Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I have brain damage and I still can't figure out what your arguement is? You just keep saying everyone is wrong. No IV clinics now? Keep embryos frozen? How many chickens do eat for breakfast? I use to call 'm eggs. Can't tell when a rooster gets loose, huh?
In a message dated 7/20/2006 7:11:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I think both are wrong. I don't think they should have created them in the first place for IVF, but since they exist then keep them on life support (i.e. frozen) indefinitely. They are not something that should be killed (i.e. by removing stem cells) to possibly make another persons life better. I have a moral problem with taking one life to improve another persons life.Embryos left over from IVF are not the only source for stem cells. (2006.06.27: Research on Alternative Sources of Pluripotent Stem Cells, )So I feel those sources should pursued since there would be no moral or ethical concerns. I'm all for scientific advancement that does not conflict with my morals and ethics. At 12:47 PM 7/20/2006, RollinOn wrote:
Let me get this straight, if you throw the embryos in the trash they're called left over waste.If you research them, your killing human beings.
Jim Lubin   [EMAIL PROTECTED] disAbility Resources: http://www.makoa.orgPlease Help: Inkjet & Toner Cartridge Recycling 

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Without a womb its just a bacterial gue on the floor.
In a message dated 7/20/2006 3:34:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
no, an individual sperm only contains 23 chromosomes need to be human. That is where I draw the line. It's a human when a human egg and human sperm combine to have the 46 chromosomes need to be human. It may seem ridiculous to you but It's basic biology. You apparently think it takes longer in the development cycle to be considered a human. At 11:48 AM 7/20/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If we talk about the "potential" of 5-day old, 200 cell, unimplanted zygotes, then let's talk about the "potential" of an individual sperm. Isn't it the same potential? Where do you draw the line? It's really pretty ridiculous. It's time to use common sense. Those ready-for-destruction zygotes should be used, it's immoral not to. Sandy 
Jim Lubin   [EMAIL PROTECTED] disAbility Resources: http://www.makoa.orgPlease Help: Inkjet & Toner Cartridge Recycling 

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed- (lets pray not)

2006-07-20 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

The federal gov't is funding 25million. the stem cell lines the feds insist to be used are contaminated and useless. People wouldn't starve in california of they werent anorexic or bulemic. Maybe stem cell theray will cure that?
In a message dated 7/20/2006 2:43:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Since you want to compare Bush to Hitler and said it took several nations to prove him wrong...As far as standard of morality when it comes to doing medical research on human embryos, as far as I have been able to find so correct me if I am mistaken, Canada and the European Nation countries also do not fund research on human embryos. Only China and South Korea do.Bush only put a restriction on federal funding when it comes using human embryos. He did not outlaw there use. The federal gov't is funding a few hundred million in stem cell research. This bill would not have increased that amount. The state of California alone is funding $6 billion in human embryonic stem cell research. That $6 billion in California tax payer dollars could have been spent to feed the hungry you mentioned but the California voters decided that funding stem cell research was more important. So the hungry, sick and poor have to live with the moral standards of not one person but of the 7,009,814 people in California who voted for Proposition 71: Stem Cell Research. Funding. Bonds, not the 4,859,401 who voted against it.

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

What disease or ailment was ever cured by the church? Relkigion only tells you who to hate, not how to get better.
In a message dated 7/20/2006 1:54:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
(O'C, I'm copying this from comments I made on another list to respond to you)At 07:35 PM 7/19/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Where were these EXTRA embryos headed otherwise Jim?    I thought 'we' were going to try to use these EXTRA embryos that were going to be destroyed for medical research BEFORE we destroyed them.  I thought 'we' were going to make eyeballs, kidneys, and neurons with these stem cells before we flushed the leftovers.  I'm sure I'm missing something here.  Please fill in the blanks.O'CI've never thought of myself as part of the "Christian Right" as you say (I am a Roman Catholic) but agree with president Bush on this and I will explain way.I do belive that a human egg and human sperm make a human being from the time they are joined, from that point the zygote contains all the 46 chromosomes need to be human. It's called an embryo after about 10 days. Being a human, it is entitled to protection to life from the Government. Therefore, the Government should not be funding the destruction of life for the purpose of research.Now your opinion of when a human is a human and entitled to protection obviously differs from mine and president Bush. You can decide for yourself when a human becomes a human that is entitled to protection. Some people thing after birth and not before. I'm against IVF treatments as well because it creates extra embryos in the process. As for using those extra embryos in research for the possible benefit of others, just because they are going to be destroyed anyway, following that reasoning, here's my problem with that. A person with a traumatic brain injury or in a coma being kept alive on ventilator will never be completely healed and will die without the life-support, so why not harvest their body parts to improve someone else's life? I see both equally wrong.  The Nazi's conducted medical research on the people they were going to kill anyway. I see it as the same.Now, if scientist want to use stem cells derived from a human egg and another cell, somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), I don't consider that a human and have no problem with research on those stem cells.

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

What BS! The NIH also claims there is 22 existing stem cell lines that can be purchased to use to study. These stem cell lines where all contaminated by 2001. But they will still sell you the left over slime. 
Right now several scientists at several large universities are gathering embroyonic stem cells from monkeys, dogs and cats, so they can develope therapies to use on humans after Bush is gone. I do hope the advances that come from this are denied to the morons that fight so hard to stop it. Most of the therapies are at advanced stages. 
Remember, Vote NO on right wing religous fundamentalism.
In a message dated 7/20/2006 1:34:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
That's not completely accurate, see the NIH funding guidelines regarding "What if a scientist is conducting research with both federally fundable and non-federally fundable human embryonic stem cells?" At 06:39 AM 7/20/2006, Bill_J wrote:
Bush did kill research on embryonic stem cells to this extent: ANY institution, public or private, that receives government money for any reason CAN NOT use embryos for stem cell research or they would forfiet the government money.  This means any university that accepts students on government grants or loans, any drug company that recieves government money for R&D of ANY kind; "any form of government funding" disqualifies nearly everyone.


2006-07-20 Thread Stacy Harim

How do you use it?

  - Original Message - 
  From: David K. Kelmer 
  To: Lori Michaelson ; Quad-List 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 1:45 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] BAG BALM- 
  Hi Lori,  
  It sure has, and an ass is a terrible thing to lose!
  With Love,
  CtrlAltDel aka 
  DaveC4/5 Complete - 30 Years 
  Lori Michaelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


  Bag balm toughens  
  From: Danny Hearn
  Date: 7/15/2006 
  5:38:55 PM
  To: Tim Syfert;
  Subject: Re: 
  [QUAD-L] Wal Mart and Made in America and so on.
     Hi, Tim  I heard of that bag balm from 
  someone in the room, I bought mine at WALGEENS tho   
  lol   It is pretty good stuff, also someone else in here, 
  Dave I think told me of another cream called Lanaceptic or something 
  like that that is a good product too.Tim Syfert 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
  HI wonder where my Wal-Mart Bag Balm is 
  Danny Hearn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  Many on this list may not be aware but today with Modern Technology 
  and a WORLD GLOBAL TRADE and Economy there is not much MADE IN AMERICA 
  exclusivly so much anymore..heck even many so called American Cars 
  have more FOREIGN PARTS than very many of the FOREIGN made 
  cars ... LOL this may be a sad fact but true, DO you know that 
  EVEN our AMERICAN FLAG is FOREIN MADE in ( China ) and other  
  Do you Yahoo!?Next-gen email? Have it all with the all-new 
  Yahoo! Mail Beta.



Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

The last cure medicine came thru massive gov't effort. Remember polio. Yup. Last time medicine cured anything. Of course, people still refude the vaccine for their children because it would be God's will if they became infected. You don't see many refusing penecillan to fight syphilus, even tho several churches denounced it for destroying a curse from god. 
Our president has signed 10 billion in research for a "small" thermo-neuclear device as a bunker vaporizer. How freakin humane can this SOB get? 
It is only immoral to kill people untill they are able to to be terrified by their demise? Our president won't burn in hell, he is Satan!
In a message dated 7/19/2006 11:47:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 7/19/2006 10:44:08 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Most cures in this country have been discovered through R&D of private companies in the perseverance of medical scientists and doctors funded by private donations.
T. Houston C5 C6

That I could agree on, if they applied the same principles to war.  Keep all government money out of it.  (I'm only wishing, lol)

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

he just made it impossible to do stem cell research in a facility that accepts gov't funding. A little technicallity that makes 97% of the medical fasilities in the US unavailable for this research.I hope he watches his children die of a slow debiltating disease that would have been curable in 5 years.
In a message dated 7/19/2006 11:44:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

George Bush did not kill research on stem cells, he just refused to fund it with taxpayers money.  Like many other sickness and diseases, researchers continuing on with private donations and private fundraisers.  Any person who wants to sit around and wait for the government to take action on important issues that they may benefit from I suggest is wasting their time.  Most cures in this country have been discovered through R&D of private companies in the perseverance of medical scientists and doctors funded by private donations.
T. Houston C5 C6

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

The "moral" right have hijacked the republicans and turned them into idiots. If using embryonic stem cells is killing life then is washing them down the drain holding them in high esteem. By Bushes reasoning we should be closing invitro-fertilization clinics. Fat chance. Who are the boobs, morons, mental defectives and slack jawed mouth breathers that follow him in his fear of science, logic and history. 
In a message dated 7/19/2006 6:35:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sad isn't it.
---Original Message---

Date: 07/19/06 17:33:33
To: RollinOn; Quad List; Rick Caseltine
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed
yes, mark.  right on.  whatever rove says, bush does.  that's why they won't let him speak on his own.  look what happens when he gets caught speaking without a rove script.  he gets caught saying sh*t.

- Original Message - 
From: RollinOn 
To: Quad List ; Rick Caseltine 
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

What a hypocritical moron we have leading us!
He can drop bombs on innocent women and children and systematically lie to the whole world but this is "Morally Wrong"!
We need a leader!
---Original Message---

From: Rick Caseltine
Date: 07/19/06 16:06:08
To: Quad List
Subject: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed
Bush uses first-ever veto to kill stem cell bill 32
minutes ago
WASHINGTON (AFP) - USPresident George W. Bush
used his veto for the first time since taking office,
blocking a bill that would have expanded federal
funding for embryonic stem cell research.
"It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society
needs to respect, so I vetoed it," Bush said in
remarks at the White House, saying that in rejecting
the legislation he is "keeping the promise I made to
the American people.
"As science brings us ever closer to unlocking the
secrets of human biology, it also offers temptations
to manipulate human life and violate human dignity,"
said Bush.
"Our conscience and history as a nation demand that we
resist this temptation," Bush said.
The stem cell research endorsed by the Senate on
Tuesday would have used embryos -- some consisting of
just a handful of cells -- left over from in vitro
fertilization (IVF) procedures.
The president had long vowed to veto the bill because
of his deeply held moral beliefs that destroying human
life is wrong -- even in its earliest form, and even
in the interest of research that could lead to
potentially life-saving medical breakthroughs.
Bush made the announcement at a White House signing
ceremony for alternative bioethics legislation known
as "The Fetus Farming Prohibition Act," making it a
crime to initiate a pregnancy for the sole purpose of
obtaining human organs or tissue for research.
Present for the announcement were several families
with "snowflake babies" -- children conceived via
donated embryos left over from IVF treatments.
The president vetoed the Stem Cell Research
Enhancement Act despite widespread support by the US
public and ardent backers in Congress, who on
Wednesday urged Bush to reconsider his stance.
Stem cell research advocates say the technique shows
promise for the treatment of degenerative diseases
such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and for diabetes.
The bill would have lifted rules set by Bush in 2001
making federal funds available only for research on a
small number of embryonic stem cell lines which
existed at that time.
Government money is barred from supporting work on new
lines derived from human embryos -- a restriction that
opponents say hampers overall research.
In London, Martin Rees, the president of the Royal
Society -- Britain's de facto academy of sciences --
said the US policy "is slowing down the global effort
to develop therapies for a range of diseases and
"If the present restrictions remain, it would surely
mean that the United States will continue to fall
behind in this important and exciting area," said
The Senate approved the measure by a 63-37 vote -- a
margin too small to override a presidential veto.
Nevertheless, 41 Senate Democrats sent a letter to
Majority Leader Bill Frist, urging him to lobby
support among congressional Republicans to overturn
Bush's veto.
"We are pleased that you supported this important
legislation and know that you recognize the enormous
potential of this research for discovering new cures
and therapies for diseases such as diabetes,
Parkinsons disease and spinal cord injuries.
"The only chance for overriding this veto rests with
you and the Republican caucuses in the House and the
"Millions of patients and their families across the
nation cannot afford to wait any longer for the
enactment of this urgently needed legislation," the
Democratic lawmakers wrote.
"We are counting on your leadership to help ensure
that this legislation becomes la

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread paul38

I beg to differ with you,I am not living for the cure,I am living life to the hilt.Why not help many people with a myriad of mind and mobility issues?Let's get busy researching stem cells insteading of discarding them.I need to go now.I will be able to discuss this issue at any time. Keep on rollin' and let's start opening up all that stem cells have to offer. Peace,
-- Original message -- From: Jim Lubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I think both are wrong. I don't think they should have created them in the first place for IVF, but since they exist then keep them on life support (i.e. frozen) indefinitely. They are not something that should be killed (i.e. by removing stem cells) to possibly make another persons life better. I have a moral problem with taking one life to improve another persons life.Embryos left over from IVF are not the only source for stem cells. (2006.06.27: Research on Alternative Sources of Pluripotent Stem Cells, )So I feel those sources should pursued since there would be no moral or ethical concerns. I'm all for scientific advancement that does not conf!
 lict wi
th my morals and ethics. At 12:47 PM 7/20/2006, RollinOn wrote:
Let me get this straight, if you throw the embryos in the trash they're called left over waste.If you research them, your killing human beings.
Jim Lubin   [EMAIL PROTECTED] disAbility Resources: http://www.makoa.orgPlease Help: Inkjet & Toner Cartridge Recycling 

[QUAD-L] stem cells

2006-07-20 Thread Oconnelldb

That's my problem too Mark.  Kill the embryo today and it's ok,  
kill it next week and it's murder.  Not in MY book.
Now to clarify another point, I believe that a soul does not enter an 
embryo until it draws it's first breath.  That would be when it is born and 
sufficiently mature to breathe.  Killing a human with no soul is slightly 
less 'evil' that killing one with a soul.   
I also believe that our creator is marveling at our ability to manipulate 
HIS building blocks to make up for HIS oversights.  The spinal cord is 
definitely an inferior design compared with some of nature's regenerative 
components.   I'm sure HE is smiling and wondering what we will 
come up with next - after all, we are using the brain HE gave us.
I personally don't think HE's all that with us recycling physical parts 
since we haven't a clue how to tinker with the spiritual part,. yet.
Maybe HE will make HIS wishes known if and when we get there.
In a message dated 7/20/2006 12:47:38 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, 


Let me get this straight, if you throw the embryos in the trash 
they're called left over waste.
If you research them, your killing human beings.

