Qmail and its parts.

2001-05-07 Thread root

I don't normally ask for help, but this thing 
(qmail and associated programs) is driving me nuts.

Environment and background:

O/S: RedHat 7.0

compiled and installed these packages:


While I thought I've configured everything 
according to the million man files...mail comes in, gets put into a directory 
under /var/qmail/queue 

ps -ef | grep qmail reveals:

198 194 0 08:59 ? 
00:00:00 supervise qmailqmaild 
570 1 0 09:00 
? 00:00:00 tcpserver -c 100 -u 101 -g 
102 0

so qmail is apparantly running.

qmail-showctl looks good. my rcpthosts 
contains the name of the mailserver, the name of the domain.

virtualdomains looks good.. for both users i have 
defined right now, it has the name of the domain and the username 

/etc/qmail/users/assign formatted according to the 
man page.

qmail-qstat reveals:

messages in queue: 24messages in queue but not 
yet preprocessed: 14

It would help me greatly if anyone could help me 
understand how all these things fit together. I know supervise is a 
replacement for just putting something in rc.d or whatever, and i think i have 
that running right, since qmail is running.What I'mhoping to 
accomplish is the delivery ofthe email into the correct user's 
maildir. Confused as to how vmailmgr fits into this, i've even made the 
.qmail file in the user's directory simply point at the maildir directory, 
instead of using the | to send the mail to the vmailmgr.

Could someone get me started?


Carl Danowski

Re: How to increase the qmail concurrency?

2001-05-07 Thread root

 my qmail-mrtg show that the qmail concurrency value 20 is not enough. anyone
 can tell me how to increase it.

 Thanks in advance


Hi Chris

Please read 'FAQ' in your source directory, or have a look at
http://www.lifewithqmail.org/lwq.html which is linked from www.qmail.org


How to increase the qmail concurrency?

2001-05-07 Thread root

my qmail-mrtg show that the qmail concurrency value 20 is not enough. anyone
can tell me how to increase it.

Thanks in advance



Re: How to increase the qmail concurrency?

2001-05-07 Thread root

 hi jason why not just say /var/qmail/control/concurrencyremote

 add it there...have a good day.

Because I'd prefer to politely teach people to learn to help themselves if they


Re: How to increase the qmail concurrency?

2001-05-04 Thread root

 hi jason why not just say /var/qmail/control/concurrencyremote

 add it there...have a good day.

Because I'd prefer to politely teach people to learn to help themselves if they


How can I test the capability of my qmail server?

2001-02-28 Thread root

  I have build the qmail-ldap server.And it works well.
But how can I test the capability of my qmail server,both
send and receive?
  How can I know how many letters/second it sends and receive?


Fw: Cron root@ns1 run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily

2001-01-25 Thread root

I keep receiving this message but I don't know what's wrong with it
Has anyone experienced anythink like that?
Many thanks
- Original Message -
From: "Cron Daemon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Cron root@ns1
run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily

 cf:ns1:/etc/cfengine/cfengine.conf:26: parse error
 cfengine:ns1::26: Warning: actionsequence is empty
 cfengine:ns1::26: Warning: perhaps cfengine.conf has not yet been set up?
 cfengine:ns1::Execution terminated after parsing due to errors in program
 shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent
 job-working-directory: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot
access parent directories
 shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent
 job-working-directory: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot
access parent directories
 shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent
 job-working-directory: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot
access parent directories
 job-working-directory: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot
access parent directories
 job-working-directory: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot
access parent directories
 shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent
 cd_links: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent
 job-working-directory: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot
access parent directories
 shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent
 cd_links: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent

Re: badmailpattern

2001-01-09 Thread root

control/badmailpatterns (note spelling), is not part of the stock qmail build.
This patch can be found ftp://ftp.mira.net/unix/mail/qmail/wildmat-0.2.patch

I use it... works great!  But please use w/ care (extra CPU load w/ pattern

--Larry M. Smith
cat BOFH | sed s/Operator/Postmaster/g  BPFH

Marc-Adrian Napoli wrote:


 i dont mean the badmailfrom file, i use that successfully already.

 i want to block all mails with a particular pattern inside them. i see there
 is a "badmailpattern" control file on the qmail webpage but no one can
 verify if it works or not. (it doesnt work for me, ive already tried. i was
 wondering if it worked for anyone else).


