Re: Circular dependencies for RPM on RH 6.2

2002-11-15 Thread sgarcia
11/13/2002 at 12:46 PM,
   R P Herrold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>Please forward me an exact scrape of the error sequence off  list, so I
>can view it.

>-- Russ Herrold

Hi Russ,

To the owlriver address?  I got a bounce (and it looks like my roadrunner
server will only try for a day before it calls it permanent.)  I've just
resent it -- If you don't see it, let me know.


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Re: Circular dependencies for RPM on RH 6.2

2002-11-13 Thread sgarcia
In <1037158370.3884.4.camel@bretsony>, on
11/12/2002 at 09:32 PM,
   Bret Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>seems like 3.0.5 was the backport to the 4.x format. maybe 3.06 I forget
>thatis wa a fairly long while ago.  Please tell me this server is NOT
>connected to the 'net

Not.  'Tis a back end server, does database, CVS, DNS (via a proxy on the
firewall), etc.

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Re: Circular dependencies for RPM on RH 6.2

2002-11-13 Thread sgarcia
on 11/12/2002 at 02:20 PM,
   Matthew Saltzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>I don't recall the exact version/build numbers, but there was an
>intermediate version of RPM.  You needed to upgrade from 3.0.4 to the
>intermediate version, then upgrade to 4.0.2.  The procedure is described
>in the errata for RPM for RH6.2.

Couldn't  find it in the errata section, but a seach of the site yielded

which gives explicit instructions about upgrading to version 4.  However,
following these instructions I still get dependency errors (but different
ones... for rpmlib this time)

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Re: arg, ntp problems

2002-11-12 Thread sgarcia
I'd try commenting out the 'restrict' on both machines, then
restart ntpd.

11/12/2002 at 10:05 AM,
   christopher j bottaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>ok, here's the situation.  two computers on my lan: criticalsection and 
>semaphore.  well, there are actually more, but once i get these two
>working,  i can get the rest working.  criticalsection syncs to external

>[root@criticalsection root]# ntpq -p
> remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset 
>  time.ots.utexas  2 u   35   6439.5104.360  
>  time.ots.utexas  2 u   25   643   18.7888.924  
> ntp.tacc.utexas time.ots.utexas  2 u   24   643   18.3088.761  
>   ntp1.tamu.edu2 u   27   641   89.796   14.424  
>   time-B.timefreq  2 u   33   643  345.933  -33.896
>110.892 [root@criticalsection root]#

>now the problem is getting semaphore to sync to criticalsection.

>[root@semaphore root]# ntpq -p
> remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset 
> criticalsection 16 u-   6400.0000.000
>4000.00 [root@semaphore root]#

>iptables is turned off on both computers since i'm behind a hardware

>here is the ntp.conf for criticalsection:
>[root@criticalsection root]# cat /etc/ntp.conf


>driftfile /etc/ntp/drift
>broadcastdelay  0.008

>authenticate no
>[root@criticalsection root]#

>here is the ntp.conf for semaphore:
>[root@semaphore root]# cat /etc/ntp.conf
>restrict default ignore


>driftfile /etc/ntp/drift
>broadcastdelay  0.008

>authenticate no
>[root@semaphore root]#

>thanks so much for the help, this problem has been plagueing me for a
>long  time!

>-- christopher

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Circular dependencies for RPM on RH 6.2

2002-11-12 Thread sgarcia
I'm trying to upgrade my 6.2 server.  What I really want is a current
kernel (I'm running 2.2.14.)

Right now I'm in the Linux (or at least Red Hat) version of 'DLL-Hell'.  I
gues we'd call it 'RPM-Hell'.

The server currently has rpm 3.0.4.  Most of the RPMs on the updates site
require RPM 4 or above.  

I try to install rpm-4.0.2-6x.i386.rpm and I get a failed dependency. 
Need libdb-3.1 or higher.  That's in glibc.  

Try to install glibc-2.1.3-28.i386.rpm.  Failed dependency.  Need rpm
4.0.1 or higher.

I think you can see where this is going.

Try to install glibc and rpm in the same command line:

rpm -Uvh glibc*.rpm rpm*.rpm

Server goes away.  No response to ssh from any other machine.  No response
to anything.  Power cycle.

I can download a vanilla kernel from and build it by hand.  But
it's still not going to solve the rpm version problem. 

