Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simplified instructions for Squeezebox Radio Wi-Fi fix (wlanpoke)

2022-10-14 Thread rdeckard

mrw wrote: 
> @POMdev identified that the WiFi components seemed to be hogging the
> CPU, according to your 'top' listing. That would certainly give rise to
> sluggishness. If the WiFi is 'regularly' misbehaving in that manner,
> then disabling the wlan, as you did, should remove the sluggishness. Of
> course we don't know why the WiFi is apparently misbehaving...
> I wouldn't expect any difference in behaviour between 'stock' and
> 'community' firmwares. If you find that there is a difference, reliably,
> please report back.

Sorry - didn't see your post - had left the editor up whilst compiling
The issue had resurfaced again after moving the radio back to it's
original location and rebooting, which led me to try and see how I could
verify if the wlan was actually stopped. Thanks again!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simplified instructions for Squeezebox Radio Wi-Fi fix (wlanpoke)

2022-10-14 Thread rdeckard

Problem is definitely the wlan.
Still not certain whether it's a WiFi 6/interference issue, or an actual
hardware failure though.
Regardless, as of right now, the radio is set up exactly how I had it
before (albeit with wired Ethernet), and it's been running for 10+ hours
without issue.

The problem was that the method I was using for disabling wlan on bootup
did not work for me.
As per
I added an rcS.local file with the following:

/usr/etc/logger -s "Stopping wlan; disabling wifi" 
/etc/init.d/wlan stop

However, after startup, sending /etc/init.d/wlan stop resulted in:

root: wlan: stopping
..unloading all
killall: recEvent: no process killed
root: wlan stopped

This indicated wlan had not actually stopped after boot.
It should look like this if already stopped:

root: wlan: stopping
killall: wpa_cli: no process killed
killall: wpa_supplicant: no process killed
..unloading all
rmmod: can't unload 'ar6000': unknown symbol in module, or unknown
killall: recEvent: no process killed
root: wlan stopped

I then removed the rcS.local file I added previously, opened the rcS
file, and commented out the following line as shown:

#/etc/init.d/wlan start

Rebooted again, verified wlan was not running, and the radio has been up
and running with the IOGEAR WiFi bridge since.
I'm leaving it at that for now.

Many thanks to @POMdev and @mrw for the assist!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simplified instructions for Squeezebox Radio Wi-Fi fix (wlanpoke)

2022-10-13 Thread rdeckard

I needed to step away from this for a bit, so I waited until this
morning to check again.
Surprisingly, the Radio is still behaving normally right now, after
having been up since late yesterday afternoon.
Previous order of business:

- Connected wired Ethernet
- Factory restored
- Let it connect to LAN/MSB/LMS
- Disabled wlan via SSH

I was still on stock firmware before I walked away from it yesterday,
but it seems the radio automatically updated to the Community
Have not changed any settings whatsoever yet.

This is very similar to what I had already tried, so not quite sure
what's different yet.

Also, not certain if this matters, but I did remove the battery before
the last round, thinking it might be good to let the radio completely
power down.
I reinserted the battery this morning, so we'll see if that has any

I'm going to go back to the way things were before, one step at a time
(WiFi bridge > wait > set static IP > start setting radio UI back to how
I had it, etc.) and see if/when it falls over again.

The key thing here seems to be disabling wlan, but possibly requiring
stock firmware when doing so?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simplified instructions for Squeezebox Radio Wi-Fi fix (wlanpoke)

2022-10-12 Thread rdeckard

mrw wrote: 
> Does it show the very high CPU usage for those wi-fi radio related
> tasks, which you saw before, while in this state ?
> If so, might be worth trying to disable the wlan subsystem and seeing if
> the problem persists. I recall that you found a thread that shows how to
> do that.

Here is another top after rebooting and immediately disabling wlan:

Terminal output when disabling wlan:

# /etc/init.d/wlan stop
root: wlan: stopping
..unloading all
killall: recEvent: no process killed
root: wlan stopped

(Almost seems like nothing was done?)

