[Ql-Users] SINCLAIR QL's 25th birthday

2009-01-11 Thread QL
On January 12th 1984 Sir Clive Sinclair presented the Sinclair QL
Professional Computer in a Hollywood-style launch event at the
Intercontinental Hotel, Hyde Park Corner, London. This was exactly
12 days earlier than Steve Jobs presented the Apple Macintosh.
Today, 25 years later we congratulate and celebrate the 25th birthday
of the Sinclair QL!
The QL still is a very good example of an innovative, stylish, powerful
and underestimated product. On one hand it failed in the market in the
long run but on the other it influenced many developments which ended in
today’s products. At least in seven aspects the QL was a real Quantum Leap:
1. First 32bit micro for both home and office use (Motorola MC68K CPU).
2. First PC with preemptive multitasking operating system with linear
   addressing, Windows and Mac OS offered those important features only
   years to decades later. The QL could run hundreds of jobs in parallel.
3. First PC with bundled Office suite (PSION XCHANGE offering word
   processing, spreadsheet, business graphics and database).
4. First PC with a highly integrated two chip North-/Southbridge, IBM
   and Apple still used dozens of standard chips.
5. Innovative and timeless industrial design (case, motherboard and
   keyboard), Sony’s Playstation 2 or some later Apple designs look
   very similar.
6. Innovative SuperBASIC Programming Language for Rapid Application
   Development (RAD), years later Microsoft’s Visual Basic closed the gap.
7. Even only around 150’000 QL’s were sold, one user became very
   important to the industry. Linus Torvralds used and programmed a
   QL before he created what became Linux.
Check out this 25th anniversary presentation.
Try QPC, a virtual QL:
Happy 25th anniversary and QL forever!
Urs König (aka cowo)

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] SINCLAIR QL's 25th birthday

2009-01-13 Thread QL
Marcel Kilgus wrote: 
> But what's the story behind the David Karlin picture?

I've met David in January 2002 in London for diner. We talked
about work and life including his Fairchild and Sinclair days.
The story would fill a comprehensive article in QL Today.
When is the next deadline for QL Today?

Best regards, Urs

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] SINCLAIR QL's 25th birthday

2009-01-13 Thread QL
Javier Guerra wrote: 
> I would have liked to know more about the careers of David Karlin,
> Jan Jones, Tony Tebby and others.

I will write an article on David Karlin and myabe update my powerpoint
presentation with some more information soon.

> Two of our spanish colleagues have developed 2 web videos. I put the
> links you want to see them.
Thank you for all the work done on your side for the 25th anniversary.
Well done to you and your Spanish colleagues!

I originally planned to add some more videos to YouTube, but time was
- as often - not enough to complete production and upload. But there's
more to come...


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Sinclair QL documents, manuals and magazines

2009-01-13 Thread QL
Javier Guerra wrote: 
> The web, as always, is open to anyone who wants to contribute. If you
> have any book, magazine or manual, contact us to tell the best way to
> pass the documents to PDF. You can even send copies (who gladly pay)
> so that we deal with it.

There's help.

1. I have a huge collection of QL stuff including many printed
   documents, manuals and books.

2. We have a 15'000$ XEROX WorkCentre at work which has a powerful
   duplex scan engine. To scan 100 pages of A4 paper takes just a few

Another contribution to the "QLis25" year will be that on one evening
or another I will scan some documents, mainly those which are
1) easy to scan
2) not available/downloadable as a scan
3) scanned version is of bad quality or incomplete

Regards, Urs

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Help: Function to tell whether display is better than QL standard

2011-02-28 Thread ql

Am 28.02.2011 um 17:45 schrieb Marcel Kilgus :

"It began life as SMSQ, a QDOS-compatible version of SMS2 intended for
the Miracle Systems QXL emulator card"

But yes, it did not include the PE, that was only the case of the "/E"
versions. But I still think this is a fringe case, it didn't even
include any BASIC language after all. It was pre-release software and
should be ignored for any new development, I think.
SMSQ was not pre-release only. Miracle supplied free updates IIRC  
until version 2.76 which were insync to the the bigger SMSQ/E. Only  
the very early versions of SMSQ did not have the complete SBASIC  
interpreter. The others had the same SBASIC as SMSQ/E. But yes, no  
integrated PE. This had to be LRESPRed. I used SMSQ to continue  
development of QTop (most parts of it are written in S*BASIC) in  
1994/1995 and to test if a piece of software works fine w/o PE.


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] eBay pic

2011-04-09 Thread ql

Am 09.04.2011 um 20:33 schrieb "Lee Privett"
This has appeared on eBay but little or no detail, it has two  
different sized ports at the back, anyone know what it is?


From what I can see from the picture this is most likely a Sandy  
SuperQBoard evolution 1 which means the one with the RAM chips on the  
board and a large TMS chip.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Huge Sinclair repository on DVD out now!

2011-09-24 Thread ql
Am 24.09.2011 um 13:55 schrieb Tony Firshman :
> I didn't last until the end, but I especially liked the obviously intentional 
> reflection of Urs in the screen.
Beside the official topic there are so many other "things" visible in this 
video. Me as reflection on the screen is just one of them. ;-) Can one name the 


Von meinem iPhone gesendet

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QPC2/QPCPrint translates

2011-11-26 Thread ql
Am 26.11.2011 um 16:48 schrieb pjwitte :

> Hi Guys,
> I need to print from QPC2 via QPCPrint using a QL program that doesnt have 
> any configurable way to translate characters. The text to be outputted 
> contains "foreign" characters in QL format that dont match up with the 
> printer's character set.
> Whats the simplest way to fix this problem? I need to do it repeatedly, so it 
> should preferably be quick and transparent to use - and reversable.
> Thanks for any tools, tips, reminders..!
What about the OS translate feature, using a translation table and the SBASIC 
command TRA?


Von meinem iPhone gesendet
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] GST QED Editor

2012-02-18 Thread ql
Hi Rich,
you'll find all GST written QL software for download on my website. Just follow 
the link on the Sinclair QL Preservation Project page. I'm out of home now and 
don't have the URL by hand.
Cheers, Urs

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 18.02.2012 um 21:57 schrieb Rich Mellor :

> I have managed to rescue a copy of the QC compiler from GST.
> It uses their own editor, QED, which appears to have been compiled with QC 
> looking at the executable code.
> However, QED crashes on q-emulator - does anyone have a working copy (or was 
> a ROM needed for QC?)
> -- 
> Rich Mellor
> RWAP Services
> Specialist Enuuk Auction Programming Services
> www.rwapservices.co.uk
> ___
> QL-Users Mailing List
> http://www.q-v-d.demon.co.uk/smsqe.htm
QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] Per Witte, are you around?

2012-09-19 Thread ql
Per, if you read this today please drop me a line. Regards, Urs

Von meinem iPhone gesendet
QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] My slice of Pi

2012-10-12 Thread ql

Finally received "my slice of Pi" - the Raspberry Pi, from RS - today 12th 
October 2012.

I had to re-order, earlier in the Year, when my email address used was no 
longer working

I also ordered a Type B Case, in white, and a 4GB SD Card with OS installed. 
Which all fits together by simple clip fittings on the injection moulding.

Although, RS are posting the Pi PCB with a plastic protective casing, albeit in 
a translucent shade of raspberry pink!

Umm ... like the early days of 'home computing', you have to put something else 
with it. I don't have an HDMI display, yet may be able to use a DVI on my old 
TV. Then there is the need for a USB keyboard and mouse.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] SMSQE Licence Change

2012-11-24 Thread ql
Am 24.11.2012 um 08:38 schrieb Wolfgang Lenerz :
> this is just to let you know that the SMSQE licence will be changed.
> From the SMSQE licence, we will move towards a (new) BSD style licence, which 
> essentially means that anyone can do with the source code anything he likes, 
> and also distribute the compiled code.

Morning all,
that's great news. One decade after the source code got public, two years after 
you helped me (in Vienna) to make it possible to assemble it on my QPC2 
environment, exactly one year after I discussed this at Jochens home this is 
one of the most important things the QL community needed for ages. One other 
very important thing would be to able to make smsqe.bin for QPC2, an issue 
which I've been discussing with both Marcel and Jochen several times. Let's 
hope that such a quantum leap will not take another decade, otherwise there's 
most likely no one there which is interested in it anymore. ;-)

QL forever!

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QPC2 v3.40 Beta 2

2013-07-10 Thread ql
Am 10.07.2013 um 15:18 schrieb Marcel Kilgus :

> Surprise! It only took 6 years, but finally there is another official
> beta of QPC ;-) Don't hesitate because it's called a "beta", it's very
> stable, I only want people to test the new keyboard driver first
> before calling it a release.
Great news! I'm on vacation and will only be able to test it when I'm back home.

BTW: Did you add "suspend emulation when minimized" (good for all notebook 
users when using ql programs which do not have good "idle handling") and" save 
and reuse last screen position" (Jochen's wish)?

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Assemblers

2013-09-26 Thread ql
Yes, when talking of GST we mean the Macro Assembler (aka QMAC) and Linker, 
even GST had published two Assemblers for the QL.

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 26.09.2013 um 00:13 schrieb John Taylor :

> Quanta had two assembler programs.
> One had been largely rewritten by Phil Borman and he obtained the right for 
> Quanta to market it
> The other assembler never took of as it could never compete with the Macro 
> assembler.
> If by GST you mean the Macro Assembler, yes, you need to contact Phil.
> If, as I fear, GST was the second assembler, then it is best forgotten.
> John Taylor
> ___
> QL-Users Mailing List
> http://www.q-v-d.demon.co.uk/smsqe.htm
QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] Email address of Phil Borman?

