Re: [R] Getting the last day of the month.

2007-05-10 Thread Eric

For 2007:

seq(as.Date('2007-02-01'), length = 12, by = "mon") - 1

Current month:
seq( as.Date( format( Sys.Date(), "%Y-%m-01")), length = 2, by = 
"mon")[2] - 1


Patnaik, Tirthankar wrote:
> Hi,
>   Given a date, how do I get the last date of that month? I have
> data in the form MM, that I've read as a date using
>> x$Date <-
> as.Date(ISOdate(substr(x$YearEnd,1,4),substr(x$YearEnd,5,6),1))
> But this gives the first day of the month. To get the last day of the
> month, I tried 
>> as.Date(as.yearmon(x$Date,frac=0))
> But I don't get the last day of the month here. (Tried frac=1 too.)
> I then add a month to the date, substract one day from the resultant
> date. But this wouldn't work for December.
>> x$YearEnd
>  [1] 200203 200303 200403 200503 200603 200603 200312 200503 200603
> 200203 200303
> [12] 200403 200503 200512 200612 200203 200303 200403 200503 200603
>> x$Date <- as.Date(ISOdate(substr(x$YearEnd,1,4),
> + as.integer(substr(x$YearEnd,5,6))+1,
> + 1))-1
>> x$Date
>  [1] "2002-03-31" "2003-03-31" "2004-03-31" "2005-03-31" "2006-03-31"
> "2006-03-31"
>  [7] NA   "2005-03-31" "2006-03-31" "2002-03-31" "2003-03-31"
> "2004-03-31"
> [13] "2005-03-31" NA   NA   "2002-03-31" "2003-03-31"
> "2004-03-31"
> [19] "2005-03-31" "2006-03-31"
> So I add a year, and set the month to 1 in a quick function.
>> GetEOM <- function(mm=200406){
>   year <- as.integer(substr(mm,1,4))
>   month <- as.integer(substr(mm,5,6))
>   if (month==12){
>   date <- as.Date(ISOdate(year+1,1,1))-1
>   }else{
>   date <- as.Date(ISOdate(year,month+1,1))-1
>   }
>   print(date)
> }
> x$Date <- as.vector(sapply(x$YearEnd,GetEOM))
> str(x$Date)
> Is there a simpler way to do this please?
> TIA and best,
> -Tir
> Tirthankar Patnaik
> India Strategy
> Citigroup Investment Research
> +91-22-6631 9887
> __
> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] CGIwithR and visible output of 'invisible(capture.output(library(...)))'

2007-01-26 Thread Eric
library(R2HTML, verbose = FALSE)

Leo Gürtler wrote:
> Dear alltogether,
> I want to use CGIwithR in conjunction with R2HTML.
> A small example called 'test.R':
> #
> #! /usr/bin/R
> invisible(capture.output(library(R2HTML)))
> HTML(summary(as.numeric(scanText(formData$numbers))), file=stdout())
> #
> The script gets its input via 'CGIwithR.cgi' and contains the variable
> "numbers."
> The 'HTML' output (-> summary() in this example) goes well, but the
> loading of the R2HTML library is also printed (!) in the resulting html
> page.
> As I took the example from the original CGIwithR examples and I also
> read the manpages of invisible() and capture.output(), I do not find a
> logical reason why this still happens.
> Deleting the line with "invisible ... library().." and adding
> 'library(R2HTML)' to .Rprofile does not solve the problem.
> I use ubuntu edgy, R Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01)
> best wishes,
> leo
> PS: the output is (uncut)
> <>
> MiniUnz 1.01b, demo of zLib + Unz package written by Gilles Vollant more
> info at
> /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/R2HTML/output/ opened
> extracting: ASCIIMathML.js extracting: factor.gif extracting:
> gridR2HTML.css extracting: gridR2HTML.js extracting: numeric.gif
> extracting: Pastel.css extracting: R2HTML.css extracting: R2HTMLlogo.gif
> creating directory: runtime/ creating directory: runtime/lib/
> extracting: runtime/lib/grid.js extracting: runtime/readme.txt creating
> directory: runtime/styles/ creating directory: runtime/styles/classic/
> extracting: runtime/styles/classic/gecko.xml extracting:
> runtime/styles/classic/grid.css extracting:
> runtime/styles/classic/grid.png extracting:
> runtime/styles/classic/icons.png extracting:
> runtime/styles/classic/loading.gif creating directory:
> runtime/styles/flat/ extracting: runtime/styles/flat/gecko.xml
> extracting: runtime/styles/flat/grid.css extracting:
> runtime/styles/flat/grid.png extracting: runtime/styles/flat/icons.png
> extracting: runtime/styles/flat/loading.gif creating directory:
> runtime/styles/xp/ extracting: runtime/styles/xp/gecko.xml extracting:
> runtime/styles/xp/grid.css extracting: runtime/styles/xp/grid.png
> extracting: runtime/styles/xp/icons.png extracting:
> runtime/styles/xp/loading.gif extracting: SciViews.css extracting:
> __
> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] R in Industry

2007-02-07 Thread Eric

Conversely, unqualified(*) candidates are nearly guaranteed to find 
support scarce here.

More seriously, free job boards, highly targeted like the one proposed 
do seem to get enough traffic to make it worth the effort to post there. 
One example serving the US market for market research is here:

Heck, it could even become a revenue resource for the R Project 
foundation if members and supporting institutions got little gold stars 
with their postings or some such.


* Defined as "Unable to follow posting guidelines."

Bert Gunter wrote:
> "... two main drawbacks of R at our firm (as viewed by our IT dept) are lack
> of
> guaranteed support as well as the difficulty in finding candidates.
> -- Just an aside: "lack of guaranteed support" -- absolutely true in theory,
> absolutely false in practice. I doubt that the voluntary support found on
> r-help and other R lists can be matched by the "guaranteed" support of any
> commercial software product. Not that this makes a difference to the IT
> group's requirements, of course...
> Cheers,
> Bert
> __
> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] RSPerl Causes Segfaults with Perl 5.8.0 and R 1.9.1 on Redhat9

2004-09-17 Thread Eric
RSPerl causes random segfaults (it occassionally works) in
Rf_isValidName () from /usr/lib/R/bin/ when I call wilcox.test
on some perl array references.  This is with R built from the
r-project source RPM modified to have the --enable-shared-R option and
RSPerl built with the default options, except for having to set
PERL_MODULES to not include modperl or Apache.

any ideas?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide!

[R] randomForest partialPlot x.var through function

2005-05-13 Thread Eric Archer
I'm trying to set up a function which calls the partialPlot function but 
am getting an error that I can't seem to solve.  Here's a simplified 
version of the function and error...

> pplot <- 
> attach(acoust)
> acoust.rf <- 
+   Lisso+FerPsu+Glob+mixspotspin+mixother+mixed+Size,
+   data=acoust,importance=TRUE,keep.forest=TRUE)
> cruise.pp <- pplot(acoust.rf,Cruise)
Error in "[.data.frame"(, , xname) :
   undefined columns selected

Here's the traceback call...
> traceback()
6: stop("undefined columns selected")
5: "[.data.frame"(, , xname)
4:[, xname]
3: partialPlot.randomForest(x = rf, = acoust, x.var = pred.var)
2: partialPlot(x = rf, = acoust, x.var = pred.var)
1: pplot(acoust.rf, Cruise)
From the partialPlot help file, the "[, xname]" seems to apply 
to the "" argument which reads, "if 'x.var' is continuous, the 
number of points on the grid for evaluating partial dependence."

It is not clear to me what "xname" is or where it is defined.  If it is 
supposed to be "x.var" where does it get assigned?  I've tried"xname") to no useful avail that I could tell.
Second, in my case, "acoust$Cruise" is a factor and the line

> cruise.pp <- partialPlot(acoust.rf,acoust,Cruise)
produces the proper plot.
Which leads me to belive that I'm doing something wrong in how I'm 
passing "Cruise" through "pred.var" in the function call to "x.var", but 
I can't figure out how to properly correct it.

Thanks in advance for any pointers.
Eric Archer, Ph.D.
8604 La Jolla Shores Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92037
"Lighthouses are more helpful than churches."
   - Benjamin Franklin
"Cogita tute" - Think for yourself
__ mailing list
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RE: [R] attached file with syntax error

2005-05-20 Thread Eric Lecoutre


You just can't end vector declaration with a comma...

> x <- c(0,1,)
Error: syntax error
> x <- c(0,1)


Eric Lecoutre
UCL /  Institut de Statistique
Voie du Roman Pays, 20
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

tel: (+32)(0)10473050

If the statistics are boring, then you've got the wrong numbers. -Edward

> -Original Message-
> Sent: vendredi 20 mai 2005 11:39
> To:
> Subject: [R] attached file with syntax error
> oops, I forgot to attach the example txt file with the syntax 
> error, so I will do it here, can anyone see what the error is 
> with bryansAtLineLevel?

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[R] Question on read.table

2005-05-24 Thread Dubé, Eric

This is possbible to read AREMOS file with read.table function. The AREMOS
format come from DRI-WEFA and is uses with Eviews


AVIS DE NON-RESPONSABILITE:\ Ce document transmis par courri...{{dropped}}

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RE: [R] a more elegant approach to getting the majority level

2005-05-26 Thread Eric Lecoutre
You could also use:

> names(rev(sort(table(x[1]

There is nonetheless a difference if there are several levels which
provides this maximum.
This method will only return one, yours would return all those levels
(which may not be desirable for some others processing).



Eric Lecoutre
UCL /  Institut de Statistique
Voie du Roman Pays, 20
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

tel: (+32)(0)10473050

If the statistics are boring, then you've got the wrong numbers. -Edward

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rajarshi Guha
> Sent: jeudi 26 mai 2005 16:37
> To: R
> Subject: [R] a more elegant approach to getting the majority level
> Hi, I have a factor and I would like to find the most frequent level.
> I think my current approach is a bit long winded and I was 
> wondering if there was a more elegant way to do it:
> x <- factor(sample(1:0, 5,replace=TRUE))
> levels(x)[ which( as.logical((table(x) == max(table(x == TRUE ) ]
> (The length of x will always be an odd number, so I wont get a tie in
> max())
> Thanks,
> ---
> Rajarshi Guha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <>
> GPG Fingerprint: 0CCA 8EE2 2EEB 25E2 AB04 06F7 1BB9 E634 9B87 56EE
> ---
> Alcohol, an alternative to your self
> - 'Alcohol' by the Bare Naked Ladies
> __
> mailing list 
> PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

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RE: [R] DEM calculation

2005-06-02 Thread Eric Lecoutre

You can use ´expand.grid'

» expand.grid(x=seq(42.2,45.2,by=1),y=seq(50.5,51.5,by=1))
1 42.2 50.5
2 43.2 50.5
3 44.2 50.5
4 45.2 50.5
5 42.2 51.5
6 43.2 51.5
7 44.2 51.5
8 45.2 51.5


Eric Lecoutre
UCL /  Institut de Statistique
Voie du Roman Pays, 20
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

tel: (+32)(0)10473050

If the statistics are boring, then you've got the wrong numbers. -Edward

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lars Claussen
> Sent: jeudi 2 juin 2005 10:56
> To:
> Subject: [R] DEM calculation
> Hello R-World,
> i am trying to calculate data for a DEM (Digital Elavation 
> Model) which i also want to plot in R. i have the coordinates 
> for the lower left corner which look something like this:
> x<-42,2
> y<-50,5
> besides i have the cellsize of the grid, which is:
> z<-1,1
> what i do is to calculate the corrdinates of the cells to the 
> right and top, what i can do by specifying the number of rows 
> and columns. these are j<-1:805 (columns) i<-1:616 (rows)
> well, to calculate them seperatly is easy:
> r<-x+(i-1)*z
> h<-y+(j-1)*z
> but i can't get it straight how to create a data frame with 
> two rows, one for the x- the other for the y-coordinate. The 
> problem is, that lots of values have to be repeated as every  
> first row x-coordinate has the same y-coordinate and so on.
> finally it should look like this:
> xy
> 42,2   50,5
> 43,3   50,5
> 44,4   50,5
> 45,5   50,5
>  . .
>  . .
> 42,2   51,5
> 43,3   51,5
> 44,3   51,5
> any suggestion? thanks in advance, Lars Claussen
> __
> mailing list 
> PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide!

RE: [R] R code for performance

2005-06-06 Thread Eric Lecoutre

You could use the benchmark created by Philippe Grosjean to compare
various statistical packages. You will find it at:

Note that you have to ensure to have installed packages: Matrix and



Eric Lecoutre
UCL /  Institut de Statistique
Voie du Roman Pays, 20
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

tel: (+32)(0)10473050

If the statistics are boring, then you've got the wrong numbers. -Edward

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Sent: lundi 6 juin 2005 10:10
> To: r-help
> Subject: [R] R code for performance
> At office I'm cautiously introducing R to be used as the 
> basic statistical program, getting rid of licensed stuff or 
> reducing the amount of it. The aim of R would be to run 
> generic statistical programs built & "consumed" when needed 
> and some static procedure dealing with time-series. Now, we 
> have substantially 3 OS platforms, win xp, linux and freebsd 
> 5.4, on similar PCs (pentium 4, 2-2.5 GHz). I have been asked 
> by the boss to test the "average" performance (in term of 
> speed and memory use) of R on each of this platform to stick 
> with one of them on a couple of PCs.
> Could you please suggest an R source code (apart from the 
> "static procedure" I will obviously test) to be run on the 
> three platforms to test performance?
> If there is nothing of the kind, any suggestion?
> Ciao
> Vittorio
> __
> mailing list 
> PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

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[R] ROMA project (R Output MAnager) / Progress report / Call for contributors

2005-06-06 Thread Eric Lecoutre

Hello useRs,

This email is about the ROMA project, the implementation in pure S of a
reporting system for R. Several month ago, I did then send on R-help a
survey on that (mainly: what features did you expect for a reporting
system). During the following months, I did try different approaches for
the core functionalities, ending now with a set of generic functions of
which I am satisfied. More details about the coding later for those who
are interested.

Basically, my purpose is to provide to R a mechanism to describe
outputs, in term of structure/content. Then, some driver functions would
handle output object to export them in HTML, LaTeX, RTF, raw text, and
so on.
While progressing in that project, I also did realize that it could even
be an intersting alternative to "print." method: each package creator
who write a "print.myclass" function only needs to describe output. If
he could do that once and benefit from HTML, TeX,... this would be of
great advantage.

I am currently seeking for a new job and I dont know if I will have time
later to go on with that project, which appears to be rather big. That's
why I am searching for collaborators. Anyone interested in reporting may
help. See below for a (non exhaustive) list of tasks / competences. I
have to say that in any cases I am interested in keeping involved in
that problematic.

My latest implementation consists in 2 x 1000 lines of highly commented
code. Mainly 1000 lines for the core functions and 1000 lines for the
beginning of the HTML export driver. Each output object consist of a XML
internal representation (using Duncan Temple Lang XML package), which
gives folowing advantages:
- any output structure could be described (even "non-linear")
- any output "brick" could contain things and have properties (that's
XML node / properties)
- we do have a DOM directly
- XML exportation driver is already functional

Some goals which are already achieved:
- describing complex tables (with merged cells, containing footnotes
- representing output as internal objects (for storing/further
manipulating purposes)
- manipulating those output objects ("+" operator, changing properties)

There is some work for volonteers in numerous areas:
- reading my actual code and helping to improve it
- thinking about required fundamentals "bricks" to describe outputs
(footnote, p-value, comment, are some sample such "bricks")
- implementing functions that describes some standards outputs
- implementing exporting drivers: LaTeX, native PDF, RTF, raw tex
- ...

Please let me know if you are interested in particpating to this
project. If there are enough participants, I will consider using a
shared platform such as freshmeat or other.


Eric Lecoutre
UCL /  Institut de Statistique
Voie du Roman Pays, 20
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

tel: (+32)(0)10473050

If the statistics are boring, then you've got the wrong numbers. -Edward

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PLEASE do read the posting guide!

RE: [R] htlm3D made4

2005-06-07 Thread Eric Lecoutre

have you tried using Google using keyword "made4" ???

