Re: [Ql-Users] Remote Assistance

2008-10-30 Thread hitchies
A lot of nicely coloured and interesting ink flying about at present... 
Here's my blot:

   'Remote Diagnosis' p62f Computer Active : Issue 277 of 2-15 October 

Thanks to you all for education, diplomacy and lafs  ;-)

John in Wales
(it rained yesterday Norman) 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] London QL & Quanta Group Meeting - September 2008- cancelled

2008-10-12 Thread hitchies

Combining Tony and Malcolm with my Welsh origins then -

"Borough Welsh Congregrational Chapel"

PS - The building is an architectural gem, for anyone interested in
historic buildings

reminds me of a nearby galvanised steel constructed country chapel known 
locally as the "Corregationalists"!

AveAgooDaye all of ye,

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] sub-£100 notebook

2008-09-04 Thread hitchies
Thanks Richard for your informative and helpful machine assesments. 

However, about  "(8GB)  SSD..." I am ignorant!

SSD? please Richard.


Greetings to all

John in Wales
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Changing the printer port on Prowess

2008-06-03 Thread hitchies

Hi folks,



"Comprehension has broken out and it is wonderful. "

.. did us all :) good, did that one Peter!

"I'm not a native speaker"

I'm supposed to be [a "native {English} speaker"] - but I , for one, 
François would

never have guessed, on the evidence presented, that you are not!

Isn't the Q-Ling World marvellous!

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] C48 cartridge

2008-04-15 Thread hitchies
Re; Dilwyn's
I've just had to scrap my son's old Epson Stylus C48 printer, which is 
beyond economic repair.

We have a single unused TP066 black cartridge for it, which I'll 
happily post to anyone to avoid binning the cartridge.


Me too ditto, with a unopened HP cartridge '29 Black' (516 29GE).


John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] (no subject)

2008-03-14 Thread hitchies
Hello Norman (Cook)

Welcome to the list.  Exciting days lie ahead for you and your QL!

Re your question - Is this (Gold Card) the sort of thing  you need to beef 
up your QL?

[Short] Answer: yes!  But be aware that there is another and better 
 version - 'Super Gold Card'.

Is there a list member who can point Norman to the current web-pages of QL 
tech info - rather than me re-inventing the wheel for him?  :-)  Please.

Have fun Norman(C) ... and, of course, all other #Normans hereabouts - and 
especially, do I like the 'kilter', of the newest web-site - just announced 
here ;-)  Look forward to more @ same. Thanks.

Regards to all

John (in Wales)

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] BJ-10ex Quill driver

2008-02-21 Thread hitchies
I received 4 identical copies of Chirs' mail.  All seemingly 'sent' at
1803;  but received 1806 to 2107.  A record?  'Course, could be my ISP :(

Chris said -

'I have just had to re-setup my little Canon BJ-10ex  printer to use with
Quill - no apologies for using such ancient kit - and wonder whether I
have made it more complicated than necessary? The problem arose with the
UKPound sign..

I've more relevant 'til the middle of the night experience than I can bear
to remember! - but never with a Canon.

I suggest that you discretely try your option-1 OR option-2 but not AND.

Have fun - hope you crack it.  Please post.

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] 2.5 inch HD

2008-01-08 Thread hitchies
Tony said (of me) -
Oh dear you misunderstand again I am afraid.  Isn't text ridiculous.
I have not intended to criticise or patronise or insult or anything else.
I was just saying what I had experienced.

I am sorry if you have read something else into the raw text.
I think I had better withdraw and not say anything more in the future

Thank you Tony; I fully accept that this originated in a hurried 

If you withdraw, you will be sorely missed. :(

My best wishes

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] 2.5 inch HD

2008-01-06 Thread hitchies
hitchies wrote:
> Tony said -
> What a con!
> ===
> I'll take that as an apology then.
Apology for what?  My you are sensitive today.  I was not criticising 


..that's enough patronising.  Thank you Tony.

Regards to all,

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] 2.5 inch HD

2008-01-04 Thread hitchies
Tony said -

What a con!

I'll take that as an apology then.