2013-12-19 Thread ql
Does anyone have a valid email address of Phil Borman? PM please. Many Thx.

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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Fwd: QLis30 update

2014-05-04 Thread ql
I prefer Oct 4, Oct 11 is also possible.

Von meinem iPhone gesendet
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Ql-Users Digest, Vol 134, Issue 16

2015-05-09 Thread ql

>> http://www.sinclairql.net/
> Oh Boy, Thought:  maybe make this a torrent so others who share, can aid in 
> the bandwidth load???

Torrent is a bad idea because of the risk that old versions are being shared.
Since the GA 4 weeks ago I released two updates. Latest release is from today. 


QL forever!
QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] QXL running the QL/E of THE DISTRIBUTION

2015-05-09 Thread ql
Today - for the first time this decade - I fired up my COWO ExeQtor MKII 
prototype computer under Windows 98 to verify and prove that its QXL2 card can 
run SMSQ/E v3.21 and the QLE.WIN system of THE DISTRIBUTION. It all went well 
an I took some pictures. See:

Latest release of THE DISTRIBUTION is from today. See:


QL forever!
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QPC2 and Win10

2015-06-03 Thread ql
We have a system at work with the Tech Preview eval version of Windows 10. This 
late afternoon I gave it a go (but only for about 5 minutes) with the QL/E 
environment under QPC2. In a nutshell: It runs!

I've made 3 photos using my iPhone, see:

The benchmark test did lag a bit (esp. at GRAFSCRN) which may be because this 
PC has a type of embedded i7 CPU which is a bit slow when not in TurboBoost 
mode. Hmmm...

Anyway, QL goes Windows 10 then!

QL forever!

Cheers, Urs

Get The Distribution!

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QPC2 and Win10

2015-06-03 Thread ql
We have a system at work with the Tech Preview eval version of Windows 10. This 
late afternoon I gave it a go (but only for about 5 minutes) with the QL/E 
environment under QPC2. In a nutshell: It runs!

I've made 3 photos using my iPhone, see:

The benchmark test did lag a bit (esp. at GRAFSCRN) which may be because this 
PC has a type of embedded i7 CPU which is a bit slow when not in TurboBoost 
mode. Hmmm...

Anyway, QL goes Windows 10 then!

QL forever!

Cheers, Urs

Get The Distribution!

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] Today 20 years ago...

2015-06-10 Thread ql
US QL Show 1995 in Oak Ridge
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Hello world QPC1

2015-07-24 Thread ql

Even I don't had QPC1 and SMSQ/E 2.9x in mind while developing the QL/E BOOT 
program, I think all possible quirks (unsupported things like QLSSS) can be 
resolved by adding an additional IF here and there. Desktops can be switched 
off/on using the command QLE_CFG.

I tested QL/E under QPC2, SMSQmulator and on my QXL.

Reports (of what you like or of what is not working) and Benchmark (TINDEX) 
results welcomed.

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

> Am 24.07.2015 um 18:29 schrieb Michael Grunditz :
> Hi
> I bought a new box for my DOS pc today and it is equipped with a CF
> adapter. This allows me to take the QXL.WIN files to my mac and
> transfer files to them. It also make the system i bit more silent, the
> hard drive I have sounds like a airplane.
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15146505/IMG_20150724_161500.jpg
> (pic of pc)
> I have been installing software all day, my first thought was to go
> with the QL/E distribution, but too many things did not work. I kept
> that WIN file for source of programs but started on a fresh install.
> So far I have QPAC2 , various assembler related programs, memacs etc
> etc.
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15146505/IMG_20150724_160142.jpg
> (pic of QPC1)
> It is weekend == more time for this :)
> Br
> Michael
> ___
> QL-Users Mailing List
> http://www.q-v-d.demon.co.uk/smsqe.htm
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] WIN drive gone missing

2016-03-18 Thread ql
Just days ago I experienced the same. In my case QPC2 was still in the Windows 
Task Manager. I killed it there and then a fresh start opened the QXL.win and 
properly booted up.

In my case I got the same problem day by day. After investigating it looks like 
there's a bug in QPAC2 Files which causes SMSQ/E to freeze.


Von meinem iPhone gesendet

> Am 18.03.2016 um 16:12 schrieb Bob Spelten :
> Hi All,
> Today, while working in QPC2 on my W$7 system, SMSQ/E suddenly froze.
> No mouse movement, no keys and Sysmon had stopped.
> I could kill the QPC2 task with the [x] button but it would not restart my 
> boot.
> QPC2 & SMSQ/E do start but WIN1_ cannot be mounted anymore ("not found").
> I then checked this with another QPC2 but the QXL.WIN could not be mounted 
> with WIN_DRIVE there too. SMSQmulator however, where it's normally mounted as 
> WIN7_, reports it as "read only" but I can list the files and view their 
> contents.
> In W$7 I can View the .WIN file (Total Commander /View) but when mounting 
> that directory with DOS_DRIVE in QPC2, viewing the .WIN file from QPAC2/Files 
> gave an "in use" error.
> My other .WIN drives there are OK.
> Does anyone know what happened here and how I can fix this?
> There was a channel to a BDAS file open on WIN1_ at the time but this has 
> never been a problem when SuQcess2 crashed in the past. Never lost a _dbs 
> that way.
> Bob
> -- 
> The BSJR QL software site at: http://members.upc.nl/b.spelten/ql/
> ___
> QL-Users Mailing List
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] WIN drive gone missing

2016-03-21 Thread ql
Hi QLers,

I’m between work and home and did find some time to make some short videos 
about the freeze case. Here they are:

QL/E (v3.11, SMSQ/E v3.22, QPAC2 v4.02) freezes!


QL/E (v3.11, SMSQ/E v3.22, SMSQmulator v2.12) freezes!


QL/E (v3.11, SMSQ/E v3.22, QPAC2 v4.02) workaround prevents freeze!


QL/E (v3.11, SMSQ/E v3.22, QPAC2 v4.02) no freeze when QDT is disabled!


I’m posting this message with my iPhone and will reply to all your replies when 
I will be using my home PC, but this can be later on this week.

QL forever!


Von meinem iPhone gesendet

> Am 21.03.2016 um 00:59 schrieb Marcel Kilgus :
> Urs Koenig (QL) wrote:
>> Because we have a Windows Freeze case at work which is very hard to trace
>> and analyse (visitors of the ZX-TEAM meeting will know) I wanted to at least
>> catch the QL/E Freeze case.
>> Last Thursday I was repeatedly able to reproduce the freeze using my QL/E
>> v3.13 wip (work-in-progress). I then reduced the steps needed to get the
>> freeze. In the end I can say you can get the freeze when doing this
>> scenario:
>> 1. Start QL/E (e.g. start QPC2.exe).
>> 2. From now on do not use the mouse, do not use the mouse pointer.
>> 3. After the BOOT sequence of QL/E is completed (SBASIC job 0 is minimised
>> as "System" in the button frame, wait until Photo QL has completed
>> displaying the QL collection photo) press +<\> to pick "System".
>> 4. Now that you see the BOOT process windows in the middle of the screen
>> press + to pick QPAC2 "Files".
>> 5. Once QPAC2 "Files" is on screen press  then  followed by 
>> to choose the drive "WIN1_" as the Source Directory.
>> 6. Now the QL/E system freezes!
> Okay, I can reproduce it. But the crash happens in the screen driver.
> The problem is that SMSQ/E does not have any kind of memory protection
> and you're loading a quadrillion extensions at boot-time. Any one of
> them could be responsible of corrupting the memory in a way that QPAC2
> will crash later on without being at fault itself.
> Trying to track down these kind of problems is a huge pain, not sure
> if I can find the time to do so.
> Cheers, Marcel
> ___
> QL-Users Mailing List
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] BGIO patch

2016-04-01 Thread ql
Sounds promising.

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

> Am 01.04.2016 um 22:12 schrieb Wolf :
> Hi all,
> Marcel sent me the patch for the problem discovered by Urs, I hope to get a 
> new version of smsqe out this weekend.
> Wolfgang
> _______
> QL-Users Mailing List
QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] 2nd Test Email

2017-06-02 Thread QL via Ql-Users
Testing alternative setting

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Missing Sinclair QL Software Titles

2010-03-16 Thread QL-Mylink

   Rich wrote -

"..is a host of Sinclair QL items which are missing in action - does
anyone have any of this missing software, as we would like to preserve it:"

I feel like a very poor relative.  Sorry Rich, I've only heard of one on 

list - though I used to have quite a library of QL s/w (or, so I thought!).

I've looked under the setee. There's a note saying "Time you vacuumed here" 

Happy hunting,

John in Wales

PS: AlasTony, I've now now given up your "sheep dog" commands  But do
come to Wales and hear the real thing  ;-) 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] @evans

2010-03-22 Thread QL-Mylink

"@evans ..."

Surely this is something to do with living in Wales.

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] "Winchester HD"

2010-03-23 Thread QL-Mylink


   > With the QL, I think the "win_" drive name came from "winchester"..."

My understanding (c1978) is that someone familiar with the winchester rifle
likened hard-drive technolgy to its action.

That is,  to reload, "sweep a segment" [seek], collect object of sweep
[read] and put the payload [data] into the (business end) breech [a ram
array]. Repeat until the object of the exercise is achieved (or not (!)  -
as the case may be).

This is a Welshman's understanding.  As has been noted, we know a thing or
two about 'rams'.