The second item gives:

Package: made4. Description: Multivariate data analysis and graphical
display of
microarray data. Functions include between group analysis and coinertia
... - 2k - 6
Jun 2005 - Cached - Similar pages 

And then later:


ps: google is your best friend

Eric Lecoutre
UCL /  Institut de Statistique
Voie du Roman Pays, 20
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

tel: (+32)(0)10473050

If the statistics are boring, then you've got the wrong numbers. -Edward

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Navarre Sabine
> Sent: mardi 7 juin 2005 15:15
> To:
> Subject: [R] htlm3D made4
> Hi,
> I would like to know if people have found the package made4 
> to load! I would like the .zip
> If you have the @ on internet to load it please give me it!
> Thanks a lot,
> Sabine
> -
>   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> __
> mailing list 
> PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

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[R] lme model specification

2005-06-09 Thread Eric Hack
Dear All,


I am trying to specify the following fixed effects model for lme:

y ~ constant1 - beta1*(x - beta2)

where y is the response, x is the independent variable, and the
operators above are real arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction,
and multiplication.  I realize that this model is just a
reparameterization of y=beta0+beta1*x, but I am using this
parameterization because I am specifically interested in confidence
bounds for beta2.


I have looked at the help, but the closest hint I find is the I()
function, and that does not seem to work this way.  


I confess that I am actually using S-plus, but there does not seem to be
a resource like this list for S-plus.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Kind regards,



[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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RE: [R] lme model specification

2005-06-09 Thread Eric Hack
Thanks for the response.  It is actually a repeated measures study, I
just mention the fixed effects specification because I think I know the
random effect specification, i.e.:
Random = ~ 1|subject

And thanks for the tip about the nonlinear model and the S-plus list.  I
will check out nlme and the other list.


On 6/9/05, Eric Hack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am trying to specify the following fixed effects model for lme:

If you have a linear fixed-effects model you should use lm, not lme.

> y ~ constant1 - beta1*(x - beta2)
> where y is the response, x is the independent variable, and the
> operators above are real arithmetic operations of addition,
> and multiplication.  I realize that this model is just a
> reparameterization of y=beta0+beta1*x, but I am using this
> parameterization because I am specifically interested in confidence
> bounds for beta2.

You would need to fit that as a nonlinear model.  In reference to such
models "linear" means "linear in the parameters" and that model isn't.

> I have looked at the help, but the closest hint I find is the I()
> function, and that does not seem to work this way.
> I confess that I am actually using S-plus, but there does not seem to
> a resource like this list for S-plus.

Look for the S-news email list (

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[R] c(recursive=TRUE)

2005-06-14 Thread Eric Lecoutre

Hi R users,

I am currently using c(...,recursive=TRUE) to handle list-structured
This allows to represent something like:

> l1 = list(level1=1,level2=list(sub1=1,sub2=2))
> (l1names = names(c(l1,recursive=TRUE)))
[1] "level1"  "level2.sub1" "level2.sub2"

Then, one can use:
> (l1names = sapply(l1names,FUN=function(element)
[1] "level1"

[1] "level2" "sub1"  

[1] "level2" "sub2"  

Which allows to access to individuals terminal nodes of list using
indexing, as 
l1[[c("level2","sub2")]] nicely works in R.

For my very specific uses, it unfortunatelt happens that some elements
of my list do have names that contains a dot (for example:
decimal.mark). This is very frustating as a consequence is that my
function does not work in that case...

One workaround would be to add an argument to c(), as delimitor='.' by
default, allowing to put a less usual delimitor (say "§"). But this
would mean changing in C (feature request?). Same for "unlist".

Is there any other easy way to get the structure of a list?


Eric Lecoutre
UCL /  Institut de Statistique
Voie du Roman Pays, 20
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

tel: (+32)(0)10473050

If the statistics are boring, then you've got the wrong numbers. -Edward

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide!

Re: [R] quick way to construct formula

2005-06-29 Thread Eric Lecoutre

Here is a way: it uses 'paste' but I dont think it is a problem anyway
to use it.
Nevertheless, it is surely a bad idea to fit any model with more than
25 terms...

>   main_effects = paste(nam,collapse="+")
>   inter <- outer(nam,nam,paste,sep=":")
>   inter <- paste(inter[upper.tri(inter)],collapse="+")
>   log_effects <- paste("log(",nam,")",sep="",collapse="+")
~x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x1:x2 + x1:x3 + 
x2:x3 + x1:x4 + x2:x4 + x3:x4 + x1:x5 + x2:x5 + x3:x5 + x4:x5 + 
x1:x6 + x2:x6 + x3:x6 + x4:x6 + x5:x6 + x1:x7 + x2:x7 + x3:x7 + 
x4:x7 + x5:x7 + x6:x7 + x1:x8 + x2:x8 + x3:x8 + x4:x8 + x5:x8 + 
x6:x8 + x7:x8 + x1:x9 + x2:x9 + x3:x9 + x4:x9 + x5:x9 + x6:x9 + 
x7:x9 + x8:x9 + x1:x10 + x2:x10 + x3:x10 + x4:x10 + x5:x10 + 
x6:x10 + x7:x10 + x8:x10 + x9:x10 + log(x1) + log(x2) + log(x3) + 
log(x4) + log(x5) + log(x6) + log(x7) + log(x8) + log(x9) + 



Eric Lecoutre
UCL /  Institut de Statistique
Voie du Roman Pays, 20
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

tel: (+32)(0)10473050

If the statistics are boring, then you've got the wrong numbers. -Edward

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Luke
> Sent: mercredi 29 juin 2005 4:49
> To:
> Subject: [R] quick way to construct formula
> Dear R users,
> I have a data with 1000 variables named "x1", "x2", ..., 
> "x1000", and I want to construct a formula like this format:
> ~x1+x2+...+x1000+x1:x2+x1:x3+x999:x1000+log(x1)+...+log(x1000)
> That is: the base variables followed by all interaction terms 
> and all base feature log-transformations. I know I can use 
> several paste functions to construct it. But is there any 
> other handy way to do it?
> -Luke
> __
> mailing list 
> PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

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[R] Sample Datasets for binary classifiers

2005-07-12 Thread Eric Rodriguez

I hope I'm not totally Off Topic, but I'm actually working on binary
classifier with probabilistic output [0 -> 1]. I tested my methods
with some sample datasets from UCI Database but I'm still in need of
some samples. Especially, I'm looking for binary datasets with a
probabilistic information of belonging to one of the two classes.
for example, not only values X_1..X_n  associated with a class Y = (C1
or C2) but rather the probability of belonging to class C2  (or
equivalently C1).
Maybe I could generate this probabilistic Y with some bayesian network
but I was wondering if there are other datasets or ideas that could
help me.

Thanks and don't hesitate to ask extra information if my request is
not understandable.


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[R] 3d scatter plot

2005-07-15 Thread Eric Hu
Hi, I ran into a dilemma trying to plot the following data in a 3d 
scatter fashion. My data are not always increasing as persp() expects. 
For now I use scatterplot3d to get points in a 3d scatter plot. I 
wonder if I have any way to plot the surfaces. Thanks!


sample data

-0.50 0.40 1.281
-0.50 0.45 1.795
-0.50 0.50 1.766
-0.40 0.35 1.595
-0.40 0.40 1.388
-0.40 0.45 2.344
-0.40 0.50 2.179
-0.30 0.35 1.792
-0.30 0.40 2.349
-0.30 0.45 1.682
-0.30 0.50 1.493
-0.20 0.35 1.836
-0.20 0.40 2.186
-0.20 0.45 1.863
-0.20 0.50 1.775
-0.10 0.25 2.991
-0.10 0.30 2.426
-0.10 0.35 1.954
-0.10 0.40 1.136
-0.10 0.45 1.438
-0.10 0.50 1.429
-0.05 0.30 2.163
-0.05 0.35 1.953
-0.05 0.40 1.672
-0.05 0.45 1.688
-0.05 0.50 1.963

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide!

Re: [R] 3d scatter plot

2005-07-15 Thread Eric Hu
Hey Sundar

I guess it works indeed. I had made a stupid mistake. Thanks.

On Jul 15, 2005, at 11:24 AM, Sundar Dorai-Raj wrote:

> Hi, Eric,
> I plotted a surface using the first two columns as x and y and the 
> third column for z:
> library(lattice)
> v <- read.table("clipboard")
> names(v) <- c("x", "y", "z")
> wireframe(z ~ x * y, data = v)
> The result is attached. Am I missing something?
> Thanks,
> --sundar
> Eric Hu wrote:
>> Ok, I don't think x and y lay on a rectangle which explains why 
>> wireframe does not work. BTW, I am really new to R and maybe you can 
>> plot those data to prove that I am wrong. Thanks.
>> Eric
>> On Jul 15, 2005, at 10:56 AM, Sundar Dorai-Raj wrote:
>>> Eric Hu wrote:
>>>> Hi, I ran into a dilemma trying to plot the following data in a 3d 
>>>> scatter fashion. My data are not always increasing as persp() 
>>>> expects. For now I use scatterplot3d to get points in a 3d scatter 
>>>> plot. I wonder if I have any way to plot the surfaces. Thanks!
>>>> Eric
>>>> sample data
>>>> -0.50 0.40 1.281
>>>> -0.50 0.45 1.795
>>>> -0.50 0.50 1.766
>>>> -0.40 0.35 1.595
>>>> -0.40 0.40 1.388
>>>> -0.40 0.45 2.344
>>>> -0.40 0.50 2.179
>>>> -0.30 0.35 1.792
>>>> -0.30 0.40 2.349
>>>> -0.30 0.45 1.682
>>>> -0.30 0.50 1.493
>>>> -0.20 0.35 1.836
>>>> -0.20 0.40 2.186
>>>> -0.20 0.45 1.863
>>>> -0.20 0.50 1.775
>>>> -0.10 0.25 2.991
>>>> -0.10 0.30 2.426
>>>> -0.10 0.35 1.954
>>>> -0.10 0.40 1.136
>>>> -0.10 0.45 1.438
>>>> -0.10 0.50 1.429
>>>> -0.05 0.30 2.163
>>>> -0.05 0.35 1.953
>>>> -0.05 0.40 1.672
>>>> -0.05 0.45 1.688
>>>> -0.05 0.50 1.963
>>> ?wireframe in the lattice package may help.
>>> --sundar

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Re: [R] Cochran-Armitage-trend-test

2005-07-28 Thread Eric Lecoutre
Hi there,

I often do receive some mails about this piece of code regarding
Cochran-Armitage or Mantel Chi square.
The archived mail does unfortunately lack some pieces of code (function
I copy there all my raw code that I did implement to mimic SAS PROC FREQ
statistics regarding the analysis of contingency tables. Whoever is
interested to take it and rework it a little bit (for example redefining
outputs so that they suits a htest object) is welcome.

Best wishes,



# R functions to provides statistics on contingency tables
# Mimics SAS PROC FREQ outputs
# Implementation is the one described in SAS PROC FREQ manual

# Eric Lecoutre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

# Feel free to use / modify / document / add to a package



for (i in 1:nr) {
for (j in 1:nc) {



#   1 - row
#   2 - columns

# Methods for ranks are
# x - default
# rank
# ridit
# modridit

if (method=="table")
if (is.null(dimnames(x))) return(1:(dim(x)[MARGIN]))
else {
### method is a rank one

if (method=="ranks") out=ranks
if (method=="ridit") out=ranks/(sum(x))
if (method=="modridit") out=ranks/(sum(x)+1)



# Statistic
tmp2=sqrt(sum((Q*Aij - P*Dij)^2 * x))
# Test  
var0=(4/(P+Q)^2) * (sum(x*(Aij-Dij)^2) - ((P-Q)^2)/sum(x))
# Output


# statistic

# ASE   
tmp2= sum(x * dij^2) - (P-Q)^2/n

# Test  
# Output

l's tau-c",bornes=c(-1,1))

# Statistic
wr=n^2 - sum(apply(x,1,sum)^2)
wc=n^2 - sum(apply(x,2,sum)^2)
vij=outer(nidot,ndotj, FUN=function(a,b) return(a*wc+b*wr))
tmp2= sum(x*(2*w*dij + taub*vij)^2)
# Test
var0=4/(wr*wc) * (sum(x*(Aij-Dij)^2) - (P-Q)^2/n)
# Output

endall's tau-b",bornes=c(-1,1))

# dep: which dime

[R] passing variable to formula environment

2005-08-03 Thread Eric Archer
List gurus,

I'm trying to code a Gompertz growth curve function as part of a larger 
project and have run across a problem due to my ignorance of 
environments. Some sample data and the function are as follows:

growth <- data.frame(age = c(1.92, 3, 5.83, 3.17, 15.5, 1.17, 5.58, 
13.33, 14.29, 5.83, 13.79, 6.33, 13.75, 16.83, 13, 11.67, 0.25, 1.73, 
9.46, 5.67), length = c(157, 165, 179, 171, 195, 135, 179, 193, 194, 
186, 196, 186, 210, 200, 189, 194, 106, 161, 188, 159))

# return gompertz fit
Gompertz <- function(data,Xintercept,Lzero,start) {
  gomp <- formula(length ~ Lzero * exp(k * (1 - exp(-g * (age - 

When I run the function, I get the following error:

 > Gompertz(growth,0,87,list(k=0.5,g=0.5))
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Object "Lzero" not found

After reading through the help files on 'nls', 'formula', 'model.frame', 
and 'environment', I understand that the formula gets evaluated in the 
environment in which it is created, and in my case, "Lzero" is not 
defined in that environment, but I'm still shaky on the environment 
concept and can't figure out how to pass or include "Lzero" in the 
environment that nls is evaluating gomp and data in.

I have tried redefining "gomp" in the function as:

gomp <- as.formula("length ~ Lzero * exp(k * (1 - exp(-g * (age - 
# thinking that 'environment()' refers to environment of Gompertz 
function where Lzero exists

gomp <- as.formula("length ~ Lzero * exp(k * (1 - exp(-g * (age - 
# trying to explicitly force it

gomp <- as.formula("length ~ Lzero * exp(k * (1 - exp(-g * (age - 
# my guess at what formula(x,...) does

...but I get the same error. Since I'm still trying to wrap my head 
around environments and evaluation in R, the solution to this will be 
very educational.  Thanks in advance.



Eric Archer, Ph.D.
8604 La Jolla Shores Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92037

"Lighthouses are more helpful than churches."
- Benjamin Franklin

"Cogita tute" - Think for yourself

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide!

Re: [R] passing variable to formula environment

2005-08-03 Thread Eric Archer
Most excellent Sundar!  Thanks so much!


