Re: add a recipient

2001-08-10 Thread Kris Kelley

JSOBCZ wrote:
  I would like to add a recipient to all outgoing mail based on the
  sender address e.q. all mail sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] should be also
  sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am not familiar with procmail or
  other tools so please be verbose.

Charles Cazabon wrote:
This is a job for your MUA (mutt, kmail, Outlook, whatever), not for

That depends.  One could be wanting to monitor the outgoing email of
certain addresses behind the scenes.

If you want to do this at the MTA level, you'll need to use the
QUEUE_EXTRA trick...

...documented in the qmail FAQ, #8.2, by the way...

 ...feeding messages to a program which extracts the
 sender address and decides what to do from there -- but you'll need
 another qmail instance without QUEUE_EXTRA to do these extra deliveries,
 or you'll have endless mail loops.

Maybe not.  If the address to send copies to is local, one could instead
use another MDA to delivery it to that address's mailbox.

Relevant documentation to read:  qmail FAQ, man dot-qmail, and the
documentation of your favorite Mail Delivery Agent (I use deliverquota,
part of the Courier/Courier IMAP packages).

Ross Cooney wrote:
 One other way to do this is to have a script to answer on port 25
 wich analyses the email depending on cetain per domain or per user
 requirements. This could add the new headder before sending it to the 
 real qmail-queue. This could be built around the same idea that
 the qmail-scanner package works.

One problem with this scenario is the original recipient of the message
might see the extra header and mention it to the sender.  If you're trying
to keep this sort of activity under wraps, that could be a bad thing.

---Kris Kelley

PS:  My apologies to one particular person who will see this message twice.
I botched the reply.

Re: Prejudice and control

2001-08-07 Thread Kris Kelley

David U. wrote:
Do we know how DJB filtered this client MUA?

I think it'd be interesting to see how he choose to do it since I think
there is more then one way.

Here's one quick and dirty way, usable in default delivery instructions or
in a .qmail file:

|bouncesaying Outlook Express not welcome here. grep X-Mailer: Microsoft
Outlook Express

Of course, this will also reject messages that happen to have X-Mailier:
Microsoft Outlook Express in the message body (like this one).  A better
method would use the 822field program in DJB's mess822 package.

---Kris Kelley

Qmail DSN patch?

2001-08-07 Thread Kris Kelley

The message archives have periodically mentioned going to to find
support for Delivery Status Notifications (various 189x RFCs), but I
haven't actually found anything there.  Does such a patch (or patches)
exist, and if so, where can I find them?  It's quite possible I'm
overlooking it at, but a search of the web page turned up nothing
except for a patch to the sendmail wrapper.

I'm well aware of the debate between DSNs and qmail's VERPs, however, the
idea here is not to better manage mailing lists, but simply to give
individual users more toys to play with.  Debate that however you will, but
the bottom line is, this is not solely my decision to make.

---Kris Kelley

Re: Robin Socha, this is a plea.

2001-08-01 Thread Kris Kelley

I normally don't participate in such discussions, but...

Jeff Palmer wrote:
Granted,  a lot of the emails to this list could be handled if the person
would just read the FAQ. But the simple truth is... [h]uman nature is not
 digging through tons of documentation to find a
'simple' answer.

FAQ != tons of documentation

Plus, this is what search engines are for.

Face reality.  You are looking for an idealistic world.   You need to see
that we live in THIS world,  and not many people are going to conform to
your ideals...  Follow your mothers advice.

You mean when she said Stand up for what you believe in?

---Kris Kelley

LWQ/svscan question

2001-06-19 Thread Kris Kelley

I looked at the new version of Life with qmail for the first time today,
so forgive me if this is a little late.  I didn't see anything in the
archive to suggest it had already been talked aobut.

Since the new LWQ sets up svscan to run independently of the qmail control
script, would it not be a wise idea to include a down file in each
supervise directory, so that qmail and any other services would not start
up when svscan is run?  That way you would have greater control over when
and in what order the supervised services began during boot-up.

---Kris Kelley

Re: LWQ/svscan question

2001-06-19 Thread Kris Kelley

I wrote:
  Since the new LWQ sets up svscan to run independently of the qmail
  script, would it not be a wise idea to include a down file in each
  supervise directory, so that qmail and any other services would not
  up when svscan is run?

Dave Sill replied:
 That was my original goal, but I soon discovered that the qmail init
 script was being run before svscan was started, so qmail wasn't
 starting when the system was rebooted. I opted to remove the down
 files and let svscan start them ASAP, which is safe since the init
 scripts have alread been run by that point.

I think I'd prefer to have svscan running before any of the relevant init
scripts were executed, because I plan on supervise-ing other programs
besides qmail.  I like the idea of having them all in one place, overseen
by one svscan process (my current set-up calls svscan three times), but
would like more control over what order the services are started.  So what
I'll probably do is call svscan from its own start-up script that runs
before the scripts of qmail and the other programs, and sprinkle down
files where appropriate.  It doesn't look like it, but would I be at the
risk of breaking anything else in the LWQ scheme of things if I do it this

Charles Cazabon wrote:
 Mea culpa; I claim brain fade.

Been there, done that, can't remember what happened.

---Kris Kelley

Re: Logging POP3

2001-05-23 Thread Kris Kelley

David Gartner wrote:
  Just switched to qmail and have a slight problem.  We used to log pop3
  traffic (logins/logouts) so that we could help people who claim they
 couldn't get their mail...

Charles Cazabon wrote:
The login line can be done fairly easily with a shell script shim called
after your checkpassword (or alternative) invocation in the qmail-pop3d run

For logging the logout; well, you'll probably have to patch qmail-pop3d to

If you're not too discrimating about what gets logged, you can use recordio
to log *everything*.  If you do use recordio, be extremely careful about
who gets to see the logs, since passwords will probably be sprinkled
liberally throughout (unless your users use MD5 or similar authentication

---Kris Kelley

Re: html based email

2001-05-09 Thread Kris Kelley

Andy Meuse wrote:

 Is there a way anyone knows of to send one email in both html and
 plain text format?

This is up to your email client.  If I remember correctly, Outlook and
Outlook Express send messages in both formats, and I'm sure other clients
do as well.  Check the documentation of your favorite client.

By the way, sending HTML and other rich text messages is heavily frowned
upon in technical communities, such as the qmail mailing list.  So, it
would be to your advantage to also use a client that can send plain text
only, and to make sure your intended recipient won't mind getting HTML,
before you send it.

---Kris Kelley

QUEUE_EXTRA: can I use a complete email address?

2001-05-09 Thread Kris Kelley

I'm trying to set up message archiving via the QUEUE_EXTRA variable
documented in the qmail FAQ.  However, the procedure described in the FAQ
is incompatible with my installation of qmail, because I have made a
special case of recipient addresses that do not include a domain; simply
put, any such messages are rejected.  So, the message copies that are
supposed to go to log instead get bounced back to the sender.

I tried setting QUEUE_EXTRA to [EMAIL PROTECTED]\0, but that only
resulted in all deliveries failing because the recipient address was being
mangled.  I guess I'm not getting the syntax right for QUEUE_EXTRA, but
there doesn't seem to be any documentation about it other than what's in
the FAQ.

So, does anybody know if it's possible to put a complete address or
otherwise specify a domain name in QUEUE_EXTRA, and, if so, how?

Thanks for reading.

---Kris Kelley

Re: QUEUE_EXTRA: can I use a complete email address?

2001-05-09 Thread Kris Kelley

I wrote:
  I'm trying to set up message archiving via the QUEUE_EXTRA variable
  documented in the qmail FAQ.  However, the procedure described in the
  is incompatible with my installation of qmail, because I have made a
  special case of recipient addresses that do not include a domain; simply
  put, any such messages are rejected.  So, the message copies that are
  supposed to go to log instead get bounced back to the sender.

Charles Cazabon replied:
 Hmmm.  You did this by patching qmail-send?  I presume this is to avoid

No, I did it with a combination of qmail's available tools.

  |bouncesaying You must enter a complete address

The bosses wanted to make sure people always used complete addresses.

Charles Cazabon continued (and Peter van Dijk chorused):
 Perhaps when you set QUEUE_EXTRA, you mis-set QUEUE_EXTRALEN?
 It has to be the length of the string you supply (including the leading T
and the
 trailing NUL).

Er, oops.  So that's what LEN means.  Seems obvious in retrospect. :)

Thanks for the help.

---Kris Kelley

Re: Re: Maildirmake...

2001-04-26 Thread Kris Kelley

Ruprecht Helms wrote:
 By my last qmail-installation I've given the maildirs the right 703.
 I think that is also a good setting for that.

Uh, sure, if you don't mind any fool process or user writing stuff in your
mail directories.  Remember, qmail assumes the rights and permissions of
the user in question before writing to his/her mail directories, so there
is no reason to have any world or even group permissions on those
directories.  700 is highly recommended.

---Kris Kelley

/var/qmail/control and queue question

2001-04-25 Thread Kris Kelley

When a new domain is added to /var/qmail/control/locals and
/var/qmail/control/rcpthosts, is it possible to flush the queue in such a
way that any mail bound for that domain (before it became a local domain)
will be delivered locally?  After updating the control files and then
HUPping and ALARMing qmail, the system is still trying to deliver the
messages remotely.  Playing with /var/qmail/control/smtproutes didn't help

---Kris Kelley

Re: /var/qmail/control and queue question

2001-04-25 Thread Kris Kelley

I wrote:
   Playing with /var/qmail/control/smtproutes didn't help either.