 Marc-Adrian Napoli
 Network Admin
 Connect Infobahn Australia
 +61 2 9212 0387

  On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   has anyone used this file with success?
   and if not why is it still in the docs?
  Do you mean badmailfrom? Yes I have used it with success, very easy to
B r e t t  R a n d a l l
  brett  _ @ _  ipsware.com

imap response problem

2000-09-05 Thread root

I have a problem when I try to forward mails from my back up qmail
server to MS Exchange server. that is if there are more than one mail in

the queue that qmail try to flush out, qmail can only get one "/Remote
host say 250ok " response with all mails go through( i got all mails).
So it can only clean one mail out the queue but keep all the others and
never try redeliver till i restart qmail, it resend all remaining mails
get another 250ok ande remove another message from queue. 250ok appears
randomly not always the first message that been delivered. May someone
help me that what may cause this problem?

Thanks for your help


Re: Problems using qmail on very large site

2000-05-04 Thread root

Hi Mark,

They stay running forever and the parent process is qmail-queue. Now I
have 162 defunct process.

Today I will try to alter rlim_fd_cur to 64  (the number of file
descriptors - Today the value is 1024. 64 was the original value) and keep
the rlim_fd_max to 2048, like it is today and I will reboot the machines.
I read somewhere that isn't a good idea change the default current limit
of file descriptors like I did. They suggest only change the max number of
file descriptor. Well, is just a guess, but I think that won't cause any
damage to try ;-)

Thanks for your attention !


  The problem is the fact that  I'm having too much defunct process.
  Usually I have between 350-500 process running by machine. From that,
  normally I have between 90-120 defunct process per machine.

 Do they stay forever, or do they go away?

 Which qmail process is the parent?

 I have seen Solaris 2.x systems where processes do stay around forever,
 but I have not seen in on, eg, FreeBSD.


Re: Problems using qmail on very large site

2000-05-04 Thread root


For change the current and  max number of file descriptors in Solaris 2.6 (in
2.7 I think is the same but I'm not sure), you need add two entries in your
/etc/system file:

set rlim_fd_cur=1024
set rlim_fd_max=2048

and you MUST reboot your machine in order to changes take effect.

To see if everythings works, try to use the command ulimit -a before and after
the modifications. Unfortanately the max number of file descriptors wouldn't be
showed, just the current will (open files parameter).

Hope this helps.




 Excuse me for asking a silly question. In Solaris 2.6 or 2.7, how do
 you change rlim_fd_max etc? I cannot find it in the Answer Books.

 Thank you very much.


  Hi Mark,
  They stay running forever and the parent process is qmail-queue. Now I
  have 162 defunct process.
  Today I will try to alter rlim_fd_cur to 64  (the number of file
  descriptors - Today the value is 1024. 64 was the original value) and keep
  the rlim_fd_max to 2048, like it is today and I will reboot the machines.
  I read somewhere that isn't a good idea change the default current limit
  of file descriptors like I did. They suggest only change the max number of
  file descriptor. Well, is just a guess, but I think that won't cause any
  damage to try ;-)
  Thanks for your attention !
The problem is the fact that  I'm having too much defunct process.
Usually I have between 350-500 process running by machine. From that,
normally I have between 90-120 defunct process per machine.
   Do they stay forever, or do they go away?
   Which qmail process is the parent?
   I have seen Solaris 2.x systems where processes do stay around forever,
   but I have not seen in on, eg, FreeBSD.

Re: Problems using qmail on very large site

2000-05-04 Thread root


In my case, I changed both (rlim_fd_max and rlim_fd_cur to 2048 and 1024
respectively). After reboot my machines
I don't received more messages like that. By the way, my concurrency
remote is set to 255. So, I believe that for your case (50) this set
(2048) should work fine too. I suggest that you try  change just the
rlim_fd_max, because I think that change rlim_fd_cur is unnecessary or,
even (I still couldn't try decrease it like I said that I will), cause
that problem that originate all this discussion: a lot of defunct
process running in my machine ! But in my case, like I said,  I'm using
Solaris 2.6 and not 2.7 like you



 Is this caused by rlim_fd_max too small?