As expected, working perfectly for the moment.
Stepping out to walk the doggo.
Will check again when I return.

|Filename: top_after_restart_and_disabling_wlan.txt |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simplified instructions for Squeezebox Radio Wi-Fi fix (wlanpoke)

2022-10-12 Thread rdeckard

POMdev wrote: 
> Do your results above show the status just before (or just after) a
> failure? Is this with the stock firmware?
> Compared to one of my radios, your top result shows a lot of activity
> that mine doesn't. Yours:
> > 

  >   > -- memory top line not in file --
  > cpu:   3% usr  56% sys   0% nic   0% idle   0% io  30% irq   9% sirq
  > load average: 3.10 3.13 3.03 2/67 3177
  > pid  ppid user stat   vsz %mem %cpu command
  > 740 2 root sw<  0   0%  27% [ksdiorqd]
  > 712 2 root rw<  0   0%  20% [ar6k async]
  > 306 2 root sw<  0   0%  20% [irq-9]
  > 9 2 root sw<  0   0%  10% [sirq-tasklet/0]
  > 789   753 root s 7300  12%  10% jive_alsa -d default -c dac -b 
2 -p 2 -s 16 -f 3
  > 753 1 root r31236  50%   6% /usr/bin/jive
  > 3177  3147 root r 2800   5%   5% top

> > 
> (Tip: "top -b -n1" just displays once to the console, preserving the
> first line.)
> Mine (eth1 WLAN enabled and connected):
> > 

  >   > mem: 59836k used, 2276k free, 0k shrd, 5220k buff, 14736k cached
  > cpu:  11% usr  48% sys   0% nic  36% idle   0% io   1% irq   0% sirq
  > load average: 1.38 1.59 1.57 1/70 15077
  > pid  ppid user stat   vsz %mem %cpu command
  > 756 1 root s35200  57%  11% /usr/bin/jive
  > 967   756 root s 7296  12%   7% jive_alsa -d default -c dac -b 
2 -p 2 -s 16 -f 3
  > 751 1 root s 8912  14%   3% /bin/sh /etc/wlanpoke/ 
-w slow -d /etc/log/
  > 9 2 root sw<  0   0%   2% [sirq-tasklet/0]
  > 5544 2 root sw<  0   0%   2% [ksdiorqd]
  > 12384 22176 root r 2796   5%   2% top
  > 306 2 root sw<  0   0%   1% [irq-9]
  > 5515 2 root sw<  0   0%   1% [ar6k async]
  > 22103   698 root s 2584   4%   1% dropbear -i

> > 
> Your radio has really high %CPU for processes that have very low
> values on mine. The [ksdiorqd] process in particular is showing 27%
> CPU, the 30% irq   9% sirq (hardware and software interrupts), and
> [AR6K Async] entries are concerning. Are these values similar to those
> after rebooting?
> I believe that 'ksdiorqd' is an identifier for the 'sdio_irq_thread'
> for SDIO cards and devices. I don't know whether the SDIO interface is
> used for the WLAN and/or Ethernet chips or not. The [AR6K Async]
> process suggests that the wireless chip is enabled and perhaps causing
> the trouble, although it shouldn't. Try the same after switching to
> WLAN. Try switching to Ethernet and disabling the WLAN driver. When
> you are "in the weeds" this far, you might as well try running
> wlanpoke from the console (RTM) and troubleshooting that at least to
> obtain more diagnostics.
> At some point I can try Ethernet on my serially connected radio for a
> better answer.

Not sure it's worth the trouble...
Factory-restored again.
Left it with stock firmware.
Wired Ethernet connection only.
"Connected to Ethernet" with DHCP IP.
Radio is previously registered to me on, so let it
continue with that account when prompted, and it immediately came online
and connected to my local LMS server.
No other settings touched.
Went to lunch.
Came back less than an hour later, and it was already in the
sluggish/unresponsive state.
This is literally a new, out-of-the-box scenario, and I'm having the
same problem.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simplified instructions for Squeezebox Radio Wi-Fi fix (wlanpoke)

