cdb owned by root?

1999-11-10 Thread Todd A. Jacobs

My /var/qmail/users/ files (assign and cdb) are owned by root:root. The
system seems to work fine in that configuration, but I wanted to know if
those were the proper permissions, or if those files are supposed to be
owned by the qmail group instead.

Todd A. Jacobs
Network Systems Engineer

Re: delivery to a directory

1999-11-10 Thread Frank D. Cringle

"Phil Howard" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 How can I tell qmail-local what directory (maildir format) to deliver to?

Use the qmail-users mechanism such that each virtual user has a
home-directory that is their Maildir, then make the default delivery
instruction be ./

That is what I do and it works fine.  I did end up having to put an
empty .qmail-default file in each virtual-home in order to catch mail
with extension addresses, but that is not necessary if you just allow
one address per user.

Frank Cringle,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice: (+49 2304) 467101; fax: 943357

Re: delivery to a directory

1999-11-10 Thread Giles Lean

On Tue, 9 Nov 1999 18:06:03 -0600 (CST)  "Phil Howard" wrote:

 There will be hundreds of virtual domains and hundreds of userids in each.
 No, make that thousands.  Maybe more.  What's more, the user names will
 be created on the fly, so creating .qmail files in advance for every user
 name just isn't possible.

You've been referred to two programs that can write to maildirs.
Writing to maildirs is trivial; you might as well make your own
program that decides where the mail should go deliver it as well.

I don't know what the license is on the other two programs, but for
somewhat complicated reasons I wound up writing one too, and it's
under a BSD license so you can basically do anything you like with it
except sue me if it doesn't work.

The maildir format is documented at:



qmail Digest 10 Nov 1999 11:00:01 -0000 Issue 816

1999-11-10 Thread qmail-digest-help

qmail Digest 10 Nov 1999 11:00:01 - Issue 816

Topics (messages 32733 through 32768):

Re: imap quota reached
32733 by: Joerg Lenneis

Re: Cyrus+qmail: mmap() errors with big messages. .
32734 by: Joerg Lenneis
32735 by: Christian S . Bell

qmail-inject and timezone
32736 by: Petr Novotny

Forward, Relay ... or what is it ??
32737 by: Thomas Foerster
32738 by: Petr Novotny

strange quirk in qmail-local
32739 by: Barry Smoke
32744 by: Dave Sill
32748 by: Dave Sill

Re: qmail remote delivery logic
32740 by: David Dyer-Bennet
32741 by: Dave Sill
32742 by: Stefan Paletta
32743 by: Dave Sill
32755 by: Sam
32756 by: Sam
32757 by: Sam

more qmail with rh6.1
32745 by: Steve Kapinos
32747 by: Dave Sill

Re: Qmail with rh 6.1
32746 by: Steve Kapinos

lame question
32749 by: David McCall
32750 by: Patrick Berry
32751 by: Chris Johnson

delivery to a directory
32752 by: Phil Howard
32753 by: Patrick Berry
32754 by: Stefan Paletta
32758 by: Phil Howard
32767 by: Frank D. Cringle
32768 by: Giles Lean

Re: Rewriting without date header in a perl oneliner
32759 by: David L. Nicol

Re: I want to accept, but I don't want to deliver
32760 by: Markus Stumpf

new mbox2maildir
32761 by: Keith Burdis

Usage of /var/qmail/users/assign (fwd)
32762 by: Todd A. Jacobs

too many connections dying
32763 by: Edward Castillo-Jakosalem
32764 by: Edward Castillo-Jakosalem

2 Questions
32765 by: James

syslog question.
32766 by: Marc-Adrian Napoli


To subscribe to the digest, e-mail:

To unsubscribe from the digest, e-mail:

To bug my human owner, e-mail:

To post to the list, e-mail:


Shane Clements:

   I have qmail 1.03 running and delivering with the cyrus deliver
 program.  When a user has reached the quota limit on their mailbox, the
 logs show:

 Nov  8 15:44:53 mail qmail: 942104693.358273 starting delivery 95: msg
 985125 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Nov  8 15:44:53 mail qmail: 942104693.358425 status: local 1/10 remote
 Nov  8 15:44:53 mail qmail: 942104693.385766 delivery 95: deferral:
 Nov  8 15:44:53 mail qmail: 942104693.385878 status: local 0/10 remote

 How do I get qmail to bounce the message instead of continually
 deferring the message?


Put the line 

| /usr/cyrus/bin/deliver "$USER" || exit 100 

into the .qmail file that handles delivery for cyrus. The
'/usr/cyrus/bin/deliver "$USER"' part is only a guess about your
setup, of course. "man qmail-command" has the details.


Joerg Lenneis


Christian S Bell:



 Output from imapd.log:
  IOERROR: mapping new message file for user.csbell: Not enough space
 Output from syslog:
 942122791.318715 delivery 53726: deferral: 


What are the ulimits for the user id that does the delivery?


Joerg Lenneis


On Tue, Nov 09, 1999 at 12:48:44PM +0100, Joerg Lenneis wrote:
| Christian S Bell:
|  Hello,
| [...]
|  Output from imapd.log:
|   IOERROR: mapping new message file for user.csbell: Not enough space
|  Output from syslog:
|  942122791.318715 delivery 53726: deferral: 
| [...]
| What are the ulimits for the user id that does the delivery?
| -- 
| Joerg Lenneis


I added a `ulimit -a` in the deliver script right before the data is 
passed on to deliver (this deliver wrapper is run by the cyrus user and therefore is a 
descendent of the qmail-send process, which has a ulimit of 2048).

time(seconds) unlimited
file(blocks) unlimited
data(kbytes) 2097148
stack(kbytes) 8192
coredump(blocks) unlimited
nofiles(descriptors) 64
memory(kbytes) 2048

The only hitch I can see is the vmemory being 2048 (However these mails seem to
be ~175k in size - at least once they're in the mailbox).


Hash: SHA1


is there a switch to ask qmail-inject to put the Date: stamp in the 
local timezone? I can perfectly understand why all the Received: 
headers use GMT - but qmail-inject?

