, Zelle's book or Hetland's are good, but they
are a bit dry for the hobbyist.

In my opinion, if you are just looking for a pleasant exploration of
whether you enjoy programming, one option to consider is Python
Programming for the Absolute Beginner by Michael Dawson, which focuses
on developing games.



Re: Quoting relevant material for response (was: Re: python vs perl lines of code)

2006-05-19 Thread Michael Tobis
OT, sort of, but...

>If  that
> quoting mechanism is available on the web interface and I haven't found
> it - I'd love to know how to use it.

Click "show options" and THEN hit "reply". It's a bit counterintuitive,
but the entire message to which you reply is then shown. It is best to
(as I've just done) erase the parts you aren't replying to.

If you are replying to multiple selected parts of the message it is
good form to indicate the gaps with ellipses ("...").

It's worth noting that this group predates Google by severalyears, that
usenet predates it by well over a decade, and that Google is only one
of several alternative ways of participating (though it is my own
preference) and that its conventions have emerged for good reasons.




Re: python vs perl lines of code

2006-05-18 Thread Michael Tobis
> According to your silly rule the shortest book on a subject would be the
> best. Now why is that false?

No, according to the rule, the shorter of two books **containing the
same information** would be best.

I don't think I'm a zealot. The original quote said "all else equal".
Certainly legible code is better than, hence not equal to, illegible

I would say that having played Python golf once, the complexity of the
competitive keystroke-minimizing code is much higher than the
complexity of the equivalent sane, readable, maintainable code.
(Actually, it also turns out to involve a good deal of coding that
isn't in the final source, but let's not go there.) The point is I did
NOT say he programs best who *types* least, and I don't believe that.

In fact, that's what makes the comparison interesting. I had always
thought that Pythonistas type more than Perlists, though I prefer
Python anyway. The presumption was based on the fact that  Perl (as
language and culture) takes delight in saving keystrokes at the expense
of clarity ($_ and all that) while Python makes no special effort in
that direction.

If real world Python code is substantially more terse *despite* this
cultural difference, it is a fact worthy of some note.

Let me add my voice to those clamoring for Edward to release his code
while I'm here, though.



Re: python vs perl lines of code

2006-05-18 Thread Michael Tobis
John Bokma wrote:

> > Ok I'm going to end with a flamebait - but I would posit, ALL OTHER
> > THINGS BEING EQUAL - that a smaller number of characters and lines in
> > code is more maintainable than larger number of characters and lines in
> > the code.

> And I think that's why a lot of people posted very negative, in the hope
> that people would not be tempted to make the above very dumb statement.

Since it's too late to avoid such temptation, could you explain why you
are willing to go so far as to call that statement "very dumb"?

I, for one, consider it rather wise. When I am teaching programming, or
advocating Python, I generally try to include the following advice,
attributed to A. de St.-Exupery:

"La perfection est atteinte non quand il ne reste rien à ajouter, mais
quand il ne reste rien à enlever."

The relevant corrolary is, "he programs best who programs least". I
would have thought this was conventional wisdom among all dynamic
language communities. Isn't that the whole point? By all means go back
to C++ if you like to have three lines for each idea instead of the
other way around.

However, since I habitually make such a fuss about this, I'd hate to be
wrong. Please do explain why you think this idea that terseness is a
virtue is foolish.



Re: python vs perl lines of code

2006-05-18 Thread Michael Tobis
Sorry, data about reports about X *is* data about X unless you believe
the reports are uninfluenced by X. Like any proxy measure, it
introduces noise and uncertainty, but it is still data.

I can't imagine a motivation for Edward to make this up, so I accept
his anecdotes as data.

While it is possible to imagine developing a lab experiment to compare
the terseness of Python and Perl, it is unlikely that funding is or
should be available for the effort. This doesn't make it an
uninteresting question. Is the widely held belief that real-world Perl
is terser than real-world Python true? So far we have only the two
reports from Edward. Still anyone programming in the dynamic languages
world would acknowledge that they are quite striking and provocative.

I don't see the purpose of this controversy, but it reminds me of some
rather cynical attacks on climate science, and I don't like it at all.
We don't always have the luxury of vast data of impeccable quality, but
we still need to make judgements about the world.



Re: python vs perl lines of code

2006-05-17 Thread Michael Tobis
"The plural of anecdote is not data."

It's a pithy quote, but it isn't QOTW in my book, simply because it
isn't true in general. Talk to some paleoclimatologists.

There is no way to get uniform measures of ancient climate. What should
we do then? Should we ignore the information we have? Are the
fortuitously preserved fossils of the very deep past to be ignored just
because we can't get an unbiased sample?

In fact, the more difficult it is to get systematic data, the more
valuable the anecdote.

There is a number that represents the character ratio for equivalent
skill applied to equivalent tasks across all domains to which both
languages are applied. A single programmer's results on this matter do
in fact constitute a sample. A single sample is not a very good
estimator, but it is not devoid of skill or information either.

In the present case Edward gave us some advice that he thought he was
making a fair comparison, one which would appear counterintuitive to
anyone who has worked in both languages. Perlists tend to giggle and
cackle every time they save a keystroke; Pythonistas do not have this
personality quirk. If Python is nevertheless terser it is a strong
argument in Python's favor vis-a-vis Perl.

Edward also asked if others had similar experiences. If others did, the
assemblage of their opinions would in fact consttitute data. I have no
idea why people are giving him such grief over this request.

My only data point, er, anecdotal evidence, is this. To take things to
an unrealistic extreme, consider the puzzle at
(Python Golf). When I first thought about this, I assumed that Perl
would defeat Python in the character count, but as I worked at the
puzzle I came to the (to me) counterintuitive realization that it
probably would not. I'd be interested in seeing the results of an
inter-language golf contest.

Of course, such games don't tell us much about real code, but I'm
inclined to agree with Edward's impression that Python is, in practice,
terse compared to Perl, and I, too, would like to hear about other
examples, and because I think the plural of "anecdote" is, in fact,



Re: a flattening operator?

2006-04-22 Thread Michael Tobis
I think by "regular expressions" you mean "expressions". "regular
expressions" are what you get from "import re" .



Re: proposed Python logo

2006-04-21 Thread Michael Tobis
A more Monty sort of Python logo would be fine with me. A flying sheep
perhaps? An exploding penguin? A giant hedgehog? A dog license with the
word "dog" crossed out and "cat" written in crayon? A great big book on
how to put your budgie down?


I'm not sure that conveys the intended gravitas to the corporate
community, though.



Re: Pythonesque interface.

2006-04-21 Thread Michael Tobis

Yes but he obviously wants this to be delivered to the browser. (Also
the site is broken today... )

This comes up a lot, but I don't think there's an answer to it as yet.



Re: proposed Python logo

2006-04-21 Thread Michael Tobis
> Not that I'm disagreeing, but how to you rate "resonance with the product"?

Hmm, I'm not a marketing professional, but this is would I would do
with my focus groups:

Ask people familar with the product to name what they like about the
image, and what they like about the product, and look for analogies
between them. Ask them what they dislike about the image and the
product, and minimize overlap.

(The main thing I dislike about Python is that the documentation is too
sketchy. It's very unclear what the official logo represents. So
another strike against it; it reminds me of the confusion I often face
on making use of an unfamiliar module.)

Ask people who are unfamiliar with the product who are potential users
what they have heard good and bad about the product, and its strengths
and weaknesses compared to its competition. Compare with their
impressions of the logo.

I am my own focus group, but people who are following this thread can
simply show the existing logo to people and ask for their impressions.
Try showing it (without the text) to non-Pythonista programmers, who
probably haven't seen lately, without telling them what it
represents. See what their associations are.

I've already explained my negative associations with the official logo,
and some of the positive ones of my prototype alternative. See the post
that started this thread and the thread it links to.

The best snake-and-language logos I have seen are the Twisted-Matrix
one and the PyCon one. But I think my idea can be developed too. I
think the colon as snake-eyes thing is a big win. We would think
affectionately of the snake every time we type the unnecessary colon.


Re: proposed Python logo

2006-04-21 Thread Michael Tobis
> Sorry dude, but it looks like a hairdryer!

I'm afraid you have a point :-/ .

> I think that the current logo is fine. Much more professional than the old 
> image.

