Re: Extracting Data From a Web Site

2002-12-09 Thread Saul Arias
On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 21:03, Anthony E. Greene wrote:
> I don't think you can use lynx from cron; it needs a controlling terminal.

I have a Perl script that I run from cron. It's not pretty (I know
almost nothing about Perl); it just works.

It's something like this:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $url = '';

# access the url with lynx, redirecting STDOUT to ELFILO
# one can use either -source or -dump; see man lynx
open ELFILO, "lynx -accept_all_cookies -source '$url' |" ;

while (my $line = ) {
do something with $line using regular expressions and print whatever output I 


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Re: URGENT. CPU, HDD and RAM Perfomance.

2002-11-29 Thread Saul Arias
On Fri, 2002-11-29 at 10:24, moises wrote:
> Hello! I have a University project that it have to do next:
> A server that it can get the machine performance conected in a network such as: 
>memory free and using, CPU percent iddle or using, Operating System, hard disk 
>storage(free and Used), etc.
> I need a C/C++ code for doing this. i've found a lot of commands in linux that they 
>show this information but I need the source code or a concentrated of this 
>information. I've seen that some C/C++ code for the commands(such as top) doesn't 
>work because it need a lot of libraries. can anybody help me!?? please!!

You can find it here:

You're welcome.


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Re: how to get the system version?

2002-11-20 Thread Saul Arias
On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 13:26, Rick Johnson wrote:
> Rigler, S C (Steve) wrote:
> | So I submit this way:
> |
> | sh-2.05b$ rpm -q redhat-release
> | redhat-release-8.0-8
> Of course - that only works if some joker didn't uninstall that RPM :-)

If /etc/redhat-release was edited and the redhat-release rpm was
uninstalled, I wouldn't worry about what Red Hat version I'm running. I
would do a format and reinstall.


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Re: How to get boring vi back

2002-11-08 Thread Saul Arias
On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 17:08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> I upgraded to 7.3 and now vi produces very
> colorful hard on the eyes files. I am sure
> some people love having their comments in aqua
> ect but I really would like to get back the
> boring monochromatic vi that I have used for
> the last 15 years. Does anyone know how to
> fix it?
>   Linda Hanigan

I assume you have vim installed.

Turn off syntax highlighting:
:syntax off

You may want to edit your ~/.vimrc file and comment out the section that
turns syntax higlighting on.


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Re: newbie question about html possibly ot?

2002-11-08 Thread Saul Arias
On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 12:21, Craig Iffelberg wrote:
> Hey all, sorry about the newb question, I have always
> used just text in e mail as far as I know, so why are
> there mailers that use html in them?
> I thought html was just for web pages.
> ?confused??

This is one of the best posts I've seen on this list this year.


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Re: Webmin

2002-11-07 Thread Saul Arias
On Thu, 2002-11-07 at 18:16, mark wrote:
> Is Webmin useable with lynx?
> I *don't* have X on my Linux firewall/router.

But you have a "graphical" browser on another Linux box or *gasp*
Windows PC, don't you?

You can access webmin in your firewall/router from another box. It even
supports SSL. 


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Re: telnet to port 110

2002-10-25 Thread Saul Arias
On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 17:00, Gordon Stewart wrote:
> I have had a look to see if i had the pop3 deamon, and in does not seam that
> I have it installed.  Can someone please tell me what rpm I need to install
> to resolve this problem.  I have had a look at my RPM cd and no obvious
> package has jumped out at me.

In my mail server:

# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Red Hat Linux release 7.1 (Seawolf)

# rpm -qif /etc/xinetd.d/ipop3
Name: imap Relocations: (not relocateable)
Version : 2000cVendor: Red Hat, Inc.

Summary : Server daemons for IMAP and POP network mail protocols.
Description :
The imap package provides server daemons for both the IMAP (Internet
Message Access Protocol) and POP (Post Office Protocol) mail access
protocols.  The POP protocol uses a "post office" machine to collect
mail for users and allows users to download their mail to their local
machine for reading. The IMAP protocol allows a user to read mail on a
remote machine without downloading it to their local machine.

Install the imap package if you need a server to support the IMAP or
the POP mail access protocols.


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Re: html mail

2002-10-25 Thread Saul Arias
On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 11:06, Anthony E. Greene wrote:
> At the time when it was first used, there probably was a reason for the
> trailing space. At this point it's one of those informal Internet
> standards, just like the reply quote ">".

It's somewhat documented.

>From RFC 2646:

4.3.  Usenet Signature Convention

   There is a convention in Usenet news of using "-- " as the separator
   line between the body and the signature of a message.  When
   generating a Format=Flowed message containing a Usenet-style
   separator before the signature, the separator line is sent as-is.
   This is a special case; an (optionally quoted) line consisting of
   DASH DASH SP is not considered flowed.

4.5.  Quoting

   In Format=Flowed, the canonical quote indicator (or quote mark) is
   one or more close angle bracket (">") characters.  Lines which start
   with the quote indicator are considered quoted.  The number of ">"
   characters at the start of the line specifies the quote depth.
   Flowed lines which are also quoted may require special handling on
   display and when copied to new messages.


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Re: making many directories

2002-10-25 Thread Saul Arias
On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 08:32, Dave Ihnat wrote:

> Much more interesting is the fact that it ISN'T DOCUMENTED ANYWHERE.
> Not "man", not "man -k", not "apropos".  It isn't legacy from Unix.

