Re: [QUAD-L]

2009-09-01 Thread John S.
I  humbly disagree. The print Is the only little thing about it. 


From: Steve Crowder 
To: Eric W Rudd ;
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 8:52:29 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]

Eric -- what are you doing? Forums like this have standards and the things you 
are posting in here are well below them. Why don't you show Jim Lubin and the 
rest of the people here at the quad list a little bit of respect and limit your 
posts to legitimate topics and keep that nonsense and foul language to 
yourself? You been a member here a long time. Why go out and tarnish your image 
so extensively as you are doing every time you push the send button and send 
out your poetry and other nonsense to a forum where that sort of behavior is 
more commonplace and acceptable? Honestly, the things you're saying you this 
long string of posts sound like drunken babble. Do you really want to portray 
yourself as someone capable of sending THAT TRASH out for other people to read? 
Think about this.
Yours truly, Nick Danger
- Original Message - 
>From: Eric W Rudd 
>Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 8:03 PM
>Subject: [QUAD-L] 
>It's been a while 
>Since I could hold my head up high 
>and it's been a while 
>Since I first saw you 
>It's been a while 
>since i could stand on my own two feet again 
>and it's been a while 
>since i could call you 
>But everything I can't remember as fucked up as it may seem 
>the consequences that I've rendered 
>I've stretched myself beyond my means 
>It's been a while 
>since i could say that i wasn't addicted and 
>It's been a while 
>Since I could say I love myself as well and 
>It's been a while 
>Since I've gone and fucked things up just like i always do 
>It's been a while 
>But all that shit seems to disappear when i'm with you 
>But everything I can't remember as fucked up as it may seem 
>the consequences that I've rendered 
>I've gone and fucked things up again 
>Why must i feel this way? 
>just make this go away 
>just one more peaceful day 
>Its been awhile 
>Since I could lok at myself straight 
>and it's been awhile 
>since i said i'm sorry 
>It's been awhile 
>Since I've seen the way the candles light your face 
>It's been awhile 
>But I can still remember just the way you taste 
>But everything I can't remember as fucked up as it may seem 
>I know it's me i cannot blame this on my father 
>he did the best he could for me 
>It's been a while 
>Since I could hold my head up high 
>and it's been a while since i said i'm sorry 
>Eric W Rudd
> ..



2009-09-01 Thread John S.
I don't have a bladder problem. i've been a quad for 33 years and my bones are 
similar to chalk but the nerves feel obligated to send pain signals to my spine 
where it biuilds up untill it is feeding the excess impulses into the autonomic 
nervous system where it interupts with the autonomic system causing my organs 
and glandular system to freak out. Any thing you can imagine having done 
without thinking of doing it, you can still do because the autonomic system 
controls it. those moments when you feel fright or fear and theres no reason. 
AD just sent a signal that released a hormone from a gland that no longer gets 
impulses from your brain. The upper part of your spine seems to get the electro 
chemical signal to you sympathetic, or Autonomic nervous system in some manor 
that has only been recently understood. This excess signal from pain that was 
on its way to the brain to say ouch is now flooding your Autonomic system 
as and causing spasms, mood
 swings, profuse sweating, rapid  heartbeat, high blood pressure, dry mouth, 
convulsions,m etc  A painful UTI will cause the sweating as you said. I Think 
we can sweat from any pain caused from low back fractures. or even a broken 
toe. Lyrica and neurontin and cymbalta are designed to interupt communication 
between the central nervous system and the Autonomic nervous system. I'm not 
dissin your theory. I'm just saying that I broke so many bones and did so much 
internal damage along with breaking my neck that figuring out whats causing 
it has taken back seat to stoping it. i'm argueing with a doctor now about a 
high diabetes test. It was done while  was in pain and when I  stopped thge  
pain my sugar level returned to normal when I took the Lyrica. I've checked it 
with my new meter and its normal. The office test showed 470. Out of pain its 
85-92. It isn't on any definition of AD. He isnt that sure of my insistance in 
the hormone release can
 cause a pancreatic malfuntion. I'm curious about anyone else testing sugar 
while in pain? It causes everything else to malfunction. I got a free glucose 
meter now.