Sundar Dorai-Raj wrote:

> Eric Archer wrote:
>> List gurus,
>> I'm trying to code a Gompertz growth curve function as part of a 
>> larger project and have run across a problem due to my ignorance of 
>> environments. Some sample data and the function are as follows:
>> growth <- data.frame(age = c(1.92, 3, 5.83, 3.17, 15.5, 1.17, 5.58, 
>> 13.33, 14.29, 5.83, 13.79, 6.33, 13.75, 16.83, 13, 11.67, 0.25, 1.73, 
>> 9.46, 5.67), length = c(157, 165, 179, 171, 195, 135, 179, 193, 194, 
>> 186, 196, 186, 210, 200, 189, 194, 106, 161, 188, 159))
>> # return gompertz fit
>> Gompertz <- function(data,Xintercept,Lzero,start) {
>>   gomp <- formula(length ~ Lzero * exp(k * (1 - exp(-g * (age - 
>> Xintercept)
>>   nls(formula=gomp,data=data,start=start)
>> }
>> When I run the function, I get the following error:
>>  > Gompertz(growth,0,87,list(k=0.5,g=0.5))
>> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Object "Lzero" not found
>> After reading through the help files on 'nls', 'formula', 
>> 'model.frame', and 'environment', I understand that the formula gets 
>> evaluated in the environment in which it is created, and in my case, 
>> "Lzero" is not defined in that environment, but I'm still shaky on 
>> the environment concept and can't figure out how to pass or include 
>> "Lzero" in the environment that nls is evaluating gomp and data in.
>> I have tried redefining "gomp" in the function as:
>> gomp <- as.formula("length ~ Lzero * exp(k * (1 - exp(-g * (age - 
>> Xintercept",environment()) # thinking that 'environment()' refers 
>> to environment of Gompertz function where Lzero exists
>> gomp <- as.formula("length ~ Lzero * exp(k * (1 - exp(-g * (age - 
>> Xintercept",environment(Gompertz))
>> # trying to explicitly force it
>> gomp <- as.formula("length ~ Lzero * exp(k * (1 - exp(-g * (age - 
>> Xintercept",new.env())
>> # my guess at what formula(x,...) does
>> ...but I get the same error. Since I'm still trying to wrap my head 
>> around environments and evaluation in R, the solution to this will be 
>> very educational.  Thanks in advance.
>> Cheers,
>> e.
> Hi, Eric,
> I think the easiest way to do this is to use substitute:
> # return gompertz fit
> Gompertz <- function(data, Xintercept, Lzero, start) {
>   gomp <- substitute(length ~ Lzero * exp(k * (1 - exp(-g * (age - 
> Xintercept,
>  list(Xintercept = Xintercept, Lzero = Lzero))
>   nls(gomp, data, start)
> }
> Gompertz(growth, 0, 87, list(k = 0.5, g = 0.5))
> HTH,
> --sundar


Eric Archer, Ph.D.
8604 La Jolla Shores Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92037

"Lighthouses are more helpful than churches."
- Benjamin Franklin

"Cogita tute" - Think for yourself

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[R] spline curves in R

2005-08-09 Thread Eric yang
Dear all,
Is it possible to calculate the first and second derivatives of a cubic spline 
curve (interpolating through the points) as opposed to a smoothing spline? 
If so, how is this done? Is it also possible to find the equation of the spline 
curve that is fitted?
Any help is much appreciated.


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[R] nested mixed-effect model: variance components

2006-06-08 Thread Eric Pante
Dear listers,

I am trying to assess variance components for a nested, mixed-effects 
model. I think I got an answer that make sense from R, but I have a 
warning message and I wanted to check that what I am looking at is 
actually what I need:

my data are organized as transects within stations, stations within 
habitats, habitats within lagoons.
lagoons: random, habitats: fixed
the question is: how much variation is due to lagoons? habitats? 
lagoons*habitat? transects?

Here is my code:


and I get Sum Sq for each to calculate variance components:

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq
STRATE  5 4493.1   898.6

Error: ATOLL
   Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Residuals  5 3340.5   668.1

   Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Residuals 18 2442.71  135.71

Error: Within
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Residuals 145 6422.044.3

My error message seems to come from the LAGOON/HABITAT, the Error is 
Warning message: Error() model is singular in: aov(COVER ~ HABITAT + 


Eric Pante

College of Charleston, Grice Marine Laboratory
205 Fort Johnson Road, Charleston SC 29412
Phone: 843-953-9190 (lab)  -9200 (main office)

"On ne force pas la curiosite, on l'eveille ..."
Daniel Pennac

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[R] plot two graphs with different length of data

2006-06-12 Thread Eric Hu
Hi I am trying to plot two data set in the same picture window without
overlapping with each other. I am using the format plot(x1,y1,x2,y2)
but get the following error message:

Error in plot.window(xlim, ylim, log, asp, ...) :
invalid 'ylim' value

Can anyone tell me what went wrong? Thanks.


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Re: [R] plot two graphs with different length of data

2006-06-12 Thread Eric Hu
Thanks Jim. This seems to work for my case already.


On 6/13/06, Jim Lemon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Eric Hu wrote:
> > Hi I am trying to plot two data set in the same picture window without
> > overlapping with each other. I am using the format plot(x1,y1,x2,y2)
> > but get the following error message:
> >
> >
> >>plot(as.numeric(r0[,4]),as.numeric(r0[,7]),as.numeric(r0[,4]),as.numeric(r0[,7][ind[,1]]))
> >
> > Error in plot.window(xlim, ylim, log, asp, ...) :
> > invalid 'ylim' value
> >
> > Can anyone tell me what went wrong? Thanks.
> plot is probably interpreting one of your data vectors as the ylim
> argument. If you want to plot multiple data series of different lengths,
> it is probably simplest to use points() (or lines()) after plotting the
> first one. For an example of this, see:
> Jim

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Re: [R] plot two graphs with different length of data

2006-06-15 Thread Eric Hu
thank you, Joerg. I am able to use points() to add the new data in the
current plot.


On 6/13/06, Joerg van den Hoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Eric Hu wrote:
> > Hi I am trying to plot two data set in the same picture window without
> > overlapping with each other. I am using the format plot(x1,y1,x2,y2)
> > but get the following error message:
> >
> >> plot(as.numeric(r0[,4]),as.numeric(r0[,7]),as.numeric(r0[,4]),as.numeric(r0[,7][ind[,1]]))
> > Error in plot.window(xlim, ylim, log, asp, ...) :
> > invalid 'ylim' value
> >
> > Can anyone tell me what went wrong? Thanks.
> >
> > Eric
> >
> > __
> > mailing list
> >
> > PLEASE do read the posting guide! 
> >
> matplot(cbind(x1,x2), cbind(y1,y2)) might be what you want.
> (if x1, x2 and y1,y2 are of equal length. otherwise pad the short  ones
> with NAs or use  `matplot' with type =n (to get the scaling of the plot
> right), followed by `plot(x1,y1), lines(x2,y2)')

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[R] running R in batch with stdin input

2006-06-15 Thread Eric Hu
Hi I have a R script that needs to run a few times for different
systems. I use R --no-save < r.script for one system. I am trying with
no luck to use R CMD BATCH to introduce an stdin input variable for
the script. I wonder if anyone can provide the correct usage to put
the variable in the command like R CMD BATCH r.script name_variable.



In the r.script I have

name <- readline("/dev/stdin")
r0 <- read.table("/usr/local/surface/$name/$name_c_r")

I want to get at the end:

name <- "1BRS"
r0 <- read.table("/usr/local/surface/1BRS/1BRS_c_r")

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[R] Maximum length of R GUI input line?

2006-08-18 Thread Eric Fegraus

I'm using R 2.3.1 on Windows.

I'm generating some very long SQL statements. I do this by using paste() which 
will contain many strings and variables.  I'm getting an error when the the 
total line length is longer than about 1013 characters.  For example, it works 
with the line containing 1013 characters and not when it is 1059.

I've looked into adjusting the options(width) and a handful of other settings.  
 I have a feeling there is some other setting i'm missing that i can adjust.

Any ideas?


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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] "unvector" ?

2006-09-11 Thread Eric Elguero
Hi ev'rybody,

is there a way to pass a vector to a function
expecting separate arguments?
more specifically, I have a character vector, say u
and I want a single string, but
doesn't work, so I would like something like 

I am interested in a solution to the general problem too,
as the only one I found is maintaining two versions of the
functions I write.

Eric Elguero
Equipe "Evolution des Systemes Symbiotiques"
911 avenue Agropolis, BP 64501,
34394 Montpellier cedex 5 FRANCE

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[R] bootstrapping for clustering

2005-09-14 Thread Eric Pante
Dear R-listers,

Is anyone familiar with a package that would perform bootstrapping on 
species/site matrices for clustering ? So far I have been using the 
vegan package to generate trees (Bray-Curtis index), but I would like 
to associate a certainty to each node (similarly to a phylogenetic 
If no package exist, I would know how to generate bootstrapped matrices 
of distance, but how could I plot the results ? Graphically, I am 
looking for something similar to what is available from the pvclust 
package (my understanding is that pvclust makes covariance clustering 
from dataframes, and it cannot be used with matrices to generate 
Bray-Curtis similarity dendrograms?)

Please forgive my ignorance!

Thank you in advance,
eric pante

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[R] Clustering and bootstrap

2005-09-21 Thread Eric Pante
Dear Listers,

I emailed the list a few days ago about how to bootstrap a community 
matrix (species by sites) and get a consensus tree with node support. A 
friend pointed out that a similar question remained unanswered in 2004.
I wish to re-word my question: is anyone aware of a package / method to 
obtain a majority-rule consensus tree from x distance matrices ? Is 
anyone using R to generate phylogenetic trees with node support ?

thanks for your time and consideration,
Eric P.

Eric Pante
Graduate Student in Marine Biology
Grice Marine Laboratory
205 Fort Johnson Road, Charleston SC 29412

"On ne force pas la curiosite, on l'eveille ..."
Daniel Pennac

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[R] sampling vectors

2005-10-03 Thread Eric Pante

Hello Listers,

I am trying to sample a vector to create a new one of sample length, 
witha  sum equal to the sum of the initial vector:

initial = 10, 30, 10 (sum=50)
sample example = 5, 35, 10 (sum=50) or 25, 15, 10  (sum=50), etc ...

My problem is to control the sum, so it stays constant.
Any suggestions would be very helpful !

Thank you in advance,

__ mailing list
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Re: [R] sampling vectors

2005-10-04 Thread Eric Pante
Hi Dan,

I just tried your code with long vectors, and the sampling stops to be 
random. Do you see any reason why this is ?


ex = c(30,13,9,8,7,7,7,6,6,5,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)

 > vectorSample(ex)
  [1]  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  3  1  7  
[24]  4  2 75
 > vectorSample(ex)
  [1]  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  2  1  1  1  2 
[24]  7  8 67
 > vectorSample(ex)
  [1]  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  
[24]  1  6 87
 > vectorSample(ex)
  [1]  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  2  1  1  1  1  1  2  
[24]  1  4 85
 > vectorSample(ex)
  [1]  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1 
[24] 16 42 18
 > vectorSample(ex)
  [1]  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  2  1  3  5  4  4 
[24]  2 53 10
 > vectorSample(ex)
  [1]  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  3  
[24]  3 11 74
 > vectorSample(ex)
  [1]  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  3  3  1  2  
[24] 21 23 43
 > vectorSample(ex)
  [1]  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  5  
[24] 18 20 44
 > vectorSample(ex)
  [1]  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  2  1  3  6 
[24]  8  6 59

On Oct 4, 2005, at 12:02 PM, Daniel Nordlund wrote:

>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> On Behalf Of ecatchpole
>> Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 11:57 PM
>> To: Eric Pante
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: [R] sampling vectors
>> Eric,
>> If you want samples of size 3 from 0:50, with sum==50, this seems to 
>> do
>> the job (with apologies to those who really know how to program in R):
>> tot <- 50
>> ii <- 0
>> aa <- list()
>> for(i in 0:tot){
>> for(j in 0:(tot-i)){
>>k <- tot-i-j
>>ii <- ii+1
>>aa[[ii]] <- list(i=i,j=j,k=k)
>> }
>> }
>> aa[sample(ii, 4)] # for a sample of 4.
>> If you want a sample of size n from x[1],...x[N], such that the sample
>> sum is T, then that is much trickier!
>> Ted.
>> On 04/10/05 07:31,  Eric Pante wrote,:
>>> Hello Listers,
>>> I am trying to sample a vector to create a new one of sample length,
>>> witha  sum equal to the sum of the initial vector:
>>> initial = 10, 30, 10 (sum=50)
>>> sample example = 5, 35, 10 (sum=50) or 25, 15, 10  (sum=50), etc ...
>>> My problem is to control the sum, so it stays constant.
>>> Any suggestions would be very helpful !
>>> Thank you in advance,
>>> Eric
> Eric,
> Here is another solution, which allows vectors of different lengths 
> and sums.
> vectorSample <- function(vec) {
>   tot<-sum(vec)
>   Len<-length(vec)
>   v < -rep(0,Len)
>   for(i in Len:2) {
> UL <- tot - sum(v) - i + 1
> v[i]<-sample(1:UL,1)
> }
>   v[1] <- tot - sum(v)
>   v
>   }
>  vectorSample( c(10,30,10) )
> Hope this helps,
> Dan Nordlund
> Bothell, WA
Eric Pante
Graduate Student in Marine Biology
Grice Marine Laboratory
205 Fort Johnson Road, Charleston SC 29412

"On ne force pas la curiosite, on l'eveille ..."
Daniel Pennac

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__ mailing list
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[R] how to plot matrix in graphs

2005-11-14 Thread peter eric
how to plot a matrix (i have a multiple matrix ) in graphs in terms of colored 
boxes or circles.
my matrix looks like
   A   B  C
   6 2 3 4 3 2  2 1 7
  A4 3 1 4 6 8  2 1 6
2 7 8 7 8 0  2 3 5
   5 2 3 4 7 2  2 1 7 B4 3 1 4 8 8  3 1 6
9 7 8 7 8 0  6 3 5

1 2 3 4 3 2  2 1 7  C   4 3 1 4 6 8  2 1 6
2 7 8 7 8 0  2 3 5
And my graph should looks like(in terms of colored boxes or circles according 
to the magnitude of the nos)
 A   B  C
  O O OO O O   O O O
 A   O O OO O O   O O O  
  O O OO O O   O O O
  O O OO O O   O O O B   O O OO O O   O O O  
  O O OO O O   O O O
  O O OO O O   O O O C   O O OO O O   O O O  
  O O OO O O   O O O
Can you suggest me some ways of doing this..
thank you
best regards,
Research student,
Fraunhofer IPT,


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[R] Histogram over a Large Data Set (DB): How?

2005-11-17 Thread Eric Eide
Hi!  I'm new to R, and I have a question about how R works with large data sets
--- in particular, data sets that come from databases.

I'm using R 2.2.0 with the DBI package (0.1-9) and the RMySQL package (0.5-5).

My get-my-feet-wet-with-R project is to make a histogram from a data set stored
in a MySQL database.  In particular, I have a table that describes some
observed spam emails.  The 'unixtime' column of the table contains the
timestamps of the messages.  My current goal is to plot the number of spams per
day during the recording period.

So far, this is my script (edited for brevity), and it works well:

drv <- dbDriver("MySQL")
con <- dbConnect(drv, group="spam")

# "where" clause to limit data set size, as described below.
spams <- dbGetQuery(con, "select unixtime from email where LENGTH(email_to)=4")

firstspam <- min(spams$unixtime)
lastspam <- max(spams$unixtime)
# spansize == one day
spansize <- 60 * 60 * 24

firstbreak = floor(firstspam / spansize)
lastbreak = celing(lastspam / spansize)
spambreaks = (firstbreak:lastbreak) * spansize

hist(spams$unixtime, br=spambreaks, plot=TRUE, col="red")

The "where" clause serves to limit the number of records, while I figure out
the surrounding parts.  And now I'd like to do that... but I'm not sure how!

The actual "email" table has 2.9 million rows (a lot of spam!), so I presume
that I cannot (or at least, shouldn't) read it all at once.  Reading the
documentation of the RMySQL package, I understand that the syntax I want is
something like this:

rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "select unixtime from email order by unixtime")
out <- dbApply(rs, INDEX = "unixtime",
 FUN = function(x, grp) hist(x$unixtime, ...))

But I can't quite seem to make this work.  When I try the above directly, I get
errors like this:

  Error in mysqlDBApply(res, ...) : unimplemented type 'NULL' in 'length<-'

More generally, I'm pretty sure that I'm misusing `hist' in the code above.  I
don't want a series of histograms; I want just one histogram, made from the
concatenation of all the records fetched from the table.

I didn't find a recipe for doing this sort of thing in the R FAQ or in the
archives for this mailing list, so I'm hoping that someone can set me on the
right track.  How does one code in R with functions that expect "whole"
vectors, and somehow provide those vectors in a "piecemeal" fashion?  Is there
a general recipe for this situation in R (aren't large data sets common?), or
do I need to code the histogram generator myself?

Thanks for any help! ---


Eric Eide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  . University of Utah School of Computing . +1 (801) 585-5512 voice, +1 (801) 581-5843 FAX

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Re: [R] Histogram over a Large Data Set (DB): How?

2005-11-18 Thread Eric Eide
"Sean" == Sean Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Sean> Have you tried just grabbing the whole column using dbGetQuery?
Sean> Try doing this:
Sean> spams <- dbGetQuery(con,"select unixtime from email limit
Sean> 100")
Sean> Then increase from 1,000,000 to 1.5 million, to 2 million, etc.
Sean> until you break something (run out of memory), if you do at all.

