Re: [R-sig-phylo] 3. partial correlation with gls residuals? (Tom Schoenemann)

2012-03-14 Thread Emmanuel Paradis

Hi Alejandro,

I agree with almost all your points. A few additional comments below.

Correlation gives the correlation among the estimated regression 
parameters: it is computed from the variance-covariance matrix extracted 
from the fitted object,$varBeta or vcov( -- the 
latter is not to be confused with vcv(). It depends on the shape of the 
likelihood function and shows how much the estimation of a parameter may 
be affected by others.

On phylogenetic signal, I think that AIC may be a suitable way to select 
the appropriate correlation structure: fit the same regression model 
with different corStruct and select the one with the smallest AIC. Note 
that often, the corStruct for a given regression model will not be the 
same than when considering each variable separately (e.g., gls(A ~ 1, ...)

A more general comment to Tom: you seem to imply the following (causal) 
relationships (here '-' is not R's operator):

C - A
C - B

It seems pretty clear to me that, if these relations hold, A and B will 
be correlated. But maybe you have other hypotheses/models in mind.



Alejandro Gonzalez wrote on 13/03/2012 16:04:

Hello Tom,

I will answer some of your questions below, Emmanuel and others may be better 
placed to reply to some of your questions:

On 12, Mar 2012, at 7:49 PM, Tom Schoenemann wrote:

Thanks Rob and Alejandro,

OK, I did as suggested and ran a PGLS with A ~ B + C.  I was hoping for some 
clarification of the actual results.  Here is a summary:

Generalized least squares fit by maximum likelihood
  Model: variableA ~ variableB + variableC
  Data: DF.B.A.C
AIC   BIC  logLik
  -23.49499 -10.46914 16.7475

Correlation Structure: corPagel
Formula: ~1
Parameter estimate(s):

  Value  Std.Error   t-value p-value
(Intercept)   0.5229794 0.04740728 11.031625  0.
variableB 0.2200980 0.05012508  4.390976  0.
variableC   0.0620030 0.05128472  1.208996  0.2296

  (Intr) variableB
variableB -0.813
variableC0.362 -0.837

Standardized residuals:
   Min Q1Med Q3Max
-3.2951355 -0.4995948  0.2604608  0.8884995  2.8456205

Residual standard error: 0.2067425
Degrees of freedom: 100 total; 97 residual

Are the following correct interpretations?:

1) Controlling for the phylogeny I used, variableB is associated with variableA 
independent of variableC, because the p-value of the beta weight for variableB 
is highly significant (0.)

Yes, the model estimates a partial regression slope and standard error, that is 
the relationship between B and A controlling for the potential effects of C 
(that is potential relationship between C and A).

2) Controlling for the phylogeny I used, variableC is not significantly 
associated with variableA independent of variableB, because the p-value of its 
beta weight is not significant (0.2296)

Yes, assuming there is no multicolinearity. See below...

3) There does not seem to be a significant effect of phylogeny on this 
relationship, since the ML lambda estimate is: -0.09862731

Yes, when lambda tends to 0, phylogenetic and non phylogenetic methods are 
expected to converge. I will note that an advantage of using PGLS methods is 
that the evolutionary parameter estimated simultaneously with model fit (in 
this case lambda) allows for adequate adjustment for phylogenetic signal. See a 
nice paper on this by Revell 2010 in Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

Also, what exactly are the values listed in the Correlation section? Does the 
-0.837 entry indicate that variableB is correlated negatively with variableC controlling 
for variableA (and/or my phylogeny)?

Maybe Emmanuel can answer this one. You could test whether B and C are strongly 
correlated, for example using PGLS. If they are repeating the analysis dropping 
B from your model should result in a significant correlation between C and A, 
indicating there is multicolinearity. Of course, the proper way to do all this 
is to examine your data prior to analyses. What are the two traits, maybe they 
are providing very similar information?

