Re: [Rd] Windows binaries: Version and revision strings show "(2006-00-00 r00000)"

2011-11-18 Thread Prof Brian Ripley

Which 'Windows binaries'?

Mine are correct, so you need to take this up with the builder (named 
on CRAN).  No one else on R-devel can do anything about this.

On Fri, 18 Nov 2011, Henrik Bengtsson wrote:


for the last few revision the version string for both R v2.14.0
patched and R devel are not correct for the Windows binaries.  This is
what R --version and sessionInfo() report since a couple of days:

R version 2.14.0 Patched (2006-00-00 r0)
R Under development (unstable) (2006-00-00 r0)

Also, "r0" is listed as the revision on:


__ mailing list

Brian D. Ripley,
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] round() ignores missing arguments if it is used inside another function where some arguments are missing.

2011-11-18 Thread Henrik Bengtsson
On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 9:34 AM, Kevin R. Coombes
> You can also see the odd behavior without wrapping round in another
> function:
>> round(100.1, digits=)
> [1] 100

Hmm... is there a reason for why the parser accepts that construct?
Some example:

> parse(text="f(a=)")

> parse(text="f[a=]")

> parse(text="(a=)")
Error in parse.default(text = "(a=)") : :1:4: unexpected ')'
1: (a=)


> On 11/18/2011 10:19 AM, Joris Meys wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 5:10 PM, Gavin Simpson
>>  wrote:
>>> round is indicated to not evaluate its arguments. I don't follow the C
>>> code well enough to know if it should be catching the missing argument
>>> further on - it must be because it is falling back to the default, but
>>> the above explains that the not evaluating arguments is intended.
>>> G
>> So if I understand it right, the y argument is not evaluated in the
>> fun2 function but deeper in the C code. that explains the lack of the
>> error message, thanks! I keep on learning every day.
>> Cheers
>> Joris
> __
> mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Non-free packages in CRAN

2011-11-18 Thread Joris Meys
2011/11/18 Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso :
> I don't see how MOSEK is making free software stronger. It's not
> encouraging the usage of more free software. It's encouraging the use
> of MOSEK. MOSEK should not be endorsed by an organisation that is
> supposed to promote free software.
> If these really are your views and they're representative of the R
> project, then the solution seems to be to make R stop calling itself
> part of the GNU project. I hope it doesn't do this.
> - Jordi G. H.
I'm not going into the discussion about which license represents what.
I hate politics and ideological discussions because of all the blabla.
I'm a statistician. I work with facts.

Fact : Simon is not the R-project, the R-core or the R community. He's
one guy, and a pretty smart one that is.
Fact : At my department several people use R only because they have
access to non-GPL programs through R: because they can load Excel and
SPSS files if they have to, connect to SQLServer and Access, ...
Fact : They often don't use Octave for exactly the same reason: They
don't have access to the tools they need. They're using Matlab
instead. We do have SPlus on the servers too. Guess how many people
are using that...
Fact : I get paid for statistical advice. I pay for a hammer. I pay
for a bike. If I have to pay for a tool I need on my computer, I pay
for it. If there's a free alternative that can get me as far, I use
that one and support their community with a gift if I care enough
about the tool. Which reminds me...
Fact : If I see too many quasi-religious statements, tool goes out and
I leave the building.

You're not doing your cause a favor here.


Being religious about free software never helped the cause. And by
> __
> mailing list

Joris Meys
Statistical consultant

Ghent University
Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
Department of Mathematical Modelling, Statistics and Bio-Informatics

tel : +32 9 264 59 87
Disclaimer :

__ mailing list

[Rd] Windows binaries: Version and revision strings show "(2006-00-00 r00000)"

2011-11-18 Thread Henrik Bengtsson

for the last few revision the version string for both R v2.14.0
patched and R devel are not correct for the Windows binaries.  This is
what R --version and sessionInfo() report since a couple of days:

R version 2.14.0 Patched (2006-00-00 r0)
R Under development (unstable) (2006-00-00 r0)

Also, "r0" is listed as the revision on:


__ mailing list

[Rd] DSC?

2011-11-18 Thread Hadley Wickham
Could whoever is in charge of the next DSC contact me?  We might be
able to co-host it with interface in Houston, May 16-18 2012.


Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair
Department of Statistics / Rice University

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Non-free packages in R-Forge

2011-11-18 Thread Spencer Graves


  Why do you want to reduce demand for Octave by forcing people who 
want to link to a commercial product to abandon Octave?

  Are you familiar with Shapiro and Varian (1998) Information 
Rules:  A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy (Harvard Bus. Sch. 
Pr.)?  Varian is now the Chief Economist at Google, and his ideas seem 
to have contributed substantially to their success.  The book explains 
that if you want to increase the market for your product, you need to 
make it as easy as possible for potential users to use (for as many 
different purposes).

  I've used Matlab, and I want to start using Octave.  If I can 
connect from only one of these products to some third party software 
that I'd like also to use, that's a reason to use the more flexible 


On 11/18/2011 10:32 AM, Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso wrote:

Let me give a little more context of why this is important.

As you can read in this thread:

The author of MOSEK basically created a non-free library and wants to
link it to both Octave and R. Normally this would be a GPL violation;
however the author of MOSEK has worked around the GPL by making a
wrapper and making the user do the linking, effectively neutering the
copyleft of the GPL (and yes, the GPL is not nice, and this
non-niceness of the GPL is a feature).

I am trying to reject this in Octave. We do not want to condone the
proliferation of non-free software. Instead, I invite the makers of
MOSEK to make the library free. However, the author has pointed out
that R has accepted his plugin, why can't Octave?

And this is why I appeal to the GNUness of R, if it still has it. If
Octave and R are part of the same organisation, we have to stand
together on this, and together pressure the maker of MOSEK to release
MOSEK as free software and stop trying to work around the GPL with
wrappers and avoiding binary distribution.

I am inviting R to work together with Octave on this. If we are both
using the GPL and both part of GNU, what good is it if the GPL can be
worked around and if we don't both stand for the same principles?

