[Qgis-user] trigger action in qgis2web

2023-12-02 Per discussione Stephen Sacks via QGIS-User
In my desktop QGIS I have a short Python script that opens an HTML page 
including arguments (attributes of the selected feature).  When I use 
QGIS2web to put the  project on the web, I would like the user to 
trigger that action when he/she clicks on a feature.  I would be 
grateful for advice on how to do that.

#This is the script for Action "showPhoto"
import webbrowser
host = "promPics.rf.gd"
cName = "[%"common name"%]"
lName = "[%"latin name"%]"
picture = "[%"picture"%]"
theURL = "http://; + host + "/?"
theURL = theURL + "cName=" + cName + "&"
theURL = theURL + "lName=" + lName + "&"
theURL = theURL + "photo=" + picture
If you're interested, you can see an older, two-click, approach at
    [Garden B only]

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[Qgis-user] how to trigger an "action" on a web map

2023-09-30 Per discussione Stephen Sacks via QGIS-User
In my desktop QGIS project, I define an "action" that opens an HTML page 
and passes parameters to it.  I will use qgis2web to move the project to 
a web site and would like the web user to trigger that action by 
clicking on a feature.  Is there a way to do this?


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Re: [Qgis-user] action to open an HTML file with arguments

2023-09-10 Per discussione Stephen Sacks via QGIS-User

Adam -
   Thanks for your sage advice.  Prepending file://   solves my problem 
when the target HTML  file is on my desktop hard drive. The arguments 
are sent and received correctly.
    I still have what turns out to be an unimportant problem when the 
target  HTML file is on the web (I use a free web host, InfinityFree):   
my browser (Chrome) prepends the sending file's URL and then I get  
error 403 page not found.
    This turns out to be unimportant because it doesn't occur  in 
QGIS:  my action

correctly sends arguments to the target HTML on my web site.
   Many thanks for your help.
On 9/9/2023 7:17 AM, Adam Nielsen wrote:

then the web page opens.  But if the "Action Text"  is
the web page fails to open.

Probably because a question mark isn't a valid filename character so
it gets escaped as %3F, and then the file doesn't exist with %3F in the
filename so you get the error.  The question mark isn't a traditional
URL separator, it's passed to the server unchanged and the server may
choose to only look at the part of the filename before the question
mark but it doesn't have to.  When there is no server and it's just on
your filesystem the actual behaviour is probably browser-specific.

I wrote sendParms.html which includes the following line:

This isn't a valid URL because it doesn't contain a protocol.  It would
have to be afile://  URL which contains its own rules and semantics.

You could try using the hash (#) symbol instead of the question mark,
as the browser does not send the part after the hash to the server, so
it should work with local files as well (just remember to use the
file://  URL scheme to avoid unpredictable behaviour).

You can pick out the part after the hash in the HTML by using
Javascript code.

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[Qgis-user] action to open an HTML file with arguments

2023-09-08 Per discussione Stephen Sacks via QGIS-User
   I want to create a situation where clicking on a feature in a vector 
layer opens  an HTML file and passes several attributes of the feature 
to the HTML file.  I have successfully created an action which opens the 
HTML file, but I can't figure out how to pass the arguments.

   My action "type"  is "open" and if the "Action Text"  is
then the web page opens.  But if the "Action Text"  is
the web page fails to open.  I also tried
 C:/temp/receiveParms.html?arg1=[% "garden" %]
where "garden" is the name of an attribute.
All of these efforts to pass arguments to an HTML file fail to open the 

In order to verify that receiveParms.html knows how to accept arguments, 
I wrote sendParms.html which includes the following line:

This works as expected, successfully passing two parameters.
I'm attaching the two HTML files.
   I'd be grateful if someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong.
   Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
<<< text/html; charset=UTF-8; name="receiveParms.html": Unrecognized >>>
Title: sender5

some text

link to receiver 

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Re: [Qgis-user] mysterious polygon

2023-06-10 Per discussione Stephen Sacks via QGIS-User

Hi Harrissou,
   YES !  You've solved my problem and taught me something I knew 
nothing about.

Many thanks.

On 6/10/2023 8:57 PM, Harrissou s. wrote:

Hi Stephen,
You seem to have fallen in the annotation layer "trap" [0]. There is 
no layer behind and polygon deletion is mentioned in the docs I 
pointed to. Basically, select it with the "modify annotations" tool on 
the same toolbar, and press Del.

To create regular polygon feature, you have to select the layer, turn 
it into edit mode and use digitizing tools. Read [1].

Hope that helps.