  For change the current and  max number of file descriptors in
  Solaris 2.6 (in
  2.7 I think is the same but I'm not sure), you need add two
  entries in your
  /etc/system file:
  set rlim_fd_cur=1024
  set rlim_fd_max=2048
  and you MUST reboot your machine in order to changes take effect.
  To see if everythings works, try to use the command ulimit -a
  before and after
  the modifications. Unfortanately the max number of file
  descriptors wouldn't be
  showed, just the current will (open files parameter).
  Hope this helps.

Problems using qmail on very large site

2000-05-03 Thread root

Hi everybody,

I installed qmail (v. 1.03 running on Solaris 2.6 for x86 - JUST !
(without any patches)) with tcpwrapper ucspi-0.88 and multilog from
daemontools package (v. 0.70) all them compiled with gcc 2.95.2 running
in 4 machines PIII - 500Mhz with 256mb RAM. In my DNS I have
smtp.ig.com.br pointing to IPs addresses of that four machines trying to
make some kind of load balance (Probably soon I will replace this by
IPVS or something like that (Altheon, etc). The total amount of messages
that are sent through those machines are aprox. 1.5 million by day (!) .
I have set
remote and local concurrency to 255 (and I change the limit in
conf-spawn to 255 and recompiled qmail after that). My tcpwrapper is
configured to 400 simultaneous smtp connections (per machine). The
remote and localconcurrency stay between 30-150 connections so, I think
that 255 limit isn't problem by now (Maybe in future I will need to
install the patch to concurrency above 400). Memory and wait I/O isn't
the problem.

The number of file descriptors are ok (2048) now (Now I don't receive
messages tell me that was not possible to open a pipe (or something like

The problem is the fact that  I'm having too much defunct process.
Usually I have between 350-500 process running by machine. From that,
normally I have between 90-120 defunct process per machine.

Anybody have ANY idea about what can be causing this ? Is there any
patch to correct this problem, in case of this  be a well know problem
for my plataform ?

PS. multilog and tcpwrapper are in PATH and this problem NOT started
after I reboot my machines ;-)

Any help will be very appreciated .

Thanks in advance...

Claudio Cuqui
System Analyst
Internet Group do Brasil

Strange Problems whith starting qmail

2000-04-07 Thread root


although I'm almost expect my problem not having to do with qmail at all
it happens to me while I try to start qmail only.
Maybe you can give me a hint whats wrong.

Whenever I try to start qmail via /var/qmail/rc qmail doesn't seem to
/var/qmail/rc is a copy from /var/qmail/boot/home

Using the "nohup" command in the rc-script as LWQ tells I get the
following output in nohup.out:
/usr/bin/nice: exec: No such file or directory

# bash --version
bash --version
GNU bash, version 2.03.0(1)-release (i386-suse-linux)
Copyright 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

# sh --version
GNU bash, version 2.03.0(1)-release (i386-suse-linux)
Copyright 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

I compiled qmail via
make setup check
./config-fast wotan.arc
(I just want to use it inhouse)

Any help would be appreciated.


Cyril Bitterich

EMAIL Virus Alert

1999-12-09 Thread root

The attached mail has been found to contain a virus

The full email can be found in your shell account under the 
antivirus directory as mm.scXq5i and the file as EICAR.COM.

Output of virus scanning software follows:

AntiVir/Linux Version, (Nov 22 1999, 15:43:47)
Copyright(c) 1994-99 by H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH

Report created on 12/09/1999 23:34:23

 Date:  9.12.1999  Time: 23:34:21  Size: 70
 VIRUS: file contains a signature of the virus  'Eicar Virus Sign.'

It is now up to you to check your system for a virus infection.  

For more information on virus scanning and software, check:

Disconnected Operation

1999-08-17 Thread root

Hello everyone,

I've got a mail server on a private network (192.168.x.x) which
I want to periodically pick up mail from my server that's 
co-located elsewhere.  Both servers are running qmail.

The public server has MX records for my domain, pointing to
it.  Mail to/from there seems to be working just fine.

I want the private server to periodically dialin, pick up
the messages, send any that are queued (this is already
working), and deliver via POP (also already working).

SO, do I switch the public server from handling the mail
as a standard domain to a virtual domain?  How do I get
the private server (which has a DYNAMIC IP address) to
pickup the mail?

