unable to run the basic Embedded Python example

2023-06-24 Thread Dave Ohlsson via Python-list
I cannot get the simple program
to work.

My environment:
* Windows 10
* Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
* Qt Creator 10.0.1 (only as an IDE)
* Python not installed

This is what I did:

1. I downloaded https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.11.4/Python-3.11.4.tgz

2. I extracted Python-3.11.4.tgz into C:\temp\Python-3.11.4

3. I opened the "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019" which comes
with Microsoft Visual Studio 2019

4. In "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019":

** Visual Studio 2019 Developer Command Prompt v16.11.26
** Copyright (c) 2021 Microsoft Corporation
[vcvarsall.bat] Environment initialized for: 'x64'

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community>cd

C:\temp\Python-3.11.4\PCbuild>build.bat -d // <= option '-d' means "debug"
Downloading nuget...
[many lines omitted]
Build succeeded.

C:\temp\Python-3.11.4\PCbuild\pythoncore.vcxproj(578,5): warning MSB3073:
The command ""C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe" name-rev --name-only HEAD >
exited with code 128.
C:\temp\Python-3.11.4\PCbuild\pythoncore.vcxproj(578,5): warning MSB4181:
The "Exec" task returned false but did not log an error.
C:\temp\Python-3.11.4\PCbuild\pythoncore.vcxproj(579,5): warning MSB3073:
The command ""C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe" rev-parse --short HEAD >
exited with code 128.
C:\temp\Python-3.11.4\PCbuild\pythoncore.vcxproj(579,5): warning MSB4181:
The "Exec" task returned false but did not log an error.
C:\temp\Python-3.11.4\PCbuild\pythoncore.vcxproj(580,5): warning MSB3073:
The command ""C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe" describe --all --always
--dirty >
exited with code 128.
C:\temp\Python-3.11.4\PCbuild\pythoncore.vcxproj(580,5): warning MSB4181:
The "Exec" task returned false but did not log an error.
6 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:34.87


5. I copied the example
unchanged, to 'C:\temp\embedded_python\main.c'.

6. I created Qt Creator project file 'C:\temp\embedded_python\

TARGET = embedded_python
SOURCES += main.c
PYTHON_DIR = C:/temp/Python-3.11.4
LIBS += $${PYTHON_DIR}/PCbuild/amd64/python311_d.lib

7. I built the project:

20:02:38: Running steps for project embedded_python...
20:02:38: Starting: "C:\Qt\6.1.3\msvc2019_64\bin\qmake.exe"
C:\temp\embedded_python\embedded_python.pro -spec win32-msvc
"CONFIG+=debug" "CONFIG-=qml_debug" "CONFIG-=qtquickcompiler"
Info: creating stash file
20:02:38: The process "C:\Qt\6.1.3\msvc2019_64\bin\qmake.exe" exited
20:02:38: Starting: "C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom\jom.exe" -f

jom 1.1.3 - empower your cores

20:02:38: The process "C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom\jom.exe" exited
20:02:38: Starting: "C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom\jom.exe"
C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom\jom.exe -f Makefile.Debug
cl -c -nologo -Zc:wchar_t -FS -Zc:strictStrings -Zi -MDd -utf-8 -W3 -w44456
-w44457 -w44458 /Fddebug\embedded_python.vc.pdb -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE
-DQT_CORE_LIB -I..\embedded_python -I. -I..\Python-3.11.4\Include
-I..\Python-3.11.4\PC -I..\..\Qt\6.1.3\msvc2019_64\include
-I..\..\Qt\6.1.3\msvc2019_64\include\QtCore -Idebug -IC:/VulkanSDK/ -I..\..\Qt\6.1.3\msvc2019_64\mkspecs\win32-msvc -Fodebug\
..\embedded_python\main.c(12): warning C4996: 'Py_SetProgramName':
deprecated in 3.11
"/MANIFESTDEPENDENCY:type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls'
version='' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'
processorArchitecture='*'" /MANIFEST:embed /OUT:debug\embedded_python.exe
20:02:39: The process "C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom\jom.exe" exited
20:02:39: Elapsed time: 00:01.

Re: Creating logs with Python

2023-02-22 Thread Dave (NK7Z)

Thank you Gerard!  I am working on a project and needed that...  :)

73, and thanks,
Dave (NK7Z)
ARRL Volunteer Examiner
ARRL Technical Specialist, RFI
ARRL Asst. Director, NW Division, Technical Resources

On 2/22/23 07:03, Weatherby,Gerard wrote:


From: Python-list  on behalf of 
Date: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 9:44 AM
To: python-list@python.org 
Subject: Creating logs with Python
*** Attention: This is an external email. Use caution responding, opening 
attachments or clicking on links. ***

I want to store and make available as part of my project, logs, for access to 
data. Do you have any proposals?
Kind regards


Re: Function to Print a nicely formatted Dictionary or List?

2022-06-09 Thread Dave

I quite like the format that JSON gives - thanks a lot!


> On 9 Jun 2022, at 20:02, Stefan Ram  wrote:
>  Since nicety is in the eyes of the beholder, I would not
>  hesitate to write a custom function in this case. Python
>  has the standard modules "pprint" and "json".
>  main.py
> import json
> d ={ 1:2, 'alpha': 'beta' }
> print( json.dumps( d, indent=4 ))
>  output
> {
>"1": 2,
>"alpha": "beta"
> }


Function to Print a nicely formatted Dictionary or List?

2022-06-09 Thread Dave

Before I write my own I wondering if anyone knows of a function that will print 
a nicely formatted dictionary?

By nicely formatted I mean not all on one line!



Re: How to test characters of a string

2022-06-09 Thread Dave

I’ve found you also need to take care of multiple disk CD releases. These have 
a format of

“1-01 Track Name”
“2-02  Trackl Name"

Meaning Disk 1 Track1, Disk 2, Track 2.

Also A and B Sides (from Vinyl LPs)

“A1-Track Name”
“B2-Track Name”

Side A, Track 1, etc.


> On 8 Jun 2022, at 19:36, Dennis Lee Bieber  wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Jun 2022 01:53:26 + (UTC), Avi Gross 
> declaimed the following:
>> So is it necessary to insist on an exact pattern of two digits followed by a 
>> space? 
>> That would fail on "44 Minutes", "40 Oz. Dream", "50 Mission Cap", "50 Ways 
>> to Say Goodbye", "99 Ways to Die" 
>> It looks to me like you need to compare TWICE just in case. If it matches in 
>> the original (perhaps with some normalization of case and whitespace, fine. 
>> If not will they match if one or both have something to remove as a prefix 
>> such as "02 ". And if you are comparing items where the same song is in two 
>> different numeric sequences on different disks, ...
>   I suspect the OP really needs to extract the /track number/ from the
> ID3 information, and (converting to a 2digit formatted string) see if the
> file name begins with that track number... The format of the those
> filenames appear to be those generated by some software when ripping CDs to
> MP3s -- for example:
> -=-=-
> c:\Music\Roger Miller\All Time Greatest Hits>dir
> Volume in drive C is OS
> Volume Serial Number is 4ACC-3CB4
> Directory of c:\Music\Roger Miller\All Time Greatest Hits
> 04/11/2022  05:06 PM  .
> 04/11/2022  05:06 PM  ..
> 07/26/2018  11:20 AM 4,493,279 01 Dang Me.mp3
> 07/26/2018  11:20 AM 5,072,414 02 Chug-A-Lug.mp3
> 07/26/2018  11:20 AM 4,275,844 03 Do-Wacka-Do.mp3
> 07/26/2018  11:20 AM 4,284,208 04 In the Summertime.mp3
> 07/26/2018  11:20 AM 6,028,730 05 King of the Road.mp3
> 07/26/2018  11:20 AM 4,662,182 06 You Can't Roller Skate in a
> Buffalo Herd.mp3
> 07/26/2018  11:20 AM 5,624,704 07 Engine, Engine #9.mp3
> 07/26/2018  11:20 AM 5,002,492 08 One Dyin' and a Buryin'.mp3
> 07/26/2018  11:21 AM 6,799,224 09 Last Word in Lonesome Is Me.mp3
> 07/26/2018  11:21 AM 5,637,230 10 Kansas City Star.mp3
> 07/26/2018  11:21 AM 4,656,910 11 England Swings.mp3
> 07/26/2018  11:21 AM 5,836,638 12 Husbands and Wives.mp3
> 07/26/2018  11:21 AM 5,470,216 13 I've Been a Long Time Leavin'.mp3
> 07/26/2018  11:21 AM 6,230,236 14 Walkin' in the Sunshine.mp3
> 07/26/2018  11:21 AM 6,416,060 15 Little Green Apples.mp3
> 07/26/2018  11:21 AM 9,794,442 16 Me and Bobby McGee.mp3
> 07/26/2018  11:22 AM 7,330,642 17 Where Have All the Average People
> Gone.mp3
> 07/26/2018  11:22 AM 7,334,752 18 South.mp3
> 07/26/2018  11:22 AM 6,981,924 19 Tomorrow Night in Baltimore.mp3
> 07/26/2018  11:22 AM 9,353,872 20 River in the Rain.mp3
>  20 File(s)121,285,999 bytes
>   2 Dir(s)  295,427,198,976 bytes free
> c:\Music\Roger Miller\All Time Greatest Hits>
> -=-=-
>   Untested (especially the ID3 "variable" -- substitute variables as
> needed to match the original code):
>>>> id3Track = 2
>>>> track_number = "%2.2d " % id3Track
>>>> track_number
> '02 '
>>>> filename = "02 This is the life.mp3"
>>>> if filename.startswith(track_number):
> ...   nametitle = filename[3:]
> ... else:
> ...   nametitle = filename
> ...   
>>>> if nametitle.endswith(".mp3"):
> ...   nametitle = nametitle[:-4]
> ...   
>>>> nametitle
> 'This is the life'
>   Handling ASCII ' and " vs Unicode "smart" quotes is a different matter.
>   One may still run the risk of having a filename without a track number
> BUT having a number that just manages to match the track number. To account
> for that I'd suggest using the sequence:
> * Strip extension (if filename.lower().endswith(".mp3"): ...)
> * Handle any Unicode/ASCII quotes in both filename AND ID3 track title
> * Compare filename and title.
> * IF MATCHED -- done
> * Format ID3 track number as shown above
> * Compare filename to (formatted track number + track 
> title)
> * IF MATCHED -- done
> * Log full filename and ID3 track 
> title/track number to a
> log for later examination.
> -- 
>   Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
>   wlfr...@ix.netcom.comhttp://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/
> -- 
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


Re: How to replace characters in a string?

2022-06-08 Thread Dave

This is a tool I’m using on my own files to save me time. Basically or most of 
the tracks were imported with different version iTunes over the years. There 
are two problems:

1.   File System characters are replaced (you can’t have ‘/‘ or ‘:’ in a file 
2.   Smart Quotes were added at some point, these need to replaced.
3.   Other character based of name being of a non-english origin.

If find others I’ll add them.

I’m using MusicBrainz to do a fuzzy match and get the correct name.

it’s not perfect, but works for 99% of files which is good enough for me!


> On 8 Jun 2022, at 18:23, Avi Gross via Python-list  
> wrote:
> Dave,
> Your goal is to compare titles and there can be endless replacements needed 
> if you allow the text to contain anything but ASCII.
> Have you considered stripping out things instead? I mean remove lots of stuff 
> that is not ASCII in the first place and perhaps also remove lots of extra 
> punctuation likesingle quotes or question marks or redundant white space and 
> compare the sort of skeletons of the two? 
> And even if that fails, could you have a measure of how different they are 
> and tolerate if they were say off by one letter albeit "My desert" matching 
> "My Dessert" might not be a valid match with one being a song about an arid 
> environment and the other about food you don't need!
> Your seemingly simple need can expand into a fairly complex project. There 
> may be many ideas on how to deal with it but not anything perfect enough to 
> catch all cases as even a trained human may have to make decisions at times 
> and not match what other humans do. We have examples like the TV show 
> "NUMB3RS" that used a perfectly valid digit 3 to stand for an "E" but yet is 
> often written when I look it up as NUMBERS. You have obvious cases where 
> titles of songs may contain composite symbols like "œ" which will not compare 
> to one where it is written out as "oe" so the idea of comparing is quite 
> complex and the best you might do is heuristic.
> UNICODE has many symbols that are almost the same or even look the same or 
> maybe in one font versus another. There are libraries of functions that allow 
> some kinds of comparisons or conversions that you could look into but the 
> gain for you may not be worth it. Nothing stops a person from naming a song 
> any way they want and I speak many languages and often see a song re-titled 
> in the local language and using the local alphabet mixed often with another.
> Your original question is perhaps now many questions, depending on what you 
> choose. You started by wanting to know how to compare and it is moving on to 
> how to delete parts or make substitutions or use regular expressions and it 
> can get worse. You can, for example, take a string and identify the words 
> within it and create a regular expression that inserts sequences between the 
> words that match any zero or one or more non-word characters such as spaces, 
> tabs, punctuation or non-ASCII, so that song titles with the same words in a 
> sequence match no matter what is between them. The possibilities are endless 
> but consider some of the techniques that are used by some programs that parse 
> text and suggest alternate spellings  or even programs like Google Translate 
> that can take a sentence and then suggest you may mean a slightly altered 
> sentence with one word changed to fit better. 
> You need to decide what you want to deal with and what will be mis-classified 
> by your program. Some of us have suggested folding the case of the words but 
> that means asong about a dark skinned person in Poland called "Black Polish" 
> would match a song about keeping your shoes dark with "black polish" so I 
> keep repeating it is very hard or frankly impossible, to catch every case I 
> can imagine and the many I can't!
> But the emphasis here is not your overall problem. It is about whether and 
> how the computer language called python, and perhaps some add-on modules, can 
> be used to solve each smaller need such as recognizing a pattern or replacing 
> text. It can do quite a bit but only when the specification of the problem is 
> exact. 
> -Original Message-
> From: Dave 
> To: python-list@python.org
> Sent: Wed, Jun 8, 2022 5:09 am
> Subject: Re: How to replace characters in a string?
> Hi,
> Thanks for this! 
> So, is there a copy function/method that returns a MutableString like in 
> objective-C? I’ve solved this problems before in a number of languages like 
> Objective-C and AppleScript.
> Basically there is a set of common characters

Re: How to replace characters in a string?

