Re: Work, Hobbies and TIM - [QUAD-L] It is LIVE!!!!

2006-07-03 Thread t crook
THANKS! Well right now my fiancee is the mass producer-my job is marketing, photographing theproductsand maintain thewebsite. As far as a patent goes- that will take time and moremoney. Good luck with all ofyour ventures! Timwww.whoopiekat.comLori
 Michaelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   That is fantasticTim!!! Before I go on ... can I ask you how you "mass produce" your merchandise to be able to have it in stock? And what about a patent on the jewelry? We would have started a home business long ago on "certain new ideas" but we have found that patents are so expensive that it is something we could not afford.It is great that you can share your main interest with the person you share your life with. Actually, I have been meaning to write a post asking other people what their summer hobbies have been.Both my husband and I are very much into photography and possibly investing in one of those large printers that print out very large prints for us to
 be able to sell.In the meantime, or this summer, we have been very active in genealogy. My husband began his genealogy 30 years ago and was able to go back 14 generations on one side! That is pretty impressive but at the beginning of May he stumbled upon a breakthrough whereby he has gone back to 1025 AD and has several names from a short time B.C.When you go back that far [B.C.] there were so many ways and means of keeping track of days and times so as far as those go we only have the names. Depends on whether the peoples were using the Gregorian calendar or the Julian calendar or their own calendar! LOLAnyway,
 we have over 10,000 names in our database now. And my husband is a perfectionist and likes to have at least two sources to make sure that the data is correct. He has been helping me now with my family but for several reasons we have come to some standstills. I will not go into detail with it now because unless someone is very much into genealogy .. it is not important to bring up right now.My husband was thrilled with his breakthrough because he found out that he is related to Charlemagne and many Kings of England. And there are several lords and Saints as well! Prior to the breakthroughit was pretty exciting to know that he is related to both President Madison and President Taylor. But now, the list of Europe royalty that he is related to his phenomenal!We will eventually make it into a book available for all of the family as well as the general public. And possibly get it published.Most of you are probably enjoying the great outdoors that you wait all year long for [as I did the 21 years I lived in New York State]. But we decided to take THIS HOT Arizona summer and work on a couple of indoor afternoon projects together.  Lori C4/5 Complete   Tucson, AZ   AGE - 41  ---Original Message---  From: t crook  Date: 7/1/2006 7:57:42 AM  To:  Subject: [QUAD-L] It is LIVEOK quad peeps- are you ready for what Tim and his fiancee has been up to. We launched a Jewelry business that is truly one of a kind! Soon to follow will be Kati_Enterprises that will cater to all of your web design wants andneeds.For the coolest Jewelry around-Visit us @-www.whoopiekat.comTim 
		Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs.
Try it free. 

Re: [QUAD-L] Hello

2006-07-03 Thread Bill_J

No, you did it right. 
Welcome, Alan. I'm Bill. My specifics are in my 

Bill age 55C6 Incomplete since 
7/20/68Leesburg, FLHe had a mind like a Post-It note; it held things but 
not real tight.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2006 6:55 PM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Hello
  i think i messed 
  eveything up. did anyone get my message?

Re: [QUAD-L] Workshop solutions for the disabled

2006-07-03 Thread David K. Kelmer
A great site for the 'do-it-yourself' type of person, and we know who we are.With Love,  CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 30 Years PostTexas, USA  KK Batte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: [QUAD-L] speaking of fakes

2006-07-03 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Some folks just want or crave attention. I can't pretend that I think wanting to be a quad isn't really bent.I've heard psych students do stunts like that to get a better insight on traumatic injury cases but thats a truely twisted crowd there. I was thinking that normal folks wanting to be in with us would be more along the munchhausen type disorder than transgender. 
I use to think you couldn't be this handicrapped and still be a racist. I've learned that racist sneek in everywhere 
I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to loose their health to this degree. It isn't the same a mis-assigned gender. I think that is played out beyond reality already. Why is it wrong for us to tell someone that their desire to be the other gender is wrong. After the transgender operations, are these people happy for the rest of their lives? From what I've rread, the numbers don't justify the alterations in most cases. (I don't remember where I read it.)
Most of us go through our lives never quite getting the attention that we feel we deserve from the people we most want it from. I'm not saying we have to learn to live an unhappy life. I am saying that at a certain point we must take responsibility for our own happiness. 