Does anyone have an idea how to bring the RPM version on this machine up
to a point where I can use rpms from

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Re: /etc/rc.d/init.d/ problem

2002-11-12 Thread sgarcia
I would consider giving the script the full path to the named file.  In my
named script, mine is more like:

daemon /usr/local/sbin/named 

In <007e01c28910$296ee250$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on
11/12/2002 at 03:23 PM,
   "cj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>G'day all
>Im using RedHat 7.1

>I am trying to get named to start with the named script in
>this is how the script starts named
>start() {
># Start daemons.
>echo -n $"Starting $prog: "
>#   if [ -n "${ROOTDIR}" -a "x${ROOTDIR}" != "x/" ]; then #  
>#   fi
>#daemon named -u named ${OPTIONS}
>daemon named -u named
>#   named
>[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/named
>return $RETVAL

>But I get the following error message.
>Stopping named:[FAILED]
>Starting named: execvp: No such file or directory

>I have done a find for execvp and it comes up with the following files.

>Does any one have any Ideas why this error message would be happening?
>what rpms do I need to install to get execvp?

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Re: PHP query string

2002-11-08 Thread sgarcia
11/04/2002 at 07:21 AM,
   Brian Ashe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>M> I'm using Red Hat 8 as my web server with PHP module. The PHP version
>is M> 3.23.52-3 (The original RPM that comes with the distro). It seems
>that M> the PHP module have a problem with getting the query strings M>
>( I've already checked the M>
>configuration of both Apache and PHP module.
>M> What causes the problem and what should I do to fix it?

>Newer versions of PHP all come with "register globals" turned OFF in the
>php.ini file. Turn it to on and it should solve your problem.

Or even better, fix the PHP code to work with "register globals" turned
off.  There are some significant security implications for it turned on.

You're far safer to validate specific variables for each page before you
allow them to be used.

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Re: extracting multiple archives with tar

2002-11-08 Thread sgarcia
11/09/2002 at 11:51 PM,
   Thomas Ribbrock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>> >  ls *.tar | xargs -n 1 tar xvf
>> Whats wrong with:
>> for i in *.tar ; do tar xvf $i ; done

>It only works in [ba]sh, whereas Michael's example also works in
>[t]csh... ;-)

Ahh!  Good point!

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Re: extracting multiple archives with tar

2002-11-07 Thread sgarcia
11/06/2002 at 06:07 AM,
   Michael Schwendt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>> Does anyone know how to extract multiple archives with a single
>> command, or is this just something tar can't do?  

>  ls *.tar | xargs -n 1 tar xvf

Whats wrong with:

for i in *.tar ; do tar xvf $i ; done

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RE: Email monitoring

2002-11-07 Thread sgarcia
11/07/2002 at 01:22 PM,
   "Paul Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>A note on the legal side of the monitoring ... all employees know that
>the mail is monitored and have signed computer use forms to this extent.
>It is done not necessarily to police our employees but rather to maintain
>security and protect our system. For example, in the past, spammers found
>our system and used it as a relay. This problem has been resolved and
>countermeasures were put in place, but monitoring all messages is a VERY
>easy to spot a misuse of this magnitude.

Another legal aspect of this sort of monitoring:

Your liability may increase simply because you can't *ever* claim you
didn't know something was happening.  And if something ever slipped past
the admin (and some things with big footprints might not necessarily jump
out at you on first reading) you could be in trouble.

I'd hate to be the admin that had to read all that.  Hope your staff is

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Re: How do i convert i textfile to pdf in RedHat 7.3

2002-09-27 Thread sgarcia

09/18/2002 at 03:21 PM,
   Scott and Tess Brady <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>Just a quick question.

>Do you know if there is a way of converting an openoffice document to 
>PDF, in linux of course. :-)

Use spadmin.  Create a new "printer".  One of the printer type options is
Convert to PDF.

Then, when you want to create a PDF file, choose that printer.

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Re: Apache name options

2002-09-27 Thread sgarcia

You sound like you're trying very hard to avoid setting up a virtual host. 
Why?  It's the obvious answer to your problem.  And it's not hard.

