RE: Robin Socha, this is a plea.

2001-08-01 Thread Bill Andersen


  You are wasting your time.  Robin is just gonna hit you with
  his BS now...  Don't take me wrong, I AGREE with YOU.  But
  I went down that road with Robin and it didn't do any good.
  And it never will.  I don't think he had a mother and it's
  obvious his father beat him regularly... hence the anger.

  Now we'll see if he replies to this.  He shouldn't, since I
  use Outlook and he's already said he filters out all Outlook
  mail from this list.  If he replies, we'll know he lying
  there too...


 -Original Message-
 From: Jeff Palmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 3:10 PM
 Cc: Robin S. Socha
 Subject: Robin Socha, this is a plea.
 Can anyone say 'anger management course'?


 Jeff Palmer
 P.S.  I did indeed read the message about not CC'ing you..

RE: FYI: Windows is better

2001-07-05 Thread Bill Andersen

Robin S. Socha wrote:
 The internet was neither invented by Gill Bates, nor by Al Gore. *WE*
 run it, and we don't use Windows. Ever. If you find using MacOS or $UNIX
 on your desktop too much of an intellectual challenge, please don't use
 technical mailing lists.

Oh no, this is real scary.  I may have to adopt a new found respect
for you Robin.  Do you actually hold the MacOS in higher regard
then Windows?  Or is that only the new MacOS X due to it's $UNIX

RE: Peter from the Dike and Security

2001-06-27 Thread Bill Andersen

You guys are making this way too hard...

Copy the text, go to
and paste it in the translate to... box.

Then choose Garbage to English and click on Translate

Poof!  You get it back translated into English garbage :)

-Original Message-
From: Mike Peppard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 9:03 AM
To: Qmail List
Subject: RE: Peter from the Dike and Security

I'm glad this is a slow week.
(Yahoo search keywords - caesar, encryption, unix)


2001-06-22 Thread Bill Andersen

Lars Hansson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
- Hello, Joe's Car Service. How may I be of service?
- Ah yes, it's my car. It doesn't start
- Ah, I see. What make is it?
- Oh well, I'm afraid I can't tell you that
- Uhmm...why not?
- Well, you never know. So many car thieves these days. You might find out
where it is and come and steal it
- We would not do that sir. We're a respectable company
- Well, I can not know that for sure...
- Aha. So, can you give us your address so we can come and have a look at
it at your home then?
- Heavens no! You might rob my house at night if I tell you where I live!
- Oh well, I'm afraid we can't help you then, sir
- WHAT!! WHY NOT! I'm only asking for help
- But sir...

And then there are these two conversations that took
place in Dallas, Texas. Late 1999.

First call:
Hello, Joe's Car Service.  How may I be of service?
Ah yes, I need someone to pick up my Chevy Suburban
 at 1234 Anystreet, it won't start this morning.
 I'm taking a cab to work.
Ok, sir.  We'll take care of it.  Goodbye.

Second call:
Hello, Joe's Car Service.  How may I be of service?
Hi, I called this morning about the Chevy Suburban.  Did
 you have any luck with it?.
Uh, sir.  We thought you got it started and took it
 on to work.  It wasn't there when we went to pick it up...

CAUSE: Someone had tapped into the car shop's phone
line and beat them to the address.  3 vehicles THAT DAY!
Of course, after getting to the 3rd address and NO vehicle,
they started getting suspicious.

MORAL OF THE STORY:  Don't EVER think it can't happen to you.

I know, I know.  You have to give out enough info to get help.
But some people are a little more cautious than others.  Remember,
they DON'T know YOU.  And with all the inflated news propaganda
about the Internet and how people can steal you blind, we should
at least understand someone's reluctance to just spill it all out
in a public group.  In any event, Robin's attack on these individuals
accomplishes NOTHING.

But then again, I'm sure that doesn't surprise anyone on this list.


2001-06-22 Thread Bill Andersen

Charles Cazabon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
Nope.  If you're running a mail server, you should have enough technical
knowledge to not be vulnerable to mass hysteria about technology.
go back to your stone knives and raw mastodon meat.