Charles Cazabon wrote
  Hmmm.  Even with something like domain:

That's pretty much what I did, only I used a name (localhost) instead of a
number (  qmail still tried to deliver the messages to the old
IP address.

Peter Farmer wrote:
 And if the server was the best preference MX, then qmail would delivery
the mail remotely to itself, at
 which point the message would be delivered locally.

/var/qmail/control/smtproutes is supposed to override the looking up of MX
records, correct?  In any case, I have no control over the DNS records of
this domain (don't worry, my reasons for wanting to capture these messages
are kosher).

These messages finally bounced the last time I tried to flush the queue, so
they're gone now.  Thanks for the help just the same.

---Kris Kelley

Re: Re: Forwarding user mail.

2001-04-19 Thread Kris Kelley

Rakhesh Sasidharan wrote:
  TO do that, I created a file .qmail-player in the aliases directory,
  and put the name "rakhesh@fqdn" in that (that's how I had got qmail to
  deliver mail for non-existant addresses like postmaster etc); but
  qmail still delivers mail to "player" and not "rakhesh".

Robin S. Socha wrote:
 You mean "rakhesh@fqdn"? And "fqdn" won't work, anyway.

The ampersand is optional if the address begins with a letter or number, as
it does in this case.  "man dot-qmail"

Also, I doubt he meant "fqdn" literally, but since this list prefers to be
literal (nothing wrong with that)...

"fqdn" would work if he has it set up as a local domain.  I have a local
domain called "no_domain_given" that is used to catch addresses that don't
have domains, since the bosses didn't want people using them.

---Kris Kelley


2001-04-17 Thread Kris Kelley

qmailu wrote:
 I am trying to use qmailanalog for my analysis...

 But when I pipe it through any of the z* commands, I get nothing except
 the column headers from the z* command itself. What am I doing wrong?
 I tried the same with tai64n2tai and tai64nlocal but I get nothing but
the column headers from the z*
 command itself. Can some pls throw some light on this.

You need to run the logs through tai64nfrac before qmailanalog will analyze
them properly.  This script is (presumably) available at

---Kris Kelley

Re: disappearing messages

2001-03-21 Thread Kris Kelley

Gopi Sundaram wrote:
 Right now, I can send messages out using the machine running qmail as
 an smtp server. I can receive local messages correctly. However,
 messages from outside to my qmail server are irretrievable lost. They
 aren't bounced, and I never receive them.
 I have no idea where to start troubleshooting.

What Do The Logs Say? (tm)

---Kris Kelley

Re: disappearing messages

2001-03-21 Thread Kris Kelley

Schoon wrote:
 Hmm, another acronym?? WDTLS?? :)

Clever, but the majority of people you'd throw it at would never get it. :)

---Kris Kelley

Re: help - tcprules flaking out

2001-03-19 Thread Kris Kelley

Dan Kelley (no relation) wrote:
 here's my tcp.smtp file:
 tcpruleschceck /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb
 [dkelley@mx1 /etc]# tcprulescheck /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb
 rule :
 allow connection
 [dkelley@mx1 /etc]#
 it doesn't appear to be setting RELAYCLIENT.

You're calling tcprulescheck wrong.  Try:

   env TCPREMOTEIP= tcprulescheck /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb

---Kris Kelley

Re: Control files

2001-03-19 Thread Kris Kelley

 Is there a better description of what each file does in the
 /var/qmail/control directory?

Better than what?  Try "man qmail-control".  That will give you an overview
of what each file does, what it's default is, and what other man pages to
read for more detail.

---Kris Kelley

Re: Forwarding to AOL issue

2001-03-13 Thread Kris Kelley

 How funny is it that an AOL user has written an unofficial FAQ on why
 his ISP loses mail?  In fact, he continues to give them money?

"Know thine enemy."

---Kris Kelley

Re: traffic

2001-03-12 Thread Kris Kelley

Qmaillist apparently wrote:
 I guess that it just logs the traffic of emails that are sent out by the
 server and of emails that are received by the server.

...which is all that qmail has jurisdiction over.

 But is it also possible to let qmail log when a user collects his email?

This is up to your POP3, IMAP, or other similar server.  qmail ships with a
POP3 server, qmail-pop3d, but even if you are using it, its logs will be
kept separately.

---Kris Kelley

Re: qmail-pop3d bug

2001-03-12 Thread Kris Kelley

John R. Levine wrote:
   Pop3d just reports the file sizes, while it's clear
   from the RFC that it's supposed to report the wire size of each
   i.e., the size using cr/lf as a line terminator, so the sizes it
   are too small.

Peter van Dijk replied:
  Yes. This behaviour is known. Fixing it, however, involves a *huge*
  performance downgrade of qmail-pop3d.

Scott Gifford pondered:
 A solution I have considered is storing the messages in wire format.
 Especially for POP/IMAP-only clients, seems like it could be a
 medium-sized performance win, since the line-conversion is done only
 once, regardless of how many times the message is downloaded.  If the
 message were kept in wire-format from SMTP through delivery, no line
 conversion would be required at either end, and a larger performance
 gain would be possible.

 Has anybody tried this, or anything like it?

Something like that, yes.  My last job involved building custom SMTP and
POP3 servers from scratch.  I stored messages in a quasi-maildir-ish folder
scheme, and left the CRLF linebreaks intact.  Since there were no local
users on this box, there was no need to worry about local MUA's, and
everything ran smoothly.  I would think that it probably wouldn't be too
much trouble to rig an MUA to look for CRLFs, so that it could coexist in
this environment if need be.

---Kris Kelley

Re: apop and authenticated smtp

2001-03-09 Thread Kris Kelley

Todd A. Jacobs wrote:
 I've seen a couple of patches on relating to this, but they
 either don't list the version they relate to, or are described as

 I'd appreciate some recommendations from anyone who's tried some of these
 patches, including some pointers on which ones work with qmail 1.03, and
 which ones I should stay away from.

Krzysztof Dabrowski's patch and related checkpassword substitute work just
fine with qmail 1.03.  That's the one I use.

Mrs. Brisby's patch works, but it doesn't offer encryption (CRAM-MD5)
support, and it has a small problem in that if your checkpassword program
dies, it will allow everybody who attempts authentication to relay.  This
patch was actually the foundation for Dabrowski's work.

---Kris Kelley

Re: supervised pop3d

2001-03-09 Thread Kris Kelley

 Does anyone have an example of calling pop3d from the supervise startup
 script (/etc/init.d/qmail) from LWQ? I'd really like to run it supervised,
 if possible.

There are some older messages in the mailing list archive that would help,
as this subject popped up (no pun intended) less than a month ago.

Basically what I did was create a new directory under /var/qmail/supervise,
called qmail-pop3d.  I set up the run and log/run scripts using the
qmail-smtpd scripts as a guide.  Once those were set up, I was able to use
the LWQ start-up script with no modification, and the tcpserver in charge of
the POP3 port is supervised along with the rest of the qmail system.

---Kris Kelley

Re: Sendmail

2001-03-08 Thread Kris Kelley

Kirti S. Bajwa wrote:
 For the last several months, I am itching to ask this question. I have a
 freshly installed RH 6.2 on a server. I am planning to install qmail. Are
 there any files in "sendmail" which are used by "qmail"? Can I just go
 and remove "sendmail" from the server before starting installation of
 "qmail"?  I have read both "Life with Qmail" and "qmail-HOWTO" and both
 remove "sendmail" after installing "qmail".

A lot of the documentation assumes that you are installing qmail on a mail
server that's currently in use.  Since you would obviously want to keep
downtime to a minimum, the recommendation is to install qmail and make sure
it's working properly before you begin trashing sendmail.

Since you have a fresh system that nobody is using yet, it won't matter when
you yank out sendmail, so go ahead and tear it out before hand if that is
your preference.

---Kris Kelley

Re: Disable Single User

2001-03-07 Thread Kris Kelley

Andy $ wrote:

 I would like to stop the
 delivery of email to a single user. Is there a way to do this?
 I'll take a polite RTFM if you can show me explictly where.

man dot-qmail

man bouncesaying

Perhaps a .qmail file for this user that reads:

   | bouncesaying 'This address does not accept email.'

---Kris Kelley

Re: running qmail from /supervise

2001-03-05 Thread Kris Kelley

Gerrit Pape wrote:
   if You really want to use such silly initscripts, better use svc

Dave Sill asked:
  What makes this a "silly initscript"? What's the right way to do this
  stuff in your OS religion?

Gerrit Pape replied:
 I have svscan /service started from inittab...  If I want a service to be
 temporary, I use svc -d /service/service. Thats what I mean with 'use

Newsflash:  some people *like* using scripts that allow for more
human-readable (and easier to type) commands like 'qmail stop' and 'qmail
pause'.  As long as one understands what the script is doing and why, there
is no right, wrong, or "silly" way to do it.  TEHO.

---Kris Kelley
PS:  That's the closest I've come to a flame on this list.  I feel so


2001-02-22 Thread Kris Kelley

Rick Updegrove wrote:
 Since I do not have a init.d directory in OpenBSD and it seems everything
 started from rc.conf and rc.local in OpenBSD how am I to follow LWQ?

I may be way off base here, having never used OpenBSD, but couldn't you
create the LWQ qmail start-up script as a file somewhere, then tell
whichever rc.* script is appropriate to do a "/path/to/script/qmail start"?