Version: PGP 6.0.2 -- QDPGP 2.60 

Petr Novotny, ANTEK CS
PGP key ID: 0x3BA9BC3F
-- Don't you know there ain't no devil there's just God when he's 

Re: delivery to a directory

1999-11-10 Thread Florian G. Pflug

On Tue, Nov 09, 1999 at 06:06:03PM -0600, Phil Howard wrote:
 Patrick Berry wrote:
  On 11/9/99 at 3:52 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Howard) had the thought:
   Please don't suggest lots of userids and/or lots of .qmail files.  I'm
   dead set on making this easy to administer, so those are not options.
   That's why I'm running things through a program that figures it out.
  I could be way off base here, but it sounds like your dead set on
  reinventing the wheel.  If you have to have a directory for the userid to
  hold the Maildir, what is the problem with having a .qmail file to tell
  qmail to deliver to that Maildir?
 There will be hundreds of virtual domains and hundreds of userids in each.
 No, make that thousands.  Maybe more.  What's more, the user names will
 be created on the fly, so creating .qmail files in advance for every user
 name just isn't possible.
 I don't want to add the extra I/O overhead of creating a .qmail file for
 each user.  I'm trying to make this lean and mean.  What I want to do is
 divert the .qmail lookup for these virtuals (the ones in virtualdomains
 naming this one single base user that handles this whole mess) so that
 for each user@domain to be delivered there is _not_ a .qmail file there.
 If I could code the master .qmail file like:
 # note the single quotes here:
 echo './Virtuals/${HOST}/${USER}/'  .qmail
 and qmail-local would apply environment substitution, that would do the job.
 But that doesn't work.  So I'm trying:
 echo '|./bin/delivery-to'  .qmail
 where the program in bin/delivery-to examines the environment variables
 and determines the directory to deliver to (all are owned by the one user
 that all this is running under).  The next step is to deliver the mail
 there (which I'm wanting to avoid re-inventing, since something in qmail
 can obviously do it).
 There would be a corresponding logic for vchkpw authentication and finding
 the directory under the pop3 server, plus a web based access facility to
 be developed, too (I'll be doing this in PHP).


There is an explanation for virtualdomains/multiple users with signed system
user/uid on

It is bases on the users/assign file (in /var/qmail/users/assign). This
files tells qmail where mail to a certain user shall be delivered too (thus
overiding /etc/passwd). This together with the virtualdomains files gives
you excellent support for a _lot_ of domains and a _lot_ of users. Note that
(as far as I remember) the user/assign file is _compiled_ into some sort of
binary file, so it should be fast also with a lot of entries.

I am using this setup, and things are quite fast. I still have a .qmail file
for each user in his directory (/home/popuser/$DOMAIN/$USER), because you
need this for forwarding, starting mail notifying scripts, etc. But if you
just want to deliver to his Maildir/Mailbox you don´t need those .qmail

I have writting a small webinterface for the administration of this (you can
add domains, add users to domain, set their pop-password, add forwards to
users,...). It is a quick and dirty hack (it´s a bunch of shell scripts!),
but it works for me - you can have it, if you want to (maybe you want to do
the necesary perl rewrite?? ;- )

greetings, Florian Pflug

Re: 2 Questions

1999-11-10 Thread Mirko Zeibig

On Tue, Nov 09, 1999 at 10:19:30PM -0800, James wrote:
 2)  User is trying to read mail with Netscape 4.6 mail reader.. but when
 he tries to fetch mail, it says there is nothing in his mailbox even
 though there actually IS mail in the Mailbox file.  Does the user need to
 direct the Netscape mail reader to the "Mailbox" directory somehow,
 instead of the server domain address?
Hello James,
does the user read her mail directly on the server with NetScape or via
POP/IMAP? If the last one is true, you might try the following:
- if you have a recent version of imapd (4.6) it will take a file $HOME/mbox 
  as standard-INBOX if it finds one.
- Otherwise you could try to ``ln -s $HOME/Mailbox /var/spool/mail/$USER'',
  which is the next place, where UW-imapd   looks into (NetScape running
  ``locally'' mail should look into this as well).

qmail, ldap, serialfax, rh-isdn:

Re: syslog question.

1999-11-10 Thread Chris Johnson

On Wed, Nov 10, 1999 at 06:02:36PM +1100, Marc-Adrian Napoli wrote:
 been looking through the archives, can't seem to find my answer.
 this is in my /etc/init.d/qmail file:
 #Starts qmail-send and qmail-l/rspawn etc.
 csh -cf 'qmail-start ./Maildir/ splogger qmail '
 #Starts qmail-smtpd for incoming smtp connections.
 /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -D -b30 -H -R -c100 -x/var/qmail/tcp.s
 mtp.cdb -u71 -g65534 0 smtp
 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 21 | /var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd 
 #Starts qmail-popup for incoming pop connections to maildirs.
 /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -D -b40 -H -R -c100 0 pop3
 .au /work/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir 
 Question 1:
 qmail-smtpd isn't logging. is this because i don't have a "recordio"
 parameter there?

You need to run tcpserver with -v.


Re: qmail remote delivery logic

1999-11-10 Thread Russell Nelson

Frederik Lindberg writes:
  Qmail is fastest under well-connected conditions when the recipients
  per host are close to 1 (most "normal traffic"). Still, it would be
  nice to improve it in more marginal situations as well. QMTP to smarthosts
  and other qmail hosts would go a long way, although I would prefer if there
  were a mechanism other than magic number MX records to keep track of who
  can do QMTP.

Why?  It's nearly cost-free.  The algorithm for remote delivery would
be "get the MX record.  If it's in the magic range, attempt to talk
QMTP on the port given in the record.  If the connection is refused or
times out, fall back to SMTP.

There are 65536 different MX numbers.  It would be quite
straightforward to usurp a range of them.  Last time I looked, nearly
everybody uses priorities less than 1000.  Pick a range above that,
and query as many hosts as you can to see if anyone uses it.  If
nobody you can find does, it's likely that nobody else does.  If it
turns out that someone does after QMTP is in use, politely explain the
situation and ask them to change.  MX record numbers carry only a few
bits of information.

-russ nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | Government schools are so
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | bad that any rank amateur
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | can outdo them. Homeschool!