2022-06-08 Thread Dave

> On 8 Jun 2022, at 11:25, Dave  wrote:
>myNewString = theString.replace("\u2014", “]”  #just an example

Opps! Make that

   myNewString = myNewString.replace("\u2014", “]”  #just an example

Re: How to replace characters in a string?

2022-06-08 Thread Dave

I misunderstood how it worked, basically I’ve added this function:

def filterCommonCharacters(theString):

myNewString = theString.replace("\u2019", "'")

return myNewString
Which returns a new string replacing the common characters.

This can easily be extended to include other characters as and when they come 
up by adding a line as so:

myNewString = theString.replace("\u2014", “]”  #just an example

Which is what I was trying to achieve.

All the Best

> On 8 Jun 2022, at 11:17, Chris Angelico  wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Jun 2022 at 19:13, Dave  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks for this!
>> So, is there a copy function/method that returns a MutableString like in 
>> objective-C? I’ve solved this problems before in a number of languages like 
>> Objective-C and AppleScript.
>> Basically there is a set of common characters that need “normalizing” and I 
>> have a method that replaces them in a string, so:
>> myString = [myString normalizeCharacters];
>> Would return a new string with all the “common” replacements applied.
>> Since the following gives an error :
>> myString = 'Hello'
>> myNewstring = myString.replace(myString,'e','a’)
>> TypeError: 'str' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
>> I can’t see of a way to do this in Python?
> Not sure why you're passing the string as an argument as well as using
> it as the object you're calling a method on. All you should need to do
> is:
> myString.replace('e', 'a')
> ChrisA
> -- 
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


Re: How to replace characters in a string?

2022-06-08 Thread Dave

Thanks for this! 

So, is there a copy function/method that returns a MutableString like in 
objective-C? I’ve solved this problems before in a number of languages like 
Objective-C and AppleScript.

Basically there is a set of common characters that need “normalizing” and I 
have a method that replaces them in a string, so:

myString = [myString normalizeCharacters];

Would return a new string with all the “common” replacements applied.

Since the following gives an error :

myString = 'Hello'
myNewstring = myString.replace(myString,'e','a’)

TypeError: 'str' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

I can’t see of a way to do this in Python? 

All the Best

> On 8 Jun 2022, at 10:14, Chris Angelico  wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Jun 2022 at 18:12, Dave  wrote:
>> I tried the but it doesn’t seem to work?
>> myCompareFile1 = ascii(myTitleName)
>> myCompareFile1.replace("\u2019", "'")
> Strings in Python are immutable. When you call ascii(), you get back a
> new string, but it's one that has actual backslashes and such in it.
> (You probably don't need this step, other than for debugging; check
> the string by printing out the ASCII version of it, but stick to the
> original for actual processing.) The same is true of the replace()
> method; it doesn't change the string, it returns a new string.
>>>> word = "spam"
>>>> print(word.replace("sp", "h"))
> ham
>>>> print(word)
> spam
> ChrisA
> -- 
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


Re: How to replace characters in a string?

2022-06-08 Thread Dave

I’ve also tried:
myCompareFile1 = myTitleName
myCompareFile1.replace("\u2019", "'")
myCompareFile2 = myCompareFileName
myCompareFile2.replace("\u2019", "'")
Which also doesn’t work, the replace itself work but it still fails the compare?

> On 8 Jun 2022, at 10:08, Dave  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I decided to start a new thread as this really is a new subject.
> I've got two that appear to be identical, but fail to compare. After getting 
> the ascii encoding I see that they are indeed different, my question is how 
> can I replace the \u2019m with a regular single quote mark (or apostrophe)?
> myCompareFile1 = ascii(myTitleName)
> myCompareFile2 = ascii(myCompareFileName)
> myCompareFile1: 'I\u2019m Mandy Fly Me'
> myCompareFile2: "I'm Mandy Fly Me"
> I tried the but it doesn’t seem to work?
> myCompareFile1 = ascii(myTitleName)
> myCompareFile1.replace("\u2019", "'")
> myCompareFile2 = ascii(myCompareFileName)
> myCompareFile2.replace("\u2019", "'")
> if myCompareFile1 != myCompareFile2:
>myLength1 = len(myCompareFileName)
>myLength2 = len(myTitleName)
>print('File Name Mismatch - Artist: [' + myArtistName + ']  Album: ['+ 
> myAlbumName + ']  Track: [' + myTitleName + ']  File: [' + myCompareFileName 
> + ']')
>if (myLength1 == myLength2):
>print('lengths match: ',myLength1)
>print('lengths mismatch: ',myLength1,'  ',myLength2)
>print(' ')
> Console:
> myCompareFile1: 'I\u2019m Mandy Fly Me'
> myCompareFile2: "I'm Mandy Fly Me"
> So it looks like the replace isn’t doing anything?
> I’m an experienced developer but learning Python.
> All the Best
> Dave
> -- 
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


How to replace characters in a string?

2022-06-08 Thread Dave
Hi All,

I decided to start a new thread as this really is a new subject.

I've got two that appear to be identical, but fail to compare. After getting 
the ascii encoding I see that they are indeed different, my question is how can 
I replace the \u2019m with a regular single quote mark (or apostrophe)?

myCompareFile1 = ascii(myTitleName)
myCompareFile2 = ascii(myCompareFileName)
myCompareFile1: 'I\u2019m Mandy Fly Me'
myCompareFile2: "I'm Mandy Fly Me"

I tried the but it doesn’t seem to work?
myCompareFile1 = ascii(myTitleName)
myCompareFile1.replace("\u2019", "'")
myCompareFile2 = ascii(myCompareFileName)
myCompareFile2.replace("\u2019", "'")
if myCompareFile1 != myCompareFile2:
myLength1 = len(myCompareFileName)
myLength2 = len(myTitleName)
print('File Name Mismatch - Artist: [' + myArtistName + ']  Album: ['+ 
myAlbumName + ']  Track: [' + myTitleName + ']  File: [' + myCompareFileName + 
if (myLength1 == myLength2):
print('lengths match: ',myLength1)
print('lengths mismatch: ',myLength1,'  ',myLength2)
print(' ')

myCompareFile1: 'I\u2019m Mandy Fly Me'
myCompareFile2: "I'm Mandy Fly Me"

So it looks like the replace isn’t doing anything?

I’m an experienced developer but learning Python.

All the Best


Re: How to test characters of a string

2022-06-07 Thread Dave
I hate regEx and avoid it whenever possible, I’ve never found something that 
was impossible to do without it.

> On 8 Jun 2022, at 00:49, dn  wrote:
> On 08/06/2022 10.18, De ongekruisigde wrote:
>> On 2022-06-08, Christian Gollwitzer  wrote:
>>> Am 07.06.22 um 21:56 schrieb Dave:
>>>> It depends on the language I’m using, in Objective C, I’d use isNumeric, 
>>>> just wanted to know what the equivalent is in Python.
>>> Your problem is also a typical case for regular expressions. You can 
>>> create an expression for "starts with any number of digits plus optional 
>>> whitespace" and then replace this with nothing:
>> Regular expressions are overkill for this and much slower than the
>> simple isdigit based solution.
> ...
>> Regular expressions are indeeed extremely powerful and useful but I tend
>> to avoid them when there's a (faster) normal solution.
> Yes, simple solutions are (likely) easier to read.
> RegEx-s are more powerful (and well worth learning for this reason), but
> are only 'readable' to those who use them frequently.
> Has either of you performed a timeit comparison?
> -- 
> Regards,
> =dn
> -- 
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


Re: How to test characters of a string

2022-06-07 Thread Dave
rotfl! Nice one! 

> On 8 Jun 2022, at 00:24, 2qdxy4rzwzuui...@potatochowder.com wrote:
> On 2022-06-07 at 23:07:42 +0100,
> Regarding "Re: How to test characters of a string,"
> MRAB  wrote:
>> On 2022-06-07 21:23, Dave wrote:
>>> Thanks a lot for this! isDigit was the method I was looking for and 
>>> couldn’t find.
>>> I have another problem related to this, the following code uses the code 
>>> you just sent. I am getting a files ID3 tags using eyed3, this part seems 
>>> to work and I get expected values in this case myTitleName (Track name) is 
>>> set to “Deadlock Holiday” and myCompareFileName is set to “01 Deadlock 
>>> Holiday” (File Name with the Track number prepended). The is digit test 
>>> works and myCompareFileName is set to  “Deadlock Holiday”, so they should 
>>> match, right?
>> OT, but are you sure about that name? Isn't it "Dreadlock Holiday" (by
>> 10cc)?
> Edsger Dijkstra originally wrote Deadlock Holiday for his band, The
> Semaphores.  10cc lost the race condition and had to change the lyrics.
> Sorry.
> -- 
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


Re: How to test characters of a string

2022-06-07 Thread Dave
Yes, it was probably just a typeo on my part.

I’ve now fixed the majority of cases but still got two strings that look 
identical but fail to match, this time (again by 10cc), “I’m Mandy Fly Me”.

I’m putting money on it being a utf8 problem but I’m stuck on how to handle it. 
It’s probably the single quote in I’m, although it has worked with other songs.

Any ideas?

All the Best

Here is the whole function/method or whatever it’s called in Python:

#   checkMusicFiles

def checkMusicFiles(theBaseMusicLibraryFolder):
myArtistDict = []

#  Loop thru Artists Folder
myArtistsFoldlerList = getFolderList(theBaseMusicLibraryFolder)
myArtistCount = 0
for myArtistFolder in myArtistsFoldlerList:
print('Artist: ' + myArtistFolder)
#  Loop thru Albums Folder
myAlbumList = getFolderList(theBaseMusicLibraryFolder + myArtistFolder)
for myAlbum in myAlbumList:
print('Album: ' + myAlbum)

#  Loop thru Tracks (Files) Folder
myAlbumPath = theBaseMusicLibraryFolder + myArtistFolder + '/' + 
myAlbum + '/'
myFilesList = getFileList(myAlbumPath)
for myFile in myFilesList:
myFilePath = myAlbumPath + myFile
myID3 = eyed3.load(myFilePath)
if myID3 is None:

myArtistName = myID3.tag.artist
if myArtistName is None:

myAlbumName = myID3.tag.album
if myAlbumName is None:

myTitleName = myID3.tag.title
if myTitleName is None:

myCompareFileName = myFile[0:-4]
if myCompareFileName[0].isdigit() and 
myCompareFileName = myFile[3:-4]

if myCompareFileName != myTitleName:
myLength1 = len(myCompareFileName)
myLength2 = len(myTitleName)
print('File Name Mismatch - Artist: [' + myArtistName + ']  
Album: ['+ myAlbumName + ']  Track: [' + myTitleName + ']  File: [' + 
myCompareFileName + ']')
if (myLength1 == myLength2):
print('lengths match: ',myLength1)
print('lengths mismatch: ',myLength1,'  ',myLength2)

print(' ')

return myArtistsFoldlerList

> On 8 Jun 2022, at 00:07, MRAB  wrote:
> On 2022-06-07 21:23, Dave wrote:
>> Thanks a lot for this! isDigit was the method I was looking for and couldn’t 
>> find.
>> I have another problem related to this, the following code uses the code you 
>> just sent. I am getting a files ID3 tags using eyed3, this part seems to 
>> work and I get expected values in this case myTitleName (Track name) is set 
>> to “Deadlock Holiday” and myCompareFileName is set to “01 Deadlock Holiday” 
>> (File Name with the Track number prepended). The is digit test works and 
>> myCompareFileName is set to  “Deadlock Holiday”, so they should match, right?
> OT, but are you sure about that name? Isn't it "Dreadlock Holiday" (by 10cc)?
> [snip]
> -- 
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


Re: How to test characters of a string

2022-06-07 Thread Dave
A, ok will do, was just trying to be a brief as possible, will post more 
fully in future.

> On 7 Jun 2022, at 23:29, Chris Angelico  wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Jun 2022 at 07:24, Barry  wrote:
>>> On 7 Jun 2022, at 22:04, Dave  wrote:
>>> It depends on the language I’m using, in Objective C, I’d use isNumeric, 
>>> just wanted to know what the equivalent is in Python.
>>> If you know the answer why don’t you just tell me and if you don’t, don’t 
>>> post!
>> People ask home work questions here and we try to teach a student with hints 
>> not finished answers.
>> Your post was confused with a home work question.
> In the future, to make it look less like a homework question, show
> your current code, which would provide context. Last I checked,
> homework questions don't usually involve ID3 tags in MP3 files :)
> ChrisA
> -- 
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


Re: How to test characters of a string

2022-06-07 Thread Dave

Found it! The files name had .mp3 at the end, the problem was being masked by 
null objects (or whatever) being returned by eyed3.

Checked for null objects and then stripped off the .mp3 and its mostly working 
now. I’ve got a few other eyed3 errors to do with null objects but I can sort 
those out tomorrow.

