Re: What's so great about Linux?

1998-06-16 Thread Chuck Mead

> Just remember what happened between VMS and Berkeley Unix.  All the
> comments you are making now were made 15 years ago, when that struggle
> became visible.  The outcome?  Unix built the Internet.  Ken Olsen's
> insistence on VMS destroyed DEC and allowed companies like Sun to blossom.
> ---Rsk
> Rich Kulawiec

Oh Rich your parting shot here was awesome!  Wutz up?


Chuck Mead

"Never underestimate the power of a small tactical nuclear weapon."

This message was sent with Tkrat v1.1

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Re: What's so great about Linux?

1998-06-16 Thread Chuck Mead

Comments are in line!

> Redhat tells me no where how its kernal installs default.  It only gives me
> 2 options in its chapter "next steps after install".. To do a modular or
> monolithic compile.  My netowrk card (Linksys 10/100 using the PNIC chip)
> is not supported by Redhat's driver.  It requires version .83 or above to
> work.  I had to find it on the net, download it, modify the C code to
> enable full duplex support and then install it.

The following link does not list Linksys 10/100 (PNIC or otherwise) in
the Manhattan compatibility list and it also clearly states the
following: "Not listed = not supported"!

This link does not list Linksys 10/100 (PNIC or otherwise) in the
Hurricane compatibility list and it also clearly states the
following: "Not listed = not supported"!

This link does not list Linksys 10/100 (PNIC or otherwise) in the
Biltmore compatibility list and it also clearly states the
following: "Not listed = not supported"!

The HCL for NT 3.51 at Microsoft's site lists the Linksys ISA card but
not the 10/100 PCI (PNIC or otherwise).

The HCL for NT 4.0 at Microsoft's site lists the Linksys 10/100 PCI
card but doesn't adress the chipset (PNIC or otherwise).

I have one very simple question, Scott...

Why would you attempt to use a hardware device which is clearly stated
as incompatible?  You wouldn't do it with NT and I know you wouldn't
'cause I know you know that OS and have seen a few BSOD's.  So why is
Linux somehow suspect because the driver isn't available in the
official release?  Since I know you've had that happen to you with
client and server OS's of other flavors I'd say you're levying
criticism where none is due!  Congratulations are due you since you
made it work in spite of the missing driver!  I suspect you'd have done
the same with NT or 95, the only difference being that you
probably wouldn't have had to compile the thing for M$ products.  This,
by the way is truly a feature when it comes to using the most powerful
and customizable OS in the world *NIX or LINUX.  You are not limited! 
You do not have to "take what the geniuses at the software house give
you".  If you don't have it out of the box somebody somewhere has
produced it 'cause there's about a zillion folks out there writing
stuff for Linux!  Your situation and solution is an excellent example
of this very thing.  This is bad?

I have had a business relationship for a while now with a manufacturer
of high end servers who's based in Maryland.  You should hear what he
has to say about the timeliness that certain hardware manufacturers
have with the provision of driver spec's for their products.  Many
vendors write their own drivers and the ones that don't, eventually,
provide their spec's to the OS developers so their product can be
supported.  Since Linux driver development, likely as not, is happening
in a private domicile in Spain, Brazil, Israel, or the U.S. what do you
suppose the likelihood is that this vendor is gonna provide that spec
to the guy or gal punching out the code in that domicile?  Believe it
or not it happens, but when it doesn't these folks dissassemble and port
an existing driver or write one from scratch!  This is bad?

> The installations instructions for a modular kernel install consisted of 
> executing 5 commands and for a monolithic it was recompile the kernel.  
> Redhat's instructions on the monolithic compile are giberish so I'm 
> avoiding that. I chose to do a monolithic kernel to support simple 
> upgardes.  I gather from your responce that Redhat has already done 
> this to a point thus poor documentaton lead me to re-compile my kernal.
> No biggy since it worked,,just wasted 2 hours of my time.

RedHat's kernel compilation instructions aren't gibberish!  They work,
first time, every time, if you do exactly what they say.  Your
situation as a neophite is a perfect case in point.  I think the issue
here is that you're missing the real reason someone might want to
compile it in the first place.  Rich K. could probably say this better
since he's far more experienced with *NIX than I but the long and short
of it is that it's a technique for optimization of memory usage which
directly effects the speed of the OS in operation by eliminating
superfluous items and adding required/desired items.  The smaller the
kernel, the smaller the memory footprint in RAM.  The more unnecessary
stuff you get rid of the faster the thing's gonna run 'cause it's doing
less work per clock cycle. It's largely a function of intended use!  I
use a modular kernel on one of my machines 'cause it's my primary
workstation (the box that I'm typing on in fact) and I might decide to
make a change to it and the modularity gives me that capability without
requiring a reco

Q: news servers

1998-06-16 Thread Joe Tseng

Anyone here ever set up a news server with Linux?  What software do you 
use to host the groups?  How hard is it to do?  I'd like to do this to 
demonstrate to management that Linux is indeed a viable system for the 
enterprise.  (In any case we need one.)  Any useful help will be greatly 


PS -- I upgraded my box to RH5.1 tonight, extremely painless.  :)
PPS -- the Yankees lost again.  :P

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Re: Metro-X or Xfree86?

1998-06-16 Thread Scott Tyson


I'll make sure I upgrade to the latest Xfree86 before configuring it.
Right now it sets it to the SVGA driver which is not accelerated.  My guess
is the version I have on my cd is at 1 or to revs behind.  Metro-X is 2.


On 6/16/98, at 4:25 PM, William T Wilson  wrote: 

>On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, Scott wrote:
>> difference between the two?  Are thier reasons to use on over the other?
>Mostly the primary decision is which one your card is supported by.
>XFree86 is a better product.  It has fewer bugs and is more efficient.
>But MetroX supports some cards that XFree doesn't.
>> worth the 40 bucks?  Do I get acceleration with Metro-X?  I don't get
>> acceleraton with Xfree86 (at least not the version I'm using).
>I think the XFree accelerates on the ET6000.  In fact I'm sure of it, it
>says it does in the documentation.  Unless your version is very old I
>think you may be mistaken.
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/- Scott Tyson

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LaTeX, not finding some sty's

1998-06-16 Thread Chris Frost

I'm trying to run latex on a file that contains a few packages. Well,
latex comes up and says it can't find them, but if I do a locate (say
locate typehtml.sty) I find it, and can enter it and all works fine. This
works (I guess) but when running latex2html (which is where I need the
hyperlinks) it doesn't prompt me and just complains it can't find them in
the log file. I haven't added any sty files, so that's no it.

Thanks for any help!
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Re: What's so great about Linux?

1998-06-16 Thread Dave Ihnat

Scott wrote:

> Only a user who is familair with messing with an OS.  I for one don't want
> to think about touching my OS in this manner. I doin't know C nor do I have
> any plans to know.   I'll grant you that someone somewhere does fix it and
> updates are more quickly available. 

But please do remember--as a consultant with 20 years of {experience/pain},
it's a _helluva_ lot easier for *me* to fix your system if you have source.
And cheaper for you.

> Don't belive what you read.  Sticking in the RH 5.0 floppy and having it do
> the install is only the first step in a linux setup.  Have that 10 year old
> do a modular install or do a kernel upgrade or download, modify, and
> install a network card driver.  My guess is unless she is  a geniuos this
> is way out of her league.  Linux is NOT production grade yet.

Well...please.  Compare apples and oranges.  Unix/Linux simply *isn't* a
desktop replacement.  It's a complex server and development OS.  In *that*
world, frankly, it's a helluva lot closer to production grade than NT.

> Yes RH does
> come with a pretty good install but the OS istelf still requies a great
> deal of "maintenance and tweaking" to get it working.  Far more than its
> competition (NT, OS/2 and 95)

Apologies--but Linux (and Unix) are flat-out, simply NOT in competition with
OS/2, 95, or even NT.  Those systems are desktop, opiate-of-the-masses
individual operating systems--or, rather, filesystem mangers/program loaders/
UI shells.  A complex environment just can't be reduced to a few GUI
administration tools; but similarly, desktop, user-oriented boxes shouldn't
require a degree in CS.  MS is trying to simplify the world too much; most
Linux advocates (as, to be fair, most Unix advocates I've known for the
last quarter-century) try to trivialize the difficulties of configuring and
maintaining a complex OS.

> For Linux to be concidered (sic) a "Production-grade" OS it must offer
> the same or similair installation and support features as its competition.

Er...unfortunately, that's simply not a supportable global statement, if you
consider Linux as a competitor in the server-grade multi-user OS world.

Most commercial OS offerings don't require you to compile support libraries,
or the tools themselves, true.  But they usually do require use of binary
patch distributions, and are very, very much slower in response to security
or bugfix reports.  In most respects, the availability of source alleviates
a *lot* of the complaints that users of HP or other commercial Unix syste
have to answer.

It ain't simple, kids...
Dave "Feeling way to grey-bearded tonight..." Ihnat
312/315.1075 [home office]  || 312/443.5860 [office]

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Emacs dist missing DOC-20.2.1

1998-06-16 Thread Justin Won

I am trying to compile auctex for emacs 20.2-7.  Auctex gives the
following error.

  !! error (("Cannot open doc string file

Why doesn't the redhat rpm have this file?  What is the best way to
include it?


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Re: Wired picks up the OS/Manufacturer debate

1998-06-16 Thread Dale Leonard

>> This story just appeared on Wired News:
>I really do appreciate pointers to interesting info, but it's really a
>nice, courteous touch to provide a one or two line summary of just exactly
>_what_ the Web reference is talking about.

Isn't that what the subject line is saying... especially in light of 
the 'LINUX vs Windoze availability on new machines' threads of late??


Dale Leonard

Created in a Microsoft-Free environment

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Re: Wired picks up the OS/Manufacturer debate

1998-06-16 Thread Dave Ihnat

Michael R. Steigman wrote:

> This story just appeared on Wired News:

I really do appreciate pointers to interesting info, but it's really a
nice, courteous touch to provide a one or two line summary of just exactly
_what_ the Web reference is talking about.

Dave "Sometimes just don't have a Web link handy while reading Mail" Ihnat
312/315.1075 [home office]  || 312/443.5860 [office]

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Re: PS/2 and RedHat Disks

1998-06-16 Thread LT

I haven't tried that!  But I am not using lilo because I am using DosLinux
and that doesn't appear to be there.  Do you know of any switches for loadlin?

At 03:46 PM 6/16/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Something you've prolly tried but when lilo comes up try appending mem=16M
>to force linux to only use 16M
>On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, LT wrote:
>>I booted DosLinux using the bzimage kernel (i didnt find any at the mca
>>site recommend that worked, thanks though, i may need that at a later
>>point) and here is the error that I got which may help you people who know
>>Linux deduce what is wrong and what I need to do to fix it.
>>PS/2 ESDI: DMA above 16MB not supported
>>end_request: I/O error, dir 20:01, sector 498929
>>There was a page or two of these each one having a different sector.  I am
>>also not sure whether dir is dir or some other set of letters, I can't read
>>what I wrote (oops!).  Thanks for your patience,
>>  LT
>>"No man and no force can abolish memory."
>>  - Franklin D. Roosevelt
>>Penguin Power!  Linux is the OS of the future!
>>LT Grant - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - 0x110BCDC5 - UIN #9826505
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mime.types suggestion 2: .doc files

1998-06-16 Thread Jeff Stern

Okay, here is suggestion 2 for the /etc/mime.types file.  It
concerns the proper handling of MS-DOS Word files being sent
out by Pine and Apache.