It is, indeed:

$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla)

$ apropos sequence < some output deleted
seq  (1)  - print a sequence of numbers

$ man seq


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Re: New Kernel || Should I update

2002-10-19 Thread Saul Arias
On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 13:02, MET wrote:
> And, how much work am I going to have to do in order once these
> two RPM's are installed to get them set as the NEW kernel's etc.  I come
> from FreeBSD so I'm used to buildkernel, installkernel and make world.


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Re: Get me off this mailing list!

2002-10-18 Thread Saul Arias
On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 16:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Does anyone know how to get off this mailing list.  If you think sending 
> "unsubscribe" works - it hasn't for me.

You cannot unsubscribe from this list. A friend subscribed me back in
1996, and I have not been able to unsubscribe. Please email me if you
find how to do it.


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Re: Installing SRPMs and compiling programs - netcat

2002-10-18 Thread Saul Arias
On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 14:39, John the Kiwi wrote:
> Please excuse my newbie questions and please don't accuse me of not
> RTFMing, I've so far spent four hours trying to install netcat.

I don't believe you. Read this:

> Here's what I did, I looked on disk 4 of my RedHat 8.0 CDs and saw
> nc-1.10-16.src.rpm. That's exactly what I want. I double click the file
> and enter the root password the a gui comes up and disappears. So now I
> know the source for netcat is somewhere on my system. Think I can find
> it? No way.

open a terminal

su -
cd /path/to/the/src.rpm/file
rpm --rebuild nc-1.10-16.src.rpm
rpm -Uvh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/nc-1.10-16.i386.rpm


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Re: Convert files via Commandline

2002-10-14 Thread Saul Arias

On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 11:45, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I would like to convert a .tiff file to a gif file using a command line 
> program

man convert
man mogrify

They're part of the ImageMagick package


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Re: Apache 1.3.22 And Some Sort of Oddity

2002-10-13 Thread Saul Arias

At 11:09 AM 12-10-02, Joseph A Nagy Jr wrote:
>That is a bet we both would have lost. I could serve up on the web at 
>, that wasn't the problem. The problem was I lost my PERSONAL 
>i-net connection. I couldn't surf the web or anything but on another 
>computer I was still able to pull up my website(s).

Did you change the default gateway and nameserver to point to your router 
What are the contents of /etc/sysconfig/network and /etc/resolv.conf?


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Re: Apache 1.3.22 And Some Sort of Oddity

2002-10-12 Thread Saul Arias

At 04:48 PM 11-10-02, Joseph A Nagy Jr wrote:
>Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:
>>Joseph A Nagy Jr wrote:
>>>  ServerName
>>>  ServerName
>> Is this a typo?
>Yeah. *slaps self*gracefully restarts and watches as problem magically 
>disappears* Doh!

The good news is that your website is working; the bad news is that you may 
have to make further changes. I didn't want to tell you this when we were 
discussing your problem off-list, because it would have added complexity to 
the situation.

Your Linux box gets its IP address ( from the router via DHCP.

If my crystal ball is not working, stop reading and delete this post.

You don't need DHCP on the Linux box now, because you are behind the 
router. Reconfigure your box with a static ip address. Log into your router 
and check the DHCP tab. You want to assign an IP address that it's outside 
the router's DHCP server range. I'll bet you 2 dollars that works.

The problem with having the Linux box get the IP address from the router is 
that the box, could, at least in theory, get an address other that in the future, forcing you to change the IP addresses in 


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Re: third party relay vulberability

2002-10-10 Thread Saul Arias

On Thu, 2002-10-10 at 16:30, Daniel Goldin wrote:
> EarthLink maintains a database known as Correct Connect, which prevents 
> certain hosts from delivering mail to our network.  This is the most likely reason 
> for the failure of your e-mail to deliver to  the intended recipient(s).  Correct 
> blocks IP's based upon the following criteria:
>   *   The mail server used to send your e-mail has been 
>   confirmed to be vulnerable to third party relay.   For 
>   more information on the problem of open relays and
> and open proxy servers, please visit:
>   *   Your e-mail attempted to pass directly from a dynamically 
>   assigned IP range (such as dialup, cable, or DSL) to the
>   EarthLink network (known as "direct to MX") 
>   without first routing through the appropriate SMTP 
>   server.  Please visit:

You said that Earthlink "has been blocking emails from my computer due
to third party relay vulnerability." What makes you think that you are
not in the second case?


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Re: Screen Shot

2002-10-10 Thread Saul Arias

On Thu, 2002-10-10 at 16:15, Joe Giles wrote:
> This is probably a pretty elementary question, but how can I take a screen
> shot of my desktop and paste it into Gimp?

>From Gimp: File -> Acquire -> Screen Shot...

Without Gimp: man import


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Re: third party relay vulberability

2002-10-10 Thread Saul Arias

On Thu, 2002-10-10 at 15:57, Daniel Goldin wrote:
> Please excuse my ignorance. I love Linux but am a perpetual newbie,
> non-programmer type.
> My question now is this? Is this my problem or my hosting company's
> problem?

Can you post the relevant parts of the email that Earthlink sent you?


