Re: [qmailtoaster] QMT-ISO-1.2 Released

2007-05-07 Thread Vince Callaway

Michael H wrote:
Unfortunately, BitTorrent is often used for less noble ventures.  Here 
at my ISP, I play seek-and-destroy with any P2P traffic.
It is a good way for an ISP to get in trouble.  Mine did not disclose 
that they are blocking p2p traffic.  They are looking at some trouble 
from our states AG office.  They are getting way too many complaints for 
unfair business practices.  They also block users from serving web pages 
and having a mail server running.

I download and seed all the distros I use via p2p.  I keep my download 
speed throttled to not hammer my connection.  It is the most efficient 
net friendly way to handle distros.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] Messages to hotmail are lost

2007-04-23 Thread Vince Callaway
Hotmail and msn have been an issue with me since day one. 

I can send mail to an address, but rarely receive anything.   I 
routinely just blame microsoft.

msn does not like my use of dynamic hostnames.  Since my reverse dns 
does not match my hostname they have issues.  I use my ISP mail server 
for outgoing and don't have an issue getting mail to msn.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] QMT-ISO

2007-03-13 Thread Vince Callaway
On Tue, 2007-03-13 at 11:18 -0700, Ed Morrison wrote:
 Has anyone tested this?  I get an error of CD Not Found.

I had the same error.  I sent an email to Jake and he said he would look
into it.

I was testing it on an older Sony Vaio.  A regular Centos server CD
installed fine.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] Fedora Core 6 error

2007-02-12 Thread Vince Callaway
On Mon, 2007-02-12 at 21:40 -0800, Gabriel Lai wrote:
 I was doing dependecy check with QT FC script.

I'm curious as to if you did a yum update after doing the OS install.
It's been my experience that it is required before installing toaster.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] Installation on Ubuntu

2007-02-10 Thread Vince Callaway
I attempted it once.  Frankly it is more trouble than it is worth.

So far my best results are with FC6.  That is probably because I work
with it the most.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] reverse dns

2007-02-10 Thread Vince Callaway
I'm running several servers on dynamic IP's.  The reverse DNS is not
important for those.

Your upstream provider should be able to provide you with a mail server
you can relay through.  QT is setup to do that with no issues.

As for DNS I use It is $6.95 a year for 1 to 5
domains.  They have a web interface that is simple to use and I control
everything.  Their nameservers are hosted in two different parts of the
country.  Something I feel is important.  They also support dynamic IP.

I personally feel that using static IPs is just bad policy.  Sometime
soon I will share with this group a disaster recorvery plan I'm working
on for my clients.  It outlines why hosting DNS yourself and static IPs
are bad.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] DKIM Status failed

2007-02-09 Thread Vince Callaway
On Fri, 2007-02-09 at 20:20 +0700, David J. wrote:
 Well if it has to be on private than it's fine, but how to make my
 DKIM status recognized ..?? 

I checked your dns and everything looks correct. 

I suggest visiting this site:  To
test.  It provides an address to test your mail.

The use of the word private in domainkeys has caused some confusion.
You are NOT publishing your private key.  You are publishing a public
key named private.

Your mail signature contains a value of s=private.  That tells the
receiver to do a dns lookup for to get
the public key to verify the signature.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] Disable RBL cheks for authenticated senders

2007-02-08 Thread Vince Callaway
On Thu, 2007-02-08 at 07:15 -0700, Eric Shubes wrote:
 You'll probably want to turn on authentication for submission. If you don't
 the spammers will (if not yet, eventually) start trying/using port 587, and
 you'll be a target. In /var/qmail/supervise/submission/run,
 export REQUIRE_AUTH=1
 will activate mandatory authorization. The first couple releases of
 qmail-toaster with submission port didn't export the variable, so it wasn't
 taking effect.

What version did this get fixed.  I just checked all of my servers and
it was already set.  I think I'm only one release behind.

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[qmailtoaster] Stupid ISP's.

2007-02-05 Thread Vince Callaway
Today is my day for dealing with stupidity.