However, you are making the assumption the user wants to actually run
a mail server.  I've helped a few individuals that have no desire to
commercially run a mail server.  They simply want to set one up for their
own use in order TO LEARN how it all works.  Heck, my qmail box at my
house only has 3 users.  Me, my wife and my son.  I thought it would be
interesting to see if I could set up qmail and a Linux box at my house
(on DSL) and host my own domain.  I have no NEED for a mail server at
my house.  I've got an ISP that uses qmail that I could be using.  I just
wanted to learn.  Hey, I got it working and learned a lot about Linux/qmail.

That's the only way to get rid of my stone knives and raw meat! LEARN!

Your philosophy says, if you're not technically knowledgeable, you
have no business trying to learn how to use a mail server.  How the
heck do you become technically knowledgeable then?

OK, maybe the way some people had to learn was by asking uneducated
questions and then getting the shit kicked out of them for asking.
I'm sure someone's father out there used that approach when they
were a child.  Maybe it's why they always do the same to other



2001-06-22 Thread Bill Andersen

Russell Nelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
Then don't ask a public mailing list for help.  Instead, go to one of
the suppliers of commercial support.  How to know which is reliable?
Watch this mailing list, and see who's been around longest (has the
most established reputation to protect), and who supplies the most
clueful answers.

Well put.  Very much in the spirit of user supported software...

Russ, I'm not saying they shouldn't give us the information needed
to help them.  I'm just of the opinion we shouldn't jump down every
newbie's throat just because they are a little over cautious.

Put yourself in their shoes.  Imagine walking up to an Automated Teller
Machine and seeing a guy, presumably a maintenance worker, adjusting
the electronics.  He says, The card reader and pad aren't working.
Just give me your card and PIN number and I'll swipe it back here.

Would YOU hand over your card?

All he wants to do it help you, right?

Think about it...

RE: help : qmail-popup3d

2001-06-15 Thread Bill Andersen

I wouldn't normally chime in on this (cause I sure don't
claim to know much normally), but I happened to help
someone change a service from inetd to xinetd this weekend
and remember the man pgs mentioning that inetd uses the
name of the service as the first parameter in the
inetd.conf file...

So it MIGHT be correct.  I say might, cause as I said,
I don't profess to be an expert!! :)


-Original Message-
From: Charles Cazabon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: help : qmail-popup3d

Carlos Baptista [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 this are two configurations for starting qmail-popup3d that i have used:

 pop3  stream  tcp nowait  root/var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup
qmail-popup /bin/checkpasswordnt /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Mail

That looks incorrect to me.  qmail-popup followed by qmail-popup?

 tcpserver -v -R 0 pop3 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup \
/bin/checkpasswordnt /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Mail 21 |
/var/qmail/bin/splogger pop3d 

This one looks okay, although splogger is deprecated and unnecessary.

Charles Cazabon[EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

RE: W32.Hybris double-bounce clobber perl script...

2001-06-12 Thread Bill Andersen


  Just so you'll know.  No filtering going on at

  I got this one the first go round...


-Original Message-
From: Roger Merchberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 10:10 AM
Subject: W32.Hybris double-bounce clobber perl script...

(I tried sending this once before - methinks there's some filtering going
on at, so I'll change a few things  try again...)

Hello all...

I finally got deeply disturbed about all the double-bounces coming into my
email box (sometimes 2500 after a weekend... :-( ) from the Hybris virus
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and I figured I needed to create a personal filter
for my mailbox to filter these thingies out... So I did.