This list has kept me chuckling all day...  Thank you contributors.  :)

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] 24 Pin Dot Matrix Printer Needed

2010-03-29 Thread QL-Mylink

Rich asks -

"Does anyone have a 24 pin dot matrix printer for sale "?

I could have!

EPSON LQ 100+  (Epson Software Codes 2).

I bought it new. Hardly used (a "backup" machine).  Mint condition.

Complete with user manual.

Situated 50 miles west of Manchester.

If it could be 'the business', contact me , off list, for further details 
and/or an offer please.


John in Wales


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Top Quote/Bottom Post

2010-03-31 Thread QL-Mylink

subject was - "Cakking Dilwyn"

I've changed the subject line  - Dilwyn's bin well and truely 'Cakked'
already, poor lad  :o)

Norman said -
If we choose the "standard" bottom posting then we can read the salient
points of the conversation from the top downwards - like reading a
newspaper or book etc.

Mind you, that does rather depend on people trimming out all the cruft
and leaving only the salient points.


I'm not 'Thunderbird' or 'usenet' or nowt else,   I'm just 'me' and I agree
with Norman and Co's salience.  I intuitively think, it's 'intuitive'.

What about a binary vote - eh?  :)

0 -Top Quote/Bottom Post
1 - TopPost/Bottom Quote

In passing, I notice that -
1) Norman did not commit himself to 'top down' *programing*.
2) This posting is neither 0 nor 1!  It's 0 with a 'header' and
'footer'.  but I do hope it's 'intuitive'!


John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Ql-Users Digest, Vol 73, Issue 21

2010-04-01 Thread QL-Mylink

Paul said -
   I forgot to add this ,  you can also explore


to inventory your PC hardware and software, is free, and very informative 

out any security concerns

Extremely pleased with it.

Thank you Paul.

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Miss Quoting, or Mess

2010-04-03 Thread QL-Mylink

David wrote

".. Heavy endorsement. Such a tiredome trek 'cos there is so little

Has Tony  counted the votes ?
Was that a quorum ?"

As I proposed - without tongue in cheek - (31 March):

"What about a binary vote - eh?  :)

0 -Top Quote/Bottom Post
1 - TopPost/Bottom Quote"

Then, again, Bruce (list owner) might have a deciding view.


John in Wales


QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] PCI - modem

2010-04-19 Thread QL-Mylink

Hi everyone!

I'm stuck, but not in an airport!!

I've just upgraded a PC o/s

I need a device driver for a PCI modem with w/Xp.

The modem (card) is labelled "MRI-1456 PCI-S".  PSB is "Tean DS1 94v-0"

Of course, it's 'catch-22' to accept the free scans and updates via the 

I need it to access QL-sites! ;-)

I'll be grateful.


John in Wales


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] PCI - modem

2010-04-20 Thread QL-Mylink


 Just put MRI-1456 PCI-S into Google and the first hit brings a Windows
XP driver.

Or you could try Driverguide.com


Thanks Derek.  Done!


John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Miss Quoting, or Mess

2010-04-30 Thread QL-Mylink

Rich says -

"(I thought we had settled on bottom posting)"

Unless I've accidentally missed some postings, this issue is still in the 
melting pot - which is somewhere on a back burner!  I suggested that Bruce 
might care to lift the lid and give it a stir; or that we might poll members 

On 3 April I wrote -

"What about a binary vote - eh?  :)

0 -Top Quote/Bottom Post
1 - TopPost/Bottom Quote"

Then, again, Bruce (list owner) might have a deciding view.

It's the voting season gals and boys.

John in Wales (Volunteer 'teller' built in ;-)

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] The QL Future

2010-06-16 Thread QL-Mylink

Dilwyn said -

"...OK, it'll always be handy to be
able to write quick s*basic programs for my own use  ."
& now George has said -

".Rewriting for a PC or whatever is just not an option for

I also use QPC2 for programming, both in SBASIC especially for quick one off
results, and in Assembler. I have tried Visual Basic on a PC and I did not
like it. Assembler on Intel chips is pretty ghastly. A new user of QPC2,
say, would, I imagine, almost certainly want to use it for programming - and
almost certainly not for the word processors etc available. "

I entirely agree.  The easy access to s*basic is one of the major
trump-cards in the hands of QLers.

Many of us began in a 'home-programming' type environment .  Remember the

Taking on board the comments of Malcolm and other contributors I continue to
believe (as I wrote in QUANTA some ? years ago) that to get the best in the
QL community,  novices or returners must be comfortable with QL community
jargon.  I remember that, in that article, I gave sample facts and figures
(re: jargon, albeit *necessary* jargon) from the then current QL community

What I suggested then was something like - the next time a 'QL Post Uncle
Clive Techie
Term' [QLPUCTT!] was published, it should be added by the writer to a
central QL glossary [CQLG?] (if it were not already listed, of course).
There would be one master glossary which would be widely known and
bundled into QL legacy speak, practice and publications.

Then, I for one, would have a better chance of catching up - of course I
already know Jan Jones et al intimately (!)

"Sir, wot's a Coldfire?"; "Sir wot's a Hermes?"; "Miss, where can I find out
wot's a Miracle Expansion?","Can I wear it?" etc etc..  Purely
rhetorical boys and girls!

With universal and unambiguous best wishes,

John in Wales  (or 'GoBoyGo' as Tony called me!)

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] The QL Future

2010-06-28 Thread QL-Mylink

[Beginners All Symbolic Instruction Code - 'BASIC']

Stephen said -

I'd disagree greatly with a lot of these arguments for people just
starting out. Line numbers, although a pain for advanced programmer, do
help novices think about order. Data types confuse things and make it
more complex than it needs to be. Let's face it, some real-world
languages don't have them as such, e.g. Perl.

In time, once the novice has grown out of the language they can move on.
It's not as if we're saying to banish them.

I agree entirely with all Stephen's postings on this.  I'm also with 
"Johnny's" Dad!

Thank you for the interesting and informative URL's etc.

John in Wales  

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] Fooling 'Spooling' from QPC-2

2010-07-26 Thread QL-Mylink

Hello everyone,

Had a real teaser last evening.  I was networking (LAN) a document to be
printed on a 'remote' (not QPC approved)  printer attached to a peer in the
network.  In other words it was all in (this) house!

When the printer had initiated, it attempted to print stuff from its local
machine, stuff which originated from that W/Xp's machine's copy of QPC-2!
It had been (accidentally) spooled to the HD from ARCHIVE , some days ago,
after the printer was last on-line.

Incidentally, some was plain text, some was gobbledegook and many were
new-page codes! The only way to stop it, I found ,was to force an error by
denying paper to the muncher.  Then I would reboot the local (to the
printer) machine and the printer.  It was still there. :(

O.K. I (think) I understand all that behaviour.  However, even as it merrily
wasted ink,  the O/S reported that there was no current print job - and thus
the 'job' could not be removed from the spool queue in the usual way.
Again, I (think) I understand.

There now follows an appeal for help on behalf of the "Save my Sanity, Ink
and Paper" party.

Is there a 'magic' way of removing, what has, in effect, become a 'rouge'
job, from QPC-2, on the O/S spooler, please, anyone?

Be good all.  Its not raining here.

John in Wales.

PS: QPC-2 in innocent!

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] Fooling 'Spooling' from QPC-2

2010-07-30 Thread QL-Mylink

Evening all.

Perhaps my posting of 28 06 2010 (copy below) became randomly corrupted or
something. I am grateful for advice offered, I’m more than a bit puzzled by
the responses, as the appear on my screen.

Have a look at this:

I wrote -

“However, even as it merrily wasted ink,  the O/S reported that there was no
current print job - and thus the 'job' could not be removed from the spool
queue in the usual way.”

I should have been explicit that the list was unpopulated?

Puzzlingly, Malcolm's retort was -

“….It is usually a case of killing the print job in the printer queue….”

and Derek’s, in a similar vein -

“……, you can delete jobs from the printer queue on the machine that is the
print server.”

Further confirmed by Malcolm in -

“Derek is right, for a home PC network the printer queue will be on the
computer that you set up as the master machine, with the printer(s)
attached to it.”

I exercised Malcolm's  “administrative privileges, to be able to kill off
those corrupted print jobs or the malicious ones” on the "master machine".
That, of course, is how I tried to … “[remove] from the spool queue in the
usual way.”

But with an unpopulated queue ..?

Anyone anything to add please?.


John in Wales

Hello everyone,

Had a real teaser last evening.  I was networking (LAN) a document to be
printed on a 'remote' (not QPC approved)  printer attached to a peer in the
network.  In other words it was all in (this) house!

When the printer had initiated, it attempted to print stuff from its local
machine, stuff which originated from that W/Xp's machine's copy of QPC-2!
It had been (accidentally) spooled to the HD from ARCHIVE , some days ago,
after the printer was last on-line.

Incidentally, some was plain text, some was gobbledegook and many were
new-page codes! The only way to stop it, I found ,was to force an error by
denying paper to the muncher.  Then I would reboot the local (to the
printer) machine and the printer.  It was still there. :(

O.K. I (think) I understand all that behaviour.  However, even as it merrily
wasted ink,  the O/S reported that there was no current print job - and thus
the 'job' could not be removed from the spool queue in the usual way.
Again, I (think) I understand.

There now follows an appeal for help on behalf of the "Save my Sanity, Ink
and Paper" party.

Is there a 'magic' way of removing, what has, in effect, become a 'rouge'
job, from QPC-2, on the O/S spooler, please, anyone?

Be good all.  Its not raining here.

John in Wales.

PS: QPC-2 in innocent!

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Fooling 'Spooling' from QPC-2

2010-08-04 Thread QL-Mylink

Thank you Stephen, Dilwyn, Bob and Arvid for your suggestions.