Yes, you are right.  For the example problem that I posed, R can indeed process
the entire query result in memory.  (The R process grows to 240MB, though!)

Sean> However, the BETTER way to do this, if you already have the data
Sean> in the database is to allow the database to do the histogram for
Sean> you.  For example, to get a count of spams by day, in MySQL do
Sean> something like: [...]

Yes, again you are right --- the particular problem that I posed is probably
better handled by formulating a more sophisticated SQL query.

But really, my goal isn't to solve the the example problem that I posed ---
rather, it is to understand how people use R to process very large data sets.
The research project that I'm working on will eventually need to deal with
query results that cannot fit in main memory, and for which the built-in
statistical facilities of most DBMSs will be insufficient.

Some of my colleagues have previously written their analyses "by hand," using
various scripting languages to read and process records from a DB in chunks.
Writing things in this way, however, can be tedious and error-prone.  Instead
of taking this approach, I would like to be able to use existing statistics
packages that have the ability to deal with large datasets in good ways.

So, I seek to understand the ways that people deal with these sorts of
situations in R.  Your advice is very helpful --- one should solve problems in
the simplest ways available! --- but I would still like to understand the
harder cases, and how one can use "general" R functions in combination with
DBI's `dbApply' and `fetch' interfaces, which divide results into chunks.



Eric Eide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  . University of Utah School of Computing . +1 (801) 585-5512 voice, +1 (801) 581-5843 FAX

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[R] how to plot a list in graphs

2005-11-21 Thread peter eric
hi all,
  I have a matrix and named each row and column as like below...
> col<-c("peter","david","richrd","vincent","selva")
> rows<-c("julius","caeser","anja","maya")
> dimnames(a)<-list(rows,col)  
> a
 peter david richrd vincent selva
julius 315 27  39 9
caeser   618 30  42 8
anja   921 33  45 7
maya   1224 36  10 6

  How I can plot this in graphs like julius Vs peter and so on..
  whether it could ne done with image function?..
  please give me some suggestions...
  best regards,
Research student,
  Fraunhofer IPT,


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Re: [R] how to plot a list in graphs

2005-11-21 Thread peter eric

Really your (Mr.deepayan´s)answer is what I expected..thanks a lot...and I like 
to ask you one more thing..
  Is it possible to do boolean operations in this matrix and plot that also in 
  for example 
  1.  a[anja,maya]   Vs   a[vincent,selva]
  means things common between the rows anja&maya  and columns vincent & selva
  2.a[anja,maya]   Vs   a[peter,david]
  and so on...
  So in that case whether it is possible to plot in the same graph(since I´m 
doing different...more than one.. comparisions) or I´ve to plot in a multiple 
  kindly help me...
  thanks a lot
  with regards,
Deepayan Sarkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  On 11/21/05, peter eric wrote:
> hi all,
> I have a matrix and named each row and column as like below...
> a<-matrix(c(seq(3,45,3),seq(10,6,-1)),4,5,byrow=F)
> > col<-c("peter","david","richrd","vincent","selva")
> > rows<-c("julius","caeser","anja","maya")
> > dimnames(a)<-list(rows,col)
> > a
> peter david richrd vincent selva
> julius 3 15 27 39 9
> caeser 6 18 30 42 8
> anja 9 21 33 45 7
> maya 12 24 36 10 6
> How I can plot this in graphs like julius Vs peter and so on..
> whether it could ne done with image function?..

Sure, how about


If you want the axes to be labelled appropriately, it might be easier with


or perhaps

levelplot(a, scales = list(x = list(rot = 90)))



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[R] Any volonteer to maintain package R2HTML ?

2005-11-22 Thread Eric Lecoutre
Hi useRs!

I am in search of any R programer / user to go on with the package R2HTML.
I did change of job 3 months ago and I could only realize I have
absolutely no time anymore for that (even so little) task.

R2HTML package consists in a set of HTML.* functions that could be
used to export R objects to raw HTML. It could also be used in a
litterate programing way thanks to Sweave tool.

Basically, the task should not be too hard, as the whole stuff works
as it ; it consists mainly in adapting little parts as R new versions
do require such or such additional quality check. Currently, .Rd help
files require some minors modifs to pass checks (break returns). I was
intending to do that this week end but did fail installing all
necessary stuff to compile R packages (I do not have all admin rights
on my new computer).

If anyone is interested, please contact me directly at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Best wishes, and all go happyR and happyR!


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[R] how to plot a clustered matrix in graphs

2005-11-22 Thread peter eric
dear deepayan & all...
  let me explain you my full problem that you could clearly suggest 
me in right direction
  my matrix (a) looks like as below...I´ve done clusutering in  this matrix
 ra rb rc rd re
ca  3 15 27 39  9
cb  6 18 30 42  8
cc  9 21 33 45  7
cd 12 24 36 10  6
  clustering based on row and columns..suppose after clustering my row & col 
clustes looks like this..
  row cluster 1: ra,rb
   2: rc,rd
  column cluster 1: ca,cb
 2: cc,cd
  So my clustered matrix (should) looks like
1   2  3
 I  rarb   I  rc   rd   I   
ca I   315  I  27  39   I  9
1 I  I  I
cb I   618  I  30  42   I  8
 I  I  I
  cc I   9 21 I  33  45   I  7
  2   I  I  I
cd I 1224 I  36  10   I  6
  The above is the output matrix..It has to be plotted in graphs showing the 
partitions clearly as it is shown in the above matrix...
  what kind of approach will be useful in gettign this..?particularly in 
colored graphs...
  thanks a lot...
  yours sincerely,

  Deepayan Sarkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  On 11/21/05, peter eric wrote:
> Really your (Mr.deepayan´s)answer is what I expected..thanks a lot...and I
> like to ask you one more thing..
> Is it possible to do boolean operations in this matrix and plot that also
> in graphs?
> for example
> 1. a[anja,maya] Vs a[vincent,selva]
> means things common between the rows anja&maya and columns vincent &
> selva

You mean

levelplot(a[c("anja", "maya"), c("vincent", "selva")])

? This is standard matrix indexing in R.

> 2.a[anja,maya] Vs a[peter,david]
> and so on...
> So in that case whether it is possible to plot in the same graph(since I´m
> doing different...more than one.. comparisions) or I´ve to plot in a
> multiple graph..

It depends on what you want to do. If the different comparisons are
based on some systematic rule then levelplot may take you further.

[Note that for this you may need to work with a data.frame instead of
a matrix. E.g.,

mat2df <- function(x) {
rx <- row(x)
cx <- col(x)
data.frame(row = rownames(x)[rx],
column = colnames(x)[cx],
z = as.vector(x))

b <- mat2df(a)

b is now a data frame:

> b
row column z
1 julius peter 3
2 caeser peter 6
3 anja peter 9



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[R] plotting filled.contour without color key

2005-11-29 Thread Eric Archer

I'd like to plot a filled.contour() plot, but exclude the color key that 
is printed on the left side.  I understand that the key.axis argument 
allows for control of the axes around the key, but there doesn't seem to 
be an argument that eliminates it all together.  I have looked in the 
help files for the function and the archives, but have not come across 
an answer or clue to the answer.  Is this possible?

Thanks in advance.


Eric Archer, Ph.D.
8604 La Jolla Shores Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92037

"Lighthouses are more helpful than churches."
- Benjamin Franklin

"Cogita tute" - Think for yourself

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Re: [R] what is the difference between survival analysis and (...)

2007-03-28 Thread Eric Elguero
Hi everybody,

recently I had to teach a course on Cox model, of which I am
not a specialist, to an audience of medical epidemiologists.
Not a good idea you might say.. anyway, someone in the
audience was very hostile. At some point, he sayed that
Cox model was useless, since all you have to do is count
who dies and who survives, divide by the sample sizes
and compute a relative risk, and if there was significant
censoring, use cumulated follow-up instead of sample
sizes and that's it!
I began arguing that in Cox model you could introduce
several variables, interactions, etc, then I remembered
of logistic models ;-)
The only (and poor) argument I could think of was that
if mr Cox took pains to devise his model, there should
be some reason...

but the story doesn't end here. When I came back to my office,
I tried these two methods on a couple of data sets, and true,
crude RRs are very close to those coming from Cox model.

hence this question: could someone provide me with a
dataset (preferably real) where there is a striking
difference between estimated RRs and/or between
P-values? and of course I am interested in theoretical
arguments and references.

sorry that this question has nothing to do with R
and thank you in advance for your leniency.

Eric Elguero
Équipe "Évolution des Systèmes Symbiotiques"
911 avenue Agropolis, BP 64501,
34394 Montpellier cedex 5 FRANCE

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[R] bivariate interpolation

2007-04-02 Thread eric lee
Hi.  I'm trying to take a data set with two independent and one dependent
variable and enter a x,y value to predict the dependent with a nonparametric
technique.  I've been using interpp in the akima package, (windows xp, R
2.4.1), but get values that are orders of magnitude off when the predictors
are slightly out of the range of the data set.  Can you recommend a function
for me?  I've read that predict.loess has the same problem or just lists
NA.  Smooth.spline looks good, but can only do one predictor instead of
bivariate.  I've tried"predict"), but couldn't find what I
needed.  Thanks.

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[R] Assignment from list

2007-04-12 Thread Eric Blanc
I have a list of groups of xy positions I want to set to 0 in an  
array full of 1s. When the assignments are done directly from the  
list, they are incorrect, while if I use a temporary array derived  
from the list the assignments are correct. The following example will  
hopefully make my problem clearer.

The matrices z and zz are initialised with 1. The z and zz values at  
coordinates in list x are then set to 0 using two different methods.  
Although either method should lead to the same results, z and zz are  
different. z is incorrect, because some values in its first row have  
been incorrectly set to 0.

x  <- list( matrix( c( 9, 9, 74, 75 ), nrow=2 ),
 matrix( c( 11, 11, 34, 35 ), nrow=2 ),
 matrix( c( 14, 15, 58, 58 ), nrow=2 ),
 c( 16, 142 ),
 matrix( c( 19, 19, 94, 95 ), nrow=2 ),
 matrix( c( 19, 20, 127, 127 ), nrow=2 ),
 matrix( c( 22, 22, 112, 113 ), nrow=2 ),
 c( 23, 13 ),
 matrix( c( 26, 27, 81, 81 ), nrow=2 ),
 matrix( c( 31, 32, 153, 153 ), nrow=2 ) )
xx <- "rbind", x )

z <- matrix( 1, ncol=249, nrow=240 )
zz <- matrix( 1, ncol=249, nrow=240 )

for( k in x ) z[k] <- 0
zz[xx] <- 0

sum( z != zz )
c( sum( z[,1] != 1 ), sum( zz[,1] != 1 ) )

Somewhere, I must be doing something wrong, or assuming something  
incorrect. I would be very grateful if anybody could point me in the  
right direction.

platform   i386-apple-darwin8.8.1
arch   i386
os darwin8.8.1
system i386, darwin8.8.1
major  2
minor  4.1
year   2006
month  12
svn rev40228
language   R
version.string R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)

(same results with platform i386-pc-mingw32, R version 2.4.1 and  
platform x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, R version 2.3.1)

Dr Eric Blanc
Lecturer in Bioinformatics
MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology
King's College London
New Hunt's House Room 4.10B
Guy's Hospital Campus
London SE1 1UL

Tel: +44 (0)20 7848 6532
Fax: +44 (0)20 7848 6550

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[R] error returned by "make check" in R-2.5.0

2007-04-27 Thread Eric Thompson
Today I tried to install the R-2.5.0 (currently running R-2.4.1) on
Mandriva Linux. The ./configure and make commands seem to run fine,
but "make check" gives the following messages:

running regression tests
make[3]: Entering directory `/home/ethomp04/R-2.5.0/tests'
running code in 'reg-tests-1.R' ...make[3]: *** [reg-tests-1.Rout] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/ethomp04/R-2.5.0/tests'
make[2]: *** [test-Reg] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/ethomp04/R-2.5.0/tests'
make[1]: *** [test-all-basics] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ethomp04/R-2.5.0/tests'
make: *** [check] Error 2

Regarding "make check", the R-admin.html page says "Failures are not
necessarily problems as they might be caused by missing

So, looking at the "" file, I see that the error
occurs here:

> ## eigen
> Meps <- .Machine$double.eps
> set.seed(321, kind = "default")# force a particular seed
> m <- matrix(round(rnorm(25),3), 5,5)
> sm <- m + t(m) #- symmetric matrix
> em <- eigen(sm); V <- em$vect
> print(lam <- em$values) # ordered DEcreasingly
[1]  5.1738946  3.1585064  0.6849974 -1.6299494 -2.5074489
> stopifnot(
+  abs(sm %*% V - V %*% diag(lam))< 60*Meps,
+  abs(sm - V %*% diag(lam) %*% t(V)) < 60*Meps)
> ##--- Symmetric = FALSE:  -- different to above : ---
> em <- eigen(sm, symmetric = FALSE); V2 <- em$vect
> print(lam2 <- em$values) # ordered decreasingly in ABSolute value !
[1]  5.1738946  3.1585064 -2.5074489 -1.6299494  0.6849974
> print(i <- rev(order(lam2)))
[1] 1 2 5 4 3
> stopifnot(abs(lam - lam2[i]) < 60 * Meps)
Error: abs(lam - lam2[i]) < 60 * Meps is not all TRUE
Execution halted

Interestingly, running these same tests on R-2.4.1 on the same system
does not give an error:

> Meps <- .Machine$double.eps
> set.seed(321, kind = "default") # force a particular seed
> m <- matrix(round(rnorm(25),3), 5,5)
> sm <- m + t(m) #- symmetric matrix
> em <- eigen(sm); V <- em$vect
> print(lam <- em$values) # ordered DEcreasingly
[1]  5.17389456321  3.15850637323  0.68499738238 -1.62994940108 -2.50744891774
> stopifnot(
+  abs(sm %*% V - V %*% diag(lam))  < 60*Meps,
+  abs(sm  - V %*% diag(lam) %*% t(V)) < 60*Meps)
> ##--- Symmetric = FALSE:  -- different to above : ---
> em <- eigen(sm, symmetric = FALSE); V2 <- em$vect
> print(lam2 <- em$values) # ordered decreasingly in ABSolute value !
[1]  5.17389456321  3.15850637323 -2.50744891774 -1.62994940108  0.68499738238
> print(i <- rev(order(lam2)))
[1] 1 2 5 4 3
> stopifnot(abs(lam - lam2[i]) < 60 * Meps)
> abs(lam - lam2[i]) < 60 * Meps

I'm not sure what to do next, or how serious of a problem this might
be. I would appreciate any suggestions or advice. I thought maybe this
was due to something about how my system is setup, but since I don't
get the error in R-2.4.1, that seems to imply to me that there is
something different in R-2.5.0 that is causing it.


Eric Thompson
Tufts University
Civil & Environmental Engineering

> sessionInfo()
R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)


attached base packages:
[1] "datasets"  "utils" "stats" "graphics"  "grDevices" "methods"
[7] "base"

other attached packages:

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Re: [R] acf and pacf plot

2007-04-27 Thread Eric Thompson
The lines indicate the confidence interval (95% by default). I think
you mean that it is not documented in help(acf), but it directs you to
plot.acf in the "See Also" secion.

>From ?plot.acf:


 The confidence interval plotted in 'plot.acf' is based on an
 _uncorrelated_ series and should be treated with appropriate
 caution.  Using 'ci.type = "ma"' may be less potentially

also see the description of the ci and ci.type arguments. As far as
HOW they are calculated, I believe that the default is

qnorm(c(0.025, 0.975))/sqrt(n)

And yes, I think that they are very important.

Hope that helps.


On 4/27/07, tom soyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed that whenever I ran acf or pacf, the plot generated by R always
> includes two horizontal blue doted lines. Furthermore, these two lines are
> not documented in the acf documentation. I don't know what they are for, but
> it seems that they are important. Could someone tell me what they are and
> how are they calculated?
> Thanks,
> --
> Tom
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Re: [R] error returned by "make check" in R-2.5.0

2007-04-28 Thread Eric Thompson
Professor Ripley,

Thank you for your comments.