Disapearing messages

1999-11-10 Thread Michael Boman

I have problems with the SMTP part of qmail. I send a email to myself in the
test-enviroment as [EMAIL PROTECTED] The file is delivered from
the queue immidiatly, but I cant find it in my Maildir.

smtp stream tcp nowait qmaild /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env tcp-env
pop3 stream tcp nowait root   /usr/sbin/tcpd /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup
webmail /bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir


# Using splogger to send the log through syslog.
# Using qmail-local to deliver messages to ~/Mailbox by default.

exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
qmail-start ./Maildir/ splogger qmail

checkpassword 0.81
ezmlm 0.53
mySQL patch from SoftAgency

Hacked the mySQL patch so it only uses a single system UID/GID. That part is
OK acording to the author of the original patch.

Anything else I have forgotten to mention to help you guys helping me solve
this problem? Send a email back.

Michael Boman, Systems Engineer
WizOffice.Com Pte Ltd - 16 Tannery Lane, #06-00
Crystal Time Building, Singapore. 347778
Your Online Office Wizard -

FN:Michael Boman
TITLE:Systems Engineer
TEL;PAGER;VOICE:(65) 92932949

telnet on 25 works but qmail cant connect to it!

1999-11-10 Thread Markus Wuebben

I have a strange problem here. 

QMail cant send mails to some domains because I get this message:

Nov 10 16:08:00 medusa qmail: 942246480.704387 delivery 21: deferral:

while telneting works fine:

[root@medusa log]# telnet 25 
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 Server SMTP (Complaints/bugs to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

Now. What might be the problem here I really have no idea..



(Products  Development)
  ID-PRO GmbH Arnsberg
 Open for the better ...

Re: Usage of /var/qmail/users/assign (fwd)

1999-11-10 Thread Markus Wuebben

On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Todd A. Jacobs wrote:

 I thought I'd repost this, in case the original (or any replies) got lost
 in the bitstream. The gist if my question is: when would I need to use
 assign instead of an alias? 

If you need speed for example. Assign gets converted to a hashed file
which is much faster than file queries. 
Also, if your Mail-home-dirs are on an NFS Server and it dies the messages
will get deferred and not bounced until the NFS-Server is up again.

Hope that helps


 Todd A. Jacobs
 Network Systems Engineer
 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 12:42:05 -0800 (PST)
 From: Todd A. Jacobs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Usage of /var/qmail/users/assign
 I'm not 100% sure I understand the difference in intended usage between
 setting up a ~/alias/.qmail-whatever file and setting up a virtual user in
 /var/qmail/users/assign. As far as I can tell, the former uses forwarding,
 whereas the latter is acting like a true alias.
 Am I understanding this correctly? If so, what are the practical
 implications? They seem almost interchangeable to me.
 Todd A. Jacobs
 Network Systems Engineer

(Products  Development)
  ID-PRO GmbH Arnsberg
 Open for the better ...

Re: telnet on 25 works but qmail cant connect to it!

1999-11-10 Thread Chris Johnson

On Wed, Nov 10, 1999 at 04:11:49PM +0100, Markus Wuebben wrote:
 I have a strange problem here. 
 QMail cant send mails to some domains because I get this message:
 Nov 10 16:08:00 medusa qmail: 942246480.704387 delivery 21: deferral:

I'd guess that the remote host looks up your IP address, and the name it gets
doesn't match the name your server gives in the HELO greeting.

Use control/helohost to change the HELO host name. man qmail-remote.


RE: telnet on 25 works but qmail cant connect to it!

1999-11-10 Thread Greg Owen

 QMail cant send mails to some domains because I get this message:
 Nov 10 16:08:00 medusa qmail: 942246480.704387 delivery 21: deferral:
 while telneting works fine:
 [root@medusa log]# telnet 25 
 Connected to
 Escape character is '^]'.
 220 Server SMTP (Complaints/bugs to:  
 Now. What might be the problem here I really have no idea..

Is it possible that the hostname your machine is giving in the HELO
fails some paranoid DNS check, and the 451 is their response to your
machine's HELO?  What happens if you telnet in and say "HELO 'me'" where
'me' is the contents of /var/qmail/control/me?

gowen -- Greg Owen -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: telnet on 25 works but qmail cant connect to it!

1999-11-10 Thread Markus Wuebben

On Wed, 10 Nov 1999, Chris Johnson wrote:

 On Wed, Nov 10, 1999 at 04:11:49PM +0100, Markus Wuebben wrote:
  I have a strange problem here. 
  QMail cant send mails to some domains because I get this message:
  Nov 10 16:08:00 medusa qmail: 942246480.704387 delivery 21: deferral:
 I'd guess that the remote host looks up your IP address, and the name it gets
 doesn't match the name your server gives in the HELO greeting.
 Use control/helohost to change the HELO host name. man qmail-remote.

[root@medusa /root]# nslookup 
[root@medusa /root]# cat /var/qmail/control/helohost
[root@medusa /root]# 

Reverse lookups should be all fine. I even tried but it
doesnt help


RE: telnet on 25 works but qmail cant connect to it!

1999-11-10 Thread Markus Wuebben

On Wed, 10 Nov 1999, Greg Owen wrote:

  QMail cant send mails to some domains because I get this message:
  Nov 10 16:08:00 medusa qmail: 942246480.704387 delivery 21: deferral:
  while telneting works fine:
  [root@medusa log]# telnet 25 
  Connected to
  Escape character is '^]'.
  220 Server SMTP (Complaints/bugs to:  
  Now. What might be the problem here I really have no idea..
   Is it possible that the hostname your machine is giving in the HELO
 fails some paranoid DNS check, and the 451 is their response to your
 machine's HELO?  What happens if you telnet in and say "HELO 'me'" where
 'me' is the contents of /var/qmail/control/me?

Hmmm is accepted

[root@medusa /root]# cat /var/qmail/control/helohost
[root@medusa /root]#   

[root@medusa /root]# telnet 25 
Escape character is '^]'.  
220 Server SMTP (Complaints/bugs to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED])
250 - you are a charlatan 
250[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sender ok 
250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Recipient ok 
354 Enter Mail, end by a line with only '.' 
250 Submitted  immediates started (msg.aa25115)  
221 says goodbye to at Wed Nov 10
16:34:12. Connection closed by foreign host. 


   gowen -- Greg Owen -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

(Products  Development)
  ID-PRO GmbH Arnsberg
 Open for the better ...