First item is my ISP (centurytel) has decided to do header re-writes on
outbound mail.  Every piece of mail leaving my server had the from
address re-wrote to be from my fully qualified server name.  So much for
having virtual domains on my box.  When I called and bitched they stated
it was to cut down on forged spam headers.  I politely explained that
they should implement smtp authentication and to leave my headers alone.
They were clueless.

Fortunately a friend has a server co-located at godaddy.  I setup smtp
authorization on it and I'm back up and running.

The second clueless ISP is Clearwire.

After spending the good part of the weekend trying to figure out why
inbound mail and web were not working I called tech support.  The guy on
the phone told me they block those ports for dynamic IP.  For only $10 a
month more I can get a static IP and they will open up port 25, but not
port 80.

After talking with a supervisor he tells me they wont open the port and
the only people who can authorize it are the network operations center.
He is not allowed to connect me to them or give me the phone number.

I ask him to show me on the website where they state they do any port
blocking.  After fumbling about for 5 minutes he tells me to search for
legal and I will find a service agreement that states they have the
right to protect their network.  Clueless.

I'm not letting clearwire off the hook.  They completely misrepresented
the service.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] Stupid ISP's.

2007-02-05 Thread Vince Callaway
On Mon, 2007-02-05 at 19:47 -0700, Eric Shubes wrote:
 Good luck finding a good ISP. There are some out there, in some areas.

I sold my ISP business almost 10 years ago.  If one of my employees had
talked to someone the way this guy at clearwire talked to me I would
have fired him on the spot.

I'm going to drop a server at a local co-location facility to provide
mail routing for mine and my clients servers.  I will not be held
hostage by an ISP with an attitude problem.

These big ISP's have no idea how bad their policies are for everyone.
They think they are doing a good thing, but in reality they are breaking
down the fundamental core.  Everyone might as well just use AOL and be
held hostage by ads and only seeing what they think you need to see.
Kinda like China.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] Sending of message failed

2007-02-02 Thread Vince Callaway
On Fri, 2007-02-02 at 10:12 -0500, Warren (mailing lists) wrote:
 Anyone know what is up with the blacklist servers or if we should be 
 moving to different ones?

I'm about ready to start my own.

A few days ago blacklisted

I've not had time to dive into it, but is there a way to do a whitelist
check prior to any blacklist checking?  It would be nice to setup
trusted hosts and bypass blacklist checking.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] Banned from using RulesDuJour?

2007-01-26 Thread Vince Callaway
On Fri, 2007-01-26 at 11:49 -0500, Jake Vickers wrote:
 He's moving the ruleset to a Verizon IP address and will be phasing out 
 the Comast server. 

This makes more sense.  The way I read it was he was not allowing
downloads from anyone that was ON comcast.

I've removed it from all of my servers.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] spf and domainkey settings in bind zone....newbie question probably

2007-01-24 Thread Vince Callaway
I'm coming into this conversation a bit late.  My clueless ISP has had
me offline since last wed.

Having nameservers outsourced is good if you have redundant servers out
there.  If you have everything running on a single connection it does
not really matter if your dns stays up, you are already hosed.

Personally I think ALL hosting/ISP services should provide dynamic DNS.
The idea of static addresses should be reserved for data centers only.
Using a static address for a single website or mail server is a waste of

I'm using for my nameservice.  They charge $6.95 a year for
1 to 5 domains.  The nameservers are in two geographically separated

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Re: [qmailtoaster] compile errors

2007-01-17 Thread Vince Callaway
On Wed, 2007-01-17 at 08:34 -0700, Eric Shubes wrote:
 CentOS is a much better choice for a toaster distro than Fedora in terms of
  stability. You'll have far fewer OS upgrades to do once it's up and
 running, and you'll also run into fewer hurdles installing and upgrading the
 toaster software. There is no advantage to using Fedora that I'm aware of.
 In general, Fedora is good for desktops, CentOS is good for servers.