Also, why separate DELL only for the (valid) flaming?  - surely MAXTOR need 
to learn something too regarding their own advertised product support which 
they honour not?

Not raining in Wales though!


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] 2.5 inch HD

2008-01-02 Thread hitchies
This does not apply to Seagate (and Maxtor) or Western Digital.  They do
not ask for any information other than disk serial number.
Tony must think I imagined it   ;-)

But, in case it is of further interest ,I copy two correspondences (from 
April 2004) below.  I have a lot more including something 'formal' from 
Dell's legal dept!

Regards to all,

John in Wales
>From ME
Can you help with this please?  I bought from DELL (as I have told them) 
because I knew that they used only the best third-party suppliers.  I have 
explained to them that surely (as it is stated by you on the device) it is 
underwritten by you - so why should DELL hesitate?  In effect, to put it 
starkly, this situation puts MAXTOR - as well as DELL- in a bad light. 

>From DELL -

Please include the following line in all replies.
Tracking number: ET20040309_006363

Dear John.

Thank you for contacting Dell Hardware e-support and services

I understand your concern, but sorry to say that Dell treats
only warranty issued on the time of purchase, not the warranty
from the manufacturer.

Once the part is purchased by any vendor and sent by Dell it
is Dell's product and we will not consider the warranty of the

I have even discussed the same with my manager and we will not
be able to help you in this issue.

>From MAXTOR -

Thank you for your email. When Maxtor sells hard drives to Computer
Manufacturer's, they also sell the warranty of the drive to the PC
Manufacturer. Therefore in this case Dell now owns the warranty of Maxtor
drives which they use in their PCs. Maxtor no longer cover the warranty of
their drives once the drives have been sold to PC Manufacturers.

If you have any other queries, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards,
Edwina Fogarty,
Customer Support,
Maxtor Ireland.


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] 2.5 inch HD

2007-12-31 Thread hitchies
Happy New Year to all!

Tony said

Check the guarantee.  Seagate have a seven year one and that now covers
Maxtor.  Western Digital also have a long one.  I have used all three
many times successfully.

In case this raises too many hopes... I was ( 3years ago) refused the clear 
terms of a maker's guarantee simply because I had bought the HD as part of a 
new machine built and supplied by a third party company(Dell) .. i.e. not 
direct from Seagate (or was it Maxtor?).

When in the army I would have said "I was choked!" - 'cause I was.

Thanks to all who have contributed here during 2007 and especially to those 
who maintain the list.  It's great.

Best regards,

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Punters

2007-10-09 Thread hitchies
Norman wrote...

 "Who needs a spring when you have gravity?"

Please send me some (in green please) Norman!

Thus, Malcolm wrote...

   I guess it also helps to be slightly mad ... :-)

John in Wales (not raining)

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Punters

2007-10-08 Thread hitchies
"punters"...?  it's a bit shady Arfur Dailee.

Before I vote, I'm waiting to read what we get when we Dunbar-it!

When speaking English in Wales we say "bloke" & "blokes" unless, in the 
feminine case, when it is "blokess" & "blokesses".

The Welsh have a word "saeson".  This is often (mis)used to mean "that other 
lot,of uncertain origins".  So let's adopt that !!  :-)

Next contributor I'll punt, will be  Dilwyn?!

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Timeslip

2007-10-05 Thread hitchies
" turgid interchannge" ?

Fog on the M%^ @ the M^ interchange...?


John in Wales
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Microsoft Virtual PC 2007

2007-09-03 Thread hitchies
Marcel wrote:

"VirtualPC for Windows is not an emulator like QPC, ... only run x86 
systems on an x86 machine."

I realised I might be missing something.  And I was!  :(

Thanks Marcel, its 68000 clear now!

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] Microsoft Virtual PC 2007

2007-09-01 Thread hitchies
MS "Virtual PC - 2007"

I've just begun to look into/experiment with, this [downloaded MS freeware;
v6.0.156.0] installed to W/Xp home.

To my surprise it appears to offer platforms for other (than MS's) OS's.

I have no complaints re: QPC2, (thanks Marcel!) but I do not know enough to
know if there is any advantage here vis-a-vis the (easier?) implementation
of Virtual QL's.