Re: Usage of /var/qmail/users/assign (fwd)

1999-11-10 Thread Markus Stumpf

On Tue, Nov 09, 1999 at 08:14:54PM -0800, Todd A. Jacobs wrote:
 I'm not 100% sure I understand the difference in intended usage between
 setting up a ~/alias/.qmail-whatever file and setting up a virtual user in
 /var/qmail/users/assign. As far as I can tell, the former uses forwarding,
 whereas the latter is acting like a true alias.

The difference becomes evident if you are using virtualdomains.
If you have
an they are not both the same you cannot handle deliveries for "joe"
via the same ~alias/.qmail-joe
Usually you would have different users with different $HOMEs that
control each of those domains. But with a few thousand virtualdomains
it is no fun (and pretty useless) to create thousands of "real" users
on your system. Thats what the users/assign is for. It can hold all the
users that are defined in control/virtualdomains, uses (if you want) only
one real UID and allows to define different $HOMEs (aka control
directories) for each domain.


SpaceNet GmbH |   http://www.Space.Net/   | Yeah, yo mama dresses
Research  Development| mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | you funny and you need
Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 |  Tel: +49 (89) 32356-0| a mouse to delete files
D-80807 Muenchen  |  Fax: +49 (89) 32356-299  |

Re: too many connections dying

1999-11-10 Thread Markus Stumpf

On Wed, Nov 10, 1999 at 01:40:57PM +0800, Edward Castillo-Jakosalem wrote:
 I've been constantly monitoring our log files and have been noticing
 lately that there are too many deliveries dying (says
 connected...but_connection_died). I'm presently running qmail-send with
 100 concurrent remote deliveries.

Is it always the same hosts(s)?
We are pretty good connected and I always see some of them in the
logfiles. If I test the host with "telnet host smtp" it is often
that I get a connection, it takes 10-15 seconds and thre remote host
hangs the connection without greeting. This looks like a confused
mail server on the other side.

 How come the mail which was queued up since yesterday is still not sent
 when I sent a mail to the same address just now and was sent

qmail uses a quadratic backoff algorithm. This is applied on a per
message basis, not per host basis. The "fresh" message has gone through
without any problems and the queued message is rescheduled and probably
due within 1 hour or so.
Dave Sill's "Living With Qmail" (Link from; sorry I
haven't my booksmarks at hand) has a table that shows the backoff and
retry times.


SpaceNet GmbH |   http://www.Space.Net/   | Yeah, yo mama dresses
Research  Development| mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | you funny and you need
Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 |  Tel: +49 (89) 32356-0| a mouse to delete files
D-80807 Muenchen  |  Fax: +49 (89) 32356-299  |

Re: telnet on 25 works but qmail cant connect to it!

1999-11-10 Thread Markus Stumpf

On Wed, Nov 10, 1999 at 04:38:07PM +0100, Markus Wuebben wrote:
   Nov 10 16:08:00 medusa qmail: 942246480.704387 delivery 21: deferral:

Your DNS setup is broken.   - - CNAME (!!)
The machine ( does "paranoid" lookups. It does a
reverse and gets "" it queries for that host and gets
"". That two don't match and it rejects the connection.

Btw. If you have any MX records pointing to this is
broken, too, as MX records may NEVER point at CNAMEs.


SpaceNet GmbH |   http://www.Space.Net/   | Yeah, yo mama dresses
Research  Development| mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | you funny and you need
Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 |  Tel: +49 (89) 32356-0| a mouse to delete files
D-80807 Muenchen  |  Fax: +49 (89) 32356-299  |


1999-11-10 Thread Martin Paulucci


I had a spammer in my system which sent many mails to many domains, and as
I have tcp.smtp rules it should did it from my own dialups, so I have the
syslog with the following messages.. Is there any way to know the IP from
this guy?. And How can I filter per Subject instead of From???.

Here's the log:Nov  7 15:53:11 babel qmail: 942000791.265761 info msg
143554: bytes 18920 from [EMAIL PROTECTED] qp 1318 uid 101
Nov  7 15:53:11 babel qmail: 942000791.331364 starting delivery 6979: msg
143554 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Nov  7 15:53:11 babel qmail: 942000791.331556 status: local 1/10 remote
Nov  7 15:53:11 babel qmail: 942000791.527908 new msg 143555
Nov  7 15:53:11 babel qmail: 942000791.528148 info msg 143555: bytes 19408
from  qp 1322 uid 108
Nov  7 15:53:11 babel qmail: 942000791.680963 starting delivery 6980: msg
143555 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Nov  7 15:53:11 babel qmail: 942000791.681167 status: local 2/10 remote
Nov  7 15:53:11 babel qmail: 942000791.715031 delivery 6980: failure:,_but_will_deliver
Nov  7 15:53:11 babel qmail: 942000791.757477 status: local 1/10 remote
Nov  7 15:53:11 babel qmail: 942000791.860593 bounce msg 143555 qp 132ov  8
10:14:04 babel qmail: 942066844.193751 new msg 143539
Nov  8 10:14:04 babel qmail: 942066844.194014 info msg 143539: bytes 18547
from [EMAIL PROTECTED] qp 9352 uid 101
Nov  8 10:14:04 babel qmail: 942066844.266497 starting delivery 8091: msg
143539 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Nov  8 10:14:04 babel qmail: 942066844.266685 status: local 0/10 remote
Nov  8 10:14:06 babel qmail: 942066846.278123 delivery 8091: success:
Nov  8 10:14:06 babel qmail: 942066846.291431 status: local 0/10 remote
Nov  8 10:14:06 babel qmail: 942066846.291616 end msg 143539
Nov  8 10:14:18 babel vpopmail[9359]: virtual POP for matias@ from
Nov  8 10:14:21 babel qmail: 942066861.339228 new msg 143539

Re: Spam

1999-11-10 Thread Petr Novotny

Hash: SHA1

On 10 Nov 99, at 16:48, Martin Paulucci wrote:
 I had a spammer in my system which sent many mails to many domains, and as
 I have tcp.smtp rules it should did it from my own dialups, so I have the
 syslog with the following messages.. Is there any way to know the IP from
 this guy?.

You're showing us logs from qmail. There's nothing about the 
originator in there. Do you have logs from tcpserver? You should 
find it in there (by time, and by qp - qp shall be close to qp in the 
qmail logs).