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Re: RPM Installation for a beginner

2002-10-09 Thread Saul Arias

At 03:32 PM 09-10-02, Bret Hughes wrote:
>Not sure what the nvida packeges are but if they are kernel rpms then
>you really wnat to install them rather thatn Update them so if something
>pukes you can at least boot under the old kernel.  There is a very good
>redhat kernel upgrade howto that I use the procedures from at :

That one does not cover GRUB. These do:


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Re: IP Address

2002-10-09 Thread Saul Arias

At 03:43 PM 09-10-02, Joseph A Nagy Jr wrote:
>*L* That solved one problem, now I'm getting 403 Forbidden! *sighs and 
>goes back to working on the httpd.conf file*ponders removing and 
>re-installing Apache to get a clean httpd.conf file* Damn, this SSL stuff 
>is confusing me. *nods*

If you want to serve https:// pages you have to also forward port 443, 
exactly like you did with port 80.

If you send me your httpd.conf to [EMAIL PROTECTED], I can take a quick look 
at it.


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Re: IP Address

2002-10-09 Thread Saul Arias

At 03:14 PM 09-10-02, Bret Hughes wrote:
>If you are still concerned about the ipaddress, what's his name had a
>good solution, go the the chicken whatever site he suggested and see
>where your internal boxes are being masqueraded from.  That IP address
>will be your router's external interface.

While at 11:25 PM 08-10-02, Bret Hughes had written:
>No, let me clarify
>[bhughes@gateway1 Procmail]$ grep -B1  -A1 zhad other.rc
>Nuff said.

I thought you had your silly procmail recipe in place, Bret. Take a look at 
man procmail. If you cannot understand it, I can explain it to you, but you 
have to ask nicely.


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Re: IP Address

2002-10-09 Thread Saul Arias

At 12:12 PM 09-10-02, Joseph A Nagy Jr wrote:
>No, the router I'm using is an external Linksys Cable/DSL router. Before 
>getting it I had considered using some of the client software available 
>for download, but after trying to set up one such utility, I became 
>hopelessly confused. I figured I'd just log into once a day to 
>keep things up and running, although in the future I might re-look into 
>using an automated client.

The situation, as I understand is this:
You want to serve a web site from a box behind a Linksys Cable/DSL router.
You were serving this web site before, but the box hosting it was directly 
connected to the Internet.
Your web site is It resolves to is the external IP address that your router reports.
The IP address of the box hosting the web site is
If I access from the Internet, I get your router 
management tool.

My feeling is that the only thing that you have to do is have the router 
forward external http requests to your internal box. I happen to have a 
Linksys BEFSR41. In this router, I would go to the Advanced tab, then to 
the Forwarding tab. In the Forwarding tab, I would enable forwarding of TCP 
on the external port range 80 to 80 (ie only port 80) to IP address
And disable Remote Management for the router, unless you really, really 
need it.


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RE: IP Address

2002-10-09 Thread Saul Arias

At 12:12 AM 09-10-02, Mike Burger wrote:
>On 8 Oct 2002, Bret Hughes wrote:
> > [bhughes@gateway1 Procmail]$ grep -B1  -A1 zhad other.rc
> > :0:
> > * ^From.*[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > /dev/null
> >
> > Nuff said.
> >
> > Bret
>I'm with you.

The length of this thread is 17 messages now, and no one has posted the 
solution to Mr. Nagy's problem. Apparently Mr. Burger and Mr. Hughes 
consider more important to write procmail recipes than helping fellow Red 
Hat users.

There are at least two ways of getting your external IP address:
1. Log into your router and get it from there. You'll have to check the 
router's documentation for the exact commands to do this. Most home-office 
routers hava a web interface.
2. Point your browser to Your IP address will be 
displayed there.


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RE: IP Address

2002-10-08 Thread Saul Arias

On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 22:24, Collin Baillie wrote:
> > Second, I know the solution to your problem, but since you are a lazy
> > parasite who wants the solution spoon fed to it, all the advice I'll
> > give you is this: RTFM and STFW.
> RTFM = Read The Fine* Manual
> STFW = Search The Fine* Web
> * You may at your disgression replace "fine" with another, more offensive
> F-word. This may however imply hostility on behalf of the original author. 
> It's up to you. ;)

Let me clarify:
What I did mean is "read the fucking manual" and "search the fucking
web". Maybe in upper case. That's the response Mr. Nagy deserves.

Before anyone flames me for being too harsh on newbies, consider this:
1. Mr. Nagy knows the solution to his problem, he just cannot remember
it. Apparently he's too lazy or stupid to take notes.
2. He is aware that he should search on google and read the docs before
posting, but no, he won't do it. He considers himself beyond that.
3. I assume he knows the exact problem he has (because he already knows
the solution), and yet he will not state it in a clear manner. He just
asks how to find the "IP info", when in fact he needs to find the
external ip address of the router that it's between his workstation and
the internet. At least that's what I understood from his moronic,
selfish posts.


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Re: IP Address

2002-10-08 Thread Saul Arias

On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 19:39, Joseph A Nagy Jr wrote:
> Okay, I know, check google and the docs, but I KNOW how to do this, at 
> least I did. How does one find out their systems IP info? I know it's 
> something like ipcfg or some such, but I can't remember atm.

First, read this:

Second, I know the solution to your problem, but since you are a lazy
parasite who wants the solution spoon fed to it, all the advice I'll
give you is this: RTFM and STFW.


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Re: Is there an Xconfigurator anymore...