Yes, it is a MUCH more professional rendering than the old image, and
it leaves a MUCH better first impression of the homepage.

That said, and conceding that the first impression is positive, I don't
see how it represents Python. More to the point, the longer I look at
it the less I like it, and I would NOT wear it on a T-shirt.

> The + formation is positive enough, and it has a yin-yang
> feel to it which to me conjures up the image of balance, not
> divisiveness.

Both the cross and the yin-yang have religious associations, which will
be positive for some and negative for others but will certainly be
unrepresentative of what Python is. This would be a great logo for
Taoist Christians, if such a group exists.

How is Python about "balance"? It is about abstraction, composition,
the whole greater than the parts, yes, but there's nothing there that
really draws on duality. So the whole two-ness of the thing is one of
the parts that disturbs me.



Re: proposed Python logo

2006-04-21 Thread Michael Tobis
Don't you think the Python Boys ought to have something to say about

Eric Idle is going to be at my favorite Borders bookstore in half an
hour. Should I go ask him? (I'm not going to do that; it's just an odd
coincidence from my point of view.)

I think there are trademark issues similar to the Apple vs Apple ones.
Perhaps we would have to promise them not to have a sense of humor.



Re: what has python added to programming languages? (lets be esoteric, shall we ; )

2006-04-21 Thread Michael Tobis
Although somewhat more elegant, Python slices follow Matlab's slice
notation. In simpler cases they are identical.



Re: proposed Python logo

2006-04-21 Thread Michael Tobis
> Too rigid-looking somehow.

Hey, I'm an amateur...  There are lots of variations on the concept I
can think of. I want someone with a lot of design talent  *and a little
familiarity with the language* to take enough interest to have a go at

At least (unlike the tadpoles) it has some resonance with the product
it's trying to represent.



Re: Looking for a programming resource for newbees

2006-04-20 Thread Michael Tobis
You may be interested in Programming Patterns in Python:

It's out of print but Amazon has some; not everyone likes it but I
think it tries to do what you are asking for.



proposed Python logo

2006-04-20 Thread Michael Tobis
"Is this the right room for an argument?"

ok, so my execution is pretty crude, but you can at least see my idea.
I trust you to imagine it professionally executed in cheerful colors.

Advantages of proposed logo over existing logo

represents an actual python involved in python-like behavior, rather
than two tadpoles

has a sense of dynamism and forward motion, as opposed to backwardness
and upside-downiness

the eyes form a colon, thus remeniscent of python code, and the coil is
indicative of the "more than meets the eye" that a python object so
remarkably delivers

also, pythons coil around their eggs!

succeeds in making snake into a letter "P" without making it face
backwards, and yet resists the unfortunate temptation to use a forked
tongue to make a "y"

numerous variations and animations immediately present themsleves

no obvious references to religious icons

will sell T shirts and lapel pins; a swag clock is an obvious

(did I mention ( ) that I don't like the
current logo?)

Much as it would be an ego-boost for me to have some version of this
idea used for the language, I'm  almost as happy with repurposing the
most excellent PyCon logo if that is OK with everyone involved. But imo
we can't fully promote the power of Python with tadpoles.



Re: Calling Python from Matlab

2006-04-15 Thread Michael Tobis
I'm afraid I can't be very helpful to you, but you could be most
helpful to some of us.

Can you elaborate on what specifically you found difficult? In some
circles Python is regarded as a direct competitor to Matlab. Your
preference for Python for "other things than standard mathematical
work" in a scientific or engineering context could be most useful if
you have some real-world examples.

Also, can you elaborate on what (if anything) it is about Matlab that
you feel you can't replicate in Python? Are you aware of matplotlib and



iPython and doctest

2006-04-12 Thread Michael Tobis
It appears that doctest does not work straightforwardly within iPython.

I would like to be able to use doctest within a file conditionally, so
that I can develop it within ipython and test it otherwise.

It would seem that this would work:

Python 2.4.1 (#2, Mar 31 2005, 00:05:10)
[GCC 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1666)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import testme
>>> testme._test()

but it doesn't (the test above fails, but reports nothing)

I am finding the documentation for doctest ironically impenetrable and
**would** be interested in adding some examples and explanatory text to
it, but I need to understand what is going on rather better than I do.

Meanwhile I am settling for this:


def foo():
   Should return 42

   >>> foo()

   return 43

def _test():
   import doctest

if __name__ == "__main__":
  __IP  # check if we are in iPython
   print "ok"


In [4]:!python

works (reports the error) just fine! So I don't even have to bail out
of iPython to run the tests.



iPython and doctest

2006-04-12 Thread Michael Tobis
It appears that doctest does not work straightforwardly within iPython.

I would like to be able to use doctest within a file conditionally, so
that I can develop it within ipython and test it otherwise.

It would seem that this would work:

Python 2.4.1 (#2, Mar 31 2005, 00:05:10)
[GCC 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1666)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import testme
>>> testme._test()

but it doesn't (the test above fails, but reports nothing)

I am finding the documentation for doctest ironically impenetrable and
**would** be interested in adding some examples and explanatory text to
it, but I need to understand what is going on rather better than I do.

Meanwhile I am settling for this:


def foo():
   Should return 42

   >>> foo()

   return 43

def _test():
   import doctest

if __name__ == "__main__":
  __IP  # check if we are in iPython
   print "ok"


In [4]:!python

works (reports the error) just fine! So I don't even have to bail out
of iPython to run the tests.



Re: More pythonic circle?

2006-04-08 Thread Michael Tobis
Proving yet again that it's possible to write Fortran in any language.

You aren't getting any benefit from numpy or python here.  Are you
aiming for speed or legibility?

Also, with this code, you are using radius for the dimensions of the
enclosing box, as well as the radius of the circle, so it's guaranteed
to not to actually produce a whole circle. Recall what python does with
negative indices!

I'll bet this does the trick for you and runs faster than what you've

def circle(rad = 5,max_x = 20, max_y = 20,cx = 10, cy= 10, value=255):
   radsq = rad * rad
   return numpy.array([[((x - cx) ** 2 + (y - cy) ** 2 < radsq) and
value or 0  for x in range(max_x)] for y in range(max_y)],'u')

I think the pure numpy solution should be something like (untested)

def circle(rad = 5,max_x = 20, max_y = 20,cx = 10, cy= 10, value=255):
   def sqdist(x,y):
  return (x - cx) * (x - cx) + (y - cy) * (y - cy)
   distarray = numpy.fromfunction(sqdist,(max_y,max_x))

Neither approach will get you the eightfold speedup that the messy code
was aimed at, but in practice they will spend less time at the
interpreter level and will likely run faster.



Re: programming puzzles?

2006-04-08 Thread Michael Tobis
Yeah, this was *much* easier than I expected.

My candidate was in second place according to /usr/share/dict/words
which has ixodid but not dioxid; I'm really not confident that dioxid
is a word.

I recall that I had also found the third place word now that I look at

What I had to do was print out all combinations of letters that could
make between 999,000 and 1,001,000 and then eyeball them. The
factorization was a trick because I had only 16 bit ints if I recall
right; I think hacked it in floats.

I am amazed at how fast the Python ran and how easy it was to solve.

I found "ixodid" in two reasonable lines of Python or one over-long
ugly one, (in addition to what I already posted). It runs in about 15
seconds on a G4 powerbook. All in memory!

I once spent three whole days on this. Hundreds of lines of Fortran,
pages and pages of fanfold paper. Argh.



Re: programming puzzles?

2006-04-08 Thread Michael Tobis
Yeah, this was *much* easier than I expected.

My candidate was in second place according to /usr/share/dict/words
which has ixodid but not dioxid; I'm really not confident that dioxid
is a word.

I recall that I had also found the third place word now that I look at

What I had to do was print out all combinations of letters that could
make between 999,000 and 1,001,000 and then eyeball them. The
factorization was a trick because I had only 16 bit ints if I recall
right; I think hacked it in floats.

I am amazed at how fast the Python ran and how easy it was to solve.

I found "ixodid" in two reasonable lines of Python or one over-long
ugly one, (in addition to what I already posted). It runs in about 15
seconds on a G4 powerbook. All in memory!

I once spent three whole days on this. Hundreds of lines of Fortran,
pages and pages of fanfold paper. Argh.



Re: programming puzzles?

