Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS problem with GeoPackage database views

2016-06-27 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Marcus Blake <marcusthemapmaker@...> writes:


> Things that do not work...
> 1. QGIS is not displaying the Attribute Table of a GeoPackage view
correctly. Attribute values are repeated for a single row.
> 2. Any Select operation that is applied either to the attributes or the
geometries results in the whole layer being selected.
> In summary it looks like whilst the geometries of a GeoPackage view are
being interpreted correctly the link to the underlying attributes in a view
is not. Incidentally, neither the latest version of ArcGIS or MapInfo
Profession can interpret views in GeoPackage either and this has been
identified as a bug by both organisations.
> Any help from some one who knows their way around how GeoPackage is
interpreting views would be gratefully received.

I made some quick tests by making queries directly with SQL from spatialite-gui

SELECT * FROM "sa1_b01_map_v"
order by SA1_MAINCODE_2011
limit 100;

Looks good with no duplicates.

select * from "sa1_b01_map_v"
where SA1_7DIGITCODE_2011=1135752;

One row returned.

You should give more detailed examples about what you do, what you get, and
what is the expected result.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

> Marcus.
> ___
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Re: [Qgis-user] Is QGIS showing the records with geometry NULL

2016-05-26 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Nicolas Cadieux <nicolas.cadieux@...> writes:

> Hi,
> Is it possible that the 2 missing records were deleted in another GIS?
There is an issue with deleting records in shape file as there are many ways
to do that.  If the record were deleted in another GIS, they may show up (or
not) in another software. Could that be it... 
> Nicolas


I suppose that Andrea means a valid situation with real existing features
which just do not have geometry. They are valid in shapefiles but many GIS
software have difficulties in dealing with them. Naturally they cannot be
showed on the map and spatial queries can't find them but they should be
found from attribute view and be editable there.

-Jukka Rahkonen-
Qgis-user mailing list
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Re: [Qgis-user] CenterLines fom a Polygon?

2015-03-19 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Andreas Neumann a.neumann@... writes:

 Hi Mike,
 No - QGIS does not have such functionality, and I also think that
 GRASS does not have such an algorithm. If you have a fairly new
 Postgis, you may want to try ST_StraightSkeleton(geometry) - see - which uses CGAL.
 Seems like OpenJump has a module to do skeletonization (google for

Some screen captures of the OJ skeletonizer in this gis.stackexchange answer

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Add WMS in QGIS gives an error with Map request failed [error:Host http not found url:http://http//

2014-11-30 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Strunck, Alexander GIZ PS alexander.strunck@... writes:

 and the part with the port
 How can I fix the problem???
 Thank You


I would try if it works by checking Ignore GetMap URL reported in
capabilities from the connection details of that WMS server.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Add WMS in QGIS gives an error with Map request failed [error:Host http not found url:http://http//

2014-11-30 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Strunck, Alexander GIZ PS alexander.strunck@... writes:

 Dear Mathias,
 Thank you for the suggestion. I tried this already.
 If I enter only
 QGIS than changes it into


I can't reproduce with a Geoserver WMS that is running in a non-default port
by using connection 

Without getting an access to that certain WMS or some other Oracle server
that shows the same odd behaviour and is open for everybody it is hard to
help you. You can still do GetCapabilities request and study carefully the
response. I think that the most probable reason is a wrong GetMap URL that
the service is announcing but unchecking the cross as you already did should
help in such case.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Check geometry validity tools

2014-09-05 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Salvatore Larosa lrssvtml@... writes:

 please, if it is not a sensitive data would be useful if you could
 share a sample of the dataset.
 my guessing here is that you should run the make valid script (lwgeom
 algotithm by processing plugin) before.


Such data are easy to acquire because OpenStreetMap has loads of three-point
(A-B-A) polygons. I have been trying to create such artificially sometimes
because they make trouble with most other software despite Mapnik but I
haven't been successful yet. It is impossible to digitize a three point
polygon with QGIS or OpenJUMP, and SQL that should yield A-B-A polygon leads
to NULL in Spatialite and to an error with PostGIS.

select geomfromtext('POLYGON ((0 0,1 1,0 0))');

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user]

2014-09-02 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Vincent Schut schut@... writes:

 Hi Mike,
 I'm not familiar with this, however, your coordinates do 
 not seem to match your projection. EPSG 4326 is geographic lon, lat in 
 degrees, so its range is from -180 to 180 (x) and -90 to 90 (y). The 
 numbers you put as X and Y seem more appropriate for a meters based 
 projection. Maybe try some real coordinates in degrees, or change your 

You can familiarize yourself with the script by reading the link
that was a little bit farther in the question.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

 Best regards,

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Help with Ordnance Survey SLD's for OS Mastermap

2014-09-01 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
David James david@... writes:

 I should perhaps have said that I have the OS MM sample data in a PostGIS
 The OS distributes SQL files with the SLD dfiles, but those files are
 targetted at an Oracle database.
 I found similar SQL scripts targetted at PostGIS at

Links in this mail from Geoserver-users may also be useful

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] ogr2ogr, osm, and spatialite

2014-08-31 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Thomas Endres endres.thomas@... writes:

 I have downloaded north-america-latest.osm.pbf from geofabrik and am
struggling trying set this up for use in QGIS.
 My hope is to create a spatialite db but I receive the following error
repeated over a dozen times using the following command:
 ogr2ogr -f SQLite -dsco spatialite=yes -gt 2 --config
OGR_SQLITESYNCRONOUS OFF north-america.sqlite north-america-latest.osm.pbf
 Warning 1: organizePolygons() received an unexpected geometry.
 Either a polygon with interior rings, or a polygon with less than 4
points, or a non-Polygon geometry. Return arguments as a collection.

 My search for a fix has proven fruitless after having the same outcome
from a few attempts.
 I am left with a 33.1GB file which Spatialite GUI can see but everything
hangs when trying to do anything with GIS.


Add -skipfailures to your command and have a new try. If that does not work
try to do import layer by layer and add -sql select * from multipolygons
where IsValid(geometry)=1.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] ogr2ogr, osm, and spatialite

2014-08-31 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Even Rouault even.rouault@... writes:

 Le dimanche 31 août 2014 21:50:31, Jukka Rahkonen a écrit :
  Thomas Endres endres.thomas at ... writes:

 Actually, this warning is just a warning, and not a critical error that will 
 stop conversion. When this occurs, the way/relation will be skipped. Due to 
 the way the OSM database is done, it is possible to have non-valid polygons, 
 and indeed there are such polygons.
 So you can safely ignore those warnings about organizePolygons()

Then the database is probably OK but Thomas has still a real problem with it
and QGIS. Does QGIS possibly do some heavy queries for getting layer extents
or some other metadata like that? The 33 GB Spatialite file is biggish but I
have been testing one 250 GB Spatialite db and if works well if queries are
selective and there are indexes to support those.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] OpenStreetMap Error

2014-08-31 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Andre Joost andre+joost@... writes:

 There are two ways to use OSM in QGIS:
 1) by downloading OSM raw data with Vector - Openstreetmap
 2) by using the Openlayers plugin, which will install into the web menu.