This isn't about prohibiting R from running on Windows or Mac (Octave
also runs on both because it's the only way to reach those users), nor
about meaningless ideology, but about bringing about a very practical
result: more free software for the community, more source for

So, please, users and developers and overseers of R, work with us. If
we are on the same team, can we work towards the same goals?

- Jordi G. H.

__ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Non-free packages in R-Forge

2011-11-18 Thread Kevin R. Coombes

You are, of course, missing the obvious solution, which is to do nothing.

The "endorsement" of a non-free project seems to me to reside only in 
your imagination.  The primary product produced by "The R Project for 
Statistical Computing" is the statistical software environment R, which 
is released under the GPL.  It is free software under anyone's 
definition.  One can safely infer that members of the R Project clearly 
endorse the goals of the GNU Project (as you can see, for example, from 
the fact that the only hyperlinks from the "What is R?" web page point 
to FSF or GNU).  I think that there is no chance that members of the R 
project would voluntarily "sever its ties with GNU" over this issue.

It's also not clear that there is any formal process for something 
becoming "a GNU project". If there were, you could then go to the GNU 
organization or to FSF and convince them to take some action to force 
the R project to stop calling itself a GNU project.  (I strongly suspect 
that there are neither copyright nor trademark nor other enforceable 
agreements to cause anything to happen in that regard.)

Now, the web site for the R project does point from its "related 
projects" page to R-Forge as a framework where packages that work with R 
can be developed.  It also displays prominent links to CRAN and to 
Bioconductor as locations where users can obtain R packages.  In that 
sense, I would be willing to agree that the R project "endorses" 
R-Rorge, CRAN, and Bioconductor.

However, I strongly object to the idea that this includes an endorsement 
of all (or even *any*) of the packages developed or hosted on those 
three other sites.  There are plenty of R packages in all of those 
locations that are provided under licenses other than GPL, LGPL, or 
PAL.  Some of those licenses are clearly non-free (in both the liberty 
and dollar senses).

For example, I use the mclust package (available from CRAN) all the 
time.  The license for this package requires an annual payment of a 
licensing fee for non-academic use, which limits modification and 
redistribution.  I have developed my own packages that depend on 
mclust.  The code that I wrote is available under the Perl Artistic 
License.  But if anyone wants to use my pacakge, they still have to 
conform to the terms of use defined by the license for mclust, on which 
my package depends.  I don't think that the University of Washington 
shoudl be prevented from specifying the license terms it wants for 
mclust.  And I don't think users (academic or otherwise) would get any 
beenfits if mclust was prevented from being made available through CRAN.

As far as I can tell, the situation with mclust is directly analogous to 
the situation you are complaining about with MOSEK being hosted at R-Forge.

Here's my suggestion. Stop trying to prevent users who want to talk to 
MOSEK from R from getting a package that will accomplish that task. Your 
real problem seems to be that MOSEK is not free.  So do what Stallman 
did when he objected to the fact that UNIX was not free. (Or MOTIF. Or 
lots of other stuff.) Get some developers together, work in a clean 
environment where they won't violate any copyright in the existing code, 
and develop a free alternative.


On 11/18/2011 12:00 PM, Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso wrote:

I'm sorry about the tone of my previous email. Let me try again in a
cleaner way.

The problem is: R or the organisation behind R via its infrastructure
seems to be endorsing R-Forge, and R-Forge is hosting at least one
project whose sole purpose is to link R with non-free software. This
looks like endorsement of non-free software, which is contrary to the
aims of the GNU project, of which R today claims to be a part.

There are several solutions, but the only workable ones I see are to
either sever ties with the GNU project, clearly remove the endorsement
of the non-free project, or to make the non-free project free. Of
these, it is my sincere hope that the last one happens.

That is all.

- Jordi G. H.

__ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Non-free packages in R-Forge

2011-11-18 Thread Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso
Let me give a little more context of why this is important.

As you can read in this thread:

The author of MOSEK basically created a non-free library and wants to
link it to both Octave and R. Normally this would be a GPL violation;
however the author of MOSEK has worked around the GPL by making a
wrapper and making the user do the linking, effectively neutering the
copyleft of the GPL (and yes, the GPL is not nice, and this
non-niceness of the GPL is a feature).

I am trying to reject this in Octave. We do not want to condone the
proliferation of non-free software. Instead, I invite the makers of
MOSEK to make the library free. However, the author has pointed out
that R has accepted his plugin, why can't Octave?

And this is why I appeal to the GNUness of R, if it still has it. If
Octave and R are part of the same organisation, we have to stand
together on this, and together pressure the maker of MOSEK to release
MOSEK as free software and stop trying to work around the GPL with
wrappers and avoiding binary distribution.

I am inviting R to work together with Octave on this. If we are both
using the GPL and both part of GNU, what good is it if the GPL can be
worked around and if we don't both stand for the same principles?

This isn't about prohibiting R from running on Windows or Mac (Octave
also runs on both because it's the only way to reach those users), nor
about meaningless ideology, but about bringing about a very practical
result: more free software for the community, more source for

So, please, users and developers and overseers of R, work with us. If
we are on the same team, can we work towards the same goals?

- Jordi G. H.

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Non-free packages in R-Forge

2011-11-18 Thread Marc Schwartz

On Nov 18, 2011, at 12:00 PM, Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso wrote:

> I'm sorry about the tone of my previous email. Let me try again in a
> cleaner way.
> The problem is: R or the organisation behind R via its infrastructure
> seems to be endorsing R-Forge, and R-Forge is hosting at least one
> project whose sole purpose is to link R with non-free software. This
> looks like endorsement of non-free software, which is contrary to the
> aims of the GNU project, of which R today claims to be a part.
> There are several solutions, but the only workable ones I see are to
> either sever ties with the GNU project, clearly remove the endorsement
> of the non-free project, or to make the non-free project free. Of
> these, it is my sincere hope that the last one happens.
> That is all.
> - Jordi G. H.

It seems to me that you have a rather RMS-like mindset, as opposed to Simon's 
more pragmatic approach, which frankly, as a FOSS supporter and useR of R for 
10 years, I prefer.