If you are on this list under false pretenses, I would recommend you seek help. If you are here trying to understand a loved one, just say so. I'm always floored when I meet quads that are chasing away the few people that love them then remember it as "they left me."

john 30yrs post C-5

In a message dated 7/2/2006 10:58:40 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hey everyone, 

I've been aware of the phenomenon of "wheelchair pretenders" for quite some time and haven't seen much discussion about it here on the quad list. At times, I wonder if everyone here is for real, but have usually let it go.
What do others think and feel about these people who "need" to be in a chair or pretend to be amputees. This site that it is a psychological need much like a person who is born female but their mind their emotions and everything else are programmed to be female - transgendered. I definitely feel there are some folks that fit the transgendered category, you can't help but admit some boys were meant to be girls and vice versa. BUT I definitelly don't believe some folks are born able-bodied and they are really supposed to be disabled, to me that's a "mental illness" that can be dealt with by lots of therapy. In my opinion, these are people who are seeking attention and sympathy, and or they get some sort of sexual satisfaction from pretending to be disabled. They make me wanna scream "go jump off a cliff or dive in the shallow end of a pool and stop pretending, see how you like it then" I simply don't get it.

There's even a story of a woman who wanted to have her legs amputated for the hell of it, just to live life as an amputee. Hell, I say lets just send her to Iraq.

Lets discuss this interesting topic.



Re: [QUAD-L] Hello

2006-07-03 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Welcome Angelique,
i hope you enjoy and find the list helpful. I was also in a car wreck. 

john age 50, C-5 30yrs post 

In a message dated 7/2/2006 11:55:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hi everybody-  I'm Angelique Novak, ventilator dependent quadriplegic from a spinalcord injury at the levels of C1  C2. A wonderful man who shares mycondition turned me on to this list.  I'm 25, in MN, and live at home with my parents. My injury happenedin August of 1994, I was hit by a negligent man driving his car at over55mph, while crossing the road on my bike. He was at fault.  I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone.-Angelique Novak

Re: [QUAD-L] speaking of fakes

2006-07-03 Thread wheelchair

That's where a TAZER comes in mighty handy. One jolt and you'll know the quads, paras. from the pretenders. lol
W-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; quad-list@eskimo.comSent: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 13:48:23 EDTSubject: Re: [QUAD-L] speaking of fakes

Some folks just want or crave attention. I can't pretend that I think wanting to be a quad isn't really bent.I've heard psych students do stunts like that to get a better insight on traumatic injury cases but thats a truely twisted crowd there. I was thinking that normal folks wanting to be in with us would be more along the munchhausen type disorder than transgender. 
I use to think you couldn't be this handicrapped and still be a racist. I've learned that racist sneek in everywhere 
I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to loose their health to this degree. It isn't the same a mis-assigned gender. I think that is played out beyond reality already. Why is it wrong for us to tell someone that their desire to be the other gender is wrong. After the transgender operations, are these people happy for the rest of their lives? From what I've rread, the numbers don't justify the alterations in most cases. (I don't remember where I read it.)
Most of us go through our lives never quite getting the attention that we feel we deserve from the people we most want it from. I'm not saying we have to learn to live an unhappy life. I am saying that at a certain point we must take responsibility for our own happiness. 

If you are on this list under false pretenses, I would recommend you seek help. If you are here trying to understand a loved one, just say so. I'm always floored when I meet quads that are chasing away the few people that love them then remember it as "they left me."

john 30yrs post C-5

In a message dated 7/2/2006 10:58:40 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hey everyone, 

I've been aware of the phenomenon of "wheelchair pretenders" for quite some time and haven't seen much discussion about it here on the quad list. At times, I wonder if everyone here is for real, but have usually let it go.
What do others think and feel about these people who "need" to be in a chair or pretend to be amputees. This site that it is a psychological need much like a person who is born female but their mind their emotions and everything else are programmed to be female - transgendered. I definitely feel there are some folks that fit the transgendered category, you can't help but admit some boys were meant to be girls and vice versa. BUT I definitelly don't believe some folks are born able-bodied and they are really supposed to be disabled, to me that's a "mental illness" that can be dealt with by lots of therapy. In my opinion, these !
 are people who are seeking attention and sympathy, and or they get some sort of sexual satisfaction from pretending to be disabled. They make me wanna scream "go jump off a cliff or dive in the shallow end of a pool and stop pretending, see how you like it then" I simply don't get it.