You need to include the following:

# The asterisk means match all interfaces.  If you have a fixed IP #
you'll probably want to specify it
NameVirtualHost *

# You may have as many virtual hosts as you like.  The 
# first one is the one that matches a 'bare' IP

DocumentRoot /var/httpd/htdocs/mysite
ErrorLog logs/mysite.com_error_log
CustomLog logs/mysite.com_access_log common

09/24/2002 at 11:35 AM,
   Ted Hilts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>In the LAN operation the server assumes the name of the machine and 
>reponds to the LAN associated IP and as I said before, also probably the 
>ISP dynamically assigned IP.  But my objective is to duplicate my hosted 
>virtual server web site on the Internet exactly as is but located on 
>this LAN based machine.  This would mean the LAN based Apache web server 
>would need to also identify itself with a name like 
> This is necessary because the web content urls 
>all make use of the full path name.  It looks to me that I would 
>accomplish this simply by setting the ServerName or BindAddress to this 
>name as oppossed to the default now used??? The problem I see is the 
>"ServerName" needs to be a bonifide DNS name translateable to a fixed IP 
>address. If this is the case (?), does this mean that I need to add a 
>DNS machine to my LAN or would the current Linux resolve process (uses 
>hosts and lmhosts to resolve the IP address) make that unnecessary?  I 
>can't just use the IP address on the internated associated with 
> because the web site URLs all use the web site 
>name as for example;  

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Re: Apache

2002-09-27 Thread sgarcia

09/25/2002 at 10:34 AM,
   "Fifield, Mike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>I am trying to install apache from source (not rpm) but after I run 
>make install

>I end up with all the apache files in the /usr/local/apache2 directory,
>and when I type "service httpd start" I get an error saying that httpd is
>not a service. My question is this is there a way to install packages
>such as apache from source when there is not current rpm package. Or does
>someone know where I can find rpm's that are more up to date then what is
>available on redhats site, ie(php version 4.2.3 and apache2.0.2).

There are many programs where ./configure is all you need.

Apache's not one of 'em.  :)  The defaults probably won't match what you

Here's my setup:

./configure \
 --with-layout=Apache \
 --prefix=/var/httpd \
 --enable-module=most \
 --enable-shared=max \

There are two basic layouts, "Apache" and "GNU".  To see which one you
like best, type:

./configure --with-layout=Apache --show-layout


./configure --with-layout=GNU --show-layout

I like my webserver directory structure to live in /var/httpd.  That's a
personal preference thing.

If you want to be using PHP, you need to enable module support.  The next
two directives set that up.  You probably don't need the perl directive.

If you want to keep the RPM database up to date, look for checkinstall. 
Checkinstall is a "wrapper" around `make install`.  It will watch what
files make install creates and create an RPM package for you.  Once you
have checkinstall installed, you `checkinstall make install`.

Now, I don't know from `service httpd start`.  Presumably it uses the
startup scripts in /etc/init.d?  Anyway, the httpd script already in
init.d probably has paths to the Apache binaries hard coded in it.  Best
thing to do is use Apache's startup script.  To do this, cd to /etc/init.d
 mv httpd httpd.1
 ln -s /var/httpd/bin/apachectl httpd

Change the symlink to point to where YOU put Apache instead of where I put
it.  You may also need to edit apachectl to reflect where you want the PID
file stored  -- I like /var/run myself.

Keep the source directory around.  You may need to point to it when you
build PHP.

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RE: RH7.3 freeze!!!!

2002-09-12 Thread sgarcia

09/13/2002 at 04:32 AM,

>Try lowering the bios video settings for a while.
>Screensavers? If this is meant to be a serious server then
>why not a blank screensaver? (not that that is a solution to the problem)

If it's meant to be a serious server, it should be a text terminal only,

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Re: network setting

2002-09-12 Thread sgarcia

09/12/2002 at 07:58 AM,
   "Anthony E. Greene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>>`echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ivp4/ip_forward`
>>But that only sticks until the next reboot, by which time you will have
>>completely forgotten about it.  (Might be months or years from now.)  That
>>means the command needs to be in a startup script somewhere.

>Can't you set this by adding a line to /etc/sysconfig/network:


>I seem to recalll that that method is limited to certain kernel versions
>or certain distributions, and that there is another file under
>/etc/sysconfig/ that controls IP forwarding.

Quite possibly.  I know the /proc trick, and I think it's probably pretty
universal.  To borrow from Perl, TMTOWTDI.