If you feel so strongly about your position, then take it up with the FSF and 
pursue it there!

This is degenerating into a philosophical debate, based on your opinion alone, 
which is not going to be resolved in this forum.

Move on.

Marc Schwartz

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Non-free packages in R-Forge

2011-11-18 Thread David Winsemius

On Nov 18, 2011, at 1:00 PM, Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso wrote:

I'm sorry about the tone of my previous email. Let me try again in a
cleaner way.

The problem is: R or the organisation behind R via its infrastructure
seems to be endorsing R-Forge, and R-Forge is hosting at least one
project whose sole purpose is to link R with non-free software. This
looks like endorsement of non-free software, which is contrary to the
aims of the GNU project, of which R today claims to be a part.

Are you aware that R has two other major trunks besides the Linux one?  
Those of us with Mac or Windows hardware/software devices might be  
threatened with discontinuation of our access to R if your logic  

There are several solutions, but the only workable ones I see are to
either sever ties with the GNU project, clearly remove the endorsement
of the non-free project, or to make the non-free project free. Of
these, it is my sincere hope that the last one happens.

This entire argument seems quasi-religious. You seem to be claiming  
that there is a "non-free" moral and legal sinfulness that is passed  
by way of links on websites. There do not seem to be any boundaries to  
this process that are discernable from your writings.

That is all.

- Jordi G. H.

David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Non-free packages in R-Forge

2011-11-18 Thread Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso
I'm sorry about the tone of my previous email. Let me try again in a
cleaner way.

The problem is: R or the organisation behind R via its infrastructure
seems to be endorsing R-Forge, and R-Forge is hosting at least one
project whose sole purpose is to link R with non-free software. This
looks like endorsement of non-free software, which is contrary to the
aims of the GNU project, of which R today claims to be a part.

There are several solutions, but the only workable ones I see are to
either sever ties with the GNU project, clearly remove the endorsement
of the non-free project, or to make the non-free project free. Of
these, it is my sincere hope that the last one happens.

That is all.

- Jordi G. H.

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Non-free packages in CRAN

2011-11-18 Thread Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso
2011/11/18 Simon Urbanek :
> I think you are misunderstanding a few things here. First, "R"
> doesn't endorse anything - it is a program,

It is also an organisation and that organisation has a website.
Someone is responsible for the contents of that website and the views
espoused in it. Saying that "R" was just a shorthand for the
organisation built around R

Software isn't amoral. Software is deeply related to what we people
can and should be able to do. People are responsible for what their
software does.

> it does what you tell it to do. Second, whoever runs R-forge doesn't
> endorse the packages hosted on it, either. It's just an
> infrastructure, with no claim about endorsement of the package
> hosted there

The R organisation is referring to that website, it's hosted at the
same top-level domain, it looks like the R organisation is endorsing R
Forge, and R-Forge is endorsing non-free software.

> Third, LGPL is a GNU license and also a open source license

I'm a little sad by members of GNU using the term "open source". More
importantly than open source, it's a free license.

And this is besides the point. The wrapper is LGPL, but it's a wrapper
for a non-free library.

> If anyone shared your interpretation, there would be no GNU/Linux
> since glibc is LGPL licensed and so are parts of gcc (and hence
> according to your argument neither can be a GNU project). Note that
> a lot of GNU libraries are licensed under LGPL.

This is a strawman. I'm not saying the LGPL is non-free. I'm saying
the combination of that wrapper with MOSEK is non-free.

> The fact that you personally may not like licenses other than GPL

This is another strawman. I didn't say I disliked licenses other than
the GPL. I said R shouldn't endorse a project that endorses non-free

> As for giving access to proprietary software - I think the argument
> is the exact opposite of what you are saying. By having the ability
> to leverage functionality (be it proprietary) that doesn't exist in
> R/Octave/.., you are making the free software stronger.

I don't see how MOSEK is making free software stronger. It's not
encouraging the usage of more free software. It's encouraging the use
of MOSEK. MOSEK should not be endorsed by an organisation that is
supposed to promote free software.

If these really are your views and they're representative of the R
project, then the solution seems to be to make R stop calling itself
part of the GNU project. I hope it doesn't do this.

- Jordi G. H.

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] round() ignores missing arguments if it is used inside another function where some arguments are missing.

2011-11-18 Thread Kevin R. Coombes
You can also see the odd behavior without wrapping round in another 

> round(100.1, digits=)
[1] 100

On 11/18/2011 10:19 AM, Joris Meys wrote:

On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 5:10 PM, Gavin Simpson  wrote:

round is indicated to not evaluate its arguments. I don't follow the C
code well enough to know if it should be catching the missing argument
further on - it must be because it is falling back to the default, but
the above explains that the not evaluating arguments is intended.


So if I understand it right, the y argument is not evaluated in the
fun2 function but deeper in the C code. that explains the lack of the
error message, thanks! I keep on learning every day.


__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] .Call in R

2011-11-18 Thread Karl Forner
Yes indeed. My mistake.

On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 4:45 PM, Joris Meys  wrote:

> Because if you calculate the probability and then make uniform values,
> nothing guarantees that the sum of those uniform values actually is
> larger than 50,000. You only have 50% chance it is, in fact...
> Cheers
> Joris
> On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 4:08 PM, Karl Forner 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > A probably very naive remark, but I believe that the probability of sum(
> > runif(1) ) >= 5 is exactly 0.5. So why not just test that, and
> > generate the uniform values only if needed ?
> >
> >
> > Karl Forner
> >
> > On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 6:09 PM, Raymond 
> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi R developers,
> >>
> >>I am new to this forum and hope someone can help me with .Call in R.
> >> Greatly appreciate any help!
> >>
> >>Say, I have a vector called "vecA" of length 1, I generate a
> vector
> >> called "vecR" with elements randomly generated from Uniform[0,1]. Both
> vecA
> >> and vecR are of double type. I want to replace elements vecA by
> elements in
> >> vecR only if sum of elements in vecR is greater than or equal to 5000.
> >> Otherwise, vecR remain unchanged. This is easy to do in R, which reads
> >>vecA<-something;
> >>vecR<-runif(1);
> >>if (sum(vecR)>=5000)){
> >>   vecA<-vecR;
> >>}
> >>
> >>
> >>Now my question is, if I am going to do the same thing in R using
> .Call.
> >> How can I achieve it in a more efficient way (i.e. less computation time
> >> compared with pure R code above.).  My c code (called "change_vecA.c")
> >> using
> >> .Call is like this:
> >>
> >>SEXP change_vecA(SEXP vecA){
> >> int i,vecA_len;
> >> double sum,*res_ptr,*vecR_ptr,*vecA_ptr;
> >>
> >> vecA_ptr=REAL(vecA);
> >> vecA_len=length(vecA);
> >> SEXP res_vec,vecR;
> >>
> >> PROTECT(res_vec=allocVector(REALSXP, vec_len));
> >> PROTECT(vecR=allocVector(REALSXP, vec_len));
> >> res_ptr=REAL(res_vec);
> >> vecR_ptr=REAL(vecR);
> >> GetRNGstate();
> >> sum=0.0;
> >> for (i=0;i >>  vecR_ptr[i]=runif(0,1);
> >>  sum+=vecR_ptr[i];
> >> }
> >> if (sum>=5000){
> >>/*copy vecR to the vector to be returned*/
> >>for (i=0;i >>  res_ptr[i]=vecR_ptr[i];
> >>}
> >> }
> >> else{
> >>/*copy vecA to the vector to be returned*/
> >>for (i=0;i >>  res_ptr[i]=vecA_ptr[i];
> >>}
> >> }
> >>
> >> PutRNGstate();
> >> UNPROTECT(2);
> >> resturn(res);
> >> }
> >> My R wrapper function is
> >>change_vecA<-function(vecA){
> >>  dyn.load("");
> >>  .Call("change_vecA",vecA);
> >>}
> >>
> >> Now my question is, due to two loops (one generates the random
> >> vector and one determines the vector to be returned), can .Call still be
> >> faster than pure R code (only one loop to copy vecR to vecA given
> condition
> >> is met)? Or, how can I improve my c code to avoid redundant loops if
> any.
> >> My
> >> concern is if vecA is large (say of length 100 or even bigger),
> loops
> >> in
> >> C code can slow things down.  Thanks for any help!
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> View this message in context:
> >>
> >> Sent from the R devel mailing list archive at
> >>
> >> __
> >> mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> >
> > __
> > mailing list
> >
> >
> --
> Joris Meys
> Statistical consultant
> Ghent University
> Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
> Department of Mathematical Modelling, Statistics and Bio-Informatics
> tel : +32 9 264 59 87
> ---
> Disclaimer :

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] round() ignores missing arguments if it is used inside another function where some arguments are missing.

2011-11-18 Thread Joris Meys
On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 5:10 PM, Gavin Simpson  wrote:
> round is indicated to not evaluate its arguments. I don't follow the C
> code well enough to know if it should be catching the missing argument
> further on - it must be because it is falling back to the default, but
> the above explains that the not evaluating arguments is intended.
> G

So if I understand it right, the y argument is not evaluated in the
fun2 function but deeper in the C code. that explains the lack of the
error message, thanks! I keep on learning every day.


Joris Meys
Statistical consultant

Ghent University
Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
Department of Mathematical Modelling, Statistics and Bio-Informatics

tel : +32 9 264 59 87
Disclaimer :

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Non-free packages in CRAN

2011-11-18 Thread Simon Urbanek

I think you are misunderstanding a few things here. First, "R" doesn't endorse 
anything - it is a program, it does what you tell it to do. Second, whoever 
runs R-forge doesn't endorse the packages hosted on it, either. It's just an 
infrastructure, with no claim about endorsement of the package hosted there 
(just like github, sourceforge etc. don't say anything about the software 
hosted there). Third, LGPL is a GNU license and also a open source license (in 
fact far more free than GPL - see "Software Licenses" on GNU pages). If anyone 
shared your interpretation, there would be no GNU/Linux since glibc is LGPL 
licensed and so are parts of gcc (and hence according to your argument neither 
can be a GNU project). Note that a lot of GNU libraries are licensed under LGPL.

The fact that you personally may not like licenses other than GPL is completely 
irrelevant. There are many other open source licenses and there is nothing 
wrong with using them. It is entirely up to the developer to decide how they 
feel about their code - whether they want it to be restricted by GPL or more 
free with some other open source license. Instead of forcing our views on 
users, we are empowering them to filter packages according to the license they 
feel comfortable with.

As for giving access to proprietary software - I think the argument is the 
exact opposite of what you are saying. By having the ability to leverage 
functionality (be it proprietary) that doesn't exist in R/Octave/.., you are 
making the free software stronger. If people realize that it is a desirable 
functionality, then they will create a free alternative since only a part of 
the community can use it. However, if such link did not exist, then users may 
choose to abandon the free software and use a commercial product instead (AFAIR 
in your example it was Matlab that has a link to Mosek). That would also weaken 
the possibility of a free alternative for the package.


On Nov 17, 2011, at 1:06 PM, Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso wrote:

> Hello.
> This is in relation to the discussion below:
> If this is the wrong place to discuss this issue, I would be thankful
> for a redirection to the appropriate forum.
> As Henrik says, R or some organisation that acts in R's name, has
> accepted his non-free plugin:
> Yes, it is non-free, even if it's LGPL, because it's linking to both R
> and MOSEK, which is a GPL+proprietary whole. There is no actual GPL
> violation because it's avoiding binary distribution. However, I'm
> concerned with the overall message this sends.
> I was under the impression that R is part of the GNU project, and as
> an Octave developer, I have thought of R as being a fellow GNU-in-arms
> comrade. I have proudly recommended R to people, both on technical
> merits and sound philosophical principles. I don't see R as a
> competitor to Octave, but as an esteemed colleague.
> I am, however, a little concerned that R seems to be endorsing a
> project that is in turn endorsing non-free software. This seems to be
> against what an important aspect of what GNU should do: promote free
> software and discourage the proliferation of non-free software. While
> you may argue that the plugin is free, it is absolutely useless
> without the non-free package, so R is ultimately recommending its
> users to use a non-free package. This seems like a problem to me.
> I see several possible solutions:
>1) R could stop calling itself part of the GNU project. This would
>   make me very sad, and I hope R doesn't take this route. As I
>   said, I'm proud to be part of the same organisation that R is
>   currently part of.
>2) R could stop endorsing R-Forge. This obviously seems like a
>   much worse alternative.
>3) R-Forge could remove the offending package. I also hope it
>   doesn't come to this.
>4) The authors of MOSEK could make it free. Note: "free" does not
>   mean "money is forbidden". One option for MOSEK could be to
>   dual-license it: MOSEK is GPL, but anyone who wants to lock it
>   up has to pay for alternative license terms. FFTW and Qt are
>   two prominent free commercial packages that have followed this
>   route.
> I really would much prefer (4), or if it can't be achieved, (3). But I
> encourage the R users and contributors to support the aims of the GNU
> project and to stand together with the Octave community in this
> regard.
> Thank you for your time,
> - Jordi G. H.
> __
> mailing list

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Re: [Rd] round() ignores missing arguments if it is used inside another function where some arguments are missing.

2011-11-18 Thread Gavin Simpson
On Fri, 2011-11-18 at 16:43 +0100, Joris Meys wrote:
> I have stumbled across some behaviour in R that I really can't place,
> and that makes coding a bit tricky. I know that I can work around it
> when explicitly checking for missing arguments, but still...
> I have two functions. I have a first function based on paste
> fun1 <- function(x,y){
>   print(missing(y))
>   paste(x,'X',sep=y)
> }
> If I try this function without specifying `y`, I get the (expected)
> error message:
> > fun1(letters[1:6])
> [1] TRUE
> Error in paste(x, "X", sep = y) :
>   argument "y" is missing, with no default
> The second one with round :
> fun2 <- function(x,y){  print(missing(y))  round(x,digits=y)}
> If I try this function without specifying `y`, it works unexpectedly
> whereas it shouldn't :
> > fun2(100.1)[1] TRUE[1] 100

round() is implemented as:

> round
function (x, digits = 0)  .Primitive("round")

using the .Primitive means of calling C code. `?.Primitve` refers you to
the R Internals manual, which basically states that how the compiled
functions should be called and number of arguments etc is stored in a
table. This table is given here:

The relevant part of which is:

/* printnamec-entry offset  evalarity   pp-kind  precedence 
 * ---- --  -   ---  -- 

/* Mathematical Functions */
/* primitives: these are group generic and so need to eval args (possibly 
internally) */
{"round",   do_Math2,   10001,  0,  -1, {PP_FUNCALL, PREC_FN,   

the eval column indicates features of how arguments are evaluated and
what have you. A value of 0 equates to 000 and the last 0 indicates
whether arguments are to be evaluated with 0 indicating no evaluation
and 1 evaluation.

round is indicated to not evaluate its arguments. I don't follow the C
code well enough to know if it should be catching the missing argument
further on - it must be because it is falling back to the default, but
the above explains that the not evaluating arguments is intended.


> In my view, fun1 should definitely give the error message as well, as
> it is not intended to have a default behaviour when y is missing.
> Still, the round() function ignores the fact y is missing. Is this by
> design, is there a check missing in round, or is something else going
> on that I am overlooking?
> Cheers
> Joris
> > sessionInfo()
> R version 2.14.0 (2011-10-31)
> Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)
> locale:
> [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252
> [2] LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.1252
> [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.1252
> [5] LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.1252
> attached base packages:
> [1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods
> [7] base
> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> [1] tools_2.14.0

 Dr. Gavin Simpson [t] +44 (0)20 7679 0522
 ECRC, UCL Geography,  [f] +44 (0)20 7679 0565
 Pearson Building, [e]
 Gower Street, London  [w]
 UK. WC1E 6BT. [w]

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] round() ignores missing arguments if it is used inside another function where some arguments are missing.

2011-11-18 Thread Simon Urbanek

On Nov 18, 2011, at 10:43 AM, Joris Meys wrote:

> I have stumbled across some behaviour in R that I really can't place,
> and that makes coding a bit tricky. I know that I can work around it
> when explicitly checking for missing arguments, but still...
> I have two functions. I have a first function based on paste
> fun1 <- function(x,y){
>   print(missing(y))
>   paste(x,'X',sep=y)
> }
> If I try this function without specifying `y`, I get the (expected)
> error message:
> > fun1(letters[1:6])
> [1] TRUE
> Error in paste(x, "X", sep = y) :
>   argument "y" is missing, with no default
> The second one with round :
> fun2 <- function(x,y){  print(missing(y))  round(x,digits=y)}
> If I try this function without specifying `y`, it works unexpectedly
> whereas it shouldn't :
> > fun2(100.1)[1] TRUE[1] 100
> In my view, fun1 should definitely give the error message as well, as
> it is not intended to have a default behaviour when y is missing.
> Still, the round() function ignores the fact y is missing. Is this by
> design, is there a check missing in round, or is something else going
> on that I am overlooking?

> round
function (x, digits = 0)  .Primitive("round")

it has a default so it is fine for digits to be missing since it will have 
value 0 in that case ...


> Cheers
> Joris
>> sessionInfo()
> R version 2.14.0 (2011-10-31)
> Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)
> locale:
> [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252
> [2] LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.1252
> [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.1252
> [5] LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.1252
> attached base packages:
> [1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods
> [7] base
> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> [1] tools_2.14.0
> -- 
> Joris Meys
> Statistical consultant
> Ghent University
> Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
> Department of Mathematical Modelling, Statistics and Bio-Informatics
> tel : +32 9 264 59 87
> ---
> Disclaimer :
> __
> mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] .Call in R

2011-11-18 Thread Joris Meys
Because if you calculate the probability and then make uniform values,
nothing guarantees that the sum of those uniform values actually is
larger than 50,000. You only have 50% chance it is, in fact...