2006-04-08 Thread Michael Tobis
The first piece of code that I ever voluntarily wrote was intended to
solve this puzzle:

Assign the number 2 to 'a', 3 to 'b' ... 27 to 'z'. To each word assign
the value of the product of its characters. Find the English (or
language of your choice) word whose product is closest to a million (or
number of your choice).

I didn't have a lexicon handy. So I just printed out the letter
combinations closest to a million and manually played Jumble with them.
This was on a PDP-11 using Fortran, so you should have no problem doing
this in Python.

The prize was a VCR, which was a big deal in those days, but I didn't
have a Green Card yet, so I didn't submit my answer, for (probably
unfounded) fear the immigration authorities would give me a hard time
for unauthorized income. My answer returned
 999856 for its product. Can you do better?

You can go further. If you have a unix-like system you already have a
lexicon, probably at /usr/share/dict/words .

Compare various ways to solve this problem for performance, for
arbitrary ciphers, which you can pass in as a dictionary like
{'a':2,'b':4,'c':5  etc.

To get you started here's the calculation, which may be interesting in
itself. I don't have the Fortran, but I'm sure it was MUCH longer than

cipher0= {}

for i in range(ord('a'),ord('z')+1):
   cipher0[chr(i)] = i - ord('a') + 2

from operator import mul

def numify(word,cipher=cipher0):
   return reduce(mul,[cipher[c] for c in word])

if __name__ == "__main__":
   print numify("hello")

# prints 146016



Re: Seems like I want a pre-processor, but...

2006-03-29 Thread Michael Tobis
Well, Bill Mill and I simultaneously and independently decided to write
a preprocessor to strip out the unfortunate "@" decorator syntax. I
think we were both aiming at a polemic purpose rather than a practical
one, but as time fades it seems less clear what we were simultaneously
inspired to achieve. Each of us did a crude pass at it and then on
encountering each other's approach realized a truly satisfactory
implementation would probably be harder than it was worth...

In any case isn't ipython an instance of a useful preprocessor?



Re: Try Python!

2006-03-29 Thread Michael Tobis
We had some discussion of this in the edu-sig meeting at PyCon.

I alleged that I had read that there is no such thing as a Python
sandbox. Others claimed that one could simply preprocess and disallow
"dangerous" constructs. My allegation was based on an argument from
authority; I recalled reading the assertion from one of the c.l.p.
regulars that I consider authoritative, though I don't remember which
(Frederick, Alex, Aahz perhaps?).

This is all in relation to why the rexec module went away, and is
certainly relevant to what can be achieved in the sphere of teaching
with python in general, and teaching python with python in particular.

I refer you in particular to these messages from BDFL:

So what is the scoop? Why does Guido say there is no such thing as a
secure Python, and (as is generally reasonable) presuming he is correct
on the matter, how can these sites work safely? 



Re: Remove integer from float number

2006-03-24 Thread Michael Tobis
I think you ought to make your own class and define some of the special



Re: a problem to solve

2006-03-24 Thread Michael Tobis
Yeah,  I misread the question, but the gist of my query remains.

> The odds are 100% if there is at least one solution.

Let's not get too philosophical. My question was whether there was an a
priori reason for believing that there is a solution.

> You want permutations with replacement, so there are 8**4 = 4096

Agreed. My mistake.

>> These will turn on 15 lights in each set of 20, of which the number of
>> possibilities is C(15,20)**4 = 57779667567968256L

> No, there are only 8 possible patterns on each panel.
> Not every possible 15 lamp pattern is realized

Right, but that is exactly my point. This is the number of possible
selections of 15 out of 20 made four times. Any attempt will be a
member of that space. Then the probability of hitting a solution at
random is the ratio of solutions to that space.

So I think my chance of success on a sinlge selection, assuming random
design of the switch banks, is correct: 1.9e-05 My error gave me the
wrong multiplier. It's 4096 rather than 1820. So now I'm goinq with a
7.79% chance of randomly setting up the problem to yield a solution.

Still seems somwhat unlikely that there would be a solution unless the
problem were set up in advance. (homework? a puzzle book?), I am just
wondering where the puzzle came from.

Was there more than one solution?



Re: a problem to solve

2006-03-24 Thread Michael Tobis
First do a little estimation. We know we have to find four out of 16
switches, so the number of possibilities to search is only C(4,16) =
1820, so an exhaustive search will work.

These will turn on 15 lights in each set of 20, of which the number of
possibilities is C(15,20)**4 = 57779667567968256L

The number of these that are successes is the number of ways to pick 3
out of 4 twenty times: 4**20 = 1099511627776L

For each pick, your chance of success is then
float(1099511627776L)/57779667567968256L = 1.9029386530869287e-05

You get 1820 distinct tries. Assuming no overlap (which slightly
overestimates your chances if it's a false assumption), the odds that
there is a solution are

1820 * 1.9029386530869287e-05 = 0.034633483486182101

or about 3.5%. Not great.

There seem to be some symmetries I haven't used, which may conceivably
help your cause. I just wonder if you have some basis for beleiving
that there is a solution.



Re: import random module

2006-03-22 Thread Michael Tobis
Wow. Six simultaneous responses! Python rocks!

Anyway, I actually tried it, and persisted through the secondary
confusion about the lurking .pyc file, so even though I'm in sixth
place I get points for completeness...



Re: import random module

2006-03-22 Thread Michael Tobis
1) remove the file random.pyc in your working directory

2) rename the file to something else and run it.

The import mechanism is looking for random.pyc or, but you
have already named your file that! Your current directory is above your
library directory in python's search path, so it finds that before it
finds the library module.



Re: - Python Newcomer Starting with Coding

2006-03-21 Thread Michael Tobis
Are you sure this is what you want to do? It seems an odd objective for
a preliminary effort.

Forgive me if I am reading this wrong, but I am concerned that you
think you need to do all this work to use the package. If so, you are
asking the wrong questions. Please look into the PYTHONPATH environment
variable and the sys.path list within Python.



Re: New-style Python icons

2006-03-20 Thread Michael Tobis
OK, but Python IS clever, so its logo ought to be too.

Since you are acknowledging they are tadpoles, I guess you've heard my



Re: New-style Python icons

2006-03-20 Thread Michael Tobis
I think this is great work but imagine what you could do with a real

Besides the pleasant colors what do you like about it?

I have in mind something with a coil motif but I can't execute it worth
a damn.



Re: can't rebind magic methods

2006-03-20 Thread Michael Tobis
Still a bit confused actually. Any explanation of the following?


def getf(method,name):
def f(self, *a, **k): return method(self.val, *a, **k)
f.func_name = name
return f

class myint(object):
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = int(val)

for spec in 'str repr hash hex oct pow add'.split():
name =  '__%s__' % spec
method = getattr(int, name)

# comment this out to get the non-working case

setattr(myint,name,getf(method,name)) # works

# uncomment three lines to get the non-working case
# raises TypeError: "expected 1 arguments, got 0" at method
# why isn't this equivalent to the setattr above?

# def f(self, *a, **k): return method(self.val, *a, **k)

# f.func_name = name

# setattr(myint,name,f) # doesn't work

if __name__ == "__main__":
   a = myint(42)
   print a
   print oct(a)


Re: can't rebind magic methods

2006-03-20 Thread Michael Tobis
Thanks! Only a minor correction: the last line should be

_setdelegate(myint, int,'__%s__' % spec)

The business with f.func_name struck me as unnecessary, but I was quite

This was an interesting exercise for me. Thanks.



can't rebind magic methods

2006-03-18 Thread Michael Tobis
I'd appreciate an explanation of why this doesn't work and any

It's not a showstopper, but I'd like to pseudo-inherit a bunch of magic
methods from an attribute, and would prefer to abstract the definitions
into a loop rather than write them all out.


import new

class myint(object):

def __init__(self,val):
self.val = int(val)
def mystr(self):
return self.val.__str__()
self.__str__ = new.instancemethod(mystr,self,mint) #doesn't

self.str = new.instancemethod(mystr,self,mint)


# this works

def __str__(self):

return self.val.__str__()


if __name__ == "__main__":
a = myint(3)
b = a
a.val = 42
print b # want "42"

print b.str() # works


Re: Printable string for 'self'

2006-03-17 Thread Michael Tobis
> What were you planning to do with this object exactly that didn't involve 
> binding it to any other names during its lifetime?