---Kris Kelley

Re: SMTP-AUTH problems

2001-02-22 Thread Kris Kelley

John P. wrote:
 I have patched qmail-smtpd with Krzysztof Dabrowski's SMTP-AUTH patch and
 have changed the line in /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/run to end "..
 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd /bin/checkpassword /bin/true 21" and have
 trying to send e-mail from an IP address that is not permitted in the
 tcp.cdb for relaying purposes.

Dabrowski's version of the authenticated SMTP patch supports two
authentication schemes, simple passwords and CRAM-MD5 challenges and
responses.  Therefore, qmail-smtpd modified with the patch will require two
"checkpassword" type arguments, one to handle simple passwords, the other to
handle CRAM-MD5.

Dabrowski also wrote his own replacement for checkpassword, cmd5checkpw,
specifically to handle the CRAM-MD5 scheme.  However, the latest version of
cmd5checkpw also handles simple passwords, so it can be used for both
purposes.  My qmail-smtpd start-up script looks like this:

... /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd \
/bin/cmd5checkpw /bin/true /bin/cmd5checkpw /bin/true ...

Note that if you do use cmd5checkpw, you will have to create a new password
file that stores passwords unencrypted; the default is /etc/poppasswd.  The
source package for cmd5checkpw provides an example to help you set up this
new password file.  Details and downloads at:

---Kris Kelley

Re: SMTP-AUTH problems

2001-02-22 Thread Kris Kelley

John P. wrote:
 I wanted to avoid using the cmd5checkpw program as I didn't want to have
 sets of password files to update. Also I'm using Outlook Express so that
 means plaintext passwords only (?) - so I only put one argument on the
 qmail-smtpd line.

Regardless of your set-up, the patched version of qmail-smtpd will need two
checkpassword arguments.  Since you won't be using CRAM-MD5 at all, you can
probably forego installing cmd5checkpw and simply give a dummy argument for
the second checkpassword requirement.  So your script might look like this:

... /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd \
/bin/checkpassword /bin/true dummy /bin/true ...

I would recommend that "dummy" be replaced with a program that always
returns failure, in case some smart-alec in your domain tries to use a
CRAM-MD5 enabled client.

 I was going to install the predecessor, that only has
 plaintext auth - but that was a qmail-smtpd.c program only, and I wanted
 keep my patch for Qmail-Scanner - or can I install the new qmail-smtpd.c
 program and then install the qmail-scanner patch ?

I am not using qmail-scanner, so I'm afraid I have no experience with it.
At any rate, using the original version of "Mrs. Brisby"'s qmail-smtpd is
not recommended, due to a bug that would allow anybody to relay if the
checkpassword program crashed.  The latest version of Dabrowski's patch
fixes that bug.

---Kris Kelley

Re: Newbies tcpserver question [slightly offtopic]

2001-02-22 Thread Kris Kelley

John Peterson

 Im trying to get tcpserver to work with my simple
 program written in C. However, Im getting unexpected
 printf("Welcome! Enter your name\n");
 printf("Hello %s",name);
 bash-2.04$ telnet 555
 Connected to
 Escape character is '^]'.
 Welcome! Enter your name:
 Hello Bob
 It does the input first, and then all the output in
 one shot!

Try flushing the output after the welcome message.  Worked for me.


Re: Is there another procedure to enable Selective SMTP relaying which is not SMTP-after-POP?

2001-02-21 Thread Kris Kelley

Charrua escribi:
  Is there another procedure to enable Selective SMTP relaying which is

Enrique Vadillo wrote:
 The best solution for roamers' smtp is SMTP-after-POP, trust me

I believe authenticated SMTP works best.  The majority of email clients
support it now, and there are good implementations of it for qmail.  Check
out for details, specifically, Krzysztof Dabrowski's work.

---Kris Kelley

Re: Slow connection on send Server connection closed

2001-02-21 Thread Kris Kelley

JK wrote:
 1. From the time Send is clicked in Netscape 4.75 on NT, and the
 completion takes 15-20 seconds...

 2. Some of the Netscape users complain that they frequently get error
 message indicating that there may be network problem or server may have
 closed the connection.

 Can someone tell me where to begin to look to troubleshoot this?

How was qmail installed by the consultant?  Do you know if it's using inetd
or tcpserver (or something more exotic) to listen to the SMTP port?

My guess is your server is trying to do ident queries (port 113) which are
disappearing into never-never land.  tcpserver has an option to disable
this, not sure about inetd.

---Kris Kelley

Re: Cannot receive mail from other mail server

2001-02-20 Thread Kris Kelley

 MY /etc/tcp.smtp SETTING (after it I convert
 to /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb using tcprules) is as follows:

I suspect this is your problem, and if it isn't, it will be.  That last line
is bad, really bad; it's telling your qmail server to accept messages from
anywhere, destined for anywhere, making you an open relay.  Change the last
line to read


and you'll be better off.  Don't forget to recompile the cdb.

---Kris Kelley

Re: unable to recieve remote mail

2001-02-20 Thread Kris Kelley we are unable to receive any messages from remote hosts.

You mentioned local mail works fine.  Does that mean email sent from one
local user logged in directly to the machine to another local user works
fine?  If so, then the problem may be that something's not listening for
remote SMTP connections.  Try a telnet connection to port 25 and see what
you see.

If you're certain that something is listening (be it tcpserver or inetd or
the like), and that it's properly calling qmail-smtpd, then What Do the Logs

---Kris Kelley

Re: unable to recieve remote mail

2001-02-20 Thread Kris Kelley

 Well that's part of my problem, I'm not sure how to interpret the logs

They're fairly intuitive once you've stared at them for a bit.  Much easier
to read than sendmail's.

 Feb 12 03:33:49 pbgnw qmail: 981966829.691748 new msg 30135
 Feb 12 03:33:49 pbgnw qmail: 981966829.691874 info msg 30135: bytes 1688
from [EMAIL PROTECTED] qp 28956 uid 504
 Feb 12 03:33:49 pbgnw qmail: 981966829.695257 starting delivery 19: msg
30135 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Feb 12 03:33:49 pbgnw qmail: 981966829.695360 status: local 1/10 remote
 Feb 12 03:33:49 pbgnw qmail: 981966829.702067 delivery 19: failure:
 Feb 12 03:33:49 pbgnw qmail: 981966829.702180 status: local 0/10 remote
 Feb 12 03:33:49 pbgnw qmail: 981966829.707803 bounce msg 30135 qp 29012
 Feb 12 03:33:49 pbgnw qmail: 981966829.708357 end msg 30135

 so is it telling me that there is no mail box named scottb?

Yes.  This snippet of the logs is telling you that message #30135 came from
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Qmail then tried to deliver this message as delivery
#19 to local user [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Delivery #19 failed with the reason
given, therefore, message #30135 was bounced back to the sender.

 the strange thing if that is the case is that I sent the msg to

Have you been playing with aliases at all?  That's the only reason I can
think of why webmaster would morph into scottb on an otherwise sane qmail

By the way, it's beneficial to you and others to keep these discussions on
the qmail list.  Somebody with more experience is bound to have better
answers than me, plus future qmail users with these problems can then search
the archives and (hopefully) not have to ask the same questions again.

---Kris Kelley

Re: qpop3 keeps alive!

2001-02-09 Thread Kris Kelley

Ari Arantes Filho wrote:
  env - PATH="$PATH" svscan 
  echo $!  /var/run/

Martin Akesson wrote:
 You are getting the pid of the env program.  You must start svscan
 without a wrapper like env in order to get echo $! to work.

His script is based on Dave Sill's LWQ start-up script.  Assuming I'm
understanding it correctly, recording the PID of the env program is not a
problem, since it morphs into svscan.  In other words, killing env will in
turn kill svscan.

Ari Arantes Filho also wrote:
  # begin -- /var/qmail/supervise/pop3d/run --
  /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -R 0 pop-3 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup \
   /bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir 21

Here's the real problem.  Coincidentally, I ran into this same pitfall
myself just yesterday.  Put "exec" in front of the tcpserver command in this

My understanding is that supervise is actually only supervising the run
script.  The "exec" command tells the script to turn itself into a tcpserver
process.  Without the "exec", the script creates a separate tcpserver
process, which supervise cannot control.

---Kris Kelley

Re: qmail-pop3d and daemontools

2001-02-09 Thread Kris Kelley

Marcus Korte wrote:
 Has anybody included the startup of the pop3d in the qmail startup-skript
 (the one with start, stop, stat...) of LWQ?

I created a new directory under /var/qmail/supervise, called qmail-pop3d.
This directory, and the scripts within, are very similar to
/var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd.  The qmail-pop3d/run script invokes
tcpserver using Dave Sill's pop3d script in LWQ.  The qmail-pop3d/log/run
script invokes multilog which stores its log files in /var/log/qmail/pop3d.
Don't forget to set the sticky bit on /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-pop3d, and
also don't forget to "exec" commands in your scripts (see my last message).

Once I set up these directories, I was finished.  The standard LWQ start-up
script will start and stop qmail-pop3d at the same time as qmail-smtpd and
qmail proper, thanks to the wonder that is svscan.

---Kris Kelley

Re: a question

2001-02-09 Thread Kris Kelley

Yavuz Maslak wrote:
 yes I can telnet ports 25 and 110 on the machine

 but I can't see some daemons which qmail-smtpd,qmail-pop3d, etc, when I
 as "ps aux | grep qmail"

Looks like you're running two instances of tcpserver, so this is normal.
Keep in mind that it's actually tcpserver that is the resident daemon
process; tcpserver will create instances of qmail-smtpd and qmail-pop3d as
needed, when requests come in.