Any comments out there?

Best wishes to all

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Stupendipity!

2007-06-05 Thread hitchies
Dear New-house Norm. (...if I may address you thus ? ;-)

Re: You have missed the 'any old iron' exchange then ?

The Old-Iron was having a silent period.

I am well now... thank you.

May you be happy in your new house.  [Should things get too hectic, try
'SLUG >25'!] (OT- c?)

Regards to all - to those here who now help me with my
English - and not forgetting those with ISP Tiscali sized current
head-aches; of course.

But especially to those who write contributive and helpful, joined-up stuff
on this list.

What lovlee wether weir XP-rensin.!

John in Wales

PS Not spell-checked.

QL-Users Mailing List

[ql-users] Stupendipity!

2007-05-28 Thread hitchies
[It's very quiet here - unless my eList-software has become invisibly
So - ]

Oh the ache!  You QLusiasts just won't believe it! Here, on this list, I
could have been shunned  forever. Because -

As a black-boxless but very ongoing QPC enthusiast, how could I have been so

3 years ago, I gave away a Super Gold Card and (accidentally) my well
thumbed, well loved, annotated copy of  my 'GOLD CARD User Manual'.

I did. I really did!  :( :(

I hear  "Call yourself a QL enthusiast do we?" etc. etc.
[O.K. shut up. ;-)]

I just kicked the shredder (often) and grieved.  You all know what
excruciating fun, unstructured/uninformed-parameter juggling, can be -
especially when you don't know how many balls should be in the air.  And
don't we just love it, when we've a bus to catch or Big Brother is just
starting on the tele.?

Nowhere, nowhere had I gre(a)y-haired had the
foresight (for instance) to write on any high wall or omnibus panel - in any
hand - in any colo(u)r(s) - on any scale - at any time of the day - or
night - anywhere in the village - near or far from the fuzzhouse - that 
(of course) -

BPUT#4,1,2,2,3:  rules printer 2 to scale 3 - O.K.?

or made it possible, if the mood was to take you (of course) for you to nip
'round a corner to read -

2,3  60  63  1x2  480  1.41  2x2  240  1.41 = Rules Seikosha  O.K. ?

Yesterday, oh wonderful day! looking for a special piece of waterproof
board (for my cycle bag,what else?) I eyed a well-dusty box file.  And
there, rent-free, in that documentation doss-house, at my elbow, **it** was,
in hiding. *And* some of its long lost unbundled pals!  Yipee :)   :)

The blue file?  Well, its labelled spine, boldy and neatly reads  -

'1.2.2.g System (non-bundled) Software - small documentations'.
I kid you not.  What else?

So, rejoice with *me*, but believe in your *own* systems

Greetings to all,

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] e-mail address: format

2007-05-13 Thread hitchies
David said -
At 13:49 12/05/2007, you wrote:
>is a valid format string for internet e-mail addressing?

Looks OK but their site does not seem to be offering email a/cs, do
you have to aquire a domain first ?

As this is in connection with a 'business client' I am helping, I
substituted (1 for 1) the alphas & case, but not the '@' or the '.' sss. or

Therefore, it does not surprise me that - like just those WMD's - this
pseudo 'site' does not exist either.

Thanks however for your comments and advice.

For those still interested and reading on  :)

1.  It seems that my O/Ex 

 [Version 6.00.2900.2180.(xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158]

edits the 'original' [address]  to this form -



and then reports back -

> This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
> >Unrouteable address

2.  Since getting QL-list advice, I have tried using the 'original' address
from another PC.  (It seems to have worked... it hasn't come
back.. yet!)

Thanks and regards to all,

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] New QUANTA web site launched

2007-05-12 Thread hitchies
Thanks Dan - a great resource.

Thanks too, Marcel, for e-mail info.

John in Wales
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] e-mail address: format

2007-05-12 Thread hitchies
Hello everybody/anybody QL,

Can anyone please tell me if -


is a valid format string for internet e-mail addressing?
(It's strictly based on one that keeps being rejected and returned as 

Thanks in advance,

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] new hard disk

2007-05-01 Thread hitchies
David wrote:

 I must try and write a program to see just how many directories there are.