Nothing so silly as that.

The idea is not to prevent other references from binding to the object,
but to allow the object to ensure that a certain symbol always points
to it.

I no longer suspect that this is a good enough idea to redesign the
language, but it seems to come up regularly.

I will elaborate on my use case later, as I am still looking for a
satisfactory workaround. I think that someone working on a logo-like
platform wanted to be able to assign permanent names to his turtles,
which is an easier case to understand.

In both cases there is the idea to construct a platform for programmers
of intermediate skill, to expose the python environment as well as
powerful objects that they don't need to modify, but need to be able to
access by name. It would be good to be able to guarantee that the name
would be a valid reference to the object in question.



Re: Printable string for 'self'

2006-03-15 Thread Michael Tobis
This behavior seems to be commonly wanted by people discovering Python,
and it is the rare case of something one can imagine that is really a
stretch to achieve in Python. Because more or less than one name may
refer to an object, in general an object can't know its name.

You can get part of the way there with

fred = C("fred")

and assign the string to in the constructor. But you must
strictly enforce a convention in your code that the reference fred is
not reassigned to another referent for this to be of much use.

I got in some trouble in these parts a few months back for advocating
some sort of immutable reference, like

fred -> C("fred")

where any reassignment of the refernce during the lifetime of the
referent would raise an exception. This seems to be seen as wrongheaded
by greater pythonistas than myself.  I don't fully understand *why*
this is a bad idea, but my intuitive idea that it would be very
valuable has gone away.



Re: Newbie Class/Counter question

2006-03-14 Thread Michael Tobis
Paul, thanks for the enlightening intro to pyparsing!

We don't really know what the application is (I suspect it's homework),
but whether it's homework or a real-world one-off this all seems like
overkill to me. There's a time for elegance and a time for quick and
dirty. Assuming line oriented input as shown, I can do it in 9 simple
lines (or 7, if there is no "level3" or higher case) with no imports,
no regular expressions, and no user defined classes. However, I hate to
submit someone's homework.

Anyway, Provo seems confused, and should focus more on technique, I
think. Remember that "simple is better than complex" and "readability
counts". Try to find a way to take smaller steps toward your goal.



Re: New site

2006-03-11 Thread Michael Tobis
I think a logo contest is a good idea, and I am already working on my

I could also imagine a stylesheet contest.

The issue is who does the judging and what are the criteria.

Steve, what you say is true. Possibly people who are experienced in
making a six page site for their aunt's catering business may not
understand how much the site implementation is constrained by the huge
amount of existing content, nor what an excellent effort the rework is,
nor what a good product was achieved.

I am trying to make the point that the silly logo cancels out a good
bit of the benefit of the site in appealing to the uncommitted. A brand
that people love is usually a part of a product that people love, and
there needs to be some correspondence.

A pink bunny is a fine brand for flashlight batteries, but not a good
one for motorcycles.

For a language which cannot avoid associations with a ten meter snake,
a pair of tadpoles just says "we don't really mean it, never mind". The
twistedmatrix logo and the pycon logo take advantage of the
associations. The tadpoles try to avoid them, and to make matters worse
pick up a vague and oddly disturbing religious affiliation in the
process. If we are serious about promoting the language, they really
have got to go.

The contest can specify the dimensions of the logo image to match those
of the one currently on the site. The amount of work required to
replace the existing logo with a more appropriate one would amount to
just changing one reference in a stylesheet.



Re: Cheese Shop -> BSOL?

2006-03-11 Thread Michael Tobis
I like cheeseshop just fine, but have been a Monty Python fan since
they appeared on the CBC in, I think, 1969. I'm one of those people who
is always surprised when a MP bon mot is greeted with confusion and the
suspicion that I have finally lost my mind altogether. So...

If we are moving to the snake motif (which probably would be better

"Pythons lay eggs which they arrange in a pile. They coil around the
pile until all eggs have hatched. Since pythons cannot regulate their
internal body temperature, they cannot incubate their eggs per se;
instead, they raise the temperature of their eggs by small movements of
their body-essentially, they "shiver". This is one of only a few
documented cases of parental behaviour in snakes."
--Wikipedia article "python"

Pythons build no nests. Their eggs are found in coils.

Tadpoles ( ) are immature
frogs. If we keep the logo, we can change the name of the language to
"frog". Then the eggs would be found in . I personally
do not like this choice but it would have the virtue of consistency.
(Did I mention that I don't like the logo?)



Re: Python Evangelism

2006-03-10 Thread Michael Tobis
The name isn't changing,  so it's a "make lemonade" situation.

What's the best use we can make of the name; how do we make it stick in
people's minds positively? How do we make a positive image out of it?

Shy tadpoles, by the way, ( )
isn't it.



Re: Python advocacy in scientific computation

2006-03-08 Thread Michael Tobis
I think I agree with Steve here.

I suspect you should either have sufficiently trained your users in
Python, or have limited them to one-line statements which you could
then strip of leading whitespace before passing them to Python, or even
offered the alternative of one or the other. This would not have been
much extra work.

As for shell scripts generating Python code, I am not sure what you
were trying to do, but if you're going that far why not just replace
the shell script with a python script altogether?

os.system() is your friend.

I also agree with Steve that I can't see what this has to do with
makefiles. (But then I think "make" is a thoroughly bad idea in the
first place, and think os.system() is my friend.)



Re: New website

2006-03-08 Thread Michael Tobis
> No one
> of the complainers and negativists do claim that they could do it much
> better.

Indeed, I do not have to be able to write a particular program to
notice it has bugs.

On the other hand, (since I think the design, while not brilliant, is
good) fixing the logo is something that can be achieved without too
much fuss.

> But I think at times it might be usefull to consult
> professional aid.

In the case of the logo design, I am not sure I agree.

I think the twisted logo

and the PyCon logo

were probably not designed by professional designers but rather by
people who appreciate Python, and yet do have more appeal to the
community and the outside world alike. If we are going to use a snake
motif, we should use snakes that look like snakes.

I suspect the current shy-tadpoles design was outsourced.

(At one point NBC abandoned their very recognizable peacock for a
totally vapid geometric design, for which they paid many thousands of
dollars. (Including a huge settlement with a Nebraska TV station whose
logo they had essentially copied) Eventually they reverted to a
somewhat stylized peacock, which was a much better idea.) See

It's also interesting in passing to notice that another one of NBC's
non-peacock logos was called the "snake", for reasons that will escape
anyone who has not seen it animated.

In any case, I will probably take a little more time to make the case
that the shy tadpoles logo is a mistake.

Finally, I disagree that the current logo is better than the neutral
but consistently used php logo or the very clever java coffee mug logo,
and notably the Ruby on Rails logo, which is first rate.



Re: New website

2006-03-07 Thread Michael Tobis
While the new one is much better than the old website, the logo strikes
me as awful.

I tried to suggest repurposing the much better PyCon logo, but it
didn't raise the vast groundswell of support I wanted it to. But for
whatever its worth I'll try again. My rant is here:



Re: Python advocacy in scientific computation

2006-03-07 Thread Michael Tobis
> Indentation
> makes all kinds of inlined code extremely clumsy or practically impossible
> in Python.

This is the only sensible argument against the indentation thing I've
heard. Python squirms about being inlined in a presentation template.
Making a direct competitor to PHP in pure Python is problematic.

While there are workarounds which are not hard to envision, it seems
like the right answer is not to inline small fragments of Python code
in HTML, which is probably the wrong approach for any serious work
anyway. This problem does, however, seem to interfere with adoption by
beginning web programmers, who may conceivably end up in PHP or perhaps
Perl Mason out of an ill-considered expedience.

Why this should matter in this discussion, about scientific
programming, escapes me though.

When you say "all kinds" of inlined code, do you have any other
examples besides HTML?



Re: Python advocacy in scientific computation

2006-03-06 Thread Michael Tobis
> I have met no problems using F90 together with f2py

Thank you for the correction. I should have qualified my statement.

Our group must cope with F90 derived types to wrap a library that we
need. f2py fails to handle this case. While the f2py site alleges that
someone is working on this, I contacted the fellow and he said it was
on hold.