While in general I would agree with you, but not in this case.  Centos
works fine with the exception of spamassassin.  All the people that sent
me the lint outputs only one showed all the modules functioning.
Spamassassin is one of the key elements needed in the spam battle.

I now have five fedora boxes running qmail-toaster, all are stable and
spam free.  It is true that updates come out more often for fedora than
for Centos.  Fedora is used as a test bed before things are available
for Centos and Redhat.  So long as everything is working, there is not
much need to update unless you want to.

I posted my notes previously on this list on fedora installs.  If you
follow those it is a painless install on fdr60.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] smtproutes and domainkeys, spf, srs

2007-01-17 Thread Vince Callaway
On Wed, 2007-01-17 at 14:30 -0800, Trung Pham wrote:
 So in my case, I am forwarding my mail through Yahoo. I should not bother
 setting up SPF, SRS, and Domainkeys since I won't see any benefit at all.

EVERYONE should use SPF.

Forwarding mail through yahoo does not negate the benefits.  My own
email forwards through centurytel (my isp).

My SPF record is v=spf1 a ~all.  Pretty simple
and effective.  My /var/qmail/control/spfbehavior value is set to 4.
Keeps the fraud down.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] djbdns and domain keys

2007-01-16 Thread Vince Callaway
On Tue, 2007-01-16 at 08:12 -0800, Ed Morrison wrote:
 Hi All:
 I'm trying to setup djbdns with domain keys for my server using these 
 instructions from the wiki:
  DJBDNS - in /var/djbdns/tinydns/root/data (make from 
'; p=MEwwDQY . . . to end of 
 Has the new toaster changed so these instructions no longer apply?  The 
 directory tinydns/root/data does not exist on my install.  Am I missing 
 something obvious?

These instructions apply if your mail server is ALSO your authoritive
DNS server.  The mail servers public key record has to be part of your
public DNS.

If you installed the caching nameserver you will not have the
tinydns/root/data folder.  That is fine if your mailserver is NOT your
authoritive name server.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] smtproutes and domainkeys, spf, srs

2007-01-16 Thread Vince Callaway
On Tue, 2007-01-16 at 16:43 -0800, Trung Pham wrote:
 Any idea guys?
 Is it worth it setup SPF, SRS, and domainkeys if I am gonna use my ISP
 SMTP server for outgoing emails?

This is exactly how I'm setup.  I have a dynamic IP and host my mail at
home.  I use to host my dns.

My opinions on:
SPF, most certainly.
SRS, Don't know if it is needed.
Domainkeys, Certainly for outgoing.  There are some issues with

SPF records alone cut way down on the backspam I was getting.  I was up
to about 80 bounce messages a day that had my domain as a return, but
were not sent by anyone here.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] smtproutes and domainkeys, spf, srs

2007-01-16 Thread Vince Callaway
On Tue, 2007-01-16 at 18:11 -0800, Trung Pham wrote:
  SPF records alone cut way down on the backspam I was getting.  I was up
  to about 80 bounce messages a day that had my domain as a return, but
  were not sent by anyone here.
 Isn't that the work of SRS and not SPF?

No.  SPF tells the receiving computer that the mail is forged.  If it is
configured properly it will throw it away and not bounce it.

SRS is for computers that are forwarding mail.  The from is rewritten so
the it does not break SPF.

Too many 3-letter words.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] smtproutes and domainkeys, spf, srs

2007-01-16 Thread Vince Callaway
On Tue, 2007-01-16 at 21:10 -0500, slamp slamp wrote:
 How did you get domainkeys working in this setup?? When I set my
 domainkeys awhile ago, gmail or yahoo always said bad keys. and I was
 told here on the list that it wont work because the headers are
 changed/updated by the smtp server in smtproute. 

Only if your ISP changes your message.

You can use this link: to test your
domainkeys.  It is an auto-responder that sends back a report on your
message.  Pretty good debugging info.

I also have accounts at gmail and yahoo.  I sent messages to those and
domainkey status was always good.

