Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-23 Thread Kay Schluehr
On 11 Okt., 09:56, lkcl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The role of Python is somewhat arbitrary. This could change only if
  Python becomes a client side language executed by AVM,V8etc.

 pyv8 - - standalone python-to-javascript compiler, see

O.K. you got me all. I give up!

I've already imlemented some small Flex supporting functionality in
the P4D Langlet [1] and I'll also checkout pyjamas ( didn't worn them
for long ) and if they are fine I work out a bridge the next days.
Then only style sheets are left :)

[1] Langlet/

Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-15 Thread lkcl
On Oct 15, 12:27 am, greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Paul Boddie wrote:
  there are a few things with
  regard to layouts which are very difficult with Web technologies (and
  aren't getting any easier, either) but which are almost trivial with
  classic graphical user interface toolkits, and of course there are
  cases where the roles are reversed.

 I've written quite a lot of desktop gui apps, and I
 don't think I've ever felt the need for free-flowing
 widget layouts.

 i have.  an image library.  placed in a scrollpanel, the images
automatically flow left-to-right then down the page.  the application
doesn't dictate what size of panel the user _must_ view the images
in.  if they want to use the whole screen width, they can.  if they
want to view the images in a single column, they can.

 To say that a desktop gui api is
 severely lacking without this feature is somewhat
 overstating the case.

 it's the _combination_ of the limitations that makes them severely
lacking.  each limitation on its own does not, of course.

 the key point is, really, that if you take away one particular layout
methodology from designers, they _will_ adapt - they _will_ cope, and
rejig the design of the app to fit the widget set.

 ... but that's cart-before-horse. that's IT tail wagging the
business Dog.

 so, when it comes to moving the same application functionality to a
different platform, or to the web, people freak out.  you're locked
in.  the cost is too great.  the effort is too much.

 ... as you might be aware, i'm not really a big fan of restrictions
imposed by software design :)

 Also, I think that proportional resizing is overrated.

 proportional resizing is very difficult to do well, and so many
people don't even consider it.  many designers will say this app is
to be used on a 1024x768 screen (and now of course they're running
into difficulties with the netbook pcs with the 1024x600 screens, and
KDE's control panel close button is now off-screen for example!)

it took several months to design a 2d graph widget which was useful
when scaled down to 200x150, especially given that the axes could be
logarithmic (!)  starting with the axes themselves, we had to break
things down into small, medium and large graticules, where the
distance between each range of graticules would no longer be
displayed, below a certain number of pixels (5 or so).  likewise with
the axes numbering. then the axis description had to go, below a
certain size.

then, we had controls (sliders and dials) where, again, the graticules
automatically disappeared, and, also, if below a certain size, the
readout would also disappear.

so if you're doing _simple_ applications, then yes, proportional
resizing is entirely unnecessary.

but if you're doing applications where you have to display vast
amounts of interactive graphical data (the example above was a real-
time digital audio restoration GUI) then you really do have to think a
bit harder about what you're going to present the user with.

  Proportional resizing is a
 compromise that just ends up annoying me.

 if it's done badly, then yeah, i agree.

 if you look, for example, at the source code of my web site,, you'll see that the site is capable of
resizing to deal with anything down to about 300 pixels in width.  the
onResize function redoes the layout, placing the seven components in a
hexagon if there's space, a side-on H below 800 pixels, and a single
line below 640 pixels.

 it didn't take too much effort, and it means that anyone viewing my
web site even on a QVGA screen won't have to do horizontal scrolling.

not that i'm _expecting_ anyone to do that - i just wanted to prove a
point :)


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-15 Thread lkcl is the main err um  i just double-
  checked, so i'd be able to advise you and... err... the problem i
  described (with the GridTest) seems to have... gone away!!

 There are lots of references to PyGTK classes in there.

 yes, that's because i had started with the gtk port, and was going
through the examples one-by-one removing them and replacing them with

 as i only got up to the Info tab of KitchenSink, there is still
quite a bit to do.  i _say_ quite a bit - but it's only about ...
16-24 hours of work.

 pyjamas is surprisingly small.

 Is there a way to select Qt instead of GTK?

 sorry!  removing them :)

 Hacking the code a bit,


 I can run the example. The items
 on the left do indeed overlap. It looks like the minimum size of the
 labels aren't being respected for some reason.

 yeah.  and the pyjamas ui.HTML() class is based on a Qt.QLabel().  if
that can be fixed, then there's a fair good reason to continue.

 Yes, there are ways to relate the height of a widget to its width, and
 there may well be a way to do that for a standard text widget, but it
 might involve some experimentation with the underlying text document.

  *sharp intake of breath* :)  yehhh, i did word-breaking by wrapping
groups of 8 letters at a time in floating-divs once, to simulate word-
breaking in a situation where the column width was 200px and people
were putting in web site addresses of 50 chars in length yukk.

Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-14 Thread lkcl
 Although using browser technologies for desktop applications is
 interesting (and not new by any means), there are a few things with
 regard to layouts which are very difficult with Web technologies (and
 aren't getting any easier, either) but which are almost trivial with
 classic graphical user interface toolkits, and of course there are
 cases where the roles are reversed.

 if it wasn't for luis pamirez's brilliant work, porting pygtk to
pyjamas, i would be absolutely agreeing with you, 100%.

see this:

luis has demonstrated that it's possible to have your cake and eat it.

effectively - incredibly - he's ported pygtk ... to the browser!

so your python pygtk application gets compiled, along with his
reimplementation of, etc., into javascript (using the
pyjamas compiler) and - unmodified - your pygtk app gets to run in
every major web browser.

that's just... stunning.

regarding what you say about web technologies being more difficult to
do layouts than traditional desktop apps - i'm really sorry to say
that, from my experience with using the pyjamas widget set API, i
couldn't agree less.

HOWEVER - if this were pure HTML and CSS, i would utterly, utterly be
agreeing with you - 100%.   the first paragraph of my talk for ukuug
2009 says it best:

it was _such_ an abortion trying to do a simple centred layout.  and
it's for exactly this reason that GWT was created (and then pyjamas
ported from GWT).

when you're using javascript to manipulate the DOM model (or, in the
case of pyjamas-desktop, manipulating the DOM model directly) then
it's an _entirely_ different matter.  then, when you put standard-
like widgets which include layout manager on top of _that_, which have
identical functions and functionality to those of Desktop Widgets...

... the distinction between web and desktop suddenly becomes...
moot. especially in the context of luiz's work.

there isn't a _single_ thing that pyjamas can't do that pygtk2,
wxWidgets or pyqt4 can do.  there are _lots_ of things that pyjamas
can do that pygtk2, wxWidgets and pyqt4 can't do (as they stand.
without extra work and/or extensions e.g. derivative customised
classes based on QAbstractLayout)

ok - i'm exaggerating a little :) you can't access standard python
modules from pyjamas apps in a web browser, because javascript is a
restricted execution environment, so you have to make do (and you can
make do _extremely_ well with what's available) with the provided
implementation of builtins.  so, if you don't mind using
XMLHTTPRequest to communicate with the rest of the world - even if
it's on http loopback - _then_ you're ok :)  and yes, XMLHTTPRequest
is supported in pyjamas-desktop (it has to be).

also, writing new layouts and new widgets, which  _happen_ to operate
underneath on the DOM model of a browser (or a browser-kit-library
such as PyKDE or PyWebKitGTK) is trivial.  _really_ trivial.  i've
outlined how to write your own widget, here:
and it's interesting to compare that to writing one for pygtk (there's
a stars example which is easy to find python gtk tutorial i think
it's hit number 3).

the only thing i _can_ say, for definite, is that because pyjamas is
missing an equivalent of glade, the UI-generator, and those GUI-based
UI editors / designers, it _is_ at the moment a bit more... hard work
doing the UI design manually, if you're used to using a GUI tool to
design your UI.

but i'm sure that will change.