On 4/28/07, Prof Brian Ripley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How big is abs(lam - lam2[i])/Meps ?

Here is the result on my system:

> abs(lam - lam2[i])/Meps
[1] 60 18 17  0 12

which is quite surprising to me that the maximum value exactly equals
the cutoff, so perhaps this is not such a big problem. I changed the
value to 61 in the reg-tests-1.R file, and then make check runs with
no errors.

> This could be one of those cases where your system (which CPU, what
> compilers?) is unusually inaccurate, but Linux systems do not usually
> differ much in their accuracies on the same CPU.

It is somewhat disconcerting that my system is unusually inaccurate.
I'm running Intel Xeon 3.20GHz CPUs and I've been using gcc 4.1.1 and
ifort to compile R (these are what the compile script choose by
default on my system). Perhaps it is a bad idea to mix the GNU and
Intel compilers?

> I've checked several systems, as see maximum values of around 40.
> R 2.5.0 has an updated LAPACK so it will be different from 2.4.1.  My
> hunch is that this is a compiler optimization bug, so you could see what
> happens at lower optimization levels.

I'm not sure how to do this, but from reading R-admin.html, my guess
is that setting the CFLAGS for ./configure will change the
optimization level for LAPACK compilation, so I used

./configure CFLAGS="-g -O"

And after make, I find the exact same values as before.

So I thought I'd try to set the Fortran compiler to a GNU compiler, to
be consistent with gcc. When I set F77=g77, make check finishes fine,
and running the same test

> abs(lam - lam2[i])/Meps
[1] 32  8 17  1  2

which makes me more comfortable. Also, if I use the g95 compiler
(./configure F77=g95), the eigen test gives

> abs(lam - lam2[i])/Meps
[1] 48.0 10.0 10.5  9.0  6.0

So, I suppose I will use the g77 compiler.

Eric Thompson
Tufts University
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Graduate Student

> On Fri, 27 Apr 2007, Eric Thompson wrote:
> > Today I tried to install the R-2.5.0 (currently running R-2.4.1) on
> > Mandriva Linux. The ./configure and make commands seem to run fine,
> > but "make check" gives the following messages:
> >
> > running regression tests
> > make[3]: Entering directory `/home/ethomp04/R-2.5.0/tests'
> > running code in 'reg-tests-1.R' ...make[3]: *** [reg-tests-1.Rout] Error 1
> > make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/ethomp04/R-2.5.0/tests'
> > make[2]: *** [test-Reg] Error 2
> > make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/ethomp04/R-2.5.0/tests'
> > make[1]: *** [test-all-basics] Error 1
> > make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ethomp04/R-2.5.0/tests'
> > make: *** [check] Error 2
> >
> > Regarding "make check", the R-admin.html page says "Failures are not
> > necessarily problems as they might be caused by missing
> > functionality..."
> >
> > So, looking at the "" file, I see that the error
> > occurs here:
> >
> >> ## eigen
> >> Meps <- .Machine$double.eps
> >> set.seed(321, kind = "default")   # force a particular seed
> >> m <- matrix(round(rnorm(25),3), 5,5)
> >> sm <- m + t(m) #- symmetric matrix
> >> em <- eigen(sm); V <- em$vect
> >> print(lam <- em$values) # ordered DEcreasingly
> > [1]  5.1738946  3.1585064  0.6849974 -1.6299494 -2.5074489
> >>
> >> stopifnot(
> > +  abs(sm %*% V - V %*% diag(lam))  < 60*Meps,
> > +  abs(sm   - V %*% diag(lam) %*% t(V)) < 60*Meps)
> >>
> >> ##--- Symmetric = FALSE:  -- different to above : ---
> >>
> >> em <- eigen(sm, symmetric = FALSE); V2 <- em$vect
> >> print(lam2 <- em$values) # ordered decreasingly in ABSolute value !
> > [1]  5.1738946  3.1585064 -2.5074489 -1.6299494  0.6849974
> >> print(i <- rev(order(lam2)))
> > [1] 1 2 5 4 3
> >> stopifnot(abs(lam - lam2[i]) < 60 * Meps)
> > Error: abs(lam - lam2[i]) < 60 * Meps is not all TRUE
> > Execution halted
> >
> >
> > Interestingly, running these same tests on R-2.4.1 on the same system
> > does not give an error:
> >
> >> Meps <- .Machine$double.eps
> >> set.seed(321, kind = "default") # force a particular seed
> >> m <- matrix(round(rnorm(25),3), 5,5)
> >> sm <- m + t(m) #- symmetric matrix
> >> em <- eigen(sm); V <- em$vect
> >> print(lam <- em$values) # ordered DEcreasingly
> > [1]  5.17389456321  3.15850637323  0.68499738238 -1.62994940108 
> > -2.50744891774
> >> stopifnot

[R] is it possible to fill with a color or transparency gradient?

2006-10-06 Thread Eric Harley
Hi all,

Is there a way to fill a rectangle or polygon with a color and/or
transparency gradient?  This would be extremely useful for me in terms
of adding some additional information to some plots I'm making,
especially if I could define the gradient on my own by putting
functions into rgb something like rgb( r=f(x,y), g=f(x,y), b=f(x,y),
alpha=f(x,y) ).  Not so important whether the coordinates are in terms
of the plot axes or normalized to the polygon itself somehow.  Ideally
it would work not only for a fill color but also for shading lines.

I haven't been using R very long, so it's possible that I'm just
missing something, but I haven't found anything like this in the help
files.  I've tried to poke around in graphics, grid, and ggplot,
without any luck so far.  I really like some of the functionality in
ggplot, and it does some nice things with continuous gradients for the
color of scatter plot points, for example, but it each individual
point (or grob) is always one solid color as far as I can tell.


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Re: [R] Likelihood of multiple random processes

2006-11-03 Thread Eric Elguero
this way the problem is not well posed. You need to place an upper
bound on the number of distributions in the mixture you want to
estimate, for otherwise the likelihood is unbounded (take one normal 
distribution for each value in your data).

- Original Message - 

> Do you know which observations came from which process (you do in your 
> example, but it whatever it is supposed to emulate)?

No- I need to determine whether more than one process could have been 

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[R] Single precision data behaviour with readBin()

2006-11-09 Thread Eric Thompson
Hi all,

I am running R version 2.4.0 (2006-10-03) on an i686 pc with Mandrake
10.2 Linux. I was given a binary data file containing single precision
numbers that I would like to read into R. In a previous posting,
someone suggested reading in such data as double(), which is what I've

> zz <- file(file, "rb")
> h1 <- readBin(con = zz, what = double(), n = 1, size = 4)
> h1
[1] 0.050007451

Except that I know that the first value should be exactly 0.05. To get
rid of the unwanted (or really unknown) values, I try using signif(),
which gives me:

> h1 <- signif(h1, digits = 8)
> h1
[1] 0.05001

I suppose I could use:

> h1 <- signif(h1, digits = 7)
> h1
[1] 0.05

But this does not seem ideal to me. Apparently I don't understand
machine precision very well, because I don't understand where the
extra values are coming from. So I also don't know if this use of
signif() will be reliable for all possible values. What about a value
of 1.2e-8? Will this be read in as:

> signif(1.2034e-8, digits = 7)
[1] 1.2e-08

or could this occur?:

> signif(1.234e-8, digits = 7)
[1] 1.23e-08

Thanks for any advice.

Eric Thompson
Graduate Student
Tufts University
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Medford, MA  02144

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Re: [R] delete content of directory - unlink doesn't work as expected

2006-11-28 Thread Eric Thompson
This has worked for me:

system("rm path/*")

On 11/28/06, Hans-Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to delete the files in a directory. While the command
> invisible(lapply( list.files( "DeleteThis" ), function(x)
> file.remove(paste("DeleteThis", x, sep="/" )) ))
> works, I keep thinking that there should be a more direct command.
> "unlink" looks like a good candidate but whith this I only arrive to
> either delete the whole directory or nothing happens at all. Code:
> file.exists( "DeleteThis" )# TRUE: folder is here
> (unlink( "DeleteThis/*.*" )) # 0, content doesn't get deleted
> (unlink( "DeleteThis/*" ))   # do.
> (unlink( "DeleteThis/*.*", TRUE ))  # do.
> (unlink( "DeleteThis/*", TRUE ))# do.
> unlink( "DeleteThis", TRUE )  # whole folder will be deleted
> According to the help placeholders are allowed so I don't see where is an 
> error.
> Thanks for your help!
> --
> Regards,
> Hans-Peter
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Re: [R] building R 2.4.0 on aix

2006-11-29 Thread Eric Harley
Roy and others,

I'm also trying to build R 2.4.0 on aix 5 (5.3 in my case, on an
Intellistation Power 285) and I have not had luck yet.  I notice that
the only mentions of AIX on this list in the past two months are
people not having luck building it.  So far there don't seem to be any
responses, and I don't know if it's from lack of information in the
questions, or because this isn't the right place to ask the questions.

Does anyone know a good place to ask such questions?  If this is the
right place, please let me know what information you need.

I am unfortunately very new to this business of compiling and linking
on Unix, so I have trouble knowing what information to provide.

Here's my stab at troubleshooting, which is basically trial-and-error:

tried just to type ./configure (I can always dream, right?  :-) )
Failed with the following problem in config.log

configure:26491: checking how to get verbose linking output from f95
configure:26502: f95 -c  conftest.f >&5
f95: 1501-218 file conftest.f contains an incorrect file suffix
configure:26508: $? = 1
configure: failed program was:
|   program main
|   end
configure:26587: WARNING: compilation failed
configure:26593: result:
config.log (93%)

A little playing around shows me that f95 doesn't like to compile
files ending in .f, so I try doing
./configure F77=f77

In this case, the configure script completes successfully.
Now I try

but make exits early with errors.
make check

make: 1254-002 Cannot find a rule to create target
../../src/library/base/all.R from dependencies.

and a few other 1254-004 errors.

There are some examples in , particularly in
the AIX platform notes (C.9 AIX).  However, the second paragraph says
"The rest of this section is historical, as the default *_LDFLAGS were
changed in R 2.4.0." so evidently the examples don't apply to the
current version of R.  I tried some frankenstein combinations of the
options given in the examples, using the xl*_* compilers since I don't
have gfortran on my system, but this kind of thing is time-consuming
when I'm essentially making random changes.

I'm hoping that someone with more experience than I can at least help
me sort through the "Cannot find a rule to create target" error, and
that maybe I can proceed somehow one error at a time and finally end
up with something that works.

BTW, I did try to google the "Cannot find a rule to create target"
"from dependencies", but I don't get much that I can understand.  One
message said something about this means make can't find the source
code.  If this is the problem, how can I figure out what source code
make is looking for, where it's looking for it, and how to tell it the
right place to look?  Or perhaps there's something else I'm missing?

Eric Harley

On 11/20/06, Roy Heimbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to build R 2.4.0 on aix 5 and not having much luck.  If
> anyone on the list has built 2.3 or 2.4 on AIX and would be willing
> pass along some hints, I would be grateful.  So would the research
> group that's waiting to use R.
> Thanks,
> Roy Heimbach
> --
> Roy Heimbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> / 505-277-8348
> User Services / Center for High Performance Computing
> University of New Mexico
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[R] control for frame color in cloud()

2006-11-29 Thread Eric Peterson
I am trying to construct a cloud plot viewable in 3D with the classic 3D
glasses (one red lens, one bluish lens).  I've figured out how to overlay
two printings of cloud() (from the lattice package) with appropriate colors,
however the box frame seems to only print in black.  Is there any way to
control the color for the frame?  How about the background color (gray)?
See for a sample of what I'm doing.


Eric B. Peterson

Vegetation Ecologist

Nevada Natural Heritage Program

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Re: [R] Help for L-moment Ratio Diagram

2006-12-04 Thread Eric Thompson
I think there are a few packages for doing this. I have used "lmomco":
the function lmom.ub() will calculate the sample lmoments, and
lmrdia() gives theoretical lmoments for different distributions.

Hope this is helpful.


On 12/4/06, amna khan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Respected Sir
> I have to select a probability distribution using L-moment Ratio Diagram. I
> am not understanding how to plot sample TAU3 and TUA4 on L-moment Ratio
> Diagram.
> Please Guide me
> Best Regards
> --
> Department of Statistics
> GC University Lahore, Pakistan.
> Email:
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[R] how to extract the row names of a matrix using for loop or other looping

2005-12-10 Thread peter eric
Hi all,
  I have a matrix and its cluster...and i like to extract the row names of each 
clusterbut using the for loop or some other looping
  #  ra rb rc rd re
#  ca  3 15 27 39  9
#  cb  6 18 30 42  8
#  cc  9 21 33 45  7
#  cd 12 24 36 10  6

t<-list()## clusters of the matrix
   for(i in 1:3) 
{ p<-seq(r[i],4,3)
   ra rb rc rd re
ca  3 15 27 39  9
cd 12 24 36 10  6
   ra rb rc rd re
cb  6 18 30 42  8
   ra rb rc rd re
cc  9 21 33 45  7

  ##now if i want to extract the row names i can do it manually giving the 
values like
  rowc <- list(c(rownames(t[[1]])), c(rownames(t[[2]])), rownames(t[[3]]))
  but i like to do using for loop or other loops...could you give me some 
suggestion..i´ve tried like this..but it is not working
  rowc<-list(for(i in 1:3){p<-c();k<-rownames(t[[i]]);p[[i]]<-print(k)})
  ## here I´m getting only the final  rowname t[[3]]..other two values are could i do this to store all the values...
  thank you...
  with regards,


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[R] problem with R on mac os x

2005-12-12 Thread Eric Pante
Hello all,

R just ''stopped working'' on my machine (ibook g4, os 10.3.9). between 
last time I used it and now, I did not do anything but check emails and 
browse the internet. when I try to start the GUI, it appears and 
disappears as rapidly. when I tried to run a session from the terminal, 
I got the following:
mkdir: /tmp/Rtmp590-29493: Permission denied
mkdir: /tmp/Rtmp590: Permission denied
ERROR: cannot create temporary R session directory
If I log as root, I can start a session from the terminal, so I figured 
that somewhere file permissions got corrupted. therefore, I 
re-installed R (I tried 2.1.1 and 2.2.0), but same result: I can't 
start a session. The install itself runs fine, though.

Does anyone know what is going on? Where can I re-establish my 
''rights'' to use R ??? My file is defined as drwxrwxr-x. I did 
not see any mention of a similar problem in the archives.

Thank you in advance for your insights!

Eric Pante
Graduate Student in Marine Biology
Grice Marine Laboratory
205 Fort Johnson Road, Charleston SC 29412

"On ne force pas la curiosite, on l'eveille ..."
Daniel Pennac

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Re: [R] problem with R on mac os x

2005-12-12 Thread Eric Pante
Thanks Doug and Peter,
I changed the permissions of the tmp dir as root, and it made the 
trick! I still don't know how the permissions got changed ...
best, eric

On Dec 12, 2005, at 3:37 PM, Douglas Grove wrote:

> The error are telling you that you don't have permission to
> create a directory in /tmp.  So the problem is with your permissions
> to the directory /tmp, not with R.  That's why reinstalling didn't 
> help.
> Doug
> On Mon, 12 Dec 2005, Eric Pante wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> R just ''stopped working'' on my machine (ibook g4, os 10.3.9). 
>> between
>> last time I used it and now, I did not do anything but check emails 
>> and
>> browse the internet. when I try to start the GUI, it appears and
>> disappears as rapidly. when I tried to run a session from the 
>> terminal,
>> I got the following:
>>  mkdir: /tmp/Rtmp590-29493: Permission denied
>>  mkdir: /tmp/Rtmp590: Permission denied
>>  ERROR: cannot create temporary R session directory
>> If I log as root, I can start a session from the terminal, so I 
>> figured
>> that somewhere file permissions got corrupted. therefore, I
>> re-installed R (I tried 2.1.1 and 2.2.0), but same result: I can't
>> start a session. The install itself runs fine, though.
>> Does anyone know what is going on? Where can I re-establish my
>> ''rights'' to use R ??? My file is defined as drwxrwxr-x. I did
>> not see any mention of a similar problem in the archives.
>> Thank you in advance for your insights!
>> eric
>> Eric Pante
>> ---
>> Graduate Student in Marine Biology
>> Grice Marine Laboratory
>> 205 Fort Johnson Road, Charleston SC 29412
>> ---
>>  "On ne force pas la curiosite, on l'eveille ..."
>>  Daniel Pennac
>> __
>> mailing list
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Eric Pante
Graduate Student in Marine Biology
Grice Marine Laboratory
205 Fort Johnson Road, Charleston SC 29412

"On ne force pas la curiosite, on l'eveille ..."
Daniel Pennac

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[R] Two problems compiling my shared library...