For kicks, try making a connection to port 25 or port 110 and then do a
process list.  You should see an instance of qmail-smtpd or qmail-pop3d
running then.

---Kris Kelley

Re: lwq freebsd

2001-02-07 Thread Kris Kelley

Disclaimer: I don't use FreeBSD.

t_oo wrote:
 i've tryed to installed qmail 1.03 according "Life with qmail" instructions on FreeBSD4.0, but
 /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/run reporting errors:

 bash-2.03# /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/run
 softlimit: usage: softlimit [-a allbytes] [-c corebytes] [-d databytes]
 [-f filebytes] [-l lockbytes]
 [-m membytes] [-o openfiles] [-p processes] [-r residentbytes] [-s
 [-t cpusecs] child

 script /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-send/run reoprts:

 bash-2.03# /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-send/run
 env: illegal option -- P
 usage: env [-] [-i] [name=value ...] [command]


 /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/run script


 QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`

 NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`

 MAXSMTPD=`cat /var/qmail/control/concurrencyincoming`

 exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 200 \

 /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -p -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c "$MAXSMTPD" \

 -u "$QMAILDUID" -g "$NOFILESGID" 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd

Do you really have an extra line break between each line of this script?  If
so, there's your problem.  Remove the extra line breaks, or at least just
the ones after "exec", and you should be alright.

 /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-send/run script

 exec /var/qmail/rc

This merely calls another script, /var/qmail/rc.  You'll have to check the
contents of that script to find where the error is.  Incidentally, it looks
like you have an extra line-break here too, though in this case it's not
hurting anything.

---Kris Kelley

Re: mail backup

2001-01-31 Thread Kris Kelley

Takayuki Murai wrote:

 I am referring to ~user/Maildir.
 Some of the user use POP, and the other use IMAP. And, I assume that
incoming mails store
 into ~/Maildir/new. My question is:
 if there are new coming mail storing into ~/Maildir/new while backup job
is working,
 what problem is going to happen.

Incoming messages are first stored in ~/Maildir/tmp.  They are only moved to
~/Maildir/new once the file write is complete.  Therefore, as long as you
are only backing up ~/Maildir/cur and ~/Maildir/new, you shouldn't have any
risk of incomplete file back-ups.

 Does Amanda works fine?

Not familiar with this program, but any file copier should do, even plain
old "cp -r".

---Kris Kelley

Re: tcpserver unable to figure out port number for smtp

2001-01-26 Thread Kris Kelley

Fish Flowers wrote:
 @40003a71e0a43872189c tcpserver: fatal: unable to figure out port
 number for smtp

 OK, fair enough... how do I open the port? Or point tcpserver to
 it? Ack! Lack of unix training coming back to bite me in the butt!

Looks like you're calling tcpserver with a port argument of "smtp".  You
have two options: either use a port argument of "25" instead (a number
instead of a name), or define a port number for smtp in /etc/services or
similar file.

---Kris Kelley

Re: tcpserver unable to figure out port number for smtp

2001-01-26 Thread Kris Kelley

Fish Flowers wrote:
 Hmm -- but smtp is assigned a port number (25) in /etc/services...

 When and where is tcpserver called? I'll try passing it an explicit port

That depends.  If you followed the "Life with qmail" way of doing things,
tcpserver is called from /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/run.  At any rate,
qmail should be fired up during the machine's boot sequence, so the call to
tcpserver, or at least the script it's hiding in, should be somewhere in
your start-up scripts.

---Kris Kelley

Re: local delivery problem

2001-01-26 Thread Kris Kelley

Charles Cazabon wrote:
 Which part didn't you understand?  You're injecting mail with bare
 That's a no-no.  Don't do it.

  i'm using, fetchmail to retrieve my mail.

 Then fetchmail is broken.  Use something else.

I wouldn't say fetchmail is broken.  The bare LFs weren't inserted by
fetchmail, they're being passed on unchanged from the original source.
Alternatively, fetchmail provides an option, forcecr, that will make sure
every line ends with a CRLF. covers this.

 I wrote getmail because of
 issues like this.  You can find it from the link below, and best of all,
 it doesn't even do delivery by SMTP re-injection.

I like that feature.  At any rate, fetchmail also offers delivery straight
to an MDA.

---Kris Kelley

Re: qmail-pop3d and fetchmail

2001-01-25 Thread Kris Kelley

This question probably belongs in a fetchmail forum.  Unfortunately, my
recent attempts to subscribe to the fetchmail mailing list have ended in
failure, so you may not have any luck finding a fetchmail forum.

 I was trying to use fetchmail to retrieve messages from a pop3 account
 on a server running qmail-pop3d using tcpserver and vchkpw. It retrieved
 all the messages although I did not specify "--all" flag to fetchmail. I
 tried several time and every time fetchmail retrieves all the messages
 again and again.

Try forcing fetchmail to use message UIDLs, that is, use the "--uidl" flag.
This will enable fetchmail to keep track of what messages it has and hasn't
downloaded using a local list of message IDs.

 I tried fetchmail with another pop3 account on a server running
 sendmail/qpoper and it worked fine, only new messages was retrieved.
 Anybody knows why that happens ?

Probably because that other pop3 server allows for the "LAST" POP3 command.
"LAST" returns the number of the last message downloaded.  Ideally this
should be enough to determine which messages are new, but only after some
assumptions that aren't always correct.  The most recent POP3 RFC deprecated
the "LAST" command, and not all POP3 servers support it.

---Kris Kelley

Re: Maildir in /etc/skel ?

2001-01-24 Thread Kris Kelley

Pupeno wrote:
  Is it posible to create Maildir in /etc/skel/ (maildirmake

Jurjen Oskam wrote:
 I have and it works great. Just a maildirmake in /etc/skel,
 doublecheck the permissions and you're off. Make a .qmail file there
 that points to the Maildir, too. :-)

The .qmail file would be unnecessary, provided you set up proper default
delivery instructions in your /var/qmail/rc script (or wherever you execute

---Kris Kelley

Re: A firestorm of protest?

2001-01-15 Thread Kris Kelley

Russell Nelson wrote:
   Also, some things are much better implemented as a change to
   the existing programs, rather than as an additional layer of

 Try applying two patches to the same program.

That's not necessarily a problem, particularly when the patches affect
different areas of the code.

On the other hand, imagine there is a program that two people have written
additions for, and you want to include both of those additions.  If each
person releases the complete source to their version of the program, instead
of a patch to the original source, you'd have to wade through the program
source, twice, to figure out where the modifications are and how to combine

This problem can be circumvented by storing the complete source for every
possible combination of additions, but that's going to quickly max out your
storage space, not to mention the logistical nightmare of figuring out who
needs to give permission and who gets credit, etc.


Re: A firestorm of protest?

2001-01-15 Thread Kris Kelley

Felix von Leitner wrote:
 If you want to use bloated, unreliable, immensely fat software with a
 nice author who will include every patch anyone sends him, switch to
 Exim.  I mean it!  Please go away and use Exim.  It has all the features
 anyone could ever want from an MTA, and around 20 million more features.

Does Exim also come with a nice mailing list that doesn't demand the exile
of people with dissenting opinions?

---Kris Kelley

Re: tcpserver

2001-01-15 Thread Kris Kelley

Martin Randall wrote:
 maildirmake /etc/skel/Maildir (even from within /cvar/qmail/bin) failed
 in the end I had to cd /etc/skel and do   /var/qmail/bin/maildirmake

 Have yet to look into that.

 I take it a .qmail file is also required in /etc/skel.

Not really.  If all of your users require the same delivery instructions,
then those instructions should be part of qmail-start's "defaultdelivery"
argument, presumably in the /var/qmail/rc script.  A user needs a ".qmail"
file when that user desires a delivery method that is not the default.

 What perms are these files in /etc/skel supposed to be ?

700 permissions for all relevant directories (Maildir, Maildir/cur,
Maildir/new, Maildir/tmp) is ideal.  qmail will allow for a wide variety of
permissions on the Maildir, but nobody else should be reading a user's email

 3PO!  You tell that worm ridden piece of filth he'll get no such pleasure
 from us!  ..  Right...?
  -- Skywalker (Star Wars)

Han Solo said that, actually.

---Kris Kelley

Re: qmail-smtpd-auth

2001-01-11 Thread Kris Kelley

Bjorn Nilsen wrote:

 I'm considering patching qmail with the qmail-smtpd-auth patch...
 I am rather nervous about patching rock solid qmail with a 3rd party

You're not going to find any ESMTP AUTH solutions for qmail that don't
involve patching qmail's source.  I use Krzysztof Dabrowski's patch, and it
works like a charm.  There was no problem applying the patch, no problem
compiling the patched source, and it has worked as advertised.

 Also another question with qmail-smtp-auth if a host is already set up as
 relay client do they need to still provide a login password to get relay

No.  If the remote server doesn't try to authenticate itself, the
RELAYCLIENT environment variable is not changed.  That means that if the
variable was already set by tcpserver, it will remain set.


Re: qmail-smtpd-auth

2001-01-11 Thread Kris Kelley

Vince Vielhaber wrote:

  You're not going to find any ESMTP AUTH solutions for qmail that don't
  involve patching qmail's source.

 This is completely false.  smtp-poplock doesn't require patching the
 qmail source.   You can find a link to it on

If I'm wrong, my apologies.  I'm not familiar with smtp-poplock, and I was
basing what I said on Bjorn Nilsen's last reply, which said, "smtp-poplock
is just another implementation of 'pop before smtp.'"

