Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] SqueezeBox Radio battery kit avalible

2011-01-30 Thread Pat Farrell
On 01/30/2011 10:08 AM, rbz5416 wrote:
 Seems that Strikalite now sell a built pack for the Radio.

I'd love to hear of someone who has gambled and bought one. The copy on
that site shows that they have no idea what a SqueezeBox Radio is.

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Why no tuner??

2011-01-29 Thread Pat Farrell
 Am I alone in this opinion?

I think so. I sure don't want or need an over the air tuner. Where I
live, there is nothing worth listening to on the radio.

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Morons- Why Do I have to re-enter settings after every update

2010-09-06 Thread Pat Farrell
On 09/06/2010 11:48 PM, RadioListener wrote:


Do not feed the trolls
Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Beta hardware - still OK?

2010-07-18 Thread Pat Farrell
On 07/18/2010 09:15 AM, robinbowes wrote:
 My question: is there anything specific that won't work with the beta
 hardware? Will the battery pack work with it?

Why not send it back and get a production unit. Its bad form to keep 
beta units out in the wild. They need to go to the recycle shredder so 
some consumer doesn't accidentally get one a few years down the road.

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Beta hardware - still OK?

2010-07-18 Thread Pat Farrell
On 07/18/2010 12:45 PM, robinbowes wrote:
 Is that what I was supposed to do? I must have missed that

It was in the beta forum.

 Who's the best person to contact to arrange this?

Contact Mickey G

 PS. Am I supposed to have returned any other beta products? I have a
 Transporter II, Touch II,  an in-car Squeeze kicking around

All but the in-car, give that to me.

Sadly, my beta was red, and I hear that can't be replaced.

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-20 Thread Pat Farrell
On 06/20/2010 07:19 AM, Nazgul wrote:

 I've been reading these forums for a bit now and I see a pattern of BS
 coming from some senior members that try to control how people
 discuss the SBW.  Look, if you folks don't like reading negative
 comments about the radio then feel free to not read them or possibly
 comment about how you disagree.

And how, pray tell, can one know that a posting is useless without 
reading it?

 However, trying to silence people or
 negate their comments by saying, this isn't the complaint department
 take it elsewhere (paraphrasing) is BS.

Clearly you can't understand what you are reading. We are not trying to 
censor or silence anyone. What we are doing is pointing out that the 
posting of whining is pointless, since no one will do anything about it.

One definition of insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting 
different results

Posting complaints here is pointless, no one with power to do anything 
reads them. There will be *no* action.

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio Accessory Pack

2010-06-19 Thread Pat Farrell
On 06/19/2010 05:09 PM, diannabill wrote:
 What's with these self-appointed Keepers of the Forum who think they
 can criticize everyone who makes some sort of complaint about this
 radio?  Lighten up guys!  Let people complain.  It's good for your
 stress level.  This may not be a Logitech Complaint Department, but it
 definitely isn't a Senior Member's Personal Forum.  Geez!

What is with these self-appointed whiners who jump all over people just 
trying to be helpful?

Go out in the yard and yell if you want to whine.

You can bitch and moan all you want here, but since no one from Logitech 
reads these forums, you are just wasting your breath and all the 
electrons needed to show these useless posts to the world.

The radio has problems. I know it, @iPhone knows it, anyone who looks at 
these forums knows it. And even some parts of Logitech know it.

You happy now?

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Does anyone recommend the SB Radio?

2010-05-05 Thread Pat Farrell
snarlydwarf wrote:
 Mine sits on my desk at work, and is probably the player I use most.
 FWIW, most of the complaints about the radio are the alarm (which I
 don't use, so I don't care if it works or not) and MySB,  which
 likewise I don't use.

Agree, mine just works. I don't use the alarm, I'm retired and don't
agree to meetings in the morning.

I've used MySB a couple of times, but most of the time I just use it to
stream radioIO.

No problems.

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio Accessory Pack

2010-04-19 Thread Pat Farrell
snarlydwarf wrote:
 pfarrell;537807 Wrote: 
 And unless something happened that you have not
 stated, no one took your money.
 They turned me into a newt!

Yeah, but neither Visa nor MasterCard care of someone does that to you.

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio Accessory Pack

2010-04-19 Thread Pat Farrell
Jakearama wrote:
 Please re-read my posts.

Look, no one is going to go back and read all your posts in the thread.
Sorry, its not going to happen.

 What I'm saying, and what I've written, is that my credit card was
 charged for a Squeezebox Radio, which I received, but which was
 advertised to have the ability to utilize a portable battery pack that
 was advertised to be available in March 2010. I have not yet paid for
 the battery pack (and never said I did) because it is still not
 available for order in Canada.

So your complaint is that you got a Radio which works for you except for
the battery pack? And the battery pack is critical for you?

Then call Logitech support and tell them to let you send it back, get an
RMA, etc. Sure, your 30 day time is up, but they are reasonable, and you
can't evaluate the complete package because you don't have the battery pack.

But no one ripped you off.