I'd never considered the printer (Epson Stylus 640) to be QPC compatible.
I had activated a local procedure in Archive, and accidentally chosen my
(P)rinter instead of my (S)creen.  The troublesome 'buffered' result must
have lain dormant on the machine for weeks - i.e. until I next used 'its'
printer.  And that's when the problem came up/out!

Fortunately I have not yet had to revisit the scenario - but *all* comments
**are noted**, for future reference.

I have to admit that, when the problem occurred, I did not think of exec-ing
QPC-2 on the( printer's) parent machine but only attacked the problem via
the OS (W/Xp).  Even when there was no print job in Xp's Task Manager, the
problem persisted.

I had not been quite as patient as Bob's generous  '10 minute' rule!  So,
was it buffered in the printer?!  Certainly the printer's RAM could not have
contained *all* of it.

In future, I must remember to check the JOB queue in QDOS/SMSQE.

Thanks again,

John in Wales


'originals' only below -

Evening all.

Perhaps my posting of 28 06 2010 (copy below) became randomly corrupted or
something. I am grateful for advice offered, I’m more than a bit puzzled by
the responses, as the appear on my screen.

Have a look at this:

I wrote -

“However, even as it merrily wasted ink,  the O/S reported that there was no
current print job - and thus the 'job' could not be removed from the spool
queue in the usual way.”

I should have been explicit that the list was unpopulated?

Puzzlingly, Malcolm's retort was -

“….It is usually a case of killing the print job in the printer queue….”

and Derek’s, in a similar vein -

“……, you can delete jobs from the printer queue on the machine that is the
print server.”

Further confirmed by Malcolm in -

“Derek is right, for a home PC network the printer queue will be on the
computer that you set up as the master machine, with the printer(s)
attached to it.”

I exercised Malcolm's  “administrative privileges, to be able to kill off
those corrupted print jobs or the malicious ones” on the "master machine".
That, of course, is how I tried to … “[remove] from the spool queue in the
usual way.”

But with an unpopulated queue ..?

Anyone anything to add please?.


John in Wales

Hello everyone,

Had a real teaser last evening.  I was networking (LAN) a document to be
printed on a 'remote' (not QPC approved)  printer attached to a peer in the
network.  In other words it was all in (this) house!

When the printer had initiated, it attempted to print stuff from its local
machine, stuff which originated from that W/Xp's machine's copy of QPC-2!
It had been (accidentally) spooled to the HD from ARCHIVE , some days ago,
after the printer was last on-line.

Incidentally, some was plain text, some was gobbledegook and many were
new-page codes! The only way to stop it, I found ,was to force an error by
denying paper to the muncher.  Then I would reboot the local (to the
printer) machine and the printer.  It was still there. :(

O.K. I (think) I understand all that behaviour.  However, even as it merrily
wasted ink,  the O/S reported that there was no current print job - and thus
the 'job' could not be removed from the spool queue in the usual way.
Again, I (think) I understand.

There now follows an appeal for help on behalf of the "Save my Sanity, Ink
and Paper" party.

Is there a 'magic' way of removing, what has, in effect, become a 'rouge'
job, from QPC-2, on the O/S spooler, please, anyone?

Be good all.  Its not raining here.

John in Wales.

PS: QPC-2 in innocent!

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Hello and a question

2010-09-13 Thread QL-Mylink

Re; Tony's -

 "BTW to reply to what John (in Wales?) said about line broken URLs. "

Not me sir! - but now everyone knows why - just not being 'any boring old
John' - I've always *proudly* qualified it here ;-)

Best wishes to all,

John in Wales

PS Adding our country, as a postscript, contributes to 'list camaraderie' as
well as aiding contributor-identity? 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] io.fline end of line

2010-09-13 Thread QL-Mylink

Re: Malcolm's -


I've noticed some inconsistent handling of text files in QPC2. The
problem was reading text files with both carriage return and line feed
at the end of line. Several programs could read these files from the
qxl.win drive without complaint. However the same file being read from a
dos or ram drives caused problems. One particular program that got upset
was the GST assembler.  I finally tracked the problem down to the
io.flin trap. It was converting the carriage return to a line feed, but
only on the win drive. Is there any switch to change this behaviour and
have it working on all drives? Or is this a bug?


Thank you Malcolm.  You've revealed a previously unkown scource of some of 
my historical headaches.

Best wishes,

John in Wales  

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Ethernet adapter for QL ?

2010-09-27 Thread QL-Mylink


Petri said "thank you for taking the time to write this - wonderful 

So do I.

John in Wales


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Blurry Picture on Microvetic Cub

2010-10-08 Thread QL-Mylink

Tony said -

Yes indeed. Use plastic tools, and be careful. One thing worth doing
with the Microvitek, and with power *long* off is to hoover it.  It is
mightily prone to high voltage sparks when very dusty.  When this
happens, it kills the 8301.  I have seen many examples of failed QLs
due to this, and actually saw (and heard) the spark myself on one of my QLs.

Yes!  I once had a loud crackle (and smell)  but 'got away with it'  :)

Thereafter, I lifted the monitor into a coolish airing cupboard for a couple 
of days if it had been long dormant.

There's more to this computing lark than the general public appreciate!

Best wishes to all

John in Wales
PS Though I had crossed a demarcation line - I didn't do the ironing! 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Today...

2010-10-15 Thread QL-Mylink

I quote this list -

"Perhaps a help guide to QL jargon was necessary."

I have raised this several times here (and earlier in QUANTA*, with
suggestions as to how it *might*, be done).  As far as I remember, there has
never been any response.

I'm still flying this banner* and, of course, am willing to dig around
(sweat) for a hole in which to firmly place it.  I have insufficient
knowledge/experience to provide items - but I might be able to stitch then
into a reasonable and helpful display!

Best wishes to all

John in Wales
a long piece of cloth, often bearing a symbol or slogan, and attached at
each end to a pole or hanging from the top of a pole


QUANTA is the independent user group for Sinclair QL users. It was formed in
February 1984 with the aim of providing an independent source of support
for, and sharing information about, the Sinclair QL. In time, it has
expanded its brief to include compatible systems such as the ICL OPD (One
Per Desk), CST Thor, Aurora and Q40/Q60, as well as emulators of the
Sinclair QL running on other platforms.

QUANTA is a non-profit organisation run by an elected committee of honorary
officials. Membership is by SUBSCRIPTION (currently 14 GBP); the membership
fee has not changed for many years. There is now the option of an email
version of the magazine (in pdf format) available to all, but primarily
intended to eliminate the postage surcharges levied on overseas members.
Full details are available on the Membership Form or from the Membership
Secretary. The subscription includes a bi-monthly magazine, access to
QUANTA's large free QL software library, advice and help with QL-related
matters, workshops (QL shows held in various areas) and support for local


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Today...

2010-10-15 Thread QL-Mylink

Dilwyn bach said -

"Could someone (or you, even, John) put together a list of words which
cause difficulty and I could try to put something together as an
article sometime?"

I'm on to it!  Will report back.

Understandably, there's an inevitable profusion of acronyms*, technical
mnemonic* (and mnemonic) forms.

A glossary of those exclusive to our Great QL Environment (GQLE) should be a
minimum and, perhaps, only requirement.  Other techy terms are (usually!)
only a 'www' away!


John in Wales


[Below, more unpatronising O.T.T - just to make a point.!!

a word formed from the initials or other parts of several words, e.g.
'NATO', from the initial letters of 'North Atlantic Treaty Organization'.

a short rhyme, phrase, or other mental technique for making information
easier to memorize.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Peripheral of the day

2010-10-26 Thread QL-Mylink

Thanks Petri, I'm 'lightened'!

John in Wales   

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Tomorrow (X-1)

2010-11-05 Thread QL-Mylink

   Bob said -
  ". and lights are mandatory in the UK ."

Only between sunset and sunrise.  The rest of the time you may ride without 
them (fitted).

Got a fixed dynamo myself - you never know when some beautiful girl might 
temp you to stay out late to help her with her QLing, with or without 
spaces in your output.

And, I thought, "Tony does it in 'sheds'" or is that too obvious?!

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Tomorrow (X-1)

2010-11-06 Thread QL-Mylink

George wrote -

   "On 5 Nov 2010, at 18:16, Dilwyn Jones wrote:

Got a fixed dynamo myself -

I was cycling near Stirling in 1939 after the war had started. The bike
lights were operated by dynamo so they went out when I stopped. A policeman
came up and told me (what I knew) that the lights were out. Do you have to
have lights if you are stationary?"


Well, you 'wrote it' Dilwyn.  Ball's in your court...!  ;-)

a smug
John in Wales (Who [thinks] he knows the correct answer) but Q-uality 
L-ighting helps.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] List of QLing 'Terms'

2010-11-15 Thread QL-Mylink

Dilwyn said (15th October) :-

"Could someone (or you, even, John) put together a list of words which
cause difficulty and I could try to put something together as an
article sometime?"

I said:-

I'm on to it!  Will report back.

Reporting Back

I've waited to see if there are any further contributions to this (renamed)

Just Norman.  Thanks Norman.

To my mind, potential 'rej-oiners' to the QL World need a "catch-up-cache
[cuc]".Lurkers and others would also benefit.  I know, I'm one of them!

What I have in mind are essentially the same ideas I wrote on the list/and
or QUANTA many years ago.

This, below, does not deserve the heading 'specification' - it's more a

If writers/webmasters or whatever could have a reference list of
**distinctly QL** terms and were able to run any new work through it.