Re: [QUAD-L] About therapy

2006-07-20 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Nobody thot rats cats and dogs would walk again either..
In a message dated 7/18/2006 7:32:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ive been a c7 quad for 9 years, 7 of those I have do 3 hours therapy every tues and thurs. Im strong as hell, but Im not going to walk away, at least anytime soon.
If I had the chance for stem  cells or any possible therapy to get on my feet or better myself I would take it. I would work 24 hours a day if I thought I could get better.
But the truth is stem cells are many years away from helping any of us old time quads. Its going to help the freshly injured way b4 it helps us. Another fact is people that have healthy families dont care about paralyzed individuals, and many of them feel we brought this on ourselves or werent right with god.
So enjoy the small things we have left and build on them. Dont get caught up in the hope game, give yourself the best life you can by getting out there and doing something to make you feel worthwhile. If a cure comes..youll hear about it.
Remember noone gets out of here alive, and the so called able bodied are only that way for a time. Everything has a duration period. Even the most gorgeous blonde will dry up and get old.
We are all equals and deserve to live and enjoy life, get out and demand yours. Dont let any red tape or bad attitudes stop you.
Ron c7 

Re: [QUAD-L] I Wonder Why

2006-07-20 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

In a message dated 7/18/2006 5:43:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dave, you said "For the sake of peace on the List, we have put the issue to rest in our posts for now". Maybe you can explain that. What "peace"? And who are "we"? Personally I would rather talk about stem cells and other issues pertinent to quads than Walmart. Maybe I'm at the wrong place. Tell me and I will leave. Sorry if I offended anyone by talking about something I thought was important to us. Sandy 

Re: [QUAD-L]---Thanks!

2006-07-20 Thread Tleath6
Wow, Carol!

You sound awesome. I don't think I've read your posts before. How long have you been gone?  To introduce myself, I am Tracy in Texas. c5/6 also. I live alone and believe that next to a great family, my aides are my greatest blessing.

Hope to read more from you!


Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread Jim Lubin

I think both are wrong. 
I don't think they should have created them in the first place for IVF,
but since they exist then keep them on life support (i.e. frozen)
indefinitely. They are not something that should be killed (i.e. by
removing stem cells) to possibly make another persons life better. I have
a moral problem with taking one life to improve another persons
Embryos left over from IVF are not the only source for stem cells.
(2006.06.27: Research on Alternative Sources of Pluripotent Stem Cells, )
So I feel those sources should pursued since there would be no moral or
ethical concerns. I'm all for scientific advancement that does not
conflict with my morals and ethics. 
At 12:47 PM 7/20/2006, RollinOn wrote:
Let me get this straight, if you
throw the embryos in the trash they're called left over waste.
If you research them, your killing human beings.



disAbility Resources:
Please Help: Inkjet & Toner
Cartridge Recycling 

Re: [QUAD-L] I Wonder Why

2006-07-20 Thread ALAN LABARR

i like the way 
you think, angelique.  you too, sandy.

  - Original Message - 
  Angelique Novak 
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Quad List 
  Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 1:41 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] I Wonder Why
      Good for you Sandy!  I'm with ya! 
      If Christianity wasn't holding everything back, there 
  probably would've been a cure by now.  I'm sure this will get some 
  "interesting" feedback, but f*ck it!     Christianity is 
  the worst thing to happen to the human race.  If Jesus existed, he was an 
  alien, face it.  Immaculate conception?  Try alien abduction and 
  implantation!     The church always has been a business, 
  and a front for "justifiable" murders.  Hello, Spanish Inquisition.  
  It always will be about money and control.     The holy 
  rollers have held medical science back long enough!  Let stem cell 
  research of any kind happen.  I'd donate my eggs!  As far as I'm 
  concerned, being trapped inside your body, looking out from behind your eyes 
  is hell!     Besides, (if you believe Christian mythology), 
  isn't saying, "I'm sorry," before dying, all it takes to still get passed the 
  pearly gates, no matter how horrible a person you were?  That's how I 
  remember most church sermons going. So what's the big deal?! YES ON HR 
  810! -Angelique 
   John, I wish I was part of that conversation. It seems people have 
become numb since then. I have watched and waited for a long time... and 
nothing. I read about the work in China and thought "nope". Any time a 
scientist is secretive about his methods, it raises a red flag. But Johns 
Hopkins work is a completely new ball game. This is the first true research 
that could make a difference. This ain't no sham! So if I'm excited about 
it, f**k everyone else. I have hope in my lifetime. 

[QUAD-L] Quad Pres.

2006-07-20 Thread Oconnelldb

I love the claim, "just elect someone who will do what you want."  
like that's a quick fix.  There are lots of stories and promises before the 
election that are never heard of again.  Campaign promises are so easy to 
make and so tough to follow up on.   The concept that absolute power 
corrupts absolutely has lots of stops along the way.  What we REALLY need 
is an SCI president or someone in his family.  A lot of war vets are 
getting to be the right age..  maybe ..
In a message dated 7/20/2006 10:27:18 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, 
Wrong. Just like the tax payers during the cold war that didn't like 
  their tax money being spent to build nuclear weapons. It's up to our elected 
  officials, like it or not.At 08:20 AM 7/20/2006, RollinOn wrote:
  You're forgetting something very 
important.It's not George Bush's money, it's my money and every other 
tax payer's money and they decided it was ok to use our money to research 
stem cell lines that aren't available with out signing this bill.It is 
the tax payers right to choose how they spend their money or am I 
  disAbility Resources: http://www.makoa.orgPlease Help: Inkjet 
  & Toner Cartridge Recycling 


Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread StubanRN

If we talk about the "potential" of 5-day old, 200 cell, unimplanted 
zygotes, then let's talk about the "potential" of an individual sperm. Isn't it 
the same potential? Where do you draw the line? It's really pretty ridiculous. 
It's time to use common sense. Those ready-for-destruction zygotes should be 
used, it's immoral not to. Sandy 

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread Oconnelldb

That's my problem too Mark.  Kill the embryo today and it's ok,  
kill it next week and it's murder.  Not in MY book.
Now to clarify another point, I believe that a soul does not enter an 
embryo until it draws it's first breath.  That would be when it is born and 
sufficiently mature to breathe.  Killing a human with no soul is slightly 
less 'evil' that killing one with a soul.   
I also believe that our creator is marveling at our ability to manipulate 
HIS building blocks to make up for HIS oversights.  The spinal cord is 
definitely an inferior design compared with some of nature's regenerative 
components.   I'm sure HE is smiling and wondering what we will 
come up with next - after all, we are using the brain HE gave us.
I personally don't think HE's all that with us recycling physical parts 
since we haven't a clue how to tinker with the spiritual part,. yet.
Maybe HE will make HIS wishes known if and when we get there.
In a message dated 7/20/2006 12:47:38 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, 


Let me get this straight, if you throw the embryos in the trash 
they're called left over waste.
If you research them, your killing human beings.