Regarding my original plan to assess the independent relationship between 
variables using residuals, the Freckleton paper Alejandro kindly forwarded 
includes this comment:

Note that to estimate the true slope for the effect of x2 using residual regression 
one would need to regress the residuals of the regression on y on x1 on the residuals of 
the regression of x2 on x1 (e.g. see Baltagi 1999, pp. 72ˆ74 for elaboration of 
this). (p. 544)

This was what I remembered about the issue myself, though I haven't kept up on 
the literature Rob and Alejandro mentioned.

However, Rob believes the residuals might not be independent of phylogeny, and 

Re: [R-sig-phylo] Tree Permutation

2012-03-14 Thread Rob Lanfear
Hi Sean,

Conceptually speaking it helps to think about tree permutations in terms of
snapping a tree at a random edge, and then re-attaching that edge somewhere
else on the tree. That saves the problems with picking two independent
nodes. There are standard routines for this kind of thing, particularly
nearest-neighbour interchange (NNI), subtree prune and regraft (SPR), and
tree bisection reconnection (TBR).

I know that NNI and SPR are implemented in Phangorn, but I couldn't find an
implementation of TBR. Others will know if there is one.



On 14 March 2012 23:55, Sean Downey wrote:


 I've banged my head long enough with this one, so I hope someone can help.
 I am trying to write a routine to permute the structure of a tree. Note,
 this is different than phyloshuffle() in phylotools, which just shuffles
 tips -- in contrast, I am trying to permute the structure of the tree. In
 this case I cannot resample the original data because these trees are
 manually constructed, yet I want a way or doing some statistics on them. If
 there is a package doing this that I've missed? I would like to be able to
 specify a number of iterations (easy) and the routine would repeatedly
 switch random pairs of clades within the tree (not so easy, apparently). If
 the routine is run for many iterations, the resulting tree would be
 completely random. This seems simple, but given the dependencies in the
 tree, you can't pick just any two nodes; for example, the second node
 cannot be a descendant of the first node. Also, it seems like I need to
 test that the two subtrees are structurally !
  independent, but I'm not certain exactly what these criteria are. They
 don't appear to have to be the same distance from the root in all cases.
 The next problem is how to do this in ape. I'm reasonably familiar with the
 phylo() object, but obviously since I'm posting this, I haven't been able
 to make it work. Especially, the bind.tree() step.

 Thanks much for any help,


 ## Tree Permutation
 ## Note, code does not work correctly!


 atree-makeNodeLabel(atree, prefix = )

 n=1 # No. itterations

 plot.phylo(atree, show.node.label = TRUE)
 ptree-atree # a copy to permute
 for (i in 1:n){
  # Pick the first node from the tree
  a.node - 2 # testing

  # This creates a subtree to sample the second branch from
  drop.a.node-drop.tip(ptree,extract.a$tip.label, trim.internal=F) #trim F
 to leave a place to attach other subtree
  plot(extract.a, show.node.label = TRUE)
  plot(drop.a.node, show.node.label = TRUE)

  # Pick a node from somewhere ealse in the tree
  b.node - 5 #testing

  # This creates a subtree to sample the second branch from
  drop.b.node-drop.tip(drop.a.node,extract.b$tip.label, trim.internal=F)
  plot(extract.b, show.node.label = TRUE)
  plot(drop.b.node, show.node.label = TRUE)

  #   drop.b.node contains whatever is left after clipping out the two
  #   now I want to reassemble the tree switching extract.a and extract.b
  bind.tree.1-bind.tree(drop.b.node,extract.a,where=b.node) # doesnt work?
  plot(bind.tree.1, show.node.label = TRUE)
  plot(bind.tree.2, show.node.label = TRUE)
  #copy the results
  ptree - bind.tree.2

 #plot the permuted tree
 plot(ptree, show.node.label = TRUE)


 Sean S. Downey, Ph.D.
 Institute of Archaeology
 University College London
 31-34 Gordon Square
 UK Cell: +44 (0)7542 41 0077
 Belize Cell: +501 636-2939

 R-sig-phylo mailing list

Rob Lanfear
Research Fellow,
Ecology, Evolution, and Genetics,
Research School of Biology,
Australian National University

Tel: +61 2 6125 4321

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Re: [R-sig-phylo] Alternative to rapply() for nested lists of phylo objects?