Thanks for your help - All the Best

> On 7 Jun 2022, at 23:01, Dave  wrote:
> Hi,
> No, I’ve checked leading/trailing whitespace, it seems to be related to the 
> variables that are returned from eyed3 in this case, for instance, I added a 
> check for None:
> myTitleName = myID3.tag.title
> if myTitleName is None:
> Seems like it can return a null object (or none?).
>> On 7 Jun 2022, at 22:35, De ongekruisigde 
>> > <mailto:ongekruisi...@news.eternal-september.org>> wrote:
>> On 2022-06-07, Dave > <mailto:d...@looktowindward.com> <mailto:d...@looktowindward.com 
>> <mailto:d...@looktowindward.com>>> wrote:
>>> Thanks a lot for this! isDigit was the method I was looking for and 
>>> couldn’t find.
>>> I have another problem related to this, the following code uses the code 
>>> you just sent. I am getting a files ID3 tags using eyed3, this part seems 
>>> to work and I get expected values in this case myTitleName (Track name) is 
>>> set to “Deadlock Holiday” and myCompareFileName is set to “01 Deadlock 
>>> Holiday” (File Name with the Track number prepended). The is digit test 
>>> works and myCompareFileName is set to  “Deadlock Holiday”, so they should 
>>> match, right? 
>>> However the if myCompareFileName != myTitleName always gives a mismatch! 
>>> What could cause two string that look the fail to not match properly?
>> Possibly leading or trailing spaces, or upper/lower case differences?
>>> myCompareFileName = myFile
>>> if myCompareFileName[0].isdigit() and myCompareFileName[1].isdigit():
>>>   myCompareFileName = myCompareFileName[3:]
>>> if myCompareFileName != myTitleName:
>>>   print('File Name Mismatch - Artist: ',myArtistName,'  Album: 
>>> ',myAlbumName,'  Track:',myTitleName,'  File: ',myFile)
>>> Thanks a lot
>>> Dave
>>>> On 7 Jun 2022, at 21:58, De ongekruisigde 
>>>>  wrote:
>>>> On 2022-06-07, Dave  wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I’m new to Python and have a simple problem that I can’t seem to find the 
>>>>> answer.
>>>>> I want to test the first two characters of a string to check if the are 
>>>>> numeric (00 to 99) and if so remove the fist three chars from the string. 
>>>>> Example: if “05 Trinket” I want “Trinket”, but “Trinket” I still want 
>>>>> “Trinket”. I can’t for the life of work out how to do it in Python?
>>>> s[3:] if s[0:2].isdigit() else s
>>>>> All the Best
>>>>> Dave
>>>> -- 
>>>>  You're rewriting parts of Quake in *Python*?
>>>> -- 
>>>> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
>> -- 
>>  You're rewriting parts of Quake in *Python*?
>> -- 
>> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list 
>> <https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list> 
>> <https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list 
>> <https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list>>
> -- 
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list 
> <https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list>

Re: How to test characters of a string

2022-06-07 Thread Dave

No, I’ve checked leading/trailing whitespace, it seems to be related to the 
variables that are returned from eyed3 in this case, for instance, I added a 
check for None:
myTitleName = myID3.tag.title
if myTitleName is None:
Seems like it can return a null object (or none?).

> On 7 Jun 2022, at 22:35, De ongekruisigde 
>  wrote:
> On 2022-06-07, Dave  <mailto:d...@looktowindward.com>> wrote:
>> Thanks a lot for this! isDigit was the method I was looking for and couldn’t 
>> find.
>> I have another problem related to this, the following code uses the code you 
>> just sent. I am getting a files ID3 tags using eyed3, this part seems to 
>> work and I get expected values in this case myTitleName (Track name) is set 
>> to “Deadlock Holiday” and myCompareFileName is set to “01 Deadlock Holiday” 
>> (File Name with the Track number prepended). The is digit test works and 
>> myCompareFileName is set to  “Deadlock Holiday”, so they should match, 
>> right? 
>> However the if myCompareFileName != myTitleName always gives a mismatch! 
>> What could cause two string that look the fail to not match properly?
> Possibly leading or trailing spaces, or upper/lower case differences?
>> myCompareFileName = myFile
>> if myCompareFileName[0].isdigit() and myCompareFileName[1].isdigit():
>>myCompareFileName = myCompareFileName[3:]
>> if myCompareFileName != myTitleName:
>>    print('File Name Mismatch - Artist: ',myArtistName,'  Album: 
>> ',myAlbumName,'  Track:',myTitleName,'  File: ',myFile)
>> Thanks a lot
>> Dave
>>> On 7 Jun 2022, at 21:58, De ongekruisigde 
>>>  wrote:
>>> On 2022-06-07, Dave  wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I’m new to Python and have a simple problem that I can’t seem to find the 
>>>> answer.
>>>> I want to test the first two characters of a string to check if the are 
>>>> numeric (00 to 99) and if so remove the fist three chars from the string. 
>>>> Example: if “05 Trinket” I want “Trinket”, but “Trinket” I still want 
>>>> “Trinket”. I can’t for the life of work out how to do it in Python?
>>> s[3:] if s[0:2].isdigit() else s
>>>> All the Best
>>>> Dave
>>> -- 
>>>  You're rewriting parts of Quake in *Python*?
>>> -- 
>>> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
> -- 
>  You're rewriting parts of Quake in *Python*?
> -- 
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list 
> <https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list>

Re: How to test characters of a string

2022-06-07 Thread Dave
It depends on the language I’m using, in Objective C, I’d use isNumeric, just 
wanted to know what the equivalent is in Python.

If you know the answer why don’t you just tell me and if you don’t, don’t post!

> On 7 Jun 2022, at 22:08, 2qdxy4rzwzuui...@potatochowder.com wrote:
> On 2022-06-07 at 21:35:43 +0200,
> Dave  wrote:
>> I’m new to Python and have a simple problem that I can’t seem to find
>> the answer.
>> I want to test the first two characters of a string to check if the
>> are numeric (00 to 99) and if so remove the fist three chars from the
>> string.
>> Example: if “05 Trinket” I want “Trinket”, but “Trinket” I still want
>> “Trinket”. I can’t for the life of work out how to do it in Python?
> How would you do it without Python?
> Given that if the string is called x, then x[y] is the y'th character
> (where what you would call "the first character," Python calls "the
> zeroth character"), describe the steps you would take *as a person* (or
> in some other programming language, if you know one) to carry out this
> task.
> Translating that algorithm to Python is the next step.  Perhaps
> https://docs.python.org/3/library/string.html can help.
> -- 
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


Re: How to test characters of a string

2022-06-07 Thread Dave
Thanks a lot for this! isDigit was the method I was looking for and couldn’t 

I have another problem related to this, the following code uses the code you 
just sent. I am getting a files ID3 tags using eyed3, this part seems to work 
and I get expected values in this case myTitleName (Track name) is set to 
“Deadlock Holiday” and myCompareFileName is set to “01 Deadlock Holiday” (File 
Name with the Track number prepended). The is digit test works and 
myCompareFileName is set to  “Deadlock Holiday”, so they should match, right? 

However the if myCompareFileName != myTitleName always gives a mismatch! What 
could cause two string that look the fail to not match properly?
myCompareFileName = myFile
if myCompareFileName[0].isdigit() and myCompareFileName[1].isdigit():
myCompareFileName = myCompareFileName[3:]

if myCompareFileName != myTitleName:
print('File Name Mismatch - Artist: ',myArtistName,'  Album: 
',myAlbumName,'  Track:',myTitleName,'  File: ',myFile)
Thanks a lot

> On 7 Jun 2022, at 21:58, De ongekruisigde 
>  wrote:
> On 2022-06-07, Dave  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I’m new to Python and have a simple problem that I can’t seem to find the 
>> answer.
>> I want to test the first two characters of a string to check if the are 
>> numeric (00 to 99) and if so remove the fist three chars from the string. 
>> Example: if “05 Trinket” I want “Trinket”, but “Trinket” I still want 
>> “Trinket”. I can’t for the life of work out how to do it in Python?
>  s[3:] if s[0:2].isdigit() else s
>> All the Best
>> Dave
> -- 
>  You're rewriting parts of Quake in *Python*?
> -- 
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


How to test characters of a string

2022-06-07 Thread Dave

I’m new to Python and have a simple problem that I can’t seem to find the 

I want to test the first two characters of a string to check if the are numeric 
(00 to 99) and if so remove the fist three chars from the string. 

Example: if “05 Trinket” I want “Trinket”, but “Trinket” I still want 
“Trinket”. I can’t for the life of work out how to do it in Python?

All the Best


Re: Help with Python/Eyed3 MusicCDIdFrame method

2022-06-06 Thread Dave
Thanks! That fixed it!

> On 6 Jun 2022, at 18:46, MRAB  wrote:
> On 2022-06-06 11:37, Dave wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I’m trying to get the ID3 tags of an mp3 file. I trying to use the 
>> MusicCDIdFrame
>>  method but I can’t seem to get it right. Here is a code snippet:
>>  import eyed3
>> import eyed3.id3
>> import eyed3.id3.frames
>> import eyed3.id3.apple
>> import eyed3.mp3
>> myID3 = eyed3.load("/Users/Test/Life in the fast lane.mp3")
>> myTitle = myID3.tag.title
>> myArtist = myID3.tag.artist
>> myAlbum = myID3.tag.album
>> myAlbumArtist = myID3.tag.album_artist
>> myComposer = myID3.tag.composer
>> myPublisher = myID3.tag.publisher
>> myGenre = myID3.tag.genre.name
>> myCDID = myID3.id3.frames.MusicCDIdFrame(id=b'MCDI', toc=b'')
>> When I run this, I get the following error:
>>   File "/Documents/Python/Test1/main.py", line 94, in 
>> myCDID = myID3.id3.frames.MusicCDIdFrame(id=b'MCDI', toc=b'')
>> AttributeError: 'Mp3AudioFile' object has no attribute 'id3'
>> Any help or suggestion greatly appreciated.
> That line should be:
> myCDID = eyed3.id3.frames.MusicCDIdFrame(id=b'MCDI', toc=b'')
> Also remember that some attributes might be None, e.g. 'myID3.tag.genre' 
> might be None.
> Another point: it's probably not worth importing the submodules of 'eyed3'; 
> you're not gaining anything from it.
> -- 
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list 
> <https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list>

Help with Python/Eyed3 MusicCDIdFrame method

2022-06-06 Thread Dave

I’m trying to get the ID3 tags of an mp3 file. I trying to use the 
 method but I can’t seem to get it right. Here is a code snippet:

 import eyed3
import eyed3.id3
import eyed3.id3.frames
import eyed3.id3.apple
import eyed3.mp3
myID3 = eyed3.load("/Users/Test/Life in the fast lane.mp3")
myTitle = myID3.tag.title
myArtist = myID3.tag.artist
myAlbum = myID3.tag.album
myAlbumArtist = myID3.tag.album_artist
myComposer = myID3.tag.composer
myPublisher = myID3.tag.publisher
myGenre = myID3.tag.genre.name
myCDID = myID3.id3.frames.MusicCDIdFrame(id=b'MCDI', toc=b'')

When I run this, I get the following error:

  File "/Documents/Python/Test1/main.py", line 94, in 
myCDID = myID3.id3.frames.MusicCDIdFrame(id=b'MCDI', toc=b'')
AttributeError: 'Mp3AudioFile' object has no attribute 'id3'

Any help or suggestion greatly appreciated.

All the Best


python 3.9.12 and python 3.10

2022-05-03 Thread Dave Francis
Date: Tue, 3 May 2022 19:59:08 +0100
Subject: python 3.9.12 and python 3.10
I installed 3.9 and am able to enter simple code which runs. If I type an
error I can highlight it but cannot copy or delete it.
I looked for help & found 3.10 and installed it but when I selected the
python icon 3.9 appeared with my old errors. I uninstalled 3.10 as 3.9 did
not appear in control panel.
Dell Inspiron 3793 Win 10
Dave Francis

[issue43112] SOABI on Linux does not distinguish between GNU libc and musl libc

2021-12-09 Thread Dave Shawley

Change by Dave Shawley :

nosy: +dave-shawley

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46014] functools.singledispatch does not support Union types

2021-12-08 Thread Dave Evans

New submission from Dave Evans :

It's not currently possible to use `singledispatch` with a function annotated 
with a Union type, although the desired behaviour is clear.

from functools import singledispatch
from typing import Union

def test(arg):
raise ValueError(arg)

def _(arg: Union[int, float]):
print(f"{arg} is a number")


This dies with:

TypeError: Invalid annotation for 'arg'. typing.Union[int, float] is not a 

I've implemented a workaround which digs the types out of the union and 
registers them one-by-one:
from functools import singledispatch
from typing import Union, get_type_hints

def register_for_union_type(target_fn):
def decorator(fn):
arg_type = list(get_type_hints(fn).values())[0]
assert arg_type.__origin__ is Union
for type_ in arg_type.__args__:
fn = target_fn.register(type_)(fn)
return fn

return decorator

def test(arg):
raise ValueError(arg)

def _(arg: Union[int, float]):
print(f"{arg} is a number")



Looking at the source for `singledispatch` is doesn't look like it would *too* 
difficult to add support for something like this, though of course there may be 
subtleties I've missed. Would you be open to a patch?

The only other mentions I've found of this online are:

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 408018
nosy: evansd
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: functools.singledispatch does not support Union types
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.11, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45305] Incorrect record of call_args_list when using multiple side_effect in mock.patch

2021-10-22 Thread Dave McNulla

Dave McNulla  added the comment:

I understand. It's a thing I often forget in python that some parameters are 
passed by value while others are passed by reference (language for parameters I 
remember from C class about 30 years ago).

I do not think I would have caught that with docs, unless you start putting 
them in Stack Overflow! I'm only sort of kidding.

I think you can close this bug.

Thanks for the clarification,


resolution:  -> not a bug

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45305] Incorrect record of call_args_list when using multiple side_effect in mock.patch

2021-09-27 Thread Dave McNulla

New submission from Dave McNulla :

I'm trying to reproduce an error in a call to a method, forcing a second call 
to the method. In my test, the call_args_list is showing incorrectly (both in 
debugging or running unittest normally).

I am not certain what other circumstances this is happening or not happening. I 
was able to reduce the code to reproduce it quite a bit. I am certain that the 
first call to the method is not matching correctly in my criteria to what I 
expect based on my debugging.

I am using python 3.7. I can reproduce in IntelliJ or by commandline `python3 
-m pytest test_multiple_side_effect.py`

components: Tests
messages: 402743
nosy: dmcnulla
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Incorrect record of call_args_list when using multiple side_effect in 
versions: Python 3.7

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39442] from __future__ import annotations makes dataclasses.Field.type a string, not type

2021-09-09 Thread Dave Tapley

Dave Tapley  added the comment:

I don't know if it helps, but I just ran in to this when I followed the advice 
at (1) because I wanted to type hint a method with the type of the enclosing 

This broke a package I'm working on in parallel (2) because it uses 
dataclasses.fields internally.

I'm not sure what the advice would be here, should my package detect if the 
caller has `from __future__ import annotations` and do something?

(2) https://pypi.org/project/dataclasses-configobj/

nosy: +davetapley

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Subprocess Connection Error

2020-10-17 Thread Dave Dungan via Python-list

I bought a book called Coding for Beginners to learn how to code using Python. 
The first few exercises went fine. When I got to the page called Recognizing 
types and did the exercise and saved it and tried to run the module it comes up 
with a Subprocess Connection Error. It says, "IDLE's subprocess didn't make 
connection. See the Start up failure section of the IDLE doc, online at 
https://docs.python.org/3/library/idle.html#startup-failure.; I went there and 
it said to try uninstalling python and then reinstalling it. I did this and it 
did the same thing again. It also said something about it is because of the 
antivirus software. I tried installing python on a different computer and it 
happened at the exact same place in the exercises in the book. I am far from 
being a computer whiz, just thought it would be fun to learn some simple 
coding. Any help would be appreciated. One more thing, the book says to save it 
as "types.py". 