2002-10-03 Thread Saul Arias

On Thu, 2002-10-03 at 11:43, Thomas C. Smith, D.C. wrote:
> I just upgraded to RH8.0 and I can't get a working X server.  I see that
> Xconfigurator is now gone.  Is there anything that has taken it's place?

Sometimes it's useful to RTFM^H^H^H^Hread the manuals.


"The following packages have been replaced:
Xconfigurator - replaced by redhat-config-xfree86"


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Re: RedHat 7.2 server freezes...

2002-09-23 Thread Saul Arias

On Mon, 2002-09-23 at 09:31, Tinu Patel wrote:
> I have a RedHat 7.2 (2.4.7-10 kernel) server that has constantly been freezing.  The 
>machine will be on, but its as good as its turned off.  When I go to the console, 
>there is no video signal, and all I can do at that point is a cold reboot.  I have 
>replaced the NIC, changed the HD but to no luck.  It is on a Dell 4300.  I am 
>beginning to think that it may just be some incompatibility that is causing these 
>random freezes.  I am considering upgrading to a newer kernel, or may be even 
>upgrading to 7.3.  Has anyone experienced such phenomena?  

I have had that problem twice, but not with a Dell 4300. In both cases,
the problems went away when I removed the sound card. I didn't need
sound on those machines.


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Re: Slapper Worm on openssl 0.9.6b

2002-09-18 Thread Saul Arias

On Wed, 2002-09-18 at 13:14, Anthony E. Greene wrote:
> I really wish RH would make some kind of explicit announcement about this.

They've done.

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Re: Looking for an image editor

2002-09-17 Thread Saul Arias

At 10:07 PM 17-09-02, Mailing List Receiver wrote:
>I need a command-line driven image editor that will resize GIF and
>JPG images.  I found GIMP on the net, but it seems like way overkill
>and am hesitant to install it and invest vast amounts of time learning
>how to use the scripting language.  There has to be a better way!

ImageMagick. It's in your Red Hat CDs.


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Re: sshd confusion

2002-09-17 Thread Saul Arias

On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 20:45, Edward Dekkers wrote:
> I wanted to set up ssh instead of telnet because of the security issues
> involved.
> I downloaded and installed (via apt-get) openssh. rpm -q openssh gives me
> openssh-3.1p1-6
> However, I can't find a man page for it nor an ntsysv entry or anything.
> What else do I need to set up ssh? I'm assuming I need a daemon called sshd
> or something but it didn't seem to install with openssh.

You need to install openssh-server. See Description below

[saul@saul saul]$ rpm -qi openssh
Name: opensshRelocations: (not relocateable)
Version : 3.1p1  Vendor: Red Hat, Inc.
Release : 6  Build Date: Wed 26 Jun 2002 03:56:22 PM EDT
Install date: Sat 29 Jun 2002 04:41:25 PM EDT
Build Host:
Group   : Applications/Internet Source RPM:
Size: 627058   License: BSD
Packager: Red Hat, Inc. <>
Summary : The OpenSSH implementation of SSH.
Description :
SSH (Secure SHell) is a program for logging into and executing
commands on a remote machine. SSH is intended to replace rlogin and
rsh, and to provide secure encrypted communications between two
untrusted hosts over an insecure network. X11 connections and
arbitrary TCP/IP ports can also be forwarded over the secure channel.

OpenSSH is OpenBSD's version of the last free version of SSH, bringing
it up to date in terms of security and features, as well as removing
all patented algorithms to separate libraries.

This package includes the core files necessary for both the OpenSSH
client and server. To make this package useful, you should also
install openssh-clients, openssh-server, or both.


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RE: New CERT Advisory on Apache/mod_ssl?

2002-09-17 Thread Saul Arias

On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 19:49, Lon Lentz wrote:
> How should I keep myself aware of these sorts of things? There was no
> notice about the worm or the fix under their security updates section.

Red Hat Network.

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Re: PGP-GPG from windows

2002-09-17 Thread Saul Arias

On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 10:35, John McCain wrote:
> How did you move your keys around?  GPG seems to only let you import/export 
> public keys.

Look at the --allow-secret-key-import and --export-secret-keys options.

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Re: New CERT Advisory on Apache/mod_ssl?

2002-09-17 Thread Saul Arias

On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 16:19, Jiann-Ming Su wrote:
> I think the latest openssl from (0.9.6b-28) was releaseed at the end of July.
> I've done regular up2dates on a weekly basis.  I'm not sure that I restarted
> httpd immediately after updating, but the last time it was restarted was Aug 
> 21.

"rpm -qi openssl" will show you the installation date (and other info)


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Re: How do I open for Internet accsess in iptables.

2002-08-30 Thread Saul Arias

At 04:35 AM 30-08-02, Knut Ove Hauge wrote:
>I have just installed iptables as a replacement for ipchains in my rh
>7.2 system. I downloaded a shell script with the rules but I cant
>access internet nor from my linuze or windoze client.
>I use eth1 for my adsl line and eth0 (ip address for my
>lan card. The windoze has ip address
>I have enabled ip forwarding and can flush the rules in iptables in the
>beginning of the script. The input policy is set to DROP while the
>other two is set to accept.
>I cant ping any machines nor external or internal.
>I'am new to iptables so I need some help on setting it up.