There is also a third way which is to open OSM data with GDAL/OGR. Usage:
Add vector layer - Open an OGR supported Vector Layer - path to
OpenStreetMap .xml or .pbf file. OSM does not seem to be listed as a
supported file format at least in QGIS 2.2 but it works still. The manual
page of OSM driver is

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS: Reduction of resolution via pyramids only for defined scale range

2014-06-12 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Julian Schall j.schall@... writes:

 Hello members of the mailing list, 
 I would appreciate help on the following problem: 
 I would like to improve the performance of a raster layer. Of course I can
build pyramids for that purpose. But in the scale ranges from 1:1 to
1:25.000 I need maximum resolution and detail. In this scale range, the
performance is sufficient even without pyramids. 
 Ideal would be that the pyramids respectively the reduction of the
resolution with improvement of performance is only applied to scales smaller
than 1:25,000. Is this possible in QGIS? 
 Thanks for helpful answers! 
 Kind regards 
 Julian Schall

There are check boxes for overview levels in the Build overviews panel.
Level 2 means double the original pizel size etc. Leave for example levels 2
and 4 unchecked. However, level 2 means 25% extra disk space but level 4
only 6.25%. Thus it may not make sense to skip other levels than 2. Remember
to compress also the overviews and test with external overviews which you
can easily delete and continue with new tests. Internal overviews can be
removed so that they are no more used but operation does not make image
files smaller.

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] cannot save my layer data...???

2014-03-22 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Kevin Caldwell mtssea@... writes:

 I'm having a serious error I've never seen before on trying to save a
large polygon file with either 'save layer edits or on 'toggle' of my
shapefile.   There are 100s of polygons within a 5000 acre tract, so I'm
really hoping this has a solution.   I'm getting these errors: 
 1) Commit errors: Could not commit changes to layer BCW_natcoms_1-31-2014
- this occurs in the upper band of the
  field of view 
 2) (On clicking show more in this error note I get:  
 Could not commit changes to layer BCW_natcoms_1-31-2014
 Errors: ERROR: 21 feature(s) not deleted.
 Does anyone know how I can save this file?  I've done literally hours of
work and have saved somewhat recently but this last round of edits would
appear to be lost if I cannot save this.   
 Thanks so much for any help you can provide.

Save the layer into a new shapefile. Re-open what you have changed now and
compare with your back-up copy. Perhaps you can save some work with copy-paste.

It feels like your previous save has been at least partially successful
because some features have been deleted but on QGIS side the deletion has
not been confirmed. Let's hope that at least part of inserts and edits have
been actually saved also.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Is there way to print out a layered PDF-document?

2014-03-21 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Järnefelt Jouko Jouko.Jarnefelt@... writes:

 Hey all.
 I have a simple question for which I haven’t been able to find answer. Is
there way to print out a layered PDF-document?
 Thanks for your help!

Not directly but you can prepare the raster and vector layers with QGIS and
create PDF with GDAL. It is a bit tricky for the first time but I hope that
this helps

Other alternative is to use SkyJUMP 
OpenJUMP has also the same SkyJUMP printing utility as a plugin

The plugin works but installation is tricky at the moment:
- place SkyPrinterPlugIn-1.0.0.jar into /lib
- move or copy itext-2.1.7.jar from /lib/ext into /lib
- edit default-plugins.xml and add
into FILE menu section

SkyPrinter does not have advanced features but it prints the layers as they
are in the OpenJUMP into PDF so that it is possible to control the layer
visibility in Acrobat reader. SkyPrinter does not make geospatial PDF.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Symbology Export

2014-03-11 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Jonathan Moules jonathanmoules@... writes:

 Hi Andreas,Thanks for further testing. I figured if something as simple as
a fill wasn't implemented then catogorisation probably wouldn't be.
 A further thought - not all vector formats support styling (shapefile
being the most notable exception). Should it remain a general option or be
moved to Datasource Options for any supported style?
 I lean towards the later option myself.

Well, shapefiles may not support styling or then they do. Read page 15 of
the document
There I show how it is possible to use OGR_STYLES with shapefiles and
convert the result into a geospatial PDF map.

I would rather say that only a few software support styling vector data with

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Can some one help me to convert a .bil file in a shape file?

2014-02-19 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
NYA Edouard edouardnya@... writes:

 Thank you for the try. I already tried this way with no succes. Since
 yesterday, I launch a try and till now, I have no result (4G RAM, 3,2
 Ghz). The thing takes too long.
 Still looking for solutions,

Here is a command that may help you:

gdal_translate -of GTiff -co tiled=yes -co compress=deflate 
-projwin 24 68 25 67 hwsd.bil clipped.tif

It clips one degree wide and high part of the hwsd.bil file and saves it
into a small GeoTIFF. Learn more about what the command does from and

-Jukka Rahkonen- 

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Spatialite VIEW in QGIS question

2014-02-19 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Bernd Vogelgesang bernd.vogelgesang@... writes:

 Guys, this is a very sad topic and I really can't understand how people 
 can work with 1:n data even on the most basic level under these 
 circumstances ...
 Or doesn't anyone work with 1:n data? Well, the the world I'm living in 
 is full of that ...
 After nearly one week of trial and error, I am giving up now.


GIS it to large extent based on principle one geometry - one set of
attributes. The bird observation case would handle easily a situation where
each observation has an own point geometry. Your case is rather often
handled in two steps: user clicks on a polygon, application gets an ID for
the area and sends a query to the database, reads the observations and shows
them for the user.

I know that BirdLife of Finland has been building some bird observation
stuff on top of QGIS and WFS. Maybe you can try to find some contact there.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Wrong scale in .jpegw world file

2014-02-12 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Stipe Vrankovic svrankovic@... writes:

 after formatting my PC I have problems with georeferenced raster. I'm
using local WMS server to dowonlad rasters. In QGIS everything seems normal,
but when I open picture in ZWCAD using .jpegw(.tfw) file (for
georeferencing) I get raster in good position but with wrong scale(bigger
than supposed). Any suggestions?
 Thanks You in advance!