The proggie is simple (and included here) but most everything's hardcoded
into the program, so you'll need to modify it to suit yourself ( salt to
taste... ;-)

It's a *very* short Perl script, named (on my machine), and
here's what my .qmail file reads:


and here's the script:


### Let's get the info first, to see if it's actually something
###  we need to control...

@zline = STDIN;

$limpy = grep (/TVqQAAME/, @zline);

exit (0) if ($limpy == 0);

# Now, we know that we have a virus... send it to a separate file
# have the proggie die quietly while disregarding further delivery
# instructions in the .qmail file...

open (Q,/home/zmerch/hahainfo.txt);

# go thru each environment variable and write them to my logfile...

foreach $quack ( keys(%ENV) ) {
print Q ENV - $quack = $ENV{$quack}\n;

print Q \n\n;

foreach $liner (@zline) {

# re-search for the beginning of the virus, because we don't
# need to save the entire virus payload to our data file...

$limpy = grep (/TVqQAAME/, $liner);
last if ($limpy != 0);

print Q OMail:  $liner;


print Q \n=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n\n;

# Now exit the proggie  exit w/a #99 exit code to make
# qmail disregard any further lines in the .qmail file

close (Q);

exit (99);

Anyway, I hope this helps someone out there...

Roger Merch Merchberger
Roger Merch Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

RE: New Broadcast Message!!!

2001-06-08 Thread Bill Andersen

There is always...  To: Everybody *@*.*

That sends email to everyone in the world!

(Yes, I am just kidding!  However, I got a double bounce the
 other day with this as the address... I actually got a good
 laugh out of it! :)

-Original Message-
From: Kirti S. Bajwa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 8:18 AM
Subject: New Broadcast Message!!!

 Hi All:

Previously I posted a message under heading Broadcast Message and got some
good suggestions. I also got a response whereas the person responding
thought that I was try to send spam. After reading my original posting, I
think I need to clarify what I am doing and what I need (previously I did
not do it to keep the message short). So here is the question:

Our company has a mail server. It has RH 6.2 and Qmail 1.3 and very much
else. This server serves to about 200 email addresses. We need to install a
patch which will require the system to be re-booted. Therefore, we would
like to send an email message to all the emails addresses on our company's
mail server, informing them of coming re-boot. Any suggestion??


RE: better methods to install qmail on linux ( Redhat 6.2 or 7.0)

2001-06-07 Thread Bill Andersen

Kalle Kivimaa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a mail server this fails when you get a mail which is larger than the
available size on /var.  Thus, have AT LEAST 4GB for /var, then you SHOULD
safe.  Same goes with /home if you deliver mail locally.

Dave Sill wrote:
You really have users sending multigigabyte messages? Yow.

I first thought the same thing, but then remembered seeing a
graphics designer friend of mine email a complete corporate
brochure to his printer.  Sent 8 emails with attachments of
just under 125MB EACH.  He had 768DSL, they had T-1.  Started
the send and went to eat dinner.  We got back a couple of
hours later and they were done! I asked him why he didn't
FTP them and he said, why email is easy!

Get many people doing that on your mail server and
you are right, Yow is about the only thing you can say!


[OT] qmail php

2001-06-06 Thread Bill Andersen

When I installed qmail, I obviously removed sendmail.  Now
when I build php(4) and try to use the the mail() function,
I get mail() not supported in this PHP build because
sendmail was not found during the configure (I assume).

The only reference I could find in the php archives was to
put sendmail_path=path to qmail-inject, but it didn't

Has anyone had any luck using php with qmail?

Please reply off-list as I realize this is really a php issue.
The php mailing list is down per their web site, but I
figure someone on this list is bound to be running php...



BTW: RH7, php4-apache

RE: [OT] qmail php

2001-06-06 Thread Bill Andersen

OK, I hate to go back on list with this, but since I got about
30 replies, it's easier to go back to the list then to reply to each
of you.  THANKS for all the replies though.

Almost all the replies were did you set up links to qmail's sendmail
wrapper... Yes!  I've had qmail running for 6 months without any
problems.  Followed LWQ to the letter and have since re-verified the
links are in place...

[bill@mail bill]$ cd /usr/lib
[bill@mail lib]$ ls -l sendmail
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   23 Jun  3 11:25 sendmail -
[bill@mail lib]$ cd /usr/sbin
[bill@mail sbin]$ ls -l sendmail
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   23 Jun  3 11:25 sendmail -

I even did the following:

1) Stopped qmail and removed the symlinks
2) Installed sendmail (from RPM)
3) Did a complete install (./configure blah blah, make, make install) for
   both PHP and Apache (per their instructions)
4) Uninstalled sendmail using RPM
5) Re-create the symlinks to qmail's sendmail
6) Restarted qmail (actually restared the machine, qmail's working)

STILL, get the error: mail() is not supported in the PHP build

The only thing I haven't tried is the suggestion from Michael Geier below.
Nothing personal Michael, but Hell, I don't want to have to start from
scratch... surely I don't need to re-install Linux!

