FW: remote root qmail-pop with vpopmail advisory and exploit with patch

2000-01-23 Thread Robert Wojciechowski Jr.

Saw this on buqtraq, may be interesting for those running vpopmail/vchkpw

Robert S. Wojciechowski Jr.

-Original Message-
From: what's your style? [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2000 7:05 PM
Subject: remote root qmail-pop with vpopmail advisory and exploit with patch

w00w00 Security Advisory - http://www.w00w00.org/
Title:  qmail-pop3d with vpopmail/vchkpw
Platforms:  Any
Discovered: 7th January, 2000
Local:  Yes.
Remote: Yes.
Vendor Status:  Notified.
Last Updated:   N/A

1. Overview

qmail-pop3d may pass an overly long command argument to it's password
authentication service.  When vpopmail is used to authenticate user
information a remote attacker may compromise the privilege level that
vpopmail is running, naturally root.

2. Background

It is Qmail's nonconformance to the pop3 specification that allows
this bug to manifest itself. qmail-pop3d trust's that it's checkpassword

mechanism will support the same undocumented "features" as it dose, it
is this extra functionality that breaks vpopmail and RFC1939.

From RFC1939 [Post Office Protocol - Version 3]

  Commands in the POP3 consist of a caseinsensitive keyword, possibly
  followed by one or more arguments.  All commands are terminated by a
  CRLF pair.  Keywords and arguments consist of printable ASCII
  characters.  Keywords and arguments are each separated by a single
  SPACE character.  Keywords are three or four characters long. Each
  argument may be up to 40 characters long.

From BLURB3 (qmail-1.03)

POP3 service (qmail-popup, qmail-pop3d):
*  RFC 1939
*  UIDL support
*  TOP support
*  APOP hook
*  modular password checking (checkpassword, available separately)

3. Issue

qmail-pop3d claims compliance to RFC1939, however this is not the case
qmail breaks that compliance by allowing overly long argument lengths
to be processed.  qmail then passes control to a process without
documenting this added bug/feature.

4. Impact

A remote attacker may attain the privilege level of the authentication
Sample exploit code can be found at http://www.ktwo.ca/security.html

5. Recommendation

Impose the 40 character limitation specified by RFC1939 into qmail.
Apply qmail-popup patch http://www.ktwo.ca/c/qmail-popup-patch

6. References


www.ktwo.ca / [EMAIL PROTECTED]

supervise/svscan/and qmail logging

1999-11-02 Thread Robert Wojciechowski Jr.


I am using the daemontools 0.61, and supervise on qmail, qmail-popup, and
qmail-smtpd.  Right now, I just start a normal supervise process to watch
over those.

I wanted to do logging for the qmail-popup and qmail-smtpd daemons, and
created an SVC/log dir, set the sticky bit, etc.  

My question is, do I have to start the two supervise processes (one for SVC,
and one for SVC/log) with svscan, or can I do it manually?  I want to be
able to restart the services, take down supervise for that service, etc
without having to wait 1 minute for svscan to bring it back up.

How can I do this without breaking the pipe between the service and the

Seems like a pain!

Robert S. Wojciechowski Jr.

PGP: 0xF2CA68F2 - http://www.wojo.com/pgpkeys/robertw.asc

RE: Supervise and qmail/tcpserver

1999-10-07 Thread Robert Wojciechowski Jr.

Turns out that I needed to start tcpserver with exec.  Then all went well. 

Robert S. Wojciechowski Jr.

PGP: 0xF2CA68F2 - http://www.wojo.com/pgpkeys/robertw.asc

-Original Message-
From: Dave Sill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 1999 9:12 AM
Subject: Re: Supervise and qmail/tcpserver

"Robert Wojciechowski Jr." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 # svc -dx /var/supervise/qmail/qmail-smtpd

doesn't kill the tcpserver process, but supervise does die.  Why?

Don't know. Trace the supervise process with your OS's system call
tracer to see where/why it's dying.


Supervise and qmail/tcpserver

1999-10-06 Thread Robert Wojciechowski Jr.

I am having a problem with supervise and tcpserver with the qmail-smtpd and
qmail-popup modules.