2012-03-14 Thread Rich FitzJohn
Hi Dave,

I believe that this does what you want ('d'apply for Dave).

dapply - function(obj, FUN, class=phylo, default=NULL) {
  ret - lapply(obj, function(x)
if (inherits(x, class)) FUN(x)
else if (is.atomic(x)) default
else dapply(x, FUN, class))
  names(ret) - names(obj)

## Named lists to check that things are where they should be.
dapply(list2, Ntip)

Basically this recursively applies maps itself over lists until it hits an 
object of class 'class' (phylo by default).  If it never finds an element of 
that class by the time it reaches an atomic class (e.g., numeric) it will 
return default (by default NULL):


The above function won't be a good idea in all cases, and isn't much tested, 
etc, etc.  This also doesn't preserve class attributes, of the component lists, 
but that could be done in the same way as names() is.


On 2012-03-14, at 2:39 PM, David Bapst wrote:

 Hello all,
 I am dealing with simulation results that produce nested lists of trees
 (with unbalanced depths; i.e. the first list might have five lists of three
 trees, the second element might have three lists of five trees, the third
 element might just be a single tree). I want to do some analyses on each of
 these trees, so one option would be flattening the list and recording their
 original position in the list. Alternatively, I'd prefer to retain the
 structure of the nested list. I recently discovered rapply() and thought
 this was a perfect fix, only to discover that it appears to look at the
 type() and not the class() of objects passed to it, so it ignores the phylo
 objects as a whole and passes right on to their constituent elements.
 For example:
 Playing with arguments in rapply doesn't stop this behavior; indeed, it
 seems nothing will stop rapply from ignoring the type 'list' of the phylo
 objects themselves. Does anyone know of an alternative to rapply that
 considers the class of the nested objects instead?
 -Dave B.
 David Bapst
 Dept of Geophysical Sciences
 University of Chicago
 5734 S. Ellis
 Chicago, IL 60637
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Re: [R-sig-phylo] Testing for phylogenetic signal in proportions

2012-03-14 Thread Theodore Garland Jr
It is really too few species to have a sufficiently powerful test for 
phylogenetic signal.  See Blomberg et al. (2003), available on my website.


Theodore Garland, Jr.
Department of Biology
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
Office Phone:  (951) 827-3524
Wet Lab Phone:  (951) 827-5724
Dry Lab Phone:  (951) 827-4026
Home Phone:  (951) 328-0820
Facsimile:  (951) 827-4286 = Dept. office (not confidential)

Experimental Evolution: Concepts, Methods, and Applications of Selection 
Experiments. 2009.
Edited by Theodore Garland, Jr. and Michael R. Rose
(PDFs of chapters are available from me or from the individual authors)

From: [] on 
behalf of Rob Lanfear []
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 8:18 PM
To: r-sig-phylo
Subject: [R-sig-phylo] Testing for phylogenetic signal in proportions

Hi All,

I've tried searching the literature for this but the search terms tend to
give irrelevant papers, so I thought I'd ask for some guidance here.

I have a set of 11 species, an ultrametric tree for the species, and for
each species I have a set of proportional data for 5 chemical traits. E.g.
for spp1 my data might be: chemicalA=10%, chemicalB=50%, chemicalC=1%,
chemicalD=19%, chemicalE=20%. The set of traits for each species always
sums to 100%, but I don't know, and can't measure, the absolute values of
the traits. Biologically speaking, this is OK, because it's the proportions
that I'm interested in.

I want to test for phylogenetic signal in these traits, and estimate the
rate of change of each proportion along the phylogeny. Can anyone point me
to any appropriate references for the methods and pitfalls of attempting to
do this with proportion data? I can see that proportional data will have
some odd properties (non-independence of traits, bounded (i.e.
non-Brownian) evolution, etc.), but the best way of accounting for these is
not immediately apparent to me.



Rob Lanfear
Research Fellow,
Ecology, Evolution, and Genetics,
Research School of Biology,
Australian National University

Tel: +61 2 6125 4321

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