To our knowledge only the (officially unreleased) Babel toolkit can
handle F9* derived types. I would be pleased to know of alternatives.
To be fair, Babel remains in development, and so perhaps it will become
less unwieldy, and the developers have been very helpful to us. Still,
it certainly is not as simple a matter as f2py or swig.



Re: Python advocacy in scientific computation

2006-03-05 Thread Michael Tobis
1) indentation:

I claim that this is a trivial matter. Indentation is enforced, but if
you want to end all your blocks with #end, feel free.

Or write a preprocessor to go from your preferred block style to

2) self.something tedious to look at.

Again, you can somewhat work around this if you like. Just use "s" or
"_" instead of "self".

3) missing

4) multithreading and parallel execution impossible

This is simply false, though admittedly the MPI libraries need a little
work. Mike Steder of our group is likely to release an alternative. A
good way to think of Python is as a powerful extension to C. So using
MPI from Python just amounts to setting up a communicator in C and
wrapping the MPI calls.

As for less tightly coupled threads on a single processor, Python is
adept at it. I think the issues with multiple processors are much more
those of a server farm than those of a computational cluster.

We have been encountering no fundamental difficulty in cluster programs
using Python.

5) "I don't like numpy's array slicing" ?

this is unclear. It is somewhat different form Matlab's, but much more

1) pass by reference

Python names are all references. The model is a little peculiar to
Fortran and C people, but rather similar to the Java model.

2) matplotlib

A correct install can be difficult, but once it works it rocks. ipython
(a.k.a. pylab) is also a very nice work environment.

3D plots remain unavailable at present.

3) speed

Speed matters less in Python than in other languages because Python
plays so well with others. For many applications, NumPy is fine.
Otherwise write your own C or C++ or F77; building the Python bindings
is trivial. (F9* is problematic, though in fact we do some calling of
F90 from Python using the Babel toolkit)

4) useful libraries

yes. for your svd example see Hinsen's Scientific package. In general,
Python's claim of "batteries included" applies to scientific code.



Re: Python advocacy in scientific computation

2006-03-05 Thread Michael Tobis
>   $ rm `find . -name "*.pyc"`

Ouch. Is that a true story?

While we're remeniscing about bad typos and DEC, I should tell the
story about the guy who clobberred his work because his English wasn't
very strong.

Under RT-11, all file management was handled by a program called PIP.
For example to get a list of files in the current working directory you
would enter PIP *.* /LI . Well this fellow, from one of those countries
where our long "e" sound is their "i" sound, mournfully announced

"I vanted a deerectory so I typed 'PIP *.* /DE' "

That one is true.



Re: Python advocacy in scientific computation

2006-03-04 Thread Michael Tobis
There is a range of folks doing scientific programming. Not all of them
are described correctly by your summary, but many are. The article is
aimed not at them, but rather at institutions that develop engineered
Fortran models using multipuurpose teams and formal methods. I
appreciate your comments, because I see that there should be another
article aimed at desktop programmers.

One of the things python addresses best is the division of labor, where
the subtle concepts are available to those who need them and hidden
from those who don't need them. From what I understand of your work
(and what I have seen of the work of two other neuroscientists,
actually) Python would be a good choice for you.

That said, the level of computational skill in many scientists is
alarming. Why do we expect to spend six semesters learning mathematics
and expect to pick up computing "on the side"? It baffles me.  Frankly,
saying "I don't need version control" sounds to me no less foolish than
 saying "I don't need logarithms". (Perhaps you don't but someday soon
you will.)

"Speed of excecution is an issue, regardless of what computer science
folks try to tell you." strikes me as nothing short of hallucinatory.
No informed person says that speed is never an issue, and a great deal
of effort is spent on  speed. Where do you suppose your Fortran
compiler came from in the first place?

For someone without legacy code to worry about, fussing with Fortran
for single-user one-off codes strikes me as a weak choice. If you are
hitting Matlab's performance or memory limits, you should take the time
to learn something about computation, not because you are idle, but
because you are busy. Or if you prefer, because your competitors will
be learning how to be more productive while you put all your efforts
into coping with crude tools.

The peculiar lack of communication between computer scientists and
application scientists is real; but I believe the fault is not all on
one side. The fact that you have a PhD does not prove that you know
everything you need to know, and I strongly recommend you reconsider
this attitude. For one thing, you misjudged which side of the divide I
started on.

Michael Tobis
(While I dislike credentialism on usenet, I will reply in kind. I hold
a Ph.D. in geophysical fluid dynamics.)


Re: newbie question

2006-03-01 Thread Michael Tobis
I think the answers so far are unnecessarily confusing and off the

Here is what I think you think you want to know:

1) import only works once. If you try import again, it will see the
module already exists, and will ignore you

2) the functionality you think you want is reload.
>>> reload mymodule
will essentially reimport mymodule after the first time.

However, what you think you want is not what you want, which is why the
experienced people are giving misleading and overcomplicated answers.
Normally reload is a fairly advanced feature and beginners don't need

Usually, an import statement invokes a module containing a bunch of
definitions (usually functions or classes, but sometimes even
constants), but it doesn't DO anything unless it is invoked as the main

So after you satisfy yourself that "reload" does what you want, try to
think about how you would work things so you don't need it.

For instance, instead of something like

print "hello ",
print "world"

# end of file

>>> import mystuff
hello world
>>> import mystuff




def newstuff():
   print "hello",
   print " world"

# end of file

>>> from newstuff import newstuff
>>> newstuff()
hello, world
>>> newstuff()
hello, world



Python advocacy in scientific computation

2006-02-14 Thread Michael Tobis
Someone asked me to write a brief essay regarding the value-add
proposition for Python in the Fortran community. Slightly modified to
remove a few climatology-related specifics, here it is.

I would welcome comments and corrections, and would be happy to
contribute some version of this to the Python website if it is of


The established use of Fortran in continuum models such as climate
models has some benefits, including very high performance and
flexibility in dealing with regular arrays, backward compatibility with
the existing code base, and the familiarity with the language among the
modeling community. Fortran 90 and later versions have taken many of
the lessons of object oriented programming and adapted them so that
logical separation of modules is supported, allowing for more effective
development of large systems. However, there are many purposes to which
Fortran is ill-suited which are increasingly part of the modeling

These include: source and version control and audit trails for runs,
build system management, test specification, deployment testing (across
multiple platforms), post-processing analysis, run-time and
asynchronous visualization, distributed control and ensemble
management. To achieve these goals, a combination of shell scripts,
specialized build tools, specialized applications written in several
object-oriented languages, and various web and network deployment
strategies have been deployed in an ad hoc manner. Not only has much
duplication of effort occurred, a great deal of struggling up the
learning curves of various technologies has been required as one need
or another has been addressed in various ad hoc ways.

A new need arises as the ambitions of physical modeling increase; this
is the rapid prototyping and testing of new model components. As the
number of possible configurations of a model increases, the expense and
difficulty of both unit testing and integration testing becomes more

Fortunately, there is Python. Python is a very flexible language that
has captured the enthusiasm of commercial and scientific programmers
alike. The perception of Python programmers coming from almost any
other language is that they are suddenly dramatically several times
more productive than previously, in terms of functionality delivered
per unit of programmer time.

One slogan of the Python community is that the language "fits your
brain". Why this might be the case is an interesting question. There
are no startling computer science breakthroughs original to the
language, Rather, Python afficionados will claim that the language
combines the best features of such various languages as Lisp, Perl,
Java, and Matlab. Eschewing allegiance to a specific theory of how to
program, Python's design instead offers the best practices from many
other software cultures.

The synergies among these programming modes is in some ways harder  to
explain than to experience. The Python novice may nevertheless observe
that a single language can take the place of shell scripts, makefiles,
desktop computation environments, compiled languages to build GUIs, and
scripting languages to build web interfaces. In addition,  Python is
useful as a wrapper for Fortran modules, facilitating the
implementation of true test-driven design processes in Fortran models.