Thank you,
Dave Dungan

Visualize dataframes in 2 lines

2020-08-22 Thread Dave Dawson
import sho

Install : pip install sho
Medium Article: 
Github: https://github.com/davewd/sho

[issue40134] Inconsistent ANSI escape code handling on Windows 10

2020-04-01 Thread Dave Rove

New submission from Dave Rove :

The correct handling of ANSI escape codes by the print() function may or may 
not be enabled in the Windows 10 command prompt window, depending on previous 
system calls. The following is quite repeatable. Comment-out the apparently 
meaningless os.system("") line and ANSI codes do not work, but leave that line 
in and ANSI codes DO work:

import os
os.system("") # Comment this out to disable ANSI codes
ansi_red = "\x1b[31m"
ansi_normal = "\x1b[0m"
print(ansi_red + "This is red!" + ansi_normal)

To be consistent with Python on Linux and Mac, I believe that ANSI codes should 
be permanently enabled in Windows 10 rather than removed. ANSI code handling 
was present from the start of Windows 10, so it's reasonable to presume that 
it's now a permanent feature of the Windows command prompt window. Either way, 
the inconsistency of the handling should be fixed.

To emphasize that ANSI codes ARE a feature of the command prompt, comment out 
that line to disable the ANSI codes in print(), but redirect the output to a 
text file. Then display that file at the command prompt. The ANSI codes then 
work correctly. 

python myansi.py > myansi.txt
type myansi.txt

components: Windows
messages: 365458
nosy: daverove, paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Inconsistent ANSI escape code handling on Windows 10
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.8

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39852] IDLE: Goto should remove selection and update the status bar

2020-03-06 Thread Dave Liptack

Dave Liptack  added the comment:

Like goto, right-click also exhibits this behavior.  Should selection_clear 
also be added to right-click code?


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39852] IDLE: Copy/Paste behaves like Cut/Paste

2020-03-05 Thread Dave Liptack

Dave Liptack  added the comment:

OS: Windows 10 Pro
Version: 1909
OS Build: 18363.657

Python 2.7.17 and 3.8.1 were installed from https://www.python.org/downloads/ 
using the Windows x86-64 executable installer (3.8.1) and Windows x86-64 MSI 
installer (2.7.17)

Both line numbers and code context are not present

To reproduce:
1) Position cursor at the start of a line of text
2) Type Shift+down arrow (to select line of text)
3) Type Ctrl+c
4) Type Alt+g (IDLE) or Ctrl+g (Notepad, Notepad++)
5) Enter line number (for example below line number = 2)
6) Type Enter
7) Type Ctrl+v

Example initial text:
# This is line 1

# additional line
# This is a line I wish to duplicate
# another additional line

Resulting text in IDLE:
# This is line 1
# This is a line I wish to duplicate

# additional line
# another additional line

Resulting text in Notepad and Notepad++:
# This is line 1
# This is a line I wish to duplicate

# additional line
# This is a line I wish to duplicate
# another additional line

My workaround in IDLE is to add a step between #6 and #7 above, where I mouse 
click at the desired paste location


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39852] IDLE: Copy/Paste behaves like Cut/Paste

2020-03-04 Thread Dave Liptack

New submission from Dave Liptack :

Python 3.8.1
IDLE 3.8.1

When COPYing text in IDLE, right-click and PASTE behaves like CUT/PASTE

This also occurs with COPY -> Go to Line -> PASTE

This does not occur with COPY -> left-click -> PASTE

assignee: terry.reedy
components: IDLE
messages: 363370
nosy: Dave Liptack, terry.reedy
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: IDLE: Copy/Paste behaves like Cut/Paste
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.8

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39001] possible problem with 64-bit mingw DECREF

2019-12-11 Thread Dave Lawrence

Dave Lawrence  added the comment:

traced to be a duplicate of https://bugs.python.org/issue28267

resolution:  -> not a bug
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39001] possible problem with 64-bit mingw DECREF

2019-12-11 Thread Dave Lawrence

Dave Lawrence  added the comment:

by redefinining the Py_DECREF macro in my application:

#define  Py_DECREF(op) do { if (--op->ob_refcnt == 0) fprintf(stderr, "DECREF 
%s %d %p %d %s %p\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, op, Py_SIZE(op), 
Py_TYPE(op)->tp_name,Py_TYPE(op)->tp_dealloc );  fflush(stderr); } while(0)

this outputs lines like this:

DECREF vardef_file.cc 1601 09F3C728 0 generator 

which appears to be showing the tp_dealloc is a null pointer.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39001] possible problem with 64-bit mingw DECREF

2019-12-10 Thread Dave Lawrence

Dave Lawrence  added the comment:

further investigation seems to point to this being something to do with mingw 
and the dll. I have tried compiling the same test example on 64-bit linux and 
in the Ubuntu WSL on windows and it works. Tests also show that the refcount of 
'1' is correct and not the problem.
the PyObject pointers of 02750408 are suspicious though and on sight 
look like 32-bit addresses -- is there some odd 32/64 bit mismatch happening 
somewhere even though the lib clearly links and loads the dll?


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39001] possible problem with 64-bit mingw DECREF

2019-12-08 Thread Dave Lawrence

New submission from Dave Lawrence :

I am calling a python method from C using the attached code.

The Site.py file is:

import os

def find_site():
path = os.path.abspath(".")
return path

Cross compiled to Windows from Linux using mxe.cc and python 2.7.17
On 32-bit this runs as expected:

module = 028BC710
result = 0283D6B0
Found Site at \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\dl
result = 0283D6B0 decref
module = 028BC710 decref

Site = \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\dl
but crashes on 64-bit, failing to DECREF result:

module = 02750408
result = 00E62EF0
Found Site at \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\dl
result = 00E62EF0 decref

In both cases the libpython was made using the .dll copied from the target 
Windows machine and pexports and dlltool to create the .a

 if the return value of the python is return "C:/Test/Path" it works. if you 
add test2 = test and return test2 it fails. if you say test2 = "".join(c for c 
in path) and return test2 it fails. if you set path2 = "C:/Test/Path and return 
test2 it works

using Py_REFCNT [in the C code] shows a value of 2 for a return "c:/test" but a 
value of 1 a return test

components: Library (Lib), Windows
files: py.cc
messages: 358033
nosy: Dave Lawrence, paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: possible problem with 64-bit mingw DECREF
type: crash
versions: Python 2.7
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file48767/py.cc

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38837] struct.pack: Unable to pack more than 256 bytes at a time

2019-11-19 Thread Dave Lotton

Dave Lotton  added the comment:

Mark, you are absolutely correct.  I'm an idiot.  

Focused on wrong thing.  Thank you.

resolution:  -> not a bug
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38837] struct.pack: Unable to pack more than 256 bytes at a time

2019-11-18 Thread Dave Lotton

New submission from Dave Lotton :

Using struct.pack it is not possible (Python 3.6.8 and 2.7.15) to pack more 
than 256 bytes at a time.  

This seems like an arbitrarily small number, and seems to be inconsistent with 
the capabilities of the unpack function, which is able to unpack a larger 
number of bytes.

Below demonstrates the issue...

>>> # Create large data set to be packed
>>> data = range(0,512)

>>> # Demonstrate format string for packing
>>> '<%dB' % len(data)

>>> # Try to pack large data set
>>> packed = pack('<%dB' % len(data), *data)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
struct.error: ubyte format requires 0 <= number <= 255

>>> # Make data set <= 256 bytes
>>> data = range(0,256)
>>> packed = pack('<%dB' % len(data), *data)
>>> # Data successfully packed

>>> # Append another 256 bytes to packed data
>>> packed += pack('<%dB' % len(data), *data)

>>> # Unpack all 512 bytes
>>> unpacked = unpack('<%dB' % len(packed), packed)
>>> unpacked
(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 
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197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 
213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 22
 1, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 
237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 
253, 254, 255, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 
38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 
58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 
78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 
98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 
114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 
130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 
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178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186,
  187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 19
7, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 
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229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 
245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255)

The 256 byte limit on packing seems arbitrarily small and is inconsistent with 
the unpack function.  I'm wondering if there is a rationale for this limit, or 
it has simply been an oversight in the implementation.

I am using Mint Linux 19.2 64-bit (Ubuntu Bionic - based distro).  The problem 
is manifested on both Python 3.6.8 and 2.7.15 included in the distro.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 356886
nosy: Dave Lotton
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: struct.pack: Unable to pack more than 256 bytes at a time
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.6

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: low-level csv

2019-11-17 Thread Dave Cinege
The few times I looked at CSV module it never looked useful to me. I 
seem to use shlex for everything. For example:

def csv_split (s):
lex = shlex.shlex(s, posix=True)
lex.whitespace_split = True
lex.whitespace = ','
return list(lex)

will split on commas while honoring quoted values (and stripping out the 


On 2019/11/17 08:18, Antoon Pardon wrote:

This is python 2.6->2.7 and 3.5->3.7

I need to convert a string that is a csv line to a list and vice versa.
I thought to find functions doing this in the csv module but that doesn't
seem to be the case.

I can of course write special classes that would allow for this using
a csv.reader and csv.writer but that would be some convoluted code.

Anyone some suggestions?


Re: How to delay until a next increment of time occurs ?

2019-11-14 Thread Dave Cinege


OK I'm old enough cancer to know what X10 is. :-) I wouldn't think this 
is too difficult to do as you're only sending. For this application IMO 
there is too much going on inside python that can interrupt the cycle of 
modulation. (Intra and Extra python; garbage collection, other 
processes, etc)

I would drop back to a simple program in C that you execute from python 
to do the actual sending putting your 'message' on the command line to 
that program (or use a tmpfile). I think your solution will be to 
execute this program from python.

Let me stress, my advise is doing this *reliably*. In that regard you 
might need look at locking your C process to 1 CPU and giving it highest 
priority. (man nice)

Once you have this working reliably, you could then look to convert it 
to a python c-module to more tightly integrate it.


On 2019/11/14 15:00, R.Wieser wrote:


Can you expand on what you are trying to accomplish with this?

There is a small 433 MHz rf transmitter connected to the pin, and when I
send the right pattern a wireless wall-wart will respond and switch a lamp
on or off. Its just ment as an example of a real-world application of
Python, nothing serious.

Ofcourse, by doing so I'm learning about how to use python (and the Pi)
myself too. :-)

It seems a small C program or library you interface python too is a better

:-)  I already wrote that program in C{something} (I'm not sure what my Pi
offers by default) a while ago, but "ported" it to python.  For the above
mentioned "example" reason.

... Which is also why I didn't even try to just shell to that program, or
try to interface with a C{something} library.

Though doing such interfacing is in the pipeline (I've already
found-and-stored some documentation about it).

Rudy Wieser


Re: How to delay until a next increment of time occurs ?

2019-11-14 Thread Dave Cinege

Can you expand on what you are trying to accomplish with this?
It seems a small C program or library you interface python too is a 
better solution. With that said, as others mentioned you might need a 
real time OS or micro controller if this needs to be dead on timing.


On 2019/11/13 09:02, R.Wieser wrote:

Hello all,

I'm writing some code to toggle a pin on a Raspberry Pi, and would like to
have that happen at (multiples of) 300 uSec increments.

I tried time.sleep(), but that one disregards the time after the last one
ends and the new one is started.  In other words, all the time spend in code
(or being interrupted by another thread!) between the end of the previous
and the start of the current sleep throws the whole repetitive timing off.

So, I'm looking for a method that will allow me to wait for a "last time
plus increment".  Is there one with the properties of sleep() (not just
burning processor cycles way, blocking all threads), but referencing a
previous time.

Rudy Wieser


ANNOUNCE: Thesaurus and ThesaurusCfg - recursive mapping and cfg file data types

2019-11-13 Thread Dave Cinege
This announcement is for a pre-release that I would like people to 
comment on structure, naming, etc. (Code review maybe not yet. :-)

Before you say "It's all been done before." I suggest you take a closer 
look and I think you may conclude that what I've revised over 7 years is 
now interesting.

Thesaurus is a mapping data type with key recursion and attribute 
aliasing. It is a subclass of dict() and compatible as a dictionary 
replacement baring where key path recursion may take place.

ThesaurusExtended is a subclass of Thesaurus providing additional 
usability methods.

ThesaurusCfg is a subclass of ThesaurusExtended providing a 
configuration file parser and per key data coercion methods.

The Thesaurus family works with Python 2.6+ to 3.8+.

A simple example of ThesaurusCfg
cfgs = '''
prog.version(static_int)= 123
opt.verbose (str_to_bool)   = yes
hi  = Hello
from thesauruscfg import thescfg
cfg = thescfg()
>>> cfg.parse(cfgs)
{'prog': {'version': 123}, 'opt': {'verbose': True}, 'hi': 'Hello'}
>>> cfg.opt.verbose

import json
>>> print(json.dumps(cfg, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
"prog": {
"version": 123
"opt": {
"verbose": true
"hi": "Hello"

  git clone https://git.cinege.com/thesaurus/


[issue38665] Crash when running SQLAlchemy with pyodbc

2019-11-04 Thread Dave Johansen

Dave Johansen  added the comment:

I can't. I just know that I'm running this process and this crash happens. Any 
recommendations on how to diagnose that?