Can you ping from the Linux box to, say,
Can you ping from the Linux box to

Can you do the pings above with iptables shut down?

Can we see your script?


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RE: Can i use Windows resources with linux

2002-08-29 Thread Saul Arias

At 09:43 AM 29-08-02, Spanke, Alexander wrote:
>i want to use a windows share with linux, also i want to use a windows
>fileserver with a linux client.

Install the Samba (SMB) client programs. The rpm is samba-client.

Then follow this directions:


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Re: Perl help

2002-08-28 Thread Saul Arias

On Wed, 2002-08-28 at 13:17, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I really don't know perl, but have a good script for analyzing some of the 
> logs on my squid server.  Anyway, I have a real simple need.  Instead of 
> semi hardcoding the file name to analyze, I would like to pass it to the 
> perl script.  Would someone please be kind enough to explain how to do 
> this?


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Re: Newbie: Changing the date in Linux

2002-08-27 Thread Saul Arias

On Tue, 2002-08-27 at 19:58, Jack Bowling wrote:
> Hey, Shawn. Here is my script. The NRC server is just outside Ottawa and is freely 
>accessible for all:
> #!/bin/bash
> #National Research Council of Canada
> rdate -s

You might want to change this last line to:
rdate -s

>From :

CA (
Location: National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Geographic Coordinates: 45:17:41N, 75:45:27W
Synchronization: NTP V3 secondary (stratum 2), PC/Linux
Service Area: Canada
Access Policy: open access
Note: IP address subject to change; please use DNS.

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Re: Newbie: Changing the date in Linux

2002-08-27 Thread Saul Arias

On Tue, 2002-08-27 at 17:05, daniel wrote:
> you know where i could find a directory of time servers?  i'm looking for
> one in the vancouver and ottawa areas


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Re: HowTo : know how long ago a file exist

2002-08-20 Thread Saul Arias

At 09:36 AM 20-08-02, Gary Stainburn wrote:
>How are you going to archive the files?
>If you can simply pass a list of file names, you could redirect the output of
>the 'find' command.  If you do 'man find' it will show you how you can
>specify a selection criteria.  You'll want something like:
>find $mydir -ctime 183 |myarchiveprog
>This will list all files inside the directory $mydir where the date last
>changed is >=183 days (six months) ago, and pass the list to myarchiveprog.

Minor, but important correction:
find $mydir -ctime 183< finds files changed 183 days ago, no more, 
no less
find $mydir -ctime +183   < finds files changed more than 183 days ago
find $mydir -ctime -183   < finds files changed less than 183 days ago

This is a nice article for newbiws on the find command:


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Re: HowTo : know how many line contains a file

2002-08-20 Thread Saul Arias

At 09:23 AM 20-08-02, cana rich wrote:
>   How can i know how many lines is in a file?

wc -l myfile


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Re: LinuxConf - seems to have dissapeared with 7.3

2002-08-16 Thread Saul Arias

At 06:41 PM 16-08-02, Anthony Abby wrote:
>This is the kind of answer that is really of no help to a new person
>trying to learn Linux.  Instead of coming off like a hammer, why not
>just point the guy in the right direction???

I apologize. Allow me to point the guy in the right direction:
1. Open your web browser.
2. Type "" in the address bar (without quotes). Hit 
3. Type "where is linuxconf in redhat 7.3" in the input box (with the 
quotes this time)
4. Click with your mouse on the "Google Search" button
5. Click with your mouse on the following link that will appear as the 
first search result: "Computing.Net - Where is linuxconf in RedHat 7.3"
6. Read

I once was also "a new person trying to learn Linux". However, I wasn't as 
lazy as to not try to find the answer by myself before posting to this list.

Why was my response of no help? I answered his two questions by clearly 
stating that linuxconf has been removed from RH 73 and that I suggest he 
tried webmin, which is easier and more powerful than linuxconf, IMHO.


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Re: LinuxConf - seems to have dissapeared with 7.3

2002-08-16 Thread Saul Arias

At 05:43 PM 16-08-02, you wrote:
>Does linuxconf not exist with RedHat 7.3?  Is there a
>replacement utility?  I could not find it when I did
>the workstation or server installation.

Sometimes it helps to RTFM:


The following applications and packages not previously mentioned have been
removed from Red Hat Linux 7.3:
  * enlightenment
  * ext2ed
  * fnlib
  * gnome-pim
  * isapnptools
  * kaffe
  * libodbc++
  * linuxconf
  * lout
  * mawk
  * p2c
  * ttfm
  * xmorph
  * xmailbox
  * xrn
  * xsysinfo

Try webmin.


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Re: how to check if you have ssh set up

2002-08-16 Thread Saul Arias

At 03:39 PM 16-08-02, you wrote:
>I'm fairly new to linux, so i'm not sure if this is the place to ask this 
>I'm setting up a linux box as a server. But, i want to double check what 
>services were setup during the installation. For example, i want to make 
>sure that only ssh and not telnet and ftp are enabled.

netstat -ta
Take a look at the State column of the output. If it shows LISTEN, then the 
system is listening at that port.