Mailing lists are what breaks domainkeys.  They like to add little
things to the bottom of the message.  I have an entry in my tcp.smtp
file for each of the mailing list servers I use.  Those entries bypass
domainkey checks.  I found I was bouncing a lot of messages, especially
from this list because of domainkey failures.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] spam on the wiki?

2007-01-14 Thread Vince Callaway
On Sun, 2007-01-14 at 13:26 -0500, South Computers wrote:
 Was browsing the wiki this morning, noticed various casino related sites 
 on the help page of the wiki...  I assume this is spam?

I hope so, because I delete them when I run across them.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] Invalid recipient bounces

2007-01-12 Thread Vince Callaway
On Fri, 2007-01-12 at 10:48 -0800, Nathan Grennan wrote:
 I switched it to bounce. 
 This should give me the desired recipient checking without any more 

Problem now is backspam.  Spammers use bogus addresses all the time.  I
have a couple of domains that have been the victim of just that thing.
One was even blacklisted even though no mail had ever been sent using
that domain name.

What you need to do most is create an SPF record.  This tells the other
mail hosts that the mail is bogus.  Doing this will greatly reduce the
bounces from fake addresses.  At least it did for me. for more info.

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[qmailtoaster] Centos4 = fubar

2007-01-12 Thread Vince Callaway
Another poster asked about issues with Centos.  I did a quick install a
few weeks ago and everything appeared to be ok.  Turns out I was wrong.

The issue is with Spamassassin and perl modules.  I started with a clean
install yesterday to check things out and finally gave up.

During the CPAN install of modules several of them fail.  As with Fedora
I setup another repository to get the pre-compiled modules in RPM
format.  The installation of the modules completes but spamassassin
still throws an error.  Plus some of the modules were not even

After several hours I finally gave up.  I was unable to get
spamassassin-toaster fully functional.

If anyone here is running Centos I would be curious as to what the
output of the command spamassassin -D --lint shows for module not

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Re: [qmailtoaster] Centos4 = fubar

2007-01-12 Thread Vince Callaway
Probably did not need the whole thing :)
[See notes below]
On Fri, 2007-01-12 at 19:56 -0500, South Computers wrote:
 [16097] dbg: diag: module not installed: IP::Country::Fast ('require' 
 [16097] dbg: diag: module not installed: Razor2::Client::Agent 
 ('require' failed)
 [16097] dbg: diag: module not installed: Net::Ident ('require' failed)
 [16097] dbg: diag: module not installed: IO::Socket::INET6 ('require' 
 [16097] dbg: diag: module not installed: IO::Socket::SSL ('require' failed)

On Fri, 2007-01-12 at 16:33 -0700, Eric Shubes wrote: 
 [18936] dbg: diag: module not installed: Razor2::Client::Agent ('require'
 [18936] dbg: diag: module not installed: Net::Ident ('require' failed)
 [18936] dbg: diag: module not installed: IO::Socket::INET6 ('require' failed)

This is close to what I was able to do.  The Razor2-Client package made
a significant improvement on my Fedora install.  Even after installing
the RPM package for it spamassassin still showed it not installed.

The package names for a yum install are perl-Razor-Agent
perl-IO-Socket-SSL perl-Mail-SPF-Query perl-IO-Socket-INET6 if anyone
wants to give it a shot.

Spamassassin still operates, just not as efficiently.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] How to prevent email deletion via POP3

2007-01-10 Thread Vince Callaway
On Wed, 2007-01-10 at 13:02 -0800, Trung Pham wrote:
 Hi all,
 My company wants to prevent people from deleting email via POP3.

I assume this is for archival (fascist government regulation) purposes?

If so the easiest way I know of is when you setup a mailbox you also set
a user.archive mailbox that the mail is forwarded to in addition to
local delivery.  The end user would not have access to the user.archive
mailbox.  This can be done in the qmailadmin web interface.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] No Spamassassin on new toaster.

2007-01-10 Thread Vince Callaway
type sa-update

And then spamassassin -D --lint and check the output for things

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Re: [qmailtoaster] Sending mail suddendly slooooow!!!