Alternatively, if you have a spam message in your hands (a copy 
from the queue, or a bounce with full headers), have a look at 
"Received" lines.

 And How can I filter per Subject instead of From???.

Beg your pardon?

Version: PGP 6.0.2 -- QDPGP 2.60 

Petr Novotny, ANTEK CS
PGP key ID: 0x3BA9BC3F
-- Don't you know there ain't no devil there's just God when he's drunk.
 [Tom Waits]

New Document for Qmail install

1999-11-10 Thread Subba Rao

After several Qmail installation attempts, I have written up a document
with the
sequence of commands, on howto install Qmail.

It is at the following address.

Please review it and let me know, if it is helpful for Qmail newbies.
Any language and grammer corrections for this document, is much

Thank you.

Subba Rao

Re: 2 Questions

1999-11-10 Thread Charles Leeds

James wrote:

 1)  I have had qmail working wonderfully on RedHat Mandrake 6.0 for many
 months now.. but I am having a problem with relaying.  I've gone through
 the steps on this page:

 but I am confused about something.. if I set up an ip address in
 rcpthosts, *and* in RELAYCLIENT, does this mean the user can ONLY send
 mail if he/she is connected to the server (say, with telnet)?  I have
 added the user's ip address to both, and user cannot use server as a relay
 when not connected directly to the server.

rcpthosts lists domains that qmail will deliver mail to no matter who uses
the relay to send mail to them.  For instance your rcpthosts is:

This allows _anyone_ connecting to your qmail server to send messages to
those domains.  If I am a Russian spy and I telnet to port 25 on your qmail
server.  I can then do a:

mail from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Blah blah blah

This message will be delivered.

If I as the Russian spy telnetting to your qmail port 25 did this same thing
to [EMAIL PROTECTED], the message would not be delivered to
because is not in your rcpthosts.  Now people can not use your
qmail server to spam the world because the qmail server will only send
messages to and  This presents a problem to your local
users because now they can't send mail out to since it is not in
the rcpthosts.

You can however set up tcpserver to pass a RELAYCLIENT environment variable
to the qmail server for ip addresses of your choosing.  Say you have set up
your tcp.smtp with a:

192.168.10.:allow, RELAYCLIENT=""

and have recompiled the rules

tcprules tcp.smtp.cdb tcp.smtp.temp  tcp.smtp

and then stopped and restarted qmail and tcpserver

Now everyone with an address in the subnet 192.168.10 should be able to send
mail to any host they wish.  Everyone not in the subnet 192.168.10
connecting to qmail will only be able to send mail to and

Putting an address for Joe Smith at in rcpthosts just simply
allows mail to be delivered to host, and has no bearing on
where Joe Smith can send mail.

Your rcpthosts should only contain domains you receive mail for.  Your
tcp.smtp should contain the subnets and/or ip addresses of the users you
wish to be able to use the qmail server as a relay to send mail anywhere.

Forgive my rambling


OT: Network problems

1999-11-10 Thread Florian G. Pflug


I know this is OT, but I just need a pointer to some/more information.

I have _very_ slow tcp-connections to our qmail smtp/pop3 server, I guess 
due to some network problems. The mail server is connected to a 
100mbit-network (via a 10/100 hub). If I send mails/copy files(via 
ftp)/tranfer any kind of data, I get about 20-40 kByte/s... but only if 
the other host is connected via 100mbit too.

If I use a host, that has only a 10mbit-link to the hub, the connection 
is at about 600kByte/s - which is _much_ better. I guess there is some 
problem with the cable, the nic, or the nub.

Is a any good linux-software that allows me to debug this, e.g. to see if 
there are any tcp-retransmits, or if the ethernet-frames are corrupted??? 

Greetings, Florian Pflug

Direcory ownership of /var/supervise??

1999-11-10 Thread Subba Rao

I am trying to use David Sill's Qmail startup script. I have added
before "supervise". The script ends immediately with the "Done" message
will not start any of the Qmail's processes.

I have the qmail-smtpd-wrapper in /var/qmail/bin. After that, I have
following command as root.

$ mkdir -p /var/supervise/qmail/send
$ mkdir /var/supervise/qmail/smtpd

What should be the permissions on these directories be? Who should be
owner of these directories?

The manual command,

$ csh -cf '/var/qmail/rc '

works fine.
Why should I look for in Dave Sill's startup script, to make it work?

Any pointers appreciated.

Subba Rao

Prepatched IMAP anyone?

1999-11-10 Thread Denis Voitenko

I have consistently failed to patch the IMAP source successfully so that it
could work with Maildir. Does anyone have an already patched source that
he'd be willing to share with me?

Stopping local delivery temporarily

1999-11-10 Thread Adam Michaud

This seems like a question that should be easily answered, yet the answer
I came up with on my own seems almost *too* easy, so I thought I'd ask.

I'm going to be doing some minor maintenance on the mail server and
changing users from mbox to Maildir format.  I'd like to stop all local
deliveries temporarily so that I can be as sure as possible that no mail
is lost to any of the changes I make, and have all messages that would be
delivered locally just stack up in the queue until I'm ready for them to
be delivered.

I think I can just do this by killing qmail-lspawn, but as I said, that
seems too simple.  Am I just making this more complicated than it needs to
be, or will this not do what I think it will?


Pop toaster help?

1999-11-10 Thread Steve Kapinos

I thought pounding through qmail pages I saw some link about setting up a
POP toaster.

Anyone know where/what that link was?

I wanted to stay with vsm to keep my options open for IMAP, POP3 (or maybe
web stuff).. which doesn't seem to be a problem except that almost all the
qmail support for selective relaying is tied to checkpasswd.. and hence
qmail-pop3d I believe.

I just don't understand how selective relaying can be such a 'add-on' in
this world of spam and POP3.. Why isn't this functionality cleaner to



Re: Stopping local delivery temporarily

1999-11-10 Thread Chris Johnson

On Wed, Nov 10, 1999 at 02:54:30PM -0600, Adam Michaud wrote:
 This seems like a question that should be easily answered, yet the answer
 I came up with on my own seems almost *too* easy, so I thought I'd ask.
 I'm going to be doing some minor maintenance on the mail server and
 changing users from mbox to Maildir format.  I'd like to stop all local
 deliveries temporarily so that I can be as sure as possible that no mail
 is lost to any of the changes I make, and have all messages that would be
 delivered locally just stack up in the queue until I'm ready for them to
 be delivered.
 I think I can just do this by killing qmail-lspawn, but as I said, that
 seems too simple.  Am I just making this more complicated than it needs to
 be, or will this not do what I think it will?