There's even a story of a woman who wanted to have her legs amputated for the hell of it, just to live life as an amputee. Hell, I say lets just send her to Iraq.

Lets discuss this interesting topic.



Check out today. Breaking news, video search, pictures, email and IM. All on demand. Always Free.

Re: [QUAD-L]

2006-07-03 Thread RollinOn

Welcome Alan,
I'mMarka C5/641 yrs old the 5th and going on 7 yrs post from diving also.

Sorry you have to find an attendant, it isn'teasy finding a good one but keep your eyes peeledhe or shecould be very close.
Some one mentioned church is a good place if you attend one and of course family is an option just put the word out and see what happens.


---Original Message---

Date: 07/02/06 17:50:21
Subject: [QUAD-L]

hello out there 

this is my 1st time e-mailing here and i hope it works.
i have been a quad for 25 years ... it was a diving accident.

i'm an old quad ... 59 years old and live in central, fl.
i need advice in finding an attendant. my wife wants a life of her own,
so i need to find one.

any help will be deeply appreciated.

alan labarr

[QUAD-L] Broken bones

2006-07-03 Thread Floreen Breyette
Dear Quad list,  My boyfriend is a level C5-6 he was just informed today he broke his knee below the knee cap. they haven't scheduled surgery but says he needs it. I am worried about him. Has anyone ever broken a bone after a SCI? Please help.floee 
		Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs.
Try it free. 

[QUAD-L] email problem

2006-07-03 Thread Angelique Novak
I tried to reply to you, Lori, but it was sent back to me.

Re: [QUAD-L] RN- Quad

2006-07-03 Thread StubanRN

Thanks for letting me know, W. I haven't met Linda yet. I can honestly say 
I am still alive because I'm a nurse, an ICU nurse. The people who think nurses 
are "bad patients" are the ones who border on incompetence themselves. Here's an 
example of many I could tell you: a new "nurse" is with me, she takes off her 
shoes and socks and starts digging around her toes and toenails then replaces 
her shoes and socks. When I ask her to wash her hands before she suctions me, 
she laughes and I am a "difficult" patient. I guess you can tell this 
bugs me. A lot!! I know the right way to do things and I expect them done that 
way. Fungus in my lungs is unacceptable. Managing my feeding tube improperly is 
unacceptable. Messing up my ventilator is unacceptable. If this makes me 
"difficult" so be it. I have one caregiver who has been with me 3 years, 
another 2 years. The ones who find me "difficult" of course don't stay. They can 
take their incompetent self somewhere else. Yep, I'm pretty feisty! Am I 
"difficult"? Only to those who are dangerous to me. I'm not ready to check out 
yet so I will continue to be my own best advocate. Sandy 

Re: [QUAD-L] Hello

2006-07-03 Thread Rick Caseltine
Hi Angelique,

I'm not sure if I was the guy who told someone else to
give you the quad-list but somebody recently asked me
for some info about quad/sci related stuff.

I'm a c3-4 quad on a vent; 37 years old. 20 years
I live in Newport, Minnesota.

Welcome to the group.


--- Angelique Novak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi everybody-
 I'm Angelique Novak, ventilator dependent
 quadriplegic from a spinal
 cord injury at the levels of C1  C2.  A wonderful
 man who shares my
 condition turned me on to this list.
 I'm 25, in MN, and live at home with my parents.
  My injury happened
 in August of 1994, I was hit by a negligent man
 driving his car at over
 55mph, while crossing the road on my bike.  He was
 at fault.
 I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone.
 -Angelique Novak

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [QUAD-L] Hello

2006-07-03 Thread Angelique Novak
Hi Rick-
No, you're not the guy.  How far is Newport from Andover?  Thanks
for the welcome.