Try   Very useful [and free  for private use]   :-)

Best wishes

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] QL Wiki

2007-04-14 Thread hitchies
Re Norman's:

I vote for Rich's new one over Wikipedia. We can keep it relevant and all we 
have to do is put an external link on the Wikipedia one at each and every 
available opportunity.

I vote for Norman's vote for Rich's proposal.

Or,plainly(!) "I concur" (as medics say).

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] QL Wiki

2007-04-09 Thread hitchies
Lau, I like it!  :)  :)  :)

John in Wales
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] OPD Expired!

2007-04-02 Thread hitchies
"...Richard, somewhat upset as he's only had the OPD a week :(

Commiserations Richard.  It's just not fair! Hope it can be fixed. :)

Best wishes,

John in Wales
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] OPD Bits [was: Am I blocked?]

2007-03-27 Thread hitchies
> OnTopic: Got any OPD bits spare? ;)

Roy (Wood) had a couple of new OPD microdrives from me some time ago.  I 
remember that one of them was missing a discrete transistor  (can't remember 
which)  that I had sweated into a QL.

Bet you can't find them in the pile Roy!

>From country Tal-y-ban.

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Am I blocked?

2007-03-27 Thread hitchies
I can see you here in Wales, Rich.

Note: We must do more to keep aliens out ! ;-)


John in Wales

PS: There isn't one - this time.  Sorry to disappoint Roy. :(
QL-Users Mailing List

[ql-users] This list: Rrepeat postings + QL Chat

2007-03-11 Thread hitchies
Hi everyone!

Regarding my -
Anyone else getting duplicate/triplicate copies of some list mailings
lately, please?

This problem (undiagnosed) now seems to have gone away!

In reply to Geoff's "Do the duplicates come in at the same time or at
different times?" I can say "at the same time".

My thanks to Geoff, Malcolm, Rich and (the Not Very Far Away ) Norman.

 There's quite a lot of off-subject traffic here now.  Personally I enjoy it 
but I do understand that others may not  :(

Is 'QL Chat' dead - does anyone know?

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

[ql-users] This list: Rrepeat postings

2007-02-27 Thread hitchies
Hi everyone!

Anyone else getting duplicate/triplicate copies of some list mailings 
lately, please?

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Comment from the "Traditional" QUANTA Committee

2007-02-24 Thread hitchies
Tony wrote -
Forwarding?  Does that mean 'replying' too?
... and is the default a '>' character?

When I last looked (in OE) I think it mentioned the term 'quote text

Message Auto Options in OE are -

"reply", "reply all"  and  "forward".

Related default settings are in  -

tools/options/send/plain text settings.  They include -

indent the original with ' > ' when replying or forwarding

Best wishes to all - [including  "lurkers" and Scotsmen] but especially 
those who, like me, have stubbornly attempted to change the CaSe of 
superbasic variable names on the fly etc.!  Goodole QUANTA put me right 
(with "").  My thanks to that author.

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Spare GC or SGC?

2007-02-07 Thread hitchies
Re: Jan's -
I wonder if anyone here has some spare (not used) GC or SGC for sale? My
QL has only superQboard with 512k RAM, which is good, but not enough (ZX
emulator is demanding). I would appreciate if you could drop me an
email. Thank you and sorry for the ad..

Such an ad. no problem here!  But (today) if you find a GC or SGC 'not used' 
you will succeed where many others have failed.  But, if so, please reveal 
your source(s) here!  :-)

Happy hunting and happy QLing,

John in Wales

PS And (belated) thanks to all who helped with the Kb, kb matter.  I found 
the references very helpful. - J 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Glossary Terms WAS Thor Service/Technical Manual

2007-01-08 Thread hitchies
Marcel wrote -

"Tony's talking about kbit/s, I presume you're talking about kbyte/s.
75kb/s is pretty much what can be expected from Tony's DSL upload
bandwidth.  "

Sorry Marcel, but from this posting I still do not know whether your
'75kb/s' are kilo-bits or kilo-bytes! ;-)

This [kb-thing] is a very old and well cooked chestnut.