2007-01-09 Thread Vince Callaway
On Tue, 2007-01-09 at 08:57 -0500, Jake Vickers wrote:
 I did write a script that checks the response times on blacklists and 

I've used your script and it works great.  I don't use it to do an
automatic update, but use it to debug.

For those that don't know, the blacklists use a modified DNS query.
When you check them they send back a response in the 127.0.0.? range.
The value determines what reject reason.

If for some reason they are unreachable or overloaded your server will
slow down.  The more places you check the more likely you will get a
slowdown.  I check my smtp logs to see who is giving me responses.  If
I'm not seeing an rbl giving me anything I pull them.

This link:

is a great tool for checking out rbls.  I spent some time checking ips
of each spam that made it through seeing if any rbl got a hit on the ip.
Pretty nifty site.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] problem sending mail..hep me plz

2007-01-08 Thread Vince Callaway
On Mon, 2007-01-08 at 21:39 -0600, David Milholen wrote:
  I found it a link in the blacklist was not responding.. I think it was
 relay.orbs or somin like that.
  I am going to goto jays site and read about how to annihilate evil spam:)

This is the contents of my blacklist file:
-r -r -r -r -r -r -r -r -r blocks about 80% of the garbage.  Mostly because it blocks
CN and KR ips.  Sorbs grabs about 10%  uceprotect catches the last bit
and then spamassasin kicks in.  spamhaus and spamcop are either
redundant or not doing much for me.  I'll probably remove them.

Don't forget sa-update and check out

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Re: [qmailtoaster] problem sending mail..hep me plz

2007-01-08 Thread Vince Callaway
On Mon, 2007-01-08 at 20:25 -0800, Erik Espinoza wrote:
 Hey Vince,
 That site is great for blocking spam.
 Thank you for that gem.

Just trying to help.  My goal is to live in a spam free world.

Back when I started using the net my email address had !'s in it.  I
would hate to think those were the good old days :(

May you never know the pain of comp.mail.maps

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Re: [qmailtoaster] SURBL usage

2007-01-05 Thread Vince Callaway
On Fri, 2007-01-05 at 17:18 +0530, Stanley Robins wrote:
 Hi Jake, 
 right now i have my spamassassin running, which scans all the incoming
 messages, is that different from SURBL ?

I think some of the answers are a bit confusing.

qmail-toaster is setup so that the RBL's are checked before handing the
message off to spamassassin.

SURBL is a different animal.  It scans the content of the message
looking for links.  It then checks the hosts of those links against the
SURBL database through a DNS query.

I have SURBL enabled on my servers.  Since I had already made sure the
perl modules were installed all that was required was adding the
loadplugin line to v310.pre.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] whitelisting

2007-01-05 Thread Vince Callaway
On Fri, 2007-01-05 at 11:54 -0600, Guillermo Villasana wrote:

I think these need to be like this:

whitelist from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
whitelist from [EMAIL PROTECTED]


At least that is how I have them in my file and they are working.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] CentOS 4.4

2007-01-05 Thread Vince Callaway
On Fri, 2007-01-05 at 22:20 -0800, Gabriel Lai wrote:
 Anyone tested QT on CentOS 4.4 before?

I set it up to check it out.  I used the ServerCD version (single disk).
I don't recall having any issues.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] smtp hanging up

2007-01-04 Thread Vince Callaway
Is your webserver SMTP host set to localhost or ?

One of the issues I've run into with the FDR60 installs is that
localhost is defined with an ipv6 address.  Attempting to connect to
localhost will fail.

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[qmailtoaster] Domainkeys, mailing lists and rejects

2007-01-03 Thread Vince Callaway
I think I narrowed down the issue.  It's with mailing list programs.
All of my dk failures are list related.  The one that was the most
troublesome shows up now with the new logging features:

2007-01-03 01:48:44.455021500 qmail-smtpd: qq hard reject (DomainKeys
verify status: bad format   (#5.3.0)): 

I changed DKVERIFY=DEGIJKfh to DKVERIFY=DEgIJKfh to make bad format
be a soft error.  There have been a couple come through with soft errors
and they make it to the mailbox.