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-14 Thread lkcl
On Oct 13, 9:12 pm, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 lkcl wrote:
  On Oct 11, 11:17 pm, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  lkcl wrote:

  I got the impression that there is currently no Windows binary
  available.  Correct?  If not, perhaps someone trustworthy will someday
  donate one.

  sorry, terry, you deleted a bit too much context :)

 I was referring to this at

 Pre-built amd64 .debs are available for download, providing
 pywebkitgtk-1.0, libwebkit-1.0-2 and libwebkit-dev, here:

  * Download libwebkit-dev, libwebkit-1.0-2 and pywebkitgtk-1.0

 thanks for confirming, i thought so.

 and this
   If not, perhaps someone trustworthy will someday donate one.

 was my acknowledgement that a Windows binary is not trivial

 ha ha - i found that out :)

 and that I
 don't expect one from you after all the nice work you have done.


 [compiling with mingw32]

  why the python developers didn't include the patches, and keep them up-
  to-date, isn't clear.

 Mostly likely because no one who uses mingw32 has volunteered to become
 the mingw32 Python developer who would update such patches to current
 Python (now 2.6/3.0) and support them by responding to bug reports and
 by upgrading them to 2.7/3.1 in the next few years.

 *nods head side-to-side*... yeahh, good point :)


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-14 Thread lkcl
  if there's a way to enforce the displaying of text - for the _text_
 to say i need to be a total area of X in order to display my words.
 if you make my width too small, i will _force_ my height to be larger
 as i wrap the text.

 just like an HTML p /p does.

 ... of course, i'm well aware of the reasons _why_ this isn't
supported - in either of Qt4 or Gtk2.  it's because automatic-
resizing, and correct  (i.e. exact) size-hinting, is a complete lairy
nightmare to implement.  browsers get it right, because they have to,
and the trade-off is a rather awkward judder-judder-displaying of
content (which, for example, gives the use of HTML tables such a bad

all of which of course makes the desktop-app developers' job just that
little bit more awkward...

Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-14 Thread lkcl
On Oct 13, 9:59 pm, Orestis Markou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just want to say, thank you for a very enlightening writeup. You
 should really post this somewhere that we can link to.

 orestis, thank you for the encouragement.  i did post it on my diary: - i decided against
doing a full-blown article because i've been doing quite a _lot_ of
writing on advogato :) but i'm reconsidering.  will post here if i do.

 i note with interest your comments here:

whilst pyjamas and pyjamas-desktop are definitely cross-browser, cross-
desktop, cross-platform and can even be made to be cross-widget-set,
there isn't anything to substitute for _design_ ethos on a per-
platform basis.  by that i mean, expectations of there being a File
menu on which the word Quit will occur, or, as you point out, mac-
user expectations of application behaviour.


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-14 Thread Paul Boddie
On 13 Okt, 23:59, Orestis Markou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just want to say, thank you for a very enlightening writeup. You  
 should really post this somewhere that we can link to.

Is this not good enough for you...?

I don't see the Python mail archives going away soon, although there's
also the Wiki for updated and maintained documents.

Although using browser technologies for desktop applications is
interesting (and not new by any means), there are a few things with
regard to layouts which are very difficult with Web technologies (and
aren't getting any easier, either) but which are almost trivial with
classic graphical user interface toolkits, and of course there are
cases where the roles are reversed. I haven't really written any
classic GUI applications for quite some time, but I feel that it's
worth pointing this out.


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-14 Thread lkcl
On Oct 13, 10:56 pm, David Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Monday 13 October 2008 11:42, lkcl wrote:

  i don't know if it _was_ detached from the layout, but it was
  definitely still visible.  see
  for the example i was porting to pyqt4.  each time i clicked Next, a
  new set of N,N would be _overlaid_ on top of the old ones, even though
  i was doing removeItem().

 Yes, it just sounds like you needed to delete the layouts after removing

  the code's at

 I might take a look later in the week if the code in there is runnable.

 yeah, it is. is the main err um  i just double-
checked, so i'd be able to advise you and... err... the problem i
described (with the GridTest) seems to have... gone away!!

 *slightly embarrassed* :)

 however, clicking too fast _did_ end up with fifty little windows of
text (!)

 and the respect for text boundaries is definitely broken - shrink the
window to 300 x 400 with the kitchensink example (which is where i
stopped and moved to webkit, so all the _other_ examples prior to that
will work) and you'll see that the text in a column down the left hand
side end up all overlapping each other.  so, you get to see the top
few pixels of each word.

 if there's a way to enforce the displaying of text - for the _text_
to say i need to be a total area of X in order to display my words.
if you make my width too small, i will _force_ my height to be larger
as i wrap the text.

just like an HTML p /p does.


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-14 Thread David Boddie
On Tuesday 14 October 2008 12:55, lkcl wrote: is the main err um  i just double-
 checked, so i'd be able to advise you and... err... the problem i
 described (with the GridTest) seems to have... gone away!!

There are lots of references to PyGTK classes in there. Is there a
way to select Qt instead of GTK?

  however, clicking too fast _did_ end up with fifty little windows of
 text (!)
  and the respect for text boundaries is definitely broken - shrink the
 window to 300 x 400 with the kitchensink example (which is where i
 stopped and moved to webkit, so all the _other_ examples prior to that
 will work) and you'll see that the text in a column down the left hand
 side end up all overlapping each other.  so, you get to see the top
 few pixels of each word.

Hacking the code a bit, I can run the example. The items
on the left do indeed overlap. It looks like the minimum size of the
labels aren't being respected for some reason.

  if there's a way to enforce the displaying of text - for the _text_
 to say i need to be a total area of X in order to display my words.
 if you make my width too small, i will _force_ my height to be larger
 as i wrap the text.

Yes, there are ways to relate the height of a widget to its width, and
there may well be a way to do that for a standard text widget, but it
might involve some experimentation with the underlying text document.


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-14 Thread greg

Paul Boddie wrote:

there are a few things with
regard to layouts which are very difficult with Web technologies (and
aren't getting any easier, either) but which are almost trivial with
classic graphical user interface toolkits, and of course there are
cases where the roles are reversed.

I've written quite a lot of desktop gui apps, and I
don't think I've ever felt the need for free-flowing
widget layouts. To say that a desktop gui api is
severely lacking without this feature is somewhat
overstating the case.

Also, I think that proportional resizing is overrated.
In my experience, either it's sufficient to just
resize one pane and keep the others a fixed size, or
you really want user control over the size of each
pane individually. Proportional resizing is a
compromise that just ends up annoying me.


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-13 Thread lkcl
On Oct 11, 11:17 pm, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 lkcl wrote:

 I got the impression that there is currently no Windows binary
 available.  Correct?  If not, perhaps someone trustworthy will someday
 donate one.

sorry, terry, you deleted a bit too much context :)
so, assuming that you mean that there is currently no
windows binary, then then answer is:

pyjamas-desktop is pure python, relying on a modified version of
pywebkitgtk and a modified version of webkit to add glib bindings to

i spent one week fighting with mingw32 to cross-compile webkit for
win32 - when i say fighting i mean segfaults at link time (!!), which
was tracked down to the msvc-compiled version of libicu 3.8 and
eliminated by hack-compiling libicu with mingw32; _rebuilding_ mingw32
from the latest svn at the time, in order to include support for
exceptions across thread boundaries (libstdc++ exceptions -

all in all, it was a bitch :)

_then_ i started on cross-compiling python2.5 because there's no .exe
or .zip installer for python - only a .MSI, and, having installed MSI
under wine on linux with the excellent winetricks script, it causes
a segfault when you try to run a .MSI.

cross-compilation of python2.4 was successful (by the person who did
the initial patch, a year ago).  cross-compilation of python2.5, to
generate a libpython2.4.dll and .a, fails miserably.

why the python developers didn't include the patches, and keep them up-
to-date, isn't clear.

at that point, i gave up, despite valiant efforts, because it was
clear that, given that there was no financial incentive to continue, i
was wasting my time.

the bottom line is: if you want a windows version of pywebkitgtk, i'm
happy to assist and advise anyone of the process- it should be quite
straightforward _if_ you have MSVC and follow the standard procedure,
but i'm not about to spend my own time and effort on providing a win32
port using ming32, doing all the work _myself_, on my own, without
financial incentive and renumeration.

i'll happily explain to other people what _they_ need to do, though.