Le 11 juin 2023 01:22:43 GMT+02:00, Stephen Sacks via QGIS-User 
 a écrit :

My intention was to create a new vector layer consisting of
several polygons.  I used the CreatePolygon tool to mark the four
vertices of a rectangle.  I must have done something wrong because
I've ended up with a polygon that seems to belong to no layer. In
desperation I ran the following python code, hoping to delete the
mysterious polygon, but it's still there.  Are some layers not in
the legend?  How do I  get rid of the polygon?

from qgis.core import QgsProject
from qgis.utils import iface

project = QgsProject.instance()
for lyr in project.mapLayers().values():
    lyrName = lyr.name()
    print (lyrName)

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[Qgis-user] mysterious polygon

2023-06-10 Per discussione Stephen Sacks via QGIS-User
My intention was to create a new vector layer consisting of several 
polygons.  I used the CreatePolygon tool to mark the four vertices of a 
rectangle.  I must have done something wrong because I've ended up with 
a polygon that seems to belong to no layer.   In desperation I ran the 
following python code, hoping to delete the mysterious polygon, but it's 
still there.  Are some layers not in the legend?  How do I  get rid of 
the   polygon?

from qgis.core import QgsProject
from qgis.utils import iface

project = QgsProject.instance()
for lyr in project.mapLayers().values():
    lyrName = lyr.name()
    print (lyrName)

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[Qgis-user] trouble adding a basemap from a WMTS source

2022-07-06 Per discussione Stephen Sacks via Qgis-user
It turns out that my problem is not getting the map from New York's 
DOITT, but in re-projecting it from EPSG:900913 to the project's 
EPSG:2263.  If I leave it in EPSG:900913 it doesn't disappear.  But I 
worry that some trouble may result if my basemap has a different CRS 
from all the other layers.

Original post (7/4/2022, 8:17 PM):
My project CRS is EPSG:2263;  all 21 layers were created in this project 
with CRS   EPSG:2263  , which seems appropriate for a public park in 
Brooklyn, NY.  If I use Google Satellite Hybrid as basemap, everything 
looks to be in the right  place.  I would like to replace the Google 
basemap with one of many maps available from the New York City 
Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications (DOITT 
https://maps.nyc.gov/tiles/#basemap-layers-wmts). But after many tries, 
all I get is a totally blank layer.

   Here, in detail, is what I  have done:

1. right-click on WMS/WMTS in browser and choose New Connection
2. name box:  DOITT Monday
3. URL: https://maps.nyc.gov/wmts/1.0.0/?REQUEST=getcapabilities
4. leave configuration default:  No Authentication
    leave HTTP and options blank
5. click OK
6. "DOITT Monday" appears as a new item in browser under WMS/WMTS
7.  there are 15 sub-items under  DOITT Monday.  The CRS for each of 
them is EPSG:900913 , although the DOITT web  page led me to expect 
4326  or 3857
8. I drag one of them ("basemap") onto the map canvas; right-click on it 
and set its CRS to EPSG:2263.  The project CRS remains 2263.
9. I see a msg at the top of the canvas:  "Used a ballpark transform 
from EPSG:2263 to EPSG:900913"  , which seems to me to be the opposite 
of what I asked for
10.  the added layer appears totally blank.  Toggling its checkmark in 
the layer panel has no effect.  Zoom-to-layer makes the scale go to a 
nine-digit number.  Zoom to 1:100 has no effect.
11. I tried again, with a new, blank project, with project CRS set to 
EPSG:900913.  I added one layer by dragging "basemap" from "DOITT 
Monday" onto the canvas.  The canvas remained blank.  I added one small 
layer from my real project, transformed it to 900613, and "zoomed  to 
layer" so as to focus on part of my park. My  layer appeared but still 
no visible basemap.

 What am I doing wrong?   Thanks for any advice.
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[Qgis-user] trouble adding a basemap from a WMTS source

2022-07-04 Per discussione Stephen Sacks via Qgis-user
My project CRS is EPSG:2263;  all 21 layers were created in this project 
with CRS   EPSG:2263  , which seems appropriate for a public park in 
Brooklyn, NY.  If I use Google Satellite Hybrid as basemap, everything 
looks to be in the right place.  I would like to replace the Google 
basemap with one of many maps available from the New York City 
Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications (DOITT 
https://maps.nyc.gov/tiles/#basemap-layers-wmts).   But after many 
tries, all I get is a totally blank layer.

   Here, in detail, is what I  have done:

1. right-click on WMS/WMTS in browser and choose New Connection
2. name box:  DOITT Monday
3. URL: https://maps.nyc.gov/wmts/1.0.0/?REQUEST=getcapabilities
4. leave configuration default:  No Authentication
    leave HTTP and options blank
5. click OK
6. "DOITT Monday" appears as a new item in browser under WMS/WMTS
7.  there are 15 sub-items under  DOITT Monday.  The CRS for each of 
them is EPSG:900913 , although the DOITT web  page led me to expect 
4326  or 3857
8. I drag one of them ("basemap") onto the map canvas; right-click on it 
and set its CRS to EPSG:2263.  The project CRS remains 2263.
9. I see a msg at the top of the canvas:  "Used a ballpark transform 
from EPSG:2263 to EPSG:900913"  , which seems to me to be the opposite 
of what I asked for
10.  the added layer appears totally blank.  Toggling its checkmark in 
the layer panel has no effect.  Zoom-to-layer makes the scale go to a 
nine-digit number.  Zoom to 1:100 has no effect.
11. I tried again, with a new, blank project, with project CRS set to 
EPSG:900913.  I added one layer by dragging "basemap" from "DOITT 
Monday" onto the canvas.  The canvas remained blank.  I added one small 
layer from my real project, transformed it to 900613, and "zoomed  to 
layer" so as to focus on part of my park. My  layer appeared but still 
no visible basemap.

 What am I doing wrong?   Thanks for any advice.