Hits - ignore.  Misses - write, say, at least 5 (?) words of explanation -
which is then added to the master list as the suggested 'Official Title of
The Term Appended ' (and ready for insertion to a Universal Alphabetical
Index [UAI].

A bit like Wikipedia - entries that may be freely amplified, explained
further by those with the knowledge and time and inclination.

Collection/ Assembly might begin at an agreed date, with any seeming new (or
old) term.

Better still, if this were supplemented by filtering QL historic written
banter already in soft copy.  Common occurrences in there which are without
a (then) current definition could be added, as they are uncovered - if
necessary simply as 'An Outstanding Term Needing to be Defined'.

Re (Dilwyn's) : '...you, even, John...'

Let's see how hot the pot is first.  But it's well within possibilities.  I
shall write/do more on this if it boils!

Could there be copywrite implications?  (I think not.)

What's the consensus on the idea, in principal?  Do our authors out there
like the idea? I'm full of ideas of how it might be brought about!  They
would begin with a 'specification'.

Ramblings all ramblings .

Greetings to all,

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] List of QLing 'Terms'

2010-11-18 Thread QL-Mylink

Sorry Dilwyn not to be able to get this *first* privately to you, but you've
accidentally set something in motion following your misunderstanding of what
I wrote privately to you.  I have to post this here now to try and stop
possible wrong results.

Dilwyn wrote -

I've made a start on this by sending "John in Wales" (John Hitchcock)
my Glossary_txt file with a request for him to add any other terms and
between us we'll try to "fill the gaps". Meanwhile, if anyone has
suggestions of QL terminology to add to the list to let John know so
he can add the terms to the list for me to write up when it's in a
ready state.

Unfortunately Dilwyn forgot to ask me what I think about this above.

Sorry, folks, but it's not my idea of a way forward.

Greetings to all

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QPAC2 bug

2017-09-06 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Easy to reproduce here:
- Use QL/E (QPC2 v4.05, QLE.WIN)
- Set QPC2 to max. resolution on control panel
- Start the thing
- Once QL/E has completely booted call QPAC2 Files (Alt+f)
- Then choose drive WIN1_ (F2)
- Then enable TREE view (F3)
- Then select VIEW (F4)
- Then invoke a DO on arc_exe

> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Ql-Users [mailto:ql-users-boun...@lists.q-v-d.com] Im Auftrag von
> Dilwyn Jones via Ql-Users
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. September 2017 23:41
> An: ql-us...@q-v-d.com
> Cc: Dilwyn Jones
> Betreff: Re: [Ql-Users] QPAC2 bug
> Hi Giorgio,
> I have been able to reproduce this with QPAC2 v1.45 in mode 32 with
> 1920x1080 resolution, but I cannot pin it down to a certain action or set
> actions.
> It seems to happen when QPAc2 is enlarged to fill the window at that
> resolution, a large list of files, and the file being viewed in View
window of
> the Files menu causes the pointer to go to the extreme right near or on
> scroll bar.
> That's as close as I've been able to pin it down, sorry.
> Dilwyn
> -Original Message-
> From: Giorgio Garabello via Ql-Users
> Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 10:13 PM
> To: ql-us...@q-v-d.com
> Cc: Giorgio Garabello
> Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] QPAC2 bug
> Someone else can try?
> Il 05 set 2017 19:56, "Marcel Kilgus via Ql-Users"
> ha scritto:
> > Giorgio Garabello via Ql-Users wrote:
> > > we ((Francois Van Emelen and I) have found a bug in the QPAC2
> > > internal
> > file
> > > viewer if the screen >>= 1440X990 QPC2 crash
> >
> > Hm, cannot reproduce at 1920x1080.
> >
> > Marcel
> >
> > ___
> > QL-Users Mailing List
> >
> ___
> QL-Users Mailing List
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.
> http://www.avg.com
> ___
> QL-Users Mailing List

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Q68 Advanced Notice

2017-09-08 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Derek wrote:
> Q68 Advanced Notice
> ---
> PCB Photograph available at:
> http://qlforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2082#p18729
> Features:
> - Operating System: SMSQ/E
> - CPU: 68000 compatible
> - Speed: 40Mhz
> - RAM: 32 MB
> - SDHC: Two fullsize slots, hot plugging
> - QXL.WIN style storage container format
> - Keyboard and mouse: Combined PS/2 Connection, scrollwheel support
> - VGA: 1024x768 VESA for flatscreen, CRT or HDMI converter
> - Graphic modes:
>  -  256x256 QL Mode 8
>  -  512x256 QL Mode 4
>  -  512x256 Q60 65536 colour
>  - 1024x512 Q60 65536 colour
>  - 1024x768 QL Mode 4
>  -  512x384 Q60 65536 colour
> - Serial port
> - Stereo sampled sound, 3.5 mm output socket
> - Buffered real time clock
> - I2C interface
> - Ethernet, no software support yet
> - QL style LED colours
> - PCB Size: 8x10 cm
> - Recommended power supply: 5V @ 1A
> - Silent operation, no fans or heat
> - Case: Optional
> Available: Mid October 2017
> Price: To be decided

Great announcement! I intend to buy one or two for my own tinkering.

QL forever!

http://www.sinclairql.net/ - THE DISTRIBUTION, QL/E and more...

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Q68 Advanced Notice

2017-09-08 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Peter wrote:
> I hope to be able to comment more about the Q68 at a later time, right now
> let me say thanks to...
> ... Laurence Reeves and Tony Firshman for releasing Minerva as free QL
> operating system, motivating me to develop the Q68 at all
> ... Richard Zidlicky for bringing Minerva plus PS/2 driver to the Q68 and
> great help debugging CPU cores
> ... Mark Swift for QDOS Classic, structured so nicely that even I could
port it to
> the Q68 in a single day
> ... Tobias Gubener for the CPU core the Q68 finally uses
> ... Adrian Ives for the QL-SD driver, initially used for Q68 mass storage
> ... Tony Tebby for relasing SMSQ/E as free software after all
> ... Wolfgang Lenerz for his outstanding achievement of porting SMSQ/E to
> the Q68
> ... Wolfgang Lenerz again for very helpful tools, extra drivers and docs
> ... Derek Stewart for his courage and lots of work manufacturing the Q68
> hardware and making it available for the public
This "who's who" is a kind of an extract of the all-time QL hall of fame.

But for the Q68 I believe the real work was done by Peter (HW) and Wolfgang
(OS) plus Derek (Manufacturing). Hence they deserve the roses.

QL forever!

http://www.sinclairql.net/ - THE DISTRIBUTION, QL/E and more...

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Q68 Advance Notice 2 - Pricing

2017-09-09 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Good news! Derek, please put me down for one Q68 plus case and PS/2 splitter. 
Thank you!

QL forever!

http://www.sinclairql.net/ - THE DISTRIBUTION, QL/E and more...

> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Ql-Users [mailto:ql-users-boun...@lists.q-v-d.com] Im Auftrag von
> Derek Stewart via Ql-Users
> Gesendet: Samstag, 9. September 2017 10:22
> An: ql-us...@q-v-d.com
> Cc: Derek Stewart
> Betreff: [Ql-Users] Q68 Advance Notice 2 - Pricing
> Q68 Price List - Batch 1
> ---
> Q68 board, 4Gb SDHC Card, SMSQ/E: £150.00 Black Case: £20 Belkin Black
> PS/2 spliter: £2.00
> General Release date: 09/10/2017
> 20 completed and tested Q68 boards, available.
> Once this quantity is exceeded, I will order more Q68 PCBs to be
> manufactured.
> --
> Regards,
> Derek
> ___
> QL-Users Mailing List

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] QL/E version 3.17 (Edition 1710, Codename "Liberated", last updated 30.10.2017) is out now.

2017-11-14 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Some highlights:
- Support for Q68 platform added
- Auto-positioning of QDT desktop icons at boot-up
- Liberation Software packages Q_Liberator, QLOAD, QREF and RPM added
- Updated Photon and new PHoton General ToolKit (PHGTK) added
- Latest IP Network Device Driver and SERNET added
- DISA and QMAKE added
- More benchmark programs added

Plus many updates and improvements here and there.

Get it from the link in the message footer.

QL forever!

Cheers, Urs

http://www.sinclairql.net/ - Go and get THE DISTRIBUTION & QL/E!
Sinclair, QL, ATARI, JAGUAR, NUON, APPLE & more
Videos, pictures & information

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Stuart Honeyball

2018-03-29 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Dilwyn wrote:
> I regret to have to report that I heard this morning of the death of Stuart
> Honeyball of Miracle Systems.
> He passed away peacefully last night (28th March) at 23:45 of cancer,
> according to his wife, Karin.
> I’m sure you’ll all want to join me in extending our condolence to his wife 
> and
> family and express our great admiration and gratitude for all the work he did
> for the QL over the years.

Very sad news! He did so many great things for the QL. He was such a smart guy, 
fun to talk to. I remember well the QL shows where we've met. He and the 
miracle boys were an enrichment for the QL scene. Some pictures with Stuart are 
in this gallery_

May he rest in peace. Thanks Dilwyn for letting us know.


QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] FW: The wonderful Rick

2018-04-25 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Dear all,


I'm so shocked and in deep sadness to hear that Rick passed away. I was in
tears when I read the email from his wife (see below).


I last met Rick last October in Cambridge around the Spectrum35 celebration.


He was such a great guy, very smart, with a great sense of humor and so
gifted. He created so many amazing an beautiful  things.


In autumn 2014 he was on vacation with his mother at the beautiful Lake
Lucerne, just a few miles from my home.



May he rest in peace.