 Please read my posts carefully. What I'm saying is I paid for the SBR
 and, when I paid for it, Logitech was advertising on their Canadian
 website that the radio featured a battery pack for portability that
 would be available in March 2010. I'm also saying that this battery
 pack never was available in March 2010 and that the Canadian website
 still says it is available in March 2010.

And its still not shipped to customers. It was also not shipped to beta
testers who were promissed to get the battery  packs in January.

There is nothing you can do to make the battery packs appear.

All you can do is decide you like the Radio, or ship it back. Or sell it
on eBay.

  They also couldn't tell me why
 the U.S. website said both pre-order and in stock on
 the same page.

Either because who ever is in charge of the website doesn't know, or
some low level web developer forgot to fix it.

Advertising something on a website does not mean that some company
ripped you off.

If they charged your credit card and told you it was shipped, and it
never gets into the tracking system, or never shows up, then you have a

For now, you don't have any problem except that your wishes were not met.

By the way, this is a community co-operative-help forum. It is not
Logitech professional tech support or sales support or anything like
that. The best you can hope for here is other users willing to help you
out. You don't seem to want that. I'm not sure what you expect.

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] SB Radio extremely Bassy

2010-01-10 Thread Pat Farrell
Mnyb wrote:
 Julian Hirsch;505241 Wrote: 
 Now I know that you are a troll.

You could not tell that from a combination of his handle and first post?

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Tone Control missing on $200 Radio?

2010-01-01 Thread Pat Farrell
John Carmac wrote:
 All the pompous rhetoric again begs the question that I am trying to get
 answered.  That is am I the only one out here in the ether that thinks
 that some simple tone controls (treble  bass) is an unreasonable
 request for a fine $200.00 radio?  

Its unlikely that tone controls will condense out of the Ether.

The platform has a powerful DSP, its how the sound is as good as it is
for the tiny package. But Logitech's engineers are not working on the
Radio, they are working on the Touch.

And, by the way, please don't feed the trolls, i.e. Mr John Carmac
Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio In Hotel?

2009-12-28 Thread Pat Farrell
WrightDawg wrote:
 As long as the hotel room has free wi-fi I should be able to use the
 radio there no problem right?  Just log on to the free wi-fi enter my
 squeezebox password and I will be good with internet radio apps

A fair number of hotels require you to send a browser to a webpage that
makes you agree to the Hotel's Terms of Service.

You might have to first plug in a laptop to agree. or some other similar

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] 7.4.2 r 8264 WTF?

2009-12-24 Thread Pat Farrell
gdpeck wrote:
 Also, it helps if your DHCP server is running. Everything is fine now.
 Nothing to see here.

That's why the gods defined backup/failover DHCP servers

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Carrying Case for Radio

2009-12-22 Thread Pat Farrell
usch wrote:
 Not trying to be a killjoy, but are you sure you will have internet
 access on the road?

Both Verizon and ATT sell little WiFi routers connected to their Cell
networks, just exactly what you would want for this. Plus, all your
carpool can use their netbooks.

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Imminent Return -- How to Fix Alarms? Search? Tone Controls?

2009-12-09 Thread Pat Farrell
bluegaspode wrote:
 The radio is not reconnecting to MySB if your provider switches your IP
 every night (very common in europe). 

A bit OT, but a lot of ISPs switch IP values frequently, even during a
session. The DHCP protocol has time limits for leases, and the client
(in this case the Radio) just asks for a new address as the end of the
lease approaches.

Its normal. AOL used to do it every twenty minutes or so.

Its really bad form for a device to assume that its IP address will stay
the same for a long time. Insert your own definition of long time here.

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Router or Switch

2009-11-23 Thread Pat Farrell
NuttyBlonde wrote:
 So, can I get by with just a network switch if I keep the radio near my

You need to network connect the radio with your PC.
You don't need wireless, you can use simple and cheap CAT5 cables to a
switch. You could even use a hub, but no one uses them anymore.

You only need wireless if you want to use it wirelessly.

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Router or Switch

2009-11-23 Thread Pat Farrell
NuttyBlonde wrote:
 So this will be all I need? With the cable of course. (Sorry I'm so
 dumb when it comes to this).

massively expensive aren't they.

Assuming you want to have your PC on a broadband connection to the
internet while you are connected to your Radio, may be done. Or if your
connection to the DSL/cable/fios is really stupid, you might need a bit

Talk to your ISP and tell them that you want to have two or three PCs
sharing the broadband connection, and ask what they say you need.

In reality, you don't need to share the outgoing connection, but most
ISP tech support folks won't be able to answer the real question.

[the real question is does their modem assign multiple DHCP addresses
without setup or voodoo]

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Router or Switch

2009-11-23 Thread Pat Farrell
CorePrime wrote:
 You will probably need a router, otherwise you will be using 2 IP
 addresses from your internet provider.  They will want to charge you for
 it.  With a router you can share your one IP address between many

Er, that is why I suggested calling the ISP. If their modem/router or
whatever they call it does NAT translation and assigns the TCP/IP
address via a DHCP server, you are done.

It depends on what the ISP provides.

