Re: [R] Circular plot - polar plot code questions

2023-04-25 Thread Bruce Miller

Thanks yo Tim and Jim for useful suggestions re: my query on circular plots.

Rethinking my goal, it appears Jim's suggestion of alternative linear 
plots make more sense and likley more intuitive for reader.


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[R] Circular plot - polar plot code questions

2023-04-24 Thread Bruce Miller
Hi all...
I assume there are a host of GGplot2 users out there.
I have circular plot - polar plot code questions
I needed to create circular – polar plots of reproductive status for 
bats.  I found a great sample of how to do this here:

I modified the sample code to meet the 3 data elements I am using the 
"raw data" table below with T=testes enlarge, P= Pregnant and L= Lactating.


m <- fread("id    T    month    P    L
1    0    1    0    0
2    0    2    0    0
3    0    3    0    0
4    1    4    0    0
5    1    5    1    0
6    1    6    1    1
7    0    7    1    1
8    0    8    1    1
9    0    9    0    1
10    0    10    0    0
11    0    11    0    0
12    0    12    0    0")
# reshape from wide to long (as preferred by ggplot)
ml <- melt(m, measure.vars = c("T", "P", "L"))

# create factors to ensure desired order
ml[, variable := factor(variable, levels = c("T", "P","L"))]

ml[, fct_month := factor(month, levels = 1:12, labels =]
ggplot(ml[value != 0], aes(x = fct_month, y = variable,
    group = variable, colour = variable)) +
   geom_line(size = 3) +
   scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0, 1), breaks = NULL) +
   xlim( +
   coord_polar() +
   theme_bw() + xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL)

This is creating a plot more or less as needed.  4 questions:
1 Do I even need the ID field? Seems not useful.
2 I assume the melt step can be avoided if my data is "Tidy" and long 
format at the start, correct?
3  How can I increase the weight of the month lines and labels
4  Where can I add color choices for the 3 variables in the plot? Simply 
adding an HTML color number to the “colour=variable” then plots the data 
and labeling one value as that color.

Tnx all. The list is always educational on a daily basis.
Bat Dude
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[R] How to replace NA values

2013-07-28 Thread Bruce Miller
Hi all,

I am using reshape2 to reformat a data frame and all is great using:

Bats.melt - melt(data = Bats)

Bats.cast - dcast(data = Bats.melt, formula = Species ~ Location)

dput(Bats.cast,'C:/=Bat data working/Nica_new/Bats_niche.robj')

write.csv(Bat.cast,'C:/=Bat data working/Nica_new/test_Niche.csv')

The resulting file from both dput and write are great, however in order 
to run another R analysis I need to replace all the NA values in the 
output with a zero - 0 value.

I have just been opening this in Excel and using a simple find NA 
replace with 0 and saving then reopening in R.

There must be a simple way to do this in R.

Any suggestions welcomed.

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[R] reshape2 issue

2013-06-05 Thread Bruce Miller
Hi all,

I am revisiting using reshape2 to aggregate critter (bats) occurrences 
by time blocks and have the final output for each row sum a percentage 
such that the row sums total 1 (100%).

Reshape2 library is loaded on start.

The old code I had stored in NotePad++ seems to no longer work as I have 
the following error:

  input.cast - cast(input.melt, Species ~ Date, fun.aggregate = sum)
*Error: could not find function cast*

The code saved in NotePad++ is:

input.melt - melt(input)
input.cast - cast(input.melt, Species ~ Date, fun.aggregate = sum)
input.percent - input.cast[, -1] / rowSums(input.cast[, -1]) * 100
rownames(input.percent) - input.cast[,1]

The data is read in OK:
 Escameca_temporal - read.table(C:/=Bat data 
#then renamed : input -Escameca_temporal
The variable view shows Species (6 letter text code) as Factor;Location 
code as integer; Date as Factor; Time as Factor.

