Instument parameter file

2004-03-18 Thread Donna Arnold

I am trying to refine some XRD data using GSAS and looking for an
instrument parameter file for the Rigaku Dmax 2000 x-ray diffractometer.
Can anyone help?

Thanks Donna


2004-03-18 Thread Donna Arnold

Just thought i'd quickly introduce myself as I am a new member.
Currently a postdoc researcher in layered oxide materials.


RE: Donna Arnold

2004-03-18 Thread Nichole Wonderling
I don't know the answer to Donna's question but would be interested in 
learning how one creates an instrument parameter file for a specific 
diffractometer if anyone cares to explain or point me in the direction of 
information describing this.

Many thanks to Brian Toby for his space group explanation and suggestion of 
additional resources.

Nichole Wonderling
Penn State University
Materials Research Institute
159 Materials Research Laboratory
University Park, PA.  16802

RE: Donna Arnold

2004-03-18 Thread jens . wenzel . andreasen
A search in the Rietveld archives brings up a wealth of information:
t=StandardTerms=instrument+parameter+file (old archive)
e (new archive)

The entries in the parameter file are also explained in the GSAS manual
(somewhere in the back).

Best regards,


 -Original Message-
 From: Nichole Wonderling [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 18. marts 2004 13:27
 To: Rietveld List
 Subject: RE: Donna Arnold
 I don't know the answer to Donna's question but would be 
 interested in 
 learning how one creates an instrument parameter file for a specific 
 diffractometer if anyone cares to explain or point me in the 
 direction of 
 information describing this.
 Many thanks to Brian Toby for his space group explanation and 
 suggestion of 
 additional resources.
 Nichole Wonderling
 Penn State University
 Materials Research Institute
 159 Materials Research Laboratory
 University Park, PA.  16802

Instument parameter file

2004-03-18 Thread Von Dreele, Robert B.
Donna (and anyone else who wonders about this),
In gsas\examples there is an iparm file (inst_xry.prm) that can be used for most any 
Bragg-Brentano powder diffractometer. These instruments all perform more or less 
equally independent of manufacturer with respect to the things of interest for 
Rietveld refinement. If after doing a calibration with some sharp standard material 
you think you ought to change some of the default parameters the following records in 
the iparm file might be changed.


This record determines the choice of standard wavelength for selecting f' and f for 
each atom type to be used in structure factor calculations. IRAD=3 is for CuKa 

INS  1 ICONS  1.540500  1.544300   0.0 0   0.70   0.5 

This record contains the Ka1 and Ka2 wavelengths, zero point, polarization  Ka2/Ka1 
ratio. If just using CuKa you may only need to change the polarization coefficient 
(0.7 in this example). It can be refined for a standard with reasonably known atom 
thermal motion parameters and a wide 2-theta scan. Align your diffractometer so 
ZERO=0; any peak offsets you may see are due to sample displacement not zero offset.
INS  1PRCF1 26  0.01   
INS  1PRCF11   2.00E+00  -2.00E+00   5.00E+00   0.10E+01   
INS  1PRCF12   0.10E+01   0.00E+00

These records select the default profile function and values. The GU, GV and GW values 
are typical for most Bragg-Brentano diffractometers. Your sample will probably broaden 
the lines (LX, LY, etc.) so much that any attempt to vary the Gaussian coefficients 
will yield nonsense.
Look in the GSAS Manual for details of the formats of these records and do the 
examples before you start on your own stuff.
Bob Von Dreele

-Original Message-
From: Donna Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 3/18/2004 4:32 AM

I am trying to refine some XRD data using GSAS and looking for an
instrument parameter file for the Rigaku Dmax 2000 x-ray diffractometer.
Can anyone help?

Thanks Donna

Re: Instument parameter file

2004-03-18 Thread Maxim V. Lobanov
 Your sample will probably broaden the lines (LX, LY, etc.) so much that
any attempt to vary the Gaussian 
coefficients will yield nonsense.
Just some remark (of course, I am not a great specialist):
At least to my experience, there is always some Gaussian broadening from
the sample as well, and (again it is my humble opinion only) at least U is
better to allow to be refined.
For example, Rietan manual states the problem in the following way:
U, V, and W tend to be highly correlated, with a result that various
combinations of quite  different  values  can  lead  to  essentially  the
same  variance,  sigma^2.These  three  parameters,  therefore,  do  not
 converge  in  a  stable  manner  when  refined  simultaneously (Prince,
1993).  In particular, refining P in addition to U, V, and W almost
certainly affords a singular (non-positive definite) coefficient matrix.
Of the four profile-shape parameters in Eq. (5), V and W depend not on
specimens but only on instruments (Young  Desai, 1989).  Then, these two
instrumental parameters may well be fixed at values obtained by the
Rietveld refinement of a well-crystallized sample where profile broadening
is negligible, i.e., P = 0 .

Sincerely,  Maxim.

Maxim V. Lobanov
Department of Chemistry
Rutgers University
610 Taylor Rd
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: (732) 445-3811

Subscribing Unsubscribing to the Rietveld list

2004-03-18 Thread Alan Hewat
At 17:07 18/03/2004, Brian H. Toby wrote:
 Please remove me from the mailing list-thank you
I seem to provoke the above response every time I post to the list...

Perhaps :-) But you don't see the requests I have from new people wanting to join, 
which seem to increase whenever there is some controversy being discussed :-)

Seriously people, if you want to change your email address or otherwise 
unsubscribe/subscribe, obtain help with the list, send a message to the administrator 
(me) etc, just click on the appropriate links in the headers of any message 
(reproduced below for the archive).