---Kris Kelley

Re: qmail-smtpd-auth

2001-01-11 Thread Kris Kelley

Vince Vielhaber wrote:

  You're not going to find any ESMTP AUTH solutions for qmail that don't
  involve patching qmail's source.

 This is completely false.  smtp-poplock doesn't require patching the
 qmail source.   You can find a link to it on

If I'm wrong, my apologies.  I'm not familiar with smtp-poplock, and I was
basing what I said on Bjorn Nilsen's last reply, which said, "smtp-poplock
is just another implementation of 'pop before smtp.'"

---Kris Kelley

Re: qmail-smtpd-auth

2001-01-11 Thread Kris Kelley

Vince Vielhaber wrote:
  If I'm wrong, my apologies.  I'm not familiar with smtp-poplock, and I
  basing what I said on Bjorn Nilsen's last reply, which said,
  is just another implementation of 'pop before smtp.'"

 It does the same thing - allow any client to send mail provided they
 successfully authenticated with the POP3 server first - but that's
 the only way they're the same.

No, ESMTP AUTH is different from pop-before-smtp.  With ESMTP AUTH, clients
authenticate themselves via the SMTP server for each SMTP session.  The POP
server is not involved at all.

The way the qmai-smtpd-auth patch works, if a client connects to the SMTP
server and successfully authenticates itself, the patched qmail-smtpd
process sets RELAYCLIENT for that session, thereby allowing relaying.  When
the SMTP session is closed, the relaying permissions, along with the rest of
that process, disappear.

---Kris Kelley

Re: problem in pop3d

2001-01-09 Thread Kris Kelley

 my computer crashes when prince tries to go through the secret door of the

Tell him to use a name that the computer can actually recognize.

---Kris Kelley

Re: relaying by domain

2001-01-04 Thread Kris Kelley

Have you considered authenticated SMTP?  That way clients would have to
verify themselves each time they sent out a message, similar to the POP
login procedure.  There is a very good patch for qmail that enables the
ESMTP AUTH command, written by Krzysztof Dabrowski, available at

Personally I think that ESMTP AUTH is a much cleaner way of doing things
than SMTP-after-POP, and most major mail clients support it, including
Outlook and Outlook Express.


Re: SMTP Authentication

2001-01-04 Thread Kris Kelley

Huseyin YUCE wrote:
  We have Installed Qmail and configured . It is Working fine. Now we need
  to Authenticate SMTP connections. How to go about? Is there any way to
  authenticate using unix password /etc/passwd

Piotr Kasztelowicz wrote:
 Lack of identification system built-in to SMTP is "royal pain"
 of smtp security

Authenticated SMTP is a reality, it just takes a patch to qmail and an
appropriate checkpassword-compatable program to do it.  Look at and do a search for Krzysztof Dabrowski, the author
of the best patch for ESMTP AUTH.

---Kris Kelley

Re: E-mail through firewall

2001-01-04 Thread Kris Kelley

Brett Randall wrote:
 I have a problem. Optus@Home in Australia (one of two cable internet
 providers) have decided to firewall port 25 traffic (incoming) to
 their entire network except for their own mail servers. This means my
 mail server is virtually useless...

Maybe ask the administration nicely to open up port 25 for certain IPs if
the machine passes an open relay test?

---Kris Kelley

Re: Local users can clog qmail local queue

2001-01-03 Thread Kris Kelley

Greg Owen wrote:

 Consider instead a user who puts a stupid filter in his .qmail that
 will execute commands listed in an email with COMMAND as the subject line.
 NOW you have a real security hole.

...which is why .qmail commands are executed as the user, instead of as root
or as one of the qmail users.  Assuming you don't have any other local
holes, the worst that user can do is machine gun himself in the foot, and he
doesn't need qmail to do that!


Re: Disable envnoathost?

2000-12-19 Thread Kris Kelley

Charles Cazabon wrote:
 If I'm not mistaken, qmail-smtpd calls qmail-inject, which calls

According to DJB's schematics, qmail-smtpd calls qmail-queue directly.
From the INTERNALS file (also noted by Peter Samuel):

 qmail-smtpd --- qmail-queue --- qmail-send --- qmail-rspawn ---
   / |  \
qmail-inject _/ qmail-clean  \_ qmail-lspawn --- qmail-local

 I belive Bruce's patch changes _all_ qmail programs which call
 Therefore it would work in this case.

You're right, it would.  I was just being a tad anal. :)

Also, to be completely fair, you provided a solution that's exactly what I
asked for.  Mark Delany's solution will still result in the message being
accepted and then bounced, but in this case the bounce will have a more
accurate explanation about why it was bounced.  That's good enough for me.

Again, thanks for the help!

---Kris Kelley

Re: Potentially stupid question about bounces...

2000-12-19 Thread Kris Kelley

- Original Message -
From: "Charles Cazabon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "QMail Mailing List" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 7:44 PM
Subject: Re: Potentially stupid question about bounces...

 Kris Kelley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm trying to get an idea of exactly how qmail does bounce messages,
since I
  will probably have to write various delivery programs to deal with
  quotas and such in the near future.

 You're not clear on what you're trying to accomplish here.

You're right, I'm not.  Right now all sorts of exotic quota ideas are being
bandied about the office: x number of messages sent/received in y time,
different numbers for different senders and recipients, and on and on.  Any
of these ideas that gets turned into a requirement will need a custom
delivery instruction to go with it, if it's not already covered by programs
like Sam Varshavshik's deliverquota.

 qmail-local signals delivery status to qmail-lspawn with its exit codes.
 You can do things in a .qmail file and exit with the appropriate codes to
 get the behaviour you want; man qmail-command and man dot-qmail for more

I think that answers my question.  I'll study those man pages a little more
closely.  Thanks.

---Kris Kelley

Disable envnoathost?

2000-12-18 Thread Kris Kelley

Is there a way to disable qmail-send's use of the envnoathost control file,
so that any message bound for an address without an @ sign is simply

I know I could put something like in envnoathost
so that all such messages would get bounced back to the sender, but I'm
hoping for a cleaner solution, and hopefully one that doesn't involve code


---Kris Kelley

Potentially stupid question about bounces...

2000-12-18 Thread Kris Kelley

I'm trying to get an idea of exactly how qmail does bounce messages, since I
will probably have to write various delivery programs to deal with special
quotas and such in the near future.

Simply put, are all bounce messages generated by qmail-send?  If so, that
means a delivery program only has to exit with the right error code for a
bounce to be generated, correct?

Sorry if I seem to be overlooking the obvious, but the qmail docs don't give
a clear picture about this, and I can tell from the list archives that there
has been plenty of confusion about bouncing!

---Kris Kelley

Re: Disable envnoathost?

2000-12-18 Thread Kris Kelley

Charles Cazabon wrote:
 Write a wrapper script around qmail-queue, perhaps, which checks that
 a domain was specified for addresses...

 To save some work, you could use Bruce Guenter's QMAILQUEUE patch, and
 insert your filter inbetween qmail-inject and qmail-queue instead...

Actually, there are no local users on these boxes, per se, so the filter
would have to be between qmail-smtpd and qmail-queue.  Otherwise, this makes
sense.  I'll keep it in mind.

Mark Delaney wrote:
 Put in envnoathost *and* virtualdomains
 with a catch-all .qmail-default that has something like:

 | bouncesaying "No recipient domain = No delivery"

Think I'll try this one first. :)

Thanks for the help!

---Kris Kelley

Re: Smtp AUTH

2000-12-14 Thread Kris Kelley

 Hi I just want to know if there is a solution for Smtp AUTH. I
 tried qmail-smtpd-auth-0.26.tar.gz but it doesn't work :-( ...

The only other option is qmail-smtpd-auth's immediate predecessor, a patch
written by "Mrs. Brisby".  If you can't get qmail-smtpd-auth to work, odds
are you won't get this patch to work either.

What exactly is happening?  Give us an idea of how you applied the patch,
how you tested it, how you've determined it's not working, what any relevant
log files say, and so forth.  I use qmail-smtpd-auth without any trouble,
and the author of that patch also subscribes to this list (or did, at
least), so I'm sure you can get help here.

---Kris Kelley

Re: Changing double bounce sender from #@[] to anything else

2000-12-14 Thread Kris Kelley

Charles Cazabon wrote:
  You'll have to edit the qmail source to do this.  However, you probably
  shouldn't -- double bounces have to have a null envelope sender, so that
  if they are going to bounce, they get thrown away -- if you change it to

Jonathan McDowell wrote:
 FWIW if you turn on the "sender_verify" option for Exim it thinks it
 can't route mail to #@[], so won't accept mail from that sender
 envelope. Or at least it does in 3.12, I don't know if later versions
 treat it differently.

Sendmail has a similar option that creates this problem.  Currenty my
company's corporate email server (sendmail) won't accept anything with an
unrecognized domain name, and thus flushes any bounces it receives from our
public email servers (qmail).