We need more information. Can you show us
- the WMS GetMap request that you have used for capturing the image
- corresponding jpegw file 
- what gdalinfo reports about the image

-Jukka Rahkonen-


Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Saving GPX as SHP looses the time part of the (date)time field

2014-02-05 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Alexandre Neto senhor.neto@... writes:

 I got into this problem early today. Trying to save a GPX as SHP I loose
the time part of the time Field, and only the date is saved as a string.
 Instead of getting a string like this: 2013-11-21T10:00:25 all I get is
 I suspected that this had something to do with GDAL\OGR, and I found a bug
about this exact problem.
 In the end of the ticket report, a possible solution is given to allow
ogr2ogr to cast the DateTime filed as a string, I think this might be
preferable within QGIS, to ensure no data is lost. Should I fill a Feature
request in Redmine?


I believe that this is not an accurate description: only the date is saved
as a string but it is rather only the date is saved as 'date'
I am not sure how much it is a bug because the dbf format that shapefile is
using for storing the attributes simply does not support DateTime but only
Date. There are two alternatives which you have recognized: to keep the
datatype close to original (DateTime - Date) and loose the time part, or
change the datatype into string. Neither solution can make everybody happy.
One solution could be to make it selectable. For some use cases it could be
nice to write the date part into date column and only time part into a
separate string column. But if you do not necessarily need just shapefiles a
better alternative would be to convert data into Spatialite.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Transformation using NTv2 grids

2014-02-05 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Burgstaller Stefan Burgstaller@... writes:

 is it already possible to reproject shape-files using NTv2 grids? I was
looking for appropriate plugins, help documents and already available tools
but I have not found anything. Since the federal states in Germany start
  to convert their geospatial data from Gauss-Kruger to ETRS89 with NTv2
grids this topic becomes more and more urgent.


Just had a try last week after getting a shift grid file kkj_eureffin.ct2
for Finnish Gauss-Kruger - ETRS89. Usage is like this (I gave all the proj
parameters by hand so I knew that just they were used):

ogr2ogr -f ESRI Shapefile -s_srs +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=27 +k=1
+x_0=350 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl
+units=m +nadgrids=.\kkj_eureffin.ct2 -t_srs +proj=utm +zone=35
+ellps=GRS80 +units=m +towgs84=0,0,0,0 +no_defs
accurate_conversion_to_epsg_3067.shp original_epsg_2393.shp 

Took 2 minutes with a laptop to convert 1.2 million simple polygons.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

 Stefan Burgstaller
 Qgis-user mailing list

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] import osm-file to qgis

2014-02-05 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Richard McDonnell richard.mcdonnell@... writes:

 One solution would be to download the shapefile for the area you are 
 interested in, this should, I assume have all the required fields. You 
 should be able to download that from the same source.
 I hope this is of help.


QGIS, GDAL and OSM users should also remember that there is an excellent
GDAL OSM driver I prefer using it together
with Spatialite Pay attention to
performance hints and handling country wide extracts will be pretty fast.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] How to buffer a line with different distances for left/right sides

2014-01-29 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Goyo goyodiaz@... writes:

 Spatialite has a SingleSidedBuffer function.
 I think it may be available for PosgreSQL too.

That is still only half of the solution but doing left side buffer and right
side buffer with different buffer widths and combining those tho with union
function could give a desired end result.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] WFS caching behaviour

2014-01-28 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Jonathan Moules jonathanmoules@... writes:

 Hi Jukka,  You do seem to like Fiddler!

No, the name of the software is not important but I like to know what really
happens and with OGC services it means that one must see the messages which
client and server are sending.

 I was using my web-server logs, however Fiddler is confirming that the WFS
isn't making new requests when I zoom in/our except when I'm at distance
zoom's (it should do it at all zooms).

But if someone starts to fix this, please do not make it to send a new
GetFeature request with every mouse roll step.

 So bug report it is.
And more to come I bet.



Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] WFS caching behaviour

2014-01-27 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Jonathan Moules jonathanmoules@... writes:

 Hi List,Before I report this one as a bug, I figured I should check.
 What's the desired behaviour of the WFS client in QGIS in respect to
caching results versus making new requests.
 WFS server only returns 500 results for any given request. There are 51639
features in the layer.
 - If I load the layer using the Cached checkbox as ticked, then QGIS
only loads 500 features. Fine.
 - If I then add the layer again, but with cached unticked, then QGIS
only loads 500 features - but they're 500 different features. Fine.
 Except in both cases when I zoom in/out, the features don't change; QGIS
doesn't make new requests. I thought it was supposed to, at least with the
uncached version? Both appear to behaving the exact same way to me.
 Am I doing something wrong?


Made a trial with v. 2.0.1 and checked with Fiddler2 proxy what happens (I
- With caching a plain GetFeature is sent and you will get the 500 first
- Without caching QGIS adds a BBOX filter and applies the extents of the
current map view. You will get the first 500 records within the box.
- After zooming/panning a new request with BBOX filter gets fired.

I can't say why QGIS does not send new features for you. But you a the one
who should absolutely install Fiddler or some other logging proxy and you
can do loads of wonderful bug reports in the future.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS Georeferencer and Transparency

2014-01-13 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Andreas Neumann a.neumann@... writes:

 Some of my maps I georeference are rotated approx. 45 degrees because
 they did not point to the north before georeferencing. This is desired -
 however - the resulting file has a huge black background as a result of
 the rotation.
 I tried with the option use 0 for transparency if necessary - which
 helped - but the map already contains black pixels and the result is
 that I have a lot of tiny transparent pixels in the map, next to the
 transparent background I wanted. Is there a way to set this transparency
 to a custom RGB value that I know it is not yet used within the map?


Don't let QGIS to do the warping but just push the button and create the
GDAL commands. Then you can edit the gdal_translate command and have total
control over all the features it supports
You may be able to set -dstnodata to some value that does not exist in your
data, for example 0 0 255 for total blue. Or then you can add alpha
channel with -dstalpha.

Unfortunately you can't edit the command and run it as edited directly from
the georeferencer but you must run it in a separete GDAL command window.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Using qcl filter with WMS

2013-12-20 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Henning Jagd hjagd11@... writes:

 Hi List,I am using QGIS 2 to view some WMS maps from a Geoserver. I want
to filter the data using a CQL_FILTER option in the request, but cannot
figure out how to do this in QGIS? I tried using the python console and
adding the filter as a parameter in a qgis.utils.iface.addRasterLayer()
call, but this didn't seem to work. Any other ideas on how I could get this
to work?

I have not tested, but it might work if you create a new WMS connection and
include the CQL filter part into the WMS base URL. You must check the first
selection box for so that the GetMap that is advertised by the server will
not be used.

I think that some easy way to add and edit vendor parameters for each WMS
layer would be nice to have. It could be used for CQL filter, SLD, SLD_BODY etc.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Weekly builds and JP2 files

2013-12-17 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Jonathan Moules jonathanmoules@... writes:

 On 11 December 2013 17:04, Jonathan Moules wrote:
 Hi List,
 A question about the weekly builds ( They
seem to struggle with loading JP2 files using the usual raster dialog. First
they're incredibly slow, but on top of that when they do load they tend to
be some sort of horrible mess of lots of black of random colours in a
griddish pattern or similar.
 Do the weekly builds not include a functional JP2 reader? The same rasters
work just fine in the stable release 2.0.1.