From: Jim 
Date: 07/20/06 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
Stem Cell Bill Killed
 (O'C, I'm copying this from comments I 
made on another list to respond to you)At 07:35 PM 7/19/2006, 
Where were these EXTRA embryos headed otherwise 
Jim?    I thought 'we' were going to try to use these 
EXTRA embryos that were going to be destroyed for medical research 
BEFORE we destroyed them.  I thought 'we' were going to make 
eyeballs, kidneys, and neurons with these stem cells before we flushed 
the leftovers.  I'm sure I'm missing something here.  Please 
fill in the blanks.O'CI've never 
thought of myself as part of the "Christian Right" as you say (I am a 
Roman Catholic) but agree with president Bush on this and I will explain 
way.I do belive that a human egg and human sperm make a human 
being from the time they are joined, from that point the zygote contains 
all the 46 chromosomes need to be human. It's called an embryo after 
about 10 days. Being a human, it is entitled to protection to life from 
the Government. Therefore, the Government should not be funding the 
destruction of life for the purpose of research.Now your opinion 
of when a human is a human and entitled to protection obviously differs 
from mine and president Bush. You can decide for yourself when a human 
becomes a human that is entitled to protection. Some people thing after 
birth and not before. I'm against IVF treatments as well because 
it creates extra embryos in the process. As for using those 
extra embryos in research for the possible benefit of others, just 
because they are going to be destroyed anyway, following that reasoning, 
here's my problem with that. A person with a traumatic brain injury or 
in a coma being kept alive on ventilator will never be completely healed 
and will die without the life-support, so why not harvest their body 
parts to improve someone else's life? I see both equally wrong.  
The Nazi's conducted medical research on the people they were going to 
kill anyway. I see it as the same.Now, if scientist want to use 
stem cells derived from a human egg and another cell, somatic cell 
nuclear transfer (SCNT), I don't consider that a human and have no 
problem with research on those stem cells. 




Re: [QUAD-L] deep thoughts...sorta

2006-07-20 Thread Zeraw

Bravo Brien well said ...
Zeraw T-10 T-11
A spinal cord injury may seem horrific to most people (Indeed it  
is).   But, consider this scenario:After my injury, I 
spent five months in rehabilitation.  In the 2nd  month of my 
rehabilitation my cousin was diagnosed with some  pervasive lung 
disease.  Four months into my rehabilitation my cousin  
died.  When I look back on my  perspective, being mindful of 
the  trauma surrounding my cousin and his family and friends,  my 
injury  seemed to be far less 

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread RollinOn

Let me get this straight, if you throw the embryos in the trash they're called left over waste.
If you research them, your killing human beings.
---Original Message---

From: Jim Lubin
Date: 07/20/06 12:54:39
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed
 (O'C, I'm copying this from comments I made on another list to respond to you)At 07:35 PM 7/19/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Where were these EXTRA embryos headed otherwise Jim?    I thought 'we' were going to try to use these EXTRA embryos that were going to be destroyed for medical research BEFORE we destroyed them.  I thought 'we' were going to make eyeballs, kidneys, and neurons with these stem cells before we flushed the leftovers.  I'm sure I'm missing something here.  Please fill in the blanks.O'CI've never thought of myself as part of the "Christian Right" as you say (I am a Roman Catholic) but agree with president Bush on this and I will explain way.I do belive that a human egg and human sperm make a human being from the time they are joined, from that point the zygote contains all the 46 chromosomes need to be human. It's called an embryo after about 10 days. Being a human, it is entitled to protection to life from the Government. Therefore, the Government should not be funding the destruction of life for the purpose of research.Now your opinion of when a human is a human and entitled to protection obviously differs from mine and president Bush. You can decide for yourself when a human becomes a human that is entitled to protection. Some people thing after birth and not before. I'm against IVF treatments as well because it creates extra embryos in the process. As for using those extra embryos in research for the possible benefit of others, just because they are going to be destroyed anyway, following that reasoning, here's my problem with that. A person with a traumatic brain injury or in a coma being kept alive on ventilator will never be completely healed and will die without the life-support, so why not harvest their body parts to improve someone else's life? I see both equally wrong.  The Nazi's conducted medical research on the people they were going to kill anyway. I see it as the same.Now, if scientist want to use stem cells derived from a human egg and another cell, somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), I don't consider that a human and have no problem with research on those stem cells. 

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread StubanRN

Potential is the key word - whether 23 or 46 chromosomes. 

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread RollinOn

Both of these are a potential human because either one still needs help to get there.
---Original Message---

From: Jim Lubin
Date: 07/20/06 14:34:09
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed
 no, an individual sperm only contains 23 chromosomes need to be human. That is where I draw the line. It's a human when a human egg and human sperm combine to have the 46 chromosomes need to be human. It may seem ridiculous to you but It's basic biology. You apparently think it takes longer in the development cycle to be considered a human. At 11:48 AM 7/20/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If we talk about the "potential" of 5-day old, 200 cell, unimplanted zygotes, then let's talk about the "potential" of an individual sperm. Isn't it the same potential? Where do you draw the line? It's really pretty ridiculous. It's time to use common sense. Those ready-for-destruction zygotes should be used, it's immoral not to. Sandy 
Jim Lubin   [EMAIL PROTECTED] disAbility Resources: http://www.makoa.orgPlease Help: Inkjet & Toner Cartridge Recycling 

Re: [QUAD-L] deep thoughts...sorta

2006-07-20 Thread Brien
A spinal cord injury may seem horrific to most people (Indeed it  
is).   But, consider this scenario:

After my injury, I spent five months in rehabilitation.  In the 2nd  
month of my rehabilitation my cousin was diagnosed with some  
pervasive lung disease.  Four months into my rehabilitation my cousin  
died.  When I look back on my  perspective, being mindful of the  
trauma surrounding my cousin and his family and friends,  my injury  
seemed to be far less traumatic.


On Jul 19, 2006, at 1:26 PM, William Willis wrote:

Someone asked me the other day if I would trade my eyes for a new  
body. After a bit of thought, I said no, even though I could likely  
be more independent.

Interesting thought:  Life is a road with infini-te lanes. We all  
travel this road to the same destination. However, we all change  
lanes many times. Some lanes are for speeders, some are dangerous,  
some are congested, and some are littered with wrecks. And of  
course, the lane next to us always moves faster and more  
smoothly...until we merge into it! The final destination?  
Well, we won't know until we get there.

[QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed- (lets pray not)

2006-07-20 Thread wheelchair

lol.  Hitler was the first one I could think of he always seems to 
be the one, but we know the experiments that were done by the Japanese during 
On issues like this, I always wish that I had the wisdom of Solomon before 
I tried to elaborate on sensitive subjects.  There are some very well 
educated, wise and smart people on both sides of this issue fighting for the 
cause.  I just hope the decisions we suppose are the right ones.  If 
In a message dated 7/20/2006 2:03:26 PM Central Daylight Time, 
Since you want to compare Bush to Hitler and said it took several 
  nations to prove him wrong...As far as standard of morality when it comes 
  to doing medical research on human embryos, as far as I have been able to find 
  so correct me if I am mistaken, Canada and the European Nation countries also 
  do not fund research on human embryos. Only China and South Korea 


Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread Jim Lubin

no, an individual sperm only contains 23 chromosomes need to
be human. That is where I draw the line. It's a human when a human egg
and human sperm combine to have the 46 chromosomes need to be human. It
may seem ridiculous to you but It's basic biology. 
You apparently think it takes longer in the development cycle to be
considered a human. 
At 11:48 AM 7/20/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If we talk about the
"potential" of 5-day old, 200 cell, unimplanted zygotes, then
let's talk about the "potential" of an individual sperm. Isn't
it the same potential? Where do you draw the line? It's really pretty
ridiculous. It's time to use common sense. Those ready-for-destruction
zygotes should be used, it's immoral not to. 



disAbility Resources:
Please Help: Inkjet & Toner
Cartridge Recycling 

[QUAD-L] Carol

2006-07-20 Thread S. Dial

Welcome back to the list! 
Glad you made it through those difficulties and I hope you remain with us 
for a long time.
StephanieSwamp Sista

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread David K. Kelmer
Hi Bill,     This is the key issue, to me, in the whole embryonic stem cell debate.  Some people say that an embryonic stem cell might be used too help bring about medical cures for mankind, and  other people say that using a stem cell from an embryo is degrading human life and can't be used for medical research.  Then most of these embryos are disposed of down the drain, while continuing to make more embryos at fertility clinics every day.     I just can't get my mind around that reasoning.   With Love,  CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 30 Years PostTexas, USA                       Bill_J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Wheel can certainly speak for himself/herself.  I think there are people who (20 years from now) might come down with ALS or Parkinson's that would disagree.  The bill would not kill recent embryos for stem cell research.  It was proposing they use the embryos destined to be destroyed anyway to be used.     Bill age 55C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68Leesburg, FLFor every action, there is an equal and opposite government program.- Original Message -   From: Jim Lubin   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:40 PM  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed  Care to explain that? Death is certain for everyone. Stem cells from human embryos may have the potential to make life better for some but they won't make anyone immortal. Seems to me if he had signed it then it would have meant he had chosen certain death for those embryos funded by the government. At 05:04 PM 7/19/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Bush has once again demonstrated bad judgement.  He has chosen certain death for some Americans to have money saved for the destruction of another

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed- (lets pray not)

2006-07-20 Thread Jim Lubin

Since you want to compare Bush to Hitler and said it took
several nations to prove him wrong...
As far as standard of morality when it comes to doing medical research on
human embryos, as far as I have been able to find so correct me if I am
mistaken, Canada and the European Nation countries also do not fund
research on human embryos. Only China and South Korea do.
Bush only put a restriction on federal funding when it comes using human
embryos. He did not outlaw there use. The federal gov't is funding a few
hundred million in stem cell research. This bill would not have increased
that amount. 
The state of California alone is funding $6 billion in human embryonic
stem cell research. That $6 billion in California tax payer dollars could
have been spent to feed the hungry you mentioned but the California
voters decided that funding stem cell research was more important. So the
hungry, sick and poor have to live with the moral standards of not one
person but of the 7,009,814 people in California who voted for
Proposition 71: Stem Cell Research. Funding. Bonds, not the 4,859,401 who
voted against it.
At 08:32 PM 7/19/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Its sad to think that our
government is establishing the standards for morality.  Its a shame
that we have to live by the morality of one person, while others go to
bed this very evening hungry, sick and poor.  It almost happened
today,except for the stroke of a pen that might have helped someone's
dream.  It happened because a single person felt it was the moral
thing to do.
Hitler, in his own way also felt that he was only doing the moral
thing.  It took several nations to prove him wrong.
Let's pray that not one of us should die before our time because of a
stroke of a pen.  Granted, we won't all live forever, but we all
deserve a fair chance.



disAbility Resources:
Please Help: Inkjet & Toner
Cartridge Recycling 

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread RollinOn

I believe our elected officials passed this bill by a majority because the tax payers were in favor of it and giving one man the right to dictate what we want is dangerous business and I personally think it needs to go.
---Original Message---

From: Jim Lubin
Date: 07/20/06 12:26:33
To: RollinOn;; tahouston
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed
 Wrong. Just like the tax payers during the cold war that didn't like their tax money being spent to build nuclear weapons. It's up to our elected officials, like it or not.At 08:20 AM 7/20/2006, RollinOn wrote:
You're forgetting something very important.It's not George Bush's money, it's my money and every other tax payer's money and they decided it was ok to use our money to research stem cell lines that aren't available with out signing this bill.It is the tax payers right to choose how they spend their money or am I wrong?
Jim Lubin   [EMAIL PROTECTED] disAbility Resources: http://www.makoa.orgPlease Help: Inkjet & Toner Cartridge Recycling 

Re: [QUAD-L] What would you like on your pizza?

2006-07-20 Thread ALAN LABARR

yes, bobbie, i am with 
you.  is this the kessler in west orange?  i was in kessler in east 
orange.  25 years ago.  

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 7:31 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] What would you like on 
  your pizza?
  I'm going to be participating in a SCI study at 
  Kessler August 2nd. A very good friend of mind, a c 2,3 quad, DR Karen Hwang 
  is running the study. She e-mailed all six of us and asked "What toppings 
  would you like on the pizza I'm providing"? 
    I said "I would like stem cells on my pizza" 
  What would you guys like on your 

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread Jim Lubin

(O'C, I'm copying this from comments I made on another list
to respond to you)
At 07:35 PM 7/19/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Where were these EXTRA embryos headed
otherwise Jim?    I thought 'we' were going to try to use
these EXTRA embryos that were going to be destroyed for medical research
BEFORE we destroyed them.  I thought 'we' were going to make
eyeballs, kidneys, and neurons with these stem cells before we flushed
the leftovers.  I'm sure I'm missing something here.  Please
fill in the blanks.
I've never thought of myself as part of the "Christian Right"
as you say (I am a Roman Catholic) but agree with president Bush on this
and I will explain way.
I do belive that a human egg and human sperm make a human being from the
time they are joined, from that point the zygote contains all the 46
chromosomes need to be human. It's called an embryo after about 10 days.
Being a human, it is entitled to protection to life from the Government.
Therefore, the Government should not be funding the destruction of life
for the purpose of research.
Now your opinion of when a human is a human and entitled to protection
obviously differs from mine and president Bush. You can decide for
yourself when a human becomes a human that is entitled to protection.
Some people thing after birth and not before. 
I'm against IVF treatments as well because it creates extra embryos in
the process. 
As for using those extra embryos in research for the possible benefit of
others, just because they are going to be destroyed anyway, following
that reasoning, here's my problem with that. A person with a traumatic
brain injury or in a coma being kept alive on ventilator will never be
completely healed and will die without the life-support, so why not
harvest their body parts to improve someone else's life? I see both
equally wrong.  The Nazi's conducted medical research on the people
they were going to kill anyway. I see it as the same.
Now, if scientist want to use stem cells derived from a human egg and
another cell, somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), I don't consider that
a human and have no problem with research on those stem cells.