Best Wishes,

From: donald scott 
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:41:27 PM

Hi group,

I read some of the posts regarding the sweating problem. I too have had this 
problem and ran a bunch of test. The doctors where pretty stumped. I think that 
I have finally figured out that it's a UTI problem. When we sit up it puts more 
pressure on the bladder which irritates the bladder when it's already upset 
from the UTI. It causes pain and then we sweat. I take a daily antibiotic for 
urine and have no more sweating. I may be wrong but it has helped me.

Good luck and great health,
Donald C5 



2009-09-01 Thread Eric W Rudd
WOW! i came home from rehab on 32 different drugs.  i have got down to 2 
(spasm) u not have spasms?  IF i 4get my pills, my legs remind me.

Eric W Rudd

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 5:58 PM

  Both my mom and dad died from medical over-treatment.  Mom took so many 
arthritis meds, they weakened her stomach so when they 'scoped' her they poked 
a hole.  At 83 she never recovered heart failed.   Dad went nuts after taking a 
anti-depressant at 10 times the 'normal' dose.  He died of heart failure.

  Cudos John for knowing better than the ER folks.   A very BOLD call.!!!
  AZDAVE   (p.s.  I'm off all Rx drugs.)


2009-09-01 Thread Dan
John you are so right. The same thing happened to 
me, twice. The first time I had a uti and the er 
doc had me take Keflex which I'm allergic to. 
After I told him that he said ok we'll give you 
something stronger by iv - that something was 
Keflex! I asked what was going on. He said most 
people are only allergic to a drug orally. 
"You'll be fine". I could feel my body swelling 
and no urine in my bag. I told him this and he 
says - that's because you have a uti!?! After the 
iv was empty, I said ok I'm leaving.

The second time the er doc said I had a uti that 
had gone septic. They admitted me and started iv 
antibiotics. Doc said I would be in the hospital 
4 or 5 days. I felt fine so I said I'll give you 
2 days. After the second day he said I was doing 
much better but I should stay a couple of more 
days. I said no thank you so against RTAMA, I 
went home. My rule of thumb is, if I start to 
feel worse the longer I stay in a hospital, that means I'll do better at home.

The last time I was in the hospital I didn't 
follow my rule of thumb. I went in for an 
adjustment of my vent. I was released 5 days 
later weak as a kitten. I hardly ate the whole 
time and lost half my body weight. On the day I 
was to be released the intern came in and said I 
would have to stay longer because they found 
something strange in my blood - like I had 
ingested antifreeze. What the Hell was she 
talking about?! Then when rounds came along she 
told the resident that they found Ketones in my 
blood - Ketones for Gods sake. Was she an idiot? 
I hadn't eaten for 5 days and she couldn't figure 
that one out?!? I looked at the resident and he 
explained to her why I had Ketones in my 
blood/urine. I left that day. But I learned a 
valuable lesson - never trust the docs - always 
question why and then make up your own mind.


At 06:49 PM 9/1/2009, John S. said something that elicited my response:

In the 80's I had an indwelling catheter and 
took antibiotics daily to prevent infections. I 
was taking macrodantin. After about 7 months I 
was having trouble breathing and i was not 
producing any urine. Ambulance took me to the 
hospital were they increased the macrodantin by 
IV and began treating me for heart failure. I 
asked to see the PDR and a nurse complied. the 
side effects were identical to what was 
happening to me. I had them remove the IV 
medicine packs and refused any more antibiotics. 
Within 6 hours I was urinating big time. 2 
liters in 4 hours. Within a day my heart had 
returned to normal and my breathing was 
incredibly easier. You can become septic from
antibiotics that are taken over long periods of 
time. It is important to understand how each 
works and drugs that can turn to poison when 
your system no longer removes them.
I ditched that urologist and went to a different 
one who got me into bladder training. It may 
never happen to others, but I wanted to relate 
the importance of being able to recognize 
antibiotic poisoning and toxic reactions. I'm 
allergic to any drug in the macrodantin and keflex families.
My point is obvious I guess. just always get the 
pharmacy PDR info on any drug and e careful. I 
was within hours of dying when I started to 
refuse treatment against medical advice (RTAMA) 
from a doctor that was furious with me and 
insisting that I needed an even larger dose of 
what was killing me. The next day a resident 
came in my room and told me my stubbornness kept me from the morgue.
I honestly feel that many of us using CMS 
medical treatment are not getting the treatment 
given to those with beefy insurance policies. I 
hope this changes but I will always read the fine print as should we all.
If I had died it would have been listed as heart 
attack due to Renal failure. I always wonder how 
many of us die from the treatment we get from 
people we trusted to "do no harm". Ultimately, 
it is up to each of us to read and ask questions 
about our health care and use our judgment. 
Doctors aren't gods and mistakes happen all to often.
I hope what you take works for you as long as 
you need it. I don't mean to scare or frieghten 
you or any one else. I just want to relate an 
experience I had because I did everything my doctor said without question.



From: Merrill 
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2009 5:33:23 PM


What is the antibiotic?


From: Greg []
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:20 PM
To: 'donald scott';

I too take a daily antibiotic. I know most 
people say not to do it, but I was getting 
UTI’s every other week. Plus the symptoms 
really were hard on me. I would sweat and get 
fevers before the UTI was bas enough to show up 
on tests. The Uro wanted to do a bladder 
augmentation, but thought we should try this 
first as a l


2009-09-01 Thread hellodaveoc
Both my mom and dad died from medical over-treatment.  Mom took so  many 
arthritis meds, they weakened her stomach so when they 'scoped' her  they 
poked a hole.  At 83 she never recovered heart failed.   Dad  went nuts after 
taking a anti-depressant at 10 times the 'normal'  dose.  He died of heart 
Cudos John for knowing better than the ER folks.   A very BOLD  call.!!!
AZDAVE   (p.s.  I'm off all Rx drugs.)
In a message dated 9/1/2009 3:49:41 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

In the 80's I had an indwelling catheter and took antibiotics daily to  
prevent infections. I was taking macrodantin. After about 7 months I was  
having trouble breathing and i was not producing any urine. Ambulance took me  
the hospital were they increased the macrodantin by IV and began treating  
me for heart failure. I asked to see the PDR and a nurse complied. the side  
effects were identical to what was happening to me. I had them remove the 
IV  medicine packs and refused any more antibiotics. Within 6 hours I was  
urinating big time. 2 liters in 4 hours. Within a day my heart had returned to 
 normal and my breathing was incredibly easier. You can become septic  from 
antibiotics that are taken over long periods of time. It is  important to 
understand how each works and drugs that can turn to poison when  your system 
no longer removes them.  
I ditched that urologist and  went to a different one who got me into 
bladder training. It may never happen  to others, but I wanted to relate the 
importance of being able to  recognize antibiotic poisoning and toxic 
I'm allergic to any drug  in the macrodantin and keflex families.
My point is obvious I guess. just always get the pharmacy PDR info on any  
drug and e careful. I was within hours of dying when I started to refuse  
treatment against medical advice (RTAMA) from a doctor that was furious  with 
me and insisting that I needed an even larger dose of what was killing  me. 
The next day a resident came in my room and told me my stubbornness kept  me 
from the morgue. 
I honestly feel that many of us using CMS medical treatment are not  
getting the treatment given to those with beefy insurance policies. I  hope 
changes but I will always read the fine print as should we  all. 
If I had died it would have been listed as heart attack due to Renal  
failure. I always wonder how many of us die from the treatment we get from  
people we trusted to "do no harm". Ultimately, it is up to each of us to read  
and ask questions about our health care and use our judgment. Doctors aren't  
gods and mistakes happen all to often. 
I hope what you take works for you as long as you need it. I don't mean  to 
scare or frieghten you or any one else. I just want to relate an experience 
 I had because I did everything my doctor said without question. 