Check what drivers are baked into GDAL. In Windows you can go to QGIS Dufour
directory, set the environment by running osgeo4w.bat and then you can list
the JP2 drivers as

C:\Program Files\QGIS Dufourgdal_translate --formats |find JP2
  JP2ECW (rov): ERDAS JPEG2000 (SDK 5.0)
  JP2OpenJPEG (rwv): JPEG-2000 driver based on OpenJPEG library

JP2ECW is fast and JP2OpenJPEG is sometimes almost usable. JP2KAK is very
good but that you can't get without Kakadu license. JP2MrSID used to be fast
also but I do not know what is the status with the license.

If there are several drivers for JPEG2000 GDAL is using the first on the
list. You can skip a driver by setting GDAL_SKIP environment. Thus, if I
would like to have a try with JP2OpenJPEG I should run SET GDAL_SKIP=JP2ECW
first. No idea really how and where I should do it so that QGIS starts with
that setting.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Georeferencer to create temp file as .VRT

2013-12-15 Thread Jukka Rahkonen

Georeferencer creates and runs gdal_translate and gdalwarp commands like here:

gdal_translate -of GTiff -gcp 461.252 682.521 2.54e+06 6.69e+06 -gcp 6355.1
671.222 2.55e+06 6.69e+06 -gcp 6367.18 6586.15 2.55e+06 6.68e+06 -gcp
472.062 6599.32 2.54e+06 6.68e+06 C:/Users/test/test_scan.jpg

gdalwarp -r near -order 1 -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE 
C:/Users/test/AppData/Local/Temp/test_scan.jpg C:/Users/test/test_scan.tif

The first gdal_translate creates a temporaty file as an uncompressed tiff
file. However, it is unnecessary to write a new physical image file. Instead
it would be usually much faster and thus better to write the temporary
output as GDAL .VRT file. VRT file is a short text file (about 2 kB in size)
that contains a reference to the original image file.

I know that I can catch the commands, edit by hand and run from GDAL command
line afterwards but average users probably do not know that.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Four band raster displaying funny

2013-12-02 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Jonathan Moules jonathanmoules@... writes:

 Hi List,
 I've got a 4 band raster aerial photography (RGBI) that comprises lots of
tiles. I've merged some of the tiles together with:
 gdal_merge -o 1.tif -of GTiff -co TILED=YES -co BIGTIFF=YES -co
--optfile tiff_list.txt

Are you sure that after running that command you have a 4-band image? I have
believed that JPEG compression can be used only for 1- or 3-band images.
What does gdalinfo report about your image?

I would have a try by using LZW or deflate compression and annex for example
a screenshot about the settings you have been using for selecting the bands
and adjusting histogram stretching etc.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Four band raster displaying funny

2013-12-02 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Jonathan Moules jonathanmoules@... writes:

 Further testing indicates that the same (optimal) result can be had using
a combination of a vrt and gdal_translate without having to manually bother
with memory management.


I can confirm that question is in GDAL which by default considers four band
images as RGBA which is also documented in

The following gdal_merge command gives a good result when source bands are
in four separate tiff files and it is possible to select bands 1-2-3 for
natural colour or 4-2-1 for false colour infrared in QGIS. -separate -of GTiff -co photometric=rgb -co compress=jpeg 
-o fourband_rgb_jpeg.tif 1.tif 2.tif 3.tif 4.tif

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] filter on SELECT DISTINCT

2013-12-01 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Matt Boyd mattslists@... writes:

 Hi Group,I've a set of polygons in a sqlite file. Some of the adjacent
polygons have the same name, others don't. I only want to display the name once.
 I'm attempting to do this by copying the layer, then filtering on the
label column.
 label in (SELECT DISTINCT label FROM gippsland_oilgas_fields_mga55)
 but, it's not filtering, I can either get all polygons or none. It's
probably a simple thing in my sql I'm missing (it's been a while since I did


You select now all distinct label values that exist and then all features
with any of them which means that everything gets selected.

For selecting only one row from each group you can use something like

select max(rowid), key, value 
from labeltest
group by key

I would consider making an extra attribute to the data for selecting which
polygons will be labeled. It could be popolated for example with

update labeltest set label_this='true'
where rowid in
(select max(rowid) as rowid 
from labeltest
group by key)

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Error in Georeferencer

2013-10-25 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Agustin Lobo alobolistas@... writes:

 I'm finding wrong, distorted results with qgis 2.0 georeferencer. We've tried
 with the same set of gcp's in envi and the same polynomial (deg 2) and
 there the results are correct, but with
 qgis the result is very distorted. Actually, the errors represented by
 the red segments in the
 georeferencer do not correspond with the actual gcps displayed  on the
 image in Qgis main display.
 See an snapshot here:
 It looks like if the polynomial were not correctly fit?
 I've run the gdal commands on the terminal and the result is the same,
 so this could be a gdal problem.
 Has anybody found the same problem? Just checking before reporting.

Please send the exact GDAL command that gets created and even better if you
can put somewhere an original small sample image and expected result that
you get from envi so someone can repeat. And for comparison everything that
is needed to repeat what you did with envi too if someone happens to have
that software available.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Problem with WMS 1.1.1 data providers in QGIS 2.0.1

2013-10-22 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings@... writes:

 On 21-10-13 20:07, Miguel Ángel Castro wrote:
  I am using QGIS 2.0.1 standalone installed in a  Windows 7 64 bits system.
  Example of WMS datasource: (datasource WMS 1.1.1) EPSG:32628   
  In layer properties/metadata you can see the information from
  datasource, but no display the layer (not load data) in canvas.
  In log messages: Map request error (status: 200  getDouble(): Symbol
  definition error. Parsing error near (96): (line 1).
  Does anybody have an idea what is the problem?
 Hi Miguel,
 the error message that you see is a (Minnesota) Mapserver error message.
 Somewhere in the style definitions it expects a number (or not).
 This url I get from QGIS in debug mode, and gives you your error:,2940195.98510535480454564,692329.70807293173857033,3376338.62686863588169217SRS=EPSG:32628WIDTH=670HEIGHT=541LAYERS=EENNSTYLES=FORMAT=image/pngDPI=96MAP_RESOLUTION=96TRANSPARENT=TRUE
 Bug if I remove the DPI=96MAP_RESOLUTION=96 part from it, I get a map:,2940195.98510535480454564,692329.70807293173857033,3376338.62686863588169217SRS=EPSG:32628WIDTH=670HEIGHT=541LAYERS=EENNSTYLES=FORMAT=image/png
 I'm not familiar with the exact WMS-standard, but as most WMS servers I
 know (and use) can handle these two query parameters from QGIS, I think
 it is a Mapserver configuration problem/error. You cannot let QGIS
 remove those params I think.