I start supervise like so:

 /usr/local/bin/supervise /var/supervise/qmail/qmail-smtpd 

and /var/supervise/qmail/qmail-smtpd/run contains:


 QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`
 NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`

 /usr/local/bin/tcpserver \
 -x/etc/tcprules.d/qmail-smtpd.cdb \
 0 smtp \
 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 21

Everything starts fine, but trying to kill it with:

 # svc -dx /var/supervise/qmail/qmail-smtpd

doesn't kill the tcpserver process, but supervise does die.  Why?

Thanks in advance,

Robert S. Wojciechowski Jr.

PGP: 0xF2CA68F2 - http://www.wojo.com/pgpkeys/robertw.asc

qmail-smtpd /w rblsmtpd causing load avg 9/9/9

1999-08-08 Thread Robert Wojciechowski Jr.


I am using qmail from tcpserver, with the line:

echo -n "(qmail-smtpd via tcpserver) "
supervise /var/qmail/supervise/tcpserver-qmail-smtpd \
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -c 10 -u $QMAILDUID -g $NOFILESGID \
-x /etc/tcprules.d/qmail-smtpd.cdb \
0 smtp \
/usr/local/bin/rblsmtpd -rrbl.maps.vix.com \
/usr/local/bin/rblsmtpd -rdul.maps.vix.com \
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 21 

Everything seems fine, and the machine is humming along, until I notice a
load average of 9/9/9!  I was tracing it down, but ps, top, etc did not show
ANYTHING using CPU time.. but what I did notice from 'ps ax' was:

24408  ?  S0:00 /usr/local/bin/rblsmtpd -rrbl.maps.vix.com
. (3 more)
24431  ?  D0:00 /usr/local/bin/rblsmtpd -rdul.maps.vix.com
24432  ?  D0:00 /usr/local/bin/rblsmtpd -rdul.maps.vix.com
24434  ?  D0:00 /usr/local/bin/rblsmtpd -rrbl.maps.vix.com
. (2 more)
24453  ?  D0:00 /usr/local/bin/rblsmtpd -rrbl.maps.vix.com

I killed these, and my load avg went back down.  What caused this?



Qmail '|forward user-$DEFAULT' problem with ezmlm

1999-02-26 Thread Robert Wojciechowski Jr.


I have my setup almost complete!  Phew.  Just a problem with forwarding.  I
have the following setup:

- control/me

- control/virtualdomains:

- alias/.qmail-domain-user

- alias/.qmail-domain-user-default
|forward localuser-$DEFAULT

Ok, I setup ezmlm, and I receive an error on a send to

ezmlm-manage: fatal: I do not accept messages at this address (#5.1.1)

If I put "mail.host.com" into my ~localuser/list/inhost and it works.  But I
do not want to have each list, and each user to have to do this!

Why is it being rewritten to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?  
I want to keep it at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Any solutions? 

Robert S. Wojciechowski Jr.

RE: Qmail '|forward user-$DEFAULT' problem with ezmlm

1999-02-26 Thread Robert Wojciechowski Jr.

Is there any other way to handle this without using users/assign?  (with
standard .qmail files)

Perhaps another forward program (a lower level one, if one exists).

I wonder if that is even possible.  Thank for the help so far. 

Robert S. Wojciechowski Jr.

-Original Message-
From: Harald Hanche-Olsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 26, 1999 2:49 AM
Subject: Re: Qmail '|forward user-$DEFAULT' problem with ezmlm

- "Robert Wojciechowski Jr." [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

| - control/me
| mail.host.com
| - control/virtualdomains:
| domain.com:alias-domain
| - alias/.qmail-domain-user
| localuser
| - alias/.qmail-domain-user-default
| |forward localuser-$DEFAULT
| Ok, I setup ezmlm, and I receive an error on a send to
| ezmlm-manage: fatal: I do not accept messages at this address (#5.1.1)
| If I put "mail.host.com" into my ~localuser/list/inhost and it
| works.  But I do not want to have each list, and each user to have
| to do this!
| Why is it being rewritten to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ? 