Data looks like this (sub sample only)

Species LocationDateTime
Cynmex  49375/3/201223:42
Cynmex  49375/3/201223:43
Cynmex  49375/3/201223:43
Eptfur  49375/2/20120:10
Eptfur  49375/2/20120:12
Eptfur  49375/2/20120:15
Eptfur  49375/2/20120:16
Eptfur  49375/2/20120:21
Eptfur  49375/2/20120:27
Eptfur  49375/2/20120:27
Eptfur  49375/2/20120:36
Eptfur  49375/2/20120:37
Eptfur  49375/2/20120:38
Eptfur  49375/2/20120:42
Eptfur  49375/2/20120:57
Eptfur  49375/2/20120:58
Eptfur  49375/2/20120:59
Eptfur  49375/2/20121:01
Eptfur  49375/2/20121:03
Eptfur  49375/2/20121:08
Eptfur  49375/4/20122:02
Eptfur  49375/4/20122:03
Eptfur  49375/4/20122:03
Eptfur  49375/4/20122:04
Eptfur  49375/4/20122:04
Eptfur  49375/4/20122:08
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:09
Eptfur  49375/4/20122:09
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:10
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:10
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:10
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:10
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:11
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:11
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:11
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:11
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:11
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:12
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:12
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:12
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:12
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:12
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:13
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:13
Eptfur  49375/4/20122:13
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:14
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:14
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:14
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:14
Eptfur  49375/4/20122:14
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:15
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:15
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:15
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:16
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:16
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:16
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:16
Eptfur  49241/8/20122:17

Any suggestions-help appreciated.


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[R] How does one set up logical functions?

2013-05-07 Thread Bruce Miller
Hi all,

I am trying to set up logical function(s) to deal with two adjustments 
to a blood glucose value.
I have been dinking around in Excel and assume this will be much easier 
in R.

DF is date-time, BG value in mg/dL,test strip
4/3/13 19:20105 Aviva-491350
4/4/13 21:0374  Aviva-491350
4/6/13 17:4081  Aviva-491640
4/6/13 17:4082  Aviva-491350
4/6/13 22:48106 Aviva-491640
4/6/13 22:48102 Aviva-491350
4/7/13 5:32 87  Aviva-491350
4/7/13 5:32 103 Aviva-491640

What I need are the high and low ranges based on acceptable standards 
of the measured values.

The logical expressions need to be
IF BG =100 then High limit would = (BG+(BG*.15))
IF BG =100 then Low limit would = (BG-(BG*.15))
IF BG 100 then High limit would = (BG+15)
IF BG 100 then Low limit would = (BG-15)

The standards are written as: 95% of the individual glucose results 
shall fall within ±15 mg/dL of the reference results at glucose 
concentrations less than 100 mg/dL and within ±15% at glucose 
concentrations greater than or equal to 100 mg/dL.

Then I need to plot the measured value and also show the high  low 
acceptable values.

Thanks for any who respond.


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[R] Reshape or Plyr?

2013-04-20 Thread Bruce Miller
H all,

I have relative abundance data from 100 sites.  This is from acoustic 
monitoring and usually the data is for 2-3 nights but in some cases my 
be longer like months or years for each location..
The data output from my management data base is proved by species by 
night for each location so data frame would look like this below. What I 
need to do is sum the Survey_time by Spec_Code for each location name 
and divide summed AI values for each Spec_code by the summed Survey time 
to adjust for unit effort then standardize it all by *10 to represent 
the relative abundance by survey hour to 10 hours. How best to do this?  
Using Plyr or reshape?