I was relieved a couple of years ago when, from discussions (technical
publications) I came to the conclusion that the consensus was now that:

Kb/s represented kilo bytes per second


kb/s represented kilo-bits per second

Now I'm in the dark again.  More light please!!  Thanks.

All this has brought to mind again an idea.

Recently I read, cover to cover, a national (educational) text book on IT;
from scratch to 'A' level and I shall not waste time describing the horrors
(contradictions and ambiguity) of the text and of its plentiful 'old'
exam-board questions. It is its glossary that interests me here. [ The
discussion above is quite representative of some of the annotations with
???'s I have pencilled in there.]

What I propose - for our amusement - is that occasionally I quote on *this*
list from one of the short definitions in that glossary.  The implication
being that I will be throwing it out (to the dog(s)!) to chew over - if they
like.  If there is a dog fight, or a howl, I shall wait (and learn) on the
sidelines. Else; after a decent time I shall throw in another piece of meat
from the same source.

It seems to me that this might benefit all readers - whatever their current
position in the knowledge-stakes.  {Remember TV's 'Yes minister'?  and "how
do I
know that I need to know..."!?}

You doggies out there might like to give me your comments on this ..

With best wishes to all for 2007

John in Wales

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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] waiting for QPC print - meanwhile

2006-12-18 Thread hitchies
> Let me know Bill if you would like me to e-mail that page to you - it's
> quite short.
 Yes please John if it's no trouble

 So, here we go Bill.

Stephen Morris' 1986
"Archive User's Reference Manual" p141 with -


Command -
"(filename)" export

Effect -
Opens a list file to receive all printer output.
How to Use -
Before entering a printing command (such as Dump or Lprint) enter the
Spoolon command, followed by a suitable filename. The program assumes that
the file is to be contained on the current data drive and attaches a default
.LIS extension if no other is given.
>From this point on, anything that would otherwise have gone to the printer
is instead stored in the list file, in a form suitable for later printing.
This file can include entire data files, printed with the Dump command, or
individual items, printed with Lprint. It may also include a program listing
(see the Lust command in Chapter 16).
If the printouts are to be incorporated in a Quill document, rather than
being directly printed, then you should add the Export parameter to the end
of the command: this option is covered in more detail in Chapter 20.
Once the file is complete it must be closed with the Spooloff command
described below.

Comments -
Only one list file can be open at a time.
The list file has a special format which cannot be used for other purposes.
You cannot read the contents of the list file back into memory. It can only
be used for background printing, or if the Export parameter has been added,
for import to Quill.
Background printing is achieved with the Xchange Output command (see below).

Command -
Effect -
Closes any open list file
How to use -
When you have finished directing printer out put to the list file, enter
this command and the file will be closed.

Relearning QL - you and me both.  Best wishes Bill; John in Wales

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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] waiting for QPC print - meanwhile

2006-12-17 Thread hitchies
Marcel wrote -

"For the record, if at all, the SPOOLON command should probably be
issued before all the LPRINT statements..."

At some time (empirically based) I have annotated Stephen Morris' 1986
"User's Reference Manual" p141 with -

 - valid with 'dump' and 'lprint'


"..use before 'lprint' to printer if SPOOLON SCREEN has been used.

Let me know Bill if you would like me to e-mail that page to you - it's
quite short.

Seasons' Greetings to all,

John in Wales

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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Booting QPC2 v3.3 and Hot_Keys and QPACII etc/ & New XCH boot

2006-12-06 Thread hitchies
My thanks to you Marcel, Rich and Per for your advice regarding this.

The problem is now solved ... though I shall have to follow the sages'
advice and get meself updated!
It is a  **big** boot - with many Procs.  It seems that I was clumsy with
the SB editor and accidentally renumbered (=relocated) a line of code, when
I meant to delete it.  Putting that right put things right.

I am returning to QDOS after several (unavoidable) years away.  I have a new
Proc in the (QPC2) boot to call EXCHANGE from a command line.  Below is some
code that I wrote when I had SMSQ/E on a SGC.  The code means nothing to me
now however [age!].  Are such parameters/safeguards advisable in the QPC2
environment.  Would anyone like to comment please?.