That certain server is a pretty old Mapserver v. 5.0 and it does not like
the non-standard vendor parameter MAP_RESOLUTION=96. Fresh Mapservers do
not fail because of that and actually since version 6.0 Mapserver supports
vendor option MAP_RESOLUTION.

According to WMS standard servers should quietly skip extra parameters so
principally there is a bug in Mapserver 5.0.  However, I do not like that
QGIS is adding always its own vendor parameters and users do not have a way
to turn off the non-standard parameters. I have two reasoning for this:

1) MAP_RESOLUTION is not defined in the standard and for server A it can
mean something different than for server B while QGIS may be awaiting still
something else.
2) Even vendor options should be skipped, we have here an example that some
servers may fail in skipping them. Nobody will fix Mapserver 5.0 and even it
is wrong, it is the QGIS user who suffers now. User can only ask server
admin to update (it may take a while) or switch off QGIS and use another WMS
client like OpenJUMP.

For my mind it should be possible to configure QGIS WMS to run in a safe
mode and use only those parameters which belong to WMS standard.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] reprojection troubles

2013-10-22 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Andreas Neumann a.neumann@... writes:

 I was trying to convert natural earth 110m layers from EPSG 4326 to EPSG
 Two of the layers (ocean and land) fail to convert with the following error:
 Error 6
 Feature write errors:
 Failed to transform a point while drawing a feature with ID '8'. Writing
 stopped. (Exception: forward transform of
 (3.141593, -1.570796)
 PROJ.4: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +to +proj=merc +a=6378137
 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m
 +nadgrids= at null +wktext  +no_defs
 Error: tolerance condition error)
 Is there anything I can do about this tolerance condition error?

A guess: perhaps those Natural Earth layers contain vertices close to the
poles? EPSG:3857 is valid only between -85 - 85 degrees. If that is the case
it might to help to cut your vectors a bit at high and low latitudes.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS 2 and interlis format

2013-10-21 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
 Daniel.Gnerre@... writes:

 Hi all, 
 I would like to display interlis data
 in QGIS 2, but I can't find the format in the list of vector data formats.
 In QGIS 1.8, the format is in the list (INTERLIS 1 [OGR]). OGR supports
 this format, why does QGIS 2 not ? I tried to display all files *.* and
 select an itf file, but QGIS 2 fires an error.
 QGIS version : 2.0.1
 QGDAL/OGR version : 1.10.0


Most probably GDAL is not built with Interlis driver. There are lots of OGR
formats which are not built by default and Interlis seems to be one of those

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] QGIS 2.0 and reading OSM through GDAL

2013-09-26 Thread Jukka Rahkonen

I ask this because I am on 32-bit Windows and therefore my QGIS 2.0 comes
with GDAL 1.9 and I can't test myself yet.

Question is: How well QGIS 2.0 supports reading OSM data with the GDAL
read-only OSM driver

The driver is fast with medium sized datasets. It takes 3 minutes to convert
everything from a Finnish OSM data (150 MB as .pbf) into Spatialite
database. GDAL driver creates 5 OGR layers from the OSM data and reading
them as is may not make much sense with QGIS but with some query wizard
users could select a subset of OSM data and convert those into normal GIS
layers in QGIS. The wizard might help users by creating a list of columns
which can be used for quories by parsing the osmconf.ini file. Then there
should be an editable SQL query box for the final query. The contents of the
box would be converted into GDAL/OGR SQL clause. The result would be
something similar than this ogr2ogr command which selects all lines with any
highway tag from an OSM file and saves them into shapefile.

ogr2ogr -f ESRI Shapefile -dialect sqlite -sql select * from lines where
highway is not null highways.shp berlin-latest.osm.pbf

Once I have QGIS with GDAL 1.10 I can myself do this kind of things by
writing GDAL .vrt files which would take care of the SQL part but I guess
many other users would appreciate to have a wizard.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS 2.0.1 does not start on 32-bit Vista

2013-09-24 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Rahkonen Jukka jukka.rahkonen@... writes:

 Installed from
 Installation itself seems to be successful but when I launch the program
after rebooting the computer the
 process stops and minidump is created. Splash screen is telling by then
something about plugins. The
 minidump is available from

It dumps for me also on 32-bit XP but at a considerably later phase. The UI
is created and QGIS shows the introductory hints before dying.

I have been using QGIS 1.9 (QGIS-dev from OSGeo4W installer) successfully on
both these computers. Any advice where I could try to find the reason for
the failure?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS 2.0.1 does not start on 32-bit Vista SOLVED

2013-09-24 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Jukka Rahkonen jukka.rahkonen@... writes:

I removed all Python plugins and all dll plugins and copied them back one be
one and I found that the beast is this one:

delimitedtextplugin.dll date 2013-07-30

If is in the plugin directoty the result is always a crash but if I remove
is then program starts.

Does any of the developers read this list or should I make a ticket from
this myself?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Rasterlite datasource gets always absolute path

2012-09-04 Thread Jukka Rahkonen

If I save a project with Spatialite vectors and Rasterlite rasters by using the
setting for relative paths, the Spatilite datasource will be like 

datasourcedbname='./vectors.sqlite' table=test (GEOMETRY) sql=/datasource

However, the Rasterlite source gets saved as

This means that rasters are not found if my USB disk gets another drive letter.

I made a little test and it seems that Rasterlite datasource can use relative
paths in a similar way than Spatialite datasource and the following
configuration works for me:



-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Centre of the roads from polygons to lines

2012-06-04 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Matej Mailing mailing@... writes:

 I have a layer that contains roads in polygons and I need to get
 central lines of the polygons. When I convert directly from polygons
 to lines, I get two lines for each part of the road representing road
 boundaries which isn't good.
 What is the best way to achieve it?

You may want to have a look at the OpenJUMP skeletonizer plugin, if not else
then just getting some inspiration.

There seems to be an article about skeletonizing with PostGIS

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: Qgis first startup is slow

2012-05-24 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
haubourg regis.haubourg@... writes:

 Hi there, 
 first launch for Qgis (1.7.4 and 1.7.1)  in first Window session is very
 slow under windows 7 and windows server 2003 (Citrix XenApp 4.3
 Next startups are then instantaneous..

I have had the same feeling with Windows XP so I took some timings. I have 
QGis 1.9.90 from OSGeo4W and computer is Windows XP SP3.

Fist startup
- 50 seconds before the Master splash screen shows
- 60 seconds more and Checking provider plugins is ready
- 40 second more and QGIS is started
Total time was thus 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

Next startups
- total startup time between 5 and 15 seconds (10 repeats).