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Re: [Qgis-user] adding a layer from a zipped file

2022-05-30 Per discussione Stephen Sacks via Qgis-user

Hi Richard,
   Your "wild guess" is exactly right.  I tested it.  I copied file 
"GardenA.qml" into the same folder where "GardenA.zip" is located.  Then 
told QGIS to add vector layer "GardenA.zip".   It added layer "GardenA" 
using the correct color and labels.  A similar test added layer 
"GardenAtrees.zip" with the correct svg symbol.

   You've solved the mystery.  THANK YOU.
   I'm not happy with the resulting layer name ("GardenA - GardenA.shp" 
instead of just "GardenA") so I'll have to change all the layer names.  
But I can write a Python script to do that.)

    I've never used geopackages.  Something new for me to learn.

On 5/30/2022 3:44 AM, Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:

Hi Stephen,

Wild guessing here (not tested).

I think: GDAL is responsible for loading the data from shape OR zipped 

QGIS is responsible for loading of a corresponding qml file.

Normally, when QGIS (using GDAL) loads foo.shp, it will check if there 
is a foo.sld or foo.qml NEXT to it, and if so, uses it to STYLE the data.

Now if you zipped foo.shp+files into foo.zip...
Maybe QGIS is clever enough to ALSO look INTO the zip (and if not, 
this would be a nice Feature Request...)

But else: try to put foo.qml next to the foo.zip

But if you zipped the files into bar.zip...
Then I would try to put a 'bar.qml' next to it (and hoping that QGIS 
decides that it has the same 'base name'.

If all that fails: I would create a Feature Request for it (or start 
using Geopackages ...)

Note that using geopackages, you also have 1 file, and you can save 
style INTO the geopackage (and even put more layers+styles into it etc 


Richard Duivenvoorde

On 5/29/22 19:02, Stephen Sacks via Qgis-user wrote:

Hi Phil,
    Thanks for your reply.   This morning I updated my QGIS from 
version 3.16.3 to version 3.22.7 .  With complete optimism, I 
reloaded several layers from zipped shapefiles, but alas the problem 
remains:  polygons appear in random colors and without labels and 
point layers have dots instead of the svg icons they have when I load 
the same layers from the un-zipped six shapefile files.  When I 
examine the zip files with Windows File Explorer, I see the .qml 
files are there and uncorrupted.
    I'm using a five-year-old plain vanilla Dell desktop running 
64-bit Windows 10.
    I did the zipping with Thunderbird's Archive.  Then, separately, 
zipped one layer with Windows File Explorer zipper. Same result.
    Am I doing something wrong?  Shall I try updating to  QGIS 3.24 
?  Is it "stable"?  What does it mean that version 3.22 is "stable"?


On 5/29/2022 12:03 AM, Phil Wyatt wrote:

Hi Stephen,

You might let us know your operating system and which version of 
QGIS you are using because it works as you desire in the latest 
development (3.24.3)  and Long Term Release versions (3.22.7). It 
may just be a matter of updating QGIS.

Cheers - Phil

*From:*Qgis-user  *On Behalf Of 
*Stephen Sacks via Qgis-user

*Sent:* Sunday, 29 May 2022 5:29 AM
*To:* qgis forum 
*Subject:* [Qgis-user] adding a layer from a zipped file

When I write a layer as a shape file, it appears on my C: drive as 
six files, all with the same name but different extensions.  Then I 
zip those six into a single file (xxx.zip).  When I reload that 
layer from the zip file (Layer > AddLayer > VectorLayer > File > 
Dataset > xxx.zip), QGIS is almost smart enough to restore the layer 
correctly.  The polygon features are in the right place and their 
attribute table is correct. *My problem* is that it ignores one of 
the six files, the "style" file (xxx .qml) which  specifies color, 
labeling, and symbol).  Do I  have to unzip before restoring layer 
xxx ?  I know I could open the layer's properties and use  Style > 
Load Style from  file xxx.qml .  But when I'm restoring several 
layers that's a lot of key strokes (and may require that I unzip).  
It seems to me that this shouldn't be necessary.  [I encounter the 
same problem with point layers and polygon layers.]

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Re: [Qgis-user] adding a layer from a zipped file

2022-05-29 Per discussione Stephen Sacks via Qgis-user

Hi Phil,
   Thanks for your reply.   This morning I updated my QGIS from version 
3.16.3 to version 3.22.7 .  With complete optimism, I reloaded several 
layers from zipped shapefiles, but alas the problem remains:  polygons 
appear in random colors and without labels and point layers have dots 
instead of the svg icons they have when I load the same layers from the 
un-zipped six shapefile files.  When I examine the zip files with 
Windows File Explorer, I see the .qml files are there and uncorrupted.
   I'm using a five-year-old plain vanilla Dell desktop running 64-bit 
Windows 10.
   I did the zipping with Thunderbird's Archive.  Then, separately, 
zipped one layer with Windows File Explorer zipper. Same result.
   Am I doing something wrong?  Shall I try updating to  QGIS 3.24 ?  
Is it "stable"?  What does it mean that version 3.22 is "stable"?


On 5/29/2022 12:03 AM, Phil Wyatt wrote:

Hi Stephen,

You might let us know your operating system and which version of QGIS 
you are using because it works as you desire in the latest development 
(3.24.3)  and Long Term Release versions (3.22.7). It may just be a 
matter of updating QGIS.