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-13 Thread Propad
 the bottom line is: if you want a windows version of pywebkitgtk, i'm
 happy to assist and advise anyone of the process- it should be quite
 straightforward _if_ you have MSVC and follow the standard procedure,
 but i'm not about to spend my own time and effort on providing a win32
 port using ming32, doing all the work _myself_, on my own, without
 financial incentive and renumeration.

Is Visual Studio 2005 OK, or is some other compiler required?

 i'll happily explain to other people what _they_ need to do, though.


If Visual Studio 2005 suffices, I'd give it a try.


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-13 Thread lkcl
  You can remove layouts from layouts with the QLayout.removeItem() method.

   yes... it didn't work.  a layout within a layout - i think it was a
  QHorizontalLayout within a QGridLayout - didn't want to be removed.
  it's probably a bug.

 Was it detached from the layout, but still visible?

i don't know if it _was_ detached from the layout, but it was
definitely still visible.  see
for the example i was porting to pyqt4.  each time i clicked Next, a
new set of N,N would be _overlaid_ on top of the old ones, even though
i was doing removeItem().

the code's at

although i'm interested to know if there's a solution (to this
particular problem), the amount of additional work to provide an
equivalent of the 1px, 10em, 25% etc. subdivisions on layouts,
and the amount of additional work to provide flowing and HTML-
substitutable layouts (see
is just... it's a lot of work.


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-13 Thread Terry Reedy

lkcl wrote:

On Oct 11, 11:17 pm, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

lkcl wrote:

I got the impression that there is currently no Windows binary
available.  Correct?  If not, perhaps someone trustworthy will someday
donate one.

sorry, terry, you deleted a bit too much context :)

I was referring to this at

Pre-built amd64 .debs are available for download, providing 
pywebkitgtk-1.0, libwebkit-1.0-2 and libwebkit-dev, here:

* Download libwebkit-dev, libwebkit-1.0-2 and pywebkitgtk-1.0

and this
 If not, perhaps someone trustworthy will someday donate one.

was my acknowledgement that a Windows binary is not trivial and that I 
don't expect one from you after all the nice work you have done.

[compiling with mingw32]

why the python developers didn't include the patches, and keep them up-
to-date, isn't clear.

Mostly likely because no one who uses mingw32 has volunteered to become 
the mingw32 Python developer who would update such patches to current 
Python (now 2.6/3.0) and support them by responding to bug reports and 
by upgrading them to 2.7/3.1 in the next few years.

Any system supported in core Python code with a set of #includes needs 
*someone* who will support that set.  If the supporter disappears and no 
one else volunteers, the #includes become obsolete and get deleted.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-13 Thread Terry Reedy

Propad wrote:

the bottom line is: if you want a windows version of pywebkitgtk, i'm
happy to assist and advise anyone of the process- it should be quite
straightforward _if_ you have MSVC and follow the standard procedure,
but i'm not about to spend my own time and effort on providing a win32
port using ming32, doing all the work _myself_, on my own, without
financial incentive and renumeration.

Is Visual Studio 2005 OK, or is some other compiler required?

I believe 2.4/2.5 used VS 2003 while 2.6/3.0 do (and 2.7/3.1 will) at 
least officially use VS 2008.  The free express version apparently 
works.  It is possible the extension extension modules compiled with 
2005 have/will work.  I would ask in a separate thread with VS 2005 in 
the subject line.

i'll happily explain to other people what _they_ need to do, though.


If Visual Studio 2005 suffices, I'd give it a try.



Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-13 Thread Orestis Markou
Just want to say, thank you for a very enlightening writeup. You  
should really post this somewhere that we can link to.


On 11 Oct 2008, at 10:19, lkcl wrote:

On Sep 3, 4:34 pm, Michael Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So far, development of PyGUI seems to be a one-man effort, and it may
be slowed down by the attempt to develop the API and the
implementations concurrently. Could it be useful to uncouple the two,
such that the API would be specified ahead of the implementation?

michael, i went back to the beginning of this thread, to reply to your
question, because i have some insights to share with you from my
failed attempts on porting pyjamas to the desktop - which you can
collect here:

there, you will find an IronPython-GtkSharp port; a pyqt4 port and a
pygtk2 port.  they were each failures in their own unique and special

to explain: pyjamas is a widget set api that looks desktop-like; you
write code in python, it's compiled to javascript; the module
actually does things like document.getElementById() etc. etc. and in
this way you end up completely manipulating the DOM model, turning the
browser into just a giant desktop-like canvas.

in fact, the pyjamas widget set api is _so_ similar to a desktop api
that i decided to have a go at porting it _to_ the desktop.
eventually i succeeded.

the first attempt was with ironpython.  i actually got a long way with
this one - i chewed through the pyjamas examples in about a day.  i
had a small stumbling block implementing the HTML() widget, but
GtkSharp.HTML came to the rescue, there, and i was off again.
i then ran into a wall i decided not to bash my head against at such
an early stage (36 hours) - an implementation of XMLHTTPRequest
(remember - i was implementing every single bit of functionality that
a DOM model has access to).

so, i decided to port the ironpython port to pygtk2.  unfortunately,
whilst i got a lot further and managed to implement all of the
examples, there was no equivalent of HTML().  GTK itself totally lacks
a rich media content widget.  there is python-gtkhtml2 which is good,
but not good enough.  the much better gtkhtml3 library doesn't have
python bindings around it, and i wasn't in the mood to write any (and
hadn't at the time any experience with pygtk

also i heard that gtkhtml2 had been abandoned, and gtkhtml3 wasn't
going to be followed up on, and that there were rumours about webkit.

crucially - much more importantly - gtkhtml 2 and 3 have absolutely no
automatic resizing of the HTML content within them.  so, unless you
specify both the width and the height of the widget container, you end
up with a flatlined widget.  by that i mean a widget of say 200 pixels
in width but ZERO pixels in height!  and, as you may well know, if you
specify a width and height on a gtk widget, that's it: it's entirely
fixed.  there's no going back.  you're screwed.

this was an absolute killer.

with no foresight in the design of gtk or gtkhtml2 to make even a
_guess_ at the width and height of the content, the port was screwed.
i made half-hearted attempts to not specify width/height at all, but
all that that resulted in was piss-poor layout, and when you shrank
the app to small size, all the text disappeared because there was a
margin defaulting to 5px or so and all but the top left corner of the
text boxes would disappear!

so, there was no point in me attempting to make python bindings around
gtkhtml3, even though it has a system for inserting widgets into HTML
(using span ids).

and, even though there's python-gtkmozembed wrappers which would have
allowed me to embed flash plugins etc. into my application, thus
neatly emulating the way that html allows you to do that.

so - sadly - on to pyqt4.

well, i say sadly, but it was actually quite fun.  i'm doing a
complete comprehensive test of absolutely every single feature of the
major widget sets out there, crawling every single corner of their
functionality in order to map concepts one-for-one, and finding that
they don't really cope.