Von: Lizzy Dickinson
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 26. April 2018 05:31

Betreff: The wonderful Rick


Dearest Friends


With the hugest hole in my heart and a sadness I can't being to understand,
the wonderful person known to many as Rick the Viking, opened his wings and
started on another journey on Tuesday 24 April. And sadly I am not yet able
to join him, despite wanting so much to be with him.


I know that this will come as a shock to many as we had not been open about
his health issues, preferring rather to deal with them in private, even from
both of own families until fairly recently. Rick was diagnosed with cancer
in 2015 and despite successful treatment in 2016, he became unwell again in
early January 2017. I am sure some of you may have guessed something was not
quite right, and to those of you that perhaps did not understand why we
became less and less social during 2017, I hope now you can understand that
this was in no way a reflection of our friendship with you but rather
circumstances dictating what he was or was not able to do.


We have been at a specialist clinic in America - Texas to be precise - since
the end of March undergoing complimentary treatment as a last attempt at
hoping to heal him when he passed away quickly, without warning having
collapsed in the apartment we were rented here. He was in no pain and
surround by huge love from the amazing people that have become firm friends
here - that Texan southern hospitality truly was  - and continues to be  -
laid at our door.  Rick will be cremated here in Texas and I will travel
home with his ashes once the paperwork is sorted probably at the end of next


And, rather than a traditional funeral (which you know is really not his
style) his much loved daughters that he was so proud of - Grace and Daisy -
and his mother Ursula and I will be planning for a celebration of his life
where we can all get together and remember him with love, laughs, smiles,
anecdotes and a few beverages. I will of course let you know details once we
have finalised plans. 


Please also do pass on this email to any that you feel may wish to know;
Rick had many, many friends across the broad spectrum of his work and
interests and I have tried to find as many emails as I can from his computer
but am sure I have left some out.


And can I ask that - for the time being - please don't call as I simply
can't face talking right now, but I would dearly love to receive your
messages, emoticons and any photos or memories you wish to send of the
person who was - simply - the wonderful Rick, love of my life.


And please take 5 minutes , raise a glass or 10 , and think about the
beautiful Rick, the one and only Viking and all the good times we have all
had with him. As they always say - but I do believe - he is watching over us
and sends love to you all and is only sorry that he was not able to see you
all before he left.




QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Stuart Honeyball

2018-06-17 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Derek wrote:
> I totally agree with Tony, Stuart was a very nice person to know.
> I talked with him alot when I organised 2 QL workshops in the North East.
> His product line was excellent quality and I must of bought everything
> Miracle Systems produced It does seem a loss to the QL community.

The last couple of weeks I re-viewed all the DVDs from the Italian QL community 
and compiled this playlist for the QL community:

Stuart Honeyball / Miracle Systems
In memoriam of the miraculous Stuart Honeyball. R.I.P. my friend.

Thanks to Antonio Gareffa (ANT Videoproductions) and other Italian QL friends 
there’s video footage of many 1990s QL shows. Published with their permission. 
Thank you very much for this great work. Grazie mille!

QL forever!

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QD 2018

2018-08-19 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
That's great news! Thanks Jochen and Marcel for bringing back more and more
J-M-S and QJUMP titles back to life.

2018 is a mixed year for the QL community. Many releases on one hand, many
losses on the other.

I shall add QD to the next release of QL/E. Speaking of QL/E, v3.18
(Codename "Eternity", in memoriam of Sjef, Lee, Stuart and Rick) is out
since August 12th and v3.19 (Codename "On the move)"is in the making.

More info and download here:

QL forever!


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Ql-Users [mailto:ql-users-boun...@lists.q-v-d.com] Im Auftrag von
> Marcel Kilgus via Ql-Users
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 15. August 2018 18:02
> An: ql-us...@q-v-d.com
> Cc: Marcel Kilgus
> Betreff: [Ql-Users] QD 2018
> To celebrate QD's 20th anniversary Jochen Merz gave me the premission to
> release the fabulous QD text editor for free. Enjoy:
> https://www.kilgus.net/smsqe/qd/
> Cheers, Marcel
> _______
> QL-Users Mailing List

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] FiFi 5.01

2018-08-31 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Wolf wrote:
> FiFi 5.01 is out. It contains various bug fixes including an Lrespr bug
(thanks to
> Marcel for pointing this out) and there is now an italian version (thanks
> Giorgio Garabello for translations).
Great news! Appreciate! 

Would be great to see more software available in French and Italian beside
English and German.

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] Summer is over, QL time approaching...

2018-08-31 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Hi folks,

last day of summer 2018, a summer where I experienced so much. One if not
the greatest summer I ever had.

After I turned 50 just days before the summer started, I inhaled my
once-in-a-lifetime 5 weeks US road trip.

Normally summertime is a QL free time for me and many other QL folks. But
this summer was different.

The US is considered widely as a QL free zone, but in the end I had some of
the best meetings with QLers ever. See Highlights on my blog (Google+).

Before the trip I edited and published the story of MIRACLE SYSTEMS/Stuart
Honeyball based on video material of the Italian QL enthusiasts (YouTube),
scanned and published all those unique ultra-rare Sinclair-papers which I
wanted to scan for years, plus was finally reading all those unique EPROMs
from Sinclair Research and published their content (sinclairql.net).

During the trip I did release the long lost PM ROM (sinclairql.net).

After the trip I was telling the story of the last remaining early D03 build
standard QL with PM (EP)ROM as an unboxing video (YouTube).

Finally I was able to spend a full day plus some extra hours here and there
on QL/E and was able to release v3.18 (Edition 1808, Codename "Eternity",
last updated 12.08.2018) on the very same day Linus Torvalds released Linux
kernel v4.18. It is pure coincidence that both software reached sub-version
18 the same day.

Those were just my personal QL highlights, there were much more QL
highlights such as the releases of PAWN, QL_SD WIN driver, QD2018 and QL-SD
hardware to just name a few.

Tomorrow autumn starts and I hope all of us will find some quality time for
QL tinkering.

In this sense, QL forever!

http://www.sinclairql.net/ - Go and get THE DISTRIBUTION & QL/E!
Sinclair, QL, ATARI, JAGUAR, NUON, APPLE & more
Videos, pictures & information

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QMac source code

2018-12-12 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Marcel wrote:
> Does anybody know who has the source code to QMac? The Quanta version
> doesn't look like simple patches to the GST binary, so I guess somebody
> have had it at some point. I'd like to make a few small updates myself.
>From my records Phil Borman maintained the QUANTA edition of QMAC (latest
version 1.06) and QLINK (latest version 1.03). From memory I've met Phil at
one of the QUANTA workshops in the early 1990s.

QL/E has QMAC and QLINK latest versions installed and ready to use (e.g. to
compile SMSQ/E or Minerva).

I did quite some research in the first decade of the 2000s, resulting in the
release of the GST QL software archive in 2010.
Dilwyn re-published most of this on his website.

I was trying to find the sources of all the GST software, updated QUANTA
editions of QMAC and QLINK in specific. All my tries (through QUANTA,
sending emails to all documented addresses of Phil) failed and I stopped
seeking exactly 5 years ago.

Unfortunately nobody seems to have the (latest) sources. A former GST
employee (Martin Dickens) recalled on 2009-10-21: "I seem to remember many
years later, and on Jeff's behalf, preparing a copy of the source code and
project files for the QL User's Group which spookily turned out to be in the
small town in Northamptonshire that I was dragged up in - in a building I'd
walked past everyday for 14 years on my way to school. There was a small fee
charged which didn't cover the cost of preparing it, in true Jeff
'barrow-boy' fashion. :-)"

Phil Borman not only maintained QMAC and QLINK, he wrote many other nice QL
software. Saving and sharing the source code would be a great Christmas
present to the QL community.

There must be anyone here or on qlforum who knows Phil personally, have or
find his contact details and can give him a call. Or at least share the
contact details. Anyone?

I wish you all a nice Advent time and Merry Christmas. All the best to you
and your families.

QL forever!

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Kilgus.net update roundup

2018-12-17 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Marcel wrote:
> For those that don't monitor my blog or the QL-Forums, here are a few
> updates that happened the last few weeks:
Thanks for the note. QL-Users deserve to get informed of what's going on
elsewhere in the QL world.

> I think that was it for now... have fun.
A lot of great stuff!

I was pretty busy with non QL things the last few weeks, did not have time
to try any of the new stuff yet. The few hours I could spend on Sinclair QL
and related things were mainly QL/E related. Plus some non QL Sinclair and
ATARI JAGUAR stuff. Some of my recent activities are on my fading Google+

QL forever!

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] QL/E version 3.19 (Edition 1904, Codename "On the move", last updated 28.04.2019) is out!

2019-05-05 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users


It took me over 7 months to complete work on

this release of QL/E. This time quite a huge

change and so I hope, a vast improvement.



- Colourways, JMON, QD, QMovie, QSpread!

- Updated EE, FiFi, HyperHELP, IPNET,


- Improved boot process: more FREE MEMORY,

  faster startup, more HOTKEYs, flavours.

- Added and reworked DO scripts.

- Cleanup and improvements here and there.


Many thanks to Markus, Marcel, Per, Martin

and Simon for their feedback and support.


QL forever!