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38665] Crash when running SQLAlchemy with pyodbc

2019-11-01 Thread Dave Johansen

New submission from Dave Johansen :

We're using SQLAlchemy 1.3.10 with pyodbc 4.0.27 in the python:3.7.5-alpine 
docker image to connect to a MySQL 13.0.5026.0 database and it's crashing with 
the following error:
python: malloc.c:2406: sysmalloc: Assertion `(old_top == initial_top (av) && 
old_size == 0) || ((unsigned long) (old_size) >= MINSIZE && prev_inuse 
(old_top) && ((unsigned long) old_end & (pagesize - 1)) == 0)' failed.

messages: 355830
nosy: Dave Johansen
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Crash when running SQLAlchemy with pyodbc
type: crash
versions: Python 3.7

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: Python shows error on line 15 that i cant fix

2019-09-21 Thread Dave Martin
On Saturday, September 21, 2019 at 2:46:15 PM UTC-4, boB Stepp wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 1:01 PM Dave Martin  wrote:
> >
> > On Saturday, September 21, 2019 at 1:33:12 PM UTC-4, Terry Reedy wrote:
> > > On 9/21/2019 11:53 AM, Dave Martin wrote:
> [...]
> > > > #get the combined data and load the fits files
> > > >
> > > > fits_filename="Gaia_DR2/gaiadr2_100pc.fits"
> > > > df=pd.DataFrame()
> > > > with fits.open(fits_filename) as data:
> > > > df=pd.DataFrame(data[1].data)
> > >
> > > A 'with' statement is a compound statement.  It must be followed by a
> > > 'suite', which usually consists of an indented block of statements.
> > > This is line 17 from the first non-blank line you posted.
> [...]
> > Can you provide an example of how to use the suite feature. Thank you.
> Dave, you seem to have some expectation that you should be given the
> answer.  That is not how help is given in this forum.  You are
> expected to be doing the needed to work before being helped further.
> You have been referred to the tutorial multiple times.  Please read
> it!  Indentation is so fundamental to structuring Python code that it
> is clear that you need grounding in Python fundamentals.  Otherwise
> you are essentially Easter-egging through a code sample that you have
> no true understanding of.
> If you must continue to Easter-egg Python instead of reading the
> tutorial (or something equivalent) then check the section of the
> tutorial on files.  You will find examples of the use of "with" there.
> -- 
> boB
You seem to have the expectation that you know more about coding than me and 
that you can insult me without me retaliating. If I were you, I would leave 
this forum and never respond to another person question again, if you think 
that you can rudely ransack your way through what is supposed to be a helpful 


Re: Python shows error on line 15 that i cant fix

2019-09-21 Thread Dave Martin
On Saturday, September 21, 2019 at 1:33:12 PM UTC-4, Terry Reedy wrote:
> On 9/21/2019 11:53 AM, Dave Martin wrote:
> > 
> > # starAbsMags=df['radial_velocity']
> > 
> > #GaiaPandasEscapeVelocityCode
> > 
> > import pandas as pd
> > import numpy as np
> > from astropy.io import fits
> > import astropy
> > import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> > 
> > 
> > #get the combined data and load the fits files
> > 
> > fits_filename="Gaia_DR2/gaiadr2_100pc.fits"
> > df=pd.DataFrame()
> > with fits.open(fits_filename) as data:
> > df=pd.DataFrame(data[1].data)
> A 'with' statement is a compound statement.  It must be followed by a 
> 'suite', which usually consists of an indented block of statements.
> This is line 17 from the first non-blank line you posted.
> Please stop spamming the list with multiple posts.  Do spend a few hours 
> reading the tutorial until you understand my answer.
> https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/index.html  Also read 
> https://stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example
> so you can ask better questions.
> I presume you got "SyntaxError: expected an indented block".
> A minimal example getting this error is, for instance,
> while True:
> a = 1
> -- 
> Terry Jan Reedy

Can you provide an example of how to use the suite feature. Thank you. 

Re: python is bugging

2019-09-21 Thread Dave Martin
On Saturday, September 21, 2019 at 12:44:27 PM UTC-4, Brian Oney wrote:
> On Sat, 2019-09-21 at 08:57 -0700, Dave Martin wrote:
> > On Saturday, September 21, 2019 at 11:55:29 AM UTC-4, Dave Martin
> > wrote:
> > > what does expected an indented block
> > 
> > *what does an indented block mean?
> It means that the line of code belongs to a certain body as defined
> above its position.  
> Please follow the tutorial.
> https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/index.html

df.to_csv(r"faststars.csv", index=None,header=True)
# starAbsMags=df['radial_velocity']


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits
import astropy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#get the combined data and load the fits files

with fits.open(fits_filename) as data:
df.columns=[c.lower() for c in df.columns]
#print out some data meta info to see what we're working with
print("Number of stars:")
distances = (df['parallax']/1000)
starAbsMags =df['phot_g_mean_mag']
df = df[(df.parallax_over_error > 10 ) ]
print("Left after filter: " +str(len(df)/float(nstars)*100)+" %")
#fastdf=df[(df.radial_velocity > 200) | (df.radial_velocity < -200)]
fastdf=df[(df.radial_velocity > 550)|(df.radial_velocity<-550)]
#print(fastdf)# starTemps=df['astrometric_weight_al']
# df.plot.scatter("radial_velocity", "astrometric_weight_al", s=1, 
c="radial_velocity", colormap="plasma")
# #df=df[(df.radial_velocity>=-550)]
# #plt.axis([0,400,-800,-550])
# #plt.axis([0,400,550,800])
# plt.xlabel('weight(Au)')
# plt.ylabel('Speed')
# plt.title('Gaia Speed vs Weight')

this is my code the error is on line 15

Re: python is bugging

2019-09-21 Thread Dave Martin
On Saturday, September 21, 2019 at 11:55:29 AM UTC-4, Dave Martin wrote:
> what does expected an indented block

*what does an indented block mean?

python is bugging

2019-09-21 Thread Dave Martin
what does expected an indented block

Python shows error on line 15 that i cant fix

2019-09-21 Thread Dave Martin

# starAbsMags=df['radial_velocity']


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits
import astropy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#get the combined data and load the fits files

with fits.open(fits_filename) as data:
df.columns=[c.lower() for c in df.columns]
#print out some data meta info to see what we're working with
print("Number of stars:")
distances = (df['parallax']/1000)
starAbsMags =df['phot_g_mean_mag']
df = df[(df.parallax_over_error > 10 ) ]
print("Left after filter: " +str(len(df)/float(nstars)*100)+" %")
#fastdf=df[(df.radial_velocity > 200) | (df.radial_velocity < -200)]
fastdf=df[(df.radial_velocity > 550)|(df.radial_velocity<-550)]
#print(fastdf)# starTemps=df['astrometric_weight_al']
# df.plot.scatter("radial_velocity", "astrometric_weight_al", s=1, 
c="radial_velocity", colormap="plasma")
# #df=df[(df.radial_velocity>=-550)]
# #plt.axis([0,400,-800,-550])
# #plt.axis([0,400,550,800])
# plt.xlabel('weight(Au)')
# plt.ylabel('Speed')
# plt.title('Gaia Speed vs Weight')


Re: Formatting floating point

2019-09-04 Thread Dave via Python-list

On 9/4/19 1:38 PM, Rhodri James wrote:

On 04/09/2019 18:12, Dave via Python-list wrote:
My question is why, and where do I find a reliable source of 
information on formatting numbers?  Not interested in replacement 
values like '{} {}'.format(1, 2).


I suspect the thing you were overlooking was that format() expects to be 
given a format specification, and you gave it a format string.  Instead 
of format(num, "{0:.1f}"), you wanted format(num, ".1f").  If you had 
tried "{0:.1f}".format(num) instead, you would have found that worked too.

Thanks Rhodri


Re: Formatting floating point

2019-09-04 Thread Dave via Python-list

On 9/4/19 1:25 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 3:16 AM Dave via Python-list


I have been going in circles trying to format a floating point number so
there is only 1 decimal place.  In reading all of the gobble-gook that
passes for Python advice, it looked like I should have done this:

numStr = '3.14159'
num = float(numstr) # OK so far
numFmt = format(num, '{0:.1f}') # Errors on format string
# --- Alternative that also does not work
numFmt = float("{0:.1f}".format(numStr))
# ---
numFmt = format(num, '0.1f')# Does work

Let's start by eliminating a few possibilities here. Don't try
formatting the original string, and don't call float() on the result
afterwards; just start with a floating-point value, and then create a
formatted string. If you think about starting with a value (which in
this case is a number) and the need to make a displayable version
(which implies that it's a string), your options basically look like

num = 3.14159
num_fmt = format(num, ".1f")
num_fmt = "{0:.1f}".format(num)
num_fmt = f"{num:.1f}"

All of these will give you back the string "3.1". All of them involve
a format string of ".1f", and they differ only in how they're choosing
which value to put there.

Hopefully that will clear things up a bit.


That helps!  Thanks Chris.


Formatting floating point

2019-09-04 Thread Dave via Python-list


I have been going in circles trying to format a floating point number so 
there is only 1 decimal place.  In reading all of the gobble-gook that 
passes for Python advice, it looked like I should have done this:

numStr = '3.14159'
num = float(numstr) # OK so far
numFmt = format(num, '{0:.1f}') # Errors on format string
# --- Alternative that also does not work
numFmt = float("{0:.1f}".format(numStr))
# ---
numFmt = format(num, '0.1f')# Does work

My question is why, and where do I find a reliable source of information 
on formatting numbers?  Not interested in replacement values like '{} 
{}'.format(1, 2).



Re: Application Preferences

2019-08-19 Thread Dave via Python-list

On 8/19/19 1:53 PM, Barry Scott wrote:

On 19 Aug 2019, at 13:43, Dave via Python-list  wrote:

The plan for an app that I'm doing was to use SQLite for data and to hold the 
preference settings as some apps do.  The plan was changed last week to allow 
the user to select the location of the data files (SQLite) rather than putting 
it where the OS would dictate.  Ok with that, but it brings up some questions.  
First, I will need to have a file that points to the location of the data file  
since that can't be hard coded. Second, if I have to have a file that is likely 
part of the application group of files, would it make more sense to use a more 
traditional preferences file?  How have other Python app developers done in 
this case?

There are expected locations for config files and data files on each OS.

On macOS you would use ~/Library/Preferences/ and put a file or a folder of 
files in there.
The convention is use your website name as the base name of the  file or folder.
For example for scm-workbench I use: org.barrys-emacs.scm-workbench as the 
folder name for
all the scm-workbench files.

On Windows you can use a file or folder in %APPDATA% that is named after your 
app. You should
find the folder by doing a win32 API call to get the value. See 
getPreferencesDir()  in
for how to get the value.

On Linux the XDG spec says that you should put config files in 
~/.config/ and data files
in  ~/.local/share/. Doing XDG to the spec is a little involved. I 
have some experimental
code that implements the logic for config the XdgConfigPath class in:

Putting a file directly in the $HOME folder is no longer recommended.

The format of the config data you are free to choose.
I have been using JSON files recently as it allow for structured data.


Barry, and all,

I agree that various OS's have a favorite place to put things.  Python 
has a library that will help.  However, there are valid reasons to let 
the customer choose.  Perhaps the drive/folder is a journaling one, or 
one that is backed up multiple times per day.  My take is to start with 
the OS solution, but let the customer decide.

How did this thread show up in the SQLite mailing list anyway?  Really 
has nothing to do with SQLite that I can see.



Re: Application Preferences

2019-08-19 Thread Dave via Python-list

On 8/19/19 9:22 AM, Malcolm Greene wrote:

Hi Dave,

The plan for an app that I'm doing was to use SQLite for data and to hold the 
preference settings as some apps do.  The plan was changed last week to allow 
the user to select the location of the data files (SQLite) rather than putting 
it where the OS would dictate.  Ok with that, but it brings up some questions.  
First, I will need to have a file that points to the location of the data file  
since that can't be hard coded. Second, if I have to have a file that is likely 
part of the application group of files, would it make more sense to use a more 
traditional preferences file?  How have other Python app developers done in 
this case?

We handle the "where is my config file" question by defaulting to script's 
current directory, then a script-specific folder within their home directory. Users can 
override that behavior by setting a script specific environment variable or by using a 
command line switch to point to a different location or config file.

We store our preferences in an INI style config file which we've found easier 
to support when there's problems.



Thanks for the reply.  I agree that a traditional INI file is the 
easiest way, especially since Python supports them.  So if I understand 
you, your apps look like this:

-App Dir
  +-App Code Folder
 +-(File to direct to home folder)

-Home Folder (the default location, but user can select other locations)
  +-App INI Folder
 +-App INI file

Application Preferences

2019-08-19 Thread Dave via Python-list
The plan for an app that I'm doing was to use SQLite for data and to 
hold the preference settings as some apps do.  The plan was changed last 
week to allow the user to select the location of the data files (SQLite) 
rather than putting it where the OS would dictate.  Ok with that, but it 
brings up some questions.  First, I will need to have a file that points 
to the location of the data file  since that can't be hard coded. 
Second, if I have to have a file that is likely part of the application 
group of files, would it make more sense to use a more traditional 
preferences file?  How have other Python app developers done in this case?


Re: Create multiple sqlite tables, many-to-many design

2019-08-13 Thread Dave via Python-list

On 8/13/19 5:46 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Tue, 13 Aug 2019, Rich Shepard wrote:

Read Joe Celko's books, starting with his SQL Programming Guide, then SQL

That should be SQL Programming Style



On my next trip to BN I'll see if they have them.  That is long term 
though.  Right now I just need to know how to populate the join table 
and anything else that has escaped me.

SQL is cool.  SQL + Python (or C or C++ or Java) is more cool.  Lot 
easier to understand than pointer math in C.


Re: Create multiple sqlite tables, many-to-many design

2019-08-13 Thread Dave via Python-list

On 8/13/19 2:59 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 4:50 AM Dave via Python-list

Some of the tables are related.  For example:

Hiking_Table Trails_TableJoining_Table
hike_id PK   trail_id  PKhike_id   FK
hike_date  TEXT  trail_name  TEXTtrail_id   FK
hike_destination TEXTtrail_rating REAL
hike_rating  REALtrail_comments TEXT
hike_comments  TEXT

So far, so good.  I know how to create the tables.  What I am struggling
with is how do I insert data into the joining table or don"t I?  If so,
do I need to query the other two tables to get the auto-number ID's?
Some things I have read suggest that the joining table just contains
references, so there is no actual insert.  A pointer to information how
to do this would be appreciated.  As for queries, I think I use joins,
but a pointer on how to do this would also be appreciated.

The joining table is a real thing, and will have real inserts. It
might be easier to think of this as two separate one-to-many
relationships; for the sake of demonstration, I'm going to add another
column to your joining table.

hike_sections ==> hike_id references hikes, trail_id references
trails, companion_name

You've decided to have someone with you for some sections of your
hike. As such, what we have is a number of "mini-hikes" that make up a
single hike (that's a one-to-many relationship between hikes and
sections), and also a single trail can be a section of any number of
hikes (so, another one-to-many relationship between trails and
sections). For any given section, there is exactly one companion.