 From: Merrill  
Sent:  Tuesday, September 1, 2009 5:33:23 PM

What is the  antibiotic? 

From: Greg  [] 
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:20  PM
To: 'donald scott';
I too take a daily  antibiotic. I know most people say not to do it, but I 
was getting UTI’s every  other week. Plus the symptoms really were hard on 
me. I would sweat and get  fevers before the UTI was bas enough to show up on 
tests. The Uro wanted to do  a bladder augmentation, but thought we should 
try this first as a last resort.  Since starting the daily half dose, I have 
had 2 UTI’s in 4  years. 


Hi group,

I read some of the posts regarding the sweating  problem. I too have had 
this problem and ran a bunch of test. The  doctors where pretty stumped. I 
think that I have finally figured out  that it's a UTI problem. When we sit up 
it puts more pressure on the  bladder which irritates the bladder when it's 
already upset from the  UTI. It causes pain and then we sweat. I take a 
daily antibiotic for  urine and have no more sweating. I may be wrong but it 
helped  me.

Good luck and great  health,
Donald  C5


2009-09-01 Thread John S.
In the 80's I had an indwelling catheter and took antibiotics daily to prevent 
infections. I was taking macrodantin. After about 7 months I was having trouble 
breathing and i was not producing any urine. Ambulance took me to the hospital 
were they increased the macrodantin by IV and began treating me for heart 
failure. I asked to see the PDR and a nurse complied. the side effects were 
identical to what was happening to me. I had them remove the IV medicine packs 
and refused any more antibiotics. Within 6 hours I was urinating big time. 2 
liters in 4 hours. Within a day my heart had returned to normal and my 
breathing was incredibly easier. You can become septic from 
antibiotics that are taken over long periods of time. It is important to 
understand how each works and drugs that can turn to poison when your system no 
longer removes them.  
I ditched that urologist and went to a different one who got me into bladder 
training. It may never happen to others, but I wanted to relate the importance 
of being able to recognize antibiotic poisoning and toxic reactions. I'm 
allergic to any drug in the macrodantin and keflex families.
My point is obvious I guess. just always get the pharmacy PDR info on any drug 
and e careful. I was within hours of dying when I started to refuse treatment 
against medical advice (RTAMA) from a doctor that was furious with me and 
insisting that I needed an even larger dose of what was killing me. The next 
day a resident came in my room and told me my stubbornness kept me from the 
I honestly feel that many of us using CMS medical treatment are not getting the 
treatment given to those with beefy insurance policies. I hope this changes but 
I will always read the fine print as should we all. 
If I had died it would have been listed as heart attack due to Renal failure. I 
always wonder how many of us die from the treatment we get from people we 
trusted to "do no harm". Ultimately, it is up to each of us to read and ask 
questions about our health care and use our judgment. Doctors aren't gods and 
mistakes happen all to often. 
I hope what you take works for you as long as you need it. I don't mean to 
scare or frieghten you or any one else. I just want to relate an experience I 
had because I did everything my doctor said without question. 


From: Merrill 
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2009 5:33:23 PM

What is the antibiotic?

From:Greg [] 
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:20 PM
To: 'donald scott';
I too take a daily antibiotic. I know most people say not to do it, but I was 
getting UTI’s every other week. Plus the symptoms really were hard on me. I 
would sweat and get fevers before the UTI was bas enough to show up on tests. 
The Uro wanted to do a bladder augmentation, but thought we should try this 
first as a last resort. Since starting the daily half dose, I have had 2 UTI’s 
in 4 years.

Hi group,
I read some of the posts regarding the sweating problem. I too have had this 
problem and ran a bunch of test. The doctors where pretty stumped. I think that 
I have finally figured out that it's a UTI problem. When we sit up it puts more 
pressure on the bladder which irritates the bladder when it's already upset 
from the UTI. It causes pain and then we sweat. I take a daily antibiotic for 
urine and have no more sweating. I may be wrong but it has helped me.
Good luck and great health,
Donald C5 



2009-09-01 Thread Merrill

What is the antibiotic?