Cheers - Phil

*From:*Qgis-user  *On Behalf Of 
*Stephen Sacks via Qgis-user

*Sent:* Sunday, 29 May 2022 5:29 AM
*To:* qgis forum 
*Subject:* [Qgis-user] adding a layer from a zipped file

When I write a layer as a shape file, it appears on my C: drive as six 
files, all with the same name but different extensions.  Then I zip 
those six into a single file (xxx.zip).  When I reload that layer from 
the zip file (Layer > AddLayer > VectorLayer > File > Dataset > 
xxx.zip), QGIS is almost smart enough to restore the layer correctly.  
The polygon features are in the right place and their attribute table 
is correct. *My problem* is that it ignores one of the six files, the 
"style" file (xxx .qml) which  specifies color, labeling, and 
symbol).  Do I  have to unzip before restoring layer xxx ?  I know I 
could open the layer's properties and use  Style > Load Style from  
file xxx.qml .  But when I'm restoring several layers that's a lot of 
key strokes (and may require that I unzip).  It seems to me that this 
shouldn't be necessary.  [I encounter the same problem with point 
layers and polygon layers.]

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[Qgis-user] adding a layer from a zipped file

2022-05-28 Per discussione Stephen Sacks via Qgis-user

When I write a layer as a shape file, it appears on my C: drive as six 
files, all with the same name but different extensions.  Then I zip 
those six into a single file (xxx.zip).  When I reload that layer from 
the zip file (Layer > AddLayer > VectorLayer > File > Dataset > 
xxx.zip), QGIS is almost smart enough to restore the layer correctly.  
The polygon features are in the right place and their attribute table is 
correct. *My problem* is that it ignores one of the six files, the 
"style" file (xxx .qml) which  specifies color, labeling, and symbol).  
Do I  have to unzip before restoring layer xxx ?  I know I could open 
the layer's properties and use  Style > Load Style from  file xxx.qml .  
But when I'm restoring several layers that's a lot of key strokes (and 
may require that I unzip).  It seems to me that this shouldn't be 
necessary.  [I encounter the same problem with point layers and polygon 

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[Qgis-user] quit() and exit()

2022-05-03 Per discussione Stephen Sacks via Qgis-user
In case there may be someone out there who is interested in my question, 
below is Asim's answer (with one correction he made).    When run in the 
Python console, this code causes execution of the script to stop and a 
window to pop up titled "Execution error" with my explanatory message.  
And, unlike quit() and exit(), it does NOT terminate QGIS.

fName = 'xyz'
vrbl = False
class MyExcpt(Exception):

if not vrbl:
    raise MyExcpt("Unable to find file %s" % fName)

print ('abc')
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[Qgis-user] quit() and exit()

2022-05-02 Per discussione Stephen Sacks via Qgis-user
I would like to terminate a Python script gracefully.  Both quit() and 
exit() not only abort the script but end the entire QGIS app.  For 
example, if a file I want to read doesn't exist, the following four 
lines of code terminate QGIS:

filePath = Path(fName)
if not filePath.is_file():
    print ('Unable to find file  ', fName)

Substituting  quit() for exit()  doesn't help.  I could omit both, and 
put all of the remaining code under an "else" but that seems rather clunky.

  Any suggestions would be welcome.

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[Qgis-user] from xxx import zzz

2022-03-28 Per discussione Stephen Sacks via Qgis-user
Please pardon what may be a dumb question from a self- (half-) taught 
student of Python.  I often steal fragments of code from the internet 
(especially including this forum) and sometimes get an error message 
like  "xxx is not an attribute of yyy" .  My  problem, I think, is a 
missing  " from xyz import abc".  My question to you now is whether 
there is some way to know what to import, and from which module, for any 
particular Python statement.  More specifically, I get this error message:

  AttributeError: 'QgsEditFormConfig' object has no attribute 'setHidden'

when I run the following code:

from qgis.core import QgsProject
from qgis.core import *
from qgis.utils import iface
from qgis.core import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QInputDialog
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import *
from qgis.gui import *

def oneA( lyr, columnName, option ):
    flds= lyr.fields()
    indx = flds.indexOf(columnName)
    config = lyr.editFormConfig()
    config.setHidden(indx, option)

lyr = iface.activeLayer()
aField =  'NAME'
oneA (lyr, aField, True)

When I type this code in the QGIS environment, autocompletion leads me 
to believe that "setHidden" is allowed after "config." but I must admit 
I don't understand the meaning of the several choices specified in the 
parentheses.  I'd be grateful if someone would explain that to me.  
Also,  am I correct in thinking that an asterisk following "import" 
means "everything in this module"?

   I'm running QGIS  3.16.3  under Windows 10.
   Thanks in advance for any help.
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Re: [Qgis-user] hide attribute from popup window

2022-03-21 Per discussione Stephen Sacks via Qgis-user

Sebastian -
   Your advice is exactly what I needed.  It works perfectly. THANK YOU.
   There's one thing I would add for others who want the same advice:  
the attribute form is found at the tab called "manage custom forms and 
field editor configuration"

On 3/20/2022 9:18 PM, Sebastian Gutwein wrote:
If you change it to hidden in the layer properties>attribute form> 
widget type you won't see it in the identify window or feature form 

The default is text.