In /etc/mime.types, you might want to add a line that reads:

   application/msword  doc

so that the Apache server can better serve out MS-DOS .doc files
(MS-Word files) that have been linked to on peoples' home pages,
and so that Pine can build correctly the mime header to
.doc attachments people send out in email from a Redhat system


The explanation for Apache is the same as that for the .exe
files mentioned in my last posting/email (suggestion 1). 

The explanation for Pine:

When someone uploads an MS-WORD .doc file to their Linux account
and then wants to attach that .doc file to an email they are
*sending out*, that .doc file will NOT have the correct
mime-type specification in the MIME header of the email they
send. That is, the encoded .doc file will be listed simply as:

Content-Type: application/octet-stream

(the default for all binaries pine doesn't know what to
do with) instead of as:

Content-Type: application/msword

This affects people using Netscape for Win95.  Instead of
starting up Word automatically and loading in the attachment for
them, Netscape will instead cat the contents of the .doc
(control characters and all) unformatted, to the user's browser
window. Or it may give them a 'Save As..' dialog box.  Neither
of these behaviors may conform to what some users would expect.*
The way to correct this is to package the attachment in Pine
correctly (by the sender). And the only way to do that is to
correctly have .doc files listed in the /etc/mime.types file.

* If it *is* sent with the correct header, users can still
configure their browsers so that they are given a *choice*
whether they want to 'Save as' or open with Word.

There may be other MS-DOS/Win95 (ugh! :) filetypes that ought to
be included in the /etc/mime.types file.  But these two are a
start, and I think it's fair (even though I personally don't use
Win95 or Word) to include these in a UNIX /etc/mime.types file.
Even KDE expects .exe to be MS-DOS executables and .txt to be
text files, etc. These file types are getting pretty common, and
it might add to the ease of loading Redhat Linux if these
niceties were part of the O/S (mime.types file) from the

Thanks for listening!


"..more brutal and inhumane than any other communist regime in the world."
--Alexander Solzhenytsin, describing the Chinese regime in Tibet.

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mime.types suggestion 1: .exe and .com files

1998-06-16 Thread Jeff Stern

 // I got bounced the first time I sent this to the redhat-list
 // (even though i was subscribed via the post-only), but what
 // the heck :) I re-subscribed and will try again.  Thus, this
 // will be a repeat for the [EMAIL PROTECTED] folks :) Please
 // bear with me :)  Jeff.

I've got a couple of suggestions for lines that should be added
to the mime.types file to accomodate proper handling of certain
MS-DOS files by Linux programs.

The 1st suggestion concerns the proper handling of MS-DOS
executables being served out by the Apache web server (httpd)
from people's home pages: 

In /etc/mime.types, you might want to change the line that



application/octet-streambin exe com

so that the Apache server can better serve out MS-DOS .exe
and .com files that have been linked to on peoples' home pages. 


Suppose I make an http link to an executable that I want people
to be able to download from my (personal) page.*  Now, when they
left-click on the link, I want the Apache server to tell their
browser that this executable is of mime type
'application/octet-stream'.  This way, their browser will most
likely respond by giving them a 'Save As..' dialog box, instead
of just catting the executable's contents to their browser's
window.  (Yes, the viewer can still get this behavior out of
their browser by just holding down the shift key while
left-clicking, but many folks don't know this.)

*An example of this can be found on">
my own home page .
Go to the bottom, where you will see a link to the public domain
MS-DOS executable version of the UNIX command 'mv'. The program
name is 'mv.exe'. If you left-click on it, using Netscape for
Win95, you should get a 'Save-As' dialog box.  It should NOT cat
the executable to your screen.  The reason you're getting this
correct behavior is because I've added the above line to my
/etc/mime.types file.


"..more brutal and inhumane than any other communist regime in the world."
--Alexander Solzhenytsin, describing the Chinese regime in Tibet.

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net alias error

1998-06-16 Thread Zhenhua

Hi, Everyone:

I saw the following error:

net_alias_dev_create(eth0:0): unregistered family==2

As a result I cann't bind any IP to the linux box.

Any one has any idea as what wrong?



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Re: reinstalling linux???

1998-06-16 Thread Rick L. Mantooth

Anything that has conf in the filename ;)

Don't know about RH5 specific, but I'd recommend you
look through /etc for the *conf files, /boot for the
kernel, /lib/modules for the modules, /home for sure,
/opt for anything you might have installed.

Put on your "Remember When Hat"(tm) and save anything
that caused you specific grief setting up the 1st time.


On Sat, 16 May 1998, Matt Teagarden wrote:

> any special precations if I am going to reinstall my RH5 install??  The
> server is a web server, all it has are a few user's dirs that i need to keep.
> I already backed it up, anything else?
> -Matt
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

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Re: HTML-formatted mail

1998-06-16 Thread David Hauck

At 04:29 PM 6/16/98 -0700, you wrote:
>This is a long thread that is out of place on this list, but I just
>had to respond to this particular message.

Jeff is right.  I feel guilty responding (again) because this list in
particular is quite full with these kinds of exchanges.  

>Think of it this way.  What would your reaction be if you got a
>(paper) letter written in four different colors, with smiley faces
>everywhere and every fifth word underlined?  I'd think that it had
>been written either by a twelve year old girl, or by a total nutcase.
>People have forgotten how to write, so they try to dress their words
>up with meaningless formatting.  If your words don't convey a sense of
>urgency, the answer isn't to make them blinking red, and if you feel
>the need to write  after a joke, it probably isn't funny.

In the responses to this thread, I have heard many "why nots".  What seems
so funny to me is that those who are against HTML formatted mail seem hell
bent on how some one can use it to mess up communication.  Or better yet,
how some use it to overcome their lack of ability to craft their ideas into

Personally, I can say that HTML-formatted mail also has many advantages.  I
do not wish to elaborate them here for various reasons.  However, I was
very surprised at the lack of appreciation by a technical group.  Most
importantly, I think we in the Linux community need to keep our eye on the
future -- whatever that may be.  Simply closing the door on HTML-formatted
email just because "people don't know how to communicate anymore" is not an
answer that will likely lead to improvements as individuals or a community.

>Jeff Anderson
>P.S.  If by a "link available with a double click" you mean the
>ability to visit URLs by clicking on them, this is available in plenty
>of non-HTML aware email clients, and has nothing to do with whether
>or not the author has used HTML to format his message.
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Re: What's so great about Linux?

1998-06-16 Thread Rich Kulawiec

On Tue, Jun 16, 1998 at 08:19:28AM -0700, Scott wrote:
> Only a user who is familair with messing with an OS.  I for one don't want
> to think about touching my OS in this manner. I doin't know C nor do I have
> any plans to know.   I'll grant you that someone somewhere does fix it and
> updates are more quickly available. 

I'll note in passing that when dealing with problems in Linux/Unix
code, you're usually able to contact the author(s) directly.  That
makes life a lot easier even if you don't wish to modify the
application or the OS.

> >10. While it's a terrific platform for experimentation, it is
> >not necessarily a hacker's OS.  Given that one recent article in
> >InfoWorld explained how the author's 10-year-old daughter installed
> >it in two hours, it's time to drop words like "geek" and "hacker"
> >from Linux articles.  It's as much (and IMHO, more) of a production-grade
> >OS as anything else available.
> Don't belive what you read.

I can't think of any reason why the author of this particular
article should lie about it.

> Linux is NOT production grade yet.

Several of my clients are using it in key situations; one, a very, very
large financial institution, uses it for their firewall.  Given the
reliability and robustness it's demonstrated, I'd say it's production-grade.
And certainly more so that so-called "operating systems" which need
to be rebooted merely because an application has been installed.

> I should not have to compile programs I download from the net along
> with 3 libraries that wre used to create it.

  So don't.  Download RPM's that have compiled binaries.  Or buy
packages that install with a click or two.

> The OS is a platofrm for me to run tools.

For you and lots of people, certainly.  But not necessarily for everyone.

>  I think things are starting to turn with support from Linksys (linksys
> offers phone suport for installing their network cards on Linux, states
> Linux as a supported OS on the box but still provides no driver), [...]

Speaking just for me: I neither want nor need phone support.  I do not
like talking on the telephone, and find it a highly restrictive way
to report problems.  I find e-mail -- with an attached transcript
and if necessary a screen snapshot -- a far more effective means
of communication and documentation.

> start being a concidered a real option to M$ or other Unix flavors
> (Solaris, HP-UX, SCO) is that it must compete on more than just its
> capabilites. 
> It has to be easy to install, upgrade, change, and provide a
> support infrasturcture that is more than mailing lists.


I am very familiar with the support mechanisms of Sun, HP, Digital, SGI,
and BSDI, among others: in all five cases, my involvement in Unix
predates theirs.  I consider the currently available ad hoc support
for Linux superior to all of them *except* BSDI, and the reason BSDI
is the sole exception is that their support mechanisms are formalized
versions of the very same ones that the Linux community uses.

I'll also note that installing RH 5.0 Linux (to choose one example)
is *already* as easy as, say, installing Solaris 2.6, and is considerably
easy than installing, say, SunOS 4.1.4.

> Just remember what happened between BETA and VHS and Apple and
> IBM.  What was probably the better design/performer does not always win if
> its suports/manufactureres don't accept the way things work.  

Just remember what happened between VMS and Berkeley Unix.  All the
comments you are making now were made 15 years ago, when that struggle
became visible.  The outcome?  Unix built the Internet.  Ken Olsen's
insistence on VMS destroyed DEC and allowed companies like Sun to blossom.

Rich Kulawiec

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RE: Linux Bigot.

1998-06-16 Thread Paul Pettit

> From: Michael Jinks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 1998 6:24 PM
> Subject: Re: FW: Linux Bigot.
> Bradley, Greg wrote:
> > When was the last time you saw an ad in a non-enthusiast publication
> > that advertised availability of Linux?
> . . . or a non-tech, non-Linux Web site that advertised the
> fact that it runs
> on a Linux box (as opposed to, say, M$*** IIS or the countless
> 'best-if-viewed-with' tags)?

Well your free to visit our site anytime. Just look in the left side frame,
I think you will be happy. And we are a "non-tech", "non-Linux", totally
commercial site.

By the way we are not some little start up company, CCB has been around for
7+ years (though we are just getting out on the Internet), and the bulk of
our business is selling Microsoft (!), Lotus, and Adobe though we sell just
about any hardware or software.

No one has asked us for Linux but if they did we would sell it (I would
hope), though probably not at the rate of CheapBytes.

Paul Pettit  \  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CCB, Inc. \ CTO  \ 800-342-4222x114 fax:800-440-5036\[EMAIL PROTECTED]  \  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The #1 location for non-profit, academic, and religious computer

"And down under all those piles of stuff, the secret was written: We
build our computers the way we build our cities -- over time, without a
plan, on top of ruins."
   -- Ellen Ullman, Software Engineer / Author, on Windows et.

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RE: FW: Linux Bigot.

1998-06-16 Thread Paul Pettit

> From: Michael Jinks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 1998 6:24 PM
> Subject: Re: FW: Linux Bigot.
> Bradley, Greg wrote:
> > When was the last time you saw an ad in a non-enthusiast publication
> > that advertised availability of Linux?
> . . . or a non-tech, non-Linux Web site that advertised the
> fact that it runs
> on a Linux box (as opposed to, say, M$*** IIS or the countless
> 'best-if-viewed-with' tags)?