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: Add delimited text layer doesn't import all records from CSV file

2012-05-02 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
William Hudspeth bhudspeth@... writes:

 I am trying to import a CSV file with X and Y coordinates specified in
 two columns. Not all of the records are imported. Any ideas?

I would check first if some rows miss fields or have extra fields. The latter
may happen if separating character is used in field values. You can also have a
try with GDAL csv driver

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: Qgis nightly-build has problems with WMS 1.30

2012-04-18 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Barend Köbben kobben@... writes:

 For the record:
 The OGC WMS 1.3.0 spec says that:
 REQUEST=GetCapabilities is MANDATORY
 So the versions complaining about missing REQUEST parameter are actually
 correct (i.e. compliant).

Many (most?) WMS clients are adding SERVICE and REQUEST automatically to the
base URL because they are mandatory and QGIs should do the same. Version is
optional by standard but myself I think it would be good to let users to select
the version to use in explicit way with radio buttons or something. Without
version the server will advertise the highest version that it supports and there
can be troubles with the axis order if the version is 1.3.  For the WMS users
1.1.1 is just as good as 1.3.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: QGIS + Inkscape

2012-03-19 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Brylie Oxley brylie@... writes:

 My name is Brylie Oxley. I am a student at Sierra College in Nevada 
 City, CA. I would like to apply for the GSoC program.
 I have been studying GIS at Sierra College, where the courses focus on 
 proprietary tools. For libre GIS tools to be viable options, we need 
 high quality cartographic tools. This is where I see Inkscape as an 
 EXCELLENT candidate.
 I would like to make an extension for QGIS and/or Inkscape that would 
 enable us to send data from QGIS directly to Inkscape. It would also be 
 nice to be able to have Inkscape leverage the QGIS API to import 
 data/layers into a cartographic project.
 I am glad to get any feedback regarding users' experiences sharing data 
 between these two programs. I would also like to know what some of the 
 components are that I can leverage to create a bridging 
 extension/improved cartographic interface for QGIS.
 Thank you for your time and consideration,
 Brylie Oxley

There is heavy work going on with GDAL PDF driver
Mapserver can already make georeferenced PDF files like this with the trunk
version of GDAL
Reading the geospatial info of that certain PDF needs TerraGo Toolbar which is
an add-on to Adobe Acrobat reader. Here is another PDF output example
It is made with OpenJUMP derivative SkyJUMP and it demostrates using vector
layers on to of a raster layer (tram lines in this case). User can toggle the
layer visibility at least with Adobe Acrobat Reader. I am not sure if GDAL can
do such layered output yet. However, I have a feeling that GDAL may soon be able
to support direct conversion of raster files with OGR vector file overlays into
layered and georeferenced PDF files. See recent PDF commits by Evan Rouault at

Perhaps that work will help you with the QGIS to Inkcape work flow. At least it
might be good to study what could be done by feeding GDAL from QGIS before
dublicating those functionalities into QGIS.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Rasterlite db with many raster tables

2012-03-12 Thread Jukka Rahkonen

Is QGis supposed to find rasters from rasterlite database which contains several
raster tables? I have managed to open all my test maps if I convert them to
separate rasterlite files, but if I add more tables to the same DB QGis throws
an error Couldn't get GDAL band or something like that.

Could it be that QGis does not check the multi-raster table DB as described in, that is, by doing something similar to 

gdalinfo RASTERLITE:multirasterdb.sqlite,table=raster1

I tried with GQis 1.9.0 from OS4Geo installation on Windows Vista (32-bit). 

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: Rasterlite db with many raster tables

2012-03-12 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Paolo Cavallini cavallini@... writes:

 Il 12/03/2012 17:43, Jukka Rahkonen ha scritto:
  Is QGis supposed to find rasters from rasterlite database which 
contains several
  raster tables? I have managed to open all my test maps if I 
convert them to
 it should, and it did some times ago.

I made a two-table sample with GDAL 1.9.0 by using the following commands

gdal_translate -of rasterlite -a_srs epsg:3067 tile_1f.tif

gdal_translate -of rasterlite -a_srs epsg:3067 tile_1g.tif

gdaladdo rasterlite:multitable.sqlite,table=raster_1 2 4 8 16

gdaladdo rasterlite:multitable.sqlite,table=raster_2 2 4 8 16

The result is here (12 MB)

Error I get from QGis:
Cannot get GDAL raster band:

-Jukka Rahkonen-

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: Rasterlite db with many raster tables

2012-03-12 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi@... writes:

  The result is here (12 MB)
  Error I get from QGis:
  Cannot get GDAL raster band:
 it works fine also for me, qgis master under Ubuntu 11.10

It seems to a problem with OSGeo4W. QGis 1.6.0 shows a dialogue for table
selection and shows also images once the sqlite3.dll is updated. QGis 1.9.0.
from OSGeo4W installer fails immediately after selecting the rasterlite DB. Does
anybody have an idea about what to update this time? Sqlite3.dll is already up
to date.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: Rasterlite layer is just a black box

2012-03-09 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
ASAHI Kosuke asahi@... writes:

 Hi Jukka.
 My QGIS in WinXP work fine with rasterlite., but i need update sqlite3.dll.
 Please try download latest dll, and copy to OSGeo4w\bin.

Thank you, that helped. I changed the original sqlite3.dll (372 kilobytes,
2008-02-06) with the one I had in GDAL directory created with the gisinternals
installer (465 kB, 2010-10-24) and that was used for creating the rasterlite db.

I will make OSGeo4W ticket is I have rights for that.

Before the update I tried to create overviews with QGIs for another rasterlite
test file. It failed and made the database unusable also for Spatialite-gui and

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Rasterlite layer is just a black box

2012-03-08 Thread Jukka Rahkonen

Somebody had similar issue in January. QGis 1.9.0 opens rasterlite database fine
but the image does not show. Spatialite-gis does show the map.

Rasterlite database is created as:

gdal_translate -of rasterlite herttoniemi.tif
rasterlite:herttoniemi.sqlite,table=herttoniemi -co driver=jpeg

gdaladdo -r nearest rasterlite:herttoniemi.sqlite,table=herttoniemi
2 4 8 16 32 64 128

File is available for testing from

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: Rasterlite layer is just a black box

2012-03-08 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Paolo Cavallini cavallini@... writes:

 Il 08/03/2012 19:45, Giovanni Manghi ha scritto:
  On Thu, 2012-03-08 at 18:27 +, Jukka Rahkonen wrote:
  Somebody had similar issue in January. QGis 1.9.0 opens rasterlite database
  but the image does not show. 
  here it shows just fine. I'm using qgis-master on Ubuntu 11.10 64 bit.
 Just tested loading it from the browser, it works well.
 Perhaps you can share a sample so we can test?
 All the best.