pyqt4.  again, i got a long long way.  the rich media support of qt4
allowed me to do widgets that looked reasonable.  i even had, by that
time, a non-asynchronous version of XMLHTTPRequest.  then i got to the
implementation of Grid() and FlexTable().  this is where it started to
go wrong.

pyqt4 has the concept of layouts.  a layout can be a horizontal
layout, vertical, grid, and you can even specify the percentage or
ratio of the width (or height) that individual cells can use. you
attach a layout to a widget; you can attach layouts to layouts.  you
can remove layouts from widgets.  what you _can't_ do is _remove_
layouts from layouts.

disappointingly, this was the killer, for me.  it was just getting...
too complicated.  i had already encountered advice that, in order to
implement the means to move widgets around, i should remove
*everything* and redo 

Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-13 Thread David Boddie
On Monday 13 October 2008 11:42, lkcl wrote:

 i don't know if it _was_ detached from the layout, but it was
 definitely still visible.  see
 for the example i was porting to pyqt4.  each time i clicked Next, a
 new set of N,N would be _overlaid_ on top of the old ones, even though
 i was doing removeItem().

Yes, it just sounds like you needed to delete the layouts after removing

 the code's at

I might take a look later in the week if the code in there is runnable.


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-11 Thread lkcl
 3) Following the public rumor mill and the latest hype RIA i.e. the
 merge of web- and desktop applications with systems like Adobe AIR,
 JavaFX, Google Gears and MS Silverlight is the future of frontend
 development. With the exception of IronPython and Silverlight, Python
 hasn't even entered this game and no one knows if it ever will.
 tada :)
 (based on webkit, just like adobe air is).


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-11 Thread lkcl

 The role of Python is somewhat arbitrary. This could change only if
 Python becomes a client side language executed by AVM, V8 etc.

pyv8 - - standalone python-to-javascript compiler, see


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-11 Thread lkcl
On Sep 17, 1:16 am, Todd Whiteman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Todd Whiteman wrote:
  Mark Hammond's Python/Mozilla work has enabled products like Komodo,
  Miro (Democracy) and the OLPC project to use Python as a major driver
  for consistent cross-platform GUI applications.

  Personally, I believe XULRunner has a lot to offer for Python GUI
  development, I'm currently finishing up some documentation steps to show
  off how to use it specifically for Python (I'll post it to this list
  when it's finished).

 Here is the tutorial I've started in order to show off building a
 Python/XULRunner GUI 

 The details in this tutorial mostly targets a Windows/Linux platform
 (MacOSX is possible with a few deviations, I have tried to cover these
 deviations where applicable).

 Feedback is welcome.

oh for _goodness_ sake :)  i don't know whether to be derangedly-happy
and overexcited that pyxpcom and pydom exist, or whether to be annoyed
that i'll have to do _yet another_ port of the pyjamas widget set api
to another platform.

how come this stuff is so hard to find?  it's a _brilliant_ idea to be
running python in a web browser, direct.


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-11 Thread lkcl
On Sep 3, 4:34 pm, Michael Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So far, development of PyGUI seems to be a one-man effort, and it may
 be slowed down by the attempt to develop the API and the
 implementations concurrently. Could it be useful to uncouple the two,
 such that the API would be specified ahead of the implementation?

michael, i went back to the beginning of this thread, to reply to your
question, because i have some insights to share with you from my
failed attempts on porting pyjamas to the desktop - which you can
collect here:

there, you will find an IronPython-GtkSharp port; a pyqt4 port and a
pygtk2 port.  they were each failures in their own unique and special

to explain: pyjamas is a widget set api that looks desktop-like; you
write code in python, it's compiled to javascript; the module
actually does things like document.getElementById() etc. etc. and in
this way you end up completely manipulating the DOM model, turning the
browser into just a giant desktop-like canvas.

in fact, the pyjamas widget set api is _so_ similar to a desktop api
that i decided to have a go at porting it _to_ the desktop.
eventually i succeeded.

the first attempt was with ironpython.  i actually got a long way with
this one - i chewed through the pyjamas examples in about a day.  i
had a small stumbling block implementing the HTML() widget, but
GtkSharp.HTML came to the rescue, there, and i was off again.
i then ran into a wall i decided not to bash my head against at such
an early stage (36 hours) - an implementation of XMLHTTPRequest
(remember - i was implementing every single bit of functionality that
a DOM model has access to).

so, i decided to port the ironpython port to pygtk2.  unfortunately,
whilst i got a lot further and managed to implement all of the
examples, there was no equivalent of HTML().  GTK itself totally lacks
a rich media content widget.  there is python-gtkhtml2 which is good,
but not good enough.  the much better gtkhtml3 library doesn't have
python bindings around it, and i wasn't in the mood to write any (and
hadn't at the time any experience with pygtk

also i heard that gtkhtml2 had been abandoned, and gtkhtml3 wasn't
going to be followed up on, and that there were rumours about webkit.

crucially - much more importantly - gtkhtml 2 and 3 have absolutely no
automatic resizing of the HTML content within them.  so, unless you
specify both the width and the height of the widget container, you end
up with a flatlined widget.  by that i mean a widget of say 200 pixels
in width but ZERO pixels in height!  and, as you may well know, if you
specify a width and height on a gtk widget, that's it: it's entirely
fixed.  there's no going back.  you're screwed.

this was an absolute killer.

with no foresight in the design of gtk or gtkhtml2 to make even a
_guess_ at the width and height of the content, the port was screwed.
i made half-hearted attempts to not specify width/height at all, but
all that that resulted in was piss-poor layout, and when you shrank
the app to small size, all the text disappeared because there was a
margin defaulting to 5px or so and all but the top left corner of the
text boxes would disappear!

so, there was no point in me attempting to make python bindings around
gtkhtml3, even though it has a system for inserting widgets into HTML
(using span ids).

and, even though there's python-gtkmozembed wrappers which would have
allowed me to embed flash plugins etc. into my application, thus
neatly emulating the way that html allows you to do that.

so - sadly - on to pyqt4.

well, i say sadly, but it was actually quite fun.  i'm doing a
complete comprehensive test of absolutely every single feature of the
major widget sets out there, crawling every single corner of their
functionality in order to map concepts one-for-one, and finding that
they don't really cope.

pyqt4.  again, i got a long long way.  the rich media support of qt4
allowed me to do widgets that looked reasonable.  i even had, by that
time, a non-asynchronous version of XMLHTTPRequest.  then i got to the
implementation of Grid() and FlexTable().  this is where it started to
go wrong.

pyqt4 has the concept of layouts.  a layout can be a horizontal
layout, vertical, grid, and you can even specify the percentage or
ratio of the width (or height) that individual cells can use. you
attach a layout to a widget; you can attach layouts to layouts.  you
can remove layouts from widgets.  what you _can't_ do is _remove_
layouts from layouts.

disappointingly, this was the killer, for me.  it was just getting...
too complicated.  i had already encountered advice that, in order to
implement the means to move widgets around, i should remove
*everything* and redo the layout.  it just... wasn't happening.

plus, i  think also that there are problems, again, with the HTML
layout: you can't _entirely_ stop text-squashing.  so, although pyqt4
was _better_, it still 

Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-11 Thread David Boddie
On Saturday 11 October 2008 11:19, lkcl wrote:

 pyqt4 has the concept of layouts.  a layout can be a horizontal
 layout, vertical, grid, and you can even specify the percentage or
 ratio of the width (or height) that individual cells can use. you
 attach a layout to a widget; you can attach layouts to layouts.  you
 can remove layouts from widgets.  what you _can't_ do is _remove_
 layouts from layouts.