Well your free to visit our site anytime. Just look in the left side frame,
I think you will be happy. And we are a "non-tech", "non-Linux", totally
commercial site.

By the way we are not some little start up company, CCB has been around for
7+ years (though we are just getting out on the Internet), and the bulk of
our business is selling Microsoft (!), Lotus, and Adobe though we sell just
about any hardware or software.

No one has asked us for Linux but if they did we would sell it (I would
hope), though probably not at the rate of CheapBytes.

Paul Pettit  \  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CCB, Inc. \ CTO  \ 800-342-4222x114 fax:800-440-5036\[EMAIL PROTECTED]  \  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The #1 location for non-profit, academic, and religious computer

"And down under all those piles of stuff, the secret was written: We
build our computers the way we build our cities -- over time, without a
plan, on top of ruins."
   -- Ellen Ullman, Software Engineer / Author, on Windows et.

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Re: FW: Linux Bigot.

1998-06-16 Thread Kit Cosper

> The problem is still, that I must know that Linux exists and that I want
> it, before I can subscribe to a journal to find somewhere that I can get
> it from.
> WIN95 screams at me from every newspaper advertisment and editorial.
> When was the last time you saw an ad in a non-enthusiast publication
> that advertised availability of Linux?
I should say here that there are plans in the works to bring
Linux advertising to some publications that aren't Linux/Unix-centric.
It has taken some time and effort (and still has some time before coming
to fruition) but it will happen RSN.


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"Scroll Lock"-ing an xterm

1998-06-16 Thread Danny Rice

The "Scroll Lock" button does not lock my xterm window.  Why and how
do I change it?  I am using xfree and fvwm.

Danny Rice

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Re: PS/2 and RedHat Disks

1998-06-16 Thread Mike Edwards

On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, LT wrote:

> Mike,
>   I was e-mailing back and forth with Pat Volkerding, a main guy with
> Slackware, and he led me to believe it could be done.  I am currently
> getting tripped up on too much ram.  Odd problem, 'eh.  Does anyone know if
> Mike's statement is true though, I may be wrong.  


> >
> >> To Whom That This is Read by,
> >>My computer is a PS/2 with ESDI drives (i think, they use eda when
> >
> >Last I heard, Linux won't run on the PS/2--at least not the latest
> >kernels. 

I stand corrected!  I even had a bookmark buried away that points to the
Micro Channel Linux page.  If you haven't seen this one, it's at

It looks like they have quite abit of info

Good luck!

Mike Edwards, MIS
Edwards Graphic Arts, Inc.

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Re: FW: Linux Bigot.

1998-06-16 Thread Michael Jinks

Bradley, Greg wrote:

> When was the last time you saw an ad in a non-enthusiast publication
> that advertised availability of Linux?

. . . or a non-tech, non-Linux Web site that advertised the fact that it runs
on on a Linux box (as opposed to, say, M$*** IIS or the countless
'best-if-viewed-with' tags)?

I agree; the only time I see a Linux vendor in the mainstream media is when
Caldera is suing M$ again.  (There it is again: Linux nuts are all a bunch of
petulent, paranoid freaks out to get Bill Gates.)  RedHat does a lot of
publicity stuff, but it seems to all be concentrated around trade shows and
the already-converted.

National exposure is expensive.  But think what would happen if (for example)
Compaq decided to include Linux as an option for their servers and/or high-end
PC's.  One supposes that they would have to advertise that choice as a
possible advantage for choosing Compaq products over others.  I can see it in
a newspaper ad right now: "The Compaq DeskPro-80-bajillion, now available with
WindowsNT -or- CPQ-Linux pre-installed. . . "

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Re: HTML-formatted mail

1998-06-16 Thread Jeff Anderson

This is a long thread that is out of place on this list, but I just
had to respond to this particular message.

Joe Klemmer wrote:
>On Mon, 15 Jun 1998, Deryk Barker wrote:
>>  I know that it is to late to stop HTML encoded email.  The genie
>>is out of the bottle.  But it is my contention that someone who must
>>resort to HTML (or any other kind of fancy formating) in order to express
>>their thoughts is to be pitied.  No moderately educated or intelligent
>>person would need anything more than plane text for email.  Period.

>Please.  Lighten up.  The ability to communicate has NOTHING to do with HTML. 
>However, having a link in a mail message that is available with a
>double-click can be really clean.  
Think of it this way.  What would your reaction be if you got a
(paper) letter written in four different colors, with smiley faces
everywhere and every fifth word underlined?  I'd think that it had
been written either by a twelve year old girl, or by a total nutcase.
People have forgotten how to write, so they try to dress their words
up with meaningless formatting.  If your words don't convey a sense of
urgency, the answer isn't to make them blinking red, and if you feel
the need to write  after a joke, it probably isn't funny.

Jeff Anderson

P.S.  If by a "link available with a double click" you mean the
ability to visit URLs by clicking on them, this is available in plenty
of non-HTML aware email clients, and has nothing to do with whether
or not the author has used HTML to format his message.

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Help with 5.0 install

1998-06-16 Thread Brian Schramm

I have a machine that does not quite work with Xwindows.  It reconizes
the card but the driver scrambles the screen after the xprobe is done.
 From that point on, it is not posible to see what you are doing.

Since I have no plans on using X on this machine anyways, how do I
install Redhat without going into the x configurator?  That way I can
get what I need on it without using X and latter on I can try an
updated version of X.


Brian Schramm

Get your free address at

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Help with Xwindows fonts

1998-06-16 Thread Brian Schramm

I have posted this to redhat users list before.  

I am running redhat 5.0.  I am having a problem with the size of the
text on my screen.  I have looked at the menu system in redhat but I
have no idea how to change it.  I have tried to change it in different
places and nothing has taken affect.  My text in netscape and other
programs looks like it's about 5 point in comparison to other OS's
that I use.  

I would also like to change the menus around to the way I do work.  I
have not found any documentation on the menuing system that redhat is
using.  Please help me in finding out this problem and maybe giving me
a hint on how to sulve the text size problem.

THIS IS NOT AN XTERM QUESTION.  Please do not tell me how to change it
in there.  I need the GUI to change.


Brian Schramm

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Aztech Sound Card

1998-06-16 Thread Alfonso Barreto Lopez

Does any one have this kind of sound card working, if so , how did you get
it works?
Thanks a lot

Alfonso Barreto Lopez Inst. de Inv. de Matematicas   U.N.A.M

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Re: What's so great about Linux?

1998-06-16 Thread Michael Jinks

Rich Kulawiec wrote:

> The short answer is "the same things are that great about Unix".
> Briefly:

Thanks, RK.  I vote for this one as 'best of thread' so far.

Hope The Moron reads it.

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Re: HTML-formatted mail

1998-06-16 Thread Mike Edwards

On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, Deryk Barker wrote:

> Once upon a time Kenyon Ralph wrote:
> > 
> > Deryk Barker wrote:
> [...]

Could you guys *please* keep this off the redhat-list?!  If you want to
have a pissing contest then do it through personal e-mail.  The rest of us
don't care about this thread anymore!

Thank you,

Mike Edwards, MIS
Edwards Graphic Arts, Inc.

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Re: Newbie Question : How do I put some wallpaper in X?

1998-06-16 Thread Christopher Fisk

I've always been partial to xearth.  Have that running in the background
makes your computer look nice.  And mix that with a good markerfile that
contains some personalized markers, makes you fell like yer home and you
know if it is light outside :)


On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, Steve Smith wrote:

>you could use xsetbg, which is a front end to xsetroot (I think!), it
>will wallpaper for you and put a jpeg or a few other formats of image
>files on your root window.

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Re: Tape Backups for Linux (RH 5.0)

1998-06-16 Thread Alfonso Barreto Lopez

See the HOWTO's there is a list of the equipment that Linux recognizes

Alfonso Barreto Lopez Inst. de Inv. de Matematicas   U.N.A.M

On Tue, 16 Jun 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> To All:
> I'm getting ready to purchase a back up tape drive for my Linux / NT.  They
> are having a big sale on the Iomega 2GB drives, will these work for my system
> configuration?  I know they have software upgrades for the NT side, but can I
> expect to have a good, reliable drive for my Linux data as well?  Anybody have
> any insights?  Is anyone using an Iomega tape drive with their Linux?
> Many thanks in advance;
> C.A. Uncler
> -- 
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> /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips /mailing-lists
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Re: HTML-formatted mail

1998-06-16 Thread Deryk Barker

Once upon a time Kenyon Ralph wrote:
> Deryk Barker wrote:
> > As far as I'mn concerned, adding bloody HTML tags makes the mail
> > *harder* to read and certainly doesn't increase its
> > comprehensibililty.
> That's because you're not supposed to read the raw HTML source, you're
> supposed to read the formatted output like a web browser makes.

Gosh, why did I not think of that? Perhaps you could explain how I can
do this using elm over a slowish dialup line?

(And perhaps you could refrain from quoting my entire message back at
me just to comment on one point - there are people in this world to
whom bandwidth is not free you know).
|Deryk Barker, Computer Science Dept. | Music does not have to be understood|
|Camosun College, Victoria, BC, Canada| It has to be listened to.   |
|email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | |
|phone: +1 250 370 4452   | Hermann Scherchen.  |

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Re: HTML-formatted mail

1998-06-16 Thread Robert Hailman

>> If you see html tags in the text ... get another mail reader ;)
>> Please.  Lighten up.  The ability to communicate has NOTHING to do with
>> However, having a link in a mail message that is available with a
>> double-click can be really clean.  
>That's funny, I don't need a message to be in HTML to be able to open a URL
>from my MUA (Mutt). If this is your only reason to have HTML embedded in
>email, perhaps it is not us `Luddites' who should get a different mail reader.

I will be honest here, so sorry if I offend anyone. HTML in email pisses me
of. It has NOTHING to do with the ability to communicate, as was said
earlier.  If there is a link I want to go to, I don't need to see it written
out twice because of crappy HTML code inconsiderate fool put in when they
weren't thinking about how long there mail would be for someone without an
HTML mail reader. I can type the URL into my web browser, it's not like it
takes 1/2 an hour. Wait... what if we make our messages in POSTSCRIPT! THEN
POSTSCRIPT MAILER! Wait... HTML is already like that. :o)
You have been honored with a message from the great
Robert Hailman

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gnome-session's extra startup progs?

1998-06-16 Thread Michael Jinks

I've been using gnome-session on my desktop for several days now, and
whenever I restart it, I seem to be getting a few more xterms started
up.  I think my current count on each session has passed ten.

I'm also getting startups of programs that I've run once or twice while
gnome-session was running; currently, xres fires up every time
gnome-session does, and so does a little window that just says 'hello'
with an 'okay' button.  I close them each time, and each time
gnome-session comes back, so do they.

Oh yeah, and two or three more xterms.

I assume that this is related to the gnome-session feature of
remembering desktop layouts from one session to the next; where is that
information stored, and can it be doctored?

Or is this a Different Kind of BooBoo?

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Re: Metro-X or Xfree86?

1998-06-16 Thread William T Wilson

On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, Scott wrote:

> difference between the two?  Are thier reasons to use on over the other?

Mostly the primary decision is which one your card is supported by.

XFree86 is a better product.  It has fewer bugs and is more efficient.
But MetroX supports some cards that XFree doesn't.

> worth the 40 bucks?  Do I get acceleration with Metro-X?  I don't get
> acceleraton with Xfree86 (at least not the version I'm using).

