Bounce-backs with attachments, log files. . .

2001-06-26 Thread Norvell Spearman

It seems when a user sends mail with an attachment and it bounces back, the
bounce-back has the attachment in-line with the mail text (as opposed to
something you can click on then save or open).  This isn't a major problem
(my users aren't getting bounce-backs with 20MB attachments every five
minutes) but when it does occur users complain about their mail reading
program taking much longer to open---or even locking up---because of the
in-line attachment.  Is there any way to change this behavior or is this how
all e-mail servers are supposed to work (this is the first full-blown mail
server I've set up)?

All apologies if the answer to this next question is blatantly obvious; I
thought I looked everywhere I was supposed to.  I'm assuming the long number
at the beginning of each line in /var/log/qmail/current (I'm using multilog
instead of splogger) is some form of timestamp.  How do you convert that to
an easily-recognizable format?

Thanks much for any help with this.

---Norvell Spearman
``Trouble is my business.''
  ---Philip Marlowe

setting quotas. . .

2001-06-26 Thread Norvell Spearman

Is there a way for qmail to accept mail but not deliver it temporarily (to
local users)?  I'd like to set quotas for the users' home directories and
according the documentation I read the filesystem can't have anything
writing to it while quotacheck is running.  I'm running Linux-2.4.3-20 with
ext2 file systems, if matters.

Thanks much.

---Norvell Spearman
``Trouble is my business.''
  ---Philip Marlowe

RE: setting quotas. . .

2001-06-27 Thread Norvell Spearman

> I think you're confused.  From the man page for quotacheck:
>Quotacheck should be run each time the  system  boots  and mounts
>non-valid  file  systems.   This is most likely to happen
> after a system
> qmail won't be running that early in the boot, so it's not an issue.
> Charles

I'm probably confused; I've never set quotas on a Linux server before.  The
parts of the man page for quotacheck to which I was referring:

quotacheck expects each filesystem to be checked to have quota
files named aquota.user and located at the root
of the associated file system.  If a file is not present, quotacheck
will create it.
It is strongly recommended to only run quotacheck with quotas turned
off and the filesystem unmounted or in read-only mode, or quota
corruption can occur. . .

I've never set quotas on this server before so I thought that I must first
run quotacheck to create the aquota.* files.  Since qmail will probably dump
at least one e-mail into somebody's Maildir while quotacheck is running I'm
at a loss as to how to keep qmail from delivering locally while still
accepting mail.

Thanks much.

---Norvell Spearman

RE: setting quotas. . .

2001-06-27 Thread Norvell Spearman

> If the filesystem isn't mounted, then qmail isn't going to be
> delivering mail to it, is it?

So if I umount /home while qmail is up, will qmail barf or simply wait for
/home to be remounted?

> To run quotacheck, you should probably go to
> single user mode,
> unmount all unnecessary filesystems, etc.  When you do this, you
> aren't going
> to be running any unnecessary daemons (like qmail).
> Charles

I know single user mode would be best; I could do the quota stuff late at
night.  But what would happen if mail comes to the server and qmail isn't
running?  Does it simply bounce back to the sender, does the originating
smtp server keep trying for a while, or does all that depend on how the
destination mail server is configured?  I'm trying to avoid having my users
yell at me if they don't get an e-mail they're expecting, or if they can't
send e-mail out.  That's why I originally asked about whether qmail can
accept mail for delivery (local and remote) while not delivering mail

Thanks much for any help.

---Norvell Spearman

RE: setting quotas. . .

2001-06-27 Thread Norvell Spearman

> Did you check out the other man pages listed in the SEE ALSO section of
> the quotacheck man page?  If you didn't, you should have -- you would then
> have discovered exactly what creates the quota.{user,group} files.  (Hint:
> They're created when you turn quotas on.)
> - Adrian

I must be reading different man pages than yours.  The quotaon man page is
referred to in quotacheck's man page.  This is what I read from
`man quotaon`:

  quotaon - turn file system quotas on and off
  . . .
  quotaon expects quota files to be present in the root directory
  of the specified file system and be named aquota.user
  for user quota or for group quota. These files can
  be created either by converting old quota files with
  convertquota(8) or by quotacheck(8)
  which creates completely new files.

Then quotacheck's man page:

  quotacheck expects each filesystem to be checked to have quota
  files named aquota.user and located at the root
  of the associated filesystem.  If a file is not present,
  quotacheck will create it.
  . . .
  It is strongly recommended to only run quotacheck with quotas
  turned off and the filesystem unmounted or in read-only mode, or
  quota corruption can occur.

So what creates the quota files besides quotacheck?  Thanks for your help
and all apologies for straying off this list's theme. . .

*Annoying ASCII emphasis added by message's author

RE: setting quotas. . .

2001-06-27 Thread Norvell Spearman

> IMHO, single-user mode, unmount filesystem, set up quotas, back to
> multiuser mode is probably your best bet. Your odds of losing any mail
> during this transaction are extremely low, unless the sending mail
> servers are totally useless...
> Greg White

Thanks very much.

I would like to apologize to the entire list---as I have to Charles
Cazabon---for any irrelevant postings and for taking up the list's time and
resources.  My original question had to do with setting quotas on /home and
how qmail would react if /home suddenly wasn't available.  But I must have
worded my questions terribly.  Thanks to Adrian Ho for pointing me to the
PIC.* files.  I will definitely RTFM more closely next time and hopefully
not be a bother.

---Norvell Spearman