2022-10-12 Thread rdeckard

POMdev wrote: 
> The sluggish/unresponsive complaint seems relevant. This could happen if
> some process is using all the processor time, or somehow all the system
> memory. Perhaps something misbehaving is hogging these resources. You
> could troubleshoot this using SSH to run 'top' to examine process CPU
> and memory values. The 'df' command displays how much flash memory is
> used and available. Of course, you have to log in via SSH before
> disconnection, run top, and keep the SSH window open until a failure.
> Hopefully, usage will "creep up" prior to the failure and you can
> identify a culprit. When the connection fails, so will the SSH
> connection, so the last result prior to failure will be still be
> displayed. 
> Installing wlanpoke and configuring it (adding "-d /etc/log/") for
> persistent log file storage can give you info about the system prior to
> failure you can retrieve after reboot.
> You might consider running just the stock firmware. Also, try playing
> something completely different, e.g., a local music library, a different
> streaming service, etc. Try switching from LMS to
> Regarding the power supply, my power supplies become intermittent at the
> barrel power connector and have to be resoldered every some years. But
> these failure result in discharged batteries, or outright power off or
> reboot outcomes.
> Use 'tftp' to transfer log files out to a tftp server you run on your
> pc. Otherwise you can 'cat' the contents to the SSH terminal window and
> copy from there. The Radio's log files however are stored in
> non-persistent storage at /var/log, and are not that useful anyway. The
> 'dmesg' command yields more relevant info. You might add a line to
> wlanpoke to pipe a dmesg output to a text file in /etc/log on each
> failure.
> If you are really ambitious, you can install a TTL serial connection to
> a TTL serial-USB adapter and use this to query the system even after a
> failure (but before a reboot).

Hi POMdev. Appreciate the insight.

Have results from commands specified, as well as the messages file.
Memory and CPU usage appear OK, but seeing lots of link up/down
Otherwise, not exactly sure what I'm looking for.

Will factory restore again, and leave it on stock firmware.

|Filename: results.txt  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simplified instructions for Squeezebox Radio Wi-Fi fix (wlanpoke)

2022-10-12 Thread rdeckard

mrw wrote: 
> Login via SSH. Enable it in the advanced settings.
> Log is /var/log/messages
> Log does not survive a reboot, so copy it to the root user directory to
> preserve. Alternatively collect using scp.
> I have occasionally had ‘sluggishness’, but not enough to investigate.
> Is there a common feature, e.g. a particular track or stream ?

Hi mrw - thanks for the reply.
Not even playing anything at the time of failure, just letting it sit.
I even eliminated the WiFi bridge, and just have it directly connected
to a switch now.
It's currently in the state where every button press/action is taking up
to 10-15s to execute again.
Seems I can still SSH into it though, so will try to grab logs now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simplified instructions for Squeezebox Radio Wi-Fi fix (wlanpoke)

2022-10-12 Thread rdeckard

Don't mean to spam the thread, but I'm just about out of ideas.

Disabling WiFi changed nothing.
I ultimately performed the factory restore, and updated to Community
firmware. Nothing else.
Put back the IOGEAR WiFi bridge, let the Radio pull a DHCP IP, and all
was OK for the day, but by last night, it had become
sluggish/unresponsive again.
Reboot brought it back.

Removed WiFi bridge, attempted Wireless connection. Connected, found
library, then icon went blue within 5 minutes.
When attempting to reconnect, it will only find the AP to which it was
previously connected, but will not connect. Icon turns red.
Reboot brings it back.

This is looking less like a WiFi/Ethernet issue, and more like an actual
hardware failure now.

A Touch, Controller, Duet, and Boom on the same network are all 100% OK
during all of this.
No IP conflicts anywhere.

Could this be due to a bad power supply?
What's the best way to retrieve logs from the Radio?

Ready to pull the trigger on one of the many used Radios up on eBay.
Any other suggestions would be most appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simplified instructions for Squeezebox Radio Wi-Fi fix (wlanpoke)

2022-10-11 Thread rdeckard

rdeckard wrote: 
> Sadly, new issues have now surfaced with the wired connection.
> It will stay up for most of a day, but the last 2 nights, whilst still
> pingable and seen by LMS, the radio gets into a sluggish/unresponsive
> state, and requires a reboot.
> First thing I noticed when I walked into the room and turned on the
> light, the radio display remained dark, when it usually would have gone
> bright from the auto-brightness feature.
> After about 10-20s, it did get brighter, but from there, every button
> press took about 5-10s to actually respond, making the radio unusable,
> and only a reboot resolved it.
> Could it just be that I need to factory restore it after all the
> troubleshooting/tweaking I've been doing over the past week or so?
> If I do that, will I have to deal with reloading the Community firmware
> again?
> Any other suggestions?

Have now disabled wlan in the radio as per
We'll see how that goes.

Still wondering if I should factory restore or not.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simplified instructions for Squeezebox Radio Wi-Fi fix (wlanpoke)

2022-10-11 Thread rdeckard

Sadly, new issues have now surfaced with the wired connection.
It will stay up for most of a day, but the last 2 nights, whilst still
pingable and seen by LMS, the radio gets into a sluggish/unresponsive
state, and requires a reboot.