You can remove layouts from layouts with the QLayout.removeItem() method.

 disappointingly, this was the killer, for me.  it was just getting...
 too complicated.  i had already encountered advice that, in order to
 implement the means to move widgets around, i should remove
 *everything* and redo the layout.  it just... wasn't happening.

You'll need to delete the contents of those layouts yourself - maybe that's
the real problem. You shouldn't need to redo the whole layout structure,

 plus, i  think also that there are problems, again, with the HTML
 layout: you can't _entirely_ stop text-squashing.  so, although pyqt4
 was _better_, it still wasn't _enough_.

These days, you'd probably use PyQt4's WebKit integration for HTML
rendering, anyway, though I imagine that it doesn't help you much if
you're already using WebKit directly.


 QT4 lacks crucial layout management (layouts not being deletable from
 layouts), flow-layout, and variable-sized rich text.  they _do_ have
 proportional subdivision of layouts (allowing you to specify a fixed
 width on one cell and a percentage width on others) but it is very

You can write your own layouts as well, but maybe that's more work than
you're prepared to do, especially now that you seem to have settled on
WebKit as your toolkit.


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-11 Thread lkcl
On Oct 11, 3:31 pm, David Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Saturday 11 October 2008 11:19, lkcl wrote:

  pyqt4 has the concept of layouts.  a layout can be a horizontal
  layout, vertical, grid, and you can even specify the percentage or
  ratio of the width (or height) that individual cells can use. you
  attach a layout to a widget; you can attach layouts to layouts.  you
  can remove layouts from widgets.  what you _can't_ do is _remove_
  layouts from layouts.

 You can remove layouts from layouts with the QLayout.removeItem() method.

 yes... it didn't work.  a layout within a layout - i think it was a
QHorizontalLayout within a QGridLayout - didn't want to be removed.
it's probably a bug.
 These days, you'd probably use PyQt4's WebKit integration for HTML
 rendering, anyway, though I imagine that it doesn't help you much if
 you're already using WebKit directly.

 [see below...]

 You can write your own layouts as well, but maybe that's more work than
 you're prepared to do,


 especially now that you seem to have settled on
 WebKit as your toolkit.

 well, it just made vast amounts of sense - cut out all the middle
men.  if you're going to pull in a 17mb binary dependency, why do it
in a clumsy way?

 in order to pull in flash plugins and other material, the accepted
method in pygtk2 is to use python-gtk-mozplugger.  that's crazy.
embed an _entire_ web browser, just to pull in a flash component.
likewise, for doing a single bit of HTML, in pyqt4 and/or pygtk2, pull
in a 17mb binary dependency using python-webkit-qt4 and/or
pywebkitgtk, _just_ to display _one_ bit of HTML text??  _that's_

especially as webkit actually has far better rendering capability,
features and flexibility than any of the standard desktop widget sets
which had been designed for the job!

wonderfully ironic...

oh - for completeness, if anyone's reading this and goes no chance i
will _ever_ convert to the pyjamas API because i've spent so much time
writing pygtk2 apps - there is a project by luis pamirez, where he
has _reimplemented_, and to sit _on top_ of
the pyjamas DOM model.

at present, it's only available in the subversion repository of, and you'll need to check out a revision some
time around sep 2007 of the llpamies branch.

basically, what that will give you is a means to run your pygtk2
applications... in a web browser!

very cool.  i'll do a port to pyjamas-desktop at some time, if i have
a need for it, and will be happy to help guide anyone who wants to
spend the time on it themselves.

 especially now that you seem to have settled on WebKit as your toolkit.

well, it's not _my_ toolkit - i just use it.  but you're right
inasmuch as i won't be initiating any new applications using pyqt4 or
pygtk2, not out of personal choice, anyway.


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-11 Thread lkcl
of, and you'll need to check out a revision some
 time around sep 2007 of the llpamies branch.

 rsrrmsrrwssrrfssnrssrr :) then follow through to svn
instructions, bearing in mind that, other than the llpamies branch,
that code is out-of-date.

Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-11 Thread David Boddie
On Saturday 11 October 2008 21:40, lkcl wrote:
 On Oct 11, 3:31 pm, David Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You can remove layouts from layouts with the QLayout.removeItem() method.
  yes... it didn't work.  a layout within a layout - i think it was a
 QHorizontalLayout within a QGridLayout - didn't want to be removed.
 it's probably a bug.

Was it detached from the layout, but still visible?


  in order to pull in flash plugins and other material, the accepted
 method in pygtk2 is to use python-gtk-mozplugger.  that's crazy.
 embed an _entire_ web browser, just to pull in a flash component.
 likewise, for doing a single bit of HTML, in pyqt4 and/or pygtk2, pull
 in a 17mb binary dependency using python-webkit-qt4 and/or
 pywebkitgtk, _just_ to display _one_ bit of HTML text??  _that's_

Sure, if all you want to do is display one bit of HTML text. It always
helps if you choose the most appropriate libraries for each task.


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-10-11 Thread Terry Reedy

lkcl wrote:

I got the impression that there is currently no Windows binary 
available.  Correct?  If not, perhaps someone trustworthy will someday 
donate one.


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-09-16 Thread Todd Whiteman

Todd Whiteman wrote:
Mark Hammond's Python/Mozilla work has enabled products like Komodo, 
Miro (Democracy) and the OLPC project to use Python as a major driver 
for consistent cross-platform GUI applications.

Personally, I believe XULRunner has a lot to offer for Python GUI 
development, I'm currently finishing up some documentation steps to show 
off how to use it specifically for Python (I'll post it to this list 
when it's finished).

Here is the tutorial I've started in order to show off building a 
Python/XULRunner GUI application.

The details in this tutorial mostly targets a Windows/Linux platform 
(MacOSX is possible with a few deviations, I have tried to cover these 
deviations where applicable).

Feedback is welcome.


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-09-14 Thread David Trem
On 10 sep, 20:36, Fred Pacquier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Todd Whiteman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said :

  Personally, I believe XULRunner has a lot to offer for Python GUI
  development, I'm currently finishing up some documentation steps to show
  off how to use it specifically for Python (I'll post it to this list
  when it's finished).

 That would be really nice !

 I've long been curious about the potential of XUL+Python, but put off by
 the lack of leads to follow up, and not having time to do the digging


I will also like to see such documentation as soon as possible.
To me, XUL+python really looks like what could be my prefered solution
for multiplatform GUI for my python program.
I'm really impatient and hope a strong and motivated community could
set up arrond such XUL+python project.

All the best,


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-09-14 Thread David Trem
On 10 sep, 20:36, Fred Pacquier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Todd Whiteman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said :

  Personally, I believe XULRunner has a lot to offer for Python GUI
  development, I'm currently finishing up some documentation steps to show
  off how to use it specifically for Python (I'll post it to this list
  when it's finished).

 That would be really nice !

 I've long been curious about the potential of XUL+Python, but put off by
 the lack of leads to follow up, and not having time to do the digging


I will also like to see such documentation as soon as possible.
To me, XUL+python really looks like what could be my prefered solution
for multiplatform GUI for my python program.
I'm really impatient and hope a strong and motivated community could
set up arrond such XUL+python project.

All the best,


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-09-10 Thread Fred Pacquier
Todd Whiteman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said :

 Personally, I believe XULRunner has a lot to offer for Python GUI 
 development, I'm currently finishing up some documentation steps to show 
 off how to use it specifically for Python (I'll post it to this list 
 when it's finished).

That would be really nice !

I've long been curious about the potential of XUL+Python, but put off by 
the lack of leads to follow up, and not having time to do the digging 


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-09-05 Thread Peter Decker
On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:57 AM, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Michael Palmer schrieb:

 As anyone knows, the state of Python GUI programming is a little
 fractured at this time, with many toolkits, wrappers and meta-wrappers
 dead and alive, with or without documentation.