Anybody else?


(OK, back to off list mode!)

-Original Message-
From: Michael Geier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 1:47 PM
To: Gordon McDowall; Bill Andersen; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [OT] qmail  php

you must install php pre-qmail.

PHP compiles with the sendmail executables and libraries.
   install os (w/sendmail)
   install php
   install qmail
   follow the qmail faq for linking to qmail executables
   change sendmail_path to /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject in php.ini

This is how I did it and it works great on a machine with big.concurrency
patch and 400 remote processes.

RE: [OT] qmail php

2001-06-06 Thread Bill Andersen


  I got this two or three times, so I don't know if the list
  sent it more than once, or whether you just thought you hadn't
  sent it and decided to send it again.

  In any event, I'm not ignoring your reply, just thinking it
  through.  I'm not using FreeBSD, so I've got to find time to
  look into mailwrapper (if it's even available on RH Linux).
  I'm not at my Linux machine right now...

  Don't worry, I did get it... :)  Thanks.


-Original Message-
From: Jeremy Suo-Anttila [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 2:49 PM
To: Gordon McDowall; Bill Andersen; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [OT] qmail  php

I have a machine with apache_mod_ssl+php4+mod_jk and the MTA is qmail and i
have yet to have any problems using php scripts on it. I am using a FreeBSD
4.1.1 Box and for the sendmail mailwrapper i used this

If the system undergoes a 'make world', its going to replace the sendmail
link to /var/qmail/bin/sendmail, qmail and break the package. Dj-vapor
kindly pointed out that linking to the qmail's sendmail binary
at/var/qmail/bin/sendmail is a not the best solution, there's an even more
fun way of doing it. He suggests using mailwrapper to link to qmail's
sendmail binary. First we'll link the old sendmail binary to mailwrapper.
Lastly, we'll edit /etc/mail/mailer.conf and replace the old sendmail binary
locations with qmail's sendmail binary.

# ln -s /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/sbin/mailwrapper

# pico -w /etc/mail/mailer.conf

Replace the following lines:

   sendmail /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail
   send-mail /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail
   mailq /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail
   newaliases /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail


   sendmail /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
   # send-mail /var/qmail/bin/sendmail -bp
   # mailq /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
   # newaliases /var/qmail/bin/newaliases

If you want more information on mailwrapper, then type the line below on
your FreeBSD machine.:

# man mailwrapper

If you don't want to use mailwrapper, then you can simply link the old
sendmail binary to qmail's sendmail binary using one of the methods below

Good Luck


-Original Message-
From: Gordon McDowall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 10:50 AM
To: Bill Andersen; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [OT] qmail  php

I have a machine with php and qmail on it, but I can't remember which I
installed first ;o(
I will put a php form script on if you like to test it

- Original Message -
From: Bill Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 3:28 PM
Subject: [OT] qmail  php

 When I installed qmail, I obviously removed sendmail.  Now
 when I build php(4) and try to use the the mail() function,
 I get mail() not supported in this PHP build because
 sendmail was not found during the configure (I assume).

 The only reference I could find in the php archives was to
 put sendmail_path=path to qmail-inject, but it didn't

 Has anyone had any luck using php with qmail?

 Please reply off-list as I realize this is really a php issue.
 The php mailing list is down per their web site, but I
 figure someone on this list is bound to be running php...



 BTW: RH7, php4-apache

RE: OT: where are you from

2001-05-16 Thread Bill Andersen

D.J. Bernstein is big into Cryptography - using key encryption for
private/secure email, etc.   His domain choice is crypto
without the dots - AFAIK, he is actually in the USA.  Based on his
web site, I would assume in the Chicago area.


On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 09:33:46AM +0300, Martín Marqués wrote:
 Off Topic, but not so much.

 what does .to stand for, as in [EMAIL PROTECTED]?