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Updating my QLE

2019-06-06 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Derek wrote:
> Is it possible to have a user area in BP or QLE so user specific software can 
> be
> installed.
> I use a Linux sydtem, which I have my home directory on a separate paritition
> from the system files.
> So I can change Linux OS without altering the user data.
> Could these QL distros use this type of system setup.
QL/E currently (v3) has no easy way of updating its WIN file. Currently a lot 
of hand work is needed to migrate user changes to a new release of QL/E. For 
the next major release a strategy and upgrade mechanism similar to Windows 10 
is planned. In other words starting with this future release, codenamed "Red 
kite", QL/E will preserve user installed software. Unlike Windows 10, QL/E will 
keep the installed system but upgrade with delta-files. This keeps the upgrade 
package as small and transparent as possible.

QL forever!


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] THE DISTRIBUTION - Word is out!

2019-11-28 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Hi QLers,

well over 1000 copies of THE DISTRIBUTION have been downloaded since the
availability of the public download in April 2015. Maybe not the biggest
Release in QL software history, but quite a figure.

Because today is an important date for me, I decided to produce and release
a RELOADED edition of THE DISTRIBUTION. It is out now! Follow link in the

QL forever!


http://www.sinclairql.net/ - Go and get THE DISTRIBUTION & QL/E!
Sinclair, QL, ATARI, JAGUAR, NUON, APPLE & more...
Videos, pictures & background information

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] THE DISTRIBUTION - Word is out!

2019-11-28 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Hi QLers,

well over 1000 copies of THE DISTRIBUTION have been downloaded since the
availability of the public download in April 2015. Maybe not the biggest
Release in QL software history, but quite a figure.

Because today is an important date for me, I decided to produce and release
a RELOADED edition of THE DISTRIBUTION. It is out now! Follow link in the

QL forever!


http://www.sinclairql.net/ - Go and get THE DISTRIBUTION & QL/E!
Sinclair, QL, ATARI, JAGUAR, NUON, APPLE & more...
Videos, pictures & background information

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] THE DISTRIBUTION - Word is out!

2019-12-01 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Simon wrote:
>  Thank You Urs for all your Hard Work that you Do 10 out of 10
It's a pleasure. :-)

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] PNG <-> SPR

2019-12-12 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Giorgio wrote:
> It's good news :-) I look forward to the Christmas present :-)
Speaking of PNG and SPR, I also have a wish list. :-)

Marcel's PNGConv.exe misses support for Colour Mode 4 (GD2), equal to QL

Wolfgang's  SMSQESprites.jar misses multiple file processing and RLE

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QL/E version 3.19 (Edition 1904, Codename "On the move", last updated 28.04.2019) is out!

2019-12-12 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
I write:
> It took me over 7 months to complete work on 
> this release of QL/E. This time quite a huge
> change and so I hope, a vast improvement.
And it took me another 7 months to find time and patience to create a QUBATA
partition on a Compact Flash (CF) card with Tetroid Disk Interface (TDI).

Download it here:

Browse to the last column "Download" in the "QL/E" section and look for:
Stand-Alone Edition 1904 v3.19 for TDI QUBATA CF card, 317 MB
QL forever!


QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] Oldest QL around?!

2019-12-12 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Currently there's one of the earliest QLs ever built for sale on ebay (item
283703938454, bidding starts at GBP 150; BTW: I'm not the seller, nor
related to him, nor will I bid for it*.). The QL on auction has serial
number D02-001058. This is a damn early serial number, looks like the oldest
QL still around!

I've seen pictures of D02-001059, but that's one after it.

I own a handful of early QLs (build standards D02, D03 and D04), such as
D02-001071 with a date label 15 Mar, D03-001108 (from CCH; with EPROMs)
D03-001123 (the one from Paul; with the PM EPROMs), D04-001276, D04-001305,

A rather old web page explains a bit the story of QL build standards &
serial numbers:

Wonder what old QLs are still around?

I wish you a nice and cozy advent and Christmas time, QL forever!

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] THE DISTRIBUTION - Word is out!

2019-12-15 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Hi QLers,

3rd Advent today, brings 3rd (re-)release of either THE DISTRIBUTION or QL/E 
this winter!

Today sees the release of THE DISTRIBUTION RELOADED! 2019 (latest v3.05) 
Raspberry Pi (RP) edition.


Download it here:

Browse to the last column "Download" in the "THE DISTRIBUTION" section and look 
Image of Raspbian Buster with Complete Distribution, RELOADED edition 1911 
v3.05, for Raspberry Pi, 8.48 GB

Have a nice and cozy Advent time, QL forever!

Cheers, Urs

http://www.sinclairql.net/ - Go and get THE DISTRIBUTION & QL/E!
Sinclair, QL, ATARI, JAGUAR, NUON, APPLE & more
Videos, pictures & information

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] THE DISTRIBUTION - Word is out!

2019-12-22 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Simon wrote:
>  Thank You Urs for all your Hard Work that you Do 10 out of 10
Thank you Simon for your support. Have a Merry Christmas.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] THE DISTRIBUTION - Word is out!

2019-12-22 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
François wrote:
> Thank you.
My pleasure! And there's more to come.

Have a Merry Christmas.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] THE DISTRIBUTION - Word is out!

2019-12-22 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
4th Advent today, brings 4th (re-)release of either THE DISTRIBUTION or QL/E 
this winter!

Today sees the release of THE DISTRIBUTION RELOADED! 2019 (latest v3.05) QL-SD, 
MIST & Q68 (QL) edition.


Download it here:

Browse to the last column "Download" in the "THE DISTRIBUTION" section and look 
Image of SDHC card with Distribution, RELOADED edition 1911 v3.05, for QL-SD, 
MIST & Q68, 472 MB

Have a nice and cozy Christmas time, QL forever!

Cheers, Urs

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QL-VGA

2020-01-08 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Great project Marcel!

I like the design decision to use a widely-available cheap platform.

Seeking for testers? I would jump in with my various QLs and multiple VGA

Looking forward to see this thing become available for the QL community.

QL forever!

Best wishes,

http://www.sinclairql.net/ - Go and get THE DISTRIBUTION & QL/E!
Sinclair, QL, ATARI, JAGUAR, NUON, APPLE & more
Videos, pictures & information

> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Ql-Users [mailto:ql-users-boun...@lists.q-v-d.com] Im Auftrag von
> Marcel Kilgus via Ql-Users
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 8. Januar 2020 22:58
> An: ql-us...@q-v-d.com
> Cc: Marcel Kilgus
> Betreff: [Ql-Users] QL-VGA
> In case anybody is still lurking here and has not jumped ship to
> Facebook or the forum, I made a new post about my QL-VGA hardware. You
> can read about it here:
> https://www.kilgus.net/2020/01/08/ql-vga-the-second/
> All the best, Marcel
> ___
> QL-Users Mailing List

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QL-VGA

2020-01-08 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Norman wrote:
> I'm still here Marcel. ;-)
So am I. :-)

> I'll never have a facebook account. But I do use the Forum.
Same as me.

I like to see at least major posts here on the QL-Users mailing list.

QL forever!


http://www.sinclairql.net/ - Go and get THE DISTRIBUTION & QL/E!
Sinclair, QL, ATARI, JAGUAR, NUON, APPLE & more Videos, pictures &

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] 15th Sinclair QL Italian meeting goes virtual

2020-04-05 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Ciao a tutti,

Davide wrote:
> Due to Covid emergency the 15th QL Italian will not take place, but we
> virtually meet at 11:00 for some QL chats.

Marcel wrote:
> I'll be there, at least for the first hour or so.
Me too.

Stay healthy!


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QUANTA

2020-04-21 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Simon wrote:
> FREE Now

Thanks Simon for pointing this to us.

My membership somehow ran out end of 2017! And I missed to renew back then.

I did now rejoin using the webform.

QL forever!

Best wishes to all QLers and stay healthy!


QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] Brand-new QL-VGA first usage, updated QL-SD (v1.09)

2020-07-16 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Hi QLers,

I did almost not do anything QL related recently, but yesterday - after a
chat with Marcel Kilgus - I took the afternoon off and went to my Lake
Valley (Retro) Labs to do some QL tinkering. Here's the result:

Links to Marcel's QL blog entries regarding QL-VGA and QL-SD:

All the best and take care!

Cheers, Urs

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] Sinclair QL Design and Production Review by a CTO...

2020-08-01 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Hi QLers,

Yes, I'm still enjoying the Sinclair hobby. Just last week I took a bunch of
QLs to the office, where we are currently having a design and production
review of our top-seller product, an AIO POS-PC with Touch-Screen. In the
kick-off session I used those QLs to give my team a bold view of what is
good design and what bad, and that the same design faults are being made
over and over again.

After work, before packing all the QL stuff away, I used the scenery to shot
a purely QL related Design and Production Review video. Here it is:

QL forever!

Cheers, Urs

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QD vB.07

2020-08-07 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Marcel wrote:
> I uploaded a new QD version to https://www.kilgus.net/smsqe/qd/.
Great news! Thank you for that and all the other QL stuff you do!

QL forever!

QLers, enjoy the summer and stay healthy!

Best wishes, Urs (off for a week in the Alps)

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] QL/E v3.20 is out!

2020-12-31 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Hi QLers,

QL/E v3.20 (Codename "Take a breath", 2020 edition) is out now! 

It is by far the best QL/E ever! 

Download as usual from the sinclairql.net website.

I wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year 2021!


Von meinem iPhone gesendet
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QL/E v3.20 is out!

2021-01-07 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Simon wrote:
>  Thank You Ever So Much Urs  for QLE 3.20 it is Very Very Good  how easy to
> put My Bought  bought software on to it and the now QCP and QcCoCo can
> you please Help OK Thank's Urs
Thank you for your feedback on QL/E!

Yes I know, QCoCo and some other nice tools are still not integrated, but at 
least Colourways are in since version 3.19.