Take a look at this:


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Re: RedHat Version Numbers

2002-08-15 Thread Saul Arias

At 12:29 PM 15-08-02, you wrote:
>Is there a location within Linux RedHat that clearly states the RedHat
>version (i.e. 7.0, 7.2, 7.3, etc.).

cat /etc/redhat-release


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RE: newbie question: how to speed up linux

2002-08-11 Thread Saul Arias

At 02:56 PM 11-08-02, Anders Thoresson wrote:

> > The problem with this answer is that the guy has 192MB of RAM, and 2 hard
> > drives.  I can't vouch for his disk space availability, but 192MB should
> > still be plenty of RAM in which to run KDE.
>I'm running Gnome. Is Gnome more hungry for memory than KDE?
>Right now, 95% of my 192 MB RAM is used, but just 6% of my 385 MB of
>Running just Gnome, Gnomeicu, Evolution and Opera, I would have guessed
>to have a little more free RAM?

I have a PII-266Mhz with 160 MB RAM. I run RedHat 7.3 with Gnome. I usually 
have several xterms open, plus Evolution, Opera and the Yahoo Messenger, 
and the speed is not a problem for me. My impression is that you don't need 
more RAM.

Do a "ps -axfu" to see which processes you are running. Maybe you have 
something running in the background that you don't need. Take a look at the 
"top" command, also. Another suggestion is to "purge" Evolution mailboxes, 
as these can get really big. I don't remember the exact command to do that, 
and I'm in Windows now (I have a network adapter, that I use to connect to 
my wife's laptop, which I have not gotten to run under Linux).


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Re: crontab

2002-08-02 Thread Saul Arias

On Fri, 2002-08-02 at 14:57, Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:
> How does one schedule a crontab to run the last day of the month?
> Considering that each month is different, one can't use '30' or '31' (or
> 28/29), so...what to use?

I don't know, but I use this in a script to do different things if it's
the end of the month:

TOMORROW=`date --date="+1 day" +%d` # Date for tomorrow

# if today is the end of the month (TOMORROW=01) do something
# else do someotherthing
if [ $TOMORROW = "01" ]; then

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Re: Scripting question - script to find and delete files

2002-07-12 Thread Saul Arias

On Fri, 2002-07-12 at 15:56, Joe Nestlerode wrote:
> Thank you, that works beautifully.  I modified it slightly to allow a 
> user to enter a search pattern on the command line, to wit:
> #!/bin/sh
> echo -e "Enter a file or pattern to search for...\n"
> read file
> for i in `find . -name "$file"`
>   do rm -i $i
> done
> exit 0

You might want to use -iname, instead of -name, to do a case-insensitive
search. This is useful if the user has a Windows background, where they
are not used to file names being case sensitive.

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Re: Scripting question - script to find and delete files

2002-07-12 Thread Saul Arias

On Fri, 2002-07-12 at 13:13, Joe Nestlerode wrote:
> I'm trying to write a simple script to search a directory tree for a 
> file pattern (specified as an argument with a wildcard, ie, testfile* or 
> *.jpg), and then delete matching files after first prompting the user 
> for a y/n. (yes=delete, no=don't delete, find the next match)


for i in `find . -name '*.jpg'`; do rm -i $i;done

Those are reverse quotes.

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VPN: FreeSWAN or Cipe

2002-04-12 Thread Saul Arias

I have to set up a VPN between two networks at separate physical
locations over DSL connections (static IP), using two RH 72 boxes as
end-points. After some research, I have found that I can use either
FreeSWAN or Cipe.

I do not know which way to go. It looks that FreeSWAN is the "standard",
but looks much more complicated to set up than Cipe.

Any suggestions, comments, recommendations will be appreciated.


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2002-04-08 Thread Saul Arias

/lib/ is a symlink to /lib/ in my

$ cat /etc/redhat-release 
Red Hat Linux release 7.2 (Enigma)

$ uname -a
Linux 2.4.9-31 #1 Tue Feb 26 07:11:02 EST 2002 i686 

$ rpm -qa | grep openssl

$ ls -l /lib/*
[output from this command wraps over two lines]

-rwxr-xr-x1 root root   918752 Sep  7  2001

lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   19 Mar  6 17:18
/lib/ ->

Hope this helps.

On Mon, 2002-04-08 at 09:44, Ross Cooney wrote:
> > I've done a search for this as well, and it comes up with nothing on 
> > rpmfind... 
> yep...been there.
> Google is also not my friend in this case.
> >(i presume we're both trying to upgrade KDE)
> nope...I want to upgrade net-snmp
> > I also randomly did a search on openssl and the library that comes with 
> > openssl 0.9.6 (the latest?) is not sure what that 
> > means, if 
> > anything.
> I will have to look elsewhere.
> Thanks for your help,
> Ross

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ASCII network diagram editor

2002-04-05 Thread Saul Arias

Is there a program to create ASCII network diagrams? I'm looking for
something like Dia that can export the diagram to a plain ASCII file.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: file naming

2002-04-04 Thread Saul Arias

cp /dev/null ./-file.txt

or simply

touch ./-file.txt

On Thu, 2002-04-04 at 14:36, daniel wrote:
> hello again list
> got a simple question here:
> i know how to do this:
>   cp /dev/null file.txt
> but what if i want the file name to start with a "-"?
>   cp /dev/null "-file.txt"   # doesn't work
>   cp /dev/null \-file.txt# doesn't work either
> any suggestions?

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Re: Problem with gcc

2002-03-20 Thread Saul Arias

Start here:

On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 11:41, Fernando Costa de Almeida wrote:
> Where can I find memtest86?