I think the XFree accelerates on the ET6000.  In fact I'm sure of it, it
says it does in the documentation.  Unless your version is very old I
think you may be mistaken.

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FW: Linux Bigot.

1998-06-16 Thread Bradley, Greg

The problem is still, that I must know that Linux exists and that I want
it, before I can subscribe to a journal to find somewhere that I can get
it from.
WIN95 screams at me from every newspaper advertisment and editorial.
When was the last time you saw an ad in a non-enthusiast publication
that advertised availability of Linux?

From: Paul F Almquist
To: Bradley, Greg
Subject: Re: Linux Bigot.
Date: Tuesday, 16 June 1998 3:58PM

There are several companies that advertise regularly in Linux Journal
that sell machines with linux installed--VA Research and Promox are
a couple.  Some time back I counted 8 different ones--perhaps more now.
I don't know how old these companies are but at least a couple of years
old.  The biggies like Dell and Gateway 2000 of course do not.


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FW: Linux Bigot??

1998-06-16 Thread Bradley, Greg

Actually, that was the whole point of releasing the source code. When we
fix the Linux version, we fix the windows version for them as a
by-product. One of the pluses we can use to convince companies that an
'open' approach has more to offer in the long term.

From: Zoki
Cc: recipient.list.not.shown
Subject: Re: Linux Bigot??
Date: Tuesday, 16 June 1998 3:49PM

>Another Windows prog port a la Communicator
>is a good example of how it's not supposed to be done. It got ported so
>"well", it kept the same bugs that were known in the Windows version.

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FW: FW: Linux Bigot.

1998-06-16 Thread Bradley, Greg

The letter is posted on the web but I can't remember where. You should
be able to find it easy enough is you search for Nader near IBM.
If you can't let me know and I'll have a look around to see if I have
the page somewhere at home.

From: Zoki
To: 'Redhat_Post'
Cc: recipient.list.not.shown
Subject: Re: FW: Linux Bigot.
Date: Tuesday, 16 June 1998 4:10PM

On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, Bradley, Greg wrote:

 ->>While I can see that this may be the case in Australia,
 ->>all folks in the US have to do is pick up the phone and dial a
 ->>number to order a preinstalled Linux system.
 ->Actually, I read the Nader letter to IBM, he was unable to purchase a
 ->computer from anyone that he tried, and he provided a long list, sans
 ->windows let alone with another operating system installed. Of course
 ->was talking 'NAME' brands, non the less, it appears that the options
 ->pre-installed Linux are few.

*** I would be interested to read that letter. Where did you see it and
does Nader have a site?


%% Fin de message / End of message %%

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Re: addendum: Re: sndconfig/modprobe?

1998-06-16 Thread Michael Jinks

Okay, chapter 3 --

Now I've re-compiled my kernel and modules making extra-sure that I set up
sound support as modules.  I then rebooted and ran sndconfig with every
possible combination of settings (dma, irq, etc) for my sb16.

Each time, sndconfig gets to the point of announcing that it will attempt to
play a sound sample, then complains about an error running modprobe, and pops
me back to the irq/dma page.

Okay, what am I doing wrong?  This card has worked in this machine, just not
under Linux' native drivers -- the 4front demo did work, but I think I'd like
the RedHat stuff better if I could just get it to work.


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Re: disabling the horizontal bar in afterstep

1998-06-16 Thread flaw

On 16 Jun, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi all
> I have RH-5.1 in a i386 box and I am running afterstep. I want to disable
> the horizontal bar that appears in the screen.
> How can I do that?
> regards
> miguel

You'll find a file called "autoexec" in the /usr/share/afterstep
directory, and all you have to do to disable the horiziontal bar
(WinList) is either edit the WinList line out of that file or put a hash
mark (pound sign) at the beginning of the WinList line.


  -- --

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Re: Anyone Using XFree + SiS 86c6215 Video Card

1998-06-16 Thread Harold Weiss-Wallrath

> hi
> you may find the server for the card at If it works please
> let
> me know, as I have been unable to get X working after installing the
> server.
> -Aditya
> Raj Singh wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have recently tried loading XFree86 3.3.2 (with RedHat Linux 5.0) on
> > a
> > PentiumMMX/166 based system (Intel YM430TX Motherboard). This has a
> > SiS
> > 86c6215 video controller on PCI. This is NOT recognized by XFree and
> > it
> > also does not allow SVGA X-server to run. The X-SVGA starts and then
> > terminates with the message of unknown video card.
> >
> > Also, the card has 1 MB of videoRAM which is not recognised by
> > SuperProbe
> > (version 2.15). SuperProbe does find that the video card is from
> > Silicon
> > Integrated Systems (SiS), but also says that the chip set is unknown
> > (please report). The entry for signature data is 6 (I have done the
> > reporting to the given email addresses).
> >
> > The XFree86 web site pages have no info on this video card. Anyone
> > with
> > more info on this card and possible support under Linux for X ?
> >
> > -- Raj
> >

Hi all,
I've been using the Mach64 server from SuSe and it works great. The SuSe
people recommend that you use their own slightly modified xfconfig program.
One thing I've noticed, and you might want to check this out, is that the
symlink to the server is in /usr/X11R6/bin, not in /etc/X11 as in redhat.
Another thing was that the config program had the wrong name for the
server. In my case it was pointed to a server named XMach64, while the
server installed by their rpm was called XF86_Mach64. Another difference
from redhat is that the XF86Config file was located in /etc, not /etc/X11.

hope this gets you going. 


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Re: grpm 0.1

1998-06-16 Thread stephen

On Tue, Jun 16, 1998 at 01:48:18PM -0300, Marc Ewing wrote:
> I've finally crufted together a release of grpm.  It seems to do basic
> stuff pretty well, and shouldn't mess up your RPM database too badly :-).
> grpm is a graphical interface to RPM, with many super nifty features:
> . track and cache multiple "repositories" of RPMs simultaneously
> . can do FTP and HTTP repos (see README)
> . resolve dependencies *across repos*
> . search packages for any info in package header
> . color codes packages based on "state"
> . many options for sorting and displaying package listings
> There is some minimal documentation in /usr/doc/grpm-0.1/README.
> Please read it.
> grpm is available from 

is this site mirrored, your rejection html doesn't say
> You will need Red Hat Linux 5.1 plus all the updates to use the
> binary RPMs.  If you do not have a GTK 1.1 based GNOME system
> (and if you don't know, you don't) you should use the -static
> RPM package.
> -Marc
> -- 
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> mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

-- Stephen R Parkinson
I don't have a problem with dos/windows, except at work.
Oh well, can't have everything I suppose.
If the machine had had a CDROM, I had a RH boot disk handy :-)

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boot disk

1998-06-16 Thread Kevin Seguin

is it possible to create a disk to boot from during installation of
rh5.0?  i have NT on my machine now, and i want to install red hat so i
have a dual boot machine.  to do this, i need to install red hat, then
boot into linux via floppy, copy the boot image, then boot into nt and
tell the nt boot program where to find linux to boot it.  unless someone

knows a better way...

Kevin Seguin
Hoover's Inc.
1033 La Posada Drive Suite 250
Austin, TX 78752

phone: 512.374.4556
fax:   512.374.4501

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Linux on PS/2 - MCA machines

1998-06-16 Thread gary steve shelton

There's a web page that has info on Linux on MicroChannel machines (Linux/MCA):


gary shelton
network admin
dalton trucking, inc.

Free web-based email, Forever, From anywhere!

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Re: PS/2 and RedHat Disks

1998-06-16 Thread Christopher Fisk

Something you've prolly tried but when lilo comes up try appending mem=16M
to force linux to only use 16M



On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, LT wrote:

>I booted DosLinux using the bzimage kernel (i didnt find any at the mca
>site recommend that worked, thanks though, i may need that at a later
>point) and here is the error that I got which may help you people who know
>Linux deduce what is wrong and what I need to do to fix it.
>PS/2 ESDI: DMA above 16MB not supported
>end_request: I/O error, dir 20:01, sector 498929
>There was a page or two of these each one having a different sector.  I am
>also not sure whether dir is dir or some other set of letters, I can't read
>what I wrote (oops!).  Thanks for your patience,
>   LT
>"No man and no force can abolish memory."
>   - Franklin D. Roosevelt
>Penguin Power!  Linux is the OS of the future!
>LT Grant - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - 0x110BCDC5 - UIN #9826505
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> /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips /mailing-lists
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Re: PS/2 and RedHat Disks

1998-06-16 Thread LT

Actually I think I have a kernel that may work
(slackware/kernel/ibmmca.s/bzImage or something like that), but the kernel
somehow gets caught up in my 24 meg of RAM, and I can't take out one of the
8meg cards.  Any Ideas?  Also is there a distribution of RedHat (or any
commercial-ish Linux) on disks?  Thanks,

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Metro-X or Xfree86?

1998-06-16 Thread Scott

My copy of RH came with Metro-X and obviously Xfree86.  What is the
difference between the two?  Are thier reasons to use on over the other?
My main reson for wnating to know is that I need the newest version of
Metro-X to support my vid card (STB 128 using the ET6000 chip).  Is it
worth the 40 bucks?  Do I get acceleration with Metro-X?  I don't get
acceleraton with Xfree86 (at least not the version I'm using).


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Re: HTML-formatted mail

1998-06-16 Thread Joe Klemmer

On Mon, 15 Jun 1998, Deryk Barker wrote:

> > It really comes down to this:
> > 
> > You're either in favor of HTML markup in email, or you're not in favor of
> > email being a very rich method of communication compared to speech.
> Oh really? And I say that I *am* against HTML in email and I am in
> favour of email's being a rich method of communication? 

Strong second!  Email should ONLY be straight ASCII text.

> > I don't think we should tolerate email remaining in it's outmoded old form
> > when there's such an easy way to increase it's utility for
> > communication.
> As far as I'm concerned, adding bloody HTML tags makes the mail
> *harder* to read and certainly doesn't increase its
> comprehensibility.

Without a doubt.

The bottom line is this:  It all revolves around writing skills. 
A moderately educated person should be able to express their
thoughts/feelings/wants/desires by using the written word.  To use
crutches and gimmicks (such as HTML) is to show a complete lack of written
communications skills.  Did Shakespeare need HTML?  Did Asimov?  Are the
Bible and the Declaration of Independence and the Koran and the Tao
worthless and meaningless because they were written in plane, ordinary

I know that it is to late to stop HTML encoded email.  The genie
is out of the bottle.  But it is my contention that someone who must
resort to HTML (or any other kind of fancy formating) in order to express
their thoughts is to be pitied.  No moderately educated or intelligent
person would need anything more than plane text for email.  Period.

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new
discoveries, is not "Eureka!" (I found it!) but "That's funny ..."
-- Isaac Asimov

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Re: X no longer works after 5.1 updates.