Focus for the new version 3.20 was:
- SMSQ/E v3.36 (released April 2020)
- SMSQmulator 2.29 (released April 2020)
- FiFi v5.04 (released March 2020)
- the updates which Marcel did during 2020 to packages such as QPAC2, QD, Chess
- Marcel's new MODPlay (release October 2020)
- Tobias' Magnetic Scrolls interpreter (released December 2019)
- Martyn's Q68 QL NET support (released June 2019)
- Martin's Q68 IP NET support (released December 2020)

More Information:

Download QL/E:

Important note for Q68 users:
Q68 users should use CFG to set the NET TCP/IP either to „none“ or 
„192.168.1.x“ (I use x=8 as this is free in my LAN and reminds me of the Q68) 
to avoid boot failing at line 11425.

QL forever!

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Fw: Next friday m68k chat: Sinclair QL and Alpha Micro Machines

2021-01-24 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
What a QL weekend!

In sequence, here's highlight number one...

John wrote:
> Urs will be presenting to the M68k group.I figured some may want to turn up
> as the show is pretty good!
Thank you very much John for your interest and support.

Yes, that happened Friday night and was such a great opportunity and awesome 

Invited and motivated by host Carsten Strotmann in November 2020, I had 
developed a plan and a worked out script to the present the QL in its glory. 
Preparation of the site and rehearsal took about 20 hours. Plus, without the 
work invested into "QL/E" in December 2020, the whole demo would not have been 
so smooth.

The whole thing has been recorded and is now available on YouTube!

The Grand Tour of Sinclair QL - Planet m68k evening chat Friday Jan 22nd 2021

This is all about the Sinclair QL world!

Here follows some written information given verbally in the presentation.

First-timers best start with the distribution "QL/E":

Have fun with QL/E!

In case you want everything (GBs of documentation, software and pictures), get 
"QL IS 30 2014 - THE DISTRIBUTION, RELOADED!" which includes "QL/E":

The book mentioned at the end of the presentation is called "DELETE." See the 
pictures of the Sinclair Industrial Design work in this 2013 video "RETURN, 

QL web resources mentioned in the presentation:

And in the chat after the presentation we also talked more deeply about C 
compilers. Here's a good article on "C-Compilers for the QL" and "Cross 
Compilation for the Sinclair QL using qdos-gcc"

I very much enjoyed presenting the Sinclair QL Professional Computer system on 
the Planet m68k evening chat!

Video recorded and edited by Carsten Strotmann of Planet m68k. Thank you very 
much Carsten for making all this possible!

QL forever!

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] SMSQE 3.37

2021-01-24 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
What a QL weekend!

In sequence, that's was highlight number two...

Wolfgang wrote:
> SMSQE 3.37 is available on my site now.
Great news! Thank you for keeping it growing.

Can't wait to explore the diffs and try it out with both QL/E and Black
Phoenix on all my QL platforms.

And not a bad timing to integrate it into the next version QL/E which is
planned to happen before Easter.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] SMSQmulator 2.30

2021-01-24 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
What a QL weekend!

In sequence, that's was highlight number three...

Wolfgang wrote:
> Hot on the heels of SMSQE 3.37, SMSQmulator 2.30 is out now.

Great news! Thank you for making it possible to run QL software almost
everywhere thanks to the Java implementation of a virtual QL machine.

Can't wait to explore the diffs and try it out with QL/E under Windows and
Linux (Intel and Raspi).

And not a bad timing to integrate it into the next version QL/E which is
planned to happen before Easter.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QPC2 v5 released

2021-01-24 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
What a QL weekend!

In sequence, that's was highlight number four...

Marcel wrote:
> QPC1 went on sale in 1996, almost 25 years ago. Talk about commitment!
Yes, that's commitment & dependability!
Thumbs Up!

> It's become sort of a tradition to make QPC2 releases on the birthday
> of my daughter: exactly 7 years ago QPC2 became free, exactly 4 years
> ago I released the last version and today I can finally present QPC2
> v5!
Happy Birthday to Marla!

And many thanks for the present, QPC2v5!

> It has been a gruesome push to make the exact date, but thanks to
> Wolfgang Lenerz for making my time plan possible!
I know that type of stories so well, I tend to deliver best results with a
fixed deadline, either set by myself with a special date (Birthdays are good
ones) or set by the customer.

> Read up on the details here:
> https://www.kilgus.net/2021/01/24/a-sign-of-the-apocalypse-qpc2-v5-is-
> here/
Good post!

QL forever!


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] SMSQE 3.38

2021-10-31 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Wolfgang wrote:
> SMSQE 3.38 is out now.
That's great news! Thank you for the great work and support.

My QL season starts Oct 31 every year, so that's a perfect match!

Speaking of Oct 31, way back in 2009 we had the great "QL & Mac are 25"
international event at the Conference Center of the Verkehrshaus Lucerne in
I remember we had very nice autumn weather those days. Same we had today,
sunny, blue sky, 16 degrees Celsius. I went hiking with beautiful view to
the Alps.

> Have fun!
Yes, I will.

I time and patience allows I will release QL/E v3.21 with latest SMSQ/E,
SMSQmulator and QPC2 later on this year.

QL forever!

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QPC2 v5.01

2021-11-01 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Marcel wrote:
> In the wake of SMSQ/E 3.38 I can also finally release QPC2v5.01.
Thank you for this!

I call this a Halloween release weekend!

Due to 1) holiday today and 2) a rainy day, I already integrated all the new
releases into QL/E or at least had a quick view at them. Some minor findings
which I first need to double-check.

QL forever!

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Knoware

2021-11-22 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Per wrote:
> Thereve been some changes to Knoware since the last announced update.
Wow, many 2021 updates. A lot to explore in the cold winter times.

Keep on doing the good work and keep Knoware alive!

I did little QL in summer/autumn due to both family and work reasons, but
recently started working on the next release of QL/E where I consider to
install at least some of your tools.


QL forever!
http://www.sinclairql.net/ - Go and get THE DISTRIBUTION & QL/E!
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Sinclair, QL, ATARI, JAGUAR, NUON, APPLE, NeXT, MIST & much more...

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] More Knoware

2021-12-12 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
What a repository of nice and handy things! Great work Per.

I'm working on the next release of QL/E and just yesterday, integrated Q2S, to 
be loaded as default on non-SMSQ systems. 


QL forever!
http://www.sinclairql.net/ - Go and get THE DISTRIBUTION & QL/E!
https://www.youtube.com/QLvsJAGUAR/community - Blog
https://www.youtube.com/QLvsJAGUAR - Dedicated QL videos
Sinclair, QL, ATARI, JAGUAR, NUON, APPLE, NeXT, MIST & much more...

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] QL/E v3.21 is out now!

2021-12-31 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Hi QLers,

as the final of a bombatic 2 months firework which brought us new releases of 
QPC2, SMSQmulator, SMSQ/E, QemuLator and sQLux, here's the Distribution which 
include all free ones!

QL/E v3.21 (Codename "Circle of Life", 2021 edition) is out now!

Details about it, Download & More as usual on the sinclairql.net website, link 
see message footer.

I wish you all a healthy, prosperous and Happy New Year 2022!


QL forever!
http://www.sinclairql.net/ - Go and get THE DISTRIBUTION & QL/E!
https://www.youtube.com/QLvsJAGUAR/community - Blog
https://www.youtube.com/QLvsJAGUAR - Dedicated QL videos
Sinclair, QL, ATARI, JAGUAR, NUON, APPLE, NeXT, MiST & much more...
Videos, pictures & information

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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Launchpad update

2022-10-05 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Dilwyn wrote:
> I've issued the first update to my Launchpad v2 package for nearly a

That's awesome, Dilwyn!

I will definitely give it a try this QL season (Oct-Mar) when weather is
right (cold, wet), life allows and my mood is for QL exploration.

Chances are there that Launchpad makes in into the next release of QL/E.
Fingers crossed.

QL forever!

P.S. Website sinclairql.net is up again, after the gold old smallish hosting
company sold their webhosting busyness to the Swiss market leader. Even they
migrated the files and hosting settings, only the cowo.ch website worked
after the migration. After intense back and forth with their (very helpful)
support, all my websites are back.

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] QL/E v3.22 (Codename "Paradise", 2022 edition) is out now!

2022-12-30 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Hi QLers,


QL/E v3.22 (Codename "Paradise", 2022 edition) is out now!


Software isn't dead!


Details about it, Download & More as usual on the sinclairql.net website,
link see message footer.


I wish you all a healthy, prosperous and Happy New Year 2023!





QL forever!

https://www.sinclairql.net/ - Go and get THE DISTRIBUTION & QL/E!

https://www.youtube.com/QLvsJAGUAR/community - Blog

https://www.youtube.com/QLvsJAGUAR - Dedicated QL videos

Sinclair, QL, ATARI, JAGUAR, NUON, APPLE, NeXT, MIST & much more...


QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] QL/E v3.23 is out now!

2023-12-29 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Dear QLers,

for me it was a year with not that many hours QL screen time. Nonetheless I 
finally managed to spend two days straight to complete another QL/E release.

QL/E v3.23 (Codename "Midnight Sun", 2023 edition) is out now!

Details about it, Download & More as usual on the https://sinclairql.net 

I wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year 2024! May we have a chance to 
celebrate "QL is 40" in one way or another!


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QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] Sinclair QL 40th anniversary 2024-01-12! QL-is-40

2024-01-12 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users

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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Announcement for the 40th Anniversary of the Sinclair QL in Dormagen (Germany)

2024-02-09 Thread Urs Koenig (QL) via Ql-Users
Markus and I intend to attend. Who else from this list?

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