On Sun, Mar 20, 2022 at 8:18 PM Stephen Sacks via Qgis-user 

I would like to limit which fields appear in the popup window when
I click on a feature.  In the layer's attribute table, I can Hide
a field but it still appears in the popup window when I click a
feature with the Identify tool.

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[Qgis-user] hide attribute from popup window

2022-03-20 Per discussione Stephen Sacks via Qgis-user
I would like to limit which fields appear in the popup window when I 
click on a feature.  In the layer's attribute table, I can Hide a field 
but it still appears in the popup window when I click a feature with the 
Identify tool.
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[Qgis-user] qgis2web: lost jpg images

2021-10-29 Per discussione Stephen Sacks
  I'm using qgis2web to move a map from my desktop (QGIS 3.16) to a web 
host.  It works well except that jpg images, which appear correctly when 
I click on point features on the desktop, don't appear on the web .  
Instead, the web version tries to  execute a link of the form

    a.b.com  is my web site and images  is  a folder created by qgis2web
    x.y.com/z  is the correct URL  for  name.jpg
This would make sense if qgis2web were to put into the "images" folder a 
copy  of  the desired picture (with slashes replaced by underscores in 
the file name).  But the images folder is empty.
   I don't know how qgis2web is supposed to work:   does it intend to 
put into a folder on my site copies of all the images I use? or is it 
designed to keep on my site only the corresponding URLs?
 Possibly related:  I've tried  to set the default path for the 
photo field in the attribute table for this layer (Properties > 
AttributesForm > widgetType=attachment) but it seems to have no effect.
    If anyone cares to investigate, my URL  is    temp9.epizy.com .   
"GardenBtrees" is the layer at issue; I don't yet have photos for any 
other layer.

   I'll be grateful for any advice.

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[Qgis-user] loadNamedStyle

2021-09-13 Per discussione Stephen Sacks
I'm writing a Python script to load a "qml" style file.  The following 
two lines work correctly:

   lyr1 = iface.activeLayer()
but the following two lines cause an error message:
   lyr2 = instance.parameterAsSource(parameters, "INPUT", context)
   AttributeError:  QgsProcessingFeatureSource: object has no attribute 

    My problem is that
    lyr1 is  a  QgsVectorLayer  but  lyr2 is a 
So the issue comes down to how to load a named style file onto a 
QgsProcessingFeatureSource.   The complete code is below.   Thanks for 
any advice.   Steve

from qgis import processing
from qgis.processing import alg
from qgis.core import QgsProject
from qgis.utils import iface

@alg(name='getMyStyle', label='load BigPicStyle on the active layer (alg)',
 group='examplescripts', group_label='Example scripts')
@alg.input(type=alg.SOURCE, name='INPUT', label='Input vector layer')
@alg.input(type=alg.STRING, name='theStyle', label='name of style file')
@alg.output(type=alg.STRING, name='OUTPUT', label='output lbl')

def getMyStyle(instance, parameters, context, feedback, inputs):
    Asks for a style name and then loads that style.  By default,
   the layer acted on is the active layer, but a dropdown
   menu lets user choose another layer.
    stylePath = 'C:/Promenade/GIS/data/styles/'
    whichFile = parameters.get('theStyle')
    #  note: lyr1 is QgsVectorLayer;  lyr2 is QgsProcessingFeatureSource
    lyr1 = iface.activeLayer()
    lyr2 = instance.parameterAsSource(parameters, "INPUT", context)
    lyr1.loadNamedStyle(stylePath + whichFile + '.qml') #this works
    #next line causes AttributeError:
    # 'QgsProcessingFeatureSource' object has no attribute 'loadNamedStyle'
    lyr2.loadNamedStyle(stylePath + whichFile + '.qml')
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[Qgis-user] trouble accessing New York City basemap

2021-08-19 Per discussione Stephen Sacks
I need an orthoimagery basemap layer for a project involving a public 
park in Brooklyn, NY.  I'm hoping that what I want is at : 
https://maps.nyc.gov/tiles/#aerial-layers-tms  .

Instructions at:   www.maps.nyc.gov/tiles/#qgis
tell me to install a plugin called  " TileLayer Plugin".  I downloaded 
that plugin (a zip file), but QGIS tells me that it's not compatible 
with my QGIS 3.16.
   I'd appreciate advice on how to get either (1) this map with a 
different plugin, or (2) a different orthoimagery basemap that includes 
the Brooklyn Promenade.   Thanks.


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[Qgis-user] On my website, how do I link a photo to a map feature?

2021-04-02 Per discussione Stephen Sacks

On my website is a map created by qgis2web.  I need advice on how to 
link map features to photos ( jpg files).  In desktop QGIS I can put

in the attribute table and the user can click on it in the popup. But I 
don't know how to reference those  jpg files  when the map is on the 
web.  I can put the photos in a folder on my web host (I'm using 
InfinityFree) and then I need some way to say "file xxx is in that 
folder."  In some circumstances two dots means parent folder, so I tried 
using the expression above and replacing the C: with two dots but that 
didn't become a live link.

 I'll be grateful if someone will tell me how to do this.