Location name   SPEC_CODE   Start_Day   Survey_Time AI  Std AI
079-f2p1-AcetunaBuzz2/14/2012   12.11   0.8264463
079-f2p1-AcetunaBuzz2/14/2012   12.11   0.8264463
079-f2p1-AcetunaEumspp  2/14/2012   12.11   0.8264463
079-f2p1-AcetunaFrag2/14/2012   12.118  14.87603
079-f2p1-AcetunaMolspp  2/14/2012   12.15   4.132231
079-f2p1-AcetunaMolspp  2/14/2012   12.15   4.132231
079-f2p1-AcetunaPhyllo  2/14/2012   12.12   1.652893
079-f2p1-AcetunaPtedav  2/14/2012   12.11   0.8264463
079-f2p1-AcetunaPtegym  2/14/2012   12.11   0.8264463
079-f2p1-AcetunaPtepar  2/14/2012   12.12   1.652893
079-f2p1-AcetunaRhotum  2/14/2012   12.16   4.958678
079-f2p1-AcetunaSacbil  2/14/2012   12.16   4.958678
079-f2p1-AcetunaSaclep  2/14/2012   12.111  9.090909
079-f2p1-AcetunaBuzz2/15/2012   12.12   1.652893
079-f2p1-AcetunaBuzz2/15/2012   12.12   1.652893
079-f2p1-AcetunaMolmol  2/15/2012   12.11   0.8264463
079-f2p1-AcetunaMolspp  2/15/2012   12.17   5.785124
079-f2p1-AcetunaMolspp  2/15/2012   12.17   5.785124
079-f2p1-AcetunaNocalb  2/15/2012   12.16   4.958678
079-f2p1-AcetunaPhyllo  2/15/2012   12.11   0.8264463
079-f2p1-AcetunaPtedav  2/15/2012   12.11   0.8264463
079-f2p1-AcetunaPtegym  2/15/2012   12.14   3.305785
079-f2p1-AcetunaPtepar  2/15/2012   12.14   3.305785
079-f2p1-AcetunaPteper  2/15/2012   12.13   2.479339
079-f2p1-AcetunaRhotum  2/15/2012   12.17   5.785124
079-f2p1-AcetunaSacbil  2/15/2012   12.12   1.652893
079-f2p1-AcetunaSaclep  2/15/2012   12.16   4.958678
079-f2p1-AcetunaBuzz2/16/2012   12.21   0.8196721
079-f2p1-AcetunaBuzz2/16/2012   12.21   0.8196721
079-f2p1-AcetunaEumspp  2/16/2012   12.24   3.278688
079-f2p1-AcetunaMolspp  2/16/2012   12.22   1.639344
079-f2p1-AcetunaMolspp  2/16/2012   12.22   1.639344
079-f2p1-AcetunaMyokea  2/16/2012   12.21   0.8196721
079-f2p1-AcetunaNocalb  2/16/2012   12.24   3.278688
079-f2p1-AcetunaPhyllo  2/16/2012   12.21   0.8196721
079-f2p1-AcetunaPtedav  2/16/2012   12.21   0.8196721
079-f2p1-AcetunaPtegym  2/16/2012   12.21   0.8196721
079-f2p1-AcetunaPtepar  2/16/2012   12.23   2.459016
079-f2p1-AcetunaPteper  2/16/2012   12.21   0.8196721
079-f2p1-AcetunaRhotum  2/16/2012   12.217  13.93443
079-f2p1-AcetunaSacbil  2/16/2012   12.23   2.459016
079-f2p1-AcetunaSaclep  2/16/2012   12.215  12.29508

Thanks for any suggestions.  Excel will be a mess to try to do that.


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[R] Query on package to use for investment quotes

2013-01-28 Thread Bruce Miller

Hi all,

Diverging from my research based number crunching I am interested to see 
what, if any R packages are out there that can access daily market 
values of investment funds (e.g. using then store the data 
value (i.e. NAV =$11.56 ) with date retrieved so these can be plotted 
with ggplot2 on some regular basis.

A web search turned up a confusing and complex array of R prediction 
models etc. but I am looking for plain vanilla way to retrieve fund 
values and store the values.



Bruce W. Miller, Ph.D.
Conservation Ecologist
Neotropical Bat Projects

office details
11384 Alpine Road
Stanwood, Mi. 49346
Phone (231) 679-6059

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[R] Are there any package for sub-sampling data

2012-07-30 Thread Bruce Miller

Hi all,

I need to sub sample some large data sets.
The problem is using complete data samples for bats that are ± data per 
1-minute time blocks using acoustic data collection and a method I 
published some time back. Miller, B. W. 2001. A method for determining 
relative activity of free flying bats using a new activity index for 
acoustic monitoring. Acta Chiropterologica. 3: 93-105.

I am convinced after analyzing complete data for each night to derive 
relative abundance and species compositions that the consultants who are 
doing wind power monitoring and ONLY using 5 to 10 minute sub samples 
for each hour like the first 5 or 10 minutes are missing especially eh 
rare species that have only a few occurrences so misleading results.