Rick Caseltine wrote:

 Hi Angelique,

 I'm not sure if I was the guy who told someone else to
 give you the quad-list but somebody recently asked me
 for some info about quad/sci related stuff.

 I'm a c3-4 quad on a vent; 37 years old. 20 years
 I live in Newport, Minnesota.

 Welcome to the group.


 --- Angelique Novak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi everybody-
  I'm Angelique Novak, ventilator dependent
  quadriplegic from a spinal
  cord injury at the levels of C1  C2.  A wonderful
  man who shares my
  condition turned me on to this list.
  I'm 25, in MN, and live at home with my parents.
   My injury happened
  in August of 1994, I was hit by a negligent man
  driving his car at over
  55mph, while crossing the road on my bike.  He was
  at fault.
  I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone.
  -Angelique Novak

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Re: [QUAD-L] Vacations

2006-07-03 Thread Eric Olson van renals I guess

Don't know anything about any of these companies but should give you a
place to start. 


Greg wrote:

  Any good web sites for
vacations for wheelchair users?

Re: [QUAD-L] RN- Quad

2006-07-03 Thread wheelchair

LOL. You soundjust like LindaF, who was also RN, ICU. She currently resides wherever there is a doctor or hospital or nursing home when she's not living in her townhouse, somewhere in Valparaiso, IN. She is truly a victim of her ex who stuck a gun in her mouth. Linda was smart enought to push the gun away as it fired.
You two have much in common for nurses, lol
W-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: quad-list@eskimo.comSent: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 14:55:10 EDTSubject: Re: [QUAD-L] RN- Quad

Thanks for letting me know, W. I haven't met Linda yet. I can honestly say I am still alive because I'm a nurse, an ICU nurse. The people who think nurses are "bad patients" are the ones who border on incompetence themselves. Here's an example of many I could tell you: a new "nurse" is with me, she takes off her shoes and socks and starts digging around her toes and toenails then replaces her shoes and socks. When I ask her to wash her hands before she suctions me, she laughes and I am a "difficult" patient. I guess you can tell this bugs me. A lot!! I know the right way to do things and I expect them done that way. Fungus in my lungs is unacceptable. Managing my feeding tube improperly is unacceptable. Messing up my ventilator is unacceptable. If this makes me "difficult" so be it. I have one caregiver who has been with me 3 years, another 2 years. The ones who find me "difficult" of course don't stay. They can take their incompetent self somewhere else!
 . Yep, I'm pretty feisty! Am I "difficult"? Only to those who are dangerous to me. I'm not ready to check out yet so I will continue to be my own best advocate. Sandy 

Check out today. Breaking news, video search, pictures, email and IM. All on demand. Always Free.

Re: FW: Re: [QUAD-L] speaking of fakes

2006-07-03 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I try hard to show empathy toward folks with mental problems but, TRANSABLED!! Give me a break. How about paralyzed from the neck up? Definitely cut off their legs and crack their skulls and break their necks but do not give them money from medicare or medicaid or SSDI, OR SSI. DON'T EVEN GIVE THEM MY HANDICRAPPED PARKING SPACE!


In a message dated 7/2/2006 7:16:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
OK, I consider myself to be a fairly open-minded, non-judgemental person. However, this transabled business is absolutely sick. No one in his right mind would purposely welcome the suffering that we onthis list must endure. It nearly made me nauseous to read the web site below. Unbelievable.'ve had this discussion on here before but it's pointless.These people really get under my skin but hey what can you do?They also have websites and I've read some of their post before just to seewhat they were talking about and it seems pity plays a big part because theylike to talk about shopping and people trying to help them and them refusinghelp.It seems they're so unaccomplished in their own lives and think that peoplelook up to them like they're really being heroic after a terrible accidentor something.Then there are the wierd ones that really want to be paralyzed and askquestions like which is the best and safest way to break your back!These people could never handle actually being paralyzed in my opinion.Mark---Original Message---From: River WolfeDate: 07/02/06 09:58:55To: Quad-List Quad-ListSubject: [QUAD-L] speaking of fakesHey everyone,I've been aware of the phenomenon of "wheelchair pretenders" for quite sometime and haven't seen much discussion about it here on the quad list. Attimes, I wonder if everyone here is for real, but have usually let it go.What do others think and feel about these people who "need" to be in achair or pretend to be amputees. This site http://www.transabledorg/mos/Frontpage/:states that it is a psychological need much like a personwho is born female but their mind their emotions and everything else areprogrammed to be female - transgendered. I definitely feel there are somefolks that fit the transgendered category, you can't help but admit someboys were meant to be girls and vice versa. BUT I definitelly don't believesome folks are born able-bodied and they are really supposed to be disabled,to me that's a "mental illness" that can be dealt with by lots of therapy.In my opinion, these are people who are seeking attention and sympathy, andor they get some sort of sexual satisfaction from pretending to be disabled. They make me wanna scream "go jump off a cliff or dive in the shallow endof a pool and stop pretending, see how you like it then" I simply don't getit.There's even a story of a woman who wanted to have her legs amputated forthe hell of it, just to live life as an amputee. Hell, I say lets just sendher to Iraq.Lets discuss this interesting topic.Peace,River