Does this make the many-to-many relationship a bit easier to
understand? It'll work exactly the same way even if you have no
ancillary information in that joining table.



Thanks for the note.  I get the theory of MTM and the join table.  It is 
the implementation I don't get.  Let me see if I can demonstrate my 
confusion using pseudo code.

def dbTables_create (dbpath):

sql_HikeTable = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS hike (
hike_date TEXT,
hike_destination TEXT,
hike_rating REAL,
hike_comments TEXT ) """

sql_TrailTable = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS trail (
trail_name TEXT,
trail_rating REAL,
trail_comment TEXT ) """

sql_JoiningTable = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS hike_trail (
hike_id INTEGER
trail_id INTEGER ) """

# Some more code to open connection, create cursor, execute SQL.

def getUserInput ():
# Code to get the user input.
# The user input is:
hdate = "2019-05-28"
hdestination = "Top of White Face Mountain, NY."
hrating = 5.0   # Rating scale 1.0 (bad) to 5.0 (perfect).
hcomments "Got to do again.  Better shoes needed."
tname1 = "Brookside"
trating1 = 4.5
tcomments1 = "Easy"
tname2 = "Wilmington Trail"
trating2 = 4.9
tcomments2 = "Awesome!!"

def dbDataInsert():

sql_HikeInsert = """ INSERT INTO hike (
 hike_comments )
 hcomments ) """

sql_TrailInsert = """ NSERT INTO trail (
 trail_comment )
 tcomments1 ) """

sql_TrailInsert = """ NSERT INTO trail (
 trail_comment )
     tcomments2 ) """

""" ---> Now what?  I need to populate the join (hike_trail) table.
 Do I query the tables to get the id's?  Is there another
 way?  This is the part I really don't get.  """



Re: Create multiple sqlite tables, many-to-many design

2019-08-13 Thread Dave via Python-list

On 8/13/19 4:45 PM, MRAB wrote:

On 2019-08-13 19:59, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 4:50 AM Dave via Python-list

Some of the tables are related.  For example:

Hiking_Table Trails_Table    Joining_Table
-        -
hike_id PK   trail_id  PK    hike_id   FK
hike_date  TEXT  trail_name  TEXT    trail_id   FK
hike_destination TEXT    trail_rating REAL
hike_rating  REAL    trail_comments TEXT
hike_comments  TEXT

So far, so good.  I know how to create the tables.  What I am struggling
with is how do I insert data into the joining table or don"t I?  If so,
do I need to query the other two tables to get the auto-number ID's?
Some things I have read suggest that the joining table just contains
references, so there is no actual insert.  A pointer to information how
to do this would be appreciated.  As for queries, I think I use joins,
but a pointer on how to do this would also be appreciated.

The joining table is a real thing, and will have real inserts. It
might be easier to think of this as two separate one-to-many
relationships; for the sake of demonstration, I'm going to add another
column to your joining table.

hike_sections ==> hike_id references hikes, trail_id references
trails, companion_name

You've decided to have someone with you for some sections of your
hike. As such, what we have is a number of "mini-hikes" that make up a
single hike (that's a one-to-many relationship between hikes and
sections), and also a single trail can be a section of any number of
hikes (so, another one-to-many relationship between trails and
sections). For any given section, there is exactly one companion.

Does this make the many-to-many relationship a bit easier to
understand? It'll work exactly the same way even if you have no
ancillary information in that joining table.

Might I also suggest dropping unnecessary prefixes from the field names. 
For example, "hike_comments" in "Hiking_Table" can be called just 
"comments" because it's clear from the context that a field called 
"comments" in the hiking table will contain comments about hiking, if 
you see what I mean.

I do indeed.  I did that so it was easy for everyone to follow.  Having 
started with assm. and C, I have to remind myself to be more explanatory 
in naming.  Guess I over-did it.  The actual code is different. htbl, 
ttbl, jtbl, etc.  Too short?


Create multiple sqlite tables, many-to-many design

2019-08-13 Thread Dave via Python-list

Oops!  Just posted this to the wrong newsgroup.  Sorry!!!

I'm doing a Python app that uses SQLite, and am stumbling on a few 
questions.  I've read a lot of books and documentation, but two 
questions still allude me.  Hope someone that been there done this can 
help.  Below is a note I sent to the SQLite mailing list yesterday.  So 
far, nothing.  Need to get going, so many thanks!

I'm doing an app. that uses sqlite, and has a many-to-many relationship. 
 The areas I need some guidance are:

* Best way to create multiple tables the first time the app. is started.
* How to create a MTM relationship and add/modify data.

I can create tables (Python) by putting the code in discrete functions 
for each table and passing just the path to the database.  I can also 
create a calling function that gets a connection and passes that.  What 
is the pro-con of each since each seems to work?  Better ideas?

Some of the tables are related.  For example:

Hiking_Table Trails_TableJoining_Table
hike_id PK   trail_id  PKhike_id   FK
hike_date  TEXT  trail_name  TEXTtrail_id   FK
hike_destination TEXTtrail_rating REAL
hike_rating  REALtrail_comments TEXT
hike_comments  TEXT

So far, so good.  I know how to create the tables.  What I am struggling 
with is how do I insert data into the joining table or don"t I?  If so, 
do I need to query the other two tables to get the auto-number ID's? 
Some things I have read suggest that the joining table just contains 
references, so there is no actual insert.  A pointer to information how 
to do this would be appreciated.  As for queries, I think I use joins, 
but a pointer on how to do this would also be appreciated.


Python/SQLite best practices

2019-08-05 Thread Dave via Python-list
I'm looking for some tips from experienced hands on on this subject. 
Some of the areas of interest are (feel free to add more):

* Passing connections and cursors - good, bad indifferent?  I try to 
avoid passing file handles unless necessary, so I view connections and 
cursors the same.  Though that said, I'm not aware of any specific 
problems in doing so.

For designs with multiple tables:
* Better to pass an sql string to functions that create/add 
data/update/delete data and pass them to create, insert, update, delete 
functions; or have those functions for each table?  Taking table 
creation for example, if there are five tables, and the sql string is 
passed, there would need to be six functions to do it, though the 
complexity of each function may be reduced a little.  [table1create with 
sql and establishing a cursor, to table5create and then a function that 
executes the sql].

Best way to establish the connection and cursor, as well as close them? 
I have seen many ways to do this, and know that the with block can be 
used to create a connection and close it automatically, but the same is 
not true of the cursor.  Also, using only a with block does not handle 
any errors as well as a try/with.  For example:

|   try:
|   # Use with block to create connection – it will close self.
|   with sqlite3.connect(path) as conn:
|   cur = conn.cursor()
|   cur.execute(sql_ProjectsTable)
|   cur.close()
|   except Error as e:
|   print(e)

What else?


[issue37546] colors in ttk treeview tags are ignored

2019-07-10 Thread dave

New submission from dave :

The following example code fails in Python 3.7.3 64 bit (both lines are 
displayed in black).
It works correctly in 3.7.2 and earlier.

import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk

root = tk.Tk()

ttk.Label(root, text='This is a RED label', foreground='red').pack()

tree = ttk.Treeview(root)
tree.tag_configure('RED_TAG', foreground='red', font=('arial', 12))
tree.insert('', tk.END, text='Black line')
tree.insert('', tk.END, text='Red line', tag='RED_TAG')


components: Tkinter
messages: 347618
nosy: dave9000
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: colors in ttk treeview tags are ignored
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37362] test_gdb must not fail on "unexpected" messages written into stderr

2019-06-21 Thread Dave Malcolm

Dave Malcolm  added the comment:

I think when I wrote this I was over-optimistically thinking that we could just 
add more patterns, but if it's becoming a pain, then your approach looks good 
to me.

nosy: +dmalcolm

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37092] LoggerAdapter doesn't have fatal() like Logger

2019-05-29 Thread Dave Johansen

New submission from Dave Johansen :

Using LoggerAdapter is a convenient way to add extra info to all logs, but it 
doesn't have the fatal() method like Logger, so it isn't a drop in replacement 
like it should be.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 343941
nosy: Dave Johansen
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: LoggerAdapter doesn't have fatal() like Logger
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35070] test_posix fails on macOS 10.14 Mojave

2019-05-03 Thread Dave Page

Dave Page  added the comment:

The submitted patch from websurfer5 resolves the issue for me.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: Python best practice instantiating classes in app

2019-04-29 Thread Dave

On 4/29/19 3:26 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:

On 4/29/2019 1:38 PM, Dave wrote:
As apps get more complex we add modules, or Python files, to organize 
things.  One problem I have is a couple of data classes (list of 
dictionary objects) in a few modules that are used in a number of the 
other modules.  For example a list of meter reading dictionaries in 
one module is used by the user interface module to get the data from 
the user, a report module to display the data, and a file module to 
save and retrieve the data to/from file.  All the modules need to use 
the same instance of the list classes.

There are a number of ways to do this.  One is a module that creates 
the objects, then import that module into all of the others.  Works well, 

You can have one *or more* such modules.  Perhaps you already do.

but may not be the best way to do the job.

In what way do you consider it unsatisfactory.

It is not that I consider it unsatisfactory as much as I'm looking for 
the best way.  I am constantly amazed at the thought that has been given 
to this language (with the exception of access modifiers - perhaps, and 
lack of a case statement), and often find that there is a better way of 
doing everything.

A slight variation is to do this in the main module, but the main 
module has to be imported into the others.

Avoid import loops unless really necessary.  They often work, but when 
they don't ... its a pain.

  Since I use the main module as a calling module to load data, start 
the user interface, and to close things down, it may not be the best 
place to also create the classes.

Another way to do this is have a line in each module to check the 
name. If it is the module name, then create the class and then import 
these modules in all the others.  A tad messy and maybe a little 



Python best practice instantiating classes in app

2019-04-29 Thread Dave
As apps get more complex we add modules, or Python files, to organize 
things.  One problem I have is a couple of data classes (list of 
dictionary objects) in a few modules that are used in a number of the 
other modules.  For example a list of meter reading dictionaries in one 
module is used by the user interface module to get the data from the 
user, a report module to display the data, and a file module to save and 
retrieve the data to/from file.  All the modules need to use the same 
instance of the list classes.

There are a number of ways to do this.  One is a module that creates the 
objects, then import that module into all of the others.  Works well, 
but may not be the best way to do the job.

A slight variation is to do this in the main module, but the main module 
has to be imported into the others.  Since I use the main module as a 
calling module to load data, start the user interface, and to close 
things down, it may not be the best place to also create the classes.

Another way to do this is have a line in each module to check the name. 
If it is the module name, then create the class and then import these 
modules in all the others.  A tad messy and maybe a little confusing.

So what are the suggestions from people that have been down this road 


[issue36277] pdb's recursive debug command is not listed in the docs

2019-04-17 Thread Dave Nguyen

Change by Dave Nguyen :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +12796
stage: needs patch -> patch review

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35070] test_posix fails on macOS 10.14 Mojave

2019-04-11 Thread Dave Page

Dave Page  added the comment:

I'm seeing what appears to my uneducated eyes to be the same failure on Mojave, 
on a brand new machine which is entirely standalone:

12:16:00 0:00:07 load avg: 4.24 [133/416/1] test_posix failed
12:16:00 test test_posix failed -- Traceback (most recent call last):
12:16:00   File 
 line 1026, in test_getgrouplist
12:16:00 self.assertIn(group, posix.getgrouplist(user, group))
12:16:00 OSError: [Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device
12:16:00 0:00:07 load avg: 4.24 [134/416/1] test_ast passed

System info:

pgabf-macos2:Python-3.7.2 jenkins$ gcc --version
Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr 
Apple LLVM version 10.0.1 (clang-1001.0.46.3)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin18.2.0
Thread model: posix

pgabf-macos2:Python-3.7.2 jenkins$ system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType

System Software Overview:

  System Version: macOS 10.14.3 (18D42)
  Kernel Version: Darwin 18.2.0
  Boot Volume: Macintosh HD
  Boot Mode: Normal
  Computer Name: pgabf-macos2
  User Name: Jenkins (jenkins)
  Secure Virtual Memory: Enabled
  System Integrity Protection: Enabled
  Time since boot: 10 days 1:30

Happy to provide any additional info or try out patches if anyone wants.

nosy: +Dave Page

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: How call method from a method in same class?

2019-04-01 Thread Dave

On 4/1/19 10:29 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:

On 01Apr2019 22:02, Dave  wrote:
As classes get more complex, it is good to call a function to do some 
of the processing, and make the code easier to follow.  My question is 
how to do that?  I've attached some silly code to illustrate the 
point.  The error is: name 'validScale' is not defined.  Well, yes it 
is, but maybe not the correct way.  Suggestions?

It is and it isn't. See below:

class TempConverter():
   """ Temperature Converter converts a tempeature from one scale
   to another scale.  For example: 32, F, C will return
   0 degrees C


   def validScale(self, scaleName):
   if scaleName.upper == 'F' or 'C' or 'K':
   return True
   return False

   def convertTemp(self):
   """ Converts temperature scale if scales valid."""
   if validScale(self.scale):
   scaleValid = True


It is an instance method, so:

    if self.validScale(self.scale)

would resolve the name. However, there are several things worth 
discussing here.

First up, validScale itself returns a Boolean, so just return the test 
result. Change:

    if scaleName.upper == 'F' or 'C' or 'K':
    return True
    return False


    return scaleName.upper == 'F' or 'C' or 'K'

Second, the condition is buggy. You want this:

    return scaleName.upper() in ('F', 'C', 'K')

i.e. you need to call (the "()") the .upper method, and you need to 
check if the result is in your collection of valid results.

This expression:

    value == A or B or C

means: True if value == A, otherwise B if B is true, otherwise C.

The next thing to observe is that you're testing whether self.scale is 
valid. Normal practice would be to make that test in __init__, and raise 
a ValueError if it is not so:

    def __init__(self, .scale...):
  if scale.upper() not in ('F', 'C', 'K'):
    raise ValueError("invalid scale %r: expected one of F, C or K" % 
why recite the scale in the message? Because it makes the offending 
value obvious. In particular, if for example you called this incorrectly 
and had the temperature in there instead of the scale that will be 
trivial to debug from the message.