2005-12-20 Thread Kort, Eric
Since requests keep trickling in, I have finally gotten around to
polishing my rtiff package for R.  This package will read TIFF images
into a pixmap for subsequent processing.

However, I am encountering a couple problems with compiling the shared

1. On windows (R 2.2.0): R CMD INSTALL successfully compiles a dll, but
the dll has no entry points (as revealed by nm rtiff.dll), leading to "C
entry point ... not in load table" errors when I try to use the library.
Here is how R CMD INSTALL built the dll:

MkRules:143: warning: ignoring old commands for target `.c.o'
making rtiff.d from rtiff.c
g++   -Ic:/usr/include -Wall -O2   -c rtiff.c -o rtiff.o
rtiff.c: In function `void reduce(int*, int*, int*, int*, double*)':
rtiff.c:138: warning: converting to `int' from `double'
rtiff.c:139: warning: converting to `int' from `double'
ar cr rtiff.a rtiff.o
ranlib rtiff.a
windres --include-dir c:/usr/include  -i rtiff_res.rc -o rtiff_res.o
gcc  --shared -s  -o rtiff.dll rtiff.def rtiff.a rtiff_res.o
-Lc:/usr/src/gnuwin32  -ltiff  -lg2c -lR
  ... DLL made

However, if I simply do the following:

gcc -shared -o rtiff.dll rtiff.c -ltiff

I get a functional shared library.

Any clues as to why R CMD INSTALL is resulting in an entry-pointless
dll?  (And couldn't the shared library compilation be greatly simplified
as I have demonstrated above?)

2. On (ubuntu) Linux (R 2.1.0):  R CMD INSTALL results in an
that crashes with a segmentation fault.  Again, gcc -shared -o
rtiff.c -ltiff results in a function shared library.  

Here, I have traced the problem to the -O2 flag with which R was
compiled.  If I "hand compile" with the -O2 flag, I get the segmentation
fault back.  A search of the internet suggests this is likely a GCC bug,
which perhaps I could patch, but I don't want to expect potential users
of my library to have to patch their GCC.

So...can I eliminate the -O2 option via Makevars somehow, or do I need
my own custom Makefile to get around this?

Thank you,

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Re: [R] segmetation fault

2005-12-28 Thread Kort, Eric

Elizabeth Lawson Wrote:
> Hey,
>   I don;t know if anyone has come across this error before...

More times than I care to remember.

>   I am running R on the terminal of my MAC OS X 10.3.4 and I have
> C code and compiled it using
>   R CMD SHLIB mycode.c
>   There were no problems in compiling so I now have mycode.o and

A segmentation fault occurs when you try to access memory you didn't
allocate for your use (see below).  In other words, you are trying to
use memory outside the segment allocated to your program (which, if
allowed, could result in corrupting memory being used by other
programs--which brings back unhappy memories of days gone by when an
error in one program could crash the whole system). So these kinds of
problems will not show up at compile time...only when you actually run
the program.

>   I used dyn.load("") and again, no problems.  But when I try
> use the code .C("mycode",x) I get the error Segmentation fault and R
> down.  Any ideas as to where my problem could be?

When I run into a segmentation fault, it is usually because I am trying
to access an element of an array that is beyond what I have allocated,
as in...

int main()
  int *a;
  a = (int*) malloc(3*sizeof(int));
  printf("Fasten your seatbelts...\n");
  a[4000] = 12;

One less obvious way this can happen is forgetting to initialize your
arrays to the proper length before passing a reference to them to your C

If you still are having trouble, you could post a small snippet of code
that recreates the error for us to examine.


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Re: [R] Repeating functions

2005-12-29 Thread Kort, Eric
Ronnie Babigumira said...
>Hi, I have a number of spatial weight files and using Roger Bivand's spdep, I 
>would like to
>1. Convert them into neighbor lists using
>2. Convert the neighbor lists into spatial weights
>For a given file, the syntax would be
>mygal_nb1 <-"mygalfile1", = TRUE)
>myweight1 <- nb2listw(mygal_nb1)
>I have mygalfile[i] with i from 1 through to 6 and would like to repeat the 
>above two lines through 1 to 6.
>something like (the syntax below is not correct...just an illustration)
>for (i in 1:6) {
>mygal_nb[i] <-"mygalfile[i]", = TRUE)
>myweight[i] <- nb2listw(mygal_nb[i]
>Kindly point me in the right direction (whilst read through the material I 

Looks like you want to create lists of objects.  Likely the best place to start 
is looking at the section on lists in An Introduction to R (which came with 
your R distribution and can be accessed via help.start(), or you can download 
it here:


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Re: [R] Segmetation Fault in R

2005-12-29 Thread Kort, Eric

Marcelo Damasceno wrote... 

>Hi all,
>I has a C code in Linux, it has 7 pointers and compile e run OK, but when I
>run in R happens Segmetation Fault.
>When I use calloc function, it returns NULL.
>What's wrong?
>I would like more information about R-alloc function?

What is wrong is that there is a bug in your C code related.

A search of the R-help mailing list archives seems to indicate that there have 
been about 10,800 prior posts about segmentation faults, the last of which was 
a few days ago--in which I and then Dr. Ripley described in some detail what 
causes segmentation faults.  I would review these, and if you are still having 
this problem, post a snippet of code that recreates the problem to the 
appropriate C development list serve.


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Re: [R] A comment about R:

2006-01-01 Thread Kort, Eric

>Kjetil Halvorsen wrote...
>Readers of this list might be interested in the following commenta about R.
>In a recent report, by Michael N. Mitchell
>says about R:
>"Perhaps the most notable exception to this discussion is R, a language for
>statistical computing and graphics.

After reading this commentary a couple of times, I can't quite figure 
out if he is damning with faint praise, or praising with faint damnation.

(For example, after observing how many researchers around me approach
statistical analysis, I'd say discouraging "casual" use is a _feature_.)

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Re: [R] A comment about R:

2006-01-03 Thread Kort, Eric

Berton Gunter writes
> U
> I cannot say how easy or hard R is to learn, but in response to the
> commentary:
> > However, I
> > feel like R
> > is not so much of a statistical package as much as it is a
> > programming environment that has many new and cutting edge
> > features.
> Please note: the first sentence of the Preface of THE Green Book
> inventor of the S Language, explicitly states:
> "S is a programming language and environment for all kinds of
> involving data."
> I think this says that R is **not** meant to be a statistical package
> the
> conventional sense and should not be considered one. As computing
> involving
> data is a complex and frequently messy business on both technical
> (statistics), practical (messy data), and aesthetic (graphics, tables)
> levels, it is perhaps to be expected that "a programming language and
> environment for all kinds of computing involving data"  is complex.
> Personally, I find that (Chambers's next sentence) R's ability "To
> ideas into software, quickly and faithfully," to be a boon. 


So in 2 months I will finish my MD program here in the U.S.  I also have
a master's degree in Epidemiology (in which we used SAS)--but that
hardly qualifies me as statistics expert.  Nonetheless, I have learned
to use R out of necessity without undue difficulty.  So have multiple of
my colleagues around me with MDs, PhDs, and Master's degrees.  We do
mainly microarray analysis, so the availability of a rapidly developing
and customizable toolset (BioC packages) is essential to our work.

And, in the same vein of others' comments, R's "nuts and bolts"
characteristics make me think, learn, and improve.  And the fear of
getting Ripleyed on the mailing list also makes me think, read, and
improve before submitting half baked questions to the list.

So in sum, I use R because it encourages thoughtful analysis, it is
flexible and extensible, and it is free.  I feel that these are
strengths of the environment, not weaknesses.  So if an individual finds
another tool better suited for their work that is obviously just fine,
but I hardly think these characteristics of R are grounds for criticism,
excellent proposals for evolution of documentation and mailing lists

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Re: [R] newbie R question

2006-01-03 Thread Eric Kort
On Tue, 2006-01-03 at 16:07 -0500, Mark Leeds wrote:
> I'm sorry to bother everyone with a stupid
> question but, when I am at an R prompt in Windows,
> is there a way to see what packages
> you already have installed from the R site so
> that you can just do library(name_of_package)
> and it will work.
> I've looked at help etc but I can't find
> a command like this. Maybe there
> isn't one which is fine.



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Re: [R] removal of an element from a vector

2006-01-04 Thread Kort, Eric
Gynmeerut asks...
> Dear All,
>   I have some problem in R which I'm explaining using an example:
> x<-(120,235,172,95,175,200,233,142)
> i want to remove the elements which are lesser than 100 and as a
result i
> want two vectors
> y<-(containing elements <100)
> z<-(remaining elements)

y <- x[which(x < 100)]
z <- x[which(x >= 100)]

> Moreover if I wish to use two different programs for vectors y and z.
> which command shall I use(will IF-ELSE  work ?)

This part of the question I do not quite understand.  Now that you have
y and z, you can do whatever you like with them.  But R certainly does
have conditional control statements (if/else) as described in An
Introduction to R. 


> Thanks and regards,
> GS
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Re: [R] Why doesn't this nested loop work?

2006-01-04 Thread Kort, Eric

Teresa Nelson
> Hi there,
> I can get the for-loop to work, I can get the while loop to work.  But
> can't get a for loop to work nested within the while loop - why?
> Please help,
> Teresa

It actually does work, but I think the problem is with your matrix
indexing.  See the sample below.  

You could also check out ?seq, ?rep, and ?apply for solving this problem
with fewer lines of code.

 n.max <- 300
 NUM <- 25
 n.sim <- 10 
 j <- (n.max/NUM)*n.sim
 results <- matrix(0, nrow=j, ncol=2)
 while(NUM <= n.max){
 for(i in 1:n.sim){
 k <- (NUM/25)*i
 results[((NUM / 25) - 1) * n.sim + i, 1] <- k
 results[((NUM / 25) - 1) * n.sim + i, 2] <- NUM
 cat("Iteration", i, ": NUM=", NUM, "k=", k, "\n")
 NUM <- NUM + 25
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Re: [R] How to produce this graphic

2006-01-04 Thread Kort, Eric

Lisa Wang asks...
> Subject: [R] How to produce this graphic
> Hello there,
> I would like to produce a plot of x<-c(4,5,6),which is the mean of
> group and y<-c('groupA','groupB','groupC').
> plot (x,y) can not produce any graphics because y is not numerical.
> What should I do to produce this graphic?

One possibility:
x <- c(4,5,6)
plot(x, axes=F)
axis(1, c(1:3), labels=y)

or see ?bar.plot


> Thank you in advance
> Lisa Wang
> Princess Margaret Hospital
> Toronto,Ca
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Re: [R] Suggestion for big files [was: Re: A comment about R:]

2006-01-05 Thread Kort, Eric
> -Original Message-
> [ronggui]
> >R's week when handling large data file.  I has a data file : 807 vars,
> >118519 obs.and its CVS format.  Stata can read it in in 2 minus,but In
> >my PC,R almost can not handle. my pc's cpu 1.7G ;RAM 512M.
> Just (another) thought.  I used to use SPSS, many, many years ago, on
> CDC machines, where the CPU had limited memory and no kind of paging
> architecture.  Files did not need to be very large for being too large.
> SPSS had a feature that was then useful, about the capability of
> sampling a big dataset directly at file read time, quite before
> processing starts.  Maybe something similar could help in R (that is,
> instead of reading the whole data in memory, _then_ sampling it.)
> One can read records from a file, up to a preset amount of them.  If the
> file happens to contain more records than that preset number (the number
> of records in the whole file is not known beforehand), already read
> records may be dropped at random and replaced by other records coming
> from the file being read.  If the random selection algorithm is properly
> chosen, it can be made so that all records in the original file have
> equal probability of being kept in the final subset.
> If such a sampling facility was built right within usual R reading
> routines (triggered by an extra argument, say), it could offer
> a compromise for processing large files, and also sometimes accelerate
> computations for big problems, even when memory is not at stake.

Since I often work with images and other large data sets, I have been thinking 
about a "BLOb" (binary large object--though it wouldn't necessarily have to be 
binary) package for R--one that would handle I/O for such creatures and only 
bring as much data into the R space as was actually needed.

So I see 3 possibilities:

1. The sort of functionality you describe is implemented in the R internals (by 
people other than me).
2. Some individuals (perhaps myself included) write such a package.
3. This thread fizzles out and we do nothing.

I guess I will see what, if any, discussion ensues from this point to see which 
of these three options seems worth pursuing.

> --
> François Pinard
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[R] matrix export

2006-01-19 Thread Eric Pante
Dear listers,

I need to export a distance matrix in the following format :

a 0.0 1.0 0.2 1.0 1.0
b 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
c 0.2 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
d 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
e 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0

I tried write.matrix() from the MASS library, which gives:

a b c d e
0.0 1.0 0.2 1.0 1.0
1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.2 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0

Does anyone know of an R trick to change the location of the headers 
?or do I need to do this externally, through perl or bash ?

Thanks in advance for your help,

Eric Pante

College of Charleston, Grice Marine Laboratory
205 Fort Johnson Road, Charleston SC 29412

"On ne force pas la curiosite, on l'eveille ..."
Daniel Pennac

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Re: [R] matrix export

2006-01-19 Thread Eric Pante
Thanks, Bert

write.table won't do the trick, because distance matrices in R are 
presented as lower triangular matrices. write.table "cannot coerce 
class "dist" into a data.frame".

maybe there is a way to transform the lower triangular matrix into a 
full matrix, and then use write.table ?

cheers, Eric

On Jan 19, 2006, at 1:38 PM, Berton Gunter wrote:

> Just use write.table() from the base package with row.names=TRUE (the
> default).
> -- Bert Gunter
> Genentech Non-Clinical Statistics
> South San Francisco, CA
> "The business of the statistician is to catalyze the scientific 
> learning
> process."  - George E. P. Box
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Eric Pante
>> Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 10:09 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: [R] matrix export
>> Dear listers,
>> I need to export a distance matrix in the following format :
>> a 0.0 1.0 0.2 1.0 1.0
>> b 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
>> c 0.2 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
>> d 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
>> e 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
>> I tried write.matrix() from the MASS library, which gives:
>> a b c d e
>> 0.0 1.0 0.2 1.0 1.0
>> 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
>> 0.2 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
>> 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
>> 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
>> Does anyone know of an R trick to change the location of the headers
>> ?or do I need to do this externally, through perl or bash ?
>> Thanks in advance for your help,
>> Eric
>> Eric Pante
>> College of Charleston, Grice Marine Laboratory
>> 205 Fort Johnson Road, Charleston SC 29412
>>  "On ne force pas la curiosite, on l'eveille ..."
>>  Daniel Pennac
>> __
>> mailing list
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Eric Pante

College of Charleston, Grice Marine Laboratory
205 Fort Johnson Road, Charleston SC 29412

"On ne force pas la curiosite, on l'eveille ..."
Daniel Pennac

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Re: [R] Image Processing packages

2006-01-26 Thread Kort, Eric
Thomas Kaliwe wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been looking for Image Processing packages. Thresholding, Edge
> Filters, Dct, Segmentation, Restoration. I'm aware, that Octave,
> etc. would be a good address but then I'm missing the "statistical
> power"  of R. Does anybody know of packages, projects etc. Comments on
> wether the use of R for such matters is useful are welcome.

See also my package rtiff for reading tiff images.

I routinely do image analysis in R.  Yes, it is relatively slow compared
to dedicated solutions, but I like the smooth integration with the
associated statistical analysis and the ability to have a single script
that performs the image analysis and multiple files and subsequent
statistical analysis, and with modern computing equipment R is fast
enough for my purposes.  