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread RollinOn

You're forgetting something very important.
It's not George Bush's money, it's my money and every other tax payer's money and they decided it was ok to use our money to research stem cell lines that aren't available with out signing this bill.
It is the tax payers right to choose how they spend their money or am I wrong?
---Original Message---

From: tahouston
Date: 07/19/06 22:44:36
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed
George Bush did not kill research on stem cells, he just refused to fund it with taxpayers money.  Like many other sickness and diseases, researchers continuing on with private donations and private fundraisers.  Any person who wants to sit around and wait for the government to take action on important issues that they may benefit from I suggest is wasting their time.  Most cures in this country have been discovered through R&D of private companies in the perseverance of medical scientists and doctors funded by private donations.
T. Houston C5 C6

- Original Message - 
From: Rick Caseltine 
To: Quad List 
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 3:50 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed
Bush uses first-ever veto to kill stem cell bill 32minutes ago WASHINGTON (AFP) - US    President George W. Bushused his veto for the first time since taking office,blocking a bill that would have expanded federalfunding for embryonic stem cell research.  "It crosses a moral boundary that our decent societyneeds to respect, so I vetoed it," Bush said inremarks at the White House, saying that in rejectingthe legislation he is "keeping the promise I made tothe American people."As science brings us ever closer to unlocking thesecrets of human biology, it also offers temptationsto manipulate human life and violate human dignity,"said Bush."Our conscience and history as a nation demand that weresist this temptation," Bush said.The stem cell research endorsed by the Senate onTuesday would have used embryos -- some consisting ofjust a handful of cells -- left over from in vitrofertilization (IVF) procedures.The president had long vowed to veto the bill becauseof his deeply held moral beliefs that destroying humanlife is wrong -- even in its earliest form, and evenin the interest of research that could lead topotentially life-saving medical breakthroughs.Bush made the announcement at a White House signingceremony for alternative bioethics legislation knownas "The Fetus Farming Prohibition Act," making it acrime to initiate a pregnancy for the sole purpose ofobtaining human organs or tissue for research.Present for the announcement were several familieswith "snowflake babies" -- children conceived viadonated embryos left over from IVF treatments.The president vetoed the Stem Cell ResearchEnhancement Act despite widespread support by the USpublic and ardent backers in Congress, who onWednesday urged Bush to reconsider his stance.Stem cell research advocates say the technique showspromise for the treatment of degenerative diseasessuch as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and for diabetes.The bill would have lifted rules set by Bush in 2001making federal funds available only for research on asmall number of embryonic stem cell lines whichexisted at that time.Government money is barred from supporting work on newlines derived from human embryos -- a restriction thatopponents say hampers overall research.In London, Martin Rees, the president of the RoyalSociety -- Britain's de facto academy of sciences --said the US policy "is slowing down the global effortto develop therapies for a range of diseases andillnesses.""If the present restrictions remain, it would surelymean that the United States will continue to fallbehind in this important and exciting area," saidRees.The Senate approved the measure by a 63-37 vote -- amargin too small to override a presidential veto.Nevertheless, 41 Senate Democrats sent a letter toMajority Leader Bill Frist, urging him to lobbysupport among congressional Republicans to overturnBush's veto."We are pleased that you supported this importantlegislation and know that you recognize the enormouspotential of this research for discovering new curesand therapies for diseases such as diabetes,Parkinsons disease and spinal cord injuries."The only chance for overriding this veto rests withyou and the Republican caucuses in the House and theSenate."Millions of patients and their families across thenation cannot afford to wait any longer for theenactment of this urgently needed legislation," theDemocratic lawmakers wrote. "We are counting on your leadership to help ensurethat this legislation becomes law so that we mayfinally clear the way for research that could lead totreatments and cures for so many debilitating diseaseand conditions," Democrats wrote.__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread Jim Lubin

That's not completely accurate, see the NIH funding
guidelines regarding "What if a scientist is conducting research
with both federally fundable and non-federally fundable human embryonic
stem cells?" 
At 06:39 AM 7/20/2006, Bill_J wrote:

Bush did kill research on
embryonic stem cells to this extent: ANY institution, public or private,
that receives government money for any reason CAN NOT use embryos for
stem cell research or they would forfiet the government money.  This
means any university that accepts students on government grants or loans,
any drug company that recieves government money for R&D of ANY kind;
"any form of government funding" disqualifies nearly

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread Jim Lubin

Wrong. Just like the tax payers during the cold war that
didn't like their tax money being spent to build nuclear weapons. It's up
to our elected officials, like it or not.
At 08:20 AM 7/20/2006, RollinOn wrote:
You're forgetting something very
It's not George Bush's money, it's my money and every other tax payer's
money and they decided it was ok to use our money to research stem cell
lines that aren't available with out signing this bill.
It is the tax payers right to choose how they spend their money or am I



disAbility Resources:
Please Help: Inkjet & Toner
Cartridge Recycling 

[QUAD-L] Re: Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread RollinOn

It's just so simple and easy for anyone with any kind of intelligence. 
I think I just found my answer why.
---Original Message---

Date: 07/19/06 19:05:08
Subject: Stem Cell Bill Killed

In a message dated 7/19/2006 5:35:56 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sad isn't it.

Its just another battle in a big war and should be treated as such.  Those who voted against the bill, will also be the receiver of the votes cast this fall.  Party members are being to distance themselves from disease that will affect them directly in the elections.
Bush has once again demonstrated bad judgement.  He has chosen certain death for some Americans to have money saved for the destruction of another government.  Lets see just how wise the voters are this fall with THEIR VOTE.  The Moral Majority just may set new standards

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread RollinOn

Let's not forget that it's still legal to have 3 month abortions which I personally think is murder.
My point is obviously how can you have this and then draw the line at Stem cell research?
---Original Message---

From: River Wolfe
Date: 07/20/06 06:21:07
To: tahouston
Cc: quad
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed
 The concern is that when private interests complete research on medical cures, it is their property.  Resulting in a financial interest for the private company.  If it were Gvt sponsored
research, then it would be owned by us and the price to partake in the treatment would be considerably less.  I also don't understand how TonySnow can say W is against murder, but that since using these zygotes for research isn't illegal then the private sector can and will pursue research.  Seems kinda hypocritical to me.