You are a bit confused, nearly all ISPs do NAT at the entry to your
house, so only one IP address is visible externally.

There is very little difference between a router and a switch. The more
important question is who assigns the TCP/IP addresses. Doing that
manually has been obsolete for at least a decade.

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Router or Switch

2009-11-23 Thread Pat Farrell
NuttyBlonde wrote:
 I have ATT for my ISP. My modem is a Speedstream 4100.  I hate to even
 call them since they are in India - at least they used to be, but I
 haven't called them for a year or so.

I assume you are in India too, most folks use a local ISP.

 I have read some horror stories about hooking this up wireless, but
 maybe I've just read the bad experiences and not the good.

There are horrors of wireless. It can be made to work, but the reality
of WiFi is not what they tell you in the store. Its much worse if you
live in a city/appartment where all of your neighbors have WiFi too.

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Logitech Dumping Radio?

2009-11-19 Thread Pat Farrell
Keymaster wrote:
 I have no insider info at all, but I'd say that the SB Radio will be
 sticking around for a good while :).  The price drop likely has nothing
 to do with any concerns such as that.

I also know nothing, but some retailers lower prices just to build
traffic. On some products, there ends up being no margin at all.

I find this thread like listening to politics on cable TV stations. All
shouting and hype with little effort at understandings.

As others have said, its been out under two months. Get real.

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Status of radio battery?

2009-11-13 Thread Pat Farrell
MelonMonkey wrote:
 Yes, I'm sure.  You could at least read the post that was linked and
 see Caleb's battery comments and specs instead of just trying to bash
 what I wrote because you don't agree with it.

Nope, I am bashing your posts because I think you are a bully and jerk.


Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Status of radio battery?

2009-11-12 Thread Pat Farrell
MelonMonkey wrote:
 Thanks for the link.  I'm a little disappointed they decided to use a
 proprietary package on the AAs. 

This cynicism is not justified. Rechargable batteries tend to go boom if
mishandled. The engineers say that the package includes a
micro-controller and sensors to detect heat and charge rate, and make
adjustments to optimize battery life.

Its not just eight random AA rechargeable battery units.

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm only works when connected to mysqueezebox?

2009-11-08 Thread Pat Farrell
jmpage2 wrote:
 It sounds like the person I was responding to was alarmed that having
 incorrect timezone settings on the PC he was running the server software
 on caused his alarm to mis-fire.  

Well, if your server's time is bonkers, that's a feature, not a bug.

 this individual
 wants the local clock to run with no outside interference.  To do this
 you would have to sever clocking functions between  the radio and the SB

Well, we'll need the OP to clarify what he wants. But its possible that
he just wants to have the Radio periodically check its time setting. I
think it already does that.

 You would also need the means to locally program the clock so it
 can ignore the network time that is on the server or the internet NTP
 that it would normally use to adjust its time.

Not sure I follow you here. All you need is a UI enhancement to let the
user specify a NTP server, such as, and that would cause
the radio to ignore time on or your local SqueezeBoxServer.

I'm not sure I see the benefit, but other than the UI design issue,
technically it doesn't smell like its that hard.

Damply yours,

p.s. I run a member server of the, and my computers are
always right, within a few thousandths of a second. I've got permission
from the primary clocks to update mine, so its a very good secondary
source. As are others in the pool. On any recent Windows, all you need
to do is execute:
net time /

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Would like one, but...

2009-10-12 Thread Pat Farrell
iPhone wrote:
 My better half probably thinks my definition of too many Squeezeboxes
 is if there is more then a Transporter, Boom, and SB Radio in every room
 of the house! 

Whatever you do, keep that better half

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Stereo speaker add-on

2009-09-19 Thread Pat Farrell
Dean Blackketter wrote:
 But it does have a bit more acoustic volume, which should help its  

Plus or minus the magic that Caleb and co do.
DSP is wonderful.

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Where is the broadcast FM?

2009-09-07 Thread Pat Farrell
andynormancx wrote:
 FM is not going to be turned off by 2015, the 2015 date was just an

There is no point in arguing about when its going to happen. It is going
to happen. The die is cast, radio is dead.

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] SC 7.4 or 7.3.3 for squeezebox radio?

2009-09-06 Thread Pat Farrell
Blackfiction wrote:
 Does the squeezebox radio (I want one!) work with squeezecenter 7.3.3?
 Or dou you need to upgrade to 7.4?

Officially, 7.4 when it is released.

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Where is the broadcast FM?

2009-09-06 Thread Pat Farrell
Goodsounds wrote:
 pfarrell;455714 Wrote: 
  OTA radio is dead.. ..
 people who listen to broadcast radio dwarfs the number who listen over
 the internet. Maybe I'm wrong about that?
 Something like two-thirds or more of people in cars listen to the

Drive time radio is doing well. But that's it. People used to buy tuners
for their stereo and listen to radio. That's gone.

OTA radio is dead, just as newspapers and the network nightly news. It
doesn't know it yet, and they pretend they are relevant, but the future
is clear. All they are arguing about is the timing of the funeral.

Pat Farrell

Radio mailing list