First thing I noticed when I walked into the room and turned on the
light, the radio display remained dark, when it usually would have gone
bright from the auto-brightness feature.
After about 10-20s, it did get brighter, but from there, every button
press took about 5-10s to actually respond, making the radio unusable,
and only a reboot resolved it.

Could it just be that I need to factory restore it after all the
troubleshooting/tweaking I've been doing over the past week or so?
If I do that, will I have to deal with reloading the Community firmware
Any other suggestions?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simple solution for intermittend WiFi disconnect of Squeezbox Radio

2022-10-09 Thread rdeckard

Gerry E. wrote: 
> Same here (upstate NY, USA).  My four SBRs have worked well for years
> without any significant problems.  Sure, there was the OCCASIONAL
> internet connection loss but no big deal.  However, within the last week
> or so, the connection is lost at least several times a day.  No pattern
> detected.  Has something changed?  Thanks!

I'm in the same boat.
Not that I'm close to you, but the onset of the problem was within the
same timeframe, and I'm in Westchester County just north of NYC.
It got to the point where I was spending way too much time
troubleshooting this, so ultimately added an Ethernet > WiFi bridge to
the wired Ethernet port on the Radio.

My town installed wireless water and gas meters in everyone's houses
(including my own) over the past few years, which presumably form a mesh
network, making it easier for them to pull readings without entry to the
house, but this has been in place for some time now, and I didn't notice
any subsequent issues.
New 5G towers maybe? Supposedly shouldn't cause interference with
2.4/5GHz, but who knows.
Otherwise, I can't imagine everyone's neighbor ran out and got a WiFi 6
router over the past month.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simplified instructions for Squeezebox Radio Wi-Fi fix (wlanpoke)

2022-10-07 Thread rdeckard

garym wrote: 
> You don't need to disable wifi.  But, simply plugging in the ethernet
> cable doesn't connect the radio to ethernet. You need to go through the
> setup on the RADIO and select the wired network instead of wifi.

Sure, I'm aware of that. I have other Squeezeboxes which are currently
wired with static IPs, which is what I intend to do with this radio.
I'll report back after I get everything set up. Thanks!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simplified instructions for Squeezebox Radio Wi-Fi fix (wlanpoke)

2022-10-07 Thread rdeckard

Regarding my previous post, the IO Gear adapter is arriving today.
Anything to look out for when using the Radio's wired Ethernet port?
Does using wired automatically disable WiFi in the Radio?
If not, should it be disabled?
If so, I don't recall seeing an option to disable it in the Radio menu.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simplified instructions for Squeezebox Radio Wi-Fi fix (wlanpoke)

2022-10-06 Thread rdeckard

Never had this problem before, but it has now surfaced on my bedside
Radio this week, which is running community firmware.
WiFi icon will turn blue, then if I try to reconnect to WiFi, sometimes
it will, but still can't see the server.
Other times it just goes red, and no amount of futzing will get it back
online. Only a reboot will recover the connection.
After a reboot, if left alone, the Radio will stay connected for only ~5
If I am playing anything, the connection appears to stays up

Radio WiFi IP was set static via SSH years ago.
Have an older Asus router with no WiFi 6. Possibly a neighbor recently
upgraded theirs.
I saw another thread about a patch for the Radio, and potentially having
to rollback LMS to apply it, but I have no idea how to verify if the
patch is applied.
Installed wlanpoke as per instructions here. No change.

I don't need the radio to be portable, but don't have a nearby wired
network drop, so I ordered an IO Gear Etherent > WiFi adapter (read they
were slightly better than Vonets, but I like the idea of passing power
through the Vonet to the Radio, so we'll see).
However, I'm now reading that there have been issues with wired as
I'm deep in the Squeezebox ecosystem for close to 20 years, and am not
about bail now.
Will the patch mentioned above help? I can't find the info about it
again to save my life atm.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] 'Default' alarm sound?