 I've come across two projects that have the appeal of striving for
 simple, pythonic APIs: PyGUI and wax.  The latter is a wrapper around
 wxPython. It is  lacking documentation but actually quite usable and
 concise. The other, PyGUI, has an even nicer API and more docs but has
 relatively few widgets implemented at this time. It also strives for
 compatibility with several toolkits (two at this time), which I think
 is the right idea.

 I disagree with that. Meta-wrappers like this will always suffer from
 problems, as they have difficulties providing a consistent api. For example
 wx is said to be very windows-toolkit-centric in it's API. Yes I know that
 it works under Linux with GTK, but it does not come as natural .

With all due respect, it seems like you are not terribly familiar with
wxPython. It uses the native UI toolkit for each platform wherever
possible: Aqua on OS X; MFC on Windows and Gtk on Linux. Applications
tend to look 'natural' on each platform, rather than uniform across
platforms, and I believe that this is what most people prefer.


# p.d.

Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-09-05 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Peter Decker schrieb:

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:57 AM, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Michael Palmer schrieb:

As anyone knows, the state of Python GUI programming is a little
fractured at this time, with many toolkits, wrappers and meta-wrappers
dead and alive, with or without documentation.

I've come across two projects that have the appeal of striving for
simple, pythonic APIs: PyGUI and wax.  The latter is a wrapper around
wxPython. It is  lacking documentation but actually quite usable and
concise. The other, PyGUI, has an even nicer API and more docs but has
relatively few widgets implemented at this time. It also strives for
compatibility with several toolkits (two at this time), which I think
is the right idea.

I disagree with that. Meta-wrappers like this will always suffer from
problems, as they have difficulties providing a consistent api. For example
wx is said to be very windows-toolkit-centric in it's API. Yes I know that
it works under Linux with GTK, but it does not come as natural .

With all due respect, it seems like you are not terribly familiar with
wxPython. It uses the native UI toolkit for each platform wherever
possible: Aqua on OS X; MFC on Windows and Gtk on Linux. Applications
tend to look 'natural' on each platform, rather than uniform across
platforms, and I believe that this is what most people prefer.

You got me wrong. I didn't say it doesn't use the native toolkit under 
various OSes, I'm well aware of that it does.

What I *did* say was that wx API is designed primarily with windows' 
toolkit as base, and as a consequence the API tends to be less 
functional for other toolkits, making it harder to work with it. As the 
OP was after a one API to rule them all for GUIs, I pointed that out.

See for example this (arguably somewhat dated) post that illustrates my 

From my personal experience with Qt and Cocoa, I can say that both are 
great, but their full power is unleashed only if used directly - talk 
about Multi-threading in Qt4, or KeyValue-coding in Cocoa. Neither is 
available in wx.


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-09-05 Thread Todd Whiteman

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:

A long time ago, there was a Python plugin for Netscape
which allowed you to run Python straight in the browser. Perhaps
it's time to revive such an idea... but then you're still missing
out on the GUI part, since you're still stuck with what the
browser has to offer in terms of widget support.

There is still a plugin (extension) for Mozilla based products, that 
enables use of Python in products like Firefox:

Mark Hammond's Python/Mozilla work has enabled products like Komodo, 
Miro (Democracy) and the OLPC project to use Python as a major driver 
for consistent cross-platform GUI applications.

Personally, I believe XULRunner has a lot to offer for Python GUI 
development, I'm currently finishing up some documentation steps to show 
off how to use it specifically for Python (I'll post it to this list 
when it's finished).


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-09-05 Thread Peter Decker
On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 10:48 AM, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You got me wrong. I didn't say it doesn't use the native toolkit under
 various OSes, I'm well aware of that it does.

 What I *did* say was that wx API is designed primarily with windows' toolkit
 as base, and as a consequence the API tends to be less functional for other
 toolkits, making it harder to work with it. As the OP was after a one API
 to rule them all for GUIs, I pointed that out.

 See for example this (arguably somewhat dated) post that illustrates my

OK, that's a little clearer.

That's one of the things that I like about Dabo - it gets rid of the
ugly (IMO) wxPython API and replaces it with a much more consistent
(and, IMO) more Pythonic API. I hated coding in wx, but I love coding
in Dabo.


# p.d.

Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-09-04 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
On 2008-09-04 07:49, Kay Schluehr wrote:
 3) Following the public rumor mill and the latest hype RIA i.e. the
 merge of web- and desktop applications with systems like Adobe AIR,
 JavaFX, Google Gears and MS Silverlight is the future of frontend
 development. With the exception of IronPython and Silverlight, Python
 hasn't even entered this game and no one knows if it ever will.

Actually, it has already and quite some time ago:

The recipe is simple: use Python for the business logic, database
interfacing, etc and have it talk to a Flex front-end via XML-RPC
or REST.

As a nice side-effect, this also results in a better separation
between GUI and backend, effectively making the solution future-proof
and easy to adapt to other front-end technologies.

We've been working with this approach for almost a year now and
so far never had to look back.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Sep 04 2008)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

 Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,MacOSX for free ! Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-09-04 Thread Kay Schluehr
On 4 Sep., 10:31, M.-A. Lemburg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2008-09-04 07:49, Kay Schluehr wrote:

  3) Following the public rumor mill and the latest hype RIA i.e. the
  merge of web- and desktop applications with systems like Adobe AIR,
  JavaFX, Google Gears and MS Silverlight is the future of frontend
  development. With the exception of IronPython and Silverlight, Python
  hasn't even entered this game and no one knows if it ever will.

 Actually, it has already and quite some time ago:

 The recipe is simple: use Python for the business logic, database
 interfacing, etc and have it talk to a Flex front-end via XML-RPC
 or REST.

Python is still server-side in this scenario and plays no role in UI
definitions. So one doesn't get more than e.g. Django apps that
respond to HTTP requests triggered by JavaScript forms except that
JavaScript+HTML+Browser is replaced by Flex = AS3+MXML+FlashPlayer.
The role of Python is somewhat arbitrary. This could change only if
Python becomes a client side language executed by AVM, V8 etc. like
IronPython in Silverlight.

About separating UI from application logics by assigning functionality
to different general purpose languages I have to admit that I don't
think it is such a great idea ...

Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-09-04 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
On 2008-09-04 11:14, Kay Schluehr wrote:
 On 4 Sep., 10:31, M.-A. Lemburg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2008-09-04 07:49, Kay Schluehr wrote:

 3) Following the public rumor mill and the latest hype RIA i.e. the
 merge of web- and desktop applications with systems like Adobe AIR,
 JavaFX, Google Gears and MS Silverlight is the future of frontend
 development. With the exception of IronPython and Silverlight, Python
 hasn't even entered this game and no one knows if it ever will.
 Actually, it has already and quite some time ago:

 The recipe is simple: use Python for the business logic, database
 interfacing, etc and have it talk to a Flex front-end via XML-RPC
 or REST.
 Python is still server-side in this scenario and plays no role in UI

That depends on how you design the application. It is well possible
to have Python drive the GUI by sending the required details to
the Flex front-end via XML (ie. data-driven GUIs).

 So one doesn't get more than e.g. Django apps that
 respond to HTTP requests triggered by JavaScript forms except that
 JavaScript+HTML+Browser is replaced by Flex = AS3+MXML+FlashPlayer.

You really can't compare the Flex stack to an AJAX stack. Flex
has a lot more to offer for GUI programming than AJAX, it also
doesn't suffer from the problems of AJAX having to support several
different sets of browser or library bugs.

We switched from an AJAX approach to a Flex-based approach last year
and never even considered moving back again.