I have a variety of standard image processing functions written in R,
but have yet to distribute them because most people choose not to
perform image analysis in R for the previously stated reasons.  

So in general I would agree that R is sub-optimal for image processing
(and this is certainly outside the realm of things R was intended to do
if I read the early mailing list archives correctly).  However, it can
be done and it might be desirable to do so from a work-flow perspective.


> Greetings
> Thomas Kaliwe
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Re: [R] Image Processing packages

2006-01-27 Thread Kort, Eric
Charles Annis, P.E. writes...
> Eric:
> I use R to quantify the efficacy of ultrasonic inspections of metal
> components (e.g. looking for nonmetallic inclusions in forgings) and
use R
> for image processing, but my methods have been rather a kluge.  I am
> interested in your R functions, if you will make them available.
> Unfortunately, making a package for CRAN is (in my opinion) WAY too
> on
> Windows, and I've given up, but I hope that you do not.  I second
> Matthiesen's recent suggestion that you make your image processing
> functions
> available to fellow R users, if not on CRAN, then perhaps as ascii
> from your website.

I knew I was asking for trouble when I sent that post. =)

Ok, I will clean up my code and put together a package, hopefully in the
next couple of weeks.


> Thanks.
> Charles Annis, P.E.
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Re: [R] Image Processing packages

2006-01-27 Thread Kort, Eric

> Hi,
> Is it possible that I could see some of your functions and/or results
> those functions(Eric, Charles, Stephan). It's more about that I'd like
> to see what already has been accomplished and the way that was chosen
> thus circumventing reinvention and getting an overview.

Yes.  I sent some examples to you off list (didn't want to clog the
mailing list with the images).

> Cheers
> Thomas
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Re: [R] Image Processing packages

2006-01-31 Thread Kort, Eric

Nice.  May I incorporate these into the collection I am packaging up for 


-Original Message-
From: Vincent Zoonekynd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 1/30/2006 6:48 PM
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Kort, Eric; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thomas Kaliwe
Subject: Re: [R] Image Processing packages
A couple of years ago, I was using R as a first step before
implementing image analysis algorithms on a portable biochip
reader. Here is the code I had written at the time, should
someone find it useful (it mainly contains "morphological

There are a few examples (commented in French) at the end of

The code of those examples:

-- Vincent

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[R] matching tables

2006-02-07 Thread Eric Pante
Dear Listers,

I am trying to match tables that DO NOT have the same length. The 
tables result from the function "table()" so they look like this:

table 1
2 3 4
3 5 7

table 2
1 2 3
6 4 5

I need the following output: (NOTICE THE ZEROS)
 1 2 3 4
table1 0 3 5 7
table2 6 4 5 0

Unfortunately, I was not successful using "match()". Previous postings 
explain how to do similar matching, but for tables for same length, 
specifically. Any thoughts ?

Thanks !

Eric Pante

College of Charleston, Grice Marine Laboratory
205 Fort Johnson Road, Charleston SC 29412
Phone: 843-953-9190 (lab)  -9200 (main office)

"On ne force pas la curiosite, on l'eveille ..."
Daniel Pennac

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[R] Creating multiple copies of rows in data frames

2006-02-10 Thread Eric Archer

Within the last two months, I thought I saw mention of an R function 
that would create a new data frame composed of duplicates or multiple 
copies of rows of an input data frame given one or several columns of 
values indicating how many times each row should be copied.  As a simple 
example, given a dataframe:

 > in.df
  x y
1 A 1
2 B 2
3 C 3

" (in.df, in.df$y)" would produce something like:

  x y
1 A 1
2 B 2
3 B 2
4 C 3
5 C 3
6 C 3

For the life of me, I can't remember what that function was called, nor 
can I find it using or RSiteSearch on terms like "duplicate" 
or "copy".  Perhaps it had another primary purpose, but this was a 
side-effect or secondary capability.  Was I hallucinating, or does this 
exist as a function in base R?  Or, will I have to make one with "rep"?
Thanks in advance!



Eric Archer, Ph.D.
8604 La Jolla Shores Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92037

"Lighthouses are more helpful than churches."
- Benjamin Franklin

"Cogita tute" - Think for yourself

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[R] R and marine protected areas: algorithms for site selection

2006-02-23 Thread Eric Pante
Dear listers,

a central problem in conservation biology is the selection of sites in 
reserve network design.
many algorithms have been published, and I was wondering any have been 
implemented in R.
I did not seen anything on CRAN or R-help, or on the web in general.

Best regards, Eric

Eric Pante

College of Charleston, Grice Marine Laboratory
205 Fort Johnson Road, Charleston SC 29412
Phone: 843-953-9190 (lab)  -9200 (main office)

"On ne force pas la curiosite, on l'eveille ..."
Daniel Pennac

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[R] Rmpi and rsprng for Windows

2007-06-19 Thread Eric Ferreira
Dear f_R_iends,

I'm new on parallel programming and trying to use a machine with Windows to
access a linux computer cluster. I could install the 'snow' package, but not
'Rmpi' nor 'rsprng'.

Some tips for intalling such packages for Windows R ?

All the best,

Departamento de Ciências Exatas
Universidade Federal de Lavras
Minas Gerais - Brasil

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[R] GAM for censored data? (survival analysis)

2007-06-29 Thread Eric Peterson
First let me admit that I am no statistician... rather, an ecologist with
just enough statistical knowledge to be dangerous.
I've got a dataset with percent ground cover values for species and other
entities.  The data are left censored at zero, in that percent ground cover
cannot be negative.  (My data rarely reach 100% cover so I haven't bothered
with adding a right censoring at 100).  I've done some previous analyses
using survival analysis methods to create a predictive model for an entity
of particular interest... library("survival"); survreg(Surv(Y) ~ X).
However, I know my data do not really match linear modeling and would like
to work with some alternate methods, one of which is GAM.  I noticed that
Yee and Mitchell (1991, p.589) stated that GAM is appropriate for "certain
types of survival data".  How do I implement a survival data model in GAM
with R?  I've searched both R help and the R site search, but not found
anything relevant.  
Would it be as simple as library("survival"); library("mgcv"); gam(Surv(Y) ~
X)  ???
While I have your attention, I have a related second question.  I'd like to
model one entity (percent ground cover) as a function of another (also
percent ground cover).  Is there any way to deal with a censored predictor
variable as well as the censored response?
Citation: Yee, T. W. & N. D. Mitchell.  1991.  Generalized additive models
in plant ecology.  Journal of Vegetation Science 2: 587-602.
-Eric Peterson
Vegetation Ecologist
Nevada Natural Heritage Program

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[R] import data

2007-06-30 Thread eric zoukekang
I wonder if you might help me with informations about how to import data with a 
2.4.1 R version without the menu "Import data".
Best regards.
Ingénieur Zootechnicien
Montpellier SupAgro 
Master2 AAA-PARC
tel : +33(0)661432340


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[R] access to 'formula' terms in a user function

2007-07-06 Thread Eric Peterson
This is probably buried somewhere in the R help archives, but I've been
unable to find it, so perhaps the keywords I use here will help bring the
topic to the surface more easily for future users.
I want to write my own modeling function (ultimately for some
multidimensional windowing - but this question is on scripting basics).  For
purposes of figuring out my needs, lets just consider writing a function
that takes a formula and a dataset, and outputs the mean of each variable in
the formula model.  So:
MyFunction <- function(AFormula, ADataFrame) {
>MyFunction(Y ~ A + B, TheData)
would give results something like:
Mean of MyData$Y is 5.3
Mean of MyData$A is 3.4
Mean of MyData$B is 8.2
How do I determine the terms in the formula within the function?
How do I use one of those terms to get to the individual columns, like
MyData$Y ?
Eric Peterson
Vegetation Ecologist
Nevada Natural Heritage Program

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Re: [R] Combine R2HTML and Rcmd BATCH?

2007-07-28 Thread Eric Lecoutre
Hi Dieter,

There are two ways in R2HTML to work woth graphics.
- HTMLplot, that may require the interactive environment depending on how
you use it
- HTMLInsertGraph that is more suitable for batch scripting but requires
some more work.

First method:
HTMLplot and plotFunction (use print for trellis graphics). Not recommended.

Second method;
- Create the graphic in the format you need
- use HTMLInsertGraph to write HTML linking tag


myGraphic <- file.path(outdir,"graph1.png")

Do not hesitate to send me your file if more help is required

Best wishes,


2007/7/17, Dieter Vanderelst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi All,
> I have an R script that spawns output in the form of an HTML page. This
> is done by the R2HTML package.
> Now I want to run the same script using Rcmd BATCH. However, it seems
> that it is not possible to use R2HTML in this case.
> My script ends with this error message:
> #
> Error in dev.print(png, file = AbsGraphFileName, width = Width, height =
> Height,  :
> can only print from screen device
> Execution halted
> #
> I can not find how to work around this problem in the R2HTML manual or
> the help archives.
> Has anybody done a similar thing before? Any suggestions?
> Greetings,
> Dieter
> --
> Dieter Vanderelst
> Department of Industrial Design
> Designed Intelligence
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Eric Lecoutre
Consultant - Business & Decision
Business Intelligence & Customer Intelligence
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[R] the large dataset problem

2007-07-30 Thread Eric Doviak
Dear useRs,

I recently began a job at a very large and heavily bureaucratic organization. 
We're setting up a research office and statistical analysis will form the 
backbone of our work. We'll be working with large datasets such the SIPP as 
well as our own administrative data.

Due to the bureaucracy, it will take some time to get the licenses for 
proprietary software like Stata. Right now, R is the only statistical software 
package on my computer. 

This, of course, is a huge limitation because R loads data directly into RAM 
making it difficult (if not impossible) to work with large datasets. My 
computer only has 1000 MB of RAM, of which Microsucks Winblows devours 400 MB. 
To make my memory issues even worse, my computer has a virus scanner that runs 
everyday and I do not have the administrative rights to turn the damn thing 

I need to find some way to overcome these constraints and work with large 
datasets. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I've read that I should "carefully vectorize my code." What does that mean ??? 

The "Introduction to R" manual suggests modifying input files with Perl. Any 
tips on how to get started? Would Perl Data Language (PDL) be a good choice?

I wrote a script which loads large datasets a few lines at a time, writes the 
dozen or so variables of interest to a CSV file, removes the loaded data and 
then (via a "for" loop) loads the next few lines  I managed to get it to 
work with one of the SIPP core files, but it's SLW. Worse, if I discover 
later that I omitted a relevant variable, then I'll have to run the whole 
script all over again.

Any suggestions?

- Eric

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[R] the large dataset problem

2007-07-30 Thread Eric Doviak
Dear useRs,

I recently began a job at a very large and heavily bureaucratic organization. 
We're setting up a research office and statistical analysis will form the 
backbone of our work. We'll be working with large datasets such the SIPP as 
well as our own administrative data.

Due to the bureaucracy, it will take some time to get the licenses for 
proprietary software like Stata. Right now, R is the only statistical software 
package on my computer. 

This, of course, is a huge limitation because R loads data directly into RAM 
making it difficult (if not impossible) to work with large datasets. My 
computer only has 1000 MB of RAM, of which Microsucks Winblows devours 400 MB. 
To make my memory issues even worse, my computer has a virus scanner that runs 
everyday and I do not have the administrative rights to turn the damn thing 

I need to find some way to overcome these constraints and work with large 
datasets. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I've read that I should "carefully vectorize my code." What does that mean ??? 

The "Introduction to R" manual suggests modifying input files with Perl. Any 
tips on how to get started? Would Perl Data Language (PDL) be a good choice?

I wrote a script which loads large datasets a few lines at a time, writes the 
dozen or so variables of interest to a CSV file, removes the loaded data and 
then (via a "for" loop) loads the next few lines  I managed to get it to 
work with one of the SIPP core files, but it's SLW. Worse, if I discover 
later that I omitted a relevant variable, then I'll have to run the whole 
script all over again.

Any suggestions?

- Eric

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Re: [R] the large dataset problem

2007-07-31 Thread Eric Doviak

Just a note of thanks for all the help I have received. I haven't gotten a 
chance to implement any of your suggestions because I'm still trying to catalog 
all of them! Thank you so much!

Just to recap (for my own benefit and to create a summary for others):

Bruce Bernzweig suggested using the  R.huge  package.

Ben Bolker pointed out that my original message wasn't clear and asked what I 
want to do with the data. At this point, just getting a dataset loaded would be 
wonderful, so I'm trying to trim variables (and if possible, I would also like 
to trim observations). He also provided an example of "vectorizing."

Ted Harding suggested that I use AWK to process the data and provided the 
necessary code. He also tested his code on older hardware running GNU-Linux (or 
Unix?) and showed that AWK can process the data even when the computer has very 
little memory and processing power. Jim Holtman had similar success when he 
used Cygwin's UNIX utilities on a machine running MS Windows. They both used 
the following code:

 gawk 'BEGIN{FS=","}{print $(1) "," $(1000) "," $(1275) ","  $(5678)}'
 < tempxx.txt > newdata.csv

Fortunately, there is a version of GAWK for MS Windows. ... Not that I like MS 
Windows. It's just that I'm forced to use that 19th century operating system on 
the job. (After using Debian at home and happily running RKWard for my 
dissertation, returning to Windows World is downright depressing). 

Roland Rau suggested that I use a database with RSQLite and pointed out that 
RODBC can work with MS Access. He also pointed me to a sub-chapter in Venables 
and Ripley's _S Programming_ and "The Whole-Object View" pages in John 
Chamber's _Programming with Data_. 

Greg Snow recommended  biglm  for regression analysis with data that is too 
large to fit into memory.

Last, but not least, Peter Dalgaard pointed out that there are options within 
R. He suggests using the colClasses= argument for when "reading" data and the 
what= argument for "scanning" data, so that you don't load more columns than 
necessary. He also provided the following script: 

 dict <- readLines("";)
 D.lines <- grep("^D ", dict)
 vdict <- read.table(con <- textConnection(dict[D.lines])); close(con)

I'll try these solutions and report back on my success.

Thanks again!
- Eric

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[R] MTBF Reliability calculations

2007-07-31 Thread Jennings, Eric
I'm working on a project involving reliability values (known failure
rates) for a system with approximately 700 components with a set

I'm looking to compute a "parts-count" MTBF (mean time between failures)
for the system. 

(See also MIL-HDBK-217)


Is there anything in R that can help me with this?

Eric Jennings 

QA Technical Assistant 
Crane Electronics --Redmond 
10301 Willows Road 
P.O. Box 97005 
Redmond, WA 98073 
PH 425.895.5039 

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[R] rfImpute

2007-08-10 Thread Eric Turkheimer
I am having trouble with the rfImpute function in the randomForest package.
Here is a sample...

> clunk.impute<-rfImpute(CONVERT~.,data=clunk)
ntree  OOB  1  2
  300:  26.80%  3.83% 85.37%
ntree  OOB  1  2
  300:  18.56%  5.74% 51.22%
Error in randomForest.default(xf, y, ntree = ntree, ..., do.trace = ntree,
NA not permitted in predictors

So roughFix works, but rfImpute doesn't....

 ent3c *at*

Eric Turkheimer, PhD
Department of Psychology
University of Virginia
PO Box 400400
Charlottesville, VA  22904-4400

434-982-4766 (FAX)

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[R] book and website announcement

2006-03-14 Thread Eric Zivot
The 2nd Edition of my book (with Jiahui Wang) Modeling Financial Time Series
with S-PLUS has recently been published by Springer-Verlag. The 2nd Edition
is updated to cover S-PLUS 7 and S+FinMetrics 2.0. I have also created a
website for the 2nd Edition, which can be found at


The website contains scripts for all of the examples in the book, as well as
a substantial amount of additional material and examples.