You mean my test database? As I wrote, it is here

I am on Windows Vista (32-bit), and QGis is from OSGeo4W. And the info tool
reports pixel values (0,0,0) all over the image area. QGis version is 

QGIS version
QGIS code revision
Compiled against Qt
Running against Qt
GDAL/OGR Version
GEOS Version
PostgreSQL Client Version
SpatiaLite Version
QWT Version
This copy of QGIS writes debugging output.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: PostGIS database creation wizzard

2012-03-04 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
mick bareman@... writes:

 On Sun, 04 Mar 2012 05:53:25 +0100
 cavallini@... wrote: ? 
 osm2pgsql relies on the user already know which keys to keep and which to
dump, I can get partial success. I'm
 using it currently but I'm wanting to fine tune the procedure.

The easiest alternative for my mind is to use osm2pgsql with the hstore option
(-k). It will import all the keys and values into PostGIS. Then you can do the
rest with SQL
Drawback is that you will get more data than necessary with the initial import.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: how to georeferenced an autocad .dxf file?

2012-02-29 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Nathan Woodrow madmanwoo@... writes:

 On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 8:00 PM, Andreas Neumann a.neumann at wrote:
 It would actually be very nice if the georeferencer tool in QGIS could also
handle vector layers. I would assume that much of the code from the existing
georeferencer could be re-used to also make vector georeferencing work.
 I think it is annoying that one cannot easily transform vector data usign a
couple of match-points.
 Would be a great feature.

There seems to be qgsAffine plugin. The name suggests that it might do 
just that but I have not tried it myself.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: performance comparisons between qgis-mapserver and UMN mapserver?

2012-02-26 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
G. Allegri giohappy@... writes:

 Has anybody had the occasion to do benchmarks, or informal performance
comparisons, between Qgis Mapserver and UMN Mapserver?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: PyQgis MapServer Export with Mapserver 6.0.1

2012-01-31 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Francesc Cañas kikocanas@... writes:

 I've created a map file with the PyQgis Mapserver export pluggin but it
 doesn't work. They tell me it's cause the plugguin it's for older versions
 of mapserver. (I have the 6.0.1)
 What changes I have to do in the .map file to makes it work? 


That mapfile has quite a lot to correct. Two things I noticed first is that
nowadays OGC services do not work at all by default. They must be explicitly
activated in the MAP level METADATA with something like  ows_enable_request
*  which activates everything. Templates must also exist and they must start
with a magic string. Read the Mapserver migration guide

The Mapserver export plugin seems to make so bad mapfiles for the current
Mapserver version that it would perhaps be better to remove the plugin if nobody
has time and interest for correcting it. I do not believe it has worked well
since Mapserver 5.2.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: PyQgis MapServer Export with Mapserver 6.0.1

2012-01-31 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Francesc Cañas kikocanas@... writes:

 Hi, I've added the METADATA 
 It seems that Template is used to format the map for it's visualitzation in
web. But what I want is open this map with openlayers in an existing web...  If
I use an empty template with the magic line:
 !-- MapServer Template --
 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN;
     titleMapServer Template Sample/title
   body    MapServer Template Samplebr
 The only thing displayed at screen is MapServer Template Sample
 And if I use the web where I want to display the map, all other layers 
 WMS are displayed but the one that i maked appears like a broken image 
 repeated for all the map.

Please do not start testing with OpenLayers and templates. Begin with a normal
WMS and use either some well behaving GIS client (QGis, OpenJUMP, Kosmo) or even
better, a browser with hand written basic calls. They are not extraordinary hard
to write and by writing the requests yourself you are the one controlling the
situation and not your application. Basic GetMap is as follows,x,y,zFORMAT=image/pngWIDTH=500HEIGHT=500SRS=EPSG:4326STYLES=

and here is a live example,6597900.0,1511076.628895184,8057331.444759207SRS=EPSG:3067STYLES=

Make your service work with the basic setting and only after you have seen it
works continue to more challenging use.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: Resetting the extent of a shapefile

2012-01-31 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
magerlin MAP@... writes:

 I have deleted large geographical parts of a shape file because I only needed
 a very little part of it.
 But using Zoom to layer extent still zoom to the extent of the original
 shape file.
 I have tried to re-save the file using save-as, specifying CRS etc. but no
 In Layer properties, Metadata I can read:
 In layer spatial reference system units : xMin,yMin 622219.27,1154061.75 :
 xMax,yMax 643120.73,1204120.54/
 Where are these data stored and how do I update it?



Spatial extent

Shapefiles store the layer spatial extent in the .SHP file. The layer spatial
extent is automatically updated when inserting a new feature in a shapefile.
However when updating an existing feature, if its previous shape was touching
the bounding box of the layer extent but the updated shape does not touch the
new extent, the computed extent will not be correct. It is then necessary to
force a recomputation by invoking the SQL 'RECOMPUTE EXTENT ON tablename' via
the datasource ExecuteSQL() method. The same applies for the deletion of a 

Note: RECOMPUTE EXTENT ON is available in OGR = 1.9.0.

Thus RECOMPUTE EXTENT ON should help, or then saving the modified data into new
shapefile and renaming that back afterwards.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: KML from WFS

2012-01-09 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
magerlin MAP@... writes:

 I would like to get some data from a WFS server. The data is delivered
 as KML
 as far as I can see.
 The server requires authentication but as far as I can see that 
works ok.
 I can connect to the server and I can select a layer but when I click 
the OK
 button to load the layer I get an error message:
 The layer
 is not a valid layer and can not be added to the map
 Anybody got a clue?


WFS server should send data in GML2 format with that request. It is not
forbidden to send KML but then client should send an additional 
OUTPUTFORMAT= parameter because standard mandates that GML2 is the 
default for WFS 1.0.

QGis should handle output from WFS 1.0 well. It is impossible to say 
what isgoing wrong by this information but here are some suggestions 
about how to gather more information.
- Send your request with a browser and save the result into a file 
through Show page source code option. Then you can try to open the file directly
with QGis or study it with GDAL utility ogrinfo. Instead 
of browser you can use wget or curl.
- Install for example Fiddler2 proxy between QGis and WFS server 
so you can see what really happens in the discussion.

GDAL 1.9 supports WFS directly as source format and you can use 
ogr2ogr for converting data from WFS into other vector formats.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: WFS Transactions to GeoServer freeze QGIS

2011-12-12 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen@... writes:

 Gis Mage gismage at ... writes:
  Hi list!
  I would like to know if anyone has any luck editing wfs layers
  published with geoserver?