[QUAD-L] thank you

2006-07-03 Thread ALAN LABARR

thhank you, mark for 
the advice. i will try.

hope you are doing 

i just started 
answering the people who wrote.


Re: [QUAD-L] speaking of fakes

2006-07-03 Thread Bobbie299

I've heard psych students do stunts like that to get a better insight on traumatic injury cases but thats a truely twisted crowd there. I was thinking that normal folks wanting to be in with us would be more along the munchhausen type disorder than transgender. 
This is an excellent point John. I've had family and friends who I've talked in to sitting in a w/c and do everything the way I do so they have an idea "what it's like" 
 It helped them quite a bit.

[QUAD-L] my last reply???

2006-07-03 Thread Floreen Breyette
I think I might have done something wrong, My reply didn't post? Floee __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Fwd: Re: [QUAD-L] Broken bones

2006-07-03 Thread Floreen Breyette
Note: forwarded message attached. 
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Get on board. You're invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail Beta.---BeginMessage---
He also tore his miniscus(sp?) They told him to stay off of it until after the holiday until and orthopedic surgeon can take a look at it. They told him no rom on that leg. Is there anything I can do to not have him get any sores from lying down so much besides regular turning? Thank you so much for your help. He also has a UTI on top of it. Eric Olson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  2 for me. Right arm just below the head of my shoulder. A nurse dumped me out of bed. That never did heal straight. The other was my left tibia (shin). This was purely wheelchair driver error. That healed fine. It took a long time though. I don't know anything about your boyfriend's break but being that close to the knee, maybe healing improperly would limit the joint's
 range of motion. Just guessing why they are recommending surgical repair. Eric Floreen Breyette wrote:Dear Quad list,  My boyfriend is a level C5-6 he was just informed today he broke his knee below the knee cap. they haven't scheduled surgery but says he needs it. I am worried about him. Has anyone ever broken a bone after a SCI? Please help.floee  Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.  
		Do you Yahoo!? Next-gen email? Have it all with the  all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.---End Message---

RE: [QUAD-L] my last reply???

2006-07-03 Thread Eric W Rudd
Title: Message

did u reply or 
reply to all?

Eric W Rudd

  -Original Message-From: Floreen Breyette 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 
  4:33 PMTo: quad-list@eskimo.comSubject: [QUAD-L] my last 
  I think I might have done something wrong, My reply didn't 
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [QUAD-L] Hello

2006-07-03 Thread David K. Kelmer
Hi Angelique,Welcome to the Quad-List. This is a great place to share SCI related thoughts, ideas, problems, or just chat with others that know how you feel. Pull up a chair and join the conversation.With Love,  CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 30 Years PostTexas, USAAngelique Novak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi everybody-I'm Angelique Novak, ventilator dependent quadriplegic from a spinalcord injury at the levels of C1  C2. A wonderful man who shares mycondition turned me on to this list.I'm 25, in MN, and live at home with my parents. My injury happenedin August of 1994, I was hit by a negligent man driving his car at over55mph, while crossing the road on my bike. He was at fault.I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone.-Angelique Novak

Re: [QUAD-L] Broken bones

2006-07-03 Thread Eric Olson

2 for me. Right arm just below the head of my shoulder. A nurse
dumped me out of bed. That never did heal straight. The other was my
left tibia (shin). This was purely wheelchair driver error. That
healed fine. It took a long time though. I don't know anything about
your boyfriend's break but being that close to the knee, maybe healing
improperly would limit the joint's range of motion. Just guessing why
they are recommending surgical repair. 