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[R] subsetting and NAs

2006-03-20 Thread Eric Archer

I'm getting some unexpected behavior with subsetting a data frame 
(aircraft flight data) that I can't sort out.
Here is a simplified version of my data frame and problem:

 > flight
  FlightID TailNo FlightDate HobbsTime FlightCost   Date year
1 4497  6009K  2.2  330.0  NA
2 4498  6009K  0.8  120.0  NA
3 4499  6009K  0.9  135.0  NA
4 4500  6009K  1.1  165.0  NA
5 4501  6009K  1.5  225.0  NA
2587  7083  9206N   4/8/2009   1.5  103.5 2009-04-08 2009
2588  7084  9206N  4/10/2009   1.3   89.7 2009-04-10 2009
2589  7085  9206N  4/11/2009   1.9  131.1 2009-04-11 2009
2590  7086  9206N  4/12/2009   1.3   89.7 2009-04-12 2009
2591  7087  9206N  4/15/2009   1.1   75.9 2009-04-15 2009
2979335208  91630  1/21/2006   1.4  107.8 2006-01-21 2006
2979435209  91630  1/21/2006   0.7   53.9 2006-01-21 2006
2979535210  9725B  1/21/2006   1.4  138.6 2006-01-21 2006
2979635212  91630  1/28/2006   1.0   77.0 2006-01-28 2006
2979735213  91630  1/28/2006   1.6  123.2 2006-01-28 2006
2979835214  3386E   1/5/2006   1.1   86.9 2006-01-05 2006

I then try to extract the error years :

 > errors <- flight[flight$year > 2006,]
 > errors
 FlightID TailNo FlightDate HobbsTime FlightCost   Date year
NA.1   NA  NA NA  NA
NA.2   NA  NA NA  NA
NA.3   NA  NA NA  NA
NA.4   NA  NA NA  NA
2587 7083  9206N   4/8/2009   1.5  103.5 2009-04-08 2009
2588 7084  9206N  4/10/2009   1.3   89.7 2009-04-10 2009
2589 7085  9206N  4/11/2009   1.9  131.1 2009-04-11 2009
2590 7086  9206N  4/12/2009   1.3   89.7 2009-04-12 2009
2591 7087  9206N  4/15/2009   1.1   75.9 2009-04-15 2009

Would someone please explain to me why the new data frame has all 
columns (and row names) replaced with NA where year was NA and how to 
avoid this behavior?.
Thanks in advance.

I am using R v2.2.1 on Windows XP.


Sample Data:

structure(list(FlightID = c(4497, 4498, 4499, 4500, 4501, 7083,
7084, 7085, 7086, 7087, 35208, 35209, 35210, 35212, 35213, 35214
), TailNo = structure(c(28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49,
47, 47, 54, 47, 47, 15), .Label = c("12345", "133BW", "152GB",
"172CM", "172RW", "1955L", "2219E", "222WC", "231NW", "2496M",
"2630V", "2726E", "2903A", "2977G", "3386E", "3803E", "3979V",
"409EV", "43160", "46275", "4644B", "47885", "4922D", "4975F",
"5073H", "5317P", "5335P", "6009K", "6013X", "6036J", "6360D",
"64048", "6495R", "66038", "67844", "6913R", "733XL", "734BT",
"738QA", "808LP", "8148F", "8164Z", "8269T", "8451R", "8654V",
"8715E", "91630", "9199Z", "9206N", "92SA", "936GW", "9488G",
"9596H", "9725B", "9756U", "ELITE", "N20BY", "N53MF"), class = "factor"),
FlightDate = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "4/8/2009", "4/10/2009",
"4/11/2009", "4/12/2009", "4/15/2009", "1/21/2006", "1/21/2006",
"1/21/2006", "1/28/2006", "1/28/2006", "1/5/2006"), HobbsTime = c(2.2,
0.8, 0.9, 1.1, 1.5, 1.5, 1.3, 1.9, 1.3, 1.1, 1.4, 0.7, 1.4,
    1, 1.6, 1.1), FlightCost = c(330, 120, 135, 165, 225, 103.5,
89.7, 131.1, 89.7, 75.9, 107.8, 53.9, 138.6, 77, 123.2, 86.9
), Date = structure(c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 1239174000, 1239346800,
1239433200, 1239519600, 1239778800, 1137830400, 1137830400,
1137830400, 1138435200, 1138435200, 1136448000), tzone = "", class = 
"POSIXct")), year = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 2009, 2009, 2009,
2009, 2009, 2006, 2006, 2006, 2006, 2006, 2006)), .Names = 
"TailNo", "FlightDate", "HobbsTime", "FlightCost", "Date", "year"
), row.names = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "2587", "2588", "2589",
"2590", "2591", "29793", "29794", "29795", "29796", "29797",
"29798"), class = "data.frame")


Eric Archer, Ph.D.
8604 La Jolla Shores Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92037

"Lighthouses are more helpful than churches."
- Benjamin Franklin

"Cogita tute" - Think for yourself

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PLEASE do read the posting guide!

Re: [R] subsetting and NAs

2006-03-20 Thread Eric Archer
Had I just looked at flight$year > 2006, I would've seen what was up.
Thanks much Peter!


P Ehlers wrote:
>  [snip]
> flight$year > 2006 will return TRUE/FALSE, not row numbers. Try this:
> errors <- subset(flight, subset = year > 2006)
> Peter Ehlers


Eric Archer, Ph.D.
8604 La Jolla Shores Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92037

"Lighthouses are more helpful than churches."
- Benjamin Franklin

"Cogita tute" - Think for yourself

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PLEASE do read the posting guide!

[R] Adding values to top of bars in barchart

2006-04-14 Thread Eric Archer
Given the following data frame ("freq.sp"),

 > str(freq.sp)
`data.frame':   42 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ behav  : Factor w/ 6 levels "approach","bowride",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 
2 2 ...
 $ species: Factor w/ 7 levels "COAST_SPOT","EAST_SPINR",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 
7 1 2 3 ...
 $ n  : int  193 194 563 357 570 369 74 194 208 633 ...
 $ pct: num  0.725 0.340 0.252 0.381 0.072 ...

I create a trellis barchart with the following command,

barchart(pct ~ behav | species, data=freq.sp, as.table=TRUE, 
ylab="Frequency", ylim=c(0,1), main="Frequencies of Behaviors",

In this graph, I would like to include the sample sizes (the value of 
freq.sp$n corresponding to each freq.sp$pct) at the top of each bar.  I 
don't see a specific command in barchart that will allow me to do this 
and am fairly new to lattice graphics.  I've done RSiteSearches on 
keywords that I could think of, but didn't run across anything I 
recognized as useful. Any pointers on how to accomplish this would be 
greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.



Eric Archer, Ph.D.
8604 La Jolla Shores Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92037

"Lighthouses are more helpful than churches."
- Benjamin Franklin

"Cogita tute" - Think for yourself

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide!

Re: [R] Adding values to top of bars in barchart

2006-04-14 Thread Eric Archer

Thanks much!  That works perfectly!


Deepayan Sarkar wrote:
> On 4/14/06, Eric Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Given the following data frame ("freq.sp"),
>>  > str(freq.sp)
>> `data.frame':   42 obs. of  4 variables:
>>  $ behav  : Factor w/ 6 levels "approach","bowride",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
>> 2 2 ...
>>  $ species: Factor w/ 7 levels "COAST_SPOT","EAST_SPINR",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6
>> 7 1 2 3 ...
>>  $ n  : int  193 194 563 357 570 369 74 194 208 633 ...
>>  $ pct: num  0.725 0.340 0.252 0.381 0.072 ...
>> I create a trellis barchart with the following command,
>> barchart(pct ~ behav | species, data=freq.sp, as.table=TRUE,
>> xlab="Behavior",
>> ylab="Frequency", ylim=c(0,1), main="Frequencies of Behaviors",
>> scales=list(x=list(rot=45)))
>> In this graph, I would like to include the sample sizes (the value of
>> freq.sp$n corresponding to each freq.sp$pct) at the top of each bar.  I
>> don't see a specific command in barchart that will allow me to do this
>> and am fairly new to lattice graphics.  I've done RSiteSearches on
>> keywords that I could think of, but didn't run across anything I
>> recognized as useful. Any pointers on how to accomplish this would be
>> greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.
> Here's an example using the barley data. For more flexible placement
> of the text, use grid.text from the grid package directly (instead of
> panel.text):
> library(lattice)
> barchart(I(yield / sum(yield)) ~ variety | site, barley,
>  subset = (year == "1931"),
>  scales = list(x = list(rot = 45)),
>  label = round(barley$yield),
>  panel = function(x, y, label, subscripts, ...) {
>  lab <- label[subscripts]
>  panel.barchart(x, y, ..., subscripts = subscripts)
>  panel.text(x = x, y = y + 0.001, lab = lab,
> cex = 0.5)
>  })
> Deepayan
> --
> __
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Eric Archer, Ph.D.
8604 La Jolla Shores Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92037

"Lighthouses are more helpful than churches."
- Benjamin Franklin

"Cogita tute" - Think for yourself

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide!

[R] (sem assunto)

2006-04-20 Thread Eric Ferreira
Dear R-colleagues,

Is it possible to mix TEXT and VALUE of objects in y (or x) label of a plot?

For instance:

plot(..., ylab='Axis f', ...)

where "f" means the VALUE of "f".

Thany you in advance,


Departamento de Ciências Exatas
Universidade Federal de Lavras
Minas Gerais - Brasil

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Re: [R] (sem assunto)

2006-04-20 Thread Eric Ferreira
Thak you very much indeed!


On 4/20/06, Gabor Grothendieck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Try paste:
> paste("Axis", f)
> On 4/20/06, Eric Ferreira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear R-colleagues,
> >
> > Is it possible to mix TEXT and VALUE of objects in y (or x) label of a
> plot?
> >
> > For instance:
> >
> > f<-2
> > plot(..., ylab='Axis f', ...)
> >
> > where "f" means the VALUE of "f".
> >
> > Thany you in advance,
> >
> >
> > Eric.
> >
> > --
> > Barba
> > Departamento de Ciências Exatas
> > Universidade Federal de Lavras
> > Minas Gerais - Brasil
> >
> >[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> >
> >
> >
> > __
> > mailing list
> >
> > PLEASE do read the posting guide!
> >
> >

Departamento de Ciências Exatas
Universidade Federal de Lavras
Minas Gerais - Brasil

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[R] installation problem with 2.3.0

2006-04-26 Thread Eric Evans

I'm in the process of trying to upgrade our R software from version 2.2.3 
to 2.3.0 on our Sun workstations.  In the installation process I'm 
encountering some puzzling errors whe I do the 'make install.'  After 
installing the doc files successfully the installation process crashes 
while trying to install the etc files, with the following messages:

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/R-2.3.0/doc'
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/R-2.3.0/etc'
installing etc ...
/bin/bash: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `;'
/bin/bash: -c: line 1: `for f in ; do  ../tools/install-sh -c -m 644 ${f} 
"/usr/local/lib/R/etc";  done'
make[1]: *** [install] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/R-2.3.0/etc'
make: *** [install] Error 1

I've been studying the Makefile trying to figure out what would cause such 
an error but so far I haven't been able to figure it out.  We are using 
Solaris 8 with GNU make version 3.79.1.  I've also tried using the Sun 
default make (i.e. /usr/ccs/bin/make) but I get the same result.  I've 
installed R (previous versions) many times on Solaris previously without 
any problems and I'm puzzled as to why we're encountering this problem in 
2.3.0.  Does anybody have any suggestions for things I can try to remedy 
this problem?

Thanks very much,

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[R] random walk on graph

2006-04-27 Thread Eric Blabac
Hi all,
I'm having issues coding a random walk on a fully connected, undirected 
graph G with probability transition matrix P = (p_ij). Here is what I have 
so far ...

for(i in 1:n){
for(m in 1:M){
x <- as.vector(matrix(rep(0,N+1),nc=N+1))
x[1] <- i

for(k in 2:N+1){
y <- as.vector(matrix(rep(0,n),nc=n))
r <- runif(1)
c <- c(0,cumsum(P[x[k-1],]))

for(j in 1:n){
y[j] <- (r >= c[j] & r < c[j+1])
x[k] <- which(y == 1)
L[i,m] <- x[N+1]

its giving me the error:

Error in "[<-"(`*tmp*`, k, value = integer(0)) :
nothing to replace with

no matter what I do I cant fix it ... any suggestions ?

Eric Blabac
PhD Student - ASU Dept of Mathematics/Statistics

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[R] Vector searching and counting speed optimization

2006-05-03 Thread Eric Archer

I'm seeking any suggestions on optimizing some code for speed.  Here's 
the setup:  the code below is part of a larger chunk that is calculating 
Fst values across loci and alleles.  This chunk is designed to calculate 
the proportion ('p.a') of an allele ('a') at a locus in each population 
('p') and the proportion of individuals heterozygous for that allele 
('h.a').   I'm not concerned with being slick in terms of using the most 
convenient functions, but would rather have it do the calculations as 
fast as possible as this bit is getting run very frequently and seems to 
be taking the most compute time.  Profiling seems to indicate that 
functions like 'length(which(...))' and 'table(factor(...,level=a))' are 
more expensive than the logical vector creation scheme below.  I just 
want to make sure I haven't overlooked any other viable options that 
might be available.  Any and all suggestions are gladly welcomed.  
Thanks in advance.



Variables used :
'pop' - population i.d. , 'a1' & 'a2' - alleles 1 and 2 at locus : all 
character vectors of equal length (no NAs)
nvec - vector of number of individuals in population 'p'
a - allele for which 'p.a' and 'p.het.a' are being calculated

Here's some example data and then the code snippet in question:

test <- structure(list(pop = c("1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1",
"2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3"
), loc4.a1 = c("3", "3", "4", "3", "3", "4", "4", "4", "3", "4",
"4", "3", "4", "2", "4", "4", "4", "4", "2", "4", "2"), loc4.a2 = c("3",
"3", "3", "3", "4", "3", "3", "3", "2", "3", "3", "3", "4", "2",
"3", "4", "3", "4", "1", "3", "1")), .Names = c("pop", "loc4.a1",
"loc4.a2"), na.action = structure(36, .Names = "36", class = "omit"), 
row.names = c("1",
"2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13",
"14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21"), class = "data.frame")
pop <- test$pop
a1 <- test$loc4.a1
a2 <- test$loc4.a2
nvec <- table(pop)
a <- "3"

with.a <- a1 == a | a2 == a
allele.stats <- sapply(names(nvec), function(p) {
  this.pop <- pop == p & with.a <- a1[this.pop] == a <- a2[this.pop] == a
  na1 <- length([])
  na2 <- length([])
  p.a <- (na1 + na2) / nvec[p] / 2
  is.het <- a1[this.pop] != a2[this.pop]
  p.het.a <- length(is.het[is.het]) / nvec[p]
  c(p.a, p.het.a)


Eric Archer, Ph.D.
8604 La Jolla Shores Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92037

"Lighthouses are more helpful than churches."
- Benjamin Franklin

"Cogita tute" - Think for yourself

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Re: [R] Vector searching and counting speed optimization

2006-05-03 Thread Eric Archer

Thanks!  I never would've thought of using sum() to count the TRUEs in a 
logical vector, but it makes perfect sense.


Richard M. Heiberger wrote:
> sum() looks faster to me
> tmp <- as.logical(rbinom(100,1,.5))
>> system.time(for (i in 1:1) length(tmp[tmp]))
> [1] 0.09 0.00 0.09   NA   NA
>> system.time(for (i in 1:1) sum(tmp))
> [1] 0.03 0.00 0.03   NA   NA
> I am running on Windows XP
>> Sys.getenv()[20]
> "x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 4, GenuineIntel" 
> __
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Eric Archer, Ph.D.
8604 La Jolla Shores Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92037

"Lighthouses are more helpful than churches."
- Benjamin Franklin

"Cogita tute" - Think for yourself

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide!

[R] microarray-like graph

2006-05-18 Thread Eric Hu
Hi, I am beginning to learn R and have a data table that I would like to
produce a microarray-like plot. The table looks like this:

3 0 0 3 -377.61 1.94
3 0 0 3 -444.80 2.36
2 1 0 3 -519.60 2.39
1 1 1 3 -54.88 2.49
2 1 1 4 -536.55 2.53
1 0 1 2 108.29 2.62
2 0 0 2 39.56 2.62
3 0 1 4 108.32 2.63
2 0 0 2 -455.23 2.84
1 0 0 1 -432.30 2.98

I would like to assign colors to the first three columns and plot the last
column against fourth column which is the sum of the first three at each
row. Can anyone point to me how to approach this? Thanks for your


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