Of course, you actually want to be able to test any scal evalue for 
validity, not just the one stuffed into your instance (.scale). So lets 
revisit the validScale method:

    def validScale(self, scale):
  return scaleName.upper() in ('F', 'C', 'K')

You'll notice that it doesn't depend in "self". Or, for that matter, the 
class. So this is a "static" method: a function defined in the class for 
conceptual clarity, but not with any dependence on the class itself or a 
particular class instance. So:

    def validScale(scale):
  return scaleName.upper() in ('F', 'C', 'K')

In __init__, and elsewhere, you can still call this from the instance:

    def __init__(self, .scale...):
  if not self.validScale(scale):
    raise ValueError("invalid scale %r: expected one of F, C or K" % 
You can also call this from _outside_ the class, for example for other 

    scale = input("Enter a temperate scale name (F, C or K): ")
    if not TempConverter.validScale(scale):
  print("Bad! Bad user!")

   newScaleValid = True

Again, validScale returns a Boolean. So you could have just gone:

    newScaleValid = self.validScale(newScale)

   if scaleValid and newScaleValid:
   print('Scale converted')
   msg = "There was and error with the scales entered.\n"
   msg = msg + "You entered: " + self.scale
   msg = msg + ' ' 'and' + self.newScale

if __name__ == "__main__":
   myclass = TempConverter(32, 'f', 'c')

My personal inclination would be do define a Temperature class with a 
convert function to be used like this:

    temp = Temperature(32, 'f')
    tempC = temp.convert('c')

This reduces the complexity of the class and IMO makes it easier to use 

BTW, you get an instance back from tempConverter(...), not a class. So 
don't call it "myclass".

Cameron Simpson 


I'm going to need a while to work through this.  As I mentioned, this 
was quick and dirty code just to illustrate a point - not intended to be 
good code.  So I'll take a close read tomorrow.  Thanks again!!


Re: How call method from a method in same class?

2019-04-01 Thread Dave

On 4/1/19 10:02 PM, Dave wrote:
As classes get more complex, it is good to call a function to do some of 
the processing, and make the code easier to follow.  My question is how 
to do that?  I've attached some silly code to illustrate the point.  The 
error is: name 'validScale' is not defined.  Well, yes it is, but maybe 
not the correct way.  Suggestions?


class TempConverter():
     """ Temperature Converter converts a tempeature from one scale
     to another scale.  For example: 32, F, C will return
     0 degrees C

     def __init__(self, temperature, scale, newScale):
     self.temperature = temperature
     self.scale = scale
     self.newScale = newScale

     def validScale(self, scaleName):
     if scaleName.upper == 'F' or 'C' or 'K':
     return True
     return False

     def convertTemp(self):
     """ Converts temperature scale if scales valid."""
     if validScale(self.scale):
     scaleValid = True
     if validScale(self.newScale):
     newScaleValid = True
     if scaleValid and newScaleValid:
     print('Scale converted')
     msg = "There was and error with the scales entered.\n"
     msg = msg + "You entered: " + self.scale
     msg = msg + ' ' 'and' + self.newScale

if __name__ == "__main__":
     myclass = TempConverter(32, 'f', 'c')

Thanks all for your (ready, wait for it) self-lessness help (get it?)

Dave (laughing)


Re: How call method from a method in same class?

2019-04-01 Thread Dave

On 4/1/19 10:12 PM, Irv Kalb wrote:

On Apr 1, 2019, at 7:02 PM, Dave  wrote:

As classes get more complex, it is good to call a function to do some of the 
processing, and make the code easier to follow.  My question is how to do that? 
 I've attached some silly code to illustrate the point.  The error is: name 
'validScale' is not defined.  Well, yes it is, but maybe not the correct way.  


class TempConverter():
""" Temperature Converter converts a tempeature from one scale
to another scale.  For example: 32, F, C will return
0 degrees C

def __init__(self, temperature, scale, newScale):
self.temperature = temperature
self.scale = scale
self.newScale = newScale

def validScale(self, scaleName):
if scaleName.upper == 'F' or 'C' or 'K':
return True
return False

def convertTemp(self):
""" Converts temperature scale if scales valid."""
if validScale(self.scale):
scaleValid = True
if validScale(self.newScale):
newScaleValid = True
if scaleValid and newScaleValid:
print('Scale converted')
msg = "There was and error with the scales entered.\n"
msg = msg + "You entered: " + self.scale
msg = msg + ' ' 'and' + self.newScale

if __name__ == "__main__":
myclass = TempConverter(32, 'f', 'c')

To answer your specific question, you call a method in the same class by 
calling:  self.methodName   For example:  self.validScale

However, once you fix that, you wind find that the if statement in that method 
is not built correctly.

Also, since the variable self.scale is already set in your __init__ method, 
there is no need to pass it into your function.  You could just use self.scale 
inside that method.



Thanks for the response!  I realize the code is junk - just done to 
illustrate the problem.


How call method from a method in same class?

2019-04-01 Thread Dave
As classes get more complex, it is good to call a function to do some of 
the processing, and make the code easier to follow.  My question is how 
to do that?  I've attached some silly code to illustrate the point.  The 
error is: name 'validScale' is not defined.  Well, yes it is, but maybe 
not the correct way.  Suggestions?


class TempConverter():
""" Temperature Converter converts a tempeature from one scale
to another scale.  For example: 32, F, C will return
0 degrees C

def __init__(self, temperature, scale, newScale):
self.temperature = temperature
self.scale = scale
self.newScale = newScale

def validScale(self, scaleName):
if scaleName.upper == 'F' or 'C' or 'K':
return True
return False

def convertTemp(self):
""" Converts temperature scale if scales valid."""
if validScale(self.scale):
scaleValid = True
if validScale(self.newScale):
newScaleValid = True
if scaleValid and newScaleValid:
print('Scale converted')
msg = "There was and error with the scales entered.\n"
msg = msg + "You entered: " + self.scale
msg = msg + ' ' 'and' + self.newScale

if __name__ == "__main__":
myclass = TempConverter(32, 'f', 'c')

Re: configparser - which one?

2019-03-26 Thread Dave

On 3/26/19 4:29 AM, Terry Reedy wrote:

On 3/25/2019 8:10 PM, Dave wrote:
I use Python3 3, and expected learning how to use configparser would 
be no big deal.  Well!  Seems there is configparser, stdconfigparser, and 

configparser is what IDLE uses.  I would read the extra or deleted 
features of the others and see if they apply to your client's project.

safeconfigparser, and multiple ways to set the section and entries to 
the section.  A little confusing.  I want to future-proof may code, so 
what should I be using?

As for setting the sections and entries, the following both work.

from configparser import ConfigParser    # Python 3 syntax
parser = ConfigParser()

parser['DEFAULT'] = {'Language': 'English',
  'Units': 'English',
  'UseDefaults': 'True',
  'NumberRidesDisplay': '30',
  'Pi': '3.14'}

The dict interface is newer but I doubt that the older one will go away. 
  (IDLE uses it because it predates the dict interface.  Since this code 
is pretty static, I do not currently see a payoff for conversion.)

parser.set('default', 'language', 'english')
parser.set('default', 'units_measure', 'english')
parser.set('default', 'background_color', 'white')
parser.set('default', 'useDefaults', 'true')
parser.set('default', 'numToDisp', '12')
parser.set('default', 'pi', '3.14')

The advantage of the former is that it will handle 'DEFAULT', while 
the last one won't.  I like the former, but not sure if it is the future.

We do not remove things and break backwards compatibility lightly.

Thanks everyone.  So, I'll use configparser, but I do like the 
dictionary API as it makes the code a little easier as I can pass as 
arguments a section name and a dictionary with the contents to a 
function to write the complete section.


Re: configparser - which one?

2019-03-25 Thread Dave

On 3/25/19 10:58 PM, DL Neil wrote:


On 26/03/19 1:10 PM, Dave wrote:
I use Python3 3, and expected learning how to use configparser would 
be no big deal.  Well!  Seems there is configparser, stdconfigparser, 
and safeconfigparser, and multiple ways to set the section and entries 
to the section.  A little confusing.  I want to future-proof may code, 
so what should I be using?

(with apologies for not answering the question directly)

After striking this problem, I was encouraged to take a look at JSON, 
and thence YAML. Once there, as they say, didn't look back!

- multi-dimensional possibilities, cf .ini
- similarity/correspondence with Python data structures
- convenient PSL
- easily adopted by (power-)users, cf Python code


- similar Q: 

- article: https://martin-thoma.com/configuration-files-in-python/

- similar discussion: 

Wish I could do that.  Customer wants .ini.  I would need to sell them 
on an alternative.  The issue is human readable - .ini is easier for 
people to understand.


configparser - which one?

2019-03-25 Thread Dave
I use Python3 3, and expected learning how to use configparser would be 
no big deal.  Well!  Seems there is configparser, stdconfigparser, and 
safeconfigparser, and multiple ways to set the section and entries to 
the section.  A little confusing.  I want to future-proof may code, so 
what should I be using?

As for setting the sections and entries, the following both work.

from configparser import ConfigParser   # Python 3 syntax
parser = ConfigParser()

parser['DEFAULT'] = {'Language': 'English',
 'Units': 'English',
 'UseDefaults': 'True',
 'NumberRidesDisplay': '30',
 'Pi': '3.14'}

parser.set('default', 'language', 'english')
parser.set('default', 'units_measure', 'english')
parser.set('default', 'background_color', 'white')
parser.set('default', 'useDefaults', 'true')
parser.set('default', 'numToDisp', '12')
parser.set('default', 'pi', '3.14')

The advantage of the former is that it will handle 'DEFAULT', while the 
last one won't.  I like the former, but not sure if it is the future.


Re: ANN: Creating GUI Applications with wxPython

2019-02-27 Thread Dave

On 2/27/19 11:38 AM, Rhodri James wrote:

On 27/02/2019 15:37, Dave wrote:
* GUI must support all desktops with a native look and feel.  Kivy 
fails this one.  Will have mobile apps later in the year, so it would 
be nice if one GUI fits all, but am ok with 2 gui's if needed.

This requirement will cause you endless pain, particularly when mobiles 
enter the picture.  I'm not convinced it's a completely good idea; a 
sensible UI for a desktop probably won't be sensible for a phone and 
vice versa

Agreed - that is why I'm open to two GUI kits.


Re: ANN: Creating GUI Applications with wxPython

2019-02-27 Thread Dave

Sorry about the duplicate messages - bad hair day!


On 2/27/19 10:38 AM, Dave wrote:

On 1/14/19 2:08 PM, Mike Driscoll wrote:


I just thought I would let you all know that I am working on my 2nd 
wxPython book, "Creating GUI Applications with wxPython". This one 
will be about actually creating small runnable applications instead of 
just recipes like my Cookbook did. I hope to have 8-10 working 
applications included with the book.

You can read more about it here if you are interested: 

Feel free to ask me questions about it too.



I have two Python 3 (3.6) apps that will get the full GUI treatment very 
soon.  I'm in the process of choosing a GUI, and that may be where 
you/your book can help.  Seems this is not a trivial effort (wishing 
that Python was like VB6 from the 90's).

Anyway, here is what I am looking for - hopefully it helps guide you.

* GUI relatively easy to understand and implement.  easyGUI is truly 
easy in all areas, but fails some of my other requirements.  The 
QT/PyQT/PySide2 situation is a mess - which one to use, why, any 
implementation differences, etc.

* Performance is very good.  Users hate to wait - for anything!

* Lots of widgets!  I'll need a spreadsheet-like widget, a form widget 
to enter information on parts, activities, etc., splash screen that the 
code can talk to while the app is loading, and the big one - a 
cross-platform printer widget that works with Windows and Mac/Unix/CUPS. 
  A network widget may also be good.

* A GUI designer may be good.  Currently there is Glade for GTK, and 
QT-Designer for QT.

* GUI must support all desktops with a native look and feel.  Kivy fails 
this one.  Will have mobile apps later in the year, so it would be nice 
if one GUI fits all, but am ok with 2 gui's if needed.

* A great book taking me from beginner to expert.



Re: ANN: Creating GUI Applications with wxPython

2019-02-27 Thread Dave

On 1/14/19 2:08 PM, Mike Driscoll wrote:


I just thought I would let you all know that I am working on my 2nd wxPython book, 
"Creating GUI Applications with wxPython". This one will be about actually 
creating small runnable applications instead of just recipes like my Cookbook did. I hope 
to have 8-10 working applications included with the book.

You can read more about it here if you are interested: 

Feel free to ask me questions about it too.



I have two Python 3 (3.6) apps that will get the full GUI treatment very 
soon.  I'm in the process of choosing a GUI, and that may be where 
you/your book can help.  Seems this is not a trivial effort (wishing 
that Python was like VB6 from the 90's).

Anyway, here is what I am looking for - hopefully it helps guide you.

* GUI relatively easy to understand and implement.  easyGUI is truly 
easy in all areas, but fails some of my other requirements.  The 
QT/PyQT/PySide2 situation is a mess - which one to use, why, any 
implementation differences, etc.

* Performance is very good.  Users hate to wait - for anything!

* Lots of widgets!  I'll need a spreadsheet-like widget, a form widget 
to enter information on parts, activities, etc., splash screen that the 
code can talk to while the app is loading, and the big one - a 
cross-platform printer widget that works with Windows and Mac/Unix/CUPS. 
 A network widget may also be good.

* A GUI designer may be good.  Currently there is Glade for GTK, and 
QT-Designer for QT.

* GUI must support all desktops with a native look and feel.  Kivy fails 
this one.  Will have mobile apps later in the year, so it would be nice 
if one GUI fits all, but am ok with 2 gui's if needed.

* A great book taking me from beginner to expert.



Re: ANN: Creating GUI Applications with wxPython

2019-02-27 Thread Dave

On 1/14/19 2:08 PM, Mike Driscoll wrote:


I just thought I would let you all know that I am working on my 2nd wxPython book, 
"Creating GUI Applications with wxPython". This one will be about actually 
creating small runnable applications instead of just recipes like my Cookbook did. I hope 
to have 8-10 working applications included with the book.

You can read more about it here if you are interested: 

Feel free to ask me questions about it too.