 The role of Python is somewhat arbitrary. This could change only if
 Python becomes a client side language executed by AVM, V8 etc. like
 IronPython in Silverlight.

 About separating UI from application logics by assigning functionality
 to different general purpose languages I have to admit that I don't
 think it is such a great idea ...

In my experience, Flex + Python gives you the best of both worlds,
the nice GUI features of Flex and the efficiency of Python for the
business logic.

A long time ago, there was a Python plugin for Netscape
which allowed you to run Python straight in the browser. Perhaps
it's time to revive such an idea... but then you're still missing
out on the GUI part, since you're still stuck with what the
browser has to offer in terms of widget support.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Sep 04 2008)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

 Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,MacOSX for free ! Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-09-04 Thread Banibrata Dutta
On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 3:45 PM, M.-A. Lemburg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 2008-09-04 11:14, Kay Schluehr wrote:
  On 4 Sep., 10:31, M.-A. Lemburg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 2008-09-04 07:49, Kay Schluehr wrote:
  3) Following the public rumor mill and the latest hype RIA i.e. the
  merge of web- and desktop applications with systems like Adobe AIR,
  JavaFX, Google Gears and MS Silverlight is the future of frontend
  development. With the exception of IronPython and Silverlight, Python
  hasn't even entered this game and no one knows if it ever will.
  Actually, it has already and quite some time ago:
  The recipe is simple: use Python for the business logic, database
  interfacing, etc and have it talk to a Flex front-end via XML-RPC
  or REST.
  Python is still server-side in this scenario and plays no role in UI

 That depends on how you design the application. It is well possible
 to have Python drive the GUI by sending the required details to
 the Flex front-end via XML (ie. data-driven GUIs).

  So one doesn't get more than e.g. Django apps that
  respond to HTTP requests triggered by JavaScript forms except that
  JavaScript+HTML+Browser is replaced by Flex = AS3+MXML+FlashPlayer.

 You really can't compare the Flex stack to an AJAX stack. Flex
 has a lot more to offer for GUI programming than AJAX, it also
 doesn't suffer from the problems of AJAX having to support several
 different sets of browser or library bugs.

 We switched from an AJAX approach to a Flex-based approach last year
 and never even considered moving back again.

The approach does seem quite impressive, but isn't Flex's platform
neutrality quite over-rated ? I mean after-all, it assumes that Flex is
available for and available on the platform. Flex today is not yet so
ubiquitous as the JRE...

Are there some established best-practices on how to package such
applications -- s.a. shipping with its's own Flex runtime, offer-download if
missing etc. ? What happens if owner of target machine decides to upgrade
their version of Flex, will it impact the application package in anyway, and
render rest of it non-upgradable ?

  The role of Python is somewhat arbitrary. This could change only if
  Python becomes a client side language executed by AVM, V8 etc. like
  IronPython in Silverlight.
  About separating UI from application logics by assigning functionality
  to different general purpose languages I have to admit that I don't
  think it is such a great idea ...

 In my experience, Flex + Python gives you the best of both worlds,
 the nice GUI features of Flex and the efficiency of Python for the
 business logic.

 A long time ago, there was a Python plugin for Netscape
 which allowed you to run Python straight in the browser. Perhaps
 it's time to revive such an idea... but then you're still missing
 out on the GUI part, since you're still stuck with what the
 browser has to offer in terms of widget support.

 Marc-Andre Lemburg

 Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Sep 04 2008)
  Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
  mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...
  mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

  Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,MacOSX for free ! Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-09-04 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
On 2008-09-04 12:57, Banibrata Dutta wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 3:45 PM, M.-A. Lemburg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2008-09-04 11:14, Kay Schluehr wrote:
 On 4 Sep., 10:31, M.-A. Lemburg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2008-09-04 07:49, Kay Schluehr wrote:

 3) Following the public rumor mill and the latest hype RIA i.e. the
 merge of web- and desktop applications with systems like Adobe AIR,
 JavaFX, Google Gears and MS Silverlight is the future of frontend
 development. With the exception of IronPython and Silverlight, Python
 hasn't even entered this game and no one knows if it ever will.
 Actually, it has already and quite some time ago:

 The recipe is simple: use Python for the business logic, database
 interfacing, etc and have it talk to a Flex front-end via XML-RPC
 or REST.
 Python is still server-side in this scenario and plays no role in UI
 That depends on how you design the application. It is well possible
 to have Python drive the GUI by sending the required details to
 the Flex front-end via XML (ie. data-driven GUIs).

 So one doesn't get more than e.g. Django apps that
 respond to HTTP requests triggered by JavaScript forms except that
 JavaScript+HTML+Browser is replaced by Flex = AS3+MXML+FlashPlayer.
 You really can't compare the Flex stack to an AJAX stack. Flex
 has a lot more to offer for GUI programming than AJAX, it also
 doesn't suffer from the problems of AJAX having to support several
 different sets of browser or library bugs.

 We switched from an AJAX approach to a Flex-based approach last year
 and never even considered moving back again.
 The approach does seem quite impressive, but isn't Flex's platform
 neutrality quite over-rated ? I mean after-all, it assumes that Flex is
 available for and available on the platform. Flex today is not yet so
 ubiquitous as the JRE...

Since Flex is compiled to Flash and runs inside the Flash player, it
is fairly easy to get Flex apps running. You do have to have the
Flash9 player installed and the default minimum is for
Flex builder 3.

 Are there some established best-practices on how to package such
 applications -- s.a. shipping with its's own Flex runtime, offer-download if
 missing etc. ? What happens if owner of target machine decides to upgrade
 their version of Flex, will it impact the application package in anyway, and
 render rest of it non-upgradable ?

So far we have not had any such problems, but that could change when
Flash10 starts to ship, of course.

We currently ship the application as a server application. The only
requirement on the client side is having a browser with Flash9
installed. Pointing the browser at the server will then load the
compiled Flex application (as .swf file).

An alternative approach is bundling the client as AIR application
which then runs as stand-alone app on the client side, but we
haven't tried that yet.

 The role of Python is somewhat arbitrary. This could change only if
 Python becomes a client side language executed by AVM, V8 etc. like
 IronPython in Silverlight.

 About separating UI from application logics by assigning functionality
 to different general purpose languages I have to admit that I don't
 think it is such a great idea ...
 In my experience, Flex + Python gives you the best of both worlds,
 the nice GUI features of Flex and the efficiency of Python for the
 business logic.

 A long time ago, there was a Python plugin for Netscape
 which allowed you to run Python straight in the browser. Perhaps
 it's time to revive such an idea... but then you're still missing
 out on the GUI part, since you're still stuck with what the
 browser has to offer in terms of widget support.

 Marc-Andre Lemburg

 Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Sep 04 2008)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

  Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,MacOSX for free ! Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611


Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Sep 04 2008)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-09-03 Thread Michael Palmer
As anyone knows, the state of Python GUI programming is a little
fractured at this time, with many toolkits, wrappers and meta-wrappers
dead and alive, with or without documentation.

I've come across two projects that have the appeal of striving for
simple, pythonic APIs: PyGUI and wax.  The latter is a wrapper around
wxPython. It is  lacking documentation but actually quite usable and
concise. The other, PyGUI, has an even nicer API and more docs but has
relatively few widgets implemented at this time. It also strives for
compatibility with several toolkits (two at this time), which I think
is the right idea.

So far, development of PyGUI seems to be a one-man effort, and it may
be slowed down by the attempt to develop the API and the
implementations concurrently. Could it be useful to uncouple the two,
such that the API would be specified ahead of the implementation? This
might make it easier for people to contribute implementation code and
maybe port the API to additional toolkits. It seems that this approach
has been quite successful in case of the Python database API. That API
defines levels of compliance, which might be a way of accommodating
different GUI toolkits as well.

