[ql-users] Quanta ISSN there

2004-11-12 Thread Tarquin Mills
  According www.issn.org the international centre for ISSN numbers in
Paris, of the 1 million periodicals it has registered, Quanta magazine
is not one of them. QL Today (English, German and Welsh ;-) versions
are) as is Sinclair QL World (it's ISSN is still current publication 
status), BTW Arcwind still exist and are publishing other mags from
their old address. ISSN numbers are free and available from the 
British Library, the are given to magazines and are what the bar
codes are produced from. Is Quanta's non ISSN number status linked to 
the fact that it is only sold to members, even though it has been in 
print for over 20 years? BTW I am right in thinking there are no QL
disczines at the moment?
  I have been trying BBS on my Q60 resently, I will put the results on 
the ACCUS website, results so far:
  TF Service Pbox +44 (0)1442-828255 
  QBOX (JMS) Pbox +49 (0) 203-502014
Failed so far  
  QBOX (USA) +1 810 254 9878 = number not recogised, BTW I can ring
  the USA for 3p a minute anytime and Holland 2p minute.
  QLCF +33 (0) 498-430320= engaged first time, did not answer 2nd time
  Holbern View   = gone

   Tarquin Mills (Quanta member)

ACCUS (Anglia Classic Computer Users Society)
QL-Users Mailing List

[ql-users] BBS'

2004-11-12 Thread Phoebus Dokos

  TF Service Pbox +44 (0)1442-828255
  QBOX (JMS) Pbox +49 (0) 203-502014
Failed so far
  QBOX (USA) +1 810 254 9878 = number not recogised, BTW I can ring
  the USA for 3p a minute anytime and Holland 2p minute.
Closed down for a while.
  QLCF +33 (0) 498-430320= engaged first time, did not answer 2nd  
  Holbern View   = gone

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/m2/
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] QL Meeting in Spain

2004-11-12 Thread Dilwyn Jones
> > Careful it is not too near the Quanta AGM.  That clashed with the
> > show last year.
> > I don't know whether a date for the AGM is fixed.
> > There is nothing on the website (www.quanta.org.uk).
> > It doesn't even mention the Byfleet Quanta workshop in a few
> > Odd.
> >
> > Geoff - is anything fixed, and why is there nothing on the
> >
> Why should I know? I am only a committee member!
> Seriously, now you know why I have been jumping up and down
screaming for
> the last few weeks.
> At the last committee meeting on Saturday 23 May 2004 (sic) the
proposal was
> that there would be an early AGM in February probably in a hotel
> in the South East combined with QL2005. As you well know since then
> happened until Dilwyn's intervention.
It wasn't so much an intervention, more canvassing of opinion
regarding dates following an email conversation with Roy Brereton and
others. There were dates available end february/early march for the
venue suggested, but the general feeling among traders etc (regular
show attendees) was that it was too soon after QL2004. Given that
QL2004 worked quite well in October after the effort you and
Sin-QL-air put into it over a long period of time including a specific
show web page and all the other publicity, general opinion seemed to
show that most people seemed more in favour of a show in the second
half of 2005, giving more time to publicise and plan the event.
Although it wasn't specifically mentioned to any great degree, one
person did make a good suggestion that the end of Feb/early March
dates were perhaps a bit close to the AGM normally held a month or two
later. The views expressed were sent on to Roy and that's as much as I
know at the moment. I wasn't trying to interfere, I just hoped that my
position as editor of Toady would help solicit views, that's all.

Given that I'm geographically far apart from most QLers, and don't get
to attend as many workshops as I used to, I was just glad to be able
to use my editorial position and email group facilities to do what I
could to help.

Your QL2004 website contributed a lot to the success of that event I'm
sure. Whatever your level of frustration within the committee, are you
prepared to host such a page again for a QL2005 whenever (and I think
it is more WHEN than IF even though there's not much public output
from the committee about it yet) it may occur?

I'd quite happy to host one as well, now I've got more web
space available if
people send me the material to use for it. Careful use of search
engine keywords mean we should  able to get it quite well ranked, in
response to searches for "QL", "show", and the usual keywords people
would use, since there isn't that much competition out there for "QL"
and such subjects as long as we're careful to get the search keywords
right. The more publicity for the event the better. Attendance at QL
shows is lower than it used to be, but well publicised events can
still work well as QL2005 showed.

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] QL2004

2004-11-12 Thread Dilwyn Jones
> Perhaps we could organise a "hunt the committee member" competition
> Byfleet!
> Best Wishes,
> Geoff
Having just been playing a Pie-Gates game where you try to lob custard
pies at Bill Gates, I'm sure we could come up with such a game for the
QL if we converted photos of the committee (or just photos of Geoff!)
into sprites and made a simple game a bit liek the old duckshoot games
at fairgrounds of old! The photos are on my QL Rogues Gallery page,
Wolfgang Lenerz has written a BMP2SPR .BMP graphics to QL sprite
graphics converter IIRC...there you go Geoff, the next Just Words
software product is in your hands!