Just set control/concurrencylocal to 0 and restart qmail.


RE: Prepatched IMAP anyone?

1999-11-10 Thread David Harris


I have the patches and instructions that you need to build your own and
pre-compiled RPM if you want to go that way.

 - David Harris
   Principal Engineer, DRH Internet Services

-Original Message-
From:   Denis Voitenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, November 10, 1999 3:55 PM
Subject:Prepatched IMAP anyone?

I have consistently failed to patch the IMAP source successfully so that it
could work with Maildir. Does anyone have an already patched source that
he'd be willing to share with me?

Permission bits

1999-11-10 Thread Steve Kapinos

What should the permissions be for a Maildir and a .qmail file?


Re: Pop toaster help?

1999-11-10 Thread Jon Rust

I used Paul Gregg's outstanding reference:


At 4:08 PM -0500 11/10/99, Steve Kapinos wrote:
I thought pounding through qmail pages I saw some link about setting up a
POP toaster.

Anyone know where/what that link was?

I wanted to stay with vsm to keep my options open for IMAP, POP3 (or maybe
web stuff).. which doesn't seem to be a problem except that almost all the
qmail support for selective relaying is tied to checkpasswd.. and hence
qmail-pop3d I believe.

I just don't understand how selective relaying can be such a 'add-on' in
this world of spam and POP3.. Why isn't this functionality cleaner to


Moving onto Maildir

1999-11-10 Thread Steve Kapinos


After much mulling over keeping with vsm, I've moved over to Maildir to
better my chances with selective relaying.

Things are working fine, except I'm trying to patch Pine to work with
Maildir.  From the home page there is a link to the Bloodhounds patch, but
the readme in the patch is not helping me for v4.20 of pine.

It refers to changing the make file in /imap/ANSI/c-client/Makefile,
however, that no longer exists.  There is a makefile in /imap/src/c-client,
but it doesn't seem to have the same format that is refered to in the
README, as neither of the two lines it says to modify seem to be there.

Anyone have luck patching Pine 4.20 for maildir?




Re: too many connections dying

1999-11-10 Thread Markus Stumpf

On Thu, Nov 11, 1999 at 07:14:37AM +0800, Edward Castillo-Jakosalem wrote:
  Is it always the same hosts(s)?
 Mostly free web email services like hotmail, yahoo, and mailcity.

Then maybe their mailserver are overloaded.

 You think the cause is the delay between the connection of their servers and ours?

No. If you have a message M(a) that should be delivered to host H.
Host H is down. So qmail backs off the message for some time. It tries
again, fails to send, backs off again. The retry time grows quadratic.
This means that after some unsuccessful retries qmail may wait an hour or
more before it does the next retry.
Now the mailserver is ready again. You send a new message M(b). This
message goes through immediately, but message M(a) may have been scheduled
for retry e.g. 40 minutes later.
So the new message goes through immediately, but the elder one will
go through after 40 minutes (if the remote host is still up).

This is on purpose as to not overload a mailserver that came up recently,
immediately again.


SpaceNet GmbH |   http://www.Space.Net/   | Yeah, yo mama dresses
Research  Development| mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | you funny and you need
Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 |  Tel: +49 (89) 32356-0| a mouse to delete files
D-80807 Muenchen  |  Fax: +49 (89) 32356-299  |

how to give preference to qmail-remote over qmail-smtpd?

1999-11-10 Thread Nagendra Mishr

I need to change the priority of email deliveries to be a higher then
for accepting more email..

currently, the server sits there and accepts emails like crazy... top
says iowait is around 73%

When I kill my sending process, I see that io/wait drops down to near 7%

Ideally, I'd like to accept email for delivery when remote deliveries
ahave timed out, etc..


Re: 2 Questions

1999-11-10 Thread Aaron L. Meehan

Quoting Charles Leeds ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 You can however set up tcpserver to pass a RELAYCLIENT environment variable
 to the qmail server for ip addresses of your choosing.  Say you have set up
 your tcp.smtp with a:
 192.168.10.:allow, RELAYCLIENT=""
 and have recompiled the rules
 tcprules tcp.smtp.cdb tcp.smtp.temp  tcp.smtp
 and then stopped and restarted qmail and tcpserver

A very lucid explanation, the only correction being needed on the
above.  No need to restart anything after modifying the tcp rules.


remote routing

1999-11-10 Thread Keith Burdis

Hi there

  I've just had a user complain that our mail server is not routing mail
  properly to his machine. He has several virtual domains and mail to these
  machines is not being routed as he expected. I think that qmail is doing
  the right thing, and his DNS entries are incorrect, but I'd like more
  knowledgeable folk to verify this.

  Mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] goes directly to -
  The user thinks it should go via - -

  Here's what I think qmail does:

1) Look up the MX record of

  rucus:~$ dnsquery -t MX
  [snip] IN CNAME

2) Resolve

3) Look up the MX record of

  rucus:~$ dnsquery -t MX
  Query failed (h_errno = 4) : No address associated with name

4) No MX. Let's see if it has an A record:

  rucus:~$ dnsquery -t MX
  [snip]  3D IN A

5) It does. Send the mail to

  Of all his virtual hosts, I believe only is configured

1) Look up the MX record of

  rucus:~$ dnsquery -t mx
  [snip] IN MX10

2) Send the mail to

  Is this correct?


- Keith (who wishes he had a Qmail book to look this up in ;)
Keith Burdis - MSc (Computer Science) - Rhodes University, South Africa
IRC: Panthras   JAPHQEFH

Re: delivery to a directory

1999-11-10 Thread Phil Howard

Giles Lean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

giles You've been referred to two programs that can write to maildirs.
giles Writing to maildirs is trivial; you might as well make your own
giles program that decides where the mail should go deliver it as well.


giles The maildir format is documented at:

Actually that does look trivial.  I guess this does show the virtue
of KISS.  So I may just write my own and use the same uniquness
strategy I'm programming into a web site now, which is Julian Day
based and good to 19 Dec 22666.