I've looked at both fetchmail and serialmail.  I think I
understand how to do this with fetchmail, but I cannot
make heads or tails of the serialmail "docs".

Any advice, suggestions, etc?

Thanks in advance,

Modifying tcpserver and checkpoppasswd

1999-04-30 Thread root

Just a little query...

I'm currently using a slightly modified version of the Jedi/Sector One, Paul
Gregg checkpoppasswd program and now I've modified it to use the DENY environ-
ment variable. Rather than have ":deny" be the last line in my /etc/tcprules.d/
qmail-pop3d file, I replace it with ":allow,DENY=""" and that way I get the
person to type in the username and password of the account they're trying to
access and yet still guarantee that I can cut them off based on the existence
of the DENY variable. My only problem now is that if they are trying to hack my
server, they might not give a valid username or password. This is handled in the
J/SO, PG checkpoppasswd in the newgetpwnam() function, which has no knowledge of
the password variable as it is obtained from qmail-popup. So when an invalid
username is used during a connection from a disallowed address, there's no way
to log the password along side it.

The cheap way around this is to just make "char *password" a global. Anyone
foresee any problem with this?

Second, when ":deny" is used, the originating port on the remote host is logged
in the qmail-pop3d logfile. When ":allow,DENY=""" is used, that information is
not passed along. I'd like to get my hands on a copy of the tcpserver source to
add the TCPREMOTEPORT variable to the environemnt created by tcpserver. So,
1) Where can I find the sources. (I know, I know, STFW)
2) Anyone foresee any problem with this?
3) Would the author perhaps be so kind as to add it himself?

I've also written several scripts and proggies of my own to centralize the
operations of my ISP with SMTP, POP3, and RADIUS servers all maintaining
consistency (of tapioca). I'll eventually be putting all of it under GPL and
tarballing it onto my ftp site for all to gawk at.
Matt Garrett, Network Engineer
InterNIC handle: MG14026
Superior On-Line Services, LLC

multiple receipents

1999-02-02 Thread root

Sorry guys to bug again,

Qmail is now 99% working, however have one more problem:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - useraccount1 + useraccount2 + useraccount3

say i have [EMAIL PROTECTED] , i want jane and bill to get copies of it. In
the end upto 8 people will be on the list to receive [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s



More than 2 queues ?

1999-02-01 Thread Mail Account for root

I know, asked that before, but here I go again:

I was wondering - did anyone ever look into the creation of a third (or even
more) delivery queues for qmail?  Here is what I have in mind:

local  - for local addresses, aliases etc.
remote - anything outside the local (mail) domain, subnet, whatever  ...
lan- any host inside the local (mail) domain, subnet, whatever ...

It should be pretty straight forward in qmail-queue.c, and basically a
modified copy of qmail-remote.c (plus a few setup changes).  And to expand
on that theme - maybe even something like a priority scheme?
--__ __ -
 '  /  '/  )   Thomas Bullinger
   /   /--   This is the mail account for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(_/   /___/   http://www.btoy1.rochester.ny.us

TCPServer and Relaying

1999-01-28 Thread root

Hi All,

Thanks for the help on setting up the virtual hosting, that is  now

However the tcpserver refuses to run, with the configuration below, the
paths exist everythin runs when inetd calls qmail-smtpd direct.

venus:/var/qmail/bin# /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -R -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb
  -c100 -u7791 -g2108 0 smtp \ /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 
[1] 30531

Tcpserver runs and goes into background...

When a SMTP connection is established...

venus:/var/qmail/bin# tcpserver: warning: dropping connection,
unable to run  /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd: file does not exist
tcpserver: warning: dropping connection, unable to run
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd: file does not exist

Any ideas, im beginning to run out of patience , been without internet
mail for 36+ hours now.

Virtual Domain/Users not working proeprly

1999-01-27 Thread root


This is what we want to archive:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   localuser1
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   localuser2

How do we go about this i've added the domain virtual.com to rcpthosts,
locals but how do you do the rest.  I have read every peace of
documenation i can find on qmail and it does not explain it anywhere.
I've tried a number of things, so far over 150 email domains are down till
i can fix this so if anyone has any ideas it would be appriated.