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[Qgis-user] qgis2web doesn't include an aerial view layer

2021-03-10 Per discussione Stephen Sacks
  I have added to my QGIS project an aerial view from New York City's 
Dept of Information Techn (DoITT).  My problem is that the output from 
qgis2web includes all my layers except the aerial view.  DoITT says its 
maps are "compatible with most JavaScript web mapping libraries such as 
OpenLayers, MapBox, Leaflet".  Using a google satellite view encounters 
the same problem.  I tried a workaround by clipping the NY layer using a 
polygon layer (all I need is about one sq mile) but that yields a Python 
error.   Any advice would be welcome.

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[Qgis-user] satellite basemap of New York city for qgis2web

2021-03-07 Per discussione Stephen Sacks
Thanks Phil for your reply.  My knowledge of html and Java is minimal.  
I need  qgis2web to write it for me.   I got an aerial view from Mapbox  
that looks OK with my polygon and point layers in my desktop QGIS.  But 
qgis2web  crashes unless I select OpenLayers or Leaflet.  When I send 
the qgis2web output files to my web host (infinityFree) the aerial view 
layer is missing. (You can see it at www.temp5.epizy.com, showing a few 
of the 35 gardens along Brooklyn's Promenade.) I hope a DoITT aerial 
view will work with qgis2web.  I've tried geoServer but can't figure out 
how to make it give me a DoITT  map.

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[Qgis-user] satellite basemap of New York city for qgis2web

2021-03-06 Per discussione Stephen Sacks
I want an aerial image from New York City's mapping service (DoITT) to 
serve as a basemap for my qgis desktop project.  I intend to use 
qgis2web to put on the web my map of Brooklyn's Promenade gardens.  It 
seems that I should be able to click  Layer > add Layer > add WMS/WMTS   
,  but I'll need the appropriate URL.  The DoITT website has lists of 
maps but not a URL.

   Thanks for any help you can offer.
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[Qgis-user] getting a base map from Mapbox

2021-02-19 Per discussione Stephen Sacks

  YES !!!    I went back and re-tried several attempts I 
had made to get a satellite base map from Mapbox.   In every case when I 
change the "S" in my Mapbox username from uppercase to lowercase it 
works flawlessly.
    Thank you Andrea and Jorge (and Ben Hur and Richard who steered me 
to Mapbox).


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[Qgis-user] getting a base map from Mapbox

2021-02-18 Per discussione Stephen Sacks

Hi Jorge,
    Thanks for your reply to my request for help in getting a base map 
from Mapbox.
    I'm using QGIS  3.10.12 - A Coruna on a plain vanilla Dell desktop 
running Windows 10.
   When I click on the link in your message my Chrome browser opens a 
tab showing hundreds of lines of HTML, among which I see frequently my 
Mapbox user ID (profSacks).  So I guess that proves that something is 
availble to the public.
   More importantly when I copy the URL from the message you sent and 
paste it into the URL in the QGIS new layer dialog and click Connect it 
WORKS !   I have added the Mapbox satellite layer to my QGIS map.  I can 
see the buildings in and around our park.

   Can you explain why I succeeded using your URL but not mine ?
   I'm grateful for your help, but now I need to understand.

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[Qgis-user] getting a base map from Mapbox

2021-02-18 Per discussione Stephen Sacks
For the first time, I'm trying to use a map from Mapbox as a base map in 
QGIS.  I opened an account at Mapbox.com and made a map there using 
their "Satellite streets."    I clicked Publish and chose Publicly 
available.  I copied that map's Style URL and Access token and plugged 
them and my Mapbox username into what I believe is the correct endpoint 
template.  Then back at my desktop QGIS, I clicked  Layer > Add Layer 
>Add WMS/WMTS layer > new .  Then I entered a name and plugged in my 
custom endpoint URL.  Then I clicked OK and saw at the bottom "93546 of 
93546 bytes of capabilities downloaded."  Then I clicked Connect and got 
the following message:  "Failed to download capabilities".
  I'd be grateful if someone will tell me what I'm doing wrong. Thanks, 

Here are the specifics.
1. Source of instructions:
2. endpoint template from tutorial:

3. endpoint URL with my personal specifics plugged in:

4. error message:
 Failed to download capabilities:  Download of capabilities failed: 
Error transferring 
- server replied: Not Found

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[Qgis-user] free web host for output of QGIS2web

2021-02-15 Per discussione Stephen Sacks
I want my map to be available on a free web host. QGIS2web seems to do a 
good job of preparing it for export.  My base map is Google Hybrid.  
Does that mean I must use Google Cloud as web host?   Can I use files 
created by QGIS2web on other web hosts ?  (Infinityfree,  Byethost,  
WordPress, WIX, . . . )

  Thanks for any advice.

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[Qgis-user] Qgis does not start after win10 update

2020-12-18 Per discussione Stephen Sacks
I, too, have been unable to launch QGIS since the recent win10 update.  
The message I get is

 "Could not load qgis_app.dll . . . The specified module could not 
be found. . . .  Check C:\ProgramFiles\QGIS3.10\bin\qgis-ltr-bin.env  
for correct environment paths"

I looked at the .env file, where qgis_app.dll    isn't mentioned, but 
there is a line that says

   "PATH=C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS 3.10\apps\qgis-ltr\bin; . . .[more paths] "

I verified that qgis_app.dll    is in C:\ProgramFiles\QGIS 

Does this mean the "missing"  dll is where it should be?

   I would welcome any advice.