Another Python advocacy slogan is "batteries included". The point here
is that (in part because Python is dramatically easier to write than
other languages) there is a very broad range of very powerful standard
libraries that make many tasks which are difficult in other languages
astonishingly easy in Python. For instance, drawing upon the standard
libraries (no additional download required)  a portable webserver
(runnable on both Microsoft and Unix-based platforms) can be
implemented in seven lines of code. (See ) Installation of
pure python packages is also very easy, and installation of mixed
language products with a Python component is generally not
significantly harder than a comparable product with no Python

Among the Python components and Python bindings of special interest to
scientists are the elegant and powerful matplotlib plotting package,
which began by emulating and now surpasses the plotting features of
Matlab, SWIG, which allows for runtime interoperability with various
languages, f2py which specifically interoperates with Fortran, NetCDF
libraries (which cope with NetCDF files with dramatically less fuss
than the standard C or Fortran bindings), statistics packages including
bindings to the R language,  linear algebra packages,  various
platform-specific and portable GUI libraries, genetic algorithms,
optimization libraries, and bindings for high performance differential
equation solvers (notably, using the Argonne National Laboratory
package PetSC). An especially interesting Python trick for runtime
visualization in models that were not designed 

Re: Is python very slow compared to C

2006-02-12 Thread Michael Tobis
> Read his post again. He didn't ask a specific question at all, and he 
> certainly didn't mention execution speed.


> He asked a vague, meaningless question about whether Python was "slow 
> compared to C".

No, that is both wrong and gratuitously harsh. He had heard vague
meaningless complaints about whether Python was "slow compared to C"
and asked us to "pinpoint the issue", i.e., to determine in what sense
the allegation might be true. That is a precise and meaningful question
and being asked in a commendable fashion.



Re: Is python very slow compared to C

2006-02-11 Thread Michael Tobis
Experienced programmers learning Python should read this:

Try to understand the advantages of this approach, and understand its

Essentially, everything you do in Python (or related languages)
involves resolving a name. Sometimes the number of dictionary look-ups
(name dereferences) required to do anything is very expensive in
runtime performance.

If your code is not compute-bound (as most codes are not; these days
communication-bound or limited by database performance are more common)
the increase in your own performance will be much more important. If
your code does do so much computing (as mine do) that performance
matters, you may still find Python useful, but it is less of a



Re: VB to Python migration

2006-02-02 Thread Michael Tobis
An incremental approach and a redesign are not the same thing. It might
be insurmountably difficult to acheeve both in a move to another



Re: content

2006-01-27 Thread Michael Tobis
What about some permutation of the PyCon logo? It is really quite

Solves many problems:
dynamic, doesn't just sit there, looks like it is moving toward a
direction of motion surprising and memorable
refers to software in the minds of experienced coders
takes advantage of the snake association without being creepy
reassuring to corporate types but fun and T-shirt friendly
can be permuted in lots of amusing ways, optionally as output from
first impression is cheerful, second impression is cleverness

Kudos to whoever came up with that, by the way!



Re: content

2006-01-26 Thread Michael Tobis
I like the design, though I'd prefer stronger colors. I think it would
be a major improvement except for the logo.

I agree with others that the logo is a serious disappointment. Although
the symmetry has some initial appeal, I do not see or want to see a
two-ness about Python, and I find it disturbing and distracting even
without the vague cruciform aspects. In fact, just keeping the top
snake would be MUCH better.

I want a logo I can be as enthusiastic about as I am about the
language, but it will be hard to get unanimity about that, and I can
certainly see the need to compromise. Still it's my impression that
this one is a big mistake. Unlike, say, the Sun logo which I enjoy
looking at (and of which this is a cheap ripoff), this is like the
Microsoft Office logo, which I find explicitly off-putting, raising
negative associations. I might be convinced that its wrongness will
outweigh all the remaining benefits of the redesign.


Makes you think of cleverness, symmetry, networking, collaboration,
energy. It reinforces my positive feelings toward this company.


Makes you think about petty politics, imbalance, who gets the window
office, injustice, asymmetry, deformity. I detest this logo, and it
reinforces my avoidance of this company.


Nice font on the text, but the image raises:

What is that animal? Is it a snake? If it is, why is it so short? Why
are there two of them? Or is it one snake with two heads? Ewww. Why is
one facing backwards and the other upside-down? Is that a crucifix? Why
would someone make a cross out of snakes? These are people to avoid.

Very unsatisfactory, sorry.



Re: content

2006-01-26 Thread Michael Tobis
newer success stories please...



Re: Which Python web framework is most like Ruby on Rails?

2005-12-20 Thread Michael Tobis
Clearly the Ruby/Rails folks are making an effort to place themselves
as an easy-to-learn first language for people who might otherwise drift
into the rather awkward template-first way of thinking that is PHP.

I note that the Rails people are closely affiliated with the 37signals
people who in turn are closely linked with some advertising

Python people don't really think that way. As a community we really
seem to inherit the open source dysfunction of trying harder to impress
each other than to reach out to the rest of the world. The problem is
that this makes for amazing brilliance that is more or less invisible
to most of the world.

This leaves me believing that the commercial future is probably
brighter for Ruby vs Python. This won't affect the fact that Python is
probably still going to prevail in the scientific community, since
scientists aren't all that susceptible to promotion. That being the
case I don't think I myself will jump ship.

Since I am casting my lot with Python rather than Ruby, I think we
should take the friendly rivalry seriously rather than just shrugging
it off. Python MUST attract some of the most promising novice
programmers, and I believe that was part of its original design.

As a consequence Python MUST settle on a strong web framework that
includes the best of the existing frameworks, and polish it for maximum
accessibility as well as power.

Just on the basis of momentum rather than any strong technical argument
(which I am not well-qualified to make) I suggest we consider settling
on Django and doing what we can to improve it and its documentation.



Re: assignment to reference

2005-10-26 Thread Michael Tobis
I apparently don't understand this question in the same way the way
others do. I think the question is about the mutability of strings.

To my understanding of your question, it is impossible, at least if the
referenced objects are strings or other objects of immutable type.

 'cabbage' cannot be changed into 'coconut', though list('cabbage') can
be changed to list('coconut') in place.

>>> x = list('cabbage')
>>> id(x)
>>> y = list('coconut')
>>> id(y)
>>> x[:] = y[:]
>>> x
['c', 'o', 'c', 'o', 'n', 'u', 't']
>>> id (x)
>>> "".join(x)

You would need to be doing a LOT of these for any of this to be worth
the bother, or else have some rather exotic application you aren't
telling us about.

If I am reading you right the eval() is a red herring. I agree with the
others that you don't want an eval() here and you're better off with a
dict, but I am not sure that answers your question. 



Re: Hi All - Newby

2005-10-25 Thread Michael Tobis
> confusion regarding some of the basics...

Reset your brain.

This came up recently, and despite there being a pending quibble, I
think it's extremely useful to the experienced programmer/new

And since Frederik is apparenlty reading this thread, it gives me an
opportunity to say thanks for it!



PyNSol: Objects as Scaffolding

2005-07-06 Thread Michael Tobis
An article of mine, entitled "PyNSol: Objects as Scaffolding"  has
appeared in Computing in Science and
Engineering. You can read it at

or alternatively at

It's not so much an article about a software project as it is an
article using that project to present an alternative way of thinking
about how object oriented programming (and Python!) can relate to high
performance simulations.

I welcome comments.

Michael Tobis
Geophysical Sciences
University of Chicago


Re: declarations summary

2005-02-07 Thread Michael Tobis
Well, many scientists and engineers don't have the time, motivation or
ability to master the intricacies of recent fortran vintages either.
That's the problem.

Very large codes written by teams of software engineers for
well-delimited application spaces will continue to be written in some
version of Fortran. I hope the follwoing will explain why this causes
me difficulty.

Toy codes will probably move from Matlab to Python soon enough, if only
because Python, iPython and Matplotlib are free. It's the middle
ground, large codes as modified by single researchers, where much of
the real work of research gets done, and the infrastructure for this
use case is abysmal.

The near-term solution I'm coming to is code generation. As much as
possible I intend to present a clean Python interface to the scientist
and generate efficient compilable code behind their back.

Among the questions I'm trying to address is whether Python can or will
ever be so efficient that much of my work in this direction will be
abandoned. In that case, I can focus on the expression side, and leave
the efficiency question alone in the expectation that PyPy (or
something) will take care of it someday.

Another question is which language I should use as the back end. C or
even F77 can be coupled into the interactive environment on the fly.
Actual production work, of course, gains nothing from interactivity,
but we are still envisioning a significant scientist/developer use
case; in fact, that's the point.

Whether I like it or not, the group I work with is interested in is in
F90 source. (CCSM) This has proven awkward to integrate into Python,
though not impossible for some compilers thanks to the work of the
Babel and Chasm groups.