On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 4:08 PM, Karl Forner  wrote:
> Hi,
> A probably very naive remark, but I believe that the probability of sum(
> runif(1) ) >= 5 is exactly 0.5. So why not just test that, and
> generate the uniform values only if needed ?
> Karl Forner
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 6:09 PM, Raymond  wrote:
>> Hi R developers,
>>    I am new to this forum and hope someone can help me with .Call in R.
>> Greatly appreciate any help!
>>    Say, I have a vector called "vecA" of length 1, I generate a vector
>> called "vecR" with elements randomly generated from Uniform[0,1]. Both vecA
>> and vecR are of double type. I want to replace elements vecA by elements in
>> vecR only if sum of elements in vecR is greater than or equal to 5000.
>> Otherwise, vecR remain unchanged. This is easy to do in R, which reads
>>    vecA<-something;
>>    vecR<-runif(1);
>>    if (sum(vecR)>=5000)){
>>       vecA<-vecR;
>>    }
>>    Now my question is, if I am going to do the same thing in R using .Call.
>> How can I achieve it in a more efficient way (i.e. less computation time
>> compared with pure R code above.).  My c code (called "change_vecA.c")
>> using
>> .Call is like this:
>>    SEXP change_vecA(SEXP vecA){
>>         int i,vecA_len;
>>         double sum,*res_ptr,*vecR_ptr,*vecA_ptr;
>>         vecA_ptr=REAL(vecA);
>>         vecA_len=length(vecA);
>>         SEXP res_vec,vecR;
>>         PROTECT(res_vec=allocVector(REALSXP, vec_len));
>>         PROTECT(vecR=allocVector(REALSXP, vec_len));
>>         res_ptr=REAL(res_vec);
>>         vecR_ptr=REAL(vecR);
>>         GetRNGstate();
>>         sum=0.0;
>>         for (i=0;i>              vecR_ptr[i]=runif(0,1);
>>              sum+=vecR_ptr[i];
>>         }
>>         if (sum>=5000){
>>            /*copy vecR to the vector to be returned*/
>>            for (i=0;i>                  res_ptr[i]=vecR_ptr[i];
>>            }
>>         }
>>         else{
>>                /*copy vecA to the vector to be returned*/
>>                for (i=0;i>                      res_ptr[i]=vecA_ptr[i];
>>                }
>>         }
>>         PutRNGstate();
>>         UNPROTECT(2);
>>         resturn(res);
>> }
>> My R wrapper function is
>>        change_vecA<-function(vecA){
>>              dyn.load("");
>>              .Call("change_vecA",vecA);
>>        }
>>         Now my question is, due to two loops (one generates the random
>> vector and one determines the vector to be returned), can .Call still be
>> faster than pure R code (only one loop to copy vecR to vecA given condition
>> is met)? Or, how can I improve my c code to avoid redundant loops if any.
>> My
>> concern is if vecA is large (say of length 100 or even bigger), loops
>> in
>> C code can slow things down.  Thanks for any help!
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> Sent from the R devel mailing list archive at
>> __
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Joris Meys
Statistical consultant

Ghent University
Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
Department of Mathematical Modelling, Statistics and Bio-Informatics

tel : +32 9 264 59 87
Disclaimer :

__ mailing list

[Rd] round() ignores missing arguments if it is used inside another function where some arguments are missing.

2011-11-18 Thread Joris Meys
I have stumbled across some behaviour in R that I really can't place,
and that makes coding a bit tricky. I know that I can work around it
when explicitly checking for missing arguments, but still...
I have two functions. I have a first function based on paste

    fun1 <- function(x,y){

If I try this function without specifying `y`, I get the (expected)
error message:

    > fun1(letters[1:6])
    [1] TRUE
    Error in paste(x, "X", sep = y) :
      argument "y" is missing, with no default

The second one with round :
    fun2 <- function(x,y){      print(missing(y))      round(x,digits=y)    }
If I try this function without specifying `y`, it works unexpectedly
whereas it shouldn't :
    > fun2(100.1)    [1] TRUE    [1] 100
In my view, fun1 should definitely give the error message as well, as
it is not intended to have a default behaviour when y is missing.
Still, the round() function ignores the fact y is missing. Is this by
design, is there a check missing in round, or is something else going
on that I am overlooking?

> sessionInfo()
R version 2.14.0 (2011-10-31)
Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.1252
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.1252
[5] LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.1252

attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods
[7] base

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] tools_2.14.0

Joris Meys
Statistical consultant

Ghent University
Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
Department of Mathematical Modelling, Statistics and Bio-Informatics

tel : +32 9 264 59 87
Disclaimer :

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] .Call in R

2011-11-18 Thread Martin Morgan

On 11/18/2011 07:08 AM, Karl Forner wrote:


A probably very naive remark, but I believe that the probability of sum(
runif(1) )>= 5 is exactly 0.5. So why not just test that, and
generate the uniform values only if needed ?

My thought as well, but actually the deviates need to have mean > .5 so 
you'd do something like

  repeat {
 vecA <- runif(1)
 if (mean(vecA) > .5) break

You'd do this 1/2 the time, and you'd have to itearte on average 1 / 
(1/2) = 2 times before getting the vector satisfying the constraint, so 
the expected number of iterations is 1/2 * 2 = 1, the same as in the 
original implementation!

It does suggest that there is only one allocation required, if this were 
coded at the C level. But since sum(), mean(), and runif() all go more 
or less directly to C anyway it doesn't seem like this is the right 
problem for a C solution.


Karl Forner

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 6:09 PM, Raymond  wrote:

Hi R developers,

I am new to this forum and hope someone can help me with .Call in R.
Greatly appreciate any help!