I may be underestimating the difficulties of my proposed approach - I
don't have much practical experience with GUI programming myself.

Best, Michael


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-09-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Michael Palmer schrieb:

As anyone knows, the state of Python GUI programming is a little
fractured at this time, with many toolkits, wrappers and meta-wrappers
dead and alive, with or without documentation.

I've come across two projects that have the appeal of striving for
simple, pythonic APIs: PyGUI and wax.  The latter is a wrapper around
wxPython. It is  lacking documentation but actually quite usable and
concise. The other, PyGUI, has an even nicer API and more docs but has
relatively few widgets implemented at this time. It also strives for
compatibility with several toolkits (two at this time), which I think
is the right idea.

I disagree with that. Meta-wrappers like this will always suffer from 
problems, as they have difficulties providing a consistent api. For 
example wx is said to be very windows-toolkit-centric in it's API. Yes I 
know that it works under Linux with GTK, but it does not come as natural .

So far, development of PyGUI seems to be a one-man effort, and it may
be slowed down by the attempt to develop the API and the
implementations concurrently. Could it be useful to uncouple the two,
such that the API would be specified ahead of the implementation? This
might make it easier for people to contribute implementation code and
maybe port the API to additional toolkits. It seems that this approach
has been quite successful in case of the Python database API. That API
defines levels of compliance, which might be a way of accommodating
different GUI toolkits as well.

I may be underestimating the difficulties of my proposed approach - I
don't have much practical experience with GUI programming myself.

I think you do. The reason for the various toolkits is not because of 
python - it's the proliferation of toolkits that exist out there. As 
long as none of these is the winner (and it doesn't look is if that's 
to happen soon), I doubt that one API to rule them all will exist - they 
all have their different strengths and weaknesses, and a python-API 
should reflect these.


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-09-03 Thread Michael Palmer
On Sep 3, 12:57 pm, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Michael Palmer schrieb:

  The other, PyGUI, has an even nicer API and more docs but has
  relatively few widgets implemented at this time. It also strives for
  compatibility with several toolkits (two at this time), which I think
  is the right idea.

 I disagree with that. Meta-wrappers like this will always suffer from
 problems, as they have difficulties providing a consistent api. For
 example wx is said to be very windows-toolkit-centric in it's API. Yes I
 know that it works under Linux with GTK, but it does not come as natural .

wax actually does a nice job at wrapping wxPython with a cleaner API.

  So far, development of PyGUI seems to be a one-man effort, and it may
  be slowed down by the attempt to develop the API and the
  implementations concurrently. Could it be useful to uncouple the two,
  such that the API would be specified ahead of the implementation? This
  might make it easier for people to contribute implementation code and
  maybe port the API to additional toolkits. It seems that this approach
  has been quite successful in case of the Python database API. That API
  defines levels of compliance, which might be a way of accommodating
  different GUI toolkits as well.

  I may be underestimating the difficulties of my proposed approach - I
  don't have much practical experience with GUI programming myself.

 I think you do. The reason for the various toolkits is not because of
 python - it's the proliferation of toolkits that exist out there.

Right. But that is similar to the situation with relational databases.
There are so many of them that it's impossible to include an adapter
to each of them in the stdlib. The next best thing is to provide a
high-level API that abstracts away the differences.

 As long as none of these is the winner (and it doesn't look is if that's
 to happen soon), I doubt that one API to rule them all will exist - they
 all have their different strengths and weaknesses, and a python-API
 should reflect these.

I rather think that a standard API would cover a reasonable subset -
it should NOT contain the idiosyncrasies of each individual toolkit.

The anygui project, which has been dormant for a while, is another
attempt at a high-level api. Apparently, it tried to implement
backends for a lot of toolkits - which again may have been to
ambitious an agenda. Maybe someone who was involved in that project
might provide some insight.


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-09-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Michael Palmer schrieb:

I disagree with that. Meta-wrappers like this will always suffer from
problems, as they have difficulties providing a consistent api. For
example wx is said to be very windows-toolkit-centric in it's API. Yes I
know that it works under Linux with GTK, but it does not come as natural .

wax actually does a nice job at wrapping wxPython with a cleaner API.

wax wraps wx. It does not wrap PyQt, Tk, win32, GTK and whatnot. That 
was what I was talking about.

Right. But that is similar to the situation with relational databases.
There are so many of them that it's impossible to include an adapter
to each of them in the stdlib. The next best thing is to provide a
high-level API that abstracts away the differences.

As long as none of these is the winner (and it doesn't look is if that's
to happen soon), I doubt that one API to rule them all will exist - they
all have their different strengths and weaknesses, and a python-API
should reflect these.

I rather think that a standard API would cover a reasonable subset -
it should NOT contain the idiosyncrasies of each individual toolkit.

And thus reduce the usability massively. A reasonable subset is already 
included in python, with tkinter, available on a wide range of plattforms.

Yet still people strive for the various other toolkits, because they 
miss richer widgets, gui-designers (an important topic you don't cover 
at all) or e.g. multi-threading capabilities.

The anygui project, which has been dormant for a while, is another
attempt at a high-level api. Apparently, it tried to implement
backends for a lot of toolkits - which again may have been to
ambitious an agenda. Maybe someone who was involved in that project
might provide some insight.

Sure, that would be interesting.


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-09-03 Thread OKB (not okblacke)
Michael Palmer wrote:

 As anyone knows, the state of Python GUI programming is a little
 fractured at this time, with many toolkits, wrappers and meta-wrappers
 dead and alive, with or without documentation.

How about Dabo?

--OKB (not okblacke)
Brendan Barnwell
Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go, instead, where there is
no path, and leave a trail.
--author unknown

Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-09-03 Thread Greg Ewing

Michael Palmer wrote:

So far, development of PyGUI seems to be a one-man effort, and it may
be slowed down by the attempt to develop the API and the
implementations concurrently. Could it be useful to uncouple the two,
such that the API would be specified ahead of the implementation?

I'm not sure that would work very well. I don't think
it's possible to invent a good API for something as
complex as a GUI toolkit in the absence of experience
using it, so the API has to evolve in parallel with at
least one implementation, and with real applications
that actually use the features concerned.

Also, the features that go into the PyGUI API are partly
determined by what is available in the underlying target
libraries. I don't want to end up with things in the
API specification that are too difficult or unwieldy
to implement on some of the target platforms. I also
don't want one implementation to get too far ahead of
the others, for the same reason.

If anyone wants to help, what's needed most right now
is a good native Windows implementation. One or two
people claimed to be working on that some time ago,
but I haven't heard from them recently. For the reasons
I mentioned above, I'm reluctant to forge ahead with
too many new features until a native Windows version


Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-09-03 Thread Kay Schluehr
On 3 Sep., 18:34, Michael Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As anyone knows, the state of Python GUI programming is a little
 fractured at this time, with many toolkits, wrappers and meta-wrappers
 dead and alive, with or without documentation.

A few thoughts.

1) This topic is discussed here every few months. While some kind of
AnyGUI is theoretically very elegant it hasn't worked out well in
practice: GUI libs are huge and heterogeneous. It's much unlike
building an API-layer on top of SQL. Moreover I'd like to ask whether
the fragmentation turns out to be that much of a problem in practice?

2) Tcl/Tk might have a revival due to the new Tk-theme engine in
version 8.5.

Chances are Tkinter widgets will not look like early '90s legacy

3) Following the public rumor mill and the latest hype RIA i.e. the
merge of web- and desktop applications with systems like Adobe AIR,
JavaFX, Google Gears and MS Silverlight is the future of frontend
development. With the exception of IronPython and Silverlight, Python
hasn't even entered this game and no one knows if it ever will.

Ciao, Kay