Anyone have any suggestions to a field ecologists who is not a dyed in 
the wool stats person on how to sub sample the data sets and robustly 
test this hypothesis?

Happy to co-author a paper if some one is interested as I have the data.



Bruce W. Miller, Ph.D.
Conservation Ecologist
Neotropical Bat Projects

office details
11384 Alpine Road
Stanwood, Mi. 49346
Phone (231) 679-6059

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[R] Reshape2 sytax

2011-08-08 Thread Bruce Miller
Hi Hadley et all,

I am struggling with reshape2 and melt works and melt_check 
(filtered151) seems fine

My cast command was acast (filtered151, Time ~ Species ~ Number)

  melt_check (filtered151)
Using time, Species as id variables
[1] timeSpecies

[1] Number

When I execute cast the data matrix is in the correct order but the data 
values are not included.
Clearly I am missing something.  I expected / need to have the column 
values to  = the values from the input data set for each time block.

 Morbla Ptemac Ptepar Ptequa
0:00   0  0  0  0
0:15   0  0  0  0
0:30   0  0  0  0
0:45   0  0  0  0
1:00   0  0  0  0
1:15   0  0  0  0
1:30   0  0  0  0
1:45   0  0  0  0
18:45  0  0  0  0
19:00  0  0  0  0
19:15  0  0  0  0
19:30  0  0  0  0
19:45  0  0  0  0
2:00   0  0  0  0
2:15   0  0  0  0
2:30   0  0  0  0
2:45   0  0  0  0
20:00  0  0  0  1
20:15  0  0  0  0
20:30  0  0  0  0
20:45  0  0  0  0
21:00  0  0  0  0
21:15  0  0  0  0
21:30  0  0  0  0
21:45  0  0  0  0
22:00  0  0  0  0
22:15  0  0  0  0
22:30  0  0  0  0
22:45  0  0  0  0
23:00  0  0  0  0
23:15  0  0  0  0
23:30  0  0  0  0
23:45  0  0  0  0
3:00   0  0  0  0
3:15   0  0  0  0
3:30   0  0  0  0
3:45   0  0  0  0
4:00   0  0  0  0
4:15   0  0  0  0
4:30   0  0  0  0
4:45   0  0  0  0
5:00   0  0  0  0
5:15   0  0  0  0
5:30   0  0  0  0
5:45   0  0  0  0
6:00   0  0  0  0
6:15   0  0  0  0
6:30   0  0  0  0
6:45   0  0  0  0
7:00   0  0  0  0

Data is in long format like this:

TimeLabel   Number
0:00Morbla  2
0:00Ptemac  27
0:00Ptequa  21
0:00Ptequa  1
0:15Morbla  3
0:15Morbla  1
0:15Ptemac  18
0:15Ptequa  49
0:30Morbla  2
0:30Ptemac  7
0:30Ptepar  0
0:30Ptequa  18
0:45Morbla  2
0:45Ptemac  26
0:45Ptepar  1
0:45Ptequa  12
1:00Morbla  4
1:00Ptemac  18
1:00Ptepar  0
1:00Ptequa  20
1:15Morbla  4
1:15Ptemac  5
1:15Ptepar  1
1:15Ptequa  16



Bruce W. Miller, Ph.D.
Conservation Ecologist
Neotropical Bat Project

office details
Gallon Jug, Belize
Mailing address
P.O. Box 37, Belize City
Belize, Central America
Phone +501-220-9002

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[R] Anyone free to take a data format question for Reshape2?

2011-08-07 Thread Bruce Miller
I need to reformat long data into a wide format (matrix for another 
program) but it does not seem straight forward.

Can not seem to get it to work since some data elements are strings.

Anyone have  time to look at the issue?


Bruce W. Miller, Ph.D.
Conservation Ecologist
Neotropical Bat Project

office details
Gallon Jug, Belize
Mailing address
P.O. Box 37, Belize City
Belize, Central America
Phone +501-220-9002

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[R] Best package suggestion

2011-06-16 Thread Bruce Miller

Hi all,

What is the best package to use to evaluate correlations between events 
by time (species co-occurrence).


I would like to determine fi there is any solid relationship between the 
occurrence of critter A given critter B is present at a given time frame.


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