Say, I have a vector called "vecA" of length 1, I generate a vector
called "vecR" with elements randomly generated from Uniform[0,1]. Both vecA
and vecR are of double type. I want to replace elements vecA by elements in
vecR only if sum of elements in vecR is greater than or equal to 5000.
Otherwise, vecR remain unchanged. This is easy to do in R, which reads
if (sum(vecR)>=5000)){

Now my question is, if I am going to do the same thing in R using .Call.
How can I achieve it in a more efficient way (i.e. less computation time
compared with pure R code above.).  My c code (called "change_vecA.c")
.Call is like this:

SEXP change_vecA(SEXP vecA){
 int i,vecA_len;
 double sum,*res_ptr,*vecR_ptr,*vecA_ptr;

 SEXP res_vec,vecR;

 PROTECT(res_vec=allocVector(REALSXP, vec_len));
 PROTECT(vecR=allocVector(REALSXP, vec_len));
 for (i=0;i=5000){
/*copy vecR to the vector to be returned*/
for (i=0;i
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Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N. PO Box 19024 Seattle, WA 98109

Location: M1-B861
Telephone: 206 667-2793

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Re: [Rd] .Call in R

2011-11-18 Thread Karl Forner

A probably very naive remark, but I believe that the probability of sum(
runif(1) ) >= 5 is exactly 0.5. So why not just test that, and
generate the uniform values only if needed ?

Karl Forner

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 6:09 PM, Raymond  wrote:

> Hi R developers,
>I am new to this forum and hope someone can help me with .Call in R.
> Greatly appreciate any help!
>Say, I have a vector called "vecA" of length 1, I generate a vector
> called "vecR" with elements randomly generated from Uniform[0,1]. Both vecA
> and vecR are of double type. I want to replace elements vecA by elements in
> vecR only if sum of elements in vecR is greater than or equal to 5000.
> Otherwise, vecR remain unchanged. This is easy to do in R, which reads
>if (sum(vecR)>=5000)){
>   vecA<-vecR;
>Now my question is, if I am going to do the same thing in R using .Call.
> How can I achieve it in a more efficient way (i.e. less computation time
> compared with pure R code above.).  My c code (called "change_vecA.c")
> using
> .Call is like this:
>SEXP change_vecA(SEXP vecA){
> int i,vecA_len;
> double sum,*res_ptr,*vecR_ptr,*vecA_ptr;
> vecA_ptr=REAL(vecA);
> vecA_len=length(vecA);
> SEXP res_vec,vecR;
> PROTECT(res_vec=allocVector(REALSXP, vec_len));
> PROTECT(vecR=allocVector(REALSXP, vec_len));
> res_ptr=REAL(res_vec);
> vecR_ptr=REAL(vecR);
> GetRNGstate();
> sum=0.0;
> for (i=0;i  vecR_ptr[i]=runif(0,1);
>  sum+=vecR_ptr[i];
> }
> if (sum>=5000){
>/*copy vecR to the vector to be returned*/
>for (i=0;i  res_ptr[i]=vecR_ptr[i];
> }
> else{
>/*copy vecA to the vector to be returned*/
>for (i=0;i  res_ptr[i]=vecA_ptr[i];
> }
> PutRNGstate();
> resturn(res);
> }
> My R wrapper function is
>  dyn.load("");
>  .Call("change_vecA",vecA);
> Now my question is, due to two loops (one generates the random
> vector and one determines the vector to be returned), can .Call still be
> faster than pure R code (only one loop to copy vecR to vecA given condition
> is met)? Or, how can I improve my c code to avoid redundant loops if any.
> My
> concern is if vecA is large (say of length 100 or even bigger), loops
> in
> C code can slow things down.  Thanks for any help!
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the R devel mailing list archive at
> __
> mailing list

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[Rd] R CMD check: "Undocumented class" for class created with setOldClass()

2011-11-18 Thread Andreas Borg

Hi all,

in a package, I register two S3 classes (namely ff_vector and ffdf) by 
calling setOldClass() in order to use them as slots in S4 classes. Now, 
R CMD check gives me the warning:

Undocumented S4 classes:
 'ff_vector' 'ffdf'

Is there a way to avoid having to document classes I did not write? Or 
is this intended behaviour?

Best regards,


Andreas Borg
Abteilung Medizinische Informatik

Universitätsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Institut für Med. Biometrie, Epidemiologie und Informatik (IMBEI)
Obere Zahlbacher Straße 69, 55131 Mainz

Tel:  +49 (0) 6131 17-5062


__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] strange behavior from cex="*"

2011-11-18 Thread Patrick Burns

Someone ambitious could find problems like
this using random input testing like I talked
about at useR last summer.

Testing graphics would be more labor intensive
than the testing I do, but you could think of it
as a video game.

On 17/11/2011 00:29, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 11-11-16 5:26 PM, Ben Bolker wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 11-11-16 05:18 PM, peter dalgaard wrote:
>> On Nov 16, 2011, at 22:38 , Ben Bolker wrote:
>>> Someone inquired on StackOverflow about apparently non-deterministic
>>> graphics behaviour in R. I noticed that they were using cex="*" and
>>> discovered some potentially weird behavior.
>> It can be reproduced much more simply (well, not the hang, but bad
>> enough):
>> In a plain R application console (OSX Snow Leopard),
>> for (i in 1:100) plot(1:10,cex="*")
>> will _sometimes_ show big circles, indicating random data being
>> picked up.
>> The "cex" is by definition numeric, so you can't expect to be able to
>> pass a character string, but the code should check.
> Looks (?) like the check could go in FixupCex (which already tests for
> isReal, isInteger, and isLogical) in src/main/plot.c , unless there is a
> wish to catch it earlier/in R code.

Yes, that's where the check was missed. I'll fix it. The other
parameters appear to have been checked properly.

> It's mildly surprising to me that people can continue to find odd
> cases like this after more than 10 years (and imagine how many
> cumulative hours of R use ...) [I'm assuming that this hole has been
> present for a log time: I don't have the patience to do the SVN
> archaeology to find out how long.]

So now you can prove me wrong about the other parameters...