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List

[ql-users] raw2scr

2004-11-12 Thread Sinclair QL ES
The news of Dilwyn about the program bmp2spr moves me to inform of an 
article that I have written recently for my web titled "Expressing the 
palette of the QL", it speaks on how turning images in RAW format to SCR 

The article explains like using a program like Photoshop to prepare an 
image so that it can become a QL easily.

The article is in spanish, but if somebody is interesting, surely it 
will be able to use an automatic translator by Internet and to read it.

It includes a program in SuperBASIC to make the very simple conversion.
This it is the link:
and this is a gallery with some examples:
I'm preparing now another article to turn bmps. In both articles the 
limitation be in the way of screen support, since both are think for 
mode 4 or mode 8 screen of QL.

Next I add an example of a very short program to turn BMPs to SCR:
100 REMark bmp2scr v.1
110 REMark Javier Guerra 2004
120 :
130 fic$="example" : REMark file
140 dis$="win1_"   : REMark unit
150 offs=86 : REMark header offset
160 modo=8  : REMark mode 8 or 4
170 c_fi=5  : REMark file channel
180 c_pa=6  : REMark screen channel
190 :
200 MODE modo
210 IF modo=8 THEN 
220 linea=255 : valor=1.475
230   ELSE 
240 linea=511 : valor=.7375
250 END IF 
260 OPEN #c_pa,scr_512x256a0x0
270 SCALE #c_pa,255,0,0
280 PAPER #c_pa,7 : CLS #c_pa
290 OPEN_IN #c_fi,dis$&fic$&"_bmp"
300 :
310 REMark jummping the header
320 FOR i=1 TO offs : cab$=INKEY$(#c_fi)
330 :
340 FOR y=0 TO 255
350   FOR x=0 TO linea
360 color=CODE(INKEY$(#c_fi))
370 INK #c_pa,color
380 POINT #c_pa,x*valor,y
390   END FOR x
400 END FOR y
410 CLOSE #c_fi : CLOSE #c_pa
420 :
440 SBYTES dis$&fic$&"_scr",131072,32768
450 PRINT #0,"OK"

It is necessary to complete the values for the lines from the 130 to the 

The value of offs usually is always the same one when the same program 
of treatment of graphs is used.

This program supports BMP files of 8 bits/pixel without RLE compression.
In order to make agree the colors of the BMP with those of the trowel of 
the QL, it is necessary to follow the indications of the proposed 
article above.

If your read it, say me your opinion.
Javier Guerra
Sinclair QL Spanish Resources
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Quanta ISSN there

2004-11-12 Thread Tony Firshman
On  Fri, 12 Nov 2004 at 18:59:37, Tarquin Mills wrote:

 I have been trying BBS on my Q60 resently, I will put the results on
the ACCUS website, results so far:
 TF Service Pbox +44 (0)1442-828255
 QBOX (JMS) Pbox +49 (0) 203-502014
Will die soon
Failed so far
 QBOX (USA) +1 810 254 9878 = number not recogised, BTW I can ring
 the USA for 3p a minute anytime and Holland 2p minute.
Ended quite a few years ago (seven?)
 QLCF +33 (0) 498-430320= engaged first time, did not answer 2nd time
I didn't know they had one.
 Holbern View   = gone
Derek Stewart.  Yes I think he shut it down quite a few years ago.

I think Jan Bredenbeek still runs one, but I haven't got details.
The syncnet number I have (+31 35 237 178) does not work.
He wrote the first QL BBS software - Qbox.
BTW the mail archive does pretty well with messages.
from 2001:
Has anyone got Jan Bredenbeek's email address?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] no longer works.
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
 tony@.co.uk  http://www.firshman.co.uk
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] raw2scr

2004-11-12 Thread Phoebus Dokos
Την Fri, 12 Nov 2004 22:11:05 +0100,ο(η) Sinclair QL ES  
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> έγραψε/wrote:

The news of Dilwyn about the program bmp2spr moves me to inform of an  
article that I have written recently for my web titled "Expressing the  
palette of the QL", it speaks on how turning images in RAW format to SCR  

The article explains like using a program like Photoshop to prepare an  
image so that it can become a QL easily.

The article is in spanish, but if somebody is interesting, surely it  
will be able to use an automatic translator by Internet and to read it.