I know, I know, ditch sendmail and install qmail on the corporate email
server.  I haven't been able to talk them into letting me do that yet. :)

---Kris Kelley

Re: RE : Smtp AUTH

2000-12-14 Thread Kris Kelley

- Original Message -
From: "Charles Trtanj" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 1:04 PM
Subject: RE : RE : Smtp AUTH

 Well i started the smtpd server with this command "tcpserver -c20 -x
 /var/qmail/control/smtp.cdb -g18 -u81 -R -v 0 smtp
 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd /bin/checkpasswd /bin/true /bin/cmd5checkpw

Virtually the same as mine, with one major exception.  The latest version of
cmd5checkpw handles both clear-text passwords and the CRAM-MD5 scheme, so
I'm not using checkpasswd at all.  While that's something to check, I doubt
it's the cause of the problem you are having.

 the server started and accepted connection via telnet. But at
 the moment a windows-user tried with outlook to login on the smtpd-server
 the server says "bad password or username". I looked at the messagelog and
 find " checkpasswd : user "" no $HOME, access
 denied". But on my first configuration (smtp after pop) all was ok. The
 had first to login with pop3 and after that he can send emails.

Yes, SMTP-after-POP schemes do not require the client to have any special
knowledge about what's going on.  ESMTP AUTH of course requires the client
send the proper authentication information.  I just sent a message through
my AUTH-enabled server using Outlook, and it went without a hitch.  Same
with Outlook Express, which I use daily.

Since the error message mentioned something about no $HOME, you may want to
look at whatever checkpasswd is using to look up user information
(/etc/passwd, presumably) and make sure this person actually has a home
directory set.  Then, if checkpasswd is as paranoid as qmail, make sure that
the person actually owns his home directory, and that the directory is not

If none of this fixes the problem, you might want to post a question to the
password mailing list.  See for details.

Good luck!

---Kris Kelley

Re: How to get Mail delivery in form cgi´s work

2000-12-11 Thread Kris Kelley

 If you want to have fun with Outlook Express users, put this in your


 I don't know if that's a legal address, but its mere presence in an e-mail
 message will cause Outlook Express to freeze and eventually consume all of

"Thanks for the warning," says the person who read this message with Outlook
Express.  Incidentally, nothing happened, aside from the address being
incorrectly parsed by OE's mailto linker.  I use version 5.

By the way, playing strictly by RFC 821's rules, that is a valid email

---Kris kelley

Question about default message delivery.

2000-12-06 Thread Kris Kelley

How can I feed qmail-start, qmail-lspawn, and qmail-local more than one
default delivery instruction.  My hope is to use a program, "blackbox" for
example, that will extract information from each incoming message before it
is saved.  A similar .qmail file would look like this:


After looking at the sample start-up scripts in /var/qmail/boot, I'm
thinking my start-up line would look similar to this, assuming blackbox
takes no arguments:

   qmail-start '|blackbox ./Maildir/'

Is this correct?  If not, how can I string together multiple default
delivery instructions?

Thanks for the help.

---Kris Kelley

Re: More on MAPS RSS

2000-12-04 Thread Kris Kelley

I wrote:
  ...I have something
  that proves that the MAPS RSS *is* listing servers that it suspects are
  open relays, even when they aren't.

Russ Allbery wrote:
 Have you reported this to RSS?

Just did, and I cc'ed the message to my ISP.  Here's hoping they act on it

---Kris Kelley

More on MAPS RSS

2000-12-03 Thread Kris Kelley

Forgive me for opening this can of worms again, but I have something that
proves that the MAPS RSS *is* listing servers that it suspects are open
relays, even when they aren't.

My home ISP's outbound server was listed on Friday:,
or  According to the web page that shows the relay test
(, "This host
accepted our relay test message, but does not appear to have returned it."
The page goes on to say, "It may never return the relay test message, which
means it is probably not open to relay."  Despite these statements, the
server made the RSS list.

Those more familiar with qmail can examine the bottom of that page and
determine if the test that "failed" would affect qmail.

Interestingly, the RSS site states that they tried to warn Kingwood Cable
about being listed, but that the warning was rejected.  This is because they
tried  [EMAIL PROTECTED], which doesn't exist.  I know that
'postmaster' is supposed to exist for every domain, but still, how hard is
it to set up something that also sends the message to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], since that's the domain this server is in
charge of?

Oh well, now back to your regularly scheduled flamefest.

---Kris Kelley

Re: HELL, STOP IT (was: Re: List Courtesy (was Newbie question))

2000-11-30 Thread Kris Kelley

Barley wrote:
 And that they all talk sweepingly of "genetic superiority"? I thought I
 the only one who noticed...

Let's see, if USENET history is any indication, flame wars usually die down
the moment people start calling each other Nazis.  Glad to see this one's
almost over.

By the way, for what it's worth, my installation of Outlook Express seems to
do replies the way its supposed to: "Re: " in the subject line, and a
"References: " field in the header to keep the archive happy.  I'm not
saying this on behalf of Microsoft, but merely on behalf of me when I beg
you not to set up filters based on what email client somebody is using.  I'm
good!  Really I am!

---Kris Kelley

Re: List Courtesy (was Newbie question)

2000-11-29 Thread Kris Kelley

  How exactly is my MUA broken?

   It isn't, the user is broken.  The user incorrectly decided that
 everyone would just love to see the full text of the original message
 (perhaps in case they inexplicably missed it the first time!), and that it
 needed no marking to make it clear to readers that it isn't new material.

Heh-heh, well, there's that, but there's also at least one technical gaffe
in the MUA he uses.  The same gaffe is in your MUA also, Mr. Owen.

While the RFCs don't say specifically one way or the other, the general rule
is that the subject in a reply should be prepended with "Re: " (case
sensitive), not "RE: ".  The latest IETF draft for message formats
( defines the rule a bit more
explicitly, saying that the subject MAY start with "Re: ".  Some versions of
Outlook and Outlook Express prepend "RE: ".  While I don't worry so much
about aesthetics, I believe that past discussion in this list indicated that
many MUA's that use "RE: " also don't supply the message history information
necessary to properly organize discussion threads in the qmail mailing list
archives.  As you have noticed, that makes some list subscribers quite

Corrections welcome.

---Kris Kelley

Re: The whole mail puts into the local queue?

2000-11-28 Thread Kris Kelley

 Does anyone experienced that part or whole of the mail has been put piece
 piece in the qmail queue's local directory
 rather than just the receiver's mail address??

This is how qmail normally operates.  All messages are first placed in the
queue before being sent out, in case the machine crashes before the SMTP
transaction is complete.

People have suggested ways around this when speed is an issue; check the
list archives.

---Kris Kelley

Re: The whole mail puts into the local queue?

2000-11-28 Thread Kris Kelley

Peter Samual wrote:

  This is how qmail normally operates.  All messages are first placed in
  queue before being sent out, in case the machine crashes before the SMTP
  transaction is complete.

 No it isn't. qmail-queue puts only the local recipient addresses in
 /var/qmail/queue/local/*/*. The message itself is placed in

Whoops, read too quickly.  Apologies.

 I think his qmail install is severely corrupted.

Sounds like it.  Makes me wonder what kind of corruption can cause that.

---Kris Kelley

Re: Qmail domain...

2000-11-27 Thread Kris Kelley

 I'm using Qmail, In my mail client I have to put all the e-mail address,
 some like [EMAIL PROTECTED], but I just have one domain, how can I
 Qmail use just one domain???, I mean it ever use the ""
 domainand at the login screen I jus supply the name of the account..

Your domain is "", and you want a message addressed to "user" to go
to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", correct?  If so, you need to create a "defaultdomain"
and/or a "defaulthost" file in your control directory (or at the very least
make sure you have the "me" file set correctly).

See the qmail-control and qmail-inject man pages for more info.

---Kris Kelley

Re: IMAP and Maildir

2000-11-22 Thread Kris Kelley

 On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 01:01:55PM -0800, Nicholas Leonovich wrote:
  Courier-IMAP is working well with Maildir for me...

 Does it play nice with Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express?

I'm running Courier IMAP 1.2.3 and accessing it with Outlook Express 5 on a
Win2K system.  So far, no complaints whatsoever.

It's been a while since I looked closely at the documentation concerning
client compatability, but the only real issue I remember reading about
Outlook is its annoying tendency to sometimes flood the server with IMAP
connections.  Courier IMAP has a way to limit the number of connections per
IP address, so this can be dealt with.

---Kris Kelley

Re: tcpserver: fatal: unable to bind: address already used

2000-11-20 Thread Kris Kelley

Jon wrote:
 When I started up qmail today (it has worked before) I got this error in
 /var/log/qmail/smtpd/current -

 @40003a19660f0523d96c tcpserver: fatal: unable to bind: address

Something else is hogging the port.  Is sendmail running on your system?

---Kris Kelley

Re: SMTP login?

2000-11-09 Thread Kris Kelley

Look for patches at, particularly those by Mrs. Brisby and
Krzysztof Dabrowski.  Dabrowski's patch supports the CRAM-MD5 encrypted
challenge/response method of authentication, in addition to clear-text

---Kris Kelley

Re: QMail and Win NT user auth

2000-11-03 Thread Kris Kelley

 Is there any way that I can use the same NT Domain Logon based system (the
 to auth my further QMail users when checking  their mail.

The trick is to use NIS.  This enables a centralized server to control all
your user authentication information, instead of having each computer have
/etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files, or the NT equivalent.

There are NIS clients and servers for NT, all bundled with other stuff in a
package called Services for UNIX.  My company subscribes to MSDN, and we
installed Services for Unix from somewhere within that monster load of CDs.
I'm afraid I'm not aware of how to get this package elsewhere, nor do I have
any experience in how to set it up for NIS; we're using the package to
provide NFS shares from an NT box.  Scrounge around on Ms***'s web pages
and see where you can get this package (assuming you don't have an MSDN
subscription).  A word of warning: the documentation for Services for UNIX
is spaghetti.