List-Help: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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List-Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
List-Post: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
List-Owner: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Dr Alan W. Hewat, Diffraction Group Leader.
Institut Laue-Langevin, BP 156X Grenoble FRANCE 38042
fax (33) tel (33) (or .26 Mme Guillermet) 

Note to software designers

2004-03-18 Thread Brian H. Toby
Maxim V. Lobanov wrote:
 U, V, and W tend to be highly correlated, with a result that various
 combinations of quite  different  values  can  lead  to  essentially  the
 same  variance,  sigma^2.These  three  parameters,  therefore,  do  not
  converge  in  a  stable  manner  when  refined  simultaneously (Prince,

As Ted Prince also pointed out, if the Cagliotti equation is given an
origin shift, e.g. 

U tan2(theta-theta0) + V tan(theta-theta0) + W 

where theta0 is fixed at 1/2 the monochromator off-angle, the
correlation in these parameters is greatly reduced. 


Brian H. Toby, Ph.D.Leader, Crystallography Team
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  NIST Center for Neutron Research, Stop 8562
voice: 301-975-4297 National Institute of Standards  Technology
FAX: 301-921-9847Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8562

Re: Instument parameter file

2004-03-18 Thread Alan Hewat

U, V, and W tend to be highly correlated

The correlation between U,V,W is the result of a resolution curve that doesn't have a 
well defined minimum. If you differentiate the Caglioti equation for the FWHM:
you obtain the condition for the minimum as 
2U.tan(theta) + V = 0 so you can constrain V = -2U.tan(theta)
Theta can be assumed to be about half the monochromator take-off angle (2thetaM) for a 
conventional neutron diffractometer eg for 2thetaM=90 you can just approximate:
V=-2U   (This was known from the time of Rietveld...)

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE  [EMAIL PROTECTED] fax (33)
(33) (.26 Mme Guillermet) 

Re: Instument parameter file

2004-03-18 Thread Peter Zavalij
Theoretically U,V,W should not be refined at all as they describe instrumental 
broadening, and this is exactly what I do
(usually). After diffractometer alignment, a good quality pattern in whole possible 
angular range has to be collected from Rietveld
standard which currently is LaB6. From these data it is possible to calculated UVW 
assuming high quality (e.g. step size 0.01 deg.
2theta or less, 5-10 sec/point, etc.).
These UVW could be used w/o refinement in any other experiment obtained at the same 
diffractometer settings and alignment. Thus
separate instrumental files have to be created for each diffractometer configuration  
used (e.g. different slits).

Peter Zavalij

Dr. Peter Y. Zavalij
University Crystallographer
Institute for Materials Research
and Chemistry Department
Binghamton University, SUNY, Vestal Pkwy, East
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000, USA
Tel: (607)777-4298Fax: (607)777-4623

-Original Message-
From: Maxim V. Lobanov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 10:50 AM

 Your sample will probably broaden the lines (LX, LY, etc.) so much that
any attempt to vary the Gaussian
coefficients will yield nonsense.
Just some remark (of course, I am not a great specialist):
At least to my experience, there is always some Gaussian broadening from
the sample as well, and (again it is my humble opinion only) at least U is
better to allow to be refined.
For example, Rietan manual states the problem in the following way:
U, V, and W tend to be highly correlated, with a result that various
combinations of quite  different  values  can  lead  to  essentially  the
same  variance,  sigma^2.These  three  parameters,  therefore,  do  not
 converge  in  a  stable  manner  when  refined  simultaneously (Prince,
1993).  In particular, refining P in addition to U, V, and W almost
certainly affords a singular (non-positive definite) coefficient matrix.
Of the four profile-shape parameters in Eq. (5), V and W depend not on
specimens but only on instruments (Young  Desai, 1989).  Then, these two
instrumental parameters may well be fixed at values obtained by the
Rietveld refinement of a well-crystallized sample where profile broadening
is negligible, i.e., P = 0 .

Sincerely,  Maxim.

Maxim V. Lobanov
Department of Chemistry
Rutgers University
610 Taylor Rd
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: (732) 445-3811

Re: Rietveld question - EXPGUI

2004-03-18 Thread Larry W. Finger

I am going to give up my 'lurker' status on this mailing list to switch 
this thread to a more philosophical vein.

In the past generation, many good crystallographers have also been good 
programmers. I suspect it was easier to learn programming than it was to 
teach crystallography to a programmer. As a result, the current set of 
codes are very sophisticated and powerful. The question that I wish to 
discuss is the following: What happens in the future? When Bob Von Dreele 
and Brian Toby, to name two, join Al Larson in retirement, (and Al finally 
stops working) what happens then? As was made abundantly clear in the 
message that started this thread, if the program doesn't complain about 
garbage, then the input MUST be gospel. I recently got an E-mail from 
someone stating that there was a definite bug in my crystal-structure 
drawing program DRAWxtl. The evidence for this 'bug' was a V-V bond 
distance of 0.3 Angstom. Of course, the problem was a discrepancy between 
the structural coordinates and the space group. As I no longer have access 
to a scientific library, I could only suggest how to resolve the problem. 
It is even possible that the published result is the source of the problem. 
In any case, I have not heard back.

I will be very interested in your responses. Is my prediction of coming 
disaster too pessimistic? Probably. After all, the late Jose Donnay of 
Johns Hopkins University always claimed that crystallography was ruined by 
the invention of the computer. I never learned to what extent his opinion 
was effected by the conflicts I had with his wife.

Cheers,  Larry Finger, Crystallographer (retired)

Re: Instument parameter file

2004-03-18 Thread Brian Toby
 Theoretically U,V,W should not be refined at all as they describe instrumental 

This is true only when there is no Gaussian strain present. 