I have two Python 3 (3.6) apps that will get the full GUI treatment very 
soon.  I'm in the process of choosing a GUI, and that may be where 
you/your book can help.  Seems this is not a trivial effort (wishing 
that Python was like VB6 from the 90's).

Anyway, here is what I am looking for - hopefully it helps guide you.

* GUI relatively easy to understand and implement.  easyGUI is truly 
easy in all areas, but fails some of my other requirements.  The 
QT/PyQT/PySide2 situation is a mess - which one to use, why, any 
implementation differences, etc.

* Performance is very good.  Users hate to wait - for anything!

* Lots of widgets!  I'll need a spreadsheet-like widget, a form widget 
to enter information on parts, activities, etc., splash screen that the 
code can talk to while the app is loading, and the big one - a 
cross-platform printer widget that works with Windows and Mac/Unix/CUPS. 
 A network widget may also be good.

* A GUI designer may be good.  Currently there is Glade for GTK, and 
QT-Designer for QT.

* GUI must support all desktops with a native look and feel.  Kivy fails 
this one.  Will have mobile apps later in the year, so it would be nice 
if one GUI fits all, but am ok with 2 gui's if needed.

* A great book taking me from beginner to expert.



Re: ANN: Creating GUI Applications with wxPython

2019-02-27 Thread Dave

On 1/14/19 2:08 PM, Mike Driscoll wrote:


I just thought I would let you all know that I am working on my 2nd wxPython book, 
"Creating GUI Applications with wxPython". This one will be about actually 
creating small runnable applications instead of just recipes like my Cookbook did. I hope 
to have 8-10 working applications included with the book.

You can read more about it here if you are interested: 

Feel free to ask me questions about it too.



I have two Python 3 (3.6) apps that will get the full GUI treatment very 
soon.  I'm in the process of choosing a GUI, and that may be where 
you/your book can help.  Seems this is not a trivial effort (wishing 
that Python was like VB6 from the 90's).

Anyway, here is what I am looking for - hopefully it helps guide you.

* GUI relatively easy to understand and implement.  easyGUI is truly 
easy in all areas, but fails some of my other requirements.  The 
QT/PyQT/PySide2 situation is a mess - which one to use, why, any 
implementation differences, etc.

* Performance is very good.  Users hate to wait - for anything!

* Lots of widgets!  I'll need a spreadsheet-like widget, a form widget 
to enter information on parts, activities, etc., splash screen that the 
code can talk to while the app is loading, and the big one - a 
cross-platform printer widget that works with Windows and Mac/Unix/CUPS.

* GUI must support all desktops with a native look and feel.  Kivy fails 
this one.  Will have mobile apps later in the year, so it would be nice 
if one GUI fits all, but am ok with 2 gui's if needed.

* A great book taking me from beginner to expert.



[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2019-02-07 Thread Dave Shawley

Dave Shawley  added the comment:

PR 10296 is my implementation of a unittest.TestCase subclass solution to this 
issue.  This comment explains the approach and rationale in detail.  Let's 
discuss this and see if the implementation meets expectations or should be 

I refactored unittest.TestCase to isolate the running of test methods into a 
new helper method named _runTest and add a new hook named _terminateTest.  The 
_runTest method is used to customize test method execution in sub-classes.  The 
_terminateTest method is called from within the finally block in 
unittest.TestCase.run.  It is an empty method in unittest.TestCase.  This was 
the only change to unittest.TestCase.  A new class unittest.AsyncioTestCase was 
added that implements async-based testing.  It is a direct sub-class of 
unittest.TestCase that:

* uses a @property named loop to lazily create an event loop instance
* destroys the event loop instance in _terminateTest
* re-implements _runTest to call new asynchronous hook methods
* adds asyncSetUp and asyncTearDown methods that simply call the synchronous 
* re-implements doCleanups to call co-routines asynchronously

I used asyncio.iscoroutinefunction to detect if test methods or callbacks are 
co-routines.  You explicitly opt-in to async behavior using the async marker on 
things that you want to run on the loop.  This will cause problems with using 
the patch decorator on test methods since they will no not be detected as 
co-routines.  I took this approach primarily to simplify the code and enforce 
explicitness.  Since the implementation is a new sub-class, it cannot break 
existing code and new code can place the patch inside of the test method 
instead of decorating the method.

I believe that creating an destroying the loop with each test method execution 
is the safest approach for managing the lifecycle.  I view having the loop 
exist at the class level is an unnecessary optimization.  I also ensure that 
code under test that calls asyncio.get_event_loop or asyncio.get_running_loop 
will receive the loop by calling asyncio.set_event_loop with the new loop.  
This came up in PR review with Petter S.

The management of the loop is isolated into a property which makes it possible 
to create custom sub-classes that instantiate 3rd party loops that are asyncio 
compatible.  This is the only concession that my implementation makes to 
supporting other loop classes.

If it is not clear, I believe that a new sub-class of unittest.TestCase is 
necessary for a clean implementation.  It preserves unittest.TestCase so the 
risk of breaking existing code is minimized and the async functionality is 
isolated in a new class that is explicitly meant to test async code. This is 
also necessary if the implementation should exist in the asyncio module.


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2019-02-07 Thread Dave Shawley

Dave Shawley  added the comment:

Hi everyone, I'm trying to reboot conversation on this issue since I would love 
for this to land in Python 3.8.  At the recommendation of Terry Jan Reedy, here 
is my summary of where I think that the discussion is currently.  If anything 
is misrepresented, incorrectly linked, or if I misspelled anyones name, I 
apologize.  Feel free to correct any mistakes that you notice.

New subclass of TestCase versus enhancing unittest.TestCase

This was one of the primary discussion points since the start of this BPO.  I 
believe that Petter S (msg313454), Yury Selivanov (msg313695), and Andrew 
Svetlov (msg313481) were +1 on having a new sub-class of unittest.TestCase 
whereas Zachary Ware (msg313696) and R. David Murray (msg313413) would prefer 
that unittest.TestCase be enhanced to support async methods directly.

This is (in my opinion) the most contentious of the issues.  It also is the one 
with the largest impact on the implementation.  I feel that it is still largely 
up in the air amongst the core developers.

Lifecycle of the loop

Whether the loop should live for the entire execution of a TestCase or for the 
execution of an individual test method came up a few times.  Nathaniel Smith 
(msg313455) was concerned about callbacks leaking between tests.  Yury 
Selivanov and Zachary Ware agreed that having a single event loop per class was 
acceptable (msg313696 and msg313700).

Support for other loops

Supporting 3rd party loop implementations (e.g., Tornado, Twisted, curio/trio) 
was discussed briefly.  The conclusion that I drew from the discussion is that 
the built-in testing class was not required to offer direct support to 
non-asyncio compatible loops.  Most notably msg313481 from Andrew Svetlov 
influenced my implementation.

Where should support live?

This is only relevant if we are not enhancing unittest.TestCase.  Petter S 
favored that the separate test case implementation live in asyncio instead of 
unittest.  I don't believe that anyone else had a strong opinion on this issue.

Should we have explicit methods for async behavior?

Yury Selivanov was most outspoken on explicitly named "async" methods like 
"asyncSetup", "asyncAddCallback", and the like.  Particularly in msg313695 and 
msg313700.  Zachary Ware seemed to agree that the separation was necessary but 
the functionality could be implemented by calling the async methods from the 
existing setUp and setUpClass methods (msg313699).

Did I miss anything?


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preferences file

2019-01-24 Thread Dave
I'm doing a small application and want to add user preferences.  Did 
some googling to see if there are standard Python ways/tools, but it 
seems not so much.  My specific questions are:

1. Best practices for a user preference file/system?

2. File format favored and why - ini, JSON, etc?

3. File location?  I'm using Ubuntu and I believe that the correct 
location would be home/.config/ .  What about Mac and Windows?

Would like to find a Python library that handles all of this, but so far...


System printer object

2019-01-07 Thread Dave
I need to print to one or both of my system printers.  I have not found 
a printer object in Python or in Tkinter.  This needs to work with 
Linux, Window, and Mac.  Can someone point me in the right direction? 
Ultimately, I want to have a File/Print in the menu that lets me select 
the printer and properties.


Re: Kivy native GUI examples

2019-01-07 Thread Dave

On 1/7/19 11:14 AM, Thomas Jollans wrote:

On 07/01/2019 15.51, Dave wrote:

I need to select a Python GUI.  It needs to cover all of the desktops
(Linux, Windows, Apple) and hopefully mobile (Android and Ios).  I'm
looking at Kivy, but have yet to find an example app. that has a native
looking GUI (Windows, Mac, Linux/Gnome/KDE).  Is that possible and
anyone know of some examples?

AFAIK looking like a native app is quite simply not something Kivy helps
you with. If that's important, you should look into other options such
as Qt (PyQt5 or PySide2).

-- Thomas

Thanks Thomas.

Kivy native GUI examples

2019-01-07 Thread Dave
I need to select a Python GUI.  It needs to cover all of the desktops 
(Linux, Windows, Apple) and hopefully mobile (Android and Ios).  I'm 
looking at Kivy, but have yet to find an example app. that has a native 
looking GUI (Windows, Mac, Linux/Gnome/KDE).  Is that possible and 
anyone know of some examples?


[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-11-02 Thread Dave Shawley

Dave Shawley  added the comment:

I added a different implementation for consideration 

pull_requests: +9606

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[issue32971] Docs on unittest.TestCase.assertRaises() should clarify context manager details

2018-11-02 Thread Dave Shawley

Change by Dave Shawley :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +9605
stage:  -> patch review

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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-10-30 Thread Dave Shawley

Dave Shawley  added the comment:

Hi all, I took a slightly different direction for adding async/await support to 
the unittest library.  I summarized the approach that I took in a message to 
(https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2018-October/054331.html) and a 
branch is available for preview in my fork of cpython 

My question is whether I should reboot this bpo with my PR or create a new one 
since the implementation is different than what was already discussed?

nosy: +dave-shawley

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[issue9263] Try to print repr() when an C-level assert fails (in the garbage collector, beyond?)

2018-10-26 Thread Dave Malcolm

Dave Malcolm  added the comment:



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[issue34208] Change in 3.7 expression evaluation?

2018-07-24 Thread Dave Opstad

New submission from Dave Opstad :

In 3.6 I get this:

>>> x = (100 * 20)
>>> x is 2000
>>> (100 * 20) is 2000

But in 3.7, I get this:

>>> x = (100 * 20)
>>> x is 2000
>>> (100 * 20) is 2000

This isn't necessarily a problem, but I'm curious why this behavior changed 
from 3.6 to 3.7.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 322304
nosy: opstad
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Change in 3.7 expression evaluation?
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7

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[issue9635] Add Py_BREAKPOINT and sys._breakpoint hooks

2018-02-27 Thread Dave Malcolm

Dave Malcolm <dmalc...@redhat.com> added the comment:

On Fri, 2018-02-23 at 00:16 +, Cheryl Sabella wrote:
> Cheryl Sabella <chek...@gmail.com> added the comment:
> Did PEP553 make this issue obsolete?

I *think* they have slightly different scope: if I'm reading it right,
PEP553 is about injecting a breakpoint into the Python debugger.  This
proposal was about injecting a lower-level breakpoint for debugging
CPython itself (for e.g. gdb to handle).

The idea was to make it easier to, say, step through a particular
CPython construct at the C level by injecting a breakpoint right before

def test_something():
  # lots of setup
  # whatever comes next

so that sys.c_level_breakpoint drops you into, say, gdb, and from there
you can step through the following Python code at the C level, without
having to express stepping through all the setup at the C/gdb level.

Hope that makes sense.

That said, I'm full-time on gcc these days, and unlikely to pursue this
from the CPython side.


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[issue32488] Fatal error using pydoc

2018-01-03 Thread Dave Opstad

Dave Opstad <dave.ops...@monotypeimaging.com> added the comment:

I think this was my mistake; when I used pydoc3 instead of pydoc it ran to 
completion. Please feel free to close this; sorry for the noise.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue32488] Fatal error using pydoc

2018-01-03 Thread Dave Opstad

New submission from Dave Opstad <dave.ops...@monotypeimaging.com>:

I'm running 3.6.4 on Mac OS X 10.13.2, bash shell. Doing:

$ pydoc modules


Please wait a moment while I gather a list of all available modules...

Fatal Python error: PyThreadState_Get: no current thread
Abort trap: 6

Reproduced this several times with the same result.

components: Demos and Tools
messages: 309422
nosy: opstad
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Fatal error using pydoc
type: crash
versions: Python 3.6

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[issue32195] datetime.strftime with %Y no longer outputs leading zeros

2017-12-01 Thread Dave Challis

Dave Challis <sui...@gmail.com> added the comment:

My mistake, it appears to be related to the OS it's running on rather than the 
version (I just happened to test with different versions on different OSes).

On Mac OS X (with 3.6.2):

>>> import datetime
>>> datetime.datetime.min.strftime('%Y')

On Linux (with 3.6.2 again):

>>> import datetime
>>> datetime.datetime.min.strftime('%Y')


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[issue32195] datetime.strftime with %Y no longer outputs leading zeros

2017-12-01 Thread Dave Challis

New submission from Dave Challis <sui...@gmail.com>:

Tested in python 3.6.2:

>>> import datetime
>>> datetime.datetime.min.strftime('%Y')

Expected output:


This means that strftime and strptime aren't necessarily symmetric, e.g.:

>>> datetime.datetime.strptime(datetime.datetime.min.strftime('%Y'), '%Y')
ValueError: time data '1' does not match format '%Y'

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 307389
nosy: davechallis
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: datetime.strftime with %Y no longer outputs leading zeros
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.6

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[issue31237] test_gdb disables 25% of tests in optimized builds

2017-08-21 Thread Dave Malcolm

Dave Malcolm added the comment:

The problem is that there are so many variables:
* which version of which compiler
* optimization flags
* which version of gdb
* which CPU architecture
etc (and the compiler and/or gdb could be carrying patches from downstream 

All of these can affect the debugging experience; as soon as optimizations are 
turned on it's very hard to predict exactly how well we can capture the frame 
information in the debugger.

Hence it makes sense to skip these tests for optimized builds, to avoid 
creating noise in the buildbots.

Downstream distributions might want to re-enable the tests, if they have 
sufficient control over the compiler and debugger versions that are in use, I 

Or maybe there's a way to express some of the above sanely?  Not sure.

Hope this is constructive.


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