On Jul 19, 2006, at 11:46 PM, tahouston wrote:

George Bush did not kill research on stem cells, he just refused to fund it with taxpayers money.  Like many other sickness and diseases, researchers continuing on with private donations and private fundraisers.  Any person who wants to sit around and wait for the government to take action on important issues that they may benefit from I suggest is wasting their time.  Most cures in this country have been discovered through R&D of private companies in the perseverance of medical scientists and doctors funded by private donations.
T. Houston C5 C6

- Original Message -
From: Rick Caseltine
To: Quad List
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 3:50 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed
Bush uses first-ever veto to kill stem cell bill 32minutes ago WASHINGTON (AFP) - US    President George W. Bushused his veto for the first time since taking office,blocking a bill that would have expanded federalfunding for embryonic stem cell research.  "It crosses a moral boundary that our decent societyneeds to respect, so I vetoed it," Bush said inremarks at the White House, saying that in rejectingthe legislation he is "keeping the promise I made tothe American people."As science brings us ever closer to unlocking thesecrets of human biology, it also offers temptationsto manipulate human life and violate human dignity,"said Bush."Our conscience and history as a nation demand that weresist this temptation," Bush said.The stem cell research endorsed by the Senate onTuesday would have used embryos -- some consisting ofjust a handful of cells -- left over from in vitrofertilization (IVF) procedures.The president had long vowed to veto the bill becauseof his deeply held moral beliefs that destroying humanlife is wrong -- even in its earliest form, and evenin the interest of research that could lead topotentially life-saving medical breakthroughs.Bush made the announcement at a White House signingceremony for alternative bioethics legislation knownas "The Fetus Farming Prohibition Act," making it acrime to initiate a pregnancy for the sole purpose ofobtaining human organs or tissue for research.Present for the announcement were several familieswith "snowflake babies" -- children conceived viadonated embryos left over from IVF treatments.The president vetoed the Stem Cell ResearchEnhancement Act despite widespread support by the USpublic and ardent backers in Congress, who onWednesday urged Bush to reconsider his stance.Stem cell research advocates say the technique showspromise for the treatment of degenerative diseasessuch as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and for diabetes.The bill would have lifted rules set by Bush in 2001making federal funds available only for research on asmall number of embryonic stem cell lines whichexisted at that time.Government money is barred from supporting work on newlines derived from human embryos -- a restriction thatopponents say hampers overall research.In London, Martin Rees, the president of the RoyalSociety -- Britain's de facto academy of sciences --said the US policy "is slowing down the global effortto develop therapies for a range of diseases andillnesses.""If the present restrictions remain, it would surelymean that the United States will continue to fallbehind in this important and exciting area," saidRees.The Senate approved the measure by a 63-37 vote -- amargin too small to override a presidential veto.Nevertheless, 41 Senate Democrats sent a letter toMajority Leader Bill Frist, urging him to lobbysupport among congressional Republicans to overturnBush's veto."We are pleased that you supported this importantlegislation and know that you recognize the enormouspotential of this research for discovering new curesand therapies for diseases such as diabetes,Parkinsons disease and spinal cord injuries."The only chance for overriding this veto rests withyou and the Republican caucuses in the House and theSenate."Millions of patients and their families across thenation cannot afford to wait any longer for theenactment of this urgently needed legislation," theDemocratic lawmakers wrote

Re: Fwd: Re: [QUAD-L]---Thanks!

2006-07-20 Thread RollinOn

Hey Carol,
First off I'm amazed at how much crap your relatives threw at you and how you handled it was even more amazing.
The thought that you put into your Mother's passing left me choked up and tells me a little about your character, you have a good heart.
I'm glad you found home and may I ask how old you are?
Or is that out of line?
---Original Message---

From: David K. Kelmer
Date: 07/19/06 17:44:37
To: Quad-List; Carol A. Coveleskie
Subject: Fwd: Re: [QUAD-L]---Thanks!

Hi Carol,
It's nice to see you have made it through those bad times and are back with the Quad-List.  I am 'Forwarding' your post to the List.  Remember to 'Reply to All' when you post.  Again, welcome back.  I think you did make your Mom proud!
With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 30 Years PostTexas, USA"Carol A. Coveleskie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 18:20:19 -0400From: "Carol A. Coveleskie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]---Thanks!To: "David K. Kelmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    Hello 2 Everyone ! I was on this list for a very long time,but in the past 6 Pc crashed-I was 10 the hospital with a flap-I was robbed of all my valuables & my $10,000.00 life's savings-Yes they were caught and are paying me $48.00 a month.Do you know how long I must live to collect that back?lol My van was stolen and run into the ground.I've been in & out of ICU 6 times with my life on the line. I'm like a bad weed you can't kill me so
    I went to live with my daughter & I was paying all her bills & also for my care.When she asked me to pay for a screen porch for her 29 cats & I refused.The next 5 wks. were hell for me.She would give me my meds when she felt like it.She feed me when she felt like it.She would let me lay in my waste for days. She was in the country and the closes neighbors were 8 miles way.I was not allow to use the phone or my PC.
 She would call me filthy names & tell me I should die.I became very ill & she finally had to call 911.When they rushed me to the hospital along they way I let the know I was being abused.My life was on the line for wks.When I was well enough I wanted to go back to my own home.They tried to send me to the nursing home.Since I don't get a penny from the government they have no control over me so I won.
    Then 2 yrs. ago my mother was dying from colon cancer & had not told me.I learned about it when the Dr. called & told me she was dying and had about 2 wks.left to live.They said they were going to put her in a nursing home to die.I said over my dead body.My mother was coming to my home.They tried to stop me because I'm a C/5/6 in a chair.I got my lawyer and demanded my mother to be home with me.
    My mom had always said to me if your going to get me flowers get them while I'm alive.Well I bought $500. of flowers.I had tons of silk flowers made up.Every wall in the living room was covered with flowers.I called hospice to help me when my mom was brought 2 my home she cried when she  saw the room.I laid in my recliner next to her bed and held her hand for the 7 days she lived.She died at home & in peace & with all my love surrounding her. Lord knows she was there for me the moment I became a quad.
 I felt so horned to be there for her & for me.I'm sorry my print is so large I'll do better next post.None of U know how happy I was to find U all again.U were my family and gave me love-understanding and encouragement.When I was on this list I was named Lady Quad there  was also Little Quad from Texas.
    Please forgive me for being such a chatty Kathy.
I'm just to Happy to be back home.I must close now as my new care giver has just gotten here.Some of U may still remember me.I surely remember many of U !
    With Love & Friendship to All,

- Original Message - 
From: David K. Kelmer 
To: Carol A. Coveleskie ; Quad-List 
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]

Hi Carol,
You are a fully subscribed member.  Pull up a chair and join the discussion.
With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 30 Years PostTexas, USA
"Carol A. Coveleskie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread Bill_J