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[Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone

2020-05-22 Per discussione Stephen Sacks
In order to make widely available some wise advice, I'm sending to this 
list a message I received from Neil B.  In addition to Neil's message 
below, I want to mention that Nicolas Cadieux also provided similar 
information, saying I'd have to pay around $1,000 for equipment that 
gives consistently accurate location coordinates.  And thanks, also to 
Falk Huettmann and Bernd Vogelgesang for their replies.

Message from Neil B:

Hello Stephen.
Glad that you're having success. I would like to start off by saying 
that it is best to always reply to the mailing list and not directly to 
the person who submitted the email. Mailing lists work really well in 
that there is a pool of people out there who may be able to offer advice 
or may have an alternate method to solve the problem that may turn out 
to be a better way. On the flip side by maintaining the email chain 
through the mailing list, the follow up emails that provide information 
are stored in the archives which benefits anyone searching the internet 
to have the complete trail of information.

As far as your results they are acceptable for the device you're using. 
GPS in phones are never built to precision survey standards and there is 
no reason for them to be. If you're within 30ft of where the phone 
thinks you should be then you can easily navigate the rest of the way by 
visual sight. High end equipment to achieve sub-inch accuracy is 
probably in the range of thousands of dollars. One thing to keep in mind 
is there is a difference between the accuracy of a device and to what 
level of precision they display. While the app on the phone may display 
8 decimal places of a lat/long coordinate and tell you if you have moved 
a foot, it doesn't help that the coordinate it is displaying is out +/- 
30 feet. The accuracy of a device can also be affected by the 
environment where the device is being operated. In regards to cell 
phones, they use multiple sources to determine location such as GPS, 
cell phone towers, and wifi points to perform the triangulation. Lack of 
line of sight to satellites, signals from cell towers bouncing off of 
surrounding buildings, or someone's wireless router using inaccurate 
position information can all affect the accuracy of what is being 
displayed on your phone.

So the question is how are you determining that the coordinates are 
wrong? If you have information that you trust to be authoritative then 
adjust your points to those values and carry on. I have no advice or 
opinions on inexpensive devices that may help with a more accurate reading.

Please do not respond directly to me. This email account is not actively 
monitored and I don't always have the time to follow up with the emails. 
All the best with your endeavours.

~Neil B.

On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 7:52 PM Stephen Sacks <mailto:sack...@earthlink.net>> wrote:

   Hi Neil,

   With your help, I have successfully brought the corners of our
   gardens back from Pennsylvania to the Promenade here in Brooklyn
   Heights, New York.  Thank you.
   At the risk of wearing out my welcome, I'm now asking for more
   advice.  My point features are approximately where they should be
   but not exactly, some points are just a few feet off and some are 10
   or even 30 feet off.  I imported the data trying both EPSG 4326 and
   I'm now convinced that the problem is due to (1) my Google Pixel
   3 cellphone, (2) the app I'm using ("Latitude Longitude" published
   by gps-coordinates), and  especially (3) my less-than-steady hands. 
   I capture coordinates by standing at spot, waiting for the blue dot
   to settle, and then touching the blue dot. Often I don't touch the
   screen at exactly the right place.  I tried another app ("GPS
   Coordinates" published by Financept) which is better in that it
   allows me to zoom in, but I'm still not always getting it right.
  I'm thinking now that I need specialized equipment. That is what
   I want to ask you.  Can you recommend some inexpensive device that
   will allow me to simply press a button to record accurately the
   coordinates of the point where I'm standing?  Keep in mind that this
   is a community project with no funding.  I live on Social Security
   and a university pension, but I'm willing to pay something in the
   range of $50 or a bit more.  Do you know of anything at such a
   modest price, or would I have to pay much more?  Or perhaps you know
   of better software for my Android Pixel 3 phone.
 Thanks in advance for any advice you might offer.

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[Qgis-user] advice on which CRS to use

2020-05-09 Per discussione Stephen Sacks
I'm mapping the location of trees and plants along the famous Promenade 
in Brooklyn, NY.   Above a bottom layer of GoogleSatelliteHybrid, I've 
drawn polygons representing 35 gardens, and then there are layers for 
trees in each garden, plants, etc.  The project CRS is EPSG:2263 since 
having coordinates measured in feet is very convenient because 
volunteers are giving me pieces of graph paper with trees, etc. marked 
in pencil;  each square on the graph paper represents one foot.  I want 
to plot all that relative to the northwest corner of each garden.

   Now here's my problem.  Using my cell phone and an Android app 
called Lat Long, I captured latitude and longitude at each corner.  When 
I create a layer of garden corners they all appear to be in 
Pennsylvania.  I know that this forum (and many web sites) are full of 
hundreds of explanations of how to reconcile different CRS's.  I've read 
many lengthy explanations and advice.  I'm sorry to be dumb, but I just 
can't bring those corner points back to Brooklyn.  I know that along my 
gardens the longitude is something like -73.993 degrees (or 985217 feet) 
and latitude approximately 40.695 degrees (or 193982 feet). And the long 
and lat reported by my phone is close to that.  But when I put long and 
lat into QGIS (by reading delimited data from a .csv file) the long 
becomes -77.519 and the lat  40.112 (about 200 miles west and slightly 
south of where they should be).  The .csv file has columns labelled 
"Longitude" and "Latitude" ;  the Data Source Manager >  Delimited Text 
window shows that QGIS got that right. The attribute table of that layer 
seems to confirm that.