1998-06-16 Thread David Mihm

On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, Doug Elznic wrote:

> My X no longer works either. i also upgraded from 5.0.
> On Sat, 13 Jun 1998, Jeremy Hansen wrote:
> > 
> > X no longer works after 5.1 updates, for me anyway.  I can't
> > figure out what I did either.  XF86_SVGA when excuted directly
> > just give me a core dump.
> > 
> > The thing is, I use Accelerated X too, and that no longer works
> > either.
> > 
> > Any clue or hints on what to look at?  Anyone having problems?
> > 
> > Thanks
> > -jeremy
> > 
> > 

From speaking with the great guys at Xig, the reason is a bug in
the pci code of the new gcc (2.8.x).  You'll need to grab just the ioprt.c
file from a 2.1.x kernel and replace the one in the 2.0.x tree
--> /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/kernel/ioport.c <-- 
I don't know why gnu has yet to fix this bug.


p.s. If you don't want to d/l the entire src, or don't know of anyone who
has it - I'll put it on my ftp site
d a v i d  @  m i h m  reality.sys corrupt!
davemann-at-ionet-dot-net reboot universe(y,n)?
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Cut and Paste in RH 5.1 using Xfree_SVGA

1998-06-16 Thread Steve Smith

has anyone had the problem where they cannot cut and 
paste using the mouse after installing RH 5.1? My old
RH 4.0 system had no problems, now, with same hardware,
the mouse works, but I cannot select text with the first
button and paste it by selecting the middle mouse button
(emulating 3 buttons with 2 button mouse). Is this a bug
in RH 5.1 or XFree86_SVGA server? I'm stumped


Steve Smith
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1617 Cole Blvd/|\
Golden, CO 80401   *
 *   * 
 <--* *--> NREL
 *   *
Phone: (303)384-6625   *
FAX:   (303)384-6604  \|/   


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boot disk

1998-06-16 Thread Kevin Seguin

is it possible to create a disk to boot from during installation of
rh5.0?  i have NT on my machine now, and i want to install red hat so i
have a dual boot machine.  to do this, i need to install red hat, then
boot into linux via floppy, copy the boot image, then boot into nt and
tell the nt boot program where to find linux to boot it.  unless someone
knows a better way...

Kevin Seguin
Hoover's Inc.
1033 La Posada Drive Suite 250
Austin, TX 78752

phone: 512.374.4556
fax:   512.374.4501

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Upgrade to 5.1 - DPT RAID fails..

1998-06-16 Thread Tim Hockin

We have a machine with a DPT RAID controller (EATA/DMA driver) and when we
try to upgrade to 5.1 from 5.0 the boot disk tells us:

HBA at 0xef90 does not respond to INQUIRY, sorry.
SCSI: 0 Hosts

and it will not pick up the SCSI adapter.  I can't rightly install or
upgrade if I can't access my SCSI devices..



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Re: Staroffice won't uncompress!

1998-06-16 Thread Ray Curtis

> "jb" == Jason Belich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

jb> after getting assorted uncompression errors with SO4sp3 both using the
jb> wrapper and manually using tar -xvzf, I attempted to just gzip -d the
jb> tarball and I get consistantly the error 

jb> invalid compressed data--crc error

jb> I've dnlded from several different sites with the same effect.  Has
jb> anyone else had this problem?  If so, is there an easy solution?

Well it really sounds like you are not using binary mode to download this

How about using something like ncftp if you are not familiar with
how to put whatever you are using to ftp in binary mode.

This is a very large package so there is certainlly a chance to get an
error during the download.
Or lastly maybe staroffice just doesn't like you, only kidding.

Good luck,

Curtis Consulting

Once is happenstance,
Twice is coincidence,
Three times is enemy action.
-- Auric Goldfinger

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addendum: Re: sndconfig/modprobe?

1998-06-16 Thread Michael Jinks

I've been trying to get sound to work on my 5.1 box using a soundblaster 16
(as per the post right before this one).

Retracing my steps, I just re-compiled my kernel with sound support as a
module.  But when I did make install_modules, I got this:

[root@fred linux]# make modules_install
Installing modules under /lib/modules/2.0.34/block
Installing modules under /lib/modules/2.0.34/net
Installing modules under /lib/modules/2.0.34/ipv4
Installing modules under /lib/modules/2.0.34/scsi
Installing modules under /lib/modules/2.0.34/fs
cp: sound_syms.o: No such file or directory
Installing modules under /lib/modules/2.0.34/misc

In modules/2.0.34/misc, I do have sb_card.o and sound.o -- what's the
sound_syms thing and could it be the reason why I'm having trouble?

(meanwhile, off to try sndconfig again. . . )


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Tape Backups for Linux (RH 5.0)

1998-06-16 Thread Aperiodic

To All:

I'm getting ready to purchase a back up tape drive for my Linux / NT.  They
are having a big sale on the Iomega 2GB drives, will these work for my system
configuration?  I know they have software upgrades for the NT side, but can I
expect to have a good, reliable drive for my Linux data as well?  Anybody have
any insights?  Is anyone using an Iomega tape drive with their Linux?

Many thanks in advance;

C.A. Uncler

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1998-06-16 Thread Michael Jinks

I'm trying to use sndconfig to set up my SoundBlaster 16.  I've
re-compiled my kernel and my modules to give modular support for my
sound card, and rebooted with the new setup.

When I run sndconfig, it appears to run fine until it tries to play the
sound sample to check my configuration, and then it reports, "There was
an error running the modprobe program."

I'm running sndconfig as root, and I can run modprobe fine myself. . .

I thought about manually installing the sound modules myself, but I'm
not seeing anything in my /lib/modules that looks like it pertains.
Seems to me that the sound drivers should be in
/lib/modules/2.0.34/misc, but they didn't show up there; I'm also pretty
sure that they don't belong in the block, fs, ipv4, scsi, or net module
directories, which are the only other ones I have.

So is something broken here?  Lots of things maybe?

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1998-06-16 Thread pancho

hi all

where can I find docs for gnome?

basically my question is : how do I start gnome?

I have a RH-5.1 system



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Re: What's so great about Linux?

1998-06-16 Thread Scott


On 6/16/98, at 2:24 PM, William T Wilson  wrote: 

>On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, Scott wrote:
>> Only a user who is familair with messing with an OS.  I for one don't
>> want to think about touching my OS in this manner. I doin't know C nor
>> do I have any plans to know.  I'll grant you that someone somewhere does
>> fix it and updates are more quickly available.
>Whether you are the one that fixes the software or not, the fact remains
>that bugs are fixed more aptly.  And the tech support is better, too:
>there are no support droids in free software.  If you find a bug, you can
>mail it directly to the author of the code.  He'll fix it himself if you

Only my OS has Driods assocaited with it.  The rest of my software is
supported by compitant individuals.  

>> Don't belive what you read.  Sticking in the RH 5.0 floppy and having it
>> do the install is only the first step in a linux setup.  Have that 10
>It's also only the first step in a Windows setup.

True but it gets about 95% done vs about 60-70%
>> do a modular install or do a kernel upgrade or download, modify, and
>> install a network card driver.  My guess is unless she is a geniuos this
>Who ever has to do this?  Nobody really unless they want to or they have
>important (advanced) reason to.  For example I like to recompile my kernel
>without module support for security reasons.  So I have to do that.  Joe
>User finds that Red Hat installs functioning modules for the default
>settings for every card it supports.  If your card isn't on the default
>settings, you have to explicitly reconfigure things.  It's the same way
>with Windows especially if your cards are non plug-n-play.  IMO Windows
>still has a significant advantage in dealing with PnP cards because of a
>lack of an automated way to configure them in Linux.  But I think ISA PnP
>cards are a transition technology that will soon be gone altogether
>replaced by PCI.  (I can hope!)

Its almost inpossible to buy a new card that is not PNP.  And if a card
isn't I won't buy it.  Most cards make poor usage fo this feature but they
are PnP.  
Redhat tells me no where how its kernal installs default.  It only gives me
2 options in its chapter "next steps after install".. Todo a modular or
monolithic compile.  My netowrk card (Linksys 10/100 using the PNIC chip)
is not supported by Redhat's driver.  It requires version .83 or above to
work.  I had to find it on the net, download it, modify the C code to
enable full duplex support and then install it. The installations
instructions for a modular kernel install consisted of executing 5 commands
and for a monolithic it was recompile the kernel.  Redhat's instructions on
the monolithic compile are giberish so I'm avoiding that. I chose to do a
monolithic kernel to support simple upgardes.  I gather from your responce
that Redhat has already done this to a point thus poor documentaton lead me
to re-compile my kernal.. No biggy since it worked,,just wasted 2 hours of
my time.
>> support features as its competition.  That includes manufacturer support
>> (drivers) and common tools for creating add on programs. I should not
>> have to compile programs I download from the net along with 3 libraries
>It's really a conflict between the traditional Unix way and the way that
>PC users are accustomed to.  The rapid evolution of Linux is an additional
>stumbling block to this; most programs are even harder to compile on Linux
>than they are on other forms of Unix.  This is because of a lack of
>standardization.  What program authors need to do is distribute along with
>source the precompiled RPM of their package.  This is becoming
>increasingly common for free programs.  But major application vendors for
>some reason fail to do this.  There are no StarOffice RPMs by StarDivision
>for Red Hat 5 for reasons which remain completely mysterious to me. 
>Instead you must bludgeon libraries with a large block of wood, then
>sacrifice a chicken at the Temple of Zuul, if you want it to run.  I don't
>understand this.  If you want your program to run on Linux, why don't you
>make it easy to install? 

Absolutley.  Even developers of libraries such as Qt don't have RMPs on
their web site (atleast not that I could find).  I looked on sunday since I
wanted to use KDE for Xwindows.  It needs Qt libraries and what I found was
two pages of ugly installation instructions for Qt.  Ihave since found out
that there are RPMs for the Qt libraries at Sunsite.  I might get to try
KDE afterall.
Visual basic and Visual C++ might not be the best programing tools in the
world but the end result is way esy to install.

>>  I think things are starting to turn with support from Linksys (linksys
>> offers phone suport for installing their network cards on Linux, states
>> Linux as a supported OS on the box but still provides no driver),
>Linksys drivers are included with the kernel.  Why include a separate one
>in the box?  One o

Re: HTML-formatted mail

1998-06-16 Thread Greg Thomas

> >>> As far as I'm concerned, adding bloody HTML tags makes the mail
> >>> *harder* to read and certainly doesn't increase its
> >>> comprehensibility.
> >>
> >>Without a doubt.
> >
> >If you see html tags in the text ... get another mail reader ;)
> Nah, I prefer to excerise the same thing I would do with a message that
> otherwise offended me. I hit "Control-D" to delete it and move on to the
> next. :) I don't care who writes it whether its a salesperson, a friend,
> Stephen Hawking or my mom, they all end up in the bit bucket (and no, I
> haven't gotten mail from Stephen, and I highly doubt he would use HTML *grin*)

Same here.  More than 95% of the e-mail and news posts I have looked at in
HTML have looked like crap compared to plain old text.  So I quit looking
at them. 

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SCSI Problems...

1998-06-16 Thread Randy Carpenter

I am posting this here, because the manhattan-list will not accept

Okay.. I upgraded to 5.1, and my scsi card (Diamond FirePort 40) Doesn't
work with the 2.0.34 kernel.  I rebooted with my previous 2.0.33 kernel,
and it works fine.  I recompiled 2.0.34 with the NCR53c8xx support in the
kernel, *not* module, and it still doesn't work...  My machine is a dual
boot machine.  I have 2 IDE drives for windows, and a single UW-scsi drive
for linux.  /boot is on the mbr of the second IDE drive, so the kernel is
bootable.  Lilo is installed on the MBR of the first IDE drive.  All
worked fine with RH5.0 and all kernels up to the 2.0.33 I had before I
upgraded.  Anyone know what the deal is, and how it could be fixed?

Randy Carpenter - UNIX Systems Admin First Network Group

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Staroffice won't uncompress!