It includes a program in SuperBASIC to make the very simple conversion.
This it is the link:

The RAWtoSCR idea is a very old one... as a matter of fact there is an  
article on the web somewhere from a guy that does what you do in perl. I  
use my own photoshop filter to prepare the thing. I would distribute it  
but it needs the damn Photoshop SDK (some 45 Megs worth of stuff) and I  
haven't had time (as usual) to sit down and make it in usable form
Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/m2/
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] raw2scr

2004-11-12 Thread Phoebus Dokos
Την Fri, 12 Nov 2004 17:14:45 -0500,ο(η) Phoebus Dokos  
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> έγραψε/wrote:

The RAWtoSCR idea is a very old one... as a matter of fact there is an  
article on the web somewhere from a guy that does what you do in perl. I  
use my own photoshop filter to prepare the thing. I would distribute it  
but it needs the damn Photoshop SDK (some 45 Megs worth of stuff) and I  
haven't had time (as usual) to sit down and make it in usable form
Now I saw that you are actually mentioning that specific article.
There's a lot more that you can do with RAW files, namely convert to Mode  
16 and 33/32.
Of course the plain 4/8 colour modes are okay but the Thor and Aurora with  
their 16 and 256 colour modes (for the latter Aurora only) are not covered.
I also have a small program (I have given a version to Dilwyn and he had  
it online IIRC) that did just that with additional Thor and Aurora  
graphics modes (plus ultra hi-res Mode 4 screens for uQLx for example)

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/m2/
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Quanta ISSN there

2004-11-12 Thread John Impellizzeri
on 11/12/2004 4:13 PM, Tony Firshman at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On  Fri, 12 Nov 2004 at 18:59:37, Tarquin Mills wrote:
> (ref: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
>> I have been trying BBS on my Q60 resently, I will put the results on
>> the ACCUS website, results so far:
>> Works
>> TF Service Pbox +44 (0)1442-828255
> Great.
>> QBOX (JMS) Pbox +49 (0) 203-502014
> Will die soon
>> Failed so far
>> QBOX (USA) +1 810 254 9878 = number not recogised, BTW I can ring
>> the USA for 3p a minute anytime and Holland 2p minute.
> Ended quite a few years ago (seven?)

QBox-USA started operating in Sept 1993 and shut down around April 2002.
It had a good run but it was getting hard to justify the $30 a month to keep
the phone line for one or two callers every other month or so.

John Impellizzeri

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] raw2scr

2004-11-12 Thread Sinclair QL ES
Hi Phoebus,
Phoebus Dokos escribio':
Την Fri, 12 Nov 2004 17:14:45 -0500,ο(η) Phoebus Dokos 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> έγραψε/wrote:

The RAWtoSCR idea is a very old one... as a matter of fact there is 
an article on the web somewhere from a guy that does what you do in 
perl. I use my own photoshop filter to prepare the thing. I would 
distribute it but it needs the damn Photoshop SDK (some 45 Megs worth 
of stuff) and I haven't had time (as usual) to sit down and make it 
in usable form
Now I saw that you are actually mentioning that specific article.
There's a lot more that you can do with RAW files, namely convert to 
Mode 16 and 33/32.
Of course the plain 4/8 colour modes are okay but the Thor and Aurora 
with their 16 and 256 colour modes (for the latter Aurora only) are 
not covered.
I also have a small program (I have given a version to Dilwyn and he 
had it online IIRC) that did just that with additional Thor and Aurora 
graphics modes (plus ultra hi-res Mode 4 screens for uQLx for example)
I know. The idea to use a new method was born of that article that you 
say to me and I mention.

There are several considerations. The method that I propose in the 
article is advantageous front to the other by several reasons:

1.- I can use especific customized colour palettes who can be in 4, 8, 
16, 32... or 256 colours. In the article it is spoken exclusively of 4 
and 8 colors because the Spanish users of QL do not enjoy greater 
resolutions habitually, and it's better don't complicate with 
nonnecessary information the article to focus the attention on the method.

2.- All the work of creation, modification and adjustment can do 
directly in the photographic program, and can turn and see the result 
before even transfer the image to the QL. Next, single be necessary 
overturn the result in the QL. The colors already appear in their 
correct order because they have been added correctly in the different 
customized palettes.

3.- By the saying previously, any effect, filter or resize can also be 
applied in programs like Photoshop or The Gimp even after haver fact the 
conversion to the suitable color palette, previously to the transfer to 
the QL. Even, the indexed color tool of Photoshop allows to fit the 
plotted and the degree of diffusion.

Truely it's much more interesting to have programs in the QL that does 
this, but the article that I wrote exclusively tried to take the maximum 
advantage of the images treatment programs most commonly used.

4.- The small proposed program of conversion is easily modifiable for 
each one of the different modes and resolutions of screen, and the 
method to view the image in the QL is as simple as to use a "POINT" by 

The method proposed in my article is then less automatic, but it offers 
much greater control on the result that what it was possible to be 
obtained with the article that we said before.

I am going to try prove your program, because it interests much this 
subject to me.

As you can see in my messages in the forum, I still consider an 
apprentice, for that reason, any received commentary is appreciated.

I only hope that my terrible English, so direct, will not bad 
interpreted or considered like an impoliteness. It's very dificult to 
find the exact phrase when the language is not known, for that reason I 
hope don't be arrogant in my answers. What would be of me without my 
automatic translator! :)

Javier Guerra
Sinclair QL Spanish Resources
QL-Users Mailing List