Florian G. Pflug [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

fgp There is an explanation for virtualdomains/multiple users with signed system
fgp user/uid on

I'm not sure I find this or not.  I didn't find something literally that,
but I found many "virtual" things there.  Part of the problem, I think, is
that there isn't a precise meaning for "virtual".

fgp It is bases on the users/assign file (in /var/qmail/users/assign). This
fgp files tells qmail where mail to a certain user shall be delivered too (thus
fgp overiding /etc/passwd). This together with the virtualdomains files gives
fgp you excellent support for a _lot_ of domains and a _lot_ of users. Note that
fgp (as far as I remember) the user/assign file is _compiled_ into some sort of
fgp binary file, so it should be fast also with a lot of entries.

If it uses /var/qmail/users/assign then it's not what I want, and not what I
call virtual.  To me, one of the attributes of virtual is that there is no
table of mapping between a user e-mail address and where to deliver, but
instead, the determination of where to deliver is a functional relation to
the e-mail address.

I want the very minimum of administrative work to manage it.  This will
require such things as automatically deriving the user authentication data
from the customer account database.  I expect to write something that will
rebuild certain files (password CDB, rcpthosts, virtualdomains) from the
data obtained from the database.

fgp I am using this setup, and things are quite fast. I still have a .qmail file
fgp for each user in his directory (/home/popuser/$DOMAIN/$USER), because you
fgp need this for forwarding, starting mail notifying scripts, etc. But if you
fgp just want to deliver to his Maildir/Mailbox you don´t need those .qmail
fgp files.

I don't want a .qmail file for each user (except for local host users).  If
by leaving it out I can deliver to each users's maildir, that' what I want.

At the same time there may be a catch.  The default delivery for the local
host (e.g. listed in locals, for users in /etc/passwd, with distinct uids),
is not maildir, but "./Mailbox".  I need to be able to leave local users as
all "./Mailbox" by default (unless overridden in a .qmail file for each user
individually), yet have maildirs used for all the virtualdomains users without
creating zillions of .qmail files.

Local users will NOT (at least we do not need to offer) have their e-mail
available by POP3 (or IMAP4 when that gets added to the mix).  If the address
identifies the local host name, it goes to the shell account only, for shells
on the same machine as the general POP3 service (these are just staff shells,
anyway, not customer shell accounts, which would be on a separate machine
with a more conventional non-virtual setup).

fgp I have writting a small webinterface for the administration of this (you can
fgp add domains, add users to domain, set their pop-password, add forwards to
fgp users,...). It is a quick and dirty hack (it´s a bunch of shell scripts!),
fgp but it works for me - you can have it, if you want to (maybe you want to do
fgp the necesary perl rewrite?? ;- )

We'll be doing the web interface for administration as an integral part of
the whole internet service administration, working through a central database
that records every service, not just e-mail.  E-mail configuration will then
be derived from that database much like web configuration, DNS configuration,
and so forth.  I will be able to add a new customer, specify domains, and
let them add their own users and subdomains, and it will automatically set
up their e-mail, radius for dialup, routing for dedicated DSL, web service,
and whatever else (the exact system hasn't been chosen, yet).


Maildir conversions -- read mail, deletions

1999-11-10 Thread Adam Michaud

I'm not sure if this is a qmail issue or what, but I'm not having a whole
lot of luck finding info on this anywhere else...

I'm converting users with existing POP mailboxes (i.e., they keep mail on
the server) from mbox to Maildir format, and in the process, switching
them from cucipop (which doesn't understand Maildir) to a patched version
of ipop3d, the POP server that comes with the UW-IMAP distribution (which
does).  When I do this, all of the messages that were saved in the user's
Mailbox appear in the Inbox on the user's client, even those that had
already been seen/dealt with.  This happens even if I explicitly put all
of the messages into the "cur" folder (as opposed to "new").

Also, it doesn't seem that deleting messages on the client side deletes
them from the server, even if the appropriate option on the client side is
active (for example, the "Delete items on server when emptying trash"
option in Netscape Messenger)

It sounds like it's some sort of issue (at least, the first one) with the
UIDL information not being preserved, at least from what I've been
reading, but that's mostly just a guess.

Does anyone know why this might be happening, and/or what I can do about
it?  I'll have people beating down my door if everyone gets hundreds
(even, in some cases, thousands) of old messages dumped in their Inbox...


Qmail - Address Rewrite

1999-11-10 Thread Subba Rao

Hello again,

I haven't gone too far trying to quit Qmail. ;-)

My Qmail is up and running fine. The only thing remaining
for now is the address rewriting. Right now my MUA is doing
the rewriting of the address. If I were to use the local "mail"
command, then the address reverts back to my fake domain address
and the mail doesn't go anywhere.

This is one topic that is not addressed much. I do not see
any example of control files that would implement some
rudimentary address rewriting for out bound mail.

How can I do address rewrites in Qmail? If anyone has doing
it now, I would appreciate a sample control files. 

Subba Rao

RE: Disapearing messages

1999-11-10 Thread Michael Boman

I just love when you get things working. Problem solved. Problem was: there
was a system user named 'michael' and all the mail got into the system users
box, not the box specified by the MySQL server.

Michael Boman

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Boman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, 10 November, 1999 11:07 PM
 To: Qmail
 Subject: Disapearing messages

 I have problems with the SMTP part of qmail. I send a email to
 myself in the
 test-enviroment as [EMAIL PROTECTED] The file is
 delivered from
 the queue immidiatly, but I cant find it in my Maildir.

 smtp stream tcp nowait qmaild /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env tcp-env
 pop3 stream tcp nowait root   /usr/sbin/tcpd /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup
 webmail /bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir


 # Using splogger to send the log through syslog.
 # Using qmail-local to deliver messages to ~/Mailbox by default.

 exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
 qmail-start ./Maildir/ splogger qmail

 checkpassword 0.81
 ezmlm 0.53
 mySQL patch from SoftAgency

 Hacked the mySQL patch so it only uses a single system UID/GID.
 That part is
 OK acording to the author of the original patch.

 Anything else I have forgotten to mention to help you guys
 helping me solve
 this problem? Send a email back.