This error pops up when the originator has a dk signed message and the
mailing list program adds a bunch of stuff to the message.  The one with
the most errors is a list hosted at  I believe they are
using Gnu Mailman.

The messages that were rejected came from gmail and an email
addresses.  I know that gmail signs all outgoing mail.

Still digging.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] Some notes on fdr60

2007-01-02 Thread Vince Callaway
On Tue, 2007-01-02 at 15:24 +, Mark Piekos wrote:
 I have just about given up on FC6 and decided it will be less difficult
 (for me)to solve the seperate problem of installing CentOS 4 on my SATA
 I would be very interested in hearing what you have to do to get it
 working though.

I've setup three on FC6 so far.  The first was on my workstation at
home.  The other two were brand new installs.

Doing the workstation was not a great test.  Most of the support stuff
was already installed.  The only issue was Evolution.  It was removed
with sendmail.  It has spamassassin as a dependency and does not
recognize spamassassin-toaster as a substitute.  The only issue is with
upgrades, I've had to do those by hand using the --nodeps flag.

If you do the yum update and yum install of the packages I listed before
installing toaster you should not have any problems.

I think there was a previous post about the perl install missing a
couple of packages and would be fixed in the next release.

All three boxes appear to be functioning fine.  I've installed the new
qmail-dk file and the logging patch to all of them.  All are behind
firewalls and using dynamic IP's.  Each use smtproutes to pass all
outbound mail to the ISP's mail server.  The spf record for this domain
is v=spf1 a ~all.

I was tired of my clueless hosting provider allowing a couple of hundred
spams a day.  Their solution was to go to a third party provider for
filtering and offering to customers for an added fee.  With toaster
installed I get 2 or three a day now.

This is the contents of my blacklist file:
-r -r -r -r -r -r -r -r -r

most of the blocking is from the first two. blocks KR and
CN based IP's.  I've found that about 80% of the spam I was getting
comes from there.  My logs show blocking a couple of hundred attempts a
day.  I have two domains with one real email address each on this
machine.  Just shows how bad spam really is.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] Some notes on fdr60

2007-01-02 Thread Vince Callaway
Harry Zink wrote:
 Any particular reason to prefer fdr6 over Centos 4, considering all 
 the problems with fdr6, and the extreme ease with Centos, I was just 

In my case it is application driven.  I have a software package I wrote
for the Intermodal Trucking business.  The systems I've setup need to
run that and so far FDR6 has worked the best for that application.
Since my software is the primary application I'm willing to tinker a bit
to get other stuff working properly.

I just ordered in another box to do some testing with.  I'm going to
setup K12LTSP 6.0 which is based on FDR6 and see what issues I run into.
I have a new client that this would be a perfect fit for.  Especially
for terminals in his warehouse.

I did test out installing toaster under Centos.  I used an old laptop I
had and the install went like a charm.  If it were not for my other
needs I would choose it in a heartbeat.  For a dedicated mail server I
certainly recommend it.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] DEVEL PACKAGE: qmail-toaster-1.03-1.3.9.src.rpm

2007-01-02 Thread Vince Callaway
Thanks for posting these.  I've installed them on my test box (fdr60).
Will post if I see any oddities.

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Re: Re[2]: [qmailtoaster] postfix end of data error

2006-12-30 Thread Vince Callaway
Thanks for the update and patch.  I've installed them and also set

I looked through qmail-dk code (and did searches) but I don't seem to be
able to find where to control the scope of my outgoing signatures.  Is
that something that is just not implemented yet?

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[qmailtoaster] Some notes on fdr60

2006-12-30 Thread Vince Callaway
Don't know if anyone else is using Fedora Core 6, but here are some

The install docs say to do a yum update after installing toaster.  My
experience so far is to do that right after installing the OS.