From: Greg [] 
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:20 PM
To: 'donald scott';


I too take a daily antibiotic. I know most people say not to do it, but I
was getting UTI's every other week. Plus the symptoms really were hard on
me. I would sweat and get fevers before the UTI was bas enough to show up on
tests. The Uro wanted to do a bladder augmentation, but thought we should
try this first as a last resort. Since starting the daily half dose, I have
had 2 UTI's in 4 years.





Hi group,


I read some of the posts regarding the sweating problem. I too have had this
problem and ran a bunch of test. The doctors where pretty stumped. I think
that I have finally figured out that it's a UTI problem. When we sit up it
puts more pressure on the bladder which irritates the bladder when it's
already upset from the UTI. It causes pain and then we sweat. I take a daily
antibiotic for urine and have no more sweating. I may be wrong but it has
helped me.


Good luck and great health,

Donald C5


[QUAD-L] Another way to raise funding for SCS

2009-09-01 Thread Angie Novak
We finally have the site set up for the SCS Visa card. This card will pay 1% of 
all purchases directly to SCS and will give a $25 bonus donation when you make 
your first purchase with it. Even if you don't want to have the card you could 
get it, make one purchase to get the $25 and then toss the card. Or you could 
replace a card you're using with this one. 
To sign up go to
 and follow the instructions. We have 3 specially designed cards available to 
choose from or you can design your own.
Also, don't forget about using and for all your 
internet work. And tell all your friends and family to use it too. We've seen a 
nice uptick on that in Aug. but our chapter alone should have a large enough 
audience to do even better than that. It's all free money for SCS and we need 
every dollar we can get. 


[QUAD-L] Another way to raise funding for SCS

2009-09-01 Thread Angie Novak
We finally have the site set up for the SCS Visa card. This card will pay 1% of 
all purchases directly to SCS and will give a $25 bonus donation when you make 
your first purchase with it. Even if you don't want to have the card you could 
get it, make one purchase to get the $25 and then toss the card. Or you could 
replace a card you're using with this one. 
To sign up go to
 and follow the instructions. We have 3 specially designed cards available to 
choose from or you can design your own.
Also, don't forget about using and for all your 
internet work. And tell all your friends and family to use it too. We've seen a 
nice uptick on that in Aug. but our chapter alone should have a large enough 
audience to do even better than that. It's all free money for SCS and we need 
every dollar we can get. 


Re: [QUAD-L]

2009-09-01 Thread Eric W Rudd
yep, i didn't know if they'd make it to the list w/ all the heavy traffic.  
maybe Crowder's list would be more fitting for her???

Eric W Rudd

  - Original Message - 
  To: ; ; 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 6:41 AM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]

  Sometimes, he feels like a nut.. and sometimes he don't.  Songs are a 
form of visual communication.  Rare here but it happens on occasion.  Wait 
until the topic evolves into drug, sex and rock n roll.

  Best Wishes

  In a message dated 9/1/2009 2:15:40 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
is this a song lyric forum now? I have 4 pages of quad-l emails and half of 
them are song lyrics

Lissette Whitehead
1177 Broadway Suite #4
Chula Vista, CA 91911

Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 21:36:35 -0500
Subject: [QUAD-L] 

A last fire will rise behind those eyes
Black house will rock, blind boys don't lie
Immortal fear, that voice so clear
Through broken walls, that scream I hear

Cry, little sister - Thou shall not fall
Come to your brother - Thou shall not die
Unchain me, sister - Thou shall not fear
Love is with your brother - Thou shall not kill

Blue masquerade, strangers look on
When will they learn this loneliness?
Temptation heat beats like a drum
Deep in your veins, I will not lie

Little sister - Thou shall not fall
Come to your brother - Thou shall not die
Unchain me, sister - Thou shall not fear
Love is with your brother - Thou shall not kill