---Kris Kelley

Re: unsubscribe qmail

2000-10-27 Thread Kris Kelley

 Actually, someone brought this up recently, and I didn't have an
 for them -- why does ezmlm subscribe the envelope sender instead of the
 address in From: ?

Probably to help curb, if only slightly, the possibility of somebody
subscribing somebody else without the latter person's knowledge.  Depending
on your ISP, faking the envelope sender could be more difficult than faking
the "From:" header.

---Kris Kelley

Re: Bug in qmail´s SMTP AUTH implementation?

2000-10-20 Thread Kris Kelley

 Actually, my mailer does not like the "AUTH=LOGIN" tag. I (and Phil Hazel
 from Univ. of Cambridge, author) think that it should be "AUTH LOGIN"
 instead. The "="-character is IMHO not allowed here (see RFC 2554 and RFC
 1869).This might be some kind of philosophical question, I suppose. But it
 actually causes problems.

Unpatched qmail does not support the SMTP AUTH command.  You must be a

Technically, "AUTH=LOGIN" is incorrect.  However, Netscape's MUA, and later
Outlook and Outlook Express, were coded to expect that, so it's become the
norm.  The first SMTP AUTH patch for qmail, written by Mrs. Brisby, uses
"AUTH=LOGIN".  The second and more robust SMTP AUTH patch, written by
Krzysztof Dabrowski, supports the ability to display "AUTH LOGIN" and/or
"AUTH=LOGIN" for maximum compatability, and also supports PLAIN and CRAM-MD5
authentication procedures as well.

For more info on Mrs. Brisby's patch, check out:

For more info on Krzysztof Dabrowski's patch, check out:

---Kris Kelley

Re: Qmail / MySQL

2000-10-12 Thread Kris Kelley

From the instructions on how to set up a MySQL table for use with this

 crypt :   Crypted password of a user
  If you want use plain password,
  modify checkpassword.c , qmail-getpw.c and mysql.c

checkpassword.c, qmail-getpw.c, and presumably mysql.c expect the password
to be stored encrypted.  Consequently, when given an attempted password to
verify, they first encrypt the attempted password before comparing it with
the stored password.  If you are storing passwords as clear text, you will
have to disable the code that encrypts the attempted password before

I do not use this patch myself, so I am unaware of where exactly to modify
the code.  The "crypt()" function is used to encrypt text; you will need to
search for where that function is used on the attempted password, and modify
that code to not use crypt.

---Kris Kelley

Re: How to send to all for a webmaster

2000-10-12 Thread Kris Kelley

szq79 wrote:
  I have linux and qmail installed. You know, as a webmaster, sometime
  a letter to everyone is needed for a webmaster.I don't know how to do
  Please tell me.

Andy Bradford wrote:
 There are a number of ways to approach this of which here are two:
 This only applies if I have interpreted your email correctly. ;-)  If
 this doesn't work then I probably misunderstood...

I think what he's asking for is a way to send a message to every user at
once.  I imagine a mailing list manager like ezmlm is the way to go, along
with something that keeps the list of users fresh and updated.  I haven't
delved into mailing lists yet, so I'm afraid my expertise stops here.

---Kris Kelley

Re: Can't parse MIME message correctly.

2000-10-12 Thread Kris Kelley

   I am a manage of an email server( Sorry, English is't my mother tongue
 my English is poor ). In my server, the messages from most site can be
 correctly.But the messages(with attachment)from a famous
 chinese site ) can't be parsed correctly. I found it is because the
 of messages from sina have no "MIME-Version: 1.0", but all the other site
 parse the message(with attachment) from sina correctly. It is probobly the
 question of IMAP, I don't know how to solve this problem.Please help me.
 The software in my system is:
 Linux 6.2.14-5.0
 qmail 1.03
 courie-imap 0.32

This is indeed an issue with your IMAP server, as qmail, being only a
transport agent, doesn't (normally) do anything to the message except
receive it and store it.  Therefore, this is not really a question to ask
the qmail list.  However, I can tell you that the guy who wrote Courier IMAP
is very unforgiving about messages that don't conform to standards, so your
options are to either switch to another IMAP server, or try and persuade the
people at to fix their broken email system.

---Kris Kelley

Re: concurrencyremote

2000-10-11 Thread Kris Kelley

Doug Schmidt wrote:
 I would like to increase qmail's concurrencyremote from the default 20 to
 40. When I create:
 and put a value of 40 in the file,
 I restart qmail and get the error:
 Oct 10 16:53:14 server qmail: 971211194.211356 alert: cannot start: unable
 to read controls

Could be a matter of permissions.  What are the permissions of your control
directory and the control files now?  On my machine, the control directory
is owned by root:qmail with 755 permissions, and all the files within are
owned by root:root with 644 permissions.

---Kris Kelley

Re: Assistance in authenticatoin for SMTP

2000-10-11 Thread Kris Kelley

Brian Pinkney wrote:
 I beleive I patched and compiled qmail-smtp correctly with qmail-smtp-auth
 and replaced the original file with it.  The way I start qmail is with
 tcpserver with the following script:


 Also I checked the FAQ for qmail-smtp-auth and the only explanatin it
 provided was that I might want to run checkpassword as suid 'root'.  I
 don't beleive this is it because checkpassword runs well for
 my pop3 server.

Your pop3 server is probably already running with root permissions, so by
the time checkpassword is fired up, it has approval to look at your
/etc/shadow file.  qmail-smtpd runs as qmaild, not root, so checkpassword
will not initially have permission to look at /etc/shadow, hence, the need
to make the program suid root.

---Kris Kelley

Re: Where are my Mails ? Please !

2000-10-10 Thread Kris Kelley

 Don't send mail to root. Use another user. (qmail will not deliver any
 mail to the user root as that would require root permissions, which
 would make the process prone to security issues...). Then, show us
 the log files of the transaction in question. We may or may not need
 the contents of users/assign and the output of qmail-showctl.

Actually, qmail will accept mail bound for root, it just won't deliver it to
root's home directory.  Odds are it's in the mbox for the alias user.  Check

---Kris Kelley

Re: SMTP authentication

2000-10-10 Thread Kris Kelley

Brian Pinkney wrote:
  I want to know the easiest and way to setup username/password
  with my smtp server. Are there any suggestions? Preferably something
  compatible with outlook express' protocol.

Erwin Hoffman wrote:
 SMTP is a host-to-host protocol, not a user-to-user application.
 Outlook express is a Remote User Agent using POP3 or IMAP4.
 What you are looking for is probably "POP-before-SMTP".
 Look for that buzzword.

That's not entirely accurate.

First, POP and IMAP are protocols for retrieving email.  Outlook Express,
and indeed any mail user agent, still has to use SMTP for sending email.

Second, SMTP can be made to require user authentication before this sending
is possible, thanks to a protocol extention known as the AUTH command.
There are a couple of patches to qmail that offer SMTP AUTH; check and the list archives for details.

---Kris Kelley

Re: qmail list reply-to

2000-10-09 Thread Kris Kelley

Chris Garrigues wrote:
 Considering that the majority of Internet users these days are so young
 the have never seen carbon paper, that term seems to be as obsolete as
 "dialing" a telephone.

Uh, I see carbon paper almost everyday.  A lot of post offices still use it
for keeping copies of money orders, and I know that can't be the only usage
still around.

And if we're not dialing telephones, what are we doing to them?  I've always
heard it called dialing, regardless of what kind of phone it was: rotary,
touch-tone, gee-whiz-bang-voice-activated, or whatever.

---Kris Kelley

Re: Mrs. Brisby's patch for qmail-smtpd.c for username/password auth

2000-10-09 Thread Kris Kelley

Martin Jespersen wrote:
 Does anyone know of any reason not to install this patch if the
functionallity is kind-of-needed?

 the reason i ask is that it is listed so far down on the site that i
thought it might not be seen
 as a 'good' patch...

Assuming by "the site" you mean, I doubt its position on the page
reflects any opinion about its quality.

I use the mouse's patch, and so far it has delivered what it promised, with
no side effects.  Note however that there are a couple of caveats.  DJB's
checkpassword program is necessary for this patch to work, and the
checkpassword executable may require a bit of tweaking for everything to
execute correctly.  This modification, as Mrs. Brisby has been quick to
point out, may leave your system password file vulnerable to attack if
you're not careful; see for details.  Also,
the authentication scheme used, "AUTH=LOGIN", is not really secure, barely a
step above sending passwords in the clear.  If you're the paranoid type who
worries about sniffers on your network, this won't be very ideal for you.

Krzysztof Dabrowski has written a more robust SMTP AUTH patch based on Mrs.
Brisby's work.  In addition to LOGIN, it offers PLAIN and CRAM-MD5
authentication techniques, the latter being more suited to those worried
about protecting their passwords.  Check out for more information.

 *feels a little stupid for asking this*

*feels high and mighty for being able to answer this*

I'm kidding. :)

---Kris Kelley

OT Country differences (was: Volunteers for a multilog patch?)

2000-10-05 Thread Kris Kelley

 mm/dd/yy is silly. dd/mm/yy is better, but I use -mm-dd, which is
 ISO-compatible and sorts nicely.

mm/dd/yy is the natural derivative of how we usually say dates out loud,
e.g., today is October 5th, 2000.  Silly in a mathematical sense, perhaps,
but it wasn't just yanked out of a hat.

 We do some metric. E.g., nutritional information labels are metric. UK
 is half and half, too.