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Re: Kernell upgrade and 25, 50, 75 and 100 percent.

2002-03-19 Thread Saul Arias

And while you're at it, read this also:

On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 10:17, Ismael Touama wrote:
> Is there someone who can explain this to me ?
> Or giving a link...

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RE: dependencies errata ecaetera

2002-03-13 Thread Saul Arias

Relax, Ismael. You can safely install i386.rpm packages on your Pentium
2 / Pentium 3 / Pentium 4 / Athlon box.

If you don't find the package you need on the i686 directory, just grab
the package from i386 and install it.

google is your friend, a search yielded the following thread, which you
might want to read:

Hope this helps.

On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 12:08, Ismael Touama wrote:
> I saw that but I'm on i686 !! 
> Could you detail ?
> I can take packages from i386 to put on my i686 architecture ?
> Why is there not in both  architecture ?
> Gosh ! headache !
> Thank you.
> ism

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Re: PHP updates messed up mysql support

2002-03-01 Thread Saul Arias

I just applied the RHSA-2002-035 upgrade (php-4.0.6-9.7.0) and had to
manually uncomment the following line in /etc/php.ini after the upgrade:

If you have a backup of your old php.ini, do a diff against the new
php.ini. That may give you some clues. Hope this helps.

On Fri, 2002-03-01 at 08:01, Andrew Judge wrote:
> Something is going wrong with my update.  It gives me
> Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock'
> Crap!!!  I remember this happening to me before with updates of PHP with
> Mandrake.  Can't remember how to fix it though.
> Andy Judge

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Re: which log files should check regularly to ensure security

2002-02-22 Thread Saul Arias

Take a look at LogSentry (formerly Logcheck). It emails you relevant
entries from several logs.

On Fri, 2002-02-22 at 10:23, Jianping Zhu wrote:
>   I am a newbie in linux administration . I am managing a lab with a
> samba server and a web server, which log files should check
> regularly to ensure security?

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Oracle to PostgreSQL migration [was MySQL Binary RPM]

2002-02-15 Thread Saul Arias

Can you recommend a website/book with hints/tips on migrating from
Oracle to PostgreSQL?

I've done searches on Google, and have not found anything really useful.
It seems to me that there is not as much documentation on the web for
PostgreSQL as for MySQL.

Saul Arias.

On Fri, 2002-02-15 at 11:08, Trond Eivind Glomsrød wrote:
> PPS: I heartily recommend PostgreSQL - it has lots features MySQL lacks, 
>  like FK, subqueries, triggers, stored procedures etc.

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Re: Question about Uptime

2002-02-13 Thread Saul Arias

Those numbers are not percentages.

>From man top:

"The load averages are the average number of process ready to run during
the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes."

On Wed, 2002-02-13 at 11:51, Sergio campos wrote:
> I have a Redhat 7.1, and I would like to know when I execute the command
> "uptime" I get the following:
> 11:39am  up 19 days, 21:25,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00
> In the load average, it means thah I am using just the 0.01 % of my
> processor in a 5 minutes load average and that the max load I can have
> is 100.00, or it means that i am using the 1 % of mu processor and the
> max load is 1.00
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

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Re: Installing a new hard disk

2002-02-13 Thread Saul Arias

I've found this useful in the past:

On Wed, 2002-02-13 at 06:06, Burke, Thomas G. wrote:
> Hey gang,
>   I'm installing a new hard disk to my system, but it's been so long
> since the last time I did this, I can't remember the particulars...
>   I know I need fdisk to partition it, but I don't know the exact
> commands...  Also, to format it, what's the command for that?
>   Is there any issue under 6.2 with an 80GB drive?  - I think that's
> well within the capability of the file system, but I can't remember for
> sure...

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Re: How to Change Hostname?

2002-01-30 Thread Saul Arias

Don't reboot. Reboot is for Windoze and kernel upgrades.

service network restart

Jason Costomiris wrote:
> Now, how to change the hostname of your system?  Easiest?  Check the 
> /etc/sysconfig/network file.  Adjust the value of HOSTNAME, creating
> it if not already there, and reboot.

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Re: upgrade path from openssl-0.9.5a -> openssl-0.9.6

2001-12-13 Thread Saul Arias

Install both files at the same time:

rpm -Uvh openssl095a-0.9.5a-9.i386.rpm openssl-0.9.6-9.i386.rpm


On Thu, 2001-12-13 at 08:29, Bill Fortesting wrote:
> I am attempting to upgrade openssl-0.9.5a ->
> openssl-0.9.6 on RedHat 7.  gnorpm warns about
> dependencies for and
> I searched these groups and found a suggestion that
> 0.9.6 is not backwards compatible and provides
> openssl095a-0.9.5a-9 as an "upgrade package that
> allows both to be supported".
> Can anbody please confirm (and perhaps explain) this
> and describe the path to getting this to work?
> Does RedHat have any explicit instructions?
> I have tried installing/upgrading
> openssl095a-0.9.5a-9, but I get warnings
> ( and conflict). 
> Should I just accept this warning (that these two
> files will be replaced)?
> Should this enable me to install openssl-0.9.6 without
> issue?

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dst cache overflow

2001-12-03 Thread Saul Arias

We've had a problem with our web server twice in the last month.
Suddenly the machine stops responding to remote access (http, ssh, ftp,
even ping). In order to solve the problem, we logged on to the console
and rebooted the server. 