Floreen Breyette wrote:

  Dear Quad list,
  My boyfriend is a level C5-6 he was just informed today he broke
his knee below the knee cap. they haven't scheduled surgery but says
he needs it. I am worried about him. Has anyone ever broken a bone
after a SCI? Please help.
  Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs.
it free. 

Re: [QUAD-L] Broken bones

2006-07-03 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I slipped off my sliding board in the 93 and did an awesome job on my leftknee. I didn't realize it at first. I was mostly P.O.ed at myself for falling. I went to the doctors the next evening noticing I was feeling awful and thought I had a badkidney infectionand my knee was real swollen.(pretty sure I had hurt it) Pain meds helped my kidneys. They just put an adjustable velcro splint on my leg and it healed slowly, but I had to start ROM befor it healed and fused in a singleposition. You may want to see if his discolored urine clears up with some vicodin. Pain can cause kidneys and other organs to mess up. Ya don't feel it but its there. 
They should have splinted his leg. I Think you want a 30 degree angle at the knee. If AD (Autonomic Dysreflexia) starts you should call 911 and goto the ER. Try to get a physiatrist to consult. Watch his blood preasure. Make him comfortable if he starts running a fever. Use ice on the knee. and try some pain meds.
If kidney output keeps dropping, head to the ER. I'm willing to bet the pain is causing what appears to be a UTI.

good luck,
In a message dated 7/3/2006 6:00:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
He also tore his miniscus(sp?) They told him to stay off of it until after the holiday until and orthopedic surgeon can take a look at it. They told him no rom on that leg. Is there anything I can do to not have him get any sores from lying down so much besides regular turning? Thank you so much for your help. He also has a UTI on top of it.

Re: [QUAD-L] Alan - new member

2006-07-03 Thread David K. Kelmer
Hi Lori,The address to join the SCIC Group is correct. If Alan wants to read a little more about the Group, he can go to: Love,  CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 30 Years PostTexas, USA  Lori Michaelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Your message came through fine Alan! It looks like we have a couple of new members almost at the same time -- Angie and Alan. H  a possible romance? big age difference but these days age covers a broad spectrum.My husband is 15 1/2 years older than I am and I am sure glad that he
 is [as far as intellect, love, and company].If you read my welcome to Angie then you will know my history.This is a great list to be on and I prefer it over other lists. But I am on one other list called theSCIC [Spinal Cord Injury Caregivers] that you might also want to join for a couple of reasons. There are several people on that listwho are in Florida and they talk about Florida a lot. So you might get more answers about caregivers by participating in that list as well.You have to be "okay'd" by the owner of that list but unless there is some wild and wacky reason for someone to be turned down ... people are welcome. For information and how to subscribe go to Potts is the list owner and it is PRIMARILY for caregivers but there are several quads on the list as well. I hope that the above address is the correct one but it is is not ... I'm sure someone will correct me [like Dave Kelmer hopefully ;-) ]We have had many discussions on who is the oldest quads living these days so you sound like you are right up there with one other gentlemen that is on this list.Welcome again!  Lori C4/5 Complete, 26 years post 
 Tucson, AZ   AGE - 41---Original Message---  From: ALAN LABARR  Date: 7/2/2006 3:50:15 PM  To:  Subject: [QUAD-L]hello out there .this is my 1st time e-mailing here and i hope it works.  i have been a quad for 25 years ... it was a diving accident.i'm an old quad ... 59 years old and live in central, fl.  i need advice in finding an attendant. my wife wants a life of her own,  so i need to find one.any help will be deeply appreciated.alan labarr  

Re: [QUAD-L] speaking of fakes

2006-07-03 Thread Oconnelldb

Most of us go through our lives never quite getting the 
attention that we feel we deserve from the people we most want it 
pretty sad AND true... my offspring have a lot of this. 
sometimes i think i set the bar too high just by being successful in my 
condition - like i can help that. it's a tuff one for them to 
overcome. i try to be very careful about giving them anything but 
praise, and considering some of the dumb things they do, that's tuff too.