    I've tried loading the corner points file and then saving it as a 
shape file with crs 2263,  but it still puts those points in Pennsylvania.

 Any advice would be very welcome.  Thanks in advance for your 


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[Qgis-user] how to rotate a grid

2019-10-24 Per discussione Stephen Sacks

Phil -

    Thanks for sending that link to a relevant video.  I had trouble 
using it because of the differences between the 2.8 and 3.0 GUI.  But 
the video's mention of using moving and rotating tools turned out to 
help me solve my problem.  Apparently, the "rotation" input box at the 
bottom of my screen in QGIS 3.4 will rotate all layers, without regard 
to which ones are selected and/or editable.  HOWEVER, if I click on the 
Toolbox icon at the top of my screen (a gear wheel), it opens a large 
panel at the right which includes "Rotate" and "Translate" tools which 
in turn operate on only selected layers.  Of course, I should have known 
this, but I'll claim my circumstance as new to GIS as excuse.



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[Qgis-user] how to rotate a grid

2019-10-23 Per discussione Stephen Sacks
I am using QGIS 3.4.12-Madeira . I have successfully superimposed a grid 
on my map, using two different methods: (1) View > Decorations > Grid 
and (2) Vector > ResearchTools > grid . With either method I see the 
grid just as I want it. My problem comes in rotating the grid _without 
rotating other layers_. Various UTube snippets make it seem easy to 
adjust the grid's rotation and position to line up with other layers, 
but when I change the Rotation field at the bottom of my screen all 
layers rotate. I've tried saving the grid as a new layer, I've tried 
selecting the grid layer, I've tried selecting all the lines of the 
grid, but I can't figure out how to rotate just the grid. What am I 
doing wrong ?

   Thanks in advance for your advice.


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Re: [Qgis-user] shapefile of Europe

2017-02-01 Per discussione Stephen Sacks
To several people who replied to my request for help in finding a 
shapefile of Europe:  Thank You !   You've given me what I need.


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[Qgis-user] shapefile of Europe

2017-02-01 Per discussione Stephen Sacks

I would be grateful if someone would tell me where I can get a shapefile
for the countries of eastern and western Europe.  I want just polygons of
country borders.  A few major cities would be nice, but I do NOT need
streets.  I'll want to be able to color each country according to my own
list of attributes.  I did find an ESRI  .lpk file, which I unzipped
using 7zip, but it does not seem to contain any shapefiles (two .gdb
folders containing dozens of files with extensions I don't know).
Geofabrik has individual European countries, including streets, but
that's more detail than I want.  Thanks for any advice you can offer.


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[Qgis-user] features that represent TWO attributes

2016-05-12 Per discussione Stephen Sacks
I'm trying to create a layer with features that reflect two attributes.  
I want each point to be marked by a circle whose (1) color reflects its 
type (city, town, or suburb), and whose (2) size reflects its population.
  From layer properties, I first select Style and choose "Categorized" 
based on column "Type."  This gives me circles with different colors for 
different types.  Then I choose "Graduated" based on column 
"Population."  This gives me circles with different sizes.  
Unfortunately, setting the sizes wipes out the different colors.  I've 
tried setting the sizes first, but then setting the colors wipes out the 
different sizes.  How do I set both size and color ?

   I'm using QGIS 2.14.1 on Windows 7.
   Thanks in advance for your help.


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[Qgis-user] trouble getting data from OpenStreetMap

2016-04-28 Per discussione Stephen Sacks

Please excuse a naive question from a new QGIS user.
I have installed QGIS (version 2.14.1-Essen, code revision ea85bef) on 
my Dell desktop running Windows 7 Home Premium. I've failed on my very 
first task, namely to create a layer using data from OpenStreetMap.  
Very carefully following instructions in the User Guide, I did the 
following three steps:

1. Vector > OpenStreetMap > Download Data:
   I chose Manual and entered longitudes -77.0 and -70.0, and lat's 
44.0 and 41.0, which roughly encompasses New York and Massachusetts. 
After some back-and-forth of the progress bar, an .osm file of size 337 
bytes appeared on my hard drive and  I got a message saying "Download 
has been successful."

2. Vector > OpenStreetMap > ImportTopologyFromXML:
   I selected the .osm file just created and accepted the suggested 
file name for the .db output, and the connection name.  The box next to 
"Create Connection" remained checked. "Import has been successful" 
message appeared immediately, and a .db file of size nearly 6 MB showed 
up on my hard drive.

3. Vector > OpenStreetMap > ExportTopologyToSpatialLite:
   I did this step three times, once for points, once for polylines, 
and once for polygons.  In each case, the input DB file was the db file 
created in step 2 above.  In each case, under Exported tags I chose Load 
from DB, and in each case not a single tag appeared for me to choose 
from.  For each layer, I got an "Export has been successful" message. 
However, when the three layers (points, lines, polygons) appeared in the 
Layers Panel, all of them had zero feature count and all three attribute 
tables are totally empty.

  What am I doing wrong ?  Why don't I see the streets of New 
York and Massachusetts ?

 Thank you in advance for your help.  I'll be embarrassed if my 
error is blindingly obvious.


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