For some reason the has vqadmin-toaster
commented out.  I fix that before running it.

Spamassassin was missing some perl modules.  You have to setup the dries
repository and then:

yum --enablerepo=dries install perl-IP-Country perl-libwww-perl \
perl-Crypt-SSLeay perl-Razor-Agent perl-Net-Ident pyzor

Trying to install those through PAM does not seem to work properly.  I'm
not a a perl guy so I can't give an answer to that one.

Running spamassassin -D --lint showed the missing perl modules and

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[qmailtoaster] postfix end of data error

2006-12-29 Thread Vince Callaway
Not sure where to start looking for this.  Here is a copy of the error
that a sending system received:

Final-Recipient: rfc822; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0
Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; host[]
said: 554 mail server permanently rejected message (#5.3.0) (in reply to
end of DATA command)

This is a bounce report from one of the mailing lists I'm on.  In going
through the logs I've found several messages (all from mailing lists)
that show received but never made it to my inbox.

Any ideas?

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Re: [qmailtoaster] Toaster at School

2006-12-24 Thread Vince Callaway
You could add an expiration date to the user record in mysql.  You would
still have to delete the account on your own, but simple script would
take care of the issue.

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Re: Re[4]: [qmailtoaster] Can anyone

2006-12-20 Thread Vince Callaway
On Wed, 2006-12-20 at 13:17 -0500, Kyle Quillen wrote:
 So i am correct in stating that I need to setup a record in dns for the
 domain key.  Do I use the private key that is in
 the /var/qmail/control/domainkeys/ or do I have to create a
 public one.  Further more do I just insert this in the zone config or do
 i need to create a seperate file.  

This is one thing where the documentation falls down.  I had the same

Bottom line.  You need two TXT records in your DNS.

The first will be an entry for _domainkey in your zone.  It
tells the other mail servers what your domainkey policy is.  Mine
contains o=-\; [EMAIL PROTECTED] The o means the domain
signs all email and the r is the responsible party address.

The second DNS entry is a text record containing your public key. If you
followed the directions verbatim you should have a
directory /var/qmail/control/domainkeys/  In that directory you
will have two files.  One is called private the other is  The txt file is the public key to put in the DNS
entry.  You will create an entry called private._domainkey with the TXT
value in the file.  The reason it is called private is because that is
the name on your private key.

If you send out mail under other domain names you will need to create a
directory and key under domainkeys for each domain you handle.  Took me
a couple of minutes to figure that one out.

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Re: Re[4]: [qmailtoaster] Can anyone

2006-12-20 Thread Vince Callaway
On Wed, 2006-12-20 at 13:59 -0500, Kyle Quillen wrote:

 _domainkeyIN  TXT o=-\; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can remove the \ and it needs to be enclosed in quotes.

 private._domainkey IN TXT k=rsa;p=MEwwDQYJKoZI
 Only the second line would be with the full key and the quotes closed?


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Re: [qmailtoaster] Qmail Toaster on the internet

2006-12-13 Thread Vince Callaway
On Wed, 2006-12-13 at 10:44 -0700, Eric Shubes wrote:
 The only significant problem I've come across is that some domains black
 list servers on dynamic addresses. I get around this by using dyndns's
 mailhop service.
 Both customdns and mailhop are very affordable.

I cheat.  I'm going to install three servers this weekend and I have
each configured to acts as hops for the others.

As for the black list the trick is to use your ISP's mail server as an
outgoing relay.  In my case I'm on centurytel and
in /var/qmail/control/smtproutes I have one entry (without the quotes)   

My spf record is v=spf1 a ~all

I've only had this running at home for about a week.  So far I've not
had any rejection issues.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] Qmail Toaster on the internet

2006-12-12 Thread Vince Callaway
That's pretty cool.  I'm at least responsible for a couple of those.

I've managed to convince some of my friends that handling your email at
home is the best policy.  I use a company called to handle
the DNS because they are cheap, do dynamic dns and support the txt
records for domainkeys.

So far so good.

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