1600 :
1610 DEFine PROCedure XCH
1620 REMark  EXECUTE XCHANGE +  jgh  ++
1630 REMark If TK2 then 'EX' may be used with param 'n' (as below)
1640 REMark Empirically (by 26 controlled tests in jgh '837K free' system) -
1650 REMark  XCHANGE[itself] always grabs 297.5 + (n-64)K [wkg K]
1660 REMark IF n<64 n=64! XCEPT: n=0 XCH grabs some but not allRAM (517K in
1670 REMark n<0, XCH has no cursor!: (n-64) >availble RAM, QLlocks
up !
1680 REMark   so,  Max 'n' for jgh '837K free' system was 535
1690   :
1700   Xmem=750: Xpram$=INT((Xmem-297.5)+64) : REMark Use Notes above 313.5
1710   CLS #0:PRINT #0\\ TO 3;"Loading:  XCHANGE"\"   RAM Allocated:
1720   DATA_USE flp1_: EX XCHANGE;Xpram$: REMark IfNotTK2 use"exec", NO
1730   CLS #0
1740   :
1750 END DEFine XCH

Can I scrap the parameter detail? - it works (?) now with -  'ex

Regards to all

John in Wales (jgh)

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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] QL Monitor Connections

2006-12-04 Thread hitchies
Derek Stewart wrote:
> I have a Microvitec Cub 1431MB monitor, which I would like to use with a
> Sinclair QL.
> Does anyone know the video connections on the Microvitec Cub 1431MB
> which hasa 7 Pin DIN (270 deg) video socket on the back of the monitor.
> I have the connections on QL from the QL User manual.

Hi Derek - this I can tell you from experience - "the manual [concepts p33]
is **wrong**" if not dated "12/84" :0(

I have details for CUB 653 TTL  which is 6 pin design and 5 pins used.
Should you like a graphic file of my layout(both ends) e-mail me direct.   I
have no copy, but QL World, May 1987, page 25 is relevant - according to my

Good luck.

John in Wales

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QL-Users Mailing List

[ql-users] Booting QPC2 v3.3 and Hot_Keys and QPACII etc

2006-12-04 Thread hitchies
Greetings from Wales.

I have a problem boot program for these progs (above) - and I have read the
documentation... and seen the example boot progs published there!  ;-)

1 =
If I call my HOT_RESs & HOT_DOs family from code inside a boot PROCedure,
the system freezes with funny (random ?) graphic rainbow pixels in the area
inside QPC2's (ver$ 3.23) window but outside any previously written (QPC2)

[In a clean fresh implementation] If I hide the call (behind a REM) and then
run the boot again things all seem OK - except of course nowt (from that
procedure) is 'resident' etc.

Then, if I immediately use a SBASIC command line to call that same SB
procedure - I get all my QPACI's etc and the cursor and I'm cookin' on gas
in the wider environment  - it seems! :)

Any suggestions please?

PS: with this SMSQ/E (v.3) I am **not** including PTR_GEN, HOT_REXT or WMAN
anywhere in my boot.

2 =
But how about this too, please.

When I do a dir. (via windows explorer) of QPC2's floppies, either the
or backup, there is a file in the listing with the name -
However, to my bewilderment, W/Me shows me that one of the properties of
these files is -
290Kb 'AVG update file'
I am not, how did you guess?  a Pointer Env. etc wiz but to me AVG =
AVG(risoft) = alias Grisoft Anti Virus.  Is this a special cousin of
Marcel's or Toby's etc or does its presence indicate a problem(s)?

Thanks, fellahs and (any) girls,


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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Platforms & OSs (was month number)

2006-09-22 Thread hitchies
Thanks Dilwyn/Dilwynne for 

"The 'platform' in this context means the computer hardware on which 
the operating system being used is based. Thus if you are running QPC2 
on Windows, the platform would probably be a PC, the operating system 
Windows running emulated SMSQ/E"

[Leaving out 'emulations' which I (think I :-) understand]

So, is it as I first thought?  i.e.  SMSQ/E is an operating system?