Duncan Murdoch

>>> On repeated runs of the same code I can get different PNGs. If I set
>>> the number of runs high enough, I seem to be able to get R to hang.
>>> If I do a single version plotting to an interactive graphics window I
>>> can get the point sizes to jump around as I resize the window (someone
>>> reported being able to reproduce that behaviour in the Windows GUI
>>> as well).
>>> This is clearly a user error, but non-deterministic behaviour (and
>>> hanging) are a little disturbing.
>>> I haven't had a chance yet to try to dig in and see what's happening
>>> but thought I would report to see if anyone else could 

>>> it out.
>>> Ben Bolker
>>> ## n<- 100 ## hangs R
>>> n<- 33
>>> fn<- paste("tmp",seq(n),"png",sep=".")
>>> for (i in seq(n)) {
>>> png(fn[i])
>>> plot(1:10,1:10,cex="*");
>>> }
>>> ff<- subset(,select=size)
>>> ff<- ff[!duplicated(ff$size),,drop=FALSE]
>>> table(ff$size)
>>> require(png)
>>> pngs<- lapply(rownames(ff),readPNG)
>>><- function(x) matrix(rgb(x[,,1],x[,,2],x[,,3]),
>>> nrow=dim(x)[1],ncol=dim(x)[2])
>>> imgs<- lapply(pngs,
>>> par(mfrow=c(2,2))
>>> lapply(imgs,function(x) {
>>> plot(0:1,0:1,type="n",ann=FALSE,axes=FALSE)
>>> rasterImage(x,0,0,1,1)
>>> })
>>> #
>>> R Under development (unstable) (2011-10-06 r57181)
>>> Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)
>>> attached base packages:
>>> [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
>>> other attached packages:
>>> [1] glmmADMB_0.6.5 MASS_7.3-14 png_0.1-3
>>> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
>>> [1] grid_2.15.0 lattice_0.19-33 nlme_3.1-102 tools_2.15.0
>>> __
>>> mailing list
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
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> urS/ILIMzZEFSYkqkj0mWI9SADyJ+W0YeN/t3EuWy8nZqUkYQZ8M0GsuXjhtUL/i
> hVJU0uuIWCOCHpeI3SQKoxviTE6MQFRXXWhCAJx01h8ee/5UQ5GSGB7Er2Zilld3
> 0sLI6dmoF7gbeYqz33MaEpQ7geJoW3tfnVbQWUlF86+jGGv5trIqWYIp33OYIxMO
> u2YUq51vB+4uIRPFJ4Oyr+nJF0Z9NH4IJBipp/bF6wQ5u6JdXFqKTPeQ1V6m5qk=
> =YajM
> __
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Patrick Burns
twitter: @portfolioprobe
(home of 'Some hints for the R beginner'
and 'The R Inferno')

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Small inconsistency with boxplot

2011-11-18 Thread Martin Maechler

> Dear R-core team,
> I think I found a small inconsistency in the boxplot function. I don't want 
> to post it as a bug since I'm not sure this might be considered as one 
> according to the FAQ --- and this is not a major problem. Don't hesitate to 
> tell me if I'm wrong.

> If you try to do a boxplot on a matrix and set the "at" argument to some 
> vector different from 1:n, n is the number of columns of your matrix, then 
> some boxplots will be hidden since the default "xlim" value will be set to 
> c(0.5, n + 0.5) during the call of the bxp function.

> Currently you can easily bypass this problem by setting "xlim" appropriately 
> when calling the boxplot function.

Yes.  And the help page for  bxp  even has the following note:

   if \code{add = FALSE}, the default is \code{xlim = c(0.5, n +0.5)}.
   It will usually be a good idea to specify the latter if the "x" axis
   has a log scale or \code{at} is specified or \code{width} is far from

which clearly documents the current behavior.
(and one could say also ``excuses'' the current behavior)

In this sense, there's really no bug ... ;-) and you were 
very wise (or at least cautious :-) *not* to post it as bug  .. 

> I think it will be better if all boxplots were always shown unless the "xlim" 
> argument is specified. (I realized this behavior when I tried to do boxplots 
> on conditional simulations of a stochastic process ; in which case the 
> suggested behavior might be useful.)

I do agree that such a change would be more ``logical'' i.e.,
according to  "The Rule of Least Surprise"
(a good software design principle of providing a default behavior
 of "least surprise" to the user).

> Here's an example

> par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
> data <- matrix(rnorm(10 * 50), 50)
> colnames(data) <- letters[1:10]
> x.pos <- seq(-10, 10, length = 10)
> boxplot(data, at = x.pos) ## only the last 5 boxplots will appear
> boxplot(data, at = 1:10) ## all boxplots will appear
> boxplot(data, at = x.pos, xlim = range(x.pos) + c(-0.5, 0.5)) ## all boxplots 
> will be shown

> I tried to do a patch if you want to change the current behavior --- note 
> this is my first patch ever so maybe I'm doing it wrong.

it looks good.
In the end, I would use

xlim <- range(at, finite=TRUE) + c(-0.5, 0.5)

There's one ***BIG*** question though:  

How probable is it that it breaks someone else's code.
Note that boxplot() and bxp() are  *REALLY*  old traditional S
(and for all the young guys:  Boxplots where invented/proposed
 by the famous  John W Tukey, co-inventor of the FFT, the word
 "bit"; "exploratory data analysis", etc etc.
 Then (partly) at Bell Labs, who via John Chambers and
 co-workers also "donated" the S language and hence R to the world !)

and therefore you can expect many many uses of boxplot() in
other code...
and hence, it could well be that some code has (probably
implicitly) *relied* on the current "more surprising" behavior.

I'd still advocate to the change the default here,
but we really have to discuss this, as a change also may have
adverse consequences.

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich (and R Core)

> *** Downloads/R-2.14.0/src/library/graphics/R/boxplot.R   Mon Oct  3 
> 00:02:21 2011
> --- boxplot.R Thu Nov 17 23:02:45 2011
> ***
> *** 203,209 
>   }
>   if(is.null(pars$xlim))
> ! xlim <- c(0.5, n + 0.5)
>   else {
>   xlim <- pars$xlim
>   pars$xlim <- NULL
> --- 203,209 
>   }
>   if(is.null(pars$xlim))
> ! xlim <- c(min(at) - 0.5, max(at) + 0.5)
>   else {
>   xlim <- pars$xlim
>   pars$xlim <- NULL

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