In a message dated 7/3/2006 10:49:24 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, 

  Some folks just want or crave attention. I can't pretend that I think 
  wanting to be a quad isn't really bent.I've heard psych students do stunts 
  like that to get a better insight on traumatic injury cases but thats a truely 
  twisted crowd there. I was thinking that normal folks wanting to be in with us 
  would be more along the munchhausen type disorder than transgender. 
  I use to think you couldn't be this handicrapped and still be a racist. 
  I've learned that racist sneek in everywhere 
  I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to loose their health to this degree. 
  It isn't the same a mis-assigned gender. I think that is played out beyond 
  reality already. Why is it wrong for us to tell someone that their desire to 
  be the other gender is wrong. After the transgender operations, are these 
  people happy for the rest of their lives? From what I've rread, the numbers 
  don't justify the alterations in most cases. (I don't remember where I read 
  Most of us go through our lives never quite getting the attention that we 
  feel we deserve from the people we most want it from. I'm not saying we have 
  to learn to live an unhappy life. I am saying that at a certain point we must 
  take responsibility for our own happiness. 
  If you are on this list under false pretenses, I would recommend you seek 
  help. If you are here trying to understand a loved one, just say so. I'm 
  always floored when I meet quads that are chasing away the few people that 
  love them then remember it as "they left me."
  john 30yrs post C-5
  In a message dated 7/2/2006 10:58:40 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
  Hey everyone, 

I've been aware of the phenomenon of "wheelchair 
pretenders" for quite some time and haven't seen much discussion about it 
here on the quad list. At times, I wonder if everyone here is for 
real, but have usually let it go.
What do others think and 
feel about these people who "need" to be in a chair or pretend to be 
amputees. This site 
that it is a psychological need much like a person who is born female but 
their mind their emotions and everything else are programmed to be female - 
transgendered. I definitely feel there are some folks that fit the 
transgendered category, you can't help but admit some boys were meant to be 
girls and vice versa. BUT I definitelly don't believe some folks are 
born able-bodied and they are really supposed to be disabled, to me that's a 
"mental illness" that can be dealt with by lots of therapy. In my 
opinion, these are people who are seeking attention and sympathy, and or 
they get some sort of sexual satisfaction from pretending to be 
disabled. They make me wanna scream "go jump off a cliff or dive in 
the shallow end of a pool and stop pretending, see how you like it 
then" I simply don't get it.

There's even a story of a woman who wanted to have her 
legs amputated for the hell of it, just to live life as an amputee. 
Hell, I say lets just send her to Iraq.

Lets discuss this interesting topic.




Re: [QUAD-L] Broken bones

2006-07-03 Thread Floreen Breyette
Thank you so much! Oddly enough he did test positive for his urine culture and also today he got a script for hydrocodone which is generic brand of vicodin. He also tore his miniscis??? I put a knee brace on it I am just worried about sores being so still for so long. Help[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I slipped off my sliding board in the 93 and did an awesome job on my leftknee. I didn't realize it at first. I was mostly P.O.ed at myself for falling. I went to the doctors the next evening noticing I was feeling awful and thought I had a badkidney infectionand my knee was real swollen.(pretty sure I had hurt it) Pain meds helped my kidneys. They just put an adjustable velcro splint on my leg and it healed slowly, but I had to start
 ROM befor it healed and fused in a singleposition. You may want to see if his discolored urine clears up with some vicodin. Pain can cause kidneys and other organs to mess up. Ya don't feel it but its there.   They should have splinted his leg. I Think you want a 30 degree angle at the knee. If AD (Autonomic Dysreflexia) starts you should call 911 and goto the ER. Try to get a physiatrist to consult. Watch his blood preasure. Make him comfortable if he starts running a fever. Use ice on the knee. and try some pain meds.  If kidney output keeps dropping, head to the ER. I'm willing to bet the pain is causing what appears to be a UTI.  good luck,  john  In a message dated 7/3/2006 6:00:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:  He also tore his
 miniscus(sp?) They told him to stay off of it until after the holiday until and orthopedic surgeon can take a look at it. They told him no rom on that leg. Is there anything I can do to not have him get any sores from lying down so much besides regular turning? Thank you so much for your help. He also has a UTI on top of it.   
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Re: [QUAD-L] Broken bones