In practice, had the professional coders developing CCSM used C++
rather than Fortran90 (or even had they stuck to F77), we would be in a
better position to expose a well-defined low-complexity high-efficiency
layer to the non-CS specialist physical scientist. That's a mouthful, I
admit, but (trust me) the world would be a better place if it were

So such advantages as do exist for a professional full-time
computational science group in developing CCSM in F90 have ended up as
a hindrance to what my constituency regards as the most important use

Beliavsky's summary of what is available is a taxonomy of distinct
islands of production with tenuous connections between them. I don't
want quick-code slow-run "alternatives" to slow-code high-performance
production codes. I want, and my users need, a unified scientific
software environment which provides powerful expression without
sacrificing performance or interoperability.

Do I expect Fortran to go away? Not anytime soon. Do I expect an
alternative to emerge? Indeed I do, and I hope to be part of said
emergence. In fact, I don't know what the high-performance scientific
computer language of the year 2020 will look like, but I, for one,
would like it to be called "Python".



Re: declarations summary

2005-02-07 Thread Michael Tobis

Alex Martelli wrote:
> Michael Tobis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > .x = 1
> > .def foo():
> > .   if False:
> > .  global x
> > .   x = 2
> > .foo()
> > .print x
> >
> > prints "1"
> Wrong:

> >>> foo()
> >>> print x
> 2
> And indeed, that IS the problem.

Right. That's what I meant.

Sorry, that was a thinkographical error. 



declarations summary

2005-02-06 Thread Michael Tobis
Summary of my understanding of a recent interesting thread:

General usage has "declaration" meaning "statement which does not
generate executable bytecode but merely affects the compiler". My
assertion that decorator syntax is "declarative" is therefore formally

The common assertion that "Python is 100% executable" is an
exageration, but not because of the introduction of decorator syntax.
The "global" statement, however is not executable and is recognized as
a declaration.

Both "global" and "@", though have the characteristics that 1) they
don't fit comfortably into Python syntax and 2) they at least
conceptually affect the reference and not the referent. In suport of
the first point, unlike any other block, decorators can appear at only
particular places in the file. Meanwhile globals are counterintuitively
 indifferent to whether they are nested in code branches that don't

.x = 1
.def foo():
.   if False:
.  global x
.   x = 2
.print x

prints "1"

These are implemented in different ways and both seem to be somehow
unsatisfactory. They also seem to have something in common. However,
for me to call them both "declarations" was incorrect.

Pythonistas appear to be averse to any declarations (in the sense of
compiler directives) besides "global".

The resistance to "@" is a lost cause, even though a dramatically
def foo(a,b,c) decoby bar"
syntax was proposed. I find this hard to justify, as a deocrator is
clearly a modifier of an immediately following function declaration
rather than a freeestanding executable block.

If it were feasible,I'd even prefer
def foo(a,b,c) decoby [baz,quux]:
so that the list of decorators could be dynamically constructued at
define time.

Anyway, it's this sort of reference-modifier that's at issue here,
whether or not the implementation is truly declarative.

Now that there's two, can there be more? Should there be?

It's not difficult for me to imagine at least two other things I'd want
to do with references: 1) make them immutable (making life easier for
the compiler) 2) make them refer only to objects with certain
properties (strong duck-typing).

Also there's the question of typo-driven bugs, where an attempted
rebinding of "epsilon" instead cerated a reference called "epselon".
(The epselon bug) This is the bane of fortran, and after generations it
was generally agreed that optionally one could require all references
to be declared (implicit none). Perl went throgh a similar process and
implemented a "use strict" module. Experienced Pythonistas are oddly
resistant to even contemplating this change, though in the Fortran and
Perl worlds their usage quickly became practically universal.

I believe that enthusiasm for this construct in other languages is so
strong that it should be prominently addressed in Python introductions
and surveys, and that questions in this regard should be expected from
newbies and patiently addressed. I also don't fully understand the
profound aversion to this idea.

I myself am going back and forth on all this. I despise the fact that
good fortran90 code often has more declarations than executables. Ed
Ream (LEO's author) pointed out to me the Edward-Tufte-ness of Python.
No wasted ink (except maybe the colons, which I do sometimes find
myself forgetting on long edits...)  I don't want Python to look like
f90. What would be the point?

On the other hand, I think compiler writers are too attached to
cleverly divining the intention of the programmer. Much of the effort
of the compiler could be obviated by judicious use of declarations and
other hints in cases where they matter. Correct code could always be
generated without these hints, but code could be made more
runtime-efficient with them. People who are running codes that are a
compute-bound tend not to be beginners, and could put up with some
clutter when tuning their code.

In the end, I think the intuition of what's Pythonic is enormously
valuable, and I'm continuing to learn from discussions here every day.
As a result, I'm inclined to believe in the grounds of authority that
this sort of trick does not belong in Python.

That said it seems unlikely that any version of Python will ever be
competitive as a high-performance numerical computing language because
nothing can be known about bindings at compile time, as we are
constantly being remineded here. I'll be happy if Python knocks my
socks off yet again, but I can't see counting on it. So the successor
to Fortran (presuming it isn't C++, which I do presume) may be
influenced by Python, but probably it won't be Python.



Re: variable declaration

2005-02-01 Thread Michael Tobis
> All in all, I fail to see what gains would be expected by making
> into a single-assignment or single-binding language, even on a module
> module basis, to repay this kind of awkwardness.

Just to be clear, if anyone was suggesting that, it wasn't me.

It would be helpful on occasion in a numarray development context to
have *specific* refererences be bound only once, and I wouldn't be
surprised if the compiler couldn't use that information to good
advantage too.

However, this subthread is about whether rebinding is completely
avoidable. Others including you have come up with better reasons than I
did that it's not.

If rebinding is normal, I think the 'epselon' bug can't be dismissed as
completely avoidable. This is something that I gather you disagree with
on the presumption that everyone who writes Python is sufficently
talented that they can use their skills to avoid getting too far into
this trap.

Since I'm very much a believer in Python as a beginner's language, that
doesn't satisfy me. "Declarations are impractical" would satisfy me,
but so far I'm not completely convinced of that.



Re: pythonic equivalent of Mathematica's FixedPoint function

2005-02-01 Thread Michael Tobis
We apologise for the previous apology.


Re: variable declaration

2005-02-01 Thread Michael Tobis
> How common is it for a local variable to be bound in
> more than one place within a function?

It's more natural for a beginner to read or write

.mystr = ""
.for snippet in snippets:
.   if ilike(snippet):
.  mystr = mystr + snippet


.mylist = []
.for snippet in snippets:
.   if ilike(snippet):
.  mylist.append(snippet)
.mystr = "".join(mylist)

for instance.

While the latter is superior in some ways, I frequently find my fingers
tossing off the former approach.

Of course in this case it's not hard to come up with

mystr = "".join([snippet in snippets if ilike(snippet)])

but it's also not too hard to imagine cases where the list
comprehension would be too complex or would require too much

I don't know that it's ever necessary to rebind, but it is, in fact,
common, and perhaps too easy. In numeric Python, avoiding rebinding
turns out to be a nontrivial skill. 



Re: variable declaration

2005-02-01 Thread Michael Tobis
Given the behavior, the documentation is gratifyingly correct.

Given that the syntax is legal, though, the behavior is not what one
would intuitively expect, and is therefore unPythonic by (rather
dramatically) violating the principle of least surprise.

It's also, to me, understandable why it's difficult for the language
design to avoid this behavior.

This little discovery of mine sheds some considerable light on the
awkwardness of what you guys will deign to call "declarations". This
being the case, I can understand the resistance to "declarations" in

I had thought, until the current conversation and this experiment, that
the globals statement, er, declaration was just another executable,
especially given all the stress on Python's being purely executable.

I still see "global" and "@" as expressions of the same fundamental
problem, even though decorators are not implemented as declarations.
They both take effect in a non-intuitive sequence and they both affect
the reference rather than the referent.

This points out the problem that Python has in qualifying references
rather than referents.

Since BDFL is contemplating some optional typing, does this also imply
qualifying the references?

Maybe you wizard types can agree that there is a useful abstraction
that I'm talking about here, whether you wish to call it "declarations"
or not, and try to factor out some sort of consistent strategy for
dealing with it, perhaps in P3K. (I will try to be in a position to
help someday, but I have a long way to go.)