Problems are probably caused by this

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: connecting to GPS

2011-12-08 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Bob and Deb bobdebm@... writes:

 I'm still not able to run qgis with  my garmin 60Csx on the USB port.  With
the Qt-based GIS qlandkarte I'm able to use my GPS thanks to 
  qlandkarte's Garmin GPS driver ( 
Could this be used in QGIS?

I have been using QGis and OpenJUMP with a gratis (not open source) GPSGate
client with Garmin eTrex Vista through USB port on Windows
and it has been very reliable.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: ecw problems

2011-12-08 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Alister Hood alister.hood@... writes:

  Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2011 10:40:32 +
  From: Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi@...
  Subject: Re: [Qgis-developer] Re: [Qgis-user] Re: ecw problems
  To: pieri70 pietro.rossin@...
  Cc: qgis-user@...
  Message-ID: 1323081632.2277.19.camel at sibirica
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
  On Mon, 2011-12-05 at 01:15 -0800, pieri70 wrote:
   Hello  Jürgen
   which kind of compressed raster do you use instead of ECW (if you use
 Personally I'd try JPEG2000 (using openjpeg).  But you might need to build
openjpeg and gdal yourself :(
 Do you use JPEG compression for maximum compatibility?  I would have thought
you'd get much better results
 with something else.

JPEG-in-TIFF is by no means maximally compatible but it suits very well for
GDAL based systems, especially Mapserver. The result is not a JPEG image, 
it is a TIFF image but the image data inside TIFF is compressed with JPEG
algorithm. It
is not uncommon that tiff drivers cannot open such images but GDAL has no

It is essential to use JPEG compression with tiling. JPEG must be 
decompressed totally but if tiff file is split into tiles GDAL can 
pick just a correct set of tiles to be decompressed.

Jpeg compressed tiffs have about same file size as ECW and JPEG2000 with 
about the same visual quality but the artifacts are different. GDAL is 
handling jpeg-in-tiff images at least as fast as ECW images and much faster
than JPEG2000 images even with the fastest JPEG2000 driver which is usually
JP2KAK (Kakadu)or JP2ECW (ERDAS). They are not free. JP2MrSID a third
non-free driver but I have not used it. OpenJPEG driver JP2OpenJPEG is 
much better than Jasper driver JPEG2000 at least with big images.

For a desktop use I would guess that JPEG2000 with OpenJPEG driver is fast
enough. For a busy WMS server it is not so good choice.

I do not mean that JPEG2000 is slow by the nature. If used, for example, with
native Kakadu tools it is flaming fast. The problem is that JPEG2000 is very
complicated format and open source libraries are not yet as good as the best
commercial ones.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: File-based Mastermap

2011-09-28 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Andreas Neumann a.neumann@... writes:

  Perhaps you could also look into SpatiaLite.
  It comes without the limitations of Shapefiles (column names, file 
  sizes) and is fast and a database without installation (file based).
  Also you need to copy only one file instead of multiple ones.
  SpatiaLite is not yet supported by FME (will be supported from FME 2013 
  on I heard) - but you can use ogr2ogr for file translations.
  I believe the new DB-Manager Plugin from the last Google Summer of Code 
  can also assist in converting data from Postgis to SpatiaLite, but I am 
  not 100% sure.

GDAL SQLite driver does not make the most valid Spatialite databases. Alessandro
Furieri (man behind Spatialite)wrote:
The current version of the spatialite's OGR driver 
has many severe issues.
Shortly said, you cannot safely use OGR to create a 
SpatiaLite own DB, because this will simply produce 
a broken (invalid, inconsistent) DB.
I've already developed a full patchset for OGR, and 
I hope to be able to release the code to the GDAL
project ASAP 

While waiting for the patches there are two usable methods for making valid,
consistent DB:
1. Import shapefiles directly with Spatialite tools or with Spatialite-gui.
2. Use ogr2ogr first with options
   ogr2ogr -f SQLite -dsco SPATIALITE=yes -lco SPATIAL_INDEX=no temp.sqlite
3. Clean up the temporary spatialite database with Openlite utility by creating
a new empty database and copying the tables from the temp.sqlite into it.

Spatialite=yes option needs gdal 1.7.0 or higher

The troubles with Spatialite databases created by ogr2ogr are not very big. Some
foreign key constraints and triggers are not OK which makes it harder to make
properly working spatial views into database etc. For simple read-only access to
the tables the databases created with ogr2ogr are OK.

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: Trouble with classifying a Spatialite layer

2011-08-31 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen@... writes:

  I was trying to classify is the osm_line layer filtered with sql=highway
NOT null.  Classification method is Unique value with the old symbology and
Categorized with the new symbology. Neither of them show me the attribute value

I made some more trials. If I read the whole Spatialite table into QGIS the
automatic classification works but if the layer is created by using SQL query
filter then it does not.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: QGIS WMS GetMap request wtih SLD?

2010-05-24 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Anders Söderman anders.soder...@... writes:

 Hi folks.    
 Are their any discussions or plans that QGIS will be
 able to send a WMS GetMap request, which also contains a link to an SLD? 


At the same time it would be good to add support for reading SLD_BODY from a
local text file and send it with GetMaps, as well as additional vendor
parameters which might be very useful espacially with Mapserver which can be
configured to use variable substitution when selecting the data that is used for
rendering WMS layers. This OpenJUMP feature request should give an idea about
what I mean

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] WMS through https and basic auth

2010-05-09 Thread Jukka Rahkonen

Our WMS server is using http basic authentication and it can only be accessed
through https.  I triet to use it with QGIs 1.5.0 (from OSGeo4W) but it leads
only to this error message:

Could not understand the response.  The wms provider said:
Download of capabilities failed: Unknown protocol specified

Next I tried the connection by installing InteProxy on my own computer.  Then
QGis is communicating fist with InteProxy that is acting like server at
http://localhost.  This way QGis can read the GetCapabilities from our WMS and I
can even add a WMS layer on a map.  However, I can see from the WMS logs that no
requests are coming from QGis.  I suppose this is because QGis in not sending
GetMap to the Inteproxy address at localhost but to the URL advertised in
GetCapabilities of our server.  That is like
This is naturally correct behaviour according to WMS standard, but in case of
proxy it does not work.

1. Is QGis 1.5.0 supposed to support https communication on Windows?
2. When OpenJUMP makes connection to WMS service it is checking first if the
base URLs for GetCapabilities and GetMap are the same. If they are not, it asks
the user select which one to use, the same base URL as used for GetCapabilities
or the one captured from the GetCapabilities document. This way it is possible
to use for example InteProxy for taking care of https communication and
authentication (even OpenJUMP can do it without proxy as well).  This feature
has been usuful for me even with WMS services which are advertising wrong GetMap
URL because very often in these cases the GetCapabilities URL works also for
GetMap. What do QGis developers think, would this be a useful feature to have
also in QGis?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Qgis-user mailing list