2006-07-03 Thread Floreen Breyette
the vicodin makes him very out of it and talk about wierd stuff? thank you! you are a big help to me. You deserve a medal! thank you thank you thank you[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:A physiatrist is a rehabiliation doctor. He is more likely to be aquainted with quadriplegics. County contracted vehicle? dayum.  If you can take his blood preasure then keep an eye on it. Watch that the bottom number doesn't stay over 100 for very long. Keep him passing fluids and be sure the brace isn't too tight. You should be able to feel his pulse in his feet. You can turn him and use pillows to prop and stabilize his leg. Tell him not to freak.That won't help.   If he says hes shaking violently inside and his muscles are contracting uncontrollably then
 hes having Autonomic dysreflexia. You need to get his heart elevated and get him to the hospital to control it  stay calm. I broke a lot of bones when Ibroke myneck. Give himaspirin for his fever. You can double on the vicodin if hes in a lot of pain when you turn him. If you have extra egg crates you can put them on the bed so you don't have to turn him as often  You might want to try gettin him thinking about other stuff.   If you have to ride in a county whatever, ask the driving doood to drive like a carefulold man cause you intend to sue the other driving doood for driving like a moron without securing the patient properly  I don't know much about whats happening with him. If he cant calm down then he should probably be at the hospital. Sending you home without any blood preasure meds was stupid, but doctors aren't always real smart.john 
 In a message dated 7/3/2006 8:26:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:  What is a physiatrist? I am sorry I am new at this..Jason was being transported by the county contracted vehiclewhen they took a sharp turn and he feel out onto the floor of the van   
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Re: [QUAD-L] RE: Baclofen pump

2006-07-03 Thread TheOmen723

I have heard that the pump has helped a lot of people but me personally i had a bunch of problems with it. the skin over the pump was very painful to the touch. my spasms kept getting worse the more they raised the dosage. the doctor found bacteria in the baclofen fluid so i told them to remove the pump. afterthe surgery to remove mypump i went home for about an hour when my mom noticed a puddle of clear liquid on the ground under my chair. IT WAS SPINAL FLUID. so i went to the emergency room had my back double stichted and glued then i went home again. more fluid leaked out and i ended up staying in the hospital for 3 days on my back. all of this went on in a 1 1/2 yr. period. oh yea not to mention the other 5 surgeries i had to test the pump to find out why it wasn't working.


Re: [QUAD-L] Hello

2006-07-03 Thread tahouston

Hola Angelique, I'm Tom Houston from Bellwood 
Il, C5-6 from autoaccident in May, 1994 my fault, sleep driving, ran 
off road. single car accident. Welcome!!

  - Original Message - 
  Angelique Novak 
  To: Quad List 
  Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2006 10:54 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Hello
  Hi everybody- I'm Angelique Novak, 
  ventilator dependent quadriplegic from a spinalcord injury at the levels 
  of C1  C2. A wonderful man who shares mycondition turned me on 
  to this list. I'm 25, in MN, and live at home with my 
  parents. My injury happenedin August of 1994, I was hit by a 
  negligent man driving his car at over55mph, while crossing the road on my 
  bike. He was at fault. I just wanted to introduce 
  myself to everyone.-Angelique Novak

[QUAD-L] Trouble living life as a quad

2006-07-03 Thread T.C

Hi I'm Terry, I've been a C5/C6 incomplete quad for the last 27 years of 
my 45 years of life... the past few years have been much harder for 
mebeing a quad due to a few different reasons...I'm finding it hard to 
keep on wanting to live my life more so now thanever before... I would like 
to meet  chat ( via the net ) with otherquads that are having problems 
coping with life...anyone that feels this way and would like talk about it 
please contact me via email [EMAIL PROTECTED] or chat via 
MSN Messenger,take care regards Terry...