/var/log/messages shows a lot of lines like these:
kernel: dst cache overflow

Doing some research on google I found that this problem somewhat relates
to a routing cache table filling up (whatever that means).

Someone suggested issuing a "ip route flush cache" regularly via crond,
to avoid the routing table filling up.

Our system:

RH 7.0, kernel 2.2.19 (we upgraded to this kernel just a week ago, we
were running 2.2.16 when the server stopped responding)

Oracle 8.1.7
JRun 3.1

Apache receives around 100,000 requests a day.

Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.


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Re: Samba

2001-11-29 Thread Saul Arias

I had the same problem six months ago.

Have you changed your hostname after the last time you restarted Samba?

I fixed it by modifying the localhost line in /etc/hosts to look like

[saul@server]$ cat /etc/hosts server localhost

Hope this helps.

On Thu, 2001-11-29 at 06:21, Madhvi Nundalalee wrote:
> Hello
> I have configured Samba on RH7.1 using SWAT and got the following error when I typed 
>"smbstatus" at the prompt
> " Couldn't open status file /var/lock/samba/STATUS..LCK"
> the nmbd daemon could not be started when the server was rebooted.  
> Can anyone help ?
> Cheers
> madhvi

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Re: securing ftp

2001-04-26 Thread Saul Arias Laso

I run ProFTPD, from
Works almost right out of the box.
There is an option in the proftpd.conf file, called DefaultRoot, that does 
exactly what you need.

At 09:24 26-04-01, scott.list wrote:
>Can someone tell me how I can setup ftp access on my RH6.2 box so that a
>vaild user on that box can ONLY access files in their home directory and
>cannot move up,around on the box.

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Openssl dependencies

2001-04-20 Thread Saul Arias Laso

I'm trying to install Cyrus in my RH7 (2.2.16-22) box

When I do:
rpm -Uvh cyrus-imapd-2.0.9-3.i386.rpm
I get:
error: failed dependencies:   is needed by cyrus-imapd-2.0.9-3   is needed by cyrus-imapd-2.0.9-3

I have openssl-0.9.5a-14 installed, so I try to update it with:
rpm -Uvh openssl-0.9.6-3.i386.rpm
and then I get:
error: failed dependencies: is needed by cyrus-sasl-1.5.24-6 is needed by python-1.5.2-27 is needed by samba-client-2.0.7-21ssl is needed by samba-common-2.0.7-21ssl is needed by stunnel-3.8-4 is needed by samba-2.0.7-21ssl is needed by openssh-2.1.1p4-1 is needed by openssh-clients-2.1.1p4-1 is needed by openssh-server-2.1.1p4-1 is needed by pine-4.30-2 is needed by cyrus-imapd-2.0.6-3 is needed by python-1.5.2-27 is needed by samba-client-2.0.7-21ssl is needed by samba-common-2.0.7-21ssl is needed by stunnel-3.8-4 is needed by samba-2.0.7-21ssl is needed by pine-4.30-2 is needed by cyrus-imapd-2.0.6-3

Should I force the installation of openssl-0.9.6-3.i386.rpm, without fear 
of breaking samba, openssh, etc.? Should I stop these services before I 
upgrade openssl?

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IMAP server setup - need guidance

2001-04-03 Thread Saul Arias Laso

I have a LAN of one RH7 box and seven Win95/98 PCs. I have DSL access to 
the Internet, using masquerade on a second Linux box. We have one email 
account with an ISP where all of our customer emails are sent. I want to 
setup an email server on one RH7 box so that customer emails can be 
accessed, and replied, from any of the Win98/98 PCs, via Outlook. I 
understand that this can be done by transferring all incoming email to a 
single "mailbox" in the RH7 box, and then running an IMAP server.

I think I have to do this:

1. Install an MTA on the RH7 box. This can be sendmail, exim, qmail, postfix.
2. Install fetchmail on the RH7 box, and run it as a cron job to download 
e-mail regularly from my ISP to the RH7 box.
3. Install an IMAP server on the RH7 box. This can be Cyrus-imapd.
4. Configure Outlook in the PCs to use my RH7 box as their SMTP and IMAP 

I am not running a DNS server, and I understand this is not necessary for 
what I intend to do.

I would like some feedback before I start downloading stuff and messing 
with my system. Specifically, I need to know:

1. Which MTA program should I choose? I understand sendmail is overkill for 
my needs. We receive only around 50 emails from customers each day.
2. Is Cyrus the best choice for IMAP server?
3. Do I need to set up a DNS server?
4. Is there anything else that I need to install?
5. Is there a better approach to solve my problem?


Saul Arias Laso

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Re: Shutdown -h now will do a reboot on RH7

2001-02-09 Thread Saul Arias Laso

I had the same problem. It turned out to be that the BIOS had an option 
called "Wake on LAN" enabled. This apparently powers up the computer 
whenever it detects any activity in the ethernet card. Look for a similar 
entry in your BIOS and turn it off.

Your original message (08:21 07-02-01) follows:
>are you sure it is not the hardware.  I have windows machine which does
>the same thing.
>On Tue, 6 Feb 2001, Brian Wright wrote:
> > When I try to do a shutdown -h now command, it will do a reboot instead 
> of a
> > halt.  Inittab is set OK, what other files should I look at?

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