2020-09-17 Thread rdeckard

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I could have sworn pressing stop in Material skin stopped the alarm for
> me the last time I tried it. Now I see the same as you. The alarm box
> stays on the Touch display. Sounds like a bug to me. I can only assume
> that the alarm on the Touch is very rarely used so this hasn't been
> noticed before.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Appreciate you taking the time to check. I'm also up-to-date on
Sorry, but I'm not familiar with the Material skin - assuming you mean
hitting stop right on the Touch display.
I use the Touch in my living room, but it's in a cabinet atm, so not
using the screen and can't hit it with the remote (hence Controller +
There are nights I fall asleep on the couch listening to music, so I
figured why not use the alarm same as the Radio in my bedroom ;-)
I take it if you hit Pause on the Touch remote, it clears the alarm for
you too then?
Maybe you could also check your server web UI to see if it shows your
Touch playing anything at that time as well.
If this is in fact a bug, I'm thinking it likely won't be addressed, at
least any time soon, so will have to send a power off to kill it for

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] 'Default' alarm sound?

2020-09-17 Thread rdeckard

No luck. I changed the Stop/Pause CLI commands for the Touch to use the
IR-Emulation codes - same result.
It seems trying to stop the alarm by any other means than Pause on the
Touch remote or Powering off the Touch puts it into this state where,
the alarm keeps going off every minute after hitting Pause or Stop via
CLI, and the only time it works is the first time.
Even more strange, I am still using the Duet Controller with the Touch,
and same issue occurs if I hit the Pause button on the Controller.
I have not tried stopping the alarm on the Radio via CLI, but wondering
it I get the same results on that player as well.
Play/Pause/Stop, etc. work normally otherwise when playing Favorites,
Internet Radio or files from my library.
Can anyone shed some light on what might be happening and potentially
how to resolve?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] 'Default' alarm sound?

2020-08-31 Thread rdeckard

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I just tried setting a single alarm on my Touch. After the alarm sounded
> I hit stop in Material Skin and the alarm stopped and stayed silent.
> Where are you hitting stop?
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Hi and thank you for the reply. Good point. I am controlling it via a
Crestron system with a module that uses CLI.
I can take a look at exactly what it's sending, but just confused why it
would work any differently than before with the Duet.
Aside from pointing the control module to a different Player ID/MAC in
code, nothing else has changed.
I will have to try with the IR remote and see if the behavior changes.
That said, since you got me thinking, I don't actually hit "Stop" on the
Radio, I hit the power button on the remote or the Radio itself to stop
the alarm.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] 'Default' alarm sound?

2020-08-28 Thread rdeckard

Problem persists after updating. Again, this never happened on my Duet,
nor does it happen on my Radio, only the Touch.
Is hitting stop actually performing a Snooze instead of stop?
Even so, doesn't explain why it starts playing the default alarm again
shortly after.
What's even more strange is that if I start playing something else, then
stop, the default alarm will eventually start playing again.
Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] 'Default' alarm sound?

2020-08-27 Thread rdeckard

adhawkins wrote: 
> Thanks to everyone, I assumed it was coming from SqueezeNetwork or
> somewhere. I'll go digging around on the player and see if I can find
> it. Can I enable SSH via the web interface, or is it something I have to
> do on the player itself? Any usernames / passwords?
> Out of interest, why is it being played? Is the radio assuming the
> connection to the server has been lost, and hence playing it as a
> failsafe alarm?
> On a similar note, will Radio alarms work if the server isn't running in
> the same way as Boom ones will?
> Thanks again
> Andy

Apologies for digging up an old thread, but I am experiencing something
similar since recently switching from a Duet to a Touch.
I have 2 alarms set on the Touch, an hour apart.

They are both set to use a Favorite, which is a generic alarm 'beep
beep' sound.
I have yet to go in and change the default alarm sound in the Touch via
SSH to be the same, but plan on doing so like I had with the Duet, so
the Datarock clip is still there for now.

I've only had the Touch installed a few weeks. Not sure if this has been
happening all along, but this week I've noticed that after the 2nd alarm
plays and I stop it, the default Datarock clip starts playing shortly
It also plays at a much lower volume than the programmed alarms
(assuming this has something to do with the fact that I still had the
volume set to "Volume controls adjust outputs" in Player > Audio
settings - Just now changed it to fixed at 100%).
While this is happening, the Touch screen shows the clock with
Stop/Snooze buttons, but the Server says nothing is playing on that
The only way I'm able to get it to stop is to hit the power button on
the Touch.
All that said, it almost seems like the Touch has lost connection to the
server, even though the server shows everything is online and working
normally, plus I can still start playing something else on the Touch at
this time.

I noticed an LMS update was available today, so now running Logitech
Media Server Version: 7.9.3 - 1597753178 @ Sun Aug 23 19:15:28 WEDT
In the meantime, can anyone explain why this is happening and/or what
causes it? I've never experienced this with any Squeezebox player


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