U.S. nutritional information labels aren't just metric.  They commonly have
one "layman's terms" measurement, followed by the metric equivalent in
parentheses.  For example, my orange juice bottle has "Serving Size: 8 fl oz
(240mL)", and the cupcake package reads "Serving Size: 1 cake (50g)".

 [Light switches] toggle, for Peter's sake! If it's dark, flip the danged
 and see if it gets brighter. Sheesh. :-)

Of course, when you have lights serviced by two or more switches, both sides
of this argument fly right out the window.

 - Australian power points (or power outlets if you don't know what
   I'm talking about) all have switches on the outlet itself, not at
   the wall.

 Oh, that's *handy*...walk into a room and fumble behind the furniture
 looking for the light switch. Gee, I can't imagine why we put them on
 the wall...

A bit of clarification is needed here.  Typically, power outlets in the U.S.
won't have switches at all; that is, they're "always on."  However, housing
and apartment contractors have gotten really cheap lately.  Instead of
putting in overhead lighting, they'll wire the wall switch to a power outlet
and expect the tenant to provide his/her own light source.  On the other
hand, power outlets in many modern U.S. home bathrooms *do* have a switch on
the outlet itself, due to safety codes.

 Of course we have a North Amercian centric view of the world: we're
 the most powerful and important country in the world. If we were a
 backwater like Canada or Australia, we'd be paying a lot more
 attention to other countries like the US, too.

And guess which countries will be important when the U.S., China, and Russia
all go to war and wipe each other out? :)

---Kris Kelley

Re: Help with my girlfriend?

2000-10-05 Thread Kris Kelley

 A brave man giving himself options for servicing more than one gf. My
 system has /dev/wife with no options for others. In fact, the driver
 will actively hunt down other instances, kill -9 and remove all
 associated files :)

After which the device unmounts, causing half of your other files to

---Kris Kelley

Re: Qmail not delivering...

2000-10-04 Thread Kris Kelley

 I have a working qmail configuration, but one problem, when trying to
 send a message to myself on another mail server within our network I get
 the following:

 @400039dae1e6378f3a7c status: local 0/10 remote 4/20
 @400039dae20d396054e4 delivery 84: deferral:
 @400039dae20d3960cdfc status: local 0/10 remote 3/20
 @400039dae5a001f2488c delivery 85: deferral:
 @400039dae5a001f2c58c status: local 0/10 remote 2/20
 @400039dae5fe39f90aa4 delivery 86: deferral:
 @400039dae5fe39f98b8c status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
 @400039dae696395fdbcc delivery 87: deferral:
 @400039dae69639604d14 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

Have you tried doing a manual SMTP session with the other machine?  That is,
have you tried telnetting to port 25 and entering a few SMTP commands?  If
this doesn't work, then your problem probably isn't specific to qmail
(perhaps a routing problem).  Try it and find out.

---Kris Kelley

NFS without a user database?

2000-10-04 Thread Kris Kelley

Is there a way to make qmail defer messages in the event of an NFS outage
that does *not* involve creating a user database?

The project I am working on involves three mail servers, each with an NFS
connection to the user directories.  No user information is stored locally
on any of the machines; I use a modified version of qmail-getpw to validate
user names via the network (my company is willing to sacrifice the necessary
local bandwidth for this to work).  Because there is no local storage of
information, keeping the user database updated would involve a periodic
query across the network for an updated list of user names.  My company
feels/hopes that we will be servicing enough users to make this approach
impractical, as users will be constantly added and removed from the system.

So far my results have been successful.  All is well when the network is
behaving itself, and qmail defers messages properly when qmail-getpw fails
due to a bad network connection.  A contingency for a failed NFS mount is
one of my last hurdles to getting this all in place.  I'm open to any ideas,
from .qmail tricks to code patching.

---Kris Kelley

Re: NFS without a user database?

2000-10-04 Thread Kris Kelley

Peter van Dijk and markd wrote:
   Or, *duh*: the homedir check is in qmail-getpw. Since you've already
   modified it, modify it some more :)
  Right. But he may not actually have to check for the existance of HOME
  and in any event there is a timing window between qmail-getpw and the
  invocation of qmail-local. So it may disappear after the check in

 That's what I thought, I considered a race attack, but there is none.
 qmail-local *defers* on homedir failures. Only qmail-getpw actually
 *bounces* on homedir failures.

 He's using a *modified* qmail-getpw, not a rewritten one. The homedir
 check is probably just still in there.

  Having said all that, qmail-local exit with a *temp* error if it cannot
  stat the home directory, so I'm not sure what the exact problem is. If
  nfs home is gone, then this stat() should fail at some point and defer
  the delivery.

 Yeah, that's because qmail-getpw does the bouncing.

Makes sense.  Okay, so if I make qmail-getpw either not do a directory
check, or handle the results differently, then there shouldn't be any lost
or bounced email, even if the NFS mount happens to disappear between
qmail-getpw and qmail-local.  Correct?

  The only general problem is that the NFS timeouts may clog the
  limits, but then if you have no homes, there's nothing to delivery

 That depends. Where I work we have homedirs spread over about 40
 userservers, which means indeed one can be down while the others are up.

There will only be one server for user directories, at least to begin with.
So, yeah, hitting the concurrencylocal limit won't be an issue.

Michael Boyiaz's idea is a good one too.  Sounds like it would make planned
outages easy to wade through.

Thanks for the input!

---Kris Kelley

Re: 421 out of memory (#4.3.0)

2000-10-03 Thread Kris Kelley

 Outlook Express 5.50.4133.2400
 SMTP Log started at 10/02/2000 15:21:37
 SMTP: 15:22:08 [rx] 220 ESMTP
 SMTP: 15:22:08 [tx] EHLO test1
 SMTP: 15:22:08 [rx]
 SMTP: 15:22:08 [rx] 250-AUTH=LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
 SMTP: 15:22:08 [rx] 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
 SMTP: 15:22:08 [rx] 250-PIPELINING
 SMTP: 15:22:08 [rx] 250 8BITMIME
 SMTP: 15:22:08 [tx] AUTH LOGIN
 SMTP: 15:22:08 [rx] 334 VXNlc5hbWU6
 SMTP: 15:22:08 [tx] xxx=
 SMTP: 15:22:08 [rx] 334 UGFzcdvcmQ6
 SMTP: 15:22:08 [tx] xxx=
 SMTP: 15:22:08 [rx] 421 out of memory (#4.3.0)

Are you using Mrs. Brisby's auth patch, or a derivation of it?  If so, your
problem is most likely centered around /bin/checkpassword.  Mrs. Brisby's
patch expects it to have a bit more freedom than it normally has.  See the
mini-FAQ on the mouse's site for details:

Scroll down to the line that begins with "I keep getting authentication

---Kris Kelley

Re: Best Winbloze Mail Client?

2000-10-03 Thread Kris Kelley

Umm, for what it's worth, the "RE:" bug isn't in Outlook Express 5, at least
not the one that came with my Windows 2000 work box.  Can't vouch for the
rest of the "features", though.

---Kris Kelley

Re: Problems receiving mail

2000-09-19 Thread Kris Kelley

"Wagner R. Landgraf" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hmmm..., that might be correct. However, in an internal machine, I can
 the www browser and type  as the URL of web page, and
 works. What does it mean?

You originally said that trying to access port 80 using the external address
from an internal machine didn't work.  Was that a typo?

If you *are* able to access the external address from an internal machine
using port 80, but not port 25, then it may still be your firewall.  Perhaps
it is allowing external traffic on port 80 while denying external traffic on
port 25.  Check the configuration.

 Anyway, if you could test it for me, my real IP is . port 80 = success port 25 = failure (connection timed out)

---Kris Kelley

Re: ORBS doesn't like me :(

2000-09-05 Thread Kris Kelley

 I put the rcpthosts back and all mail (local and remote) was returned
 undeliverable. However, I had also removed the :allow from my tcp.smtp so
 don't know if that is the problem.

The lack of a rcpthosts file was *definitely* the problem.  When you don't
have this file, qmail's default behavior is to accept and relay email for
the entire Internet.

Having an ":allow" line in your tcp.smtp file won't affect your server's
behavior one way or the other.  This line tells tcpserver to accept
connections from any remote host (besides those mentioned elsewhere in the
tcp.smtp file), but don't modify any environment variables during the
session (such as RELAYCLIENT).  This is tcpserver's default behavior anyway,
so the only reason to have this line is for the sake of readability.  Note
that allowing a host to make a connection is not the same thing as allowing
that host to use your server as a relay.

So, the short answer is, now that you have a rcpthosts file again, ORBS will
stop blacklisting you.

---Kris Kelley

Semi-OT: Allowing only specific email clients.

2000-09-05 Thread Kris Kelley

I'm currently brainstorming ways that a mail server can be modified to work
only with specific email clients.  Ideas like user authentication and
different port numbers are good places to start, but other popular clients
can be easily configured to accomodate these changes.  One possibility I'm
looking at is to have the client send a specific text string in its HELO or
EHLO command.  The server would then reject any connections that didn't have
this text string.

Is this viable?  If so, how hard would it be modify qmail to work this way?
I am adept at C programming and have even coded my own SMTP server in the
past.  Of course, if there's already a patch out there that does this, even

I'm also open to other suggestions on how to make a server work with only
specific clients.  The clients will be coded in-house, so we will have
complete control over the syntax the clients and servers use.

At this point I'm not completely convinced my company needs to tie the
servers specifically to their clients, but it's being bandied about, so I
want to make sure I have a course of action ready should they decide this is
the way to go.  Thanks!

---Kris Kelley

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