What am I to make of Bill's "Q40,Q60, QPC2, Aurora and SGC" ?
George's "Atari  Aurora  Gold Card  Q40/60  QXL"

as "'5 operating systems for SMSQE v 3.12'"?

If so, what *platforms* do *they* run on?

Still "can't get me 'ead 'round it".  :(   

My thanks to all who have contributed.

John in Wales

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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] month number

2006-09-19 Thread hitchies
Dilwyn (with one 'n') said -

"...The collective sharing of information and ideas is a brilliant feature
of the QL
scene. "

Couldn't agree more!

Have a good one, wherever you are.

John in Wales

PS Still puzzled re; diff between O.S. and 'platform' in our recent context.

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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Q40 and SMSQE v3.12

2006-09-15 Thread hitchies
Re:'5 operating systems for SMSQE v 3.12'  and ..
Q40,Q60, QPC2, Aurora and SGC
all the best - Bill

The five are:
Atari  Aurora  Gold Card  Q40/60  QXL

Thank you Bill and George

I mistakenly thought that they were 5 *platforms* for one OS; i.e. SMSQE !

I still "can't get me 'ead 'round it".  But that's my prob!

John in Wales

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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Q40 and SMSQE v3.12

2006-09-12 Thread hitchies
George wrote (thank you George ;-)

'5 operating systems for SMSQE v 3.12'

As they say in Liverpool, "I can't get me 'ead 'round that".

Would anyone like to climb in and help me please?

Best regards to all

John in Wales

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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] leaked email address - contact

2006-06-21 Thread hitchies
 Go on. Tell the uninatiated (like me).  Please.  ;-)

Thanks Tony - it was an *innocent* (enquiry OR inquiry) - you choose ;)

I tried it... got "circa nineteen million, one-hundred-thousand" hits before
I was relieved to realize that I had not entered my complete e-address.
Phew!  When I did... I got zero.  :)

I often wonder who are the fools who respond to spam.  If no-one ever got
results, then the number would reduce.  Loads must need \/1agra (8-)#

Warning; Sage Mode Coming On:

It seems to me that contributors to this list are, by definition, somewhat
confident persons.  If not we would not know anyway!!!
[And I do *not* mean that *all* lurkers, lack confidence.]

Many lonely and isolated people are in that unenviable situation (foolish)
because they lack self esteem (incl. confidence).  Perhaps they have made a
'mess' of their lives; perhaps they really do *need* money &/or prowess.

To them, the fact that someone **might** be interested in them - for
whatever reason - is an (e-mail) encounter too precious to ignore. That's
the poison bait.

Sure, they are gullible - but that' s not reprehensible or a crime. (And
let's hope that we made no contribution to their unwarranted introspection.
:-)   )

Best regards to one & all,

John in Wales
PS As I said (here) sometime ago, "What happened to 'QL Chat'"?

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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] leaked email address - contact address

2006-06-18 Thread hitchies
Jim - bad luck; and you are not on my lists.  :-)

Tony: Re - "Best way to check is to Google for your literal email address"
Go on. Tell the uninatiated (like me).  Please.  ;-)

Yours gargling and gurgling, but not googling,

John in Wales

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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] apostrophes

2006-05-29 Thread hitchies
Thanks Tony re:
the gnokii software and a serial interface. (

David wrote -

Whilst on the subject, are the angels dancing on the head of my pin male or
female ?

Has it been hissed
That the jist
Of this list
Has been missed?

Whatever happened to 'QL-Chat'?!  :)


John in Wales.

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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] apostrophes

2006-05-29 Thread hitchies
Robert wrote -

As I thought, but shirley "you and I", the subject of the missing/implicit 
verb is plural (together as one pronoun: "we") and so would use "are" and 
not "am"?

I bet I'm not the only one what would like to meet shirley!

What fun ;)

John in Wales

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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] SMS SOS [OT?]

2006-05-29 Thread hitchies
Per writes -

A friend of mine may just have won his court case thanks to an SMS he had
the foresight to keep! (Mine are more likely to get me into trouble, but
what the hell! Id like to keep them all the same ;)

Without interface software (for my Nokia 1100) I was glad I archived certain
*micro digital images* from my SMS.
It eventually made the legal boys and girls very happy with me! :)
Regards to all,

John in Wales

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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] QRAM (was printer probs)

2006-05-02 Thread hitchies
Re: Roy (Wood's)

'a whole series about writing a BOOT file for QPAC2 and how to use 
that program and get to the useful bits.  .'