My Shangri-Las
I can't forget
Why you were mine
I need you now

Cry, little sister - Thou shall not fall
Come to your brother - Thou shall not die
Unchain me, sister - Thou shall not fear
Love is with your brother - Thou shall not kill

Eric W Rudd


Windows Live: Make it easier for your friends to see what you’re up to on 
Facebook. Find out more. =



2009-09-01 Thread Lissette Whitehead

is this a song lyric forum now? I have 4 pages of quad-l emails and half of 
them are song lyrics

Lissette Whitehead

1177 Broadway Suite #4

Chula Vista, CA 91911

Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 21:36:35 -0500
Subject: [QUAD-L] 

last fire will rise behind those eyes
Black house will rock, blind boys don't 
Immortal fear, that voice so clear
Through broken walls, that scream I 

Cry, little sister - Thou shall not fall
Come to your brother - 
Thou shall not die
Unchain me, sister - Thou shall not fear
Love is with 
your brother - Thou shall not kill

Blue masquerade, strangers look 
When will they learn this loneliness?
Temptation heat beats like a 
Deep in your veins, I will not lie

Little sister - Thou shall not 
Come to your brother - Thou shall not die
Unchain me, sister - Thou 
shall not fear
Love is with your brother - Thou shall not kill

I can't forget
Why you were mine
I need you now

little sister - Thou shall not fall
Come to your brother - Thou shall not 
Unchain me, sister - Thou shall not fear
Love is with your brother - 
Thou shall not kill

Eric W Rudd

Windows Live: Make it easier for your friends to see what you’re up to on 


2009-09-01 Thread Lissette Whitehead

It's a good song but I gree, this isn't the place for it

Lissette Whitehead

1177 Broadway Suite #4

Chula Vista, CA 91911

Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 19:32:55 -0700

I like Staind.

  - Original Message - 
  To: Eric W Rudd ; 
  Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 5:52 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 

  Eric -- what are you doing? Forums like this have 
  standards and the things you are posting in here are well below them. Why 
  don't you show Jim Lubin and the rest of the people here at the quad list a 
  little bit of respect and limit your posts to legitimate topics and keep that 
  nonsense and foul language to yourself? You been a member here a long time. 
  Why go out and tarnish your image so extensively as you are doing every time 
  you push the send button and send out your poetry and other nonsense to a 
  forum where that sort of behavior is more commonplace and acceptable? 
  Honestly, the things you're saying you this long string of posts sound like 
  drunken babble. Do you really want to portray yourself as someone capable of 
  sending THAT TRASH out for other people to read? Think about 
  Yours truly, Nick Danger
- Original Message - 
Eric W Rudd 

Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 8:03 
Subject: [QUAD-L] 

It's been a while 
Since I could hold my head up 
and it's been a 
Since I first saw 
It's been a while 
since i could stand on my own 
two feet again 
and it's 
been a while 
since i could 
call you 
But everything I 
can't remember as fucked up as it may seem 
the consequences that I've 
I've stretched 
myself beyond my means 

It's been a while 
since i could say that i wasn't 
addicted and 
It's been a 
Since I could say I 
love myself as well and 
It's been a while 
Since I've gone and fucked 
things up just like i always do 
It's been a while 
But all that shit seems to 
disappear when i'm with you 
But everything I can't remember 
as fucked up as it may seem 
the consequences that I've 
I've gone and 
fucked things up again 

Why must i feel this 
just make this go 
just one more 
peaceful day 

Its been 
Since I could lok 
at myself straight 
it's been awhile 
since i 
said i'm sorry 
It's been 
Since I've seen the 
way the candles light your face 
It's been awhile 
But I can still remember just 
the way you taste 
everything I can't remember as fucked up as it may seem 
I know it's me i cannot blame 
this on my father 
he did 
the best he could for me 

It's been a while 
Since I could hold my head up 
and it's been a while 
since i said i'm sorry 

Eric W Rudd

Windows Live: Make it easier for your friends to see what you’re up to on 