It's just how your virtualdomains setup works: By forwarding to the
new domain.

| I want to keep it at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Any solutions?

You could employ the users/assign mechanism instead of files in
~alias.  If you cause the following to be in users/assign:


(replace 123:456 by the user's uid:gid and /home/user by the user's
real home dir) and remember to run qmail-newu, then the mail will be
delivered directly.  You will want to write a script that does this
automatically, of course.

- Harald

Bug? Alias problem.

1999-02-25 Thread Robert Wojciechowski Jr.

I have my main mail server name in control/me, and no other files except
virtualhosts and rcpthosts (removed defaultdomain, locals, plusdomain for my
no default host setup).

I have the following .qmail files in ~/alias:

.qmail-domain-root  // for domain.com
.qmail-anotherdom-root  // for anotherdom.com

domain.com is the name of the mail server (mail.domain.com located in

Ok, mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] works as expected.  But mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] bounces!  Why?  I have it handled here I thought.  It must
have something to do with the fact that my control/me file says
"mail.domain.com", and it messes up the .qmail-domain-root file.

Robert S. Wojciechowski Jr.

Virtual Domains Setup

1999-02-23 Thread Robert Wojciechowski Jr.


I want to have the following setup:  I have a server that I want to not to
have any e-mail setup by default.  I just want e-mail for the virtual
domains.  In other words, I don't want the users and accounts on my box to
have e-mail by default, only if I allow them to via a virtual domain (all
others will bounce). 

I have the setup almost up, by putting:

- control/defaultdomain

- control/locals

- control/me

Then I have all my domains in control/rcpthosts and control/virtualdomains.
I had to make it instead of localhost because qmail detects if
there is no dot in an e-mail, and appends default domain (resulting in

When I send mail to just "robertw", it appends, and mail
processes.  When I send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], it forwards it to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] because of the qmail file.  So all seems well there.

The problem is when you look at the SMTP greeting, it says  I
changed that with the control/smtpgreeting.  But now when a bounce message
is sent, it says it came from which is not what I want.  This
happens elsewhere too. 

Anyways, I am even on the right path to getting this set up correctly?  I
want a dummy server, that is not really a host in and of itself.


Robert S. Wojciechowski Jr.

Ezmlm with alias user on virtual domains?

1999-02-23 Thread Robert Wojciechowski Jr.

Has anyone done this?  I have a line such as:


In my virtualusers... then in the ~/alias directory, I have normal
.qmail-mydomain* files.  Now I want to setup ezmlm on that domain.  Do I
have to make a controlling user besides alias for ezmlm?  What I need I
suppose is a way to forward all mail to alias-mydomain to user-mydomain
preserving the extension!  So:

alias-user -list-blah will be forwarded to user-list-blah.

Is there a special forward type that will rewrite and forward for .qmail

I need this because one person does not control a virtual domain here, and I
want each user to be able to make their own lists.

Robert S. Wojciechowski Jr.

RE: Virtual Domains Setup

1999-02-23 Thread Robert Wojciechowski Jr.

Ok, I have it working well now, just one quirk (dunno if it's a bug).

I have my main mail server name in control/me, and no other files except
virtualhosts and rcpthosts.

I have the following .qmail files:

.qmail-domain-root  // for domain.com
.qmail-anotherdom-root  // for anotherdom.com

domain.com is the name of the mail server (mail.domain.com located in

Ok, mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] works as expected.  But mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] bounces!  Why?  I have it handled here I thought.  It must
have something to do with the fact that my control/me file says


Robert S. Wojciechowski Jr.

-Original Message-
From: Stefan Paletta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 1999 3:15 PM
To: Robert Wojciechowski Jr.
Subject: RE: Virtual Domains Setup

Robert Wojciechowski Jr. wrote/schrieb/scribsit:

 - control/defaultdomain

 - control/locals

 - control/me

 Anyways, I am even on the right path to getting this set up correctly?
 I want a dummy server, that is not really a host in and of itself.

The box _must_ have a hostname after all. Stick it into me, delete
any other config files apart from virtualdomains and rcpthosts and you're