Language features that modify references rather than referents appear
to be problematic. Python clearly chafes at these. Yet there are at
least a few compelling reasons to want them. 



Re: variable declaration

2005-01-31 Thread Michael Tobis
Alex Martelli wrote:
> Michael Tobis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> he can perfectly
> well correct his misexpression if he cares to -- not my job to try to
> read his mind and perform exegesis on his words.

Well, I hate to try to tell you your job, but it doesn't seem to be to
be all that great of a marketing strategy to actively chase people
away... Hey, he might have been a Nutshell customer.

> I think it would have been true, but weak and insufficient.  Not only
> experienced Python users have that opinion: lack of declarations
> faze me even I was a total newbie

It did me, and it did many others. Perhaps you are unrepresentative.

It's one thing to say "no can do, sorry", it's another to say "you
don't need this anyway and if you think you do you aren't worthy".

In fact, it was your book I spent the most time thumbing through
looking for the "use strict" equivalent that I was absolutely certain
must exist. Hell, even Fortran eventually gave in to "IMPLICIT NONE".
It's practically the only thing I've ever expected to find in Python
that hasn't vastly exceeded my expectations, aand I'm sure Alexander is
not the only person to be put off by it. In fact, I'd recommend a
paragraph early in the Nutshell book saying "there are no declarations,
no use strict, no implicit none, sorry, forget it", and an index
listing under "declarations" pointing to a detailed exegesis of their
nonexistence. It would have saved me some time.

It's true that in some sense an assignment is all the declaration you
need. I think Carl Banks's point (what we think of as assignment as a
carryover from other languages is really rebinding, and in many cases
can be avoided) is also helpful.

But that doesn't make the "epselon" bug go away, and wanting to have a
way to catch it quickly isn't, to my mind, obviously a criminal act.
Also, based on what DogWalker demonstrates, it's really not that alien
to Python and should be feasible.

> > Also, the assertion that "Python has no declarations whatsoever" is
> > longer obviously true. In the 2.4 decorator syntax, a decorator
line is
> > not executable, but rather a modifier to a subsequent symbol
binding. I
> > call it a declaration.
> You may call it a strawberry, if you wish, but that doesn't mean it
> taste good with fresh cream.  It's nothing more and nothing less than
> arguably weird syntax for a perfectly executable statement:

This may well be true in implementation, but cognitively it is a
declaration that modifies the reference and not the referent. I see
that it is a big deal to ask for more of these, but I don't see why.

> > Let me add that I remain unconvinced that a language cannot combine
> > best features of Python with very high performance, which is
> I'm also unconvinced.  Fortunately, so is the EU, so they have
> very substantial financing for the pypy project, which aims in good
> exactly at probing this issue.

I hope this works out, but it's hard for me to see how pypy will avoid
lots of hashing through dictionaries. I'm willing to help it by
declaring an immutable reference. Here, don't look this up; it always
points to that.

I'm guessing that this will also be considered a bad idea, and maybe
someday I'll understand why. I'm looking for insight, not controversy.

>  If any single individual can be called
> the ideator of pypy, I think it's Armin Rigo, well-known for his
> excellent psyco specializing-compiler for Python:

I'm hoping I can make the meeting. Maybe proximity to the core group
will help me approach the sort of enlightenment I seek. Just being in
the vicinity of Ian Bicking's aura on occasion has been most inspiring.

> Almost nobody really liked the splat-syntax for decorators, except of
> course Guido, who's the only one who really counts (the BDFL).  But
> was strictly a syntax-sugar issue

Um, sugar isn't exactly what I'd call it. I think it matters a lot
though. Python's being easy on the eyes is not a trivial advantage for
some people, myself incuded.

> If "declarative statement" means anything, I guess it means "having
> tell stuff to the compiler to be taken into account during
> but irrelevant at runtime".  Python does have one such wart, the
> 'global' statement, and it's just as ugly as one might imagine, but
> fortunately quite marginal, so one can almost forget it.

I am trying to talk about having expressive power in constraining
references as well as the referents. Python studiously avoids this, but
decorators change that. I am not deep enough into the mojo as yet to

Re: variable declaration

2005-01-31 Thread Michael Tobis
This is definitely a wart:

... z = 42.3
... def f():
...if False:
...   global z
...z = -666
... f()
... print z


Re: variable declaration

2005-01-31 Thread Michael Tobis
> that's a nice theory, but since the decorator line is executed by the
> preter, it's a little weak.

Well, uh, who else would process it?

"use strict' and 'my epsilon' in perl are executed by the perl
interpreter as well, but they have a declarative flavor.

A decorator is a modifier to a subsequent binding, and it modifies the
reference and not the referent. So how is it anythng but declarative?


Re: variable declaration

2005-01-31 Thread Michael Tobis
With all due respect, I think "so go away if you don't like it" is
excessive, and "so go away if you don't like it and you obviously don't
like it so definitely go away" is more so. The writer is obviously
neither a native speaker of English nor an accomplished user of Python,
so there are two language issues here. Try expressing your reply in
Russian before deciding that "very ugly" means exactly what you think
it does. I think just saying that "experienced Python users have not
found the lack of declarations to be a major hindrance" would have been
more appropriate.

Also, the assertion that "Python has no declarations whatsoever" is no
longer obviously true. In the 2.4 decorator syntax, a decorator line is
not executable, but rather a modifier to a subsequent symbol binding. I
call it a declaration. I found this disappointing in that it seems to
me a violation of "Special cases aren't special enough to break the
rules" but on further reflection it enables consideration of what a
whole slew of declarative constructs could achieve.

To begin with, now that the design constraint of "no declarations" has
been shown to be less than absolute, why not allow for perl-style ('use
strict') declarations? It actually is very useful in the small-script
space (up to a few hundred lines) where the best Perl codes live.

Let me add that I remain unconvinced that a language cannot combine the
best features of Python with very high performance, which is ultimately
what I want. It seems to me that such a language (possibly Python,
possibly a Python fork, possibly something else) will need substantial
programmer control over references as well as referents.

It seems to me that Python has a weaker case for purity in this regard
now that the dam has been breached with decorator syntax, which is, I
think, a declaration.

Let me conclude with the confession that I'm still on the steep part of
the learning curve (if it ever flattens out at all...). Python has
definitely significantly modified how I think about things, and I
deeply appreciate all the efforts of you veterans. So I say this all
with some trepidation, because I don't want to join Alexander in
inadvertently offending you. And since I presumably missed some intense
flame wars about decorators by only a couple of months,  this may be a
real hornet's nest I am poking.

In summary, again with all due respect and gratitude for the
spectacularly excellent product that Python is today, I wonder  *why*
this strong aversion to declarative statements, and *whether* decorator
syntax constitutes a violation of it. I'd appreciate any responses or



Re: Fortran pros and cons (was Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space)

2005-01-30 Thread Michael Tobis
> Michael Tobis wrote:

> Fortran 90/95 is more expressive than Fortran 77 in many ways, as
> described in ...
> .

> ... expresses more science per
> line of code and per programming workday.

The example shown on p 10 illustrates a shorter piece of code in f90
than in f77, but it is not obviously more expressive or less complex.
Arguably the f77 code is easier to write and maintain, even though it
has more linefeeds in it, so I find the example far from compelling.

In fact, I find the f90 example impenetrable. Specifically, what does
array_copy(source,dest,n,nn) do? I note that n and nn are uninitialized
at call time. Are these outputs from array_copy(), appearing, in that
inimitable Fortran way, in the call signature?

Here it is in Python with NumArray:

b = sort(compress(less(v,200.) * greater(v,100.),m ))
result = b[(len(b)+3)//4]

I certainly think this example is competitive for whatever that's
worth. It has the added benefit of handling the case of an empty list
with a nice catchable IndexError exception.

However, if this were intended to be maintainable code I would find it
most effectively expressed something like this:

... def magthresh(vel,mag,vmin=100.,vmax=200.):
...selector = less(vel,vmax) * greater(vel,vmin)
...sortedmags = sort(compress(selector,mag))
...if len(sortedmags):
...   index = (len(sortedmags) + 3) // 4
...   return sortedmags[index]
...   raise IndexError,"No velocities in range."



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