Bush did kill research on 
embryonic stem cells to this extent: ANY institution, public or private, that 
receives government money for any reason CAN NOT use embryos for stem cell 
research or they would forfiet the government money.  This means any 
university that accepts students on government grants or loans, any drug company 
that recieves government money for R&D of ANY kind; "any form of government 
funding" disqualifies nearly everyone.
The embryos that HR 810 was going 
to allow to be used for research were embryos that were destined for destruction 
anyway.  I say "Use them - don't lose them."
If anyone wants to get Bush's veto 
overidden they should call/write the 37 who voted against it in the Senate and 
those who voted for it who represent you and urge them to either change their 
vote or vote for it again.  Very often a Senator or Representative will 
vote for a bill the first time, but vote against it after a veto.  Leave 
nothing to chance.
As of today I'm 38 years into 
quadom and counting.  I'm hoping that this veto is overidden NOT FOR ME, 
but for the people who contract ALS, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, MS, MD, paraplegia, 
quadriplegia, etc. 10 or 20 years from now.  By then the stem cell research 
might be at a point that it can help many 
Bill age 55C6 Incomplete since 
7/20/68Leesburg, FLFor every action, there is an equal and opposite 
government program.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:46 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill 
  George Bush did not kill research on stem 
  cells, he just refused to fund it with taxpayers money.  Like many 
  other sickness and diseases, researchers continuing on with private donations 
  and private fundraisers.  Any person who wants to sit around and wait for 
  the government to take action on important issues that they may benefit from I 
  suggest is wasting their time.  Most cures in this country have been 
  discovered through R&D of private companies in the perseverance of medical 
  scientists and doctors funded by private donations.
  T. Houston C5 C6
- Original Message - 
To: Quad List 
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 3:50 
Subject: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill 
Bush uses first-ever veto to kill stem cell bill 
32minutes ago WASHINGTON (AFP) - 
US    President George W. 
Bushused his veto for the first time since taking office,blocking a 
bill that would have expanded federalfunding for embryonic stem cell 
research.  "It crosses a moral boundary that our decent 
societyneeds to respect, so I vetoed it," Bush said inremarks at the 
White House, saying that in rejectingthe legislation he is "keeping the 
promise I made tothe American people."As science brings us ever 
closer to unlocking thesecrets of human biology, it also offers 
temptationsto manipulate human life and violate human dignity,"said 
Bush."Our conscience and history as a nation demand that 
weresist this temptation," Bush said.The stem cell research 
endorsed by the Senate onTuesday would have used embryos -- some 
consisting ofjust a handful of cells -- left over from in 
vitrofertilization (IVF) procedures.The president had long vowed 
to veto the bill becauseof his deeply held moral beliefs that destroying 
humanlife is wrong -- even in its earliest form, and evenin the 
interest of research that could lead topotentially life-saving medical 
breakthroughs.Bush made the announcement at a White House 
signingceremony for alternative bioethics legislation knownas "The 
Fetus Farming Prohibition Act," making it acrime to initiate a pregnancy 
for the sole purpose ofobtaining human organs or tissue for 
research.Present for the announcement were several familieswith 
"snowflake babies" -- children conceived viadonated embryos left over 
from IVF treatments.The president vetoed the Stem Cell 
ResearchEnhancement Act despite widespread support by the USpublic 
and ardent backers in Congress, who onWednesday urged Bush to reconsider 
his stance.Stem cell research advocates say the technique 
showspromise for the treatment of degenerative diseasessuch as 
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and for diabetes.The bill would have 
lifted rules set by Bush in 2001making federal funds available only for 
research on asmall number of embryonic stem cell lines whichexisted 
at that time.Government money is barred from supporting work on 
newlines derived from human embryos -- a restriction thatopponents 
say hampers overall research.In London, Martin Rees, the president 
of the RoyalSociety -- Britain's de facto academy of sciences --said 
the US policy "is slowing down the global effortto develop therapies for 
a range of dis

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread River Wolfe
The concern is that when private interests complete research on medical cures, it is their property.  Resulting in a financial interest for the private company.  If it were Gvt sponsoredresearch, then it would be owned by us and the price to partake in the treatment would be considerably less.  I also don't understand how TonySnow can say W is against murder, but that since using these zygotes for research isn't illegal then the private sector can and will pursue research.  Seems kinda hypocritical to me.On Jul 19, 2006, at 11:46 PM, tahouston wrote:George Bush did not kill research on stem cells, he just refused to fund it with taxpayers money.  Like many other sickness and diseases, researchers continuing on with private donations and private fundraisers.  Any person who wants to sit around and wait for the government to take action on important issues that they may benefit from I suggest is wasting their time.  Most cures in this country have been discovered through R&D of private companies in the perseverance of medical scientists and doctors funded by private donations. T. Houston C5 C6- Original Message -From: Rick CaseltineTo: Quad ListSent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 3:50 PMSubject: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill KilledBush uses first-ever veto to kill stem cell bill 32minutes ago WASHINGTON (AFP) - US    President George W. Bushused his veto for the first time since taking office,blocking a bill that would have expanded federalfunding for embryonic stem cell research.  "It crosses a moral boundary that our decent societyneeds to respect, so I vetoed it," Bush said inremarks at the White House, saying that in rejectingthe legislation he is "keeping the promise I made tothe American people."As science brings us ever closer to unlocking thesecrets of human biology, it also offers temptationsto manipulate human life and violate human dignity,"said Bush."Our conscience and history as a nation demand that weresist this temptation," Bush said.The stem cell research endorsed by the Senate onTuesday would have used embryos -- some consisting ofjust a handful of cells -- left over from in vitrofertilization (IVF) procedures.The president had long vowed to veto the bill becauseof his deeply held moral beliefs that destroying humanlife is wrong -- even in its earliest form, and evenin the interest of research that could lead topotentially life-saving medical breakthroughs.Bush made the announcement at a White House signingceremony for alternative bioethics legislation knownas "The Fetus Farming Prohibition Act," making it acrime to initiate a pregnancy for the sole purpose ofobtaining human organs or tissue for research.Present for the announcement were several familieswith "snowflake babies" -- children conceived viadonated embryos left over from IVF treatments.The president vetoed the Stem Cell ResearchEnhancement Act despite widespread support by the USpublic and ardent backers in Congress, who onWednesday urged Bush to reconsider his stance.Stem cell research advocates say the technique showspromise for the treatment of degenerative diseasessuch as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and for diabetes.The bill would have lifted rules set by Bush in 2001making federal funds available only for research on asmall number of embryonic stem cell lines whichexisted at that time.Government money is barred from supporting work on newlines derived from human embryos -- a restriction thatopponents say hampers overall research.In London, Martin Rees, the president of the RoyalSociety -- Britain's de facto academy of sciences --said the US policy "is slowing down the global effortto develop therapies for a range of diseases andillnesses.""If the present restrictions remain, it would surelymean that the United States will continue to fallbehind in this important and exciting area," saidRees.The Senate approved the measure by a 63-37 vote -- amargin too small to override a presidential veto.Nevertheless, 41 Senate Democrats sent a letter toMajority Leader Bill Frist, urging him to lobbysupport among congressional Republicans to overturnBush's veto."We are pleased that you supported this importantlegislation and know that you recognize the enormouspotential of this research for discovering new curesand therapies for diseases such as diabetes,Parkinsons disease and spinal cord injuries."The only chance for overriding this veto rests withyou and the Republican caucuses in the House and theSenate."Millions of patients and their families across thenation cannot afford to wait any longer for theenactment of this urgently needed legislation," theDemocratic lawmakers wrote. "We are counting on your leadership to help ensurethat this legislation becomes law so that we mayfinally clear the way for research that could lead totreatments and cures for so many debilitating diseaseand conditions," Democrats wrote.__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around