1998-06-16 Thread Jason Belich

after getting assorted uncompression errors with SO4sp3 both using the
wrapper and manually using tar -xvzf, I attempted to just gzip -d the
tarball and I get consistantly the error 

invalid compressed data--crc error

I've dnlded from several different sites with the same effect.  Has
anyone else had this problem?  If so, is there an easy solution?

Setup: RH5.0, PPro200, gzip1.2.4


Jason Belich

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Re: printing problems, ppa zip disk, and RH 5.0

1998-06-16 Thread David Mihm

On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, Patrick O'Neil wrote:
> I have an Epson Stylus Color 600 attached to lpt1 as well as
> a PPA Zip drive.  I installed scsi support for the PPA during
> initial install but have not seen, or been able to mount, my 
> Zip drive.  Now, I believe that installing support for this 
> Zip drive is also the source of my problems printing.  If I
> use the printtool and try to test print anything, nothing 
> happens.  I have my printer set up as /dev/lp0 but have also
> tried /dev/lp1 to no avail.  When I try a test print of text
> I get a message telling me:
> "Error printing test page to lp
> Error reason:  lpr:  connect: No such file or directory
> Jobs queued, but cannot start daemon."
You will need the following set when you compile your kernel:

CONFIG_MODULES=y<--loadable module support
CONFIG_KERNELD=y<--autoload of modules
CONFIG_SCSI=y   <--scsi support
CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SD=y <--scsi disk support
CONFIG_SCSI_PPA=m   <--the scsi/ppa for the Zip
CONFIG_PRINTER=m<--printer support

*Note* those that are "m" (modules) *must* be modules, those that are "y"
can be "y" or "m" (if "m" is applicable).
As for the printer working, I suggest removing the entry as root
from the control panel, then recompiling with the above items (and others
you may require), then setting up the printer again.  Also check to make
sure you do not have erroneaous entries in the /var/spool/lpd tree -
delete them all (before adding the printer).  I have had success with the
printer set to /dev/lp1 (/var/spool/lpd/lp), simply "named" lp.  YMMV

d a v i d  @  m i h m  reality.sys corrupt!
davemann-at-ionet-dot-net reboot universe(y,n)?
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Re: Cannot bind virtual IPs

1998-06-16 Thread Kevin Smith

On Mon, 15 Jun 1998, Zhenhua wrote:

> Hi, Everyone:
> I tried to use:
> /sbin/ifconfig eth0:1
> /sbin/route add -host dev eth0:1
> to add a virtual IP to the server.
> The first command gives error:
> SIOCSIFADDR: Invalid argument
> The second command gives error:
> SIOCADDRT: Operation not supported by device
> Anyone has any idea?
> The box runs Redhat 5.1. Using Intel PCI Pro 10/100 card.
> The server network works fine. The eth0 works OK with one
> IP number. We try to add a second IP to it.
> I have recompiled the kernel and selected the Intel
> network card. It didn't help at all.

When the kernel was recompiled, did you ensure IP Aliasing support was
added in?  If not, then there's the problem.  Anyhow, if you are using
RedHat, then just modify the actual
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0* files.. :)  copy ifcfg-eth0 to
ifcfg-eth0:1 and modify it appropriately.. that will solve any possible
arguments you are forgetting.. if it still doesn't bind the second ip
properly, I would definately take a look at recompiling the kernel, as
that is most likely your problem.

| Kevin Smith x Computer Cafe System Administrator|
| "Once, I was a mudflap... on a truck"   |

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Resolved! (was help with FAT32)

1998-06-16 Thread Doug Smoak

First thanks to all that reponded.  Turns out that mount under
Linux is different than mount under AmigaOS.  8-)

> > Am I doing something dumb here?  Anyone have FAT32 working?
> Dunno about the FAT32 part, but generic mount requires that
> 1) the /D directory exists (well, DOES it?!)

That was indeed the problem as was first pointed out by
GateKeepeR News.

> 2) that you tell mount 'what' to mount, as in
> mount /dev/hda6 /D

That's not true if it's defined in /etc/fstab.

"mount /D" works just fine now that there's a /D
directory to mount to.

Thanks again for all the reponses.
 "Nostalgia ain't what it used to be."
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Re: SMPT: We do not relay.

1998-06-16 Thread Kevin Smith

On Mon, 15 Jun 1998, Robert W. Canary wrote:

> Thanks Kevin,
> That did the trick!
> Can you tell me where these files are documented?  I found nothin n the man
> sendmail about them.

they are redhat specific, added in redhat 5.0.  Check the documentation (I
don't know the exact url) from redhat 5.0, or look in the file
where they added information about them just search the
file for "deny" or "ip_allow" or whatever... :)

| Kevin Smith x Computer Cafe System Administrator|
| "Once, I was a mudflap... on a truck"   |

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Re: What's so great about Linux?

1998-06-16 Thread William T Wilson

On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, Scott wrote:

> Only a user who is familair with messing with an OS.  I for one don't
> want to think about touching my OS in this manner. I doin't know C nor
> do I have any plans to know.  I'll grant you that someone somewhere does
> fix it and updates are more quickly available.

Whether you are the one that fixes the software or not, the fact remains
that bugs are fixed more aptly.  And the tech support is better, too:
there are no support droids in free software.  If you find a bug, you can
mail it directly to the author of the code.  He'll fix it himself if you

> Don't belive what you read.  Sticking in the RH 5.0 floppy and having it
> do the install is only the first step in a linux setup.  Have that 10

It's also only the first step in a Windows setup.

> do a modular install or do a kernel upgrade or download, modify, and
> install a network card driver.  My guess is unless she is a geniuos this

Who ever has to do this?  Nobody really unless they want to or they have
important (advanced) reason to.  For example I like to recompile my kernel
without module support for security reasons.  So I have to do that.  Joe
User finds that Red Hat installs functioning modules for the default
settings for every card it supports.  If your card isn't on the default
settings, you have to explicitly reconfigure things.  It's the same way
with Windows especially if your cards are non plug-n-play.  IMO Windows
still has a significant advantage in dealing with PnP cards because of a
lack of an automated way to configure them in Linux.  But I think ISA PnP
cards are a transition technology that will soon be gone altogether
replaced by PCI.  (I can hope!)

> support features as its competition.  That includes manufacturer support
> (drivers) and common tools for creating add on programs. I should not
> have to compile programs I download from the net along with 3 libraries

It's really a conflict between the traditional Unix way and the way that
PC users are accustomed to.  The rapid evolution of Linux is an additional
stumbling block to this; most programs are even harder to compile on Linux
than they are on other forms of Unix.  This is because of a lack of
standardization.  What program authors need to do is distribute along with
source the precompiled RPM of their package.  This is becoming
increasingly common for free programs.  But major application vendors for
some reason fail to do this.  There are no StarOffice RPMs by StarDivision
for Red Hat 5 for reasons which remain completely mysterious to me. 
Instead you must bludgeon libraries with a large block of wood, then
sacrifice a chicken at the Temple of Zuul, if you want it to run.  I don't
understand this.  If you want your program to run on Linux, why don't you
make it easy to install? 

>  I think things are starting to turn with support from Linksys (linksys
> offers phone suport for installing their network cards on Linux, states
> Linux as a supported OS on the box but still provides no driver),

Linksys drivers are included with the kernel.  Why include a separate one
in the box?  One of the serious technical problems with Windows is that
most of it really isn't compatible with the rest of it because every time
you install someting, it surreptitiously changes other parts of your
system.  It is good that the kernel maintainers also handle the drivers.

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Re: PS/2 and RedHat Disks

1998-06-16 Thread LT

I booted DosLinux using the bzimage kernel (i didnt find any at the mca
site recommend that worked, thanks though, i may need that at a later
point) and here is the error that I got which may help you people who know
Linux deduce what is wrong and what I need to do to fix it.

PS/2 ESDI: DMA above 16MB not supported
end_request: I/O error, dir 20:01, sector 498929

There was a page or two of these each one having a different sector.  I am
also not sure whether dir is dir or some other set of letters, I can't read
what I wrote (oops!).  Thanks for your patience,
"No man and no force can abolish memory."
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

Penguin Power!  Linux is the OS of the future!

LT Grant - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - 0x110BCDC5 - UIN #9826505

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Re: Aztech Sound Card

1998-06-16 Thread James Youngman

> "abl" == Alfonso Barreto Lopez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  abl> Does any one have this kind of sound card working, if so , how
  abl> did you get it works?  Thanks a lot

There are many different types of "Aztech" sound card, at least half a
dozen that I know of.  If it is a SG NX Pro or NX Pro 16, see the
package "sgbas16cfg" on SunSITE (there is also an entry in the Linux
Software Map for it).

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Re: HTML-formatted mail

1998-06-16 Thread David Hauck

At 02:59 PM 6/16/98 -0400, you wrote:
>On Mon, 15 Jun 1998, Deryk Barker wrote:
>> > It really comes down to this:
>> > 
>> > You're either in favor of HTML markup in email, or you're not in favor of
>> > email being a very rich method of communication compared to speech.
>> Oh really? And I say that I *am* against HTML in email and I am in
>> favour of email's being a rich method of communication? 
>   Strong second!  Email should ONLY be straight ASCII text.

It is hard for me to believe that we are a Linux group with such primitive
understanding of technological change.  The arguments here sound like what
a guy who used to use Morse Code would say about a telephone years ago.
"Are you kidding, if people could just talk and talk they would never get
to the point.  Keeping short simple sentences in morse code is the only way
to communicate long distances."  ergo ..-.  ..-  -.-.  -.-   ---  ..-.  ..-.

>> > I don't think we should tolerate email remaining in it's outmoded old
>> > when there's such an easy way to increase it's utility for
>> > communication.
>> As far as I'm concerned, adding bloody HTML tags makes the mail
>> *harder* to read and certainly doesn't increase its
>> comprehensibility.
>   Without a doubt.

If you see html tags in the text ... get another mail reader ;)

>   The bottom line is this:  It all revolves around writing skills. 
>A moderately educated person should be able to express their
>thoughts/feelings/wants/desires by using the written word.  To use
>crutches and gimmicks (such as HTML) is to show a complete lack of written
>communications skills.  Did Shakespeare need HTML?  Did Asimov?  Are the
>Bible and the Declaration of Independence and the Koran and the Tao
>worthless and meaningless because they were written in plane, ordinary
>   I know that it is to late to stop HTML encoded email.  The genie
>is out of the bottle.  But it is my contention that someone who must
>resort to HTML (or any other kind of fancy formating) in order to express
>their thoughts is to be pitied.  No moderately educated or intelligent
>person would need anything more than plane text for email.  Period.

Please.  Lighten up.  The ability to communicate has NOTHING to do with HTML. 
However, having a link in a mail message that is available with a
double-click can be really clean.  

>The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new
>discoveries, is not "Eureka!" (I found it!) but "That's funny ..."
>-- Isaac Asimov
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Re: HTML-formatted mail

1998-06-16 Thread Blair Craft

> If you see html tags in the text ... get another mail reader ;)

> Please.  Lighten up.  The ability to communicate has NOTHING to do with HTML. 
> However, having a link in a mail message that is available with a
> double-click can be really clean.  

That's funny, I don't need a message to be in HTML to be able to open a URL
from my MUA (Mutt). If this is your only reason to have HTML embedded in
email, perhaps it is not us `Luddites' who should get a different mail reader.


--- end message ---

Blair Craft
Computer Technician
College Heights Secondary School

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What makes linux so good?

1998-06-16 Thread Chris Frost

There was recently a thread on what makes linux so good...I'm putting
together a faq and would like to use several of those messages. Does
anyone have some of these?