The island of Tonga.

djb uses only because it looks good and is easy to remember,
however. He's not (AFAIK :) related to anybody in Tonga.

Greetz, Peter.

RE: Fw:

2001-05-10 Thread Bill Andersen


  How damn ironic!  You preach and preach to these guys about
  send unadulterated, unedited examples to the list and the
  one frickin guy who actually DOES - sends a virus!

  I know you always try to make this list idiot proof, but I
  think we just _found_ that better idiot!. :)

-Original Message-
From: Robin S. Socha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 3:28 AM
Subject: Re: Fw:

* Okan CIMEN [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010510 03:11]:

If you are 99% certain that you're sending a virus, WHY DO YOU SEND IT?
If you can be 99% sure that at least 5 administrators whose users are
subscribed to this list are idiots with misconfigured virus scanners,

 Our e-mail users receive lots of e-mails with no subject nor from
 adress but just an attachment. Below is an example I have received
 before. As you may see there are no from or subject information
 available. The only clue is the .exe attachment with a random name
 written in capital letters.

Which documents about qmail and UCE prevention did you read before you
asked here? There are several on

 How can I block these e-mails?

When all else fails, man procmail. But you don't leave the impression
that you'll understand it. I'll get some popcorn while the our L33t
virus sc4nn3r has found some virus that can't affect you because you're
not running commercial software from Redmon hit this list. Again.
Thank you *very* much.


2001-05-08 Thread Bill Andersen

This message attmepts to load the Chineese Character set.

It could be SPAM, or it could be a question written in Chineese...

I CAN'T read Chineese, but I'll take a stab at translating it anyway.
(I feel lucky today!)

I'll bet he is asking at LEAST one of the following questions...

1) Why does it take so long to check mail?
2) How do I set up relaying?
3) How do I set up virtualdomains?
4) How can I discard Mail?

Robin, Tim, Dave... you guys want to flame him or should I?

:) :) :)Bill

RE: slow smtp connection

2001-05-01 Thread Bill Andersen

The only other solution I can think of is to travel to each of these
people's homes and staple the above to their foreheads. This, for
obvious reasons (the cost of travel), is not going to happen.


  Why not just write an web interface for subscribing to the list.
  In order to get to the actual form that asks for your email address,
  you would have to answer some basic questions that can be found in
  the FAQs and LWQ?  Take the top 10 questions with multiple choice
  answers.  Hit 8 out of 10 and you get to subscribe.  Anything less
  and you are taken back to the FAQ page with a Sorry, you haven't
  done your homework... Keep reading until you understand the basics 

  As much as I _hate_ sounds on web pages.  THIS would be a great
  use of the buzzer sound and Wrong Answer! :)


P.S. To avoid the subsequent flames on this... I AM kidding!!!

Strange Bounce

2001-05-01 Thread Bill Andersen

OK, I guess I have to fall in the stupid group today.  I posted
a message a little earlier to the qmail list with the subject of
RE: slow smtp connection and it made the list fine.  However, I
received this as a bounce...

Received: (qmail 5277 invoked from network); 1 May 2001 17:19:42 -0500
Received: from (HELO (
  by with SMTP; 1 May 2001 17:19:42 -0500
Date: Tue, 01 May 2001 18:18:33 -0400
Subject: NDN: RE: slow smtp connection
X-FC-Icon-ID: 2031
X-FC-MachineGenerated: true
From: Mailer-Daemon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Status:  U

Sorry. Your message could not be delivered to:

qmail-list,Soleil (The name was not found at the remote site. Check that
the name has been entered correctly.)

PLEASE tell me this is a fluke... Or should I start looking for viruses?
There was nothing else in the body of the message and no attachment.


RE: -help@

2001-04-09 Thread Bill Andersen

Just when you thought a message couldn't get any
less specific... :)

-Original Message-
From: Marcus Ouimet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 3:51 PM
Subject: -help@

RE: Tcpserver

2001-03-27 Thread Bill Andersen

Richard Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This way the ones who don't mind helping the newbies (like myself) can
 actually get some work done instead of having to read whining / vulgar
 emails!. Yes I can use the F-word just as easily as everyone else but THIS
 LIST is *NOT* the place for it.