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Re:Re: Red Hat 7.3 and linuxconf

2002-09-12 Thread sgarcia

09/10/2002 at 05:08 PM,
   "John Haverty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>I found the following in a Google search while looking for reasonable 
>answers to finding a non X unified configurator that is extensible / 
>scriptable, and I found this snarky trollish reply on the RedHat list.  I
>would say this is horrible P.R. since the rank on Google is  impressively
>high. Mr. Talkington, which sounds like a phony name, you  sir are both
>offensive and rude. I happen to like vi, but wading  through
>/etc/sysconfig half cocked is not a serious attempt that system 

Um.  I don't know either you or Mr. Tarkington, but after seeing your
screed I then looked at the message you were freaking about, thinking it
must have been really nasty.  To my surprise, it seemed kind of mild.  

You might improve your credibility by *not* sending html messages to a
mailing list.  I'd say that qualifies as 'offensive and rude'.

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Re: Odd Q: How to check CPU count on *Nix server?

2002-09-12 Thread sgarcia

09/12/2002 at 06:18 AM,
   Kent Borg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>What *I* was wondering was where I might see multiple CPU information in
>the /proc file system.  As far as I know, top only looks in the /proc
>file system to get its info anyway, and as top is designed for human
>consumption, it seemed cleaner, faster, and prettier to get the CPU count
>from the /proc file system directly.  The question then is: where in

>I was looking around hoping to find a hint of where such information
>might land in /proc, were I to be runnging on an SMP machine.  I mean, I
>can see where my USB bus is likely to show up were I running a kernel
>that understood my USB hardware (/proc/bus).  I was hoping to find
>something like, say, "/proc/cpus/cpu0" and infer that a "/proc/cpus/cpu1"
>would show up there if I had a second CPU.

It's in /proc/cpuinfo

You'd have to parse the file if all you wanted to know was the number of
cpus, since that file has a whole section for the first cpu and then
another section for the second cpu.

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Re: network setting

2002-09-12 Thread sgarcia

09/11/2002 at 09:44 PM,
   Rupesh Moharana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>   Can any one please help me to setup a dual NIC
>gateway using linux os. I have tow ip address one is
>for Global internet (etho) and another is for my local
>intranet (eth1). My problem is using the network
>configuration utility i have configured every
>parameter for the global IP address in eth0. 

>IP Address.
>Subnet mask.
>default gateway.

Look in /etc/sysconfig

The file 'network' will contain your default route (gateway). The
network-scripts directory will contain the startup scripts for each
interface, ifcfg-eth0 and ifcfg-eth1.  These contain all the pertinent
info for IP addres, subnet mask, etc for the appropriate interface.  

>DNS 1 ip address
>DNS 2 ip address.

Look at /etc/resolv.conf.  This is your DNS resolver file, and that's
where you specify your DNS servers.

You'll also need to set up IP Forwarding.  Normally this is done by

`echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ivp4/ip_forward`

But that only sticks until the next reboot, by which time you will have
completely forgotten about it.  (Might be months or years from now.)  That
means the command needs to be in a startup script somewhere.  If you don't
have ip_forward set, you won't get communication in one interface and out
the other.

>but it looks it is not taking the default gateway and
>DNS entry to successfully ping other internet side. I
>am able to ping my local hosts using the eth1. So what
>i am thinking i need to modify some network file
>manually for the Default Gateway and DNS setting. I
>had resolved the some before by manually modifying the
>files but now i forget the name of that files as well
>as the format. Please help regarding the same. I am
>using RedHat7.3

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Re: Redhat 6.1 Problems [sendmail]

2002-09-11 Thread sgarcia

on 09/11/2002 at 06:37 AM,

>A client of ours has a HP Netserver E50 running RH 6.1. There server is
>an open relay.  I have looked on the web, and I have noticed that the
>best way to fix the problem is to upgrade the O/S to a new version,
>however is there anything one can do to stop the server from being an
>open relay without a major upgrade of the O/S.

>The have sendmail-8.9.3-15 installed.

It is probably possible to configure 8.9.3 to eliminate open relaying.

When I had to do it, however, I found it was a LOT easier to upgrade
sendmail.  The relay blocking portions of sendmail were a big part of the
change to 8.10.  The current version is 8.12.x.

There's no reason to upgrade the OS, or even take down the machine.  Just
rebuild sendmail with a current version and be sure you set the cf file up
to block relaying.