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1998-06-16 Thread Ray Curtis

> "p" == pancho  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

p> hi all

p> where can I find docs for gnome?

p> basically my question is : how do I start gnome?

Check out for the FAQ and info.

But basicly try 'panel' to start the WM or you can call
any of the apps like 'ee' seperately.

Curtis Consulting

Immigration is the sincerest form of flattery.
-- Jack Paar

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Re: PS/2 and RedHat Disks

1998-06-16 Thread Lawrence Houston

On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, Mike Edwards wrote:

> On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, LT wrote:
> > Mike,
> > I was e-mailing back and forth with Pat Volkerding, a main guy with
> > Slackware, and he led me to believe it could be done.  I am currently
> > getting tripped up on too much ram.  Odd problem, 'eh.  Does anyone know if
> > Mike's statement is true though, I may be wrong.  
> [snip]
> > >
> > >> To Whom That This is Read by,
> > >>  My computer is a PS/2 with ESDI drives (i think, they use eda when
> > >
> > >Last I heard, Linux won't run on the PS/2--at least not the latest
> > >kernels. 
> I stand corrected!  I even had a bookmark buried away that points to the
> Micro Channel Linux page.  If you haven't seen this one, it's at
> It looks like they have quite abit of info

There was also a short article in the May 1997 Issue of the Linux Journal,
"Linux on the PS/2" written by David Weis (pp 12-13).  David used
Christopher Beauregard's Web Site (the above URL Mike mentions) by as
source of information on MCA Linux. Personally I do NOT have access to
recent PS/2, hence I can make this an "interesting" project! 

Lawrence Houston  -  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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RE: newbie HELP

1998-06-16 Thread Hugo Rabson

You have soundboards at Wal-mart? *gulp*

At our local village shop we once managed to buy an inflatable dinghy. We
asked jokingly if they had one & they said, "Sure, what colour?"

> From: Paul Pettit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: newbie HELP

> The solution I ended up actually using was this:
> Traded my cheap soundboard and Mitsumi CD to a Windows 95 user for a
> quad-speed ATAPI, and bought a Logitech Soundman Wave to replace the sound
> board.
> Total expense: $97 (Wal-mart at 4am for the soundboard).

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3c590 and PCI-SCSI card confict IRQ conflict

1998-06-16 Thread Michael Jinks

Hi, I think this might be a known problem but I'm not sure of the
solution.  We're setting up a new fileserver using RH5.1 on a p133 with
a 3com 3c590 PCI 10/100 ethernet card and a Mylex/Buslogic
SCSI controller.

The ethernet card and the SCSI controller are both PCI, and both
_really_ want to claim IRQ 11.  I think that this should be workable
under PCI (right?), but at the moment any command I try to send to eth0
returns a SCSI error.

So, what's the way around a shared PCI IRQ?  Is this something that a
lilo append line will address, and if so, what kind of lilo append line?


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Re: X no longer works after 5.1 updates.

1998-06-16 Thread Doug Elznic

My X no longer works either. i also upgraded from 5.0.

On Sat, 13 Jun 1998, Jeremy Hansen wrote:

> X no longer works after 5.1 updates, for me anyway.  I can't
> figure out what I did either.  XF86_SVGA when excuted directly
> just give me a core dump.
> The thing is, I use Accelerated X too, and that no longer works
> either.
> Any clue or hints on what to look at?  Anyone having problems?
> Thanks
> -jeremy
> | pgp available from:
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Re: HTML-formatted mail

1998-06-16 Thread Derek Balling

At 02:29 PM 6/16/98 -0600, David Hauck wrote:
>>> As far as I'm concerned, adding bloody HTML tags makes the mail
>>> *harder* to read and certainly doesn't increase its
>>> comprehensibility.
>>  Without a doubt.
>If you see html tags in the text ... get another mail reader ;)

Nah, I prefer to excerise the same thing I would do with a message that
otherwise offended me. I hit "Control-D" to delete it and move on to the
next. :) I don't care who writes it whether its a salesperson, a friend,
Stephen Hawking or my mom, they all end up in the bit bucket (and no, I
haven't gotten mail from Stephen, and I highly doubt he would use HTML *grin*)

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Re: 3c590 and PCI-SCSI card confict IRQ conflict

1998-06-16 Thread Steve Smith

I had a similar problem. I reserved the IRQ for ISA in
the BIOS , forcing the PCI cards to use anobther IRQ.

Steve Smith
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1617 Cole Blvd/|\
Golden, CO 80401   *
 *   * 
 <--* *--> NREL
 *   *
Phone: (303)384-6625   *
FAX:   (303)384-6604  \|/   


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RE: Tape Backups for Linux (RH 5.0)

1998-06-16 Thread Merten, Joe


I can't comment specifically on Linux being a brand newbie myself, but
under NT IOmega will charge you additional (I think about $100) for the
NT driver for the Ditto(tm) tape drives.  You also will not be able to
format the tapes, AND have to buy their tapes (preformatted of course).

On the other hand you may be able to find the drivers somewhere on the
net, and I did find a good deal on the tapes on

Based upon all that I would venture a guess that IOmega won't play well
on Linux.

Joseph P. Merten|   Good decisions come from experience.
Sea Land 704-571-2333   |   Experience comes from bad decisions.

> --
> Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 1998 1:19 PM
> Subject:  Tape Backups for Linux (RH 5.0)
> To All:
> I'm getting ready to purchase a back up tape drive for my Linux / NT.
> They
> are having a big sale on the Iomega 2GB drives, will these work for my
> system
> configuration?  I know they have software upgrades for the NT side,
> but can I
> expect to have a good, reliable drive for my Linux data as well?
> Anybody have
> any insights?  Is anyone using an Iomega tape drive with their Linux?
> Many thanks in advance;
> C.A. Uncler

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newbie help with netscape-communicator4.05 print command

1998-06-16 Thread Paul Kersting

I've installed netscape-communicator 4.05, and all seems to be working fine,
except for the print command.  I have a local printer, and when I try to print
from netscape, it brings up the print window, and uses the printer command lpr.
When I click ok to print, nothing happens.  lpr works fine from an xterm
window.  Does anyone have any ideas on what I need to do to fix this?


Paul J. Kersting
KW Consulting, Inc. - Fuel Rod Expertise for the Nuclear Power Industry
(412) 635-7333 (voice)  (412) 367-2195 (fax)

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XBF X-server announcement

1998-06-16 Thread Greg Fall

Re the recent announcement at Red Hat's web site:

The announcement seems to have been written a little hastily.  They
vaguely announce a solution for people with graphics cards from snotty
companies, then explain why everybody should publish source code for their
video card drivers, then nothing more really.

Judging from the name of the program, is this announcement saying that Red
Hat is going to start releasing X servers without source code for certain
as-yet unsupported cards?


Greg Fall

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RE: Wired picks up the OS/Manufacturer debate

1998-06-16 Thread Beth Gemeny

Just a quick thank you to you personally.  I can't speak for others on the
list, but I really appreciate hearing about this!

Beth Gemeny

> -Original Message-
> From: Michael R. Steigman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 1998 8:34 AM
> Subject: Wired picks up the OS/Manufacturer debate
> This story just appeared on Wired News:
> __
> michael steigman
> --
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Re: PS/2 and RedHat Disks

1998-06-16 Thread LT

I was e-mailing back and forth with Pat Volkerding, a main guy with
Slackware, and he led me to believe it could be done.  I am currently
getting tripped up on too much ram.  Odd problem, 'eh.  Does anyone know if
Mike's statement is true though, I may be wrong.  
ps - i am trying to unistall one of my ram cards to see if that will work.

At 09:43 AM 6/16/98 -0500, you wrote:
>On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, LT wrote:
>> To Whom That This is Read by,
>>  My computer is a PS/2 with ESDI drives (i think, they use eda when
>Last I heard, Linux won't run on the PS/2--at least not the latest
>Mike Edwards, MIS
>Edwards Graphic Arts, Inc.

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Re: Mouse in X

1998-06-16 Thread James Michael Keller

Darque wrote:
> I finally went out and popped for a shiny, new, 3-button, Mouse Systems
> mouse.  With gpm, I seem to have it working fine in a VC, but when I load
> X, it freaks.  The pointer is uncontrollable, and for the most part the
> buttons don't work at all.  Can someone tell me what i need to do to
> reconfig X for my new mouse??
> Thanks!
> jdk

let me guess - ps/2 port?

(c)1998 All rights reserved |

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Re: Mouse in X

1998-06-16 Thread Darque

On Tue, Jun 16, 1998 at 11:18:53PM +0800, ac wrote:
> you must've selected the wrong protocol. try experimenting with the others
> and see which one works. the easiest way to do this is via
> X86Setup (for X 3.3.2).
> gl.

I'll try this.  I had only tried mouseconfig.  And since you brought up
version, I think I am running the previous release of X, is there any
pressing reason to upgrade?


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Re: Mouse in X

1998-06-16 Thread Darque

On Tue, Jun 16, 1998 at 09:20:15AM -0500, Matt Housh wrote:
>   Have you tried running X without gpm?

No I didn't.  I'll have to give it a try when I get back home.  I had read
something about that, but it was in reference to a bus mouse problem and
didn't think it was needed in this case.


> On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, Darque wrote: 
> > I finally went out and popped for a shiny, new, 3-button, Mouse Systems
> > mouse.  With gpm, I seem to have it working fine in a VC, but when I load
> > X, it freaks.  The pointer is uncontrollable, and for the most part the
> > buttons don't work at all.  Can someone tell me what i need to do to
> > reconfig X for my new mouse??

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Re: Mouse in X

1998-06-16 Thread Darque

On Tue, Jun 16, 1998 at 09:17:06AM -0500, Vidiot wrote:
> >buttons don't work at all.  Can someone tell me what i need to do to
> >reconfig X for my new mouse??
> >jdk
> PS/2 or serial?

9 pin serial(cua0)


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Wired picks up the OS/Manufacturer debate

1998-06-16 Thread Michael R. Steigman

This story just appeared on Wired News:


michael steigman

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Re: rh5 and staroffcie and libc6

1998-06-16 Thread Eric Wood

David Taylor wrote:
> I found some rpm's for libc5 at the Freshmeat web site.  I don't know if
> there were any libc6 rpm's, though.  But it would be worth a look if
> you're trying to avoid using tar files.

I once loaded an rpm with libc.5.4.44 and all and the rpm script blew
away all my /usr/i486-linux-libc5/lib files.  It was a 4.2 rpm with
explains why the scripts do bad things on the newer Redhat.

You probably can install the rpm with --noscripts and then manually move
the /lib/libc.5.4.44 and /lib/lib.5.0.9 files to

This also worked for me.

-Eric Wood

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Unidentified subject!

1998-06-16 Thread Victoria Stanfield

Hi all,
I'm newish to the Linux world but am slowley making my way. I just would
like to know how to set the background bitmap on X. Im using RH5.0 and
Afterstep. I know its something to do with .xinitrc in my home directory but
I'm not sure but is it something to do with xsetroot?


 Russell Foster

  Edit your .steprc file as follows:
  Change the line that reads:

Exec "I" exec xsetroot -solid DarkGrey 

  to something like this:

Exec "I" exec xv -root -quit /usr/lib/X11/afterstep/backgrounds/rope.weave.jpg

  Add any jpg to this directory and use its filename in place of
  rope.weave, and you're off.  This changes in AfterStep- which
  ships with Redhat 5.1, but IMHP it gets easier.  Good luck.