Charles Cazabon wrote:
On the contrary; djb himself has used it many times on this list.  I have
the archive entries to prove it.  You're not the language police; if you
don't care for the occasional blue word, please don't read this list.

Well, if djb used the F-word, THAT makes it all OK! Why don't
we start calling it F***Mail then?  I'm sure Dan Bernstein would love
to be known as the creator of F***Mail... don't you?

You can debate whether rude, foul language is appropriate for a
list all you want.  I personally don't really care to see it, but
I acknowledge it's up to the individual to choose their own words.
As you said, I can choose not to subscribe and/or read the messages.

However, as any educated individual will tell you.  Your choice of
words is a direct reflection of your intellect.  Shallow people use
shallow words.  Choose any words you care to use, it will only gives
us a better insite of the validity of all your comments.

RE: Qmail + pop3d

2001-03-26 Thread Bill Andersen


Although the directories MAY be on a separate logial partitions
(I used Red Hat 7's auto partition, so I can't say exactly how
RH7 does it), they are NOT, however, on two physical Hard Drives.
I only have one 3 Meg drive in the machine.  Also, I can copy
the file manually with the "mv" command without the error (?).
The only time I get the error is when I call one of the "elq",
"qail" or "pinq" wrappers.

I agree with you on Mutt.  I think I will just stick with Mutt.
As you said, it is very feature rich - just a little cryptic!


-Original Message-
From: ennui [mailto:ennui]On Behalf Of Nick (Keith) Fish
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 5:39 PM
To: Bill Andersen; Qmail Mailing List
Subject: Re: Qmail + pop3d

Bill Andersen wrote:
 I read the docs and found the nice little wrappers for "elq","pinq" and
 but I always get the following error when it calls the maildir2mbox
  maildir2mbox: fatal: unable to move /home/bill/Mailtmp to
  cross-device link
 I'm a Linux newbie, so I just went to POP3 from my PC in order to get my
 However, I would really like to run pine.  (I did get Mutt working with
 so I'me not completely locked to my PC!!! Thank goodness)
 I'm sure it's obvious what I have wrong to someone who knows *nix...
 Help anyone?

Well, are those directories on separate devices (i.e. two different hard
drives)?  If so (and this is judging from the error message), that's
probably your problem.  Try copying the Maildir over to the var
directory somewhere and then run the maildir2mbox command.

BTW, if I was you, I would just stick with mutt and Maildir.  Maildir is
by far the best format for storing e-mail to date and mutt is an
excellent and featureful MUA, although syntax can be a bitch.  My second
recommendation would be to download the patch to make Pine work with
Maildir.  What you're trying to do, I would call a distant third.

Power to ya, though.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

RE: Qmail + pop3d

2001-03-23 Thread Bill Andersen

I read the docs and found the nice little wrappers for "elq","pinq" and
but I always get the following error when it calls the maildir2mbox

 maildir2mbox: fatal: unable to move /home/bill/Mailtmp to
 cross-device link

I'm a Linux newbie, so I just went to POP3 from my PC in order to get my
However, I would really like to run pine.  (I did get Mutt working with
so I'me not completely locked to my PC!!! Thank goodness)

I'm sure it's obvious what I have wrong to someone who knows *nix...

Help anyone?


In Reply to:
 Or, is it a hard operation to make the system use Maildir ? How would i
 make 'pine' work and all that i mean...

Charles Cazabon wrote:
No, it's not difficult.  Again, check djb's site and FAQ, and


2001-03-06 Thread Bill Andersen

I have installed Qmail on a Linux box at may home.
I have DSL and a 4 port router using NAT to direct
all SMTP and POP3 traffic to the Linux box.

I set up qmail and pop3 without any problem (or at
least is all seems to work), but I keep getting the
following error on the console...

IP_MASQ: reverse ICMP: failed checksum from

Am I loosing (bouncing) mail when this happens?

Any ideas on how to fix it?