>I'm alarmed that their /etc/access file  is like the following

># Check the /usr/doc/sendmail-8.9.3/ file for a description # of
>the format of this file. (search for access_db in that file) # The
>/usr/doc/sendmail-8.9.3/ is part of the sendmail-doc # package.
># by default we allow relaying from localhost...
>localhost.localdomain   RELAY
>localhost   RELAY

>Is the above the problem? - How can I fix it?

You want relaying from localhost.  That means that mail originating on the
local machine will go out.

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Re: kernel and kernel-headers

2002-09-07 Thread sgarcia

09/07/2002 at 12:27 PM,
   Remo Mattei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>Hi guys I have compiled my own kernel 2.4.19 with some features that are
>not in the standard rpm kernel. I try to remove kernel-2.4.2-2 and I get


Having an old (working) kernel around is a good thing, unless you are
desperately short of space.  Go into lilo.conf (or whatever you're using
as a boot loader) and set your new kernel to be the default, but leave the
old one accessible.  If something squirrely starts happening a few weeks
down the road, you have a fallback position.

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Re: Creating a tgz, what's the problem? TGZ better than ZIP?

2002-09-07 Thread sgarcia

In <001401c25644$a0cf4be0$0200a8c0@LAPTOP>, on
09/07/2002 at 12:00 AM,
   "David Chao" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>Although I did not start this thread, I do have some unresolved queries
>regarding the .tgz or .tar.gz file extensions.

>What is the difference between them? I think they are the same, right?

Yep.  The reason tgz exists is that many achive sites were running
non-unix operating systems which had limitations on names.  DOS was
limited to 8.3 names, VMS can have only one dot in the name, and so on. 
Even if the final system that would use the file supoorted more, it was
convenient to use the lowest common denominator, which was a 3 character

>Who came out with them anyway? Neither tar nor gzip insist on naming them
>with these extensions. You could name the compressed archive with any
>extension you want.

Almost right.  Gzip can be quite cranky about extracting from a compressed
file that doesn't have a .gz at the end.  You can get around it with
renaming, and it may be that some versions are more forgiving.

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Re: More on apples text files

2002-09-06 Thread sgarcia

09/06/2002 at 09:48 AM,
   Blake Thornton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>I'm running into problems with sharing text files between macs and my 
>linux machine.  The problem seems to be that on linux my text files have 
>end of lines (\n) and on the mac text files have something else (shown as
> '^M' when I look at it in Linux).  Maybe there are other problems too,
>but  this seems to be one.  Anyone run into this before and found a

Unix uses linefeeds at the end of each line.  Macs use a carriage return
at the end of each line.  DOS and its derivatives use a carriage
return-linefeed pair.

The ^M is the the  from the Mac.  You'll see that with DOS files too.

To switch back and forth between DOS and Unix there are a set of utilities
(dos2unix and unix2dos) that will fix these up for you.  I have around
here (somewhere) a script that I found on the net somewhere called
mac2unix that converts the s to s.  Don't know about going the
other way, should be able to rewrite the script to do that.

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Re: detaching a command from an xterm

2002-09-06 Thread sgarcia

In <003901c255c3$eb1c9da0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on
09/06/2002 at 08:39 AM,
   "daniel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>i understand how to put a command in the background by putting an '&' on
>the end, but it seems that this doesn't separate the command from that

Someone has already told you about nohup, and that's probably the answer
you need for what you are doing.

If you need to detach a process but still be able to get back to it, look
at screen.  Screen will allow you start a process and then detach that
process, log out, etc.  Come back and reattach to the screen session, and
it's there waiting for you.

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Re: php with GD2

2002-09-06 Thread sgarcia

09/06/2002 at 07:10 AM,
   "Fifield, Mike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>I am trying to install GD2 and upgrade php to version 4.2.2 but am very
>new to linux and am not sure what I am doing wrong. I have redhat7.3
>installed and when I run "./configure -all, make, make install" it looks
>like everything ran ok but then I check what version of GD / php is
>installed and it is still the old version. My first question is, is there
>a rpm for GD2 somewhere that can be used on redhat7.3, and if there is
>not is there a good tutorial somewhere on how to install / upgrade
>packages on redhat when there is now rpm available. 

Look for a program called "checkinstall".  It's a wrapper for 'make
install' and will create an RPM as well as update the RPM database.  I now
never look for RPMs, I look for source and build it.  No more dependency

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