Have a good day!
(. .)
|Vicki StanfieldE-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
|  |
|"We are what we repeatedly do."   |
| - Aristotle  | 
"I wanna get lost in your Rock 'N Roll and drift away."
--Dobie Gray

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Re: What's so great about Linux?

1998-06-16 Thread Scott


On 6/16/98, at 6:56 AM, Rich Kulawiec  wrote: 

>The short answer is "the same things are that great about Unix".
>1. It comes with source code, the most powerful support tool known.
>Unix/Linux users don't have to report bugs to clueless phone-answering
>droids who then mis-transcribe them, incorrectly categorize them, and
>hand them off to overworked software teams who ignore them for years
>at a time. They just fix them.
Only a user who is familair with messing with an OS.  I for one don't want
to think about touching my OS in this manner. I doin't know C nor do I have
any plans to know.   I'll grant you that someone somewhere does fix it and
updates are more quickly available. 

>2. It scales.  No OS in the history of computing has a history of
>scalability like Unix/Linux, which has run on everything from Z80s
>to Crays.  Unix/Linux has also had support for multiprocessor
>systems since 1980 (George Goble/Mike Marsh Dual-CPU Vax 11/780)
>and support for MIMD multiprocessor systems since 1987 (16-CPU
>Sequent Balance).
>3. It's robust and reliable.  Contrast with other operating systems
>which are frequently crashed by application software.  Note that
>Unix/Linux systems have a *long* track record of staying up until
>somebody deliberately takes them down.
>4. It is not a single-vendor OS.  There are at least half a dozen
>major varieties of free Unix/Linux implementations to choose from.
>Healthy competition between these drives innovation and prevents
>ruthless domination of the market by any one of them.
>5. It is rapidly evolving.  No company in the world can muster
>a development effort that's within an order of magnitude of that
>being put into Unix/Linux 24 hours a day, around the planet.
>What they cannot do for money, hundreds of thousands of programmers
>are doing for joy.
>6. It is THE Internet platform.  All significant Internet technologies
>have been developed on Unix/Linux (no surprise: Unix was originally
>designed as a "programmer's workbench") and there is no reason to
>expect this to change. Consider: Usenet news, NNTP, Mosaic (first
>GUI browser), Kerberos, archie, gopher, Perl, tcl/tk, HTML, HTTP,
>VRML, WAIS, IRC, NFS, SNMP, PGP, Java, LDAP, MIME...and while not
>*invented* there, TCP/IP sure came a long way while in the hands of
>the CSRG group at Berkeley, who implemented it in the BSD Unix kernel
>and were responsible for popularizing it.
>7. It is well-designed.  Unix's original design, separating kernel
>from shell and shell from utilities, isolating device dependencies
>into drivers, etc., is such that it's possible to improve/modify
>portions of the OS with a high probability that nothing else will
>be broken as a consequence.
>8. It performs.  Unix/Linux squeezes far more performance out of
>the hardware than competing OS's.  This has been true since the
>days when it competed against VMS on Vaxen; it's still true now.
>9. It's free.
>10. While it's a terrific platform for experimentation, it is
>not necessarily a hacker's OS.  Given that one recent article in
>InfoWorld explained how the author's 10-year-old daughter installed
>it in two hours, it's time to drop words like "geek" and "hacker"
>from Linux articles.  It's as much (and IMHO, more) of a production-grade
>OS as anything else available.
Don't belive what you read.  Sticking in the RH 5.0 floppy and having it do
the install is only the first step in a linux setup.  Have that 10 year old
do a modular install or do a kernel upgrade or download, modify, and
install a network card driver.  My guess is unless she is  a geniuos this
is way out of her league.  Linux is NOT production grade yet.  Yes RH does
come with a pretty good install but the OS istelf still requies a great
deal of "maintenance and tweaking" to get it working.  Far more than its
competition (NT, OS/2 and 95) For Linux to be concidered a
"Production-grade" OS it must offer the same or similair installation and
support features as its competition.  That includes manufacturer support
(drivers) and common tools for creating add on programs. I should not have
to compile programs I download from the net along with 3 libraries that wre
used to create it. This may give the OS and some users power but it is a
BIG inhibiter of it going mainstream and gaining the support that I think
it it deserves.  If that is not possible do to the different flavors of
Linux then a common "compile/install" tool needs to be developed that keeps
those of use who could care less how that all works from being bothered by
it.  (RPM is a step in the right direction) The OS is a platofrm for me to
run tools. Learning how to compile kernels and drivers may expand my
knowkledge but it makes me no more productuve at my job or computer related
hobbies it just takes time I don't want to spend on that stuff.   If others
out there like downing it the "old fashioned way"  then don't use the tool.
 I think things a

reinstalling linux???

1998-06-16 Thread Matt Teagarden

any special precations if I am going to reinstall my RH5 install??  The
server is a web server, all it has are a few user's dirs that i need to keep.

I already backed it up, anything else?


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Re: Error running Majordomo on Redhat

1998-06-16 Thread Peter Kulupka

At 10:12 AM 6/15/98 +, you wrote:

>> : Error reply from email.
>> : The original message was received at Tue, 16 Jun 1998 01:32:47 +0930
from []
>> : - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
>> : "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper majordomo" 
>> : (expanded from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
>> : - Transcript of session follows -
>> : sh: wrapper not available for sendmail programs
>> : 554 "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper majordomo" ... Service unavailable

Look through the perl scripts that do this.  When I upgraded from an older
perl to the current version, still in 5.004 though, it broke something in
majordomo.  I hunted through the code and found the error.  I think I just
had to comment something out.

Sorry I don't have time to go through the code again for you, but this
should at least give you something to look at.


Peter Kulupka
Systems Development
Computer User Services

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Re: rh5 and staroffcie and libc6

1998-06-16 Thread David Taylor

> There's no rpm to upgrade libc on a RH 5.x machine as far as I know.  So
> you have to find the tarball.

I found some rpm's for libc5 at the Freshmeat web site.  I don't know if
there were any libc6 rpm's, though.  But it would be worth a look if
you're trying to avoid using tar files.

David Taylor.

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FW: NE2000 clone

1998-06-16 Thread Beth Gemeny

I just had to install the same type card myself.  You may need to do a DOS
boot so that you can run whatever software came with your card in order to
change it's IRQ... unless it has jumpers on the card where you can set the
IRQ manually.


Beth Gemeny

-Original Message-
From: Crucial Lloyd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 1998 11:01 PM
Subject: NE2000 clone

  I am having problem instaling a NE2000 clone ethernet card. I tried
several suggestions that I got from the mail list and now I discover that
that I have an irq conflict. The info showed when I type cat /proc/pci
that the ethernet card is using io=0x6400, irq=11 and my usb port is using
the same irq. Do you have any suggestion as to how I can resolve this

Chicago Massive tune in to Cool Runnings with Crucial Lloyd and Ms Irie
5:00-6:30 PM every Tuesday on WHPK 88.5FM. Cyberspace visit our web site at

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Re: PS/2 and RedHat Disks

1998-06-16 Thread Mike Edwards

On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, LT wrote:

> To Whom That This is Read by,
>   My computer is a PS/2 with ESDI drives (i think, they use eda when

Last I heard, Linux won't run on the PS/2--at least not the latest


Mike Edwards, MIS
Edwards Graphic Arts, Inc.

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RE: S3 Virge-GX/2 and X

1998-06-16 Thread Jon Biddell

And another update !!!

The VIRGE/GX2 is supported in the 3.3.2 release from


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Re: SMPT: We do not relay.

1998-06-16 Thread nathan hruby

It seems you have some anti spam rules engaged on your system, there is
already a quite nice email in my box from this list explaining what it is 
so I'll skip over that.  (Congrats to the newborn on the list, btw!)

However, if you are using RedHat Linux 5.1 as your dialin server it comes
with some anti-forwarding rules in it's file.  

Try looking at and looking in the RHL 5.1
Users Guide which explains what spam is and what the specific rules are in
the file.   If you installed support documentation, it will
also be in /usr/doc/HTML or it is on the CD if you have it.  

nathan hruby

On Mon, 15 Jun 1998, Robert W. Canary wrote:

> Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 19:19:22 -0500
> From: "Robert W. Canary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: SMPT: We do not relay.
> Resent-Date: 16 Jun 1998 00:25:24 -
> Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;
> Hi,
> I have about 15 dialin users.  All accounts are ppp.   Since I do not
> have a permenant IP I don't offer email.  However,  I have paticular
> free email service from that also uses a pop3 server.
> Why dialin users configure thier mail clients as folows:
> outgoing (SMPT)  <- me ( has no
> incomming (POP3)
> email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> reply to email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Now here is the problem:
> Whenever a dialin user tries to send mail it a popup reply that says
> "The server responded: We do not relay."  This *only* happens for
> dialin.   I can send mail from the this terminal just fine.  This
> terminal has the same configuration as the dialin user would have.
> Can anyone shed some light on how to correct this problem?
> thanks in advance
> --
> robert
> p.s are there any other mailing list I be able to post this question?
> -- 
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printing problems, ppa zip disk, and RH 5.0

1998-06-16 Thread Patrick O'Neil

I have finally gotten my RH system configured and ALMOST up to
full functionality.  I do have a problem with printing, however.

I have an Epson Stylus Color 600 attached to lpt1 as well as
a PPA Zip drive.  I installed scsi support for the PPA during
initial install but have not seen, or been able to mount, my 
Zip drive.  Now, I believe that installing support for this 
Zip drive is also the source of my problems printing.  If I
use the printtool and try to test print anything, nothing 
happens.  I have my printer set up as /dev/lp0 but have also
tried /dev/lp1 to no avail.  When I try a test print of text
I get a message telling me:

"Error printing test page to lp

Error reason:  lpr:  connect: No such file or directory
Jobs queued, but cannot start daemon."

The printer is properly attached (I can print without problems
in OS/2).  I thought I read somewhere that there is a problem or
trick to printing when the port is shared with a Zip drive but
am not certain.

What am I doing wrong?  First, where do I look for my zip drive
so I can mount/umount it?  How do I get my printer working under
the circumstances?

Thanks for any aid and guidance,

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RE: mailq

1998-06-16 Thread Joseph Doran

If you are using sendmail default install I can tell you.

Stop mail

Go to /usr/spool/mqueue and in their there should be three files

rm these files. and restart mail. 

Becareful though. You may get irate users in you delete the wrong mail.

Do a ls -l to see size of files.

If you have not got this directory and you use sendmail check out your file in /etc and do a search for "QueueDirectory" Varible.

> -Original Message-
> From: Sahar Nitzan [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 16 June 1998 12:31
> To:   'rehadt-mail list'
> Subject:  mailq
> Hi all
> I have a large e-mail message (around 100mb) that somebody in my
> organization send.
> This e-mail is stuck and hangs my e-mail server .
> When I kill the process the server is o.k. but the mailq send it back
> again.
> How can I clean the mailq so the e-mail won't come back on again 
> Thanks sahar
> -- 
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Re: Newbie Question : How do I put some wallpaper in X?

1998-06-16 Thread Steve Smith

you could use xsetbg, which is a front end to xsetroot (I think!), it
will wallpaper for you and put a jpeg or a few other formats of image
files on your root window.


Steve Smith
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1617 Cole Blvd/|\
Golden, CO 80401   *
 *   * 
 <--* *--> NREL
 *   *
Phone: (303)384-6625   *
FAX:   (303)384-6604  \|/   


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