 Michael Boman, Systems Engineer
 WizOffice.Com Pte Ltd - 16 Tannery Lane, #06-00
 Crystal Time Building, Singapore. 347778
 Your Online Office Wizard -

Mass user email

1999-11-10 Thread Robert

 Thank you in advance for any help that is given.  Is there a way to
send a single email to all the users on my system so it looks like it's
addressed to each individual user?  I tried adding each user on the box
to my .qmail file, but the mail that is sent out is addressed to the
original user the email was sent to.  I looked at ezmlm, but i'm not
interested in setting up mailing lists.  I just want to send out system
warnings and such to my users if needed.  Any help would be greatly

Thank you.

Re: remote routing

1999-11-10 Thread Markus Stumpf

On Thu, Nov 11, 1999 at 03:34:49AM +0200, Keith Burdis wrote:
   the right thing, and his DNS entries are incorrect, but I'd like more
   knowledgeable folk to verify this.

Yes, there seem to be MX records missing for
that point to

   Is this correct?

AFAICS your analysis is correct.


SpaceNet GmbH |   http://www.Space.Net/   | Yeah, yo mama dresses
Research  Development| mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | you funny and you need
Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 |  Tel: +49 (89) 32356-0| a mouse to delete files
D-80807 Muenchen  |  Fax: +49 (89) 32356-299  |

Re: Mass user email

1999-11-10 Thread Ken Jones

Robert wrote:
  Thank you in advance for any help that is given.  Is there a way to
 send a single email to all the users on my system so it looks like it's
 addressed to each individual user?  I tried adding each user on the box
 to my .qmail file, but the mail that is sent out is addressed to the
 original user the email was sent to.  I looked at ezmlm, but i'm not
 interested in setting up mailing lists.  I just want to send out system
 warnings and such to my users if needed.  Any help would be greatly
 Thank you.

popbull might work for you, or the virtual pop bull programs out there.

If not, I have a program that will send an email out to a list of users
in a file, individually addressed.

If it's all local, use a popbull program. 

Ken Jones

qmail tuning question

1999-11-10 Thread scott f. lanes

I have just moved a mailing list to qmail/ezmlm. The list has a little over
1800 users and I am finding that the mailq is running at about 20K
messages. I added the /var/qmail/control/concurrencyremote file with a
value of 75. Sometimes it is running at 75 remotes but more often it is at
13-15. Is there any way to get qmail to push more of the messages through?

I was also wondering if anyone had any problems with qmail clling it quits
when the mailq reaches a cetain point. I read somewhere that it can run
with big mailq's as long as you have enough disk to store the messages. Is
there a way to clear the q manually if I need to?

Any other performance tuning things I can to to get things moving along faster?

I'm pretty new to this (email management) so any help would be appreciated. 

Thanx in advance..


Re: Mass user email

1999-11-10 Thread Robert

Am I wrong in assuming that pop-bull only works on users with shell
accounts??  I'm a sys admin for an ISP, and I don't give my users shell
access.  If I'm wrong, please let me know.

Thank you.

Ken Jones wrote:
 Robert wrote:
   Thank you in advance for any help that is given.  Is there a way to
  send a single email to all the users on my system so it looks like it's
  addressed to each individual user?  I tried adding each user on the box
  to my .qmail file, but the mail that is sent out is addressed to the
  original user the email was sent to.  I looked at ezmlm, but i'm not
  interested in setting up mailing lists.  I just want to send out system
  warnings and such to my users if needed.  Any help would be greatly
  Thank you.
 popbull might work for you, or the virtual pop bull programs out there.
 If not, I have a program that will send an email out to a list of users
 in a file, individually addressed.
 If it's all local, use a popbull program.
 Ken Jones

Re: Mass user email

1999-11-10 Thread James Smallacombe

No, it's for pop accounts, hence the has nothing to do with

On Wed, 10 Nov 1999, Robert wrote:

 Am I wrong in assuming that pop-bull only works on users with shell
 accounts??  I'm a sys admin for an ISP, and I don't give my users shell
 access.  If I'm wrong, please let me know.
 Thank you.
 Ken Jones wrote:
  Robert wrote:
Thank you in advance for any help that is given.  Is there a way to
   send a single email to all the users on my system so it looks like it's
   addressed to each individual user?  I tried adding each user on the box
   to my .qmail file, but the mail that is sent out is addressed to the
   original user the email was sent to.  I looked at ezmlm, but i'm not
   interested in setting up mailing lists.  I just want to send out system
   warnings and such to my users if needed.  Any help would be greatly
   Thank you.
  popbull might work for you, or the virtual pop bull programs out there.
  If not, I have a program that will send an email out to a list of users
  in a file, individually addressed.
  If it's all local, use a popbull program.
  Ken Jones

James SmallacombeInternet Access for The Delaware
PlantageNet Internet Ltd.
ISPF 3 - The Forum for ISPs by ISPs(tm)  ||  Nov 15-17, 1999, New Orleans
3 days of clues, news, and views from the industry's best and brightest.
 Visit for information and registration.

Re: Mass user email

1999-11-10 Thread Robert

Is there any documentation for this patch?  I don't see any on the qmail


James Smallacombe wrote:
 No, it's for pop accounts, hence the has nothing to do with
 On Wed, 10 Nov 1999, Robert wrote:
  Am I wrong in assuming that pop-bull only works on users with shell
  accounts??  I'm a sys admin for an ISP, and I don't give my users shell
  access.  If I'm wrong, please let me know.
  Thank you.
  Ken Jones wrote:
   Robert wrote:
 Thank you in advance for any help that is given.  Is there a way to
send a single email to all the users on my system so it looks like it's
addressed to each individual user?  I tried adding each user on the box
to my .qmail file, but the mail that is sent out is addressed to the
original user the email was sent to.  I looked at ezmlm, but i'm not
interested in setting up mailing lists.  I just want to send out system
warnings and such to my users if needed.  Any help would be greatly
Thank you.
   popbull might work for you, or the virtual pop bull programs out there.
   If not, I have a program that will send an email out to a list of users
   in a file, individually addressed.
   If it's all local, use a popbull program.
   Ken Jones
 James SmallacombeInternet Access for The Delaware
 PlantageNet Internet Ltd.
 ISPF 3 - The Forum for ISPs by ISPs(tm)  ||  Nov 15-17, 1999, New Orleans
 3 days of clues, news, and views from the industry's best and brightest.
  Visit for information and registration.