Thank you Roy.  I'll have to work on it **and** subscribe to QL Toady!  ;)

I await an annointing with pointing.

Regards to all,

John in Wales

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QL-Users Mailing List

[ql-users] QRAM (was printer probs)

2006-04-23 Thread hitchies
Dilwyn wrote -

QRAM itself was discontinued some years ago, although possibly some of
the traders may have second hand copies if you are lucky.

QPAC2 is its nearest living relative, though not exactly the same

Elements of QRAM are built into other products these days - ramdisks
and screen dumps are in disk interfaces and you can get an sdump_rext
for systems where it's not built in (I think it's supplied with QPC2,
though not 100% sure), pointer environment is now freely available
from the websites of Wolfgang Lenerz and myself, some of the job
control facilities have vaguely equivalent menus in QPAC2 and so on.
Dilwyn Jones

Thanks Dilwyn. I have QPC2 & QPAC2.  'Fraid I havn't found the key (yet!) to
its QRAM-like attributes/utilities/pointer-screen.  :(  If its a case of
read the manuals (again!) - then so be it.
Do I have to write a pointer-prog. to get this functionality?
With my thanks
John in Wales

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QL-Users Mailing List

[ql-users] Printer Problem

2006-04-18 Thread hitchies
[Third attempt :( - 2 previous returned.  Why??!]

Re Robert's: that the same as the coating that goes on Ally [coach]
so that you don't need to polish them to keep them shiny?

I've managed similar unblocking by sparingly using warm water with old
cartridges - until normal service was resumed (via invocation (!) of ROM
auto-head-cleaning routine).  ;)

 What technique do you mean?  Removing an bathing head in warm water, or
 injecting it into an old cartridge and installing that?

 Hi Robert!

 DURAbrite = [One of?] Epson's **waterproof** inks!

 Place the catridge(s), head down, in lookwarm water - just enough to cover
 its head only.  Wait for a colour show.  Dab dry with tissue.  Insert to
 printer.  Run test with scrap paper(s) until you have a dry product.

 Re Malcolm's:

 Umm ... so you are still around then, John ? . :-)

 Hi Malcolm !

 Not as round as I used to be.  But, luurkingly reading the much
 erudition on this list.  ;-)

 I can't believe I'm asking this :( . but where is QRAM obtained
What is its current status & price?

Regards to all,

John in Wales

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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] printer problem

2006-04-12 Thread hitchies
Robert said -

...any suggestions how to clear (trying propan-2-ol seems to have had
little effect (other than to get one dot working for minimal time), though
it does "collect" the other colours quite well - I dismantled the "head"
unit to get direct access to the jets...the C460 has a ...

The "Epsom [racing !] stylus Colour 460" is (I believe) 'NonDURAbrite'

I've managed similar unblocking by sparingly using warm water with old
cartridges - until normal service was resumed (via invocation (!) of ROM
auto-head-cleaning routine).  ;)


Regards to all,

John, in the Wales they can find when they deliver to the door ... :-)

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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Psion PC Four (XChange on PC)

2005-12-05 Thread hitchies
Regarding versions of the Psion-4.

Don't let's forget the ICL [Personal Computer]: "OnePerDesk",  ROM(s)!

Regards to all,

John in Wales

PS Is QL Chat defunct? - does anyone know, please.

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QL-Users Mailing List

[ql-users] Modem talk?

2005-10-23 Thread hitchies
Greetings to all,

The first part of some O/E 'inbox' e-mails headers contain lists with
elements like this one:

X-EMS: wait 510s

I assume that = 'wait 8 mins 30 sec.'!

Am I right in assuming that this value (and an associated delay in
transmission) is generated directly in relation to time spent progressing
the mail thru' the [front-end] virus checker and prior to offering it to the
remote server over the network?

Anyone ideas please?


John in Wales

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